this call door city of Port Richie City Council budget Workshop Tuesday July 16th 20124 like stand for pledge FL unit States of America it stands one nation indivisible and Justice all Madam clerk I have roll please Mayor John Eric Hoover here vice mayor Linda Rodriguez here councilman David Mueller present councilman Robert hubard you councilwoman sorry councilwoman Lisa B here city manager Matthew kler here thank you first up is a comments from the general public I have no signups anyone public like to speak seeing no hands I'm move forward comments from the city manager nothing thank you comments from the mayor City counc I'll start with my start with a new councilwoman Burk right now Council mu excellent excellent show of the fireworks I thought it was good we got to use that Park more H at this moment vice mayor Rodriguez good thank you I have nothing myself we'll move on to council business item number one discussion and Direction on the city of Port Richie Capital Improvement plan budget I will pass it to Mr C for intruction so uh proping our discussion tonight before we get to the PowerPoint goes through all these projects um tonight except for one thing later on um is not about making any final decisions uh what what we want to do is go through and explain what staff put together in terms of the penny for Pasco fund utilization of the Pasco for any for Pasco fund um and provid you the opportunity to uh you know inquire give more information uh make sure that you understand what what it is staff is looking for and why they're looking for it um another piece of all this is if there's something that you want to add to the P for Pasco um so if you have ideas of a project or something that fits within the definition that we can use the money for get that out to allow us to at least do some research to be able to come back and say this is what it's going to be like um later on in the process uh you know there will be that final discussion this is what we're going to do but today isn't that final discussion it's again about trying to get the information from staff on why they feel that uh the expenditures that they're proposing or necessary for the city second half of this and just jump in real quick is uh going to be uh looking at the storm water utility budget and and there is something that we need to talk about and and get some direction from Council on and that is what is the rate that we're going to be charging for um ESU and that that's how we charge for the um the the storm water utility and that's important tonight because we ourselves also pay that same storm water fee as what our residents and businesses pay and so that spread throughout the budget and to help me finalize those budgets I need to know what those numbers are going to be um early on now again that doesn't mean that you can't change your mind um I hope you wouldn't change your mind because that needs a lot more work at the end to go through make sure all the numbers have been changed back to whatever it is but giving us good direction tonight would be very helpful so but that's a little bit later on and we'll get started first thing um somewhere turn it on yes turn it on still not no it doesn't want to work it's where the computer is Compu and and I think that computer's behind that box right just in Cas okay well you can you can control it then I don't think it's there I'll control where's the source computer I think hold hold on there may be a battery issue oh dongle supicious beginning should work now there you thank you um so we start with Penny Pasco fund uh this should look somewhat familiar to you this is the uh summ the summary that we provided you mine does not have all those colors those like first uh there is one I think one update to this that uh we late uh yesterday or today uh we got another number that updated but it's a small number and once we get there I'll I'll point that out um but in total uh we're estimating that uh the roll forward balance from uh fiscal year 24 so at the end of this year will be approximately 1.5 million now this number hasn't been updated uh since our finance director left us back in June and we know that there are some things that we haven't purchased out of it so that number is most likely going to increase um when we get to the final budget uh uh preparation uh the anticipated Revenue uh one thing to understand with that is that there's two components uh one is we've put in a grant for the mix Park which is a matching Grant of $325,000 so that plus what the projected revenue is comes up to $990,000 in anticipated Revenue obviously if we don't get the grant we're not going to make that expenditure so so that's there as a placeholder in case we get it we had to show the state that was on our C CIP um and so based upon that we have an estimated fund balance at the start of uh fiscal year 2025 approximately 2.5 million um in total the projections here uh show that we're going to spend about $1.4 million and the end fund balance would then be if we did spend that $1.1 million another thing I want to call to your attention is if you look on the under the item column uh there's going to be some asteris next to different projects um the reason I put those asterisks there was one to remind me what I did um but also to be able to show you what I did uh those with the aster were actually proposed in this fiscal year for expenditure in 2025 um what I did was move them you know effectively into 2026 um and the staff will still make their presentation with those and so if you if you want to you can move them back over into that uh this year's budget as well um but I just in looking at it I felt that some of those you know could wait until next year um and made more sense actually in in the following year another thing I want to point out is we are in the early stages of getting our CIP act together and as you'll see as we go through the other funds later on in this process you know we're still working on you know the forums that uh we we went to this year um next year we'll be doing better job they'll be fully filled out the way that I want to see them filled out and there'll be more I think articulate of of what we're trying to do here in the city in in use of the funds that we have um but again it's a process we're starting we'll get there so bear with us if if there isn't enough information what you're looking for this year um we'll learn from what you asked so we know next year what to to provide I don't know if there's any questions on you know how this was laid out or any of the projections or anything else related to this this particular SL can I can I add can I add something here um the fact that that anticipated Revenue includes a potential Grant I'm wondering and I know your department column you got a grant there uh I'm wondering do we um because that's what was throwing me off um do we create another line there from Pasco from Grants and that way we can identify that hey you expect 350 from that it's just a little clear and I I like to be as clear as possible well no I've thought about that again in this is this is what we've been using in the past and I didn't want to mess around too much with this but I agree I think you know in in the future I'll probably have a different different format for this part of that format we'll just be talking about the revenue piece and then the next the next piece of that then would be the expenditure piece right and then that being said so you subtract 300 uh be 640 roughly is what the anticipated uh amount is from the county yeah and and going forward um I believe uh fiscal year 26 shows an increase of about 2 and a half% in what we're anticipating right and I think the last and maybe 27 was two and a half uh 28 and 29 actually go up to a three and a half% increase and that's the assumptions right and you know that'd be good too to say Hey you know on the side hey we assumed to 3% 2% whatever that way you know how you arrived at it and then you don't have to put asteris in well there's there's there's another another less clean sheet that I have that has a lot of stuff on it but and and so the hard part in the projections for these is obviously that this is based upon sales tax if if you have another pandemic where things get shut down that that number is going to go down potentially um potentially and if the economy keeps going like it is it's going to go up higher than than two and a half so I I wanted to see over a fiveyear period about a 5% increase or ex me an average of 3% each year so and and the other the other thing is and I know this thing's been tracking lower and I don't know whether we haven't reflected what's come in or they're paying on a uh delayed basis uh because I'm showing we're going to come up like 100 123k short for the year so what we projected last year um at 727 we're on track to only bring in about 600 so yeah well I mean I think that's I I think the numbers going to be higher than that but but again it's you know what what I have is less than S 700 that's fine thank you you have a question I just we just ask you would just ask me not about the detail of this just about the process correct okay on the um now this doesn't take into consideration modifications to the CRA boundary as well right I think you looking at possibly a couple yeah this yeah this this solely is looking at the any for Pasco fund so we're not we're not going to get that'll be a conversation we're going to get into actually is the CRA we'll have that conversation and then follow up at a council meeting or a Council budget to talk about what they impacts on that's a dumb question I think it's something else but uh on the on the grant is what I actually wanted to ask so when we get a grant is it normally attached to a specific fund like in this case you're you're planning a grant for pay for Pasco does that really so we we we did this because it was if you remember in that conversation we did this because this was the easiest and quickest way to do this and we had that conversation that day or that night about should it be coming from the CRA or should it be coming from penny for Pasco and the problem we had was the the CRA plan didn't open the door to allow that but we knew that we were going to be changing the CRA plan and and you know went through the pnz earlier today so you're going to be seeing that as c as well we knew that we'd be able to use you know that money in the future but we couldn't do it the day that that we had to get that approved the state so I guess the answer is yes you can use a different fund should we get that gr okay just when we had to have it approved to get it on a CIP for the state this was the only way we could lock it in thanks questions okay so um how we are going to go through this we're we're going to try to follow some order here and that's why I put together the PowerPoint uh each department is going to talk a little bit about their their request the first Department we have up if I'm not mistaken is the fire department I don't know who wants to control the PowerPoint [Music] Slide the well it's the one connected to the dongle I think [Music] there is we we'll be able to Breeze through a few of them since they have you were so kind to print it in a packet um so I first want to thank you all for your consideration in this um I know that we have some additional slides but what the chief and I wanted to highlight um for you um was how we came to this point of figing out this is what we think we need in the next 5 years this wasn't just a wish list of stuff that we decided to throw together um because trying to keep up with other neighboring departments or anything like that what this had do is we did an evaluation of our department you'll see what strength and weaknesses of us um and then put those into different categories and this is what came up with the Capital Improvements on the um side for Penny for Pasco um there's general fund and then we also have internal processes and policies that aren't in the slide that we're addressing and taking care of to to better our agency that have no cost that you guys would see it's in our these are just brief slides of our overall fiveyear plan for the the fire department so obviously we have our mission statement here I'm not going to go through it um completely but that's what our department governs by that's what we try to do every day for the city's um residents um and one of them right there is to coordinate develop and exercise Implement comprehensive emergency management system to include the mitigation preparedness response and Recovery um for the city our executive summary just explains of who we are what we are um a lot of people don't know we're a combination department so in when you think about our Capital Improvements we also take in consideration we have 25 volunteer positions um so when people ask well hey why is it that you need six sets of fire gear every year um we're also taking care of our volunteers with that um on that side you'll see inside there on the last um line that we've seen a 98% increase in the past 10 years of calls for service and a 70% increase in the past 5 years we went through everything we found out some of our department strengths the fire department are qualified and skilled Personnel obviously we hope uh the department has equipment for safety firefighters of people we serve the city for fighter is the only Department in the county with well-trained Personnel on water rescue and Rapid divers uh one of our strength that we found out was Department can adapt and overcome situations and tasks with limited Personnel um you know as you know we're a smaller Department our weaknesses that we found we're a culture that dwells in the past and can be resistant to change right we talk about our past a lot and how we need to come over that lock of proper training facilities and equipment that we have limited administrative abilities among our Junior and senior ranks lack of tender among firefighters um training um funding for all personnel and then the lack of aerial apparatus for protective and access to cities of elevated structures opportunities we have completing a community risk reduction um train our support personnel that are willing to step up and take new responsibilities maybe for the city training programs and Equipment improvements we have Career Development among our new firefighters build external relationship and Partnerships with Pascal County and the City of Newport fire departments some of our threats that follow that we base this off of was our population increase creates all volume increases attrition we loss of our senior fire department personnel and experience knowledge based we're in a organization that has a lot of senior people and a lot of Junior people not a lot of people in the middle low application rates upon new job postings Employees leaving for other departments due to higher pay the ability to maintain a low operating cost in a general fund due to the rising cost of living and dwindling volunteer membership and force does anybody have any questions on that so that's what we based our Capital Improvements off of are those things our first supp Improvement that we come to is the um an addition of the advanced life support um this really is not a one I guess we can discuss tonight right because this has the general fund increase inside of it or do you want to go over it yes okay so here our first one for Penny Pas penny for Pasco you'll see that we implemented a capital Improvement fan for the fire department bunker gear anybody on this page what we're requesting to do here is replace six to seven sets a gear a year and the reason why we're going to do that is to make sure that we're current with our standards and our firefighters are in current gear and we never get to a point we have to purchase a large amount of gear for people coming in everybody knows we have different sizes and I wish we had gear that could be tailored to just one size fits-all but that's not the case um so sometimes we'll be able to we'll buy a set of gear and that's that gear might sit be used and that person leaves and then that gear is not used for an additional two to three years the other thing that works against us in the capital of purchasing gear is there's a 10-year replacement cycle on these from the NFPA so whether we like it or not if that gear does not even see a day of light or day of fire which our gear doesn't but if it doesn't the NFPA says at the end of 10 years that gears to be destroyed and go on because the materials that it's made of break down over time through UV light and everything else um so and the reason why we came up with the number of six sets of gear is that's what our current rate is for us to keep up with what we've been going since 2017 is when we started implementing this um to keep up with our current rate to where we're never going to have the ability to not have fire gear for our firefighters um this was something that was huge when we started back in 2017 um you know I came from a time when I first came to the fire department where they like had you go down the road to get a good jacket over here and a pair of pants over here um and sometimes we have non-compliant gear currently all your firefighters have compliant gear um but for instance this year we have six sets coming up that are going to be surplused that we have to replace those six sets with the other thing with the capital Improvement is everybody knows that the fire service is constantly evolving and changing um and one of the big initiatives is the cancer prevention initiatives um and starting this year you guys were um very generous in funding us to begin buying cancer initiatives gear so now the firefighting gear we buy from here on out will have cancer prevention initiatives for all firefighters which is a huge step um so much so have a huge step our gears kind of envied um in the State of Florida right now um we got it from Orlando so we didn't come up with this ourselves Orlando spent a lot of time and money and developing this um but to where Basco count is currently looking at the set of gear we wear for cancer prevention initiatives to make sure that their firefighters have cancer prevention is immediately on the fire you can always go home and shower but you need to have cancer prevention issues there so funding source is $32,365 [Music] the the set of one set of gear should last for 10 years should right yeah what do how at six per year that would be 60 in that 10-year period we'd have 60 sets of gear in the rotation right so there a reason why we're doing six per year as opposed less we have we don't have 60 sets a gear do we so we have 15 part-time firefighters that we are budgeted to equip we have 10 full-time firefighters and 25 volunteers so we hopefully have a force of 52 people okay the 10 full-timers have to have two sets sets a gear yeah we do have that many yeah so we're we're we're doing the minimum at six that's where we said that's why we kind of said there to do that um and again we're seeing our gear last seven to eight years but it depends this year uh the past three years we've fought a lot of fires probably more fires than I had the three years prior to my career we had 41 brush fires last year um I mean excuse me last month as you guys can see that so you got a year a few years with a bunch of fires in a row that of course gear as much as you try to take care of it it's exposed to the the elements and the wear and tear that it typically wouldn't be exposed to to get the most out of the gear we we rotate of course the paid Crews get the first brand new sets of gear and then we go from there to the part-timers to the volunteers and then what will happen is when his gears on this last gear of life we have kids that are going to the academy which we pretty much always do the academy just trashes the last thing we want to do is get them New Gear or nice gear to go to the acad trash so that's that's the for us that's the end of the road for the gear when we we give it to you to take it to the academy it's pretty much done so is is you think six is enough then because you think get 52 what you got staff for we had given up two two sets with yeah yeah because the price the price went up so high skyrocketed not because of our canceres just but because the place of materials there's only two material companies that make firefighting materials andata and safety components those are the only two so every manufacturer buys from those two people those two people have the market corner they raised their price and then the other part of that too not the Ukraine War caused some of this because a lot of the um outer barrier that we use is the same stuff that they use in bdus the same type of material they use in bdus for Special Operations and on that side um so a lot of the materials went to um of course the wars um to really them make that stuff so which also drove up our price of gear yeah this set of gear that we're now spending about I think think our last set was like $5,100 four years ago was about $3,500 and nothing has changed on it but the six sets does keep us in line for where we need to be we're not we don't have an abundance extra but we're we're right at what we need to replace this is where we felt being fiscally responsible most comfortable to make sure that we're on a we you know I'm not saying we're not going to have a year that six sets get destroyed I can't predict that but this is where we feel that's the most fiscally responsibility of our side and then one more question on the on the 52 basically mean everybody has their own set of gear is that how things are done now yes because you have to be fitted for the gear n requires them to be fitted for the gear so I can't just like ah you were about the same size put it on you have to be fitted for the gear that's the only way the cancer prevent go there's gaps and voids in the gear if it's too tight or too loose and the state of Readiness of the gear for the guys you know like I wear a size 13 shoe right so we might be the same size but I'm wearing a 13 and you wear five yeah thank I used to be volunteer firefighter We There was gear sharing I guess that we had we used to do that we used to do we share masks and gear yeah it's it's rounded upon now for sure sure but going back to our side of um you know where we came up with the gear side is buying our guys you know we might not always be able to give them the highest raise and the highest wages but if we give them good protection good protection and good equipment they might like me who's approaching my 40s got about 15 years left in the career I want to have the cancer prevention initiatives Year I'll take that over maybe an extra 200 bucks in my pocket yeah no good information I want the public to hear that you know there's a reason why we have to have that kind of gear the amount of it so on one any other questions on that one Mr Muer okay so the next project so the next three ones uh the next three Capital Improvements kind of go hand inand with keeping our department up with current equipment avoid large equipment purchases in one year making sure that we're maintaining the state of Readiness of our equipment so this one's the purchase of firefighting small equipment um this is something that we're requesting for $15,366.00 hose um and firefighting saws firefighting equipment uh axes nozzles stuff that just wear and tear breaks over the years that's what we're replacing um every year we do budget this and we make sure that we purchase to also have stuff on hand for instance the brush fire that we just had the other day we lost three sections of Hose not purposely it just it went to a burnt area and we had thankfully because we've had this plan we had three sections of to go get replace the trucks so the truck lose it but now we've got to buy three more sections to replace that that's on our storage unit um so what this does is this make sure that our small equipment is maintained to where again we're not coming to you hopefully unless something major happens for a huge large purchase of saying hey we need this because our hose was destroyed and we have no hose on our fire truck any questions with any of this the next one is the equipment cycle for our safety equipment this kind of goes hand inhand with the bunker gear so a lot of the equipment purchased in this is our fire helmets our fire gloves our hoods our fire boots which all have those 10year replacement Cycles so we're when we buy the gear six sets of gear we make sure that we buy Six helmets gloves hoods and all that to go along so when if something if somebody comes in as a new firefighter they're handed their their equipment their proper equipment so it's not like hey I wear a 10 and a half you get a 10 and a half boot you're not wearing the wrong size boot um and we have the gloves on hand this also includes our uh brush and MVA fire gear so one of the things we've done to kind of get that seven to eighty year longevity life out of our fire gear um we've taken it and we've provided the guys with less expensive still a good level of protection gear that they wear on car accidents and brush fires so the other part of that too is nobody wants to wear really thick fire gear CU it's taxing out in 90° weather Trucking through the woods where this is more of a um single layer material no Max material that protects the firefighters it also cuts down that wear and tear to give us that seven to eight year life the average lifespan of a fire gear believe it or not it's only about five years four to five years just because of the way it is we can extend that out because we're giving our guys different gear to wear on those car acents and motor vehicle accident so I tell people the reason why we also buy that is a guy kneels in a lake of gasoline by accident on a car accident we now only have to replace a $250 pair of pants not a $2,000 pair of pants um so this would keep everybody up with maintaining that they have NFPA compliant gear the Big Driver behind all these three things is the nfpa's 10-year service life and some people say well hey are you guys in NFPA state we are and we aren't um case law they always Resort back to the NFPA and the first question I have to ask that I'm asked when the firefighter is injured on a form were they wearing compliant safety equipment so um that that's what drives this again this goes down to helmets hoods boots gloves um water rescue gloves and gear and our MVA and brush fire the water rescue gears will cover us like waiters dry suits stuff like that that we do use any questions so with this this is a a segment from I won't go through this all you guys can read it what this goes through this is just saying how when we put our five to six year when we put our Five-Year Plan together this is what we broke it down to of why we have to do it and what we're going to evaluate and what's included in all those um sides of things the 10-year replacement Cycles um the big topic I guess one of the big topics tonight is our fire station um the city council uh when you guys did your stuff on the wall put together that one of the highest priorities was the replacement of our 64 year old fire station um what this we're asking for in the penny for Pasco this year is the be able to have a station assessment um is what we're asking for is to use the penny for Pasco money for that this is going to start the process and us finding out where how what size of a fire station right so I could come to you and say I want a 20,000 foot fire station you're going to go why do you need it the company is going to tell us what kind a fire station do we have to have where we can put it what's the best to put it um we've already kind of started some of the process with some of the um engineer companies you know free processes uh just to kind of see who's what ballpark are we in um the number that we've come to is anywhere between $30 to $50,000 to have this done properly and right um to make sure that the taxpayers have complete confidence in the replacement of the fire station and we're not just trying to go build a tajma hall for the firefighters um so this is what the the need the uh replacement assessment is called any question on that go ahead is there opportunity with to assess use some of their assessments to make besid that because they put fire stations strategically all around the so we're using um one of the engineers we spoke with is the engineer that's doing the work for Pasco County um and they've kind of actually started doing some free work kind of for us um because of how much business they have at Pasco County um but as for a the the are you talking about the bonds that they took out no I'm actually talking about saving $50,000 on a study by using a study that already exists in Pasco County and with your expertise uh up or down or give a guidance as to whether that could serve in that capacity rather than just starting a new one we got a 3,000 you know person city right and I know that Pasco sets these fire stations around maybe they're covering in a larger area than we are but if this work's already been done let's don't reinvent the wheel can we utilize and leverage off of that exist so we have but we're also unique in the way of that when Pascal County builds a fire station they build a fire station just to Service as a fire station right we have to not only do it to Service as a fire station but an administrative office for the fire inspections the fire chief the deputy chief or the administrative Captain so when we build a fire station it's not going to necessarily be just a cut cut and dry here's your day room here's your living room here's your your bunks that side um yeah so when we talked to them what they actually do as part of this process was it was was to help to answer a lot of the questions that you may have it was they come in and they look at us they say okay what do you do what kind what types of calls do you run what types of equipment do you have how big how long how short how fat are they uh uh uh and then what are your primary uh uh service area Okay and then they look at properties that you have and then they're the ones that are making recommendations based off of our training room or with the offices that we need you need instead of Us coming in saying you know like you know C met said instead of Us coming and say well we need a 20,000 square foot I don't even know what that is but 20,000 sare foot fire station this is why it's a third party vendor coming in and saying listen after a complete survey of all that they do the training courses they put on the offices that they need the types of calls that they run their Bay needs to be this many square feet and and their offices need to be this big and they need to have this many offices so it was a um a complete um profile of our agency and our city and our response capabilities put together into a design and then after that square footage or that footprint um is is is discovered that's when we start the actual development process of it um the county does have that that this is one of the main vendors that they've been using we had talked to a couple of different vendors to make sure that we you know open the door and um um it was night and day yeah I was very impressed the the and day gentleman that came from they knew what they were doing yeah they they build fire station for living they build all of most of panel's County Fire well they design let take that back they design and do assessments um they do all of Hillsboro counties Pasco counties a lot of pelis County fire departments they just did um the um in Siesta Key and down south they did a fire station there um they're familiar with flood plane issues that we have and plus we uh a part of this too is where can we build it right uh you know we I mean it's it's no secret people have talked about across the street from the fire station at the fire street at the fire station where we're right now well in this is going to say well hey this is where you can build it and if you do build it this is what you got to do and you're working hand in hand with you're working hand in hand with them on how manys you're doing where's the best place for this to sit yeah hand it's a lot of your input to even make it happen and one thing that I think this is also going to help us do is really you know this is a huge project for the city probably the largest project this city is going to be facing in some time and Community involvement is going to be key from education of why how if where when and maybe what the community wants this fire station to look like you know like it's it's going to be a hopefully a fire station that's going to be there for the next 64 years that we're going to be long and gone and people are going to go wow look at this they made it part of the the the community and that assessment in that is going to help us do that one of the inputs that we had talked to the vendor about was community room you know what I mean so when people want to have a little birthday party for their kid you know what I mean they may have access to this community room within the fire department so it was just one idea that we had thrown out at the vendor and and it's all yeah our input is definitely heavy in that whole process yeah and I just also want to say that one of our goals is to get the state or federal government to help us pay for this and getting this done with a consult will help get us better position as you guys know we signed a budget 1.2 million I think went to got that's how much they got from the state right R process they got that granted to like 10% of the cost of the bill I don't know what I don't think like $4.5 million yeah so 20% any questions location did you want to move it to another location so that's what this is going to help decide of course if you're asking the firefighters on the station we want it across the street because we want to put in a nice boat ramp for the fireboat and you know we want to do all that but is that a practical is it a fiscally practical practical because you know that had spoilage on it you know like this is what is going to help us decide like hey you know because we'll have people saying well why don't you put it across the street that's all part of that process but where we are started playing with that a little bit but where we are located we are in the center of the city we're you come out on to 19 it's right or left to go north or south of the city I was curious about the property that sits right behind the fire department right now what's going on priv property available to purchase possibly yeah they they they've approached us about a couple different concepts we're actually waiting for them to get back to us on what are their Concepts they have be nice and that's what that's part of this plan that what they do is that they'll actually ask you assess the areas one of the things that I mentioned is my first reach would always be what property do I already own that's buying property is now ining the cost of the fire station project itself we already own property that's feasible reachable and the footprint is big enough to house a fire station that that there's a safe so was one of the things disced you buy properties being taxed today put a fire station on it be taxing it tomorrow so we did look and then preliminary results were um for that property across the street um it looks like that the station the basic you know footprint that they were looking at would fit we have to turn the station sideways to make sure the driveway the trucks can make it um but the other bonus to that was now we have the property right on the water to where police boat fire booat whatever we're going to do could be right on the water on our own private ducks and Office right there on the water are you talking to SPO site we can get rid of Hooters and put us right there I'll take a view one time one time one time so the next is just again our um I copied and pasted our fiveyear plan inside there I thought it was pretty cool because it's had some historical photos over the years um of the fire station the one thing I did want to capture is that palm tree in the back that you guys see constantly in there is actually still there just covered by an oak tree now um which I thought was pretty neat that that that guy hasn't changed in his size an oak tree grew up actually around them hey just clarify too so when Pasco build a station they utilize similar service that the same vend yeah yeah we're not trying to reinvent the wheel [Music] um the next one is the um replacement of a thermal imager camera um that's in this upcoming one um again these set to 10e service lives the one that we'll be replacing is 10 years old it's actually going to be 11 years old when we go to replace it um technology changes from when it was the good part about this is this camera 10 years ago would have been $10,000 and this is one of the things that actually went down in price um yeah because of Technology changing um so it's pretty cut and dry what it's used for um we can use l to V visualize hotspots and save lives and protect property any questions on the thermal and the reason why that this is kind of an Outsource is because it's it's over the threshold how many of these did you need just one just one we're going to replace them every 10 years so this one is up and then the one we currently have isn't is actually right on the verge of that five years so you'll see that once we skip to 2030 you'll see the next camera show up in 2030 tried to stagger our equipment so we don't have to purchase all at once we two fires I you might want two or three we have we have thermal imager cameras yeah we still have our thermal imager cameras and um I'm probably going to shoot myself in the foot I'm not saying that we would get rid of our other thermal imager camera because it would be nice to have a backup thermal imager camera because there are times that you know you want to hand the firefighter a thermal imager camera not just the officer have one um but what we would do is once it once there's a core inside there it's like a computer once that core burns out we would just it's not like there's a resale value no no no no we're ready yeah we're yeah once yeah we're we're done that and to replace the core I don't even know if any companies are really replacing the core now because the cost of the camera is just about the core that's really the the huge bulk of the cost any questions on this um the next one is the replacement of a uh 23y old vehicle that we have utility 242 it's a 2001 um Ford Expedition that was actually po bought I looked it up with um impact me fee monies from Walmart so you can tell how long ago one was actually used um what this is going to do is it's going to replace that vehicle and allow us the opportunity to have a vehicle on site um that can pull our air trailer um and grow with the Department be used for water rescues um it's going to be a high-profile vehicle we're actually just going to copy the fire chiefs vehicle that we purchased um and staff it with that if some people ask um why are we going with an F250 and not a Expedition again believe it or not an expedition costs more money than an F250 under the state contract price um and an F150 and an F250 cost you're talking a 15 to two ,500 to $2,000 difference um for almost double the towing capacity um and we hope that this vehicle would last another 20 years and I don't know in 20 years what is going to face our department so this allows the department to have the opportunity to to have a vehicle that will grow with its organization does a 250 have the V8 in it or the V6 uh so they have a V8 we would we would obviously want the V8 because that air trailer um heavy is a heavy fell and the brush truck can pull it right now but we have to empty the water of the brush truck which is dangerous because now we have a brush truck without water in it I don't think you can get a V8 in it a V8 and an F-150 yeah I don't think you can uh you can get the um one last I spoke to the everybody around us you can get a V8 and an F-150 but um you're buying the towing capacity the 4x4 that's why you're only getting that that's the right move you're getting $2,000 more you have a a vehicle that can go through high water compared to a vehicle that can't and their aluminum bodies also in the 250s which are good but bad good for living on the coast because you rinse them off they're good bad if a pebble hits it because it's dented or a wench hit it I had to throw it out there it was me that did that by the way so I apologize to the city now as far as the other 23y old vehicle I just want to throw this out there for I would up the counsil what you would want to do with that or boss man but I mean it runs and drives it's a decent people mover but it's 23 years old so my opinion would be the amount of money we would get to auction it off we're probably going to get the same amount of money to auction off two or three years from now I mean if the city just wanted to keep that as a spare vehicle until it started to cost us money that's up to you but I wouldn't recommend right away just trading that thing in because you're not going to get nothing for it we'd probably get more use keeping it around the city as a it actually still has a tape player in it one of our volunteers the other go day go what's that TR the insurance on that though uh and how we came up with this future cost is we used a a calculation about 5% of your cost will be your service cost it doesn't mean necessarily it's going to cost a $3,750 every year the other part of that too is that's already built in because we're replacing a vehicle so now we're adding a vehicle so it's already there's already a service cost built in that's actually costing us money so we do anticipated actually being a cost savings but to be transparent there could be a cost of that um there's just some reasons of why we went with it um and then uh what that utility vehicle was doing um since we've not had it let it towed uh the next one you'll see is the Drone um I apologize I just realized because I was trying to get through this I've not talked about what year these are all from these are all five each projects for spanning over the next 5 years if you guys these aren't all next year's Capital Improvements I think the paperwork said 18,000 so the original one said 18,000 we noticed the so yeah so on on your desk is the updated and so you guys aren't getting sticker shock the reason why that is is the Governor Dan santis passed a law that says you can no longer buy drones made in China near China around China that whole thing so every manufacturer that made them in everywhere else but China skyrocketed the price of their drones um so that's where that comes from that's not Amazon for $37.99 and it's got GPS drone camera with 4K night vision and blah blah blah blah I agree and then we'll have the State of Florida issuing us with a ubil toine for using a drone that's not a you cannot correct cuz we're doing a commercial we've actually got a drone in the building department 370 and 40,000 so that that was my point in say that can't buy more I'm very I'm not I was being and a little $4,000 for a drone is pathetic though isn't it we're with you now I will say this a big part part of that $40,000 is the flare capabilities which is that night vision the night vision the the heat sensor that's that's a big portion of that that price so we're just saying on the high end $40,000 for for you guys to know um but of course we can tailor different things um on that that's what we would have for for a drone that would be completely capable to do everything that you need a drone to do does Newport Richie or Pasco County have a drone that is similar to what you're asking for Pasco County has a drone that's similar to what we're asking for um their sheriff's office has the Drone and then the fire rescue has a another drone that's similar to what we're asking for um and we actually used Pascal County's on a brush fire the other day um and we were able to use their their drone um but during storms during all that other stuff it's kind of been known to us that's hey we're going to use our drone when we need our we need our drone um so this would make us self-sufficient in ability uh this is a cross theboard police fire and building department um okay uh across the board police fire and building department purchase so this would service three departments across the whole city so this isn't only the fire department this is the police department for situ awareness and this is also going to be the building department um the building department for him I don't want to speak on Mike's behalf but when we've discussed um building surveys post storm pre-storm um videos so FEMA is really big now on reimbursements that you have to have current data and current photography of your Coastline of your roads and everything else this we could put up right before the storm fly through the city get our stuff stored away God forbid something was to happen we come in we say hey look FEA Here's the the video prior to the the storm arriving that's what was in that video today it explained that where you could yeah that's why we had Hernando come and that's what we were learning from them so I saw that prear and after so that's the first thing they do when a storm's coming they put the Drone up and they map the coastline so they get a you know like a couple days before the storm comes they map the coastline with that drone and video of the whole thing for a day or two and then post storm if there's damage then they can prove it's undeniable to FEMA you know I mean here's what it looked like before and here's what happened to it now versus a you know a face tof face assessment it's done in a matter of minutes yeah I was just going to add uh there was chy ground hit about the police and building department the other thing is that I do believe this is something that we should be looking at a grant to pay for I know when I was in St CL Shores we were able to get a grant I think it was actually the police department received it I can't remember which Grant it was that paid for it plus the training that's the other aspect of all this is we're g to have to train people to be able to use it have to have the operator license and all that and I think in that CIP we included it was 3,000 yeah $3,000 for training includ training for three people to be certified ,000 a y a lesson one question I have on that's a very high dollar toy are those insurable yes happens to them they are insurable yep we we asked that question on on yeah we can ensure that crash get a lot of yeah that's why we'll also be very um tasteful you know in in who we pick to operate the Drone CU I'll tell you right now you don't want me to operating the Drone so if you ever see me come up here and want to operate the drone at least he's obious right give me the key [Music] so I mean it's expensive to but that's very valuable for sure um so the next one which would be a fiscal year 26 so not this coming fiscal year next fiscal year uh Capital Improvement is the purchase of a 21 ft um fireboat um rescue with uh increased rescue capabilities um so I'm going to go over to this slide um so everybody can get a picture of the boat that was the boat at the trade show um that would be the boat that we found to be in our wheelhouse um staying fiscally responsible and knowing our Coastline and our demographics of what we have to how we came to that response is so since 2017 we've been providing water rescue services to the city um and to the actually the neighboring County um every firefighter that is on duty the captain and Driver are certified to operate the boat every firefighter is not only uh is a surface water rescue swimmer and a rapid diver so the C at least the captain and fire captain and Driver of the fire truck are certified in surface water rescue and Rapid diving um right now we have one of the two other additional firefighters of our three man engine that is certified in Rapid diver the other two because they're in paramed med school obviously that's a priority um they'll they'll we get it right after that um so what we did is we took our water rescue responses and we broke them down you can see the increase and I apologize here so in 202 I can't see the number but I know that last year we ended last year with uh 20 water rescues um out offs side of our Coast that we were called to when we deployed our boat we have a limitation of our boat that we got on the Firehouse Subs Grant so that boat was purchased with funds from the firehouse Subs had no money um from the city of Port Richie um but the problem that we have is a 16t flats boat that has limited capabilities every day we go into the fire station we put the weather on the board and we have no go go situations for those that vessel um this would give us the ability to immediately respond and get water rescue off its off the coast with firefighters um responding on on the boat um so that's kind of where we come to is just our limitation with our current vessel since you brought the Firehouse Subs how does that program work so do they you go ask them for funding for something or is it just says they come around at certain times we saw after them we applied to the Firehouse Subs Grant um we're actually the largest largest awarder award to date that I'm aware of of $56,000 typically they only give $225,000 towards the purchase um it helped that we had a casino boook catch fire with people jumping off of it and when the person called me from the foundation um literally said hey we didn't read anything you know joking but we didn't have to read anything we just looked at the pictures and you could have just sent us pictures and we would have given you the money um so I approached Firehouse Subs again about this and what they said was we can app reapply but they wouldn't because they've already given us money for a boat um we could show the justification need for an additional and they might give us additional funding to help offset the cost of the boat but there's no guarantee because of course they're trying to give that's one thing I will their Foundation they to give out a lot of money fairly across the board um so there's no guarantee in that of course we would try to go for that to see if we can get some offset funding is for money for something else firewise gear so truck or whatever we've looked into it on what we can approach them for and something that's not on your Capital Improvement plan um yet is the auto pulse um which is a an auto pulse device CPR a CPR machine it's the the machine that pushes the heart so it has a high effective rate um the reason why that's not on there is we're trying to ascertain the auto pulses which are um $45,000 each and we want two of them we would like two of them we're trying to get them to purchase and auto from us so you're engaging with yeah we're engaged with Firehouse Subs right now on a another uh issue or you know topic we want to try to have covered um I've also reached out to FWC um we even got a boat from the Florida Forest Service to see if maybe we can get a boat to um repow and everything um but a lot of the boats they have are military surplus and what I mean by Surplus is they've met their military life aesthetically the boat that we got from the Florida Forest Service looked really good until professionals looked at the boat and went hey look down side of the boat and the boat went like this and what had happened is it had in Hurricane Dorian went on its side fell against something pushed in the boat rided itself up federal government said oh look here's a boat and we thought we had a good boat on our hands until we did that the other side of that too is what this is going to cost us um it's it would cost us to repow and rewire because you have to rewire these um Federal boats you they're not they don't come ready to go um you know like the Pasco County got from the Air Force they had to repower rewire redo you're in the ballpark of buying a boat with a warranty and a brand and on that side just a motor for that boat would have been about $35,000 just just the motor never mind everything else we'd have to do to it and then how Dependable it would have been in the end versus a brand new boat with a warranty set up designed and and we're getting a boat that we really wasn't our yeah it was more of a deeper water boat and it just really wasn't conducive for our city this boat's designed for our Coast um they actually offered um if we decide to go down this path uh because I know everybody likes to see the stuff they will bring the boat down here to Port Richie have it for a few days so everybody could see what the boat looks like how it's going to handle on our water um how we would use it but we've we've gone on these boats ourselves so what's the difference between this boat and the boat we just bought what's that what's the difference between this boat and the boat we just bought for $100,000 this is more of a rescue boat this is designed for rescue it's it's designed from a company yeah who builds rescue boats rescue one's the name of the boat so uh the first thing is the be able the ability to get a patient Into Your Vessel um is one of the hardest tasks right so there's dunking moves there's uh you're uh Captain there's dunking moves there's all these things that you can practice but getting somebody over the beams is one of the hardest tasks and is the actually one of the most unsafe tasks that happens on a a boat with rescuing especially if you only have two operators somebody's got to stay at that hel making sure we don't kick that that g uh you know motor in and we have a prop issue um and still staying of course because remember we're not going out in typically flat Waters to conduct a rescue we're going out in rough water so now we have to deal with the boat going inside of other areas now you've only got one firefighter trying or police officer trying to conduct to pull somebody inside the boat you know assuming that they're either unconscious or even conscious um this has a lower beam that side of the um excuse me a lower side it's inflatable it's a soft side it's not a hard side so it's a softer Lower Side so if we do have a collision of some sort and you know where we put it in the neutral trying to get patients in and it does hit something it is a soft side vessel these are hyperon they're not PVC boats so that's why the p is a little bit more money um people are going to say well I can go get a zodiac for $60,000 yep and it's a PVC the material the hyper is a stronger material lasts longer in the the Florida Sun um the the ability to control the vessel is another thing um where the patients on these boats are designed to be in the rear of the vessel and they come set up for backboards they come set up to where you load your backboard and your patient on you safely strap them in and you you you go in so if there was only two um firefighters on the vessel that one firefighter can control the boat and one firefighter is not trying to hold a 300 PB patient on a backboard back and forth on the boat um another design for these boats they're set up with the inflatable sides is that they're stable so on a typical boat for those that have been on a boat you put multiple people on one side of the boat the boats lean really bad uh the Inflatables are are more solid foundation they're a lot like the cat holes in a way the way the way they um hold their weight load so when two or three of us are hanging over the side of the boat pulling a patient up onto the boat the boats don't do that they don't needan like a typ size it's like a rib boat exactly there's a reason why the Coast Guard and most of the rescued places out there have this type of was the typical horsepower on one of those I think that one was 175 I think remember it you can get them I think from anywhere from 175 to 250 yeah I think I get a 200 horse for about 18 16 18,000 brand new for that one yeah that that'll P 21 foot yeah be 21 foot that rated for people that one I want to say it's eight or 10 I thought it was 10 I don't hold me to this I want to say 10 that's surprising on a 21 foot because the inflatable yeah for that yeah that so this rescue one so why we came up with rescue one is rescue one made our current 18 foot fireboat that we have with inflatable I mean excuse me with a home fi bottom the gentleman who builds boats and is the engineer for rescue one makes sure that whoever he's selling with and working with that these are purpose filled boats this isn't a pleasure boat so when you get on it you'll see that there's no compartmentation anywhere on the boat besid besides where the patient you know at the helm underneath and then one in the back because it needs to have room for people so there's room so there's room for people 41 foot didn't sound yeah much the biggest limitation that we have is the ability to get off out of the channel right now on a you know a day where sometimes people are over utilizing the 18 foot the 16ft boat um where we probably shouldn't be utilizing but um you know last um one that comes to mind is last scallop season we had two scallopers holding on to the channel markers uh we had a front pass through that's what happened they were outside the water they're anchor broke loose to push their side and they're holding on to the channel markers um and we were the only boat that could possibly get to them um we had to we had to wait until it calmed down a little bit we got out there we got the people on our boat started heading in um but everybody knows that we live on the coast here how quick the storms rebuild and before you knew it we were in a predicament we probably shouldn't have been in inside the 16 foot vessel um the flatb it's it's a flatb it's it's great for what it does um and that's the other thing too that as a little bit different than our current and I'm not this isn't a knock on the police department's boat by any means but this does do a six inch draft with a Jack Plate so we will have a Jack Plate on this boat to be able to get it inside those areas fire P that we currently have move to this boat move to this boat this boat we can still use it on the other boat it's a portable Bo mean the police boat or the other boat being the flat actually I can put that P it's a portable pump I can move it to whatever boat I need it to but this company has the safety hooks that are designed in our 18 foot they can outfit this boat with that the part of the quote was they outfit this boat with those safety hooks so we just take that pump lift it up and put it inside this vessel didn't rescue one bit on the police boat as well there was an inflatable that was fluid it was fluid right Chief yes yeah fluid watercraft and that one came in at 136 so I'm wondering why this company wasn't considered so we've talked a lot I don't want to be too long-winded but when we bought that boat from rescue one um the guy's name is Mack who owns this company they're based out of Louisiana he owns a large and I won't say what it is but a large Pontoon Boat Company the local fire departments couldn't afford fire boats so what he did is he made it his mission and rescue one's mission is to get boats in fire departments and Emergency Services hands that can work and actually perform well at a reasonable cost um so believe it or not we have 105 but if we bought that boat today it's at [Music] $992,000 so I want to think outside the box a little bit here obviously and I think in your slide you had the city at 2.2 square miles it my is 2.7 square miles 2.1 of land6 of water so we got a about half square mile of water in the city obviously this would uh this would well equip us for the water area we have memory of understanding with the county new Richie where we can help out in their Waters as well is is there an Avenue to ask to make this a joint effort because I we if we purchase this asset and I don't know I don't know Newport Richie has no like this I don't know about the county but if we're if we're kind of serving this local area which we're great obviously spot for that we can help out with that with those rescues because it's right here at the mouth of the Cody river is there opportunity to maybe get them to help fund some of this so the county is buying a 36 foot monstrosity monstrosity of a I shouldn't say boat we you know listen we're we support Pasco County and we work very well with them um their boats going to have limitations to our Coastline right um we work with them with training rapid divers and water rescue um on this um you know they've offered the assistance of their their boat's going to be built to get people to the island when there's brush fires out on the island it's going to have a larger pump than ours ours only pumps 300 gallons a minute theirs is going to pump I think almost 1,250 gallons a minute of water where they GNA they're putting it out of Gulf Harbors golf Harbors yeah um but the draft on that is going to be is going to be large so this believe it or not will actually probably complement well that's what I'm saying this thing about golf Harvest from at that larger boat or whatever if we have something uh in um Hudson m right we get a lot quicker correct and skinni water or whatever it would make sense from a from a county perspective that they would they would help help fund some of that asset knowing that we're going to help it's like they have a ladder truck we don't they help us when we need ladder truck well we could help them when we have this but we don't when we respond to their stuff now we don't get any charge backs or anything for that so I didn't know if there was avenues that we could ask the county to help fund some of this maybe it's 20% 30% or anything so the County charges an mstu to non- City residents right for for the municipal tax and service that provides their fire that's how they fund their fire trucks not the ambulances their fire trucks and all that other stuff um so you know being a good partner since we don't receive the mstu and they send us a plethora of you know we had 30 of their vehicles the other day um you know we we work well with that um we've tossed it around before we haven't had much bites of uh joint funded boat because then it comes down to like well if I if you break it how do I I mean internally we're even having those conversations now we're putting a whole other department with a whole different accounting issues with that um so we have tossed that around um and to tell you the truth that's kind of why we came to this boat is hey they're going to have a boat that if we need if we got a large house that's on fire and we need a water source we're gonna we're going to be able to pump some water and not tax the other side and our goal was to offset resources all of us had the same resources we all had the same response capabilities we also have the all have the same limitations so where our limitations start to take place there's their capabilities are just showing you know what I mean that on a 36 foot boat where we and we're like it's too rough it's too nasty we we can't come get you it is what it is that's where they could take over when they're trying to come in to the coast and they can't get into the shallow water that's where our assets would take over so that was another shadowing thing that we were trying to make sure that all the assets aren't the same because then all of our limitations are the same same that's what we did and we all work very well together um to where when we were I was actually talking to the deputy chief of operations today about it he like well that would be a nice you know complement to to the area um so that is um but as for your square mileage um side of it the reason why we've always kind of been tasked with those is because we have the firefighters that are properly trained um in in those tasks um with the the surface water rescue because surface water rescue is a a lowf frequency high risk um incident um so that's why we only have certain people that can operate the boat certain people there's some people that don't pass our swim test that can't even enter the water we just don't allow them to swim takes a lot to be able to swim to conduct a rescue um but if you extrapolate all of our structure fires believe it or not we actually respond to more water rescues within the city of pory than we do structure fires I believe that yeah it just because that's our nature we're right on the water we deal a lot with the water um that was one of the things that I told Chief when he came here that bothered me before was we were wearing bunker pants on the side of a a river you know like and if you go in Bunker pants they're going to fill with water and you're going to you're going to drown you know like and hey I want I want to make sure our guys are safe when we go to the water and are able to perform water rescues because there's nothing more helpless than standing on a shoreline and you know have a car go into the water and us it will not do anything um so this this will complement our water rescue capabilities and our abilities to reach patients my only the only problem if you had a percentage of take a Year's calls what percentage those calls are helping the county ballpark I'm water just in general so percentage wise your total call Value how much is actually County Asos to so we average one call one mutual Aid call a day um but it's actually dropped recently it's dropped probably in the past nine months yeah so it so if we ran if we ran 1750 calls or 650 calls last year and we'll just say even numbers 300 County calls so you're talking One A Day 365 20% are kind of calls right 17 and I'm trying to do well it's one a day 365 days a year so there 360 calls if you had th total calls that's 30% so R 20% 15% yeah so say let me say 15% of those are mutual Aid calls they include the City of Newport Rich Newport for automatic to my point but so 15% we have this capability hly if we have this asset that maybe we get used more often because it it applies these other things goes up but say 15% you know the residents are bearing the total cost of that Mutual Aid you they help with those things too but it just feels to me like we probably help out more than they help us out well sherff Wonder water all the time let me do it the other way around we help them them out in little increments you know I mean they help us out astronomically sure so we go to them let's say that our one call a day there's 95% of those are medical calls we're in and out in 15 minutes every time we call them we're tying their multiple apparatus millions and millions of dollars wor of apparatus up for half a day 10 hours eight hours zero questions the last brush fire we had four engines a ladder truck an air truck two brush trucks tanker two chiefs a drone and they were there all day here we're running you know so the percentage is correct at 15% or what that number you came up with is correct but when you look at let's look at utilization out hours that one call we utilized half a dozen or more of their trucks for 10 hours makes sense it would take me 60 calls to put up 10 hours worth of our time and we have a good relationship with Pascal one thing that I mean I guess well Pasco County we have such a good relationship with them um you know they allow us to fuel out their Depot because of us our relationship with them um and I'm just trying to show people like hey it is more it is very I think a very shared um our fire truck broke down about a year ago um we couldn't get somebody to fix it and Pasco County not only fixed us but they didn't even charge us it was a Hur it was a holiday weekend holiday weekend we had fire truck and didn't even charge us we asked him where's the bill and he said don't worry about it thanks for helping us out see you later yeah well we our one truck was broke down it was it was out for repair it was up in Okala and then our primary the only truck we had left broke down it was um it was a sensor or it was a sensor issue W so yeah so then we had no fire trucks so they had they pulled a fire truck for us they said we have a spare one for you but bring it to our shop let's see we can fix it real fast first before we go through putting our equipment on that truck even though it kind of makes sense nice them do that since I came here they bent over backwards yeah know I that's great but reality wise is obviously the residents of the city they we do Service Pasco County Fire bonds I know two on there so um you know we we are entitled to some of that stuff by Nature we pay for it as well the bonds for the stations bonds for the fire stations not our stations yeah paying for it I know I know so am I I know to have that so that's a political conversation that we don't want to kind of get involved my point is is obviously we we we purchase this let's say we purchase this $15,000 boat right and we we help them out with it that's great whatever my question is can we ask to see if they're willing to throw a little money at us to help us get that asset knowing they're going to get some benefit from it you want to know what I mean you're asking for 10 or 15 grand I I think would the water between ownership and use rights to it where I where I know they will help us is training so in other words when we go to put on water rescue classes and their Training Division we can actually use their Training Division use their boats use their staff to help train our people to where we're kind of doing it on our own now fending for ourselves so I know that that Avenue now that they're they're getting they're finally buying their own boat that that bridge is going to be crossed so that's where I see future benefit from them versus ask Inver you quick 20 grand to help us buy the boat I'd rather have the long-term expenses of continuous training and turnover and I'm not listen I know what you're saying yeah we we understand that and that's why I think um you know one of the things we're on our list is that next year next fiscal year once we're done through the process and we're getting all our grants out of the way um is that we're going to look for Avenues to offset this cost so hopefully we can come to you and say hey look we found $20,000 here from the example we got we just got the other day for which one um okay so you'll see on there um your Capital Improvement plan for um when you look at the whole list and I don't know if anybody's noticed it yet but under our last thing is Advanced life support monitor for $50,000 um under your whole the when on your first page the very first page first page that you come to on the bottom it says Advanced life support monitor $50,000 um that's one of the things that we were able to pull off our Capital Improvement plan because we just found out we awarded a grant to the Florida Department of Health um for EMS Grant to purchase glosc and a monitor uh a monitor so that's um we just rewarded uh $86,000 um so that's something we were able to pull off of our Capital Improvement plan we do the same thing with the boat the goal is to focus on it fund it be prepared for and at any point in time along the way we can seek more grants I me we've gotten I don't know a couple hundred, and grants in the last couple years pretty good at those my goal is going to be to keep pushing to try to get those but at the end of the day we still have to focus on obtaining and there's a narrow window on grants we spent a lot of time on looking for grants for these that's why we end up with Firehouse so there's yui but that's a a police department funded and UI funds can make when they use UI funds they can only use it for police duties they can't use it for other duties um and the other part that I mean we heard it talked with Mr Roth um we're not a port so that takes us out of the grant funding for to be able to get Port funding to to be able to offset these costs so there are Avenues out there and we'll explore them all um but the reason why it's on here is it's kind of hard to go ask for some support if they don't know that we have our support well this is this is 2026 anyway yeah correct year just keep in mind as that gets close or whatever it wasn't a real popular decision with the the public about purchasing a police boat when they already had one and give a situation you guys got technically two I guess now this will be a third so just keep that in mind it's we need to make sure that this is the right thing to do and sell that to the public yeah we hope to have um you know proper data for everybody like kind of like our responses how often it'll be used our training all that other side on that so the uh public can feel comfortable with that their resource will be definitely be getting utilized often thanks so the next one um is the replacement of our fire truck um I know that some of you guys were out in the public um the last time we bought our fire Tru um and were familiar with the the problem we were facing was that our current truck that's our Reserve truck is a 2008 um the truck that was our Frontline truck then causing us all of the electrical and issues is now our Reserve truck in 2028 that truck will be 20 years old that would make our Frontline fire truck that runs every day excuse me uh 10 years old what we're asking to do is set the proper replacement cycle of 20 years reserve 10e of Frontline so our current fir truck that we run will go to a reserve status um and then uh the new fir truck would be on the Frontline status the reason why you're seeing it now um even though it's a fiscal year 28 purchase is that there's a three a 4-year time on ordering a firet Tru build time so what to make sure that we're on track next fiscal year we would have to spec and sign the paper to buy a fir Tru but the funding whether you decide to lease purchase outright whatever that side guys go down wouldn't come until the truck was delivered in hopefully fiscal year 2028 there's no guarantee that'll be a fiscal year 2028 it could be 2029 they are pushing fire trucks back um but we would anticipate it on being to be delivered in fiscal year 2028 so that means our current fir truck that is a 2008 would be sent off um and our current fire truck that we're um responding in right now which is the 2019 will then move to reserve status so we'll have two trucks that are in good healthy working order um so if there was an issue we were talking before about how we had to have Pasco County help us the reason being is the one truck that we rely on right now was the truck if you guys remember that was causing us all those those maintenance issues the $35,000 for the de head it that's the the pitman arm um you know we we probably put almost $100,000 into that truck um so we we take care of it now um because it's un Reserve but it's not I don't want to I'm not trying to scare but it's not the most reliable Reserve um just because of the the issues we've had over years is this a ladder chart no sir because um there's no guarantee that we have would have a fire station um the fit one because our current fire station and we've explored every opportunity and that how we could add on build on put somewhere for a a quint is what it would be um because a a ladder truck with a pump and tank and Ladder um won't physically fit in the fit unless we know that we'll have a fire station built by that time which I you know that's this is our we're going to do our specs off the current building because then we can always build the building to fit the fir truck we can't build the firet truck to fit the building so um this would put us next year coming to you guys next fiscal year coming to you guys for the approval to buy it um but the funding not coming of having to be ahead until fiscal year 2028 and that would also secure the price at that current market value but once that set then if it took them three four five years to build as the price goes up on the you of the truck our BR would be set at that date and my understand L truck about 75% more on top of that so about 1.7 million they're about 1 yeah 1.5 somewhere there depending on what you get I mean we don't need anything crazy but and a million dollars is not is getting us we're not changing the current fire truck crazy we have so we're not you know people when we bought that in 2019 that truck uh the first thing was we got 28 pricing in 2019 we paid 560 $70,000 for that truck um but we got 2 18 pricing in 2019 um so we were lucky to get that truck um and it was the only one that fit in the station the only one that fit in the station it was a truck that uh it was a truck that was being built for another department a volunteer fire department that backed out of the purchase and we were able to to get it from them it just happened to be where it set off and it happened to be very close to our specifications we do um the reason why you see the truck there is an East Lake fire truck um that's very similar to what we would be um specking we've already met with some firetruck manufacturers Just so we can get a p of how much a fire truck is going to cost us um and everything's coming in between that $950,000 to the $980,000 range for a fire will fit yeah those will fit yeah that's our that's our first that's our first spe that's our first they cannot be an inch over this and then they all look at us like it limits us believe it or not even on what type of regular fire truck we buy there's certain regular fire trucks we can't even buy because of our height restriction we have a 98 F restriction most fire trucks are 910 it's the height and the length yeah we only have so much room in front and behind the truck too and they're not making smaller trucks anymore so if you want a little truck you really it's it's a special order a typical special order and you actually pay more to get the truck lower and shorter two fir truck Manu yeah two fir truck manufacturers because you know we want to be fiscally responsible right we just don't want to go because hey this is what everybody's doing two fir truck manufactur I won't name them told us that as much as we love to build your fire truck we couldn't get the truck that we just it's the way their Engineers work and the design of their truck we just couldn't get us that low so let us to free manufacturers um and we've talked to all three manufacturers any questions I know this is a huge purchas seems like we're spending a lot of money um you guys are expensive yeah we are fire but we're trying to I'm not you're not you're doing the right you're doing the right due Dil we want to try to make sure we're on a schedule that we don't ever I know we don't want to come to you for a large purchase right um this is obviously a large purchase but this is stopping us from having that general fund purchases of having to bandaid A firet TRU like we were doing one year the current firet truck that's a reserve apparatus cost us almost $70,000 in one fiscal year just to keep on the road I think everybody here on the board would love to give you everything yeah no no we're have a yeah figure out how to do that that's the problem is how we are so this would again um it would be somewhat of approval right next year to be able to to go ahead the fiscal year we're talking about now yeah made to order yeah to order this coming fisc see I'm already in next fiscal year yeah so we're 25 I was gonna say this fiscal year but it's it's fy2 l yeah and I think you know we need to be open to the thought of of doing it over time I think that helps you know as you look there in 20 28 you know spending a million dollars out of what we have is going to deete that down so it's going to limit what we can do in that fiscal year um but in three years you delute that yeah so I so I think it may make sense to look at doing payment you know because we're yeah because we're doing it 10 every 10 years we look at okay we're going to spend yeah whatever that number comes out to be and it's going to minimize any one year's cost and then just we're there then when we have to do the next one and is going to have a smaller bite out of out of that which will allow every year more of a more of expenditure on Capital item and allows to have a building to put it in yeah in 2008 when we bought bought the current fire trck that we would be replacing here um they financed it for a 10-year plan with the intentions that in 10 years they would just take that payment increase a little bit and then roll it over so there was constantly a payment um the council in 200 18 to my surprise completely bought the fire truck outright not saying that was a bad decision I'm just saying before we did Finance the okay I think if if you have the money yeah and you can do it that's the best way to go rates were a lot different obvious keep on increasing that and I think that's downside to this is that we're not going to be in the best financial market place to be doing that um and so maybe we don't look at a full 10 years maybe it's five years I think we need to analyze when we do that but we're going to have to do it next year next fiscal year the upcoming fiscal year um and then you know if if we were to place an order with them they're not going to accept a letter saying we're going to pay you for it right I mean if if we're going to place that order there's going to be some money that's going to have to be put down sure if we do the lease concept well there's no money put down until we actually receive possession yeah so I think it makes a lot of sense from a lot of different perspectives where it doesn't make a lot of sense is the interest rates on that you know in the past you're you're looking four and a half maybe 5% I mean I looked and I don't want to look because I think it's going to be higher than that dramatic well we wouldn't be looking at that until 28th though right based on this well no no we'd be locking in fi25 because we're going to make the order in in 25 we would have to make the payment in some way if we do the lease the payment comes from you know who we don't have to start paying until we actually receive it the deposit only right just a deposit when you place the order not the whole you're not going to cover the whole million you're only do the right right right whatever I agree I mean but again if we if we go that rate that route right are we going to wait and lock it in then when we buy I mean there's again one way is if we go the lease route we don't pay anything now right but if if we buy it technically we could get the loan in 28 right when we actually receive it that's that's way we pay the balance we could lease it then or could do that I mean but then you you would be making a down payment I mean when we when we make that order you're gonna have to put some money down is it 10% 10% there's there's three different options that we we found the first option is you pay it all up front and they give you a $100,000 discount on the purchase of the the vehicle right but you have to pay it right when you order the truck they get it three years yeah and get in three years okay but that's why they're trying to entice you with the $100,000 thing the second option was you put a down payment down on it and then when the truck comes in you finance what somehow you got to pay off what's remaining on the truck do what was it down payment huh was it down whatever we decide to be that down payment have I think it was semiti it also depend on yeah he didn't give us a set number but he's like we could work with you on that minimum 10% the third option um talking to it's called B2B leasing is who we leased the fire truck from back in 2008 and who Pierce is one of the people works with um is that we sign a letter saying we're going to buy this truck our first payment doesn't come due until we receive the possession of the fire truck but you've signed an agreement with lease company now I don't know how that works for is if you lock in today's interest rate and and pay then or you decided interest rate when that comes but B2B leasing um who was I thought would have a few numbers for me of how much a lease would be 5 10 year lease was that we sign when we decide to buy the fir truck in theory B2B leasing is buying the fire truck on our behalf from or the company the financing company is buying it on our behalf and then the day the truck's delivered our first payment's due so some cities don't like that because if the if the truck was dropped off and we'll just say today and if we didn't have the money for it we' have to figure out a way to scramble to make that first payment so he said a lot of cities sometimes don't like that just because of the sense that you know what how do I got to do I got to budget the payment this year or do I got to budg next year um and it's a delicate game with the firetruck manufacturer right hey we're on track but something can railroad that track to have it delivered today um so but those are the three options so so I think if if there is a desire to go forward with that you know saying yes we're we're open to a multi-year pay for it we have time between now and and when you have to make that decision but then look at what all the different options are I mean you know it may be better to look at we do some short-term you know Bond anticipation notes and you know that payment we're still paying each year and we don't have the equipment but it gets us maybe to a better financial interest rate you know three years down the road we actually have to lock it in because we'd have five years doing a bond anticipation note before we'd have to lock it into long term that that you know will save us a lot of money and again when you're making a million dollar purchase you know the difference between and and forgive me because it's been a few years since I had to go out into the the bond market and I was getting two and a half percent um but you know a difference between two and a half percent and 4% in those days you know was was $100,000 and so we want to make sure that whatever we do yeah we saved money here but now we're paying more in interest than what we need to do and so I I think you know the strategy would be to look at the one that gives us flexibility to lock in the the interest rate at the lowest possible point and so it may not be a straight lease it may be a bond but again we can start looking at that if if you're open to that multi-year concept well there's some other options too we can certainly uh try to beat the brush Bush for Grants right there's potential grants for fire trucks and those kinds of things right also we have re a Reserve balance in in the general fund that we could initially we don't have to pull it out of this we could pull it out of that and intentionally try to drive cost out of the organization and have that money available so that when we have to pay the piper it's there so there's something that you've thrown a plan out there I think you know it's it's a good plan it's an opportunity for us to say okay now let's figure out way to pay for it right and I don't think it's unre realistic to think we can't uh there are some options and and that has brought forward you know some ideas so I think there's time to work on that do we have a impact feed balance that's sitting out there now we have a little bit of impact fee money but from what I understand with the State's new rules on impact fees is you can't use impa impact fees to replace it has to be an additional service is that correct and I say that correct so replacing a firet truck I don't that's for the city but when we've tried to replace something if we buy it first the boat yeah that's a new yeah so that that could be a swapped okay just from what I was told you can tell me from is that it had to be an an additional incremental service service and it had to somehow relate to that project is that correct so in a way yeah you might be get away with something like that from what I understand if we were to go from the engine to a ladder trop you know what I mean because now it's a toally different type of function but like he said replace that you know what I mean it's it's a littley so I guess my next part of the question is OB we talk about development potential things could be happen water front whatever um there's going to be impact fees coming in for that as well as additional funding I think by pushing this out to 28 the way we have not unreasonable think that we'll be able cover that yeah again it's the purchases in 28 we're asking for the approval next year to say hey we're gonna go start building this fire truck that's going to take us three to four years to build so it looks bleak now but it doesn't might not look that Bleak depending on what what uh what we do as a city so um so obviously with the purchase of the fire truck comes the purchase of the new equipment for the fire truck um that equipment is going to includes fire hose fire nozzles adapters fittings uh the computers the equipment the ALS equipment the rapid diver equipment uh hand tools saws Cutters vehicle stabilization and extrication equipment uh generators and personal equipment for active Shooters um our rough estimate is $100,000 to do that um that would be asked for the fiscal year of 2027 so when the fire truck came in in 2028 we'd be able to add the equipment to the truck um take the equipment that we're able to use off the other truck put it together put the truck in service send the other one out to go get sold of whatever value is it on um if that's what the council's decision is and we put that truck in service having the year the equipment the year ahead um is what we're doing similar to what we did in 201 19 we bought it in 2018 so as soon as the fire truck came in it literally didn't even have the wrapping off the fire truck and we were putting the new equipment we lock it up so we don't use it um and use it um but there will be equipment that we do pull over this is a rough estimate of $100,000 it could be more it could be less um depending on grants depending on what we get but just tentatively if we were to have to go buy it all today we're looking around 100 ,000 to outfit the equipment of the fire Tru um one of the equipment actually that's coming up this year for purchasing that you'll see soon the council is vehicle extrication equipment that we have budgeted this year to replace um would be the equipment that would go on this truck that would save us to $440,000 to not $35,000 not have to replace and again that 10year service life is what's what's driving this unfortunately actually can shut his mic off I know I felt I looked at everybody else's I'm like H man sorry see so just trying to make sure we uh have appropriate I'm just best one so the last one um and again uh I will preface it this one with this could be potentially funded with afg funds assistance the firefighter Grant funds um this is something that we did receive an afg grant for in 2006 um but when the update came out in 2017 we had to fund it ourselves because the way afg works is if we replaced them one um NFPA year we couldn't get it the next NFPA year so this upcoming NFPA year for 2027 we would be able to apply for the update um so about every 10 to 15 years the NFPA makes our CBA manufacturers go back to the drawing board to make the breathing apparatus we use safer for the firefighters um thanks nfba um for that unfortunately that now turns the fire departments into having to make an purchase of updated NFPA um compliant air packs this there's other updates that come every four years when speaking to the manufacturers at MSA and Scott who are your two leadings said they're saying 2027 is when the nfba is kind of telling them the overhaul is going to come like you're going to have to we're we're not going to allow you to use this platform of air packs anymore you have to get a new platform of air packs um unfortunately those air packs are expensive um but they are the one thing that does help us breathe inside of a fire um so what we requested to do was do this purchase over two fiscal years 2027 2028 the plan would be to have the Frontline fire truck initially with the updated air packs and then the second year we would purchase the Reserve fire truck and the support Vehicles air packs so we would have a total of $140,000 over two years but we would break up those purchases over two years trying to spread um the the expense over theirs but again this is something that I feel comfortable and staying we could definitely apply for the assistance the firefighter grant to get um and this is one that potentially could come off or be pushed back depending on the nfpa's requirements and changes but just know this what we're being told now um and to anticipate for that was 27 28 next year our city grant writer looking for these grants or are you looking for the grants for yourselves or is there a combination the combination combination um we've been blessed to have um I'll give her Kudos Dr Christine wolf who's a volunteer of ours who teaches at USF um and has been writing our grants for us she wrote grants for Pascal County for many years became a professor at USF and uh who's actually been successful in getting us the grant for the trailer the grant for the washer extractor um and the EMS Grant um so we would hope that she's still on staff for us um and offering your volunteer services over to us um but we are definitely uh and then of course um working with Pam and Pam's been they're just they're there and then they're not yeah watching it the whole time you missed it maybe five years yeah you know and this is one that um federal government really pushes as the FG Grant so they let every there's two grants that they put out was a safer which is personnel and afg and they're pretty up on what you can and cannot apply for during those fiscal years and what's a high priority and what's a low priority question next look at that thank you no thank you J she went first actually we all out of money yeah nothing left want to take a five minute break we need five minute break reset five yeah let's reset yours what youse a order [Music] I can take 20% of your budget contractual [Music] Services take care John rest this by 8 I don't want to Ste was Thunder he gets so excited about that I back off and I let him spread as we we're asking for the most money I think well ours is over five wait till the water they burned right through them actually e e e e [Music] every time I drive [Music] [Music] hey I'm going to somebody forgot to put that timer on here we go ready all right we're going to resume um before he starts I believe I didn't have the um CIP forms for the the uh axon body armor or the Firearms we will get you that going forward but [Music] uh yes right first of all I apologize I'm a little under the weather so if I sound nasly or anything like that it's not intentional [Music] okay first one we'll talk about here's the uh police department impound lot uh provide the this the city's strategic outcome is to uh provide the po police police farm with a covered equipment property evidence storage area um the standard we initially wanted to get it where it was a uh a add-on to our current sally port when we talked to the vendor he said that um it wouldn't be cost effective to do it in the manner in which we were trying to do it uh because it's not it's also not as safe he said You' be better along better off with a standard Standalone type of structure rather than the sally port structure we have attached to the building right now so what we looked at was a an aluminum Standalone sided pole barn style structure it measured 74 by 71x 12.9 ft and it would provide a covered area to to store the shipping containers the Operations trailer boat and any Vehicles vessels or motorcycles that are of evidentiary value from Sun and Rain damage additionally it could store any agency Vehicles involved in accidents awaiting the insurance process be protected from the elements uh regarding the agency equipment mentioned above the covered area should prolong the usable life the aformentioned agency equipment and those evident evidential vehicles that need to be returned to the owners if you're familiar with the back part of the police uh Department the sally port is where you come right out of the door and it's got the overhang we're talking about the area next to it that's currently grass and it's between the fence and the asphalt parking lot so we could we're looking to cover that uh with an aluminum barn style uh structure to protect our assets and evidentiary assets that belong to other people that we may have to return um the the cost as you can see there is at $388,000 and um that does not include the permeable surface that we're looking for to cover the grass so that it would relieve them from having to constantly come out and cover grass so we can either use the millings um or asphalt or concrete which would be probably the more expensive option so with the uh millings you're getting from the roadway it probably be a cheaper option if we can some millings to cover the area any questions so there's no estimate for the Milling for the ground that's the the problem we've contacted three different vendors and we've gotten no response from any of them so I've spoken to uh Daryl about millings and and see we could do without having to add any additional expenses and are we required to uh to cover this these vessels and and vehicles of you know that's being held for evidence well as far as the eviden for vehicles we tried just like if we have um we were talking before once about the the property if we did a gaming room and then we returned you want to make sure that it's in the same condition that we took it and that we return it some of the vehicles that we have are out there for a long time like traffic homicides like unfortunately from the other day so what we try to do is is provide some measure of of protection for our own vehicles for our own property and things of that nature okay so is this more more for um impounded vehicles or more for City Vehicles not the impounder vehicles those those remain it's for our own Vehicles any evidentiary vehicles and sometimes we take in property that cannot fit in any storage um it obviously can't fit in storage within the building um and so we keep it for safekeeping if you will the impound next one will be the police department Impound Lot fencing uh the Strategic outcome is provide improved security for property evidence agency equipment and training scenarios excuse me uh we like to upgrade the existing chain link fence with 8ot composite fencing to improve the security and Aesthetics the current chain link fence was installed in 2010 but does not provide visual security as the seethrough the agency stores impounded in Avary vehicles marked unmarked Patrol Vehicles agency boats and Operations trailer within the storage area on occasion the agency has conducted tactical and can9 uh scenario training the current coverings that we've tried to use um if you look at them now every time we have a storm they get ripped off and ripped apart we're just trying to do that to provide some level of visual security um and it provides even when they're up it's still a minimum level of visible security um the current fencing does not provide the complete visible security that solid PVC fencing can uh PVC fencing is also not subject to the rust and corrosion that current chain link fence has sustained additionally it provides a more professional cleaner and aesthetically uh pleasing appearance to the public and any any individ other agency Personnel that comes to visit our department the project can and should include two new gate slider operating hardware and an additional cost of approximately 13,500 which brings a total of the um driving force behind trying to replace not only the fencing but also the the mechanism to oper the slider operator mechanisms Chief the chain Link's been up there since 2010 right yes it's in pretty good shape fairly fairly yes I went around I looked I it's in Fairly good shape but obviously a mesh screen is not how old is that the mesh screen we I started putting up in 21 because there was absolutely no visual visual security for that parking lot right that's understandable that you that you would wanted right but is that the only privacy screening that's been put up there the only kind that you've tried is that the only kind of screening you've tried we're on a second set that's that's a little thicker and provides a little bit more um security and we're seem to have the same problem if you look at it now uh that's what I wonder the difference between mesh and the poly the knitted poly is a little it's it's less opaque and it's stronger and that's what we we've tried now you did the you have the poly now some up in the front right now um as far as the fencing in the back in the corner it's bent down I don't know if that it's been like that since before I got here so we can't even put anything on that because of the way the fence is in the back in the corner so is that just one section we tried to rep well we not he wasn't here but reached out to the uh previous uh Public Works person to try to fix it but that didn't happen um that section would need to be replaced have you considered Landscaping a hedge or something to facilitate that privacy we we could do that and then you know then that also brings in um some additional work for Or List R but the gate regardless the gates are an issue the gates regardless the gates are an issue yes corre but the fencing itself isn't horrible it's just the covering and it would be easier to have vinyl because you don't have to worry about the covering but if the if there was a possible way of getting a different kind of covering right well that's what we try we we started off with with um was there any kind of warranty on that it's still it's not I don't know what the mesh warranty is I think the best is like two years two or three years correct and then not lasting that long um I think on the prob was like five years 300 300 feet for like $7,000 for 300 feet how many feet fence we have I don't know how many how many feet of fence you know uh not off the top of my head sir I don't yeah I don't know either I I was just looking for other things that because the I give you that I've seen storage lot with heavy vinyl sighting held up for years right but vinyl you're going to have to pressure wash it because it for some reason it attracts mold I don't know why but it it does so I'm sorry yeah vinyl it's a, to 22 linear feet, 22 so about what you say it cost was 350 yeah for 72 72 72 in by 300 Fe is like 7,000 for the knitted poly Which is less opaque and thicker yeah so you talk about 21,000 to replace all that which is GNA have to be replaced again in a years a couple years five years because it doesn't last I was just checking to see if there's any other if there are any other options I mean obviously there's a gate problem but that because the chain link isn't fairly good I didn't see the back section that he's talking about but the rest of it is really good shape and plus with the vinyl you know you do have to you have to get good vinyl you have to get good vinyl post you got to make sure that they're they got a stabilizer inside stabiliz the fresh and not the Recycled and that that that the post are thicker and that also the the panels are the thicker or they're going to blow out 100 yep 100 miles hour actually I've been looking at fences and that's one of the drawbacks of a vinyl fence is they can't withstand the wind they blow up so yeah I totally understand that you want the privacy and you don't want people looking back there and and and the gates yeah that's an is if you can't get in and out that's a problem the um the transmission place right there off of um on the corner of bay and Wilkins he got the black mesh around it iume it's similar product to what we with the graffiti on it right yeah another issue yeah that's fairly new that they put up there and it's been there a while it's been there about three years it's been there I remember canella asked asked if they could put a screen on it and it showed up so so I don't know that what that cost or whatever but that it's a combination of the screens themselves like I said we did go to the thicker screens this last time around but what it seems is when we get these big wind storms it's the and we've also gotten thicker um zip ties if you will that's that seems to be zip ties will stay but it rips the Rings off of the the gr right so is this thicker mesh or is it poly it's poly this is poly as opposed to the mesh I think I've seen some with little Half Moon cut out so that allows when the wind comes it actually opens those up allows it through and then they settle back down I don't know if that's something would help we try we tried it with not putting as many um zip ties at the bottom to allow it to the the air to go through and what it does is it winds up ripping those um yeah the either the zip ties or the rings that goes around it and it winds up on getting ripped on top of the Bob wire once it starts flapping it's going to tear up quick obviously so [Music] good yep okay vehicle replacement plan is the next one um the vehicle replacement plan was approved by City Council in 2021 replace the older Fleet of Patrol vehicles to increase Readiness and efficiency while reducing maintenance costs the concept of the plan is to purchase uh three vehicles per year with a six-year warranties to cover vehicle maintenance costs the agency will Surplus three vehicles for auction with the proceeds to be deposited into the fund or offset the cost of future Patrol vehicle purchases the vehicle repurchasing plan is based on a six-year Delta that will provide a better return on investment when the vehicles are sold to less mileage enhanced maintenance and better condition we keep a uh monthly vehicle maintenance log um so that we can keep track of the cost spent for each vehicle no matter what it is if it's an oil change if it's tyer blades or tires or anything of that nature so that we're not looking to just purchase vehicles with no reason we're looking to get rid of vehicles that are at their end of life uh the reason we're trying to um get to the six-year Delta is because historically when we keep the vehicles and run them to a certain mileage or the repair cost by the time we send them to auction we're we're getting nothing really for them um so with this particular plan if they are once they run out of warranty at six years we can look at that point to try to recoup more money than we would if we ran them to the end because they will have been maintenanced from ship for the entire their life of their uh existence the only thing that the uh what we run into and ran into before I got here was that we would exceed the vehicle maintenance budget because we're trying to keep older Fleet on the road um and so this should reduce and has reduced the vehicle uh maintenance budget and uh what we still run run into with the older vehicles once they're out of warranty um not only the tires that we had to replace regardless if you have warranty or not but Transmissions go uh brakes go um any any I just had a transmission put in the vehicle that I use and it's not like I run it hard or anything like that so the cost start to mount up at that point and that's what negative negatively impacts the the the overall vehicle man so we're trying to reduce that and if you look at it when I first arrived here we had uh White a couple of White Crown Vics they got from Brooksville PD the only thing that they changed was took Brooksville py off and put Port Richie Police Department on we also had a vehicle in the fleet that I guess had been the prior generation there was also a Crown Vic and it had red stripes almost similar to what's on the on the fire department and then they had just uh purchased the new vehicles with the the present graphic so what we're trying to do is to you don't want our guys to arrive on the scene or go to a school go to another agency and driving vehicles that look like that so that was the purpose of um getting the vehicle replacement plan in effect and ALS so want to make sure that we can get to the calls and and not have efficiently effectively uh provide the service so that's the reason we have the vehicle replacement plan how many vehicles you get in the fleet right now if you include we have just 30 but we don't have that because that includes utility trailers that includes the Hummers the boat have the police vehicles two three four five s 12 there six on the last 19 we've done six every year that's what council approved how 26 26 and that's before we Sur we still have three that we have to Surplus yeah so with the three every six years that's 18 so we're not replac them all so some of are going longer six years right so yeah I mean that wasn't there a recent occasion couple years where they were going to a a call and like the transmission fell out they couldn't make it or something like that I mean it's they they were really in shape but that's that was one of the impetuses that um pushed that Council to to make this just every six year type thing they the the officer could not it was it just call I don't recall it because it was back in 17 I don't remember the details but I remember that they couldn't make because like the transmission fell out or something like an officer was in trouble it was an officer in trouble call and the second officer's car would not go so he had to get out and run yes thank you I I knew it was something important I couldn't remember what it was well know the last three cars we just replaced we're in pretty dist one was leaking pretty bad I think the other one was had some issues our duty is to make sure our offices are safe and and that that was um that's important and it just so you know that the the cost does include not just the vehicles that is the the lighting package that's the radios that's the incar cameras and the upfitting for the vehicle so that's the the total cost would we be able to like do something because I know we had wait a very long time for those past vehicles that we can look at a different avenue or different venue or different I'll come put the decals on if you'd like I I I'll be good I do it straight for you I've put decals on some of the cars already yeah but look at other avenues to make sure that that's done in a more time yes we've looked manner we already uh we're exploring different vendors um a matter of fact the gentleman that's doing the boat upfitting is a vendor out of Lakeland so when he we're going to speak with him um and some of his customers which are from that area um about doing our three cars so is there any consideration to change the color to white instead of black so that they're not so hot we could but then we kind of run into the same thing with mixed match vehicles I mean it's it's option you have to put anything on the side you can run an unmarked vehicle as well right no why not we have to represent who who we are we have the only unmarked Vehicles we have as uh my vehicle the captain's vehicle and the detector's vehicle all the other vehicles are are marked Vehicles every other agency you see they have marked Vehicles some have what they call um oh I'm not going to I can't remember the term but it's not like a shadow but you can't see it until the light hits it um it's called ghost ghost Vehicles that's it thank you again I think it's you know philosophically I've always hated unmarked cars because I want our residents to know when a car you know a police car is going through their neighborhood and you you want to be able to be seen because again that's part of that that what do you call that presence presence but you know a proactive uh Patrol you know people know that the the cars are out there they see them you know where we don't run necessarily you know in other cities where I've been where we do a lot of traffic details um and again philosophically I don't know if I agree with the concept of having unmarked cars doing traffic um because I want people to know that it's the Sy Port Richie out there patrolling and doing the things and I think from a safety perspective just again it's very clear that we're out there when people see the police car theyve they don't act up at least when I've seen the police car too so we have a couple cars do to be auctioned up you got some in rotation to be retired may have one of them may have the lowest miles on it or the best sh save it maybe get another year out of it could pay for that yard possibly you you probably getting somewhere between1 17 to $2,000 for the vehicles cuz myself the captain on a a Friday instead of buying a new vehicle put up the fence it that's going to depend on where we at with with the vehicles as far as their mileage and sometimes it's not just amount of mileage it's also how much we put into that vehicle um and that's where we have that maintenance log uh that we keep every every month so we'll know when the vehicle is due to go and if it can be saved we we have one now that normally I would get rid of but we had to put an engine in it last year it was a used engine but it was over $4,000 but we needed it for the officers on the road because we did not get our vehicles in time I would not have put that money in that vehicle but I had no choice because we not only do you have to have them for Road Patrol we also had to have them have spare vehicles and we also have a Reserve officer that needs a vehicle so that's why there's more Vehicles than there are officers it's yes I have a question you said this includes everything and everything something that I've been made aware of over time here in Florida at one point I know there was a problem with air conditioning with our cars are is there is that include air conditioning in the car sure yes is that front and rear they they don't it's not with rare the only rare air we have is for the K9 vehicle and so so yeah I know that and that's why I'm bringing that up because I've seen it in places across the state with the car is 110 degrees and you got you got a prisoner in the back or maybe just somebody from a traffic accident and they're sitting in the back of these cars and all because there's not one duck going back there these people are sitting in 100 degree temperature so why why do none of our cars have rear air there were some I believe that had come with it um and then some that don't what we did that's a liability what we did for I've been reading it across the state and across you know the the the lower Southern States different instances where there's not it's a vent it's a vent that you can have come under the seat but I mean you can imagine sitting in a back sitting in a back seat and it's 10 and something degrees I hair doesn't flow through there because all Plexi or right it doesn't come to the top because of that I mean in the old days back when it was that was a screen but now you know now they're all Plex glass but there's it's a f that come out the SE it's something I've been reading about and paying attention to I'm on a lot of law enforcement pages and I that's what I wanted to ask do our cars have rear air or not not only them do have rare air what we did do to for a two-fold thing is I purchased what's called a cool cop for each one of the officers it's about $100 a piece but what it does is it attaches to the vent and it has a hose and that hose can either put down their vest to help cool them that wouldn't cool that wouldn't cool a back seat off it also puts something to consider because like I said I've been noticing if we're getting new cars that's something that's it is a liability you get somebody in the in the backseat of your car and you know the heat the new ones that we just got do they have air in the back NOP no so the ones we do have are from do is that something we can add as an option it would Jack the price up yeah I'm sure we could they don't you know the rationale why they don't put air back there I mean it's obviously people are back there so I have no clue I was just curious as to why they wouldn't do that I mean it's not we didn't ask for with no air obviously it seems to be a standard thing not to put air so why would they not do that that's a lot of Manufacturers do do that I'm sorry a lot of Manufacturers do do that it comes right out of the console we don't have [Music] it a lot of vehicles do do it I don't know why I don't know why the police don't have cheap they don't do [Music] it I'm trying not to infect for some oh I can't hear you I was just saying this just I wanted to see if we had it if not because I've been aware of it I do think it's something that talked about I mean seriously who was this or whatever you could be had a traffic accident sitting in the back of the car I just assume it standard since you got fxxing last block of the right right and it's just something I've been aware of across the Southern United States or something they they used to have what like kind of a mesh it was a screen it was a metal screen they they don't use that anymore no can they drill holes through that no because they'll spit on people spit on you and do a lot of other things there's a reason for that plexiglass so can we can we look into that and see what the cost would be go ahead and add sure to go back there I that makes sense I mean sure matter of fact in jail it's I think it's super cold in there so it is at least the ride there get kind of a deterrent you know what I mean how would you know that though I mean the whole jail if you go down there whole jails go all right okay sure in reference to the you have to look at your for the RMS axon Enterprises um line it's 11,36 a year and that is part of the contract that we signed uh uh last year with the Sheriff's Office through axon it's already you have to look into the the first page um okay we're we're we have been uh along with uh the Sheriff's Office the cad RMS system we've been part of that for the past several years and they decided they were going to go to axon and and so in order to maintain that relationship and continue to have the cad and RMS system capabilities uh along with the sheriff's office that contract was signed and it was a 10-year contract it was $35,000 initially and then $1,316 a year as far as the maintenance so that's what that is about any questions uh body armor it's um every five years we have to get new body armor for our officers uh we keep a obviously a running list of when they're due and and so we set aside $6,000 for that but and part of that also is if we have a new hire or someone puts on a little too much weight a little less weight we have to have them remeasured for their own safety so as an example when mil came and and they've gone up uh they used to be somewhere in the $800 range down there like $1,000 a piece so we haven't asked for any additional um funding because at this point we we we seem to be good with that amount and so that's why we haven't asked for any if they go up even more the next few years um we may have to ask for a little more but right now we're we're fine at the 6,000 that we normally get U like example we had also we had to get him measured uh Captain cotch his his coming du had to get measured and another also had to get measured and that was just in one day so that'll take up some of that but we stay on top of that that's just like the fire department stuff the V are every five years they they won't go past that any questions and the last thing is the Firearms supplies and and that's been at 6,000 for quite some time and that is so we have to buy new shotguns new rifles new ammunition um and what we've done since I've gotten here they used to go to the range once uh every two years to qualify and that's it so what we do now is we try to go three times a year um one would be the qualify the other two is tactical and and survival shooting and things of that nature so they can stay proficient through FDLE standards you only have to qualify once every two years but in order to make them more proficient and more comfortable with their their Weaponry we try to go three times a year and so the additional cost for the ammunition um and that's not cheap is that range fees too no there's no range fees I I had a connection with the Boy Scout range and Hernando and so we got anou with them and so we use the Boy Scout Ranch and it's no cost to us nice how come on a spreadsheet like for instance those body armor and Firearm supplies and other stuff too that they're recurring yearly expenses how come they stop in 27 don't go 28 29 and even the car sto yeah I think the way that this was put together there there there wasn't given out to okay yeah I mean we we'll as I said realistically we see that build it out and you'd also incrementally increas it for some inflation rise so really if you're looking at those later years too you're not seeing the appropriate ending fund balance right right yeah we're done not there yet okay this is a p yeah like I said the only reason we haven't really raised the the firearm thing is because we've gotten to the point where now we have um spare rifles or we never had those before spare handguns spare um shotguns and things that so we don't have to spend as much each every each and every year we replace where we need to replace and get new when we have new officers uh come on [Music] board why is there nothing in here for training it's not in here we have a general that separate that's SE okay fund right we don't we don't we don't train them yeah well that's I wanted to make sure they come train I like that it thanks Chief thank you and you know one of the things in not necessar for discussion today but in the future um you know I want to look at some of these smaller amounts that we're spending on an annual basis I don't think really fit well yeah in in the pett for Pasco the problem is that historically you haven't had the wherewithal within the general fund to actually pay for these things and so this is where it it you know has been Dum I think strategically we need to look at that to make sure that that you know if if the goal is operationally operational things are paid out of the general fund we need to look differently at a number of these type of purchases I mean you know when you're buying a rifle you know does it does it meet all the criteria for what you would want for a capital you know item or not right I mean generally is it um I think another thing and it was mentioned um in in like car replacement uh in that CIP it it it references that the money would go into the general fund well if it's purchased with p for Pasco it's an asset of that fund money needs to be put back in there so if you sell it it goes back in here I don't know historically that's what's been done um but again those are the type of things you start looking at when you're building out with the revenue and you know the request to have kind of a complete revenue forecast I don't know what those are because we haven't been able to go back and look and see if money's been put here or not and and so there's a lot of work that's going to further develop this um as we go along it just you know typically it takes a couple years really to build a good CIP plan well with your comment on that we just recently sold some police vehicles I believe right didn't you just recently sell some police vehicles yeah I check and see when the most I have to check and see when the most recent one was right so what you're you're saying is it ought to since it was acquired through this fund it ought to come back to replenish this fund right wherever whatever fund buys the the asset right it should always stay has that ever been done we don't know yeah I'd like to think that's what's being done I just I can't say today that's a fact we' hope that would that would be the responsibility of the finance director to do that right ask good idea I don't know but you see those inflows basically standard operational Rachel was pretty efficient I'm sure she that was appropriately done that's something changes so uh next we're going to go to public works and utility purchases wake up over there wake up over there we're really out of money now he still has an hour drive I can't know all right uh first one is is the dump truck so right now we currently have one dump truck um requesting a second one um just because we have right now we have to use the front loader and the back Co to haul materials if our dump truck is on one side already so if storm water or waste water is using it on a break and it's on the south side and then we get a watermain break up north and Westport well now I have to call dump truck off in order to suffice that other dump truck up there the hul materials Rock whatever it may be that we need to to make the job go smoother um so the the current dump truck we have now hauls around our skid steer our uh mini excavator and Other M other Machinery that we have so like I said if it's up there then I don't I I can't use it up there and it's I have to pull guys off to be able to bring the back ho up there and they have to have a truck follow so now it's safety reasons the front loader only goes 11 mph tops and I can't drive it up and down 19 the back only goes 25 mph I can't drive it all the way up 19 so um that's the whole purpose with the uh me requesting a new uh a new dump truck so I can have it suffice with both departments um so is there any so I know this this has 80,000,000 yes so the what I did is I priced it up a little higher because we have to add lights we have to have strobes we have to add safety equipment and stuff like that to the to the truck to to make it happen so with the new the new dump truck uh there's a picture of it here um I'm requesting one with side down drop bins reason being is if we have to pick up sod or anything like that we got to haul our 20ft trailer around now with the guys getting in these small sod places it's hard for them to load the sod and then back the trailer up and this and that so with the with the drop down they can just take the forks load three pallets of side now the guys don't have to back out trailers and risking in accidents and uh everything also if we need to um use it for say we got five or six cleanups um with the dump truck we have now we have to dump the whole load out this one we can be able to get the guys can get up top shovel it from the side you can get it there with the skid steer grab it be able what you need to do instead of dumping the whole load on the road and then having to pick it back up and put it back in the truck um the other thing is uh for example we just had a watermain breake on Homewood Sweets up north I don't know if you guys know we had to cut half the driveway up well I had to get the dump truck up there load the material wait for them drop the asphalt back off so we we're not blocking the whole entrance wait 45 minutes for them to come back load it up with more so if we had the two it the jobs would go a lot easier instead of pulling off another then kicking that job down the road because we couldn't finish it that day cuz we had an emergency somewhere else to pull people off um it just makes everything go a lot smoother for us so any questions with that so with that obviously we have to adjust what the summary is addal out second piece is both this truck and the next truck it talked about going to be split 50/50 between Pasco for Penny for Pasco and utility because it will be used for [Music] both correct um so we go with the dump truck anybody got questions with it no the next one is the replacement of our 2015 F550 brush truck um if you go to the next slide um it'll so our current brush truck now you can see how dented it is uh the sides are falling apart the top is caved in we had that when I first got here in the end of October we had it um estimated to see how much it would be to replace the sides just to replace the sides in the back not the whole dump thing and it was about $7,000 just in metal to replace it not for the labor anything anything like that um the new brush truck is 6 9,825 um same setup um it's just newer uh this one's kind of just on its last leg falling apart um and obviously you guys know how much we need our brush pickup and how how we need it so um this one is just it's on its the bed the bed and everything just on its last leg so it could easily just fall apart now we're down to one to one Brush Truck which takes twice as long to pick up brush at that point um cuz these guys do usually brush in about 3 days give a take a little bit um but we have done it with one brush truck and it took over a week like a week and a half so by the time we get done if we're using just one truck at that time the the stuff's already piled back up for us to go around and call again and residents are calling wondering why their brush hasn't picked up even though we already have picked it up so um and it is a a necessity to have that that's always that second brush truck um and I'm not opposed to um getting a new brush truck and also keeping this one in case one go does go down we still have two brush trucks regardless um so does it does it run fine it runs fine we've spent since 200 and I only have records from 21 to 23 it's been just a little over $2,000 it's had where is it at I have it oh here it is it's had power brake booster uh the mass cylinder has been placed on it uh September of 22 um it's had Mountain balance so tires just Mountain balance um and typical oil changes and that's pretty much it new tires 2015 it's a 2015 F550 yeah 2015 uh F550 4x4 XL 6.8 5speed and um I have to have these all these trucks automatic I can't get ones with air brakes or anything like that otherwise we'd be paying for there's only a few of us that have CDLs back there I think three of us the ones that pick up that's why it has to be just regular automatic trucks this might be a question but I'll ask the couple couple phases of it so the brush truck capable of moving the equipment around like the mini excavator stuff like that so we don't use it because it doesn't have a hitch or anything on it it would just be you put the brush is it like I when I think about the brush truck it's the dump truck is holds different material right brush is yeah a landscape landscape type truck is there is there a hybrid option where and just say make it easy could we use the dump truck brush it's to the bed's not tall enough you would only get the beds are only so that bed is from floor to top is uh 8 and A2 9 and 1/2 ft so our front loader only lifts up to 10 ft the dump truck the sides on it only like three feet do they make any kind of hybrid that you could maybe you're talking about pull pull the service both dumping and that does dump that does have a dump capability on it yes um we don't use anything to we don't tow anything with that because that's already uh 21 foot long now you're had a 20 foot trailer now you're 40 foot pulling around this pulling around this city and it's just with the way the roads and everything it just won't does the the back lay down for that or how yeah it po it it pops up to help the to help it dump it's a dump truck if that's what you're asking instead it pulls up behind it I'm say can you can you pull excavator on it could you use that the haul equ around inside the I had to look at the the weight limit on the back but I don't the way that one is the way the floor and everything is it's not I wouldn't recommend it being I if you could get it if you could beef that up so that was capable do that's one of the main reasons for the additional dump truck is to haul equipment or right is the other dump truck was for uh job purposes to bring dirt hallway materials instead of calling another dump truck that's on a different job site um right now we pull the Machinery with our crane truck and our dump truck so if the dump truck's being used by itself we pull it with the crane truck but the crane truck is nine times out of 10 tied up pulling pumps at lift station I see you saying the dump truck is is the tow vehicle for the trailer correct I was thinking you putting stuff in the no no no no the dump truck is where the is is what we use to to haul the Machinery around that's the only vehicle we have to haul besides the crane truck with the crane truck I have that out now pulling lift station pumps and we're very heavy on I got this L stations right now so okay any questions I see that um I did didn't get a slide for the uh other vehicle Replacements you had so I have all that information I got it and and I noticed been looking at I think what we sent out to you there may have been some bad information on there as well so we'll update that yeah to you um but if you talk about that okay so um we replace the two trucks every year right now we have um that we have eight trucks that are 2015 and two trucks that are 2012 so this year um this 23 24 budget the two trucks were approved so I'm looking to replace the two 2012's next year it'll be to replace two of the 2015s um of the of the utility body trucks uh cuz they're getting up there and wearing tearing mileage and I have all the breakdown of the prices and stuff of what we spent on so if you guys need that I can I can send that to you we I can produce that when when the time comes to replace the trucks um these vehicles do get a lot of wear and tear stop and go um I don't know if you guys been down Sandra lately or at all it's up north it is probably the worst Road I've ever seen and it's County Road so it's not our maintain Road okay but it it um you we got Sandra and uh and Jenny those roads are bad and you can drive any car down and within like a week your shocks are gone it's just that bumpy and that bad and our guys that's the road they travel the most uh over any of them because that's where most of our turn offs are on that's where most of our leag where most of our issues are um but they do stop and go so we go through a lot of brakes we go through a lot of tires uh so they're just wearing hair on them they're not and they get a lot of miles on them so but that's what I have really you guys have any questions for the replacement the 250 I guess is it's a so four of course so those those are split 5050 between penny for Pasco and Utility Fund and and I know I I don't see it for this year for the two trucks yeah it's it's already it was already in from what I was so you're saying this year but in 2025 right in 2025 you're not buying any um you were it's it's already I had Rachel put it in the budget for next year to buy the so I have to update that so should be 27 that should be 275 across the well they're 55,000 piece we got to get now and two for next year yeah they're 55,000 a piece I'm sorry the trucks are 55,000 a piece yeah give or take a couple thousand if we need two wouldn't we wouldn't we have 55,000 in this year and a 55,000 coming out of the utilities well we need to look at that yeah I mean I was thinking that early on when I started seeing some of the information here that you have to update that I have to get you that updated information so and what based on that what about these the 2627 28 29 so is that is that effectively being rolled up into this year and are we gonna see are we buying a truck a year out of here he's saying two trucks correct yeah that's what yeah right so that's what you guys have been doing is sp two trucks so we won't see any of this in 27 28 29 after you fix it well no you will see it because he's replacing two every year but it'll be most likely double that once he and I get back so we we are buying two every year so yeah so when we when we get to the last set of the 2015s those trucks will be about 15 years old by the time we get to it so they'll be do right now this year the for the 23 24 the two are 2012 that are supposed to be replaced one of them is down because of computer issues where farmeries can't fix it we've been waiting I guess over like a year and a half to get it fixed in so it's a simar type rotation that the the fire police doing yeah how how many we have in our Fleet we have I will get you that number right now I think think it's like 204 okay 20 25 do you want this utility trucks or do you want the entire this whatever this plan isling okay I got it somewhere all right here one [Music] two three four five six 78 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 16 16 you utility body trucks and then so years trucks the dump trucks and so every eight years we've replaced them all yeah so the we have two 2022 is um we got a 2018 2019 2018 two 2020s and the rest are 2015s and 2012 thanks mhm all yes for now yes hey while up there Daryl go and actually going back to fire there's a sheet in here I don't see it on a spreadsheet about um sewer replacement or something in the fire did I miss that that's a repair not really but it was there was a it was like 10 11 Grand almost 11 Grand yeah I was going to ask a question about that and I mentioned to you earlier whatever if that was something we could replace now it was in this packet yeah it was your packet yeah it was it isn't on the summary sheet but it was in the individual thing we didn't talk about that there may have been a CIP that was submitted there's a lot of things in here we may have talked as well which we're get we're going there's some that were actually what I consider miscellaneous that we're going to be getting to that was not one of them I know I know it was in there but so that's not coming out P for pass you're saying um well we need again round two yeah we may be coming back and saying here because they had a you know they had some other things but that particular item caught my eye because I didn't really real I I wouldn't consider that CIP I'd consider that a repair yeah well I was wondering why our Public's workers could couldn't repair that they don't have a plumbing license well it's talking about the St I was talk about equipment repairs I thought you were talking about you're talking about a station I don't either but I the SE the Ste they don't have the abilities to do the repair that we're trying that we need to get done they got what they got to do is saw the floor out dig the the floor need to call with other than barel we need to get other quotes I that's just one number well like if we our sewer lines outside of the buildings don't we repair those yeah we repair the ones in the streets and stuff like that but we have to Jackhammer his floor up and this is internal multiple multiple rooms and remember that was a that was a jail every contract every contractor we've ever had come out there cries in the end I don't say nothing I don't say a word me your price ever had come cries in the end just just to fix my wall you was there was a portable AC unit there because it's poured concrete solid and then so the the CIP is to do trying to avoid them coming in the station and just ripping the whole station that just to do a sleeve yeah slip line slip line I couldn't think of what it was called yeah is that what the T gr is to do a slip line so that yeah that's nowhere near what it will cost to come inside the station cut everything all out redo all yeah that's going to be that is is it's um it's a like a poly uh sleeve they put through and it pretty much crushes the pipe as it pushes it through and it that's pretty much your new pipe see cool stuff yeah so thanks there you go I thought you were talking about a vehicle repair on like I didn't remember talking about you should get three bids on that yeah next so uh the first thing we're going to talk about is the uh City Hall it infrastructure Improvement yes so we are talking about replacing the wiring um cable C wiring that goes throughout the Oru systems this is basically the step step three of our of our process process uh process one is that we're we're going to be switching over to another to another data server company which is almost completed um one of our other steps was to increase our bandwidth which is the easiest of the three which we've done and the final step into increase our information technology for City Hall and the police department is replacing the existing Cat 5 cable that we have with a cat 6A dual shielded um I've had we we've we talked to thrive our current data server company um I've referred to Our IT specialist George orri um and the cat 6A dual Shield is the best wire wiring to get uh for this building there are there are cat 7 um there is cat 7even wiring but the cat 6A dual shielded is is is the best to do that and of course you know it technology changes all the time but the wiring that we've had in this building is uh going to be 25 years old so we want we want to consider you know changing that wiring especially right now what we're having is that once everything is on once this data server company um is in place this is basically going to expand our it production usefulness throughout you know for both City Hall and the police department um going to the next the next slide this will include in you know changing the wiring you both server rooms this is an example of the server room in City Hall um which is basically right behind our wall right here um that all this wiring would be changed Tighten Up All Uniform as well as the police department um one of our issues is not only with the age of our wiring but if you go to the next slide is our possible rodent problem uh we recently had um we've we' not not that I've had a rat in my hand or I've seen one but um we've had p uh we've had evidence of chewed wiring um could be by squir by squirrels or other rodents um especially in the police department side um during during our time uh we were replacing cameras in City Hall we wanted to go ahead and um during during me PR left Ram oh R but when we having our cameras changed out the the company noticed some of the W you know some of our cat wiring was Che up so I wanted to point that out um our next slide shows the specs of the the cat 6A this is shielded this is very detailed um but like I said this has been this was researched from both our data server company and my current IT specialist um our our next slide shows um a quote from the company this is one of the highest quotes that we received to do this job uh I did receive different quotes um and of course when come time to if this you know if this project is to get done um we'll go out you know either possibly go out to bid or collect all the quotes but this was the highest one at the time so that's why I wanted to put this amount in um just in case with with plus uh price fluctuations in the near future so if I can ask question just because as you when you start jumping a cat six much more expensive than Cat 5 C 5 great hit so you can run depending on the length and whatnot but cat 5e specifically is is rated at gab speeds right and so when you talk about internal wiring to this desktop your desktop and all that do you need more than a gigabit worth of bandwidth would be the question obiously if you're connecting outside world VI servers or whatever you want higher band with but internally I wonder if if it's necessary to spend extra money cable plus we got to think think about the expansions that we plan on doing here um we' I've talked to the city manager I've talked to the fire department you making this you know e so once again we're talking about this wiring hasn't been changed in 25 years and I don't I don't want to come back in another you know five or you know eight years when something else is new has come out now that's why I've asked the questions of 5D of different RS and this is why they said look you want something that's going to going to have multiple ports going to be be able to handle it you want to go withal Shing um there is there's just there is standard there is a standard cat 6A but they're like you know for protection for for for bet for the best bandwidth you want to go with the Dual Shield at 68 so the questions were asked but once again I don't want to do this again for several years down the road no so once again especially when we talk about expanding this room into to an EC that's going to have multiple boards um The increased U um the changes that the police department may have with you know with replacing the K doing the work that they need to do see just compliance that our that our new data server company is going to have this is why we want to go with this particular rable I could as we get time to appro you know to do the um to do the purchase itself as we get closer we can we can we can uh explore the 5e but once again I I would rather go with if I'm going to like I said we already have Cat 5 in the in the building if we're going to change this out and like I said I this is like the final piece of the puzzle to expand the it technology for this building for the next 25 years so uh after talking with with everybody you know several times this was the this was the cable that we felt was going to achieve that especially for the future uses that we may have is there a wireless solution that could be put in put in play well reliable for we're well we already have wireless solutions for gas and whatnot but once again you don't want to have wireless Solutions as far as the internal connectivity for for for both police department and and city hall there's you know there's data protections and stuff that you can only achieve so much through Wireless as you can with a landline landline is much more protected especially during emergencies and whether you know you know whether's you know what situations a grounded wired system is what's going to be better so Wireless will only take you so far um you kind of want to use that as a secondary system you don't want to definitely have it as a primary well I'm thinking for maybe the offices in here and that hard all those critical points right have kind of a hybrid with Wireless in the off throughout the offices you know Wireless becomes insecure though that's and that's the thing and a lot of the you know a lot of the hardware that we have have wireless capabilities that we we can explore but the the the data that's protected on the server all that information that's protected you want to make sure that that's that's hard lined um and at the very end of the day when you when you convert this to an EOC or going to have EOC capabilities it's going to be Hardline that they're going to want because once again Wireless can shut down you know it's if and we we're considering Wireless as a secondary backup not as a primary so um will do we want to have that hybrid of course you want to have both but you know and we have that now but this is to secure especially the the the protected data that you have for City whole and the police department um eventually if we if we do this for the fire department it's going you know and we build a new building for that this would also be for them you know this would you know it's just at the end of the day it's your your capabilities are better when you have you know a hardwired system and like I said it's especially in an emergency event you want to make sure that you have a grounded system with that good yeah the uh next one um so I put a placeholder in for this um if you know anything about me I like infrastructure we we don't have an annual allotment set aside for our roads um and so I put this in here from the standpoint of you know 150,000 won't get us far down the road but it will start us on the path to get where we need to be um you know we need to start getting discipline from the standpoint of investing money that we have and we can use towards um you know replacement of the very important infrastructure reality is you know 150,000 um I kind of for the next couple years have 150,000 in um then it goes up to 200,000 fraction of what we should be spending on an annual basis but this gets us starting that discipline where we're spending every year um on the replacement of this structure again 150 may get us two roads at most maybe one road maybe one road with sectioning where we're you know attacking some of the the worst parts of uh you know other roads we have but it starts that annual replacement of of our road services to to get to where we need to be can we also look um at the reite or the roads that we're doing to maintain them and I don't mean to take away from roads to be done but I mean we just need to keep that on the table to at least evaluate it and see if that's something we want to do yeah how how long did they say after you I can't remember yeah before you apply that to get the maximum benefit you remember it a couple years yeah I have to look at the the data um the re my data when we had it I know that they had a timeline for it it wasn't long because you know it was like between five to six years that you want to have a continual program but and to this I think that even at $150,000 having a and I and I discussed this with the city manager and um actually our previous city manager we need to have something in place even if we do some some segments of our roads as we continue um to have something in place every year is very important especially after the study that we did with you know with the RSL ratings of all our roads this will this will you know constantly work on that you know you always have something in place um if we choose to add to it that's great but to have something like this every year will help us either reclamite or or Mill and pave or seal or do another type of process um you know like I said the roads that we're Paving now is just barely scratch on the surface of all the roads that still need to have work done throughout the city do we have a separate line item for as we go out and fix potholes Hot Patch and all that for road maintenance now we have a road maintenance line item in the in the public work budget that they use that for patching and and especially when they do water M repairs and things like that we have monies to have a you know either a company come out or the work is done by our by ourselves to go ahead and do squared patches and whatnot maybe it would be good to consider the reclamite process in in that um as far as the budget goes and then just keep this this actual Road bu replacement stuff yeah I don't want to I don't want to replace We Fix You Know CH doing the Milling on the roads that that's but the ones that we are spending the money on and I don't I don't recall how long you have to wait and stuff but if it is going to extend the life of the roads we just put in that might be something we could into for addition so you know when when you look at so the there's there's three three kind of pieces to the treatments that you can do for roads um you know the ones the most expensive is total reconstruction I mean that if you ever saw the there's somewhere I have this um it's called the maintenance curve for a road and you always want to keep the road up in the top part of that maintenance curve because as soon as you drop below it's very expensive and so you start looking um you know in in the first three years you're going to see cracks and in those first three years what you want to do those cracks you want to seal those cracks and and that's probably least expensive treatment you can do still costs money though right it's still very costly the next one is in that 5 to 10 year and and that's where you can get you know depending upon the road surface you could just do just a quick overlay um then the next one is is a Mill and overlay and then you get down then ultimately to the the uh total reconstruction but we never want to get there at least for 30 40 years um you know I know that that the city has used reite in the past um would love to debate the use of that okay I would too actually that's I was gonna say I we I mean I think the problem the problem we have is that we haven't invested in the roads in so long you know you you kind of jump down right to most roads to the midle and overlay or to reconstruction and and you know what what you've done with reclamite and and I'm not an engineer so I don't you know can argue this with me I guess you know the reclamite is being used in in a manner that is least suited for its use because what you're trying to do is hold rows together and and I don't think you get the value of that process you know it's if you have a few cracks and you want to you know kind of you know maintain the the wear of good pavement that that's a good thing to use I guess but I would much rather just you know spend the money on crack sealing than reite because it's direct it's it's affecting the areas especially on newer pavement where you still have a lot of wear left on it um but you know using it the way that we use it I think doesn't give you the bank for what you're looking for so clarify roads that we are redoing now we need to put a maintenance a maintenance system to maintain them so we don't get back to this place I said reclamite because that's what we just used but I don't care what we well I care but we would have to go through that but we cannot the roads we are doing now in three years we're going to be doing different roads but we need to maintain these so these don't get bad again and then M and then keep that maintenance program going so so that's what I was trying to say is we need to not forget the roads we're fixing and maintain them so they don't get bad again we we want to develop plan yes on and and I've been there in developing and and the F the thing is people people want to spend the money on reconstruction and resurfacing they don't want to spend on things that help keep you from having to do the resurfacing and and the road construction and and it was something actually when I was in nfil it took about four to five years I think to finally get the decision makers on in line with we should be spending you know a few hundred, a year on crack silly you know we should be spending you know a half million dollars a year on sectioning of Roads because you know sometimes they're just reasons why roads fail but most of the road's fine you just take that piece out and and you know you fix it and you got a good good road from there on out you know it's it's the right treatment for the right road for the right time and that's where we want to get to yes and has sidewalk repair been considered in this so now with this I think the the best way to go about that one one funding source is we have we had about $177,000 a year in cdbg funding that actually hasn't been spent in the last five or six years four or five years and and so one of the things that we want to do with that funding and start using that money towards a sidewalk um it's it's a great use of cdbg money um you know we can use it basically anywhere in the city um and so it's something that we want to start using that we've been kind of talking maybe it's the intersections where we use that money first and try to get those first Ada handle and then work out from there the the other funding that you'll see when we get to the CRA by is um using CRA money towards that as well again that's an acceptable use of of CRA money to do that because again it improves neighborhood improves walkability it meets a lot of the goals that CRA does and so I think that will be the first um funding places we' go for the sidewalks but again um you know what we're talking about is you have to get a handle on how much sidewalk we have what's the condition of the sidewalk where do we spend the money for is there any plans to evaluate that we've talking we've been talking about it and in bridges which are another issue we have to get done as well so uh yes and that's all part of what we're attempting to do here in the the very near future to get that done um you know we've done we've done one type of um analysis of our roads I think we need to go to the next step of it I mean you know I would like it we're we're we're toddlers right now in our infrastructure and we need to get into our mature years as quickly as possible and and so that's kind of where we're going to try to go but you know unfortunately it it costs money and we're only spending money with Engineers I think you know having Engineers supporting what we're doing we make sure that we use the money wisely um we have some very large road projects coming down the pipe of art is going to Happ Limestone limestone is next yep now the challenges with both of those both of those are evacuation routes both of those have elevation issues they're below the flood plane and so that's going to require a different I mean I think if we're going to invest five six $700,000 to redo those we should probably spend the extra 300,000 Elevate the right places to make sure that that you know we get what we're paying for that would protect the road later down the road yeah so those are going to be a little more costly the good news is that that those stand to be more likely to get funding from other sources um but again the first thing we have to do is get the engineering going on on those so we need to talk about that and I I don't I'm kind of going back and worth with uh you know the ability to use CRA money on that and we can use CRA money to start the engineering on that that will hopefully get us in a position to start asking for money from different state federal agencies to get those redone and we wanted to get uh like storm drains repaired before the roads were done utility we're going to be talking about that a little B later okay stations too maybe there's there's there's a lot again in the end it's all part of how much money you have to spend for those those typ things so going back to this you know it's it's a small amount um it's going to start the discipline that we need to develop to get to our mature years uh in infrastructure we don't have you know obviously we don't know what those roads are going to be at we're going to start working on on that as well as just as a side on the on the REI just we just applied it or whatever I think we applied it on some Fairly New Roads right fairly new and we keep an eye on that to make sure that it's working as we expect it to I think like like the city manager said I think what we should do is consider doing a more in-depth study than and the one we did by Eyeworks iWorks basically just you know they had their car go over the streets presented us an RSL rating based on the Imaging of the roads I think that a more indepth study of you know of the pavement pavement quality core sampling ideas like that will help us you know what we can do for the future um and then that way it'll definitely give us a stronger rating of our Aller roads and then at that time will'll tell us about how the reckel might preserve because like he said reom mind is just going to preserve what you already have if you got cracks they're still cracked you know that's it's just just basically a coding to buy you you know buy the roads time but it wasn't going to steal cracks or anything like that there's other processes for that and that's what we need to explore and have a program doing mov I make that that we actually are seeing that it is helping as opposed to just all the marketing material uh this is the uh replacement of the deteriorating 500 gallon fuel tank on the city hall generator you have anything to say about that there so um the tank is deteriorating at the top and there's no way for us to actually monitor the generator um anything 500 gallons or more has to be reported to D and the reason this generator was size the way it is for my understanding is there was supposed to be a shelter at one time added onto this building that's why the generator oversized the way it is um there's no way to detect the inner snitel right now um the inter SLE is the width from the fuel with the tank wall um so we don't know for sure the Integrity of the tank wall but if the top is deteriorating then there's good chances the sides are going to be the same way um we had power secure come out and give us the quote on it to replace the tank um and that's what the quote they gave us they said it could be plus or minus depend on depending on how uh the evaluation is when they when they get it so there's really and we we pay power secure to monitor it the only monitoring they're doing is telling us if it turns on or off um so that's another contract I have to go through with them but that's the issue with the with the tank right now and originally we had a number of $80,000 on that this this is a lower estim okay correct yeah so that'll be in the revision yep yep better material I assume yeah that's been there since City Hall was built so and steel tanks only last 10 to 25 years okay so and that Tank's over 20 years old I was give or take good Yep this is the uh replacement of air conditioning units suppes Police Department cool air um actually I'm going to turn over here [Laughter] s they don't need air finishing it's back the police cars yeah back of the police this is an actual for an air conditioning unit for the police department itself um that's is why I have City Hall Police Department as the project location um the the unit the unit itself and once again City Hall is you know turning 25 this year so um we've we've done repairs to the units um we've included included quotes to repair but we we feel that this particular unit and this will probably be happening with the other units around the building is reaching the end of its service Life original oh yeah these are we are still we still have the original units and the original outside units and Air Handlers in the building um actually I apologize the one air handler behind us here is the only one that's been changed out and the f one that makes noise one makes noise it's the newest one still makes noise um but we can we give them the police department this one maybe the the air handler we can give the we can give it to them but this is the like outside the outside unit that has the blower motor and you know basically handles that but they're all starting to reach you their expended you know term life so we we have an estimate here of of 12,000 um I don't have we have not approached this to do uh get estimates for this yet this is a projected amount um it may fluctuate but um given the size of the unit um I'm actually waiting on data from uh from one of our AC companies that do the routine maintenance for us it's been doing the routine maintenance for the past several years to give me a an accurate quote on what what that unit would cost but given how much a unit um for a for a home averages between five to 8,000 we projected this size unit to be at about 12 what's the tonage I don't have I'm getting that data from our company all right and and this is another one of those that that you know we need to build out those future years on a lot of our buildings which we you know looking at roofs looking at air conditioning units HVAC um you know all those things that that you know we know are going to have a replacement um her useful life and her replacement schedule and so we just again not there yet in terms of uh doing the accounting necessary to figure out all that the needs build out with these but you need starts you know we need to start setting money aside for these things so we don't run into the situation where um you know the AC breaks down and you know we're going to be putting the new one in because we have to and we're going to be spending the highest amount of money because it's an emergency we're talking about General operating equipment we were before that could be yeah that should fall in line with right money set aside absolutely thousand doll a year just for that air conditioning Y and that yeah I mean it it be replaced it a little bit from my perspective is always frustrating going into communities because they they really treat those break fix replace and and you spend so much more money when you use that that philosophy and and you know what an AC unit what that life is and and people are very proud that you know they have AC units that are 20 years old it's like well you know that should have been replaced 15 electric bill is 30% higher well another thing as well yes so you know we need to get again we need to get into that have that discipline to put money aside so we can replace these things when the is to replace them which we know is going to be the lowest cost in the replacement cycle so yeah and this just kind of shows you I think uh the last repairs last couple of repairs we've had is it for that unit particular yeah and then the last the last item we have for this is the uh installation of a door somewhere in this area you could go ahead yeah so U and chief Robinson you can queue in because you know this was part of he did an analysis of an active shooter situation for City Home Police Department we actually just had a um an active shooter training with staff recently um you know about reaction training and in you know what to do in that situation one of his assessments um which is is to add a rear door um behind the DI um in the event of that situation you know for safety's concerns and whatnot we he's he has pointed out that a rear door entrance or exit for anyone at any given time on that side of the dis should have an exit out that way um these side doors of course if you know if we were to have a a front a front entrance type of intrusion going out the side doors isn't really going to help but going out the back um we've also talked about uh we've talked about um which we have a we're working on a grant I'm working on a grant with Pam right now is getting um Windows throughout the building um you know bulletproof wind rated you know hurricane windows uh we're talking about replacing the glass that is um you know at each of our Windows here but one of our projects here is to install a door in that back and that's and this is what this item is about um and we have that estimated at about 8,000 um for the construction you know and design and implementation this is another one where as we working on this the pricing is different than what is on sub a little to it as he said I and mainly were talking about things such as hardening the DI so in case something came in you guys would have an opportunity to drop down but that door is also the same reason so that you can get out because threats coming from this way you're not going to have a chance to get to these two doors so between that the windows at the stations within the building things like Ballard on the outside looking for GRS so we can Harden the building and this room right here didn't you indicate we have a lot of extra Firearms simp had a lot of extra firearms and then that concludes the uh P for there are a couple items um related to the building department that we didn't go work um I was not in anticipated the building wasn't going to be here originally it scheduled this time off for a vacation so I didn't put anything in there for that we'll pick those up when we go to the general fund budget and he gets his budget we come back to those so we're coming back to this too yeah yeah so there be playing um so as it relates to the capital Improvement for Pasco that's what staff has put together again if there's any ideas that you have that you want us to look at now would be the time for those ideas to come forward I got a few questions do public comment first see you guys want to speak on CP Cynthia Ma 5446 blueo drive I'm just curious this is just a followup on the sidewalks you mentioned sidewalks and stuff Duke damaged a lot of our sidewalks did anything ever occur to that did we ever get any re any kind of reimbursement or did we just let that go and now it's too late to to pull any reimbursement for that I working on that so with that um from before I got here there was no preconstruction video taken before any of that was done so we can't prove that they did it even though it's obvious it's next to the poll um but since there was no video taken beforehand and no pictures taken after there have been instances that did take resp and the sidewalks that they took responsibility for um and those and those repairs were done by them but then there's other instances where people say they saw cracks on the sidewalk and it was caused by the by the electric by the electric company right but without any proof to move forward on any of those particular instances what what can we do there's no befor there's no Afters there's no there's no documented following each truck exactly the pattern that they but Herby iby and Duke Energy which Herby is the subcontractor for Duke worked with us several times when they if a line if a line was hit if um if work had to be done on you know if they were running underground electrical boring they if any lines were hit they stayed just as long as we did to make sure that the repairs were done so but in some of the instances where some of the sidewalks are CR we can't we can't determine every single thing but I do know that Irby has done work on Bay Boulevard and then they replace segments of the sidewalk there's other areas that they did they did do work you know they did do repairs right but not every instance and I've had calls about oh there's crack on the sidewalk the electric company did it I can't prove that particular section at that particular time who did it because I don't have it but I I can speak to the both both companies that in instances that they had to go because a pole was about to either fall or they need get that get out there and then they drove over it they did take care of some of those instances so well and it's much like drilling through our question your question you have other comments we run out of time yeah this is on the same same issue is is like they drilled through our our drainage nothing ever occurred with that in fact I went out there to stop them they looked at me laughed and then drilled right through it so again that drainage is connected to the storm water runoff so yeah I guess sound like to me that they need before and after picture soct maybe bring in it what would help look at the one that had the the one are you guys on the corner on the corner the one with the French drain and stuff where it was that one that little about a 10 by1 great there right right by the Light Pole right drilled through yeah they they went out and uh this was over about a year ago right yeah they replaced that we du that up and had pictures of it they replaced them later I'll come out look at [Music] it anybody else no just Out close public comment if you want you're welcome Joe M 4556 blueo Drive I disagree that they did that because it still floods out there and if that's the case and they did re place it which I don't think they did then that drain needs to be uh V trucked out you know with the V truck needs to be suctioned out so it actually flows because that intersection after any rain you can go out there and there's uh one and a half to two inches of water that goes all the way across the Old Post okay so I I definitely disagree that Herby or Duke or anyone else did any replacement on that there come out take a look at it and see what's going on thanks I'm right back uh I number two discussion Direction on the oh that's right you want to stay on that is any ideas for finish that up yeah I got a lot of ideas I tried guys uh the same way that you added the 150,000 a year for Road resurfacing I think we need to address water pipes sewer pipes storm water all that needs to be factored in and if that's the number dredging as well um also we need to deal with the uh the spoil site what's happening with that that that dirt needs to be removed or sold or something and I've heard that it can be mixed with other dirt and potentially can decrease the level of contaminant and becomes good fill or whatever so especially if there's a lot of development or construction that might take place here that might be an opportunity for us to address that uh also what's going on with the Brasher bathroom that's not uh on this list anywhere I would believe that would be a capital structure but and then also I don't know if your intent was to discuss water rates and storm water rates at some point in time maybe that's next later meeting that's next item okay part of that I was just letting him get the list down I respond real quick oh I'm sorry that's go did you get drudging on there uh just like a Highway uh these canals are like a highway and 150,000 per year or something like that could certainly put a dent in some of that and I know there's a committee uh that's looking at opportunities there as well so hopefully we can kind of align the stars and the moon and hopefully have something happen with all these things that need to happen with this city and and as we sit up here and get a firsthand U knowledge of some of the Decay that has been kicked down the road we do have a lot to consider so um thank you for going through this certainly an than any else well let me um so water line sewer lines we'll be talking about those when we get to the Utility Fund okay um Brasher Park uh we'll be talking about that when we get to uh the CRA okay because that's where we're looking at that um water rates again we'll talk about excuse water rates sewer rates when we get the Utility Fund tonight we're going to be talking about the storm water utility so we'll talk a little bit about that uh dredging um you know I guess question we have to kind of Co us around is is that a a CRA issue is that a uh penny for Pasco issue is that a general fund issue um so I I think we have to have that conversation where we we look at you know putting that money in there um I don't I don't think it's going to be CRA um I don't know if we want to go towards for Pasco I think it's more of a general fund but and it could be a storm water fund issue and so I think that's there's a classification issue uh with that that we need to come to grps with I think before we can start putting money aside for a lot of issues with judging besides Jud there's a lot of issues with drudging have been brought up and discussed here yeah I mean I I I I think in short I think ultimately it's going to be a part of our storm water plan um as well as you know water quality which you know frankly if it gets into water quality we need to start looking at our our state and federal Partners to help fund those type of things so so again I think the first step really is to get to what it is you know where we think it it should be classified as and then start putting that plan together uh spoil site um we're going ahead and we're supposed to be getting it tested again I can't remember was that darl I talked to you about that or was one of the two yeah so we need to get it tested it had um AR arti yes uh in it some some parts of it had it uh you know they they talked about the mixing of it um I don't know why they didn't do it when was being brought out because you know they could have easily done at that point um you know I think arsenic glass in soil for 9,000 years so it's not necessarily just going to go away um but let's get a tested let's find out you know where where it stands right now um I know that was one of the things that we were thinking about for that site related to the fire department is we have Phill there um I think one of the concerns though that came up from the architectural firm is the compaction ability of it and and that's you know if you're not going to put a building on it is probably good fill but if you're going to put a building on it may not be great fill so again I think that's something that that we need to get test to find out if if it's going to be good for that use because personally if if it is good for a fill and we can use it for fill and we know we're going to have to elevate where we're going to build a fire department that's less cost to build that fire department so so we need to look at that that's really quick I think I addressed everything thank you anybody else the end I have questions to the end and then um just aside on the um EOC stuff is that something we need to start looking at put someo for or is that more Grant um related or I I I think Grant is probably the best way to go about that um but I think there's some things we possibly could do in the short term um you know I did put that in for a uh for uh funding through uh Bill rocks' office and I think that was the one that almost made the cut okay um so we might be able to do that again next year um and possibly get funding that way okay okay anybody else moving on it number two discussion and Direction on the city of Port Richie storm water utility budget I'll pass it to Mr C for okay storm water um I want so if you could click on that so bring up the study I I don't know if you guys saw the study or not I mean I'm assuming this was something that was presented to council back in 2022 202 I think January 2022 if you don't have it let me know I I can supply you a copy of that no I don't have it okay I will get it out to everyone then all right thank you so this particular um study looked at what what we should be charging right for storm water utility and actually if you could kind of go keep going it kind of goes through all the reasons why you need to do it talks about the different rate comparisons and and you know each of those showed that that we were on the lower end compared to a lot of similar siiz cities or cities in our area um showed that if we didn't start raising the rates we were going to be negative uh very shortly keep going talk a little great but keep going again comparisons uh the part where right right here um conclusions recation so they had recommended that for fiscal year 2023 that City increased to 1150 per ESU and ESU is is the charging methodology I'm not sure service service yes I mean I I've seen in so many different ways so many different acms for that one um and so in the city we have 4,131 esus and and so you know a house is one um businesses may be two three four five you know just depends on the size but in total we have 4,131 units and so it would be 1150 per per unit per month for 12 months um one question so on that 4,000 does that include outside the city it's a storm water is just inside the city right just within the city okay so 1150 per ESU is what they recommended in 2023 and then thereafter do a 3% annual increase beginning in 2024 that didn't happen that 1150 just to break even correct uh I think that that was to break even increase staff and start doing some baseline capital investment that's what I thought okay thank you and so that didn't happen right um in 2024 uh that should have been 1185 approxim um that didn't happen however in fy2 24 it was increase to 905 I think that's the main point of what I want to get scroll down you can close that and so this kind of goes back over what I just said in what the study recommended was for 2024 uh that we be at that 1185 ESU the actual number was 9905 the study recommends that in 2025 we go to 1220 what I've budgeted for the information you have in your packet is us at 1185 so it's not where the uh Sal that we paid money to recommended we be at but it gets us closer to getting back where we need to be again that's a significant increase it's 28 yeah it's a good number increase then what do you what do you get for that comp you kept 905 and thatg again um what you get for 1185 is one additional full-time storm water crew so we'd have two total 100% paid out of there get $50,000 for the storm water management plan that we need to do and you get $100,000 invested in storm water CIP we'll talk a little bit about that towards the end of this so we get into uh the numbers here as we look at it um the current year we we have budgeted $356,000 I think that's a little bit low based upon my numbers that I ran based upon the the esus that we have um we probably are going to end up uh somewhere north of 400,000 this year we should be close to that 448 by the end of the year but I don't think the way it's trending right now that we're going to be there in total but um that being said uh if we do the increase that that I'm recommending we would come up with $597,500 so again we're we're going to be increasing from what we budgeted this year um quite a bit you want to talk about Revenue first so we're proposing a 30% increase in our R structure 34 just storm just storm just storm is there is there anticipated um changes to the actual the water rate or we're going to be we get there we're going to be recommending increases well and these studies were done and they weren't adhered to they only went a you know a fraction of the way and these are things that got to pay the piper [Music] what was your question you want to do what what does this translate to in in money for the resident how much $280 per per house okay so it's not $280 per gallon or $28 per per month I just want to the increase yeah the storm water part very minimal that's why I just want to get clear because when they when we went through this last time they were all upset over 50 cents and I couldn't understand why we paid 20 $30,000 for this study and we didn't follow it I mean I was a big proponent in in in following what we paid this expert to tell us what to do and we just didn't they we just didn't do it didn't follow it twice actually yes so I mean I was I was dumbfounded at that that why why ask for someone's opinion if you're not going to listen to them an expert yeah we the first time in 23 the council only chose to go to 50 right and then the year after we we pushed to go to the 905 and that was a break even if I remember right I to break even at that time and that's what you know our finance director says that we gota at at the very least bring it up a certain percentage and then we recommended the other dollar dollar five to get us to the 905 because we were just breaking even this isn't even you know like I said at the recommended rate so and in quite honest L you know if this this this starts doing what we should have been doing for many years and and the reason that I you know I didn't say okay this should be at the 1220 is because I know that we need to do that storm water management study to understand really what the rate needs to be I think that's that's kind of the hard part in setting rates if you don't know what you're supposed to be doing any is right so the storm water plan is necessary to start understanding what is that investment we should be Ming now the Hope in this is by doing the storm water plan by you doing what we're doing with the the coastal resiliency restoration committee um it starts putting us in a place to where we can go out and and make a good good story a good reason for people state federal level to this money to start doing these things so we don't have to increase that to 1819 per ESU and so to me we need we need to do things in the upcoming year to our storm water system but I'm not prepared to say you know we need to spend a lot of money to do it but we need to start spending so you know the placeholder that I put in here is $100,000 and that placeholder translates if you look at the CIP forms that are stapled the [Music] first the first one's the storm water master plan and that number is different than what it should be but if you go to the third page um you can see actually that's the CIP for but you can't read it because I could read it go to the last page and that is uh what actually that small print says in terms of the work that uh the storm water utility would be focusing on next year and spending that 100,000 so is there cuz I know you need direction on that for Budget purpose is there any objection to go to the 1185 Le for Budget purpose now NOP there you go the reality is is by setting it where it was you basically just covered expenses operating procedures the way we're running it in the past this moves us to cover those deficiencies that you've identified and potentially puts us on track to get these fixes in the system and accommodates for that so I think that's a good great plan and I'd like to see it higher but if we can take it in step and potentially offset this with grants uh that's a good plan too that that puts some stretch in the game as well so somebody can have a goal to you know achieve some grant money in there to offset some of this cost and and if you round up the increase it's $36 for the year on an individual homeowner um three and so out of that we're could prevent some flooding and stuff that happens as weate the water correctly so you know it could save a lot of money on the back end if we do the right thing so I think it's definitely something we need to start and people have indicated hey you know we need to address the infrastructure this does that this does that and I think the you know the addition of the second individual in in that uh utility gives us the ability to start doing things that we can do ourselves doing ourselves and I think I know that that's been something that Daryl since he's been here has really been focused on is using our staff to get things done and and there's a lot of very small projects that mean a lot I mean you know in doing some of the the swell drainage that you've been doing you know re regrading that there's you know what you did on um Davis with the flapper and looking at you know can we you know install those backflow preventers in other areas that again we don't need to go out and get a contra contractor to do but it's something that if you don't have Personnel to do it you have to go out and get a contractor to do so I think there's there's a lot of value and he wants to say something so so right now our storm water guy pretty much works with our public works department 90% of the time cutting grass whatever it may be we're not able to focus on that as as much as we'd like so with that extra person we'd be able to focus on it daily and any complaints that come in those guys will be able to address them right then and there and not be able to keep kicking the can down the road because other problems come up Public Works wise where we got to make the city look somebody maintain the swes and all that on a regular basis those two employees would be doing every day cleaning them maintaining them because the one the storm water guy we now has a CDL so he can take the VOR out with his with his help and be able to focus on that and get Sal ms4 reporting and we focus more on our our storm water like we should be for de so going even smaller actually you know what if you go back to that it was a your slide where we had the different years we should be at 1185 the other one was what 1220 yeah it should be 1220 this year I I wonder if we shouldn't just go to that cuz that's another I see 45 cents no 35 cents right yeah 35 cents 35 gotcha as as opposed to hitting it and just go ahead and hit it now I mean it's extra 35 cents it's very minimal and that way because what we've done here in the past couple times we went to 750 we went to trying to catch up let's just catch up you don't have 26 on there is what 12 1257 yeah that's where it should be in 2027 or do you just make it an even an even 12 and then go to 1257 the following year or 3% I'm with Eric just do the 20 cents a month and and with that you know you're going to get more CIP done yeah I mean we really gota we've got to do some stuff about the drainage stuff I mean the complaint from everybody is is maintenance and we're not taking care of things I mean you can't take care of it if we don't have the money to to do it this is giving us the money to take care of it I mean it's not gonna do for nothing we got to take care of it we gotta pay for it I I I wanted to go higher but I I didn't think that uh I would get a a welcome reception of doing that but but the reality is that there's a need and we have to start doing something I mean you know my my thinking and I just lay this out of here what my thinking was is it's it's difficult for me to day to sit and talk to Residents about why I increase you know up to that rate because I don't have a plan I can sell a plan you know I can tell you that that hey we're going to do this we're g to do this we're going to do this that's what your money is going for um and and that's kind of the back of my mind why next year I would be recommending we make that bigger jump because okay here it is here's what you know here's what you're going to get for the money that we're going to be taking um you know I I don't disagree with what you're saying in terms of increasing up to 1220 that's that's what again someone that we paid a few dollars to um said we should be at and and you know I understand that that these these things are difficult for our residents to absorb but it's also difficult to absorb poor storm water um you know pulling on our our roads pulling in their yards um you know creating long-term maintenance issues uh as well because you know when when water stays uh especially a long our roadways when we don't have curbs you know all it's doing is starting to roadway you know the base underneath of it and you start seeing what you know you see again on Babel you see it on Limestone you see it on a lot of roads that don't have curbs you know the edges are just starting to fall and once those start failing the base starts failing and we have to rebuild we can pump the water out like said with those Li stations and helps cover that and the maintenance on those and then we yes looking it it because you know some of those fixes are are probably in the 30 to $50,000 range be honest some maybe a little less just yeah and and with the bod we're getting we'll be able to do those main yeah so we need to implement this so any objections to 1220 then I don't yeah I think that's the right way to go let's just take the hit now um and then be better prepared future coup years when we're yeah and and as we discussed earlier share with you also obviously my goal would be to potentially lower millage rate this year and actually so we charge a little bit more on the storm water but hopefully get a little bit better break on the keep dreaming that's the goal I hate to I hate to raise taxes I hate to raise any r but um real we have to but you've got the facts this city is falling apart and I think everybody's on that is aware of it there's things that need to be addressed there's things that have been kicked down the road and I think that day is [Music] St I think money reason to hopefully we continue the budget process there might and again we get to talk about millage rate lowering the millage rate if you still if you're above the roll back rate it's still a tax increase of Resident because valuations have went up I think we got a 8% I think it was so valuation went up 8% so we have some wiggle room in there that we don't possibly make this up yeah we have to see all the numbers right there's more to discuss but hopefully we can so um kind of going over the expenditure budget here quickly there there is it a lot of change in this um as probably aware there are a lot of chargebacks for general fund expenditures you know 512001 salary Wages that's City management expenses portion of my time s time uh city clerk's time 5131 if I'm not mistaken is finance again Finance director in County B uh you have 51430 which is the attorney only $5,000 is budgeted in this I don't think I think actually this current year is the first year that you put money aside to possibly spend out so um only if the City attorney is working on something related to the storm system ility system storm water utility uh would that be charged there so I think again thus far this year there hasn't been anything um 516001 I was going toget one of these I think this is H hrit the next one is either hit they have a small percentage and in in your packet I included um if you had go down here a [Music] couple right here if you click on that I included this sheet which shows the breakdown of all these what the percentages are again we uh spent uh money with a firm to go through and look at all of our charge outs make sure C it have to click so this is in your packet as well and this shows what the uh not not in that packet but this pack yeah should be in there should be like one of the last p and and what I did is I you'll see this reoccurring throughout all the budget process um I it's actually not in not not in that one but it's in your counil pack one that was set out oh yeah there it is okay yes um and I I I wash out those that are not gerain to this so you kind of see what the breakdown is for each of those salaries to go into that again City paid uh firm to come in look at how we charge money back uh to general fund from these different uh utility funds something it's very important because you have to be able to justify why you're charging that charging using money goes back to are you are you guys using any kind of time reporting system that would allow you to to establish a real time charge back by love [Music] that stay tuned I think there's there's going to be probably two ways we do that um most likely at some point we're going to uh in the whether it's Eyeworks or another system where we'll be able to track that that way it'll be Project based and all that because we really don't do it the way that that a lot of larger cities doing with you know the time clocks and different right and and these line items in like 59 59900 contingencies all these in fund allocations these are the charge Backs from those other organizations into this fund so well this this is these are monies that are going out the another why would out of this one these are coming into this this is expens right they're adding to they're expenses coming from inter fund allocation ad is adding $42 to the storm waterer fund so this is an allocation coming from somewhere else what is ad um admin probably yeah these These are these are non-personnel costs that are being charged to this fund right B based upon your allocation algorithm here right no no no no no so those those first as I was going down the first number of uh line items there we had now um those first ones where they have and I was saying this is City management right so that is wage and benefits only so there's another cost other other things that we spend so you know they'll look at you know what is the use of City Hall as it relates to utilities all these other components that that we we pay for in the general fund that we allocate based upon what that study said into here into here right it's coming from here we from here into the general fund so those are allocations related to Administration Finance it General government so you know for instance in general government we would have um uh our property liability insurance portion that would be associated with that then goes into the general fund [Music] and why why are these incremental increases these are increases every one of these right because there is an increase of those first ones the very so wait wait a minute what what you're saying is is there's a reduction in the salaries here going to the general fund yeah so as you look at this buried in that to so you look at this you see that five city manager 5% of 10% my wages and benefits are charged to the storm water fund so that correlates back to the salary and wages in so so what you're what you're telling me and this is where I was trying to trying to delineate in SS and wages here you got you're bringing five 5% % of your salary into this fund no you're paying it back up no so so how it's being done is 5% of my direct cost right and again as you go down each of those it's different that yeah is charged to this fund the fund pays that directly directly comes out of that where does it land here does it land in salaries and wages yes why wouldn't we let the cost hit what was attach attached to this thing and pick up that allocation like you've got an allocation there and that's another way of handling I just it it is absolutely another way to handle it that's not the way that you handled it here this this is the way you've been doing it well just because we've been doing it does it make sense I mean I you know I could hit my head with a hammer in a wall but doesn't make sense to do that you know my my question is does it make sense to do it this year maybe we let the new guy come in considering that that we're we're kind of down a very important position right now it didn't make sense to me to try to do that to upset the apple C I think again there's there's a lot of improvements we're going to make in the budgeting process there's it's going to happen it's just not going to happen the first eight months of that Copler being there yeah because there's a lot of work to be done with that uh I'm saying is is if you bury a transfer or an allocation within a line item you cannot manage that because it's got an artificial number in there that you can't adjust if you pull that out and track it hey this is my allocation coming in from another source I can see that then so now he can focus on things that he has control over versus things that are it's just buried in yeah you know well I think I think the argument that someone would make I mean someone would make the way this is being done is this is more transparent because you see very quickly how much money um goes for you know City management towards this you know how much do the finance department you know cost to this you you see those numbers very clearly you see here's the wages here's the the other you know indirect costs that are being charged to the fund so it it is more transparent um I think the value of that you know you you can do it another way that's probably easier than How We Do It um and still be transparent but this is probably the most transparent way to show you know what those uh you know Associated costs direct and indirect costs are um for different funds but we varry the indirect cost within the line item for wages so you got apples and oranges don't we'll talk offline I don't I don't necessarily agree with you on that okay um you know for each individual position that's correct but but again you can you know achieve transparency by you know showing within the the budget document and anything else that you hand out you know what those total costs are and I think that's one of the improvements we need to make is you know everyone know exactly you know what we're spending and how we're spending it so good deal thanks account yeah you know I got into City management not because of account I'll tell you that good stuff Dave good stuff um so there's there's again on those direct costs for employees uh especially as relates to uh to Public Works you can see two of the larger uh salary and wages line items so I think it's 53701 sounds familiar um that's that's for the public works utility employee line item there um and then you actually have a little bit later on the ones that are just for the two um employees I think that's the 54101 salary and wages so one is for the two full-time the other is the if you go down one more page please um you see that breakdown for like the utility crewman uh Public Works uh breakdowns as well in that as relates to um you know the expend not related to wages um you're not going to see a big difference in in what we put in there um I think U probably uh Professional Services is is one that we have increased a little bit as we get a better understanding of what we're we're spending out there um that that's a number that that we think won't go up dramatically but we probably need to have a little bit more money in there um contractual Services other than that there really isn't a significant increase in in any other lne items within you know the operational type objects I don't know is there anything you wanted to talk about in that part of it um and then you know the other than big number and and the problem that I have is I don't know exactly how to change line items in the system still working on that I was happy that I could actually change the numbers in there um but if you go to the 59910 reserve contingencies the the 990 contingencies you see that went from 5,000 to 150,000 that's 150,000 is the uh 50,000 for the storm water management plan and the 100,000 for the um uh CIP work that we're going to be doing that will be where you'll see the number increase based upon the new ESU rate that we're going to be charging so I will update that after I get the calculations done so have questions um I don't think we have anything else on the agenda no do anything so just look for a motion to Jour can I I do have a couple questions I thought was that um how are we looking with Finance director so we we are in the final stages of a candidate um we're just waiting for one more background I think that's the last piece or the last piece is one more uh background um so close we have somebody you have somebody that you've chosen that is okay yeah I think you know um just generally you know we found someone that has experience in the government both in in finance as well as City management um and they have uh although they're out of state right now um they did have jobs in a school district as well as in a city in Florida so they have a pretty good understanding of of a lot of the the things that need done uh The Firm that we we are using in the in firm to help us out I had them also talk with the the gentleman to see you know get their input uh a lot of great things you know they they felt very good strong candidate and I like the fact that that you know having been a city manager he has a little bit different perspective I think of of you know his role that he would have as Finance director be looking at more Improvement type of things as well as you know handling our finances and did we F somebody told me we didn't file our budget with the state for last year I don't know okay guess we told you that we talk to well I'll clarify I'll get that and don't we have to put the millage rate don't we have to submit that to the state that's coming up yeah okay okay right I just want to make sure we didn't miss it that's all you I don't know who's concerned about it but we're we're on it well I was concerned about it because we had to do it we had to raise it and then we could go down so I was concerned about that I just didn't know when the date was okay go ahead motion to adjourn I have a motion second all in favor say by saying I