call order city council meeting Tuesday February 13 2024 to Father God we just come to you in the precious name of Jesus and we ask for wisdom and counsel as the council and the board members come together and make decisions to better the citizens in the city so we thank you for each department here how they're working together we thank you for the new people that's come on board uh Bill uh you know and those that left you know we we keep them in our prayers as well and wish them well uh we thank you for Cherokee and Dave Mueller being on the team and we just continue to seek you so I ask for wisdom and guidance for everything that's going to be brought up tonight and as they make decision as a team that things will be done good decent in order in Jesus name amen flag United States of America the stands na [Music] indice take roll please Mayor John Eric coer here vice mayor Linda Rodriguez here councilman Tom canella here councilwoman Cherokee Samson here councilman David Mueller let the record show that councilman David Mueller is absent from tonight's meeting City attorney Nancy Meyer here city manager Matthew coppler here thank you first up is was approve Council minutes um I do have there's two sets tonight I we probably do the first one the 116 First I get a a change on the the 23rd one potentially so look for a motion for the January 16th motion approve January 16 second first motion second all in favor 65 say I I opposed motion carries on the 23rd minutes get to [Music] here there was a talk about the board and committee members it was a worded in correctly I believe where's my highlight there's a when we talked about council members being on uh committees be a quorum the thing in there said it was uh it could be on a board and committee but council members can't be on a board understanding right I don't remember what I said I'll have to look it up again I know it was only it was one not both yeah that's to the I highlighted it oh okay I go down for sorry it is on page 32 says after item six was concluded the council returned to item four and stated that one or more council members can be on a board or committee if they do not make up a majority so let need to strike board that's the only change I saw so motion to approve those with that change motion to approve With The Changes motion second motion second all in favor by saying I I I I oppose motion carries okay next up comment from General Public I do have one signed up Danny Fields welcome my name is Danny fields and my address is uh little kid 8114 yeah there's a couple of things I would like to uh bring up to you guys' attention uh I did have asle uh leave some flyers with you uh talking about somebody cares Pascal County the year of our calendar so we have all the events so you have that you're welcome to come to this anytime this is where the faith Bas church and businesses and people come together for the better of uh the federal state and local government and the people uh so and we start that at the Oasis tomorrow kicking it off all the way to uh Easter and the address there is 9213 Little Road and that's in Newport Richie and uh ZIP code there is 34654 so uh as you see we we do pray the 7 mountains influence as well we got a booklet that we made up with somebody cares we pray for the church the government the education arts and entertainment family business and uh the media and we work in every one of them Arenas as well even like with Joy FM put on stuff like that work together with the local uh police fire department government just uh being a resource to help in disasters or anything that might arise that we could be a part of that uh keeps everything under the law uh with with the you know with the government with Nancy and stuff like that as we've addressed some things that how could we help and what we're allowed to do what we're allow not allowed to do and stuff like that but the main thing is uh um it says in 1 Timothy 2:1 therefore that prayers and supplication would be made for all people in Authority because see when you make Counsel on these things it matters first to God and uh and to the people because you know that's a lot on your shoulders so as as a Christian as a leader a lot of that's off of my shoulders because I put it on God's shoulders but I could come and partner with you and and talk about the things we need we do got events coming up that I'm going to try to get more of the churches involved here at the meetings and stuff like that especially with a lot of topics that'll be coming up so we could continue to work together and you could hear all the citizens on every every part that lives here that works here plays here lives here do all these different things but uh we end up in the Waterfront Park and that's oost Road and uh that's going to be on a Saturday March the 30th uh at 10 a.m. to 12 and uh for those on that would see this online that's 8119 oost Road Port Richie Florida there and we're going to have live music games painting uh the police department will be there fire department and we'll tell the story about Jesus so I hope to see you there blessings in Jesus name amen thank D that's all I signed up by show [Music] Pat Rogers 4838 Sunset Boulevard I just have a little request and it's a safety issue there's a palm tree at the corner of Lorenzen and Washington and when he pull I pull up the stop sign I want to make the left turn onto Washington and I have to actually get out into the road to see if anybody's coming because of palm frons are sticking in the way just a minor thing but we'd appreciate it if it was [Music] fixed anyone else see move on comments from the city manager turn it over to M ca for his comments thank you very much good evening everyone um on February 8th 20124 the comprehensive land use plan committee held its first meeting in addition to talking about the role the the CU cupc in the comprehensive land use Plan update process the committee discussed the process seek input public input on potential for revisions related to The Waterfront overlay District in attendance was Tammy Verana from Baran Consulting to discuss the options for Gather gathering this public input as well as discuss the steps necessary to successfully update the city's plan the committee also discussed the necessary updates of plan to comply with the recent evaluation of appraisal process next meeting scheduled for February 29th 2024 on February 15 2024 6: pm here in the council chambers the city will be hosting the uh PT Richie community redevelopment agency Plan update meeting this event is scheduled to gather feedback and public input on potential community redevelopment agency projects and priorities that uh the CRA should focus on in the next several years attendees were participate in several activities to help generate ideas that will be incorporated into the Plan update all residents of the city are encouraged to attend Pasco County uh recently reached out to me to ask for a letter of support for their efforts in seeking funding through the bridge investment program grant for Grand Boulevard Bridge replacement in Newport Richie The Bridge located in the southern section of Newport Richie on grandv large spans the the Cody River they need this Le letter by the end of this week if there isn't any issue that I like to submit to them a a letter supporting their efforts like consensus we okay with Prov support would be two uh it' be before Pasco County to the uh State's Bridge investment program Grant this is support includ a check from us no okay they just yeah they just want a letter say just vocal support I give a piece of paper presid on it no that those just the letter takes a you know probably 10 minutes of my time to put the letter together good thank you uh the Cody River Landing water main and restoration project is officially out the bed proposals are due on February 28th will be open to 3:30 p.m that day in council chambers it's anticipated that the results of the bid process will come to the city council at either the first second meeting in March depending upon the necessary review for the submitted proposals the grant coordinator last week submitted a revised Grant proposal T-Mobile seeking funds to undertake the installation of sun shades at Waterfront Park the city is seeking funding $42,000 to install the shade structure for the playground in said Waterfront Park we finally have uh all the necessary quotes for the final design and Engineering necessary for the us19 and Grand Boulevard intersection golf cart Crossing three quotes range from $ 49,8 up to $80,500 uh we'll be bringing the recommendations to council at the next meeting for your approval uh Pasco County has notified City that the Federal Emergency Management agency FEMA has approved the D transfer for 5219 Miller Bayou from Pasco County to the city of for Rich this is the partial land across the street from oler Park County indicated that an updated sale and purchase agreement would need to be signed and uh I saw that we actually received these uh updated sale and purchase agreement so I'll be giving it to the City attorney for her review and I hope we'll have it on the next meeting so we could facilitate getting that uh deed into the hands of the city as soon as possible there's a lot I apologize based upon Council feedback at the last meeting staff sent out surveys to the residents of blueo um to the to resident seeking their whether the small landscaped area in the call dis act should be removed we sent out 19 surveys to the residents of blueo of those responding 15 are okay with removal and only three wish to keep follow notice was provided to the residents letting them know we'd be speaking to council about this subject tonight fa on their resp I would recommend the removal of the landscape feature so there's no sensus we go with than that can I get out we will get right on that um Public Works is nearing the completion of the sprucing up of wissow Park uh the final detail will be the replacement of the four dolphins in the fountain staff was able to locate identical replacement dolphins and place the order Public Works is moved on is nearly complete with cleanup of olner Park which should be open tomorrow should be open tomorrow so I think they've been doing a really good job of of getting those Parks cleaned up I know we've gotten a lot of good feedback from residents about how pleased they were with that following up on the update last week regarding the restroom facility at Brasher Park staff has received a quote for a structural engineer to review the building to ensure it's structurally sound and what work would need to be done to Ure the structural Integrity of the building this review will be complete as quickly as possible so we can get it open as soon as possible um we are still waiting next you have one more uh potential quote to come in and we will then um be able to get that going as quick as possible and that is my report for this evening thank Sir with that I'll come back to the uh comments for the mayor and city council start with councilman can coule things Mr manager um one of the things I was looking on the and I know it's I'm a broken record you've heard it but uh our website the calendar the events uh unless I have a very very old website uh I don't see any of these meetings on there I looked at uh the meeting coming up on Thursday it wasn't there I looked at the meeting for a week from today I didn't see it on on there um I'm an old guy with an old computer I could have an old version I don't know but I didn't see any dates and I'm looking at upcoming meetings uh I don't recall seeing any of these on there as well yeah you're correct they're some missing but I do know that uh watching the the uh club meeting that was held one of the things they're talking about is is getting out there getting the input from the citizens getting them to come to see us and if we can't communicate properly or we can't get that communication out we're not going to get anybody to come and give us our input so I'm hoping that we could really jump on this to get that communication piece out there and really because I do know when we start talking about the uh the Waterfront overlay District wanting the public input we need their input and historically we will have three four people here and I I I'm hoping that we don't have that and we can really go forward um talking about the Winslow Park the Dolphins um I don't know if we should comment on that but my recommendation get rid of the do I'm looking at the cost Factor just put one Fountain out in the center you know Let it Blow Pretty Water High uh but anytime one breaks trying to replace it I think there's more cost involved in that and we don't need Dolphins there really don't maybe just a load of fountain in the center keep it cheap keep it inexpensive and you know moving forward uh my my suggestion on that I just can't see I think I think they're fixed I think the offs are fixed haven't been sold yet I know he I believe he's already ordered them yeah yeah yeah they've already been paid so he setting up a time to install them so how much are they about 10 15,000 each 3 399 wasn't it I think 399 I don't know that number of but it wasn't it wasn't wasn't that yeah like $600 in for them okay I me you've already moved I just can't see spending the money next time next one breaks the citizens are going to be complaining that three are working two are working the others aren't and but you know what you have one found in the center keeps everybody happy just my suggestion on that that's all that's all I have thank you thanks sir vice mayor what time is the um next meeting for the comprehensive land use the date is the 29th but there's no time there Sor it's 3 p.m. four o' oh four o' we that one's four and what is the update for the audio for YouTube that people cannot hear us oh well or they it's horrible still apparently is it the workshop now every anytime we're using these people that are watching on TV here sporadically um I know I've tried to watch you know I've only missed one but the one time I I tried to it's terrible or if you try to watch other meetings that microphone is fabulous anybody who talks there you could hear them very clearly back over here along this area it's it's sporadic I get complaints a lot from people that they try to watch the meetings and then they just turn them off halfway because they just can't I can't deal with it to be honest with you I try I I suffer through but it's suffering because you can't hear all the time so if we can continue to look into that did that do you comment on that or we will look into that find it the solution I know I asked for a boom mic for me and what about the rest of us well all of us if yall want to get one but I was my thought was is if we tried that since I talk a lot obviously and we repositioned these maybe it'd be better but um I I'll for change them myself but we spent a lot of money on this system so I I would just I would really prefer definitive Direction because the quote for that one Blue mic alone came you know it's very expensive oh yeah it's nearing a thousand loone for that one yeah so um I would really like a definitive Direction because if we're gonna if we're going to change these out again that's fine I you know it's just more money that we're putting into this system looking at these we all have to share if there was a microphone individually with I'm wondering I'm not the expert I'm wondering would that help can can you watch the can you watch it on TV and and have you watched it and can you I do my minutes minutes off it every time so we do watch it and it's but is it off the computer or is it off the TV no no no through through the internet I use I use YouTube because it has captions as well so I don't I don't use I don't do my minutes through box cast which is streaming through um YouTube I do my minutes through YouTube is there hly we we just recently did that is there an option we reach out to that company and see if they're willing to swap these out or something to see if there's just the amount of trouble we've had with it let let me go home and watch tonight's meeting and and we'll we'll address it again next speake okay let's do that can we we'll just do that we'll address it one more time I'll go listen to it y'all can listen to it as well and um we can come up with a consensus and go from that sty is that okay that's fine okay I know the workshop I know I did get word on the workshop that it was hard but well that was a different scenario yeah we yeah that was different scenario so let's let's watch it to I'll watch today's if everybody could and then we can go from there and then come up with another suggestion next meeting okay thank you Council woman s who who's in control of the social media for the city who's the person to talk to for that s s now okay cool um and I noticed that you've been posting out there like events and stuff um do you have like a social media plan in place no we don't have a specific plan um it's just you know as other ities reach out to us you know Council general public um Pasco County will release certain things that are going on uh Newport Richie will have an event go ahead and just you know forward those and post those accordingly okay um have you ever considered getting a plan in place for social media uh absolutely I'd be more than happy to have any type of direction or organization you know if Council you know decides that they want certain things posted or a certain direction to go in you know that we' be wen't happy to to go in that that's not an issue okay awesome that's okay um I just a couple things um I went to Tallahassee at the end of January to advocate for our three um Appropriations that we had there I met with Hooper and and jger on those um I don't have a status of those yet but hopefully they'll make it through the process obviously it's a long process and has to ultimately get signed by the governor so we've got two of them are one was 2 million another was about almost 2 million and 125,000 I think so you know several million dollars there that potentially come our way so hopefully that uh that will uh work out what would they be for Eric there was a first one was uh first one that we submitted was a water tank for the water and admin building right right yeah so it's I think we're seeking 1.8 million from the state on that and our share would be 200,000 for it um again we' be upgrading the the water tank from the current size up to a million gallons which is very important for future growth as well as um maintaining the current level of portable water for the the residents another one was looking at the uh upgrades I think to our sanitary sewer lift stations um again most of them are at that age where we need to be doing some major updates to them as as well as look at I think the uh the uh emergency generators I'm not mistaken right that all part of that and then the last was on for some storm water improvements I don't know if that was pump stations or uh that was for the the uh the pipe sizes that we have through the city change them out and set them according to Cod thank you so so all three of those were submitted to Hooper's office by the timeline uh we only got the uh the water when with the admin building to Jagger's office so he only got the one but they're all up there we'll see how it turns out okay thank you and as obviously there's some legislation being bounced around that could affect us um one of note is the um the ability to sech charge 25% of the water customers outside the city limits they're looking at taking that away um so there's a few things going on um anyway uh the next thing I want to bring up is um oh actually going back to the calendar uh comment is there a way on there once we put those people can subscribe to that calendar to where it actually pulls into their calendars I don't think that ability is there I don't if if it we had the ability just isn't implemented or not but that I would actually like to have that myself it's there it's at the bottom right there subscribe to calendar okay see look out there um and along the same lines at least for the council members when you guys when you put that out if you could send a calendar invit our email so we just accept it in there course it be easier for keep track of that um on code reviews I know we talked briefly about originally sent that to Planning and Zoning for all the code be reviewed there and then come back um we we had a subsequent conversation after that about possibly bringing those code reviews back here and only putting ones that actually need Planning and Zoning review to Planning and Zoning but we actually review the the ones that really don't need Planning and Zoning involvement and specifically um the boat rental code um I was reached out to again obviously boating season is starting to ramp up and it was concerned about uh that operation going on down there at the waterfront so I want to see if it we can get that on agenda at least that one to to review and see if we want to put any changes together for that why are we not take getting it the normal channels why are we skipping a I I think it's necessary normal channels for planning and Z planning zoning can do it but I don't I I thought that was our that was our process that was if it's a if it's a Planning and Zoning code it needs to go to Planning and Zoning first right before it comes here anything else at one point the the consensus was from the council to send things to planning and zoning and just kind of direct them start looking at some code Provisions okay but then you guys kind of pulled that back um I don't know exactly which provision you're talking about so I don't know if it's a one that needs to go to Planning and Zoning first or not jet skis that that's what started that discuss that's already going to Planning and Zoning right it's a a broader conversation because there's some boats that are being rented here that don't conform to what that code says right and but that's the um WD provision that's going to Planning and Zoning in March isn't it going to Planning and Zoning no I thought it was well I think that's what's been discussed straight now okay he's asking not to do that process that's what I'm asking why are we not if it's a plan zoning code provision it needs to go to them first is that that that's for your rules okay well that's fine in general though there are some that don't that call anything that's not planning and zoning can go here or whever you direct it so since that's a Hot Topic is that on the next Planning and Zoning meetings agenda uh it will be that one okay if we can get that one on the next one because I said that's there's some concern around that one and then in general obviously we we had talked about possibly bringing back the ones that don't need to go to Planning and Zoning because OB we're loading planning and zoning up with a lot of stuff and and um really someone that doesn't need to go through them and that's fine it's just we have a process we need to stick we can't start altering our process picking and choosing because then we're gonna be accused of favoritism to some person and you know so we need to follow our process as and and follow is is and that's what the question is is our process that everything goes Planning and Zoning even stuff that doesn't necessarily need to right or do we decide we we're going to divide that up only Planning and Zoning related uh codes need to go there the rest of them we can review here that's the question we've already discussed that and she's take code but there's there's aor of them out there right so just make sure all on the same page I don't know what happened in the past obviously yeah since I've been here there was a conversation to ask Planning and Zoning for the direction of council which is allowed per the code to quote review the code not really any direction any specific code Provisions any certain section so that process began it kind of got pulled back and I can't remember the exact conversation but through one conversation here that was kind of put on on hold for a little bit to kind of figure out if that's the process you want to go through because that does take time it takes a lot of time um and they're trying really hard but they're not giving any any real direction of what code Provisions need to be looked at so they're just kind of picking ones um so they need some more guidance if that if that's the way you want to continue in my opinion to help them know what they're looking at and and why why they're looking at it um perhaps um so it's really up to how you guys want to proceed if it is Planning and Zoning it does need to go to them um if it's not planning and zoning there's no mandate that it go anywhere in particular it can start here it can start with you asking me to look at it it could start with you asking planning and zoning and look at it it's really up to what you want to do with the non-planning and Zoning code Provisions very good thank you hope that helps yeah no OB we've got several and that you guys kind of came up with and I want if maybe Maybe by next meeting we can look at those and say these come back and then we look at either we have a special meeting to address them or we can put them on our agenda going forward I'm open for suggestions obiously but many many of what they looked at I'm remembering without my notes in front of me they suggested no changes which is why they didn't come back here um ones that they suggested changes to we have I think one ton night that they had suggested changes to and that they're going to talk about um but I have to look at my notes more thoroughly I think the rest of them were let's talk about it again next time let's talk about it again next time so a lot of them been punted um for more information more conversation so um the ones they've looked at have either been a Rec don't don't want to do anything or they've been given some recommendations they've asked to continue a conversation so I don't know if that helps yeah thank you okay um and last thing I just I may have mention this last time I can't remember but the uh regarding the py Chamber of Commerce that their website is up businesses can go out and join that um and uh grand opening is scheduled for uh March 1st at 4:30 4:30 starts so um just make you allw that uh that being said uh it's all had so move to the consent agenda for motion M approve the consent agenda second motion second actually I skip I'll come back and board commit I apologize um motion second any further discussion any comments from General Public say I move to vote all in favor saying I I oppose motion carries going back to comments from Boards of committees there any comments from the boards committees I do um the 21st next Wednesday is meet your neighbor at Alex's 5:30 um so come on out she always puts out a good spread Mama does so come on out okay we'll move [Music] on okay first up Council business number three public hearing of the revised keys of Cody River plat my understanding that we're postponing that so I need a motion to table motion to table motion second any further discussion anyone for the public like to speak see has put a vote all in favor I say I I I oppose Mo carries uh next up item number four second reading of ordinance number 24694 calling for a special election on April 9th 2024 to fill a vacancy on Cate Council I pass it to Mr C for introduction yes this uh ordinance Amendment or ordinance calls for the special election to fill the uh one seat that uh is not up for reelection in April which was Mr columbos so approving this will'll put his seat up for uh a special election I will me to read read the board yeah ordinance number 24694 an ordinance of the city of Port Richie Florida calling for a special election on April 9th 2024 for the purpose of filling a vacancy from the city council identifying that the April 9 2020 for special election will be conducted by Pasco County Supervisor of Elections providing for a repeal of ordinances or parts of ordinances in Conflict here withth to the extent of such conflict and providing for an effective date motion to approve the um ordinance number 24 694 special election motion second motion second further discussion anyone from the public like to speak s hands for the vote all in favor 65 saying I I oppos motion carries next up have number five first reading of ordinance number 24695 amending section 12747 of article 3 of chapter 127 of the city of pory code to allow for recreational recreational vehicle parks in the agricultural zoning District I'll pass it over to Mr CER for introduction so this is actually the first of three changes to our codes related to allowing for an RV park to be built within the AG agricultural zoning District A1 um this one merely allows it to be um a a use within that District I'll read yeah go ahead or number 24695 an ordinance of the city of Port Richie Florida amending section 12747 of article 3 of chapter 127 of the city of Port Richie code of ordinances to allow for recreational vehicle parks in the agricultural zoning District providing for separability providing for codification and providing for an effective date um I'll open I hi a couple things here ask about um on page 60 um which is number letter C actually number eight Rec recreational vehicle part sub requirement section 12758 says vehicle park is Recreation fic Park is not subject to subsection D through J of this section um my question is should that include c as well because if you roll down to the actual 127 58 specifies that there are no special exception uses for as well I don't know if that's needs to stated here as well or [Music] so yeah so it says J didn't fly but see here special exception uses which if you go down to the actual 12758 it states in item c special exception uses no special exception uses shall be permitted within P PUD zoning [Music] District this is on the next yeah go to the next [Music] sorry your question is should on the First on ORD 24695 um I don't think so this the C in ordinates 24695 is noting what special except special exceptions are allowed at a RV Park is not a special exception that's allowed make sense okay yeah and then obviously the other provision says no special exceptions right so it's not per ordinance 24695 the special exception uses that are allowed in subsection C does not include the RV park so it doesn't apply Park and then I had also the D where it says accessory uses that does that is Exempted in number [Music] eight includes right but then you roll down to that other one it states [Music] uh accessory uses permitted within P we set Force within section [Music] 1792 the same provision on the next ordinance okay so we're good it's consistent when you have to go back that's why it's good to look at that because sometimes we know we miss numbers those okay this will make sure good okay that's all I had any other first discussion on that I I have a couple questions because I talk to people because I'm not 100% familiar with all of this so um one of the questions someone asked me and I don't know the answer that's why I'm bringing it up so that we can get the answer um we're changing the zoning of the property to a PUD no no with within the A1 District this the first ordinance is just allowing Recreational Vehicle Parks subject to another provision that doesn't exist yet to be allowed in the A1 district is allowing the use for other right A1 District right if we were changing the Zoning for this specific property that would require notification of NE that there's other state law notifications different process so but within this city yes the code there's no provision in any zoning District to allow for RV park currently correct but the question that was posed to me that I don't know the answer to was normally it would be two different processes and if you were going to put an RV park in then you would have to notify neighbors that that there's other state laws that have to be done are we putting it in the A1 District so that we don't have have to do that you know what's the rationale for keeping it in the A1 as opposed to making it its own PUD I don't know that there is well okay that's two that's two different things and you might you might need to jump into to help out that it's two different so the A1 District that's allowed currently unless this passes right there's no recreational vehicle park allowed in A1 or anywhere else in the city okay um that question so that being said you can't just create a PUD allowing recreational vehicles own anywhere PUD takes you back to has to be allowable that Z District actual zoning to allow for it the Pud just encapsulates a set of rules for that specific so the A1 was selected to include this language because that has happens to be with the property is that this topic came up if someone wanted it in a different zoning District that could be the different conversation and it could be allowed in different zoning districts for example commercial property if somebody want to put recreational Feld parking commercial property even with this in place they could not because that UD and Commercial because commercial doesn't allow for recreation we can put it another A1 District another a A1 correct there was more A1 now does that still have to come back to approval for us or can anybody if we approve this can any A1 area within our city now put a PUD up or does that need to be approved it would go at as as it notes it it has to follow the requirements of what's going to become possibly section 127 8 which would be the Pud requirements which would bring them to the city to work that process through still need approval right it autom we can't pop up with 4,000 different RV parks and I think the other other reason why A1 District makes sense is the the land use around it I think is more accommodating for you know RV part some of our more commercial districts just you don't have the space that would you know facilitate that type of development as you said this is new to us we don't have one we've not gone over this before so there are questions so this is Justice I want to make sure that we do what we do is right for the entire city and that's what my questions come up so okay thank you yeah this and this PUD is specific to this particular A1 agriculture zoning so somebody else came in let's say we acquired another I think that's only A1 we have in the city anyway but it's say we we Annex and we we grab some more A1 Property at some point they can't just come in and that one to uses PUD for us that's specific to that property this is the only A1 we have in the in the city so anybody no hold on [Music] so L if you obtain more A1 Property and someone wants to build a recreational vehicle park on that property they would have to go through SE what may become section 12758 which is the Pud for RV parks and and go through that process with the city it would not be automatic yeah but we could we could deny that even though the zoning allows for it the Pug process did not work it's not so that's why you can see on number eight the new language specifically says recreational vehicle park subject to the requirements of section 127 d-58 we'll see in a little bit that's the new provision that that's been drafted so the RV park always has to go through the Pud process with the city they can't just buy property obtain an A1 zoning and build RV Park this does this have to go or did this go through Planning and Zoning already or does this have to go or not applicable it did it did go it did go it's grown since then I'm sorry it's it's grown Planning and Zoning discussed whether to allow the RV Park in the A1 district and they agreed with the idea yeah I just I thought I read that here I just wanted to ask the question out loud thank you do we have a map or something showing us exactly where this is what we're talking about what it encompasses well right now this is just talking about anywhere in the city that is zoned A1 which my understanding there's just one parcel no there two there's two okay he's shaking his head at me they all butt each other in that same area so I don't have a map I don't know exactly where the properties are located but so the the ordinance in front of you is just allowing in only A1 zoning a recreational vehicle park if it meets the requirements of another section that we're going to talk about in a minute so it's just those two properties is what I understand now yeah my only thing is I don't know what else is affected if we put it here we approve this here and there's a joining land I mean is this going to spread like a wildfire I mean potentially can it I mean I don't I don't know where this is so it would to for it to to grow bigger than what's allowed now you'd have properties have to be reson to A1 that's step one this is only going to be allowed in an A1 zoning District plus they have to go through the Pud process with the city so there's it's a this A1 is next is on Congress next to the skating ring be in that area that's what you're asking you're asking where it is I I I understand the general idea but again what we're looking at is this one specific parcel or is this a much greater area in this parcel that they're looking at is within I'm I'm trying to visualize what all is included because I have not seen I don't know if I can answer question I want to say there's three Parcels they're all a buddy I don't know for a fact but there's there's more than just one parcel but there's three Parcels I think that are budding each other so they could all be one parcel but they're separate owners right and they're all three A1 is my understanding but they're isolated that one area so again I'm just reading this on paper I have no full concept of what all is included so I'm having some difficulties trying to digest this not knowing I I wish there was something more where we could have seen here it is here's the Congress skating ring here Congress here's the the area that we're talking about and I have not seen that I don't know do we have a zoning map that we pull up we're actually looking right I was just going to suggest that me [Music] too I mean would have helped if if we had this you know to so we could have a better understanding but I don't know and I'm I'm having some difficulties trying to get the big picture because there's three items here that are apparently all related and my second question is if we vote against one does it affect the other two I mean regardless of which one yeah it will affect the next one that comes up I I still think the third one in that price still needs to be clarified the third one it's different the one's different it came up in the same conversation that we realized it needed some clarification I know this has been going on but but I wish I would have you know we would have be able to see what what we're looking at what we're discussing and and have a better understanding because I don't have that I'm I'm I'm missing that so I'm I'm asking if I don't know if we should table this until the next one and and and get this information so we have a better understanding to move forward with there we go and I you know we don't want to put anybody on the spot you have to make a decision if you need more more information but that's what they're able to show so this is the property right here and this is conver Street and is that the only property right that that your cursor is going on that's in the A1 that's an A1 zoning I think those two up there North those are both A1 as well the one like go where say C uh Commerce Center or the ones below to the right of Commerce Center I think those two empty green spes yeah yeah you guys not find ax Z map that show the this is the property appraiser okay this is the map that they have in his property if I don't exit out of it it's outlined in blue and let me ask a question about the Pud so let's let's say that obviously the big property is is the one here then you have that little A1 Property it's off to the the side behind that parking lot there off to the the right of sorry this one is that what you're talking about both this one yeah that one there I think both of them yeah both okay so the Pud would not apply to am I correct here the Pud would follow the boundaries of the property that we approve it for the Pud would apply to what whoever is the applicant and whatever deal is made the city right right so those are those are separate owners right so but but they could apply for it as well they could apply for it as well that's correct yes they would be they would be anyone that has property that zone A1 would be um able to apply for vehicle part for the requirements of other section we're going to talk about and we would and we could we could say no just because we've already got one we we had the ability right you would follow if they come with to you with an application you'd have to follow the proper process I'm not going to say now you could say yes or no would be they have to follow the process and then you may not approve it you may approve it but there's certain criteria you want to follow and they can't just they can't just do I guess they have to get it's not like buying a property and put the storage facility on we can't stop that from happening if it's allowed if it's an A1 district and they want to and RV Park this makes them have to go through the Pud process this the the ordinance you're looking at now sends that it says subject to the requirements of section 12758 which would which would be the Pud for RV parks and they'd have to meet those requirements and and discuss you know go through that process with the city to be approved well one thing it has to be five acres so right minimum of five acres so those two those two properties there couldn't even do it the only thing really happen is if well they could if they went with the other property well if if the other property was to buy those and and combine that then yes you could extend the Pud and that would hire them to count back the city too okay can stupid question can you make a commercial property can you have a storage unit storage facility's got 22 acres and now you want to make it you want to make it an A1 and then you want to do this can you do that you I don't know the answer to go res you'd have to ask to be okay you have ask be res but it's possible it's definitely possible to ask would it happen there's it's hard it's hard to say yes or no that y I get that thank you so I think the the focus here is one do we want to allow RV parks and this is the avenue to get there um it's a it's it's got to be a minimum of five acres to qualify for the Pud process where is that is that other one that's an next one so basically what this this first one does allows for you to have an RV park within the context of the Pud which is the next item if you don't have any underlying zoning that allows for RV parks the rest of it is a Mot Point understand I was ask the councilman canel the picture if that helped him if that didn't help well it helped a little bit you know again that map I don't know what all is apparently you're saying that there's more of of A1 up there than what they're asking here I I it would have been nice to see what all is this A1 that you're talking about and then what's that piece of property that we're doing here the changes we're doing here how is that affected so yeah again I don't know which one's A1 up there and then which piece of so this would this would apply to every A1 zoning every piece of property in the city zone A1 this first ordinance applies to everything that's A1 up there this would apply correct if it's five acre well no no because this would right right the two steps kind of merge together so every piece of property that zone A1 could potentially have this would apply to because this is the A1 zoning District ordinance our code but to actually do a recreational vehicle park this code sends you to a different code provision which is the Pud provision which is what we're going to talk about next which you have to have the least five minimum five acres so they kind of go together but they are two separate steps so if you got if you if you've got five acres or more you could potentially put RV Park in if you have A1 Zone but it has to become before Council every time exactly yeah there you that's go through the PD process currently this is the only A1 in the city no there's well that that area that area is the I don't think there's any other area in the city that has A1 size those that big wooded area that size no there is other A1 up to it right but not that general area is all on the west side of 19 There's No A1 right I don't never see I think it's just that specific area right and probably three parcels and only one of them is five acres so this is all so on this ordinance there's the purpose the permitted uh principal uses and structures that's all that's pertaining to this that's what we're voting on so this so the the first ordinance is your current A1 ordinance right code your current A1 code mine's not underlined is number eight B B8 where we're talking about recreational vehic part should be underline that's new Lang that's the only change right and we'll fix that yes I think that might cause that's why I'm it's all it is is a purpose and so what are we looking at there's nothing on here so this is your current A1 code so you a added number eight number eight been added okay I okay and we will underline it now I understand we move forward now I'm now I'm totally unconfused now the next one yep I got I got pinks on that one too okay and so nothing else in the a your city's current A1 code provision make sure nothing else was changed I'm making sure there was a scribers here on one of them I can't remember which one it was though um there's one right down here on J that little Squigly line I don't but see here I think that was it y so I think I believe Jay one where it says um section 12794 that number was a different number which was an incorrect number it was just it was a provision that doesn't exist so we just fixed that as a scrimer eror okay and then the signature block is got those lines on too so we'll we'll get things underline so the only thing new is subsection 8 recreational vehicle park that was an important piece to miss on this because I didn't I didn't get that that I did not notice the lines weren't there until I looked at it when I set down and then Jay we just changed that number um 127 d94 and doesn't even show the old number was so we have to fix this because that needed to be on there but it was like 9427 or some code number that I don't so it's probably an older it was probably the same code but it was before you codified we just fix the number doesn't change what it stood for just actually P someone somewhere to go to as they were directed to okay so look for a motion or further discussion well I got to get motion to say motion to pass the first reading of ordinance number 24 -6 695 second motion second forther discussion anyone for public like to speak oh I do have sign up M mlar welcome Todd McClary 8731 Betty Street in Port Richie um I have a little bit of a problem with this specific uh item not necessarily with the RV Park in and of itself but like you said V Parks can pop up anywhere where there's an R an A1 there are two other Parcels one is over six acres so theoretically you can have another RV park up pop up right next to it if it's a conforming use I don't care what they say if you reject one PUD and approve the other one you're going to have two pods you're going to have two RV parks right next to each other so that's one thing you have to be careful of with this two this specific item or this specific uh issue the RV park you're listing as a a core use for the space then you're saying well none of the uh items D through J conform to the use of an RV park so we actually have to put it over uh into a different categories so by definition that's a special exception use not a core use and what that means is any person who's coming in with a PUD actually has to go to planning board of adjustment or zoning board to go through and say hey I'm trying to put this RV park here it's not a core use for the space it is another check and balance to someone coming coming in it's like saying instead of rezoning you have an A1 and you're rezoning rezoning to an RV Zone it's a special exception under A1 so the neighbors then have the opportunity or the public has the opportunity to go and speak their mind whether they do or don't want an RV park there before it even goes to the Pud stage and you're not wasting one the developer time uh putting together the plans for the Pud that ultimately gets rejected and you get the immediate feedback from the public whether it can or can't be there that's the that's the purpose of the special exception uses it's at extra check and Bounds and it goes through the board of adjustment for that so that that's one issue I have with it the um the mere fact that I mean I I'm not sure and again this is process and this is a little bit what I do but I'm not sure why you didn't do like an RV PUD you can create puds for anything you want and just allow it with an a within an A1 and then it exists as itself because you're still again a as a core use for this um specific A1 zoning it doesn't conform at all so you're asking the Pud to make it conform to a non-conforming instance it's just doesn't make a lot of sense to me I don't know if the uh building department um has had any input to it but the other thing was I know I watched the latest Planning and Zoning meeting that I had seen on it and that zoning meeting essentially went to the uh what it was was oh we just want to make an RV as part of the A1 zoning it didn't say anything about adding puds has the Pud uh has the zoning board seen the Pud designation and it hasn't also they didn't have it taking out all of the elements D through J of the A1 zoning so you are making a lot of changes outside of what the Planning and Zoning Board has seen although they did agree with the RV designation it's still kind of a mess of the process so you're you're deviating from the process in going through this the proper way is to put this back before Planning and Zoning do you agree with it and then it should go back to you guys so that's my comments on this specific than St anyone else welcome 8301 Congress Street Matthew Todd first and foremost I want to thank the council and y'all being able to take my time and and hear me out um I'm kind of a little bit appalled with what Mr McClary said to give you an idea this area is surrounded by Industrial Park all the way around me Mr McClary doesn't know the first thing about my property I cleared over 5,000 tires I've cleared the ditches so the streams would run through I made this place look like a park okay there is no residential houses around me and I I apologize if I seem somewhat angry because I am this has been a process that's been going on for 3 years a gentleman like that is what's causing this city to go backwards and be stagnant I'm giving this city a gift Mr McClary should be thanking me for trying to give you a gift to basically bring cash back into the city okay I'm dealing with homeless people there that he doesn't even have a clue about okay and in all du respects all the mumbo jumbo that he just said we've been through every bit of this we've been through the Planning and Zoning process I can't thank the the the this the staff the City attorney the new city manager of the process that it was and I I don't want to be disrespectful but guys we're trying to help the city to generate tax dollars this property set there you want to leave it you want to leave it like it is leave it like it is you'll generate nothing that way it doesn't doesn't matter to me I'm not being Bose and Bragg the property's paid for I don't care either way I'm trying to hand you a gift these people are the right fit for the property I I don't know blah blah blah it m guys it makes no sense I don't I don't mean to be disrespectful it's about generating tax dollars for the city how long ago was it that the the the the the employees were needing tax dollars to getting pay raises to give pay raises to these people where's the money coming from you want to just just stop PE our employees deserve better pay how do we get to that point there's only one way we're going to get to that point we got to work together stop the belly aching and the bickering and making a big deal out of out of out of nothing as far as the properties that go around the ones that butt up to me they look like dumps junkyards is what it is smashed up tractor trucks pallets stacked up High Mr canel anytime you want to come over there I will gladly personally give any single one of you sitting on that Council a a tour and I offered it multiple times and you would say you know what this I appreciate what the man's doing I I spend every day cleaning trash out of the ditch to to keep from killing the the Wild Life on the thing it's dis aaring what I just heard that we're trying to help you I I and and AP I apologize I don't need to be angry but it frustrates me what I'm trying to do for the city thank you for thank you for your time I appreciate it thanks M anyone else I can't head back sorry Sharon Sherry Shar 7802 Davis Street sorry I'm short 7802 Davis Street um I'm just want to comment that if something is not crystal clear to every member on this board before it comes here there has to be a disconnect somewhere so either the presentation that you got wasn't clear or when it went through Planning and Zoning something wasn't clear but it shouldn't be to the point where you have to discuss it this much by the time something gets here for you to vote on so if it's not Crystal Clear vote no there was a disconnect somewhere so you should have an understanding before you vote on it not go oh well somebody else said it's okay now so I guess I'm going to say it's okay that's all I have to say anyone [Music] else okay I'm bring it back I'm G add a few things and I for discussion and we'll take a vote the um I've been to the property um but outside of that I want to point out that we have lots of other properties commercial properties um specifically that are wooded areas that I think like Matt brought up you have homeless getting in there here we have a a specific A1 zoning area that uh that he personally when he when he purchased that was a wreck right and he's he's went through and he's he's cleaned that's a beautiful property probably if not the most beautiful proberbly the second most beautiful property in in the city that being said I think it's important as a city that we we we put things in place that put us on the map that that draw people to the area give that provide a resource for the city you know right now that that property is a beautiful property only Matt sees it right um I know it's been in the works a while that uh you know buyers interested in doing something with that property you know at the end of the day at some point could it be reone for Office Buildings or multif family whatever there's there's you know there's process to do that but right now it's just a big open area I also think it's important that when we think about what we do with the properties within the city that we we do things that maintains open space we don't want to be downtown New York City although downtown New York City has Central Park which is beautiful open space within the central Center City and we have an opportunity for that and I think of you know allowing high-end Recreational Vehicle Parks where people with big rigs could come in and visit the city spend their their money um and visit the city and and and actually do some of the things that we have to offer is a huge Plus for the area we're not looking to put in a uh you know a mobile home park that's going to be you know low rent housing we're talking about high-end Resort destination where people that like to Camp like to drive around in their in their RVs have a place to stop here in the city and you know go to our businesses and whatnot so I think it's a I think this is a really positive thing for the city obviously we got to be careful that we don't turn into one big RV park and I don't think that's where we're at like I said this where we're at right now we have a little cluster of A1 there and be honest with you if that entire cluster within there turned into an RV park let's say that it did grow and it combined those other two Parcels it's really an ideal place for that because it's surrounded by a wooded area it's surrounded by industrial commercial buildings you wouldn't even know it was there driving by it this actually puts something there that the public can go to visitors can go to and enjoy the the outdoors there's a huge Lake there there's other activities that are that have been talked about uh by by approving this we allow to for something nice to come to the city as opposed to just another secluded uh lot that could house homeless if didn't if the owners weren't you know if they just like we had several commercial properties right there on on the east side of 19 I'm sorry west side of 19 I mean this just you can walk back in those woods and there's there's tents so this is an opportunity to actually have something nice developed and at the end of the day it is going to generate income if the property changes hands and they're able to do something with this you're talking immediately ad velor tax surge just be the value of the property and then you put all the development stuff in there and the and the people want to come and visit man I see Zero negative and something like this so that's my take on it open up for me for a discussion and then I can put it to vote if you guys are finished this ordinance all we're doing is saying that we if it's okay for a recreational vehicle part subject to the requirements of the thing we haven't even looked at yet right that's all we're voting on for this time so we're just saying yes we can have an RB Park someplace within Port Richie amen end of conversation is that correct correct well specifically in the A1 District yes it wasin the A1 district and again my question before can I make a commercial area A1 yes it has to be reson but yes I can so within Fort Richie I could buy all the Candlelite and I can change it to an A1 and I can put an RV park there if I go to planning and zoning and I get it changed that's all this is just saying we can have an RV park within the city of Port regie that's all we're voting on that's correct the details is in the next one so I want to say I have nothing against the RV park so for the record out there but but here's the thing let's do this right this city historically has made so many freaking errors over years and years and years and we're still paying for it because it was the sloppy things that were that were done up here I I just can't understand we're changing the ORD what we're doing we're adding number eight here recreational vehicle subject to requirement section 127 d58 and is not subject to D through J which is the majority of the ordance so I don't understand why we're adding something that doesn't apply to the rest of the ORD I just don't understand if we are going to do this right and and something I've never heard of an RV PUD if there's something out there that allows it to let's do our homework and get this done right but right now we're adding one a one section here eight and then beyond that it doesn't apply it doesn't make any sense here doesn't make any sense so I I why are we doing this I just doesn't make sense the the detail in here the setbacks minimum yard requirements Building height we can put in the next one right and that's and we put in some of that is in there so the reason it correct me from wrong the reason it says D and J of the section is does not apply is because D through J talks about minimum lot requirements maximum building coverage maximum billing all that is covered within the Pud so the Pud supersedes what's here anyway so it's basically saying ignore these items in this particular zoning because we've got special requirements for that with that P for the recreational V that's correct so these the D through J is addressed subsequently yes very specifically so why haven't we looked at a RV PUD that was earlier mentioned we're doing that next the next ordinance that's the next ordinance and that's specifically for the Pud for the RV RV PUD correct I mean theoretically Tom we can say okay for this and then say no to everything else I mean we have to go through the details but you're not saying yes to a specific piece of property you're just saying yes we can have RV parks in Port Richie I think what it would do for the city like you were saying with adal Orum and taxes I think that that for me that supersedes the like that that's the the biggest point out of the discussion for me like I think that that bring more tourism into the city is the way to do that and this property would give us that a a step in the right direction right so I just like the idea of having a better understanding of all this we what to me I I I'm still again I first time I saw a picture was was up here of of what the land were talking about uh I just wish there was more details so we could meet personally I could have a better understanding of of all this well that's the purpose of discussion obviously if if there's questions you have feel free to I we've got the attorney here we've got Matt I mean we can answer those questions so if I could absolutely it it may be a good thing to maybe schedule a meeting just table this for tonight this one and the Pud let's have a meeting where we can discuss all this we can have the maps to show you know where the the zoning is and and all that so it's clear because again you know we we recognize that this is a significant change to the code that's that's why you know we we've talked about it previous meetings we supplied the you know the the proposed changes for the Pud but you know we really haven't had a chance to kind of go through line by line with everyone so I would I would suggest that maybe we schedule a a meeting to go over not only this one but also the Pud I I like that idea to have a better understanding as opposed dragging this out well I got a motion second on table so I you need motion table maker of the motion can withraw the motion yeah and table the conversation put the votw the motion or we put it to vote did you make the motion I made um I would like to vote on it so fair enough all in favor s by saying I I I I opposed n motion [Music] carries okay next [Music] up next up is item number six first reading of ordinance number 24696 amending section 12758 of article 3 chapter 127 city of Port Richie code of ordinance to allow for recreation Vehicle Parks in a unit development zoning District I'll pass up to Mr C for induction so uh Council may remember uh we had provided a uh draft of this particular change to the Pud District um to allow for RV parks um again since youve allowed it now for A1 our thought was that we really wanted to have uh a set of uh requirements that are very specific to this type of development because it is a little bit unique compared to other types of developments that could happen within PUD um so the attached Amendment takes in consideration the discussions that Council had when he presented the draft it also uh takes into any of the discussions that we had with planning zoning at the last meeting um although there was some discussion on it I don't believe there was any recommendations to make any changes to the code as requested by city council I reached out to the city of P River to discuss their experiences with a similar code construct I spoke with the growth management director Janette Collins Mrs Collins indicated the Pud approach has only successfully been used once in cryst River bya KOA development because of the infrequent use she didn't couldn't identify any changes she believes should be made I asked about the lack of the time frame in Crystal Rivers code related to how long an RV could stay Miss colins St they wrestled with putting a time frame IE 90 days up to 180 days to stay but decided just to find the vehicles as a transient gas lodging this was done because it defi it is defined within the state Florida State Statute is being in place for no longer than six months further this language is found within the health code which means is enforceable by the county health department and this this is actually very similar to what 10 heard from us and we we struggled as well you know should it be 990 days 120 days 180 days um we didn't know about the you know the understanding of the transient guest lodging which makes a lot of sense because you know Not only would we be enforcing that but also Pasco County Health Department would be enforcing it um so we'd be able to team up with them to bring bring this development and the compliance that they were out of that uh we also spoke about the maximum density requirement in Crystal Rivers C much like our staff they struggled with with placing a number on this requirement how after much law they decided to rely on their existing requirements within the Pud code of eight per acre so that explained the the question why did they go a that's what we put in there as well um our PUD code allows up to 16 per acre so that could be a reasonable change if Council wanted to to make that but it could be eight could be 16 could be 30 I mean it really ultimately is up to City Council on how to to make that change uh we did point that out to uh Planning and Zoning but there really was very little comment on that uh to make it to make a change finally we discussed the setback requirements for the Waterfront J jurisdictional Wetlands language was consisted with other sections of their code that address concerns about water quality and the impact of De development on Waters within their City again we kind of went with that uh based upon the thought that you know that setback you know would help uh provide for a better water water quality in the body uh you know reduce any damages that may come from Redevelopment or the use of the land by the uh the RV units there yeah go ahead ordinance number 24696 an ordinance of the city of Port Richie Florida amending section 12758 of article 3 chapter 127 of the city of part Richie C ordinances to update a code section cited therein and to allow for recreational vehicle parks and a planned unit development zoning District providing for separability providing for codification and providing for an effective date and I now see that these also do not have underlines so I was going to take you through real quick I let you know what should be underlined so you know what changes were made um so this section 12758 is your current planned unit development zoning District in your code the first change is on subsection D accessory uses that simply changed the section number that was one of those strange numbers we talked about in the last ordinance it used to say 22-1 127 so we've just changed it to be the correct code provision of 12792 your next change is section M all of section m is new that is the RV park PUD information and then subsection n this would be M if that Mak sense so now it's the new n is the old M so we just changed the letter from M to n and then in subsection one four lines from the bottom it says the applicants initial Concepts if you see that that used to say his just change it for gender neutrality and then at the bottom of that page towards the bottom of the page of the number three says to bind all successors in title that the n and that section used to be M and I know that's a lot so I'm happy to go through it again if I need to but some also the the M thing that matters the Big M the big thing is the new m and so just I'm G point a couple things the there seem to be a lot of spacing I notic that I know why that is so clean that up not sure why I did that it's SC out the document the um and I brought this up last time we we discussed this I had a question about the limitation of eight recreational vehicle paac for gross acre um it's my understanding 10 to 15 is is kind of the norm so that's it's a little sparse so I mean I would suggest that we change that to 10 the minimum of the norm um and also the other item that I that concerned me was the the setbacks um mostly the water setback of 25 foot and again this was pulled from Crystal River area where they have flowing water this this particular one has assist of lake that doesn't really rise and fall so you really don't have the issue of of flooding around there do we really want to restrict that to 25t maybe 15 ft makes more sense um the other setback I I thought was maybe a little um restrictive was the 10 foot for the the back in space and pull through space on the front side um just experience when I when I go to RV parks and you're driving down through the the roads or whatever you know you don't you don't necessarily need 10 foot it be like on your driveway at home if you go pull your driveway you can park our way out to the road as long as you're not in the road why are we requiring 10 foot in RV park um especially when we talking about a very long uh you know possibly RV with a tow vehicle it's just you're making them have an extra 10 foot in front of all that so that seems to me that maybe reduce that to 5 foot at the at the most um the other item was number let's see number eight where it says unless otherwise indicated on approved P master plan tent camping shall be limed to one campsite per designated recreational vehicle space and shall not be allowed in any other designated area when I think about tents right uh an RV site could be fairly large way way it's going to be designed do we want to restrict it to one I I can see two tents in one of those so maybe two is a better number for there uh just to provide more space for for the for the activity like I said they you know tents are not don't take a lot of space and you're not have a whole lot more people so it probably makes sense to not limit that to one campsite but not a huge issue I just thought May that might be a little restrictive um another item item D internal roadway circulations one there was extra on number two there was extra period there parking but says parking spaces for ancillary uses associated with recreational vehicle park shall meet the minimum standards for parking space requirements that's LDC again when you go to recreational vehicle park you got the main pull in for your your tow vehicle and that a lot of times you'll have maybe family that drive along with you you know how restrictive of parking to park that extra vehicle in there do we really need to have an actual parking space and again I don't know what the what the restrictions are to meet the minimum standards but but normally when you go a campgr you use parking the grass so um for visitors so I don't know if we need to maybe make that a little less restrictive something to talk about um then further down within item three it says that the uh the interior roadway consists of concrete asphalt or crushed Limestone um obviously that doesn't include my knowledge like millings like recycled uh asphalt when I when I think about the interior roads of RV park obviously I would think it would be better not to have concrete throughout that and have full you know road because you want to you want to maintain the the feel that you're you know you're out in nature whatever um you really wouldn't want to put all that concrete concrete stuff has very expensive to develop at that point too so I don't know if we want to loosen up our um what we can have for roads and include some more materials um for gra gravel for instance you couldn't use gravel in this case it had to be specifically these three um so that was one thing I I pointed out and uh another one under F utilities and refuge disposal it number two says electricity shall be provided to each recreation in vehicle space vehicle parking pad all electrical utility lines and the parks will be underground um that would be great but again if you're if you're going to be catering to to tent campers as well do you really want to have to run electric to all your sites um obviously if you're going to it's going to be a site with full hookups that's the case but uh normally you have sites that aren't full hookups where you you know camp out or whatever you don't need electricity so do we really need to have require every single site to have electricity well because in order to T right but you can't have tents unless it's a you have one per vehicle space or you're saying in that plane you can have tents in a separate portion okay yeah then the question is also so there may be because sometimes they have generators and stuff that they can run they don't necessarily need full hookups so basically any RV space we're going to require them have electricity which may be fine that's what that would require yes yeah so that which may be fine but again it's it it's obviously a lot more infrastructure going in more load maybe you don't need that so that's something to consider um I think that's all the things that I saw let me look further here yeah those are the only points that I had so have further discussion this is where I think um a separate meeting to go over these specifically to make sure that we're all on the same page is appropriate um some things I agree with you some things I think need to be changed um one way or the other I don't agree with it as written and I think to be in a in a meeting being so detailed as to be detailed because we want to do it right we want to do it right the first time so and I we're missing Dave I'm sure he has um ideas as well so this I would um be more likely to say let's have it whether it be a workshop whatever you want to call it to go over this line by item line by item and just go through it make sure we talk about it discuss it do what's best for Port Richie and move forward yeah no I I agree with that we could uh I don't know if we want to table to another Council Mee I think we need to dedicate some meeting whatever you Cho I think I think what's been said earlier and what's been proposed now I think a workshop is ideal because it allows this conversation public can be here give their input it's all going to be about I mean you can add other things I guess at the workshop if you want but the purpose is to sit down and just have a heart to heart and talk about it each line of this and get it done yeah and then they'll have to come back should we decide to do that yes I agree with that at the same time we need our our building official to be present as well as a fire department for First Responders and keep mind too that they've looked at this right I don't know if fire has reviewed that or not review the original plan our biggest issue we just making sure apparatus can access and get around roadways that's why some of the my concern is the recommendations we make we decide to make that it's approved I mean if we're going to put sand as roads that's the last thing that the fire department or the police department want to ride on so whatever we do they are in agreement with it I agree I I mean they need to be you know I mean let's let's fix it the first time let's not have me like you you one of the things you said you know changing the road from this to this and like Tom said maybe it would not be appropriate for the fire truck that's not my answer that that's their so I think in the detail of you know the devils in the detail let's look at the detail have the people so we don't have to keep going back and forth give them yes it's good or no that won't work for us the first time do it right the first time no I agree I agree I agree too so we need a motion to table a motion to the [Music] workshop Workshop first this motion to table so we can have a workshop go forward going forward for discussion I do have one signed up Todd on this get out three minutes right well I just got attacked personally back there so I did want to clear up some things it's very important that you all do it because contrary to what he said you do have residential just to the north of that area on Hardy Street I believe it is so you have residential units you are affecting residents of the city I know he doesn't like to talk about that but that is there um and also you know I've only been in business of development for 25 years so what do I know about it uh but the uh RV park will bring in additional Revenue in sales taxes that mostly goes to the county so if you're doing this as a money issue which really isn't because the uh avalor improvements of the electrical and everything for an RV park really isn't all that great over a small residential development or something like that so if you're doing it for being having an RV park and having an amenity to the city that's fine but most of what Matt uh said was not accurate so thank you thanks anyone else like to speak Tod just just is not to attack each other just 8301 Congress Street Mr mlar don't know a thing about me I'm not boasting and bragging but if he wants to I can compare my financials to his financials we'll see who knows more about development my biggest thing of it is is this is over off of Congress Street no one sees this place from what it off the street and then he wants to attack me about what's going on I'm actually an asset to this community what I've done for this community and clean the property up on top of it every single property around me is you need to I'd love to take any single one of you council members and take you for a ride and show you the filth the dirt and the back streets I took the mayor down one of the back streets I showed him did it or did it not look like a a County Dump so the thing of it is is I took a property that looked like a County dump and made a country club out of it is what I did so the thing of it is is I wanted to share this with the city and with the revenue and then as far as what Mr McClary makes the comment of Revenue he doesn't know where the revenue is going to come from where where the revenue goes to or what have you it's just blah blah blah blah blah and more negativity so what the deal of it is is that's been a problem with the city it's been so much negativity that's what it comes is all I'm trying to do is leviate your all tax dollars you want to do projects we need more tax dollar so the bottom line of it is the taxes go up when the property's sold as the improve M so the buyers that buy the property comes in it's reassessed the value of the property goes up doesn't take rocket science to figure that out so the thing of it is is that's kind of like where it is do people want the property they're the right fit for the property there'll be an asset to the community I don't see where the negativity is there's no there's no we wanted to put floating cabins and tree houses there to make it a destination for the city of Port Richie and put Port Richie on the map to where they've got something more than to just come to bars that's that's what this is all about so it's just like what does the city gain by the property just sitting there being stagnant and doing nothing and surrounded as far as he makes the comment about the houses on the other Street he doesn't know what he's saw there's a there's an apartment building over there go down there and see what the houses look like on that street go see the homeless that we go run out out of the street you know what I do I don't bother the police department they've got enough to do I go and run the homeless out of there and I do it so that people don't you you ever been trying to attack by needles and stuff no one in here knows what I go through just to keep that property the way it is the new owners they want to put a highend fence around it and really make it a state-of-the-art facility so the bottom line of it is I don't see I don't see the negativity and it's just like and if I talk with anger it's please it's it's not that I've just been dealing with this for over three years to even get it in front front of you the previous city manager didn't want to hear the same nonsense as I just just heard from Mr McClary so it is it is what it is thank thank you for your time thanks mam anyone else like to speak I got motion to table on put vote I carries now do we want to of Workshop date or you want to check that out or you guys got ideas when you might be free to do that if it would it would be nice to try to get it done before the the next meeting so that we can get this back on the [Music] agenda do that meet your neighbor over here make it interesting fix that problem we have anything next Tuesday you have second session of goal setting it's Monday I'm not here for that but if you [Music] don't Monday I do Wednesday I can't do I can't do this Thursday I do next Thursday can we do [Music] Wednesdays I can't do [Music] Wednesday right I only can do on Friday up your phone oh yeah when is Nancy available you tell us your availability I'm what I'm thinking I'm wondering now is notice requirements I mention Dave too he'll be when he's com back'll be back later this weekend he said he'll be back before the end of qualifying that ends on Tuesday oh so he will be here Friday [Music] anyway so would you consider pushing the goal setting back from the 20th to the 5th of March I'm okay with that that yeah okay so resched the go setting yep do the workshop for this attorne Avail in the evening same normal time what date six so 2:20 at 6 PM we had the goal setting so we're just going to swap it right we do this when is the goal setting so we're talking 27 for 27th will be a regular meeting so we would we would under what I well the 20th is when we would do the work session the 27th's a regular meeting and I propos that we bump the goal setting from the 20th to the 5th six o'clock yeah and so the goal would be we have the workshop on 20th and hopefully that goes well we can keep the uh first reading of this table bring it back on on 27th meeting correct that sounds good to me I'm good with that perfect good yes sir okay okay moving on to item number s first reading ordinance number 24697 amending chapter 109 article 3 division 5 section 10942 of the city of Port Richie code of ordinance to clarify when temporary placement of recreation vehicles isow low I'll pass it to Mr C introduction not to speak for the City attorney but this all began as she was reviewing for the A1 District RB and actually it's not completely I'll you anyhow uh what what this uh ordinance would do Amendment would clarify when Rec recreational vehicles as well as park trailers can be placed temporarily in flood Hazard areas new language states that placement can occur after the city declares a local state of emergency pursuant to the city's code of ordinances further uh this placement must be in compliant be compliant with Federal Emergency Management agency guidelines thank you or number 24697 an ordinance of the city of Port Richie Florida amending chapter 109 article 3 division 5 section 10942 24 of the city of Port Richie code of ordinances to clarify when temporary placement is allowed providing for severability providing codification and providing for an effective date this was actually a provision and Mr coppler wasn't here for this um you know it started just the pnz did look at this is one of the ones that they looked at at um the request of Staff because we realized there appeared to be some inconsistencies with how long RVs could be parked within the city some Provisions about say 120 days this one said 180 days the purpose of this is is about floods flood Hazard and and storming and when there's a storm and people being able to park their RV a little bit longer so planning and zon wanted just to clarify that this provision for the 180 is specific to when a state of emergency has been declared by the city and it has to follow the guidelines from FEMA the 120-day provisions at other places in the code have nothing to do with storms it's just the every a average day using and parking RVs within your city that that's where it came from so you guys understand that and it should be underlined and it's not so I will tell you what the new language is when you ready you good thing Mr colum was here be a lot trouble he would be kicking me right now I don't know what happened I do apologize um so this has nothing to do with the previous no this is independent okay I didn't understand that so and and that's my my fault for not making sure Mr Copler understood that this conversation happened a while ago withd um and and building was there and and that discussion was had to make this clarification we just didn't get to it and then the RB A1 came up and it kind of just all kind of goes together even though this doesn't really go together but we' bring it all at the same time so 180 days can the let's make believe we say seven days for the RV that's that's gonna happen I'm just making believe don't get upset um so whatever we say here does not this is not affected by that this will be we can't say well this say 180 days so this needs to be 180 does it have to be congruent the one in front of you the 109 d424 will only take effect if you declare aate of emercy per thank you and then it's up to building to somehow monitor it but that's a different conversation different day so the new language um I will I'll just read the um End of Line one going to line two after the city declares a local state of emergency pursuant to the city's code of ordinances that is new and then it says the sh was already there be compliant with FEMA guidelines which at this time require a recreational vehic require the recreational vehicles and part trailers to now one and two were already there those are still FEMA guidelines they haven't changed and then we added in the event FEMA adopts new guidelines modifying the guidelines set forth within this code and newly adopted FEMA guidelines supersede the guidelines contained within this code and that of course was added if they change the code the provision the FEMA guidelines tomorrow we can't catch up that quickly so this would say forget what our code says you need to follow Fe follow F yeah um the one question I had is on um number one be on the site for fewer than 180 consecutive days or now number two be fully licensed and ready for Highway use I I guess I was reading that as R the RV in relation to the RV park so that's why I was confused with that um or I don't understand this any questions about one or two might might be able to help you with that's what it's the FEA guidelines I don't know anything about RVs I just do you know do you see which I'm talking about Mike um it it's under temporary placement number two what um 82 all right what's your question it's be fully licensed and ready for higherway use which means the recreational vehicle or park so this means can you have non-highway ready vehicles on this is I'm confused this what is this allowing basically it's you the RV can be sitting on the property and either has to be up on Jacks but it has to be fully licensed for you could drop it off the Jacks put it right on the road and drive right down the road legally so PD can't pick them up you have you have ourv your house unlicensed right now not being Drive okay because it says or has okay all right that's fine got thank you there was there was one aspect that um I didn't know if it just a thought here since we're making a change to this there's I think we're going to see a lot more of this in in the future obviously people are raising their homes due to the FEMA stuff um and I say it takes some time you're you're displac for a while while they actually raise your house and do that did we want to consider open up to to allow for that if you're doing a FEMA Grant mitigation that you can do this as well as opposed not be you know this specifically state state of emergency but in those cases it's a it's it's part of the the process to to mitigate this maybe we open it up to that as well people can live in their their AR V same same rules that during the the uh the renovation I I I think you're opening up a can of words what happens if construction gets delayed and you have to sit here and look at construction and a trailer sitting in the front yard I don't think that's a good idea yeah well same thing on a on a on a uh dep on B flood is you have same well that's a state of emergency this is this is not a state of emergency you're talking about well you're talking about various you're not talking about 20 3011 you talking about an isolated case I just I thought I'd bring it up just because and the reason I do um you know I think there's other places in the code that um and I think maybe you've had some conversations with farz that does the house race and stuff there's there's things that uh as they're mitigating those that um with setbacks and stuff like that like give specifics but uh but basically our code is very restrictive to allow the mitigate those existing homes and so I you know it might be prudent for us to take look at and being more mitigation friendly if you would and that was just that was kind of the suggestion came from but there's codes and stuff that uh we probably should make an exception for on those at least give you a specific example so when they raise a home the utilities go up the meter well Duke Energy has a has a rule that they have to be eye level or something and so they have if you raise it up the story um you have to have some access little stoop or whatever to to to get up to there and so if there already on their 5 foot setback you can't put anything else in there so and you can't Al can't move the utilities to the other side of the house so that would be a case where sake of mitigation we would allow that and that's variance process OB but to allow that to happen um to put that stoop in so that they could leave the utilities there they raise them up and then Duke would have their access to be able to put that meter because they only put the meter in place if they can't get to it and it's not within their spec or whatever that's just an example so that's why so I bring it up in case like this obviously they're you're displaced I don't know what the normal average time frame you got a house but seen a couple in five six months or whatever where they're I don't want to look at a trailer and construction for five or six months yeah well and neither did the 14 other people that live around that well the goal is to obviously help with the mitigation process and so just thought yeah I don't know I don't well personally I don't think that's a good idea I wouldn't like to look at that personally any fur discussion and so clarification of this Again State of Emergency has to be declared and they have up to 180 days to be on the site but then on number two it goes to or what's the time frame on number two oh okay yeah that's I think I said n should that should be n instead or I understand what you're saying yeah yeah I mean I mean the way I'm reading this if if you end up putting yeah put it on jacks or something you could State I read my notes you're right Tom I wrote that down you're that's I wrote that I mean with with the or should it be [Music] am I agree yeah because one says time frame and the other is what it is it's two different things it's not a choice I I I wrote that sorry thank [Music] you about the wheels Jackie under the um number one on page 82 be on the site few than 180 days and be fully licensed ready for Highway it should be end not or yeah good call out the your original your code currently has or okay just so you know that and I'm pretty sure that is verbatim What FMA requires but I'm trying to find the reference just so I can adise you Yeah so basically that says if you're on the site for less than 188 days doesn't matter what two says say that again so but the way it's currently written would say as long as you're 180 days or less it doesn't really matter what two says because it's or so if you're on the site for fewer than 18 second days you technically by the way this reads you wouldn't need Wheels jacking system all that stuff matters because what do you need no say you're right if you put or in there you can just you can leave two off as long as you with one you comply but we want to make sure you comply with one and two so you need to be and I agree with that yeah I mean because if there if a storm comes you need to be able to move that thing right yeah and the way it is right you know you wouldn't have to as long as you were under 180 days Little Words make such a big difference the guidelines is or a recreational vehicle placed on a on a site in a special flood Hazard area must meet the elevation and anchoring requirements for manufactured homes unless it one is on a site for fewer than 180 consecutive days or is fully licensed and ready for Highway use and then explains what ready for Highway use is which is that weird language you asked and I think the way them that reason they did that is you can actually put a little temporary construction trailer that they you can live in that isn't Road ready and all that on on on your site I say change it to end can we do that we be more restricting right well and I somewhat agree with that but I also in the case of emergency When people's homes have been devastated or whatever do we really want to require them to have a fully functional RV or is is a is a trailer for them to stay until they get things back to normal acceptable to my mind we we want to be as accommodating as possible in in cases like this so that being said I don't know if I would change that well the worst case scenario they have a problem they're in a trailer now a hurricane comes that trailer is moving that trailer is going to be going through your neighbor's house well they would have a car they can leave too so I mean this is just more temporary housing while their their place is being fixed I think that's being a little overdramatic I but a recreational vehicle you know for female guidelines I we had three hurricanes come through the state one ready after the other a couple years ago go right across the state it happens doesn't happen frequently but it does happen right well if you're in a position where your house has been destroyed and you're trying to get it fixed up and you're living there you you know that's more important than worrying about the next hurricane that could possibly come through which probably won't happen but could but again you can always you can always evacuate and you would evacuate just like it was a regular house it's just you know this gives in the ability to put something there to to continue living so I don't know we want to be that restrictive there because this is this is specific state of emergency type things where your house is destroyed so why I don't be so worried about what you're actually living in in order to get there they has to have a license has to have wheels it has to have everything get there so what's the difference just just's keep it legal and and this way when their time's up if they have to move it I will add to if currently the way this is written for intent from what was discussed at planning and zoning is to follow FEMA guidelines if you change one word you change what FEMA's done so your whole this whole right now the way it's written we're saying you shall be compliant with FEMA guidelines which now are one and two and shall FEMA adopt any guidelines whatever FEMA adopt that's what we're going to abide by changing one word makes it not you're saying follow FEMA but we're giving you a different yeah different conditions than FEMA so you either I don't know that we I defer to Mike I don't know that we cannot follow FEMA you have I don't I don't know answer to I don't know I don't know we can ignore them is my yeah we we can follow FEMA's guidelines but we can also make it more strength yes so you you can put it in there that you know follow FEMA's guidelines as well as and then add the following you can do it that way as long as it's more spin you just can't take away from it take away from so we have to re I guess the point is we'd have to reward it we'd have to change and figure out how to reward that we aren't ignoring FEMA but we're we want to make this ant and not work yeah so I would I would ask the question why do we want to be more restrictive than FEMA what I think I know the answer to that so my questions have we looked at I mean really looked at the FEMA guidelines is this a clerical error that I just looked I just looked and FEMA has or they do I think it's specific because otherwise you're be required to have a basically a full-fledged travel IV in RV I mean I believe they Red Cross and all that they actually they'll bring a you get a thing dropped off you know mobile home if you will dropped off while you're going through the the process to to fix your home not everybody has the right to go out and buy RV to live in for a while or rent or whatever they I mean it's so that's think it's purposeful so I would not be in favor of changing that this is the FEMA guidelin so follow it but I get I get the point you don't want to look at trailers but if if if we have an event I mean you're look at trailers because it's you know destroyed I mean we're going to be we had other things to worry about I didn't say that well that's what I'm saying so that's why you know I get you I get the point here is we don't want to look at trailers right no that that was a different conversation that was that had nothing to do with FEMA with with with this you were talking about when in know in the sun is shining and you raise you want to raise that that has nothing right exactly so my com my comment had to do with that does not have to do with this this is this is a separate entity this is an emergency situation this I agree with I I agree with having trailers on the property when you're when you're in an emergency situation had nothing that my comment had nothing to do with f a fe emergency with that I was just thinking we want to expand this to add something like that no that's that's how so this is Emergen situation we're good yes that that I do okay motion to approve the first reading of or number 24697 amending section 109 d424 of article 3 of chapter 109 division five of the city of Port Richie code to clarify when temporary placement of reparation of vehicles will be allowed great motion by down motion second Pro discussion any want for public like to speak s hands I put the vote all in favor saying I I oppos motion carries next up is item number eight bid rejection for comprehensive Safety Action Plan I pass that to Mr C for introduction the city was awarded the Florida Department of Transportation Safe Streets were all agant for the development of a comprehensive safe safety action plan the invitation to bid was posted on October 8 2023 and a bid opening was on November 88th 2023 after the bid opening the city received a letter from an attorney representing the American Council of engineering companies Florida that the ITB for this item was a violation of State Statute 2875 the consultant competitive negotiation act CCNA after discussions with staff and City attorneys recommended the city council reject the current bids since there was there was a recorded bid opening staff will then rebid the ca as request for qualifications as per the recommendations of the letter submitted to the for motion discussion motion to reject the bid for the comprehensive Safety Action Plan second motion second discussion back to speak hands to vote all in favor sign by saying I I opposed motion carries next up item number nine Pascal County Law Enforcement p8 agreement I'll pass it for introduction this item was initially approved at the October 10 2023 meeting by Council and signed a return shortly thereafter to the Sheriff's Office it became aware in November the sheriff is not going to sign the agreement as written after having discussions with the sheriff I was able to uh put together an understanding in the sheriff and city which uh he indicated he would sign the necessary change was to insert city manager in place motion discuss discussion I I don't understand this at all if you take a look at everyone else back here if you go to all the signatures of the various cities and so forth everybody's on there there's a police chief except for the city of Port rich I don't understand why is our police chief being removed that's a good question so so I can I can add a little bit here um there's uh unfortunately for reasons out there that there is a broken relationship between the sheriff and our police chief and so the when when we originally signed this agreement back in October um I I had got word that um the sheriff was not going to sign this agreement um I'd actually talked to him back at a at a meeting back uh behind the fence when they had a uh meet the mayor event back there Sheriff actually came in and spoke and so I I went aside with him and and uh Harrington and they basically said that they were not going to sign the agreement in its current state and so I I went to work to uh see what we could do to remedy that myself and and Matt Matt was brand new at the time they in November me and Matt met with the sheriff and um he felt comfortable moving forward he would agree to sign the the memorandum of his understanding between the city and and and the sheriff's office um as long as Matt's name was on it instead of the chief's and so that start that process that uh I let you add further to that if you want but uh Matt is house we met with the the sheriff since then and this is this is the only way this agreement gets signed is if City manager name is on it instead of chiefs so obviously there's something deeper here I mean much deeper the fact that obviously Mr Mayor you're not supporting the police chief and whatever Direction whatever Direction Mr CPP has let him finish I'm I'm having problems why suddenly for Richie is being singled out with nothing against Mr copper this Mutual Aid is is for law enforcement [Music] you've gota have to have the understanding as when you need how you get it when you make the request having that request come from Mr coppler he hasn't had the training so I I think it's a little unfair to put it upon him but I just don't understand why suddenly our police chief is no longer in good graces with with the sheriff I mean if there's a problem Maybe maybe the problems with the sheriff I don't know but I just I'm I'm having difficulties to digest this I'm I'm really having a terrible time with this before I turn before I turn over you if I could so let me make this perfectly clear I support police chief 100% I have made that known to city manager and but unfortunately there has been a relationship broken between police chief sheriff Nao that is the reality there there's reasons behind that you know is there faults within our police chief is there faults within Sheriff Nako probably both sides there's two sides every story right but I'm here to tell you and refute your your accusation I do support your police chief and if anything I have I have went to bat um to make sure that whatever problems that there are get rectified and further state that uh this is this is the only way that the sheriff is willing to signed an agreement with our city and I also want to point out it is it is extremely important that we have this agreement in place and so I don't care whose name's on it um whatever we need to do to get this agreement in place it's it's important that we have it and so that being said this was the the the methodology to be able to bridge that gap for now I'll also go on to say that uh I'm extremely disappointed in the situation that we're in I don't necessarily know how we got here but we're here and uh and and the way I look at it is is we need to go forth with what we have here today to get this agreement in place and then from this point on we do whatever we can to repair that relationship starting today that's my take on it but to answer your question I do support the police chief I ask for input from Chief Robinson is that appropriate did you you want to say something me I just so um I met uh very recently with the sheriff because I shared your concern I'm you know I'm a city manager had police departments but you know I don't put myself in the inner workings of the police department I make sure they do what they're supposed to do I make sure they service you know the residents in the way that you as Council want them to service our residents but knowing when to make a call for whatever the the situation allows not up to me it's up to that man there and you know I think you I've had many discussions trying to understand the basis for where we're at you know I I can't tell you one way or another what that is you know i' I've heard both sides I sat there and in the end from from my standpoint what we have to do is we have to make sure that our residents and the law enforcement both sheriff and police are served to the best possible way and and this agree agement does that I mean it provides you know contrary to what I may have been told um this is an officer safety issue and a resident safety issue and you know I can't just let it keep going and not be signed um you know when I spoke to the sheriff I said what is it going to take for you to sign this this is what he said I said okay well we'll figure out how to make it work in meeting with him recently you know I said you know I can't can't be in the middle it just is not going to work that way I mean it's just again there's there's too many things that happen that only the police chief is going to be able to direct them you know his response to this is under this guys you know the the chief will be that that person that still makes all those calls you'll be doing it with the the captains that you know are in the district and one and three um the service so he's there in that you know fill in that role that we talked about you know could there be something from a high level that you know the sheriff you know says we need to do this um that I may be involved with possibly but it'll be in consultation with the chief of police at all times so I I understand what you're saying I agree with it the Practical matter as the mayor said is that this does not get signed any other way um okay just here's the thing mutually is very very important we have it with the fire department we we do need it for the police department I have no problem with that but obviously there's something that broke here and I think Mr coppler directing you we need to fix it and uh that's what I'm asking so going forward motion to approve the pass county law enforc Mutual Aid agreement before entertain that motion you had a comment I I don't agree I I I think if we can't support our our chief of police I think we've got a major problem we have an adults here that have lives at stake not only officers lives as what something happened last night that someone one of our officers got injured but residents this is a piece of paper if Sheriff does not want to sign a piece of paper how does that say that he's going to work with our chief of police if at a severe emergency happens then one of our agencies needs the other but he won't sign a piece of paper if if our police chief doesn't but he'll work with them I don't I I have a real problem with that um Mutual Aid is extremely important I I'll I'll take note I mean prior law enforcement I would like to hear from the chief if that's appropriate if he's willing to say anything I don't know if he is or not um so but I I'm I'm I'm not happy that this is being dictated by someone of who signs this by someone who has no law enforcement experience no offense Mr coppler this needs to be law enforcement to law enforcement yes and I don't I don't understand why we're letting that happen did you want to comment Chief you don't I mean I would like to know but he doesn't have to yeah just throw in that out there I'm G to leave my personal opinions out of this because I do have some okay um unprofessional opinion the uh MAA is first and foremost a officer safety and ass citizen safety document it's not just for the officers here in the city of Port Richie but it's also for Newport Richie it's also for Pasco deputies and those their safety is my priority we don't have to we don't work with zephra hills or date City that often but they do call us to assist them with events that they have and they need Manpower so in that capacity we do work with those agencies on the other side of the the county um and I'll just leave it there any discussion I'll entertain your motion I made a motion a motion second motion second motion second for discussion anyone for public like comment my name is Danny fields and my address is 8114 Leo kid uh I stand behind the chief why because it's his department and the sheriff has got their department they work together as a team you know that's their logo they say that they fight is one well well what it really comes down to is like we said if if you can't sign a piece of paper for whatever grants of money and and working together like that because it comes down to finances and so they want the big piece of the pi the way I see it I know Chris Narco and we're in Partnerships with him as well with uh uh the National Day of Prayer and Leonard has been a uh a chaplain with the sheriff department so we he asked me not to really get involved involved in it but we're going you know I'm going to bring this back to them uh the church and see if we could have some kind of meeting where this could be resolved openly where the public could be involved and knowing what's really behind this you asked what what's behind this that's what we want to know we want the the chief he he ain't trying to defend himself he's just doing his job with excellence and you know and I'm not just saying that because he's the chief uh but because I know his character I stand with him and uh I'm not for the sheriff department on this issue because what they're doing is not right and if anybody here can't see that then I ask you to open your eyes and investigate and find out why not just because he you know Matthew he don't know this part of what's going on they got him in as a middl man and using him to just be able to to get their agenda done and that's the way I see it as a as a citizen as a Chaplain and that and so I will not set back on this issue stand for what is right and what is noble and just and I hope that you guys will investigate and make decisions and and and get to the bottom of this and stand with the one that is doing right you know the sheriff department you know they they want they got their agendas and things they want get done and so some sometimes they'll they'll cut another one's uh reputation just to get their things done but the chief has done nothing wrong here that I know of and uh he's he's did everything by the book and he's willing to work with them and uh you know if they can't work with him you know I'm going to say it because you know I ain't worried about the she the the sheriff department shame on them and I will tell Chris Norco that myself shame on them you have a nice evening and think about that thanks Dan anyone else like to speak okay Todd 8301 Congress Street my take on this is um being that I am in police and I am a Federal Officer I know what goes on behind the scenes I know that signing that is important the reason that's important is because prior to a lot of you being here the corruption that was in this city was because because we didn't have that backup and when we got that backup it started cleaning up we started cleaning house and we cleaned up got a lot of this Riff Raff out of here off of council and made things better moved the city forward so with that being said the the problem is and and whatever their issues I don't know this gentleman um you know it's it's and I don't know he may not want to get into his issues like he said he's going to keep personal things and you start prying and digging you might get in a can of worms you don't want to know about so at that part it's kind of like look um let it well enough be but the reason we signed that we pay County ta we pay for the sheriff we pay for the police we might as well use them but I know when we first got here we had an incident and we called out our city police and they couldn't do anything they wouldn't do anything about it so we went to the sheriff and said hey we got a prostitute in our driveway and our police can't do nothing about it because they didn't allow the sheriff in here to do do anything so we had to go over their heads to make things and change things in order to get stuff cleaned up that's where that lies I'm not judging anybody I don't only God does that I'm not saying anything um horrible about anybody I'm just I know the guidelines and you want that in your back pocket you do okay thank you thank anyone else like to speak see as I bring back um before I put the vote I just um I want to rate don't I don't like this situation that we're in but obviously it's very important that um we have a a memory of understanding with with the sheriff and the other our neighboring cities for the safety of residents safety officers that's that's tantamount to me um I I don't direct staff so when I say this it's strictly I just hope Chief whatever the issues that you guys have that you try to you know work that out with the sheriff and hopefully that at some point we can get this amended put your name back on it so uh you know whatever you can do to help facilitate that' be an assd i I mean the fact that M Sheriff NOCO is the one that directed him not to be on this it's it's Sheriff NOCO has a a big part in this and my know is not going to be against Mutual Aid my know is against not having our police chief involved in this but the mutual Aid is for the people it doesn't matter what's going on between the police chief and the sheriff that's their personal stuff I was going to say another word but that's their personal stuff understand that and so we need to focus like the I mean he made it very clear with what he said I understand that that it's for the people and that that is his utmost concern and so I think we need to listen to the police chief himself and we need to approve this right away and whatever issues they got they need to deal with that themselves or not if they don't want to that's not up to us but the mutual Aid is is important per Florida Statutes so comments see Hands put a vote all in favor saying I I oppos no motion carries okay next up is item number 10 approval of Paving city streets pass Mr C for intruction so this is a something I believe council's had discussions on in the past but we are bringing forward the paving plan for the upcoming year uh several streets including Richie Drive Bay Boulevard hner Street November Drive Carpenter Street Wells Court Candlelite Court ler court and Broadway Avenue will all be paved under this plan most streets have a remaining service life rating of four which means it's at the end uh this program is significant step to increase City's overall RSL Street average 500,000 was set aside by the city council in October still after review as recommendation of staff to balance to purchase this contract between arpa and Penny for p scope contingency funds and so originally you had put aside 500,000 in ARA funding um as we looked at the upcoming uh Cody River Landing project and how we were going to be utilizing some of that funding uh from I think it was the uh the stapes me now but the impact Fe right um we felt that it was going to negatively impact our reserves for that so what we're recommending is that we use more arpa money towards that project and use penny for Pasco to fund the 127,000 uh or up to 127,000 for this project and I don't know if Sally you want to get into any specifics right now or wait for the questions um one call out just to clarify so in in a background summary here um the Dedra Circle was not mentioned but down into detail Dedra Circle was mentioned is Dedra Circle included in this or not no because well no only Wells court at the very end of Dedra I I've put that and I've highlighted that section in the map as one of the maps to be done the Dedra Circle that they mentioned in the quote only because when he was mapping when Ajax Paving was mapping it it doesn't show Wells Court as the name it just calls it Dedra Circle but that is Wells Court which is at the very end of Dedra not all Dedra Circle will be done so so Dedra comes in and I think there's there might be some confusion on what's Dedra Circle what's Wells Court Dedra Circle goes on down to the to the creek Wells court is just that one little Jun to the left well which I've seen both where Wells court is just this and goes to the creek you know it's been called both and we've got the sign there in the middle that indicates that that straightway between where where the the small very tiny cold sack and that straight away is Wells court so and then but that's what's going to be paid that entire circle Wells Court por so if you come down deeper circle to the right that's going to be paid to the right and to the left that's all Wells Court yes both both right and that that small left okay well just go I think technically ACC resident that's actually be Circle back there so as long as it make sure that that's really really bad there yes so so all of Wells Court including the deeder circle Wells Court yes that's what we're yes and then discussion I've had I have Dave Reed here with Ajax behaving to go over any specifics on that but we've we've collaborated several times about that specific stretch can I ask a question please didn't we reite Lantern and candle light we probably did reite because we recommanded as many city streets as we can for the amount of money that we set aside but once again Council wanted me to go in the direction of the lowest rated streets which candle like did um I added Lantern court because Lantern cord at the time rated a six but I remember at one time you pointed out that there were several patches done which these pictures don't show because I I pulled I pulled them from Google mapping but I know that those patches are there yeah and then there were several patches that were done because of the Duke Energy power poles and everything like that some main braks that were done so the fact that the deployment they're going to literally right there on cake Court which did rate a four might as well do Lantern court that was right there anyway and include that so that being said the are any streets included not included in this list that were not recited the streets that were below a four the majority I don't have the whole list here but they were all private they I would have they would have been added to that so that's the thing I would have if we if I had twos or single you know single digits which they they weren't rated because they were all private roads so during the survey they didn't rate that so but um I'd have to compare the reclamite list of all the streets that were done on that list to that but I I went from Council direction to pave the lowest rated streets in order to raise our RSL rating because that's the goal the goal is you want to increase that rating you know over time sure my and my concern is is that reclamite process we was only supposed to reclamite obviously the roads that we couldn't resurface and we may have did some extras or whatever but what I don't want to see is that the ones we didn't reclamite the intent would have been to repay those right and so for not repaving those in this first section but we're Paving some that were treated that seems contradictory to me well you got to understand that the re my treatment they um the the the company that did directly my they went like I said we try to do as many city streets as possible I can cross reference that list but once again what I believe anything under six it wasn't going to help right that was the no and that's and that's the whole thing is that many of the streets that we recited thank you many of the streets that we recomended um Still Still rate four six that's not going to improve that rating it's going to keep them from it's going to save them some time from getting worse but it's not going to seal up the cracks or anything like that it wasn't crack ceiling it wasn't M you know Mill and overlay or anything like that the repite is just basically a spray treatment that would help that would help preserved for a few more extra years it was the first step and believe it or not I'm I'm glad that we did that step because for 30 40 years we never did any type of process so to do that process for the majority of city streets was a great Direction but there are still M Mill and overlay Mill and overlay and other processes that we need to consider for a lot of our city streets um this is just the beginning there's several other streets that probably could fall under Mill and overlight but what I also tried to do was balance streets throughout all three sides of the city in order to accommodate most of our residents um that's why I included Broadway it's still rated a four that was added candle light Lantern on the north side of the city it was Council Direction they didn't want to do all of Bay Boulevard and that was the first proposal but that first section between US1 19 and Wilkins is is in terrible shape very very bad shape um that's why that between that and and Richie Drive are going to have um the base and everything we done on those because of how bad they are so I can if I can come back um you give me I have to take a moment to look over this I just here here's my concern obviously the re M's down we spent the money to put it down um the the intent was is that we would not be Mill and replac the ones that we treated and so if and I don't know if we had a set amount we had to use it up we had extra that wasn't cost us anymore we just went ahead and did it but if we if we made a if we made a decision to reclamite roads that wasn't going to add much value we're going to turn around and and resurface them anyway I'd rather spent that reite money towards Paving as opposed to just put it down there same thing is we're going to you know switch out water pipes we don't want to put a new Road in teir it up put water pipes in and put a new road down we don't want to reiz stuff we're going to tear up and put new payment down so I understand we're trying to it almost sound correct me if I'm wrong it sound like you said we had a pot of money we wanted to use it all up well that's we we authorized a pot of money to do a job that we were under impression that was going to only treat roads that we weren't going to come back and tear up and and resurface the majority that were sixes and above for recite right if Broadway or any of those other streets were done it was because we had we had enough money to do those to do those scores we aimed for six and above when it came to reite right yeah so but now we had enough Mone to do candle light Lantern so we did it and we spent that money and now we're going to basic throw that money away because we're going to M and resurface yeah but you still still RSL rated to four I mean that reite is not going to improve that right no I I I get that but we we we spent money to recite it well because you still want to preserve the street that you add regardless you could say tonight not to not to PVE candle light Lantern that's fine that reom would have been I mean it's it goes either way but my re like I said the recommendation is to take care of the lowest rated streets it's still a low rated Street and I'm I'm 100% more with that I said if if they're fors and they need replac let's go replace them but the heartburn I have is that sound like we we threw away some money so in the future let's make sure that we are good stewards of the of the resources that we provide s like we may have turn run I mean that re mik didn't help us another six months seven months of life we probably could have got by with without doing I what it cost probably wouldn't a whole lot anyway but just as we as we approach things in in in the future let's make sure that every dollar spent is a dollar it needs to be spent so I feel like in couple of these roads we may have threw some money trash which we don't have a lot to do so that's comments I had anybody else comments I think this is a great start appreciate that we move forward our Windows getting smaller also we got to take consideration as we do the paving uh four months we're entering the the hurricane season uh and it's very unpredictable that time which cause numerous delays if that happens we have a window to move forward may we move forward and and let's take otherwise from day one I said don't lose this arpa this was one of the reasons why I wanted to get this in front of council as soon as possible because of that window um I spoke to Mr Ved about that window and he's optimistic that we can get this done before before June 1st which is the beginning of hurricane season now of course our our hurricane issues don't start until September later in that year but we're hoping to have that you know taken care of by then so we've talked about deployment and time and he's confident he can meet that all four that sound like a motion Tom like a motion motion to approve what's that motion a second oh uh any further discussion anyone public like to speak [Music] welcome we're sound challenged Davy with Ajax Paving and I I drove 3 hours and 45 minutes so I I hope somebody has a question did you really yeah it's supposed to be about two hours but the the Sarasota traffic was on I75 so you don't have any questions it's fine but uh I'm here you promise this is going to be done before June yeah we we shouldn't have a problem getting that done our schedule's tight but uh that's what Mr lari told us you guys want and uh like you said moving quick like this making a commitment we'll be able to put that in our schedule and you know fill a window that that we're probably talking about uh two to three weeks here to get all this work done so my the only concern and it's the Ridge Road Extension which is Richie during the day that is a terrible area because everybody Walmarts uh waas even the residents going back that's a a nightmare I I don't know what your plans are if there's any night work or what the I guess we we can discuss Logistics night work allow at night work I mean there's buses that utilizes that all the time and so we do a lot of night work yeah we do a ton of night work so if it's better at night we can work that out yeah we we discussed that in high traffic volume through there um he going to have complete mot set up and and deployment for that but nighttime they've done nighttime work and it's going to be definitely considered expension for that area well and and the fact that they're probably going to do Richie and Bay Boulevard simultaneously because they're going to be deployed in that same area so those are two arteries that are literally coming out of the entire north side of the city so more or less we'll we'll discuss that as we move forward I'm happy thank you all right anybody else driving thanks for being here I just wanted to be helpful if I could so open yet really here h i don't water can can you just explain to them just in briefly because I know we've been here for a little bit but the process for both Richie and Bay Boulevard yeah why the extensive work for that yeah so those we took a pretty close look at those if you if you look at those streets uh I believe let's see Bay Boulevard originally was proposed to do the whole length months ago and uh when Mr lari gave us the second list that wasn't on it so I inquired why and we we were looking at U what is that Richie or Broadway right there uh Richie Richie okay Rich I'm sorry I don't know your streets as well as you guys do but uh just a block away there the the streets in pretty bad shape and our recommendation was to Mill deeper about 5 and a half inches and replaced with an asphalt base under there and um I just suggested that since we're there and and the job is really kind of quite quite small in terms of the way that it's broken up into several pieces that it' actually make it a little bit better job for us to be able to do that you know at the same time and it would also improve the street for you guys that is by far the worst length of road that last block before us9 and it looks identical it's all broken up um potholes and cracks and you know several different temporary patches for trenches and all that and I thought you know we're a block away fixing this street we should be fixing that street too and we just thought the public would be asking you questions why you didn't if we were right there so um convenient for us to be a block away and just be able to kind of move the resources around and and you know so that was my suggestion and so yeah those will be getting 5 and 1/2 Ines of asphalt and the the top layer is actually a polymer modified asphalt looks like whatever's going on there and sounds like a lot of traffic the polymer modify is a a stronger binder so it helps in both um high and low temperatures so it's more rigid in the high temperature and it's more flexible in the cold temperature it doesn't wear and tear quite as bad looks like road's been really torn up so that was our suggestion for those two so another quick question um I don't know if this is part of the scope but the drainage especially there on uh Bay Boulevard Alpha 19 no matter when it rains there's a large puddle for a quarter to almost half the street coming off 19 uh I don't know if it's going to be raised or if the scope is to assist some way with with the drainage and not only that area but some of the other areas as as well yeah we can look at that we didn't do any engineering here generally this is just a Mill and pave you know remove and replace but typically in that type of situation there are there are places we can fix minor problems I don't know how major the problem is but we could take a look and and see I don't know if Paving is necessarily the only solution there for you to be honest well I don't know anything about it about that particular problem that you're mentioning so I I'll bring this I'll bring that point up to our Public Works utility director and make sure that as we're going to be deployed any these specific areas that the may need to be raised or anything like that before they M an overlay that we can go ahead and get those done before that process is done so then everything you know all greens and on whatever streets they're going to do as at the is at the proper height and would cause less puddling and whatnot in those areas you can do a little bit of cross slope correction with the mill Milling a little bit deeper on the side and not quite as much in the middle and get a better crown and things like that um what we're talking about on the residential streets is an inch and a half so you know we we we can do something with that but you know if you've got a major drainage problem that's that's you know doesn't have anything to do with the the actual profile of the road there's not much we can do other than you know the best we can do with the geometry have so thank you yeah quick before we vote the next week okay um on the Richie Drive repair and resurface there's one question I forgot to ask it says uh from us19 to the end of the block at wilin street so all Wilkin 19 to the dead end there it says including the intersection radius returns soes that mean we're going to M replace some of the the Wilkins or no what's that including the intersection radius returns [Music] mean okay we're wils no we're not going to be doing wi but pretty much it's going to come up to that intersection so I might blend you know between Richie and wils but yeah yeah absolutely it just means through the intersection round the into the radius area yeah kind thought a little bit of pretty yeah you want see this sure so this fans out so basically a little bit of Wilkins gets covered in intersection that's kind of thought a thank he can't see it's too far away just just so Council understands there's there's also a section of do DOT road that's comes in just a little bit off of both Bay and Bay and Wilkins we will not be touching that because that belongs to De so we're going to be doing everything from that belongs to the city so and off 19 there' be a little Gap there that's do yeah there's a small Gap that road is in much more better condition anyway and it's going to blend in but we couldn't we can't go into Do's roadway this this these Graphics would have been nice material to include there so as we do more Ro definitely do that this clarify that's the verbage okay vote all in favor say five saying I I opposed motion carries last up is old business um I did have something I want to ask old business it dropped off was the light at Wilkins yeah the a lift station right there is it that's the one on the PO that's the new light yes why didn't they why did they put it there instead of the actual post at the corner a couple reasons um well the fact that that entire Corner was dark uh the fact that the lift station is maintained by by our technicians uh we wanted to provide light for them as well so that's why that was that was there if there's still an issue we could go forward with another light um I noticed that the the new kind of light is um is Led um I've been out there a few times I mean it's it's council's preference if you want to add a secondary but that was the location pick because of just that entire area was dark and then I thought of the lift station as well so the intersection was the the point I don't know because it's the um here's thead and the lights basic point out here I don't know photometrics are better to angle it back towards the intersection to help light that up maybe would cast more light I have to look at night to see coverage but maybe it because I was under impression it's going to go on a one pole rightor the corner but I get your point be good to light that up too maybe just angle it I could I could talk to about just your saw so to basically basically uh turn it West just angle it West a little right okay it help sh the light down towards the intersection um the other we covered blueo um the 100 anniversary we mentioned need to establish a planning committee what y'all's thoughts on advertised I guess we create one by ordinance or ad hoc committee we just probably do we need to get Staffing for it so I didn't know what the procedure was actually establish it proba it by resolution by resolution Yeah by resolution I know that the Port Richie Chamber of Commerce would like to be a part of yeah a resolution you may create at hoc committees to advise the city council on specific matters affecting the health safety and laare of the citizens of the city or on matters relating to the operation of the government yeah so I guess by consens for the next agenda can we get to put resolution for the creative committee that way we can get it broadcast and hopefully get some people to sign up for for that just so you know that the there was a provision in here I don't know the time frame we're talking about that the committee cannot exist for a period cannot exist for an excess of 120 days oh oh no unless you improve differently I'm sorry I didn't read read the whole sense I tell you that all the time read everything yeah please so next meeting if we can have that y can we can include City staff each member of city council May Nom May nominate a city resident to serve on the committee city council by majority vote shall select the members and alternates to the committee from that list of nominees councilmen council members may serve on one or more AA committees but may not constitute a majority of the committee that answer your question I don't know question I I just want to make sure this that staff is like the Maj I think the staff the city staff need to be the major um organiz this actually would be good to have staff on the committee well no they they need to run I mean they're the ones that have the money they need to be running it and you know and everybody else is this is a City Event so it needs to be run by the city and then all of us are there to help them and assist them and to give them ideas and suggestions SI part it huh any other the size you guys make it nine maybe like the CAC or more that's fine that's it's a good size number in case show Rodriguez having City staff uh the our residents would love to dream the city staff has the reality so I mean bringing that balance together I mean would would help tremendously yeah I think it should be City staff and City res yes yeah she has to draft the resolution so n Mr C I think needs to be on it he's a Chari I'm a resident you are and he's a resident so you sit in two chairs you can jump back and forth and I can dream so baby Dr with the city manager as the chair and then um they have to elect the chair at the first meeting yeah that need to be elected when you getbody for the the comprehensive land use plan he's the chair of that well that's by the charter okay I'm not I'm looking at that hot commit you might get chair we can strongly suggest it to the folks that get get chosen include CAC members and then residents I think at this point what I would need for a resolution is um what you want to do which I understand what the purpose is um if you want to limit the number I mean I guess if you want to make sure certain categories are represented we can add that you know citizen that's not connected to the you know there work here whatever um you can it can include those categories or you can just say n nine people and all of you get get to pick and then you get to vote yeah you guys guys figure out what you think's best and then bring it back twe it that's good would you be okay if there would be non-residents on that I'm just thinking business owners that may not live in the city well they pay yeah if they're business owners that they they pay taxes to this city absolutely yeah that's a good point okay any other old business session the the sand that ol the park since we're redoing the park is that part of that yes done get your flipflop get my kayak out anything else for motion motion to adourn Second and motion second all in favor sign say I opposed mej Let's Take 5 minute break we'll come back for a quick