##VIDEO ID:Je1yYjC3ZS4## after everything you say I don't understand I saw call City City Council budget hearing Thursday September 1924 flag uned States stand naice M cler have rooll please Mayor John ER coover here vice mayor Rodriguez here councilman David Mueller here councilwoman I'm sorry I messed this one up councilman uh Robert hubard here councilwoman Lisa I'm sorry it's been a long day City attorney Nancy Meyer here city manager Matthew cobbler here mess my own stuff up okay thank you first up is comments from the general public uh I don't have any General Public there you're you're not general public are you you don't want to speak anyway okay bring it back to comments for city manager pass Matt CER for his comments no comment all right moving on to comments from the mayor city council I'll start with my left vice mayor Rodriguez we'll be discuss it today good all right Council willberg nothing that Council Mueller I'm good Council hover no good right now okay I'm good as well so we'll move right along Council business uh first item number one adoption of resolution number 24-27 city of Richie 2425 millage rate I will pass it to miss Meer for reading by title thank you resolution number 2427 a resolution of the city of Port Richie Florida adopting the final leving of adorm taxes for the city of Port Richie for fiscal year 2024 2025 providing for notification of right of government authorities and providing for an effective date section one another resolution indicates the fiscal year 2024 2025 operating millage rate for Citywide expenses is 63782 Ms which is the same as the roll back rate of 6.37 82 resulting in a 0% increase over the roll back rate of 63782 Mills I pass to Mr kler for introduction um for you is the bill rate of 63782 which represents the roll back from the current rate of 6 53 um that's what the proposed budget is uh predicated upon at the budget Workshop following the first reading of this uh Council Council reach cons ensus to reduce the uh projected M rate from 63782 to 6.35 so if you want to enact that you to approve the uh Amendment motion that I had placed in the cover sheet okay thank you and so basic on consensus we had it and tonight I'll um for open up discussion just to help facilitate things a little more um since the change requires some additional things the subsequent um item to to motion to um amend those things I'll basically ask for a motion to that to the wording and you can who wants to make the motion just respond so moved so I'll basically read the motion you guys can so move it if you so choose second and we can vote on just kind of keep things going along so I'll open this up for a discussion because I know Linda you wanted to to talk about that so I'll pass it the floor to you thank you um as I said last meeting um I also do not want to raise taxes I I absolutely pay taxes as well but I would like to keep the millage as it was for this past year at 6.53 um I understand the rationale of why you want to do the roll back we have two professionals here Mr coppler and our and Adam our finance director both um when we asked when I they were asked in the meeting would you suggest to roll back their professional opinions were that we should keep it the same you don't roll back um I did some numbers and I see you gave us a thing here Eric that says the same thing we had the same numbers basically as to the differences in last year's and the roll back um and it's it's um for $100,000 it would be $15 difference and it goes up to there um for one year um paper is your mic's off by the way I'm so sorry hear you I was just kind of waiting for I apologize thank you thank you um everything is going up in this world gas paper pencils the electricity um we have a lot to do in the city we have many residents that have many problems all of us included with infrastructure in the city that we need to we need to address for them um and I think taking money out of the budget to address those issues for them is not doing them a service um I also mentioned next year there's a possibility we'll have to go back to the 6.53 and there's a strong possibility we'll have to go even higher and I just don't think that's fair to the residents either and I would like to take care of some of their issues I know it's not a lot of money $60,000 but $60,000 might be able to PVE or pay a portion of somebody's road that they're having a bad problem with and I want to address our citizens so I would um I would motion that we keep the millage at 6.53 and not do the roll back thank you thanks um the guess you made a motion I guess i' open up for a second that point is there a second motion dies um I'd like to have some discussion I mean we're talking about making uh a decision on a mill rate and I in the numbers that I'd like some updates on one of which is the red light camera update because that's short by $800,000 do we have any update on that we're short by 800,000 so what we've got is we've got an $800,000 buggy in in here that we haven't made provision for if we're running at 800,000 a year and we've got 1.7 in the budget we're fooling our El we don't have enough uh Millen there to do that okay my camera is a it's it's gonna be a hit and miss I mean we could we could do $2 million next year we could go less I mean you you're looking at it but you look at the trend on it I mean it's it does it is short this year I understand it's a big gap 50% reduction something's wrong I don't know what it is well again I you know while we haven't been able to understand what has happened in the first few uh several months of this the previous or the more recent months it again appears that the numbers are going back to what the the trend had been in previous years um so there there as as I talked about at the last meeting about this is that I'm comfortable thinking that that you know we are back whatever it happened for those you know number of months whether it was the the cameras themselves the software the company who's looking at it change in people's behavior um July was was more in line with previous July than what was going on in the previous months the other piece of all that is that you know there's really three things that go on with money right the money that comes in part of it goes to the red light camera right so you know in the budget there's 285,000 I think for this year so that money again because we're we're paying about 23 $24,000 a month to that that company you know whether we get $1 or $1,000 or 10,000 or whatever we're going to be paying them a number very close to that um the second piece is the money that we would pay to the state and that is a variable cost because that's going to depend upon the number of tickets right you know if we write 100 tickets that number is going to be greater than if we write one ticket uh then the last piece is the money that ultimately comes to us that helps balance the budget so even even if we see a a you know something similar to what happened this year there's still going to be a savings in the budget on the expenditure side that's going to lower it down I you know if you look at this year's budget um where we're at you know we easily covered the expense to the red light camera um so I'm not concerned next year that that's going to be an issue uh you know we we easily covered what we're sending to the state because it's a function of the revenue that's coming in we send to the state so the only thing that really hits is that that portion of the money that would go in ultimately to the general fund and that's that's the hard number so it's it's not really an $800,000 hit to the budget it's a proportion of whatever's coming out of expense exactly yeah and so again because it appears that the numbers in the previous months in the most recent previous months are going back to what the historic numbers are I would I would you feel comfortable feel comfortable that that we're going back you know whatever whatever it was that happened it wasn't a behavior issue because people are violating that red light right um consistent yeah so it tells me it's either a process or a or a person or or an equipment issue that must have happened that somehow worked its way out or was corrected so I'm I'm comfortable with that and again you know we're going to be watching because we know this now I mean we'll have very close detail of that and if it if it starts looking like we're going to be repeating that you know um we'll be coming Well we'd probably start freezing some things and coming to you and let you know that you know we have concerns that we may be $200,000 short so here's how we're going to address that perfect um essentially in two 2025 we probably ought to be looking to hear from you guys you know the council meeting that that hey this is on track it looks like we've you know identified the issues and now things see appear to be moving ahead in the right direction uh I just don't want to have a gotcha yeah okay Noe nor do I excellent um you mentioned something this curiosity so you said we had enough OB to pay the vendor my understanding was is that you have uh so let's say if we don't have any red light tickets we wouldn't owe the vendor anything or I believe we we pay them whatever that that fixed cost yeah yeah it's part of the contract I thought it was a third third third they got a third we get a third and then somebody else goes third to County State something no we we pay them per ticket so what they do with and then we so there's a lot that goes into that money we we send it to we get we get a check in we send it to some go to police some goes to the state things like that but we also get County money from red light cameras that people actually go to court for um that has actually been a a drop too and when I was talking last at the last meeting the thing is is when I was looking back at the last couple months it was kind of in line where we were last year but going back I was hoping it was just a thing where we weren't calculating something correctly but turns out that just like you know I agree with Mr coppler it's just been down you know and I I think that this is just way too early if you look at the past it's been pretty consistent I think it's just you know one one year is really hard to say we got to cut this back 500,000 or whatever so I I feel like we keep it the way it is and I absolutely agree we keep an eye on if it seems like it's not catching up then we we make changes then but I if it was me I would leave it the way it is yeah well does so I guess still just answer my question do if we don't have any money coming in from the different places or whatever what's our minimum so if nobody's running the red light what's our what's our minimum cost for year it's the agreement with the red light compan we don't know what that is it's per we pay a like a police officer off almost and he writes the ticket so basically you have someone staring at it so like if if a flag comes in and there's no you know there's no uh uh there's no tickets then we don't we don't pay anything I we don't nothing on our Chang based off of the lower amount of tickets so we haven't been paying the same amount so it so if there are no tickets there is no cost correct yeah because there's a well as far as I know there's not been we don't get charged for any of that except for the county who deals with that at the count level we get charged the fee based off the number of tickets that are written so they they take our fee off the top because they wrote the ticket and then we get the rest so with with we have an agreement with whatever K with the I just it's been a few months since I looked at that I can't say specifically but it's a fixed cost that we're paying regardless it's the same number within you know ,000 to $2,000 or 22 to 24,000 every month so the fixed cost and it could go higher based on yeah there may be you know based on the number of tickets but I I don't think that's the case I think there's maybe something else that triggers that that number to go up and down I mean I just again I I can't remember the details I don't want to say something that I can't say for sure what it is but but it's a fixed cost it's it's a cost that we're going to pay you know whether there's a th000 tickets or 10,000 tickets the number number stays the same or relatively the same I'd like to know what those details are I think valuable for all of us to know what exactly that contract is and um to see what that's we if we have that issue now we could have it going forward we might need to look at that renegotiate whatever so figure out exactly what that is you were talking about number of tickets I was wondering do you you wouldn't keep track of that that would not something that you would you would have knowledge of the chief or is that just through Finance is the company that we utilize so Newport Richie um and we started asking them to give us like a every other month or quarterly report in regards to how many tickets um or how many violations there oh okay and what the we have to make an annual report every year to flor DMV okay so they want to know how many tickets written how many people actually paid how many people didn't pay and and so there's a myriad of facts and we get that report from ATS can we get that and compare it to the prior years and see if there's a trend going because that's an actual count of violation right yes but we do we keep track of it weekly we download every week from that red light camera we download it every week and like I said it it dictates how many camers there's no fee that we pay except we split it out for the state in different um amount so yeah well like there's a brain injury one on there and that goes to cop shared funds and stuff like that but as far as a fee I don't I don't see a fee that we're breaking out of those because it's 158 bucks for running that red light that's what I see on the revenue side you would see it it's it's contract with whatever this company is that we pay right 23 or 21 we paid 21 last year 23 this 235 is is what the 282 that's expecting an increase look like but that's flat we could get zero tickets we're going to still incur that cost but what's happened is the Topline revenue is only 800k versus the 300K 20 250k right so that's the margin that we made off of that activity we had budgeted million 7 you know um which wondering if looking at the units that were number of tickets would correlate to okay you got the same number of tickets in this year and last year do we have a missing half a million bucks that's not hit our books no no it's the number of tickets I mean I I had asked this would have been back in in the summer I know it was June may have been May or June that I had asked for the the reports from the police department that they have or would have they gave to me so I had it for um 2023 2 22 up to current or up to that point 24 23 22 I think 21 I think I had like three three solid years plus whatever that and and all I all I looked at was the number of tickets that were being written number that were being there's a certain number of tickets that are I think there's certain number of violations that for some reason get rejected get thrown out yeah there's there's something so so looking at those so the end number right if you look at those years it was growing each year which reflected each of those three years it it was growing which reflects you look at the the revenue you see it building up right and so starting for this fiscal year be October of last last year you saw it being I think it was 40 47% lower than than what the average would be for the other one I actually have a spreadsheet I couldn't find it Well that supports what what I'm saying is we've got a decline in tickets that's generating less Revenue which is right so it's not it's not that there's money out there somewhere that we're waiting on it's there were less tickets being written and again talking with the chief about that I know that was something that they were following up with try to find out you know what what caused this in July was was the the last um report that I looked at and that number was very close to what the other the previous year's July's wor okay so in my mind July to July were consistent yes but we still got why did it go down it could be whatever and it's been calibrated again they handle right but if we're seeing these Trends we ought to be on the we ought to be on the offensive trying to say hey we see something going on is there traffic is there less traffic is there a way to tell there's less traffic I don't think look like it's less to me but there's also programs on your on your navigation system in your car that tell you where there are red light cameras and a lot of people are using those for their daily travel so that they don't get red light tickets and they're learning so I mean so just I mean maybe that's a hor the idea is that they actually curve the behavor right I mean that that I'm sure that's not 100% of the answer but but he's saying the units of the from July to July in the previous year are consistent yeah well I wonder if there could have been did they check them recently maybe they were malfunctioning they wer well again July July is after we had asked them the question okay right so again until we get a good answer of what happened from October to you know whenever you know the date was that this issue was there's an investigation going on yeah gotta so and if he's downloading it every week you're going to see a trend change and Signal give him a call find out what's happening right and I can't remember the budget based on that that particular line item last year and the projected for the coming year you did you back leave it the same back it off backed it off backed it off I believe right backed it off by 40 40,000 so instead of a million 7 in 2024 it's mayli 660 okay but here to date we only had 835k and that was through middle of August and I we still got September happening that's he's probably added some to that right yeah I don't have that number in front of me but I did I did look at the most recent end of the month and I think that numberers up a little bit I think we're we're up around a million now aren't we yeah over a million I'm trying to find the um our break down of our actual tickets that paid but I can tell you the county well what the county gives us and you know it it's so like in January we got $28,800 in February it was 33,45 23,000 in March 23,000 but then when you go to last month we only made $112,000 from the county so I mean it's it's an up and down type situation um and I I'll get the breakdown too on what we pay out of every single one of them and remember there's there is that you know things don't get paid exactly when they're supposed to get paid that's timing yeah right so sometimes you know it's it's not 30 days to expect it it's 45 days and and I don't know exactly how how the tickets get written to go to court if it's two months out or there's a lot of things we need to learn and that you have it's on our radar yeah that's good um I've been looking through trying to find the initial contract with ATS um our 2010 contract and I'm trying to find if we have anything more current than that that was at they were at $40 per citation that they get that they get alone so that that was their split at that time plus we also have to send the portion to the state and then we get our our our third So Adam is also looking into to see how much we actually send to the state on each one are we re a to negotiate that contract that's I'm look to see if we've revised it since 2010 this was my first clance so I'll dig more into it and see if I can find if either they re renegotiated it since that time or if we can going forward yeah we've been placed 14 some years so I think we ought to be able to right I don't know if it was $158 a ticket back then but that's that's almost a third or third or third you know yeah well no I if we it may be on a future agenda if we get uh an informational session about that learn about we look the contract and potentially see what we can do to to address that because I think ought to have something in the contract place for these anomalies especially if we're paying a fixed cost especially it's that large yeah if we're paying a fixed cost then what we go dark for a couple months and then we call and tell them and all a sudden it's back I got to believe there could have been some kind of issue with the system and we should be able to attempt to recoup that Adam's looking at these numbers and looking at variances and and bird doging those things right that is correct and it is it is it true we review inh house each one of those tickets so that's correct okay and it's just my knowled there or anything what's the county the county portion that you talking about County giving us money is that because it goes to County Court yeah that's for court so some some go to County Court some we do here in house some they just pay so the ones we get every week is just they get a ticket they pay it this is them going to court and we pay court they fight it well they go to court and then we pay a court fee and all that kind of stuff on top of it but it's all it gets broken down every month and then and piled in there yeah and then what's the magistrate for here for that don't we do is that where the court is don't pay it it turns into the regular ticket and that's what we address here no that's to to give it extra time or to appeal it for a lower price okay um but if they don't pay it they don't appeal it it goes to a UTC which UTC St like if an officer pulls you over on the road a uniform traffic oh okay thank you thank you I didn't know what that was sorry I didn't either glad you ask sounded cool though sound like you really need some so if they pay the ticket here then we aren't paying the county on that particular ticket or we still are still still pay the county okay okay okay interesting robly still have to document it yeah probably that's why okay any other discussion on that I if not I'll pull up but I was going to show real quick I'm sharing if you want see that perfectly put your glass oh they're on there we go okay and so can you make it a little larger got it in front of you it's the same one oh okay if you if you kill that participant window it probably open up over there a little bit there you go and you have the paper in front of you and so basically what I did is I if you look across the top so our our current millage from from this past year was 653 the roll back millage 63782 the proposed millage that we uh by consensus was 635 and then the the double increase to 671 the conversation we had um I think it was during CRA remember we had it but um was that if we do go to 635 we may have and then we be doubling it and so the double basically we went from 635 to 653 which is 0.18 and to double that would be uh another 0.18 which would take it to 671 so what I what I've done here on the on the second groupings is this is our 23 24 valuation I just took a low at 100,000 medium at 300,000 a high at 500,000 and I put our based on our last budget our top taxpayer single owned taxpayer in the city was a villa Bay and that's a valuation 18.3 million 18.4 million almost and then if you equate that to our 6.53 mill rate from last year those are the corresponding taxes um that are paid there if you take the roll back tax rate of that same valuation 63782 that's the the uh the tax there the next column is the difference between the two so as Linda pointed out on a $100,000 valuation uh the difference between 63782 and 653 is another $158 going to the roll back rate is a basically a a positive to the the resid so it it's they don't have to pay that $15 so it's a it's a tax decrease for them at that rate um at the proposed rate of six the propos 635 it's $635 which is $18 so the additional Delta between those two structures is additional 282 back to the resident um and so it goes on down if you look at the the top taxpayer it's additional 518 64 um so what I what I did then is under the blue header you'll see what the potential valuation would be from a Max perspective right so uh Homestead Properties are only allowed to increase 3% uh non-homestead can uh properties can increase 10% so you see the low meum high I figured all these numbers based on the 3% and then a villa Bay which is OB commercial property it's a 10% increase so if you look at the top numbers we got 100 300 58.4 million with those 3% and 10% supplied you get 103 309 515 20.2 million okay and so keeping the tax or carrying down the same tax that they would have paid last year which is above you see the 653 1959 3265 120 that's the tax they paid last year if we went with a roll back that would be their new tax and this difference is a difference between the two so as you can see at the rollback rate even $100,000 home which now is $13,000 potentially right because that's the Max uh they would pay another 3.95 the important thing to understand about the roll back the roll back is the same what the city needs to charge in its adval or Mill to uh bring in the same Revenue we brought in the year prior and so what that technically means is that really everybody's taxes stays the same right um but it's not really like that some pay a little bit more some pay a little bit less because some people aren't Homestead and so they're increasing in that 10% range and the homestead ones are increasing only within 3% range and so get fluctuates that's why in this particular case at a straight three and 10 you'll see everybody pays just a little bit more at the rollback but across the entire city that works itself out that some people effectively don't have a tax increase all it stays the same that's the idea of the roll back the proposed at 635 if you carry that forward you'll see that's what the tax is the difference is actually even lower and the additional Delta is is giving back a little bit more overall for the entire city you're talking I think it's 15,000 we mentioned 12 before 15,000 is actually hit the amendment shows right um so going down and so the the the question was is or the concern was well if we if we back it off to 635 we might have to double up next year and so that's what I want to go through here to show well if we do that it's it's a year of good times and if we actually do have to double up to the 671 um if you look between the difference between scenario one which basically we stay at 6553 the entire time you got three years worth of taxes so last year's taxes at the 653 this year's a 653 the future at 653 those are the total tax for three years for those three entities scenario two is we keep it at 653 this year thanks to what Linda is proposing and then um we would have to we would basically take it up higher to the 671 the third year and so that would be the three-year taxes there for those entities the S three which is what I've in the consensus is is agreed to so far is we drop it to 635 this year but I want to I want to show for argument sake that if we did have to ratchet it up and double it back to the 671 um these are the three-year amounts here and then down at the bottom is a summary of that scenario one totals scenario two totals the Delta between one and two and again when when I when I did this I wasn't sure when you talk about doubling I was there was two ways to think of that is basically keeping it 653 across the board which I don't think that's what you were advocating you were saying that if we had to double it we' double anyway which is scenario two but regardless I've got them all three here and the difference between the two there is what you see in that third column scenario three then I have the difference between two so basically scenario 3 if you take that and you compare it to scenario number two where we basically keep it 653 here this year and we bump it up another 0.18 next year to 671 it still works out over the course of three years a tax break for the residence right and if we consider it based on scenario one where it to stays 653 constant and we don't bump it up even that it's pretty much just it's almost a wash so that's where why I was advocating to take it back down to 635 again this is all hypothetical um but what what I'm really driving for here is that one we lean the city as much as possible we we watch our expenditures we do the right things we go after Appropriations which we're lying oursel up for uh to help fund some of these things um we spend wisely we uh we do Economic Development which you know Rising tide LS all boats as they say right so as as we iic development we got a huge influx of money coming in for these new properties um for example the The Villa Bay is 18 million valuation relatively new development relatively small new development multif family development but it's it's huge money and as we heard in pnz that they was will come to council it looks like there's going to be potential for some economic development down our Waterfront which could result in you know how long that takes is obviously up an a may take couple years but it's money that's good come in at some point and and a lot of it right so the goal would be is going forward like I said I'd like to keep it 635 we reevaluate next year if we figure out we need we we we've not done the right things or whatever and we actually need to bring in some more money we tax the residents in but I don't think we're going to have to I think if we do the right things from a city perspective uh and we get this Economic Development we do the right things I would I would V to say we could probably keep it at 635 for the foreseeable future and maybe even drop it down a little bit again we do got a lot so it's tough to say but I want to evaluate that every year and I will commit to this Council as as public if it comes down we've done all the right things from a city perspective um and we find out that we need to go to the residence we'll go to Residence um but I don't feel that we need to now I didn't feel we need to last year and that was proven itself um and so I I think we we put it back to what it was last year as we've consensus has and um we move forward that so that's my comments that's kind of the the the um rationale behind the numbers I put together I got a question or two when when we got the number from the county it this 2697 right two 2.697 mil were the did you get a detailed list of all the properties in that did you just get a number on a piece of paper that's that number is the roll back number so that's that's not what came from the county it's this did come from the county because that's on the trim notice so right but that's a sum of all the trim notices yeah and did you get the detail of all the properties that make up that number um I didn't or did you just get like a they sent you a letter saying hey this is our number number well again two two things that we received I can verify 100% is we got a letter say excuse me this is what the estimate is then when they filed the trim yeah that's when we got the Act was the the estimate was lower than what number on the trim was okay so that's what this number is yes but I know that the keys were not in that number they're not on the books right now but they have been transferred the information and I think that is going to be impacting this as well this will be the first year that that goes into play it should it should all be in anything they didn't have it at the time right and so that's so what happens if you know generally what happens and I'm assuming Florida is like every other state I've been in with assessment they they they look at the stage of the development you know if they had a number of the units built but they hadn't been seed they're not going to say that those are 100% valued they're going to give him a number less than 100% then the next year and that that particular tax list if they all are online then and Co and occupied they would give them a different number you know a higher number so it's it's on there it's just not at 100% of full what the full valuation is going to be in my conversation with the county I got the impression that it was not there on the initial pass but they were going to include something for the final yeah and and understand the what they put for the the trim so that's that's the number that's everything it's I think question is we very well may get more Ador tax what that's that's what I'm anticipating you don't think we are the trim number is their final number and if you look it went up significantly from what their estimate was to what actually is in so this year what you're saying but what I'm understanding you're saying for this budget what they what the county has allotted us for the Kings is here it's not going up this year when they when they give us the well I think there's a portion of what that value is it's not probably 100% fully right no I understand that so let's let I'm GNA pick this an arbitrary number it's 40% so they're giving us 40% of the trim right now because it's not all all the properties at their time of doing their assessment were not did not have cosos because we know that because her and I both live right there they weren't all finished yet so let's they make number I don't know what it is 40 % so we're only going to get 40% of those adorm taxes this year irregardless of they get a CO next week for all of them this is the number we get next year when then we'll get the 100% is that am I understanding is that how you're breaking it down okay thank you generally generally in assessment you know they they're very structured on the dates and there's a date where they they can you know say here's here's the estimate but you don't have all the adjustments are going to be made generally the adjustments get made are always downward because the appeals someone go in and I think we actually had a resident or property owner here at the public hearing said that you know they went in after they received their notice and the county told them they would lower it and so that's usually the adjustment that happens is you get a lower number based upon that but again there's there's time frames and and you know it should all fully be baked into the number that was placed into the trip and that number is 95% is what we use we we use 95% of the revenue that is supposed to be coming from whatever that tax so that helps with any adjustments come in to offset that we're not buding the full yeah you're not buding 100% okay so so this is set with the assumption is this is 95% of that trim notice if you will right cor and then we have a delinquency uh there's people that would pay after fact right before I stop sharing does anybody ask any questions on this this something this is what might speak well as far as spending our money wise yeah we keep our speaker system and our carpet that covers the difference right there I'm good oh and by the way do we have registered airbnbs in the city is there a way to tell who is renting the house out and who is not I've been asking that question yeah ask that question outside okay so let me let me bring it back then so first thing we need to do then based on the consensus so I'm gonna read the motion if if you guys want to make that motion to say so moved and get second we'll move forward so I need a motion to amend the fiscal year 2024 2025 operating millage rate for Citywide expenses from the proposed 63782 Mills to 6.35 Ms resulting in a 4% decrease over the roll back rate of 63782 I make a motion to uh so all you need to say okay I've already made stated the motion you just need move I second it no you need to move it it so so moved okay do I have a second second all right motion a second forther discussion all in favor 6y by saying I excuse me before I do that I'm gonna open up the public there is no public here I'm G bring it back public all in favor signify by saying I I oppose no only because I want to keep it the same it's not that ta I want to keep it the same M so I just want that clear all right next up we need another motion to actually for the um thing so I need a motion to approve resolution number 2427 as amended to set the Port Richie for fiscal year 2425 Millions rate I just need somebody say so moved so moved okay do I have a second I'll second it I have a motion a second forther discussion open public comment there is none I bring it back for vote all in favor 6 by by saying I I opposed no motion carries next up is item number two approval of resolution number 24-28 fisc year 2425 City Port Richie budget I'll pass that to miss Meer for a reading thank you resolution number 2428 a resolution of the city of Port Richie Florida adopting a budget for fiscal year 2024 2025 and providing for an effective dat now pass Miss for introduction So based upon the uh reduction in the mill rate we had to go back and make some changes both from the revenue part of the budget as well as the expenditure side I tried to uh reduce the number of amendments as few as possible um so there's a few number of amendments you make but in doing these amendments for the the budget you'll be able to accomplish what what um you want to do in getting the right not rate as well as uh reducing the expenditures through production effectively reducing the expenditures on the share that we' be sending to the Tiff by reducing the size of the Tiff taking properties okay I'm gonna go through these um there's sever of them so what I'll do is I'll ask for the motion I just need someone to so move it and then second and then we'll AC so first up amend number one a motion to amend the proposed fiscal year 24 2024 25 budget general fund revenues on page 14 as follows account 311 one10 ad vorum from 2,697 th000 to 2, 682,000 no move second I'll second I motion a second for discussion open public comment there are none I bring it back all in favor signy by saying I I opposed motion carries next up I need a motion for amendment number two to amend the proposed year 2425 budget general fund total revenues on page 15 as follows uh there is no account total revenues 8 milon 49875 to 8, 34875 motion and motion a second any further discussion Dave open a public comment there's none I bring it back all in favor Cy by saying I I oppose motion carries I need an amendment for motion for amendment number three to amend the proposed fiscal year 2425 budget general fund expanses on page 32 as follows account 599 00- 925 CRA City's Tiff share from 700,000 to 685,000 so moveed second have motion second discussion public comment there's none I'll bring it back all in favor 6y by saying I I oppos motion carries any motion for amendment number four um to amend the proposed fiscal year 2425 budget general fund toal expenditures on page 32 as follows no account total expenditures 8, 49875 to 8, 34875 mov second have motion a second for discussion open a public discussion there is none I bring it back all in favor signify by saying I I oppos motion carries say I or N I didn't hear everybody want to make sure that everybody actually physically saying it yeah have but I believe the silence is silence is a yes is a yes so if you don't hear it's um but speak up break out of it yeah silence is acceptance okay so the next set of uh amendments is related to again you know in the total budget book you have the CRA because as as it's read in the The Code Council has to make it the CRA budget a part of their budget so you're making their budget you're you're be seeing these in the next meeting as well um but from the city's budget book this is included in it so you need to reduce it again um this is the reduction of the revenue coming from the general fund to the CRA and then corresponding uh reductions in the expenditures to meet that uh that new Revenue okay mov forward need a motion for amendment five to amend the proposed fiscal year 2425 budget community redevelopment fund revenues on page 34 as follows account 38911 transfer from General from 700,000 to 685,000 so move second have motion second further discussion public I speak there are none bring it back all in favor signify by saying I I opposed motion carries next up I need a motion for amendments number six to amend the proposed fiscal year 2425 budget committee Redevelopment fund revenues on page 34 as follows there's no account total revenues from 4,925 3117 to 4,910 3177 that moved second motion and second further discussion bring to public comment there are none I bring it back for a vote all in favor signify by saying I I opposed motion carries can I sure second that was it was it you two sound a lot alike soor you second that one okay okay moving moving along I need a motion on amendment number seven to amend the proposed fiscal year 2425 budget community redevelopment fund expenses on page 41 as follows account 5593 000- 328 Professional Services from 2, from 4,925 317 to 4,910 3177 so move second have motion a second further discussion public got comment saying none I bring it back all in favor CI by saying I I opposed motion carries need a motion to amendment number nine to amend the proposed fiscal year 2425 budget penny for passcal fund revenues on page 44 as follows count 39 9959 from Reserves uh from 412,000 a43 to 82843 so move second I have a motion second if I could real quick so the next the next Set uh of council desire to move $400,000 into the penny for Pasco um one for uh dredging and the other for the fire engine yes right so I have motion and second for a discussion any public I speak saying none I bring it back for a vote all in favor 65 by saying I I opposed no motion carries next up I need a motion for amendment 10 to amend the proposed fiscal year 2425 budget penny for Pasco fund revenues on page 44 as follows uh no account penny for Pasco fund total revenues 1,781 n to 1,578 n so moved second motion second further discussion I public I comment see I bring it back for a vote all in favor signify by saying I I opposed no motion carries uh a motion for amendment number 11 to amend the proposed fiscal year 2425 budget penny for Pasco fund expenditures on page 47 as follows account 5526 00- 658 fir TR from zero to 200,000 so move second have motion second anyone public I comment see bring back for a vote all in favor CI by saying I I I opposed motion carries next I need Amendment from Amendment 12 to amend the proposed fiscal year 2425 budget penny for passco fund expenditures on page 43 as follows account 51930 d607 dredging contingencies from 0 to 200,000 discussion I I if I get a motion second so moved second okay motion second forther discussion L what are we going to do with $200,000 for drudging I have a I have a report that from the city from 12 years 10 12 years ago um phase one dredging dredge the common Canal between gild dogs and Waterfront Park propos new boat ramp access 1,4 uh uh $42,000 Redevelopment of City Waterfront District $4 million I've got phase two dredge the canal along the perimeter of Miller's Bayou this is in 2013 we think the date was so 11 years ago the estimated cost of dredging back then was 1.6 million dollar phase two of that dredged the 25 man-made canals along Miller's Bayou in the Cody River 11 years ago was estimated to be $2,559 th000 so we're taking $200,000 out of a budget to put aside for dredging that's like spitting into the ocean because that's not going to do anything for dredging I understand you want to put it in a war fund to save up and and it's not going to get you were that that wasn't the intent at all the intent was is the 2025 committee that you're not finished thank you okay thank you um the $200,000 can be used we sat here most of us sat here during pnz on Tuesday night and there were complaints about as well as many other nights about Bay Boulevard sidewalks being in disrepair that our citizens use that are unsafe we have Miller's uh we have Bay Boulevard that floods that is not good we could use that $200,000 to fix flooding that some of you have to drive through every day we have many things that our residents are requiring of us to keep them safe and we can use this money we can do more roads we are taking this money and not we cannot dredge with $200,000 you might be able to get some permits I don't know I don't know what the cost of permits are 11 years after this after this study but our residents deserve to have things done and taking $200,000 and there's been no discussion with the residents about dredging I've asked you guys I know have gone to some meetings in the county with drudging I and I've asked for Education what you guys have learned and I've not gotten anything I'm not got I I I haven't gotten any education on that to make an educated decision I want to make educated decisions but unless you guys give me the information that you're learning I can't help you you're not helping our residents by getting the information and not sharing it with us so putting $200,000 aside when you could fix a sidewalk that you could fix the flooding Sunset floods with high tide maybe we can evaluate helping them down there Mr hubt has brought up numerous times about the water supply down to the South side but we're going to put $200,000 aside for dredging I don't think that's fair to our residents um I understand dredging is a big thing I understand it was a campaign promise that y'all made I understand that I have no problem with dredging but I have no education on it and there are so many things that our residents require now they stood here Tuesday night Jen Cook stood here and had a whole list of those things that our residents require that they want fixed so I'm not I'm absolutely against this sure not because I'm against dring because I think that money could be used to protect and keep our resident safe right now you have comment you're on that committee Linda and the information what committee sir hold on let him talk I asked him what committee the coastal 2025 committee you're a member neither one of us are on that committee all the information that we have they have so that's your source of information we' had one meeting that's true and Carl's Carl is the chairperson he is very engaged with this the intent was the with the 200,000 was to provide seed money for them to be effective in trying to assess what it is they need to work on and where they can find grant funding okay they're going to need to do some kind of studies or some kind of plan and have information in their pocket so that they can go forward with a plan to a agency and try to obtain funding so uh it's it's more or less seed money to to kind of Kick this thing off the ground now the mayor uh in his Insight formed that committee and we got that going we got the people seated last I think it was last week we were here two weeks ago or was it two weeks ago anyway y the point being is all the things that you said this city needs but you know what for 60 years people have been promised this and never happened so this is an attempt to try to get the ball rolling and I think we have the right people on the committee you included um and I think Carl has got a lot of knowledge and he's got good direction and he's had conversation with the county with Matt uh and I think he can pull this together and I think there's a good group of people in that group that that can get that rolling as for sidewalks there's money in the budget to do sidewalks this year as for roads there's money in the budget to do uh roads there's money in the budget to do pipes we're actually moving forward with a lot of these projects that have been pipe dreams and now they're becoming reality so we are moving ahead and I I am all in favor of this and that's why I made the motion to put it in the budget this year yeah and so if I could add as as Dave said you know and and you mentioned from a from a large scale dredging project it absolutely is spitting in the wind no question that that 200,000 are we going to have a dredger out there pull material out out of the canal no unless it's maybe a and I use I'll use the end of uh um uh blue point quisk where that Canal is there as you drive by it on Old Post Road you see the the sheer amount of buildup around that area and that actually uh water goes through there into that pond and there's there's a it's supposed to function it doesn't function when it's all up like that so could that 200,000 go to clean that up I believe so maybe the county cleans it up again I don't know but there are there are some things that 200,000 could do on a very small scale but as they've mentioned this is really to put some money out there so that as that committee that you're on goes forward to get some of that big money that could be available that 200,000 could very well come into several millions of dollars and so we need to we need to put something forward so that uh if there is some spending that we need to do it's in the budget yeah let me cover a couple facts here uh real quick uh we are responsible for waterways roadways and sidewalks that's our responsibility to get it done and I had more people walking out their door to stop at us for not dredging waterways than anybody talked about sidewalks or roadways or anything else to be honest with you they were fit to be tied over promises over years years and so is Pasco County they've had funding for this and they they do again we're supposed to be meeting with them shortly aren't we Pasco uh County Coastal restoration they have money as well well if we come up and show put some skin in the game that's G to help us like the mayor said to get more money to get this done frankly $200,000 would clean out all our waterways and make it accessible to about every resident in this city by cleaning out Deon has a escavator you can put it on a barge and we can clean out the Waterway what people can get out that that would do it now we want to do more and as far as doing like all around Millers by you and across uh the Waterfront Park and Hooters over to Whiskey Joe's we need to get a professional dredging company to do that and with pasal County's money and this money that can get done and all have left is Miller or moonlet by you over where I live so it's not I don't know what the $1 million I believe was going 10t deep all over all the the canals and waterways and it's not necessary all we need is clean those out and we can actually do it for a lot less than than what was bid on on that price and that's why we have that restoration that you're Board of can find out and put it all together can start it on right right away but I guarantee you the citizens will be after us with pitchforks and torches if we don't start dredging these waterways out guarantee it l I'm again not an expert on judging you are I am not however I just don't think you can put a escavator on a barge and dredge out there are there are rules and and and legal aspects and safety issues you just can't I I know you mentioned last time you can possibly and I I'm sure and I'm sure you you probably didn't mean us exactly but I put it a utility worker on the thing and and dig it out if you dig it out incorrectly they're not experts on dredging they could do it incorrectly they could get hurt that the person sea wall could fall in or you could make a huge environmental issue if you do it wrong not to mention EPA all Army Corp of Engineers we have to apply for permits for all that that's going to cost a lot more than $200,000 for my estimation so uh I just it has to be done correctly I understand what you're saying I I lay my own stuff at the house I don't have to get an I understand what you're saying homegrown do it yourself but I don't think with judging it's that easy sir but I could be wrong I'm not an expert well it find out from experts yeah and like I said in the committee's meeting to talk about stuff like that obviously we don't need to get into the the methodologies on how that gets done all we're trying to do is apply some amount of money into the budget to to cover that um even if nothing gets spent it's 200,000 we put in up 200,000 next year comes 400,000 so you know these things we we need to we you know L you mentioned several things sidewalks flooding there's there's lots of things c um I would not discount dredging as as Dave point out 60 years been compling about this there's a saying that in order to get elected in Port Richie you need to talk about dredging and so um it's absolutely part of the a lot of campaigns um but uh we're making certain effort to move forward on doing that because there's a good portion of residents that do want that and so we need to put some money out there we need to do the committee stuff and actually start going after some of these um these large dollar grants are out there so we can actually make make moves towards success one of the things that was conveyed to me by a constituent was you know they they presented the the the success that they had at Crystal River and they'd like to bring that same kind of thing here that was predominantly done by outside funds that were brought in but in order to craft that plan I think they indicated that they spent about 700,000 to develop what that plan's going to be and we've never had a plan I mean really a a a plan which is why that committee was formed to address that okay now we got a plan the $200,000 signals the council's willingness to move forward in that direction okay in the past it has been hot and cold hot and cold well I think it's the time now and that's why I made the motion the point is with a $200,000 starting point and and as the mayor indicated if we don't spend it this year we could look at another 200 next year and there's other options there's there's funds coming from what the uh the or bill money there's potentially money still in the in the next release of that but we've got to have a plan and this helps us get to a plan and get it professionally written so that we can get some of these grants and access to them to do our water because as you said this this is really the only Community that's got this kind of water access here and it it's terrible and we had $667,000 allocated to us and for whatever reasons and we won't get into it here it's not a discussion for here but uh because of inaction of of of this government uh we've lost that so we need to get back on track and and really pursue that because the residents want it yeah I I wish we could put more money toward it this is the one thing everybody complains about they complain about it all the time I don't live on the water some of you do you don't live on the water I don't live on Water I go voting but I don't go down those canals but the money we're spending on each of these categories you know we're looking at the whole city so everything goes towards the whole city some of these things won't apply to you or they won't apply to me but they're going to apply to somebody that it's important to any further discuss drudging is important I not discounting the the importance of drudging okay that is not my intent my intent was to fix a lot of the complaints $200,000 can fix more sidewalks to more roads so understood any public comment single hands I bring it back for a vote all in favor 65 by saying I I oppose no motion carries uh next up is I need Amendment I need a motion for an amendment 13 to amend the proposed fiscal year 2425 budget penny for Pasco fund expenditures on page 50 as follows there's no account it's penny for Pasco fund total from 1,178 109 to 1,578 109 so [Music] move second I have a motion second forther discussion ask public comment there's none I bring it back for a vote all in favor signify by saying I I oppose no motion carries and Fin that's all the Amendments so I need a motion uh to approve resolution number 2428 as amended to adopt a budget for fiscal year 2024 2025 and providing an effective date so move second have a motion second further discussion ask public for comment there's none for a vote all in favor signy by saying I I oppos no motion carries uh next up is a needed motion for adjournment motion second motion second all in favor simp by saying I I I