it's call to order city of Port Richie city council meeting Tuesday July 23rd 2024 like to invite servant leader Fields for the invocation remain standing for the pledge of needs okay father we just come to you and we thank you we could bring all these petitions to you we ask for wisdom and guidance for the stuff that's on the agenda tonight for the council and the board members and uh for the election in November uh we thank you for Unity and for the people being able to vote and put uh people in position that has the best for the city and also for the Surplus we thank you that we'll be able to actually get rid of that stuff and make money and we have the outdoors storage sheds uh we'll address that too as well as planning for zoning and for the other stuff on the agenda in Old business so I just want to thank you for giving us wisdom putting us together as a team for the best for the city as we do the Pledge of Allegiance in Jesus name amen amen I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all quick oll please Mayor John ER coover here vice mayor Linda Rodriguez here councilman David Mueller here councilman Robert Hubbert here councilwoman Lisa Burke here City attorney Nancy Meyer here city manager Matthew CER here thank you first up item number one we get Council minutes from 611 for a motion or discussion motion to approve Council minutes from 6 11:24 that second second second um so second for discussion all in favor 65 by saying I I opposed motion carries next up comments from the general public I have one signed up Danny Fields welcome my name is Danny Fields my address is 8114 Li kid and uh again I just want to thank you for your uh servant leadership and working together as a team I do got a a couple of things I want to address tomorrow at light of the world Tabernacle at 8114 little kid Avenue we're going to be doing a backpack stuffing party from 12: to 2 uh and that's we bought all the stuff and had businesses and stuff come together to be able to give back to the schools and then we'll be doing that event in Waterfront Park which we got the flyer and it says come and join us on the the 27th next week this Saturday and we'll uh be giving them out at 10 11 and 12 so we'll be there from 8:00 to 2: we got our permit for that as well there's going to be over 400 backpacks and I know the police usually are there in the fire department and we set up and we feed and work in the community for uh the better for each other and get to know one another it's a great chance for you if you can to be there to do PR to be able to talk to the people and build a Rel relationship with those that uh actually uh elected you and also uh you know that uh it's got a voice to be heard and then uh sake I want to also share on that so for those would walk be watching that's going to be at 8119 oost Road in Port Richie Florida at Waterfront Park so you could register online through somebody cares at Jerry's and I'll give that location in case somebody still wants to do that it's called Good News Christian Fellowship 9215 Le kid uh Little Road I'm sorry Newport Richie in the zip air 34654 I've I've got to do a lot of things we're going to be doing also tomorrow at that time uh instead of from 12: to 2 from 4: to about 5 or 5:30 we're going to do be doing a celebration of life for a EMT uh and his that was good and he passed away so we're going to be there we we hosted this for him we didn't charge them for that because we want to be able to pour back into those that serve us uh there are going to be a parade going down 19 the chief of police will be leading them in that fire department will be there as well uh working together with Dolby and funeral and US giv that part to open our facilities for them so that's what somebody cares is about out working together for the best for the people and uh we're getting a lot more doors opening and I'm stepping into more Arenas in that Arena to work with the faith-based church and government working together so I just want to thank you again I know I give you a lot of three different things in a few minutes but again blessings in Jesus name and thank you thanks Dan that's all the signups I have I show hands anyone else like to speak this this is General if I got you signed up I think later but if you anything General okay bring it back uh next up is uh comments from city manager pass Mr coer for his comments good evening and thank you um just had a few uh some quick updates here uh first the uh solar radar speed signs have finally been delivered staff will begin the sighting process and we'll go out and Mar where we believe those need to go and we'll let you know once we have it Mar so you can go out and take a look at them um see if there's any issues with that and few days after that uh if you haven't responded back with issues we'll get them installed and get them up and operational uh Burns McDonald the engineering firm conducting the Grand Boulevard us19 inter intersection safety Improvement design AKA golf cart cring um indicated they are now 50% complete with designed expect to provide us with preliminary plan for review and comment by next week um and again if if there's anything dramatic there we'll we'll make sure you're aware of it um Ajax has completed this year's pavement program is now working with our staff to address the punch list items coming days uh staff will be uh touring the city looking at all those sites where we've done road work and make sure it's up to the standards that we've expected that uh We've uh successfully completed search for the vacant Finance director position Adam Thompson has agreed to become the city's next Finance director Mr Thompson most recently served as the Director of Finance and administration for the St Louis Job Corp in in Missouri for that he was City administrator for burns Mills Missouri and uh prior to that he was actually uh in Florida working as City Manager for Bowling Green Florida and uh worked for p County School Board is their senior coordinator finance and federal programs Mr Thompson will uh Begin work with us on August 5th which is late for me but close enough better late than ever I'm doing a lot of budget injury right now um recently uh met with uh representatives from Pasco County Public Works and the engineering firm that uh is doing the update to their storm water master plan uh the purpose of the meeting was to gather information regarding the County's ownership and maintenance responsibility for the canals on Old Post Road that lead into the Bayou and discuss how we can collaborate on addressing Canal related issues additionally uh we aim to understand the Master Plan update that they're doing identify potential future storm water infrastructure projects that uh impact the city uh well we received a few answers um the process is still moving forward on the plan but it's very early early stages so we didn't get a lot of uh questions answered unfortunately but uh we have agreed that we'll work with them on the planning process so um you know the final results hopefully will be favorable for us and maybe there'll be some collaboration on different storm water projects between the two of us and lastly uh met recently with the owner of uh spin Nation skating center uh they are the owners interested in and coning their facility into the city of Port Richie uh in the next few days I'll be providing some followup information to the owner um hopefully to facilitate a decision whether they wish to Comm in to the city or not and that's all I had if you any questions okay uh I'll start with my right councilman Hub uh nothing at this time counciler uh a couple items um you mentioned you met with the county on those canals um did they indicate that they they're the owners of those canals or do you guys have any discussion in that regard well that that is so um we had pretty good understanding that they did own those because if you go to the Pasco MPP it shows their ownership right uh they actually provided Deeds to us today okay um so three of the canals so uh all but the canal north of quest they own that one north of quest is actually owned by the sheriff's Florida sheriff's foundation on the North side between qu and and and bay yeah gotcha okay so that was that was kind of interesting that is because again if you look at uh the mapper uh program it says it's owned by the county but uh that deed do own by the Florida Sheriff Foundation m a m which I don't exactly understand that uh being deeded over to them I mean it doesn't make a lot of sense to me maybe the Florida sheriff's Boys Ranch we're g but you know the big the big answer or the big question that we want to get answer is what is their responsibility of Maintenance of that and and until we get a good understanding of that is a little bit difficult for us to put any plans together because yeah um you know now that we we know that they do own it they do have some respons Regency over you know what what happens in those canals and and may may or may not be an issue you know doing work in the future right uh with regard to that uh I know that pipe is still got some obstruction in there I know Daryl was looking into getting that done as a time frame but but I just didn't know that was going to happen soon don't don't have an update on that um the attorney was looking into ability to retain vehicles on the impound lot is there any updates on that no sir there's not I will put that back on my list I'm sorry it fell off I got my list good twice um also have we spoke to the Waterfront business owners uh in regard to development down there uh we were going to get some of their input to determine what they're requirements or needs or wishes or opinions are yeah so the short answer is no okay but the long answer is that that is the next phase of the whole imagine Cody River Landing the project we're doing um we are in the process of uh getting the um statement of work from uh the planning company on that and they have gotten a well they provided to me which I provided to the um comprehensive land use planning plan committee um for their review uh there were some some maybe some changes updates to that so she is redoing the uh the statement of work in the meantime we you know got dropped the uh application for text Amendment and and the uh future land use map uh changes so we kind of shuffled resources to start dealing with that so waiting waiting to get the uh statement of work once we have statement of work we have to come back to council to get the uh approval to spend it because it is a a little bit of a a large expenditure um but but you indicated you thought we might be able to utilize some some grant funding or well I think you know there's always that that potential um you know we are have applied to the state for a planning Grant and and I think that's we should be hearing back from that sometime uh in August I think is what it you know the term is end of summer so I don't know exactly what the end of summer is um but that's when we should hear back on whether that's been awarded and that is a very large component that makes a lot of this feasible thank you uh also uh do we have any updates on the speed bumps on Grand so we are in the process still trying to get the uh County uh meeting scheduled to go over what they're going to require I mean I think uh everyone we keep asking that question to it the county says it's their Road and we're going to have to conform to whatever they say so we're we're trying to get that meeting set up right and a couple meetings ago there was a mention about a Peer Road and sunset speed bump that was needing repaired and and is that on anybody's agenda uh yes uh Daryl from from Public Works utilities is looking into that to see if either we'll be taking it out or repairing it [Music] gotcha uh also um think this is my last one uh as there been any calls made to the state about demolition of the pier them absorbing that uh no I have not done that [Music] okay thank you okay counc lber um just a couple things um I had someone ask me about uh when you put in a service request online and it it goes through different things um once it's a waiting schedule how long does that take I'm sure that depends on what it is but because it just says a waiting schedule is there some kind of update to that so that's what I got ask my my quick answer is no don't know but see s's writing something down if he has an answer to that or you started to look busy so I wouldn't ask I was just writing down writing his grocery list um well it all depends on the item it all depends on on who's attending to that specific request so um they would either update it or inform Ashley or I about the status of that so then we can update the portal so um either way we it's either going to be us updating or the person that's in you know that's if it's a public works request waiting for them to either do the task or you know put it on their schedule to do that but the portal doesn't have like a you know date and time to put it on there right yeah because I went back I looked and I saw there was some things waiting schedule from like first of this month but like you said it depends on what it is and but there is just no other it's just there you guys have a awaiting schedules do you guys have like a a service level uh agreement or some kind of metric that you want to say want somebody inputs you touch it within so many days and get it scheduled or something like that you got any goals to do something like that just kind of know um but once again it would all depend on the priority of what the item is and when it's scheduled to do so I mean of course if it's an emergency item safety item it's going to be addressed immediately but if it's if it's cosmetic or just something that was noticed like if there's you know a piece of furniture left on the street for them to collect I mean they'll just schedule that accordingly um if it's you know if it's a small pothole or something like that that they'll put that on their Paving schedule when they go ahead and accumulate x amount of potholes so they can knock them all out at the same time so it all depends on the situation but we don't have like a a Time Matrix on on when that's going to be done because each department head it varies on their availability and their staff availability yeah thanks for mentioning the furniture limit got Furniture dumped on there so add that to your list right that's like what I I called in earlier in the week about the dock at next Park was missing a board and that was being more of emergency for that to be fixed so was there was there a specific on on what which item it was that was Wai no it was just what's okay you know it it gets sent in and then the next thing is a waiting scheduling and then there's just there's nothing else it just so I didn't know how long that took or if it would pop up something I didn't know the answer to that so I was hoping somebody would okay if I that do is there a like an aging report that you guys are monitoring is so let's say you get a bunch of stuff out there it's a waiting schedule when if St been picked up do you guys is there some kind of Aging report that says hey this has been out there for two weeks without being touched it does show how long the work has has a date for when the work was created and how much time we do follow up it's either I myself or Ashley since we we monitor the portal and create that service order request to that particular Department we'll follow up with them when if something is lagging on like you know is anything changed so we don't you know but sometimes internally you know Public Works will say yes we're getting to that or you know nothing has changed yet but you know we're getting on and they're still aware of it so unfortunately there's not there's not like Sub sub selections to say yes I talked to Daryl you know there's no selections like that it's like so we just keep it on that awaiting schedule status until something new has been done right like under code compl it'll say it'll have notes I guess I guess that's what that's missing is because on on um the code stuff it has notes so you actually no are they assigned to assigned Department yeah Department I mean uh uh building and the the development services has their own portal of course and they handle all their stuff either by the code enforcer building official or you know staff related and our our citizen request is usually Public Works utilities so when it's a waiting scheduling it's already been assigned to a department is that did show that somewhere least it show it's made it to the appropriate Department I wonder in a notes it gets assigned to public works or utilities show normally if it's public works I assign it to their supervisor um and then I will send an email to Daryl as well letting them know that there is a work order in place that they need to address and especially if it's more of a an urgent matter I definitely address it with him and let him know if he needs to follow up with the requester um but I put it in and let them know every time I've put at least the ones that I've put in I know s has followed up to with the ones that they put in from the portal so once it goes to that the Department is supposed to sign the depart move it through they can move it through to open is it their procedure the director's procedure to assign it to an individual employee to work then or yeah either they'll sign with an individual employee or a group of employees all depending on what the task is I guess what what would be the expectation when a say a resident puts an issue in po hole on Grand and it goes to public works and it's assigned to darl as a waiting scheduling and that that indiv that person goes out to check their status it says a waiting scheduling what would be ideally who should they call to follow up on it if it's been say a couple weeks they can call us directly they you know they can call us to follow up with them or they can call Public Works directly and find out what the stat that is do they see in there there a signed of like their on Public Works um Department only I believe Department only yeah so but we can either update the website or or or blog something about the portal yeah it might be nice to actually if if he knows who might work it to go ahead and I don't know how how they do their their work cues or whatever and Daryl just doesn't assign it until it's ready to be worked we can add it as a note as well yeah so if anything we can put a note on contact so and so and leave their phone number so we can start doing that as as oppos of like that's new it's new anyway that whole thing is new so in ask questions on it we can we can start doing that and put their you know the contact name and phone number for any questions maybe you know and then that way the person looking at the portal will just call them directly and say uh I've had this up for about you know a week or you know week or two what's the status of that is it you know is it changed is is it going to get done or when is it going to get done so um I think if we put those on the notes everyone that used the portal will see that and know the point of contact they home and then they probably answer they called darl oh yeah we we've it's planned for next week or something yeah one other question do you have the ability ility to add files or attach photos like you do with the permit system in there because that's a feature is not turned on uh yes we have that we have that feature um so you like me like a picture of the actual site it might help the person identify the problem EAS I'm just thinking out loud I don't um I mean if if if the person who submits the request or email like takes the picture and attaches it then we can attach that picture to the work order and then they'll see that when they open the work order they'll see the photo but I mean I think like in the in the permit system I can attach I go and fill out the form I can attach all the documents to survey things like that it's the same system I works I would think that feature would be available just probably need to click a box yeah let me look into that see if that's possible but it's very similar so I'm sure if it's either not selected now it can be selected later sure thank you thank you that's all thank you mayor thank you okay back to me um on the paving U I've drove all the streets look really good um there's a couple issues here and there but uh it's been a long time come we prove that thing back in February um so it's finally good to see that come to fruition I'm sure the residents are happy I know coming in where I live on off the Bay down on green um coming off 19 on the bay and into Walmart there is huge difference so that's really good that we get that done um you I'm sorry whatever issues you may have can you forward them to city manager yeah I have all right because we're going to be doing um we're going to be doing a walk through very soon about you know the completion of it so if there's anything that we need them to do before you we want to make sure that they take care of absolutely um the going back to the dumping on limit I was going to bring that up too there's been two or three times that uh I've reached out the res reached out about uh dumping there C removed it of course it just keeps coming as stuff's not removed it starts to grow so you know it seems like that's a a normal occurrence like say it's two or three times there's actually two sofas sitting out there now um I don't believe there's a no dumping sign I don't know that that would necessarily help but if if we were able to put one there it might make people think twice maybe they're watching maybe they're not you know but at least if there's a sign there might help I don't know um but the other part I was going to ask is it would be nice to catch whoever's doing this I'm sure it's probably multiple people but um I don't know if there's any kind of capability cameras solar cameras Police Department have any kind of ability to do surveillance a game camera field camera or something like that [Music] yeah uh Mr Alexander I talked about this before he placed a couple of game cameras out there unfortunately one of was stolen um so it didn't capture anybody so it's it's an option that we can look into once again but I think we also need to signage up I know they signage West I don't believe there's [Music] any unit how much those cameras cost I think I gave like 80 bucks a piece for the ones that I had okay is that a felony if someone still city property or misdemeanor I guess right okay can you put a camera look at the camera what ites I'm sure I'm sure we could a camera that camera find out who's doing this you know Home Depot sells the ladders all right so so if we can somehow try to mitigate that best we can obviously it's it's a it's a curring problem yes I think we get the signage up and in coordination the game camera put and the other side of that if if we could be somewhat proactive and what staff or code enforce for somebody drives on there if they see that because that couch this particular one's been there in at least a couple weeks um if we can be proactive then as soon as we see something there get rid of it so it doesn't attract cens as well they put it in and that's how I heard about it City drives around all the time there no reason we can't everybody carries a camera with him now um other side of the not the dumping but the woods there's also been some concerns about homeless in the woods and I know those are private property I guess from a policing standpoint the owner of the property we had to call in and complain about it for you guys be able to go on property to find that authorize us trespass warning action against any that property if you guys are made aware that let's say there's a there's a homeless camp in there that people that live over in that area or buy it see them coming out um obiously without the permission do you guys can you guys reach out to the property owner to make where there's been a complaint do have access to go on and try to be proactive and get in there and and clear that up if you yes we do have quite a few trespass authorization from different locations we actually stopped them out because of the homeless population so there's a number that we do have on file already [Music] um next uh over the the past weekend was during Scout season I know we tried to get and we had a a low tide um kind of the middle of the day so we couldn't launch the boat off there I noticed that the lift um only goes down so far because it hits the ground there on the the south east Southeast corner right there by the you want to get on the boat from the dock that first piling right there is the lowest spot and so once that once the Cradle hits there it can't go down any lower um I mentioned to Matt I know that um darl was aware of it did he have update on that I know he's going to try to get somebody out there okay so a couple obiously we need to make sure that we can launch that boat at any tide so it's I think we need to make sure that that's dug out a little bit there to get that cradle down I noticed that the cable itself when it was when they did get it out there wasn't a whole lot of cable left maybe a two more turns so I don't know if the cables the right size or not but if we could kind of look at the lift and see if there's any way to make sure that that's at any you know even the lowest side I think during the winter we have some negative foot and a halfs I think maybe we make sure that boat can get out of any time once we got newat we had the modified in order to the deeper hole on the boat so that might be reason why there's just that little bit of slack left in there but it it's been a reoccurring problem even before I got here in in regards to trying to get the boat out it's a we tried all weekend we did get out once but every time we try to get get it out just too too shallow I he was going to try to take that out of course during this time the low tide is kind of like moved to uh it's a really low tide but it's moved to the um getting to the point of just turn at dusk that's that's common around the city back you boat off the lift all that mck gets shoved up in front of the there go that's police boat we need to be able to get that out so we need make sure that's you might be able to get use the VOR truck to that stuff out of there on the the problem assuming they have long enough and we have a disposal site and maintenance is allowed yeah so what what do we need to do to kind of make sure you guys get got an idea not okay last thing something I'm just saying I wouldn't recommend using the multiuse that we use for storm water water and sewer to suck out salt water you know what $600,000 Factory truck do that job I would not recommend that well it's got a stainless tank and most of the interaction that we have in this city is with salt water the tank is not stainless not the inside of the tank or or the external s not stainless there's some stainless Ste components on it but not the entire tank let's let staff figure out the best way to deal what make get a PD okay next next up this my last thing so I just wanted to bring this up so you know one of the big things back when I ran for election people wanted to see events and stuff in the park and I know that the city at the time we do the Fourth of July and so there was was any appetite to do any additional events so that was kind of the impetus that where the Chamber of Commerce comes in to be the arm of the city to kind of do events and the city would support that um so I just want to make make it known that they have uh one it started out Fort Richie Chamber of Commerce now they've changed now they're doing business as a Nature Coast Chamber of Commerce so they've kind of expanded their scope to the entire Nature Coast but they're starting next month um on the second and third Sundays they're going to have uh on the second Sunday of the month they going to have a Artisan Market I think goes from 9 to three is the time frame every every second Sunday of the month and then on the third Sunday of the month they're going to have a community farmers market so um two good opportunities events in a park to get out so let residents know to to get out there check it's w Park is an event um it's put on by the chamber and I think I think they're GNA have police and fire boost there that you guys are going to be out there I don't know if you've heard about it or not but I know they were going to reach out and reserve a space so they can you guys can show the car trucks off or whatever but uh opportunity for the residents to get out and enjoy the park and some events and that's going to be foreal future they they originally talked about doing it uh I think just the last portion of year but I think they're going to do it year round so and that's all I [Music] have next up comments from the board's committees any comments and I know we've got a couple gen to point so Hand That Then and going on the consent agenda U on that third item about the public risk management health insurance 724 looks like a payment of 65k uh remaining budget of zero do we have any remaining obligations relative to that you know it's one if there's is this the last payment in I think it's zero I think it's unknown right yeah my you know understand that uh these normally were prepared by the finance director I got it so I think that's fine I just want I mean I just have to look into that to verify that's no big deal um uh also um I know you're working through the process is there an opportunity for us to join with Pasco or the state for health insurance and maybe get some better rates um something to think about that's it okay have a motion motion to approve consent agenda second motion second further discussion any public comment I bring it back all in favor 6 saying I I opposed motion carries okay next up I need to open a public hearing for item number three so I'm opening a public hearings second reading of ordinance number 24-72 calling for a special election on November 5th 2024 to fill a vacancy on the city council I will pass it to miss Meer to read ordinance number 24-72 and ordinance of the city of Port bief Florida calling for a special election on November 5th 2024 for the purpose of filling a vacancy of the city council identifying that the November 5th 2024 special election will be conducted by Pasco County Supervisor of Elections providing for repeal of ordinances or parts of ordinances and conflict here with to the extent of such conflict and providing for an effective date thank you with that I'll open up public comment any have I don't have any signups for this particular uh item is there anyone public like to speak see hands I'll bring it back and I we'll close the public hearing and move to the council for a motion and our discussion motion to approve ordinance number 24-72 special election second motion second any further discussion all in favor signify by saying I I opposed motion carries I will now open the second public hearing for it number four second reading of ordinance number 24703 ad section 2308 Surplus property I'll pass that to miss Meer for her reading thank you ordinance number 2473 in ordinance of the city of Port Richie Florida amending chapter 2 Article 5 division one of the city of Port Richie code of ordinances to add section 2308 Surplus property providing for cability providing for codification and providing for an effective date thank you I have no signups on this one as well but I will go to the crowd anybody like to speak on on this one okay I will close the public hearing and bring it back to council for a motion and or discussion motion to approve uh second reading ordinance number 24703 for Surplus property second I have a motion and second any further discussion all in favor signify saying I I opposed motion carries next up Council business item number five first reading of ordinance number 24707 amending chapter 127 article 3 section 12756 to allow for outdoor storage I will pass that to M Mayer for the reading ordinance number 24-7 of7 an ordinance of the city of Port Richie Florida amending chapter7 article 3 section 12756 of the Port Richie code of ordinances to allow for outdoor storage providing a definition of outdoor storage providing for separability providing for codification and providing for an effective date well I can pass that back to Matt for some introduction U real quick uh as council's aware we've uh discussed this item a few different times um eventually uh Council had uh kind of honed on to the desire to have outdoor storage in C3 uh zoning districts uh we took the definition that we had presented um and gave it to the Planning Commission for their for doning board for their review and comments I know they spent a little bit of time talking through that and then recommended the language you see today uh as part of the ordinance okay so I open up to motion or discussion I do have some discussion on it but I off well yeah I've thought about this quite a bit and U I know we're trying to clean up our Aesthetics here in the city um so therefore we need to have storage are for people because we don't want our citizens to have RVs and trailers parked in their property in some property especially in some of the residential so the needa to have have a place to put these trailers and RVs so uh it would be nice if they had a place within the city limits and have to go County or some other place to spend money to to keep them at the same time trying to clean up the stics of the city we want to have there's not very many places that aren't adjacent to residential areas so working that out I do believe that we can allow storage facilities next to residential areas if it if it's like a buffer zone where we have vinyl protecting six foot fence whether it's composite or chain link you have have a high Mill vinyl wrap around it 50% of that covered by shrubs on the property or the where the property is adjacent to residential and the front of the building needs to conform similar to the surrounding businesses or residential area so it's not that visible and all the vehicles or RVs or trailers in there need to have tires on all the axles full of air and of course the the registrations need to be current um so that being said um I think there something we should be able to close on tonight any else have any comments uh yeah I do um um I went and looked pulled 15 16 properties that exist today with a C3 with open storage ongoing today right and this thing is evolved because you know interpretation and maybe the language wasn't clear or whatever the point being is here we are in a situation where we do have a shortage of storage we're looking for opportunities like that the one of the biggest items that surfaces in the code enforcement is trailers parked and driveway so we we need a solution right and Bob was on as well but my concern is by having C3 come up with this additional I of use um that could put us in a very precarious position with property along 19 property in the Waterfront District uh it opens the door for some things that we may not want in certain areas so my dilemma is how do we restrict this in a way that basically encourages any future C3 zoning and restrict it to areas that we deem appropriate as opposed to open it up for all the C3 Zoning for example the gild doog property on 19 the old trailer par that is a three C3 zoning right now you can put a warehouse and general storage establishment that was defined as a structure right but if we were to change this that would allow somebody to put a storage yard in and I'm not necessarily good with that uh same thing goes with the property the marijuana property which is directly south of that and the Thai restaurant at some point in time things change people have a vision and things may change and they might scrape that off and now you can actually put it would be able to put a storage yard in there and there's some other properties within the Waterfront District that would would also apply there as well as things that are on the east side of 19 so my concern is one how do we restrict that and I'm wondering if we maybe run them through the variance process or something to allow somebody to say hey that's a good use and fit for that as opposed to just making it uniform AC cross all C3 and and when I look at this and and I'm sure at the time somebody said hey we got a boat storage place over there on on uh Pine Hill or open storage on Siesta uh and and for that matter the city even has open storage in our place here so and we're Zone C3 as well so anyway that was then this is now how do we move forward forward and fix us in a way that hey we can allow storage open storage in places that are deemed appropriate so that's my dilemma what isn't that sort of like everything that was said for the Waterfront District you can't do certain things there but you can in other places couldn't you this is outside of the Waterfront District a couple of those areas that I spoke about are all outside of the Waterfront District right adjacent to it m well yeah right but I'm saying one interject I think I was going to say down the lines of what you're talking about so I mean you know one way is to create some type of special overlay area within C3 that would allow this type of use so that's one way to do it I think the problem with making that a special exception is that that you know if your desire is to control only certain places that they could go um you know there there isn't any anything for the board of adjustment to follow to say that that this is okay here but not over there right so if you want to try to restrict it only to certain parts of then the best way to do it is through legislation like this say you can do it here but you can't do it in these areas well you know we had this um this imagine [Music] coding uh the three areas that we picked were you know East West uh East and West 19 and then the 19 car right East and West Waterfront in 19 Carter would that be an appropriate area to prevent open storage in other words our most visible part of the city you know where we come in and if that's going to be a center point or focal point for the city I don't know I'm just throwing ideas out here I'd like to have some restrictions on come back well that's basically what he just said he could make that could be an overlay over that area not in that area good I think you know the you you point out the the I guess the issue with trying to give people the broadest sense of of use of their their property and you know in zoning generally it's all or nothing right there are ways to moderate it to a certain degree but I think you know if if you're going down that road and want to do it I really think that that we would need to look at all the areas within the city find out let's say you're looking to allow a very intensive use of a land right intensive use usually means there's a lot of cars you know there's a lot of business you know there's a lot of activity there's a lot of inconvenience that's probably going to spread around it you would you would do a study of of the areas within the city and say this this area here doesn't have a good road system you know there's a lot of residential around it so you don't want that type of intensive use I'm not saying this is intensive use I'm just saying that that you would need probably to look at areas in the city that you don't don't have residential around or whatever that standard you want to develop say it's okay here not there because in the end you're may have to defend that zoning and so I don't think it's it's you know Council saying we think this is where it should be or shouldn't be I think we need to have you know a study behind it shows that there was more thought given to it than just wrong five people decision thing but but when you go to the court of law they would like to see why you came up with that what D said is exactly what I said question before um if I recall correctly most of the 19 Corridor is C3 so what I said then and what I contined to say is you don't we have a very small window to impress people in Fort Richie and bring them into us and if the 19 Corridor is filled with open storage you're not going to draw people in um so exactly what Dave is saying is exactly what I said when we discussed this numerous times um we have to have open storage not opposed to it of course but on the 19 Corridor I think it's not a very pleasing site no one's going to drive through that Mile Stretch and go let's pull in here in this between these two storage lots and go see what's down the road um you know many of you have campaigned on bringing tourism in open storage units does not bring storage units and um I'm not going to stop go up 19 and put a town and to make a left off of a road off 19 between two storage units to go see what's down there so I'm not opposed to open storage of course not we need it absolutely I have a trailer myself not opposed to it I just don't think the 19 Corridor is um very pleasing to the to the eye so I agree with Dave I've said it before and I stand on that one other one other thought right now we have a Waterfront District that extends to some of the properties in that area doesn't I don't think it extends all the way to 19 right am I right it goes to Old Post and stops but that large parcel owned by Eric is outside of the Waterfront could we expand the Waterfront District to include more property or maybe make a larger cast the larger because that that's the critical area right those that's where most of the vacant property is there might be a few along 19 I know there's a lot of little repair shops and stuff going on the east side um you know and at some point in time somebody looks at that and has a better idea things change right so I think that in at least talking with our planner and you know thinking through potentially Chang es our zoning [Music] code help encourage Redevelopment of the area we had thought that the expansion of the Waterfront overlay district is kind of a natural thing to do and again I think we we kind of view those decisions from a more process oriented process and going through the next step with uh the Cody River Landing and looking at the other side of 19 as well to see what works well with what consider Waterfront over there Redevelopment area yeah yeah and and thinking was that in the end you'd probably have a a broader Waterfront overlay District we probably would also have ajacent US 19 Zone that that you know you look at and say well this you know this isn't Waterfront but but Redevelopment there could help development in the Waterfront so you're going to want to try to Spur certain types of development there to compatible and make sense with water front overlay District so we kind of thought about that but again that's kind of next steps and and a broader broader issue than this as I said in previous meetings i' I've we do have storage areas in residential areas right now and they've been fairly or they look pretty organized but they're not in like 19 or not highly high traffic areas but as I said before I've traveled around the country and I've seen storage areas you go by you have no idea that that's a storage facility they'll have a nice restaurant and like a bingo hall and a storage area and it's all like the same building you can't even tell it's a storage facility they have a facade out front that painted on Windows and shrubs you can't even tell what it you could have even looking nicer than some of the buildings around it we have no idea it's the storage facilities so it's possible to do that without um hurting any of the Industries or or the image of the city if it's done right then how do you make this person in this area do that way and other people in certain areas do it another way I Apple 6 area down there that's very goodlook commercial property in are done for property mixed but it's pretty organized you got a church you've got a nice office building you got an assisted living facility you have all that that can be made into a um the storage facility with a proper facade in the front protection against the residential art very well where it would it would go in with the property around it very well so but it's like I said it's hard to make it this person has to do it this way but this person here has to do it another way and to spend more money than this person well like Dave said this is something we have to determine and it's not easy because it's a small City but I think it can be done and I think that's what we need to do because we do need storage fa we need competition in storage facility because a lot of people have a lot of boats in this town and trailers and they need to park them somewhere so I think if to have a nice facade for property on main roads whether it's 19 or if it's pin hill or anything else that would be if it's done right I think we we should be able to allow that so if if I could aine here on on this I saved mine to last because I I'm going to share some stuff up here to help facilitate this so if you look on screen you're seeing what I what I have up here and so this is the this is the C3 zoning that's in our packet okay and what I want to what I want to make sure that we all understand here is that there's a there's several items of accepted uses the reason that we're having this particular conversation today is because if you see down here on number 22 warehousing and general storage establishment was an accepted use now because we have did you say 13 8 to 13 storage in C3 we got I counted 16 okay so we it's it's kind of a been an accepted practice that you can have outdoor storage in C3 zoning and and it it Bas bases that on on a general storage establishment and when when I read this again I'm not a building official I'm just me when I read this as a as a person who would go to purchase a property I would read that as it's purposefully vague that I can store General stuff there they need to be in a building an establishment doesn't necessitate a building it's it's a a place right building or not it's a lot that I can just do General storage in when I think General storage I think boats RVs I could build a building and put storage units there it's just general by Nature okay and so and we've kind of operated under that assumption for evid a long time because we have so many of those inc3 now I want to I want to also point out that there's a lot of uses here that we wouldn't want to see a proliferation of across 19 for example something very similar commercial parking lots so right so let's say that we we get Uber focused on outdoor storage yards and we we we we make them all these special rules and all the location whatever but in reality C3 we could have all commercial parking lots along there as well it's perfectly fine right so same thing on um uh automobile service station we have gas stations running up all down there so what I'm trying to to point out here is that whatever use that you have in a particular Zone technically it could proliferate across R all areas with that particular zoning but business is going to come in and buyers are going to come in and you know it's would we have all I I want to bring it back to we talked about the jet ski rentals or watercraft rentals Waterfront could you have jet ski rentals encompassing the entire Waterfront technically yes right but that's again not not a great business model you wouldn't open a Crispy Cream right next to a to a Crispy Cream and so obviously boat storage is is somewhat prevalent in the city because of a couple reasons we are a boating community and people need places to store their boats right here on the water so that's we that's a good use for those type of properties right and and so because we have rules in place that prohibit other developments that is the highest best use of those properties in the current state and so that's what they end up being if if we really want to plan how we want the city to look and we want different things we need to be more development friendly in areas density and all that which Al we're going to talk about uh coming up if we do those things we start to encourage different things and these what we have these lots that are setting empty or that they've got Bo in RV stories they sell and something replaces them that's a better high and best use of that property so but the reality is is I find it very difficult to restrict something that we've one allowed and it's really we're really just clarifying what general storage is to include that um but there's a lot of things in here and C3 from a from a zoning perspective that's like the cream to the cream of of commercial property it's it's the most unrestrictive you can do pretty much anything you want with it and those properties are valuable because you can do pretty much anything with them and people when they buy them they want to have the flexibility so um obviously I myself as well as you all don't want entire 19 to be bo oury storage and I don't it's not that way now um matter of fact there's only a one I think on 19 two maybe they're all really and I was going to actually share this here because I want to go a little bit further in it so need be careful how we will we take away from the zoning because again we set a precedent here that we've um allowed it and and really all doing is kind of clarifying that so that there is no interpretation that journal storage establish does not include that because in the past it has okay the other problem I have with the specific change is item number 23 um is about Midway down through the paragraph and this was this was copied out of the i1 zoning so this is exact replica of what was in i1 correct but I don't think it's changed at all the the middle part from there forward it's exactly but the first part first part's a little different yes okay um and so specifically the outdoor I'm G read this the outdoor storage yard shall not be located closer than 25 ft to any public Street or closer than 75 ft to any portion of a lot located within a residential district any such outdoor storage yard shall be completely enclosed except for necessary Ingress and egress by solid fence or wall not not less than six feet high so we have we have buffering requirements um for uh non-residential uh zoning that abuts residential zoning and let me go over to that now so section 12 12795 are buffering requirements and so and I'll just read this where the rear or side property line of a lot developed or proposed to be developed for non-residential use within a residential district or where the rear or side property line of a lot developed or proposed to be developed for non-residential use adjoins residential zoning District residentially developed area or public Street adjoining any residential district or residentially developed areas suitable buffering in the form of a solid fence masonry wall or plant material shall be provided along the entire length of the property line unless this requirement is waved by the board of adjustment upon specific appeal said buffering shall be at least 6 feet in height fences and masonry walls shall not exceed 8 ft in height um should a landscape buffer be provided the plant material should be of an evergreen variety capable of obtaining the required minimum height and shall be properly maintained no buffering shall extend into an area required for Sight line visibility in accordance with provisions of section 12790 and then it goes on talk about garbage dumpsters and how it so anyway my point here is that we have buffering set up so that you must have a at least a six foot solid fence um if you AB but residential property already that's that's baked into any commercial so whether it's a gas station or whatever the thing it's going to it's going to have a a six foot minimum fence or appropriate buffering in between there so going back to the this the the change here we're actually making that more restrictive because we're saying 25 foot off the road 75 foot off any proper line again I think once you have the the appropriate buffering there I don't know that we need to specify an additional distance because what that does is it one probably puts people out of compliance that are currently doing it now um most of it I don't think much AB buts residential anyway um but there are some cases where it could um and do we really need to have an additional 75 foot there because if it was a commercial parking lot we're not requiring that 75 ft there's any of those other things in there we're not requiring 75 ft just on this boat in r v stores so moving a little bit forward to talk about the the fencing around it it mentions a solid fence so I'm this is a a map of down James Clark Street on the east side of 19 and there's a there's a storage facility right there um Moon Lake I think it's called I'm going to a street view here so you can see it this is a C3 property right here Moonlight bay boat ramp storage as you can see it's got six foot fence not not a wall not see through it right and again it's C3 aing [Music] C3 and that's how it looks okay I want to flip over the other side of the [Music] street this here is a residential zoning and this is a storage area for Water Ventures and you can see that they had chain link fence the actual property owner put up an additional wood fence along that but the actual Lots on the other side this is Moon right side over here is part of Moon Lake that's their boat ramp and stuff over there um with a chain you can see they put some slats in I don't know if they were required to do that or they just want to do for some privacy but you can see those little inserts that they put in the fence it's not solid so one concern I have when we talk about solid fence is what constitutes solid fence this doesn't constitute solid to me but I could see where somebody could interpret it as it would um and the same thing when we talk about the meshes let me give you another example here by City [Music] Hall so here's City [Music] Hall you have this style too which we got around our police department and they also have it around theirs now the green one have kind of see through it right so is that really solid I don't know if that applies or not this one is fairly hard to see through if at all it's around there and I'm again I don't know the the scenarios on why some have this stuff and some not maybe they want it for privacy I don't know if they were required to put something up there because of the code saying it needs to be solid but again in in C3 which is this particular parel is here um it was just general storage establishment we didn't have any requirements around the fencing and and all that that was carried over from the um i1 industrial and maybe when that was put in that was Industrials a little bit different than C3 because Industrials a lot more stuff going on if you were in a residential area you probably wouldn't want that's as close as you would see3 it's a different uses right so anyway I wanted to I wanted to kind of show some visuals on what we have in the city and and what the these things are um so it would be my recommendation going back I think we I think for clarity clarification purposes we need to have outdoor storage listed here so we comply with what we have in the city now and going forward and again I don't want a PR proliferation of outdoor storage yards but I don't think it's going to happen by doing this right because there's a lot of things that could proliferate besides just that um so I would recommend that we just modify this to allow outdoor storage yards um take out these additional restrictions again we they only be applying to outdoor storage yards nothing else so I don't I don't want to be restrictive just to be restrictive if it makes sense okay but this might actually cause some of these properties not to be able to operate because they're not within that 75 fit I you know I give you other examples to show it might make something wrong but I think we need to take that out it's unnecessary overreach um from a from a from a property owner's perspective and uh the I don't necessarily have a problem with the solid fence stuff because that does obscure but I want to I want to point out that if it if you do have a solid fence or code enforcement official can't see into it so if I have a solid six foot or even 8ot fence going around a property where I'm storing stuff the grass could be overgrown there could be opportunities for rats and stuff to to live or whatever and he would not be able to say hey you need to cut your grass because it's obscure whereas if it's open you can see in there and if it gets the grass gets too tall he can enforce that and so we we could by being able to see through it we can actually make it look nicer um so that was one thing I want to add just a second um so I would I'm will to talk about the solid fence or whatever but I again I think I would probably pull all that out the buffering between residential and Commercial is already there with a solid fence and probably not being adhered to at least I know at least one spot in the city it isn't um but there's no there's no actual development ice this woods but it could be developed at some point and it's just a changing fence so anyway question come back to you well I was just so defening I think was only required was adjacent to residential this requires it around half and I disagree it could be adjacent to residential so I could see it if he's driving on the other side the fence walk around and inside if he wanted to without getting inside I was also wondering if we could have um I don't know if the legalities of approving storage facilities on certain roads where we have these the setup but on certain roads needs to meet Council requirements or zoning requirements the only way that we could possibly do that is make it an accepted use that the board adjustment have to approve is that correct I think go back to what Matt was talking about not not really Board of adjustment Board of adjustment is you know variances there's a hardship there's some reason you can't adhere to the set back as required for example I think if you want to try to look at the city and say we want this certain use in this certain area and here's why you need to have support for the Y and I think that goes back to what I was talking about earlier unless he hasn't he's more of a planner than I am so from a planning perspective there might be other ways to get there um a lot more [Music] plan well I think I think it's important to understand that that the special exception in different states you know handle it differently so in here you know our our board of review to give more public process or certain zoning approvals is go through the board of adjustment again I think though once it gets there it you know they're they're not going to know what you as a council are thinking so you know that that may not line up with you know areas that you think there shouldn't be some type of use you know they're going to be looking what's in front of them I obviously you go talk but as board you know can't tell them what to do so I think there's there's a limitation to achieve the end that you're talking about if you just say let's make this you know an exception you know special exception what you do do is get more public input you're giving it you know that use you know more of a a public hearing uh for it but you know you may not you know see the result you think you so to me if Council has an intent the best way to show that intent is to pass an ordinance that says this is what we believe you know this is from a zoning perspective we're going to create a a you know a a story speaking this up a outdoor storage Zone overlay district and you know we're going to put him in these areas and part of that work would be developing the rationale why we're picking those areas and not all the areas because again what you got to look at is the potential that you may have to defend it in a court of law and and so you my point yeah you want to have something more than you know the city manager says that's a good idea you want some public input I would say that the one thing you want to avoid when it comes to a possible legal challenge is you don't want whatever for board it may go to or whatever um decision process it that it's going through to be very really subjective courts want to see for this this zoning District you want to see ABCD so everyone's on noticed of what's being expected everyone knows what to vote for so the person our our board whether it's a city manager building official or a board of adjustment for example they have criteria objective criteria not just that'll look at there that won't look at there well we can have that but that's re I was asking prejudice and discrimination legalities of the zoning board approving then us approve finalizing it you know lawers ordinance your code needs to have I would recommend your code have something in writing if you want to make it some kind of process where they have to meet a certain certain criteria the criteria need to be figured out I think whatever we do there's going to be gray areas always and I don't want to discourage people from doing things but at the same time I want to residents to be satisfied with what we allow it's very difficult to cover gray areas so only way I can see to do that is like you have you know the ABC is what we would like and then still needs to be approved on certain roads possibly and and sometimes that's in that's the D or the e in that and sometimes when you have then the way you have the a you know for this this parcel to have this certain um business on it for example it needs to meet ABCD they can meet ABC they can't meet d there might be a really good reason and that's where Board of adjustment can come in because board they can go to board of adjustment and say Here's a a a reason we didn't cause maybe the way the lot itself is shaped that's very common variance request the way my lot shaped I can't do what you're asking me to do so they can still work with the city to maybe accomplish what they're trying to without meeting ABC and D but they've gone through a process it's an objective criteria process everyone has the same ability to do it and you're not picking and choosing just because areas that Eric was just showing visually um I don't think we'd have any problem proving something like that they're not heavily trafficked Road or back in in the middle of nowhere but to put something like that on another road we like oh we can't do that but it's but they can so that's why we have to have guidelines in there for that I think well one thing too when you talk about 19 the reason you don't have a lot of that now is 19 footage a frontage is uh is probably boat and RV storage is not the highest best use you know a retail store or some I mean there there's a lot more ways to you because you're paying more for it because it's that Frontage I'm not worried about a bunch of people putting storage on 19 so I don't I don't but again you know I I always go back to and I understand res point of view I have the same point of view but those same residents may want to buy a commercial property to do something with and the reality is I I don't want to restrict somebody from being able to use their property whether it's their residential property or the commercial property unless there's a a good reason to do so um and and and some people may not like boat and RV storages at all they may want they might want to drive up down 19 and never see one when they go through Port Richie but the reality is if you don't want to see boats and RVs boats specifically you probably shouldn't drive through Port Richie because it's a boating I mean it's it's it's what we're here but that's why municipalities have codes so you don't hurt the neighbors feelings right well but you also you know there's there's there's a rationale that if you want to control what happens on a particular property you should own that property that's kind of the way I look at it so I'm all about restricting restricting where restricting is necessary um but again like I pointed out we we allow it we have allowed it now we have it and so if uh if we turn that back there's Property Owners I for one speak from because I own a piece of seat3 property and I'm not advocating because this what something I want to do I'm just using me as as a real example I own a piece of C3 I bought it under depression I put storage there if so if I want to do that I'll be able to do it so what I see is if we flip-flop that and we take that out we've got we've got uh uh eight to 13 people doing it now there's there's other people that want to do it that bought and own that property that was only something they could and now we're doing a regulatory taking of that by not allowing that anymore so I well I don't think we want to do that right that's so it's my it's my op I think we need to do this in one way shape or another to allow it and you have a question I have I sorry go ahead go um the reason this originally came up if I recall correctly was we were looking at putting in questioning whether or not we could put moratoriums on many things smoke Vape shocks the the gambling things the outdoor storage M Mike how many do outdoor storage I thought it was more than 16 I thought it was like 17 or more outdoor storage areas do we presently have in Fort riching licensed or whatever the term is well when we when we drove around and brought the information to you guys at the uh Workshop I think Veronica and I counted 19 19 there's 19 actual storage places that are there are lots that are being used for storage right so we presently have 19 storage units in 2.7 square miles um and the original intent I thought was to decide whether we not we want to allow more or just leave it at the 19 not take it away from anybody but leave it at the 19 and then evaluate that um we only have 3 3200 residents 19 storage units so to address your thing I mean I think there are plenty of storage units within Port Richie that we presently have to address plus outside of Port Rich no they're pretty full we don't have to I mean we have port I mean we have Pasco County too so um but I I I just think that was the original intent in bringing this here was to see do we want to put a moratorium on them um I think we have plenty for right now and I think it needs to be looked at um and the moratorium is is temporary just it's not a permanent thing so it gives you time to try to fix it so it doesn't Happ more so yeah I think it's six months right six months there's no like that time but got be care too long to move as quickly as possible yes well here's my concern after looking at that special exception uses and this doesn't fall in you know this 23 doesn't fall into that my first thought is could that be moved down to a special exception use and then have that reviewed by the board of adjustment and then whether they approve or not is that the final say or does it come back to the council at that point Come Back Council it does come to council they appeal it could it could okay so that that would be my first thought that way you accomplish what I was originally looking for is not having this directly you know available but come through as a special use the other situation that I see here um that Eric pointed out was a couple of these things like boat sales and Marine establishment you don't have to have a fence around that that's going to be a lot of lot of property hanging out mobile home sales and a commercial parking lot those all kind of fit into the same kind of thing they would look the same if you're driving by uh a any of those businesses one they don't have to have fences and they don't have a fence in the front because they're trying to get business in the so you're going to have a lot full of gear but with a warehouse I mean with a open storage yard you're making the requirement to enclose it with a six foot high fence and predominately that stuff sits but I'm thinking if we're going to do anything either move it down and make them go through that second hurdle so that somebody can say that hey that's a good fit for that particular storage yard not that you can't do it but you need an exception yeah well to my point on that there's there's a problem with that first of all the protective F around there is to protect the property inside also there's storage facilities in Hudson I walked up and was looking at boats I thought were facil used boats had boat the marina that sold boats but that part of the marina was own boats that weren't for sale I'm walking all over these people's boats because I thought they were for sale and I wasn't the only one we have a problem we got to put a fence around here and block this off because these aren't for sale so um yeah you got to have protective it's the protect the people inside the fence and if you don't if you have empty trailers with no boats on them as well as boats and motor well that's not a marina with boats for sale like marinas have a lot of nice pretty boats out front for sale that's different than you have all kinds of empty trailers and motor homes with them uh but it's more also just to protect the the citizens or the the people that have the property inside the fence too you don't want people see well it's hard to case those properties when you can't see them right we get doeses does the city is it the city's role to regulate whether the business has their fence or not I mean obviously if you're a business owner you probably want a fence around to protect the property being stored there right but it's not really the city's our position to force that happen right because again the car lots they don't have to have fences they just cars for sell all cars commercial parking lot doesn't have to have fence that's what say a lot of things don't have to have a fence it's not in my opinion our role to regulate those type of things Walmart regulates people with motor homes and fifth wheels from parking in or parking lot overnight places like that any so any discuss on this the board of adjustment makes a recommendation the The Entity if they disagree with the recommendation they can appeal to you before it comes to you for final approval so the the process would be Board of adjustment recommendation to councel let's say the board of adjustment says no the person applying who disagrees with the no can appeal to you before it comes to you for final determination so there is an appeal process but it's there is no appealable it comes to you for for final if I could ask a question on that process as special exception use this we use this now somebody wants to put a funeral home okay goes Bo just they say no and um they appeal comes to us and we agree with that no and they we're picking and choosing are we able to do that without the argument is well we've got these other funeral homes why were they able to do it not me and um in the code in section 103 for special exceptions it talks about it goes to the building official before it goes to board of adjustment and there's certain criteria that need to be found by the board of adjustment and ultimately the council before special exception can be approved so there are criteria in here it wouldn't just be you think it will look at there at it's it's it's a not a subject of yes there's haven't read them all I'm sitting here but there's 18 because a subjective determination could be litigated yes I mean this could too I mean anything can be but if it's subjective it's litigated you're not going to be successful most likely the the court wants to see that everyone was unnoticed meaning a reasonable person could pick up our code know this is these are the criteria and I think I meet those if they disagree with us then they have their opportunity to make that argument and I think that objective test within special exception could be for an example um you can't have a you can't have one within a certain distance from another the right the the the criteria are there for all special exceptions it's not just for one specific special exception oh they app everything okay the way it's written right now let me ask another question because I'm reading down here under number five under special exception talks about Light Industry and that's the one area that we do allow open storage and in that particular section it says storage so in by default don't wait to find it [Music] already in other words we have that exception already defined in item five as a special exception use storage and it doesn't dis delineate between the kinds of storage but in fact that it's referencing Light Industry where open storage is already allowed would it not bring that along for the ride but it says within a completely enclos yeah that's [Music] but what I'm saying is is Light Industry is one of the exceptions where open storage is already allowed could we bring that open storage into this special exception and just expand the definition on five to include open storage open storage just said storage I know I think if you wanted to put open storage as special special exception be easier just to make it its own special exception it's all number I think it's something different number eight yeah okay that would be my yeah that's an option that's what you wanted to do and that way it would somebody for example and I'm just picking up the spot the lot on 19 the vacant lot Eric's lot the trailer part somebody would have to come in and run it through Board of adjustment they'd have to say hey that's a that's a good use they have to make their case it would be addressed and that way there's no more proliferation without going through that that second process which is kind of where I was wanting the safety valve in there so that hey we just don't change this and now you can get these things popping up everywhere which I think that might be the better route to addressing how long is the is it is it worth discussing what the special exceptions the objectivity behind that is is it a lot to it um I think there was 18 of them I think supposed to consider I can pull them up um I have them um adequate Ingress and egress may be obtained to and from the property with particular reference to automobile and pedestrian safety and convenience so some things may not apply um consistency with the goals objectives and policies and adopted comprehensive plan element or portion thereof adequate and properly located utilities hardship or practical difficulties are unique and singular with regards of their property so there's mean there's a lot of them yeah and and not all will apply obviously depending on what the the business is but those are the reasons a special exception would be allowed you'd have to meet some of the criteria most of them or whatever right yeah but it's not a situation where it's impossible is it that you have to meet all 18 well if they don't apply you know obviously um but if they apply yes well if they if yeah if they are applicable to what's being requested you're going to need to meet that condition and so how would how would this work with our existing ones we have now they we've never had one since I've been here I don't know if Mike has had a special exception come through since he's been here I'm talking about the properties that are already doing Bo because if they're already doing it their grandfathered anything I guess the the question behind that grandfathering is is that you know is it really grandfather because in Mike's opinion they should have never been allowed well my understanding and I don't want to talk about we talked about this at pnz I'm I don't know any specific property my understanding is they were either allowed in the sense that the city knew they were there and didn't do anything they tedly allowed them grandfather based on that or perhaps at some point someone with the city said yeah you can do that right so the city's allowed it so I don't believe there's any discussion or that I've been asked about about going out and cleaning them up and getting them out of here okay so assuming that there's nothing in that third category assuming that we're going to say this is these have occurred in the city however they've occurred um and they've been allowed for whatever reason um if you pass an ordinance that now says they can't do what they're doing they are grandfathered in obviously if they are damaged to a certain degree and they they can't they have to rebuild to be consistent with the new code if they change own um stop using the the business in the way they've been using it for six months they can no longer do it unless they come complying with code so there's ways that that the grandfathering goes away naturally um but changing code doesn't allow us to go and take away something we've allowed somebody to do yeah just as I go through these special except exceptions I don't nothing stands out that you know just because we don't want another one that's I think that the biggest thing would probably be um from what I'm hearing would be consistency with goals objectives and policies of the comprehensive plan and does having more outdoor storage align with that that would probably be one of the first things the building official is going to look at yeah and I don't know the answer to that I'm not gonna ask him well again to remember why this this is here so what what this does is provide another round of public put to the decision making process because at some point a council decided that these uses you know may fit in with with that zoning District but it may not be totally compatible um in certain circumstances so they they put him in the special exceptions and so this goes through additional public scrutiny um rather than saying yep go go ahead and do it I think probably more to the point of of what you know everyone's talking about here if you go down to like 17 the use as proposed for development will be compatible with existing or permitted use of adjacent properties and other property within the zoning District um you know that the property or Pros used to not constitute a nuisance or Hazard because the number of persons who will attend the you or use the facility so I mean there's certain things in there that that you know address kind of surrounding property uses you could look at it but again remember there there isn't anything hard and fast in these that would say you could do it in this part of the city but not this part of the city right I mean this this will be contextual to the area directly surrounding what the the proposed use is for that [Music] property so you what I'm hearing I think there's there's there's support here to include it I think there'd be more Comfort level is putting as a special exceptions rather as a just a primary use is that kind of what you guys are thinking too is it that would be a compromise yeah um well so if we if I could have somebody make a motion to allow it as a special exception use within C3 um the only other part of that would the EXO language itself do we want to continue to leave all these other things in there the 75 foot and all that or do we just pull all that out so that'd be the only thing that question what I what I'd recommend would be moving the speci recording stopped moving the storage to special exception open storage to special exception and then um there is some Provisions in there that address you know junkyards and that kind of thing and I think we want that because we don't want um that occurring right let me ask but the but the setbacks and things like that I don't really see where that's warranted at that point on the junkyards thing I want to ask a question on that so don't we have I know this is in I industrial we have that provision but don't we have a general provision that we can't have wrecking yards anyway do we need to put not I thought we had well and then what is a wrecking yard you know it's it's not a defined term so I don't know what it is right but I I think uh we're thinking about you know we're you know an auto junkyard where you know you have wheels and motors and transmissions and fenders right I understand that I mean that's my definition but that's not a definition is there General where on Orchid Lake no one knows about it that's not I don't know where it is off top my head but there there is a provision in there where not to have junk yards wrecking yards stuff like that so this is is that just in a industrial Light oh that's where it is I can't remember just in that part or if it's in another part as well okay well then we probably need to leave it in there right well we have one been there for over 50 years well that's another issue sorry but is that in our city Orchid lake is no no no not an issue right so you want craft a motion uh yes I'd like to make a motion to move move this uh definition of outdoor open storage yard to the special exception uses and include um probably most of this information with the exception of the the setbacks uh I think the the Wall height and solid fence is probably a good parameter to have in there as well so if we were to look at this um because none of the none of the other requirements require that I guess although that that 25 ft 75 ft was that came from the other that's Industrials on yeah so maybe we do leave it in there [Music] I think you need to recraft your motion I CRA it changed a little bit nobody wants clear you know cuz I kind of think and talk at the same time you know I walk to and two go yeah before we craft it just just understand that whatever restrictions you hear you put in there with the setbacks and fencing or whatever they don't apply to anything else but to specifically you should use case that's that's true so with that in mind I I motion is going to be to move the outdoor storage yard section 23 in its entirety to uh special exception uses make it number eight okay done [Music] second I'll second that okay motion second any further [Music] discussion public speak actually before I call you I got uh this Janet applefield I did have two signups you were on there so my name is Janet applefield 801 Apple 6 Drive um we are considering an outdoor storage unit we are off Pine Hill as you were um mentioning Mr Mayor I wanted to speak exactly for the items that you wanted to delete because 75 ft right next to us is a nursing home that would take half of our almost 3/4 of our lot to put our RV and Boat Storage there so um I agree with you um the restrictions should probably be taken out um but now that you've you've kind of taken my thunder um of some of the things that I did want to talk about because you've covered them all so thank you very much but my question now becomes um if you move it to special exceptions it then has to go through Board of adjustments so that you can get the um requirements that you want to have put in there but how as um the City attorney has has said um how do you now get past the subjective part of that um to pre you know let people still do what they want to do um my understanding also beside the moratorium the problem when we first applied for this several months ago um we met with Veronica and with Mike and we were told that the city planner was the denying all of these requests and don't even go there don't even apply don't do anything because the city planner is controlling all of the applications there were about six or seven I think you told us that had all been that city planner was all denying so again you get into some person who just makes up whatever rules they want and says no sorry you can't you can't do that because I don't like that idea so um I think you have to be very very specific you have to not um give someone that authority to just say okay I'm going to make that determination and not have specific criteria I also do not a I don't agree with the um proposal that's on the table now that um includes your yellowed um restrictions I think that that will significantly um limit people who have um areas that might be next to residential that are off 19 that are away from the Waterfront as our property is and so you know we would be severely restricted by having those restrictions um as well so I hope you'll reconsider the motion and um hopefully if you're are going to move forward with the special exceptions and cause us to have to then or other residents interested to have to go through the other step of having to go through the board of adjustment as well that's fine but um hopefully they'll it'll be very very specific as to the things that will be um required thank you for your time and your consideration absolutely uh Debbie Robinson welcome hello I'm Debbie Robinson 8001 Apple 6 Drive I want to thank Robert for um saying so much about Apple 6 I appreciate it and David when he saw me working over there and I like John's comments and um Linda I just wanted to um tell you that when we were talking also about I kind of like felt when they went out to go around with the cities that they also had like like maybe like a properties like what we had like they had a property and then they had and then they had like um like land and the people were just throwing things on the land and it was not making it look nice so I don't think like all the places were like a professional storage unit you know I think it was a lot of people that had a lot of garbage on there so and then when I went to the Planning and Zoning meeting I was so like surprised because I was thinking okay now we're going to clean clean these places up because they're a mess you know and now when I I was talking to Nancy and going to the meeting I found out that we can't clean them up so I don't think that we could stop other people that really want to make it nice and I'm going to do just like Robert said we're going to have a really nice place we're going to have a nice fence we're going to have nice you know um uh it's it's going to be very nice nice you know and it's it's just like my building is going to be nice and it's a third generation of Port Richie and um so I wanted to go ahead and keep the buffering which was already there that 1.7.5 that was already there take out the additional restrictions and um we also have like um like Matthew said that we have number 17 um already in place and um if you decided that you were going to go ahead and do it that I was wanted to get it uh um a special exception because I wanted to show you our property line and our property line um with the um nursing home is right here so if we went into 75 ft that would be take like the whole our whole land and so I just wanted to show you on we have an um an easement here which is Duke Energy and we have all the um poles that go all the way back so they have um a parking lot then they have the dumpsters then they have a small little building but they put all their junk behind like like like mattresses and um and but their building doesn't start until almost 34s of our way that we would even want to put a fence and their building is it's like building to building it's not like a residential it doesn't have any openings where people can come out the openings are inside the buildings so and it's also as you can tell it's almost 75 ft away from their building from their so I was want to suggest cuz we never did finish talking about um we going to put on the property line or the business line so I was just hoping that I was just going to ask if we could start on the business line and I really do I love Port Richie I love working at the warehouse and I have small business people and I try to make sure that when I put people in my unit that they're are small business people like us that live in Port Richie and about my sister said about that that planning person that lives in Palm Harbor and you never see her who is she where does she come to the meetings and how can she stop us and that's where it started I didn't know if you guys knew that so thank you very much thanks um that's all sign I anybody else like to speak show hands sure uh Brian Smith 8202 cormell sorry I didn't sign up earlier but uh my head's kind of spinning on the special exception thing how it works but the goal of my property is is the same as as debie is saying there nice property going to have at least 25ft buffer on cormell Street excuse me um but yeah I'm still kind of confused on how the special exception is going to limit me or not limit me so so pardon me there so further explanation I'd love to have it um but again top-notch facility you know clean you know uh oh fence I'm sorry you you were talking about the solid fence earlier um Pasco County I believe they have an opaque rule so 50% opaque so you mentioned the showed the photo of the the one place that had the slats in the fence I think that qualifies as opaque more than 50% so that's something to maybe consider instead of putting a hard restriction for solid wall and that's also helps with wind as well you know if you have um let's just say a chain link fence with the fabric on it that you showed um those things do blow over if the wind's strong so slats are a little bit nicer a little bit more expensive um and they would kind of help with the wind resistance as well um but again you I I um I understand you you know Mike and Tammy's concerned I know she said Palm har but safety harbard is where Tammy Tammy resides um but yeah in my mind I'm going to make a nice facility here in Port Rich United junkyard and um and and again help me understand what the special exception means you know you know for me personally I guess yeah so a comment I explain yeah I guess we'll make sure you get a can you pause the timer yeah so a couple things I to help you guys brought the same question up so going back to your all's question on the the restrictions that are in here 25 feet and 75 feet that only applies if your particular commercial 3 property AB buts a residential property so if if again this time for dialogue back and forth I'm just explain so um so if I don't know what that F was it a funeral home she said or something District residential distri distri yeah what's the difference between that and the residential Zone I guess well it is but I mean it's you said residential use oh actual residential Zone I guess you could be used that's you're saying um so that would only apply if you that so if it was commercial to commercial there there would be no additional setbacks so that being said and then come back to years so the what the process is is you wouldn't be able just by default have storage open storage yard you would have to apply for a special exception use that would go to the board of adjustment to opine on and then they would make a determination based on criteria that's in the code um what's the section on that section 10311 there's 18 different things in there that they would go down and make sure that it by allowing you the special exception you would have to meet those those things that apply if they if they determine it is then they would allow it and you'd be come to counsil then for to rubber stamp it and then if they they said no you could appeal it it would come to council and we could overturn it or concur with them so that's how it's it's an additional process additional public hearings um to goine on that so hope that explains that and if if you need more obiously more um information about that process Mike would be a help you through that okay um do you have any more comments for I get minute 35 happy to give you that last will comment I'll say was um like with the direction you guys are going and I'm not you know I'm not not going to you know fire breathe and yell at you kind of thing but uh but yeah I again we want to be good citizens and uh thank you for all your hard work thank you thank you anyone else like to speak see hands I'll bring back Council for a for a vote um I don't know if we're going to need a roll call vote here we we'll go ahead and do a regular vote so all in favor sign saying I I I oppos nay motion carries okay I'm G stop my share here was there was the motion motion did you first yeah yeah that was the beginning we did the beginning oh good we said so does that mean it comes back for modified and then there's another second reading or does it come back as a first it's going to come back as a second reading it's it's you moveed the location um the substance of what pnz is already seing is still there gotcha okay we could do another first reading you okay next up item number six appointment of members of board's committees uh Planning and Zoning Board I'll pass it Mr C with introduction uh at the July 9th 2024 city council meeting Council Lisa Burke he the new council member vacated to appointment with Council Lisa Burke resigned from her seat of plan zoning board alternate member Michael farz alterate on is submitted the attached request to be appointed as a fulltime member will put it to motion or discussion motion to approve Michael farz to the planning and zoning committee second have a motion second further discussion any public comment hands I bring it back for a vote all in favor see saying I I opposed motion carries uh next up item number seven appointment of me of members of board's committee 2125 Coastal and restoration committee I'll pass it to Mr Co 2125 personal resiliency and restoration committee currently is six members one vacy dein Aaron has submitted his request to be appointed to the committee for the motion discussion who I'll make a motion to approve that he owns a five star he's and Jack young guys right on the ball he um he actually was on before we created his committee um and before Dave was on Council he was on the the adop committee that we was kind of meeting with Pasco talking about dredging stuff he's uh said he's he owns a um guy about water stuff like that so I think he he so Bob you got motion for Deon yeah I'd like to make a motion to approve uh Devon to the board I'll second that I have motion to Second further discussion anyone public like comment see no hands I bring it back for a vote all in favor signifi by saying I I I opposed motion carries um just so that board is now full and I believe they've got a meeting scheduled already correct I think we're working to get that date scheduled we originally had a date but uh one of the members that we thought would be very important to be there was not going to be available so we're working um to get new dates for that okay cool um next up is I number eight approval of tenative millage rate for fiscal year 25 I'll pass it to Mr C to comply with the trim timetable and trim stands for truth in millage truth in millage yes truth reporting in millage right um the city of Fort Richie must notify the property appraiser of a proposed mill rate within 35 days certification of the property Val the date of certification was July 1st 2024 the council May lower the millage rate but may not increase the rate above the proposed rate because of this it has been the general practice of the council to set the proposed rate Mill higher than the prior years Year's millage rate the 2023 millage rate was 653 so this would put the 20 24 tenative millage rate is 753 should actually be FY 2025 7 certification of taxable value the dr420 for 2024 list the current Year's gross taxable value for operating purposes at 445 m19 1,362 this is approximately a 10.15% increase from the 2023 final gross taxable value of 44 m809 181 based on the 2024 gross taxable value our current millage rate of 6.53 would generate total taxes total taxes levied of $2,965 58 each Mill would generate revenue of $445,000 and with each Mill $26,250 is required to be paid to the CRA the 2024 estimated taxable value of the CRA is 281 m770 512 9.83% increase for 2012 due to this increase City will need to pay about 156,50 more into the CRA a total of 82435 staff is currently looking into other areas within the CRA to be removed uh but important the rolled back rate is rate that generate the same amount of property tax revenues for the prior year tax base increases road back rate less than the prior year's rate the tax tax decreases the rad back rate is more than the prior up rate roll back millage rate 63782 tax tax is Levi on property with a net taxable value of 00,000 $65 at current rollage rate of 63 and 638 at the roll back rate okay okay so just to to reiterate then this for you guys that are that are new um obviously it's a standard practice that uh when we P out the trim we put the the max of one mil on there for notification purposes obviously that's not set in stone we're going to do that that's what goes out on trim statement so obviously as we go through the budget discussions finding out what our obligations are and what we have coming in or whatever we can see what what makes sense for the actual millage rate somewhere at in this case s uh 0.53 or less right um and so and for the public as well this is we're not raising the taxes in this meeting one M this is just a notification period it's a we need to put out by state law um and then as we go through the budget process over the next month and a half we will decide on what the appropriate millage where be and then we'll act on that if I could there's there's really two important things coming from this action basically a motion accepting the the maximum tax rate one is setting what the maximum tax rate could be for the next year uh the second is the scheduling of the first public here and we are have that date set is September 5th 2024 5 PM what I'm sorry what was that I couldn't hear with the AC September 5th 2024 that is that is the first public hearing on the bud that's what I didn't hear what it was okay thank you it's a Thursday too so at 6 I guess right no it's at 5m and and again these these dates are set by what the the code the law say we have to do it we have to do it within a certain time frame okay that's why that date the data set the time frame the time is for us to set I mean you do it at six you want to do a six but but we've been it has to be after five I think the only requirement is it has to be after five I'm looking it up can't do any ear verifying we might want to start at 501 yeah be silly but is there any reason why we want to do it at 5 suppose at six last year at five that's probably why yeah I mean give I mean it gives another hour for obviously folks to get off work get here whatever I mean I'm okay with five as well but 5 am I'm here 5 am no hard no calculator I need a motion for motion to S meeting on September 5th at 5m to that's actually to approve the appr 7.5 motion to approve item number eight to set the approved T tentative millage rate for fiscal year 25 equal to 7.53 M motion second further discussion anyone public I comment I bring back for a vote all in favor 65 by saying I I post car was that you just trying to be funny or no i' like to keep it the same well that just setting the so you know it's this is do again yeah this is not hard set so all right your nose is not okay if we were s it I'd be a no as well well it's a no okay it number nine discussion V business any discussion business time out before you move on what about this 95 meeting does that need to be approved it's already scheduled don't have a calendar in so that's gonna happen I will say that it has to start after 5:00 pm so the official start time should be 5:01 some Town some towns do 5:5 5:15 okay :1 supposed to be at five all right so that's good um old bus I'd like to just ask is there you know uh city manager is there any updates on any of this stuff I know the city Paving is complete yeah I I provided any of the updates I had actually yeah I want if we could take the 100 100th anniversary off there now I think we that means the sced was fifth so we don't need to track that anymore that was more or less just to get that committee staffed and that um as as side I did happen to notice that the it had myself Finance director and the the two we put on there I thought that the U I thought the committee was myself and city manager did you delegate that the finance director um I may have okay because I mean you know one I know you delegated the other one but that one showed I think you on well this one I I thought we had as KN as well go back the list that was in the packet for the other appointments that showed fin director to we always give you a design I'm pretty confident that's it was an option for you finance director which I didn't know if that was by accident or if that was it was so pull that off and then um obviously City street Paving I think we can probably pull that off um and I think you leave them on so so you know that they've completed well once they've completed we don't need to track them anymore no then you got the list of what we did this year we accomplished that doesn't go here that's another list goes somewhere okay we don't we don't want we don't want this list continue growing to we're killing enough trees so are you asking us to propose another schedule that shows the ages the completed activities to another schedule so that we can look at a a list of accomplishments we've never talked about having an accomplishments list but I'm sure we can entertain that if you'd like to I ran on accomplishing things so I [Music] think I think that's G to be a little bit if you look at Ashley that you should the list I think the intent was to leave them for this business and come off on the next just want upate oh yeah no I just I just make sure that they because some of the stuff may stay on there it's already AC as we make we keep the list as concise as possible I just point out to those I think those are done um there was actually I do have another thing on it not skipping over yours day we come back to that but on the actual old business and I mentioned specifically on one of my C was when we expect oh it was a the grand us9 Grand Boulevard intersection estimated time five six weeks I wonder if we've got the meeting that I guess we put it on there if we could have one more column that has the ETA on it so that as we know we're waiting on that put in this meeting I looked at I go back five six weeks of when that was or whatever I know you addressed your comments that it was probably next you guys hear something on that but if we just have a an ETA on there that as we're waiting and we can just kind of go through and see that okay that's that's kind of more time to it before we're gonna have any kind of update on it that way we're not have to go through if it's if it's not too much but going back to yours Dave on the thing is that something you want to make a motion to do I would like to see a list of accomplished or completed activities so that we know that uh we making progress every day right so I make a motion that as things complete and we complete things let's let's keep a list of completed activities and possibly an ETA on the other and add the ETA he had already asked for that well you're Bing a motion so I'll second that motion second I just want to clarify what you're asking you're just asking for things that get put on that list to be follow up with right no rolled rolled to a to a separate uh schedule right right yeah it's just stuff that gets on that list it's not everything that we do it's just no no no just this this list but there's other things that we do that we have said we were going to do or follow up on that needs to be added to this list that's circling the building you know like like I mentioned to you this morning yeah no no and I guess I mean it it'll happen yeah not making any excuses I just I I want to clarify the process because I mean I think again for all of our sake we need to know when something should go on there is it is it just one council member asking about it or is it Council saying we want this on the list to bring it back I think it's been it we asked it to be put on there in the past be and so I think what Dave motion is is that as it comes off here it's just park some I'm not even worried about coming off of there because you can turn the schedule sideways and do a landscape and you've got enough columns you can just keep track of it to the end of the year and then that can Aid job or whatever you know you have everything there completed and in process so how long does the completed stay on the completed list till the end of forever like you know like in 3042 till the end of the fiscal year and then it would Age off and and you know you'd go for when is that when do it age off at the end of the fiscal year September 30 that's I was asking fiscal year yeah that's what I was thinking and that way you can look back over your activity and say hey we accomplished these 10 items right I just think it's it's list after list I think that I think this is good this was a good input I justess making another list is just more busy work people that don't plan plan to fail and I don't want to be in that category so I would like to have a list of accomplishments you have the motion on the floor and seconded so I'm going to vote on it okay so just and just to clarify the motion is it a separate list or stays on this list as completed whatever's easiest for the person doing it personally I think it if if Keep It motion yeah I'd like to have it all on one page okay so the motion so the mo to rec clarify motion motion is by Dave is to not bring the things off of here but just show them as completed and maybe put them at the bottom or at the top completed one one or two and then um at the end of fiscal year all the completed items would roll off do we know how far back we're going or is this moving start yeah there was stuff that was removed so you want go back to the beginning of fiscal year and grab those back in here it doesn't matter I mean I think the best way you're making a motion and the best way to start is just to start so I I said let's go from this day forward let's turn this thing into a landscape file you want me to get detail I get detail landscape file let's put filters on there we'll roll it into a pivot table and we'll have the data the way we want it no pivot table yeah we're not trying to be difficult I just want to make sure that staff needs staff needs to know what to do after this motion passes or fail should I send a draft Yeah so obviously September 30th is right around the corner so so start fresh going forward now we're going to leave the things that I asked to be taken off we're going to leave those on show them as completed Bob second it so what are we going to do just a completion date at the end of it yes possible or is this something that could just be put as a file on the website so the motion is to take this old impr old list nothing comes off of it it only shows completed and at the end of the fiscal year completed stuff would fall off the other stuff would remain could that you just could it be would you be happy if it was on just on the website a page of completed projects make me happy so really does it really matter at this point okay well I'm gonna act on the motion because the motion is to keep it on here just keep straight so I I'll put that to vote before I do that anybody public like to comment on that I bring back for vote all in favor signify by saying I I opposed motion carries okay anything else if not I'm looking for a motion for J well I had one question uh just a couple things you have a a grant coming up 1 of August 40 million for the water control station I believe August August 8th is when the state is having their meeting least that's the last I heard August 8th is when the uh DP is having their meeting that will Rank and place the uh different projects on the list this is like a huge deal for us though I mean it's to a big deal yes yeah and nothing's changed so far everything's have not heard anything you know we have our application in it's just a matter of waiting for the the state to have their meeting just so you understand this is for the planning stage of it you know construction will come later on understand this is for initial plan we can't do nothing until we he from them we're trying to see if we're going to get funding to to submit for planning right right okay okay any other questions for okay I got a motion to from Linda a second second least got second all in favor second hi hi close [Music]