##VIDEO ID:Xp-7_9RWH3A## September 3rd 2024 like stand for pledge I to of the United States of America the stands indivis andice Madam clerk I have Ro please chairman John Eric coover here Vice chairwoman Caroline Gonzalez here member Salah Cary here member Adam Thompson here member Julie Keenan here member Cheryl Taylor here thank you and welcome sh Cheryl thanks um first up I have comments from the general public I do not have any signed up does anybody like to speak oh you know what I passed right over that thank you yes um let's back up for a second yeah we you guys set a mittance if I can get a motion a motion to approve the minut minutes second have motion second for discussion all in favor signify by saying I I oppose motion carries Now comments for the general public thank you anybody like to speak sing No Hands I'll bring it back to comments from the chair committee members I'll start to my right with uh member Thompson I'm good thank you not at this time no M Taylor not at this time M Keenan not this time goal um not at this time I do have a discussion of mixing or changing pett event to a fundraising event but I'll discuss okay we talk about that yeah and I don't so moving right along to our first agenda item Centennial logos so last meeting we met and we went through selected three however we did find out after we had closed the meeting that there was actually a deadline of the 27th I think it was yes um so we wanted to make sure that we uh got all those in by that deadline so what we're going to do is we're going to look at those additional ones tonight I think the the ones we chose as well as in the packet yes um so we'll look through those and we'll see if there's if we want to change the the top three um there was uh actually I could probably share this real quick to should asking where so we had this additional one this one here this is one of the ones from the last meeting one of the finalists here's a new one here here's one here now yeah these are these are really cute they had I guess one of the schools sent over there's three or four in here from the school so that's that's one there really cute one that was on the finalist oh is that the circle one where they redid it not yet here's another new one this was a new one this one's humus that one there kind of square actually put and this is another one from the school George yeah George there was there a George Richie a chance I don't know George name George this is the other finalist with the redened circle we had this one here there was two versions of this one one colored one not so here's the gr version this one I think we had last time as well yeah it was resed as a color just a oh they did another color okay and that same one in green and this one here so any any thoughts and we we also have the ability to you know do five instead of three if we wanted to add a few in there for the public to to review they were not set on three I the the least number the probably the easier but um if there's any thoughts on including a couple other ones are switching out again so the ones we had selected last time was that was here with City Richie anniversary Pelicans had the still home with the Sun Sunset and then another version of that with the manm dolphins and so you I almost I almost wish there was I've been racking my brain on on how we could almost do two categories have one for the children and then one for the heart hurts for the cat yeah put them in any ideas on how we could maybe um maybe if you know during the events what we can do if we have we have some of these that we want to um you know implement we can you know do a t-shirt or something like that for that specific event yeah and and use and use it use one of these um you know either you know t-shirt or or some other type of printed you know if we're doing frisbees or something like that but you know and then that way we can say that this particular one was donated but you know the logo idea was by the you know so and so from the school so yeah and we could even possibly look for a proclamation or something for the I don't say why not nice for them to do that yeah I don't know if we we select the logo and then have a kids version and and be like Umble mention or something again I would like to try to do something because you have that one there um that one there with George I'm I'm assuming this one as well came from school y yeah and then there was one more which was that one I think right below the the green 100th anniversary I believe is another is another subm too oh that's one's coool uh not that one the other one that's got the logo miss something if I'm not mistaken I think the one that's blue it has the Florida you know the the State of Florida with the flag in it this one here yeah I think that might have been also a student that's a really good one yeah yeah if I'm if I'm correct not 100% sure I'd have to just double check the names I got all the names attached to each of these to um all these logos yeah that was like that almost look at maybe throwing that in with the the other mix thought it was easier to pick you last time I still like the same three yeah original same three yeah um I se three plus George the little one that's cute did we do we want to expand a three to include another one or two or just leave it to three like said because there's I like I think it' be cool to do the students that send in those pictures to have something written to them thank you for you know absolutely you know something really I think it'd be really nice to get something from the mayor from the city yeah we definitely do a proclamation or something with with the with that for sure there way maybe we can display them like when the kids send something they display are all the different types and then have our main logo we have the art show that the submissions maybe do something and acknowledge everybody that yeah some were displayed I think that's very people actually took to do these things yeah that's right we could put a ball up and show here's the what the submissions and then what we picked that way I guess credits good idea okay do as far as piing the official one yeah I like three okay just as as we head for so nothing changed with the change of the circle right yeah can we go over the three yeah so this is this is one yeah I really like that there's another one and there's another one yeah I like the one with the old fire Firehouse that was yeah with color to it that one caught my eye too that one there yes maybe we can incorporate that the historical events that we're doing because it does have the history you're right yeah that's that that particular picture actually has the W City homeall like it used to like it originally used to be think that's would you maybe want to open up to five for them to vote on and can see where it comes back we good all right so we can add that one and then we need one more and I would I would suggest we do a a separate kid category for the winner of the yeah yes the kids is there is there a way to verify which ones came in for sure I have the ver yeah I have like the names on you know the the logos next to each one of them so um I'd have to do a little bit of digging right now um so if you wanna if you want to figure out which your top five for the adult logos are going to be I can do some I can pull up which ones are the okay give me one moment I'm sure three I can tell you the the other two that I liked was this one here and I also liked I like did like those but I like that one there too good like on a shirt so between the the three those two and then the fire one we want to go with the fire one and then we need to pick one of these other two number one wasn't that from the child well that's what I don't so so that that that's that is a school selection this is a school selection that is a school selection okay from the academy um an older student made that one um and then the one that has the George uh bird on it is is obviously a student submission um the that one yeah that one there with the I guess alligators at the bottom city of Port Rich 100 years is one and then the final is it was total of four and then the one with the um oh that one is too yeah that one is too that's an older student the uh with the alligator and the uh Blue State of Florida so what about that's George you said and then this one here the uh colored lay that was actually yeah that was from a different school give me one second to find her name because we had four from the Millennium Academy and then I had one more from a different school when he said one's the older students how old you talking um I they didn't give me the the uh yeah and then hers too yep because I mean those two hit this one I'd have to go through my they're they they actually compete at the the higher level for sure so M fact down those two we're actually going to put in one the five um oh that one's from school wow those two all from they're all from the Millennium Academy but there there were different grades that submitted um the logo ideas wow that was nice it's almost worth putting those two in the adult because that itself being placed with the adults is a big deal for them yeah we yeah we've only got one spot though if we use the fire department I prefer the last one and we can always put all the the younger ones together even those two and somehow incorporate those into a something not being the official logo but just some recognition I really like that one this one here yeah I don't know just would look really good on the Shir sticker yeah STI there's that one and then the other ones Metals for field day the house yeah that was I don't know hard can't believe those were kids that did that so so a total of five five student submissions BR here ads I pr the last one added with the this one other four the adults yeah yes with the top five yep I officially recused myself inunction so but I want to know which ones everyone picks we I know which one's yours so right here I don't I don't think that should be right there it took a while for me to that's that's got you written all over can you give me the P numbers for the top five yeah so top five are going to be any any objections to the five that we've discuss okay so page number 10 13 18 21 and 23 so those if we could package up and somehow vote let's talk a little bit about voting um as we put it out there do we want to some just residents to vote because obviously anybody could vote at that point or do we necessarily care I mean ideally we'd want the residents to vote so if we if we want to do that somehow need to vet that some pick a street you live on or something to that fact I don't know if there's oh we were going to use something like Survey Monkey or something like that like our previous survey that was done for the Waterfront District but of course that will go out to both non-residents and City residents you we'll be able to control that um and actually the people that did may not may or may not live in the city as well right um which yeah some of these I don't believe do I but I I only have email addresses this far like give me um any background information on them but what we could do is that we can do an internal survey and advertise out as far as like you know release it on Facebook and the website to City residents and just to say to either email you know email the city clerk on you know and make sure they include their name or at least address where they're from so it would be counted as a city resident vote yeah I don't know if anyone has any other ideas on how we can other way is just kind of put it out there as like a some like do the Facebook polls and whatnot I'm saying and just basically ask people please don't don't vote unless you're a city resident because we're you know kind of on honor System we could do it that way as well but that probably be the easiest I think so I think you'd get more votes like that than doing the emailing the Least Complicated and then Ashley's gonna parted all those email yes I don't overload her with all that well that too and I don't know if all these submissions are just solely based on city of P residents as well right no I don't think so I don't yeah the um so I think it should just go out to the public that my opinion I'm okay with that do we want it to go out public U you know for public or do we want to just go to council for the final vote that's another way we can go about it too we you know we present the finalist and have Council make the final decision I think we need to get the public excited about it yeah engage them um council is easier but the public contrib is important I think I put it up let's put up and vote yeah I mean even if it's more so than residents are voting it should be the more we have to vote the better selection we're going to get and how about if you have like just a suggestion top five and then with the public and then like top two of those five for the council and then they only pick out of those two yeah we could possibly do that as well just kind of to make it official down and that we there's some anomaly at least we have the ability to yes let me any of these that came out would be fine really yeah we put those five out to the vote okay sounds like that's what yeah we want to do and we'll give it um give it to two weeks to our next meeting yes I think so have hav't wrapped that up by whenever you'd have to have the agenda done know if wanted to Nar it down wanted to give it well you what we could we can keep it open until the day before the meeting and then we could just bring the results to the meeting right then we'd have the five picked for the agenda and then we would get the actual scores that day is that you you don't want my I would give it we can wait longer I mean mycer is getting a logo as soon as possible so we can start sponsorship yeah because we got actually start working on that keep it open until the 16 whatever time and then we can have those results for the yes I was thinking we put it out there tomorrow I guess right um yes I'm going to try and get it out tomorrow but you know you'd have I want to get it out tomorrow You' have the end of the week and the weekend and then all the following week and weekend and then we'd meet again on the 16th so we would need to close it by the end of the 15th they give two full weekends to vote that'd probably be enough time I would think yeah so that morning of the 16th we take the results of the meeting okay so that that's how we'll do the five and do we want to have a separate category for the the kid ones and we'll select Haven vote on that as well so two separate polls or just put them up the the you know the art thing I think like thatst because we already have a child involved in so it's hard to pull that one out and then have this yes yeah I agree I think what we can do regardless for all the student submissions you know either a letter from from you as you know as the mayor you know we could just draft something on letter sure no thank you so much for your submission um have them in the art show and then maybe do some some material with one or something play by maybe on the letter you could say you know your submission is going to be um displayed in the art show go ahead and write up something about you about the artist to submit and that gives them a little bit more yeah well actually we could the art show for that fact we do you'd have um be judged and they would give ribbons first second third fourth place ribbons or something for that idea for the on the kid section maybe do something like that okay so we have what we need on the logo think good yep all right sure yeah come put M give me your name and an address at formalities Facebook they might see that there's a contest for this logo and it might also help your um people to know that this is even happening right this event so just throw that out sure anyone else not comment what is that anybody else like to comment yeah um also you put it up on Facebook I guess website vot we do a press release for that vote for the logo yeah according what the clerk to [Music] do [Music] okay next up it number two discussion on finalizing s celebration events so we've got several events the last page here did everybody have a chance to look through this and see if any any was Miss that we talked [Music] about I have any additions yeah very comprehensive so um in the background summary um When selecting events for centennial celebration committee consider following Define scope and goals identify resources estimate costs identify Revenue sources create a budget plan so I was I was thinking about how we could move forward on some of this obviously I want to put this out there as well as they as the citizens vote they could also submit ideas for events as well and what I what I was thinking is is is maybe for the next meeting we have these with the timeline and maybe put them on index cards each event or something and somehow try toate a workshop to try to figure out which ones we want to go with and how where they go and what days and kind of make that interactive I don't wanted to go through and see if we could combine sure because we ran out of yes we ran out of weekends so just playing with a timeline if we started on Friday February 7th for the kickoff ceremony and kind of announce the Time Capsule um event if you will and then go right into February 8th through the 16th the city beautification week that could involve um a shredding uh event um maybe some old medication turn in things like that that benefit MH um then go into Saturday the 8th the community yard sale that that kicks off Community really really fast um then Friday February 14th is Valentine's Day so maybe have the Johnny Cash concert on the 15th and that would be a nice date night for everybody um going into the 17th through the 23rd do start the historical walking tours at that point with a thisx on February 19th Wednesday before we get too far ahead so we've got the regular parade which we plan on doing a kickoff week right and we also got the golf cart parade we try to incorporate that golf cart parade up up front I thought the parade was actually on May 10th which was the week the week the golf we got two pares got the main parade and then we got the golf cart par the golf cart parade I'm trying to fit in someplace so this is exactly what I wanted so if you want to do it the golf cart maybe this first week okay yeah we kind of make that to kick off so do that community yard in the evening okay okay good got that one in okay so that's all right so check something so so that first weekend we would have the golf cart parade the kickoff ceremony beautification week and the yard s numbers these you get the numbers on those there's a yard sale yard sale fundra event Fleet Mark style Poss for okay what was the other things you said uh the Time Capsule preparation I put that on the 25th Time Capsule opening and closing number 25 this is the preparation though yeah it's kind of the notice of he we're going to do this I combined as much as I could in but they're not all in order in that sense so the 20 number 25 has the capsule opening and then number 18 is a centennial week kickoff parade the golf card is number nine [Music] where was the clean up talking about is that on here that one of my initial list okay that was kind of a community involvement right I I don't think I put it on my County does that about four yeah it's happening [Music] and the kickoff ceremony is simply just we're starting the 100 days Friday the right that literally starts the 100 days so we' have the that that first 100 that weekend first days which said it starts on Friday so we have the golf cart golf cart parade that weekend community yard sale one day or whatever and clean up in tandem with that over that weekend that's the whole week we can that way we can get the rotary involved different subgroups commun yard be Saturday I Tred to stay away from yeah okay depending on what that is now when you say fundraising event flea market style when when I say that it's [Music] um residents or whoever participates in the flea market they would have to let's say they're going to have a 10 by 10 space so to speak so they would pay $10 or $20 to get the space gota so would so you would you have yard sales where you go homes but you also has centralized location with Boose as well I was thinking of the centralized location everybody brings their items and then everybody can just go that's what I was assuming or yeah we could do a combination of both we could do it at Water side Waterfront Park on the booth but we could also do a listing of um residents that are participating and if they want to register their home on the list then they would pay you know whatever fee okay what uh what was the weekend again start this is the first weekend so now is a chamber going to have a just we'll slide into this okay combine there's enough room okay that makes it easy was there anything else on that [Music] first Sunday alone now Sunday can have a bepc project on it obviously that's the whole week that's the 8th through the 16 how many total weekends do we have 15 15 not enough so what were your thoughts on the on the second weekend second weekend is Valentine's weekend okay that was so February 15th having the Johnny Cash concert that's kind of a a great date night and I left February 14th alone because participation is going to be difficult on that and then starting the 17th we start the historical walking tours and those tours can be you you're on the third weekend now for the store yep okay um February 17th is Monday any of the things that are whole campaign beginning I tried to keep on a Monday then Wednesday the 19th the that's the same week the third week and then Friday the art and photography contest submission opens yes sir well no I just I'm curious are we going to try incorporate all 25 of these ideas into each each week because each of these you know each of these events are going to require budget coordination of Staff you know to put these all together so I just want to make sure we're aware of that going forward you know you know we're going to have to talk about resources and where that's going to you know where that's going to come from for each each one of these so my goal was to get the sample out and then once the public voted take a look at the schedule and then make the determination from there way we do that so we can see like this kind of lay out what we got and then adjust or we could wait for all the events these plus whatever public events is have a vetting session where we okay we like this one we don't like this one and try to narrow that down and then put them to a timeline okay I'm just narrow first was a lot of just either narrow or Rec combined because you know like we had the 5K the rata the sports events that could all be in the same day I did yeah I did February 22nd through the 23rd make those the field days so maybe we could do one on the Newport Richie side one on the Fort Richie side so incorporates both and then do the Bed Race um the taale of Two Cities tug of war the cornhole tournament the rata um then um also do a launch of the sports tournaments such as the bowling and the golf scramble and all that which will take place on later weekends a lot now some of these will be hopefully self- sustaining like the golf screen will there'll be interest fees and they what not to come in for that the regato as well um some of the stuff wouldn't cost a lot golf cart parade obviously probably not we take interest for that as well actually um so that would just be a money maker right um no I think I got um and like s says we can knock off whatever we want it gives us an idea what it looks like going forward so that's that third sponsor as well they sponsor an event that's that third week and then day 80 through 71 we have the cultural Affair kickoff which is it's a kickoff um the bowling tournament on Saturday March 1st the Sip and stall on the 7th this is where I had trouble Sip and stall on the 7th the Port Richie Got Talent which is Saturday March 8th begin school programs in the next 10 days on March 10th and then have our pub crawl on the 15th because it's right before correct Patrick's Day yeah I entered all your stuff just squashed together I know you didn't mention the second but the cancer crawl is on the second so but you you do have an event for the first which one was that for March 1st March 1st the bowling tournament okay so we have a conflict the cancer CWS on the second well the cancer CWS on the second I just wanted to point that out but I I I mean there shouldn't be any conflict if we're doing one on on the first and we don't have you I just want to remind everyone about that because that's already second of March yeah that's already Sunday okay yeah they said that for Sunday okay yeah we may not do something on the second leave that open that's it's Sunday so we have anything but I just wanted yeah that's good note okay so Day 70 through 61 is the school programs begin and decide what we're going to do there HB crawl on the 15th then Sunday the 16th 17th is St Patrick's Day the 10 days day 60 through 51 Friday March 21st we open the historical exhibit and then that Saturday do the golf scramble does Newport Richie they have a St Patrick's Day Parade there I don't think they do a parade no chco does yeah I thought there was some kind of parade they had I mean they close off downtown they do things downtown that's right yeah they have Bo yeah that's right they kind of block the streets off yeah that might be another opportunity for the golf cart parade too if you want have it right in front we can do it during that St Patrick's Day type thing too where you could but you have people drinking and walking oh scratch that maybe that's not a good idea just because it's typical parade type day I agree with you wholeheartedly but they they drink it gives them a reason we want that yeah reason there's a reason to decorate though okay go on with your next day 50 through day 41 uh March 29th which is a Saturday uh do the car show there now I thought about the golf cart parade as part of the car show or ending the car show that's another opportunity um and then Saturday a April 5th um volunteer recognition day because by then they have worked their tails off and then day 40 through day 31 Saturday April 12th the barbecue and chili cook off get all the cook offs at one time so that's the only place I think to um day 30 through day 21 uh we have the submission deadline for uh the art and photography on Friday April 18th the Easter egg hunt on Saturday April 19th Sunday is April 20th is Easter Sunday and then start the guest speakers and lectures series on April 21st and there maybe we can do the meet your government right what day would that during that week yeah um Saturday M April 26 the fishing tournament one thing the government we were talking about doing a dunk thing pay a dollar a ticket to dunk S5 doll for the rest of council five for the mayor but I mean I would think we could do that a little earlier make that part of the C off just make sure it's on a weekend so we have more people particip that was the only thing with that one maybe doing as part of the Cook Off activities because the government should be there to help judge sure y okay the Time Capsule would be good for that together Time Capsule for for meet government yeah that's [Music] true okay so fishing ter on April 26th and we start getting down to it um you have to help me with a certain a delay but you're thinking on that yeah um that was Saturday May 3rd May 3d okay okay and then Friday May 9th I looked up um the light show and projection projection mapping that's literally like a light it's a light show that's done on a building so if you can imagine so we could do it here at City Hall and do the food truck night along with it so it's a light show um and I know that there's a local company that also does the fireworks with the drones that's another option is maybe do that on the water side with food trucks and then the drones so that's kind of a really cool getting down to the gr and then the last 10 days Saturday May 10th do the bicycle bicycle event the the May 11th the community brunch with for mothers Friday May 16th is the mayor's ball Saturday May 10th is the Centennial parade we had the fishing tournament earlier so that kind of coming off the water you're tired so um with the bicycling event having the Centennial parade as well maybe the bicycling event in the morning and then the Centennial parade later on in the afternoon um and when did you have the 5K race with c i that was one that we needed to put in so I don't know if you want to make that part of the field days because it's early you're going to want to run early in the morning I just saying about the bicycle and 5K could be on the same day Poss you do that okay that makes sense okay do you want a triathlon along with that in case you have both and we do have [Music] water I know we I think that's [Music] okay yeah okay so well you you have the regado with you could actually do all three of those on the same [Music] day yeah want to take away from either yeah because that goes well with the fueld days I mean you can have all that as part of the fueld Days event your AET yeah I mean the kids will do like a onek or one mile walk or and then your was your field days on a weekend Saturday Sunday Saturday and Sunday break it up okay and those are early morning events and what day was the field day and it's also [Music] cool okay so you want to take the bicycling event and 5K back [Music] there okay that probably helps free up weekends no a weekend so Saturday the 10th would be thisal great and then on May 18th we'll have the Centennial picnic and family fund day which we could push back to the parade day and then the evening celebration this is what day May 18th 18th week we'll have a picnic and family fund day which could be pushed back to May 10th because we just got rid of the bicycling event that's the that's the actual anniversary right 18th yes that's when the fireworks are yeah but that's a long day in between picnic family fund day to fireworks so if we pushed it back into and you having the ball on the Saturday the ball was on the Saturday before Friday ball is on the 16th Friday the 16th Friday what's on the 17th the picnic yeah would have been the picnic I thought you said it was Sunday I messed up I messed up I changed my day to Saturday the 17th is the Centennial picnic and family fund day then we have fireworks on the 18th and The Fray okay so the only things that we didn't get in here and we're doing stuff that week up until that right starting weekend before well we have a mud strut we have to fit in someplace right a museum day so the museum day you were talking about possibly doing like a homes tour and then end at the Museum or with hisorical tour so we could push the historical to our forward I don't I don't know where to put it but it started February 17 the historical walk yes but if we push it later then the museum will be better put together tour was very early that started February 17th and then we have March 21st historical exhibit opens around that time yeah maybe kick it off then with the opening that and we put the Mutu on the 17 with the picnic day we're also talking about placing a monumento figure what EV that Park put yeah we have any more information on your nameing the park I know we looked at Nicks and Waterfront as the two potentials no I'm still I'm still actually I have a conversations with the state about the Waterfront okay and then the next I'm probably have to you just take a deeper look at the uh the terms that we have with yeah that that would end up being like Nick Centennial Park right Waterfront Waterfront centenal Park just think we could do that the day of the picnic because it's that's actually a centennial this it's right there it's close yeah [Music] monity 17 okay we went with Waterfront Park that's where fireworks and stuff would be anyway so that would be a good place to unveil that Rebrand y so sound like we got stuff placed on a calendar would it would it be best to now put this list out there solicit some more ideas as we have that to kind of work off of come back at the next meeting with each one of these events on maybe note card or post it and we could have a a calendar we could go through an event let them move them around and yes and then make that kind of a planning session and then once we kind of got that solidified then we can start diving in each one of them what we would need for these other budget potential sponsorship um the other one the rocks that we were talking about um we had also might be a pel right um rather than Ro um and we [Music] can was number 20 on children's event they had to Foundation Rock P than use your M voices Oh you [Music] that so just to clarify for our next meeting we want do we want to put this list out and see if we're going to addend more to it or are we just going to since we've been coordinating dates now are we gonna put out a calendar for anyone to look at I'd hold off on a calendar I would [Music] just give a list and then um give the ability for people to add something that we don't have on there to consider you know this is this is kind of list we brainstorm and came up with um what your thoughts and then add anything that you think it's not on here that might be if if there's something you think is just a dumb idea let us know that too and we can kind of go through that feedback and and to help us as we narrow it down to a a good working list okay so before we keep moving around with with you know actually like locking in days and what events we're going to do on those days they may change because other people might bring in more ideas see if it was possible you know and what we had we can fit this in but adding more ideas we're gonna have to pick and choose yeah and choose and like you said combine you know like you know instead of having a picnic you GNA have the picnic and you the dog you know dog event you know or pet event go like that so that would be fine but I I think what our next course is probably just to get this list out um once again and see if anyone wants to bring up any other ideas yeah that's that's exactly what I was thinking put it out thereit some feedbacks and see if there's anything else that're not thinking out that would be nice and then once we have all those in front of us we can can choose and try to figure out where they need to go and combine them I'd like to get um a a ask out for sponsorship immediately you know at the next meeting so so next meeting we would basically we would solidify the logo the events procedure wise Matt do you think that um that probably need to go to council for ratification if you will right once does that um so our next meeting is 16th we would have the council meeting would be the 24th that' be enough to have that on the agenda for the 24th I'm told I'm told it should be fine okay all right so so we'll we'll we'll do the logo on or me on 16th push that to council for 24th ratification and then um also on the 16th um I assume our event list would probably need to go as well Council I think it would be good to give it to them so they can see what it is okay maybe maybe just as a report from from the committee all right okay so 16th we we'll vet the list with the public input do the logo the outcome of that we'll go to Council on 24th and then our next meeting would be the following the 30th right keep same Cadence that yes no no so you're the first and third okay two so then would be the seventh so two weeks from that and that would be October 7th the other thing to think about adding to finalizing the list is deciding which ones are paid people pay into fure out which ones are or we have to come up with the funds for so then because right after that the sponsorships are going to be coming up and we need to know what we need yeah well it give us it'll give us a picture when we're putting we got to pay for that one that one that one that one we don't want to do that many in a row right yeah spread so we yes we can spread those around I'm going to go back on the calendar on the Barbecue Cookoff event where we're doing barbecue and chili maybe we can do the Rock and the contest at that point since it's kind of the contest day potentially are we can do that can we do that with the children's event to the Easter egg Hut yeah it's more of a family I mean both events or family but yeah there'll be more kids there on the 19 so let's let's do this let's get the list out with the the logos for the public input um and then we'll reconvene on on the 16th go through those we'll have as far as the events we'll try to you do a little workshop type stuff with that to try to we got to make it easier because I know you guys have discussed quite a bit is there anything on the list that you did not include that Cheryl went through there was a city cleanup the city cleanup okay um what else was there that way I can modify this list and make it simpler there was a we didn't talk about this but the potential of a boat parade too if we want to try to do a boat parade yeah we got golf car another one both par are pretty popular all we need is an airplane parade too fishing we have that on the fishing day oh good idea yeah potentially kind of like the Sailor coming somebody might somebody might suggest that to add it yeah go add scr we where would the boat parade be a monster truck parade too that's add it to the list okay and when we get public input we'll have those for you guys to dingo place on your calar your timeline a derby that's horse race why not calm down so for your next meeting do you prefer more of a timeline instead of a calendar per se because I think that might be more beneficial to see in the first thing we do is is vet through these and see which ones we're g to correct I think you were suggesting at the next meeting to have more of a workshop to defly Def then maybe try to place them out would you rather have them more of a a timeline I'm trying to be prepared for you guys I would probably just put them on each event put on like maybe index card or something right that we can Shuffle around we could have a calendar whatever we can stick them to or something well that's what I was I was saying would you prefer calendars because I know it's months leading up or would you prefer more of a timeline I think it might be easier to see it linear then it's up to you guys however you want to do it uh Cal only because we need to see the holidays we're working around okay I think the calendar should be last I think if anything right now we should actually we should probably put this on a Excel sheet because we're going to be moving dropping moving ideas around and then as we get to locking in what that calendar is going to be then we can do that I I don't I think right now what we need to do is have it in you know put this on like an Excel sheet so we can especially when we're going to start adding adding budget you know and other items like that that's what I think we need to do because ideas are going to be added things are going to be dropped we need to talk about all the other items that go along with each of these events and then that way we can add all that to to an Excel Sho once we have that logged in once we have that locked in then we can present a you know an official calendar of what these events are going to be but I think we were doing the calendar to like moveing saying dates we'll have the dates on the sheet play around with it think for the next meeting we need to like just be able to visualize where they are and also determining which ones need money which ones don't so they're not putting them all together in one month yeah we if we have those index C we annotate each one on Excel spreadsheet yes need spots we have some different colored things I was speaking we need to do events I know there a lot but we need to do some type of events before our days so that we can raise money I thinking for the pet event now I mean doesn't make sense for the CC us to do the pet event in November and then do another one close to like the Centennial for the Centennial so I was thinking was just a thought maybe instead of November 2nd which was a pet event on November 1st which is a Friday um either here or in VES or somewhere in the city we can do a business expo where companies can start you know getting excited for um you know IAL and just exposure and they can have the business expo they pay for their spaces and then also will be there to see if they want to sponsor and have the sponsorship packet there explain have community members come in see if they want to sponsor things like that so business expo would be before the 100 days start you well have like a a business expo that time because I'm pretty sure a lot of people are not going to do it now in that sense but at least start maybe have a small business expo so like it can start bringing some revenue or something and have it somewhere where it's low cost like if we can have it here or we can have it we'll see if V would like we use a donation of VES now so that we can start bringing Revenue start getting people excited start getting sponsorships things like that and we can walk around during the business expo and speak um to the businesses and see if they want to sponsor an event or if they don't or what's happening I don't know if that's an idea I mean I it's an idea going an election here the election is going to any noise that we put out there it's really really rough to battle Yeah and just from that okay people are preoccupied with that with that and I think that's going to be for what we bring it in on it I don't think it's going to be worth the push of time okay but we could do something where we had maybe a informational meeting to start bringing people in um especially on the sponsorships and all that to see what we have so that we could give them packets and things like that it wouldn't be fundraising but it would be right purposeful so once we solidify the logo and that would be after the 24th council meeting does Matt does does that the send that the sponsorship stuff out does that need to be approved by Council so basically once Council approves the logo 24 you guys can put the sponsorship package together and run with that so those will go out from a staff perspective what yall thoughts on how that's you mail all businesses in cities you're going to call what's going to be the I guess the marketing aspect of that try to solicit those well we would obviously use all the different media Outlets we have and we would put together you know some type of email out and we get some responses back early October onip and hopefully we would yeah once we have a sponsor packet if I can take some and then I'll be going around so listening on that sense to see any people excited um yeah sooner the better and if we can do like two informational meetings before the end of the year pick out dates for those and again have it something some place like ve or whatever um we can do couple sponsorship drives basically yeah okay what other thing can we do like I a BAL things like that but I don't know how to do like that do that that are instead of doing a mut or catwalk uh we could do uming pictures for the cat dogs oh that definitely so that they would pay for a picture Santa things like that or yeah with their animals that be like the first part of December first weekend why don't we take October all the um Waterfront community events and set up a centennial Booth it's a fundraising we do the the pictures in December because I always have the Grinch around and Santa around so we're welcome to use those resources to do it so we can do it October 6th the first Saturday in November which escapes me at this point and the first Sunday the first Saturday of December and have a 10 by 10 back the chamber yeah is it Sunday or Saturday Saturday Sunday Saturday Saturday okay have a boo there maybe it's Sunday I think it's Sunday okay Sunday whatever the first I think it's first Sunday it is Sunday that's a great idea yeah it is they'll have a booth there and then we can yeah and spor okay I can set up a tent um we'll have our logo so if we have banners and all that then the general public that's coming have something there that's fundraising and [Music] awareness we'll do pictures with Santa and the Grinch on that that December um figure out something or November maybe pumpkin yeah bullish maybe I'll do a scare Pro November [Music] oober it out yep that's a great well that gives us three and that's not going to cost us anything for the horse no let's vent the events and then we'll start some of these other things try to get the sponsorships in theing [Music] so yeah the sponsorship stuff Mt you guys got a separate account that goes in is that how' you do it for the Fourth of [Music] July get sponsorships we set up line for sponsorship but I think it's something that need to have that conversation how we want to do that if you want to set up like a a events trust or something where money could go into might be that there might be somebody sponsors a specific event General sponsorship thing through the general fund I mean really I I agree I think we need to set up an account know we were paying out of that account coming into that account and then you know I don't know it did you put anything in the budget for for this Council to provide budget for any of these things at all [Music] Oran there's there is a line item set aside for a $40,000 for Fourth of July and this this event anticipation is that we would be getting some money to help the this might not be the place to talk about it but you guys still negotiating with the vendor from the fourth July about that anything else on the vents we got a action you guys you come up with a way to fac facilitate that by me just go ahead actually did you want to bring this yeah I do that next right so if that's all we got events we live um we have old business or something uh okay so I old business we don't this isn't techic old business other the fact that we're we've been looking for members um and council did approve the ability for non City residents we did a message from Kimberly's wife be interested in join the committee as well if you guys are interested in entertaining that we can pass that to council if she want to join we have three spots so then we would be down to two we're GNA apply you guys wanted we're GNA apply oh you gonna apply okay okay so we sound like we got two as well so um if you guys could send your um information Ashley say your joining yes sir we can um we want to take that up now or probably with [Music] you the quicker we get a full committee the better um so yeah actually if you would come up and give your name and address and say you're interested we go ahead and put on a record hello I'm Debbie Robinson um 8001 Apple 6 drive so I wanted to tell you a little bit about what my sister and I brought and what it meant to us to come here is because my dad used to be on the board of adjustments in 1992 and he actually made Port Richie days I don't know if you know about it or not but it's almost like something what you're talking about and we and my family's already done that here in Port Richie my dad was also on the Rotary Club so actually Port Richie and the Rotary Club got together so we had um we had a race my sister was the director of the race my sister has the shirts Port Richie shirts for 1992 93 and '94 we also have pictures we also have we were in the paper too and Port Richie so we had a race we had a car show um we had bowling we had a flea market we had a beauty pageant we had music we had food trucks um and so what I remember happening was I think the Rotary Club and Port Richie did 50/50 50/50 and they were very helpful because there was a lot of people in the Rotary Club and they were all volunteers so that you really need the volunteers and um and the banks the banks were very good and it was a very good idea what you had just said because my dad had a booklet and he went from all the businesses and and that's when it was either volunteer hearing four or five people at the bank that they wanted to volunteer or sponsorship so you we you have to sometimes have to walk it even not even just have a business thing some people don't want to even come if you had to like go to the businesses you know and um so we had a booklet and um and a lot of the oh the banks like actually like a Bank of America that's not here anymore they bought the shirts for the bowling so you just have to really be out there but it was really nice for 3 years we had that over in um the Walmart parking lot where that's where used to be the city of Port Richie huh City Hall yeah the city hall the city hall so we just wanted to bring some of the stuff you guys can see we'll just put it up there later on and that's why we're interested and really because it's like a legacy from my parents to us and uh we love Port Richie and um so we would like to help okay okay did you want to take up too or no good no I'm good thank you okay let go give me your name and address for the record you want be consider for the committee right oh yes in L of email we'll just do I'll do my stuff here um Janet applefield 801 Apple 6 Drive um I did a very similar thing so as the race director um uh the first the very first year sorry this shirt got a little yucky butt I had a contest and this was um a boy from one of the elementary schools um I gave him $25 and the art teacher couldn't believe it because she said so many people have come and asked the students to prepare something and then never paid them so or gave the prize so I at least um gave him the prize my only um my only requirement which is a little bit different from your logo was they had to something from the city's logo and incorporate in the shirt so um Everybody picked the um the palm tree um so that was one year and then I had a friend of mine um designed this shirt this was this the second year and then we had you know sponsors on the back obviously those are the sponsor the sponsorship packet is really really important and um doing different levels obviously of sponsors um makes a difference because maybe somebody wants to get $500 as opposed to $50,000 so that's really important and the thing that my other my sister was talking about also the other thing was that was wonderful what you did with all those events but to have like some booklet with here's all the events you know once that gets done because then you can take that with your sponsorship um booklet and say this is all the things we're doing what do you want to sponsor to this event and this event and this event so um and this was um this was the last um again everybody liked putting the tree in um the sponsors in the back um so you could have different t-shirts for different events if you so desire um I was thinking about also um you were talking about how to incorporate the the children's logos is if you're going to have children's events maybe use those logos for the children's events yeah we don't have Easter egg hunt was one events on there so just get those those shirts I think that work and giving them or selling them you know either way and you could even sell the Kids logo shirts at all the other events also um so you know try to raise money or Revenue that way so you can incorporate all of those things so we have a lot of good ide good thank you thank you the now I did um Ed aen also was in City he reached out his interested committee too of course now we now we've got more than we need now we do have we have talked about uh potential having um committees separate committees too um so maybe that's something we we could bring in but um if uh is there any objections with um Kimberly and then the two ladies here no push those to councel for verification and I I'll reach out to Ed just let him know that we may try to spend up a committee um subcommittee to work on some of this other stuff as well any objections to that no okay any other old business motion to adjourn second motion second all in favor say I iOS