okay father God we come to you and we thank you for this meeting for the city we just ask for wisdom and we know through the multitude of counselors there is great wisdom so for the stuff that's on the agenda agenda uh we call for the meeting and so we got uh appointing the city council I just thank you for those who served in this Arena and then later on uh we'll get somebody in to fill that position so we thank you for Cherokee and her service and we uh we will miss her and we are grateful for her and stuff for the supplies and the impound vehicles and all the things that you're going to be doing the old business tonight and so I just thank you this is a place where we work together as we work for you and for the community for the better of one another and just do everything with with integrity and truth and then you talked about the government part there as well that we would have that leadership that would be led by you and one another with with Godly counsel in Jesus name I pray [Music] amen United States of America Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible Li Mr cler I have Ro please sure Mayor John Eric Cooper here vice mayor Linda Rodriguez let the record show that vice mayor Linda Rodriguez is absent from tonight's meeting councilman Dave Mueller here councilman Robert hubard here City attorney Nancy Meyer here city manager Matthew copper here thanks Al uh first up approved minutes we got two sets we'll start with uh May 13th city council Workshop minutes motion make a motion to approve the minutes May 13 I'll second motion second all in favor by saying I I post I'm I can motion tonight so uh next up is the 514 2024 city council meeting minutes look for a motion [Music] make Mo motion to approve second motion second forther discussion all in favor saying I [Music] iOS next up comments from the general public um before we get started I'll read our Preamble here public participation is encouraged you're addressing the council step to the podium and state your name and address for the record please limit your general comments to three minutes for comments on action items please limit comments to three minutes on the current topic please limit your conversations while sitting in the audience during Council business and silence your cell phones as to not interfere with everyone's ability to hear the comments of both the public and the council during that time that being said I do have three signed up start with Danny Fields welcome my name is Danny fields and my address is 8114 L kid uh so I just want again thank you guys for your service and everything that you do we do have an event coming up but this is more local for light of the world Tabernacle and again that's at 8114 little kid Avenue and then it's on July the 7 and it says come and join us and we have a guest speaker Jimmy white he'll be leading worship and we're reaching out in the community it's a free event it's called family fun day and we're reaching out in the community to to let them know that we're here for them and how we could serve them and help them so uh you see that you have a flyer so if if you want to come to that or invited uh we have the service at 10:00 a.m. but if you don't come to the service which I recommend you you do but if you don't then you can show up from 12:00 to 2: and have food fun and games we have a bouncy house uh so since this is local we did get uh insurance on that to protect us as well as those uh from being harmed but we have plenty of Staff that'll be there to make this a great event so I didn't want to put that on the the the city but all are welcome and so and then we do have the backpack giveaway coming up we that'll be in Waterfront Park and so I will uh let my colleague uh Pat address that and so I just want to thank you again but before I uh get off here I got a few minutes tonight what I'll say is this as somebody cares is working in the community and that's somebody's cares event for the backpack giveaway to the schools and so as Pat as that but some of you know that we've been working with the county the city uh the County Commissioners the sheriff uh local police and fire department working together not only in Port Richie but Newport Richie as well so we're expanding out and then I got to go to Georgia and work with the mayor there and others and got a good Workshop going to uh to have like faith and blue and a lot of good things are going on so we could work together and just make a a great place in America to live not just in Port Richie or the city of Port Richie but surrounding areas as well so thank you again bless you thanks d uh next up I've got Pat [Music] Rogers Pat Rogers 4838 Sunset Boulevard well I come to talk to you about the backpack giveaway which is kindergarten through 12th grade some somebody cares Tampa Bay and somebody cares Pasco County is working with us or we're working with them it's going to be at the waterfront park on Saturday July 27th from 10: to noon they're asking that people who need backpacks call for reservations so that they can because the backpacks will be sorted sort of by age and size we've got two phone numbers 727 992 3611 and 727 819 8811 and uh like I said Port Richie police and fire department will be there we enjoy their participation the children enjoy it they love to climb all over the fire trucks and thank you very much for letting us hold this event in the park thanks May yes um P want ask question that last phone number was 8881 not 8811 well that's that's probably me I just wanted to 8881 is yeah 727 819 8811 they did it again 881 thanks I like that number follow off that and I'll take time but we do have the Flyers here so at the end we'll give them to you and then you could have them and it's got all that info thank you thank uh last up signed up wise I have Joseph scan not I tried welcome he my name is Joseph SC 50 5944 pin hill road I have a TOA company here and I'm trying to get on rotation for the last nine months and I am just getting the Runar around so now I'm bringing it to the counselor to find out why am I not getting answers not I'm just getting the runaround why I'm not allowed to be on rotation and I am in the city limit okay um are you aware of [Music] this we're in the mid of doing a process where we have applications personally same manager posession so we're going through re applications and inspections which didn't have before you code do that now and he'll have an opportunity to apply okay so should he reach out to you or ultim it be going through the police department we just have to finish up the review of all the things we're changing City attorney and myself will be going over that shortly I have been CH for the last nine months to the chief um I've been been told 60 days 30 days 90 days because I was with another Tow Company A1 recovery that's in the city limits and it was I guess he's is bringing that issue over to my company which I find very to be unfair so I've been reaching out for the last N9 months and I've been telling I've been being told 30 days 90 days and I'm not getting nowhere with it okay this is the first time I'm hear about an application and I have numerous meetings with them okay getting nowhere with them I apologize for that want to have you directly reach out to yeah we I spoke to him also and he was supposed to give me a call back a month ago and never did either okay do this follow up with him again tomorrow and then cop me on it and I'll make sure that um we we walk that through okay and my other concern was they're saying that I'm not allowed to have a tow company in the city limits at my address but yet I'm surrounded by Toe Companies they're saying that I'm not zoned for it and I'm in the industrial park and there's a toe company next door for me there's a toe company behind me and they're saying that I'm not allowed to have a toe company in the city so once again this is being BR over from another company that I used to work for that has basically a monopoly in the city that owns numerous tow companies and but yet he's on rotation um and I don't understand why like this is all being BR over because I used to work for another toe company that had numerous Toe Companies on rotation and that's not fair for other Toe Companies at all especially when they were arrested by Port Richie PD for a family Char and it's still on rotation which I don't understand that either and that's not fair either for other Toe Companies especially when you have Toe Companies are not even in the city limits that are on rotation I don't find this to be fair at all okay first I'm hear from it um here's my contact information again reach out to the city manager he's kind of run the show and if you have trouble you know loot me in we'll see what we can which I like I said I already reached out to him I'm still waiting a month later for a phone call back from him I still have not received that either we'll REM that okay thank you um that's all science I have I show hands anyone else like to speak okay bring it back uh next up as com from city manager I'll turn over Mr copper comments thank you very much good evening uh first item uh is a reminder that uh because of the uh resignation of uh councilwoman Samson we need to uh have Council appoint a new member to the Tampa Bay Regional Planning Commission um the next meeting isn't until August so you have the month of July to do it but I just wanted to make sure that you're you have on your radar and uh are thinking about it so probably maybe at the next meeting we could have something on the agenda for that the second item is the appointment of a city council member to the 2125 resiliency restoration ad hoc committee and of course this is the coastal resiliency and restoration committee the council approved at the last meeting um Council needs to appoint one member to uh be on that board we also are advertising right now for for members or for people to apply for membership for the two open positions as well want to remind everyone that uh July 4th is course right around the corner and on July 5th uh the boom on the Bayou at the Waterfront Park uh it'll be open at 6 pm and uh fireworks are scheduled to begin at 900 p.m. then we'll feature food trucks music and vendors uh and hope everyone remembers that there's not a lot of parking there so it is limited um and also reminding people that Waterfront Park will be closed the week of the first of Public Works can finish prepping the park for this event uh if you recall at uh one of our last study sessions uh we were talking about the substantial uh improvements where uh the conversation I think staff brought forward 40% uh to Move It from the 50% where it's currently at uh Council actually uh authorized put in there 45% um staff had been trying to confirm if if there was additional points given below that 49% um what they were able to confirm is that once you get you know you get all the points that you get at 49% so 45% doesn't get us any more points 40% doesn't get us any more points did if I could WR just find anything on the actual the years between one year or two year as reset time I have to follow up for that I think again there's Beyond one year is what the number you know when you do Beyond one year is when you get the points so one year a day I think I think that's how it is um it wasn't in my email so I'm not sure clarify that before we yep yeah and it's right now that's all being worked through with the city attorney to get it in the proper form so uh we hope to have that information before it comes back before uh city council um speed tables on Grand Boulevard uh during uh this process for the installation of the two speed tables um we found out that Grand Boulevard is possibly a County Road although the city maintains it um it's listed in some way as a County Road um the importance of this is if it is in fact the county road we're going to have to go through their process to be able to install the speed humps on Grand Boulevard um so we're working through that understanding how Port Newport Richie got theirs placed on there um so we reached out to Newport Richie and waiting for information there as well as you know working with the county to ascertain why they believe that it's a County Road um as council's aware we uh recently had done the cleaning and videoing of uh sewers on the south side of the city uh happy to report that we didn't find too much in the uh sewer lines that we were able to camera uh actually just two issues where uh infiltration and inflow possibly happen and both of those areas are going to be taken care of by uh public works or Utilities in the near future uh we hope to uh finish the rest of the Southside sometime later in July and the last thing I just wanted to bring up that uh as part of our budget review process we're going to be meeting with a consultant to go over our health property and liability insurances to one make sure that you know we're getting the the best possible insurances within the best possible price structure so you'll be hearing more about that either prior to the budget process or as part of the budget process uh depending on what we find out yeah it did include on the report a couple snapshots of sewer lines that's the product that uh we get from what we're doing so you can see for yourself what we're seeing when it comes to the issues that's all I thanks Matt uh next up comments from the mayor of city council start with h anything uh two things real quick I did note that the Miller value property now has Port Richie's name on it we do have a piece of property that can be repurposed for potentially a a garden or neighborhood Garden what whatever uh so that's all good I have been driving that for years so um so we did we have received uh the title uh we are now re to our engineering firms to put together a site plan to do that next step perfect um and also I noticed everybody may have received this um drinking water report for 2023 um I was just wondering these a year in the rears and there's couple items here that I noticed this woodn't with the cop uh tap water that's being addressed with the study that's going on right okay and if you notice the stain was that of our sticket no it's out of my coffee cup that went on my computer and I don't have a keyboard anymore so that's what that's about anyway thank you um that's good thank you than um just got a couple things I was actually going to mention the water rep it was there was two things that failed on there copper and then what was the other one I got it right here bring it I was going to bring something else up I it was the uh uranium and Alpha emitters uh actually those hadn't been done since 320 the other one was total dissolv solids um that yeah that was L that was you know 200 units above the 500 which is acceptable um let me U the thing is this this went out did this go out from our staff or did the firm that did the work send it on our behalf FTE goes through that report before it goes out what's that the Florida Department of Environmental Protection goes over that report before it goes out all right but our water I'm sorry good who prepared this one our water plan operator right senior water plan operator he prepares the report and then sends that to to FTE before we can even release it and then once they green light it then it can go out yes um the only thing that I would recommend is I I don't see anywhere where we're signing off on this thing saying hey you know this this nice letter about all this stuff I think it would be hubus to say hey this is make sure it's from us because there's a lot of stuff going around right don't know um if that could be done even you know at the end hey you know the city this is from the city or something like that I don't know it does have our phone numbers on here but I would think a signature or something would be would be nice and then do we have a what I was getting at was do we have some kind of action plan on addressing those two items that were at a spec is there sorry action for the two things that failed are we addressing those just for the public obious that saw those um I would have to talk I I'd have to review that with the uh with the water plan operator and and our utility director and see what actions we're going to be taking yeah made by next meeting if we could have an update on that what how we're what we're doing to address that um the other thing I had last thing I had was um I got an email from uh what is her name Linda Cen um asking about back on August 22nd 23 the council um endorsed the uh the helper act that they're trying to get in place and um so they've reached out again and want a further endorsement for the same act um to send to some legislators and I just wanted by consensus is okay if you all if I signed that again for that it's uh I've got it here it's basically addressed to the honor Sher shered Brown honorable Patrick McKenry honorable Tim Scott honorable Maxine Waters um I'll read a little bit of it I write to express City strong support for the bipartisan homes for every local protector educator and responder helper act uh and to urge your committees to hold a markup on this critical legislation as soon as possible as of the right letter the helper Act is sponsored and co-sponsored by 26 members of the Senate and 139 members of the House of Representatives this includes five members of the Senate Banking Committee and 13 memb M of the house uh Financial Services committee Law Enforcement Officers firefighters emergency medical technicians paramedics and teachers dedicate their lives to safeguarding the nurturing of our and nurturing of our communities yet their invaluable contributions many of these professionals face significant challenges in affording homes in the very neighborhoods they serve ensuring that these essential workers have access to affordable housing is not only a matter of fairness but also a Strategic investment in the well-being and stability of our communities the helper act would establish a much needed Home Loan program for First Responders and educators modeled after the highly successful Department of Veteran Affairs uh VA home loan program specifically the helper act would uh it goes down to mention some things um if you want me to read more I can but it's basically just to endorse this to send to these guys to continue looking at possibly adopting that helper act I think it's a good thing for the for the First Responders and that and like I said back in August of 23 we actioned that to uh to support that and so this is a followup to that so by consensus sign any objections okay thank you uh that being said that's all my comments we'll move to comments from board's committees do we have any comments for board committees so now move on consent agenda item number two uh move for motion motion to approve consent agenda June 25th 2024 second second okay um there a motion a second any further discussion anyone public like comment see Hands I bring it back for a vote all in favor signify by saying I I opposed motion carries next up item number three Council business discussion on the nomination process and selection of appointed city council member I pass it to Mr coppler for introduction as Council is aware uh We've uh received resignation of councilwoman Cherokee Samson and per Charter uh city council is required to uh designate a qualified City resident to fill in for this position until a special election is called for by Council and so tonight uh discussion on how you want to do the process or handle the process to fill that position so I'll start um the charter is not very specific on the process it's just states that we appoint someone to fill this position um what we've done traditionally in the past is open that up to the public to show up at uh a following or subsequent meeting um give them some time to to you know lastly reach out to city clerk to with a resume or whatever why you know to tell they're interested uh or just show up that night and all the candidates that are interested we can give them some time to um speak to us about why they want to be appointed to the council and then we can action at that meeting is you guys okay with having it same I will also mention that Linda not here tonight she that was what she stated in her email that she'd like to see as well so I'm okay with that yeah what we've done before so if we could U want to do that the next meeting the 24th 24th July yeah July 9th was that uh will Linda be back for that yeah okay yeah so we we'll plan on July 9th you guys could get the word out to the community to to reach out they're interested uh any other comments on that from the board any public like to speak on that single hands I bring it back uh next up item number four surplus of impounded Vehicles I'll pass that to Mr cop for introduction this request is for the surplus of nine impounded vehicles have been stored in the time lot for the police department for 90 days or more registered owners were sent notification via registered mail have not responded to retrieve their vehicles for Richie police department will send these vehicles to the Tampa Bay ma Machinery Auction as is our standard practice the auction will auction these vehicles using their Standard Process discussion uh yes uh in the future when we have these auctions is there a way to have a followup saying hey there was nine Vehicles sent and we received xll for that and and my thought was is there other auctions that we might be able to do better than this particular one like a used car auction rather than Tampa Machinery I I don't know I'm just thinking do we want to look at other opportunities to maximize our you know values do we Chief do we have any options that you aware of is it we looked at one in in the past but it's a lot more con convoluted process and it would put more work on our staff to do it than the way we're doing it now and it wouldn't have been a cost savings benefit tap machine often is the most one most popular get probably the most money for your dollars the most efficient way to do this probably I don't unless you hire an Auctioneer then you're looking at costing more money you're not going to get as many bids and not going to get their revenue off the vehicles that way so it seems to me it's the most efficient way to do it do um do we have report of after they sell what the city gets I mean should get a check like lump some or the wage clerk gets sent a report um and matter of fact we asked for one last week so she's working with the uh gentleman a Tampa B machiney they give us a report it'll tell you what's sold how you sold but it also tell you what didn't sell so we have a full uh description of what we have down there and what's control and that's not currently part of your report that you do monthly right is that something it doesn't come in monthly or whatever guess is that something we want to may you like to see in a monthly report maybe just here's the thing um I I have no clue whether we're maximizing or minimizing opportunity there uh I know nine Vehicles go out I don't know anything else um you know or 10 Vehicles go out don't know what comes back um it's just you know information right now maybe we just get what's out there today and then take a look at it and see if it's yeah bring it in the expected dollars put them out in front of the city hall with ses sign and your phone number on do that so is it is it too much trouble to maybe in those monthly reports if we had some that U were taking care of at auction the prices that that they went just to we had to reach out to Tampa MCH yks and see if they can do a report monthly because they don't do one monthly because they they have a myriad of other clients besides so we'll reach out weord at some point maybe just have that dump out there for I would think that all we'd have to do is find pull the finance records and say okay how much is coming in from these auctions and pull that number together and you see it by month and we know what was sold or or auctioned by month and now you can see okay these nine I got $800 for all of that is that good or bad or indifferent I don't know I'm trying to make a decision I don't have a DEC all the facts so what I'm trying to do is accumulate what facts we do have I do know there was nine vehicles um so this maybe this will be the test when these go out they'll go out probably next month because it's too late to get them in this month right it depends on when they can come and get them I think they only come and do them every they only do tap of Machinery twice a month so anyway so let's see what happens with this one and when we get the check then we can match the results of nine Vehicles check for $9,000 and that's a win right yeah so like since it's we good with having staff kind of put together at least some kind of reporting at some interval to let us know what's what we're getting for those thanks I need a motion a motion to uh approve uh these vehicles for the June auction list for S as surus second um I motion second for discussion any speak wel hey folks Chris Mayer 5342 blueo Drive hey chief 30 years in the car business I just looked at their auction everything's absolute nobody gets to check anything that stuff's not bringing what it needs to bring I mean just my opinion I don't know what the cars are so I'm not going to jump into your business and do your job Chief but if there's any value back there at all to get them running put them through a lane running the car is worth way more than if it's just sitting there dead you know pulled in and you know good luck kind of thing so anyway I don't want to jump into your business but I I think there may be some validation to what uh councilman mu saying there to maybe maximize the input of the cars obviously we need money in the city right yeah thanks Chris help anyway please let me know thanks anyone else back yeah I think it's as you guys look to maybe get that if we can put a process together where we can if there's any options to try to maximize our our benefit from those as suppose just kind of dump them out there and get what we get there might be some opportunity there so have motion second all in favor 65 saying I I oppose motion carries uh next up item number five approval of resolution number 24-15 electing to electing not to exempt property under the live local act property exemption uh it's my understanding that that we have to uh move to the next meeting because it requires a 2third majority vote of the uh Council not just the cting council that correct that's correct um and we don't need a motion table we just announce when it's going to be heard yeah so we're going to we're going to roll that to the very next council meeting which would be July 9th at 6: PM in Chambers thank you good for that yes okay moving right along to number six uh Ajax Paving Paving work Paving work change order I'll pass it to Mr CL for introduction on May 14th 2024 city manager staff attended a preconstruction meeting with fied representatives from Ajax Paving during the meeting uh discussions the members their field study they know some additional milling and Paving work that should be completed the same time they're on site especially on November in Carpenter Street City requested a change order quote for additional services for city council approval actually cost will be purchased through arpa funding so if you give me one second here let me get the yes so get to I need to be the uh primary changes um first on November in Carpenter uh Milling of existing asphalt pavement two and half inch depth uh additional Milling of existing assphalt pavement um and deep patching and I think the the big the big issue there is they notice how it's right upet enough stop have I Yi my time with you um the big the big issue there is that the uh the base apparently has a lot of issues that they feel need to be uh repaired before putting a final code on there and uh as they talk to us about it it makes sense that you know we don't want to be putting uh asphalt on something that probably within a year or two because we didn't fix the base wouldn't you know it's going to be reflected up through that so it makes sense at least from our standpoint that we go ahead and do a change order to allow that deep patching um also I think the the additional uh Milling if I'm not mistaken is based upon those areas where they're going to be doing the de patching that correct yes and just let Council know I I have a representative here from Ajax to answer any specific questions about the change order so she's here tonight if you you wanted to come up and answer any questions did they cover that well or is there something yeah no you did a great job I I vaguely remember that meeting yeah did you all have any questions yesew this is um this is uh questions in general I I know we have the initial um big project you 527k sure and then the change order um I'd just like a little clarification on each of these major events there is a an amount called maintenance of traffic west of 19 and it's it repeats about four times what what exact what exactly is that Main of traffic crew so the guys that go and put out the cones and the signage that let everybody traveling public know that there's work going on keeps our guys safe as well gotcha hey if I could I know we talked about us doing that I guess for the speed HPS when we had that conversation is that something that we can do here in all different no that's a major setup and plus they're going to be doing that work overnight so it's going to be overnight work thanks that's that's kind of where I was going but I you pretty much explained why why you're doing it but it just seems you know that's probably for the rent of those cones and things like that the barrels or whatever they're doing part of it is for the the rental of the equipment we do own our own cones but getting signs out there and then also the labor of the the guys that are actually doing the work do we stay on the job the entire time they're there before everybody gets set up and they're the last ones there so yeah and I think redundant but it is needed at every location and I think think that's already approved I just wanted some clarification and we're looking at the 292 yeah the addition right yes and the speed bumps aren't in here correct but that would be another change order hopefully once we get the other pieces resolved and get dumped on top I think I read somewhere that that they wouldn't be doing that they'd have to subcontract that out correct that is correct yes we don't do speed humps ourselves they're a little bit more specialty and the amount that you've already approved is the amount that that's that what they're going to be so that that was 35 3500 for each one for the two and then we would be doing theot of on Grand Boulevard you know basically detouring off while they work on that so there's not there shouldn't be a change order for that that was the initial price that's a separate separate company it was three not 35 right I think it was 35 before we were going to do the it was 35 I'll double check that it was about it was about seven Grand yeah yeah that's about right I thought that was original quote but it was we were saving $500 by doing our own our own flag which took it down a three that was my recollection in that neighborhood anyway any questions no okay thank you thank you any motion motion to approve of the change order for Ajax second the motion second for discussion anyone public like to comment see Hands put the vote all in favor 65 by saying I I oppos motion carries uh next up we have item number seven approval of requests of qualifications R ofq by tjkm Inc for the Safe Streets for all comprehensive Safety Action Plan pass that to Mr CER for induction on May 29th 2024 six uh submittal of qualifications were received and open for the development of the comprehensive Safety Action Plan and of course the the Safety Action Plan is result of the city receiving a safe streets for all Grant in the amount of $160,000 with a total price of $200,000 uh City staff reviewed the six uh submittals and a panel that consisted of the city manager the grant coordinator and the operations manager interviewed three engineering firms um we went through the six and and near down to three that we felt had the best uh quality of work um had significant amount of work either in Florida or in or throughout the United States and has a track record of of delivering a project they you know they're in they are uh Consulting for to deliver um after the three interviews each member of the panel scored which firm was suited to best complete the study tjkm Inc ranked the highest and is presented to council for final approval to proceed with the development of the what is you know what is a seap that's that's a new one I didn't see that in there sorry C that's a comprehensive Safety Action Plan oh is that what it is somewhere else right here on the oh was right I didn't I'm reading down not up front hate those things um to let Council know I think you you would have seen an earlier email that uh we had placed the wrong uh submitt in there it was actually uh the firm's first middle last year uh we sent out the a new one plus uh delivered to your desk here tonight the uh current one um this course is a request what we went through is a request for qualifications so nothing is based upon what the cost is going to be it's based upon the abilities and uh project uh specifications and meeting those project specifications that each of the firms uh submitted to us again as we went through uh the process it was very clear um tjkm had the most experience related to uh putting these uh safety plans together and uh they're able to do it in a very timely manner um I think the other two had given us a n 10 Monon uh time frame to get it completed uh TJ km's was a lot short I think theirs goes out to March it would be F finished so um deliver a good product and uh able to do it in a very uh fastforward manner we did reach out to three three different uh uh references for them all three I believe had you know two of the three gave them tens the third I think gave them a nine out of 10 and all three men or said that they would uh definitely hire him again to do a project the next step if Council agrees to uh moving forward with tjkm would be uh sitting down getting that final contract which again come back before you as well which we have that penalized thank you so for motion or discussion I did have a couple questions on page 46 they talked about total PT Richie collisions fatalities and severe injuries I'm not sure this is our data I don't know where this came from um because they indicate here a significant north south thway passes through the center of the town State Road 52 which intersects at US1 19 serves as a CR you know they're talking about that if you look at all of 19 yeah I can believe some of this but I I I just don't know where this and this this is just their qualification yeah so I'm just hoping that they know the scope of what they're looking yeah and and I think you know a lot and and you see it a lot from a lot a lot of Consultants come from the outside they they'll you know in these presentations they they try to show everything they know about the city right but in doing so sometimes they show what they don't know about the city one thing they don't know about the city is people outside the city have our our Z code and so what what they obviously did was they ran the ZIP code not just the boundaries of the city but but again I I think as we go into the negotiation phase of this um you know we'll hammer down what what the SC will be and they'll understand that did I I I was looking through here did I see a quote in here somewhere [Music] yeah that that one so that again was their first submitt last year before the city I mean I think at the time it wasn't clear that that we understood that it needed to be a a different process and so I think staff had done a request for proposals rather than a request for qualifications and so under state law and actually our own right um you know this had to be a request for qualification so we select the best firm with the the best qualifications most experience and knowledge um and then you negotiate what that price is okay just not to add more to it just to talk more B but you know those negotiations are a little bit sideways because they know what the the dollar amounts are for ex the answer and and so from from our standpoint really is about getting as much as possible um out of out of the money that we have for this uh motion to approve uh request for qualifications by tjkm for the Safe Streets for all comprehensive Safety Action Plan csap second have motion second forther discussion I do have one signed up to speak Pat Rogers welcome Pat Rogers 4838 Sunset Boulevard I was just curious about what does this include I mean what are we trying to do with this Safety Action Plan you little elaborate sure so so the goal of H Safe Streets for all main goal is to get traffic fatalities to zero and so uh the Federal Department of Transportation has put out these grants to start the uh creation of these comprehensive Safety Action plans uh what they'll do is they'll start focusing on you know one hot spots where uh you know these fatalities are occurring then they'll also look at areas where you you may not have fatalities but you have a lot of accidents and then there also be looking at areas that where you don't have fatalities you don't have a lot of accidents but you also have a lot of traffic issues and in doing that they put together list of not only those hotpots but also a list of uh methods you can use to try to improve either reductions in in fatalities reductions in accidents um you know for instance one thing may be if you have an area where there's a lot of speeding going on and they feel that it's an appropriate measure to use you could put speed tables in you know um and so they'll be looking at a lot of our streets from that perspective but there'll also be engaging the the public as well because one of the the goals of the safe Street for all is that engagement of uh residents and travelers to make sure that they're aware of you know what's going on and get you know a lot of information from from our residents as to what they're seeing within our our neighborhoods as well so we don't miss any of the possible areas that traffic caling uh devices or or methods can be used thanks that's all i' signed up anybody else like to speak on that topic see Hands I bring it back to vote all in favor signify by saying I I opposed motion carries last up is item number eight discussion hold business is there any we be talked about on Old business I just have one thing on the on the 100th anniversary um meeting if we looked at possibly scheduling that what what's is that you that will schedule that um I can we did put two I think I think we have uh what would make a quorum yes okay so if we can maybe get something scheduled there and I think we're we had additional McDonald sponsor bety Ross booster for the Bo advice we've got Honda and then McDonald's both sponsor event what was the I know the Ocean Honda was 10,000 what was the Betsy Ross amount I want to say 500 sponsorship I want to say okay so I think we we're ready for that event guys closing the park I think there's a yeah we're gonna close we're going to close the park the last week to do any Public Works usually goes in there and they refurbish everything you know they're they're trimming trees now they'll probably redo the roadway um police and fire have already um are submitting their their action plans for it we have 12 vendors um that have paid that are scheduled to be there um we'll have we'll have extra restroom set up um we should uh we'll have Honda's probably going to do a to do a stand in a setup McDonald's was going to do some sort of setup with a character and coming to the park and then we're we're on schedule with the vendor with the fireworks so everything is good to go good should be a good event looking forward to it so if you like Sherry Shar 7802 Davis Street uh now that we have sponsors I was just wondering does that put money back in the city or are we just going to have more fireworks and a longer show yeah I was actually thinking the same thing as kind it was a go to buy more shells or that just offer cost I think we had 50,000 budgeted right 25 25 sorry 25,000 um no the the package is still the same it was the initial 25,000 um I've talked to the city manager and you know back and forth we didn't extend the uh the project but with our obligations to the sponsors we've had to purchase banners sign work things like that um so that's going to help offset the cost so it's um you know the money we didn't add anything more to the fireworks it's just more or less just for the other offset costs that we're going to have but um it's more of uh you know at least everyone now is sharing the responsibility so all the money that they donated is going to banners well not just banners uh we're going to be doing a press release uh we're going to be doing the press release next week um you know we had we had to order we had to order you know porta potties and restrooms uh the work that's going to be done to the park probably the um see if we can offset some of the overtime that we're going to have you know because that was an expense last year so okay and then of course the money that the city put in towards the fireworks because the city initially put in the the full 25,000 for the fireworks so their their their sponsorship money now is going to help us offset that amount go ahead um just look at this list um I see there was a something with the sun shades on June 20th um is there an update there operations I met with a vendor on I met with a vendor the other day uh to go out there and we he went ahead he's going to be bringing me he already brought me some ideas what the you know what we can do uh they did measurements and um hopefully I'm going to get some pricing and proposals in the near future I'm also um I believe next week we have we have a we have a vendor that we're going to meet at braner Park to redo that playground and also do sun shades there as well okay and then U we had an update on Nix Park boat ramp I believe the attorney was looking into that or there's something going on there yeah no we we are collecting some of the information we need to get for the uh the analysis of what the charge would be what we can't do yeah and then U next one's complete um you guys are working on Brash or bathroom trying to figure out what's happening with that yeah still in we've received uh three quotes now we have we have two we have two quotes for proposals waiting on a third I've got a third engineer that we talked to today um might bring us some uh some ideas for prefab work so I'm waiting for some email and information on that and then we can you know go forward with which which direction we're going to take as far as doing a conceptual plan for the bathrooms or go ahead and going forward with a type of you know prefab work the the engineer that I spoke to today has done restrooms for other state parks and whatnot and he was telling me he's like he goes it might be more cost efficient for the city to go in the direction of of a preab type of structure so I told him I said well send send me some send me some plans or some ideas that you have so I can present them to council as a direction we could probably go in [Music] anything else good thanks two things I think two things on the on the Grand Boulevard intersection improvements just to clarify what exactly come back with the I guess topographical survey survey July 1 and then there's going to be five to six weeks to engineer all that to to get a cost behind it yeah I just spoke to the engineer on that today um with um ch Martin he's you basically verified that um he told me again today you should have everything from the surveyor on the first so then they will take that data in about five to six weeks have the design ready okay so and we'll have a cost associated with that and that at that point we'll be able to turn as the N that okay and then uh the other thing was on the Limestone fishing pier we decided to move forward and tear that out um do we it says here uh they guess Coastal Design receive the permit to move forward with Demolition and our build is the next step to is Coastal Design is not going to be doing the tear out we'd have to bid that out to demo company I guess yeah we're gonna have to put it put together a bit and I have to talk we're gonna have to talk to Coastal and see if they're going to provide us that package in order to put together or is that something we're gonna have to do internally but we have to have that conversation still okay but we have to go engineering quote do that have to get engineering quotes do that there shouldn't be no issue getting that done before with arban funding before we okay okay anything else wondering if if we could look at especially these items that have different phases maybe put a Gant chart together to to show that we've done this this and things out future periods or something I don't know I'm just thinking out out loud here you may me organize as Council of business section maybe a little different and I might take a stab at this else okay motion to injour Second motion second all in favor sing saying I I being injour first one 50 minutes