no she's not okay I sent her a text she's coming in next week she'll be here on the when you com back so we're here until the 15th [Music] know order City P rich city council meeting Tuesday March 26 2024 like to invite s fields to uh do invocation and remain standing for the Pledge of Allegiance father we just come to you in the precious name of Jesus we thank you for this meeting that we could continue to ask for wisdom and that you give us wisdom through the council and the board members and each department here for the develop of uh everything that we do so we always ask for wisdom wisdom is knowledge listen to each other as a team in the community what we need to do so we just thank you for that and so with uh zoning and Redevelopment we're asking for guidance in that and you've been working on that so we could come to good conclusions of stuff that needs to be done in the city and with the residence and development and we also thank you for uh the board members that are going to be appointed Lord as everything there is being vetted and done in decent in order the same well and uh we thank you for the Pledge of Allegiance but we're getting ready to say this is where we get to talk about you in a pledge of allegiance to the flag and God we trust in Jesus name I pray amen amen I pledge allegiance to the flag United States stands one nation under God indivisible liberty and justice Madam clerk take R please Mayor John Eric Hoover here vice mayor Linda Rodriguez here councilman Tom canella here councilman David Mueller here councilwoman Cherokee Samson here attorney City attorney Nancy Meyer here city manager Matthew coppler here thank you and M just clarify since we have a virtual attendee that that they're aate in vote Yes um because you have a for physically present um Council Wan Samson is free to participate and vote in any matters that come for for us today thank you uh first up I have comments from the general public I have two signed up we'll start with Pat Rogers welcome good evening mayor and Council Pat Rogers 4 8 38 Sunset Boulevard first I want to say that somebody cares Pasco is sponsoring an Easter egg hunt on Saturday at Waterfront Park from 10 to 12 it's there are things that will be for all age children from Toddlers all the way through teens as far as different events for them to take part in Games and Things and stories also there will be live music now Wednesday night this week is the last Wednesday night of the 40 days of prayer because Sunday is Easter Sunday and if anybody can come please do at 6 o' at the oa's coffee spot at Regency b or Embassy Boulevard and little road and it's in the north corner of the building thirdly I just I'm going to bring this up you'll probably bring bring it up later but the ad hoc committee for the 100 year anniversary I'm just wondering if as a member of the board of adjustments if I could be on that committee only because I used to be the chair of the historical that we had years ago yeah well on it's on the agenda OB so we'll talk about yeah but that's just a answer legal question to get sure y the frame the 10 to 12 okay okay next up I have Danny Fields welcome okay Leo kid Road 8114 Danny Fields again I just want to thank you for your service and stuff and you know we we invite you guys to this stuff and we know that sometimes people can't make it for whatever reason reasons but it is a chance to reach out in community to build relationships and for people to talk that might not come in here or listen online and so that's why we the church put on these events for the public and for the government because you know not not to stand here and preach at you but you know I seek God in his government and his government helps me live my life and it helps me to partner with you and like-minded people to be able to help people for for the best for all people so again that's why I I thank you for that and in our prayer book we pray about the seven mountains influence and that is really government in in the federal state and local so I will read a little quote out of that it says he has filled us with the spirit of God in wisdom and love and in truth so that we can make good counsel in every Department like the police they have to make councils they're trained the fire department you know and and I talk about red white and blue a lot in in Ministry see red represents the blood of Jesus and you know and our our flag even talks about the the the stripes of Jesus there because that's the symbol of that white stands for Purity which is truth and then the Stars he even calls us to be shining bright stars so when we make good decisions for everybody work together as a team we are the that Bright Morning Star you know we we talk about heroes you know when the police go out and stand for justice and Finn and fire department uh pulling them out of the fire well the church same thing we we don't want nobody to burn in any kind of fire so I'm not here to judge and condemn I'm here to encourage and to remind us of the opportunities and each one of us have responsibility to work together as a team and look at the uh the 100 Years of Port Richie right we're going to be uh reviewing that on that we've seen in times the those who's been here and on these boards good decisions made and bad decisions made and sometimes we don't have a choice cuz we vote so we we we're coming together for the best of all we know in the past we've had things not go right and then justice has been served but here today I see a panel of people willing to to to make it better for theirself for your families for the jobs and communities around here and for the people so you know we can't please everybody but we could continue to do what is just and right and Noble and honorable so I want to thank you for that and I'm going to encourage in in that because I want to lived up to that and I'm going to encourage you guys to do it not saying you're not but that that's that's what I'm here for blessings in Jesus name thank you thanks Dan that's all I have signed up anybody show a hands like to speak sing that bring it back uh first up is our comments from the general city manager passor Mr C up his comments thank you very much and good evening everyone uh I've uh put my written comments uh on the uh desk for everyone to read I just kind of go through this briefly on 3:22 uh 20 should 24 not 2004 years off here sorry um I along with mayor Hoover attended uh the Pasco County interdepartmental and municipalities recovery listening session say that two times fast uh this event was sponsored by the Tampa Bay Regional planning Council and the Pasco County Office of of strategy and sustainability goal was to gather insights about the damage caused by flooding and extreme weather in our area as well as the physical and economic recovery processes and known vulnerabilities within the county and its municipalities and I I list there some of the different federal agencies that were there and there were some state agencies as well but besides I think learning about what the different uh programs out there that can help in the recovery process and after um more importantly I think with some of the uh contacts we made with these departments and you know meeting them giving the face to an name and the city I think's very important and uh a couple different things came out of it and my next item will be one of those that came out of it but for instance uh in attendance there was uh a individual from the SBA and uh after the meeting we didn't actually talk to her during the meeting but after the meeting she came here to City Hall and said I wanted to talk to you I saw what had happened to the city and wanted to let you know there's probably more things that the SBA can do for your businesses than you're aware of and we were able to put her in contact with the uh chamber um because she was unaware that we had a chamber and I think there was H some information passed on there that can help the businesses because it just isn't you know a loan they can get for their operations there's also a lot of recovery related things that they can use to actually improve their businesses and and hopefully make their business even stronger um after the fact the other uh item that came up was uh because the emergency uh Management Department of the county was there uh we had talked about some of the things that we as a city need related to Emergency Management ourselves um then we're working to improve our operations here and we were able to get commitment from them to have some of staff come to the city and work with us you know in terms of putting our EOC together as well as looking at our Emergency Management plan and improving that so I think those type of events there's you know what the information you walk away with but there's also the connection with people that uh you know hopefully we'll we'll spin off into good things around the road one of those connections that they may have foreshadowed was with the uh Tampa Bay Regional planning Council um it's something that if you remember a few meetings ago Council had authorized us to participate as a collaborator with the uh planning Council on a resiliency uh project uh Grant they are applying for um at that time I was interested possibly in looking to see if the city could get to be a member I wasn't sure what that process was well we happened to meet the uh executive director there on Friday and on tues or Monday morning she had forwarded an email to us offering or asking us to join um and gave us the steps to do that and so uh effectively it's Council has to pass a resolution saying you want to join and we have to pay him $2,000 a year um so we're putting together that information I'll have it on the next agenda for your for your review and we can talk about it more but I just wanted to give you heads up that that's coming down down the pipe uh on April 15th the city will be conducting smoke testing on the city's Northwest side uh the testing will begin Harbor Point Drive and continue to work outwards towards us19 is anticipated that not all the tests will be completed on this date so another date will be selected in the future to complete this important test this is a continuation of the city's efforts to ensure that storm water is kept out of the city sanitary sewer system which saves residents money on sewer treatment costs reduces the risk of environmental damage due to Broken pipes and ensures proper functioning of the sewer system as we get close to the date of the testing more information will be posted on our website in the city social media Pages next item uh the bids for the Cody River Landing project are due to be open tomorrow Wednesday March 27th 3:30 depending upon the time necessary for the review of the bids we should have the project on the agenda for both the city council and CRA no later than April 23rd and so because of the funding of this project part of is coming from Utility Fund City control um the other parts coming from the C which CR board we're have to kind of B bifurcate the approval process Council will do one and c will do the next one so we're very hopeful that uh we will get good bits fingers cross um and the last item I had written here I'm try to summarize this I I'm sure you're all aware uh there was a posting on a Facebook uh site regarding water quality in the Channel Drive I drive area um I want to first and foremost say that that the water the city delivers to each resident is safe to drink we don't have a water safety issue um you know we follow all the required treatment distribution protocols required by the state and the US EPA test we know the quality of the water related to its drinkability we don't have any issue so what the resident was pointing out though was uh in particular for people that that aren't aware of this is that a filer that they had on their water system was full of uh sediment articulates things like that um we did have uh our director of utilities and Pete DPW go out um actually met with uh not the individual posted it but uh his spouse and uh talked you know explained what was going on from our perspective what we believe is going on is that line dead ends very close to that residence there isn't a way for it to either delute or to blow it out so at the end of the lines is I'm sure you're aware they tend to collect a lot of sediment that gets into the uh the system from what's inside the pipes um so the solution there we believe is that we either have to put a blow out there we have to figure out how to Loop the system so we get better flow through that so we're going to be evaluating both of those uh here at the very near future and uh it looks like the it's going to be a long time to be able to Loop the system and we'll just install the blowout and make sure that it's done on a regular basis which should help clear up some of that that that sedimentation issue again uh you know we we have an old system that is going to require a lot of work I'm probably a broken record with you on this it's one of our most critical needs for the city is to look at our infrastructure and start replacing it um you know unfortunately you just don't do that overnight it takes a plan and that's what we're working on the next next thing you're going to be seeing from us as we get into the CIP process in the budget process is that we need to put together a plan that then shows us how to spend money that we need to spend to do it the right way just kind of give you I had the director kind of do a little exercise on just you know a current replacement cost although um I didn't add all this up it's in excess of $20 million just to replace what we have in the ground right now and that's not even addressing that well you know maybe we need to upsize some of our lines and do things like that so we're we're well into the 20s to 30 million dollar range do what's necessary obviously that's not something that's going to happen overnight it's going to take a long time to get this done again it's a process we are starting it's a process you're going to be a part of um because we're going to have to figure out you know how to spend the money that need to do the things make this situation uh not as as prevalent as what is it is within the city um I don't know if you have any questions on that before I move on to the last item which isn't written but one I is that $20 million number just the water lines or is that include drains and Sewer or sanitary sewer that's that's just water that's water lines bows fire hydrants and the such yeah that's not even looking I didn't because we weren't talking about sanary the storm system it's it's in the and this also doesn't even address our water treatment facility and that's a whole another issue that that uh our director staff is looking at as well um that's another big number coming down the line so with that uh the last thing I didn't have uh at the time when I put this memo together but I wanted to give you a heads up on the paving um we got some direction from the uh paving company that they are looking late May to actually start that uh project I believe they're proposing to do a Recon uh preconstruction meeting sometime the week of uh April 8th at that point in time we'll probably have more specific date and time I think especially because we're doing uh that first part of Bay Boulevard as well as uh Richie drive you know we want to make sure we have people notified well in advance before we start tearing up the road so it's important that we get that information as soon as we can get it out to the businesses as well as the residents make use of those roads on a daily basis that that's all I have mat um move on to the council start with counciler uh yes uh I noticed that we had a water monitoring Pasco County Coastal beaches monitoring results and I noticed that we are uh at monitoring at Brasher Park I called uh the individual uh found him on on the internet called him and passed on this information to the city manager but after discussion with this uh individual his name's also David um it became apparent that Brasher probably is not the best place to sample our water and I suggested we have another Beach over here in oler and he was able to look at it on the map and because they're Grant funded as well um they couldn't add one but they could certainly move it to that and I emphasize that there's probably more people uh that the that water comes in contact within the value uh that would be a better representative uh to our community and understand that what's in that one okay just not Brasher there's probably not as much use as there would be in the bay and people V against up in there but the potential is is if they could get that switched uh we would have the ability to monitor what our water quality is in the Val and that may lead to something in the future uh and I think it would behoove us to understand that I believe Matt's following up on that and if I I could there's always there's always a backstory there everything as we talked about and um apparently uh sometime in the past this was part of a grant uh program with the University of Florida if I'm not mistaken South correct me when I'm wrong South Florida sorry and um it was at that point it was done for free uh more recently I guess the grant funding had dried up and we are actually being charge I think the bill was $520 for that that test in uh we did reach out to uh the our contact related to the testing and they indicated that um they would be open to doing testing at both sites if we wanted obviously there's a cost to do that I guess originally why they selected rasher part for that was something to do with monitoring um the red tide and other type of uh impacts on on the shoreline Rel to the go so we might not if we moved it from Brasher we might not might not be able to follow up on that type of analysis but I do agree that there there would be value in in doing testing um in the bayou and at olner as well so I mean I think we're supposed to be getting some more information from them on terms of what that cost is and as soon as we get that we can maybe have that conversation again this is a different test or the same test that uh they're supplying here because I believe this is a different test I think they're two different organizations but we haven't defined it no the Ken mire also works for the Florida Health Department so he he's the same he knows the genten that you were SP speaking to so they work together so this is the same testing it is the same testing indicated that they walk into the water 3 feet and Sample yeah they pull samples they used to have they used to have a monitoring station that did it for them but since the funding for that dried up you know they they've been having to do it that way so um they said that they can monitor both parks switch to Parks whatever direction we want to take um I think uh I think they they charges now it's a minimal of like $500 um throughout the year to do the testing and the testing is quarterly so um you know we could add the other part if we'd like they he did say to me that um Brasher is more or less used for kaying launches like that as opposed to hner being more you know for for swimming related so it's it's up to the discretion what direction we want to take but it's not an issue for them my thought was is if there is a high or warning scenario it would probably behoove us to understand that one we're also accumulating that history uh and if we go to do anything with water quality and our value that would certainly lend uh to our any report or any uh Grant might look at yeah they're always looking for they said in the new cycle might get grant funding to continue their monitoring again um Brasher I mean olner was was being tested many many years ago when I first started for the city um we they used to issue issue warnings to was in case you know there was certain contents that were high like red tide and we would put signs out accordingly um but then of course over the years you know they could they only picked so many sites that they can go out to and Brer ended up being remaining the one of them but once again they're not opposed to switching sites it's not a it's not a big deal for them it's within you know it's within the same area it's you know half a mile so and uh let's see what else I got on my list other than the normal potholes and sidewalk repairs encountered a lot of those than my walk uh through the city and I can put that together but that's probably a bigger project than one or two um and I appreciate you following up on the water filtering issue uh that was a main concern that I've I've seen also thank you pass over vice mayor Rodriguez let you go back I do have a question about the water um Mr copper what there were two solutions one is um the loop which you said will probably take longer and one is the Y what would be the time frame for or do you not know I don't have a good time frame on it but the the blowout is something that we can we can do inhouse so it'll be a lot quicker um and again I think that's probably where we're going to go anyways because I think the the loop is a little bit more of a engineering slash larger construction issue the outcomes for both would be the same that that's I mean one is is one better than the other or well I think looping is is better not not only from the standpoint of of the water water issues that residents se but also from a pressure standpoint if there is a a main break in one area you're still feeding that so it's a better solution and something that that as a best practice you want to see in in your your your system our problem is when you look at the map and you see all the streets out there we have a lot of dead ends just there's no way really to Loop some of these so your system doesn't have the loops that we like to see this one because there is a Jon street that has a PID it's possible I mean I would prefer I would prefer the loop but again that's costly probably is going to take a little bit more time so blow out is probably the best solution could we do both could we do the blowout to that video was terrible so is that something that we could do because that's just I think I think putting blowout does not preclude us from doing the greater project again if we can do away with the blowout that's even better so we'll look at that see you know what what can be done I should have mentioned there was another Resident I think that was included maybe somewhere in that that chain um at another address uh I know our our director had attempted today a couple times to reach out to that person and was unsuccessful so they'll be trying again tomorrow to kind of get an understanding of what what issues that Resident is seen as well again you know feel free if you go on to the website you see my contact information um you know the director's contact information Sal's contact information um it's sometimes better to reach out to us directly rather than to post it on Facebook it so happened that I think you sent it to me like two minutes before mayor showed me when this happened so um we were fortunate there but uh you know again we we encourage residents to reach out to us and let us know so we can can check in because not every situation is the same and you know one of the concerns we had was with that is possibly it was the resident line was galvanized and uh you know we can take care of that so just we need to be able to check on I know we do water testing at the water treatment plant itself do we ever do water testing towards the end of the lines yeah our water testing and I don't remember how many particular sites we have to go out to but we have to go out into the system and do draws of water and have those tested as well okay so it it's not just at the water plant we do right but we also have to make sure that our system doesn't have issues um in it as well and it's you know one of the things that that we talked earlier this year I guess was about lead and copper and and again you know one of the tests we do is is in the system measure to see if we have uh you know higher than normal lead or copper issues within the system so it's it's something that we do at least on a quarterly basis if I'm not mistaken um so you know we're out there testing all the time thank you all C continue with that water issue uh the idea of the blowout um and and which which sounds um logical uh how many other areas do we have where our lines end like that that would benefit a blowout is just something that I'm I'm not sure if that number I know we already have in a number of locations uh blowouts already um so I don't know and I have to find that number out for you I just I'm not sure how many we don't have that was just some something with the city can act on immediately to move forward so we don't it seems like these complaints come in occasion I mean it's it's not a continuous basis but apparently something happens um uh but after some of these uh water main breaks that we have having these blowouts to kind of get that out to prevent these complaints coming in to help but uh is there something this counselor needs to do or can your department move forward let's yeah it's probably proactive unbeknownst to me it's probably already scheduled okay great yeah I mean I think you know again the Public Works utility operation they're they're on top of these things I mean again very soon after uh you know we passed this information on to them they were already out there testing some of the different locations to try to see if there was any any issues we're not aware of and and so I I I think they're very proactive when it comes to this and and as I said this morning I think at our staff meeting they were already talking about you know one I brought up it'd be great to be able to Loop it if we could um but I just think that's maybe too Grand of a a plan to do right now so it's uh most likely a blowout will be put in there so going forward can we add this as old business so we could get an update uh on this uh I I know that you know our citizens of the residents would like to know what's going on especially in the various areas uh be a little more specific as to you know what areas are tested where the blowouts are are being done so this way the residents have a better understanding that we are doing something uh uh going forward so that'll be great on the uh just quick question on the bid for the Cody River Landing how many did we get just out of curiosity uh well they're not due until tomorrow 3 o'clock I don't believe we received any yet then usually that that's you never get them the day before it's usually right up to the 3 o'clock uh time frame when they're coming in and this other what what Mr Mueller brought forward about the water testing um I I like the idea having at both if if it requires us to pay that extra let's be it because we're talking about two SE locations I understand brashing with the red tide but uh we're Miller byou that's almost like stagnant water there and uh but if if if we're going to move forward with something like this and we start seeing we need to start making warnings we need to be prepared to whatever we need to do signage posting I mean I don't know if the city has done that before or if that's part of the plan when we do get get these notifications do we actually put signage up at those areas public areas to let the citizens know hey this is Tainted water here they have done in the past and would if we get a negative report we would make some postings about it so um I'd have to go back and see when the last time we had any time that was low enough to post something but they've never reported to me that there was like a crucial report that we had to react so but it now we switch to olner and they do have something like that then you know like I said many years ago we used to put a sign up front that said like red tide or you know not not fit for swimming things like that we do have those signs still in place so we need to erect them we could so going forward with this I mean this something that the council needs to act upon in order to have the two sens will be paying for both but at the same time you're saying that if they apply for the grant it'd be nice if we do have the two already there when they do apply for the grant would include the two locations maybe yeah I think fundamentally Council doesn't have to act on it I think once we get the information on what the pricing if there's any different pricing for two versus one um we'll come back and tell you this is this is what the the pricing is and we're gonna proceed because again I agree I think I think we do want to know for that area because it is a public beach um you know what what the condition is so perfect that's all I have thank you thanks um I'll go out to councilwoman Samson can you hear me sure can right you can go with your comments H yes so I would like to um talk a little bit more about what Mr cofler had mentioned um from his comments about our EOP which is an Emergency Operations plan um I've had multiple meetings with different department heads as well as Mr coppler and one of the things that um you know I inquired about was an EOP um for Citizens um as well as for city council so an EOP you know that is it describes different actions right for us to um look at um they're taken in response to Natural man-made National Security Hazard right um um having an EOP in place helps to ensure that all staff members are aware of their roles and responsibilities in the event of an emergency um and I just want to note like even an emergency such as a plane falling out of the sky right that happened in Clear Water recently I don't know if if people saw that um but I personally think that we need to make sure that this is one of the top things that we work on because we live in a hurricane Zone uh we there threat of tornado and having an EOP if place can help save lives and then also um designating an emergency Operation Center for an EOC um and that would be the hub for all the coordination during an incident right facilitating directing things like recovery cleanup physical EOC also allows staff members to interact directly um you know looking another person in the face allows a um of different nonverbal cues right to come through giving you a clear understanding of what they're telling so it's easier to know where everyone and everything is with the physical EOC um the EOC also houses the Emergency Operations team City's Disaster Response Team alerting response team and they all work together and help to collect analyze prioritize monit Monitor and disseminate information about different crises or disasters right it's the it serves as a central coordination point for resources and information so I think that you know we as a city council need to make that a priority especially with hurricane season being um uh here um and I think it would also uh be of interest perhaps for us to establish a cic which is a Citizens information center that would be of benefit um citizens and would become available during major emergencies now um Mr coppler and I spoke spoke about this at link um and we also discussed a pot slim now I don't know if if people are aware of what a pot line is that's a plain old telephone service line and we don't have one in the city of Fort Richie um they are so just a little background on that so due to aot Line's re reliability and the ability to function during power outages hot lines are still used as backup lines for emergency services in many places so for instance our own Police Department uses a pot Line Pop line oh dear lord a pop line um to transport the breathalizer they transport the breathalizer machine to another city they update that with the pot line and then they bring it back to the city of Fort Richie now if we had a pots line in place um it even works without a hitch during a power outage and unlike you know digital communication methods it doesn't rely on an active internet connection um so I think that we need to look into that I've made a few calls to different um Provider Services um around the area I'm still waiting on a few callbacks to discuss the cost of that um but I think we need to look into those and that should be an EOP EO EOC and a cic as well as a pop sline should be our our one of our top priorities especially because the citizens of Port Richie look to us in an emergency right and we need to be able to you know do what we can to to help them in that in set emergency um and I know Mr coppler you had said that you know you were working with different uh County and state officials on development and EOC for the city he said yes can here okay okay yeah um yeah and so um I you know I just think that that should be something that you know we discuss and start to get planning as city council um and help Mr coppler and you know the rest of our city employees to be able to help you know better be prepared during an emergency situation I I really was a little bit shocked when I found out that we didn't have one um but yeah that's as far as the the water situation I you know just wanted to also say that um you know Mr Rose from from Public Works he did an awesome job and was super proactive like uh everyone has mentioned um I think that I wanted to ask if we have listened to reverse osmosis for our [Music] treatment uh that is something that uh yes that's when I mentioned uh water plant uh improvements upgrades that's probably what we're talking about yeah okay cool um that's awesome all right that that's all that I have y than um I just have I had a couple things actually you you mentioned on the pay start when it's late May um so that's good the other thing I had reached out about the bathrooms at Nick Park I personally not had a chance to go over check them out but I guess they're pretty bad shape on the inside no doors or anything I don't know if anybody has experience so if we get somebody out there to take a look at those those bathrooms at next Park obiously those probably get used quite a bit by boers and whatnot so probably need that to look pretty good um that's all I had so moving on comments from boards committees do we have any comments from boards committees I don't we haven't had a meeting okay okay moving right along to our consent agenda for a motion and a discussion agenda motion second for discussion any public like speak hands and put to vote all in favor signify by saying I I opposed carries next up item number two public hearing second reading of ordinance number 24-6 696 amending section 12758 of article 3 of chapter 127 of the city of Port Rich code of ordinance to allow for recreational vehicle parks and a planned unit development dis zoning District pass Miss Myers for the reading thank you ordinance number 24696 an ordinance of the city of Port Richie Florida amending section 12758 of article 3 chapter 127 of the city of Port Richie code of ordinances to update code section cited therein to allow for recreational vehicle parks in a planned unit development zoning District providing for severability providing for codification and fighting for an effective date thanks and open up for motion or discussion just you know that I as last discuss um during our last discussion I was questioning meeting with the planning consultant which I did I met with Tammy and just as information the an RB park for our current code for our current plan current plan is not allowed anywhere in the city I know the plan is being redone so just so that I did verify and that it is not allowed at this point yeah that's a good point like I said this passing this does not uh it provides to have an RV park in the city but you have to have the other piece as well in order to actually effectuate that one other thing I noticed in this page seven it's still showing 16 I don't know if that's not part of the ordinance read into it so which was that again it's in the intro on page seven page seven halfway down page of the not okay I don't think it matters and actual PUD St 15 ordinance okay discussion of ordinance number 24 696 have motion approve is there a second motion seconded have motion second further discussion I do have one signed up welcome I'm sorry my name is Mildred wimpy I live at 5113 Malad drive for Richie 34668 sorry little closer I've never done this before so I'm kind of a little nervous yes ma'am understand I used to own 8301 Congress my husband and I Archie used to own it we owned it for like 30 years until he started having health problems with cancer and he fought cancer for 10 years three different types and uh he always wanted to turn it into an RV park and make a revenue to help you know as far as paying tax and everything and giving the community and people that come down from the north a place to park their RVs and he always thought it would be beneficial to everybody and lastly I wanted to say thank you to S and uh the utility department for helping me out when Spectrum shot their under our ground wiring in my sewer which I fought for a year and a half thank goodness I didn't have to pay for it cuz it was spectrum's problem but other than that I just wanted to say that I thought it was a good idea okay thank you thank you that's all I had anybody else like to speak show the Hands Chris Mayer 5342 blueo Drive um I don't know a lot about this but I do know that we've got an entrepreneur back here who is wanting to improve his property and create income for the city create an opportunity for people to come here and drop their money on us you know anything that develops our infrastructure at this point that is that is a positive for the city I think is a good idea um so I think we should seriously consider this you guys are going to make the decision here in a few minutes on that but um what they're bringing to the table and what I believe it's going to benefit the city I think it's a good idea Chris anyone else hands I'll bring back to vote I do a roll call votes we got somebody else oh welcome Ron I didn't see your hand sorry hi Ron McDonald at 7610 Dedra Circle I've been a real estate broker for 40 years and I was a consultant for the fdot on eminent domain valuations for an independent basis luckily I had the opportunity to um go with Mr Todd and walk that property and see how he's cleaned it up from the point when we had a lot of homeless people out there and it was used for dumping trash and just all kinds of things uh basically it's an unsightly piece of land but he's cleaned it very well the fact that we can take a property that right now has a valuation of $500,000 and turn it into an ADV valorum tax base of maybe as much as 6 million as well as increasing the income for the entire area from all the visitors that come in it seems like it might be a really nice addition to our city um the plans that I've reviewed with the prospective buyers don't look anything like the RV parks you see up and down US 19 this is set up where they're planning tree houses uh floating cottages and a nice way to use nature itself to enhance the experience of using the RVs I really think it might benefit the city if you did approve it because it might bring us a little more recognition as a place where Recreation is welcomed thank you I just for the record I don't have a problem with the campground never had a problem with that the location so forth but by this ordinance that that we're putting through applies for the entire city granted there's there's some Fs in order to move forward with it but there's still that opportunity it can be done depending on what's who's sitting on at the council so I disagree that making this the entire city uh that potentially it could go other areas uh again I understand the hurdles to get there but still it opens up a door and that that's what I POS if if there was a way that we could just narrow it to the property in question and just keep it at that location whatever changes we're able to make to make that work I don't have a problem with that but changing this it just opens the door a door that potentially could happen any place else within the city so that that's my concern I did have a um least at length excuse me conversation with um the planning consultant um in getting that one thing saying that we're not allowed she was very clear in that we can in our next plan make a provision that we can limit it to anywhere we want this property we can make it that property any property we want um so that can be done in the next plan and my con not my concern I want to do things in order we're a government and and you have to do step one two three and we come into criticism when you skip step step two and go to step four because we didn't do things in the right way what's setting precedence for other ordinances for other things if you don't follow this proper protocol this is the protocol our current land policy says we don't have any RVs anywhere I have said numerous times up here I like this idea I am not against this RV park at all I think it's a great idea my only concern is that I want to do we are the government and we have to play by the rules and that's what it says I would I would absolutely support the future land use plan and having the RV park absolutely as long as it's in the correct spot whether it be this piece of land or a second piece of land or a different piece of land that would be but I would absolutely support that um but she was very clear in that we can make that happen do we know when the excuse me sir um do we know I called you sir and everything thank you first time today I appreciate it do we know when the plan would be started completed I did not ask her that question in the meeting and I should have but I did not so um I think actually she may have said uh gave kind of threw out a time frame from our perspective uh we would be working on it probably at the next meeting um get direction from Council to do that uh I think one of the things in it was request which I thought was a really good idea from council person Mueller to get kind of a a flow chart that kind of lays out here's what the processes so you can see the steps and the time frames with it um she felt it probably could take you know three to six months to get everything done when all said and done so I don't know if that answer your question yeah that yeah I did because I did not I don't recall asking her that question I just I would I would prefer to put this on the table and I know that doesn't make some people very happy and I understand that and I sympathize with that um I just feel like as a government we need to do things in order we ask our residents to do things in order and follow the rules and I think we should too so um definitely don't want to get rid of this I think it's a great the way it is I I just feel like we need to have our plan support what we're doing so we spent we spent a lot of time absolutely uh matter of fact on this PUD itself that we're we're looking to approve tonight um that meeting that Workshop along way we went through item by item on that PUD was about three hours if I remember correctly so we've you know I really feel we've done some due diligence here on uh what that should look like I don't I don't see that we're doing anything out of order I so I don't see that argument and I I think if you C if I'm wrong Matt but I think it's probably better to do it this way first so we have something that we can apply to actually make the change as opposed to the vice versa so if you could elaborate on the order of this I think in in kind of laying out why we can go forward I I did say that that this you know the information that we're putting together within the Pud will help inform what the the uh the uh comp plan's ultimately going to do I think you know I don't disagree with with what uh the councilwoman is saying the the right way to do this and I think had I understood that in the beginning that's totally different how we would have approached this um she's right that is that is the right order I'm merely stating that in in defense of where we're at that we can go forward because ultimately that that's the piece that locks in the ability for it to happen and so you can do this it doesn't stop it and and um our planning consultant Tammy has said that I mean the night that I kind of stopped it she had indicated well you can go ahead and improve it it's not you know that's not a problem but but it's correct this isn't necessarily the best order of how to do it but we are where we are and again I know that that we would be taking a step back if we you know went back and started from you know step in yeah at the end of the day we have to have this anyway and right and that's why said I I I think this is this is great we did spend a lot of time in this and I I I agree with it it's just I just we ask our residents to follow rules and orders and we're not doing that so that's all well at the end of the day this particular definition of what an RV park is funnel right back into the comprehensive plan that they're trying to fine right so without this they don't have the data to get into that plan once this gets done I believe this defines and lays out what an RB Park is the guidelines of operation what they have to have you know space all that information is what we worked on a lot okay right and I believe that moving forward with this allows the next step to occur the comprehensive plan it gets into that and then the comprehensive plan gets addressed we do have now a code that addresses RVs and then somebody still has to come forward and request well we know that's that's right there so that's that so let can I ask a question putting this if we pass this tonight can can I go and open RV park someplace within the next can I apply for a permit and start building a within the next without a comprehensive land plan your first stff would be to ask the comprehensive for the comprehensive plan to be amended so your request would start the process that we're going this the city's already going to be starting okay okay I that's so yes I really think y all's fear is is somewhat unfounded because this is in a sense dead code tonight it's just it's never going to be used unless the other piece takes place so as far as order of operation that's what I was asking that's what I just asked I would and I would say the normal process would be these would go together you would work on them together you would pass usually you pass the comprehensive plan ordinance first and that same night the next ordinance you deal with is the ordinance we have today so they usually travel together and that's why you have all the information you need if you build them together um this again is just a little out of order because of they got started a little differently than we expected um but so if this passes The Next Step whether it be City um initiated our applicant initiated would be to change the comprehensive to allow this to exist somewhere and and I think the reason that it actually happened that way was because we originally thought that we just we would change underlying Z of a one to allow for the RV Park which is why we had that first second reading there and so we actually moved on to this part but then we found out well we we don't really need that we need to do this comprehensive land use because of the future land use stuff so it's it was kind of a evolutionary process so but we are here and like I said it's it's it's a crucial part of the process and in and of itself does not really do anything but but we we spent eight meetings talking about this as well as a workshop to go through that another thing I want to point out is and just I just want to have everybody have a comfort level here um when you talk about the density when you look at Future land use um the future land use for that a property now is a density of one per gross acre so that's part of the process we need to you look at changing that where now we know we need B Bas on our discussions with the Pud we need 15 do we change that to three I'm sorry change that to five and and say that three RV units equal one uh regular units and so I get your 15 so there I think there's some things that are valuable of having this in place so when we do the the planning perspective and how it's going to fit in the city we make the right adjustments there so I think this is valuable information to be able to do that correctly understand thank you any any further discussion I did sure I think I close back up for you Sherry sharer 7802 Davis Street I couldn't find any information on this so I wanted to ask one of the concerns I think was you know RV parks popping up everywhere could you just pass having like one uh PUD RV within City Limits so we're limited to just one Park per the city would that be something that is feasible or doable yeah I answer that for you the um I think the reality of not only this but other businesses as well I think we probably need to look at at some point moratoriums on what we allow here you know do we want all these different storage areas car washes so it's much broader scope that but absolutely I think we should look at some moratoriums on certain businesses I think you know everybody seems to want the RV park but do we want just one we're a small City let's just have one and then maybe down the road see how things go but I thought maybe if that could be put in place that might alleviate some fears if I when I spoke to the planning consultant that's what the land that's what our plan will do so when we do that plan yes we can put that in there that yes this this RV park can go in that area and that would be the only place or we can say there could be 10 RV parks but that's what the plan does and that's so that's what we'll go by that's what the city has to go by is that plan yes so yes that we can we can put in there there's one we can put whatever we want in that plan okay all right thank you thanks anyone else I'm we good I got motion second I'm G put to vote oh let's take a roll call vot so we get a virtual person mayor Hoover what is your vote I vice mayor Rodriguez what is your vote I councilman canel what is your vote nay councilman Miller what is your vote I councilwoman Samson what is your vote I 41 carries next up on Council business is item number three approval of resolution number 24-7 creating ad hoc committee to plan the city's 100 year anniversary celebration I'll pass it to Mr C for introduction thank you uh at a previous city council meeting the council requested the City attorney to draft a resolution to create an ad hoc committee that would be responsible for the planning and implementation of the celebration honoring the 100 University of Port Richie the city proposed resolution would create a nine member committee make the city manager mayor members of the committee allow for the council to appoint the remaining seven members from a list of nominees nominated by the council and lays out the general structure of meetings in place place for the meetings of the committee resoltion 24-7 resolution of the city council of the city of for Richie creating an ADOT ad hoc committee the 100 year anniversary celebration and provid for an effective date for motion or discussion I do have one question this I'm assuming we pass this and then we would uh at a later council meeting possibly make recomendations to fill it or whatever yes you want obious might want let people know yeah you know yeah and before you volunteer them yeah and I know you had a question that about the um if you could serve on it as being a board member my understanding based on our Charter that you can only serve on one board but you can serve on various committees un depends it depends if I remember correctly you're on board of adjustment there is a provision in Board of adjustment that says that the member shall hold no appointment with the city nor any other appointed position the only board that has that that board's restrictive okay that's why I yeah a great question I didn't realize that thank you to be updated maybe that's that's a charter change so correct that created by Charter I believe that provision is in your Charter so that would which we now so we add that to your review yeah if you maybe add that to the list I have another question section four reference five members of the committee shall constitute a Borum I know we're just getting started here I know we ran into that situation with the CAC where we where we had vacancies and we're unable to get a quum is there a way to change that to the majority of the seated members yes you have it however you would wish and that way if there's vacancies they're not counted in that process and we only have five right yeah we only have two right now so we don't have a COR right so and I know with the CAC it's kind of been the same thing so that would probably be something you want to look at updating in that committee's for defition [Music] well any other comments motion motion to approve resolution number 24-7 creation of the ad hop committee to plan our 100th anniversary celebration with the noted with the noted um change motion second you're too late jerky have motion second any further discussion anyone from the public like speak sing hands I bring it back to vote all in favor signify by saying I iOS motion carries uh next up is item number four appointment of members to board's committees I'll pass it to Mr C for introduction uh for coun consideration is appointment of Cherokee Samson to the historic preservation committee motion discussion I do know that Cherokee has done some work uh trying to obtain a lot of historic photos and I believe she's she's captured uh a resource that is very instrumental in this effort and I think it would be a benefit to have uh her and her resource U pulled into this committee for for historic preservation yeah I I agree one of the questions I had about this this committee shows on here is inactive committee because that's not meeting it's just Lori right now so with with Lori and potentially Cherokee on there they would not even have a quorum right because they need three that's what I was looking to see I'm not familiar with this that's probably resolution I think actually says it should be a seven member board what two Alters seven only got five spots on here yeah and it doesn't can't participate event less than four members and attendance written it's written kind of strange but you need for is a quum for our Charter this the code for the code this is supposed to be a seven seven member board and your forum is four so this this committee my understanding is has always been very lightly staffed so I know I think Angel and Aly used to be on it and Lori F so he had two um so with the addition of Cheroke which I'm I'm fine with that for sure um we still need to either get some more members on there so actually be functioning or we could possibly change the resolution to modify I think we probably need to change that committee to be a little less strict on members what do you guys think about that so I can actually OB seeded members right [Music] yeah can we I'm not trying to be not trying to be funny can we have a committee of two or three you can have a I I don't think there's any rule that says you can't have a committee of two or three I think I would if it's a committee of two I would be careful saying form majority you know then one person can come and just you know I'm sure there' be no Havoc being caused but you know I think if you're gonna have if you're gonna decide you want two or three that at least need to be two people that yeah because one meeting of one's just sad but at the end of the day that still comes back to council for decisions right I haven't even read honest I'm not familiar with them I don't even know what how the rest of them okay so let's shoot you with questions and you can come back next time with answers how's that yeah can the historic committee be is there another term for it that's not that you don't have to have a quorum is there another term you know like group I don't know what to call you know you know what I'm trying to say is there another term that we could use for that any group of people you know two or more any group of people that's going to to look at disseminate look at um analyze and and bring forth to you any kind of information is a sunshine body and needs a majority a quum okay what that number is can be different as you seen you have some are five other things are seven some are nine so the numbers can be different but that's why you need to have that all right thank you back to that example you use with two could we change that to be seated members but no more than three are are I think I think if you want to try to keep it you know keep it less than keep it four since you know little piece of paper looks like it's supposed to be four five um okay five keep keep whatever you want maybe make alternates if you want if you want by chance to have more people that are interested at some point um but I think if you want to change the numbers I think it's important you can do the Forum is the majority of seated members but at least two or something like that whatever number you're comfortable with so you don't have one person running a meeting would you have to change your ordinance though yeah it be an ordinance to change it you have to change the code it's not a charter it's it's aode a resolution ordinance two reads because it's a committee because it's part of your code and to change your code you have to changing the code requires ordinances resolutions are more like you Pro giving a policy or something that you want to do it doesn't change your actual code orance has to do well I wonder if we should again maybe in the future we could have more on there but uh with with the addition of Cherokee we would have two if we would change it to three the Quorum would be two they both would have to be present for the meeting and that could actually function maybe that's the way to approach it going forward unless we leave it as we have to change the core requirements otherwise if we change the size of committee that fixes well just well that would be the first s of business but you know they they couldn't they couldn't make a recommendation because they couldn't technically meet so I think we need board members are appointed by you they don't have to go doesn't have to go to the you if you on your own could find more people you could have them appointed can we just appoint them whether they like it or not Jo you could try hold on one two three We're Gonna Fill like commedia real quick guys um would Lori and I be able to for instance make post current current currently you can't meet and do anything that's the problem and that's the problem if you did it on your own and you want to advertise it I mean we can all do that on our own but as as a okay as a as a commission making an action you can't officially do that I mean from my perspective I without reading really know the depth of what what the purpose of that committee is do we really need more than three people do that anyway no probably not because don't forget you could also have like have citizens just come to the meeting they can attend the meeting they don't have to be on the committee right and then if 12 people show up cool that's great more info is sometime in the future if we got a bunch of people want we could expand it back to five but I think we I think it'd probably be prudent to go ahead and just give we amend it to be a committee of three it's and that with addition Sher will have a quum on it they don't need a third the Corum is two change three they Auto got then they just got to find somebody else perfect and the fact that we're coming up on this 100y year anniversary this good good idea to have this meeting get some inut so I'm looking for a motion to approve Cherokee motion to approve Cherokee Simpson for the historic committee I second motion second now she can't vote I guess right yeah so you stain from this chair key um so I got motion second further discussion on that item any public like to speak I have something to say it's not necessarily on this specific Cynthia Ma 5446 bluepoint Drive uh on the CAC committee um we had a application a written application for joining Caroline Gonzalez um you were out uh on that that meeting and so it didn't get brought to the council I want to make sure this does not get dropped again because of this is now March and um this is someone who's wanting to join our committee and so we need to make sure to add her to vote tonight also if we can yeah let me finish up this and then I'll address that no problem thank you thank you anyone else like to speak on this item sign has I'll bring it back all in favor sign saying I I opposed motion carries welcome welcome to committee chair keth and I took what was I took that conversation to direct me to draft an ordinance to bring back to you changing it to three person board your people yes okay yeah right like sensus I think it's all right and I guess we probably have that by next meeting to take care of that is that I will do my very best to do go get them active um so going back to your question do do we want to uh what's the procedure for petition uh that CAC committee I believe adding that number to CAC is on their agenda because they didn't get to meet last have a quum that's why so we can't vote on it tonight that's right thank you actually so we can't vote on it tonight because we didn't have a quorum we we voted on it when we got the application and um and so we did talk about it on in January so therefore we did approve it but it didn't get to to the council apparently got dropped to the lines so that's what I'm saying oh okay she had come back she once before right right yeah and we re your notes recommended that and it was never brought forward to council yeah because I wasn't at that meeting I guess I was were not at that meeting and so that's what I'm saying and so we thought we brought it up and it it just got dropped through the lines so that was back in January when we actually had the official application written application for right and there was two individuals right and we had we had a full okay yeah so in that case so obviously the agenda I have I don't know where the mixup is but the item is on the CAC agenda consideration of new committee committee member Carol gz probably because last meeting she did come to the meeting and discuss it we didn't have a quorum right so that's that's it all got messed up Som and per the resolution CAC needs to have their discussion and make official recommend say we Chang it I think now that's that's a part of the resolution right yeah used to be we could just in my January notes okay and I I have them here right we'll straighten that up afterwards Sor I got do you know those those notes aren't getting in our book I'm wondering if those minutes from talking about the minutes the CAC minutes the minutes for the January CAC were wasn't on Council then yeah right so so can I make an attempt in trying to straighten this out can we keep it on the agenda for next time and ask Miss Gonzalez to come to the meeting as a audience member in the meantime until we get this approved by Council as an applicant I guess yeah I mean just come I mean I mean I mean it's not like we have a large ordiance well so that next c meeting is coming up soon right Thursday right not not tomorrow not this Thursday the Thursday after so we we could approve it the very next council meeting on the second Tuesday yeah it'll be Wednesday hold please the January section that's right dictate adding Cherokee to the CAC not miss Gonzalez right and then that she got pointed right after that so then she resigned from that so that never Happ so then miss Gonzalez stepped forward but she hasn't had a chance to have the CAC vote for her well she has but there wasn't Court correct correct so that needs to happen at the next meeting and then have it come here okay I'll talk to you after this thank you thanks for bringing it up though okay uh moving on to discussion of old business I got some items we' got nor byou the lot mode and the neighbor appreciates it appreciate that and do we have an update on ownership of that lot we're still waiting for the final documentation from the county okay we sent it out to them they have to put it in front of their B front of the bccc and then get it back to us but I haven't gotten an update on that yet and then also the waterfront park benches I saw those those are nice thank you for doing that one uh the most southern Southern bench has been installed and then we're going to do one more on the Northern end of the trail so they got the southern one all done they actually put a guard rail in today and then they're going to start on the Northern side of the trail later this week is it the wood guard rail going across the uh the bridge there uh no it's actually a guard rail in front of the bench in front of the bench I've got some guardrail issues I'll get I'll get with Mr CER and uh I got some ideas on that run it by it rather than using that Lumber that deteriorates the the plastic dock Lumber tends to last forever might be a better solution there you don't get handrails and it doesn't Splinter and come apart in your hand so I'll I'll get you some information on thank i' like to thank the utility department they seem to be I I know it seems to take a long time to get stuff done but um they seem to be doing a good job and trying to be up on things so I I definitely want to um compliment all of the all of them for being very diligent and getting this stuff done and I know it appears to be lengthy in time but yeah no definitely doing good work is there any update on where we're at with the golf cart Crossing there was three quotes and get that sorted out yes so um actually uh we've been meeting with each of the three um firms because even after we had uh submitted some of the questions I I didn't feel that we were getting definitive answers back so uh We've uh met with two of three I think the third is tomorrow if I'm not mistaken okay um so we're aiming for the next meeting to uh bring it back to you and be able to the best of our abilities to kind of an Apples to Apples comparison rather than than what you saw the last time K you um on the boom on the bou event that we passed a resolution we passed for the uh taking donations and stuff right so that's that's in place now so have we have we reached out to the businesses to try to uh not yet we'll be putting that together and officially doing that to M that's right the corner obviously so um the other old business item I wanted to bring up so we had some time to talk about it it's not on here but it is old business it's Limestone Pier so I'll turn it over to you to to start that conversation so so uh at the goal setting I know that there was uh some discussion about where where we stood with that particular project and kind of how do we get to the demolition piece and then making decisions after that so we did meet uh with the engineer firm postal that's doing the work for the design um there's still two pieces of information we're waiting to get back before we do a real official here's your option type thing but what we talked to them about is that there's a desire to at least at this point end with Demolition and not go forward with anything else so they're they're going to provide to us what the cost is to finalize the project to get it out to a bid or just just the demolition um so that's a number that we still need to get from them the second piece was we wanted to understand because regardless of what we do we have to get the permit we've already applied for and um the state is taking some time uh doing their 404 review and uh as soon as we get that back we'll have a permit and we can move forward uh the question is you know how long is that permit good for because if you decide that okay we want to just demo it today but we may still want to build a pier there getting that permit's important but also understanding how long the permit's good for because generally they're good for a two to five year period I think five years most you know that gives you you know five years to figure out if you want to do a appear or not in that location you know not to have that permit and not to have that ability to do with that time frame you probably couldn't put a peer there after that that expiration so I think that you'd want to have that information to know here's what your options are here's what the cost of those options are hopefully we'll have that for you very shortly I didn't think it was going to take that long that information but they take their time um but hopefully we'll have before the next meeting we'll have it as a discussion item business you know I'm thinking if this is going to be a demolition of a of a 100 year old Pier would there be any benefit to when I'm just thinking out outside the box here that concrete comes out cut it up into chunks and sell it as you know as a historical I don't know that has yeah it's underneath all the concrete actually post the GL and that's why they couldn't decide have to I don't yeah there's probably a hot the old US 19 y That's what I was Wonder and then leveraging what pasco's PL planning there as well try to build some something that's harmonious rather than isolate J up Chucky yeah I do think it would be cool to just keep a piece of would um just like for hisorical purposes um to like display somewhere EV I don't think CH I think that wood is is original line thought I think there's something that's salvageable that is 100 yeah if we can find no not on the top it'd be all on under the surface yeah I think it's a great idea to at least look at think about but it's another [Music] Mee open business I'm looking for a motion what we do with our next meeting oh is so it's the next one's on the election day right night is that the it mov right we move to the Wednesday 10 right I I tied up on Wednesdays but um happen is there is there another option do we have anything that Thursday wish it two days I do the 11 just as a reminder as well the 15 is for our Charter and you can choose whatever time you guys want for the 15th as so could you do the what day is that on Monday [Music] Monday by Chargers following Monday which is 15th I would prefer the 11 for the the resched of the ninth council meeting but if if you guys need a 10th I'll I'll make that happen too 11th would work better for me better for you be good for me all right Miss bowling sorry well I just like anyway so it doesn't matter but that's fine we'll do to 10 that's worth spare for you guys I'm more than happy to out so 10 are we keeping at the 10 I get a motion for a second motion second all in favor saying I I