##VIDEO ID:ZiFhDRsDSGI## meeting Tuesday September 10th 2024 like to invite Ser leer fields to our invocation and remain standing for the pledge father God we just come to you and we lift up City Hall and all the workers here and the the people in the residence and Lord we just ask for wisdom for the things that's on the agenda tonight we thank you for our Mayors and the council and the board and all the work that they do uh so we just uh lift up all the stuff that's going to be on here for the board committees and town hall meeting dates for 24 and 25 of this year and uh the lift station and the vehicles for the public works so I just first want to say thank you for our law enforcement keep them safe God and fire department and public works and all of us here in Jesus name I pray amen amen I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all cler I have roll please Mayor John Eric coover here vice mayor Linda Rodriguez here councilman David Mueller here councilman Robert hubber here councilwoman Burke here City attorney Nancy Meyers here city manager Matthew cobbler here thank you and we have no minutes to approve tonight so we're gonna move right straight to the comments from the general public I have two signed up starting with Danny Fields welcome well my name's Danny fields and my address is 8114 little kid and again I want to thank you uh I do want to talk about 9911 that is coming up tomorrow we had already and I'm I'm thankful for Arty that did all the years at s Pebble Community uh he dropped out not doing that so with a lot on my plate uh I didn't be able to get it scheduled there but the fire department I WR out to them so we're going to be doing an event there and I got to talk to the mayor too a little bit about it so we would like to start having that here uh carrying it out but tomorrow at uh our fire station here in Port Richie at 8:00 a.m. we'll raise the flag and then to the first plane that hit the twin towers and all that we will uh then lower the flag and we'll have a moment of silence and then I will go ahead and pray over that event and all our First Responders and and you know this is something that is very important to us to stand together and be United for freedom and stuff and for for uh knowing that we have First Responders and police and fire department lays down their life and citizens as well to defend you know I think of the military so much so I I don't want to spend too much time there I do have a another thing that I want to mention I know that we've been doing a lot with uh Daniel Bernard somebody cares and we got a lot of events that we schedule out and it's more for the county we're end up going to be having a workshop and we already did that in a event tomorrow to uh lay out what we're having at go VI mall so somebody cares and 30 churches are coming together we have a motorcycle that's going to be giv away a Honda uh we reach out to all the communities we're having a car show there and that's going to be called carefest and it's by Pasco alive uh is what they call it and it's Christ for all nations and so they're going to be food funding games and a car show and a lot of other giveaways and I got to work with that team and so they're working all over and even in November from the 8th to the 10th at 6 uh to 900 p.m. we're even having an event with them and the local churches come together in shims Park and that's the big Grand Finale so we've been doing a lot of little events around here with them and uh so it's just great to be able to work together and have all these different businesses and communities coming together from Hudson and Port Richie Newport Richie holiday uh you know people coming all over uh we've had people from out of town uh Christ for our Nations they do work everywhere as they're they're overseas so I I just wanted to thank you for your time and I get to share this with you and our uh Captain's here I told him about 911 and uh so uh me and the mayor was talking uh I'll if you want to do it here tomorrow we can but if you already have it scheduled for there we could do it uh you want to do it here so you you will have your your truck here and we'll do it here and then you'll do the pledge uh of Legion yeah so um obiously 8:00 tomorrow is Firehouse again already used to do that I long doing that there a long time but um so I did talk to Nancy and and Matt to make sure that would be okay and I think it'd be a great place to do it out front here for that so yeah if you guys want to change it to here that'd be great short sorry for the short notice I just found out about it very recently that already wasn't doing it anymore right yeah I was wondering why I hadn't heard from him so yeah I haven't had a chance to follow up with him to see y so yeah tomorrow morning 8:00 out front great and so we'll just follow the program that he has set and we'll add you in at the beginning with the prayer and then I'll close it out with a short prayer and we'll just uh make an event here from there on okay thank you thanks D thank I think the basic plan is around 8 o'cl we raise the flag and then get everybody together at 8:49 is when the plane hit the first to and that's when they'll typically have a moment of silence and then we can end it with your prayer sir yeah starts at 8 raising at 8:46 then we'll lower a moment silence like you said and then a quick prayer and then we'll be released thank you thanks uh next up Donald Hernandez welcome good evening first of all thank you for having me here tonight it's a truly an American tradition that we across this country are don't realize how great we have it more importantly we don't realize how great you helped us here yesterday Saturday uh your team had to come to my next door neighbor she was hurting people couldn't get into her house she was hurting bad uh we finally got a key um and all I could say is we're not going to try anything we're just going to call you guys probably within I don't know by the time I got to my place right next door you were already there your guys had already decided you know you were in already you had already decided what you were going to do we didn't even have time to thank you you were already gone we went finally went to the hospital and he and and I talked to the emergency doctor whoever it was he said you know you're lucky it could have been three more minutes and she probably would have been dead every second that you guys did and you there was a quick second there we had a wiggle the the the car together in there and there it was there was no thinking about it you just knew how to squeeze into a spot that I'd still be working on you just don't know how much we appreciate that thank you so much I'll be sure to pass the word to the cruise too please pass the word and with that said um again uh on my way over here it was kind of funny somebody came up to me and as a treasur of my Homeowner Association he asked me if we could buy a bull horn for what he saidwell you know when we have picnics outside to have people come and eat and I said is there any other reasons why we might need a bullhorn and he said no I just think we need one um I said well at our next HOA meeting we we'll talk about it you know I gave him the old politician you know we'll I'll get back with you and as a politician myself I I've said we'll go back to you many of times uh but we we will check into it uh and a couple weeks ago I was I went to a a uh informational about what's going on down by the river and they talked and they talked and they talked and you know it was they were very nice very polite and I kept you know saying well I'll have to get an HOA meeting together I'll have to do this and you know we'll discuss this before we decide how we want to go with us uh knowing my membership and the weekend came and they said well you know we'll come out there we'll come out there well we have to talk to the H you know there again I'll get back to you as a politician I've learned to say those three words really really and really kind of mean them well that that Saturday the next Saturday morning it was I was off doing something and we were not going to have our meeting till the next day and all this activities going out at the at the clubhouse they were already there they had already had 19 signatures they never mentioned pretty much anything about what's what's going on with the condos or or who's doing what or who should be having their hand slapped all they had to do was say police and fire that's all they had to say and without HOA doing it they were standing in lines to vote for or whatever thanks D appreciate you coming out three minutes though okay thanks thank you very much great job guys it was worth the three minutes that's all signups I have by show hands anyone else like to speak seeing that I'll bring it back to the council uh next up is comments from city manager pass Mr C for his comments thank you good evening um I have uh submitted to everyone my comments go over C actually almost submitted to thank you very quickly uh we uh received notice very recently that uh we uh got our CRS recertification regarding instruction CICS for Community reading system process show the city at 100% correctness rate highlights City's effective flood plane management practices dedication to reducing flood risk within our community and maintain our high standards and clients CRS program or residents continue to benefit from reduced flood insurance PRS this achievement is Testament to the hard work that our building department puts into making sure that we're compliant with all elements of the CRS program again something that reduces the the cost of flood insurance to all of our residents City and something that uh we continue to do and hopefully in the very near future work to actually get that reduced in work correct so it was it was reduced uh no no it was recertified every year yeah every year they do an audit of our instruction certificates to make sure that we are in compliance and again that's one element of the overall CRS another one of course is thinking how do we increase the points that we can get so we can reduce from 15% right now 15% go for the next level that end I should also mention that we are live with the four runner there's going to be a lot of press going out in the next couple weeks to do more public awareness for our residents that that service is something that is online and they can get access to their flood certifications elevation certificates um a lot information that historically they would have to call us we have to back them that inform SE now it's all in one place and mostly accessible through the internet through the 4Runner program so that's again another great addition there within our building department another um Milestone today uh the new city's new website that's going live nice and um you residents are able to access this add a new a new uh URL which is City ofp richie. goov and as you know we switched over from the Doom to.gov um one it's a lot more secure and also provides uh that Assurance to Residents that they're communicating with a government not some sketchy organization out there um but the new website as you can see is a lot more uh attractive but also it's also more intuitive and provides easier navigation and a lot more information in a readily safe we're still working out some of the the bugs on this so bear with us if there is something that's missing or if you're having a little difficulty navigating it get that worked out we are keeping the old uh website which is URL alive and active for a period of time but again this is something that scroll down you see some of the active buttons where you can find uh some of the things that people generally come to our website for very quickly you have uh different highlights of events that are going on and information we want to let people know about go down little more you'll see calendar which again this is a high level look at it and that'll be filled out because we have a lot of meetings coming up we'll be able to access right there on so I'd like to thank uh St for all of his work on this you know he was very instrumental and did all the heavy lifting to get us here the work he did this would not have happened in this time frame so we're very fortunate to have s working for us and his commitment to making sure that we can communicate more effectively with our residents you know shows not only in this but we also launched the Civic alert which again is going to be replaced in our nixel alert program but again reason behind that is that program will provide a lot more information ability to communicate with our residents and what we currently have this with that very [Music] important so I was going to keep them both up in tan so I assume we're going to update both sides as we provide updates or yeah for think go ahead uh starting tomorrow we're going to Media blast about switching over um I probably want to keep the old one up for maybe just a few weeks to you know to a month at maths just so you know no one's getting confused but we're going to start Media Blasting um this starting tomorrow morning um we went live about 10 11:00 this morning and I've just been going through it um you know double triple quadruple checking a lot of different areas to see what you know if there's anything missing um but I I think we we're pretty much like in a 90 percentile of of all the Department's documents and all the different you know different areas are brought over so um I'm sure I'm sure I'll get feedback as it you know as more people start looking at it things like that we can make changes as we move forward would it be better to go ahead and just redirect people to the new one and then deal with issues or is it something um that's that's something I talked about with with C plus um and I'll probably have that conversation within the next couple days um they could redirect you know if anyone who goes to City por.com take right here go for you get forwarded straight to this one um I just wanted to make sure within a few days there was you know what that the go live went correctly yeah before you know you know before doing that so um I just want to give it you know a day or two before doing that and then um uh the the original site we're going to debate on uh you know either reutilizing that or just phing it out completely lastly um wanted to give uh a small update on the building department as you know we are looking to replace the building official uh during the interim process we have a contract that actually cities had with safe built for uh report Services related to inspections and um uh plane reviews and such uh we're utilizing that and we're going to be having contract building official in our offices and and available to uh the residents on Mondays and Wednesdays beginning tomorrow um additionally we're going to start the recruitment process but we're also going to be doing kind of a parallel path looking at at keeping a contractual relationship as well and so once we get to the point of decision obviously we'll bring it back to council and let you know in terms of what we think the best direction is to go with that um but we are going to be looking again at at a a contractual option as well as hiring our own employee for that but in that inum we have safe Bel uh there by our side working with us providing those inspections for this and that's all ahead tonight you have any questions okay thanks Matt so next up comments from the mayor and city council I'll start with councilman Mueller thank you uh just a couple of items um I sent you guys some information inform for Duke lighting do we have any updates on that the Waterfront District they move forward I'm still working on that that's uh um we have to order some new lights for that for that for that area but I was finishing up some repairs throughout the city as soon as those repairs are done start ordering some of the lights for that area and some other places on you know within the city uh D Circle Wells Court um I've been coordinating with the police department uh they've been going ahead going around going around at night giveing me updates thank you um I noticed you guys put one of the speed signs out on a villa Bay um anxious to see how that works out thank you um do we know who owns the park that separates catches and and for Richie Marina there's been concerns that it's our park but it doesn't Define that anywhere in in the records that I'm seeing from Pasco County so that is the road yes it's the old 19 crossing the city on the North side we do and the southide yes okay so that is City yeah and and just to let you know that is something that that the owners of the marine and catches want to move forward with a request to vate that so that something that's working its way through staff gotcha thank you uh I also noticed on the old website that this hurricane document isn't out there so make sure that gets on to the new site it's been out a while 2023 is out there but the 2024 isn't we're almost all the way through hurricane season so uh that one I noticed that there were some mentary that some of the calendars were lost when they converted over I think it was yours Chief uh was there any way to get get something out of the backup and get it in they have to redo their old their calendar uh and what's going on with the boat I don't see it on the lift do we have an update it's uh it's at the fire station we took it there to wax it clean it up um we had to make a repair to the radio I was just mounted in a tough location had all that done today and I hear you guys are doing some training later on this week yes perfect the weather will allow us perfect um bathrooms at Brasher are we looking at that later on maybe as a c Improvement at the park we have an update there just an idea also in speed bump on BR Grand we have any update on that you cover them now or they're on Old business um well with that we're the bathrooms at the Brasher that I think did we get all the votes in from the engineers to do that or we're still waiting for one I was waiting for one more from one more engineer from Burns McDonald um but we have we have a quote that we can go ahead and start demoing the building as possible we waiting waiting for the C was we were going to catch it C right okay that's what that was my main concern I'm good thank you did you have questions speed B you mentioned cat um this time only I is lot of feedback about how much people appreciate how well City staff is doing with the website and getting information out and they truly appreciate seeing all the news and knowing what's going on so thank you very much for that vice mayor Rodriguez I'm good right now thank you okay I just got a couple things um on the speed sign placement they they get this one going northbound southbound is not out yet right see the uh the only thing I no on it it's very close to the Northbound is very close to the intersection so as I drove it I was kind of testing it and so for me to get up to the 30 mph I pretty much there at the speed sign when I got there and I was I was pushing it so almost seemed like it maybe should be a little farther back the other school of thought is talking to Matt is is that lets you know you're at the speed to stay at that speed too so I guess we'll see how that works out it can be moved if we see it's maybe not performing how we want to is that pretty much the spot it has to go sure so that's where the existing speed limit sign was at where we put right we took the speed limit sign I'll put that in there but the more you go north there's no room with really with the guard rail the hike and bike and then it would be on that little green shoulder so yeah seems like it's a little further off the road that maybe it was before I don't really remember the speed sign being there be honest with you but um actually the speed sign was further off the road was spe sign is exactly in the same spot we put the new sign okay we see how it works it seems like it's a little close maybe a little far off the road I mean I almost missed it but and again like I said when you get to it it's you're not going to catch any Speeders there the point is not to get Speeders obviously but um the area between the hike and bike and the road that little green area there's not enough room to put it the sign's gonna be sticking the road for this the big Square sign that we have up there now okay so okay the other one's going to go down just uh more in the middle I guess just north of the lift station but on the south bound Lan okay so they're going to see it coming out of V Bay okay yeah that's probably that's probably important one too that other side coming down anyway so okay thank you um the just a couple reminders so we've got uh mandatory ethics training for uh all the boards of committee members on September 12th um so that's th Thursday right yeah so make sure you can make that like I said if you if you can't there's a a month that you can watch it here City Hall so try obiously it's always better to attend in person if you can so obviously try to do that um another important meeting obviously is planning zoning meeting on the 17th um that's going to be um about the changes potential changes down to Waterfront so obviously make sure make time 10 that's going to be an evening starting at 6 so more in line with people's schedules um the I'll I'll save this for board committees real quick uh and the the other thing I had was uh last Council we had several folks talk about the amendment four resolution so I um we obviously had Nancy the attorney look at that um and she's made a recommendation or guidance or whatever on that so take over you just to kind of explain that for the public absolutely um consistent with the memo I provided to council um there's no provision in your code or in Florida statute that says you cannot pass a resolution on an issue like that's been repaced um however you recently passed a resolution on Proclamation specifically indicating the council was not going to pass proclamations on political issues or controversial issues in my opinion passing a resolution like the one being asked of you to pass would be in direct conflict with that decision um because it is a political issue it is a controversial issue um so it's my recommendation that you don't entertain this resolution or any other resolution that is about a political issue or a controversial issue if it's something that you think collectively you want to do now or in the future I would recommend that you put together a policy of or mat I probably put together a policy and procedure for how that would look um because as you know today someone asked for a and tomorrow the opponent's going to come in and ask for B and you need to have some sort of structure to fall back on why you're making the decisions the way you are um with something like that that would be my that's my recommendation I recommend that it not be entertained nor passed by Council yeah so that that's obviously what she came back with and and and I agree it's it's um and I'm very much against amendment four um personally and and probably Folks up here as well I'm not sure but um as a city what we don't want to get ourselves into is is aligning with any certain controversial topic because EXA somebody could be coming in wantan to do a resolution to support Amendment four and we wouldn't want to do that either right so we we would definitely need to put something in place to to to keep that in line and again it's it's it's not really something that the city of Port Richie um has any dog in a fight really I mean we have residents probably on both sides of that that uh coin uh you know we here to fix potholes clean streets and you that kind of thing we're not really involved in in those political issues where we would even have something before us like that so um uh so I don't obiously if we were going to do that that would need to happen next meeting because obviously election is is is first part of November so I just wanted to share that that information with the public um I will say um that uh I sit on the Florida Republican mayor's Association I just talked to Helen right before this meeting actually and they as that organization which is a collective of Republican Mayors in Florida um she asked if if that was something that she thought I should that I agreed that we should as a uh that um Association trouble talking here that Association pursue and I absolutely said yes that's something i' I'd like to see that that organization do and I think it fits well within within that organization to to push that as well so just to let the folks know that the fla Republican FL mayor Association I believe is going to take that policy up and and and put that out there um from that organization um and that is I think all I had on that that's all I had and obviously one more thing on that obviously if I'm happy to to if somebody wants to reach out for for my personal endorsement whatever non-endorsement of that I'd be happy to do that Folks up here do same and I meant to say that doesn't mean personally you you personal individual citizens can't be involved in whatever movement you may want to be in just collectively I don't not believe it's appropriate so by all means if you all feel you want to do that go ahead um next up is comments from board's committees we have anything yes cic I guess is that yes cic met we have a couple things um September 18 we are having our meet your neighbor at Hooters at 5:30 in the air conditioned room so please feel free to pop over um September 18th 5:30 and um we are starting back up the cleanup that we used to do um we're going to do Saturday September 21st at 8:00 am we're going to meet um around Winslow Park and Matt's gonna help us with organizing bags and where to put the trash and get us parking Etc um so if anybody would like to join us um wissow 8 am only for an hour two or three something like that you know or then be want to just do half an hour and go that's fine too but we'll start at 8 am on uh September 21st so you're more than welcome to join us for that as well some of the things we're looking at for the future um they they've been talking for a long time about a drum drum circle um they have somebody that's um willing to come up and and do that maybe over Waterfront Park so some kind of fun little events that we're looking at doing and um I don't have a date on that but that's in the works so keep your ears open and we'll come back with you that's it thank you you want to say anything about the meeting yesterday or meeting that out too yes thank you went to the coastal resilience committee yesterday um all residents um and myself a lot of a lot of good information um Mr Rose was there as well who's been um very active in um not only the county but I think the state as well with with helping with that so we look forward to looking forward with that and restoring the coastline whatever that takes and we'll move forward so there'll be a lot of good information coming forward about that too that was just our organizational meeting yesterday so and I have a question somebody said they went to watch that live and it wasn't out there is that are we taping those it was out there now she watch it okay yeah I and I didn't check I just they said that they tried to watch it they might have got on too early or something before it started or whatever but I thought it it is on YouTube okay so really all our board and commit just so folks know except for except for CAC or online you can go out watch them at your leion um and then I sit actually chair the uh Centennial committee and so just a couple things there to remind folks and you should see it on the website so we've got we've narrowed down to the five uh logos and we've got some really nice logos out there and so we put that out for people to to vote on U and then we'll take those those votes and whatever one gathers the most votes that will be what our logo ends up being and of course BR to counsel but um that's that's kind of the plan is you know get the votes out there see which one of the people like the best and we'll move forward with that the other thing is that we have is uh we have a preliminary list of events that we've kind of proposed that lead up to this we're going to do a 100 days of um centeno so we're going to start off kicking off the with some event and we'll have events scattered throughout those 100 days and then that last week of the and um at the end we'll have uh the whole week worth of events several different things but those events are out there um it's not exhaustive um this is kind of stuff we brain storing as committee lots of good stuff out there so if if we get public comment on that say Hey I don't I don't like this event or I don't see this out here here's an idea um we want to bring that back I think it's till the 16th is that right s yeah that's both the logos and the events right yes we're going to close everything on the 16 so then we can obviously discuss it on 17 so the goal is take all the feedback we got from the public on on the 16 till 16th and we'll discuss that in committee meeting and we'll make some decisions going forward that next committee meeting obviously we'll look at the events and um kind of fed out what we think is going to work best in in our timeline and kind of put a timeline together and as we go along we'll we'll let the public know about kind of what we're thinking as well that's all I have from Centennial any other board committees everything okay moving right along to the consent agenda for a motion moot motion to approve the consent agenda second I have a motion second any further discussion comment hands I bring back for a vote all in favor signify by saying I I oppos motion carries next up item number three Council business appointment of members to boards and committees the Centennial committee I pass it to Mr CER introduction currently has six members with three vacancies Kim lucari Debbie Robinson and Janet applefield have submitted their request to be appointed to committee either by email or in person okay and we on the the committee approve that to come to council the the only caveat I want to let everybody know is is that we open this board up to non-residents um of the the three that are being considered here all non-residents um we've had no other people sign up and we've got three spots left on the committee obviously we've got a lot of work to do and we need folks to to do that so the board recommended the committee recommended that we approve these three so you guys are okay with that take a motion residents are not they're Port Pasco County residents then I guess and just to be clear so obviously Cam and Janet and um they very close to the City Line they've been involved in the city for a long time so while they're not technically City residents they're the next best thing probably motion to approve them for the Centennial board motion second for discussion anyone public comment bring back for a vote all in favor signify by saying I I opposed motion carries welcome sorry I forgot your name going on I won't forget it again uh item number four discussion to schedule fiscal year 2425 corly town hall meeting dates I'll pass Mr CER for introduction um we're trying to uh be organized this year by putting out what the uh dates are for the upcoming town halls and you have for you is those dates and we like motion yeah and so those look like they're the first Tuesday today which is our off cycle council meeting so I think I think that schedule works out great motion to approve Town Hall meetings for 2025 motion second further discussion anyone public on comment bring back for a vote all in favor Cy by saying I iOS motion carries number five mou PSO operation stone garden I'll pass that to Mr for Police Department is a participating friendly force in the Pasco Sheriff's Office operation stone garden program memorandum of understanding is required outlining the Pasco Sheriff's Office is recipient implementing agency of operation stone garden border security Grant Ro 545 through the Florida Division of bcy management P Richie Police Department along with Newport Richie e Hills D City police departments participates in operational missions in various locations throughout Pasco County and uh just real quick I if Robinson wants to comment any more on on this good okay I I did notice there was a couple sections that were highlighted on the packet I didn't know if that had any significance or not so those those I believe are the changes that were made to it by soed yeah got and then the only uh not concern but I just wanted to draw attention to it's item five fiscal number or letter b and three participants will send all invoice to documentation required for reimburse within 45 days of an operation to the P Sheriff's Office and it goes on and say in the event of invoice AC are not sent within 45 days operation um municipality weighs its request for reimbursement so I'm assuming we're going to stay on top of that with that any other disc and our motion motion to approve um mic on oh yeah I can start open that nobody heard that first part nobody heard that motion to approve theou operation stone garden second day so motion second further discussion anyone public I comment see have to bring back for a vote all in fav signify by saying I I I opposed motion carries item number six purchase request to epoxy line the Grand Boulevard us9 lift station and the Pine Hill lift station I pass it Mr CER for introduction Public Work utility director Dar Rose is requesting authorization to Reign the Grand Boulevard and US 19 famous state lift station and the Pine Hill lift station Stations will be epoxy CED to address the issues of failing walls holes and storm water infiltration restoration protective Solutions perform the work for for the lift station the city will be piggybacking on a contract from the City of Cape Coral contract number B 2092 MC to make this purchase and from a monetary standpoint uh as you know we went through the budget process uh for next year but the current year we have budgeted in Utility Fund uh lift station improvements of $90,000 uh this will course first uh estimated the two projects at 29 or EXC me $ 49,28318 in the account also saying that we are in the process of making a purchase for a pump that I believe you'll see as well um so that'll further reduce that number you have anything you want to add to that or okay open up for motion or discussion one quick question question have we utilized any of these epoxy coatings in any of our uh lift stations yet to date hey darl go go yeah yeah um olner has it we just rehabed that last year so that's got the epoxy lining in it um and we did what was the other one s that you guys did last year before I got here but it seems chap Oz and Chapel it seems to be working out yeah so the the result these epoxy coatings they have a 50-year warranty that come with them okay I'm good yeah they they have to do a spark testing which is a millimeter testing on it to make sure the thickness is right and it's they're good [Music] so make a motion I'll make a motion to proceed with the epoxy on the lift station there at 19 and Grand and inal as well I second motion second for discussion public comment s hands I bring it back for a vote all in favor 65 by saying I I I opposed motion carries thanks darl uh next up item number seven purchase request of vehicles for utilities of Public Works departments I'll pass that to Mr ca for introduction darl prob should just stay there public works utility director J Rose requesting purchase of two trucks one F-150 crew crew cab 4x4 and one F250 crew cab 4x4 the vehicles will be allocated by again piggybacking the forign sheriff Association FSA 22- v3.0 and we purchased through Bozard Ford for a base price of 53,486 and 6,952 for the F250 as highlighted on the following page Boer for has confirmed the price the quote was received on August 12th 2024 the new vehicles were placed two older vehicles currently in the and I don't know if you would like to say anything else this is your opportunity so one of the trucks truck is a 2012 F-150 with 90 around 990,000 miles on it um it's got a lift gate they used it for Lift Station stuff like that um the bed's kind of rusty on a little bit but it's just coming its time with age and miles and truck 313 got a blown motor and it's a 2015 um and there's a quote in there I think it's almost around $11,000 to fix it um F250 is going to be used to assist also with pulling some Machinery around cu the utility bodies and stuff that we have now they just can't do it so we just got to use the dump truck the dump truck's tied up I got to pull the dump truck off in order to pull another piece of equipment around that's what the F250 is for and then the F-150 is just a standard truck for for to replace that one the other F150 that on that 250 it has like the the I guess boxes around it the no this one so we are um the two we are giv back to the utilities guys have the boxes on them these are just going to be standard standard trucks I didn't know if you move those over that's it's part of the truck different configuration what we've have I guess right correct yeah um open up for motion or discussion the only thing I was was thinking about obviously is um I know we just purchased for the billing department bli official that I think it's a F1 15 150 it's 150 they purchased a Dodge R A do okay um obviously depending on what we end up doing from a a longterm perspective where we actually hire somebody or keep a contractor relationship that vehicle's ready I don't know if that vehicle would be something that you could use in the interim until we figure out what we're going to do with that because obviously if we end up with a contractual relationship with a building official we may or not need that truck and you know it's a brand new vehicle so that that's the only thing that a little bit of concern to me what happens with that so what happened to the blown motor with 53,000 is there a Paul Harvey on there so that happened I guess last year before I got here and it was sitting at farmeries for the longest time and they were having trouble getting parts for it um also with the computer chip and farmeries did a um a thing on and that's when they determined the motor and the chip was bad in it so they sat at Farmers for a while a [Music] while and then these the two the two trucks you're repl and will go where utilities okay and public works we'll give one to Public Works want will be for utilities so we're we still going to repair the low motor I guess is that no that would be the one we' Surplus okay and then the 150 what's going on with it it's just high mileage and age are we going to get rid of it as well it would be Surplus correct we've got an exit plan for both of those Vehicles yeah they're going to both be Surplus motion to approve the two vehicles for utilities department go ahead and say what they are second motion second forther discussion anyone public a comment see Hands I bring it back for a vote all in favor 65 by saying I I oppose motion carries thank you guys [Music] thanks and last up is old business is there any discussion old business um you had something you want talk about the speed bumps I was just wondering where they're at Stats um I saw in the comments going to be a study something now we're still talking about that is that kind of talking about it um I and like I said I defer as city manager but um one of the recommendations from Newport Richie was when they installed their speed bumps they had a traffic study done before doing that um and we were talking about doing the same so that's that's where we're at right now um we've we've been going back for to Pesco County about maintenance of the road um there there it's kind of it's kind of a touchy subject because some of the people that we've talked to have said that it's County Road some of the people have said that it's it's our responsibility uh the majority of them have said that it's ours but they also have touched on the fact that we should have some sort of traffic study or something done for installing some sort of you know speed bump or anything else traffic calming device how much is a traffic study going to cost I have not yet started research on that so I know we we we kind of said go ahead with what those positions were I mean I'm all about doing a traffic study if that's really something we need but I don't really just throw money something to come back say he you put them here and it's the same place we picked them but well I think the the what the traffic study will do is not so much say that that that's where they should go it's going to be warranting the fact that they're needed because the the concern is if you put them in and there's an accent related to them and you don't have something that supports why you put them there you're you're going to lose money and and that's been kind of you know we go back and forth because we know the council definitely wants to do this and has given us the authorization to do it but there's also that liability standpoint that we we need to do that just to cover the city's uh risk so risk mitigation yeah and we have no idea it it's probably going to be somewhere in the 10 to$ 15,000 range hopefully less than that um I I've done similar type of uh in the past that's usually the range they they fall in so let me ask a question uh we didn't do a traffic study on Old Post but that doesn't interfere with the driving on the road yeah could we put the same kind of device in fact we have an extra one right now could we put that there to see if that actually helps and maybe mitigate the speed bumps if that actually solves the problem I think the cost on the speed bumps was eight grand for to for both of them the studies 15 that some point it doesn't make sense right um well that's so in the signs I think they're they were four grand a piece as well right little what's that a little over four yeah yeah so speed bumper sign about the same cost but you don't have to worry about interfering with traffic right and if it achieves the result I mean we could validate that because these are devices that monitor or give us a report back whether speed is being caled I guess right I mean the reason that we the device actually measures something right the sign does corre yes Reas well not well that's not where people are speaking no I'm talking about the new signs that we bought on put there right but this is a physical sign that is mounted in the ground so speed would be a permanent sign shows your speed and encourage you to slow down right I mean the reason we looked at speed bumps obviously because speed bumps are already on Grand makes somewhat sense to just continue those but obviously if it's going to be cost prohibitive to do that maybe a sign would would be better again I don't know we can always play with it to see I ask ncy what is your recommendation legal wise uh whether we not traffic study or not you always want the protection to support what you do would be your get trff stud the study would be the wisest if you go do speed bups yeah right you've hit the nail on the head the the signs on the side that collect data that show people what they're doing that's no risk at all they're not going to their is not go that's you know that's not to be an issue I mean off the road which is their own issue it's very different can we see how the two do an Old Post give it a month or so and just because we'll get will we be able to get data Chief you know on those signs or whoever I know because that was one of the questions I asked does it collect data I was told yes who's going to to this then I'll I'll Public Works install the signs but I'll talk with darl tomorrow about how we can go ahead and collect the information and how that goes um we have some we have some literature and information on how to do it but I'll go ahead okay so is that that's not something you part of I guess just to clarify saying we did not the P didn't order the size but we can collect the data okay good collect thata on other other assume the speed would be some function right yeah one of the traffic one of the traffic Trails collects data the other one doesn't that Incognito device might be beneficial to set it up beyond that uh speed sign on Old Post to see to see if uh it's calming the traffic in the location that is sitting so potentially um we could do the same thing with the other sign on Grand and see if that is effective I always like to see data that supports the decision and if it doesn't then wasting our time and money all the speeds speeds but if the device doesn't work that's what I'm saying right and I agree I I think if we could collect the data because Washington is is is a is a main state for that's a straight line that that's they're speeding up and down Washington all the time so I mean there are many streets within the city that we've already established that were ahead of grand but that could also benefit so if we collect the data from old poost which we know is also a speeding um mega and we establish that yes these signs are working then we should just kind of like do all the streaks that are really you know traffic ISS Grand Washington and go and and bay maybe and put them and do it all at once and attack it all at once as opposed to we'll see if it works maybe it doesn't then spend $10,000 on two signs that don't work well to that point maybe they I hope they do well to that point if this to say we did move ahead on we just found cost going double possibly triple that paid for a lot of extra signs so absolutely we would actually get more coverage if we want the sign if theid the sides are effective right exactly because I'm doubtful that the signs will be effective eventually we have a sign over on Washington now speed yeah has that helped over there think so it helps when they see it dangerous because it do reason on on on uh Grand is because not just because uh they're coming off 19 but it winds around and there's a lot of pedestrians a lot of golf carts a lot of bicycles El scooters and it's very dangerous people so many close calls over there as it is and why it's essential to have that over there Washington is very dangerous don't have many bicycles C carts over there but one is straight like he said one is straight you put a stop sign that new fourway you have there that new subdivision the keys you put a stop sign on Washington there that would slow that down well there is sidewalk going all the way down Washington too there's all the way from where Port Richie starts there's a sidewalk from where Port Richie goes back towards Massachusetts there is stocks there so even though that's not Port Richie I mean I'd still hate to have get killed on that side of the sign if we're going to tie our cities together Newport Richie and Port Richie that's going to be a major thare for a lot of people carts and you need slow cars down signs won't do it yeah I want to also point out that we are getting ready to have the kickoff for the all traffic studies that we're going to be doing and one of the things that will come out of this is looking at each of those streets and coming up with ways to make them safer so I think before we get get plans to do a lot of stuff on all our streets we should get that that study completed that will blend us to you know taking the proper proper uh traffic cling how long will that study take uh approximately should I mean originally if they started in um July it was going to be March so we're starting now in September so probably look in May but again it can be sped up a little bit I think so we're having a kickoff meeting Thursday so they're doing studies now so they're gonna be doing a more broader study may may not get down to that she saying they will be making some recommendations on the different Traffic Solutions for the different roads and may be very beneficial towards that but I don't know if it's going to be at the level that you know what new done their other same would it would it not be I I would think that they're doing that study and they're looking at gr Boulevard that has speed bumps already it's possible think they may come back with a recommendation that those continue part that safe Street I don't know if they right I it very well could I mean that's that's I know one of the things that as we were interviewing the different uh firms for this we ask about the concept of speed bups and how they viewed it what their thoughts were and you know to a to a company they they all said well you know it depends there's you know you can't just say that because it works on one street it's going to work on another Street you have to take in everything that's happening on that street very well very well could be they come back and say that's not an effective traffic cing solution for Grand they say something else right so I mean it's just hard to tell right now until they start getting in looking anything else on Old business um last thing I had that highlight SE see Street Paving we got this punch out list that's working I guess where we at with that and I no I think they still have their pylons and stuff there back there by the Walmart pick up I don't know what's last thing forever we've talked to them several times to pick up their equipment um they obviously finally got the signs off of Ridge Road and 19 um the um so that they're aware of their equipment having to get it uh they have to do Wells court again they're fully aware of that um so we don't want to close that item out we have not yet paid them they're going to repave that they actually just sent us an email I believe earlier today um that they still have that plan to redo and they understand that what was wrong with it so they're going to redo that so anything on the lines the arrows they were gonna thought they said were gonna paint those in because they're like bashed they're different from I didn't know about that was that something we wanted to address the arrows so when I spoke they said the striping company that's just the stencils that they used that's just the stencils that they use that company that they use I mean it's not a big deal it's just different than anything you know that's only I've seen so it's a big deal but yeah it's a three-piece Arrow um but pretty much all the manholes are cleaned up everything going they're great yeah Walmart that's God saying and and bouevard yeah and I asked him about the storm box in the middle of of the intersection there at Richie and Wilkins um they can't really do anything about it because if they get too close then they are worried about damage in the structure with it so okay thanks okay that's all I got for motion motion to adjourn second motion second all in favor say5 say I being Jour take five minutes