##VIDEO ID:f39zREtlOOI## city council Mee so father God we just thank you for the city and every Department here I thank you for the mayor and for the board members and the council and the stuff that's on the agenda tonight Lord we thank you for Honda the property and Walmart and all the farmworks and the bill 770 Lord we just ask for wisdom to guide and continue to work together as a team to watch things grow and change in this community where it's a great place to live and work and play and uh visit and come through and I just thank you for what you've done doing and will do and I just ask blessings on every one of us in Jesus name amen fles M cler have please Mayor John Eric Hoover here vice mayor Linda Rodriguez here councilman David Mueller here councilman Robert hubard here councilwoman Lisa Burke here City attorney nany Meyer here city manager Matthew poppler here thank you next up we have a swearing in for Lisa Burke [Music] come you could raise your right hand and repeat after me I do solemnly swear or affirm I do solemnly swear or affirm that I will support that I will support protect protect and defend the Constitution and defend the Constitution and the government of the United States and the government of the United States and the State of Florida and the State of Florida that I am duly qualified that I am duly qualified to hold office under the Constitution to hold office under the constitution of the State of the State and that I will and that I will well and Faithfully perform the duties of councel person well and Faithfully perform the duties of councel person on which I am now about to enter of which I am now about to enter so help me God so help me God I would like to re introduce councilwoman Lisa Burke congratulations and the name tag yeah well sort of be a better one now yay no more paper Okay moving on we got uh set of budget Workshop minutes and City Council budget hearing me minutes uh could I get a motion for the September 5th City Council budget Workshop minutes motion to approve the September 5th second motion second for discussion all in favor 6y by saying I I opposed motion carries and now I need a motion for the September 19th 2024 City Council budget hearing minutes motion to approve city council hearing minutes second motion second for discussion all in favor 6 by saying I I I opposed motion carries okay mov on conman General Public uh I have one signed up Danny Fields welcome my name is Danny Fields my address is 8114 Le kid uh again I just want to thank you for all you that you do I'm glad that Lisa got sore in thank you for being here and you tucking out and you'll do a good job thank you uh I also want to talk about about the event that happened in the park we had a good turnout we had uh at Waterfront Park we had the story about Christmas tree and the decorations went on it the community came out we had about 350 people we had the police department there I want to thank them the officers was there they did public relationships as well as uh the fire department and even some of them uh one of the officers I recruited her asked her would she be willing and she said she would and tell part of the story about the Christmas tree and uh so she got to lead the kids as they put them up there and done it and got a lot of good photo ops and the officers always enjoy it as well as the fire department and then that was a somebody cares event with local churches coming together we had the donations from Walmart from the police department and Toys for Tots we had uh probably about uh $77,500 worth of toys go back into this community donated from from the businesses Walmarts through the police to fire department see these are great things to give to those in need we had food we had over uh 350 people there plus the those who volunteered to help uh the mayor was there that was great and the police and the fire department again and so it's just a great turn out to be able to support the city and the residents and to give back and work together as a team so on that note uh total cost of everything usually Nancy gives me the report but I could pretty well figure out we had volunteer way donate water and stuff like that we give extra overflow to the police uh to the fire department and stuff like that that helps with their budget because they get like a couple hundred dollar worth of cases of water juice and snacks and all that but I do got an event coming up uh that will be giving out food again like we did for Thanksgiving but it will be coming up for Christmas so it's through senior nutrition and it's called free Christmas meal Wednesday December 25th we can sign up we need volunteers but we usually always get that it's through uh the Church of God we could contact uh Dan and Julie knobs their phone number for those who would hear online it's going to be 7278 uh 8313 and uh and it's called broken but beautiful they'll serve probably 8 or 900 people and so this is a good thing for those who are shut in old people people that just need somebody come and spend some time with them and and that's the community pour them back into the community with with businesses as well as all the donations the same way through them so thank you and bless you in Jesus name thanks Dan that's all I have signed up anyone else like to speak I would like to way U my name is Wayne Guido I live at 5445 bluepoint Drive um I the reason I came tonight is I had two issues the first one is I'd like a little clarification on this letter that went around to have our houses pre-inspected um I have a two-story house I had no damage I got blowout panels I don't understand why I got a letter I was told by Council Mueller that I just had to call down here and say I'm in a two-story house and everything was going to be fine um unfortunately the inspector came down our block while I was at work today and he put a red tag on my door um and he put the red tag there because he saw the debris from my foyer that I'm taking out the walls there I'm not doing any construction I'm doing deconstruction because I'm going to plaster the walls so I never have this problem again in my foyer um so I think yeah it looks unsightly maybe I should have got a yellow slip to get it moved it was supposed to be moved last Friday it wasn't because thank God the city finally um through councilman Mueller got somebody in there to dredge that Canal a little bit um but those are or or you mayor um but however you know I just don't understand why I've got a red sticker that I can't even remove it's I mean it says it's for penalty of law if I take it down um I plan on coming you know I work clear out St Pete now I got to come get off work tomorrow early to make sure I get up here in time to talk to the inspector what's going on so that's you know that's the Crux of while I'm here tonight I don't know if somebody can explain the law to me as far as the letters went and why I've got a red slip that would be great so I my understanding I don't since billly dep's not here I don't know if you can or not but um if your home is elevated there is no inspection for substantial damage because it do apply right correct I and I know we deployed assets today or yesterday I guess started yesterday um to help with those assessments but again they shouldn't be going to elevated homes well I think and again I first I heard of this so I have no way to answer the question unfortunately um but to answer the first part of the question is the letters that went out so right the letters you know went out to the whole flood Hazard area for those properties that that you know are going to be uh not in compliance with what the code is so basically onlab uh there isn't an easy way to to differentiate in our system whether they're onlab or two store M um I believe they tried to eliminate as many of those as they could but we knew that there was going to be some that went out that that did go to twostory uh or lifted raised houses I think there was some that did not get it yeah that did you get one you didn't get one so there there was some filtering it was done I did not get one but I talked to the the female guys today and he showed me everybody on our street um both Wayne's house and J's house uh and I think Phils house all were flagged as ones that they need to inspect so if they're wasting time and this is a resource we have a limited amount of I think it's important to probably address those that are on grade first and if need be move to the you know whatever they they're they're I don't know why they so I so you when we talked you said someone from FEMA so our our people aren't from FEMA that's doing the damage whoever they are okay uh they're the damage assessment team they were working off of a cell phone that they have a tie in right to forun uh they were familiar with that they showed me uh yeah I had a yellow dot on it that means something needs to be looked at at that house and they knocked on his I happened to be there at the time they knocked on his store they knocked on Joe's store they knocked on Phil's store nobody was uh home so okay that's all I know okay so I I don't know I haven't had a chance to well I mean maybe it's because I I did get a little bit of money from FEMA to mck they paid me basically to muck out my garage for God's sakes and I don't know if that flagged it and put it on the list or not I have no idea so I don't I don't have the answer to that okay I don't have why they they were there at your property I don't know why no they were they were doing the city assessment this is that assessment team from Louisiana Mississippi yeah yeah yeah right but I don't know who gave them the yeah address right and I think it was a Mis flag but who knows I I don't I I yeah don't know I but but let me go to what probably prompted uh a red a red tag is I know that may may or may not have been that that crew did that I'm not sure um but it could be because we have so many people doing work without a permit um we're trying to stop it before it gets too far and that could be what that is about but right again have to follow up and find out tomorrow the only thing I have to do is is get my steps done and I planned on coming uh for a permit for that right now I'm not even close to that it's just getting right let me off the wall follow with that in the morning and we can reach out to you and let you know what what the cause of that is and we might be able to clarify that without you having to come in so give me a chance in the morning phone David um give me a call I got if not I get a call do I want to come or call you just call call city right okay but I'm not moving that tag till somebody says I can you like we'll have him check into it and get back to you thank you and just you said I just want let the public know obviously it's not normally a back and forth but obviously since situation we're in there's probably other people maybe had same situation I wanted to kind of have a conversation about that in case anybody's listening so right and Veronica did say letters went out a lot of letters went out that that's what you said last right Tuesday yeah so there's a like I said it's there was filtering it done wasn't completely accurate um following on to that actually when when they went around and and hopefully now as they're going around and doing these damage assessment that they can somehow flag that in the system whether it's 4Runner whatever that these are elevated homes so that future events we don't burden these people with inaccurate information so um that's any more I guess nobody else in public so like we'll bring it back to the council U for city manager comments um unfortunately today has been one of those days where I haven't been able to prepare anything um we'll say that uh we are finishing up the uh debris collection uh We've tely uh uh marked the end of this week to finalize everything and you know one of again one of the issues we have is you we're staring down trying to get all this into FEMA so we can get reimbursement for it the longer that we drag it out more we can't get it submitted which drags out the ability to get reimbursed so that's why we you know we need to have a a definitive date certain when we're not going to be doing this anymore so we can turn everything into a FEMA so this Friday be the the end of it I know there's um we're still getting people that you know haven't had a chance to uh get their their properties properly taken care of um but again at some point we have to end this we can't just let it go on forever people I was hoping to uh have a little bit more of an update on where we stand with uh the U damage ass I think we were up well over 200 assessments being done at this point Le that was I think yesterday's number I didn't get anything today yet to uh give that number as an update um believe uh we are still working with the expedited uh process to get reimbursed although it doesn't seem very expedited anymore but uh I think what we were told is it's in process and I think although I don't want to missp or overp speak it sounds like we're in you know in line to get reimbursement for what we spent at least on the contractor side I think uh one of the issues that's going to be coming up is is on the work that our crews are doing it um and I'm pretty sure the one of the difficulties is going to be we've kind of gone back to a number of residents over the last couple months a couple times and again as we as FEMA looks at that information they're going to see addresses multiple times um generally they pay for one pass um but again not this good news but most of the multiple multile pickups have been done by our crews so um we're not going to necessarily be out of a lot of money at that point um uh should they not allow it to be reimbursed um I think that's probably all I have right now so last meeting we um my consensus changed but our comments last but I want to still give opportunity to any direct questions for Matt during this time frame but I'll say hold anything you have till the end of the agenda any questions for Matt good okay right along to comments from board's committees is there any comments from board committees you guys didn't me so cic did not have a quarum but we did have the coastal resilience last evening um and it was only our third meeting if I'm not mistaken so we're still in the beginning phases of it but um looking at a lot of different Avenues with reclaimed and not only just the coast but the water usage um trying to engage aabon and warab boce as well and that's still at the beginning stages of that um talked a lot about gry water Devon was um did a lot of research in regards to that so there was discussion about that as well so still at beginning stages trying to work through a plan and and uh move forward with that so okay thank you um from the Centennial committee we U we met and we finalized reinal if you will the uh Centennial logo we had an issue as I just described before with the the photo so we we've modified that photo very similar to what was before um do we have a picture of that we could show um I was hoping see um let me it's in our packet from just a second here when was that meating that was uh third right yeah okay okay let me share my screen so this this is the final logo and I asked I mean if we need to bring it back Council to vote on it um and so we didn't seem like we need to but kind of showing you now so if there's any objections to this by all means let us know we can work it out but I think this is a really really nice uh sub alternative very nice so the one we're we're going with so the uh we also um approved the sponsorship packet um that's out there that have we sent those out yeton agenda okay so we're good this this be our logo going forward for the Centennial is going to go on the sponsorship packets it's go on to businesses this list funding so thanks okay and that's all I have for SEL um yes uh I attended the Tampa Bay Regional planning Council a member of that um they've got a lot of uh grant money in for a lot of the things that we're doing in our city where where we can utilize them to do the analysis and that for Coastal restoration um Disaster Recovery grants who address some of that I've shared all this with Matt uh they got some water call water water quality and past uh study stuff going on I know we're interested in doing that with our uh water plant um they're also got several meetings coming up a coastal master plan and a resiliency Summit May so these are things that that Coastal committee that you're working on Linda uh that I think uh possibly can plug in and leverage off some of their expertise and their U their consultants and it be since we're a member of this this organization we have access to that at no cost so that would be a good thing maybe we sit down plan a meeting with them they said they'd like to come up and talk with us maybe have a presentation uh and I got a contact point there if we need to do that possibly even to your committee maybe um talk to Carl yeah I and yeah working through Matt and get with Carl so that's it but I wanted to let everybody know that there's potentially um some of that analysis work that we would have had to engage an outside consultant for potentially we can leverage off of some of their grants one of one of their grants is about 1.9 milli so a lot of stuff going on there so we work through that did um on on com committee um you guys got a vacancy um yes we do and did you guys talk about that at all no we did not okay because I I know I think it was somebody was interested and then um Carl they talked to Carl and I think Carl was maybe looking to get some kind of scientist entity or something on there so I know if you mentioned that no we did not talk about that last night okay and then um the only Comm me I not on it but they met today Planning and Zoning Board and they they start discussions on the sign code so um didn't do too depth or anything but that's going to be I think schedule a workshop going forward to invite businesses out and whatnot to talk more about the sign code okay moving along to the consent agenda for motion to approve the consent agenda for December 10th second motion second for discussion uh yes I see that City of Newport Richie has got our bills they did few Chopper actually called me the next day and indicated that we should be getting our bills on a regular basis so that's coming your way buddy any else public comment see Hands I bring back for a vote all in favor 65 saying I I oppos motion carries uh next up we have public hearings however um those did not get noticed properly um and so after looking at that um that's um without calling out too much we've we've had a couple instances like this and we need to make sure that obviously we're staying on top of that um so these would be probably rolled to the 14th of January meeting correct so we've got a process on that we know how many days and how many days it takes to get done so that this isn't going to occur again right yeah got it I mean than S to the cracks I I think this one partially was because it was it was noticed originally with the second reading date not set it was to to be determined and so that never was known to still the first part so um any we have to roll those to next meeting um so moving on to council business item number five approval resolution number 24-37 reduction of CRA boundary size uh Ocean Honda property I pass it to Mr cop for introduction uh as Council may remember during the uh fiscal year 2425 budget meeting uh there was a desire to reduce the uh payment from this to the CRA from the general fund uh the way that uh this was all a part of trying to reduce our mill rate to uh 6.35 per thousand uh we had at that point in time talked about removing different Parcels from uh the CRA to achieve that so the first one that we were we recommended is Ocean Honda property CRA had uh voted already to uh authorize this and it's now come before you I'll let you know we did provide notices to all the satutory uh entities that we had to provide notice to on this and I don't believe we received any feedback from them so open up motion or discussion oh resolution number 2437 a resolution of the city council the city of Port Richie amending the city of Port Richie community redevelopment agency's plan by excluding certain property from the Redevelopment area providing for severability and providing for an effective date now open for a motion or discussion motion to approve resolution number 24-37 have motion second any further discussion anyone public. comment I see no hands I bring back for a vote all in favor signy by saying I I oppos motion carries next up item number six approval resolution number 24-38 reduction of CRA boundary size Walmart property I'll pass that to Mr cop for introduction yes so everything I just said about Ocean Honda can repeat for Walmart uh so again part of the budget reduce what the commitment from the general fund of the CRA is we noticed all the appropriate places the CRA has voted to uh approve this than resolution number 24-38 a resolution of the city council of the city of Port Richie amending the city of Port Richie Richie community redevelopment agency's plan by excluding certain property from the Redevelopment area providing for severability and providing for an effective date thank you open up for motion or discussion motion to approve resolution number 24-38 second motion a second any further discussion public comment see no hands I'll bring it back for a vote all in favor signifi by saying I I I opposed motion carries next up item number seven approval resolution number 24-39 National Institute of Standards and Technology nist cyber security framework I'll pass that to Mr C introduction yeah so this is uh one of those things where you talk it up to the benefit of having a City attorney that works for multiple jurisdictions um and another uh City this came up and it spurred us to look at it to see if we had complied with this and uh we hadn't adopted a resolution such as this one to bring us into uh the standards we supposed to by January 1st so this is a local government cyber Security Act each local government shall adopt C cyber security standards that safeguards data information technology and information technology resources to ensure availability confidentiality and integrity um I think with everything that we were doing we were working towards us the one thing that we were missing was Council adopting uh the attached resolution that the City attorney put together to bring us in compliance so we're already doing the things that are required in this so there's no additional anything my yeah my understanding is you were already on track um this just has to be a resolutions to be adopted by Okay resolution 24-39 resolution of the city council the city of Port Richie Florida adopting the National Institute of Standards and Technology cyber security framework authorizing the city manager or designate to adopt policies and procedures is necessary to implement the framework and comply with Section 28231 185 Florida Statutes authorizing the city manager or designate to affirm compliance with SE Section 3 sorry 282 3185 Florida Statutes and providing an effective date thank you I open up for a motion or discussion yeah I'd like to discuss this I know that we've engaged Thrive as part of this effort right um how do they fit in are they I know they F you as the person in charge or a designate or is there somebody else on staff that can help facilitate that too or yeah actually um s is probably Desy that's where we look at it and of course George Albert who is Our IT person his direct contact okay and and I'll point out that I think the third third document in the packet which is titled City of Fort Richie nist alignment I think that kind of goes and shows you what what we're doing with thrive to meet those uh cyber security UH responsibilities motion to approve resolution number 24-39 second I have a motion in a second any further discussion anyone public like comment SE no hands I'll bring it back for a vote all in favor signify by saying I opposed motion carries uh next up item number eight acknowledgement and agreement that the Florida green Finance Authority is in compliance with what the agreement provides and the requirements of Senate Bill 770 I'll pass it to Mr cop for introduction so um we received uh a correspondence from the uh Florida green uh Finance Authority uh that uh went through a lot of what you see in the packet here uh apparently uh earlier this year and then starting uh July 1st uh Senate Bill 777 was adopted and implemented in July that requires uh amongst other things uh those Special Districts or in this this particular case Florida Pace act um the special district which is Florida green Finance Authority get it right I had uh where is this say it without said that must comply with certain uh aspects within and they list to what it is and I'm not going to read the whole thing here um and effectively the Finance Authority fills that they did comply with what Senate Bill 770 said they should and they sent out to all those uh signatures to this uh Authority a statement saying we believe we have we want you to agree that we have complied with what Senate Bill 7707 I know Nancy is um spent some time looking at it to the best of our ability we believe that it has complied and feel that it would be safe to go ahead and sign this and forward it back on to them didn't not Pasco County just come out recently was something against the PACE program I do know I don't know to he yeah what what do this I mean I've read this obviously but what does Pace do yeah that's a great question because it did I thinkk you when when we when we first got this that's what we were trying to figure out because this was something that was actually I think adopted back in or the city got into it back in when did I say here 201 yeah 20 12 20 actually uh we signed the interlocal became a party to the interl agreement in 2017 it was actually started in 2012 by the town of Lantana and the town of mang mangonia Park and and what what it effectively there must have been some State Statute that was implemented that allows for uh financing of improvements related to Green energy so um solar and also yeah and and also other types of improvements to the home that you can make so uh new Windows Doors envelope improvements uh AC you know HVAC those type of things and it's both for residential and for uh commercial and the the framework for this is let's say you're going to do a $30,000 uh Improvement there is a certain number of years that you can then take to pay that off and it's done through a tax settlement on your property so that way you know it it gets leaned comes you know what's buil out through this this Finance Authority and so it makes it a little bit more affordable for a resident or for a business to make these types of improvements there's actually um if I to before I came in here there's you know probably Pages the different types of improvements that can qualify for this with with also the number of years that they could pay it off and range anywhere from 10 to I think 20 years is what that that time frame is a I right um the question I had one of the questions is so has anyone inside the city taken advantage of it which I thought was a great question um I did call great question thank you I thought it was because I I thought for sure someone would ask I thought he would ask I got it written down I haven't had a and so I made an a mission to call and we've been playing phone tag uh with the gentleman that should be able to answer that so I don't have that answer um but it it appears that within Pasco County there has been um some because I I think there was a few hundred, worth of improvements uh in their annual report for Pasco County but it doesn't break it up by jurisdiction and I want to say that uh besides us there are a couple other uh cities that do take a part of this I think zrey Hills is one to fin know dat is other but I've seen this program at several trade shows or home recruitement shows where you just things finan through pace and they just tag it to your property tax bill over a period of time so I will I will not if I may um I just did a Google so I don't have any more information on what came up on Google that um the Pasco tax collector has ended the contract that pay on the Pasco Tax Collectors believe that there's been a misuse of funds I will say that the gentleman from pace of course has denied that that's all I know because I just have it with Tampa Bay Times is reporting so I don't know if the the county has officially done that if they were going to do that obvious look I've read several articles where there's problems with pce so I don't know we want to be in agreement with them until we and and by this this isn't something if you want to take a step back wait on this weend I would prefer because from what I've read it isn't it isn't really something that maybe we want to be connected to again I wouldn't disagree with that after what you just I want to say I'd heard that because it's not interest free I mean there's interest involved people have lost their hous people have lost their houses over this pce program now I don't know all the details but I do know that's happened so I I wouldn't be comfortable agreeing to any of this until we looked into it further because obviously there's some sort of issue my question is why do we even have to agree to this I mean why is this even here so that was my question see all these great questions that came up so when this first came to to Matt's attention and I started looking at it I said well why do we have to acknowledge this there's nothing in the original contract there's nothing here that says that the cities have to acknowledge it um however the The Entity has made it a qualification if we want them to continue this is the acknowledgement they want so if the city wants to stay part of this agreement and continue with the program within the city you need to give them this acknowledgement now you may not want to continue that after more and by not and by not continue it that would prevent any residents within our city from being able to utilize but on the other hand maybe the reason why they're asking for this is because if Pas count is pulling out then they're going to have to go to the each of the individual cities and say well Pascal County's pulling out but you as a city do you want to stay and I will tell you now that I've read what I just read and learned what I just learned my my the hair on my neck is standing up again that they want to attest to attest to something that the contract originally didn't require us to attest to so I would like to hold this back a minute and let me some more looking I absolutely agree with that mot mot table moot to table you read that thank you motion table there second second okay motion second any further discussion public comment Dan look like a pace guy to me bring back for vote yeah big all in favor signify by saying I I oppos motion carries motion table carries uh next up is item number nine July 1st 2023 to June 30th 2024 red light camera report I will pass that hot potato to introduction so there was a change uh in this uh program year that uh to red light camera communities in the state of Florida to add another level of transparency to the program uh within those communities uh so every year uh the police department submits to the state a report which I included in in the packet that answers some basic questions about the program in terms of the number of uh violations so on so on um this year what they've required is that that communities provide a written report based upon that report plus some other information and do so before January 1 of this year and then let them know the date that uh This was done and have it actually read into the minutes so I've prepared a written report that I'm now prepared to read into the minute so bear with me um if it's okay I'll Le okay pursu to a Florida statute section 316.0083 4A 2B this report is submitted to the city council of Fort Richie to provide an overview of operation results of traffic infraction detectors tids also known as red light cameras within the city each year the city is required to prepare a written report for the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles detailing the outcome of its tid program beginning this year municipalities operating tids must also submit this report to their elected governing body read it into the official record and allow members of the public and opportunity to comment this report covers period from July 1 2023 to June 30th 2024 T program is managed by the Fort Richie Police Department under the direction of intern chief of police Michael cotch the city contracts with Vera Mobility as its vendor for its tids during this reporting period the city operated four cameras located at two intersections US1 19 at Ridge Road and us19 at Grand Boulevard over the course of the year a total of 8,441 notices of violations were issued of these 5,552 were paid 43 notices of violation were contested with nine being dismissed 24 being upheld and 10 notices of violation awaiting final resolution additionally 1,885 notices of violation resulted in the issuance of uniform traffic citations there are no notices of violation currently pending issuance as uniform traffic citation during the covered program year the tid program generated a total revenue of 1,436 4987 this amount was comprised of $ 85859 126 from pay notices of violation and $285,500 $ 58,59 126 collected through notices of violation the following allocations were made 81,82 was deposited into the department of revenues general fund Florida Department of revenues general f $ 54,4 60 was allocated to the state's Health Administration fund $1,338 was contributed to the state's brain and spinal injury fund 27 , 295 went to the city's police $5 fund the remaining balance of $379,000 27826 as well as the $285,500 after you open it up for the public will allow us to comply with what state statute call us for in this um I don't know if you want to do that I have some comments after that yeah so I I go ahe and open up public comment yeah I will comment on that one so uh my name is Danny Phils my address is 8119 uh Leo kid you know I know we need the cameras but I tell you what when I get out there I'm trying to come North on 19 and I know them cameras there people are riding your bumper and you're looking at that light to change I make that left turn all the time and so I would like if somehow they could monitor where they give you enough time to turn CU that light changes from you know from Green to yellow and do you stop do you try to make it you don't want to ticket you don't want to cause a rest people are behind you they're getting mad they're they're they're sometimes they slam on the brakes cuz you're trying to stop to obey the law so you don't get that uh camera that uh this happened to me when I first come down here but this was in Newport Richie I know the light changed real quick and I I I made a quick stop because you're doing 45 miles an hour well I start stopping the woman behind me didn't couldn't react fast enough well she plows to me slides me clean out into the intersection and totals the car and I get Whiplash out the whole thing so what I'm saying here is with the cameras they could be a hindrance to people it could cause more wreck sometimes than than helping it's just depend so what I do is I focus when I'm there but I see so many people doing the same thing sliding on the brakes so I'm I'm prepared for it now but a lot of people ain't so they just ride your bumper they throw fits they want you to run the light you don't want a ticket so I know that that's my uh opinion on the cameras I do not like them whatsoever but but I know that there's a statistics were they're trying to cut down on accidents but for me does it really cut down or does it create more because talked to Residents around here before in Port rich and at and a lot of accidents was caused because of that trying to either speed up and go through it or slamming on the brakes and somebody plowing him to them so that's just my opinion but you guys take care of it thank you yeah thank Danny anyone else see Hands i r back so um I have lot to say and I don't want to say everything um we had time so you know philosophically the problem I have with with this type of of program is that you know there's there's an intent and then there's what what actually happens with it and and over the last few months I've spent a lot of time getting involved with red light cameras and spent a lot of time looking at what the statute says and and you know the statute when when they the state decided to jump in to uh administering and overseeing this you know made it very clear I think in in the state statute that there there was a means to an end with these cameras and the intent was to correct behavior and limit that behavior going forward and do everything possible that you can do in in doing this to make it a safer environment where you put these these cameras and and so you know as you read through the statute there's a number of times where it talks about okay what what are you doing or what should you be doing with the money that's generated from this and you know part of it is education of of the public you know part of it is doing more uh enforcement activities around it what slows people down that you know make sure that it's not just the camp camera that they see but also police officers and I think we do certain of those things over time but there really isn't a coordinated plan um and and as you drive up and down US 19 you see other uh other uh you know red light cameras you know you may see a sign the sign to say that there's a red light camera is not well seen not overly advertised um which kind of leads to what actually happen with this right I mean the reason that some communities I'm not saying ours I'm just saying some communities do this is because you know you generate revenue and you know our community is at least in this one program year you know is generating milon yeah over a half million dollars and I think normally it's a million dollars right that probably a little more than that um and and so it it may not be doing the right thing for the people that we're we're supposed to be doing I mean you know the question that I asked as I went through all this is is are those intersections safer today than they were back in 2017 no even before I me go back to before they were put in place like 2007 2008 I mean is it I mean I wasn't here I haven't looked at those but that's that's the question that really needs to be answered um and and if the answer is no then then again the these are not the means to the end that that we need to do and and so in thinking through this you know I think there's things that we need to be doing more of in these intersections to try to promote traffic safety and you're going to see it I guarantee you're going to see it as part of our um Safe Streets for all program that we're going to be talking about some of these things that we need to be doing to create safer environments and so it's okay to have these as a tool but we're I don't know necessarily if we're using it as the tool that they could be to do the the education of of the public and create a safer environment for not only the the vehicles cars but the bikes and the pedestrians um because we still have significant safety issues um along us19 that's that's kind of me getting on a soap box here for a second pretty good yeah good good appr um the other piece of this is you know the way that we manage this program internally um again I think uh we for the the size of Revenue that comes in I mean this anywhere between in the last five years anywhere between 1.5 and $ 1.7 million uh is what it generates we probably haven't spent enough management time overseeing this program to make sure that we're doing everything fiduciary fidu areally that we should be doing um so one of the things that we are going to start doing is have a monthly meeting with Police Department those people that oversee it finance department management staff to make sure that we're doing everything that we can be doing to maximize the revenue that is collected on this I mean one of the things this is what happens when you talk lot um is like you know it kind of the process ended for certain um violations excuse me for a second once they went through the the initial uh phase and instead of taking them and going to the Department of Safety Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles and putting holds on people's registration we didn't do that and so there's Revenue lost which now we're we're changing that I can't speak through rest of the night can you take a minute no was got through it here almost done we're changing that we're using the software that we have to be able to follow that through and do that so we kind of Clos that Gap that has been created so there's things that we could have done better that we need to do better that we're making changes now so we do do better but I think one of the things that you're going to see in the upcoming budget process is even though we may you know count on you know 1.5 million let's say and I don't know what the numbers are yet but let's say we pick a number and that's what it is you're not going to see that that full amount go towards operational costs anymore um there is a watermark that we can say in any given year we can we can say this is what the number is going to be and then that money above it really needs to be in you know put into a bucket of spending on on things that wouldn't you know affect operations you know whether it's capital projects or improvements to safety and that and those intersections or whatever that is um so it is going to have an impact on how we budget going forward um but what that does is protect our operations you know it allows us to set here's here's what we know that we can spend money on and it's not going to be um affected whether this is 1.5 or 1.2 um but it's going to be something that we can count on so there's going to be some I think budgeting changes going forward and how we how we view this money that's generated from this this particular program I had a question on when it talks about um 379,000 that went that's for the red light tickets and it talks about these uniform traffic citations 285,000 so what is what's that yeah so uh you know I was I was trying to find a flowchart to explain all this they didn't want to create one but I could create one I didn't want to and there wasn't but the way the way the process works right now is um someone goes through a red light camera goes off it goes wherever the server is for uh this this system and there's a review that happens of that at the company level so Vera Mobility looks at it and says this complies with what Florida statute says is a violation of of a a red light camera and then it goes to us and we have an employee that will then review it to verify that it is now there could be uh for instance an example would be a police car license Sirens going through a red light fire engine ambulance you know emergency vehicle now from ver Mobility standpoint they don't care it it is a vehicle going through a red light now our officers look at it and say oh you know that's that's the police police car you know we're not going to tiet a police car going through that doing everything they're supposed to be doing and so that would get eliminated from from those events and there there's some other things you know if a car is at a certain point locally uh based upon you know rules and standards they they could you know take those Events off as well but those are very few and far between um and so then that then it's you know the stamp of approval from whoever's reviewing it that's a violation it goes back to Vera Mobility they send out the violation and these are you know notices of violation they're not tickets at that point and so you get the the first notice that you know you you you were caught going through there some people pay it some people don't um some people will want to do a hearing if uh they pay it it ends if they don't pay it then it goes back through the system it goes back to the police officer they reconfirm that that it is a a violation and then it goes to the court now becomes a ticket comes a uniform traffic citation and so when it goes there it goes through the county court system and so there's actually two different ways that money gets paid one is through the violation process Noti a violation someone pays it and if they don't pay it it goes through the UTC so that that's the two different numbers you have so basically the the 379 that's just people paying it out right soon as they get and else if they fought it they didn't pay it or whatever then it's collected the other way yeah well there's there's again if they if they want a hearing with our hearing officer that could still be a part of that [Music] balance any questions are you suggesting something that we're doing are you suggesting something different than we are doing with recommending or well I I think because I kind of got the feeling that you didn't want kind like so I don't really know um well I I think we're making some operational changes in you know how it's managed making sure that there is proper oversight to that that amount M coming into the city they'll be changes to the budgeting process in terms of you know what how we do I mean you know when when I look at a budget there's money that I can count on there's money I can't count on right I may get it I mean I get so what I'm I'm keying my my operations so I think Personnel I'm gonna you know have that tied to something that I know I'm going to gets in your tie um so it's it's going to have an impact I mean you know we're gonna have to look at the budget a little bit differently I guess that's for us to figure out over the next few months how that really is going to impact us I guess one of the changes I think that we do need to be doing with with this money is looking at you know how we use it to improve the safety of those intersections because it's pretty clear that when you read the the State statues on it they they keep hitting on that you know you're supposed to be using this money to do improvements to the the safety at the intersection so we need to come up with those programs projects which again kind of ties into the Safe Streets for all which you're going to see anyway so it's kind of like a good timing for that yeah so when I first got elected I had the question asked me what I thought about these red light cameras and I don't like them and and for a lot of what Danny said you know it's almost like they I cause more F do I mean I I've gotten one since I've been in Florida and it was actually Newport rich thank you much um and it was uh it was actually it's odd my pleasure to contribute um it was a it was very late at night I was coming down 19 and um there was actually a fire truck that has lights on going um uh southbound I was going northbound and I was coming up on can't remember what Crossing I was um there but um golf or something but uh it was one of those things where it turned yellow and I had to make a decision do I slam on my brakes to stop or do I hit the gas a little bit to try to get through it it was there's an inflection point there that because the way it works is is I found out is when it goes red if you cross that line anytime after that any fractions of a second and in my case it was actually was even a second it like a quarter of a second that I had went through there and I actually called I said you know you can see in a picture the fire truck in my violation you can see pass so you know and what I thought was is that you know I don't know what this fire truck's going to do is he going to turn or whatever I just wanted to get out of the way um so I I'd made decision to go through it well it was a quarter second bad decision um because I got the ticket and I didn't get out of it um and it was expensive bottom line did you pay the ticket or I did pay the ticket so I was in that that first half how how often have you heard this story like like like everybody that get a ticket has this same story but you know my point being is the the goal of this is was was not to catch me running that red light because I didn't really run the red light it was well I ran the yellow light and it just happened to turn red but but and and the problem is is is there's and and I make this this complaint you know because you know you have a timing thing that You' mentioned of how long the yellow light stays illuminated before it goes to red Chang now I would almost swear that because there was emergency V coming now they have the ability to change the lights now Grant this is the middle of the night not a lot of traffic and a lot of times those lights are even shut down the middle of the night some of them that because there's not that kind of traffic so I almost wonder if there was if it cued that light to happen and put me in that that can anyway that being said they're they're not perfect well I you it wasn't well problema you pay 100 bucks or you pay thousand bucks take a court and lose so I think you're guilty let's move on but anyway it's it's I don't I don't like your court of peers we have all decided youer I take my licks but you know so I don't like but when I was when I first I was asked what my thought on I don't like them but I found out that it's city has million plus Revenue because of it that we would have to make up somewhere else so all of a sudden it's as well you know I guess nature the Beast right um because and to Matt's point you know we can't tie our operations to red light camera tickets because realistically they could be the state could say they're done a time and then we've got to make up a million some dollars um to to cover cost so I'm very happy that you're looking into trying to decouple us from that obviously it's it's something that we should have been doing a long time ago um so that if you do get shut off it's just it doesn't you know it' be less training and stuff that we would do or whatever but um yeah so we need to we need to look at trying to get rid of the dependency on this right the dependency I great getting rid of the cameras I don't only because only because um you guys and fire when they're here they can attest to the fact that many accident happen at intersections because somebody is blowing through a light and that my daughter got T-boned going on a green light because somebody could I mean and it happens it happens people die at little and and um Ridge all the time from people just blowing through lights so um I I wouldn't want to pay ticket e God knows I've paid my share over the years but um if it's going to save somebody's life I I think the cam is using the money for making the intersection safer absolutely but I I I don't think we should get rid of it because people use ways and stuff like that they see it's coming in they're going to stop and maybe that will save someone's life and I think that's worth it yeah no and I agree they they do you know I think they probably it goes above above that it does probably save some lives but then again if you know if you're in that situation maybe they're going to run it regardless and and to be honest with you funny when I had this conversation was with John duud he's we've got repeat customers so I mean we've got people that go through these lights it's more than once it's not like oh next time I go to por Rich I'm G stop but they do it learn yeah so we have repeat customers which is frequent flyers yeah we have frequent flyers which is very interesting to me that that would take place you'd think after once you learn your lesson but um it's a recurring thing and so you know I don't you know I I I like having because it does deter that um but it does cause its own set of issues too so but you know I think we the training aspect is great intersection improvements whatever we can do to use that money in the future to try to fix it better than just you know relying on citations to try to do it so yeah one of the things that I uh noted here on question number 29 they had red light camera intersections and non red light camera intersections and all these safety measures we're not doing any of these things here but to that point I think we are because recently we've had restriping and uh of some of these intersections not an intersection I I guess a turn off of you know where we've repa and restriped stuff so we have done some things so I think you got to give credit where credits do but my note here is should we start doing this stuff and it sounds like we're already on track so I appreciate your concern for that as well and I believe these are placed by FOC not the city of Port Richie we just Shar yeah no ours we we chose to place them is there any other places that we should place um those are the two intersections Grand and Bridge Congress is Congress yeah is that Congress and rs or not County another part that question I have is since it's 19 and it's going through those two intersections what what can we actually do anyway with those roads because they're not ours well but they we don't have a right turn light the camera there it only has a red light camera going forward but not a right turn that was another point of Distinction they made here so we could add the right turn okay to that another Revenue Source I think at one point the city was now rely on someone city was looking at doing it at Leo kid so there was a point quite a few years ago where they they had the uh the camera companies actually do a a study of those of that intersection to see if it was feasible to have them at that intersection and I wasn't part of it at that time but my understanding at the time the number of violations that occurred did not did not meet the level to to do that there was also a time that we also had it at a at the uh eastbound side of rard US 19 and again the numbers that came from there did not threshold to to continuing it at that location on the eastbound side is that going north coming coming from from the Walmart Side East put a camera at the exit of Walmart for those people that go out and make left turns that were supposed to I I could have got Miss two violations the other day because I saw two people doing it Chief are these just these are just um still shots that you get I mean I see where you go back and check um for accidents too but is that just a still shot that video when they said this the initial violation includes it includes a video clip as well as a still shot of the license plate right so they're used for more than just than just the red lights themselves because sometimes you use those during accidents yes on on many occasions we've had had traffic collisions not necessarily related to in intersection or a red light but in close proximity and we've been able to go back and get that raw footage and utilize that to enhance the the traffic crash investigation right and another reason to have them too is is because the police can't be everywhere yeah no they they can't be everywhere they can't be you know they they can't be sitting on a red light and watching that doing traffic enforcement and other things are going on they just we just don't have enough police officers yeah no but I'm not advocating we remove them not adding anymore but that's another story just just another tool for the police department fors of citizens I mean I agree but stop you just got stop we TR camera saved my butt one time he did stop push forward do we track this over time and I'd like to see these numbers starting to go down to your point you don't want to rely on this if we're doing the right thing and encouraging people to uh adhere to the law and not run these red lights we should see a downturn in this and if we're not um they're again all the things necessary to educate the community uh you know maybe put one of those you know traffic signs there you know that we've got or have a police car park there um I mean there's lots of things well put golf cart Crossing across Grand so I mean should stay there it won't stop though because there's there's new people coming through all the time that's what I was going to say the population is increasing so much you probably won't see a downslide in numbers because our population is increasing so therefore with the population increasing if if the population stayed stagnant yes it should go down but it's it's not most of most of the tickets are people who don't live here right passing through on our way to clear water or something probably right plus you have you know all the snowbirds coming down too okay so we don't have anything here right no no no it's we we've now complied with the state statute for this year and next year you'll be seeing this again maybe not in December though but uh since we know now we have to do it I don't recall you L recall ever having us it's new brand new year July first okay anything else on that before we move on okay then item number 10 Centennial logo Camp six agreement for intruction talk some more just a little bit Sign Language sign sounds like Centennial committee and city council approved a centennial logo for the upcoming 100e celebration on the advice of the City attorney before moving forward with the logos's display an agreement should be signed with the city of Port Richie between the city of Port Richie Brian Lake the owner of Camp 6 still home City attorney has drafted an agreement for the city council to approve once approved Mr Lake will sign the agreement and Logo will be allowed to be publicly posted and advertised that's yout AG the agreement there for you to look at it's very motion to approve agreement to use Camp 6 photo and the Centennial logo second third fourth um and um one question I had on it before we move forward is the on item number uh seven it says the city will only use the selected photograph of the Centennial logo um I'm assuming that as the understanding is if we use that Centennial logo on church and all these things we're good we don't have to save for the centenal logo and any subsequent use thereof but I don't you know because we use it in logo but if we use that logo for other things are we good there is that photograph a photograph that we've taken or is it a photograph we've gotten from Camp 6 I don't know whose photograph C okay so then you could limit it yeah yeah question the agreement allows with Mr lak's approval for the photograph that you saw earlier to be used in your logo so anywhere that logo goes it's you're fine now if you take that picture away from that logo and put it somewhere that's what that would be in violation yeah I I want to make sure that I'm sure it's how it was but I wanted to ask a question because you don't want to let's say we make a gazillion dollars on the shirts that we have a logo on he go hey I a piece of that you know because my photo it's been it's been a bit since I drafted it let me just check something [Music] so it's only one year agreement yeah it's just until after the Centennial is over well that's what I ask because five on five it says the rights of which he owns lake or a photograph taken on behalf of the city the rights to which the city owns right so when this was drafted it wasn't this the photograph wasn't chosen okay right so the city was still trying to get some Mr Lake was super cooperative and providing some to try to find one that work so this was trying to Encompass whatever situation it was whatever picture from him or a picture of the city but he had the ultimate yes you can use the picture I'm giving you or you can use the picture that you takeen soct that out um if we if we are sure what picture we're using and we know who it is we can change it it can be or if you leave it here you're covered in both directions it doesn't hurt the doesn't Hur to leave it there the intent is the picture will only be used on the logo only related to Centennial um activities and then once the Centennial is over obviously the logo will still be out there for the world to see you can't pull it back but you the city will not use that photograph for anything else okay there questions is there any um amount we need for consideration to do this so it's effective without consideration Mutual promise Mutual promises an agreement to behave else there's motion yeah looking at public comment public comment on that show hands okay bring it back for a vote all in favor secondy by saying I I oppos motion carries um before we move on to Old business um there was one thing that we talked about last meeting that we um uh expect to have on this agenda and it didn't get on there so since we got rid of the public hearings tonight um we got a little time if you guys would like I'd like to talk about the um uh going digital as a city the what the what going digital digital packets um that was supposed to be on the agenda and just SLI the track so if we could get a motion to if you guys want a motion to amend the agenda to add item number 11 um to discuss City going digital on the agenda packets do that or we could do it next time I like are we getting laptops are we getting tablets how is that going to go we're not going to discuss it unless you put it on the agenda so so I don't want to waste time if you guys want to we if you if you want to amend agenda we talk about it now otherwise we'll put it on agenda next agenda discuss is fine sure that's what trying to get so yep I got a motion make a motion to go digital yes okay make motion to discuss the wind digital is there a second second okay motion second all in favor I saying I I oppose okay so put that on there so now we'll open up item number 11 discuss City going digital for their gems I don't have item number 11 oh you got it up there he said is not up there actually it's not that I you're adding it to the you were adding it I thought you had something to hand out so that yeah I thought it was we adding it to the next okay so basically you came unprepared no I'm prepared so we're discussing this is discussion so let me open up for discussion so this is talk all right so obviously um It's been a it's been a uh a pain point of mine that we waste so much money on paper uh printing out these agenda packets delivering to the the the members police officer has to take it out there drop packet off sometimes these packets are very very very large um huge amount of paper sometimes the stuff is even repeated and I don't know as you try to like if we have something that repeats do you try to recapture that it's probably all printed again right uh you guys have something that we have to bring back for example second reading tonight all that documentation got republished again and out so there's a and and sometimes there's a lot of information that uh that you have to have in the agenda to support that item uh that you really you know you're not going to read every word of it it's you know agreement from a different company or whatever GL suit or whatever but there's just a lot of information there A lot of times on some of these things and they get relatively large and so you know I don't know if we have some kind of number of what we spend in paper but it's it's a lot so you know I've I've made a point since I've been here to go digital and I've been doing that ever since and you know we would need to have obviously um something similar to this setup so you guys could have that or would be uh iPad or something I can't believe I said that um Android tablet um I'm not a Apple guy but um something like that to to view that or personal like I say it's there's it's very easy to move the stuff around um but it's a it's a it's a cost that we really don't need to to do in my opinion and so I really would like to at least see where you guys are on that and see if it's something that you guys will be willing to to do yes would you have m as far as city has tablets that they so this so This set up here obviously we had some leftover equipment that i' I've been using so you know part of the going forward when we talk about having a boc in here we would be outfitted with this stuff and we could we could purpose it for that right so there would be some stuff coming but obviously if we were decide to go digital um that would be something to discuss whether we would have a pool of those or sign them out or or whatever um so there would be cost OB behind that but I think it would over time it would it would pay for itself tablets are fairly inexpensive and you can have it dedicated just for this and get assigned we get it home we get just get it an email downloaded to the tablet we can study it this this just for counsil it for committees I would push it out Citywide I mean it's so you're talking about tablet or computers for not just us but for the Committees and stuff so that's kind of like you're talking about the cost of paper okay let's talk about the cost of 35 or more tablets and if they get ruined if someone should drop them break them drop them over the boat or sitting by their dunk and they fall in the water you're talking about a bigger expense than yeah and you know my I like my book so that's why I'm saying I mean so you know I like my books I like to know what ashy thinks too how much time she's put into all this because I know you put a lot of time into these I mean Council and CRA obviously take a lot of time Planning and Zoning has become more frequent as well um I do have a couple of members on there that are digital um they do bring their own um tablet or laptop with them um everybody else is um digital they provide their own um I know Coastal is digital Centennial is digital um they have anybody that wants it printed I just had them request it but there's there's still quite a few that haven't so if when we talk about equipment so and I say I'm not on board with buying everybody tablets on board committees or whatever my my thought was is this if we have the D up herei stay you know everybody has something at home PC or whatever that they can look at it um on their own uh when they're here and I I bring a flash drive you know I I've downloaded put on flash drive I could really pull up from the website but if a lot of times if I highlight something I'll have the digital files with me that's why I had a little USB so we can provide USB drives for everybody to to use um but we we need to outfit the de with equipment so that they could put it on here um but no I'm not I'm not advocating we buy or buy because it didn't be cost in effective at least in the short term so but it's just saying enough to F the seats here yeah as we as we go and we are going to move forward on EOC the we will have Terminals and stuff up here that will be used for multi-purposes but we would have that um and so it's just a matter of bringing your your USB with your file in here if you if you want to have your marked up file make notes on it you put stuff out to the side um you you could have with you and and the nice part about that is is and I don't know you use a book do you keep all your books that no we turn them back but but you can go through Mark and you can pull out what you want to keep yeah and that's what I do I pull out the stuff so then I keep it in sear so you keep s but not all of it right no yeah gu I give her the book yeah so the benefit obviously the digital is is you you mark up your packet or whatever that entire packet you it's relatively nothing on a on a flash drive that you keep and archive it so you don't have all that paper stored at the house that you want to keep or whatever and you can easily go back so there's advantages obviously to doing that it's it's a change it's you know there are times and I'll be honest that uh you know it does help to have a little paper those the times you know I may print out a couple pages of something and by all means if we need something Ash probably be more willing to print out a couple pages of course of doing these books all the time so I think there's there's times when paper would be good on certain things um but the the vast majority of it we really don't need to be doing all that Printing and so um again it's if we was to go forward with that um there might be up you know first few meetings or whatever where you need to print something off but if you get used to it I think you'll find that you really uh you'll like it a lot better at least you know I do I kind of AG I kind of agree with you because I the cost and the time but I like my book so I don't want to totally agree with you I to think about this a little long it's it's a it's it's a it's a and like I said to me and I and I and I am an IT guy and so that it's it's natural to me I mean it's easier for you with the flashlight move this I can take pictures really good and I can send you pictures really well I'm not so good at other stuff yeah and that doesn't mean I can't learn but yeah it's you know and I found when I was getting the book great onset it almost kind of cumbersome to you know because if you if you look at our and I don't know if you um since you still get the book Ashley has basically has the electronic copy of the agenda every bullet if I could share real quick I think that would be helpful you know but maybe a you know transition by the end of the first quarter to this kind of scenario I I'm okay with it yeah and so if you see my screen here so here's the electronic version right the table of contents over here so this is our main agenda page and there even if we were to go digital there might even be opportunity to hyperlink within the document so you could you right here number one number two you can click on it take you right to that but well and if you click on the side it will take you directly to that right ex but you probably hyper the docum too as we improve whatever but anyway this is great because you you have the main agenda page here that you can look through right and so as as I go down I look at Council business number five I flip some pages or what ever you just click here it takes you right to it so and you could click you're right back you don't have to swap around all these pages so if you if you really try this is kind of when when I asked Ashley to start doing this because I was going digital to to put all these table contents in here with the links um was for that reason to flip back and forth and and make it easy so I can go to anywhere in this packet and I can jump right back and it's instant um and so as you get used to that find that it's very easy to to navigate um around and it's it's it's much better and like I said you you have a pen and this I will say that there's there's uh more functionality editing and stuff that you could do I don't do a whole lot of that but I have um this is just a basic um web browser reader um you know I can draw you know I check these things off here I can highlight something what's your notes you you can add notes now um I don't know I have it on this particular item I can add a lot of times I'll add text like this um yeah you can type your stuff in there like that other things that have like little sticky notes and stuff you can put on there I don't I don't do a whole lot of that but there's there's something if you know it's a Adobe Reader I think if I open up and that it's robust with putting stuff in there I just use the web portion of it because most of my stuff I've already marked up and I just I'm just reading it here to make so you just do it home on your jump drive you bring your jump drive in plug in plug it in and it got in front of me and you know the plus to that as well is if I need to jump out to the city page you know I've got a terminal here I can jump out and look at a m app or whatever and that's you know as we've had some of these meetings I've shared my screen an IT guy could we all session off of that same computer with it with just a a screen well I I can tell you the way the I said on no board the county so I get to set up the county B and what they do is every every seat has a monitor and the clerk actually controls the screen so similar what goes up there you know they're running through the packet they're actually pulling up four you and they're navigating um so that's wish you'd rather do that than print up these books which which I'll be honest I don't like that because I don't have any control I just so if I want to see something I can't see it so this is nice because I can you know well jump out to another thing and pull re reference in yeah so I'm kind of lost at those meetings sometimes because I don't they don't send out a book to me I've got digital so I gotta use my phone or you know I take my laptop and and I can jump around on that but um but they their setup is is they just have monitors and whatever you see on there they're showing to the crowd and it's all navigated with the clerk or whoever's driving but I think you know the best way to do it is is kind of how this is set up you guys have the file you mark it up with your questions on there you have your own terminal and uh you're able to you know do your business why don't we let the people who want to go digital go digital and the people who don't don't and we can do that we've kind of have been doing that the problem is is in actually still you know let's just use let's say that you un least not just just there two girls yeah the girls everybody else goes digital she still got a make up those two packets they still so it's still taking up resources and got to do it it's from my perspective you know we've I've kind of pushed it um it's it's still a lot of printing it's less which she's thankful it's less but it's still a lot it's it's unnecessarily spent funds and we really need to you know be cogni of our taxpayer funding because that costs money and other stuff costs money and when we need more money you the ultimate result is we have to go to pick their pocket and a tax increase if we can't get grants and funding and what like that there's way there's way bigger fish to fry than paper prices right how much time would it how much time would it save Ashley enormous amount of time oh how much a lot that's the actually tell us 30 minutes five hours I don't know she still but go ahead hours when I have five agendas to go out in one week it does take up quite a bit of time I I have had a lot of and committee members go digital but it is still a lot of of time that is taken up to print or go back and reprint if something needs to be corrected whereas if you could just correct it digitally before it's sent out it's a little bit easier instead of reprinting numerous copies of something um because that does happen things need to be changed stuff has to be moved around you have to reprint things um it does take up a lot of time whereas if it was done completed proved and approved to send out it's a simple email and you guys already do get an email of the digital version so you're getting you're getting two copies essentially um it would save a lot of time I'm not opposed to doing it one way or the other like we've we've talked about people who request it is still printed who would like it digitally again bring their own supplies to go through their agenda and so correct if I'm wrong back when you were doing everybody before anybody went digital that was a full day of work if I I think what you said for much of your credit and put holes in it and put it in the book yes yes it's a it's a it's a huge amount of I think waste of time when when I mean it's the year 2024 and um this you can you can send a message across the world um but we you know here at City we're still printing off these large books of paper it's just it's it's a waste so what would you do if you weren't doing this more important things than that but yes and and I and I hate to say we're wasting paper because 95% of that paper comes back to me and I have to put it in a box to recycle so it's it's not you guys are keeping a bunch of it yes you guys are keeping what's important for you but it comes back to me anyways so and not just the paper but the binders and and everything else that goes I reup those every year because they get worn out they get broken they get lost so not just lost no we'll think about over the holidays while we wrap our Christmas presents with paper that's a waste of paper no Christmas yeah we we could we could we could brand our own wrapping paper Cort Richie agenda wrapping paper and sell I use the neighbor's newspaper so I don't waste any paper who's reading the newspaper that's the comic section it's the best well you know and I don't I don't mind table it for um say another meeting think about holidays let's put it on the agenda again to actually have a this decide of and um you know I would to encourage you you we're all leaders up here and there's no reason for you know for us not to do everything we can to to to save City money I agree if you convince the girls I'll acclimate I we want for Christmas or monitors so those are kind speaking of that in your man I know in your in your grand plan when do you think that we would have the EOC uh infrastructure kind of well we're in we're in the process right now getting pricing on everything that we're looking at so first quarter second quarter it's in the budget right so well first quarter is over right well second quarter yeah second probably towards the end of the second um or yeah end of the second end of the third is probably when implementation happen so we're very close to prepared for the next hurricane season and so the best way is to take this time you have your book right all agree all agree to save asy time and it saves anybody I agree I can't I can change you try next couple meetings I would only agree to it if I have the right for refusal and go back to my book me I think you can always print your book if if if you can't function right if if Ashley had to print one book you know I'm not opposed either way that's whatever you want that's one but but you wouldn't have to necessarily put it in a book with tabs your P paper your paper sorry r with a rubber band and throw it on 173 pages so you just hit the print button prints six you know and you can print on both sides of the page okay do you have a two-sided printer I do for this I cannot if it's in this book if it's printed both sides they overlap into different items so I can't do that what I'm saying is is you wouldn't have to put in a book just have a stack of paper that you hand to her yeah yeah and she can flip through it put your own your own she likes her book though make you a book if if I could if I could put if I put this out there you've been putting it out there for a year told you for a year I like my I I know I know you and I'm being on and I don't want to show this down anybody throw but on no this is my last comment if I could if if you were required to print this on your home printer every time would you do it that's the question I have to ask yourself and I I think you probably find yourself you wouldn't be printing all this stuff but you know what I once heard of a guy that was able to make a dead horse ride again about to do it well I I appreciate you all indulg me in that so we'll uh think about it you know maybe give it a try that she's she's doing the electronic work already it's like I said that you see it up there with table contents give it a try see how you like it makes notes on it one question does everybody have a laptop or a tablet oh I can bring mine do you have one of course do you have one I mean I think it's a good thing to give it a try and maybe trial it and if we need some instruction to say Hey how do I do this or this I mean um he's pretty helpful trying to help navigate I know how to do it it's just I like I read my books on a paper book I don't read it on my tablet I I don't disagree I like paper but in the interest in the interest of trying to do something different grow a little bit I'm willing to do that too it's getting past my bedtime yeah think about let's close that discussion up we'll uh we'll move on to uh old business is there anything old business you like to talk about uh yeah are we G to talk about our comments bu um I have a oh what is this it's right there in front of you in your is this one of the ones on my list I can check off probably I thought you me the agenda like this would be a prime example okay Dave we've moved on nice to have paper with and out at the last minute right would have to be paper well I guess we wouldn't have to make a paper just you been attached to the is this all business it is this is so this is the arpa spreadsheet and so we're we're coming down to the the last part of getting this done um so a couple things we probably need to talk about um so the reality of of the peer removal is not going to happen before the end of this year uh we're not going to get the golf cart Crossing built before the end of this year or out to bid so those things that we were contemplating spending some of this money on is not re reasonbly rational to think we're going to get it done and so there's a couple things we can do uh that will eat up some of this money now the first one you're gonna you're going to think I'm crazy on where it says finished design of Pier we've been working with our insurance company on all the storm damage and one of the things that we are finalizing with them is they are they are willing to give us a payout to rebuild the pier do we have to build it don't have to but it's something that they're they potentially are going to give us I can't remember what the number was 33,000 $330,000 here yep and we had Insurance something yes we did okay that's actually 300,000 rings a bell and that was actually the cost of building Pier I think well but could could that be could we build the pier IE the boat ramp in the other in another place and clear that out they're goingon to pay it out you do whatever you want with it right what I'm saying Insurance claim so that's could be shoved toward maybe rebuilding next Park docking Pier can you do that that' be nice well I think once once the money is given to us we can make a decision of how we're going to spend it so it's ours just spend it will it's not like it's gonna be it has to be for this fund or anything right no so like the insurance companies like they don't come out and check to make sure that you did what you said you're going to do with it especially for that kind of money well it's basically they're they're paying us the damage that was done to the pier okay and that includes demo and rebuild um I'm not sure exactly if if that number just that's that's just a covered price here yeah so and that's that's the estimated price at this time um there's there's the two numbers there's the insur cost and then there's like basically after you know after ouru other deductions that's where we're at about I reached out to the adjust today they're going a closer hard number when can I so typically with with things like this there's the number that they give you up front that's that's their Reserve amount right sometimes it's higher than what they're going to ultimately pay out sometimes less based on you know the complexity of of what it is they're uring like the building you know they they may ensure it for 300 or you know the the the Reserve amount maybe $300,000 but the reality is that it's going to be 350,000 to build it and based upon the the actual cost they would look at it and say okay you haven't done anything different than what was there you know they would increase what that payout would be to cover that so number that they gave us may go up may go down we don't know at this point I think if we were not to do the here and do something else with the money they definitely would look at it more as a payout number which means that it's probably going to be this number that they put on their Reserve or a little bit less depending upon what the the the uh I think I would liken it to a uh a card that gets damaged and they total it you know they give you a number that may not be from their standpoint this is it you do with it whatever you want to do so that number may be down but from my perspective the question I had is if you wanted to do the redo the pier then it would be easy to tell our our poal design company to say finish finish the uh the design of it which we know is going to be in that 441,000 range we had money earmarked for Nicks Park in the budget uh we we had for the the uh dock well for the ramp and dock uh improvements that were were a part of a grant request that we didn't get the grant so we put I think it's $325,000 aside for that that's I thought we had put money aside for next just making sure I was what you're talking about is possible what I don't want to lose sight of we're just talking about the arpa piece of this right and the only part that impacts arpa really is the design of the pier so if you say not really interested in redoing the pier then we take that that 41,800 we'll talk about that okay right um so another another thing that we would recommend is we had put um four because we looking like we were running out of money we moved uh some of the work on the road reconstruction that we had done earlier this year uh over to Penny for Pasco um although not an easy uh gymnastics move uh we can move that money back from penny for Pasco into this so right so you effectively free up 130,000 I guess really the number is $7,695 I don't know why we why we didn't use our for all of it why do we well because we had de Mark for other things right and what happened was is we're down at the wire now we got to spend the rest or losing yeah now we're trying to make that decision yeah the issue we ran into was the water main project so that was on the table to do the amount of Paving that we wanted to do would have conflicted with that so remember where we were at at the time this was earlier in the year so Pasco could have covered the water M right what did you say I'm sorry well I mean the water main was in there so we were budgeting around the water main you know we were spending we were spending dollars at that point we spent those dollars right well we we all made a decision I don't recall that I mean I know I've been preaching for the majority of the year to whatever we put out at artb pay it so we ar in a situation made a decision okay you don't get I was I led the meeting I was there our Waterway is starting to get cleaned out by Springtime there's going to be some you got to start working on that well so that's 150,000 that's 17,26 and when you say it's a gymnastics move what exactly does that mean fre class yeah it's a what free class debit and a credit you move it from and why it says gymnastics is we're in the process of closing out the year and doing an audit so I mean there's a littleit work this is in a subsequent yes so how much work's involv that change that couple hours that to do that gymnastics move a couple hours Journal it's fairly quickly that we in the middle of an audit so they're trying to close the books for last year this transaction resides in last year so they're trying to shuffle sure well I would I would say every 150,000 do that make it happen y any any objections to that about 150 to do what to it because we were talking about the pier to move it back from so it was it was expensed from penny for Pasco we were going to De expense it and expense it from uh ARA to use that up in another year move it from one year to another year yes it' be to just move just Journal moving just money so that takes us down to ceiling well then then we have again we're looking at contracts that we can let pretty quickly and one that staff is working on is City Hall parking lot we need to do a ceiling because we're starting to potentially lose elements of our parking lot so we want to extend that as long as we can so we don't have to redo paying right because that's probably a fairly expensive project um so it's a contract we could easily get in in place between now and the end of the year so that's $122,000 not a big one but it's um then everything else what we would do is we would get into a contract with a pment company to do additional payment um and do we have streets and stuff uh we would work very quickly to get this figured out okay um the the gymnastic bouevard Bard's a different animal because you want to elev a lot of issues there um although I think s this money should go toward stabilizing Bay Boulevard because we have some areas that aren't going to make it another couple years so you know even even U Old Post down there right around some of that area there's some really bumpy stuff down the the difficulty with this is we'd have to get it under contract we're working to see if we can get the same company that did the other work that we know we can piggyback get that on board but we need to come to council and get that authorized and the good news is you have a meeting next week the bad news is you have a meeting next week um so we'd have to figure this out like in the next couple days to get it to you I'm I'm actually talking to our Consultants too to see if doing a blank PO for work it's even feasible to use that money so I think it will be but I'm waiting on them to get back with me on that so this money by December 31st doesn't have to be spent doesn't have to be spent it has to be encumbered and there's when you say encumbered does that mean under contract contract not just allocated has to be under a contract and so our our Grand Boulevard stuff obviously without the bid we're not going to have that right now now again the way to kind of look at this you know we we have put money aside in CRA to do a lot of Paving about $500,000 or so worth of Paving if we use this money to do that you could free that money up to do the Grand Boulevard piece so I mean I think you know the strategy we're trying to do is is to be able to use this money in a way that allows you still do your projects that you're looking at down the road yeah um one other comment any anything from the hurricane we could deploy some of us on that that's reimburses it so we we asked the question and what the feedback that we got was that if we use the the article money for that then we've received reimbursement from the federal government gotcha so least we no I I like the paving idea we need we need do some more Paving for sure and like I said we that's he said was 500,000 in C budget for so that pretty much covers that so that's wash we go ahead and move that with this and yeah like what about the guy that dredged Canal 15 could he finish that up that guy has got a contract with Pasco and could you pick it back off of that one to have him finish that up I mean that that's Fe also which canal is 15 qu BL the one that goes into the bond thank you I know you're working with Pasco to try to get it address but I mean we're running potentially lose an opportunity we're getting that material tested that was dredged out of blueo the channel Canal no it's going right over to the Dr site we didn't need a permit for that or anything they had yeah it was through the county perent so wherever the county takes their stuff is where that went so the county did it uh no was the contractor for the county they they did our debris clean up during the inum between um Helen and uh Milton and while they were out here they said you know we could take care of that for you okay and that's because that's because of the drainage issue yeah I just want people yeah I mean Sol because people are yeah solely because it fit within the the realm of what they do for the county all over the place so it's they felt that there wasn't an issue with that and there was no cost in the city thank you so this and this would be putting money towards that now again I I think and no offense Dave but obviously you're benefactor because he right down on your Canal yes but it was caused by well the store so it should be clean well no I get that but the problem I have with it particularly is because that's a county canal and I know we need to engage them and they really should be doing that I agree so I would be more apt to um uh do the paving because that's that's definitely ours that we need to do yeah but what we're talking about is 20 grand oh small amount like that a small amount but the county paid for the less I mean I 100% of the residents use the roads not 100% of the of residents use the canal yes I you that the I think you're missing the point the point is is this was damaged from Milton I you say anything about that wait so you're you're so just to be clear he's not talking about doing the entire canect no I'm not I'm talk a little further in I'm talking about addressing the damage the debris that was deposited in front of my lift relative to Milton and whether it's Pasco there get reimbursed from the FED whether we do it we' get reimbursed from the fed I'm just thinking this is an opportunity this is fed money he said that there there was if we get reimbursed we're not going to get it if we reimbursed if we use ARA money for that we won't be reimbursed for it but we do have we do have $200,000 we be reimbursed for the I mean no yes they won't reimburse funds no the FED won't twice you're right they won't I mean my my concern is again we're running close to the time frame we have to get this I don't know what that commitment is going to look like to get that done right I mean it could be one phone call or it could be few weeks of phone calls because again you know we're going to have to be dealing with the county on that pie that's that's why we haven't done more right is because it requires resources coming from the county to handle that so so I I think again what what we're proposing is the quickest easiest way to utilize this money that still allows you down the road to use other money that was earmarked this type of of improvement to do those other things that you've talked about um I think we still have to go back and talk about the pier piece because that will again if you don't want to rebuild that Pier like it was then that you know frees up another 40 almost $42,000 go towards the I think it makes no sense to do anything with that Pier other than demo it and that ain't gonna happen that's what you're saying yeah that's hard to Dem well no it's G to happen but it's not going to happen with ar that's out the bid now too but the next piece of that equation is like I stated when I sat out here we need to be in lock step with whatever pasco's doing there so that whatever we do doesn't interfere with that compliment right it needs to complement it and there may be a lot of things going on Port Richie and New Port Richie is involved in that area as well so potentially that's a three-way partnership to address that side of the river and that's not going to be addressed for years so what I'm just saying it's not going to be addressed within the next year that that's that's that's my point that's all yeah yeah we got other things priories besides anyway so I mean we made we made a decision on a pier already to demolish it and we'll you know we'll look when when it's time to figure out if we want a pier somewhere if it's there we fine you know but now it's not the time so I don't I don't say we spend any money on finishing design um would you all agree that but we can put that money towards the paving I mean no I I'm all for just pay pay P those roads down there may helping Sunset you know I mean with water intrusion from the from the ti all the time I don't know if there's something that could be done down there of course I have no idea those people there well the issue with some you know other things like that is obviously we we don't have time to I mean the paving we can use the same company we use and get that done I don't think you know seaw wall stuff that's a whole other process can you sign up you know at the end of the day can you sign up Say Hey I want to do $625,000 worth of Paving lock them into a contract and then we'll pick the streets you know that's quick and easy that's quick and easy but over on page 173 you've got a pre-bid meeting uh that happened yesterday for the Limestone Pier did anybody show up yes seven contractors actually okay and we got a bid opening on the 23rd so that's potentially there's a mystery on what that number could be that still has to be brought to council though and that goes into Jan Ary and then that contract won't be solidified until we pick the contractor and then that goes into the new year there's no rush on that well the rush is we're not going to get the money from here oh in your opinion this turns into a pumpkin on 1231 in your opinion is there anything Qui anything more viable than pay me no no and I and we could probably authorize you to do that now right no we'd have to come back with contract contract y but we got time 1217 there's another meeting or that's a workshop or would we have if if there's something to be discussed we'll notice that there's also going to be a meeting mat Matt will know that um and I know no one wants to but you can always call a special meeting before December 31st if you have that might be the easiest thing period tomorrow right swing for the fences there um Wednesday is it Thursday morning no yeah I mean I think we have yet I mean the real issue is just getting the the information out to you guys by Friday this Friday yeah did it have to be in paper this this reg special meeting stuff okay no there's no you know I would say be be job sure of the notice period we had some issues with that obviously so we don't want we don't have any time toix I'm I'm going to be here all during Christmas I'm not not going anywhere my last job I was working on 12:31 almost to midnight to sign an agreement so I'm very familiar with this kind of work and if we need to do that I can make myself available we go with the I agree objection to Paving you may not have to move the 130 right um do that I I would do that soil gives you're right make it yeah okay the money would be available then again my thinking on that is that that would be flexibility to do the peer demolition because in the end we're going to have to pay for that but yes but we got $330,000 to do it from insurance right oh yes so I mean we got the we got the cash there's there's no reason not to move that 150 and 17 127 there no reason not to go ahead and and take that down it it if we spend more pay we spend more pay but we have that flexibility to do what it's already spent in other words it consumes the the remaining bound which is where we want to be right is there is there anything else out there big like that that we could possibly move no but sound like like sensus Paving the I was just Kidd about the job sh thing too by the way seriously I'm just curious this kid me okay anything else old business I do have one question easy question I have the floor now so I'll give it to you did this did the sign get fixed the tra that was my question thank you you stole this question man I want to say something Daryl received the module to replace it I just don't know if he's put it in yet but I know we have it now so it's just a matter of time Merry Christmas we get a new sign here shortly works so we got to use sign yeah anything else little business okay moving on to comments from the mayor city council I'll open up to let me start with Council mu I can count on him have some stuff let me get my list together here you put on a clock some of these don't apply because they've already been answered uh did we ever get a final cost on the FEA cleanup because I heard $3 million and I don't think that was the yeah that was that was the original ttim that's when we had a lot of different variables in there um I don't have the from because there's there's two components to the cleanup there's the component of inhouse and all that then there's the uh external uh contractors um I want to say the the contractors piece of it not including the contractor's costs that are hauling the work that we're doing so the cleanup that we do put in a dumpster and Salway um is around think 700,000 I think is that that number 750 yeah okay and you know from our cost you know we're probably looking at mag to probably about a 100,000 taking it from here to the dump hopefully a little less um then whatever our time is and you our time split between uh regular time and overtime those numbers are going to add up okay um last year February March time frame we worked on goal setting um is there a way to build a Gant chart and have that uh so that we have an ongoing thing of all those goals keep them in mind if we need to maybe even have another one uh and modify some of those goals and see how we're doing against knocking those things off the list in other words we ought to keep the goals visible so that we're moving in the right direction and maybe some things need to end or change or whatever so potentially maybe uh next sometime after January during first quarter I'm talking first quarter of the calendar year not our fiscal um we could set something up with that and then build that Gant chart so that we know where we track on all those just you know one piece of paper for myself at so that we can move forward with that he needs paper yeah uh I did also notice that there are uh traffic uh those flashing speed signs deployed one on 19 and one on was it Washington I believe it's on Washington and 19 okay yeah right here I did you're right I did see that one too uh but I noticed that there's some Airlines running across the roads what do you know guys know what that is I saw them there but that's not from us so somebody else and I didn't know if it was something the traffic study and stuff that we're doing are they um they're right front uh on Grand just back from the fire station and I think I saw them over there on washing Washington also I didn't know if that was something that we were doing there um I did have a neighbor call me um he's he had been trying to call the police department he had had a vehicle impounded and nobody's answering so I don't know what that process is so this was yesterday during the day yes I um might want to check that and and I've actually heard others indicate that they've tried to call the development services and they're not getting through I know they're inated with a lot of calls I hear that a lot too um so I don't know if just for the public to hear that probably has that complaint I think you said there was one day that they they went to return phone calls there were 60 inq that uh which actually takes a long time to return so I mean it's um I'll bear with us and uh you heard from Wayne um um oh um on the rentals from btrs are we implementing that now that I think we got that direction from the last meeting right that we should have been collecting on rentals all along and now we're going to start or I thought the that my my take away from that the consensus was to determine the process to clarify the language and if that requires a study then make the determination if you want to have that study done to clarify the language to allow for that there was not a comfort level to just start doing it but I thought the interpretation was is we should have been collecting my interpretation is that that I I could make an argument that the language in there supports it but it is not clear be better to clarify it and there's no fee amount for that no there's a fee amount but it it's not it's not clear that that so I can interpret I you know I read every word that's what lawyers do I can there is an interpretation within the language there that would support collecting for single family dwelling rentals as well as a b&bs too the consensus that I received from you from from Council when we discussed it because I said I would recommend the language be clarified add words clarify it um but to do that there's a process and I have to determine if that process requires a study just to change wording now if you want to change the fee you absolutely have to do a study I need to verify is it just trying to clarify language in my opinion is clarifying if you're going to need to do a study or if we can just clarify it so that's that's still in that works with with me okay here so it's not forgotten about it okay I just didn't know yeah it's all business on my list uh I think that's all I got and if I remember something else pops up no your time's over okay view vice mayor Rodriguez thank you um yeah on the um development services we have three residences residential was a bad word for demolitions for slum and white are we are they like do we already demolish them where is the process those those and which ones are they are the one south on the south side of the city that's been a problem yeah so it's uh one on Limestone uh well it depends which one is it there there two oner because the one on pier we had to uh pull uh because one of one of the issues is that the previous you know all of them actually were cited by the previous uh building official and that individual is not going to come to any of the hearings and we actually only had one request for the hearing which was 7717 um perer um and so that one we had to pull because we effectively lost the witness that attested to the fact that it was slum and blight um the other ones we never received an appeal for um and I off top of my head I can't think what the the addresses are but I know uh development services in the process of getting uh bids for the demolition of the ones that that we have you know slum and blighted and there were no appeals I think right now we've only been able to get one uh seems that uh companies that do uh uh these demolitions either have stopped doing demolitions or they're so busy doing demolitions they don't have any time to give us a bit so we're trying to secure another one and so you'll be seeing that under CRA hopefully sometime in January um we've talked a lot about magistrate where are we with that process I've never been given direction through anything we've talked about it and we've not made any decisions we have a contract that has been signed because it's connected to to your red light magistrate which is the same individual and you need needed one for the other um so there's a contract um but we've been given no direction to start Prosecuting through a special magistrate for from from our standpoint building department has been kind of lined up in a different fashion right now um so we really haven't had a chance to come back so I think that's really the next step is come back to council make that that argument for to do that um and uh get get is it we have to appoint someone right or no you hav have your magistrate was there but there was something with the code that we had to change oh we have to change yes we have to change langage in the code yeah that's that's the hold up yeah or not the hold up I me because we kind of establish that would save us a lot of money in legal fees and you know you would have to travel that far and you wouldn't have to pay them and it I'm never going to misguide you it may not save you money in legal fees I'm going to recommend that I'm still part of it yeah um and you're going to pay fees to the magistrate so there are fees there are more fees in some aspects but the um um I believe the ultimate compliance and the the regulation would be better for the city but yeah we can talk the time frame time be much different the advantage weage would be for the Cien they would have to court yeah they wouldn't have to go to court there's not a chance of them being arrested if they forget to come or don't realize they're supposed to come right now they can get arrested which is shocks me um it's quicker we can control the docket um the fines can be more the same are much more substantial um so just it can be a better process so can we keep that on the top of the list I know we're still parking post but keep that on the top of list and educ I know that you went to the mayor's conference I was wondering um does that stuff have to come back to us for Council for vote we have to vote on buying $500 pieces of equipment don't we is that something that needs to come to our Council or no or or and I brought this up I know twice before the education that you go to can't that be brought back so we all benefit from that sort of yes I mean I'd be happy to cover that it was it was it wasn't a mayor's conference it was the Florida Lega City's um legislative conference one it was was last week and because I sit on the the the board of directors for the floring of Mayors they always have an event the day before and so there's separate stuff so I mean I I bring it back to that talk bit now if you want or no I I was just curious because I know I mean I've asked I mean I know there's education that you guys have gone to and that's great and I know I've asked to have whe whether it be the written material just give it back to us just so we can all benefit from it because I know we all can go so um it's cost prohibited and I appreciate that but I certainly would love to have the information that you guys have received yeah and I I give you example just real quick obviously we um we have sessions that they talk about some of the stuff the big thing with the legislative conferences the Florida Le of cities puts on is they talk about what their priorities are for the year which affects cities so it's um and obviously I just the big one that's going to potentially affect us um is the um and I slip my mind um help me out Chopper what was the big priority well that but there was thank you yeah the Reynolds and stuff that's always topic um form six was brought up whe they're going to bring that back or not um there's something El let let me get my notes and okay yeah there like that go off top your head I I I I understand that but I mean when you go to these things I would love for you to share that whoever should go yeah if I should go then I I think we should share it with each other sure there was there was a very interesting quote that I that I took back from that is that I've shared with a couple people and I really I really loved it it was uh what was what two what two things people hate the most one was change and the other was the way things are I thought that was brilliant right because you know nobody really likes change um but nobody really likes the way things are either so it's it's very delicate balance and they they talk about you know different things like that um it's I'll put together a little couple thank you um that's all I have okay go to you next L for and Council I don't don't okay forgot one thing I give Bob is that right c h what's that you want yeld your time to Dave I have uh I think I sent you guys this email about save the date from uh Florida Sports Coast event coming up in May yeah uh Tony dun's a spokesperson there a lot of I mean everybody is involved in anything in Pasco County will be there I think it's a it's a good event that I just think you and Matt should at least go to that my wife and I are gonna be going to that it is May 22nd at 5:00 pm at Saddlebrook well your mind just when it gets closer you got rich in advance or is it yeah uh usually after first of there um we register but it's it's going to be a big event it was a great event last year had the keynote speaker was uh Ronde Barber but it's good for us to get involved with something like that so that did yep Dave uh yes uh there was an article in um I think it was uh one of the TV stations they had it about the 50% rule that Fe was going through um and some of these communities in fact St Pete Beach it was is they've got like a fiveyear look back rule that Aggregates all the damage or improvements that have occurred over five years and they're looking at trying to take that and and uh kill it with the legislature and and this is a at the federal level to kill the look back Rule and I know that we have a one-year look back rule in our community and I know we had discussion at the last meeting about potentially looking at doing a retro or whatever and that was kind of killed but I I think we really need to look at that 50% Rule and look at killing that one year look back and I don't know where we want to go with that that that would help some of these uh families that are in homes that have had improvements and then not in the past but going forward is that something we can look at how's that hinder us with FEMA though if you do that it's still it's still allowed uh I think FEMA rules are there is no look back rule we've made it stronger and in making it stronger uh there are a few more U points that would be pulled away from our C uh Community rating system but we're at probably one of the lowest levels now I don't I think there's other ways to get there I don't think that's probably the prime one we we need to focus on um there are other things that we can look at and I had found and I believe Matt is working on uh looking at what is in our community rating system now and opportunities to moving that to the next level um so I was going to share that it's um there are a number of communities in the area for obvious reasons that have reduced or eliminated the look back um so yes you can do it you don't have to have a look back um I think our initial conversation when we it was kind of talking about like kind of going back in time to kind of help people that would be I would strongly recommend we don't do that um so I think that the next question became well let's say we in January we removed that one year well what happens to the people that have already been affected and they're going to call you and say well I you know hey what about me so that was kind of I think where the conversation kind of died last time we talked about it and I I know there was some conversation that Veronica was gonna at some point bring bring forward some other ways to get gain some better points and I know she's busy and you'll get that at some point but the the short answer is yes you can remove the one year but I'd recommend obviously from that date forward um you absolutely can do that I think that where you know I I I would hate to do something that's going to negatively affect the O overall Community concern I would have at this point is that that based on what we just went through there's a lot of people pulling permits right now that are not going to be at 50% but if next year happens exactly then you know taking that off you know might might help for the following year if you if there's an interest in that I I already know where an ordinance and my hard drive is I can for Richie name on and I've looked through this and there again this is probably the high Lev list of all the points that they allow and Matt was showing me some of the say we're pretty low in the Spectrum on a lot of these and and I did not find the particular one that says okay you got to have a look back it's it's well so let me just say that that Veronica has put together a a PowerPoint and we're just not ready to present to council yet I'm hoping that the first meeting in January we'll be able to do that and we'll be able to address that but it's actually it's it's in one of the the different and I just don't recall I have it up in front of me here but it's it's there it's in the I read it but that's that's more or less a summary of the points in each each of these categories but the potential is if we start that and and have a meeting or two in January and make that thing happen could we make it effective January one or would it be like February one by the time we're done I would have it effective as of the reading as of the DAT as of the reading date just like we do yeah okay yes I would on this on this I would so that would be something I'd like to see um you know first part of January because of the situation with future storms these things Aggregate and it could blow if we have another one it could put people the same I can have an ordinance ready for the first meeting in January if that's whats no it's 9 point I don't I don't I don't think a lot I think that was part of the conversation last time the CRS ratings not the change wouldn't be dramatic well yeah we're based upon what uh Veronica had given to me we're we're at somewhere around 1770 and the next here is 2000 that get the 20% uh so how much would it drop us to get rid of the points how many 90 points what's the bottom thresholds so 1770 what's the bottom yeah so I think it's uh 1800 I think is that that where you lose that so as we said before we didn't think it would really impact that our our fear was still is obviously is we know that we're going to be going through this process with FEMA in the next few months and we didn't want to necessarily be doing something that would impact that review um and I we felt that you know do retro would have impacted that where again what we're looking at now you know again I think we could logically explain why we're going to be doing it and and at the same time show these other things that we're going to be doing I mean again you know what that that 1770 points doesn't take into consideration is what we're gaining from doing Forerunner it doesn't take into account what we're doing with the GS m and so there's there's things that you know definitely would offset that move us forward and show us that we're you know moving forward and I think you know the piece that that we also have to look at and I think it's what council Mueller is saying is we have to develop a strategy and say okay here are the areas that that we could improve our score on but it's going to take a little bit more of a a CommunityWide approach uh you know example of of uh you know dedicating more open space you know the city could acquire more open space and and maybe we already have more open space we just hav't account for so there's there's things from a strategy perspective we can look at to try to maximize those those Point totals as well you know for example I I think the previous building official indicated maybe moving up one level on the free free board and if we do that that's a $500 bump I mean 500 Point bump that would would push us into the next level even minus in this this 90 and potentially there's other things that we haven't accounted for that we really need to get busy and determined if there's other things that we need to address in our in our that's coming in January probably yeah I I think we'll have that for first but yeah I'd like to see that happen because of potential storms the coming years I apologize I didn't want to miss my opportunity so um couple things um I actually I was able to pull up my my agenda so I can uh I talk a little bit about and actually reminded me of something I did want to bring up uh during my comments anyway so um as we say at the conference florid League of Mayors have a forum the day before the conference um and the the uh topic of that was um building Partnerships for Prosperity okay and it was about working with your local Chamber of Commerce um to for economic development now and the reason I wanted to bring that back is that was great conversation is that we have not really worked with our newly formed Chamber of Commerce and matter of fact not at all matter of fact if you you watch playing zoning Ron is now on um when that's SW in which he's on um he brought up about his his sign issue that when he first opened that that um you know he was a SED all this Rick so that's that's how we've kind of worked with Chamber of Commerce been kind of a bad um thing um I've mentioned it to um Matt normally the city is a member of the Chamber of Commerce and it's affects them um we're not um it's a it's a small $100 fee I believe is what the nonprofit is for him um actually trying to grow that and and getting with the local businesses and even businesses Beyond um he's changed Nature Coast Chamber of Commerce and that's actually broadened all the way up the coast several counties not just Pasco um so I would really like to see us um especially as we talk about stuff happening down the Waterfront um really engage with the chamber um to to help one help that organization uh grow and to be successful and and kind of be that voice of business and perfect example um as we start talk about the sign code um you know the one of the things is to have this Workshop to bring in businesses to talk about what their needs are and whatever well that would be a great function for the Chamber of Commerce who represents those businesses to to gather that bring it in and and be that voice of the business um so you know just food for thought that we should you know um try to be more engaging with that entity um so that it's a valuable tool to community if it's done correctly and so you know we've kind of sat back and and not really got involved in that you they they've got the events going on now in the park um that uh on that to and so that's going to continue to grow obviously um and it gives us opportunities to maybe G maybe with city has a booth up there you know a great example would had a booth up there to maybe talk about some of the the the permitting stuff or whatever Bo um so there's there's opportunities there to engage with that and and you know the the flood kind of set things back with with the chamber whatever but um you know I've talked to Ron personally and and he's going to really hit the ground running January 1 again so um I'd like for us to consider you know do what we can to partner with those guys to um really help help us help them and and see where we can go um I say that um there's there's entities in our C newp Richie they have newp Richie Main Street they have a chamber um that the city actually supports those entities to a certain even financially I believe right Cho um and so you know they're valuable tools um we've kind of not engaged in that and we really should that was kind of the focus of the mayor's portion is what you can really get out of that um moving on to the the regular conference you know they went to several breakout sessions and you can only go to one me and Chopper actually tried to hit several of them um that it was um five five or six different sessions development Code Compliance and Redevelopment committee finance and Taxation committee intergovermental relations mobility and Emergency Management committee Municipal operations committee utilities natural resources and Public Works committee and each one of those kind of developed the the priorities that there were the legisl with um one of the priorities that they is is heavy is Affordable hous and that's you have the whole live local and that was that was the what I was trying to think of is what was their major PRI the one committee was a change in the live local law because obviously that affects us greatly because those projects come in um they get tax incentives um you have all this additional uh people coming in to your city but you don't get any revenue for it to support them you basically have to subsidize it with the rest of your resid so live local is is a is a um has a good purpose but you know it's it's it it's hamstrings especially us hamstring us differently if we uh if we had some of this little level stuff happen here and so they're obviously trying to get another uh modification of that bill and that's planned that's going to be taken again so hopefully there'll be some um relaxing of that um at last year's session we got the ability to opt out of the middle tier um and maybe maybe this company will be able to opt out even more they'll change some of the rules but that was that's a big Focus obviously is is addressing that that bill because it's it's it's has far-reaching impacts to all the cities in Florida um that's my things of note let me that won't spend a lot of time on but I I'll put some other things together but that was a big thing and and I say working with the Chamber of Commerce from the from the mayor's perspective last year we we um it was more veteran focused another thing I did want to bring up as a veteran and and kind of going on from last year's um is if there's if there's anything we a lot of cities would um have certain programs where they would have a a set day that they cater to Veterans to come in and do different city functions or whatever um there's there's there's opportunities so going forward there's um some ideas I might try to bring to see if we can cater to our veteran Community too so stuff like that is what happens these conferences really just had a how a do better things for a city thank you sure um the other thing I wanted to to to close with is that obviously it's it's the holiday season right and I've we had a discussion a few meetings back about rewarding employees and there there just really nothing that we can do as a city to to do that the effect of bonuses whatever it's it's there a lot of uh we really can't do anything more to appreciate our employees and so I've really racked my brain brainstorming on how what what can we do to do something because it's been a very difficult year for employees they've had to really pick up a lot of slack especially with the flood um work a lot of hours and you know I really want to give back to them at least show that we appreciate them in some tangible form and I I've came up with a couple things I've I've talked to Matt and City attorney on what we can do and the two I start with the one I kind of started with uh as of today kind of morphed into um something a little different but I I'll share both of them with you so the one thing that I thought that we've talked about that would benefit both us and the employees is that we Institute a a buyback uh program of the of uh their vacation time now it's not us giving them anything but from a policy perspective if we were to every year allocate in the budget uh talks a certain amount of uh funding that would go towards BuyBacks the numbers and these are raw numbers that Matt just kind of put together if we were to allow employees to sell back one hour of their um this is across all employees currently one hour of their uh vacation time that's would amount to about $1,500 is that per hour is it I think it's what it was yeah $1,500 per hour so if we came and said okay wait a minute that do make sense just based on the hourly hourly rate hour for 7 some employees or whatever we have okay for everybody's so so what what our cost roughly this not exact so if we said we're gonna allow you to sell one hour back that it cost us $1,500 all right um and if you if you take that to a day let's just say eight now there's different ways to look at days there's eight hours there's 12 hours depending on type employee you are but if you just figure out eight hour day I think the number was like $12,000 if you do the math roughly so and we can it does a couple things one it it gives the employee the flexibility to put some money in their pocket at the end of the year we got a lot of vacation on the books but it give opportunity for them to put some money in their pockets and again we would obviously we have a budget for it this year but moving forward we could look at something like that as a buyback prop end ofe buyback opportunity that we we fund and we we eliminate some of that stuff some of that vacation time off the books as a liability we carry right um it it does help the employee out if they store it up they can actually sell it back and it you know we get rid of it so that was kind of one idea that we could technically do you you will be changing your personnel policy to allow for it so it's not extra compensation or anything that you're not allowed to do you're changing your policy moving forward and so and we've kind of talked about that kind of buyback thing and I know was brought up so that was something that I thought if we wanted to entertain or whatever um we could look at that and maybe in subsequent years we could as we budget for that we could budget a certain amount to to do that and that would provide a pseudo Christmas bonus although it's not it's their compensation it's just their time instead of taking the time off they would be able to cash it in it's voluntary obviously voluntary you wouldn't have to do it it was just an opportunity there and I don't remember I'm sorry the PTO or vacation time is that carried is that accumulated every or carry so much I think there's a cap on and we're actually changing the policy to to allow more C I mean you know so so like let's say why work worked you worked yeah I don't work um we could we could save up to 360 hours so is that I mean I'm not asking you for that number but I'm saying is that what it is you yeah I think it's 280 is so there's number then after that they stop accumulating vacation right and they actually ages they don't have to use it yeah at the end of the year the the the liability that the city has out there is that that I'm not exactly sure when they develop the cap right there is some people that have quite a bit yeah and so that's that's a taking from a budgetary standpoint that's taking time bomb because we don't know when it's going to drop and if it drops we're so you know the the strategy with that is going to be to develop that program you know where we do it in a in a budgeted manner where uh again I think as a model other place have been you know we would we would require people to notify US during the budget process that I want to cash in two weeks worth you know whatever it is we're going to allow two weeks worth of H vacation and then we can then program that money in there and the think emergencies happen I'm I sorup you if like an eer it's not a planned thing but oh my gosh yeah we had a flood and now I need money yeah that's the diff you know exactly yeah it could happen try not to let it happen because again from from a budgetary standpoint this this can throw those numbers off quite dramatically um so you try to limit that as much as possible but um you know you can't you can't solve every problem unfortunately uh in doing this but but it does buy down that future liability by doing now so yeah and so I say that's also being talked about on a grand scale but from a from a incentive uh type thing not really incentive because it's really your own thing it's it's policy shift it does provide the ability which that's what people would like to have as cash for gifts and stuff for Christmas holiday or whatever um it would it would just kind of they're paying them for their vacation time so that's that was kind of an idea we could kick around and obviously you don't want somebody to I think we have some employees maybe that um you know they get a day they take a day and so they never have anything on the books well you you put things in a policy that would say well you can't sell anything back unless you've got at least a week on the books to cover if you're sick or whatever so so there's there's things around but anyway we could do something along those lines to kind of put something in place going forward year after year after year to where that that would be an opportunity at the end of the year for for some um cashing uh the other thing which I I think we should really move on because I it makes sense and so we can we can have a um kind of an all hands uh lunch and learn that's catered in um and part of that just there's a learning component of it where there's some amount of training or something small portion um and then coupled with uh um recognition of years of service um and have that lunch and learn recognition uh ceremony catered in and Cake food and actually give a meal to the employees in that session and we would be covered as well and doing something like that and and Matt kind of came up with that I mean I know we we've talked about that but legally what we can do as long as we tie some of that public purpose stuff into that it makes it doable and you know we could spend I mentioned the the one hour was $1,500 well this this party not party this lunch and learn um session would be uh ,000 $1,500 it's very similar to that very low cost for City but it does provide some some recognition for our employees so um I would um I want to do something yes and our hands are really tied on what we can do um but I think that's a great opportunity to have that - year recognition um with the employees they they they get to eat learn a little something and they get recognized for their year service and I think that'd be a great thing for them so and if we you know if you guys are interested in in the other thing as as as well or blue of or whatever I'm open for what you guys thoughts are on those two things the uh lunch and learn the lunch and learn if you want before that is you can't decide that you could do that this year yeah that's not going to take a resolution no you guys agree we just need to come up with some kind of agenda to learn right Matt Matt's kind of got it all worked out to say it I if you want to we have it all worked out we just need approval from you guys yes so but actually do you even need it because it's below our threshold Dr Pro I need it let me tell you why because you are spending public dollars for something that you've never spent public dollars for um this is something that this this originated with we'd like to have you know have a lunch for City staff we want to do something for City staff and I the mean attorney up here said nope you're not going to do that because you can't spend public dollars unless there's a public purpose so putting this together in this way that it has a a um learning component something they're going to have to do anyway they're going to have to bring everybody together and talk about what they're going to talk about so that is a necessary government function um you're going to include within that some morale boosting right um so those kind of combine together if you guys feel that is a public that supports a public purpose then the city can spend the money to do it so you guys need to collectively make that determination we just did a uh resolution on cyber security right yes I believe that's what they're going to so essentially that could be the premise uh to bring people in that you know security awareness for this entire organization this is something that we're moving into a new area uh us included I believe I believe the lesson will it oh we well okay yeah I believe the lesson's going to be it focused yes that that's still on the works but that's the plan so clearly clearly it was a good idea absolutely yes and so so by consensus by consensus is there anybody the objects to allowing Matt to go forward and figure it out figure that out with uh it's just say around two grand or less you're talking a thousand to 15 C kns you gra why just G you FIB he's giving you room for dessert fin guy twitch over there like as you guys know what what what is I mean he just giv you a that was fine cap you don't have to spend it all if you don't want you're in charge Happy Meal no you decide that ear you're in charge any objections to that yeah you know barbecue place no objections okay and so just let you know the tenative date on that is the 23rd and Oly Council will be invited as well a Monday would be a Monday a Monday be during the day lunch is during the day it'll be a dinner and learn we want to keep it during working hours show that part of lunch and burn did you not here yeah what all right okay okay motion to aurn for the first I don't know I'm asking he told me to do it second I have a motion a second all in favor saying I Jour take five and then see