I [Music] know father God we come to you we just want to thank you for this meeting for the stuff that's going to be on the agenda for the board and uh we just thank you for there's a vision the vision to help uh grow our community for development development and things that the people uh request and need so we just thank you for each member here and their service to you and each other as they work together as a team I'm grateful for the police and the fire department the mayor and the counsil and all those in every Department working together to make this a great place to be in Jesus name we pray Amen to of the United States of America repblic stand One Nation God indivisible withy and justice for all mad cler you take R please John here vice mayor Linda Rodriguez here councilman Tom canella here councilman David Mueller here Council Samson here City attorney Nancy me here city manager Matthew coppler here first upep is approve Council minutes we've got two sets let's focus on the 220 24 city council Workshop minutes for motion motion to approve the minutes for the city council Workshop second motion second for discussion favy by saying I I opposed motion carries next up is the 31222 24 city council meeting minutes motion motion to approve the city council minut 3 12 24 have motion second forther discussion all favor signy saying I I opposed motion carries next up is comments from the general public I do have a few signups and I'll go through those first and I open up after before I start like to read uh uh Rules of Engagement here public participation is encouraged if you are addressing the council step to the podium state your name and address for the record please limit your general comments to 3 minutes for comments on action items please limit comments to 3 minutes on the current topic please limit your conversations while sitting in the audience during Council business and silence your cell phon so as do not interfere with everyone's ability to hear the comments of both the public and the council during that time that being said the first up I have is Danny Fields welcome my name is Danny fields and my address is 8114 Li kid Avenue and uh again I just want to thank you again for your service and everything you do we had a great turnout at uh um March the 30th Easter egg hunt in the park telling a story about Jesus so she'll have all the data what we did and the food and stuff but it is growing each event is growing the the police are there they had their tents set up the fire department the kids love it you know that just inspires them to be more police officers and uh firefighters and all that so it just working together in the community it's a great thing and you guys know we do a lot of events coming up but I'll I'll leave that for my colleague to talk about more of that but on April the 27th at light of the world Tabernacle 8114 little kid uh we will have the South Koreans here uh coming and praying for America know these are great things we get people coming from other countries that know about freedom and want want rights and and they pray for America this is a good thing and then uh on May the 2nd somebody cares and that was our event in Waterfront Park somebody cares and uh and then South Koreans and the sou somebody cares is also in part of that there but we will be having a National Day of Prayer and we will have that at the government building and we basically go out they set everything up and we pray and we have a lot of people show up Chris Narco is usually there the County Commissioners it's a great I remember the mayor being there last year and and so you know exactly what goes on so this is a chance for allans to come out and be a part and see what the faith-based church somebody cares and the local churches and businesses and uh government officials working together in an area to make it a better place for all of us thank you what was that date again Danny what's that what was the date again for that uh yeah that's going to be May the 2nd National Day of Prayer at the government center uh and we'll kick it off at noon but we'll be there setting up getting things ready okay thank you that's that's on little right yeah next up I have Jim huster [Music] welcome since I only have three minutes let me just hand these out so you distribute those that has to goes you just can't has to go we have to accept that and you just can't there should be an extra copy for the clerk as well just by consensus are we okay with accepting this in the record you motion we need to I know what it is know a motion just I don't know what this what what are you trying to have us look at I was just trying to get some information out since I've only got three minutes I was trying to do that as efficiently as possible so it's just backup documentation what you're about to speak on yes we let him speak and then he can yeah it's okay supplement with something that way this after the fact after you speak um yes Rules of Order that's the that's the process with Robert's Rules of Order it's a national um process that we have to follow you can't distribute the information first I'm sorry I didn't realize we might be able com and okay anyway um my name is Jim Hoster I'm at 4912 Sunset Boulevard Port Richie Florida it's the second house West of uh of the Indian Mound on on the west side of the river um anyway um basically uh uh we bought in 93 After the no-name Storm uh this the this hurricane is the first one that's that's produced significant damage for us um when we when we purchased we had no drainage issues because there were there were no homes along that portion of limestone behind us um so it things drank well uh when we uh after we uh picked the house up moved it on the property elevated it to meet the flood elevation and uh added on on to it uh we developed the the backyard and as as that was going on two houses were constructed behind us on Limestone and those houses were not required to maintain dra drainage along Limestone consequently one of them they put in a swimming pool in the process of doing that they then took their tailings spread it around around the pool and the last of the drainage was lost uh we're in a situation now uh matter of fact I've been with with the state agricultural commission uh that who tested our our our dirt in our backyard and front yard turns out that that the dirt in the backyard is three times more Salin and have salt in it than the front yard and that's largely due to the fact that moisture the only way it can get out is to evaporate but the salt's left behind and this basically killed everything that's there but since there but since the there's no other way to get uh dirt in that sufficiently enough to deal with the uh with the salt problem uh we can we cannot deal with with the issue and basically our backyard that was beautiful before is now horrible and what I'm looking for is a long Limestone you used to have drainage along there we ask that you restore it uh this would require going under U uh some uh some properties that you currently did not require drainage when they were built uh so they instead of putting uh culverts underneath their driveways they put the driveway at grade level and basically ter prevented that from from occurring um there's a property immediately to the to the east to me that is up for sale now and uh I we're very interested in it we spoke with with the the realtor that that has that property and we would be interested in acquiring it but only if if we can use it as a as a source of drainage uh because it's not really not valuable to anyone because it floods just like ours does uh but they do have direct access on the Limestone that I don't have um but so that's my main concern this has been going on since 93 when we bought like I said shortly thereafter you you we the house was built behind us and a few years after that the other House was built and uh Pat's here right now to say to attest to the fact that the one that's in front of her house is where the best drainage is if you can get to to that point you're golden and right now we can't and we ask that the city look into it okay thank you sure um and I guess these are photos of the property and maybe your yard or what what all yes you can get an idea from that U basically there are three uh three areas the photos were taken one of them shows the the condition of our backyard before the storm the second one shows the the condition for virtually the same angle uh is basically from our back deck on our property and and it's it shows the condition of the property today um the second one shows underneath an oak tree that is right next also near near our property matter of fact it is the only oak tree that's alive we have four others that are dead um but but it happens to be the the one where you can see that uh it was a very uh well landscaped area and now it's dead um this is true for the two other uh photos that show a before and after and then the last photo on there actually shows uh path's property and the drainage along Limestone that is there now but needs to be extended okay so thank you summary of what what the photos with that open up to the board for everybody what's motion put that into your hands motion to see the photos or have the photos put into our hands thank you motion to um motion to add to the agenda the photos provided thank you um I'll second have a motion second further discussion all in favor signify saying I I opposed motion carried accept this in the record thank you thank you I I will make some comments I actually at the very end of limestone there's there's right there between the marina I think and I name of the road there's a there's area that actually goes out I think the Dedra Pond whatever right at the intersection of limestone Dedra and and fiser uh is where the the the Culver goes under goes underneath Limestone and then it drains out past Marina palms and into the valou yeah I actually um brought that to to attention last year and they were looking at so that also reiterate that back just recently as of yesterday to uh currency manager Matt here and he's looking into that so that yes and I iclude in that research I guess how that works out I failed to mention that the staff has been very Cooperative they actually went out and talked to the property owners out there and got an understanding I mean I've talked to the property owner in the past and he was interested in in doing something under underneath his uh uh driveway and so forth that something that could be put in in Culvert uh and and was supportive of that so there are things that can be done the the property owner where the water is collecting now uh lives in in northern Michigan and Pat will attest to the fact that they don't want to spend money but if it come if if a if something can be put on Limestone I will spend whatever takes to connect to that uh because it couldn't it would really wouldn't involve that much it's just a way to get the water down so that so that things can so the property is useful take a look at it thank you thank you make sure you leave your name and number with okay the oak trees affected by we have we have five oak trees on the property one of them seems to be recovering the other four are completely dead and we're at the end of an Oak Hammock basically uh and uh that's one of the reasons we bought there that and the fact that we're on the that it's on the water but we like I said we bought back in 93 we were at bought in October and obviously the No Name storm was in March so it took us a while to be able to negotiate with the with the property owner and FEMA so uh but we've never I mean we've had some water in our front yard and so forth but we've never had water like we had from this from idea is this caused by the hurricane yes basically that's how you get so much salt in there otherwise did the water rise and you were flooded in that area we had we had two and a half ft of water in our yard okay so it really hasn't had the ability to blow out once exactly there's no place for it to go so since it doesn't get captured the it EV has to evaporate you don't have an exit strategy on the water um I wish we did uh actually at one point um if you those of you that have been here for a long time uh Eloise Taylor used to live next door to us the two of us used to have trash pumps and and between the two of us she would pump out out everything on one side of the of the stone wall and I would pump out everything on the other side and uh that worked out great and she subsequently passed away and I'm not in a position at 80 years of age to uh go out there and pump out the whole neighborhood we'll look at it for you thank you next up I have Eric Nelson welcome Eric Nelson oh that was the couple um next up Pat Rogers welcome I'll Pat Rogers 4838 Sunset Boulevard I would like to say when I'm finished with this that I've lived there since 65 I can make a lot of additions to what it was like down there but first I want to thank Port Richie for your continued participation with our somebody cares in our annual Easter egg event at Waterfront Park we had over 170 volunteer hours hot dogs popcorn snacks drinks games face pce faint past face painting live music and prizes and more candy than the children could eat most importantly the true meaning of e was taught to the children supplies food and time donated at a value of over $6,500 thank you for a continued relationship with Port Richie and a special thank you to the Port Richie police and fire departments and the volunteers that we had there and we pray that it was a blessing to the city and all attended and I also want to thank public works because the park looked great the bathrooms worked perfectly all day long and we've had sometimes when they didn't but so it was great like I said I do have additional comments for Mr hoster's problem okay there was a sale that went all the way from Pier past my house at the corner of limestone and Fisher Wilmer court and right there there's a pipe that goes across and heads to the South and goes out into the uh bayu so it drains from there and when the streets when the SE sewer lines were put in and the new water lines all those swells were filled in the city kindly came and reopened mine years later but nothing else was ever changed so it just said a permanent flood and that particular hurricane that did all the damage had no rain with it normally our hurricanes are full of rain and we don't have the salt Invasion problem but this time we had no rain and the salt water just sat I had three big oak trees one of them looks good second one maybe the third one I don't think it's going to make it and they're huge trees so it's been really bad in the whole neighborhood and I'm down on Sunset but this these trees were at the back of my property which coincides with the back of his property so and I can give you blowby blow on what it was like over the years thanks yeah OB you guys have a lot of tribal knowledge living back there for such long time so M if you could reach out to those guys to help uh do your analysis Sher did you want to [Music] speak Sherry Sher 7802 Davis Street um just also speaking to Jim and Jane Hoster and to Pat and everybody in my neighborhood um because I've been there for 33 years been through three floods now and yes we had no real rain with idelia and the I believe the water stayed on there maybe a little bit longer than others cuz there's no real drainage anymore the swells and ditches have been filled in people that have built have not been made to make that provision to where that water can drain so it's not just on Limestone it's on Davis it's on Chasco it's on Sunset it's on pier it's on all of those especially when I walk the city and I saw standing water when it hadn't rained for days uh just up along Pier on beam Mallet all those places had water so um yes the salt is more concentrated in our area now and I have three let's see two in the front one two in the back oak trees that have been there as long as I've had the property in before and they are completely dead I only have two trees now that that are are alive so this has affected the vegetation everything over there and it's something that the city really needs to address the water flow I understand we get storms rains we get standing water but there should be a flow that's how it used to be it used to come in tides and flow and drain back out and they no longer do um when the two houses next to me on Limestone were built they also didn't put in any kind of drainage under their driveways um in the backyard they were made to put in a little bit of a swell which is no longer there everything slopes to my yard so now when the water comes in I'm the bull so after years and years of complaining the city finally did put a drain at the end of my driveway and a sidewalk that leads down to the uh retention where they took out the house in the middle of Davis so now the water that comes off of limestone into my property draining there sits in that little retention Pond and it goes nowhere so that retention Pond still is full of salt water I don't think it's ever drained since Adelia came through so this is definitely a problem on the south side and when I've walked other areas there's lots of standing water and it's because all the drainage issues have been ignored for decades so just want to bring this to your attention and would hope that you know we drive around and we start looking at this and let's get everybody a little bit of help with what's going on here thank you thanks sh thank you you have any comment on drainage plans I guess I know I think you guys are looking at an overall yeah I mean the first step is to get a overall master plan for drainage but even short of that the everything that's being talked about cost money you have to make budget Provisions to spend the money to do that and you're going to be seeing it coming up okay next up Sher mlar welcome I'm a tall one Sher McClary 8731 Betty street so I have two things I'd like to share one I'll just follow up on the drainage of um the individuals that just spoke on Green Street someone has been filling a large lot it's on Green Street and Bay Boulevard and I realized to correct things it's expensive but we can avoid things this person has been filling that property I walked by after a onehour rainstorm Damon Lane is fully flooded so and I mean calf deep so I don't know if anybody's addressed that property but but not only are they filling it they are also cutting down all the Oaks and just piling them up all over so there is a huge implication that can be avoided now if code goes over there because I can't imagine that they got approved to fill that property and I think if you address it now you can avoid major major issues so it's that big lot at the end of green and on Bay Boulevard doesn't impact me at all but I think the city should be aware and address things proactively so you don't have to worry about cost after the fact of an issue so that's just one the other one is I just want to alert the citizens that might be watching today about a survey that's out it's an unofficial survey but it takes about two minutes to do so far there's 74 responses and it's only been open for less than 48 hours so thank you to those who have responded and it's really just to understand unofficial from Linda vice mayor the thoughts that people have regarding high-rise residential complexes their thoughts on jet ski rentals on Miller's byou about your thoughts on RV parks and how we're using the land and what you'd like Port Richie to look like so some of the places you can find this survey are the city of Port Richie Town Hall that's a Facebook site another Facebook site is Port Richie residence Alliance and another is CAC committee city of Port Richie citizens advisory committee so you can go on there there's a QR code there's links take two minutes just to share your voice share your thoughts what you're thinking about these issues so Linda and the council and the mayor can better understand what you're thinking what your concerns are and there's some official well non-official data but data that they can actually look at so would hope everyone and you can also reach out to Linda directly and she can send you the link for that survey as well thank you so much thanks sure that's all science have I had by show hands anybody like to speak see I bring it back to the council uh next up comments from the city manager turn over to Matt copper thank you good evening uh try to keep it short tonight but I guess is a little bit long um first thing I wanted to bring to council's attention is uh we are preparing to uh put together a request for inclusion on the drinking water priority list for the drinking water State revolving Loan Fund program this inclusion would enable the city to apply for a planning and design Grant to conduct a study aimed to determine necessary improvements at the water treatment facility these improvements are necessary to meet upcoming reductions in acceptable levels of fos and chlorides mandated by the state of Florida current test results are within acceptable limits and pending changes necessitate proactive uh measures to maintain compliance the planning and design Grant estimated at approximately 44.25 million would cover the cost of the study as well as the design the term though term to Grant City would incur a 2% fee resulting in the city contribution of approximately $85,000 should we get uh that far on the list study would identify the most suitable treatment methodology with reverse osmosis uh or Ro emerging as a commonly ferred approach capable addressing those substances the context the potential cost of constructing a treatment facility utilizing reverse osmosis is substantial ranging from 30 to $40 million for a plant that we would you know our size this would uh should the city secure acceptance into the program the share of the project would cost City approximately 6 to $800,000 uh these figures are obviously preliminary estimates since we haven't done any work other than look at um some different cities within the State of Florida that are in the program that have similar characteristics to uh the city of Port Richie given the impending regulatory changes City faces a time-sensitive obligation to address this issue upon implementation of the new regulations there'll be an approximate uh five-year window within which the city would have to bring ourselves into compliance so staff uh this was actually spearheaded by Daryl Rose our uh utility PW director um did a lot of work in uh doing out finding the ability for the city to to actually you know get a very large cost that would be bore by you know our users of the system us um but potentially reduce that significantly to you know again $40 million our share would be as much as$ 800,000 which is a lot better than 40 million so uh my understanding is that the uh State uh committee that reviews these will be taking this issue up sometime in June uh we should know shortly thereafter if we get on the list we get on the list then we'll be coming back to actually filling out a true application which then would involve actions of this body so I wanted you to be aware of that that we're moving forward with this um so I don't like surprises I didn't figure you like a surprise dropped on you the uh the next one uh just want to give you an update on the city's transition to a new information technology environment uh it's progressing steadily right now uh this week the IT staff uh in collaboration with Thrive which is the company that's going to be handling our it environment going forward uh work to upgrade the firewalls across City's Network firewall replacement for the city hall Police Department was completed successfully earlier this week and the fire department firewall replacement is scheduled uh for some other time this week um we're also working on the migration of the city to The Office 365 platform um we hope to have that as well as everything else wrapped up uh for June arrives although as promised earlier it's still going to be June um the last thing I had here as a reminder Council needs uh set a time for the swearing in of the new council members uh for this upcoming Monday April 15th and if we could add to that if there was some time afterwards um possibly a study session to talk about some issues um related to internet cafes uh car lots all the list outdoor storage smoke shops smoke shops marijuana and yeah medical marij I didn't bring my L more but there's a number there's a number of items that we want to sit down and get direction from everyone on how you want to handle it we can explain what what our thoughts are but we really need that direction because some of it is going to require a City attorney to draft ordinances and you're the ones that uh request that draft so we like to sit down if we can schedule that for Monday it' be great if not we just need another date yeah I'm good six o' is it swearing in or you want yeah six is fine six agree with that okay good yeah that that's been a um topic for a couple years like at CAC it's been brought up and stuff like that so we need to have that workshop for sure thank you um and just so you can start mentally thinking about this as well um we're going to be requesting another uh study session to talked about some changes to ordinances related uh on the flood side that will help us in our efforts to reduce the cost of flood insurance in the city as well um again as as we're internally talking about these I think you know they they they're they're going to change the way we do some of our you some of our requirements for development going forward we want to talk it out with you before we start spending um city attorney's time drafting the the ne legislation for that so that we would request probably sometime later uh we haven't really decided when when we're going to request that but I just want you to have that on your your radar and then the the last thing on on scheduling is uh we had talked about having a uh study session to work on the uh City CIP first step in the budget process um probably going to be looking at a date sometime in early May for that so so uh again not prepared tonight to do that but the next meeting have your calendars ready so we'll be talking about that and the last thing I wanted to point out is on your desk I know I kind of put a lot of things and I apologize uh there's this document here which is the flow chart at a previous a previous meeting or maybe it was an email I can't remember exactly um but uh was request maybe to put um a flowchart together to show uh kind of the flow of time required when the city initiates a comprehensive plan uh text Amendment and uh I got this from the city's planning consultant she put this together for us and uh the next step is really to bring um Tammy brand in and kind of talk about that as well but I wanted to get this in your hands so you can start looking at it you be familiar when we bring her in that's all I had thank you that I go to comments from the city council I'll start with am I right with councilman s first I one of the things I want to do is congratulate the the new uh council members Mrs Samson Mr Mueller and Mr hubber congratulations uh uh to the council I do hope that you continue to move this Council forward in a positive manner and uh uh make us proud out I also want to thank the citizens that have supported me over the past 5 years uh when I was elected along with with uh Todd McClary uh we both came into I hate to use the word that was a hole uh this city was was terrible uh a mayor was arrested a vice mayor was arrested and and and it was it was terrible but over the past 5 years I I I take a look I reflect back we've done a a great job moving forward and I like to keep that momentum going and I hope this Council does that I really really really do one item uh saw you we have a CSC meeting coming up on the 18th that's not on the City calendar uh the website and I do know a lot of people are inquiring about that so if you get the that and time posted so they could be referred to that that would be great uh something really phenomenal took place today I've never seen it I never witnessed it so it was really neat the coastal C conservation ass Association they released 25,000 trout fish within our city limits at Brasher Park uh this is a project Duke Energy up in um Crystal River they have a farm and uh they release the fish at rasher Park so they could continue to uh uh make their home in that area to the north and and South um again I I said 25,000 but it's really 25,000 minus one as we were watching jump out and grab one really that that we put in there so there's there's a minus one in there but um it was really really neat to see this uh this is also with the uh Rotary Club uh that uh their Community project is the environment so they were there to assist with the the moving the the fish into uh the Gulf of Mexico so it was a really really great uh opportunity to to watch so it was neat um I do want to say I think we don't toot our horns enough but looking at the department reports at at the police department taken third place uh uh if if you know Captain if you could share you so we all our citizens are watching again if you would share that what what that that uh award that PD Gods going forward and what it was all about and any numbers that you may have but I think it'd be great that uh we hear about it and and uh yall make us proud so if you could tell us you know little more information about it yes hit your mic quick so over the course of the better part of the last year um I think we started it back in I want to say May of last year it was supposed to go through October they ended up getting extended into the the beginning of January U we engaged with a a uh traffic enforcement initiative through Florida Department of Transportation the the the areas that covered basically anything along the state highway any any type of violation safety related seat Bel speed aggressive driving anything of the nature um during the course of normal patrols we dedicated time blocks of of having officers specialize on that on that initiative um we kept track reported it back to them for the amount of time that we put into it there was I don't want to say rewards but there was um equipment and and items that we were able to get back equivalent to the time that we put into it um at the final summary of of the different agencies that participated I want said it was about 25 in this area that participated we were third um the only agencies that beat us out were FHP Pasco and I want to say Citrus County who are dedicated traffic units and so forth the equipment that we got from that was inclusive of a another Speed trailer that we can deploy throughout the city and is is a little bit is a little bit bigger that we can actually deploy along the highway periodically um a little more design for the higher traffic speeds and flows um we got a a variety of additional speed lasers no cost um some safety lighting for the officers uh some some other other enforcement pieces of equipment that we can use throughout the to the total value of those items was about $32,000 worth of equipment that we got just for conducting that [Music] enforcement so so let me so let me just so out of 25 agencies that participated in this study or that that what you call it a study or enforcement they called it the El the uh enhanced Lo enforcement enforcement initiative so out of 25 that participated we were third in in in in the amount of of time and effort that we that was so on and so forth right so detail that we did in it um we got so many points and those points equated to the the amount of equipment that we could come back um and the the tally of the of the number of details that we put into it um and they were in two or three hour block details that we did so let's put that in I mean we're 2.7 m city so let's put this in in perspective here out of 2.7 miles we were third out of 25 that's like you're you're itching over there go ahead okay all the time he needs oh I just wanted to make sure add just kid just kid I just wanted to give credit to the to the men and women of our Patrol Division uh because they the ones that actually did the work um it total 2100 man hours that they spent on this project and that's a great Testament to them um because you still have your calls for service that you have to go to but they were able to uh multitask if you will and these blocks are either two officers for three hours or three officers for two hours and you have to stay there they give you a little bit of leeway if you get a call for service that's going to be um more pressing but for them to be able to dedicate that amount of time you should be proud of them absolutely kudos to all of the you guys that's great great go thank you I didn't realize that to give you to give you the number a little bit of numbers on that each detail that we did was equivalent of of a 10-point block our our final total was um 3510 points great good job [Music] thank it again is amazing and and as a citizen I am extremely proud of our police department but you know I'm just not going to stop there since this is my last Mee I'm going to continue also I'm very proud of our fire department the things that they have done um it it's it's it's just amazing and I I brag all the time I will put our fire department against any other Fire Department in the greater Tampa Bay Area uh and what we're able to accomplish the tools that they have and and and what they're able to do it's amazing it it really is amazing proud but it's also our Public Works yes uh I mean they're there I mean the entire it's the entire city staff of of of P Richie every one of them the dedication they have the ownership that they take on on what they do it's it's just amazing and uh I'm here to the very end this is my home I'm not going any place and uh I I again I I think the city I no longer be sitting up here you're going to see me right there folks I will be right there and let me tell you no holding back no holding back that's all Mr Mayor thank you thank you pass on I would personally thank you for your service to the city Tom and I'd also like to to ask I know I don't know if it's been done in the past I don't think it's a regular thing but uh I think it's it's in order that we would uh as a city maybe put together a plaque or something for Tom and future ones to come to recognize their service for the city and that we could have an agenda item possibly the next Council me or after once we get that to uh to present that I appreciate it it's not necessary I see the accomplishment over the past five years and that alone you can't that's not a plaque that's you know I I take a look at the equipment uh the equipment that you know our team has tools that they have to do the job it's just amazing it's just amazing to me that's my reward and and but I appreciate it just just keep keep it up the city staff just keep it up thank you all I appreciate your hum us but I want to move forward that consensus if I could have consensus on that appreciate thanks again for your service time appreciate it let's move over to councilwoman I just want to say thank you also for your service Mr can and um also to Sherry for having wonderful conversations outside and being a wonderful person and other than that I don't have anything to talk about Mueller I do want to thank you done a very admirable job in a very difficult time that we experienced in this city you also emphasized exactly what I was going to do so great minds think Alik uh thank you for the E you guys do in the police department congrats on winning third place that's that's s up I only have a few more but you brought out something very important and I thought was a good piece of information about this traffic speed Trail we got two now is that what we have and we have another device that's attaches to uh poles and monitors that way as well um correct we we have the two speed trailers we actually have a third that's old it's the F we'll probably be bringing for for disposal right um and then we have the the other water box yeah in in my in my search or walk through the city um we heard a lot of feedback from citizens and it was very refreshing to here are their opinions and some of it was quite eye opening um one of which was the tra in the speed the speed on Washington I don't know if we've ever placed one there but I'd like to see if the potential of getting something set up on Washington Street monitor the speed there I think that's over 35 there 30 30 okay um because we heard a lot of complaints about speeding there as well as speeding on uh Grand and potentially a speed speed bump there so these are things that I'll share with the mad deep detail but uh those are things that we would like to try to accomplish there [Music] um the fire report I notic you guys are looking for um more space some kind of for a uh a storage for additional gear U have you considered potential a storage trailer or a container one of those drop containers okay buing official is strict guy so I yeah we've heard a lot about that too forgot to sign my name and that start over the phone over that's in for me and you guys also have one of your units one of the trucks that's in body shop or something is there an ETA on there I just email me yesterday he was putting new braks on it um were able to uh get that accomplished why it was up there he's hoping within the next day it uh I also noticed you guys are working on a shared use policy for fire and police for the boat um I noticed it on yours I didn't notice it on the police side so are you guys working together on this yes sir okay good accomplish it's actually done we're going to talk about it we're waiting for the vat to get all gussed up and everything and then bring it all together to council that was the next question I haven't seen a report of you so I'm going to be looking hard for a use report on that boat because if we've spent the money my expectation would be is we get we need to deploy that I know citizens uh got some concerns on the waterways and if we focus the time to try to get that deployed rather than sitting on a lift or sitting on a trailer I think everybody would be more appreciative of that and with that uh Crasher bathroom any updates on that uh we have had the engineering firm go through and do uh their their review of it I think we're just waiting now for them to write up report that correct any indication or get good back I wasn't there at it so I don't know exactly was said yeah I have to follow up with them they did their on-site inspection and went around the building thoroughly they were onsite for about a little over an hour so after that they'll be giving us a preliminary you know preliminary report to decide if the structure is worth saving or if we have to go go ahead and take the building down we expect that by next I'll follow up city manager okay and I also noticed some concrete work on the sidewalks on Bay today who's doing this and who's that was uh Irby I believe broke got well yeah it just recently happened actually I recorded that okay um I noticed another schedule in here with active Le have two questions we get get with me put this together and the other piece is I know they they knocked down a building next to uh naughty or and it's not on this list that's been a couple of months so my expectation would be it be faster than that and you know maybe it's just in process I I don't know um one of the other things I noticed on here there's comments on void 20 years old do leans are leans voided after 20 years different ones if I remember correctly different ones expires are different time frames and if you don't renew them they can also expire so it would depend on the lean and the specific one you're talking about I'd have to look I'd be happy to look at them I'm just thinking you know we need to pay attention you know like I mean if it just expires and we're not doing anything that's not good use of our resource uh Financial aspect too um that's all I have for now stay Ted more to come St vice mayor have a couple as well first of all I did go to the coastal conservation with the trout it was really cool it was very good so thank you very much it was it was wonderful um I had the pleasure of going to the water treatment plant our water treatment plant back there um and the two gentlemen that work back there Ray and Sammy and of course Daryl was there too they took me on a tour of the whole plant and it was eye openening I would highly recommend all the council members do that um they are very knowledgeable the equip we have back there is phenomenal there is plenty of improvement that needs to be done um I've been trying to do this for a year and bad me my scheduling did not allow for that I tried to arrange this a year ago as well so I was finally able to get with Mr coppler and and arrange for that so um and they told me about this grant that he mentioned here um without going into detail because Daryl Daryl and Sammy and Ray have all the detail on that but it's it's very important um not to be behind the times in in the Water Treatment Plant um we've all in our campaigns said that we want to work on infrastructure this is step one um yes the pipes need to be changed as well and and the three of them also acknowledge that as well but if the water coming from here is not acceptable we need to go to the pipes as well so I would highly recommend that you all go make an appointment and go back there and talk to them it's wonderful it was it was eye opening so I I just strongly encourage you guys to do that um the survey that um Sher mentioned was something that I was trying to I don't hear a lot of things that yall say that you hear so I was trying to come up with a way to get people's input and so I was developing a flyer and I was showing it to people for accuracy before I before I walked around and talk to people and Sher was kind enough to help me put this survey out so it is an unofficial survey it is not an official survey for here but I want to know people's opinions on on the couple of topics that I brought up and a section for just what do you think so um that's how that came about I wasn't trying to undermine anybody or do anything bad I just want to know people's opinion and I think that's a good way to do it because I work and they work and can't always meet and so um so I appreciate that um the cic we do have a meeting set up on April 18 18th at six o'clock and it is specifically regarding the um the gild doog seaside highrise complex um it's going to be a um an information piece they're going to tell us all about it we can ask questions correct open open-ended so if you all like to come out and see what what the initial plan is and and ask questions I think it's a great idea that we that we all get together and look at that so I'm here at City Hall April 18th 6 o'clock be there or be square here yes so um if we go any further on that I believe you have the I think Lisa the vice chair emailed you a flyer to post on the website that's gonna be included in the agenda as well and it's posted on the board City Hall we need to put her on the website we need to blast that create an event thing on a website and it could be shared out on all social media sites so yeah we need we need to blast that out to because I mean it's very important that the citizens see that come and ask that questions um or not you know I mean it's it's it's important we we want to grow our city and and we need to see what's going on and we need to get our citizens input so it's very important that you come on out and and uh get informed not third and fourth head information get it right from the horse's mouth and see what's going on so I think that's real important so it does look like it is on the website oh good so I we need to blast it out on social media on all the different sites because people don't always look at the at the website so we need to blast it out that'd be great and congratulations for the police third out of 25 you guys rock thank you uming but they came with CC about the vents on the water bill was you gonna say something about that yeah I here yeah thank I I was going to do it under the board I do that now no no well it's up to you it's up to you you run the meeting tell me what you want me to do well let's save it for that we save it for that cool um okay I don't have a lot and I just do the one thing I do have one long thing so let me get right to that should we take a bathroom break first I don't think it's that long so I've I've got some social media concerns that uh have been been going around and so I prepared a statement regarding this portion of my comments as I want to ensure that I articulate my concerns concisely and effectively I would also like to emphasize that while I may reference firsthand personal experiences regarding my concerns it is in no way to be construed that this is a personal issue I only reference any personal experiences to provide examples that I know to be true and to help corroborate the issue it has come to my attention through personal experience and those of other members of the community that the city of Port Richie Town Hall Facebook group at times will suppress and disallow posts that are permitted within permitted within the guidelines of the group but may not fit with a desired narrative there is also subjectivity of which of the group's noticed rules are enforced based on who they apply to this group is not and does also State such within its about section that and I quote this is not an official page of city of poor Richie end quote it also States within that section that and I quote all viewpoints are invited no personal attacks will be tolerated and quote reading further it states quote this is a moderated group only in as far as to keeping the discussion civil otherwise all points of view are welcome in quote the group has three rules put forth by the administrators and they are as follows I quote number one be kind and courteous number two no promotions or spam and number three keep your comments on topic and quote on several occasions I have attempted to posts legitimate and acceptable content in the group and have been declined at times posts were declined and subsequently posted by the admin's account instead instead with my comments scrubbed for reasons one can only assume to keep my name and comment comments off of it a specific example was this past Wednesday April 3rd I attempted to post the archive video link to the Port Richie Chamber of Commerce meet the candidates event that occurred on Monday April 1st the intent of the post was to provide members of the group the opportunity to view that event in case they were unable to attend that post was declined and when I reached out to ask why I was told that it was felt that the chamers should be able to do their own PR work I stated that it wasn't PR work but was simply a link to the content where there was a complaint about it being missing in a prior post gaining no ground I then reached out to a backup admin who was happy to post it themselves on my behalf and it has remained there ever since I would also like to further illustrate another non-personal example that I am using with permission but will not reveal the resident's name after having discussions with that Resident they had asked me why some of their posts never make it on the group they were under the assumption that because of the name of the group that it was tied to the city after informing them that the site is not an official group of the city I asked them for some examples of the content that was denied because there didn't appear to be a way for the user to retrieve their decline post I asked them to attempt to post again and capture screenshots of the pending post and let me know if it was declined I will share that information now on Thursday April 4th at approximately 11:50 p.m. the resident attempted to post the following and I quote there's been a lot of debate in this group about the upcoming City Council election we'd like to thank Sherry Cherokee Dave and Bob for stopping by our home and discussing our concerns we feel confident that our newly elected city council members will have the best interests of the city in mind especially with John Eric Hoover as mayor he's been a great set to the city and we're excited to see the city get to business good luck to all end quote within 20 minutes that post was declined with no explanation given to date it has never been posted taking all that in consideration right or wrong that group just like every other group is not tied to the city and is free to allow disallow whatever information the administrators choose Grant or block access to whoever it chooses even when doing so violates the group's own stated purpose and rules the city of Port Richie Town Hall group as well as other groups that exist we're created to fill a gap that the city does not currently service within its so social media presence that Gap is the ability for members of the community and Beyond to comment about City related posts as well as to also create posts about City related concerns and issues emphasizing my concern city of Port Richie Town Hall group is one of the largest and most recognized groups related to City information and discussion and has over 1,000 members because of its name and the stated service it provides it leads people to believe that is a good and reliable source of information and that is being moderated fairly and honestly unfortunately because that group is not tied to the city the ability to suppress information propagate misinformation and silence voices exist and appears to be being exploited to drive certain narratives in an effort to provide complete transparency and facilitate the welcome sharing of viewpoints and concerns of every and all community members I would like to propose that the city of Port Richie enhance and create new social media policies to help continue to enhance public participation and the ability to engage with their government its officials and other community members more freely openly and without censorship outside of well- defined and clear rules of conduct of course I want to emphasize that this is not an attempt or even a desire to control or monopol monopolize social media groups all groups are free to continue to exist and function as they always have I would just like to provide official City sponsored group where there will be will there will never be any bias and be legally obligated to that promise if successful in implementing expanded social media service I would ask if willing to do so that some of the other groups that were created to fill that Gap consider their need for continued existence and encourage their members to merge with the newly created resource ideally it would be nice to have a focused One-Stop shop for this type of activity in an actual official place that information can be effectively shared fact checked discussed and fairly moderated for all to enjoy be informed and participate and with that that closes my statement I'd like to get consens consensus from this Council to see if we can have staff put together a social media policy I know there was talk in our visioning session that um even thought of a personal information officer I think or information officer I know it's been talked about for about social media there is a gap there it's being filled by other groups and those other groups have no uh no legal uh in place to prevent them from doing harm so it' be my recommendation that we look at doing that and bring back policy lat I'd like more time to think about it since this is the first time hearing about it I didn't know post not being um posted so I'm unfamiliar with that so personally I would like to look into it more um I'd like to know I have some questions but I don't know what the questions are because I've not had the time to think about it yeah well they don't think there's anything necessarily time to consider I mean that well and that's fine and that's first time I'm hearing about it so I'd like the time to maybe think about it maybe next meeting discuss it so that I have time to process what you're saying okay what are the legal ramifications [Music] for if there are any legal legal oh my dear Lord legal ramifications um of a city having open form groups like that because I know in some states there's actually laws against that but you can have them but everything stays you can't you can't delete you can't modify you can't mod you there forever um and there's some concerns in that um something that can happen it's suggested it not happen highly suggested it not happen for those reasons um but if if there's interest in discussing it of course we can talk about that I can those resp from a legal perspective to that conversation so yeah so for instance you're stating that everything must stay I've heard of that as well I work in social media marketing Etc so that means even the hateful comment yes it be hateful about your city about a person keep saying like we don't want to do that people might be me right yeah but that's a joke obviously but anybody anybody the city things unrelated they could just be hateful and take things and it's up there and I think maybe you got on to something because um again haven't thought about it so um this is social media on a on a privately owned company has different rules and regulations than a government our Sunshine Law I mean we have lots of things that we need to consider so that's one of the reasons I would like to think on it in you know look into it more I'm sorry that your post didn't get posted that's not about me it's I me so um I knew nothing about it um so first I'm hear about it so I I would like time to and I would like to give Nancy time to look into the legal aspects of it as well because this is a government this is not a private um company and and we have unfortunately unfortunately different rules that we have to go by and I'm not asking for us to approve something tonight I'm asking for just consensus can we have a conversation about it Oh I thought oh I'm sorry I misunderstood you yes I want to have a conversation about it absolutely and then I have a question for S too because I know that you are our quasi uh social media manager how do you spell that q s i spelling yes and so even let's just say that there were some kind of Facebook group would that even be in the parameters of what you would be able to accomplish because I I mean I run Facebook groups and I know how intense they can be it it's a full-time job I that's why you know we talked about our goal setting meetings about having a Pio or CIO you know that's that would be a full-time job because if you're talking about moderating and managing every conversation that comes through which is going to be public record which is going to be mandated to hold on to this is why our current Facebook site we don't allow comments because if those comment if if we post something on our as an informational um to Facebook or the website and a private entity wants to move those over and comment about it that's their business and that's fine and they can they can moderate and talk about that but we keep the Ci's we keep the city's Pages as informational Pages only um you know and of course uh like Nancy said everything is forever we cannot segregate once it's there once it's inputed it's now public record and we have to uphold what public record is these other you know private private social sites they don't they don't have to abide by that but we would so that's that's why that's something we really would have to consider from time person to look at social media as opposed to a cop or a fireman I don't know that's kind of like notal talk about it we've already talked about the Pio that's again I don't want to get I don't want to now I just bring it to your attention I just like consensus that we could have some point agenda we look at this because the other stuff is public records Al as well public go out and see it problem is they only see one side and it's it's unfair for residents to post stuff and it be denied just because they don't somebody run theight doesn't like the other person so and I I'm perfectly okay I stand I stand behind every decision I make uh it's not about me you go if we have a public site you can Trash me I don't care but when people trash me but other people who want to comment on me in a positive manner get suspended that I have a problem with and that goes for you as well EXC me it's not about me that's right there it's not about me right and I I give you another example I'd be happy to share it with you there was a post that about you and it uh found out this about you they got removed I missed that too so there you go be happy share I think it's a question I mean it's definitely a topic that we should discuss I I think there's going to be legal yeah there's definitely legal issues that's why it's just a large larger conversation but uh I think it's time that we we look at that because it's other people are doing it force and it may not be doing job that sure ABS um I just wanted to go back to the meeting on 418 uh typically those cic meetings are not Ted or Zoom called and because we're anticipating a a large turnout I think it would behoove us to try to accommodate that in a zoom call the meeting because of the nature of the discussion yesc actually mentioned that so that when you post that make sure it's G to be youtubed andard and if we can get the zoom working possibly that as well what you guys can come up [Music] with no worries like I said as long as they can watch it live and watch historically nor C meetings they don't have that yeah boast okay uh moving on to comments from board's committees are there any hello you um the first is we did have a quorum and we didn't get on the agenda so I don't know how to like to Caroline Rose Gonzalez as a new member so we can't do that unless it's on the agenda correct no we can you can you can modify okay you a motion motion I make a motion to um accept Miss Caroline BR hus Gales to the cic motion second second then discussion she is here if anybody has any questions she's been here and she's been at the meetings and she's been very patient with um our lack of quum Etc so I thank you very much for being so patient thank you he want plug I speak would you like to speak or you don't have to say sure hello my name is Caroline rohas Gonzalez and I'm short um I'm 8 my address is 8648 candida Lane um I uh applied to be part of the CAC and I'm honored to actually be picked um I been this city for my husband and I for almost four years well actually no four years in April now and we love it so I would like to be a part of it um I would like to see it grow um we are planning to start a family um soon and we just want to raise our family in this nice little city that is here and I and I'm honored thank you thank you for coming up thank you for coming thanks anyone else like to speak Pat Rogers 4838 Sunset I'd like to speak as the chair for the board of adjustments committee we do need members in that committee they don't have to have construction knowledge because the city provides all the information that you need for whatever the meeting topic is and that's all I have to say anyone else see Hands put to vote all in favor signify by saying I I opposed motion carries next is we have our citywide garage sale May 11th so um you do not have to pay the very expensive $2 fee that has been waved courtesy of the city so um we're gonna put it out there we're gonna have Flyers out on on the Facebook pages Etc so um join make some money May 11th and we talked I brought in hours on that from it's it's whatever you want it's a garage sale so that's a Saturday you can do whatever you want no there's no hours we didn't talk about hours so I mean usually garage Sals are like 8 to oneish but well after a while people get tired of sitting out there um we brought up i' I've brought up murals that we've talked about um for some of the blank walls we have in our Parks we've talked about olner and in the CAC we've talked about many um the committee has done some work and they've um found out that would be about $6,000 which is what I brought to the committee to the to the um Council um form Mur own um we had grandio ideas of maybe doing all the parks and then we backed it down to let's do one park and see how it works out so I would like to respectfully ask that we at least I would we can't get $6,000 I mean now but can we please put it on the budget process for the next budget process would that be something that the council would want to do to help with the park beautifications so um that's up to you all if if that's possible but anyone anyone opposed no by consensus I why we couldn't do get it in this because we don't have $6,000 laying around maybe we do maybe we do we haven't had Financial presentation maybe we'd like to see what that looks like and then make a decision maybe so whatever you want to do but they they figured out the mural would be about $6,000 is from the prices from the artists that they've spoken to I do have some examples here if you'd like I can spread around and just some of different ones that people have looked is that okay sure so whatever yall would like to do but we would like to do that and the last thing is um one of the questions came up and we've talked about this numerous times um about the water bill and putting blasts out on the water bill um Garage Sale May 11th or um CAC meeting or you know special Workshop you know whatever we want to put on there is that feasible doable who do I I don't know where to go I didn't I'm sorry I didn't bring it up to you beforehand but we've talked about it many times in this in Council but we've not followed through yes thank you so that was easy um okay depending what it is of course yeah okay rarely shouldn't I because it uh it's not always that easy that it y that's it thank you um any other board committees yes the historic preservation Comm bring it if you didn't go ahead yes so uh we received an email from Joe Malin who I believe is yes he's right here uh requesting to join the historic preservation committee and I would like to make a motion to approve him to be on the historic preservation commission okay second have a motion a second for discussion I will say that with this uh appointment they would finally have Quorum and be able actually to meet so that was that's very important I appreciate Joe you stepping up to to do that you need a huh need oh just three a tiebreaker that's what right well they you need three to meet actually you can't get to need of a tiebreaker um anyone else public like to speak hands I bring it back you have another discussion I do I wanted to know when the so once we have now that we have Joe well we haven't voted yet hav't yet when we have Joe um when would we be able to officially meet is there a timeline for that or can the chair sets it I think yeah I think well you don't have a chair yet right you should have't met oh true chair hold on I think what would I think the city manager would arrange it because I'm gonna put it on him it's not me um are the are the clerk um arrange a date and you're going to have to have an organization meeting first thing you're going to do is have to have an organizational meeting um I will look while you guys continue to talk to see if there's any actual timelines or parameters okay um within the within the code any further discussion all in favor second I I opposed motion carries welcome to the historic committee Joe welcome to the historic committee welcome okay moving along to the consent agenda for motion agenda motion second forther discussion anyone public like to speak see no hands put to vote all in favor signify by saying I I opposed motion carried uh next up is Council business item number two approval of resolution number 24- 08 to join and participate in the Tampa Bay Regional planning Council I will pass that to Mr cop for introduction thank you uh the city of for Richie has been extended in invitation by the Tampa Bay Regional planning Council become a member marking a significant opportunity for enhanced collaboration and access to valuable resources in order to formalize this partnership the city council must adopt the pach resolution the TBR RPC also requires an annual membership fee of $2,000 this me membership holds considerable benefits for the city as the TB RPC offers a wide range of services and information pertaining to important topics such as Coastal resiliency Economic Development emergency preparedness and environmental planning the tbpc has a diverse membership base encompassing six counties and 21 cities including Pasco County Newport Richie and Dade City earli this year the city decided to uh authorize Fort Richie's participation as a collaborator in the TBR PC's Noah resiliency Grant application this collaboration signifies City's commitment to proactive measures aimed at enhancing Coastal resilience and sustainability through engagement with TBR RPC Port Richie will contribute to the development of a comprehensive Coastal master plan ensuring effective management of coastal resources and bolstering City's resilience to environmental challenges plus the decision to join the tbrc not only alls with the city's strategic objectives but also positions Port Richie to leverage valuable resources and expertise for the benefit of its residents sters resolution 248 a resolution of the city council of the city of Port Richie Florida recognizing the importance of intergovernmental cooperation and resol resolving to join and participate in the Tampa Bay Regional planning Council okay I'll to discussion and or motion motion to approve resolution number 24-8 Council second get second motion second further discussion anyone public like to comment hands put the vote all in favor signy by saying I I opposed motion carries next up is item number three approval of engineering for the us9 Grand Boulevard traffic Crossing improvements I'll pass that to Mr Copler for introduction okay so um we had supplied to council the uh updated information that we received from each of the three engineering firms uh related to the intersection improvements and enhancements we're looking to do still be careful what we say um but I I there was a lot that I wasn't able to put in writing that you know was based upon my as well as s's meeting with each of the different engineering firms so I I handed out tonight this I prepared this actually for me as kind of a basis to explain but I thought it might be helpful you for you to have as well as I go along so there were a number of questions uh related to what I'd call you know making an Apples to Apples comparison with us and it's a little bit different it's a little bit difficult based upon the way that the three firms actually submitted their uh scope of work and the cost for each of their different they actually had is was pointed out they had different things in there as we went through uh meeting with them it became clear that some of the things were the same things but just called out differently and and put in different uh locations but there were some differences and and I want to talk a little bit about the differences um first off uh for instance Florida Design which was the most expensive quote that we received for doing this work one of the big differences between uh that quote and the other two was they they included a $17,000 charge for traffic signal modification plan and so as we sat down with each of the the three companies we talked about would a perit or plan be necessary in the scope of what we were going to be doing and what we got was two of the firms saying you know what what you're going to be doing in this is you may be moving one of the signal heads over a little bit you may be replacing a bulb but you're not going to be doing you know what would would be considerable work like relocating the the actual arm itself or the pole that holds up the arm that would trigger the state say hey you have to do this signal modification plan so two of them didn't feel we need to do that one felt that it would be necessary and so that's one of the reasons why Florida Design is at the upper end if you took that out and I think it was mentioned the last time we talked about that you take that out it's going to be around $64,000 Now understand if during the project if we select one of the other firms should the state come and say up this changed dramatically need to do this work that would be an additional cost if you selected firm one or two where three up front you already know what that cost is going to be it's necessary um I think uh another another area that was talked about was on the permit side and the question came up with the permits was well is this an inclusive cost or is it limited just to the work that is necessary to submit to the state and so all three were consistent with this that what they had listed in their their quotes was only for the work that they would do it didn't include any cost related to the application fee either Swift Mud or dot now with that being said then uh in talking with them again you started seeing differences in their approach one firm and which one it was now um two of the three firms said you know you're not going to be doing significant work in the right away it's not going to change the drainage you're not adding new drainage so the things that would require a permit for drainage with do is not there so you wouldn't have to do that another one said oh no we think you're going to have to do some drainage work so you're going to have to submit that and so their permitting costs were higher than what the other two was covid and put in there for the uh the drainage work again I I would lean towards uh the scope of the work that we're doing is or would be doing at least as we anticipate it today is not seem up where we would be messing with the we're effectively minimizing this based upon what the cost estimates or but um moving a curb over maybe four to five fet um so we're not adding a lot of pavement we're not going to be new uh catch basins in so we don't think that that's going to be necessary through do um one of the the differences again that makes a little bit difficult is one of the firms only did gave us a lump sum so we had to talk to them to make sure that these things are included in that lump Su so the permitting again work necessary to put the permit together to send it in is included in Burns McDonald's quote 49,000 like the other two they're not paying for the actual permit fee uh the permit fee for DOT I think they actually said there wasn't a fee for that um for the general permit but for Swift Mud we may be paying $100 so it's nominal and again a couple I think one of the firms had said within their quote anyways that you know those those type of fees would be the responsibility of the state so it's not something that we felt was we thought was negligible and not really important consideration what the cost it was going to be um think what else did I miss out of here something that we we didn't talk about but I think is is an important piece of this because it kind of speaks to the way that the different firms are going to be looking at this project and handling this project and so I put in at the bottom uh a area for anticipate anticipated days to get the bid and so what this means is okay when we say go how long is it until we are going out to bid to actually go into construction on this project um making the assumption that we we have the finances ready to go when when it's ready um for design put that out at 180 days bur McDonald said it was 90 days Co was kind of in between the two in 120 to 150 days um thing that that kind of to me I felt was very important was the way that burns McDonald explained their approach to this the other two kind of approach and said you know we'll do all this work and then we're going to give it to the state for their review and you state review could be 20 day or 30 days it could be 90 days don't know whatever the state decides approached a little bit differently they said well you know we're going to be talking with the state all along with us're we're not not going to be talking to them and explaining what we're doing and inquire they're already going to have a head start on the review process in fact the work is going to be done in a way that they'll probably be doing some of the review along with us and I that was an interesting approach um where it should get us quicker toh bid if we get finally have uh the wherewithal to do the project the other part is I think you know they they spoke more about collaboration in the process than what the other other two firms did and I kind of see that as a very important aspect of this because again we need to be able to produce something that's going to be cost effective for the city in doing this just to kind of give you a magnitude and again we haven't done any design but I spoke to each of the three uh engineering firms and asked him a simple question what what do you think knowing what you know about this project right now what what do you think that construction cost is and as a control we had a meeting with uh the County engineer I asked the same question um the County engineer benchmarked it somewhere around a half million dollar could be a little less could be a little bit more but probably around a half million all three of them came in about the same 450 500,000 is what we should be anticipating that's good because I think you know they're all seeing the same project a little disheartening because I think we hope this would be a little bit less than that dollar amount but um I think it is going to be what it's going to be so with all that being said um I guess we in the end our recommendation hasn't changed from the first day that we started talking about this and we'd recommend that we go with Burns McDonald for this work happy to entertain any questions open for discussion and or motion I got one question could we make into the agreement that 90day timeline try to get them to drive forward with something like that know that's they've got some unknowns and in that timeline but if we emphasize that we're you know trying to move this sooner than later uh we'd like to see something I mean that's that's my concern and you pretty much answered the questions that I had and we already had a discussion with so I'm good with it yeah and I can't remember in in I just don't have in front of me good unless it's in front of me in their in their actual uh scope of service that they have 30 or the 90 days in there I know one of the firms kind of had had a time frame as part of their their scope of services um but I think I think they would probably be willing um you know the survey part in the design days are the easy part which they have control over the hard part is the again there's it's not necessarily just the familiarity with the project that we're dealing with the state it's also their workload you never know if you hit the wrong time of the year their their committing division may be swamp a lot of work um but I think they they might be they haven't said you know that that 60-day period for survey and design we can talk to them and and find out how we can get that [Music] accept motion second further discussion the only thing I'd like to add is we got this coming out of contingency penny for Pasco we do have the arpa funds expiring at the end of the year would be better serve to burn that there we always if we need something else from the arpa list that we have we can come back to PNY pass it for that I'm concerned that we're running up against a wall here on spending this arpa money I don't want to leave any on the table um well you know we'd have to redo that that list I mean if you take money you're taking it from somewhere one of the projects that the money is currently being allocated for would have to change that's correct yeah mean ready to be ready to roll off this let's burn it there because yeah P for Pasco is pretty broad thing we can pretty much PL it out of there if we need to anything else we take it from that's my thought anyway you've already used some of that money for pimin well no for the preliminary uh Crossing no no no the AR money oh got pay 10,000 for coal to orig or the original I mean so what what you have hanging out there that you have the money committed for the uh the paving and Limestone Pier I think was out there Limestone Pier but I [Music] think yeah we have to talk about that scope may change on right but we're still probably not as there's I don't know if there's $50,000 left in there or not spit that somewhere around 130 yeah this report shows we've currently spent 104,000 I mean the only option would possibly be the water main project that could come out of P Pasco that's that's where I was kind of going the last one the rest of them committed water which obviously little delay here with this um that's why think the case that we go ahead and spend AR money on this we definitely that would apply I mean would be able to apply that Mone to this yeah [Music] qualify yeah you know that's what you want to do I have no problem with that if if you think it's a bad idea I'd like to hear why I I don't think it's not a bad idea I agree with the mayor we need to spend it anything on the table the clock is we got a hurricane season coming up and some of the projects maybe put because of it point we can spend let's spend [Music] it so do we amend the motion to specify amend the motion that uh we consider Burns and McDonald and that fund be funded from the arpa fund and I was that motion second further discussion any comment from the public show hands see move to vote all in favor sign say I I post motion carries I will make a note here it seems that the agenda numbering is off from the actual packet AG gendering so how yeah I noticed that when I was making I announced it as item number three it's item number four in the packet so num changed minutes are so how how should I proceed should I stay on the where I'm at or should I switch it up now completely up be less confusing for the public if I title if I do it's actually an agenda packet so that was actually item number four even though the agenda say says item number three and so I'm going to basically add one number to each number on the agenda item to compensate for that that make sense okay that being said next item of business is item number five first reading of ordinance number 24700 amending section 12755 of article three of chapter 127 of the code of ordinances allowing for additional recreational aquatic activity establishments in a waterfront overlay District I will pass that to miss Meer for the first reading thank you ordinance number 24700 an ordinance of the city of Port Richie amending section 12755 of article 3 of chapter 127 of the code of ordinances allowing for additional recreational equatic activity establishments in the Waterfront overlay District update old code references correcting scrier error providing for severability and providing for an effective date pass you for any further induction Council has previously discussed amending the current Waterfront overlay District WOD zoning code allow for additional Recreation aquatic activity establishments currently the code imposes limitations on certain water craft rentals within the district including jet skis motorized watercraft ponon boats exceeding 24 feet and John boats exceeding 16 feet however the proposed amendment seeks to eliminate these restrictions thereby enabling businesses within the WD to offer a broader range of watercraft rental services planning zoning board discussed proposed changes in the ordinance at the March 28th 2024 meeting board recommends languages included within the proposed ordance okay open up for motion and discussion motion to approve the first reading of ordinance number 24700 amending section 12755 of article 3 of chapter 127 of the code of ordinances allowing for additional recreational aquatic activity um establishments in the water WD Waterfront overlay District second then motion second forther discussion yeah I I I got some headaches on this and I'm saying no just because I'm saying no that's not the reason as as i' i' I've seen uh again this is catering to certain individuals and and it seems like uh the C the council loves doing that cater to certain individuals there's a survey that's going on unofficial and they talked about jet skis and so far 73 responses 73 of that 73 48 are against the jet skis only 13 are in favor of the jet skis rental and then 12 unsure so those are responding they don't like the idea and we have a beautiful Waterfront and now we're changing this where it's just going to be a bunch of I think hogwash out there with with all these water crafts just just sitting there uh uh for rental today as I was reviewing things I saw a jet ski hauling butt out the river and this is what we're going to be getting with the inexperienced people who don't know how to operate a a vessel of any type uh I I I I feel we're causing more more headaches and uh than what we realized and uh we just got we just got to be careful we just got to be careful and I think again catering to a couple individuals and then it's allowing anyone and everyone on that Waterfront to go to that same direction and and it it's you're creating a monster you are creating a monster in my opinion you mind if I have a point to clarify I believe the notion uh of what was presented on the Facebook uh survey was totally out of context if you would have been here at the meeting with Planning and Zoning you would have understood what was actually being addressed what was being addressed is you can't rent a center consult in the Waterfront District that's other than a John Boat or a pontoon boat less than 24 feet that's the restrictions that we have today so any Center Council being rented at in the Waterfront District uh would not be qualified in addition the jet ski rentals the individual and I spoke with him and he sat here and talked at the meeting he actually runs jet ski tours or guided tours or ecotours in the area he rents them to the people they're followed and uh they follow a guide they're given an hour instruction before they leave the dock and they'll proceed to follow him throughout the tour that they provide they come back there's not any fast stuff it's Idle Zone in the uh River the Bayou does have a about a 30 mph Zone and what I found out after discussing with the individual was there's a jet ski company that goes into our rant drops their skis off and they test them in our Bou I think a bigger situation is maybe we ought to back the speed limit down in the bayou so we don't have uh people you know water skiing in there and that kind of thing but with regardless to this particular thing it it prevents business from operating in our in our uh bu you Waterfront area all the reality is anybody can load a trailer put it in that ramp come from other places and they're using jet skis in there this particular guy that's renting these jet skis it's but he's really providing a jet ski tour uh he's also connected to the dive shop at gildogs uh he he manages that whole thing um and because this law it's kind of put him out of business and and he's been out out of that business since probably October when it was pointed out so the context is it's if you just say jet skis I don't like jet skiis myself either but this is a situation where this guy's doing it in a friendly Manner and I don't think he's the problem it's the Yus that are launching there the shops that use are by you as a test facility because it it circumvents going out to the end of the channel and when you're off short nobody really cares but that's what's occurring so to put it in context I I think it's it's been blown out of proportion you're speaking of just one individual this this change right here applies to anyone who wants to do business they can open up any place on that Waterfront so so let's not talk about the one who may do the tours and keep everybody you're allowing anyone else to come and do anything they want to on that waterfront that's what you're allowing that's the mess that you're creating with this there's no control over it so I I totally agree disagree with this again you're opening up that entire Waterfront for any type of this uh reparation or activity uh going forward and I I totally disagree with that I I I agree with Tom in the respect that I understand this gentleman doeses and I believe that he does and he takes them out and he controls them I totally um that's great but he can sell that business tomorrow and then I can buy it and say do the proper education give them the keys and say see you and there's no more tour so that's what this is saying this is saying anybody can do that and there is a the people that live on the water that live on the Bayou that live on the river are the ones that have to deal with that with the inexperienced people it's not the experienced voters they all have their own Etc so that that's what I think Thomas is saying and I understand that it's it's we're not talking about this is this is abroad this is not saying Eco tours are allowed this is saying yes you can make a jet ski to anybody that's what this is saying and that's what I and I I agree with him that that's point but we don't we can't prevent anybody from dropping a a jet ski in that ramp today unless we ban jet skis from the Bayou or the river that's not going to happen so the is our entire river is a no wake zone out to almost to just past Sand Pebble then it goes to a slow speed zone but the reality is we also have a police department that should be active addressing some of this stuff so if they're going to be a partner in this equ they are you know they ought to be addressing this guy that's test testing or speed testing is is is jet ski people that dro the jet ski yeah have got a got a financial interest in that jet ski they they own the jet ski it's usually not somebody that's renting a jet ski it's a Manu it's a guy that repairs them he's T okay he's repairing I'm not talking we're talking about again we're talking about one specific person I'm not talking about one specific person talking in general because that's what the code is designed to do is is a general code for the rules for every body so viewers talking anybody can drop a jet ski in there and and do their thing so I'm addressing the anybody yes those people that drop a jet ski own that jet ski most likely it's not a rented jet ski they own it so they have got a a knowledge they've got a a basis for operating it and they know the rules of the water as opposed to when i r rented a jet ski yeah they told you the thing and stuff and I had no ownership in it so you did what you want and was the end of it so that's what I think is we control you can't that's comparing apples and oranges somebody who owns it is different than somebody who's just renting it for three hours and then going hitting the road out of here that's this difference if I could make a few points here I'm G liken this to driving on the highway right uh you got people that speed down 19 every day right um so in order to try to address that problem do we disallow car rentals in the city can't rent a car We're not gonna we're not going to facilitate business here to be able to rent a car Beyond 19 um I also like to talk about this [Music] the TR thought um okay this uh we're all caught up on jet skis this is not about jet skis there's a specific specific jet ski issue that brought forward but there's other watercraft rentals that are actually going on now in the Waterfront District and so what the code basically disallows is you cannot rent any motorized watercraft rental with exception of pontoon boats and John boats 24t and 16 feet respectively as long as the outboard engine does not exceed the hole rating okay so that's what this has jet skis jet ski is a is a motorized watercraft rent so and it's a special obviously special motorized watercraft rental as stated anybody can bring their watercraft jet ski John Boat yacht whatever they can bring it down to the Waterfront put it in go out on the on the water we exist for that purpose we're Waterfront Community we're water access that is what we that is our draw okay and it's my understanding that the intent of this in in the original originally written based on what Bill had stated was that they didn't want these watercrafts going around buzzing in Miller by you and I get that it's it's not I mean it's public access for sure but it's uh it's very resident heavy and I don't live on it but I I have friends that do and there's definitely constituents that do that don't want people buzzing around there right take the rentals out of it you still have that problem with the general public we're not restricting so when when we are looking at these restrictions maybe we should be looking at putting a sign up and making Miller bu you and all the Wake Zone and using our brand new $100,000 police boat that be posted out there to write gets and enforce that and so then you don't have that and I would even go so far as say if jet skis is really a special problem that we would include that we don't allow jet skis in the Miller Bou area unless they're transiting a residents where they're staying or visiting and again they have to obey the law so but the easiest thing for government to do is to step in and and be overly restrictive to accomplish something that we could probably accomplish in other ways and rightly so so I don't want to be hung up on jet skis here and and this is the problem going back to the survey you know the survey had some some points on there I actually have it on here it's number two jet ski rentals on Miller byou current code prohibits jet skis and specific boats the company is requesting code chains to allow jet ski rentals in and around Mill Millers value there's there's shades of Truth in that right um the reality is in my understanding that this particular jet ski rental uh business has been granted a business tax receipt by our city for that business two or three times again I don't know the details behindest my understanding and then all of a sudden one day comes along and he shut down and reference this particular code and so that has brought it to the attention and then of course as that's brought to attention one of the things comes out and this goes back to selective enforcement is well it's happening you know there's rentals going on that violates this behind catches right so when these things come to us um we shouldn't we shouldn't use the um the argument that we're doing this for one individual or two individuals or businesses we should look at like a problem has been identified through these individuals and they're asking for us to review our code to see if that's really something we want to do and maybe the answer is is we don't want to have any uh motorized watercraft RS at all but I think that's in my opinion is government overreach and not allowing businesses to operate in an area where that's the the real main purpose of the area is to access the water get out on the water on a boat and at the end of the day anybody can do that and and you can rent to it you just can't rent it in our Waterfront overl indry so you're you're preventing business with within our city that really anybody can do and you can rent it and bring it here and do all those things to try to to try to alleviate some intent and I believe like I said the intent was is people don't want extra boats going those by you and hot riding again hot riding is shouldn't be happening in there at all and so we need to make sure that we're relasing that and preventing that from happening the answer I think is not let lock down everything and I I'm go back to my original statement on on driving on 19 in the city would we would we even be considering locking down a Herz rental company from doing business in the city no but you're considering putting a moror might used cars so you're talking about here again on the waterfront use cars a lot uh because they're springing up all over that was something earlier that was brought up one one of the items here again you got limited real estate at that Waterfront District very limited and again you allow one you're allowing anyone and everyone pretty soon it could be it could be allo which means it's going to be hell of a job for our Police Department to try to Monitor and possibly you may be a big issue for our fire department for the rescues that injuries that that they may have we have a boat ramp that that we're talking about putting money there's your access but by providing other opportunities to allow any company to come along and just you know work out anything work out with any of the other restaurants so forth to put their businesses there you're just you're you're creating a monster you're creating more work more opportunities for people to get hurt and on the other side of the argument you're a you're also allowing opportunities to let's say that um I don't have jet ski I have two boats I don't have a jet ski maybe I don't want to buy a jet ski to go out and do some jet ski maybe it'd be nice if I had that as a resident the ability to go down to the Waterfront and rent a Jet Ski and go out and try it for day I still have to file all the laws I could rent it elsewhere and bring it here I could buy it put it in here but this would be an opportunity for me to go down and for a day rent a Jet Ski same thing for people that travel here uh to visit the city gives them opportunity to rent a Jet Ski give them opportunity to rent a 24ot center console to go out and fish for a day you know we lock it all down here is what we're doing other than Bon boats and John boats and in the reality of it is is wired pontoon boats and John boats so special we can get on those ponon boats and John boats with those Motors to get in there and just H ride over those by and have the same effect and and another thing I've rented boats before the only question they ask have you ever operated a a watercraft before yes or no and they don't ask for anything else and they just take your work and here's the keys make sure you fill up the gas for that so again you're creating the opportunity that could be very dangerous and plus we still have the the casino boat that again you need to stay out of their way by law because they can't maneuver like a jet ski or a pontoon boat or any of the other watercrafts that that are down there so there's we're we're creating the opportunity for a a terrible Hazard and possibility injury so forth that I'm just saying I disagree with this and and if we had a bigger area possibly if we had three miles of Waterfront I would have a problem but we don't have that so we're talking a very small to find area and the opportunity to allow businesses to pop up all over down there yeah we're we're we're we're creating a monster here yeah I I understand what you're saying regarding I do but we have a lot of residents that don't want it and we are here for the residents and the businesses we're not here just for businesses or just residents and we have to marry those two and and a lot of the residents who are Waterfront residents that is not what they would like that's not what they're doing so um aside from everything Tom just said that does not seem to be um a popular thing for our residents okay help all the Boat Owners they do not want any rental down there period uh we get our gas we head in and when that new Marina opens up there's probably going to be another opportunity for you know we motor to fuel our vessels in that area so I don't and my neighbors don't want to 10 with the amateurs out there who's out there just to have fun who don't know the uh the rules uh and really probably don't care because all they want to do is half that's my concern okay and I want to address one more thing that you mentioned about if we allow this we could potentially have an entire Waterfront full of jet ski rentals that's not necessarily jet ski you're any water craft you know your pontoon agree and and that's that is technically possible just like it's it's technically possible based on as I'm as I read down number two multif Family Residence and this is another Hot Topic and I just want to draw segue to the similar type thinking um right now in the Waterfront District if you buy those properties you can create 72 foot high uh multif family residences at a 15 acre density um down there now and it would be all uh multif family residences and there's nothing we can do about it and as you said if we allow the use of watercraft rentals which we somewhat do now with these varing restrictions those could be you know we could somebody could buy the property if that's what they want to do on that property that's their prerogative It's an important thing to know that when when we we create these zoning rules permitted uses and all that that does open up the possibility for overuse and that's why if we want to control those type uses we probably need to look at moratoriums on businesses whether it be car lots whether it be motor or motorized watercraft rentals what have you smoke shops the whole nine yards but in the reality of it is we have these uses that are allowed here what we do is we we limit progress some people limit process by thinking well this could blow up and be all we have in the city and in reality it's probably that's probably not going to happen the potential is there of course it's it's a it's a valid argument although I you know I don't think that the way that the prices of the properties and all that that somebody's going to come in and pay millions and millions and millions of dollars just to have a watercraft rental so I don't really see that as as a every Waterfront establishment can Hooters can do it um all the restaurants down there can do it the American Marina can do it Marina so the potential to have seven or eight watercraft rentals minimum in our little area is there so that's a lot for a small area so that I think that's the point you we we don't have a big area we don't have a big access so um same thing with any other business obviously you got and that's why we're over one with the smoke shops and everything because there is no moratorium and there's no there's no there's no control thank you there's no control as to what it could be yeah this is not against that one gentleman or or two gentl I tot agree this is not against that this is this is right now a bedroom community and that's what we are at this point with businesses and we have to we have to merge the two with both in mind and we cannot forget the residents yeah tot agree and just another point is bus kind that kind of works itself out if everybody down there was renting jet skis it it probably wouldn't be a viable business model because there'd be so much competition somebody would the competition would work that out so but that but that's not the point the point is it could happen we have five restaurants down there they all go they're all doing very well but they all have different options right so from a business perspective so let's say that you open up a coffee shop you're not going to open open up a coffee shop right next door and then right next door and then right next door to that unless there is something completely different about from a business perspective you wouldn't that wouldn't be that's my point yeah that wouldn't be worth it I mean You' be competing right away at the we smoke shop after smoke shop after smoke shop mean that already exist in the city there should probably be a discussion on the type of businesses if this is where we're going then there should be a discussion about the type of businesses we even want to let in and I think that's overreach in my personal opinion I think that in this issue we need to consult with the lawyer we need to do a lot of different research in Pasco County personal watercraft you were talking about a lot of people have online even residents that I talked to they were afraid about different accidents that people were going to have in Pasco County there were four zero deaths which is amazing Florida Wildlife Control actually produces reports on all of this it's very fascinating to read through and then as far as the violation summary um they have multiple different violation summaries alcohol and drugs Livery operations negligent operation of a vehicle so in the whole state of Florida there were negligent operation of a vehicle 536 counts so I think because this seems to be a Hot Topic we have to to discuss this at length and and I I feel like there's there's got to be a lot more verbiage potentially added to the code because if we don't want to start with government overreach I think that's ludicrous I don't think that that I don't want to be a part of that like that I don't want to overreach and say that you know we we can't allow any kind of business because of this this and this I think that we want to encourage businesses to come to the area we and just because we would allow a certain thing doesn't mean that 15,000 of them are going to pop up all over the place obviously smoke shops are different and they're an issue um but I I think we should table this personally I really do and I think that we should have potentially I don't even know maybe a special session on it where people can come and voice their opinions because I've spoken to Residents who on one side are all for it so many you know and then I have other residents that I've spoken to who are concerned because they don't understand the verbiage that's in the code and I think that because the verbiage is kind of all-encompassing that maybe we should go over it again to try to reduce the amount of redundancy to reduce over reach and restrictions I can just just wanted wanted to let let it know that this did go to planning and zoning and it was noticed and some folks came out and spoke obviously others may not have and they spoken to you directly so it has been and and going to Planning and Zoning they were given three options and told these are just three options I came up with you can do whatever you want and there's actually two sections they want to revisit later because we ran out of time unrelated so you'll see that again in the future um so there was there there definitely was discussion and and public comment at that point obviously we're here today we haven't got public comment I'm sure there might be some people here to talk about it we can definitely do what you're saying I just want you to know that that has started okay make sure I that yeah you U yes remember this only pertains to the Waterfront District that's the dirt on the east side of the bay you can cross the uh River Sunset Marines a marina American Marines a marina you could have an operation there it's totally okay there so what we've done is restricted it to location but you could still end up with the same result at these other locations and the particular kind of jessis let's assume this is going to be a give you the keys and drive kind of jet ski as opposed to a ecotour kind of jety the particular devices or or watercraft that they're using are not the real hot rod type jet SK the ones that you in the rental service are probably the more tame kind of jet skis it's the individuals actually that own the jet skis that really want a hot rid because it's a wet motorcycle is what and I hear these guys going down 19 uh and 11:00 at night on on a Japanese bike and I know they're going over 100 mph and we have that right there on 19 today I don't believe that this is going to be a problem one uh no wake zone all the river they could also move over across under the bridge at that Marina over there and also there's couple of so if you just realize that we've got we're trying to restrict one particular area and the reality is they could relocate across the river or under the bridge and you're going to have the same scenario and you might have a worse scenario we wouldn't be able to address it unless we bring it back my thought there's there's properties right outside the water ear District I haven't own one myself and I could open a jet ski rental place right now and the only difference instead of being down there on the water I'll just hook up I'll put them in let them go just them prevent that so again we're we're trying to legislate code for some intent and all we're doing is locking down everything to accomplish that and that is not the answer that is by definition government overreach and there is there is nothing that I that [Music] I there is there's nothing more disconcerting to me than the government stepping in the way of my free ability to Enterprise and we we we should not be doing that we should look at what we're trying to accomplish and do the minimum amount of code to accomplish that goal not lock everything down again I would liken it back to the same comment on a road we would not be having this conversation about renting vehicles and that they speed up and down 19 all day long so you don't have any problem with the smoke shops you don't have any problem with all the used car lots up and down 19 you don't have any problems with 777 those gambling load of halls I have moving from store another store another store I was at the shopping center there Congress and Ro and I I couldn't believe those little hold wall that and and again it's ridiculous no it's ridiculous I I think those are all great points and I we brought up looking at moratoriums on business I think that's that's a very real thing we should discuss so we should go ahead and allow this until it gets to the point where while we've done the same thing at the Waterfront District and and now it's like okay let's do a moratorium because of that you know my conc ER is is you're allowing too much you know we ar allowing it at [Music] all that's the problem game have one [Music] now we're not even we're not even point to discuss moratoriums on this because we don't allow it at all can we build it into this can we build something like that into this that's I think the question instead of waiting till the point till we need a moratorium is there something that can be built into this sure that's what we're here for yeah this is this is language suggested recommended by Planning and Zoning to this Council this Council can disregard it we can start over I want to start over I think use use what was there and rebuild you know and change what this is just a recommendation so you're you're not stuck with this don't have to use this exact Lang so yeah you can we can change it to say that uh believe it how it is and say that I guess can you can you put more time within the we'll talk about more on Monday they're very specific for zoning thing as use with could you could make limitations you could the big the big thing seems to be jet SK perhaps we more directly addressed jet skis it's an option I don't think just jet skis I think we need to open I mean we need to as you said you can do anything I think we we discuss it in the workshop on Monday that's I was just going to suggest I know we already meeting Monday talk about things and if if everyone thinks that this is something that needs to be discussed that in that manner have I mean it's a compromise this the gentleman in charge of the agenda I you know I I I don't I don't disagree with anything that you're saying you know there's you're you're you're you're uber focused on this one thing I'm not Uber focused on anything well the jet skis we're Uber focused on jet skis and all that but we have a lot of other things that we aren't so worried about you can all beat professional offices down multi family residence specialty retail shops voting accessories Hotel the whole thing could be overrun with that you're you're you're just you're you're locking it down we brought we brought the issue forward right there's two I know one's waiting speak now um the other guy's not here they were both of them are at planning and zoning that's the only two that I know of so I think it's it's somewhat obtuse to to think that because we Chang this that all of a sudden they're going to be lined up the door to get business tax receipt to open up watercraft rentals down there but they might in a year and you're talking about Standalone hotels coffee shops you're talking about Standalone coffee shops and stuff like that that's that doesn't impact the residents all over that impacts the Waterfront District alone so that you can't that's again you're comparing apples and oranges to get your point across that's not the point no these these crafts impact the residents that live there the coffee shops you can if you want to if you want to open 10 coffee shops down there feel free because it doesn't move from store to store resident to resident to Neighborhood to neighborhood they stay there it's different do you think the residents wouldn't have an outcry if we allowed the entire water over District to be coffee shot I don't know I I guarantee problem that well we just we just recognize that there multif family residents is a real problem right I've never seen something and they don't know coffee shop I'm just saying there's there's lots of things are being restricted here allowed here we're so we're focused on we we don't want to open up at all any jet ski or I'm not over focused I've asked for a compromise I've asked about it on Monday so to say I'm Uber focused is incorrect well no what I'm saying is we still talk about on Monday but I don't think that needs to why do we hold up the first reading I guess let me just give you an example let's say we we go with the first reading with the intent we're going to talk about moratoriums on there we've done this we've had a long conversation I don't know what the time is but we talked a lot about it all we do is we provide more government red tape because push this back we got to talk about it all over again you know if you don't want to do it vote no I don't know why we need to table it it's got to be a second reading yeah I'm going to do let me let's do this let me open up public comment and if we talk about more come back anybody like speak Shar let you go first Sher McClary 8731 Betty Street I invite the council to think a little bit differently I've heard a lot of opinions here today and Mr Hoover with all due respect part of the reason the conversation goes on so long because apples and oranges keep coming out there I think we need to look at evidence space data we need to look at studies I've looked up the impact to overuse of a small area like we have in Miller Bayou and around our city what does that mean people come here you said it for the water for the beauty what happens when we have more and more people renting and using jet skis and to to Tom's Point Mr canel's point we could get an overabundance and then we have to retroact L fix everything we're trying to be proactive here and strategic erosion is caused by overuse of a water body destruction of the mangroves injury to the manatees more people mean more pollution in the water I'm already pulling bags out of my canal and you see it too all over the place on my little Canal where you live Mr Hoover there's constantly people going back there and they're not following the wake rulle I have two signs to say be careful of mes which I see often and Doin so I just invite you to think about and I can share the studies with you they academic studies that have been done to think a little bit about not right now not the two people who want to do it not in just about business but what is the ecological repercussions for this city if we don't do things in the right way with the right parameters because we're going to wind up destroying the city and the things that do draw people to live here so I just challenge you to think about that to look at evidence-based data and the studies of erosion of wildlife destruction of the damage that can be caused from the Wake the pollution not to mention the sociological aspects of the noise and the things that the residents want so it's not just about the residents it's also about the long-term health of our waterways and water body around here so I just invite you to think about that have a deeper discussion I feel there's always urgency urgency to make decisions all the time in these meetings and I always wonder what's that undercurrent is that government overreach with talking to Citizens and jumping on one or two so I think we just need to be cautious this is what people are talking about in the city is that certain elected officials are talking to one or two people and then pushing for decisions in these meetings and I think we need to spend more time looking at the long-term repercussions for this city it's a strategic view it's not this year or next year and getting businesses in it's what is the plan for the long-term health of the city including the ecological aspects which is the draw okay so I just invite you to do that thank you thanks Chris Chris mayor 5342 bluepoint Drive uh I've owned my home there for nine years I'm on Miller's Bayou I own two jet skis I've got seven kids we enjoy the bou we enjoy the waterways um I've never experienced and I'm front seat on the Bayou uh even the people who go out there and test their jet skis at 11 o'clock on an off day anybody causing the problem that that I have to complain about okay um I spend a lot of money and time with my family over in Newport Richie you know I was very frustrated when I came here and and I sold my Polaris because I couldn't drive it on the road the cops told me you can't drive it on the road so I bought a golf cart you know then 6 months later you can't cross the road we're going to lock you up and I thought man this sucks so now I'm spending a lot of my time over in Newport Richie spending money eating having fun with my family spending my money over there versus over here and this is where we need to think out of the box a little bit we've got the best possible Waterfront here around and we're like we're going to hold so tight like this we're going to choke ourselves to death you know I came to Florida 9 years ago visiting Tampa doing a tour uh a jet ski tour with my son it was five jet skis in a row the guy LED we followed you know what we didn't get fast till we got out in the middle of the water but you know what I did I got so excited about the water I drove down through Port Richie and stopped here and bought a house now I bought my second house in Port Richie now my whole family's moving down here and yes for you all to understand we're car dealers we like car the car business we make our living selling cars and I told you about this Cherokee we're coming here we' like to open our business here and spend our money right here in Port Richie we don't want a little dive junky car dealership we want a nice one I encourage you all to think outside of the box I really do Tom I can appreciate your opinion about the jet skis with your experience with law enforcement and that but I can tell you right now a guided tour is definitely way low impact compared to a guy who's got a 1,00 cc jet ski out there doing it so thank you all for listening hey Chris all right anyone else like to speak CH Pat since you're closer on your feet Roger 4838 Sunset as a former jet ski owner and I love my jet skis I will say back in the early 2000s we had a tremendous law enforcement presence on the river the county FWC Newport Richie and Port Richie were all out there especially on the big weekends but there were at least two out there every weekend and I don't see that anymore I'm not real sure why I'm sure it has something to do with budgets and things but I've seen many jet skis come up the river going either way wide open and you know where I am it's real wide and it's not real damaging other than they shouldn't be doing it but then there's some boats that do it too and we just need a presence you know the idle speed is not obeyed by a good portion of the people put up more signs explain to them put maybe post that you know the fine is X number of dollars if you get caught doing this anything that might be a detergent for that because that's what we might have control over the rest of it we really don't have control over and we all love our Waterfront we want to be able to use it the way we want to use it without being harmed by other people so that's just a thought but J that's nice T got by the way I share it with you by the way so Sherry Shar 7802 Davis Street um Pat touched a little bit on what I was going to say about you know having the police out there or the police boat to enforce all this and everybody else um but I believe the ordinance was probably put into place because this is a largely residential City Residential along the water so it was at the pleasure of the residents not having to be bothered by you know people that were just there sightseeing and going up and down their canals and just kind of looking at stuff um but I also wanted to touch just just a little bit on because I did watch the presentation where the gentleman came up here and and I realized it's his business and I can appreciate him having to be upset over this but um he didn't do his due diligence you know to find out that we didn't allow jet skis our city didn't do their D due diligence by giving him a permit for something that wasn't allowed so that needs to be looked into also you know I don't have a water ski if we get one maybe I'll I'll get one but one of y'all going to have to come rescue me I'll tell you that right now so I'm not against it um but I also think that you need to think about the the things you want to do with it like you know restricting the hours that it's going to be so it's convenient to go rescue somebody you know maybe stop all rentals at 5:00 so they're not out there in pitch dark trying to find somebody so those are other things you need to think about thank you um before I open up another one you'd mentioned the um let slip in my mind now I'll come back to it anybody else speak good evening uh Tim low 5349 Bridge Street um I'm here on behalf of Port Richie Mar Marina and rentals we rent boats at our Marina um currently we only rent pontoon boats it's 22 ft um we would love to rent other boats we have no intentions of renting jet skis um we would like to expand our business in rentals because we feel it complements the Waterfront overlay District people can come in experience the Waterfront uh go to the restaurants see the stilled homes see the Barrier Islands um and enjoy that there are residents uh we some of our customers are current residents of the county or the city so it's not just other people tourists coming in it's not just unexperienced um operators that rent the boats um we do qualify our customers to make sure they have experience and they know how to operate a vessel they've taken a safe boor course um we want to protect the Waterfront we want to make sure it's it's clean we want to make sure the residences are respected as a result of that so I'm here to say we'd like you to approve this amendment uh to allow additional watercraft um to be rented in the Waterfront overlay District because they are allowed in other parts of the city so why restrict it to the area that is mainly commercial that is better suited for that so you mind add color to the the process when a customer comes to rent um you I think there was some concern that uh you just show up down there sign a form you give them keys off they go sure I mean I can't speak to other companies but the way we do it is when you we have a online booking system you have a series of questions um that you have to go through paperwork you have to fill out um that kind of pre-qualifies you but when you show up our staff um some of which our captains will qualify that customer um and we're not afraid to to deny somebody a rental because we've got an investment in that business um in that equipment we don't want them out there giving us a bad name we don't want them out there damaging you know the Waterway or our equipment right um there's been a lot of talk on social media that's probably the biggest regulator for us as a business um if we've got a boat out there that's acting erratic or against the rules or the law people fired up on social media it hasn't happened to us but I've seen it for other companies um or other instances so I think a business that's renting a boat is going to be highly highly regulated by the public and by social media and by insurance right yeah that's that's important point I want doing that the uh you know people are not just going to go into that type of business and just buy that equipment and just put people on there that they're going to destroy their equipment right and if there's you know I don't know you guys ever give any uh rentals to people that uh have no boting experience at all and you give them a little no here's I mean we we we teach them and train them as if they don't have experience but if they haven't driven a boat we won't let them take our boat out right I mean this do Freedom Boat Club or is this are you separate from that because I know you did have you did have Freedom Boat Club there at one point this is separate we do have a few vessels from Freedom Boat Club I'm unaware if a boat club falls under this restriction of this ordinance um but I can speak a little bit about their business model they actually take every member out regardless of their experience with a qualified captain and train them on how to use that boat how to dock that boat they spend hours with my daughter was a member of that so that's why that's why I asked that yeah and there are another business that if their um customers are not obeying the no WG Zone they they're boats are very identifiable all of our boats are because they're very specific and they all look the same um excuse me the residents or the people in the community are going to they're going to call they're going to complain and so I think it's easy to hold us accountable and it's a good point about the free I think I was referencing before on a boat club your opinion on that does that qualify as they because they really are renting it they're just doing so because it's it's a plan they pay monthly to have the ability to use boats everywhere it may still qualifies as a rental watercraft rental yeah so I me I don't know specifics of those agreements I mean we you want to um that may make a difference but my understanding how the boat clubs work you sign up but you pay the rent that rent rent rent the watercraft so it would be a rental right but you're it's not like you're it's not a one-off situation you're actually a member of a club that you pay monthly there's a membership fee and as a result of that membership you get access to their boats I don't think it's a rental so much as a as a um only my daughter belonged for many years so that's why I I'm familiar with the Freedom Boat Club concept maybe I do remember back during Co when we were restricted um from renting boats during Co which was crazy if you guys remember that we couldn't be 50 yards within another vessel out at the island it was kind of ironic we can laugh about it now but uh Freedom uh was not didn't have the same restrictions as we did as a boat uh rental company so I don't legally not sure how they're uh how they're classified and obiously they actually have vels that are outside of what we restrict here and I think that was part of the reason it got brought up is hey why can't I rent these things when fre boat club is putting people on them again a little different classification maybe legally but I think it's somewhat semantics but uh but yeah so we have some of that going on as well yeah yeah and I don't think if you if you move forward with this and approve prove uh lifting this restriction I don't think you have to worry about the entire Waterfront overlay District turning into a rental industry uh there's a very high cost of of Entry very high you know barrier to to enter to get into this industry and to give you an idea at our Marina we have um 38 wet slips and we are hoping to to put a high and dry some dry slips in there no matter what happens with that out of those 38 wet slips right now we've got two vessels that we rent we may get up to four or six vessels in the area I just don't think there'll be a demand um a business demand in this area to Warrant um more boat rentals or even jet skis I'll I'm not really sure how people make money in that industry with the cost of insurance and the restrictions the insurance agencies have but sound like everybody dying to get in that business based on yeah colleagues here so not too much speaking from my daughter's personal experience you probably you can't get rentals from quot you have to go ahead of time so it is very lucrative I mean people people cannot get them you have to sign up weeks in advance for a day and the Freedom Boat Club yes yes yeah that's my only experience and it's not mine it's my daughter's so I know that correct so um there's there were never enough V correct y any questions for Tim thank you thanks for coming thank you for your time anyone else like to speak Carol welcome Caroline Gonzalez 8648 candy Elaine I do not have so much knowledge in this this is actually my first time of hearing it but just I wanted to say a little something as a resident and a and a consumer um my husband and I were drawn to this area because of the water and all that um and us we do also spend our money in downtown Newport Richie we'll go there we'll freak qu we know people um you know we're professionals um and we are not going to be crazy if we decide to go and rent a boat my family is from South Florida his family is from New York all that and when they come visit us we go to deden or clear water or if they want to go fishing anything like that because there's really nowhere that here we can actually go and just say we're going to rent something and go or you know anything like that so we're always traveling living here so it'd be nice to go cuz we always go to Hooters Whiskey Joe's um catches it would be nice to have some place that I can just say okay let's go down the street and run a boat go with the family things like that um we do have a bait shop that I've always seen there but really there's no really fishing boats that you can go out and either so I understand that it is a residential town you know Waterfront and everything but we're going through growing pains and maybe like with limitations yeah like you should have some like not so many jet skiis or wave Runners anything like that but just little by little but try it out let's not close ourselves and say no because as a consumer I spend my money in another town you know we can spend it here um and Talking just a little bit out out of multifam units and stuff I live in the tow houses behind Walmart in Avala Bay I know a lot of people don't like those because they brought a lot of traffic to um Old Post and all that but honestly there's 110 units we're all consumers you know so it brings money and it brings people so I'm just it's just my opinion thank you anyone else okay I'll bring it back and I remember now I was going to take Sherry um so you mentioned about that jety tour company that uh he didn't do due diligence or whatever so his argument was all along is that I'm not renting jet skis my tour consists of jet skis they they aren't free to roam they get on there he takes them around Follow the Leader type scenario and so he was he was under his understanding he was not abusing this particular section of the code he was actually okay because it was a t turbo Charter he just provided individual jet skis so you come up to mik if you want I really want to go engage but happy to no I'm not trying to be difficult on here but they're jet skis they're not boat it's not a boat tour so again they got shut down right so it finally came out or something came out so that's why I'm saying something got lost somewhere and who was to blame was it him for not knowing that he was operating jet skis or was it our city for giving him a permit to operate jet skis when our permit said no jet skis no question there was some misunderstandings there so that was my that was my point on that one yeah I just wanted to let you know that was his angle on it thanks um we say we got motion second um I'd like to put the vote go do a roll call vote if you mind um did you discussion okay what is your vote what is your vote yay your vot i v I no cares let see next up before we move on that I just did want to mention too just to clarify about public comment and you mentioned the survey time I think there was 74 you said that have commented on that 73 okay um that's a lot of people this was this was a notice public meeting here but prior to that it was on planning and zonings and there was uh a few people there all all commented in favor of it there was nobody in Oppo opposed to it which is why planning zon obviously moveed forward that entire board which we put in place to review those things um they they recommended what we just passed first reading and so this is the followup to that where we are taking planning and zon's recommendation and we have again no public meeting we did have several public comment fairly balanced I might add but nowhere near 74 people and I don't know said 48 were dissenting or something I would encourage you to reach out to those folks that advent your serving I don't know who they are I don't know if you keep track of who they are it's Anonymous I mean I I keep an add there's an address that's on there but I don't you just verify that they're City residents but it's not I would implore if you're watching this after the fact I would implore you to show up at the next meeting that we have on the 23rd which will be the second reading so that we can hear from you um I'd love to hear your comments that's that's the purpose of these meetings and so I don't it disturbs me a little bit to hear folks talk about rushing things through um government is slow painfully so and the last thing that we need to do is continue to have these meetings over and over and over again waiting on public comment sometimes if nobody shows up that is public comment they have no comment so if you're interested in what's going on in your city I implore you to reach out to us directly via email cell phone you have mine blow me up I work for you and we'll continue to do so and I want your comment show up at a meetings so we can hear you so we can make effective decisions but I don't want to drag things on forever we've got a lot of work to do and it's a lot more important than watercraft rentals in val you I just add to that I'd be happy to let you have calling individually is the same as putting it on a survey it's an individual commenting to you they don't necessarily show up you make a lot of decisions which we all do not I'm not I say they don't get made in a vacuum huh they don't get made in a vacuum I don't I have no decision and that's what this questioner is for this is not made in a vacuum so um just because they did it on there does not mean they have to come I would love them to come but I'm sure they're not all going to just like all the people that you spoke speak to do not come as well so um just this is their voice because a lot of people they work they have children they've got they've got football and baseball and soccer and they've got to work in the evening they can't unfortunately I raised a family here and I wasn't able to come to the meetings until they were all going ran and gone and everything's going happen so that is their voice I'm not making lie to the survey results by any stretch the only thing that I would comment on survey results is is it was an it's not really a survey it's me asking the question and it's just put in that format because it's easier for them to communicate with me sure so it's I work I cannot go around house to house like y'all do sometimes because I just don't have the time I've got a lot of obligations with work so um this was my way of getting going door too no and and getting feedback and I applaud your efforts absolutely I think it's very important to engage with citizens absolutely and so I I definitely am not making light of the survey the only comment I would have about the survey is it was an unsanctioned survey yes it is unofficial absolutely it was it it was very limited in its question so there was no well I I did it specifically like that to be not non-biased I do not want to give them my opinion I want to know their opinion exactly so that's why it was if I were to go into detail that I then you go into the pros and cons and it's and I don't want to do that this is just strictly this is the topic what do you think right but my point is is that it was a yes no maybe answer not sure or not sure um and so and was a very pointed question fairly jet ski specific which obviously this code is much more than that and there was no AB it was brought up because of the jet ski so that's why it was there well not not necessarily that no that that is why it was brought up because of that jetp you just heard from Tam who he was that was not he just came today that was not the original intent when it was brought for okay I disagree on that just personally because he did um the but there was no ability for the the residents taking that survey to elaborate on yes there was there's a comment section on yes sir abely there wasn't yes there's there's a comment section each question and there's a general com section you can complain about me all you want feel free oh okay that's good that's much better yes it's it's a it's a um what do you call it when you can type whatever you want what do you call that oh it's [Music] it's I just thought it was just sir mon yes no not sure and then curi did you get some comments I've not receiv but apparently there are a lot of comments yes well I don't know if it's too much to ask but if we doing public comment and we talk obviously if those those Anonymous citizens are out there they don't have time to come here whatever I'd like to hear those comments sure again this has only been out what 36 hours I've only put it out yesterday so my ability to um well it's not my ability is the one that did the thing so she's got to get but I will um but yes I will get them together and I and I plan to this comp absolutely this is not a secret this is my attempt to try to get's feedback gather that's it and and it's again I put on there unofficial because I this is not official this is just me trying to communicate with everybody because as I said earlier you guys walk around and you guys hear a lot of stuff I don't hear what this I the my limited access I don't hear what you guys hear so when you say I I know you know I sit here and go no I don't because I'm not hearing that I'm hearing the opposite I'm not voting no to say no I'm voting no because I I need other eight questions answered or I want to I want to put a moratorium on that so that that's not that's why I voted no not because I'm against it but because I wanted I wanted more things in there my daughter rented wanted to rent out of Fort rief she write a new Fort rief I'm not against it I just wanted a little bit more clarification so I know is never just a no my no is usually comes with because of because I don't want government overreach I want us to be cognizant of our residents and our businesses not just our businesses and and not just our residents we have to marry the two and it has to be the sidebars going on around I know um and that's what I feel we need to we need to be we need to not forget about the residents no I appreciate your efforts okay next up item number five first reading of ordinance number 24700 amending section 12755 of article three of chapter one we just do that oh sorry let's plow that I don't really want to rehash that let's Plow That fi on the I want to make sure you got all the minutes you my apolog I didn't have a check I remember six discussion of city council vision statement and strategic outcomes with goals I will pass that to Mr CER for how about looking for a lengthy conversation on this I wanted yall got really bored because y all started having sidebars what me and Eric were having a little conversation very disect might so sorry I was I was told I had to be short on this um I thought you had appreciate that so I just wanted one to uh get in front of you the uh results from our goal setting that we held a couple weeks back um the next step on this will be to bring it in a uh resolution um before I did that and before I asked the City attorney to do that I just wanted to make sure that you're okay with moving forward we can obviously talk more about them at next meeting when it comes into res resolution if there's any changes or or uh anything you want done with these let me know uh between now and then and we be good to go question on these outcomes they've got Little Numbers out beside I'm assuming that's was that based on a little yeah that was based on the number of dots that uh were put by each of the different items okay and just let you know I there's a lot of great and I may have said this at the meeting there's a lot of great ideas here and I'd hate to lose them I mean normally in goal setting you would try to narrow it down and so the way I thought I'd narrow down is ones that received more than two votes were priority because you know obviously two people we're a large group that's you know we had a 100 people there too probably wouldn't mean a lot but I think it did mean a lot to everyone there um so everything less than two votes and became you know if if opportunity allows and there's some things I can tell you right now that in those opportunity allow we're working on already as well so we're going to accomplish some of those things uh as we go along good it was a very productive session and it was very enjoyable and I appreciate you engaging Us in this we needed long time coming Absolut so thank you that was just uh just discussion right okay y before we move off can I ask one question take the floor I recall vision boards out in the lobby for a while that's did you envision that huh no I envisioned that I just asked you U is that going to come back at a a future date so so those were a part of the CRA Plan update right so yes you'll be seeing those actually I'm was going to look and see what our our next step in that but I think sometime May June is when that's going to be coming back okay yeah May because C is going to have to uh approve timately plan so that and by way as part of the imagine Cody River were probably going to do a similar thing as well that's right your mind moving on item number seven discussion of resolution to adopt a proclamation policy I'll pass it to Mr copper for introduction yeah so uh during the previous meeting the council tasked the City attorney with drafting a policy to direct the assessment of requests from citizens for proclamations acknowledging individuals events activities organizations and issues within the city of Port Richie proposed policy includ Provisions to define the purpose of proclamations assert the cities that the city holds no obligation to create a proclamation establish criteria for determining when a proclamation may be issued outline circumstances under which proclamations will not be issued detail procedures for submitting Proclamation requests describe the distribution methods for disseminating proclamations the council is encouraged to consider adopting a policy if it intends to initiate the issuance of proclamations honoring individuals organizations events or activities doing so ensure that residents and organizations are informed about the types of requests that would be considered for recognition in the [Applause] future for discussion yes so obviously the the City attorney uh and I work together to come up with uh some ideas uh she did the heavy lifting I did the easy one part of it just by saying hey here's a couple examples um so you get credit no no if he didn't find good examples where would we be now he found a number of examples and so we read through them and kind of morphed um what we thought seemed appropriate based on the conversations that you it wasn't a long conversation that we had but based on the conversation you had um and what I we thought you were looking for I like that so the that all proc oh my goodness Proclamation request must be submitted in writing to the city clerk it was two weeks prior I think that's really good because that gives you know a lot of time to prepare but yeah depending on if if it's something that I need to prepare or the City attorney needs to look at there needs to be ample time for that to to get it ready for the agenda in that time and that writing I guess that include email request as well yeah and and it does actually ask them to send the sample of what they want which would be ideal that way all that would happen on this end would be you know what's the criteria is this qualify okay it qualifies let's go versus time to draft something to honor someone that we don't know or some event that we may not be part of so hopefully they'll if this goes through that will happen um but it does it doesn't indicate you know a specific way to to provide it I don't think I don't remember what they say just submitted in writing so proba to unless we don't want it to we can say it must be by US mail oh my gosh that's so limited I just want make I just want make sure it didn't it doesn't it doesn't exclude any email fast right I I mean I looked it l really good I didn't see anything that jumped out at me that worry about looks good motion to approve just a discussion I don't want to BU next time next time but I like your way of thinking I'll tell you that right now let just go ahead and knock it out that's we expected more more um conversation yeah so that's why we I think it's great no you don't put your heads together you do good work okay remember he said that write that down in public that's right um right so we'll bring that back sure that concludes our Council business moving on to Old business discussion of old business is there any comments on Old business so I had a question about the um the Emergency Operations plan I wanted to know um where it's what step we are at right now without that Mr Cutler I know putting you on the spot um so you know in and I may said this the other day when we talking about this that you know to do a true plan is going to take probably up to two years I mean there's a lot of work that goes into a full comprehensive emergency management plan um plus and I looked uh June 1st is approaching um so we are working dly to put together at least one section of that plan which is our hurricane uh preparation and such and so that's that's what we're focusing on right now internally uh we're in the process of kind of collecting uh in writing what we've been doing so we know what each group has been doing and and that's know we like plans we like to have things in writing we like to be able because you train to what you have in writing um but we've had a lot of people that had a lot of experience here going through hurricanes so they do have a good understanding we just need to can push it all together into a a comprehensive plan and so I don't I don't want to give you the thought that you know we don't have people know what to do we just don't know in writing what to do and that's kind of the intent of having these plans that should someone be on vacation we know what they're supposed to do and the other people can fill into do so we're working on that we'll have uh in very near future that hurricane plan all put together in writing and uh we'll provide obviously Council a copy because you guys have a part in this as well should we have to declare an emergency you have a place and so what about an EOC Tod I can hear an EOC yes well yes so the fire department works very closely with the EOC during hurricanes and they have in the past I mean it's very well very well organized and and there's two different so the the real EOC is in County I mean that's that's where the you know the State Centers the authority of that you know we're at AV OC here as well um you know so we can make sure that you know the things that we need to get done as municipality Under the Umbrella of the the county operation plan you know we we can do I think it's important especially um pre pre disaster to have an EOC up and running so we can start making sure our resources are where they need to be again these are things that you know already police and fire they do have operational plans that are in right so they know what they're doing it's just trying to get again all together so we all know we all know how how to operate when it happens um you know during the event probably very little going to be happening in an EOC but then the recovery phase we can then start providing I think a lot of good resource to our residents because we'll know what's going happening on the ground before some of the county folks rather know what's happening our ground and we'll be able to make sense of that and be able to get it out to so there's value in having that that joint EOC for all of our operation on these long-term plans I have two questions the 100th anniversary where are we with because I we brought it up at the cic and I told them that you know that we were going to ask someone to be on that so are we so um I guess we were kind of talking about we need a little bit of direction um you know obviously the way that set up Council would be bringing in the the pool of people and then make appointments you want us to start that advertising yes and how how again the way that it's conceived is Council you know nominates nominates from the poll of people that they they bring for right so do you want it you want it to be coming from you individually you know here I have five people that I would like to put forward into this group and then work through that or you just want you know the city to be kind of the repository so we say submit those to us you know submit written interest to the city clerk by this date then we can get it out to all of you start I think if we all then it's going to be all all five different go different directions I think I can direct them to you yeah I can direct my five people to you and so can Cherokee and so can Dave Etc so yeah absolutely so what we'll do is we'll start that advertising we'll request that they submit something in writing of interest to uh city clerk's office um we'll look because uh if I'm not mistaken it's May 18th 2024 one year to the date um we'll try to get that uh in for you to start making those appointments the first meeting to May would that be an acceptable okay yeah and and I you know of course include the employees that need to be um I don't know if they need to be part of the committee I don't know how you want how that want you want to structure that well the city manager obviously police city manager has been volunteering for that if I'm not mistaken they were very smart I heard the City attorney you know is very interested in my you really want me to come there there are my nomin volunteer position though that's right volunte are sorry I don't have time Doon all right yeah let's employes that are interested in working as well they may not be you know members they may be officio ex officio members because they want to be a participant and what we talked about it excuse me I'm sorry but we talked about see I mean just because you're on the let's say which we said nine people I think is that correct whatever the number was nine no no that for for the for the nine people on the committee that doesn't mean it's only the nine the nine can come and then my other five people that don't get on the can sit out there and be part of it because we're gonna need volunteers we're gonna need people so so just because you know you're you're not on the committee if you don't get on the committee for whatever reason there's not enough room absolutely we want people to be included and help us as well I oneor you thinking about maybe pulling in the historic committee too since it's gonna wrap around that we're we're gonna pull in every committee yeah and also not NE maybe not necessarily as a member maybe as a member I mean but but absolutely absolutely absolutely and then I do know that the German American Chamber oh my goodness been a long day y'all the Port Richie Chamber of Commerce um also is interested in helping out in any way that they can right perfect very good and then the last question I had was boom on the bio how are we going with that we are we going yeah so staff is working to fill out everything that needs to happen Okay we we are starting actually uh the attorney reviewed s put together a uh brochure for sponsorship based upon our policy City attorneys reviewed it we have to make a couple changes um and we'll be getting that out uh to started looking at additional sponsorship to try to improve what we're doing we're moving thank you that's all I had along long to but I had one more thing to do sure I'm sorry when I went sorry I'm backtracking when I went to meet with the water guys I was also um when I meet with the utility guys and it was the end of the day I ended up meeting with all of them they sat there and another great group people that we know we we all have acknowledged and know that they work very hard but very very welcoming a lot of good ideas um and I can tell you between the two departments they are very very Pro Port Richie very very supportive of us they want nothing but best whether they live in this city or not I can honestly say that each one of them wants the absolute best for Port Richie and I thank them all for what the hard work they all do come me they're out there in the heat 365 we're sitting in air conditioning they're not and I and I appreciate everything they do so thank you guys well you know to that point as we were out knocking on doors we discovered a water L at somebody's water the water meter was watering oh not not like a big puddle but but it was a slow drip and and uh the mayor called and and got somebody out there and by the time we had walked at the End of the Street these guys had already showed up and started working two guys and great I mean assum I'm assuming it got fixed these guys were intent on it we were we we were happy to see him there so quick four or five o'clock on a Saturday afternoon I tell you these guys are great all of them wonderful about that is is my first thought was was that is that unmetered City water going you're right look like actually was not it was metered water that we were getting revenue from but nobody wants to do it that way right so and I especially if it's my meter they actually and just to their to their point you know there's a responsibility of the city they were going to say stretch that a little bit if it's close enough that they go ahead and take care of it and that was hopefully that was the case but they were going to notify the the owner make sure they got aare great group of guys all absolutely that all I have thank you you covered two I was definitely interested in discussing um the only other one this one the comment that end of waterline flushing systems I saw that there was one already installed yeah recently over there in when in course it was hous in the background so just like a blue things that come off cover or it operates inside of that cover don't know if it operates does it operate so where does the water [Music] go out I guess and so it blows out and there's sediment in there I guess does that sediment pile up in there how's it they have to clean it out once in a while just [Music] curious initially when they prob they inst it they off the line first as particles was that close to that guy yeah next question was it is it close why we good so that should hopefully solve that problem yes thank you and we're already looking to do limit Drive um we talked to the talk to the owners at the end of Island Drive Drive um they were talked to and they weren't interested in having a unit at that time they had no complaints about the water system so we're going to move we have three more and it's the next one's going to go limit Drive the end of limit Drive which is another dead end line on that that fast that's that's that's agile government at its finest so quick as we can get the information to you quickly get fix we move on something else that's all I any else if not look for motion second motion second in favor by say I I