##VIDEO ID:T67ajpSSCnY## I just it was 5646 whatever getting up [Music] the it's City Council budget Workshop Thursday September United States stand just check and make sure you're all still here we lose anybody Mayor John Eric coover here by vice mayor Linda Rodriguez here councilman David Mueller here councilman Robert hubard here councilwoman Lisa Burke here City attorney Nancy Meyer here city manager Matthew coppler here thank you and I will start off open to the general Pope comments we do not have anybody audience so I'll bring it back next up is comments from the city manager pass it Mr C for his comments no comments thank you next up his comments from the mayor city council last time I'll start with uh vice mayor Rodriguez thank you counc Burke no comments councilman hub no and Council no and I have done as well take this right down to counc business item number one discussion and Direction on proposed fiscal year 2425 City Port Richie budget I'll pass it to Mr cop for introduction okay so we have uh a lot to discuss um first off before we get there though uh and so we can let the City attorney go home and have the rest of her nights free after she drives that's so unfair I'm gonna go work hard is what I'm um she had provided for free she had provided a memo to council there was a question at one of the previous meetings about the ability to provide uh gift cards or um different items of appreciation to uh employees recognition recognition yes that's couldn't think of the word um she provided a memo I had given it to you one of the previous meetings I don't know if you have any questions on that in in particular but I thought before she left she could uh answer any of those questions you might have I don't like the law I understand that in case you needed to know I understand I do is there anything we can do for yes well you can set up you can set up a bonus system and there's specific things you have to do but it applies to everybody um and that is Florida statute 215 425 it gives those four Bas four things you have to um make sure you adhere to to have a bonus system um the basic of the award on um is of a bonus is the work performed you have to describe the performance standards the evaluation process you have to notify all employees of the the policy before you begin it and of course everyone gets considered so you could do that it would just be implementing a policy and then moving forward with it but that's individuals not all employees yeah can we have like barbecues or ice cream socials or I mean um yeah kind of so here here's here's the there there's not yeah there's not can so the the first thing you look at is the money spent by Council should be um for the city on behalf of the city okay for public purpose there are some cities that have small funds for like bringing a cake for you know every six month have a cake for a birthday for everyone that had a birthday for that six months little things like that I do know some um towns and cities that do that sort of thing um don't know anyone that ever got in trouble for it but obviously you are using City funds for something that arguably is not public Municipal purpose now you could bake a cake I can with your with your own funds and resources and provide a cake so order a cake from Publix and have Ashley go pick it up she's too busy we' have S go pick it up well so obviously salaries had public purpose they work for the city why is it all a said not a public purpose to recognize employees morale purposes and all that why is that become not public purpose flid Florida legislature says you can't do it unless it's a bonus system what if you bring a cake and invite the public so are you are you making the cake or is the city paying for the cake the city's paying for the city then it's still the same idea is that for a municipal purpose you know argument could be morale you know that kind of thing happy happy employee good for City productivity there's you know an argument behind it but careful with it at the EV you know when city was in turmoil the CC went around and um got donations from Fort rief businesses and we had a barbecue for the staff you know everything was donated nothing was supplied but the only thing that was supplied by the city was this room and the and the the staff right but we got everything donated hot dogs hamburgers ma salad all that sort of stuff if people donate is that possible it's possible I need to look there's there's Provisions for kind of like a a public private partnership kind of thing to do certain activities and I'd have to see if that would qualify in there or if there's some other way um that would be okay to do off the top of my head I can't think of a reason you couldn't but we would want to make sure obviously if you could at that time it was it was really the city was in a bad spot obviously for obvious reasons and um we have some employees that were here and and it was it was received very very well um and we even had so much that we had an ice cream social couple months later or two months later we had enough ice cream that we had an ice cream social for them as well and it was really a good um I felt and that was the input that we got from the staff that it was a really good boost I mean you know they do they do get paid I mean they're not doing this for volunteer I mean they're getting paid and and that's great but I I feel it's real important to recognize nice to be recognized in the private sector we can recognize that but the government obviously we can so the other things that we can do to recogniz it as a whole you know I mean we can do pick out individuals if we all want to do that too and that's fine but I think as a whole everybody does a great job here in the city as evidenced by what we just saw in the two previous meetings on getting grants and so on and so forth and and the hard work they do do and I and I would like to um continue to to look into that if you I will report back on that thank you and we do have the the proclamation policy now to actually do something obiously it's not monetarily but that's that's fine but I they like to eat sure no I get it at least we do have you can't give it to the whole city you can't give it to all the res a specific resident you know you can't like hot dogs if okay if I can throw out an idea I know in the county there was two things that they did a while back and one was um as long as you didn't use a certain threshold of sick time let's just say it was you didn't use over 100 hours a year 150 hours whatever it was in a year I think this threshold for us fire rescue it's a little off than a standard 40 hour employee but if you didn't use that then they would allow you to cash in you know whatever up to 50 hours you cash it in in uh November so you would get it on your first paycheck in December like a Christmas bonus or if you set a standard say hey anybody that doesn't use a certain amount of sick leave you I mean will get a bonus those are just things that I have heard being used before and I know the one you know the sick Leaf sell pack is what we called it in the county was a benefit that I I used for 25 years I very rarely budgeted for Christmas I just knew if I came to work and didn't use a lot of sick Leaf might my Christmas was gonna be paid for but it's just an idea want to step on anybody's to work for Pasco County Schools they had a sick bank and it went toward and you retired you had that money in a bank it was yours as part of your retirement that's a great idea com so yeah so currently within the Personnel manual that is it's silent on doing that so we don't have a policy on doing that that's something that actually we've been talking about um looking at how to implement that within the the city um there's a couple components to it first let me say why why it's a good thing you know I agree with what the chief said in terms of why from from an individual's perspective why it's a good thing but from a city's perspective it's a good thing as well because other cities I've been as we looked at this you you would have an employee that you know has been there for 30 years and they generally earn their sick leave early on but when they retire it's getting paid out at a much higher rate and so that that you know that un unfunded liability that we have uh keeps growing gr and growing and at some point becomes a big issue for a community um and we don't have as many employees um but but again there could be a number of people that again over a 30 40y year career with City acrew a lot of a lot of time and go from you know an earning rate of $10 all the way up to4 or $50 so it's a significant hit and so trying to to look at how to manage those those Banks uh from a city's perspective is very important and I know it's something that uh the previous Finance director and I started looking at because again it's an unfunded liability we have sitting out there that we have to start funding in some way and one way is in current dollars funding it and another way is for future dollars as well so you set up a a fund that helps you know account for that liability many years down the road but also start trying to reduce that today by doing a program like that again from the employee standpoint that is not abusing their sick leave and and want to see some extra cash at a point in time you know if they have a sufficient amount of available sick leave or even a lot of uh vacation why not so I think it's something we want to do but it really is a lot of policy and understanding financially what it means to a to a city ter you can just kind of jump into it but is something you're going to see when we finally get the Personnel manual back to you if I can ask question so I think we all understand so sick leave now is it is it capped at all or it just continues to ACW forever I think there is a cap I don't ask me what the number is but yeah there's a cap for both vacation and time um but the employees are allowed to acrew I mean they can acrw as much as they want but they if they were to cash out or leave they are cap for not so once they reach that camp they acral just they can keep acing but if they if they were to leave the city they would only receive so much say keep does it lose it takes time or is there a way to move to a PTO where you earn so much PTO and you can use it for vacation or could be an option whatever you're restructuring you're looking at relooking at all the proc or the process and procedures when I was on the Poli and it is a designated sick or vacation it's whatever you need it and it's earned you know every month you get a day or half a day or whatever based on your years and so the other question I had was is let's say we have somebody that uh that has zero new employee they they use theirs or whatever and something happens where they need to take sick time how do they pay that back to us how's that work if they don't have enough in the bank well no it it currently if you don't have enough it goes is unpaid take off that payas I as was say somebody actually says we can't front any any sick time or anything so I think it actually says that so like if you were sitick and you were new we couldn't say here here's a week take backer yeah I think it actually says we can so worst case scenario let's say somebody Cashes in some and then something happens get a car accident or whatever and they they took that cash outly they would be able to take off it just be pay typically every other place I've been you know you would probably have require they've had requirements you know it's minimum 30 days minimum 60 days you a minimum so they're Cashing Out above that minimum um because you don't want employees to get into that situation it happens I mean there's there's some employees that that will use their leave as soon as they get their leave um and then you know something bad happens and not not and so you wouldn't you wouldn't allow people below whatever that minimum threshold is make use of it you probably wouldn't allow new employees over a period maybe a couple years they have to build up that minimum first so it really would be more for people that have been here for a number of years that haven't used their sick leave that would would be able to take advantage of that but but again you know those employees are also the ones that probably want to look at rewarding in some way because they aren't using their Le you know they're they're here and and they're banking it and they also know that that you know at some point is probably going to be lost because there's a capap on it and my last question is is from a budgeting perspective um that would obiously as that liability exists out there we're not doing anything with it until they leave or what have you right and of course if they take that it's it's just like they're they're working they're just we're just short that person so if we were Implement something like that from a cost perspective budget I mean are we are we budgeting all that liability now so whatever we would put there that would be a cost that would be add well there's so there's two things to think about you know when when we get to the audit our financial statements you know there there are numbers that are generated to show what those liabilities are right and typically what you want to show in your financial statements are that you're trying to address what those unfunded liabilities are going to be so again other places I've been you know we have you know otherly benefit liability funds that we put money into so it starts growing so when when it does happen you know we're not taking it out of General operating we're we're accounting for it though each year so we could easily generate what those numbers look like and say you know the what we're funding this year is going to be a percentage of whatever that liability for this year is so we put it away so Hing it today not 30 years down the road where you have to take it out of the budget so there's ways to do it I you know other places I've been most recent place I've been as an example um employees could do that but they had to notify US during the budget process of their intent to retire and doesn't always work because you have employees that'll say up I'm reti um out of the blue they don't plan a year in advance but it does give us an idea those people that that are that are eligible to retire in the next year to be able to put a dollar amount in there so we're not scrambling to figure out up you know here's $25,000 we didn't account for in the the process now we have to fund um and so I think again as we go through developing a process we would start putting some controls like that in place so we we aren't you know we aren't just picking a number out of the blue it's it's getting at least some good input on what that number is so this budget has none of that no no do you know what the liability is now 200 300,000 it's a lot it's more than that uh you know and I was going to mention this to S we were talking about that but you know our our policy on leave and Si time which I know isn't what I'm going to say is not exciting to people that SP here but it's too generous to the city you know so like if you go and you look at other cities cities trying to crack that down first off you're talking about mental health use it or lose it make them go on vacation make them do those things and it cuts your liability you already built that in for that week you know for those weeks for for the year for instance the you know Finance record left here uh it ruined the the payroll budget for the finance because we paid her out a ton of money and that in that as so this is what we're talking about if we're at a right now we're okay financially Cashwise but I mean in 3 years if we're not five people leave I mean you're scrambling to pay for that so what you got to have to do is I mean from my perspective from a financial perspective is you have to you have to cut that you know right now we have it like I've never I I have never worked in a place where you're allowed to trade your sick time in for vacation so like when you leave you're allowed to two for one sick time is usually something you just lose you know if you don't use it before you leave you lose it here we're allowed to do that that just Meats into your your liability and the liability I don't know the exact number up top my head but sounds like you're the problem you guys are working on and I mean I like the idea like the idea of cashing in but obiously there's a there's a cost to that that we'd have to assume right but I but I I don't know I think from an employee standpoint I'm trying to put my self an employees perspective here if you got a six time you really don't get sick or whatever You' be nice to cash it in but it would even be even better to be able to use it and take time off and that doesn't cost the city any money see ideally we would be able to cover that so I think maybe looking at um a PTO perspective where you it's all together and so you can use it for whatever you want that provides more flexibility for employee to take more time off right vacation or otherwise but if you're if you're using it so like that's why most places give you like okay you can roll over 100 hours of vacation but you can roll over 500 hours of sick because you're going to get sick if you do get in a car accident or something you have it 500 hours there but I'm paying you out 500 hours if you leave if we terminate you or whatever the case may be right now if you have 500 hours of sick time I'm paying you 250 hours of that sick time that you probably earned like you said at 10 bucks I'm paying you at $38 an hour which is you know it's just it's it's insane so your liability number isn't even correct I mean it's just it's based off it's not based off real numbers it's based off of well you got this many hours it's an average number of hours so you're not even looking at you know whatever that number is is not you know 100% correct yeah I mean from I mean my perspective time off is important in most places that I've been you have to you you can AC crew so much so you have it on the bank and for my personal um situation I would always build up my Max so I always had that and then whatever I would acrw for that year I would use that so it forces me at some point to take vacation and we really want people to take time off we don't want them here 247 you know 365 days a year we want them to take time off if I if I can make a point please I can understand him coming through the door that's that's well and good but you've had people here for many you know many years um me being one of them and you you you say that you want people to take time off but sometimes that's not possible it's not possible because of the work that these employees are doing and plus you got to remember it's a very delicate situation and something to really be careful about because you have a lot of employees that dedicate themselves find not calling out sick they're not taking time off because they're there to do a job so to me it's you know I believe it needs to be reworked and and and locked in but you know you have you have a lot of people you know longevity and and I am partially speaking for myself but there's many other people in several departments that have been here for 10 15 plus more years that have dedicated themselves to this entity and not had have been able to take that time off you know it's for one reason or another um people other other people's in that Department aren't available so they fill in um there's there's tasks and work that have timelines and and and you know it need to be meet met so they stay so it's it's a very delicate situation and like I said you know there's there's two ends to the Spectrum here and like I said I I respect Adam's point of view because I've actually I've brought him in to look at the Personnel manual because of his experience with HR and and the stuff that he's done for many years but we have to find a balance with this particular entity and the employees we've got yeah and maybe maybe it's a hybrid or you you move everything to PTO and it gives you the ability to take off but you also be you would absolutely grandfather people in you'd have grandfather in but if you're if you're sitting at a you're sitting at a a high amount I mean you know it it behoove the city to say okay you know if you got 400 hours we'll pay you out 200 keep 200 and kind of work that way down I mean because you know I mean relability wise yeah I think we need to try to reduce that for sure did you have I do um in my present employment we have a hybrid we have a PTO system um we do have a payback system but I don't like it it's because it's they don't pay you back like if I want a 100 hours or something they only pay you back 50 of that it's it's really strange so I would never done that I think the payback system is a really good um system to encourage people to come to work so that work is getting done and it is a benefit to them I think that's really good but I think we need to put time limit framework in that um I work in a PTO system I used to work in in sick and vacation um it's it's hard as an employee transitioning to that because you do lose out you do lose hours um at least I did um we did in our company but if you for the payback system you can't cash in 100% you have to keep a certain amount in the bank you can never cash in 100% with HC you have to keep so much and I think that's good because if you've got like um short-term disability and you can get 80 hours of short-term disability you have to keep at least 80 hours in the bank to at least cover you so you don't have that Gap and you don't miss your mortgage payment Etc but there's also a cap on how much PTO that you can acrw you can acrw your hours up to 360 hours and it is rolling over it rolls over it doesn't stop at the end of the year so it encourages people to take it especially when they get they can't collect a th000 hours of PTO and then get paid out at the end for that you can only get up to 360 so there is a there is a happy medium in the middle of there that benefits both the city and the employee and I and I think paying back um the way you described it is a really good idea and it encourages people to come to work you know them to call and sick and and it is a benefit to them and it's helpful to them if they have tough time and they can they need to pay a bill or an emergency came up they can they can take care of that I think that's a really good idea yeah well at the end of the day it does get paid out when they retire or whatever right so it's at some point it's not just to take off it's for a sick time and you have to have a doctor's note right but I'm just what saying is some point that gets paid out anyway so all we're doing is instead of waiting for that one lump sum at some point we're trying to mitigate that over which I think is a great and proba a benefit for employees I mean I like manageable number yeah right we have to budget for it get get a percentage of it at the end of the year if you want like a Christmas bonus if you haven't used any sick days you or not many you can use a percentage of that for Christmas bonus or something you earned it I think we should look at see what you come up with yeah and it's something that that we will um I just a caution that that you know as you heard here there's a lot of differing points of view on this and and generally it's not something that's going to happen overnight you know we we do have a portion of our labor for that is unionized so it's something that would have to be negotiated where we could do it with that portion and and so I I think in my mind it wasn't going to be something that we just hey here's a great idea let's do it I think there has to be some interaction with our our Workforce to find out what what is going to be the best way for them and and having negotiated these type of things with with unions in the past what you find is different people have a different value and a different mindset as relates to it as an example one Community where I was at uh a union you they didn't they didn't want the money now they wanted the money for the future and we were able to negotiate a way that they could put money into their 457 or 401 um and so we really need to find out what is going to be the best way to to benefit the employee with doing something like I mean you know the the mechanics of how you do it are really easy because there's not a lot of ways to do it um it's really what what is the benefit that the employee is going to be receiving is the hard part and whether it's you know money for retirement whether it's money to help offset uh health care costs um you know if it's a bonus that they they can get right before Christmas I mean there's a lot of different ways that it can ultimately be done um but we have to really pick the one that's going to be the most beneficial to the our employees because again everyone's different no anything we can do like say we're not the highest paid in the area so anything we can do to help offset that and it's to comp package makes sense but I think it's important that you do establish those values and get those liabilities Book and know going in what that liability looks like because it could be a PE harb and I don't think anybody wants to look at that and have a rate increase and right but it's a balance it's going to have to be worked out with well it's going to work out for everybody and you're going to solicit input you're going to have fun else for me you just generated a 30 33 minute uh conversation to stay but my friendship's expensive unlike rest employees we want you to take off right I appreciate of course if anything comes up you know make a note and send me an email sounds good thank you thank you guys have a good [Laughter] night okay so that was going to be the easiest conversation I thought um I'm jealous you know every every city council that I've worked with does this differently um and usually it takes the first time to go through this to understand how we want to start doing it going forward I would prefer not to go line by line by line um I I will say that I felt that we put together uh between what uh the the staff is has developed what I was able to do meets the goals that I believe in talking each of you since I've been here wanted to see us do now there always be a lot of um you know bait upon certain things I guess I would I would recommend we look at it maybe holistically first by looking at operation which is kind of the the general operating budgets and then the capital I I think there's probably a lot of conversation that you may want to have on the capital side I don't know if you want to get that out of the way first realistically the capital budgets don't have an impact on the mill rate it's going to be the operational pieces in the general fund that are going to have that that impact on the bill rate so which conversation would you like to have first bill rate or Capital well so I want to take a quick 10,000 view on kind of what what I like to see from a millage perspective and as as we dig into the detail obviously and try to use that as a baseline so my feelings are when I took office the millage rate was 6.35 and last year it was up 0.18 653 where it is now and I want to commend you Matt and obiously working without Finance director majority of that um fantastic job of you and staff on getting this together to get us balanced at the the roll back rate which I was hoping would be around maybe a less than that but it came back a little higher than 635 I would like to get us back to 635 where we started at a year ago um I didn't I didn't want to raise the 0.8 didn't feel we need to and um but we did and you know we' we we've got some money in for that um the difference between the 635 and a 6 point 3782 or whatever it is 37 that's like yeah it's about 12 Grand so what I would like to see is I think it'd be great for the residents to not only do they stay effectively the same taxes but they actually get just a little bit less we did we did hike up the water and sewer so I think it'd be a good um a good thing going forward gesture exactly to uh get that to 635 plus it's a better number than 6.3 782 whatever it is um I don't think it's impossible so if we can look at cutting something 12,000 to get to that we look at move stuff around how we want to spend that but if we kind of use as a baseline to get to 635 I think that'd be really great I agree I believe that the property value will be going up from my understand so keep the Mage rate same we still get an increase yeah and and to add obviously we have um the opportunity for Appropriations now as we employ lobbyists we talking about that obviously that rabbits in the budget um possibly bring in some additional Revenue we do have a lot of development opportunity going on not only to Waterfront but other places as well um we got a lot of liabilities obviously we got to look to as well but I think I'm I'm one who you know it becomes the fact we need to raise taxes in the future that just in time it's it's it's there's a reason behind it um and we quantify that on exactly how much I'd love to be able to get back to the 635 when I took office and let that be the Baseline going forward and like I said hopefully it's right things happen maybe that can start to even decrease a little bit more but definitely not going higher than that that's kind of my thoughts on it you guys have any other comments here we go I I have some concerns sure and some of these concerns are looking at the Run rate for 11 months and the number that we're putting in there and I'm just looking at revenue for example um I see numbers that are much higher than what the Run rate would indicate where were landed now I don't know all the facts maybe there's uncollected or un acrude revenues with certain line items that would cause you to be where you're at are you saying Dave that you what you're seeing is that the the budgeted numbers are higher than what expect no no here's what I did we had 11 months of actual in the 23 24 column divided by 11 multiplied by 12 I'm looking at a run rate of where we're going to land at the end of the year that's a number we have a budgeted number for 24 and then we have a budgeted number for 25 I would think that the budgeted number that uh for 25 should be maybe slightly above what the Run rate where we're going to land in 2024 but I'm seeing uh bigger Deltas than I'd like to see meaning that the numbers that we're estimating for Revenue in 2025 are higher than what we landed in 2024 and there should be a reason for that maybe the reason is that all the crws aren't reflected that is correct that is correct yeah that is correct so one of the one of the things that's been a problem for the last couple months is there's the with the change over the email has been kind of faulty I was on the phone for the last couple days get our you know the revenue uh so we can put it in there I I put about $200,000 wor the revenue in today from July and August so you should see there's going to be a those numbers are going to fluctuate higher and uh they actually should come above what we predicted for the for this fiscal year which is fine I mean that's my my point is is I'm trying to do some independent analysis looking at the actuals assuming that that's 11mon activity if we're missing Revenue then we're not have 11 month activity which is why my run rate is lower which so when I when I looked at it I I agree with you there's some areas that we are coming but those are those are activities that we do inside the you know let's just say permits or whatever it's stuff that we we sell the the things that the the big money the know the tax Revenue that's almost a guaranteed thing the state we we're trending we should Trend a little higher than what we have coming in there yeah let me just say that there is really only one Revenue line that I have concerned about and all this and and that's the red red light tickets yep that was one of them and the reason that so one I did lower a little bit uh this the projected Revenue versus uh this year's Revenue um in looking at what is going on we're still we really still don't have a good answer in my mind I still don't have a good answer in my mind why there were a few months where we were below the activity that we' seen in previous years but it appears that in the last month some something's changed and we're starting to collect more money well we're starting to see the activity level get back to where it was in previous years again we don't or I don't have that that comfort as to why that is you know that happened for those number of months um my thinking in this though is um on on the cost side there's reflecting yeah so it's it's the same and so there's three things on the cost side you have to keep in mind so you know one is what we pay the red light camera company for their services and that that number is going to be the same approximately 23 $24,000 every month so we know what what that that number at the end is going to look like second cost is more of a variable cost and that cost is what goes to uh the state and so if the activi higher you know that number is going to be higher if the activity is lower that number is going to be lower so if if the numbers again go down because the dollar amounts go down because the activity goes down that would mean the money we're paying to the state is going to go down so then really the the important number to us um is what is the money that will be coming to us right and again that's going to be a variable number based upon uh the the amount ount of activity and I originally originally in one of my reiterations of this I had that number crank down by $200,000 but when I saw that the activity numbers were going back up it made more sense to me I mean you kind of see that those numbers are are on a trajectory of increasing um but staying the same I mean you're not seeing dramatic increases over historically staying about the same which which is concerning from one standpoint is that that you know the purpose of this in my mind would have been that we're trying to train people not to run red lights but we're getting the behavior we're anticipating we're trying to generate yeah right but but the fact is that it doesn't appear people are learning because the numbers Stay High I mean you know generally when you do enforcement activities the numbers at the end TA down because you're successful so I I can't explain that that behavior at all um but with that being said the the the down you know downside the risk of the number that I put in there I think is muted because it would have a soft effect on what the expenditure side is going to look out well and and while we're on red light camera for example that that Revenue alone we're showing 49% of the revenue compared the budget now this was as of 830 31 and so in the next week and there again I don't know how this uh comes out does it do they send you a monthly check do they send you a report every month or do they bundle three or four months together so this is the this is where the the problem came in is that they just deposited into the bank so when you reconcile it there's no I'll be honest with you there's no notes on how we how we track that or what period itre so I I so that's what we did today or did today so I know for you know uh I think it's was about $180,000 in red light fees that I I entered in today because again there's no I mean it's you reconcile it doesn't say red light camera it's a 20,000 30,000 $40,000 bill that you have to try to you know and there's nothing to connect it to because I don't have any emails that says this is what we've we've sent you so we I've try I tracked that down today I think we're going to have a better thing going forward but it's just it's it's catching up and that's that's what been going all the way back to uh April trying to make sure that we're we got those in there I think this number is not 100% correct because I I can't find uh May uh I just found June today so we may be I think we're GNA be closer to where we're supposed to be I just it's just not there I well and and my concern is we're double I mean we've only collected 835,000 or reflected it but our budget this year and was 1.7 mil and 1.6 mil is what we're forecasting for next year and my run rate shows I'm only going to generate $900,000 when we close the books this year meaning we're going to have a gap of almost 800k yeah so which is concerning yeah if I could ask a question real quick couple questions on that do you want to go first real quick okay so are we are we current on our uh red light tickets I mean is it backlogged or where we at with I mean we're current we're current right now okay I guess before I answer I have would ask what do you mean by current well yeah how how get a mon here's what you need to figure out whether the the deposits that he has reflected in this number are 11 months of data if they're not that you're talking about it's never it's not going down you think of people would learn but it's not our 3,000 people going through that light we're we're we're a thorough don't you think so Chief it'll never go down to nothing because there's a lot of people that haven't learned and maybe it's the snowbirds that generate the you know well yeah certain times but you have everybody coming you know North and South going going out of this this that's how much is as 19 I think I had three years three years worth of numbers and there is a pattern I mean there there are months that are bigger yeah more more tickets than others um which is the interesting thing again when we were looking at this year when I you know I saw the numbers not being where I'd expect them to be at a certain point in time and and it was uh there was a decrease in the number of tickets that were going out in those months um and again that's that's what we don't have an answer that says this is why that occurred Al so but but again I think it was July that you had provided to me most recently right it was July's um and that is closer to where I can't remember it's either equal to or pretty close to what historically happens in July and again it's it varies from year to year on a monthly basis but the months are really similar and and so there was an anomaly for a period of maybe 4 to five months this year where the tickets that were given out were less than that so I'll tell you that that we're not going to reach 1.7 unless something happens dramatic in the next two months is my guess K this month but but what I what we we don't know though for sure is you know what is you know there that isn't accounted for yet that goes into that that line item and that's what what Adam's talking about and what part is just we're not writing you know the tickets aren't equaling what they have historically again when when you look at numbers like this and you're trying to forecast what what's going you don't look at any one year in that forecast you look at what history tells you because history is a better indicator than just looking at one period in time because I I saw something in July that shows me that we're back there now August could be an anomaly again but I don't think that's going to happen because again when you look at when these years happen they are very similar um so so we're current establish that um we don't know what months are outstanding so have we got 11 deposits so this is the thing and that's what I was trying to tell you so you you don't get 11 deposits you get a deposit a week so it's just a su of money so when I reconcile the bank accounts or when Rachel was you just see a number it doesn't say red light camera it just says a number from somewhere and you have to go back and try to match that to some kind of something now the problem is is it didn't look like I put it in today for last month four weeks of last month and I put it in today for for four I'm sorry July and August so you know it was almost 200 thou you know 180,000 I can't remember off the top of my head it was a lot of money but that those things you have to take them and then you have to actually put them in a revenue voucher to put them in this number that's why it's not here because I put it in today last month yeah it was for July and August okay well that explains well the reality though but understand how how these tickets get paid they you know a ticket gets issued and then there's a period of time that they have to pay them some wait until the very end some don't pay at all some pay in the beginning so I mean you're not you know you have a certain amount of AAR you know could be 30 days be 45 days for tickets issued to that I mean I think that's the difficulty one of the difficulties that that Adam Adam is suggesting in this is that you know normally what you like to see when money goes into a bank account is something that correlates to that shows this was 23 tickets here are the tickets that this correlated to so you can tie it back to an actual thing um if it's just a a payment voucher so essentially we we could have an acrel when we close our year that we see invoices or deposits coming in in November December October related to this fiscal year that need to be picked up and that number could be showed up a little yeah yes yeah okay me and then you go back I go back and look and make sure that you know those numbers are have been Journal voucher or Revenue vouchered incorrectly I mean you're exactly right when you're looking at this you know you made $1.7 Million last year and you're only 800,000 there's something missing somewhere so this is this is a tougher question because OB this this program that we have with the two lights two lights yes so Grand and Bridge um and so we do that we call share so we only get a third right we get a third I think the state gets a third and the company that has the technology gets a third so really we're only getting 33% third of of the ticket so my question would be is would would it be and this is a tough question I I don't think begin to start but I think we need to look at this would it be better served for us to do away with that program and have officers doing it where we get 100% of the revenue Mone we don't get the money from ticket run5 the rest goes to the company and you so we only get five bucks he's talking about not using the red light camera and enforcing it ourself yeah you pull somebody over run the red light we get 100% of that no there's no time for that other things to do unless you have Courthouse here with the judge a city judge and everything you don't get any yeah the problem I think the problem my you know the easy answer problem is that right now you have 247 capability of a ticket right if you rely upon a police officer you don't have 247 you have and you're going to take away from something else yeah well you can't and you can't because well I have to say if there's that's money there you employ officer just for that no they're going to sit there 24 hours a day no I don't know I just ask a question we leave on the table the way it is here here's the question I would ask I address that problem is is to do that would you be willing to have that police officer stay there if there is a domestic going on and our other three officers are are are you know otherwise take it up we don't get that money anyway this just question like I said I don't know if it makes sense or not but I know we we only get 33% you're not paying the red light camera to sit there I mean even if you had enough officers well based on time so just to show you right now we're sitting in the red light is 1,14 bucks as of today or as of right right now so you know I added you know $200,000 to today and there still be still should could be some missing out there as well but he's exactly right when we every ticket that we get there's 158 bucks per ticket and then we have to we split that out a percentage to the brain and spinal there's three different funds we do that to and then also I take those tickets and I put the number of tickets in there and give $5 to to the police department and give a portion of it to fines and fature so there's a journal entry from that that's going out to spread that love around a little bit5 I thought might have been a square jar I didn't so much had a question I just had a clarification I know in accounting one plus one is always two 100% what I'm hearing is um we had a finance Direct Matt was gracious enough with his staff to fill in so there's there's some Gap time Adam is now here what a month a month and he's trying his best to figure out what Rachel did what Matt did and system so there's gonna be some Gap and this is a bad time for that because it's budget season but I think we have to have a little bit of race with this and understand that yeah so this this we're spending a a lot of time on red light cameras when we got a whole budget here so I think we need to give him him and the department a little bit of Grace to catch up and move on there's 24 hours in a day and I'm well rested so that's only first item on my list I think the big concern is that's a that's a heavy shortfall that's a big gap so we we need to least figure out if that's anomaly or if it's he's been saying that he is trying to figure it out that's what he's doing and we're continuing to Hound him and he's saying Rue generates our military this is in the general fund this is going to have an impact and that's a big gap but but I think again my my perspective yeah from my my perspective the the issue is less about the accounting piece of it the issue was the actual writing of the ticket and again I can't remember if it was four months or five months but there was a period of time this year that the number of tickets were written were significantly lower than the previous three years wondering if the camera wasn't working accurately could have been technology that's that's what we're we we are diligently trying to figure out with the company as to what what that is but but again what what made me comfortable with this is the last month that I had numbers on which was July was rebounding to where we were so I I'm I'm comfortable that that number is sustainable for the upcoming budget AG fair enough any on Revenue general f if I look at an opportunity to combine our different carrier what carrier you using cell phones yeah so we we actually have two different cell phone fans out there one with the Verizon one with uh T-mobile right I think the majority of our phone plans are on T-Mobile now with just a handful on Verizon and most of the the Verizon ones are with the fire department and I know I had this because I had this conversation uh early on and they they do have I think legitimate reasons why they want to keep with with Verizon on that but we've been moving just other uh operations over to T-Mobile okay um on the dispatch that would be uh page 33 uh that's our existing dispatch of those four people that are going to be retained did we plug that 93 3K or half of that 50k somewhere so we we uh actually I split that in two different ways the I think I rounded it up it's in here yes it's uh partially in police in their Professional Services I did you I know we were going to create the the dispatch line or County contract line please yeah so uh that's going to be hopefully done by so yeah we're split I think I think it ended up being 6535 if I'm not mistaken uh between the police and uh the fire we're accounting for that there and and eventually we do that eventually the dispatch C Center will go away and we'll start accounting for those yeah and so at some point there won't be a dispatch uh cost center in the budget um with the building department and the code enforcement where you're going to try to allocate the legal expenses for any of these guys we take to court or any of that trying to get that off the invoice from our attorney uh I this budget this budget doesn't doesn't assume that um I think we do as we get those we can take them from Peter Paul right yeah I mean right now it's the the attorney and the general fund is its own cost center um you know I don't know if if it makes more sense when we get a new Financial software system that we actually just have sub accounts within the City attorney so you know we break it down that way so it's all captured in one location rather than split it amongst the the building code enforcement other things so in that that new fund that you created it's called other economic environment line item for Professional Services 2 million bucks um is that going to be the that's that's the yeah that's that's the only that's the only one that has 2 million bucks in Professional Services um number 59 organization 59 a general fund other economic envirment old fashion we'll talk you want to talk about paying for Pasco now or later well I thought since we're kind of going down the line of operational for general fund we just stick with the operational on the general fund and then we'll get into the capital yep I mean again if if we're just looking right now at at the rate just the general fund would be what what you want to be looking at I think I'm good there those other funds awesome so if there isn't any other questions or desires on the general fund the question would be if you want to reduce it down you want to reduce the mill rate and and rather than I mean if it's what you want to do tell me what the number is rather sit here and figure out exactly which line it is I'll do it and I'll tell you where you have to take the money to do it that's what I'd like to see 635 would be the r put it right back to where it was right if he knows the difference if he knows the difference then he knows where to pull it from yeah I like 12 Grand differ Grand that's fine I mean I'm sure we can figure that yeah that's easy consens I've said it before any objection to 635 um one it no not at all uh I noticed that you had the audit pretty much this Lion Share sitting in the general government could some of that be shifted to C cover your Gap I I think if I'm not mistaken the the audit for the CRA is its own audit they have their own audit okay so we get a separate in all right that's cool you say didn't have an objection no have consensus want to make a motion to keep the uh wait we got consensus we're good okay 635 all right and you're going to look to uh take a little Little Slice out of a lot of little places and drive 12 grand out of the bucket yeah I I'll tell you I'm going to do in a way because in making that change there's going to have to be an amendment to the budget so I'm going to try to do everything so we have the minimum number of amendments so I wouldn't I wouldn't take like you know a hundred bucks out of you know the number of to come up with that it it would be something that has the the fewest number of amendments would need to be done and you'll tell us where you're taking that out of absolutely thank you sir yes and then just where we at Reserve Wise from a percentage perspective I think we were at 33% last year if I remember right like that you have a projection on on the uh going to end with that I don't I went kind of with the numbers I gave you before kind of very conservative with it wasn't too much less than I went a little less last year it was like 22% I think where I was going to be with it 22% we were at we were both 30 talking are you talking about the same are you talking about undesignated or because I I don't think you're talking about the undesignated you're talking about just what the fund balance is yeah yeah just whatever reserved was they kind of like the the goal was to be no less than 30% of the overall budget yeah we were at 33 I think last year early I I think the projection right now is that we would we would end up being just a little bit more Revenue than expenditure if I'm not I'm mistaken so we we add a little bit to that we're going the right direction you're going to land the year in a positive rather than Breaking that is where we're looking that's what I want to know and that's assuming all those outstanding things come to light the way you anticipate so that being said is it possible just to Shore that up with the 12,000 you need for there no okay whatever you need to do yeah I at this point because I the danger in that is that that you you kind of invite a negative in next year I mean the way the way that that is structured now you know we are using fund balance um towards this budget to balance it off but you know it's kind of a calculation that I've done this say okay here's here's where I think in reality we will land expenditure wise because historically we never spend every dollar we have right um I think we're going to be closer this year than in previous years um because the way we're budgeting next year when we do the budget is going to even be closer to what what the the estimate is um so there's still a little bit of unknown in my mind about that but I think you know we should end up in a position where we're not utilizing that fund balance in next year's budget and we won't expend all the the the expenditures and you know some of the revenue line still are I think kind of conservative based upon what what a projection would be I mean I I again I try to use a conservative projection not not the high levels projection so what would your recommendation be yours and Adam's recommendation would it be to keep it where it was and not roll it back to the three point I mean six point I mean again keep the keep the 12,000 in there I mean it's like we said it's ins if in the number we're talking so would that I mean so I'm a taxpayer too um I don't just play one on TV um I I appreciate the concept of of what what you're saying in it I think in in a grand scheme of things it really is a a gesture more than something tangible to the residents um it's a tax cut but we already have a tax cut no no we're going back to the road the millage rate lowers but the impct is they're paying the same so with exra 12,000 why it's minc but is it's actually a tax cut to the res but with everything we want to do with the roads and the and the Water Systems I mean with all the things that we Nicks Park I know that's a grant now but I mean all these things that we want to fix if it's they're in there is I understand they're in there but they're are there can be unexplained expenses that you know every time that I mean that happens to all of us even in our private lives they said they that cost $1,000 now it's costing $1,200 you know I mean like I mean so it's gonna happen so yeah why why why take the risk of going negative with $112,000 it's a lot of money to US individually but in a four5 million budget my opinion yes is that you I mean I if you want to keep it the same you keep it the same you never go backwards then you're in a spot where we just had to raise water rates and everything else when you start moving backwards you're backwards and then you you try to get it somewhere where you're supposed to be next year you're raising it you know half a point whatever the case may be um $112,000 is not you know it's it's I get it but like I I would never go backwards I mean it's just your your set a precedent that is just not going to be feasible going forward for anybody yeah well I and my my reasoning behind that is is that from my perspective should never RA in first place just State 635 but it didn't it went up and so I mean I want to reset the clock because that's and I again it's a it's amount but it is tax break and it puts the onus on this Council to do the right things to make sure that we generate the income that we need to do the things we need to do the last the last place I ever want to go for revenue is a resident I pay taxes we all pay taxes up here they pay taxes unprecedent time inflation the last thing I want to do is pick somebody pocket and so I want to reset my My Philosophy is reset it back to where it was it's it's more than they as their valuations increase they're paying more anyway right but um and going forward we we do a better job of whether there appropriation process which we're engaging in it's budgeted um hopefully that helps bring some additional grants um you we've had some shifts in in in employees or whatever which obviously makes things different as well so we can always use more money right right but you see but we're not raising the taxes we're keeping them the same as they were that's right so I mean theoretically if we didn't do anything and we left the millage rate where it is we are not raising taxes we are keeping it ex that's that's correct if we got to pay if we have to pay more money individually because the county has um adjusted our assessment value that's that's beyond our control that's but we still have a city to run and we have a lot of very expensive projects that we have to fund and and that's what our residents are complaining about right when you look at yeah when you look at it you're here arguing about roads and dredging and stuff like that I mean really at some point you're going to have to come out I mean where you going to get that money if we're you know we're rolling it back you know what I'm saying it just it financially it doesn't make sense to roll it back I agree you keep it the same if you want to you wantan be a good city and say we're notna raise your taxes this year that's fine but I don't think you're advocating for 653 leave it same I'm advocating for you to leave it the way it is that's what you want I would prefer 653 that way you have a base Point next year too you're not you know we make we make have something else we may need a new you know fire truck whatever you're not you're not raising it that much we can take whatever extra we have in here put it in a rainy day fund so that we don't have to next time we have that 24,000 bucks whatever you know sitting there or whatever but like going backwards on the on the mill rate is just it's not a great idea my personal opinion also also I just want to point out we also got to worry about the projection of inflation for everything else because everything else you know vendors supplies medical supplies testing everything like that is going to go up engineering prices you know through the next year that's something else to also consider so that should have already been baked into this so you're you're baking in you're in what you what you're getting so the state doesn't come back and say Hey you know they're basing it just on the amount of employees or amount of citizens we have so if we if we go lower then you know actually we actually are making a little bit less in our shared Revenue than we were than we did last year just because of the the number so like this this has to be you know keep it at 653 that's our that's our bucket to dig out if we if we need it and then going forward next year we don't raise it again if we if we can balance it the way we are right now good ah sure um you know L the philosophy what you do with the budget is to me very important and I think it's something that resonates with residents and in when you're explaining to them why you have arrived at a tax rate that youve arrived at um what I found historically is that their residents don't like tax increases and all you're doing is increasing the cost to government right and and you know that's that's employee benefits and you know that's the city manager wages you know those things they don't like tax tax increases for those things I understand that but if you go and say you know we are for the next five years going to be doing uh $5 million worth of roads and 5 millionar worth of roads here would go a long ways by the way um but and and we're going to have to raise half a [Music] mill up to do that and and it's not just we're thinking about doing it we're actually we have a plan in place that says we're going to do these roads these five years it's going to cost us this amount of money which is this Miller rate residents buy into that and they understand it and they they'll look at at you and say okay I'm I'm I'm going down on them to trust you see that you're going to do this and what you say you're going to do and next year I'm going to measure what you did and if you didn't do what you said you're GNA do then I'm G to come to the council meeting you're going to hear from me but if you do what you say are you're gonna do I'm gonna sit there and I'm say okay you know I'm I'm getting a benefit from that that millage that you're tacking on and and I think that is is something that you know as a community um you know I hear a lot that you know the roads are getting worse you know our water lines need this needs you know there's no doubt that we could spend more money in our parks and make them better parks for our residents and and honestly we should be looking at new parks for our residents because you know while we have a lot of Parkland according to our comprehensive plan numbers you know we don't have active Parkland you know that that you know communities around us you know have pickle ball courts where's where's our pickle ball court we don't have one maybe residents don't want one or maybe they do want one um but you know we don't really have anything in place that shows how we can spend the money if the residents grant us the ability to use that money going forth so long story short I think if you tie tie these increases to things that they're going to see tangible things they're going to see people again may not be happy but they're going to be satisfied with how you're using their money and I think that's the opportunity here that you have is that gee you know I was able to get you a roll back number and you know I I can get you to this easily get you do that righta in a way that you know won't won't be noticed um to the number that you're suggesting but I asked the question what what can we do with that number between you know 6.37 82 and 6.53 that would make a difference the residents in the next year and and not paying employees not improving the benefits but from a capital perspective and and if you're going to think about it that's what I would think about because I think again that number which again is not a lot of money g off top of my head think what that number represents in dollar and cents but I'm looking over there hopefully they'll come up before I've done talking um but it's something that you know a resident again can say Okay paying maybe a little bit more in taxes because of it but but at the end of the day I'll see this we're not paying more in taxes we're going to be paying the I understand in M yeah not not from burden a tax burden standpoint increasing taxes keeping he's talking from a 653 perspective actually raising 653 leing it where is yeah yeah not going to the roll back but saying take that money and use it on capital projects that that you know are going to have an impact I just I just throw that out there because you know rather than look at adding you know another employee or adding you know wages or adding whatever operationally use that money to to benefit the resident in a direct way that they're going to see what you'll find I think is if you're successful and you do a good thing with that money and they see it they're going to have more trust in you when you have to go to them and say listen you know we want to do more roads and let's let's do a half a mill worth of Roads a year and that's money out of everyone's Pockets but but that's also now all of a sudden in improved roads that they directly say that money came out of my pocket to I think we could do that next year there's a lot of stuff com Year talk about four bucks a here's problem a house here's the problem that we that we find ourselves in that and it's it's it's evidence by the folks that were here earlier they've done nothing but go up go up go up and they've seen nothing and I've lived here for 10 years and I've not seen a whole hell of a lot and so what what what I would like to see is let's let's give like we've got but in the budget now and then when we come back next year if we find it and we've actually done some stuff and we've got these committees going resiliency we start do some of this and maybe we we do really well uh with development maybe we do really well with the appropriation process and we're able to show that then if we do need to do something next year it's like well you know I did see a significant amount of effort and in the last year that since I've been here we' we've moved in a right direction I feel that's my feeling but I really think that things have have uh done well so I I really feel we show this gesture that we actually are decreasing I'll be just just a smidge but it is a it's a decrease it's resets it back to year last year's rate if we at that point we don't roll back we just keep it and we continue to use that additional income to progress the city going forward and like said if we do the right things development you st a chance for a huge windfall once those things kick in again we have done stuff this year we did the roads we did a lot of Roads we have done we done a lot of stuff and as Bob brought up earlier I mean things run slowly in government so and there are a lot of things in the works that we are continuing to do unfortunate I I would like to keep it the same instead of roller back because I think we just need to we need to keep because I don't want to come next year and or the increase was 01517 right that's what you want I don't want to come back next year and raise it double that because now we're behind and we need to do roads and we need to do other big projects the water system the the sewer system we have to do other projects I don't want to come back and now say well we rolled it back last year we're going to put it up to what it was the year before plus we have to add more I I don't want to have to do that to our residents that's a bigger hit it's not a sign ific amount of money to us it is to them I'd like to keep it I prefer to keep it the I want to pay the same taxes as I did last year and and continue on projects at 637 the grill back rate are you saying leave it at 653 leave it leave it at what we were at at right now 653 is that what we're at right now right that's a tax increase you understand that right how is that a tax increase because your valuation increased yes I understand that I understand that but we didn't do that we yes but we did not do that does matter who does it it's a tax increase I I I understand that but we did not do that I we have projects that we need to get done that our residents are screaming to get done you can't do that with less money we have those things in the budget they're in there now things come up all the time emergencies come up we've had things pop up in our budget now that we haven't budgeted for that we've paid for you said that's a $112,000 we have contingen baked into this so what would the city do with $122,000 that would make a difference nothing I mean it's it's nothing $122,000 nothing but but she's talking about 653 which is what's the difference between six what's the difference between a roll back 63782 and 653 50,000 the Delta what is our millage right now Adam 653 okay what's the Delta between that and rank the right now it's 250 we would make on our well two 2,742 th000 2,7 42,546 point5 three would be 2, 87,00 and those are rough than 95% doesn't that depend on the property value so it's probably two 2.7 High into that yeah an additional 2.7 no what's the no I'm saying that now right now it's at 2.6 almost 2.7 right if you go up to 6.53 that number I I just can't remember what what it is without the 95% I thought it was like 2.8 so it would 95% would be somewhere around no I don't think it's G to be that that that significant um yeah less right around there or less I mean so you have another 100 grand again what do you want what and we have and we have contingencies b as well he just said it's 100 not 12 they just said differ no going down is a small number going up is a larger going up to 653 is 100 Grand so we based on our budget now we would have an additional 100 Grand if we kept it at 653 that would come out of the rest of pockets so 95% the two 53 would be roughly 2.6 81 million give or take yeah 8 81 million 816 81 million 2.6 2.6 2.6 81 and some change $2,681 th000 and then I mean say like $64,000 okay I can't remember that's just a question or 60 $60,000 is we're at 2.7 today is what the Ador tax is Right plus the delinquencies like $63,000 so I I I think we need to show that we are using their tax dollars wisely before we ask for more I think it should be rolled back a little bit you want make a motion motion to use the roll back rate uh of 6.37 was it no we we well I say you already consens we already did that consens but I think consensus has changed so did I did take mine back yesterday right yeah so we still have consensus even with okay removing it are you dropping out as well U no I'm trying to figure out where we stand didn't we just vote on that yeah had a consens no the previous meeting didn't we vote on that the preliminary yes the first reading was 63782 the roll back the roll back consensus for this was 635 and then Linda's removed her so we have no I'm going to go my motion would be to continue with the roll back rate okay so but was it the motion I'll second it then so you second the roll back we don't we don't need a motion we just need ation consensus no motion I'm at 635 no higher that's where I'm at so is there a consensus for 6435 yes for me 35 or was it 37 no 35 he wants 635 so that's the that's 12,000 less than a roll Bank I'm from roll back right okay where you at b i I am too I said back you guys are confusing me I'm 4 to 635 that's not the rollback the rollback is 63782 so if you want 635 that's not the roll back it's 12,000 less than the roll back I'm a 635 where you at let's just use the number 635 okay you're at 6378 two yes two oh 635 what we all right down that's 653 correct so I've got 635 consensus we at now we're at $122,000 less yep and a bunch of work for these guys not too much and then we got to re-approve it at the next meeting yeah you so there will be there will be a budget amendment for August on the 19th yes okay anything else so are we done with the general fund thank thanks all you excellent uh you again do you want to hit that Capital we can which one you ping for pass yep you go to um I'm not sure on what page it is on the agenda on the if you go to page 10 in the budget book not not the not this book but on the side yeah I have the uh the current current penny for pass number is that different than the the one you booked in yeah so this this there are a couple changes to that okay um which I'll hit really quick uh if you go down about Midway right I'm sorry where are you looking at I'm sorry page 21 or page 10 10 of the big number right okay go ahead I'll look for it yeah so this this is in the general government information so it's at the beginning of the budget book it's page 10 on the on my page numbers but it's a different number on it's 21 yeah so um if you go down to uh City Hall um it there's a couple things that that I added to this right um first thing is um the EOC Council chamber upgrades that I wanted to talk to you about the second is uh Council chamber sound system which there was a desire to do something with that and the third thing was the uh switching of the financial package was something that I didn't remember to put in before the council chamber sound system I put in based upon some recent uh discussions at council meeting and the EOC is the start to actually it it will actually do two things for us one start preparing us to have an EOC here for Emergency Operations in the council chambers but it'll also do some improvements from the from the ad standpoint so we don't have to go with this kind of setup um we'd have more video screens um for uh residents as well as make some improvements from a security standpoint so Council can exit without having to go out into where potentially danger would be so it does a number of different things and gets us into position so those those things were added um and there was something pushed off the wireless upgrade I pushed off to the future I think that's the only changes everything else You' have seen so I guess the question would be are there any projects two questions one are there any projects there you don't want to fund in this special year three questions are there any projects you want to fund in you don't want to fund in this fiscal year are there any additional projects that aren't on there that you want to fund in this fiscal year and then the third question we do need to get some resolution to is that um we have budgeted in 2028 that million for a fir Tru replacement if we're going to do that we need to make some decision relatively soon on if we're going to be doing that and how we're going to be doing that remember um you could possibly look at at some type of bonding we could look at some type of lease to own there's a couple different ways but we would need to have a relatively quick answer sometime in the seeable future that what's wrong with the carpeting paron what's wrong with the carpeting it's carpeting $10,000 yeah I say the same thing not only here it's the whole building right so I believe uh city has already replaced carpeting in that side so it would be all the other areas this would be a portion of that I don't think for 10,000 we'd be able to replace everything but but I don't know when when was the last time that it when the building was built it's held up pretty good pretty good pry leave it alone maybe just get it cleaned next that's not till next year yeah that's that's actually let's look at col 25's she my 21 is not the same this the original book they gave this is the original book yeah I didn't get anything else I didn't get a digital thing either there well that's that's C just like 25 what's the parking 50,000 that's again that's 2026 so today's oh sorry go back to the public hearing see the public he oh okay body that's for us right so so again what we're looking at we have this year we have budgeted uh replacement Cruisers part of the replacement plan we have the axon we have body armor we have firearms we have half of the F50 550 Brush Truck half the dump truck how do you do that how do you do half well the other half is in uh water sewer oh okay gotcha it's coming another price but could all of it come from that no well it it shouldn't because those utility funds are only used only used a portion of it so you split it amongst where oh this is the public work side yes okay gotcha um we have money for 150,000 for Road resurfacing generator fuel here at City Hall 35,000 12,000 to replac an AC unit um in City Hall that works towards Police Department 33,000 for recabling City Hall for the it um in the EOC upgrades C chamber upgrades C chamber sound system Erp Financial system Nick Park boat ramp dock that's City share of that potential Grant bunker gear fire small equipment safety equip the station replacement assessment the thermal imager camera and then 75,000 for a Ford F250 those are things we're really talking about the other the other items right really probably need to be talk about either at another time or as part of so once we count all that up Mayon 178 yep we're only going to get what 700 5,000 yeah is what we project that's that's what Revenue we will get from but that was another line that looks like we're under running as well meaning so that that is estimates from the state we don't we don't generate that it looks like we're you know run rate we're a little little light there I I don't know why and maybe it's because I don't know if they are they giving us that money on a quarterly basis or monthly you don't know what the flow assumption really is yet you haven't established no I haven't seen anything okay because if I just take a look and say hey that's 11 months run rated up at 550k and you know where yeah and I think it other other states have been in state revenues come in on a quarterly basis but come in on a monthly basis I'm not sure here but it is I just haven't looked at it but I trust the I trust the state's forecast on these more than my own forecast and the roll forward balance is what we have in the bank that's the cash balance we're going to spend 1.2 mil we'll have 135k left uh I was want to see something for uh Canal main coming out of this fun [Music] could we put a line item in there for 100 grand for that I know that there's a committee get getting off the ground but uh do we have any ability to put a contingency for something like that yeah I there there's money to do that sorry what what are you trying to find I didn't hear what you said canal canal maintenance Canal maintenance thank you Waterway maintenance yeah and I know that there's a committee meeting on Monday night six o'clock I'll be here and hopefully they can unlock some funding that that can address that too but potentially we might have to se something uh you know partner with some portion of that um and pass penny for Pasco can fund those kinds of events that were established I think last year yeah i' like to this Council chamber sound system so yeah I was GNA comment on on that the obviously needed the heartburn I have is I can't remember what we spent 30 I think it was like 30 grand for this yeah so we got that exactly so and again I don't know how much we can go back to the company that put this in but it really Burns me that we spent that money and this this been junk and there's so many complaints about it yeah over and over and here we got to resend it to fix it and this is a Yamaha man I'm expecting great things here I'm running yamama yeah I just I don't know if there's been any conversations with the vendor whatever I mean in in in my mind if if I was a vendor of this and I saw that my product was this bad I would be more than happy to take these mics back and put different mics in fix it or whatever they need to do this this is horrible and it's been a ever since we spent that money it's been nothing but disaster if I put $25,000 on a sound syst of my house I expect it to work right or get the company to fix it or I eat it because I made a mistake I don't know Contra what was it's anything we do just it's I think this is going on what three years now I don't think it's that long close to it's it's close to three horrible and we've had them out a couple times we've even paid those bills to have them come out here it's just been been a it's been a money pit yeah and it's never I mean it's never been even had it's had times where it's better but it's so are we ready to do a drop kick Murphy on yeah I would I don't know worth conversation that I definitely wouldn't use it again I'm I'm just going to say that have what you have you know the day that that you paid them and said we accept it you have it it's yours you can spend money for them to come out and keep adjusting it that's obious not work yes and no didn't approve right and and and so it it probably isn't going to get a lot better I think again as we look at doing some of the things with the upgrades here with the EOC you know replacing the the existing speakers we have there looking at the uh the the amplifier could make some you know another issue is the system that we we are using to you know take it out to the the internet you know maybe there's issues there that's a relatively inexpensive piece of all this we could look to upgrade it um instead of the the wireless because again I I think on the playback there aren't issues I disagree with that I disagree it it cuts in and out I mean even even here and I got two mics sitting right here there's times when I cut it know on on on the live I've been told there are issues but on the playback again and and sitting over there is someone that listens endlessly to the playbacks there there isn't that type of issue on YouTube you listen to them I do okay so you're seeing the same thing publicly saying yes I I have noted that the live stream there are some glitches and pauses and drops but when I go back to listen to the minutes I I don't have issues okay I don't have the same notes as what was there during those specific times where people have noted their drops they're not there so yes there is there is definitely a efficiency between the live stream and when you go back to listen to it once it's done so again the reason I put it there is that there's been a consistent thing from the residents as well as from Council that something needs to be done you know they're they're you know going back to Ender well all we're going to get there is spending more money on the system and and so I know it's a sunk cost and you hate to do that but if you want a better system that addresses this the only way you do that is spend the money we might be able to fix things like said as it relates to what's going out to the internet to improve that um I think you know right now in when we don't have the hand air handler running um when there's not very many people here talking the system is pretty good like right now I I don't think there's any issue you hearing me or me hearing anybody here with this system but when we start adding the air handler you start adding you know residents out there I'll say that that you know we don't we don't offer hearing uh you know or instruments for people that are hearing impaired so some of the people that have spoken and said they're having issues I think fit into that category we need to spend some money to upgrade that to allow them um you know whatever that system is going to be so I think there is money that can be spent that would make things better um you know relocating that would make things better but that's an expensive thing to relocate but I don't know necessarily if you have to replace the system but that is a way to reset where we're at and get a system in here that you know we can hold someone accountable starting over I would hope we if we swap out these mics these have value that we sell them or whatever try to at least recoup some of that money I mean there's there's going to be some some value to a lot of money I don't I just don't any you ask any of these people here last night ra on a raise of hands I guarantee you that people would say they would rather spend the money somewhere [Music] else you know I just I put that in there because there's a lot of complaints and that's the only way that I can we have to fix yeah $25,000 though I mean they may thinking 5,000 but that's not well you you pay for a new system so you can say nothing something and we'll figure out how to spend the money I mean it's up to you got a question for you yeah uh on the penny for Pasco f by 2025 there's nothing indicated for anticipated Revenue you got five bucks are we missing 700k there yeah you know I noticed that I I think there was an issue with that so really we got instead of 137k rolling forward uh 136 we got 840k rolling forward so we just found 700k there you go yeah it's it's I made note of that and I looked at the original somehow I must have hit something to erase it because it doesn't have the right number and when you're dealing with multiple spreadsheets so I'd like 200k instead of 100K since we just found another 700 well hold on I I'll give you the number it should be one I okay but there again that's going to depend on where we exit at the year at too which according to what I'm seeing were light on our spend or actual on our deposits for Penny for Pasco or under running we [Music] yeah so that that number is 765 266 and anticipated yeah anticipated Revenue 266 so 135 + 765 is the new number rolling out the end of the year with or with all these yeah so at the end estimated fund balance at the end of the year with these this expens would be 2,792 2 million then minus the 1 million so we'd have close to a million bucks there okay which I think we're we're right around yeah was it one 1 point6 1.8 in there then then couldn't you set aside maybe a 200,000 amount for the fire Tru and the 200,000 for Canal maintenance and every subsequent year put another 200k in there for the truck and then by the by year four you know we're we're there to try to ramp up to that truck and we can continue to look for Grants and things like that to try to offet the issue with the the truck isn't trying to get the money it's getting the you to actually order it yeah build yeah and so there will be you know a either a larger deposit we have to make or we have to look at doing some type of of payment over time correct so we were speaking with the the finance company and the least we can do the least thing we can do if we decide not to do anything is we have have to at least pay the interest every year and what what kind of rates are they indicating so he said he wouldn't be able to tell us that until you guys agree to what do you want to pay yeah the budget right around six and a half percent yeah he he he he ventured to say that he's been throwing anywhere to 68% he say indust rates are horrible right now but there are cities that are doing but he said don't hold them to that number yeah that it what's it that's all I have to say so your pleasure do you got the for the canal maintenance is that well sounds like we need something for the truck and something for maintenance but that additional income that we didn't have in here that covered that those items or we need to says we got we got what' you say 2. what mil well the the end the end approximately yeah be around2 million okay and then you'd subtract All This 1.2 million so that's about 800,000 you have at the end assuming we spend all this right so R forward number is very conservative I think that number may be a little bit higher with all said done but in 2025 you're showing in annual budget expenditures on that u p for passco schedule of 1.78 and the number at the top of that column in the estimated fund BS I guess that's a the beginning um should be in the in the $2 million range instead of the 1.3 million because there's only $5 on the anticipated Revenue line in that schedule well at the end of the day we'll we $900,000 rolling over in next okay that's before we add two and add two correct so then we have 500,000 roll does that make sense we can allocate 500 more grand these projects is that what you're saying no what I'm saying is with these projects 1.2 million I'd like to see two ,000 allocated to Canal maintenance and 200,000 for the fire truck we're 1.2 now what's on here so if you take 200 some you take 200 somewhere else no that then you're going to raise that 1.2 to 1.6 200 for the truck 200 for the canal mate yeah we asked and answered that uh months ago uh the attorney brought that back or I know Columbo was sitting up there and was sitting up here that was no months ago oh months ago I yeah there's a lot of stuff P FCO can do um but anyway we're at 1.2 uping at 400k that still leaves a half a million dollars rolling into 2026 so so you going to take the 200 in Canal M the 200 in truck well and and we're going to is that what they require about a $200,000 deposit is that what they're going to take or there's no deposit it just depends on how we want to pay for the truck do we want to pay for the truck up front we want to finance it that's what we have to make a decision we Finance it so let me ask this question real quick once you order you pay for it once you order you you pay for it when it's delivered pay for it when it's delivered okay so we can acrw 200 a year for 5 years and we have the money right we lock in the price today right to be paid in three or four years when it's built right and there's nothing up front he said at least the interest you at least well you're paying for it up front because we're financing we're signing something yeah that sense that does make sense so when you deliver is when you get it but you think this way if if we're going to pay it off in five years right that's going to be 200,000 plus whatever the interest is so that's that's what number you should be looking at like unless we're looking at a 7 and I don't know if a million dollars is the right number maybe maybe there's a better deal for 800 I I don't know so the the truck that we just recently prob G us milon we right at like $998,000 if we were to order the truck by January 1st because January 1st the new diesel emissions go into play and $100,000 prices are coming down we're prices are coming down well you know what to do then order the truck before January 1 right so that 200 in Mak 200 for the truck and then everything else is good well then we we can clock that away and essentially just pay the pay the interest on this as something like that right you're saying I mean this I haven't looked at the financing Arrangement yet I yeah I'm I'm going based on what he saying I don't I I can't speak that you know I trust yeah I do too regardless 200,000 service interest yes it would and so if we find it we can always adjust later years to make sure we're on track to get it all I think like we did the initial when we bought the truck back in 200 2019 this current truck right we we said hey look we're initially going to pay the interest and then what happened we found out the truck got pushed forward everything else and then the city council up just paying outright because they had so much money left in contingencies um so I think if you budge enough to at least cover the interest of a million dollars you know on the high side you'll be okay because worst case pay yeah I think I think what you would be doing so if if you're saying that you're okay with ultimately making that purchase and you're willing to pay for it over time they will very quickly assuming figure out what those numbers have to be maybe we'll have a better idea before the next public hearing and when you talk about it but you know as a placeholder putting 200,000 in there same right now that's what I think you'll have my next meeting I'll tell them that they're [Music] interested get to that yeah what that's next so want to get consensus on fire truck purchase yeah we need that any post have one question on that because obiously Firehouse is full right I know we looking at potential Firehouse but this is a fiveyear thing or whatever so I would assume that in five years we' have to have 2028 and we have to have something Market in we no we are the plan is to replace the truck that will be 20 years old in 2020 we're replacing it gonna be rep we're not going to want to hold on to a 20-y old fire truck that's been through saltwater okay I just make sure we have trouble getting parts for it now yeah we have trouble getting parts for now now is the new truck the same brand the current truck the best truck uh so no it's we're currently we shop fig that so you sell an ill truck or you trading it in well we cannot come to that determination until at the time we're ready to get rid of the truck they will not give us a pre-sale what's Happ the truck between now and worst worst case scenario that's this worst case if we get this truck go to current Firehouse wor the reason why we have to buy this truck one of the few manufacturers that can fit a truck in our bag gotta make sure I hopefully we can get pop yeah no this this is it literally says on the initial design truck cannot be over this height and longer than this it's a quick stop on the design now is it built in America it's built in uh brington even better built in Florida okay so we got consensus on that so can we sent on that for the 200 yes any oppose the 200,000 no no no no maintenance or no I don't have a problem with it so any opposed I don't oppose you don't say anything say yes I'm just thinking that that committee is going to they're going to probably need some they're going to need some start M and it wouldn't hurt to have something in there that if we do have places that we can hit M where we can do it I would love to have something done on the waters that's something we're gonna have to do well and there's a meeting on Monday night so be here Monday night yeah I as well just anything else you have a consensus yeah we have consensus are there so is there anything you want to remove from this what time Dave Lisa had brought up when we talked about the police cars air conditioning in the back does this oh yes did we um was that addressed in these in these cars because brought it up and it was a really good idea I hadn't thought about going to be part of the request [Music] it's EAS when you're building a car it's like it's hard for us to go back in and retrofit some of the equipment the radios and all other stuff then you got to take everything out again and rewire so we do a lot of Transport transport to where yeah the pat van as well we have the pat van as well we from sitting in the back can question you don't you can't live a pet in a car overheat them [Music] is Side Glass Windows side windows have or some having going vertically some have going horizontally depends on there is there is a path for air but it's not direct it's very little back there so everybody good with what we have here plus those changes um I just want to point out uh from what I'm looking at here there's uh 1.2 million in restricted funds in that account are y'all accounting for that what's it restri restricted to their investments in the fit in the Florida Class well no that's what we would be pulling from but you can't P from that why why can't it it's restricted it's an investment fund why it's well here's what they did is they put the funds that was in a zero paying savings account and they invested the any of this F balance into uh those two funds to generate a better rate of return well they're sitting as restricted funds you restricted for use within CIP for pting for Pasco right you mean the type of investment you can't pull it out well I mean I wouldn't think so I mean I I don't know have to look at it no just it's just where we have our excess cash it's our cash management effort yeah but why would it be restricted that's that be the because it's restricted for 117 the pending for pass the fund okay right what about the general fund does the general fund have an F fit and the other one too is it restricted as well yeah they're all restrict restricted to that fund so you can spend it for that fund yeah I'd have to look into that I mean yeah does that make sense no it doesn't not to me but I mean I'll look at this but go ahead I mean that's that's what they chose to do uh in fact CLR uh what's the name of that company where you CL CLA CLA that's their was their recommendation to put uh our cash that was sitting in a zero paying savings account into this cash management effort so that they could uh generate a better rate of return and if you can see it's generating 70 or 80 or $990,000 annually from that effort now that the rates are much better than they used can't touch it for a while no you can touch it it's liquid we'll verify okay that's my understanding at the time I thought it was good move that would reflect how it's been done up until this point as well so go back and look and see if there's any dollars ever come out of it so is there any any other changes to the 2025 yeah I mean you good the 400k that we had 200 in truck and 200 in Canal maintenance right and everything else stays the same sound system I just we we got to fix it about I me it's we can figure that out that that's been number one comp pl we need to fix it especially if there's going to be EOC and stuff in here we're going to have me it needs to be solid we should take a look at I don't don't spend well no I will tell you anything we do you're going to see before we do it we let to prove this just a holder right now in fact you know if there's any tests we'll make sure we test it so you he good okay ready for anything else are we done were you're done with the penny for pass what's the next one on uh probably utilities the water and utility F yep again operationally there's there's not much different from previous years's except for the addition Lind Le how many more we got to go do we take a break or k yeah we take a break we'll take five [Music] [Music] chicken should money clear the room r y I was like okay I'll do so e e e e e e [Music] like R res utilities as I was saying from from a operational standpoint other than the uh money that we put in for the different studies for the water uh system and the Wastewater system um there really isn't significantly much difference for one year fway 24 to F by 25 where you see the differences in the capital um numbers that we we put out there for the line improvements water plan improvements which you look at um 22 for 11 um big number 11 your number 11 their number 22 got it thank you big number 11 yeah if you're just looking at the uh Capital Beast yeah that's that's the capital be thank you now is there a rolling balance in this as well like where's all that no it would just go back into the the fund itself this is in a separate fund like penny for Pasco which a separate fund this is a part of the water SE Utility Fund and we can afford all that uh yeah yeah I mean this this budget is based upon including this I mean obviously the the thing that's not in the Utility Fund is the 4.25 that's actually going to be located in the grant fund but I wanted to show it as a utility Capital project so the 979 th000 separate from that is is what you're going to find in Utility Fund do it question absolutely um the sewer flow meters that's that gets you up that's what you talked about last time and that gets you up to 100% of the um [Music] City yes mik introduce yourself yeah name an address for the record s so the sewer flow meters are for Senate Manor Sun Coast and um the one of what yeah Oak Springs so we're getting a bunch of infiltration I and I from them we don't own the uh gravity systems in there they're privately owned but we own the LI stations so any storm water that gets in the sewer lines and stuff like that we're paying for when they get put into the lift station and pumped to Newport rich and Pasco so those F meters are to account for that extra infiltration we're getting so they'd be it'd be some rate mat or whoever we' have to come up with to charge them more than if if they exceed their sewer usage compared to their water yeah you explained that last time yeah yeah that's what the the flow meters are for the sewer and the lift station generators that gets up to date in all our lift stations that we have so there's four of them uh it's going to be Bay Queener chapel and olner those are our four main uh lift station olner and olner pumps to Newport Richie Bay can either pump to Pasco or pump to Newport Richie um Chapel pumps to newort Richie and so does CER um those those stations get five or six or seven or more other Li stations pumping into them so any of those four Li stations go down and we use electricity yeah was all over the road right but but that but that 247,000 that takes care of those four and that gets us up to up to where we need to be thank you okay I'm good with this lots of good stuff on The Debt Service you have that all factored in as well cash flow for that as well yes that was if you remember uh we had that conversation um where they weren't accounting or historically we weren't accounting for the uh The Debt Service yeah principal we're doing you a different way uh this this budget does take that into account so it shows it and we're paying for it and the interest is Flowing out through the TL right so there's nothing else on utilities storm water which v a wall as we talked about that um major things in there uh obviously the the study storm water study we uh put in for it um as well as which I think was $50,000 plus we uh have 100,000 set aside for actually a little more now set aside for um Capital movements to that we're looking at primarily the ones that we presented were on the south side of on the Sten right sure you got 30 seconds so we met last week with uh some Engineers to discuss some issues deer and Limestone being one um chapel and reden being the other Damon Lane being one um Richie and Wilkins being in one and Old Post and Ben and the blueo so those are the ones that's going to be uh coming up to they're going to send us over scop of work and speak speak up just a little so we got so I met with some Engineers last week for our storm water where's the mic you stole it so I so I met with the engineers last week uh spot we hit was Damon Lane how it how Damon Lane floods um Blue Point the issues you have at blueo um chapel and lenen uh Richie and Wilkins for the Overflow Pond for Culver that go that goes down back and flows all the way down to Coons uh where it's always flooded where The Cattails are um for them to give us scope of work and work that needs to be done at those locations what about that one spot there by the old American Marina that uh Limestone area correct yes that's included correct so they're going to give us scopes of work and uh know what to move forward with those areas um so we just figured those were the areas in need the most um and we also went to Sunset but they're going to let us know about Sunset and the other piece of this we did add another uh utility well storm water utility worker to the budget this so in excuse me in total there are three three new positions within this this budget uh one this split between Public Works utilities storm water um one that is split 100% in storm water and then we have the CRA coordinator slash resiliency coordinator we'll talk about Tuesday night so there's no need to have any uh bations for the storm drains well I think that's part of what we need to look at I mean what what we thought was that the easier thing that we could actually go out and start spending money on come October 1st is the existing system we have we know where we need to make improvements the back flow and then as part of the the study we're going to be doing we use that to isolate where we would need to put storm pumps in throughout the system to make it that would be with RFQ yeah yeah it' be a part of that storm water system analysis we do okay me it's just there's there's a lot of thought that has to go into that and you want it to work with the whole system not against the system so that's that's what between that and engineer it'll be probably next year sometime hopefully before storm season yeah well I so my My Hope Is with all these studies that we get them you know if if you you say go on September 19th we're sitting down and making it happen on those studies so once the money's available we're we're well on the way to get it done so by mid year which will be right when we starting the budget process we'll have a lot of that information so we can flow it right into the budget and say this is what we're gon to be doing so so I know that that you know I I tried to balance this budget to show that we're doing things and getting us ready to do things um but it's really going to be FY 26 27 28 when you're going see you know the need I mean you you'll see the work that needs to be done you'll understand the money that we need to have to be able to do it and you'll be able to start the projects location right okay so when you come up with the number for these Studies have you called places to get an idea or is this just something you know some some we have a pretty good indication some were were grabbing um you know like storm water I looked at different areas that have done similar type things um and just gauge that this would be an appropriate amount um some are a little bit higher maybe than than what or my numbers maybe a little bit higher than what they actually will be but but I think we can get them accomplished with the money we have any other questions on the utilities storm water utilities um impact fee funds again you know there's not a lot of uh science behind this um it's what we think is available within the impact fund fee funds that's available um we we budget a number um we don't have the project yet that's something that that we hope to get moving on and be able to come up with some of those you know um make sure because there's kind of a a there's a different there's a number of different levels with figuring out what money can be used and how it can be used and what it can be used for right so that's what we have to figure out between now and when we have the project determination um for that so it's unfortunately not simple saying here's a project you do you have to take into account where did the money come from what area that that Improvement how does it impact that area so there's a little bit more to these than just going out and spending [Music] money that would be more or less the restricted type funds that talking about where you have to use a road or transportation to do a road but it has to be probably close to or supporting the area that generated that gave the money right right I mean I think my understanding of these um you know it's not that you can just do it because I mean if you're if you're spending money for instance on a water treatment plant that Services everything right so that that type of project is going to be a lot easier to justify than than a water line because then you have to look at where did the the money that you received in the impact fee you know from the impact fee where is that located at does it does it actually you know enhance that service level or not um you know LT station servicing an area where that development happens is a lot easier than than a water line because again it just it it depends from the water Lin perspective same thing with the road you know where is the road located in relation to where the money was received from so that's pretty selfish the next next one we be talking about would be those small police funds which again in the grand scheme of things there's not a lot of money being spent out of there probably in five minutes or less the chief can tell you how that money is spent in each of those funds well in the training fund it's restricted to training you can't use it for um hotel accommodations or anything of that nature it's just for the training and uh her DM but you can't use it for uh lodging or anything like that the $5 Point as you can see the three different categories there we can use four uh things that we need whether it be uh like the software program we have which is called Power DMS that cost $6,400 a year to maintain that so we use the money to supplement um our operations where we don't have to take it from the general fund and that's what those three funds are basically for not like the rainy day fund but if we need to buy something that is um pressing like our uh for example we bought two rapid ID devices most like what you see on TV where someone tells you they're not they're saying they're one person you can't tell who they are because they don't have any ID they put their thumb print on the device and if they've been arrested before because it's it's directly you have one of those no yeah have two so that way we won't arrest the wrong person which rest mitigation as far as I'm concerned but those two things alone cost $8,700 but you spend more than that in a wrongful arrest sh so there's things that we use those for and so we don't have to burden the budget anything else on that yeah we can do anything with the spoil site um we're going to need to test it to find out where we stand with uh the uh ARS yeah the ar ar Tres once we have that then we can make a determination whether we can get rid of the spoils you know by possibly selling there's been people that's been interested in past in those um but again we would we would assume certain liability should we pass that on and I just tell you I've dealt on the other side of that where I had to remediate uh soils that were brought on site from a contaminated site millions of dollars and if we could have went to back to the people that we got that dirt from I would have in a second but the laws weren't the same then as they are now where I could do that so what what about the Brownfield could that be addressed with Brownfield I think so I mean again maybe we need to get busy and yeah yeah we created that right that's no we didn't all we did was pick it up where somebody else created it and we piled it there we stored it there yeah that I get that that again my interpretation of it that that lot we contaminated that's how I understood that too yeah that but I was thinking the same thing but I was going to ask just to see I mean but never hurts ask but well but the gas station the guy contaminated that lot you know if it was a gas station or or something oil spilled they contaminated it well now if we sold that lot the buyer could do it could could do it and that's actually there's there might be a way to we talked about that in last meeting actually that they can you can do a kind of yes I guess a sale within within your own entity it becomes the new Fire Station place with a boat R yeah we'll see I I don't have a good answer yet but but we'll ask the question because I'm intrigued well I'm just I'm just trying to you know I've used Brownfield money other places for redevelopment uh for City purposes so and it's something that that we're we we know of we'll learn the process here do it we'll do it and and does the old trailer park have vared septic tanks in there that are brown field that think would would that be that's not that's sewer well no that's about the guild dog property yeah yeah that's up to those guys to engaged oh they already looking well I don't know if they are or not but they should be um and then I guess we're g to we're going to do Full steem Ahead on finding grants and beating the bushes and lots of opportunities out there yep yeah for instance we we are in the process maybe we've already submitted uh two implementation or actually study grants um that are related to Bay Boulevard looking at not only reconstructing it but also yeah doing the vulnerability the adaption planning on that um we also applied actually to get money to fund the $50,000 study for the fire station through the um adoption plan as well so that the planner helped us do something on that is that no that 100% in house yeah pam pam did both of those so hopefully uh the the difficulty with with that funding source is they've been funding vulnerability analysis and adaption plans with it so they wanted to kind of get through all of them they are towards the end there's few cities and counties left uh um that need it so there may be money available but we're going to be down the list from those that need the money for the vulnerability analysis so small small amounts um but hopefully you know we fit in this year now this year we're R around and and look at different ones but but implementation grants are possible for those projects and this was just a step to get us to the next thing so you know um we've we've had a preliminary meeting with the resiliency uh office with the county um related to their uh vulnerability and adaption plans they've completed their vulnerability analysis now working on adaption they want to include the city's projects as well on that um just got just got an email requesting lots of information um one of the projects that they're very interested working with us on is the fire station um you know they they took off on that one um and so we need to provide them information so us with the county going together to the state and looking at you know that is in a better position definitely for the funding for a new fire station so so a Boulevard you know especially section from Old Post to um uh Wilkins because of the flooding issues we have there um you know we know that it goes into the the channels as an issue um so they're very excited about that as well um maybe we get Swift M Eng to help with storm water yeah and so you know the strategy is kind of threefold with this is one you know we're doing a lot of stuff ourselves second we're we're engaging the county to get these things on their PL so they'll be engaged so it's not just going to be the city doing it it's going to be the county and the city doing it and then the third pieces the money that that you know we've put aside in this budget for a uh for a lobbyist so we have them working the backside of this as well because you know it's not not just trying to get money through the state through the their budgeting process it's not just going to the federal government through their budgeting process it also helps when we're putting these applications in as well because they're also engaging the the agencies as well as the legislature that that you know to make a call to those agencies to get things done which reminds me one one of the things on on the lobbyist um you know if so thus far we you know haven't said one way or another whether that's okay but we haven't taken it out of the budget um if it's okay I would like to start that process to select one so when we get as close to October 1st as possible um we can have them available just you all know they uh normally I think session doesn't start until January or so but they're actually starting some stuff up late special session September and even November can't remember where the dates were but uh the quicker we can get on board and start getting stuff out there the better good is that be on the next think just getting everyone say okay is you need consensus yeah I mean any any objection on the lobbyist good to go forward with that no I think that's a great idea help you know get some of our grants and funding that's kind of the way you play the game is it it's a necessary part of the game unfortunately so the the last fund we haven't talked about yet which shouldn't hopefully have much discussion is the grants fund and so you know within the grants fund we have um different projects primarily we have the uh 4.25 million for the water treatment plant we have uh money that also is going for the federal grants for instance like the roofs for the buildings that we're going to be able to get uh replacement for as well as the generators that uh the director utilities work stocked about there's also then the uh mix Park boat ramp uh in that project as well and there's the Federal grant for the fire department that they they mention and that's it that's your 20 some million budget any other comments questions concerns do we have any update on the uh golf cart Crossing stuff uh we are going to have a presentation don't look like that we're gonna have a presentation in on the 24th that sounds good are we true um we we've uh we've talked with the engineers they're prepping everything he is fully aware want presentation on the 24th so hopefully we're gonna we'll have all our all our deliverables and ready to go out to bid okay so then we can go to bid I know this has been on everybody's radar has been a long process yes do we need to set any money aside for that in here well we're waiting for's actually waiting for us to get this accomplished because funding as well well I I I heard but we have the think arper is G pay for the pay for the drawings right well arper potentially pay for the yeah I think the funding the funding sources that we have for this you know one hopefully State via the county one that's that's the Home Run um we have arpa we have CRA potentially to go towards this um so I think there's there's funding sources but you know the question we have to get answered is what is the estimate because it's if it's a million dollars that's a different conversation and if it's $400,000 anything else that's that's the whole budget yeah motion to motion to I beat you I beat you I've been holding that in for a half hour hold on I'll get you out of here Motion in a second any further discussion all in favor s by saying I iose mej --------- ##VIDEO ID:91GNArf6F5Y## number on the back of one United States of America na indivisible and jusice for all first i' like apologize we about four or five minutes late to try to start on time so had a couple things going on latest so I apologize for that Madam cler you take a roll please Mayor John Aon couver here vice mayor Linda Rodriguez here councilman David Mueller here councilman Robert Hub here councilwoman Lisa Burke here City attorney Nancy Meyer here City manager Matthew copper here thank you first up I have a congressman general public I do have one signed up Danny Timmer welcome you come to the podium come to Podium state your name and address for the record okay and you have three minutes my name is Danny K Timmer and I'm here about my property tax increase for the my building in in Port Richie okay they they they went up last year and nothing got done okay now they're proposed to go up this year and nothing's got done I've owned it for 162 years uh I pay a sewer bill and I'm got a septic tank I'm not even hooked up to bucks or 60 bucks a month for 16 years so I'm just here to vent and figure out what the hell's going on the last time I was here everybody went to prison the ones that go to prison got in office and then they shot somebody and then they fired the city manager then they hired somebody else then I had to renew my permit uh because I was putting an addition on then they fired then I couldn't get a CEO cuz they had to finally get one to come out of Citrus County to come down here and inspect my building to give me a certification for occupation I mean this place has been screwed up for a long time and I'm not telling you I moved here yesterday I'm I'm born and raised in clearw in dun Eden area my folks moved here in 1968 okay and I've been a resident of Pasco County for probably about 60 years I'm 78 years old and stuff everything's just like it's at a standstill like all other politicians it's just Bull and everybody does nothing and people get raises I want to know they're closing our street now over on re Street uh nobody notified that they're going to dig the street up or anything okay I got classic cars and motor homes stored in my building I use it for nothing but personal use I rent to nobody okay and they're just raising my taxes they they set they reassessed my building from 350,000 to 850,000 in one year and the only property that is sold in this whole damn area are some storage units and the only reason they're sold because the guy died Charlie Grant's dead and he owned all of them so they sold them out of his estate so they have no comparisons to go to or figure I don't know why the hell how they come up with that kind of rates so I went to the county and uh first before I came here but you guys have got proposed rates to raise my taxes and I I guess I'd like some help on one getting hooked up to sewer if they're going to tear the damn street up all right I paid for it for 16 and 12 years never used used it I use the minimum water bill they charge me $43 $45 for that every month like I said it's just storage for my own personal toys so if anybody can help me I'd appreciate some cards numbers and really get some help this time before everybody goes to prison you know and I'm not making this up you guys know it too all right and so all the blur just keeps right on going and the buck keeps getting past I want something done done this time thank you for listening to me vented I'm sorry if I offended anybody okay so just so the public knows obviously for the me win we're gonna get you to help you you're looking forward to we're gonna we're gonna be committed to getting the help that you need over there to you know get you talked to Daryl you got his information about the sewer um obviously we're going to talk about taxes t i what I wanted to for the public to understand is is the trim notices that went out it's it's common practice for the city we're allowed to go one mil on top of what we already charge per year up to a maximum of 10 mills that's that's by Statute it's common place to go ahead when we approve that for the trimal to go out that we go ahead and put that Max on there so that the public knows hey this is the max my my taxes will possibly be okay what we're going to talk about tonight is what the actual rate will be and um we've balanced the budget this point at 637 which is the roll back which would equal the same taxes you paid this year going forward so that's what we're going to be talking about tonight that's what the the current budget is balanced at um and you'll see on the next reading of the resolution is that millage rate um we'll vote on that and then we'll move to another meeting we'll also go to the budget Workshop after all this and that's what we're actually going to talk about does it stay there does it go a little lower does it go a little higher and we'll flush it out so the second reading will actually have the actual tax rate just want the public know the trim statements you get in the mail that is not the tax rate it could potentially be the tax rate that's the max tax rate but you know I know it scares a lot of people especially as things get higher and higher um but we're talking about the actual tax rate tonight so I appreciate you coming out and um stay tuned we'll we'll we'll talk about some of these things but hope you get to help you need okay thanks anybody else I don't have any more signed up welcome and state your name and address for the record my name is Harold Clayton 8534 Reese I'm next door D Timber and my property value went way up too I have a storage building there with same thing classic cars and uh I have a motor home in there but nothing else has changed I didn't add on didn't take anything [Music] off but I don't know why my taxes went all way went up as high as they did between uh the city and the county they have at 11,000 $220 last year was $862 hell of a difference yep that's that's the match you would see yeah with the county got me down to 995 10 grand and so and also just one thing I didn't clarify valuation property that's not done within the city that's the county function so the no that's Port Richie we know we set we set a millage rate yeah we tax valuation valuation set by the county we don't set the valuation right that's why you have to go to County to have those adjusted but obv so there's there's two parts to it the value of your property and the millage rate for each of the individual taxing authorities so the only thing that Port Richie controls is the city of Port Richie taxing Authority which is currently 6.53 Ms um proposed at 753 which is the max um that's what we're going to talk about tonight the valuation is controlled by the county so anything with valuation that's not something when will we find out what you going to raise it to Second budget hearing is 19th 19 530 19th to 5:30 that's when it actually gets set first reading is tonight so that's potentially what it to be but as we go through the budget Workshop if you attend that at the end of that Workshop we would probably have that number worked out and then it'll be a second reading and it be adopted at at that 19th meeting okay okay all right I have one can I ask one question finish your comments yeah okay thank you can I ask one question yeah name address for the record please um my name is Joanne Timmer um I'm husband to Danny Timmer who owns 8524 re Street um we Harold and I and Dan went to the county when we got these enormous tax bills and when you we got my property us just value was $364,000 last year it went to $810 when I got the new tax bill a couple of days ago and my question is we went Harold and I went to the county they brought it down to my just value is now 593 th000 so do you guys my question is do you guys um get that new adjust value from the county when you when we get our new tax bill the actual tax bill yes we use the valuations the county does the only input that the city does into those those valuations if say you come and have a building permit and you put a new fence up or building uh do that building permit process that gets submitted to the county and they take that in consideration when they when they look at your valuation so outside of that being done there's there's controls in place that they can only go so high that's sounds like extreme jump well I we the two pieces of property were weren't the right comparables that they used and they realized that I guess at the county so they helped us out a little bit but so when you guys do the where when the county does the final billing they everybody's just the just value that we have in place with the new value will now be the value that they'll base our taxes on that's correct for the county and the city you have all taxing authorities yeah okay so yeah the valuation on there is is probably the valuation that that is that's not a that's not a projection that's the valuation that they right but it dropped from 810 to 593 on my property I want to get taxed if I'm going to get taxed I want to get taxed on 590 sure if that's what you if that's what you worked out with County that that an adjust yes and then you guys will adust our rate would be on based on that that's correct okay that was my question thank you I think that covers everybody bring it back to the council uh next up is comments from the city manager I pass to Mr coer for his comments no comments all right moving on to the comments from mayor city council I'll start to my left this time with councilwoman Burke Thomas vice mayor Rodriguez I'm good thank you counc Hub I relinquish all my time to Super Dave I'm good all thank you and I I have no comments as well moving on to council business uh first number one first reading of resolution number 24-27 city of Port Richie 2425 millage rate I will pass that to miss Meer for the reading thank you resolution number 2427 a resolution of the city of Port Richie Florida adopting the final Levy of adorm taxes for the city of Port Richie for fiscal year 2024 2025 providing for notification of requisite government authorities and providing for an effective date section one of this resolution indicates that fiscally year 2024 2025 operating millage rate for Citywide expenses is 63782 2 Mills which is the same as the roll back rate of 63782 resulting in 0% increase over the roll back rate of 6 63782 Ms thank you I pass it to b c for introduction I think introduces itself yeah I I'll elaborate just a little bit and I open up for a motion discussion so obviously like I I stated our last this past year's taxes are 653 the roll back rate roll back rate what that is is what the city needs to to have for their millage rate to bring in the exact same Revenue that we had the year prior and So based on valuation changes and whatnot that roll back rate is 6372 that is the village rate that's we're on the on this resolution here to adopt first reading and then as we go forward in the workshop I we tweak that so for the sake of time and spend as much time in the budget Workshop to see where we want to go lower or higher or that exact rate I would just uh look for a motion to approve and then second we we Mo forward got a question are we putting the cart before the horse I ask same question um I didn't hear well so the it seems a little backwards to go ahead and accept this but in reality the second reading is when it's actually adopted okay so we we can have conversations here but until we get to the the detail and all that where we can strike because ultimately the exactly so I think this is kind of a motion to accept this resolution uh 24-27 on the village rate fiscal year 2425 of 63782 motion second any further discussion any comments from the public hands I bring it back all in favor 6 by saying I I I opposed motion carries item number two first reading of resolution number 24-28 city of pori budget fiscal year 2425 pass it to M Meer for reading a resolution has the improper title it's the same title as the last one isn't it last was 2427 pack yeah it's anend go ahead and discuss yeah I'll pass M for his introduction well if it's okay I've prepared a quick overview of the proposed budget so one I think you know a lot of this already but for the public uh to hear uh what's what's in the budget and uh this is something we'll put up on the website as well so people can see it and get uh prepared for the uh second uh budget hearing which will be September 19th at 5:30 and could you grab the one light so we guests in the audience can see the presentation over there thank you so fiscal year 20242 proposed budget I wanted to start off with things that I think are important for people to know before we get into it first off the mill rate for the general fund is set at the roll back number of 6.3 782 which we just talked about um 1.78 1, 17819 is budgeted in the penny F Pasco fund including funding for Road resurfacing replacement of Vehicles purchases of important equipment for police and fire plus a number of other things but again I'm just trying to be brief with what's going on there another important feature of H fiscal year 25 is there's 400 or excuse me $4,250 th000 doar budgeted for a study and design of a new water treatment plant uh the good news on this is that it's being funded 100% by the state through uh the state revolving loan uh emerging contaminants fund so so we won't have to put any money out to uh start this and this hopefully will again uh put us in line to receive significant funding from the state for the actual construction of a new water treatment facility and then last takeway is uh within the utilities funds there's also $979,900 budgeted for water system and sewer system improvements uh it's something that that we haven't done in previous years or at least for a long time and uh this budget starts moving us towards that you know that discipline as I always say within the organization to start reinvesting within our system a little bit of a background on the budget process uh the budget actually starts really early in uh the year uh January through June uh the Departments and myself go through their budgets and um department managers uh propose to me what what they believe they're going to need for the upcoming year uh we meet we discuss there's probably a lot of conversations throughout those months to finally uh be able to put together what a proposed um budget would look like that ultimately gets to council for uh your consideration in July um the property appraiser certifies taxable values and that's kind of the conversation you were having we get a tentative number in June but then we get a final number which really in a final number because there's other processes that happen as you heard earlier um but this really starts the process for us because it locks Us in on what numbers are we're going to be able to use to generate what the the tax rate is going to be and what what the revenue numbers are going to look like um it also kicks off a process which is the trim process the truth and in millage uh process that you know resulted in if you remember I believe uh early in August we had had a uh um Council approved the trim notice that sent out a a budget or a rate mill rate increase up to 7.53 which everybody gets and unfortunately thinks that that's what the number is going to be um but as we go through this and what we've already talked about that number is is far higher than what we're proposing uh July through August we have budget workshops uh with Council and the Departments to discuss what what is in the budget what are the proposals what does it mean um and then today September 5th the the first public hearing on the budget um following this Council will be having a h Workshop to start talking about things that they may want to add or may want to subtract from the budget so when we get to September 19th we know at the second uh at the second public hearing we know what the the budget is going to be and hopefully Council will adopt it shortly thereafter and October 1 first is when the budget year begins So within within the uh fiscal year 25 2025 budget there are a number of funds uh there's the general fund special Revenue fund Capital Improvement funds and Enterprise funds um should have put up there the grant fund as well because you'll see a little bit later there's a lot of activity in our grant funds this year um that we're in planning on getting funding for but uh again these funds are are where all the expenditures and the revenues come into that allow us for instance the general fund to fund our Police Department or fire department the general administration of of the government the building department code enforcement um and then each of the different other funds uh that that also such as the Enterprise funds or the water sewer utility and the storm sewers so in total uh we are proposed a uh General Revenue funding source of 8,49 875 uh it's about a $25,000 and some change increase over the previous years you can see that the the biggest single uh Revenue Source comes from taxes and and that's there's a whole line if you look in the budget book there's a whole section of different types of taxes that we are collecting but uh the important one which is the uh ad vorm which is the taxes we charge on the properties within the city is set at approximately 2.6 million in change which is uh similar in the the mill rate to the current fiscal year and then within the general fund the different expenditures you can see that our largest expenditure within the general fund is the uh police lease and dispatching which is about 33% and then we get into uh the general government and fire after that and some of the smaller ones I I want toh call out you'll see there the CRA share um in the next uh budget hearing we'll be talking about the the Port Richie community redevelopment agency and it actually gets funding from two different main sources one of them is from taxes we collect here in the city and then send out to uh the the CRA and that makes up about 9% of this year's budget about $700,000 um so wanted to make sure you saw that uh significant changes within the general fund um this year uh in the upcoming year at some point uh we'll be contracting with Paso County for dispatch which um in a year's time will be about 91,8 dollars um we were able to uh see a decrease in the property liability Workers Compensation Insurance which if you look from fiscal year 24 to 25 it doesn't look like a large amount but we were anticipating up to a 20% increase and so the decrease which is a small amount plus 20% on top of that actually is a very large amount which was one of the factors that allowed us to get back to the roll back great we were also able to uh see only a slight increase in the employee health care insurance again uh as we went into the budget season we were anticipating probably a 15 to 20% increase in that um in the end I think it was about a 3% increase overall which if we had stayed with uh PRM who was our provider for employee healthcare insurance we would have seen a 10 10.9% increase um so 3% a welcome relief to do that and and we're starting three four-year process where we hope um as we start changing how we view healthare Insurance our employees um view Health Care insurance that one will will'll get a better framework for cost uh savings and increases going on um and also it's time be able to provide a higher level of benefits not only to our employees but also to their spouses and children as you know right now uh we only provide health insurance for our employees um if they want to bring on their spouses or children the employee has to pay for and those costs are quite significant um that run into the thousands of dollars that are coming out of the employees Pockets to do that and I think I go forward and and we start looking at how do we retain our employees how do we recruit employees getting this straightened out to where we can have better benefits and more coverage will help um maybe offset some of the increases that that I perceive that'll be necessary in wages so it's really kind of this two pronged Tas so when we get there we'll be able to recruit and retain you know all the valued employees that we have um there's a slight increase in the medical supplies for fire department I bring this up because I I think this is this is you know such an important thing that you know financially you look at and say well it's a small increase um in the in the general fund for fire department is a huge step forward for the provision of medical services within the city um I have been number of communities you might know and one of the things that that I've always taken pride in is our First Responders as it relates to the medical services and because it was something that was always beat to my head that you want to get your your you know your First Responders to have the highest level of of service provision as quickly as you can to the scene as it relates to especially medical side a nurse on there she'll probably hopefully agree with me on this is that you know if you're having a heart attack in the city if the response time is two minutes to get an advanced Life Care person there the outcome is significantly different than if that took 10 minutes and and that's something that right now if we didn't have you know that first responder that advanced life support um getting there within two to four minutes whatever that time frame is in the city um you know we are going to see better outcomes of those events than if we didn't do that and and you know I think it's something that the fire department started what two two years ago if I'm not mistaken um it's again a small thing maybe cost-wise right now but it's probably one of the biggest increases in potential service that the city does for its residents and and again I've been in those communities where you know Advanced Life Care is 8 to 10 minutes away and you just see based upon what the the the outcomes of of those traumatic events are the difference and so it's an incredible and important thing that we're doing and this budget moves us forward a little bit more I mean we're not going to be there you know this year total but we're going to be there and it's going to be uh very important and then the last thing significant changes we have increased in City events to C events line item to accommodate the the Centennial Celebration which uh if you've had an opportunity to watch or attend one of the meetings they have a lot planned um we may have to increase that budget so looking forward to that uh the next find we want to talk about is our penny for Pasco fund this is uh a for the revenue from this for this comes from the uh one cent sales tax that uh the County charges and we get a very small fraction of that this year I believe the revenue uh figure is about $75,000 that we'll be receiving which is again a fraction of what we're looking to spend which is approximately 1,781 and within that uh fund we've proposed the purchase of new police cruisers continuing with the replacement schedule that we have in place we have a limited amount of Road resurfacing the purchase of police equipment Fire Equipment vehicles for Public Works a fire station building ass assessment um we have money set aside to fund uh a NX Park boat ramp Improvement uh is be our share of the grant that we' have applied for through the state of uh Florida and then some miscellaneous improvements to City Hall and and I just say I I couldn't really get the uh the the total list up there because it would be really tiny and I didn't want it to be Tiny But if you go to the website and go to the budget uh in the budget information section you will see the whole listing of all the projects and what the costs are plus you'll see the next five years as well uh what what those look like uh the next fund is the water Utility Fund um in this the changes for fiscal year 25 uh we're continuing what the race study that the city had undertaken a couple years ago recommended so you have a water rate increase to 6% and Sewer rate increase of 13.6% uh as I said earlier we're going to be uh reinvesting uh in our water and sewer system to the tune of uh a little over 797 $1,000 we're going be rehabs improvements to the remote well fill line improvements for both water and waste water and sanitary sewer estation improvements as well and the last thing I wanted to put in there is that we also have funding set aside for studies the water distribution and Sewer collection systems and and that's really important for as we go forward and look at the cast Capital reinvestments that we need to make in the coming years to have understanding of what those improvements really need to be and where we need to start focusing and and you know we're we're going to be doing a lot of studies next year as you you'll see in this budget um and it's important because when you start putting together that Capital plan you know you do have to have a a a pattern to what you're going to be doing and understanding when we're going to be resurfacing roads is is one piece you know understanding when we need to replace lines or or do work on lines is another piece because what we don't want is mix those up and you know repair a road and then next year put in a new water line or do something to the sanitary sewer system that tears up that road so understanding you know what what the system's needs are understanding where to start spending the money so you don't have that conflict saves us a lot of money going down the road and so having those studies completed are are key to what we're going to be doing for the next 5 to 10 years the next uh fund is the storm Water Utility Fund uh some of the uh significant changes there uh Council in the first actually the first uh study session uh approved the concept of increasing our rates which currently are 905 for ESU um now up to 12 1220 per ESU it's approximately a 34.8% increase but it really is a necessary thing to do um we unfortunately have not uh invested with our storm system uh as we seen today we we had some issues over on Bay Boulevard with storm water backing up so it's something that we need to do so we can start working towards the repair of the system and the improvements of the system um again we have money in there to do a a study for the storm water system so we can understand what the improvements that need to be made are we have a start of those improvements of about $100,000 that is most likely going to be spent on the south side of the city if I'm not mistaken that will allow us to again start the process of fixing a system that is is probably not designed for the current uh configuration of the city and the development that's occurred over the last 20 30 years and the last significant thing within the storm Water Utility Fund is uh we see the addition of a full-time employee in this fund and again we have a number of of things that need to be done in terms of the maintenance and the ongoing upkeep of the uh storm systems that we have and adding this individual will give us more capacity to hopefully be more proactive and take a proactive approach to the maintenance of of the system which is something that we just unfortunately have been lacking for many years there are a number of impact fee funds um and these come from uh monies that are collected as part of new developments or new construction within the city uh not really going to spend a lot of time talking about these tonight uh generally the the budget amount kind of corresponds to what what is within the uh the fund right now that needs to be that is available for spending um it doesn't reflect potential future development that that's could come in over the course of the year is something that the city really has not tapped into and used up until now um so we are going to start working to look and see where we can start spending this money on the the upgrades the systems that we have that that you know are because of the development that has occurred and will be occurring in the future in the city then we have a few different uh small small police funds uh the confiscation fund police trading and the police5 fund again most of this is uh small type of uh expenditures um that we we with Council really haven't discussed very much with um that's something you want to talk about later on be more than happy to discuss that with you and then um the last big fund is the grants fund and in it uh you see the big big one really is the water treatment plan study and design that's a $4.25 million uh project that will begin the process to get a brand new water treatment facility for the city which will definitely improve the quality of water for all residents and businesses in the city also we have a couple grants for roofs and generators uh for Lift stations that uh we should be getting from FEMA and also as I mentioned the state grant for Nicks Park boat ramp is contained within that I believe I'm not sure I left it in there because I'm just not sure what this one is with fire Grant from the federal is it do you know what it is off the C end Department of Health one yeah I think that's the one um and I just I forgot to call it to find out for sure what it was 85 I think it's 85 is what was budgeted that uh I I'll leave I would I would point over to the finance director so he can explain how we're doing that because I'm not it's we do it differently than how other places have been not necessarily how we don't need to get into yeah it's a little bit of weed there um and so that that in the nutshell is the uh the budget in probably 10 minutes um reminder that the second public hearing will be September 19 2024 at 5:30 pm here in the council chambers sorry about that the the resolution is resolution 2428 a resolution of the city of Park Richie Florida adopting a budget for fiscal year 2024 2025 and providing for an effective date that's not in your packet we do have a copy of it anyone who that wants to see it um and it will be in next the 19th they'll have they'll have the correct resolution okay that open up for motion or discussion again on same thing on this we're going to dig in in nuts and bolts in the in the workshop so it's kind of a just go ahead and get this taken care of in uh will it be solidified in the in the second reading so look for a motion for approval motion to approve resolution number 24- second second have a motion second further discussion anyone public like to speak see no hands I bring it back for a vote all in favor 65 by saying I I opposed motion carries that's all for the Council of business if there's anything else we can look for a motion to adjourn we were G to do work is that so I got motion Jour I have motion second all in favor 65 say I I clst