##VIDEO ID:TSkUikAeP1Y## darl Are you standing darl no this is co for agency I'm not on this committee to all three okay I'd like to call to order the October 14 2024 2125 resiliency and restoration committee Ali to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all chairman Carl Roth pres Vice chairman Chris Leeds present member Daryl Rose let the records show that member Daryl Rose is absent from tonight's meeting member Linda Rodriguez here member Ron podova let the record show that member Ron podova is also absent from tonight's meeting member Alan Rose here member Devon Aaron [Music] here thank you um do we have any comments from the general public okay good deal well uh given the events of the last couple weeks uh I'm sure everybody's uh pretty busy and there's lots of distractions so the one thing that is certain is that our purpose in life is that much more front and Center on needing to accomplish things uh when you drive around the city so I think uh there's there's uh any questions that we've had when we started have uh now been answered since uh this event is certainly um significant from anything that I'm aware of in uh recent history so what I wanted to do we kind of were getting started at the last meeting I'm not sure everybody's uh familiarity with working in a committee environment I mean we've seen boards here in the city uh but I'm not aware of I have not seen any committees operate here but our focus is fairly clear as far as what we're supposed to be working on um under the guise of the uh resolution that was passed so I think we should be focused on those things but then there's the mechanics of the committee um as a committee I'm not sure everybody's background so if I'm being perfunctory I apologize but uh just to make sure that uh we're operating effectively and are accomplishing the things that we need to do is most important so and the committee structure um basically we have that structure established got the chairman Vice chairman incidentals there I'd like to run a fairly casual meeting uh so if everybody's comfortable on first name basis I would prefer to do that because this is a working group in my opinion um as far as mechanics um certainly since we cannot meet unless there's a public forum if there's things that we need to do as we go forward here I want to be able to share that information amongst all the members as we're working on things and bring it forward so if if um uh my task is to do something I discover something next week I want to be able to share that with you so you know what's going on at least in that world so I don't want to be uh information hog until we get to the next meeting because that's going to slow progress so I want that relatively real time um so the other thing outside of my talk in here in the front end I'll try to be quiet but uh efficient use of everybody's time if you have a platform or something like that this is not the place for it um if somebody gets long- winded and I don't call it and especially it's me call me all right I don't want to waste a lot of time pontificating about things that really aren't on the mission of the day because I'm Mission oriented there's something I want to accomplish and I think it's Crystal Clear what we have to accomplish now I want to be able to do that um as a committee we have one voice there's no other voices out here except what we agree to as being going out there from the committee If We R make a recommendation to somebody it's from the committee it's not from any individual specifically it's in total and we have to agree to that if somebody's going to be having a conversation with um Pasco County the mission of what we want to accomplish with Pasco county is discussed here and then who has that charge is going to go take care of that because that's their obligation to follow through all all right nothing else so one voice and the communications between the meetings I talked about so we're not uh uh going waiting for the next one and then the other thing that's really important is external uh cooperation so from the county from the state from the federal government whoever it happens to be we're going to be dependent on other people to do that uh Newport Richie how we can work cooperatively so we want to be able to do that uh as much as possible and uh during this last period of time I was uh uh a bit uh perturbed because uh we weren't following that course and Allan I apologize but I have to call you out on um anything that occurred prior to this meeting in my mind doesn't exist and I don't care and we cannot present that information as being from this committee because frankly that information carries no weight and is not viewed positively by anybody that we've spoken with so that has to cease and desist right and that goes across the board for everyone I mean we need to make sure what what we put forward is bulletproof and stands on Solid Ground as far as how we want to move forward on it is everybody good with that yes any questions I'm sorry but see that's why I I have a because of the sunshine I know we can't share No No but how do we like you mentioned you want to make sure that you don't want to wait 30 days I don't want to wait 30 days I do other things outside of this committee and you can do that but and that's and I I come across information that I'd like to share that I think would be beneficial for discussion at this meeting so then I I learn I learned so it all went to the secretary and she be dispersed and that's I I will not disperse the individuals I will disperse it through I don't want anything dispersed from your standpoint until I review it first okay so should I should it should just come to you then it can go it go to me and Ashley yeah from an information standpoint needs to go to Ashley first and then you but it can't go out as because it's it can be perceived as being from the committee got and that's not working well for us already okay so that part there what I on the communications if for example let me just look real quick here um for example Ron and Linda were're going to look at what the city priorities were okay if they found out something two weeks ago what i' like to be able to do is have them send that to the members and Ashley so we can get up to dat on all that information if you have a meeting tomorrow with governor disantis and it went something positive I want us to know about that goes to Ashley and goes to everybody else but only on those things that were specifically task with that we're expecting from us respectively okay I think it needs to go to Ashley first and Ashley needs to disperse it to us per Sunshine Law I'm not drinking that Kool-Aid I want it to go to her and I want it to go to all of us I don't want her to be bogged down by general information on what's going on if the sunshine laws strike me down I will take that chance right but we're sharing information on what we discovered and Sunshine Law is not oriented to stifle information sharing okay it's intended to us not collude to get things done that somebody may want done right so any ulterior motives I don't want ahead I just say I I think what you're suggesting is not a problem with Sunshine laws you know the issue is if someone internal you know one of the committee members send an email to someone else at any point that that's where the sunin law really kind of trips you up but if it's going to Ashley first and then she distri rutes it your go I I'm okay with that Matt Mr Copler however I don't want it to wait two days five days 10 days yeah no no that's that's what I'm saying is that I think everything you said's fine we can do that okay I'm with you but but if it goes an extra day I will be unhappy and change the approach sure okay no the information is shared quite quickly as soon as I get it so I I don't wait I I know that there's been storms but I have I have done my best to communicate so for right now for example I imagine everybody has some updates on those takeaways that we have so I'd like to hear those okay I would have preferred to write that up shoot it out and say hey here's what I know but for multitude of reasons Elena andon and all the above it wasn't really feas so um any question good now I'm good thank you all the ships need to sail in the same direction I agree we have some challenges there's no doubt about that so we will get there okay so just to kind of catch us up um we had some takeaways from the last meeting I imagine there were several distractions that may occur subsequently so uh we'll just go quickly around and see if you have have something great if you don't that's okay too and when we close out today I want to get a general feel of how much bandwidth everybody thinks they have all right because it may not be the same as a month ago when you stepped into this all right so M Ro I have you on the top of the list here as far as anything you learned about City requirements or city needs I learned that Mr coppler who I was going to meet with has been a little busy with other things so we have not gone into any details because he's been dealing with everything else and I was not g to bog him down and let him take care of perf no update good um on the permit Cas you I haven't reached back out to um D um because everything all the czy going out I I had back out to D quite yet but I um I did have a a meeting with Matt and I was speaking to him about you know maybe some of the things we could do with the spoils and things like that to try to understand that process better and if there was like a homegrown approach that we could maybe do or if it was better to maybe do a you know more of like a federalized thing or we go to the you know the county and the state and we you know we figure that out and that's probably the approach that we need to do because doing a smaller um cleanup is really difficult to do and and quite a small impact to be honest with you when we need something more large scale and especially after what sort of happened it's fresh in everybody's brains here that we really need to um do something a little different because we're you know we're we're in a very flat low-lying area across the board all Florida and even you know Inland Pasco County um you know um I think the uh um the county was kind of caught with their pants down with the uh uh River overflowing and things like that because there's been so much development we really haven't had a storm um that dumped this amount of rain probably in five or 10 years you know and there's so much development that's happened you know um that the county really needs to so pay attention and you know get something going so so we have we that we have to learn we got more work we got to do without a doubt all right um Allan you were talking about the science War movements and uh we're g to dig out some things on that certainly we saw some of the action here in the last few weeks of uh how it really actually moves so um do you have any updates on that can I can I step and go over to that chart and show you some things that will it'll be visually easier so what who did you learn this from me I took I took a boat ride no we can't go there we can't go there one of the CH one of the challenges we have is we were supposed to have two science-based people on okay so that's you guys so we need to bring the science to the table in order to have that conversation so who in the science Community is corroborating what we have you with me no yeah I'm not I what I built and I submitted that's that's I know that's knowledge I will I can go to any any science person and they'll they'll corroborate what I've said so we need to do that okay okay so we need anything that we're bringing forth on on that front I think it's more complicated but we need to understand that and that's the part that we need to get to okay because I'm not fully after that because everything I see I'm familiar with the shore wise I'm familiar with what goes on but only occurs during storms and movement of sand is generally around storms which we had um and in a bayou and uh I'm not sure of the science that talks about rotations on things on openings that didn't exist if you go back to prior to development so it's it's a bayou and water goes in water goes out through the opening off the river uh but all of those Northern areas they didn't exist in the 40s and 50s because that's when all the mosquito ditches and all that stuff was constructed so the the rotations and such I need to science on that so when we have that then we'll discuss it okay when you talk science are you there's two two different ways ology the hydrodynamics associated with the water movements in that affecting affecting the river and affected by the land mass there we're in a very unique area here in this part of the the state we're on the threshold of the coast of Barry Islands going up to the marsh Lings and being able to change that because of something that we want to do is not necessarily fitting with the hydrogeology that has been discussed on a global basis because of something that we think might be effective so we need to have the science on that so we how do how do we get to that do do we have do we know of anybody local in this County or in in our geographic area that is knowledgeable or educated or let us get to that okay uh because I think there's some things that were talked about first of the year that the County's interested in doing okay that may allow that to occur uh I think okay I can give Insight on that because I I'm working with the county on that they they will have people they do have people lined up and things lined up B the magic service what not not necessarily the bench strength that they want indor need so some of the conversations we talked about so I'll get to that in a minute um I'm sorry all right so Mr Le Chris um yeah I had a a very good conversation right after Helen with Dr Bellis with resiliency uh with resiliency with Pasco County um I uh started off by explaining uh our committee and our Charter and what we were working on um he was excited you know by the idea of that and and working closely with the city our conversation very quickly steered towards uh the understanding what their resiliency plan for the county was um and he's not ready to share that with us in detail yet uh he believes that will be in the next month or two um and I went on to uh discuss with him the idea that we have priorities and things we want to do here in Port Richie you know with our Waterway um but it was extremely important for us to make sure that if they have a big puzzle right that they're trying to solve and put together that we look at what our priorities are here and look for the overlap with that broader plan and look for places where we can Implement change or take on part of that work with them to help solve the bigger problem right and and so that we're all working on the same things for the same reasons some of them are going to be more important to us and some of them are going to be more important to Pasco County right and the things that we can affect change on we will take those and take those on and work with them to try to accomplish those uh he is very supportive of that approach okay uh that's the way he would prefer to do it um I asked for uh time with him and his staff with this committee whether they come to us or we go as a committee to them and hear the broader plan and then work on a Cadence for how how often we're communicating with them I told them I thought we would be meeting uh once a month possibly if the work starts to accelerate as often as once every two weeks uh he would like to have a communication Cadence that was at least once a month going forward so I told him after this meeting if if we're all in agreement that we would try to find some way to communicate with them formally once a month you know if that's a good direction for us to go okay uh then I'll reach right back out to him and try to get that on a calendar for us it I obviously would be ideal if we could get somebody from his staff to participate in these meetings and show up right I don't know if we're going to get that type of connection we might have to go to them gotta yeah questions no that's great Chris uh go ahead I you know I'm I'm I'm kind of tasked with the uh permitting you know side of it but I don't even know what to do because we don't even know what we really need to do at this point cuse we get to that you know it's so there's and I don't even think you know we even because we don't know what kind of Grants and things like that I wonder if the federal government's going to even just overlook this completely and just you know we're not Ukraine not we're not Israel you know so it's like we're you know and this is a this is a normal thing that happens in Florida this has been happening since the dawn of life here you know um so I'm I'm curious what you know monies will be available for what and the bigger broader you know picture so you know doing a a little sand digging experiment you know in the canals is you know futile you know so yeah I think the remember these things that we launched off of was from our first meeting really didn't have anything specific but I wanted to give everybody the opportunity to provide that feedback so what I want to be able to do is I'm going to suggest some things that might be priorities going forward given where we are today versus where we were 30 days ago so and and I would add I think permitting right in that that end of it if we can figure out you know you know with the county say hey there's some things we would really like to do early we would love some shovel ready projects right I atte that term but it's appropriate we would love some things that we can go and start working on now right and and I I talked to Dr bis very bluntly about the fundraising side of it right where does money going to come from so that's something they're addressing in their plan probably something we're going to be able to help push to but if they gave us something and said hey we don't have time to start this yet but it's right there in your Waterway you know and if let's just for example say it's dring I would love for us to say yep we'll take that on yeah and if you can get us funding we'll start chasing the permitting side of it we'll chase the D side of it right so I think that's right yeah once we see their bigger picture I think we can start saying yeah we have common interest in these things right here we would like to help push in those directions so that's I think that's how I would see it work so question did he make any references to how they were coordinating with the state no did not that was part okay I asked as many questions I can said hey we we're very anxious to share the plan with you it's not ready you know for public distribution yet okay all right that was a discussion I wanted to get in on that is that that something between us the city and the county the county can get it an overriding for our 24 miles Coastline a joint permit and they can bring you in under that permit right as long as you've discussed what the the item are yeah and so that that might that might expedite a permitting it's that what do we want to do question that is the the hard one yeah and what can we afford and who's paying for it well yeah all of those things uh so on that Segway thank you very much um I spoke with uh the county commissioner and um on what they were doing they're real excited about us getting going on this um and they put me in touch if you recall see trying to remember who all went I know Dave did and uh Devin did to the county meeting they had their um Grant person they have a new Grant person that's on board that's supposed to be uh pretty Savvy she wanted to come to the meeting but I thought well we're still kind of putting our feet on the ground we won't worry about that right this moment just to get a chance to to meet her and find out what they're doing and I think Bellis is uh is aware of uh of her um so the county was really pumped about us doing things and it kind of fits into what Chris was talking about as far as how do we work cooperatively on that moving forward so one of the things that the county asked for and was uh how we could help getting Newport Richie engaged uh because they're not as fully engaged that way we've got the whole river basis covered from the two cities and the county so at our first meeting that I think we did the readout to the council uh a member from Newport Richie approached me about their information so I got the information to them they use that information to formulate their committee so we just need to get traction with them move it forward I think they'll be happy on that front uh so the three of us all go and lock step in addition to the other state and federal uh entities the other thing um sent a a note and I believe Miss Matt had sent out a letter to aabon I don't know if we've heard anything back but maybe just by virt of the times uh we'll probably have to do a followup on that but uh Charles Lee is who we were leasing with at the first of the year because they have the land south of the riverfront engaging them they're very interested uh the other thing um the state park I mean when we get to State Park us and oton together we have about uh 25% of the water front along Pasco County so by having those entities working with us that would be a real strong statement as far as moving forward and if you're familiar with Warner Boyce at all they have a bunch of restoration projects that they're trying to do a lot of them work in progress but they're not there yet technical problem is that the uh the uh local resources at the park are not very uh engaging so um what I was needing to do is escalate up to the talahasse level and get the appropriate engagement there so either talahasse engage or there's Communications to the local person to engage more rigorously um I don't think that's going to be the case given the history so uh I'm going to find out who we get from uh the park side of the EP to engage more fastidiously uh moving forward but actually that Segways into I think conversation a question you had kind of where we need to go on the technical side uh I made reference at the last meeting what Houston was Waterway was doing they were uh engaging a technical advisory committee and they were getting all the science types on board to do that however they're Limited in their resources and capabilities and bandwidth how much they have the county they haven't got to that level yet but when floated that idea with them they're real excited about that because they know there's limited resources from swis with my D Noah Army Corps you pick it all right so this may be associated with on a broader scale but I think if we liaz with the county on saying let's get this together okay because this is a conversation we had back in January the thought was kind of going where Allen I think your intention is is that let's get the subject matter experts together maybe prematurely to an extent but they know this landscape better than any of us they know how it works they know the water quality issues they know the hydrology they know and there's resources we're not even aware of all right let's form a committee that the county the cities maybe Metro Tampa planning area all engage with and use effectively maybe they meet on a quarterly basis I don't know but let's if we do that because the the struggle we've had for the four years that PAB has been doing this is what do we restore to is it 1950 is it 1980 is it 1920 what do we restore to um so these folks would be able to help us find that answer I don't know if anybody really knows the answer but with the right experts in the room I think think we can find the right answer and then even if it's we think this is right we start marshalling our resources to that end and all the other cats and dogs that come along that we have to work that any one of us can work but we have some wisdom I guess you can say or more wisdom that sits on at this SE I can tell you uh so but they were really excited about that cont cep and how to effectively use those types of resources that are out there and people know them and they're known in the known around so and then we'll have a solid basis for whatever we choose uh to do does that so that's my update any questions in regards to R of voice yes you you talked to somebody talked they wouldn't engage with us because I I would like to go I about a year year and a half ago or so I I was involved with them and volunteering and going to their meetings and so on and so forth and um it just ran out of time with everything going on and I could not honestly their meetings coincided with Council so I obviously couldn't go but I had a good relationship with at the time so I would be with the ring yeah okay oh yeah that's awesome so um it's I I would be more than willing to go and talk to him um see if he can do some Sho he was very motivated when I talk and there's a biologist down at Caladesi that would be probably a Great Cookie for us to tap into maybe early all right uh and he made reference to her as like I was saluting the flag when can we do this but then it went cold and then I had some time Sation the county and that's where the cooperation piece was questionable so if we have some channels that we can work I'm all over that because all I want to do my mission is get this job move it I mean to be honest when I I I was on a a kayak tour with them that's how this all started and they when they found out I was on Council was like they were like trying to draw me in and I went but then again it kind of did the timing didn't coincide with the meeting so um but I will be glad he want try to do a reach have mind I don't remember his name either but but I I know I've got it I can there's two girls so yeah be glad to okay at least see I mean even if they just come and like like you said you know we coordinate and and then when we get the autobomb like I mean like you I mean putting all three I'm when I spoke to them when I was going to the meetings about a year ago so they were very much into restoring the park keeping it a natural park but restoring it but also building um building their people their visitor clientele yes like they wanted to that apparently years ago I didn't go but they had a Halloween trun or tree they had all these different things and they were even planning a run like a like a fun run through the park and stuff so and I was trying to marry us with that but it wasn't working out was it's you know but so I I think if we kind of marry this with some other events with the city it might it might hopefully I'll I'll talk to them my I think it would be beneficial to both of us I agree I don't know what their thoughts are so I certainly will talk to them see if you can finesse it I only did it over the phone oh yeah done there yeah and uh and such but I think uh from what I saw on their restoration plan it Dub tals with a lot of things we I've conceptually thought about yeah so it doesn't seem to be a big Delta right and if they can get money from Noah or in the federal level to help them absolutely I think everybody's a winner and we would benefit as the state park that would kind of give us another another Avenue in so it's kind of like Mutual beneficial one hand wash is the other type of thing we play bigger than we are yeah that's part of the reason they engage aabon and absolutely and the the state park y I'll be I'll be glad to reach out to them okay that's a beautiful thing all right so um and I apologize here but I'm trying to uh since I didn't ask for the whole agenda um I go into any other questions or discussion on this early piece with the with with the county on the ARs Department I hit that a few years I hit that problem a few years ago so I just one day decided to do a project it fix the problem that they long had but I got to cease and assist because parks department is right they're very hard to move on anything well that's that's part of the problem that uh that uh kind of raised its head why I had the conversation that I did so uh we can't given our history we can't have that um so uh we won't have that going forward so um just so we can accomplish the things that I and I don't know what we want to accomplish yet but when we want to accomplish something I want the green light is what's uh the priority so um when I started this process a few years ago uh and we have this in the um in the the document that established us was there's adaption planning process this is your stuff well yeah but there's even more stuff beyond that I'm sure but there's the adaption planning process that provides us some structure to move forward all right the work that um Ashley sent out that half did I don't know if anybody had a chance to see it okay yep but it's pretty good documentation that helps on the priorities to a degree I think you know that was a theoretical level but now we have an applied piece that we can go but I think there's a lot of good stuff there that maybe we want to focus on to get us started so I jotted there's a plan in place and what I tried to do is cherry pick stuff that may be of interest to people to take on all right depending on what you're ban with and if my phone would stop locking up it would be a a a much better thing I could stay on it um so let me just share these with and then we can kind of see if something tickles your fancy um engaging Pasco County Office of strategy and sustainability in a more robust way Chris I think you're already uh going down that path we just need to take it further um we need to organize a technical advisory committee I think that may be part of that conversation so we go hand inand with that uh but to get the the science that we need uh along that since we are where we are um one of the things that always gets bounced around on all of this is building code enhancement considerations since we're going to be doing a lot of rebuilding here in Port Richie how do we get under the covers on some things that make sense to enhance the building code that we can recommend the council to maybe put in place for Fort Richie going forward that helps us because we're at a we're at a base level right now so that was the one thing that I put there and the example I'll use is that I know we're already looking at it it's changed the base flood to a plus two versus a plus one okay does that do stuff for one level the flood it deals with it what about the code itself does it make sense to instead of being in a buck 30 Zone I make everybody do it a buck 40 or a buck 50 for wind damage and stuff so what are those things that seem to make sense that we can investigate and maybe make some recommendations to council sooner versus later all right that's because we're in the thick of it now uh so that was an area that U brought forward the other is uh there may be Redevelopment where people are changing things uh how do we evaluate the existing development and future zoning opportunities because part of adaption planning is are there areas here that I abandoned it doesn't make sense to do development or so are there years I'm going to make a decision on so what kind of things from a Planning and Zoning standpoint do we want to take because again we're at ground floor right now a lot of things need to happen is it going to be like Fort Meyers where people come in and level and rebuild what is it okay so what type of Standards do we want to put in place or do we believe are important that we should be doing now and not dumping on a developer in a year's time all right or somebody that wants to uh do something um I think the critical City infrastructure piece is important half has a lot of that but we may have learned things over the last uh yeah several weeks uh and Daryl May have information about that better now but U I'm sure we've learned things over the last few weeks that what are those important things that we think that the city should move on forward now because it's Crystal Clear in our mind because we just saw it uh so that's another area um back uh earlier on in first of the year there was uh interest in doing water quality assessments in the river the county I left this out in this conversation they're get they've uh got funding for four water level title stations that they're going to put around and they'll do some level of water quality monitoring have no clue what it is uh but is it substi of enough or does it accomplish the things we may need for grants that help us going forward I don't know but uh that's another area just doing because we don't have good water quality information on the Cod and now with all the debris coming down people have made comments about it you've probably seen the float some coming down uh there is no monitoring of that unless somebody goes out and do it does it and I can assure you they're not going out right now because it's not going to be a pretty picture so water quality assessment um community outreach I mean we have some members here in the uh audience but we'll need a more effective strategy as far as uh what do we want to do once we have some I kind of break it into um we've got ideas we want to share and get feedback we've made decisions we want to get affirmation on or whatnot so what kind of communications do we want to do in the community holding a workshop or when do we want to do those based on how any one of these threads uh go so figuring that out uh and then the last that I put down here was the whole green and gray uh resiliency best management practices for Port Richie what are they nobody really stands up and says Green's the way to go you know nobody stands up and says gray is the way to go building seaw walls what is it what's right for us given the details of this that's a whole another piece that we could understand but better so those are some ideas but I'm open to other suggestions on things that people may think will help us get down the path so those sound like enough or sounds like a lot well but but I am interested in one thing you said specifically which was the learnings from the city and the county so I'm sure the county is getting you know a lot of feedback and probably altering their plan based off of you know what the the last couple of weeks have have shown us um but I'm also interested in you know as Citizens we all have our own perspective of what we saw and what happened but I think it would be helpful maybe at the next meeting if that's soon enough or if that's not too soon to hear from the city a little bit more formally of this is the areas that we really really did not perform well right when from a storm water run off from a you know anything that they saw that was within this city this committee's purview to say this is where we have to start addressing faster immediate pain points yeah I agree I I did speak with Matt earlier today um and he's kind I'll let he can speak to it himself but he's already on top of it I mean he's pretty found out that the City Newport Richie the county and us we're all doing our own thing but there's no coordination and in his trying to find in my neighborhood I we flooded the the streets not the houses but um in that at venue he found out that nobody's talking to the other person and so expound that immensely to everybody to the rest of the city it's it's the same thing so it's exactly what you're saying to get all three together to work together because no one wants to do one thing to hurt another one to hurt another one we we should all be working in conjunction to help each of us so we're all part of the county and so we should be working together and I Matt's already on top of that I don't know if you want to expound upon that or if you can but um he's already on top of that it may not surprise you but nobody speaks to each other so so no one really knows what's going on out there as it relates to the way drainage happens in our part of the county because I I and what she's talking about um shortly the next morning after Milton I was driving around checking out all things and I made it over to candle light and it was probably 18 inches at least 18 inches of water I mean it was up over my or up to my bumper on my Jeep um and I knew that that was not where water belongs being the student city manager that I am and um I started asking you know why is it doing that you know historically why why has it done that and one of our employees said well you know there's a point over in Washington that you know always gets blocked and if get that cleared out it'll drain out eventually and um drive over there very obviously not in the city so it's not something that I could do or the city could do um assumed it was the county because it's the county it's a County area unincorporated area spent most of the day talking to get the county interested and coming out to look at it finally got them to come out to look at it and they said well that's not ours um get to call Newport Richie so F Newport Richie spent the rest of the day and into the next day to get them to come out and look at it and take ownership of it um they finally did and they said they would have it cleaned out by the end of the day didn't do that and the next morning so now we're on Saturday morning um I get a call say oh we just went to the wrong spot where you know Jes we'd already had them there to look at us right there is the issue now the reality is what they did made a difference but it didn't make a big difference and the problem is that we're where's right here find Washington is where all that down here is all where that hch point is and it goes out here to the river and I'll tell you I walk to most of this area Newport Richie and it's a mess I mean we have a channel that's probably this this wide covered with a lot of growth um but we are draining effectively from that point here all this area here which was competing with the pond and so we have to when when it dries out we're going to take a hike back to there to figure out how that water gets there from from the pond but it's being you know we're competing somewhat with ourselves but also we don't know other area back here where that drinks and so that's that's the piece that we've actually started um an Outreach with the county because they're updating their storm water plan right now and we said we're going to be starting ours so why don't we work together to figure out where you guys drain through us and we drain through you but I guess we also need to get Newport Richie involved now because we drain through their uh their facilities as well so it's a lot bigger and that's I think the the the bigger part is to get people that don't want to work together to work together now yeah yeah that's what I was hoping that the committee may be help facilitate that liaz because we're not Port Richie and we're not New Port Richie and we're not the county so if we can get some traction around that um because I know the county storm water is not till next year as far as completing that but uh sidebar conversations there's not Great Hopes than that so I think I'm sorry there something about all this that we're hearing here I haven't found I haven't met a waterways management specialist in the county yet I don't know who that is do we know who that is is STM water is not storm water waterways management I mean I have 32 years of waterways management experience and I have yet to meet anybody in the county or the city that has waterways management there's a number of interesting things on the waterways for example I was looking just out of curiosity why the Cody River isn't designated as a floodway there's different development rules associated with the floodway than there is with a non-food way are those important for us to consider I don't know all right so but having somebody that's more expert in that area maybe can say because there certainly when you have these Federal level designations it means something as far as what you do and don't do if that's acceptable to the city has one thing but the one thing that I have spoken with folks about is that and there's I think a realization now there's not enough Reserve capacity away from the coast deal with water right so unless we address that Reserve capacity somehow we're going to continue to get inundated and maybe this is an opportunity for that I don't know but we have to have the experts in and that's kind of why I was kind of leaning towards maybe the the technical advisory committee is a way to start to get these serious things dealt with uh because I know there's folks out there we have to give to the table Yeah well I was going to say that that maybe that you know we have to think broader and and I think this is where you're going we have to think broader than just the city of for Richie right we probably need to find that person that has that that uh that background in in the county County government they find that person that is appointed through you know Port Newport Richie um and then get some others on that board so I I think you know really needs to be kind of an extra territorial to the city of Port Richie be able to maybe cross over the the political boundaries that we have that's that's where the water quality piece seemed to be a relatively innocuous way to kind of hog rassle people in that if we talk about the water quality and it broadens into these other things that we can get you know we've got a common Focus everybody's going to salute the flag on water quality now if we get these up how do we assure those happening and even though the county may not be ready or Newport Richie isn't ready or we're not 100% ready we can maybe start walking down that path to get us there um so that's why I thought that might be an important important thing so is it is it um is it possible like we have a we have a cooperation agreement with um the county with with our Police Department right is there a because I mean I'm looking at this map and there's it's all Jerry Mander this is here this is there but it's all kind of pushing towards the river I I'm familiar with these areas pretty well and all of its draining on us but if we have a clogged Waterway that's not really it's kind of Forgotten for because it's not important to that because it's it's you know it's drainage for us is there a way to kind of incorporate um you know the different utility departments and stuff to to cooperate with each other where you know you don't have to be on the phone wasting two days of your time trying to get a drainage ditch cleared whereas you know we get Daryl over there and you know let him do his thing I don't I mean that's I'm the red tape cutter guy so that's me but um you know this was a you know and I and I even wonder you know because it's a state of emergency can you just clear well I I said to someone if it was a life safety issue I would have made any phone calls Fair that's but but the reality was it wasn't Rising de degree was going to be in people's housers you know it wasn't what I considered to be a life safety so I was trying to work through right channels sure um to get that done because again you know people get a little I me here's the reality that I realize we're going to need their help probably more than they're going to need our help and so I didn't want to start Burning Bridges by going out there and taking charge of of areas that you know probably were not ones I needed to take charge of but that was only because what we had was not a emergent issue it was an inconvenience it was terrible for the residents to have to deal with that but it wasn't going in their houses um we were luy by the way you know because we actually could have got way more rain number one for this last storm and we could have got way more storm surge from this last fine you know and very often we get it from both ends because you know you get a lot of rain and a huge storm surge and it really has nowhere to go so there's a lot to maybe you know be thankful for a little bit sort of like a wakeup call for us and I just hope that we can get some some state or Federal funding in here to really kind of help help this out there's so much the the amount of growth that has happened in Florida is unprecedented I mean it's always been this way from a hundred years ago but now it's really just full of people and people pouring in and these lands are not really habitable the way they're sitting and the and that so it's it's a really good question as to what really is the future of of these um you know low well that goes back and I guess to add that a little bit is you know as you look at this you have to consider three different scenarios um the first one is is a a saltwater ination that's the storm surge right that affects us one way um second one is is a a freshwater or storm water event which is what Milton was for the most part for us um that affects us totally different way than the ination um because the ination reality is once it comes in it goes back out within a several hour period right um storm water inundation usually sits around a lot more because it's a matter of drainage and and you know water where it's coming in on the storm water goes back out pretty quickly because everything's designed for it to go back out right it's lower the channels that are there are designed to take the water back out um pretty eff storm water is not that that way and and you know one of one of the hard Lessons Learned I'll tell you is that you know we don't do a great job of managing our own storm waterways that we have World channels that that go through a lot of places and it it impacts a lot of houses because of that that normally wouldn't do that and then of course the third all the third scenario is both happening relatively at the same time um well that kind of goes into one of the things that I when I look back at U I wasn't not familiar with the CRA organization uh too much until I came over here and uh the ability to acquire land for storm water Uplands might be a viable priority today and I guess one of the things things to the best do that when I think about planning and zoning and all of that stuff would it makes sense to try to get on the calendar of the Planning and Zoning Board to see because they worked with this for a long period of time maybe they have ideas on things that should be considered or are we going through more of an educational process with them to get them up to speed on things I'm looking for some counsel on on that do you think that's a viable approach or should we just dig into it and and well I I think I I don't necessarily see that Planning Commission has that on their their radar Horizon okay look at I think I think though given a direction and I think again that's that's what this committee does is present hey city council you need to do this or think about this and that becomes one of the Avenues where the council says Planning Commission we need you to look at this and it opens up that doing a little bit more due diligence to get it to the point where we recommend to council and this is the course that we think would be viable okay so but now that that being said I I can also see a scenario where you engage the Planning Commission during you know or planning committee during planning and get them to start thinking about this as well so it's kind of coming you know both sides against the middle right get them thinking about it because again it's just not on their their table right now but nothing to say that it can't be put on their table Ashley are there any Planning and Zoning uh meetings planned in the next month yes they have a meeting on the 24 is there agenda set public can come up though right of course absolutely okay always would somebody like to go to that meeting to kind of share this conversation okay who else should do it you're the chair well no I mean want to make sure everybody has opportunities here for for stuff because as I talked about at the beginning of the meeting everybody's got so much bandwidth through all of the things that have gone on so that would be fine uh but I want to make sure this seems like a a Rel L straightforward thing you to uh to do to at least have some initial conversations to say are you guys thinking about this okay has anything come to mind because what we're thinking about is maybe designating land for broader water storage capability so we're not adversely impacting the downstream and we create more of a buffer and insist on the same thing from the county and Newport Richie Andor the state so for the park for example if we could create things that would hold water rather than schlepping it out and I don't even know what those things are but starting to have those conversations is what I'm thinking about we don't have I don't think we have to have the answer today we're looking to talk to smart people that may have ideas that take us to the next step take it to the next step to the next step the capacity of our current water how can we increase the capacity that that's exactly where where I'm going because I bet if we went to the county today their storm water assessment and we asked them how much capacity Upland capacity do you have for storm water I would bet you there would be that answer okay okay and given what we know today in Zer Hills Trinity Wesley Chapel where they have flooding in all the new development and who knows you know fortunately Angeline's not built out yet all right but is that uping capacity is it measurable is it quantifiable and what will it deal with other than an arbitrary number so those initial conversations can be had and again and I think it's just a matter of taking that first step to start so uh the big the county big issues that's going to come down to us the northern section is be Creek they have they haven't addressed be Creek in ages than our River they haven't addressed our River our River from 589 all the way down to uh Little Road basically doesn't exist it's a weapons it hasn't been properly addressed and that would that would improve their capacity that'll bring it all down to us what can we do to handle that capacity coming our way you see it coming it's going to come that's what I sent to you I I think everybody's kind of has to get their piece you know we probably has to have more the county certainly has to have more but what more do we have what investment on that so that's that's an area that I think is certainly viable I think the the building code piece I mean we don't have to be building code experts I mean we could probably talk to some people here at the city but um you can go online and find out what's worked right what hasn't worked okay um so and what makes sense because I'm sure Dave is going to be pulling a permit tomorrow for something and we'd want to make sure Dave is building it to the best of his ability on what seems to make sense and is it something simple or is it complicated you know make them put uh armor plated Steel on the roof I don't know if that's practical but I mean what is reasonable and feasible to do that we could more expeditiously do going forward because those things are operational immediate issues maybe not a month ago but today uh they certainly are um I think that's really important um considering these homes are just falling apart you know yeah exactly and uh um you know like like if you look at Miami um you know I buy a I bought this Henry alaso Maric you know and it's it's a Miami certified or whatever they have some kind of certification um for the Heat and the rain and the wetness down there and um you know we're not you know this is not these aren't new issues these are issues all over the world um but to copy somebody's uh you know what they have and maybe add or subtract codes but um you know the other thing too is our the builders around here really aren't you know used to building things out of concrete good Structural Materials it's all just you know stick frame junk is really what it is and when the big storms come it it all falls apart it's just it um there's probably more that we're going to peel back but I think if if somebody is willing to go do an initial look and found find out from Dorian and the baham is what worked or from you know any one of these storms there's there's a Litany of information out there that we just need to look at and there was stuff from Michael here in the Panhandle things that worked what can we potentially recommend to apply here and just doing some of that and bring that back at the next meeting and say okay hey you know learned I learned this okay and that's more than we know today sure and um that's what we're trying to do in this next step with with bandwidth that we have to work on because we can't do everything it's just a matter what of those things that we can do and if we want people that live here to do improvements on their own homes and stuff something that you might be able to throw in there just happened to me I took down the old college that was on my property and I built Miami date standards but guess what I lost I lost loost my tax advantages and my taxes went from $11,200 to over $6,000 same footprint same property but just because I improved my I improved my living standards I lost that and that's something if we could figure if you if somebody could figure a way to wrap that into okay we'd like to encourage what did that entail that you did to your to your place I I had a cottage that was there I demolished the cottage I used the same footprint I I kept you rebilt it but still it's supposed to be your your uh your your taxes are supposed to be transportable they're not supposed to go away unless I sell it it's supposed to be it's supposed to convey doesn't convey but that's another that's a county thing too but that's that's another viable thing if there's some things that we can do diligence on that says given this event if there's things done over the next 12 months okay should there be some Hiatus on tax deal is that something we take forward and I don't know how much is at the state level from a legislative perspective versus the County property appraiser and what you know all that nonsense I have no but if we can find out some of that stuff maybe that's something that we can put forward on again I don't know but I'm willing to learn about it if uh somebody thinks that's a viable course to go because I think we want people to be safe I think we want people to improve their property um I know what's worked for me uh and I think uh that I felt better about things and I know what I didn't feel better about that that I'll take care of next time but uh those things I and I've shared my learnings with people as far as what I would do uh but that's what we have the opportunity for those are some of the things I think we should go after and try to learn now um I'm willing to look into that and and look at some of these I think that would be good because I'm very interested in in you know building and construction and I'm just amazed at you know you go to different countries and you go to like Mexico everything's concrete you know and I just I just I I see these homes and they're just made out of crap you know and uh you know even people who are you know putting their homes back together now you know they're not even putting Hardy Board back or or doing like cement board or something they're just throwing up regular cheap drywall just to do it all over again I think an opportunity for that is to come to council say what do we want what do we envision for our community get some feedback there and use that as a stepping stone as far as what do we go after oh you know what I'm building everything Miami dat standard because we're going to have big complexes here along the river and all okay if that's in along with what the city council envisions and the city manager I think you know that's what we ought to consider so doing that due diligence to find out what makes sense I think i' enjoy that quite a bit actually I think that's great all yours all yours okay you've got some tasks right you got some tasks you're going after cor Boyce I just didn't bring a professional somebody with that has a doctor instead of me with 32 years we're getting there we'll get there um little time well you're fine um I think if we can um use that as kind of a seed to find out who is in the no and who should we should invite to a technical advisory committee might be a good thing I'm sorry we we have a water quality station at Brasher park that is manned by USF correct no I thought that got to destroyed a couple years ago Park and they just brought back the one that's up in the they just brought that back so you have to the counties something go forward Mike Durant 4927 KY Court uh I've been here about four years now uh and I volunteered for three years at a partner that I think we're missing out on that's the uh electrical Marine Center off of Old Post Road just to the north of our area of responsibility uh we have uh Dr Mark Butler who's a marine biologist who runs the program uh they do water testing uh from my knowledge for the last 30 years at their site and at dery Key which is a uh Island uh a spoil Island that's owned by uh d as of all spoiling spoil islands are and uh yeah they do the water testing every day they have uh fourth graders all the way to 11th graders doing their marine biology projects and uh I think there's a ton of information that we can get from them um that would answer a lot of those questions I don't know if a marine biologist can answer all those or if you're looking more for a hydrodynamic engineer um but at least that could get one part of the ecology and water flow and all that I think it's a great I was going to segue into that in saying that since USF already has water quality stations maybe going to USF and seeing if they have the person with the qualification that we're looking for which is what are they testing for too it's question okay Swift M has the water quality information all right um Mike Dillis Sandro got all kind of information that information we ought to marry together the challenge is to hodge podge all right so we can um but I think talking to him I've got data I can send it out as a starting point but I get getting those res sources together and starting to pull the water quality piece together is a viable thing yes so another be a great deal another thing would be FWC water testing uh they conduct them weekly um and I can uh put you in touch with some officials you know that are at that level as well I really believe that the water quality piece is good glue to tie this together because nobody really knows anything about it and I think if were the glue that pulls the people together for that to get those other levels of science to the table I think water quality is a good mean I'll take get with Mike and U tackling those two okay right the Ms and and FWC okay nice Okay cool so we have some steps forward and uh I'll come up with some things on my own here so I I can't commit right now right a little froggy um but um I think that'll be a good first step for us to start going after some of that information I would encourage if you haven't done a detailed look at the uh half study um let's do a good read on that before the next meeting and let's have some discussion about that as a a topic I don't have the uh the energy right now for that unless there's some wisdom that matth wants to share but uh one of the things um we'll have a meeting because I promised uh Linda that we would have that meeting but I'll I'll prepare a presentation from the city's perspective of the things that we we learned in the last few weeks oh that would be super YF okay that'd be another agenda item that would be very helpful that we could take some time on because I I think I kind of view this as a as a multi-stage process but now with the storms if there's things that we can get on the table sooner versus later and married together and leverage resources then we can make recommendations that much faster on things because and the more detail that we can get to more that's going to help the city uh move faster on things I hope um because I always felt in all my conversations at the county level or the other cities is that nobody's really far ahead of anybody else so all we have to do is take that step and we'll be ahead so I think that'll be a good thing sounds like there's a lot of little Islands working but nobody there's no boats that are going between them to talk so I think that and that's Matt like you said Matt yeah Matt hit the nail on the head it's been that way for years we have certainly some personal credibility issues but I think if our committee can work cooperatively with everyone um as long as it makes progress for our community and those around us I think we've accomplished everything that we really need to do um in my my opinion um I'd like to build a dyke out there right now what I know I don't think that's G to be feasible but build the wall we well we need one of those but what are you talking about with the D yeah you know right I I mean near is uh I could tell I've had some conversations with people uh after one of the Hurricanes a few years ago trying to convince them not to leave and stuff so I I I looked at uh what I believed were water levels in Port Richie and certainly the not name storm was near as I could tell relatively historical event most people's mind and I thought that was at about 9t that's what I thought uh there two other Hurrican sorry wasn't it Donna was the last time it got not an issue there's actually a 50 51 or 52 hurricane I want to say Betty but don't hold me to it uh that probably put about 12 feet I think and then there's the 20 something storm 23 26 that uh hit you know maybe in 18 or 20 foot but nobody lived here at the time so it didn't matter for those two no name there were people here so it had an impact and I think uh um Helena uh certainly uh put a new standard for us to to go to that's a if that's a historic event in our lifetimes I don't know but I think we have to have that front and center my guesstimate on that and I've had conversations but I'm orienting around uh a 12 foot number at this stage uh so that was probably comparable to the 50 device with population so in my PE brain that's what I need to think about to help our fellow citizens in the community so what can I do to accomplish that with the abundant resources that are out there that we just haven't tapped into so that's that's my goal on person so do any other discussion do I have motion to just for clarification item two you guys are holding off vulnerability study you guys want to research more and how on the next agenda we want to talk about it at the next meeting because it's probably longer than I thought that's fine um that we would go but I feel like this was we needed to get us on a course for the the committee and based on Insight from the county and uh I need to engage Newport Richie that's probably my task uh on that and leverage some of the stuff that's match done but strike on this piece so we can get them to the table and maybe get somebody here and get the grant writer from the county and maybe the County Commission here to uh share what they're doing we'll see but I I feel like we're moving of course I'm sorry my mind's all over the place I don't know why I'm doing another meeting right now trying to watch what's happening with that um did you did you um speak with I hear earlier say you spoke with the council member new for Richie no not well marana's office what I was gonna say is um uh Peter I can't think Peter's name Alman Alman yeah yes Peter so he is the head of the um I think he's the chair of the uh Campa Bay Regional planning commission's resiliency committee does that sound right I and so again another another contact that opens up a lot of resources is maybe getting him I last meeting I think I was at with uh Tampa Bay Regional planning I talked to him and we were starting this committee and we might be reaching out to him to come have him come speak okay and that may be the the entree to get uh P Newport I I was I'll do what I'll do is take that on to reach out to him and then also directly contact Newport richy to get engagement there uh just so we can get that traction going um so Outreach is is key all right so uh any other things if not do we have to formally journ I just say the meeting's over you don't have to but it's better that way motion to adjourn