##VIDEO ID:rqWLJ-Ig1Yc## father we come to you we thank you that you helped us to get through two storms and that we got a lot of things to be grateful for that we're here we thank you for the leadership of our uh City and the Matt for being working with all the things that's going on and operation you know with the storms and stuff and I thank you for Public Works how you use them and still using them and people come together helping neighbors resourcing together with the city also with the county and uh all the volunteers and thank you for the food and thank you for the cleanup and for the stuff that's on the agenda tonight there's so much but I want to go ahead and just get right into it I just asked for wisdom and guidance in the name of Jesus as we give the pledge of allegiance to God We Trust in jesus' name amen [Music] amen to the flag the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation God indivisible withy and justice for all cler have roll please John Eric hover here vice mayor Linda Rodriguez here councilman David Mueller here councilman Robert hubard here councilwoman Lisa Burke here City attorney Nancy Meyer here city manager Matthew CER [Music] here thank you okay move right along to uh minutes approved we've got several sets here so we'll take one at a time so starting with the July 30th 2024 City Council budget Workshop minutes looking for a motion motion to approve 7:30 um budget Workshop minutes second motion second for discussion all in favor signif saying I I oppos motion carries uh next set is August 6 2024 city council emergency meeting minutes approve 86 Council mergency second motion second further discussion all in favor signify by saying I I I oppos motion carries next up August 13 2024 city council meeting minutes I did notice a small thing as a repeat of the I get to that real quick let just want to strike it out on there where it um it says that Dave retract his motion says that and then says it again not a big deal on there I pay off but um V for motion with that Amendment motion to approve 8113 city council meeting minutes second motion second for discussion all in favor sign saying I I oppos motion carries next up is September 5th 2024 City Council budget hearing minutes I make a motion to approve September council meeting second okay motion second for discussion all in favor by saying I iose Mo carries and finally October 7th 2024 city council emergency meeting minutes motion to approve o October 7th 2024 emergency meeting second motion second forther discussion favor by saying I I oppose motion carries as was busy session thank you okay next up is comments from the general public uh public participation is encouraged if you're addressing a council step to the podium state your name and address for the record please limit your general comments to 3 minutes for comments on action items please limit comments to 3 minutes on the current topic pleas limit your conversations while sitting in the audience during Council business and silence your cell phone so as not to interfere with everyone's ability to hear the comments of both the public and Council during any time um I will just reiterate that um the initial set of comments those are General talk about anything um if you're here to talk about something specific on the agenda there's no need I mean unless you want to talk about it twice but it's really the idea of the first part comments is General topics of discussion I would suggest you hold your comments on any particular agenda item to when we actually have that and we'll open that up for its own comments okay so with that I do have some people signed up starting with Danny Fields welcome name is Danny Fields my address is 8114 Le kid again I want to thank you for your service we know that we've been through a lot but together we see that we could learn from from the storms and network together so all that my mom lost her a lot of stuff in her place and i i f good but some of you D so I just continue to ask neighbor to help neighbor and I'm grateful for Matt and Laura with the management of the the county and all that they're do and you know s operation managers and public works you know they they've been working uh and we're so grateful for everybody in the teams and the faith-based church and all the volunteers getting food out serving hot food you know showers and laundry matchs set up at Waterfront Park so that that's what I've been talking about all the time with somebody cares we got an event coming up and we try to network with as many people and build relationships so we could be hands and feet to uh work together in our communities with the faith-based church and government so on October the 26th from 11: to 1 at uh Fall Fest at Waterfront Park 8119 oost Road uh faith and blue will be there there that's an organization there's a lot of churches coming together there'll probably be 4 or 500 people come through we're going to give candy away the police will be there the fire department will be there hope you'll be there and your family it's a good time to work together in the community uh and also they will be fish fry they will have hot dogs and uh and there'll be of course a prayer TP for those who want it there'll be worshiping music there and they'll be building relationship just public relationship just reaching out businesses and communities coming together praying and networking and seeing how we could continue to learn from the storms and trials and tribulations we go through and be ready for the next uh event where we could have fun but in a disaster come together again uh you know there like you got food out there uh our church was given a lot of food as well to distributor work from those in the park to send them over to get food when they was getting H meals from Waterfront Park you know we had a lot of different organizations come through there you got food here as well I'll be dropping some more food off later on tomorrow uh as well and that come from right here in our area with volunteer way on Congress they give us eight pallets to distribute it to our city to our community for those in need and and we do uh just continue to help our businesses and our neighbors and the resident working together so you know I I'd like to say it like this without preaching to you you know we got the those who talk about doing and you got the those who do it to me they're the talkers thank you and blessings all in Jesus name amen amen next up I have uh Joe scand I think he left so we on do Barbara dsome [Music] Barbara Downs 4930 KY Court Port Richie I've been a resident of Port Richie for 40 years we are neighborhood is in disaster we don't know when anything's going to be done when is the trash going to be picked up I mean it was nice that you mentioned the food in that but we I'm 83 years old where do I get this information at right now I don't see very well I'm matter of fact I'm supposed to have laser surgery on Friday but we just want I appreciate the police department coming through we haven't had any problems with vandalism and that except for the kids playing with the bowling ball down the street but you know it's I love the neighborhood Hood I will probably live here until I die but G whiz I sure would like that garbage off my front lawn and my neighbor's lawn because who knows what rodents are out there we have no information at least I don't maybe younger people that can use the computer find and dandy but right now I'm it's a standstill what do I do next yeah so I will tell you that in Matt's comments coming up he's going to talk about the debris pickup so that'll give you some information on on where we're at with that so if you want to hang tight we you'll hear that straight from the horse's mouth all right thank you thanks thanks for coming next up I have Chris Mayer welcome good evening everybody Chris Mayer 5342 blueo drive here in Port Richie um I've only been here for about 10 years just a lot less than my friend over here we just went through one of the most horrific things that I've been through in my life life you know my daughter and I swam from our house to the neighbor's house at times going under the water it was rough so I share with you this because what a great opportunity like Danny said for the community to come together help one another show them who we are why we take their tax dollars and all these things you know there's folks my street in the following streets older folks that have no idea what they're going to do they're just now starting to get the moldy crap out of their houses and you know some of this stuff ends up on the street stre some ends up the back door I heard some rumors about one of the people in my street getting cited for a hot water heater in their backyard I thought that's not good I'm not seeing it's true I'm just saying I heard it you know I saw a letter that was sent to me that came out from Nancy um our city count attorney uh that was you know talking about you know if you're going to replace your drywall permit blah blah blah blah listen a lot of these folks they don't have any money they don't have any money left they're barely making it right now and we just took everything they had and threw it in a in a in a bucket of water and threw it out on the streets so I think we need to be gentle with these folks you know I haven't seen anybody going around there pop pop pop about no permits but you know I think we need to think hard and long about that because people have been here for 15 20 years who know how to put drywall on their walls or whatever the the replacement water board is going to be I don't think we need to go out there starting this is not a time for us to go out there wielding our permit power so I think we should think long and hard about that I think probably going to talk about that tonight um you know these folks folks that are barely making it as it is and and now all of a sudden you got these contractors coming around and I've seen some of these estimates $140,000 you know and up and these people are desperate people that are single people that don't have any out or any other things to do so whatever it is we need to do I think we should continue that because this this storm has brought together the love of a community I've talked to neighbors I never even talked to before you know I've spent hours Consulting them and telling them what they should be doing this is stuff we never did before this is an opportunity for us to grow as a City you guys did a fantastic bang up job when it comes to getting that trash of there before the storm because I thought for sure this cat 5 was coming along and that trash was going projectile so thank you for doing that um Veronica has done a great job communicating with me as far as opening our new business in the city here we're working hard to do that and thank you for that too um I just want to say that we probably need to put on kid gloves and be gentle with these people because they've been through a lot all right that's it thank you all for what you do thanks Chris all right that's all the signups I have by show hands anyone else like to speak General comments [Music] welcome good evening my name is Bruce torren 8119 Channel Drive and I don't know if it's on the agenda or not but the 50% rule are y'all going to talk about that no make comments on that okay I have question about it because I've had my adjuster come out from FEMA he couldn't answer the question and he told me it's going to be 85 days before he knows what my uh amount will be so I gota wait 85 days for me to come to that 50% rule to rebuild so I'm going to sit there for 85 days and do nothing so what I'm trying to say is y'all put this down here where we if we do rebuild we won't be able to get insurance the way I understand it and I could be completely wrong but that's what I want somebody to explain it to me because I've asked my insurance adjuster I had asked the uh the code fella today Happ to come by my house and give me a packet that y'all have out here which was nice and everything so I'm not getting the answers my insurance company the desk adjuster they assign a desk adjuster to every claim they won't they they're not answering it either so what I'm trying to say is at what point will I know that I can rebuild what I have or either I have to um raise what I have or raise it or you know start over again again and is there any way that we can get an answer that that sooner than you know waiting on FEMA is um is there anybody here with a similar question on the 50% role I I have lots of questions about that because I'm getting asked lots of questions from the community and I'm not able to give them accurate answers to them so don't under my comments so what we'll do is um when um he goes his comments we have Veronica address some of that to get some of that information here in the meeting yeah I didn't I speak to you I think I spoke to her the other day about it but you know it's not it's not being answered um I guess correctly or or it's not being clear on what we need to do here and everything the other thing too is there like he said there's a rumor out there at least on my road that there's an accumulative amount of damage okay meaning that from last year's storm I got flooded in that one I just just moved here uh and uh got damaged on that and they're saying that they can add that one and this one and come up with that 50% rule uh is there any truth to that so just on that particular question it's a year in the city some C's going to make things more strict I think new Richie has a five-year rolling period but in P Richie we just have a one-year rolling period okay that one year there's a cumulative so let's say six months ago you put a roof on that would go towards that 50% so that is that is okay so I'm I'm like 10,000 away from a of saying and I know I had that much damage already you know so and that was 13 what ad Delia was what 13 months ago so I mean is that close enough that you're gonna well it's depends on when the when the work was done or whatever if it's outside the year the Year it's see that that's that's another thing I had to wait I mean I I did some of the work and everything but I didn't have enough money to do it all so I'm definitely within that year right well and I would assume that but let's say that obviously F happened it was over a year barely right but people didn't fix their their stuff that next day say this couple months went by that's when their year clock starts from the time they did that work so technically if they say 11 months into that they had another event which is 10 or 11 months if they waited to do that work a couple months from there is that satisfy that 50% as long out of the year yeah as long as it exceeds the year you're fine but if it falls within the year then you fall in that 50% so how is that right I mean you know because what I'm we I don't think I spoke to you but okay I I did I because I I I wouldn't remember okay but uh we could talk about it yeah because um like I said if that's the case then I'm definitely I'm I'm out you know and I don't want to you know my adjuster told me there day he says put a door on this because your house is not even secure right now you know I don't want to spend any more money if I'm going to be in that boat you know I'm going to be throwing away you know bad money after more bad money so yeah we need to I need to talk about it yeah no understand your concerns like I said you're not alone everybody on my street because there's only there's only two people on my street on Channel that I know did not get water from medelia okay so no I I empathize with you I understand the it's it's a wides scale problem not only here in po but up and down the coast a lot of people are going to find themselves in a situation so I don't know that um it's a FEMA rule that that the reason that's there and so what happens is just in general terms is in order to participate with FEMA and for them to uh do our community rating right that's where we get our discounts for our flood insurance in C we have 15% right in order to participate in that we got to follow their rules and that rule is one of their rules 50% once you reach 50% damage to your home or above then you have to raise it out of the flood plane in order to continue in that program otherwise they don't like to fix it and then now cities can come back and say in an effort to try to get people in the air to mitigate that flood to get higher discounts we can make those rules more strict and we have here in City we're still the one year Rolling period and the 50% and is a look back period is that minimum one year for them is that the look back period for one year is that or the minimum standard for FEMA or is that that one year 50% that is the minimum that you can have in order participate in FEMA's program that fried insurance so what happens is is let's say that the city says no we're not going to do that right um well then nobody insures properties here and so if somebody comes in and buy a mortgage requires flood insurance they can't get it or some insurance compan is going to come in at some exorbitant amount rate in order to do that it comes cost per its own home so you really need to participate in that program to be able to have flood insurance but with that by doing that they're not going to let people just continue to have repetitive loss that's repetitive loss that's repetitive loss and so that's why that rule is there and so um again given the the wides scale damage up and down the coast I don't know if FMA will come out I mean as I put the bug in in in in Washington's year that hey we're going to potentially have a crisis here a lot of people could potentially lose their homes um we need to look at this but uh as of right now that rule exists and we've got to deal with that is there anything in place then to help the people that need to to raise their homes oh yes there's there's Grant programs do have I okay I did look into that four and a half years waiting period no quick fix for sure that's not true that's not true okay I contacted them this afternoon you're not the only resident I've heard that from I've heard it from multiple residents that is not the case you just have to qualify for that elevation but the FEMA grants are still available okay all right so we'll talk a bit more about it here in his comments or whatever but um understand that the Situation's out there and that's probably a fluid situation that's going to go on in conversation past this um but as of right now that is every Prett much truth there is a 50% Rule and in the city it's it's a year look back period and so we've got to we've got to figure out how to De with that going forward okay thanks anyone else like to speak okay see Hands I bring back to councel next up is comments from the general city manager I pass Mr CER for his comments oh somebody oh [Music] welcome I have I have a question first some can we have an exchange you and I um because you know what I want to talk about sure yes okay guys sometimes in my Council meetings you're not allowed to um to share at the point you can do it at the at at the uh comments later on anyhow my Chopper Davis I live at 61 10 um Florida Avenue newp Richi and um um on a positive note I know um in years down the road we'll be talking about the 100th anniversary which yours ours is in a week and yours is in about six months um they'll probably talk more about the the the storms and they'll talk about the events that went on but I'm inviting everybody to come to Newport Richie this weekend it's our 100th anniversary and um we're um having events um starting um Saturday and Sunday in Sims Park um a lot family events a picnic on Sunday and stuff but um there's something else that's going to go on and and since your anniversary is on may may may um we're I'm going to bring up a paddle on the witches and warlocks um um uh event which is um Sunday Sunday we start at SIMS park at noon and we'll be probably in um where we're going to meet Nicks Park yeah what Nicks Park Nicks Park probably somewhere around quarter to one and I'm going to pass a paddle and and it paddles going to you know your anniversary um which is in May you want to add some more yeah so I was actually going to put a plug in obviously Newport Richie celebrating their 100y year Ann this this year and it's this weekend is their is their finale I think have a drone show on Saturday night and some other activities over the weekend and then Sunday part of the whiches warlocks he's got a centennial paddle that he's going to pass from his City to ours um and so I want to make sure that if you guys want come out next part probably quarter to one pass that paddle to the to the city I'll be a dress like a warlock though not a mayor you know basically how you're dressed now just made with a hat or something yeah but anyhow I just want to well you know the two of us are welcoming you to come down to Nicks Park thank you thanks John anyone else okay I'll pass to Mr cop with his comments thank you good evening um wanted to address the debris cleanup update and I gred to Council in my written comments a couple different attachments the first attachment is a map of the city and you'll see that the orange areas on that map indicate where the city is completed either ourselves with our crews or with contractors the first pass of of uh debris pickup the yellow streets are those areas that we know have debris on them we haven't undertaken either by our staff or through the contractor yet to uh get those uh that debris picked up for the first time second attachment is what I'm provided from tetrach and you might remember that uh in one of our meetings we um did a piggyback agreement Cooperative agreement with tetr to actually do monitoring of the company that we selected through the uh Cooperative agreement through the county which is DRC for the uh construction and debr cleanup so they tra every load that goes to the uh demolition or EMS site where it goes and then ultimately goes to the landfill you can see that uh as of the printing of this one I think the number has probably gone up since I printed this off we were at 1727 cubic yards um that's over a six day period our crews are up to we're estimated about 2500 cubic yards um we don't have an up we don't have the exact number yet for what we did uh between uh Helen and Milton which is basically a two-day uh grab and go so we'll have those numbers here probably in the next couple days to understand how much we've actually collected since CI you might remember that I estimated early on about 33,000 cubic yards um that number is since has since gone up to about 50,000 cubic yards um and again those are estimates you know we we don't have the ability to measure each pile so I'm hoping that's the worst case scenario but we'll see when all said and done uh the city is on a 7-Day collection schedule so it means every day we're going to have crews in the city picking up from DRC that we have right now as well as our city we uh we able to get out of the 24hour requirement because we have less than 100,000 cubic yards of materials estimated um but we're still trying to collect on a 7-Day period based upon the State Department of Emergency Management we have a 90-day deadline which began October 13th to collect everything at the curb site now those are are pretty easy things to say what makes this a little bit more difficult a little more challenging is actually doing it and the rules are being put in place by FEMA so you know obviously we don't want to wait till January 11th to have everything picked up so our our schedule is a lot more aggressive um we' like to have it done within a 45 day period preferably even quicker than that but to do that we would have to be at about, cubic yards a day which is not where we're at we're about 200 20 555 cubic yards day so we're not while we're meeting the 90day requirement we're not meeting our 45 day Target one of the issues is uh the contractor we selected through the propera agreement from the county DRC has not provided adequate resources and so uh what what happened is um talking with everyone I'm trying to create exactly what happened because everyone has a different story as to what happened but at some point before Milton uh the state do put out a new schedule for debris management collection and that was considerably higher than everybody else was paying and so a lot of the resources went State soon after that some of the counties in the South piggybacked the state contract which Drew even more resources which left not a lot of uh vehicles and Equipment here in Pasco County and actually at the time both Philip and Jordan which is the other contractor the county has lost a lot of equipment to the southern counties um since then the the county put out a a emergency uh request proposals from both their contractors uh Phillips and Jordan put together a package ERC has not put together a package um and so probably the Dr DRC is going to be non performed here shortly by the state or excuse me by the county which is going to have an impact on us um so we have a lot of issues that are keeping us from getting Target which is that, cubic yards a day in addition to that uh we have the need to do things in a manner that's going to ensure that we get reimbursed from the federal government and so there is a very large manual a thick um that we have to follow and and I I've heard well why don't you get that company back that we had in there in two days did a lot of collection well that was under a different set of rules and what we're now now both the state and FEA let us know that we are not in an emergency situation any longer that pass be pass so we have to go back to the way that that Bea says we have to do it to be able to get reimbursed now when everybody understand the magnitude of what we're talking about in terms of collection we're probably looking north of $3 million um that would definitely eat up most of our fund balance very quickly one of the things that we've done to mitigate that is we've already applied to a FEMA to get an expedited uh uh application in and part of the expedit expedited application is we can get 50% of what our estimate is given to us up front um so we are working through that through different contracts we have and one of the things that first is hanging us up is we may not have a contract any longer and we're going to have to do something with that but we can get 50% of this up front and then through the expedited reimbursements come in a faster Pace give you kind of understanding of what pace it moves on right now we just received a $60,000 check which is two3 of what we're supposed to get from idalia so that's how long it took under a non-exit application and so other places I've been where we went through an expedited application it was 30 to 45 days and you know the hope with this is as you know we get we get funding up front that we'll front it pay it and as we pay more we get you know reimbursement back to the federal government to cover you know what those remaining costs are so it doesn't have a negative impact um on the city's finances short of that the finance director is looking at different ways to uh get a low interest loan short term avable to help again cover this cost we don't have to take out money from our investments which is would have a negative impact on next year or the current Year's budget so we're trying to avoid that all that is being said that we're doing a lot of things um to try to manage the re that's at the curb site you know we haven't put out a collection schedule because because again you know our resources generally we have two crews out there um we have a water leak we don't have two crew out we have something else go on we don't have any crews out so it's hard really to predict where and and when we're going to be in any given time again based upon you know the map you're seeing we we've made steady progress over the last uh few weeks uh nowhere close to where we want to be um I know that we're almost finished with the Southside 'll be able to start moving resources in uh one of the issues we have in in the called toac streets is the the equipment that DRC has provided to us does not really fit well into that in fact their first coray they supposed to start har Isles area cable LS if I'm not mistaken while they're going back there and so it's just not the right piece of equipment to do the work um what we're our crews are doing have the right equipment um to get in there and again we'll get to all these streets as soon as the resources allowed we get more resources in that a question yeah so once they go down the street that's it so the reason I'm asking is because a lot of people you know they're putting all their personal possessions out on the street and then at a later time they're removing their interior construction and everything's been picked up out front now one yeah so um under the challenges to completion in my memo uh the first thing that I've call attention to is that in the October 16th uh memorandum from FEMA they indicate very clearly that they pay for the first pass now let me just say that in a period of probably three days um tea put out two different memos that address similar topics so we're hoping that there'll be another clarification or another waiver to that um because again uh you know poor Richie like a lot of communities have the same issue we we spend a lot of time trying to collect this as quickly as possible and and you know where I know people want this taken up quickly the problem with doing it quickly is we get ahead of the residents I mean you know there were there were streets that we did in the next day it was full yet and and again that wasn't necessarily because the residents weren't doing everything they could to address it they just may not have had the resources at the time to get there and we saw that with a lot of a lot of volunteer labor coming into the city to help residents they couldn't get there we made the past and now it's out at occur um and and it's going to be an issue is that you know we are going to have to address if if FEMA says one pass it's going to be one pass and then if we make a second pass it's going to be on our dime and so let's hope that uh FEMA will will change that um policy but but we can't guarantee it so we have to be prepared for the thought that we're going to be spending money that that we're not going to get reimbursed um and again I think that's you know my third Point addressing the the FEMA me memorandum um there is a lot of concern because all those waivers only exist for counties that are considered high impact ask me how many counties right now are considered high impact half of them how many counties there has been any on that yet wow so um so with that being said all those waivers that that was in the October 16th memo may not even apply to us if the county or the state comes back and says Pasco County is not a high impact County now I don't know under what definition we wouldn't be a high impact County but but again that that is up to the state um as well as FEMA to make that decision um so understanding that the procurement policies under an emergency are different than under non-emergencies and I think I may said earlier that we're no longer considered to be in an emergency um and so we have to follow what what our purchasing policies are and what the state's P purchasing policies are if if ours don't address it and even more importantly has follow what thema purchasing policies are and and is that appealable in well it definitely helps maybe uh to be talking to our our state and federal officials pretty soon because again if if we don't get one we're going to have to be just pounding people to try to get that because it's again um right off the bat we're going to have issues and so that's that's my concern in this that that you know as much as we all like to get the trash picked up as quickly as possible and doing that unfortunately he's put us a little bit of risk now um where we may not be able to get the full reimbursement again it may change because all they have to do is put a memo out and it changes what what they're going to do and so we can only hope that that's ultimately what happens with the debris collection when you talk about the we're not in an emergency even though we actually are still in the state of emergency yes those are two different things I guess right yep yeah so there's there's two different definitions I can't think of the first word um I was on a a webinar earlier today with uh the state and FBA and use a lot of acronyms but um and and so there isn't an immediate emergency happening again when Milton was storming at us there was an immediate emergency and so a lot of the rules could be weighed but as soon as that left um you know we no longer was in that emergency situation and uh you know there's because believe me we thought about these things well you know there's there's a health emergency you know because you know Vermin and all the pestilence and all this stuff right is coming from that but again what I was told is you know those type of things are not not considered an emergency according to so we're we're probably going to be relying as we put the applications together and do all the work that we need to do we're going to be focusing more on public interest than on emergencies with this because you know it's in the public interest to take care of these issues um you know it's definitely going to be a financial burden and affects the recovery of our area which is another area that we're going to be leaning on um and only a part of what we're going to be seeking reimbursement for is considered emergency which is that time frame in between thean and and the onset of mil so there's there's a lot to be done with that so you know again we're we're doing about 555 cubic yards a day almost half of where we want to be we'll be trying to get uh you know more resources if DRC does not provide them um we've already made contact with Phillips and Jordan which is the other contractor through the county we may be having a special meeting to approve that that agreement for the next few days so in a in a nutshell for the public obviously that that are dealing with the trash out there and and I I really I feel fig green Street I live on same situation had been touched yet and so I drive by that trash all the time it stinks so I know y'all are dealing with a lot and it's it's a it's a bad situation um but again the only alternative that we have as a city is to spend your tax dollars and not get reimburse for it and that's what you get to show for your tax dollars is that we picked up the trash quickly um and so to be good stewards of that and to do other things obviously we we want to maximize that uh full FEMA 100% reimbursement so it doesn't cost Community anything and so but by doing that there's some inconvenience involved because we're tied to government processes and we all know that sometimes that aren't the most efficient processes and not the most forgiving processes either so we're working through those I did talk to Matt today Senator Rick Scott reached out to me before the hurricane to let me know if he if we need anything to reach out to him I'm waiting to make those phone calls once we have a good need to do so I will make those phone calls and try to get uh some push to get some of the stuff rectified but as as Matt stated things are kind of fluid FEMA changes things working through this so um give us a little time like said it's it's if we haven't forgotten about it I know you see that trash every day but we're very well aware that it's there um and uh we'll get it out there as soon as we can and hopefully at at a cost of somebody else's money besides ours so did you want to make comments on the 50% roll stuff now well I was going to uh let Veronica address that if she's able can it go over the 50% roll um I can put a packet together and discuss that this way I can answer everyone's questions and ask that we can even hold a workshop if you think that that would be good there's a lot of information that I think Citizens need to be aware of and I don't want to just blurt things out and this way they're they're better educated with it yeah and and I think that would be a good a good thing to do maybe is to have that that meeting to allow residents come in and understand that but just just a quick overview of it if you could of the 50% sure so we don't go into homes and assess the homes and say come out with a number you go and you get a contractor that gives you a number of what that cost can be to put the home back into the pre storm status we go off of the unless you have a private appraisal that was done within the last year or we can go by to property appraisers 50% just your building value and we also put it online too at www.city of.gov and also need you a little bit of a breakdown of how that 50% and how we assess that 50% so once we get that information then we can better assess it but everybody's home is going to be unique to what they had or or what is there so I I really want to put more information together so that I can better educate everyone and so that people aren't afraid or thinking we're going to carry your house down you 50% because that's not the case that's not how that works there's a process and there's guidelines that we have to follow per thema rules and for our ordinances and codes as well so our intent is not to do that but to educate and give you all of the information out there for that thanks Ronica can I say one give me a second for um the if you go out on our website and I know if you obviously you don't can't do that or whatever on the computer or whatever um obviously stop by City Hall we can get you a print out of this there's a a packet Veronica has in a billing department and there's a lot of information there one of the things that that is out there on some numbers so when you're when you're trying to figure out you know where your specific situation is um what it says to do is you go out to the pasive county praiser site and you would look up your property you would see what the building uh value is not what you pay taxes on after all the deductions not but actually what the the assess value of the property before any discounts for the building then Count Your Land just the building portion of it so let's for example I think they use a no let's is use an example $200,000 right well then what you do is you take that times 115% so they bump it up 15% of whatever that value is so it' be 230,000 right my math is correct so your that's your 230,000 so then you would have 115,000 would be the 50% Mark of that so that's kind of how if you can figure out where you're at and so as you go through your insurance claim or you Insurance whatever the contractor does give you an SM what it takes to get that once you once you get to that $115,000 or above then you're then you're in a situation of are you able to do anything without raising your home and if you find yourself in that in that quick math that you do with all that um reach out to us because there's there's there may be some wiggle room in that the way numbers are processed or whatever to it's close now if you're obviously if you're at 230 and you're 230 to fix it you're probably not going to probably going get there and so that's that's another conversation uh there are programs out there to to help do that we have Grant programs in place but again if you got to raise your home um that's a big cost and if uh so you have to make a decision on on how to deal with that and let things change as we go forward because like I said there is a there's a lot of people in that that could be in that situation i' I'd even say probably a crisis down but down the coast if there's G to be a lot of people that may be losing their homes depending on demount damage and evaluations um so there may be changes to that like I said this is a this is kind of a extreme event so hopefully there might be some latitude given maybe they they'll make some but again I don't know at the end of the day it's all about FEMA tax funded emergency service that the government provides they don't want to keep doing out money for properties that are going to rep you know have repetitive losses so the idea is to get them up in the air get people out of them and and not live there so um in the lobby also on that table there's the same packets that the mayor is speaking of and there's also if you're interested in the fale LIF elevation I created a flyer there there's one out there as well my cards are out there they're also here so feel free to reach out to us and we we'll try to guide you and help you as best as we can and and I'll give you a little more detail on on that so when and this is something that maybe could change just for an example right so let's say that um you want to do your own flooring that got damaged and so there's no labor cost there well under the current rules you can't you just can't provide free labor there has to be a market rate of Labor that gets figured into that even if you're doing it for free so um all that cost goes into the the job towards that 50% right maybe they can as as we look at this not us but the federal government maybe they allow for some of that changes to allow you to actually take a a free labor if you're doing yourself to try to keep you on that again I don't know what may come in a future but as right now that you can't just say I'm going to do it all myself it's not being a labor to keep your cost down it's it's it's based on a market rate is that right market rate I guess whatever um and then you know there's there's you got to think of this there's a lot of things you don't need permits for like to replace your floor you don't need a permit correct so when you come to the the city with your permits it's not just the permit cost because it's a flood event you have to include all things to get it back the way it was flooring for be another example which would be a significant cost has to be included in that number even though you don't technically need a permit for it um still needs to go in that calculation um so again maybe that's something maybe they'll maybe they'll make some modifications given a situation that's only permanent stuff again don't know what's going to happen in the future but as you go through and you put your house back together you're going to go through those those line items of what you know flooring uh drywall work even painting I think is is included on so all that stuff and painting how much cost to pain all that goes in that calculation so again you can see you have this these costs get up there pretty quickly given a amount of damage that was done in that packet there's a list of everything that qualifies in the 50% and things that can not be qualified in the 50% and it's broken down so I I really urge you to grab a packet on your way out on the table and it breaks it down for you it just simplifies it because there's a lot of things that you probably don't need and hly our building department is up here that people can reach out to I don't know if you guys thought about it or not but maybe having a couple workshops here at City Hall or something where people can come in and get information I don't know if that's oh miss sorry so let forthcoming schedule some workshops and and there'll be opportunities to kind of learn the process again it's it's very fluid hopefully there'll be some adjustments made but again as as the rule is right now in the city of Port Richie we've got a year look back period 50% is the is the cut off so obviously if you get close to that reach out and you know we'll work with you the best we can um given that and we'll we'll forward that information up to see if there's anything to be done but that's kind of the the premise we be working under so I don't take questions but do you have question I to say if you come back po just since we're talking about that I want to make sure everybody gets the right information okay last year I actually had a FEMA adjuster not an independent contractor that came and did my house and you're talking about the labor cost and everything because I did most of myself they do not pay you and they will not give you a value if you build it yourself they won't put a a a a number on that so that won't apply according to the FEMA guy and I have his number his name everything you know but I'm that's what he told me because I told him I was going to probably rebuild it that's what I've done in for 40 years you know so anyway so that was that the other thing is is where do they come up with the number okay because I know how much I was paid for my insurance okay but where do you I mean like if you know if I came in here and I said to Veronica I said Veronica okay how close am I to the 50% rule you know where do where do you how do you like I stated earlier we don't come up with that number you have to seek a licensed contractor I you to reach out to a contractor to tell you what the cost is to put your home back to where it was pre storm okay we go off of that cost okay we don't make up numbers we don't assess those we we assess the property damage and we look and see what your contract what what you have when you submit an application for a permit okay so back to my Adalia so flon was a company that did tear out and reconstruction I had them come in and do the tear out because I had that part I had not done before and everything but I've rebuilt homes their initial cost for tear out and rebuild went exceeded the 50% rule CU I already pulled my uh structure number and everything at that time so at that point in time I had I was way above that number just from there but it didn't it was it was a quarter of that to put to put it back to actually better than it was yeah yeah I would just encourage you anybody else obviously that's dealing with that work for bilding Department they'll walk through the process for out there together again stuff in the pass for a day how many permits do we have to fix that stuff not a lot I think right so so today oh last year oh that that was not good one yeah so not many people applied for permit and it permits and it's very very critical that people apply for permits because that can be audited and so when the state or the feds are putting out x amount of dollars and we're not seeing the permits come through the office that's not matching that's the issue be aware of scammers be aware don't don't call the building department and ask if they're registered with us we'd be more than happy to help you uh there's three of us on plus a code enforcement officer so we we will try to get to everybody we we've been on the phones all day we will try to answer everyone's questions as best as we can but don't there there's people out there that are saying they're from FEMA and they're showing an ID that says it's from FEMA and they're fake they're not true so be very cautious of who you're giving money to and call us before you do anything yeah please engage bilding Department like I said you on here in the agenda coming up we're one of the items is to wave the the permit fees so there's no reason why people shouldn't be reaching out work with the billing department and do that obviously once that is addressed and if it passes which I I'd hope it would so we'll we'll address it night so tonight you'll know definitively that that's the case like I said please engage the building department work with them and as a city we we'll do everything we can to help you and we'll advocate for you where we where we can so anything else on your comments okay uh that being said we'll move on to comments from the mayor and city council I'll start with my left with uh Council Burke thank you vice mayor Rodriguez councilman Muer uh the only thing that I want to make sure that we're we're aware of uh is the debris that has flown in flown into the canal between blueo and Quest just like uh the removing debris from Clear Water and all the other beaches that had sand in the streets uh I want to ensure that we get that addressed because now it's blocking uh not only my house my neighbor's house the neighbor across it's moved that oyster uh all those oyster shells into the center of the canal and now it's a major obstruction I know you more information back from that uh one vendor if they're going to honor yeah that okay so just so where the one right before the milon it's coming around every two weeks yeah volunteered to to go ahead and do that for us so hopefully that it'll be taken care of it's not going off my list is what I'm saying sure checks in the mail as I say anything else oh because of the two storms that occurred uh I'd like to see some leniency given to trailers trash and 12 Ines of grass being written up in with the um code enforcement I think people have enough other things to worry about that we need to put a six-month uh moratorium on that so that they can concentrate on other things that are more important than that people are going to be living in the front yards and trailers and I know we already have 180-day exemption for that uh like myself I can't get my boat back on the lift right now U but that's just me but there's other people in other situations uh so I would like uh a moratorium placed on trailers uh trash and debris in the front yards because after you so many days we're not going to be able to pick it up 90 days and then give them another 90 days to to clear um as well as 12 Ines of grass those two three those three items and blue tarps on the roof those are the four items that probably surface the most in the code enforcement and I think we can forego that for a six-month period to address what is the legal Avenue to do something um the trailer as you know part of that is has to do with femal so so that I would need to look into I know some other areas that we represent have already addressed that so we'll find a way to address that legally to let you remove that requirement should you collectively choose to do so I didn't didn't we have this discussion right yeah now now we're following FEMA's regulations he's suggesting we go further than that wait a minute there's two different questions here one the util the not utility the travel trailers or RVs that people are living in their yards we already have that within our code right what I'm suggesting is things like boats that no can no longer uh sit in somebody's Canal because other issues right lifts can't get get uh Motors back in place I mean there's a there's a whole Myriad of problems uh that so Boat Trailers I guess Boat Trailers whatever yeah they're going to be out so would that be Citywide or just for those affective I would think so you would need to make it I think safest way if you want to put a pause on anything that's within your code you need to make it effective to everybody so those are the four things I have boats in front in yards that normally couldn't be there yeah trash and debris trash and debris 12 in greater than 12 in of grass and then blue tarps on the roof let me look at the codes in El and see what we need to do to pause those that's to be a resolution or something to yeah so yes yeah yeah is that so is there any oppos to Nancy looking into that move for on that yeah h no I don't have anything to say okay the um obviously Chopper took put the words out of my mouth again um if you if you do get time um celebrate Port Richie's 100 year anniversary with those guys this weekend um participate on the on Sunday when they hand a paddle to us also Council come down Nicks Park it'd be it'd be great to to receive that um and just just again uh just a general apology for for everybody everything you're going through I know I feel for you um you know I didn't get hit as bad I did get some more in my home I didn't lose everything thank goodness but I know a lot of folks did and my heart and I almost feel guilty for not having that kind of water in my home um so my heart goes out to you and uh just know that we're here for you I appreciate the staff that you guys you know work tiously to try to do that I know it it probably doesn't look like that to the residents that drive by that garbage but they really are working hard um you know we you know we're small City and so we can only do so much and so again my heart goes out to you anything you need please reach out uh we'll do our best to try to try to make it Happ happen for you okay um sure I would also like to thank all the efforts of all the police fire utility guys and that his staff uh for the tireless effort that they uh contributed to ensuring that uh safety was maintained in the city people were made aware of where they can get food uh and shelter and and the need to remove themselves from the area and I certainly appreciate all that he's done he's really been an asset to this community as well as all of [Applause] our thank you okay next up comments from boards committees do have any board committees comments Carl welcome Carl Roth 831 Island Drive Port Richie Florida I'm here tonight on as the chairman of the 2125 Coastal resiliency and restoration committee I sent a uh memo Sunday to the council members to have a decision tonight uh at this meeting um basically I'm asking for the removal of Alan Rose from the committee uh he's failed to put the city's interest first he his lack of cred credibility at Pasco County and complete disregard to the workings of the committee are creating dysfunction unnecessary distraction and damaged our credibility at the start of our efforts as we're just trying to get moving he's acknowledged receiving cease and assist rulings from the county as a result of activities is undertaken at Hudson beach with no scientific basis and continues by passing the committee effectively moving forward and and communicating with the county uh outside of the roles that we've identified in the committee Newport Richie and others that we are C what we want to do is in order to move the committee forward we want to clarify the potential outside partner such as Pasco County Newport Richie and others that we are serious about our efforts Alan Rose must be removed from the committee given the damage already caused by his continued actions the best message that can be sent from the city to Outsiders is for his active removal by the council tonight versus for resignation on this on his part we've already done damage control uh we can't continue to do it and we need a decision tonight we've only had two meetings so far we're starting to get moving but this distraction is a non-starter so I'm asking for that decision here and now so um just to check with these these committee members they serve to Pledge of the council doesn't need to be brought before that committee for recommendation from r or anything we can we can act on that I am trying to find resol I didn't know this was an issue so I'm looking for the resolution right now is without the resolution but usually yes that is the but watch she that obviously this this 2125 committee coastal resan city restoration extremely important to the city of P Richi um and the last thing that we we need is is is uh some individual or anything to to uh cause issues with with our County any governing body that we need to work with to to make stuff like that happen and so this you know and I respect C for bringing it to us obviously you being the chair of the committee it's very important that um um you bring these types of issues to us so once bancy clarifies i' entertain a a motion to remove from the committee I do not have a copy of that resolution in my last paragraph it's it's a charter oh no sorry that's the resolution actually made the committee so you want to pause or continue we come back to this whatever you like to do did you have any more comments about just that we got started and uh I need an answer okay why don't we um I'll go ahead and um on that um C meet um May Sports committees I can talk about the Centennial committee so um the Centennial committee met and we have a list of events that we went through we had a workshop and we went through and kind of prioritize those group those events together and and kind of put them to the calendar um and so we've kind of got that laid out uh that's in the city's hands now to kind of put that calendar together formalize it to bring it back to council actually they'll bring it back to our committee just for final check to make sure everything's right and any tweaks and then that'll come to council at the next meeting to uh bless that event list for Centennial uh events lots of good stuff on there um we're doing a 100 days of uh the Centennial starting dat F beginning of February February 6 7 something like that is a is the first day of the 100 days and uh we have something scheduled pretty much every every two weeks so it' be some some event going on and maybe two and then there'll be a a week off and followed up by another week of events all the way up until the main Centennial week where we'll have the main festivities so it's pretty good schedule lots of good stuff um once we solidify that through Council um then we also start looking at doing some subcommittees to to work on those individual events going forward um that's pretty much all I have for the sento commit is it okay to talk about the logo just so another issue came up OB Council voted on the uh logo that the committee recommended uh that logo the picture that was used uh we reached out to of saff reached out to the the individual that made the logo um used a photo of that stilled home they didn't take themselves and so they reached out to that artist and that artist took the picture once a financial payment to use that and so we're working through that I think that um they had talked about potentially you giving him um you know advertising all the things okayy this is picture was done by whoever it was um and um that my understanding is that he just he just wants a a $500 payment for the use of that picture so um we're looking into options so it may come down we may need to vote on you modify the logo with a picture that's okay to use which shouldn't be too hard to do I think we got permission from the lakes to for the use of the photo of their place right I just had a conversation with him today I'm be sending so may actually have some photos yeah so so um I'll be working with him tomorrow and hopefully Rectify that soon so the logo make change just ever so slightly with a different picture so we avoid having to through that right resolution 244 which created the um committee section five uh committee members serve it the pleasure of city council and can be removed by can be removed from the committee by a majority vote of city council it does not indicate any notice or requirement that he have a moment to plead his case to you if you want to let him know about it and be here and give his side of the um situation but but for your resolution you do not have to do that yeah just um and I open up for discussion on that but um understand Carl I was at the the meeting and I you actually called out some things that were going on let me my understanding that after all that that there was another thing happened after that that's correct so and that's kind of what spawns I it was okay up at that point and when that was kind of the straw that we thought it was correctable and the conversations that been had with the county is that we told the county that we would correct the situation uh that did not take place and continued efforts on the members part continued take place outside of the committee's purview okay I was also at the meeting and Mr Roth was very clear in his direction as to the expectation of the communication between um any of our any of the members and outside of the committee me city um County Etc and he was very clear in that communication there was no um ambiguity at all so he should have been um and he acknowledged that he understood what was going on Mr Ross Rose acknowledge that as well so um I I'd like to move to remove Mr second is that a motion second any further discussion anyone public like to speak hands I bring back for a vote all in favor signy by saying I I opposed Mo carries thank you very much any more board commes I thank P okay move on consent agenda item number two October 22nd 24 consent agenda for a motion and or discussion yes I'm okay with all this I just wanted to ask about do we have any improvement with the red light cameras um I'm still uh finalizing the uh September so as soon as I get that I can get have you answer but it doesn't look like we you know I I think we're only going to be about $1.2 million instead of 1.8 so we're be down quite a bit but uh um there's been no it came up this month so I think we'll be fine going forward okay so we're probably going to keep an eye on that going forward thank you motion to approve the motion to approve the consent agenda second motion second for discussion anyone public like comment single hands up bring back for a vote all in favor 65 say I I opposed motion carries uh next up we have a couple public hearings three public hearings um the uh first one I number three first reading of ordinance number 2474 comprehensive plan text amendment to create a new land use category for future application um before I uh pass that off the um just so the public understands kind of what what these what what these are in a nutshell so providing if you want to have a comment on them so the first one item number three obviously we're going to start with that's the overall creation of a of a a land use category and then the other two four and five are actually taking properties that reside in that area and assigning them to that um and so Mr CER mentioned before normally in public hearings the very first thing is we open up for public comment on that and then we have the presentation and Council discusses given that this is the first reading um if it's you find it's okay I think it probably is that we go ahead and hold public comment until after the presentation so that the public can hear both the planner and and and and uh the uh the applicant so they have all that information and then comment and then once all that's done then they come back to council for comment does that sound okay I absolutely agree and I will also say there are three items but what you're probably going to hear and Tammy will correct me if I'm wrong is you're going to kind of hear all of it all at once all together because the second and third presentation would be very repetitive about the first so she'll explain that but so we don't really have to do three three different things be one presentation but then we'll be voting on each or addressing each ordinance separately and clearly yeah and honestly if if if item number three does not pass it number four and five are irrelevant again it number four and five are actually assigning individual properties to that new land use category so that being said I'll pass it to do you need to WR by title first I'll let do the read by titles after when we think address the ordinances end yeah so let's just let um M Rana and the applicant give their so comments I welcome Tammy Verana to take us away good evening everyone I get my bag of tricks here usually it fits here my name is Tammy Verana with Veron Consulting Safety Harbor and I'm here tonight to discuss these three um uh adoption of ordinance public hearings so so um we're going to start off with a request for text Amendment we'll go to the next don't mind I'm going to have to do it because for whatever reason when I click on this it wants to go through on its own sporadically so oh I don't know why okay oh it slides on a timer may there's no timer it should be should not be a timer yours it's mine as well so there's I got to have it so very good okay so we'll go to the next one thank you the purpose of this public hearing is to evaluate a request to change a comprehensive plan policy uh to look for its consistency with the comprehensive plan which is the city of Port Richie comprehensive plan and its impact on City growth and development we want to ensure public participation through this public hearing comply with legal requirements and consider the Planning and Zoning Board recommendation made on September 17th which I'll talk more about later next please so the request the first request is for the addition of text to policy l. 1.1.1 sub or parent H um to create the Cody River Landing US1 19 Corridor land use category and the um this would actually go within the adopted portion of the comprehensive plan which is the goals objectives and policies and then there's a picture there of what we received um early on from the applicant and we'll go step by step through what was presented by the applicant next please so um and and I w't I'm going to big enough I think that you can read it but I'm just going to touch on the high points so I don't have to listen to me read for a few slides but the intent of this category is to enhance the unique character of The Waterfront District and its natural assets and to integrate mixed of uses so residential office commercial uh to create a revitalized economic focal point um on the right slide it says to create a vibrant destination that offers enhanced community and recreational experiences for a diverse population while leveraging the beauty and economic potential of the natural Waterfront and this par well keep going I think there's one more maybe not it is continued um so the category establishes the maximum residential density and the development intensity which I'll bring up a little bit later uh to enable able that mixed use development that is served by adequate public facilities services and infrastructure and then additional constraints or conditions could be applied uh through the through the resoning uh future resoning to ensure compatibility with surrounding land jues and overall compatibility with the comprehensive plan next please so the the text goes on to describe locational characteristics this category would be applicable within the area shown as requested by the applicant uh there's a 25.4 s net Acres I had a little bit different on my Planning and Zoning Board but I had hand calculated so but it's 25.4 s and I think in your staff report you'll see the numbers for each parcel so you can add them up yourself as well so these would this uh locational characteristics would refer to a land use strategy map in the comprehensive plan um so when we get to the end of this and you decide what area should apply we'll we'll develop that map next please so for subaran number uh two all properties designated uh with this category shall be zoned with a planned unit development District um to ensure that it aligns with the comprehensive plan and adherence to site specific land use and development standards next please so in the in section three uh the permitted use prodes and maximum levels of development within this category would be retail sales and service office overnight accommodations residential uses moderate and high density and others as indicated in the Waterfront overlay District uh which resides in the city's zoning code where submerged lands um are exist within the area those would be generally excluded from density calculations next please a little nap over here so this slide shows the permitted uses on the left column and the maximum levels of development in the right column so to be understood this is a maximum and does not guarantee uh future results so it's just something to start with in comprehensive planning the first row all uses relates to a floor area ratio currently the well I'm not going to get into that but the floor area ratio that's requested is a 2.0 floor area ratio and that kind of you can think about that is the size of the Box the building in relation to the lot area and then the next use is the multifam residential use that would be limited to 60 dwelling units per acre and those dwelling units would need to go within the M the maximum of that box that we talk about with f next please so this is important that for the uh purposes of the resoning that there are guiding principles within the comprehensive plan that are established by this new category so at the time of that resoning to planned unit development we would give attention to the following but not limited to next please Transportation impact mitigation the integration of uses both vertical and horizontal the semi-public realm so those places that are privately owned but also um provide for you know like your sidewalk cafes and Open Spaces that are owned by uh private entities compatibility with surrounding existing and planned uses Economic Development objectives the interconnection of your street system and the design standards for compact development pedestrian and Transit oriented design principles next please building placement orientation and site features number nine building intensities orientation and massing and 10 uh those existing and future programmed public facilities and services and one more and this is the the placement and extent of parking landscaping and shade treatments protection of environmentally sensitive areas including flood planes and buffer zones and lastly tree protection so that's the extent of the requested text that if approved by the city council would go into your comprehensive plan goals objectives and policies so in this part of the presentation we'll talk about whether or not it's consistent with the comprehensive plan so the first we're going to talk about is the future Landes policies next so we staff found this was generally consistent um that the new category would be to accommodate Urban scale development that would complement the city's range of land use categories in the comprehensive plan today those adopted land use categories support only Suburban scale development so as a Redevelopment city um it is appropriate and in line with existing trends for development that you have some opportunity for urban scale development within the city next please next we'll look at surrounding land uses so the future land use category that's being requested supports mixed uses including residential retail and office uses staff found that to be consistent because today with within the commercial mixed use land use category that applies to the bulk I think everything except for the park um in that area is commercial mixed use and all of those uses are envisioned by that future land use category so we're going to talk about development patterns so the the scale of development that's in the area so staff found that the proposed maximum standard that's being requested of 60 dwelling units per acre is generally compatible with the existing and plan development patterns in the surrounding area because that area is categorized by low and moderate intensity development and Suburban development patterns next please so when we looked at what would be available under the existing Comm U commercial mixed use category um which allows up to 18 units per acre and up to a 60 floor area ratio but for only for non-residential uses there's that different distinction than what we're going forward with now is that in this area you could achieve 458 dwelling units today so a maximum of those dwelling units and that's considering complete Redevelopment of the area for the purposes of a comprehensive plan we're always looking at a buildout worst case you know just just for the purposes of planning for public facilities for the nonr non-residential use uh just a little over 600,000 Square ft of commercial retail and other non-residential uses under what's being proposed next please oh under what's being proposed uh at the 60 units per acre you'd have a little more than three times uh what's allowed today so 1528 dwelling units and then considering all uses be a little bit over 2 million square feet of um building intensity next please so we also consider in our compatibility analysis other planning so as you're all aware the city had developed a waterfront overlay District zoning which was based on plans that have done that had a similarly sort of low to moderate intensity development envisioned and also recently the city had conducted some Community engagement in the fall and excuse me in the spring um where we looked at these three uh areas um that were included in a survey a visual preference survey we had Waterfront one area to the West uh area along us19 Corridor and then also the area that's on the east side of US1 19 uh north of the river So within this area there was a pretty profound um preference that that Waterfront area one which is where the community really feels as like they're downtown that it not be too intensely developed and that be kept predominantly commercial and less residential just for the interest of being able to continue to use that in in the way that was envisioned next please so next we'll look at adequate public facilities in the comprehensive plan we look at Transportation water sewer water excuse me water facilities water supply Wastewater Parks uh and recreational facilities and then storm water drainage and solid waste so as of August 2024 when this was developed um pullable water supply had about .2 million gallons um per day of of Capac capacity portable water facilities were at .1 million gallons per day Wastewater facilities are provided through Newport Richie um solid waste disposal is uh through an agreement with the county storm water drainage is happens on a a site development basis in line with the uh Southwest Florida Water Management District uh standards and also what's provided in your comprehensive plan arterial roads and collector roads in the city um today the stand is a level of service D but US1 19 um continues to to serve at level of service F and I don't think that that's going to change um at right at this time the city has a surplus of 21.1 Acres of Parkland but there are some recreational facilities that are identified in your comprehensive plan that that are deficient currently if we go to what would happen if we if we took the next please the uh the number of residents so if we looked at those units that I mentioned before at 1.9 persons per household which is in the census um data for multif family use and multiplied well we we Ed multipliers for the different Services I'll just I won't spare you the or I'll spare you the the nitty-gritty but um with the adoption or the addition of 293 residents which is worst case maximum probably won't happen but it's all the property within this area um you'd have a a deficit of 0105 million gallons per day of portable water portable water facilities would be a deficit of 0.205 million gallons a day you'd also be deficient in continue to be deficient for us9 and then those four Recreational facility types would also be deficient so we we gave that an inconsistent so then we also looked at the other comprehensive plan policies next please housing conservation Coastal management policies and economic development so in general oh can you oh sorry in general housing policies look to uh diversify and increase housing availability within the community to satisfy need by existing residents and also the future residents so we felt that that was consistent with the addition of new housing units within the City Conservation policies give you an opportunity to um build and also with Co coal management policies an opportunity to build with conservation and Coastal management and resiliency in mind also uh mixed use compact mixed use development people who live there are more inclined to not use their cars for everything there's also accessibility Transit on US1 19 so there's the potential that you'd have environmental uh positives by having people in a more compact walkable environment and then related to Economic Development policies you know the the potential for new residences new development adding to your ADV valorum we felt that that was consist consistent with the comprehensive plan next please okay so so we had some inconsistencies and some consistencies so what could be some of the possible solutions to the comprehensive plan inconsistencies and this is what staff has put forward that we exclude those Waterfront areas from section one in the text under locational criteria to to exclude uh the Waterfront one area and the Very Western portion of the property that we're going to talk about in the next um but I should I'm jumping ahead so essentially making it a smaller mapped area for the application of this text next would be to lower the maximum residential density to 40 units per acre and then to also strike from the text the adjective non-residential development because the way that uh the staff and the applicant have envisioned is that floor area ratio would be all-encompassing including residential and so that non-residential doeses it's it's an early iteration that just we didn't catch so that would need to go okay so let's go to the next so I'm giving to you tonight three uh scenarios and what's going to be shown in the next two slide are the distinctions so we have the applicant's request the planning staff's recommendation and then also the Planning and Zoning board's recommendation so across the board we need to strike that residential and the only reason I don't have it struck for the applicant is because it was just an early version of theirs and I'm sure that they're in agreement but the applicant can can um tell you that himself when he gets up to to um do his presentation under the max density the applicant's requesting 60 units per acre uh planning staff is recommending 40 units per acre and the Planning and Zoning Board recommended 40 units per acre as well next please so this shows the map area and so you can see from the one the applicants request it's a large larger area and then you can see in the Planning and Zoning board's recommendation it's the same area so for planning staff's recommendation to exclude that Waterfront one area it's smaller so essentially those are the three scenarios that we're putting actually well there's three scenarios considering everything but uh before but um those are put forward for you tonight and that's going to be the end of this presentation so I look forward to questions when we get to the end of the next two next please so this next one is a request for a future land use map amendment to apply that future land use category on specific properties these properties are located at 5419 Treadway drive and 7944 Bay View Street and the applicant's name is is listed there so this is an ordinance first reading we'll go to the next oops did I repeat that okay keep going keep going O Okay the purpose of this meeting is to request uh excuse me to evaluate the request to change the city's future land use map which is a policy in the comprehensive plan to look for its consistency with the comprehensive plan and its impact on City growth and development to ensure public participation comply with legal requirements and also to consider the Planning and Zoning board's recommendation from the September 17th meeting next please so this is the parcel in question you can see where it's related to us19 and Miller's bio uh has a total of 3.64 Acres next please so the request is to change the designation on the future land use map which is shown in the picture from the current commercial mixed use category that we talked about in the last slide uh presentation to the Cody River Landing us19 Corridor next please so the key differences between these categories is that 18 units per acre are allowed in the commercial mixed use category and a 6 floor area ratio um as well under the proposed the dwelling units per acre would be 60 units per acre and the floor area ratio would be 2.0 fa um floor area ratio for all uses and also within the category the proposed category it would exclude industrial uses which are allowed uh to a limited extent in the commercial mixed use category next please just to clarify that proposed that's applicant's original application proposed not what planning is zoning is proposing yes yes exactly so um so the maximum total development that's allowed that would be allowed on the subject Parcels under each of these categories you would have up to 65 units in the commercial mixed use category or about 95 5,000 square ft of non-residential uh building area and then for the proposed you would have 28 maximum units and a maximum of 317 um square feet of floor area for all uses next please so then we looked at the consistency with the comprehensive plan so we felt that the the the uh the land the future land use map change would be consistent with the future land use map today because it allows those same uses but then of course if you adopt the future land use uh category then it would be consistent as well looking at compatibility with the surroundings the land uses and development patterns are still um they're low and immediate intensity and also the planned the planning that's gone in the area is also not very high intensity next please so we did look at what's um around those that ex the subject parcels so we can see that you know there's to the South they've got bar restaurant surface parking to the east there a gas station and vacant commercial to the West is a bar restaurant and surface parking and then you can see the future land use map and Zoning designations of those uh surrounding Parcels next please so as I mentioned in the last presentation other planning has included the adoption of the Waterfront overlay District uh which provides for um essentially what is the the commercial mixed use category provides for today and then within the um Cody R imagine Cody River Landing process um there was the preference for lower intensity non-residential development in Waterfront Area 1 next please with the same um analysis was done for public facilities and services so go to the next I think I have it there so if you accommodated those new 200 and 18 is it 28 I think I messed that up though so anyway you're going to have capacity with this development because you can see here this is the blue um is it 218 new residents there's so many numbers from all these different applications um but overall the deficiencies that you have today would be the ones that you would have tomorrow but the other facilities are adequate next please and then compatibility with other plan policies the same holds true is what was mentioned for the last presentation that this would uh further your goals objectives and policies regarding housing conservation Coastal management element and economic development next please so possible solutions to this would be to amend the land use to the new category which excludes industrial uses and requires planned unit development uh specific design um standards would be tailored to this particular site for the Waterfront we would um the request would be to or the staff's recommendation would be to less out that sort of flag pole shaped portion of the subject Parcels to the west and then um to lean in on your development design so to mitigate any issues relative to compatibility in conjunction with the Pud resoning and a development agreement next please so that's the end of this and so pretty much the same um the same findings hold true for this U us9 parcel 8095 us19 next please the same purposes that we want to make sure that we have consistency with the comprehensive plan uh ensuring public participation compliance with legal requirements and to consider the Planning and Zoning Board recommendation and I would like to say that in the last one I did not mention the Planning and Zoning Board um did recommend approval of these two cases that that I'm going through now next please here's the subject parcel it has 4.92 Acres so just under five acres next please again the request is to go from the commercial mixed use category to the Cody River Landing US 19 Corridor next please uh the same as I mentioned before the standards for the commercial mixed use category as opposed to what's being requested under the new category and that would allow next please uh 88 dwelling units um under the existing conditions and if approved uh it would allow 295 dwelling units in the um for the new category next please the same uh consistency findings were um we have the same consistency findings with this case as with the previous one so we pretty much showed that there was consistency with the future land use map General inconsistency with u surrounding uses next please this shows the existing land juices that are around this one so to the north you have single family residential multif family residential office and Retail to the South is a gas station to the east is us19 Auto Sales and Retail and to the West is a public park and a bar and restaurant next please again um other planning that is taking place in the area includes the Waterfront overlay district and the visual preference survey conducted in the spring next please so then we looked at public facilities and services availability next please yeah my numbers are wrong up there so but same same holds true there's capacity for this um this future land use plan Amendment even though for the over all build out of the entire area there would be a deficiency next please and then the same findings for compatibility with other plan policies next please so for this one um to resolve those inconsistencies would be to amend the land use um for this new category which excludes industrial uses and requires design specifics and then also to um mitigate issues during the PUD resoning and development agreement so next please and that's it we're at the end so yes what happens on um on one with that strip if it's not included does that just stay in the water happen District what if you're taking that strip out so everything stays in the Waterfront over overlay District until the time of rezoning so what it would do is it would yes it would stay within that zoning it would not be subject to the well it would be included in the Pud sorry I haven't thought that far apart what we would do is we would um the 18 units per acre that's allowed in the commercial mixed use category could be blended with the new requested density the 60 or 40 whatever you decide in in in U yielding the maximum number of residential I don't think you understand what I'm saying or I'm not understanding what you're saying because there's a strip that runs down along the channel right recommending to take that out was so I explain that the reason that they recommend to take that out is because on their s they don't include that Waterfront you pull that one back up to shows the can you go to the map um with the scenarios one two three because that that property that's a very narrow strip yeah the other but if itary taken out then it's not taken out it's still available for development it's still the map with it X out it's coming because it wouldn't if if if you yes once you see the map you understand it would still be a part of a cohesive development it's just that those standards for the 60 units per acre and the floor area ratio of 2.0 would not change so you would look at the that as a whole aggregated development such as what's happening when if um these two development sites the two future land use maps are going to be an integrated development there's going to be the US1 19 Corridor there's going to be the Treadway uh Corridor and then there's the piece that goes off to the West so you see the the second the middle map there station they didn't have that Waterfront piece included in it they had a smaller map and so the property basically gild dogs is inside the the purple dot line but that strip along the Waterfront is not there so that's why they would be excluding it's not part of the in that scenario it's not part of the Cody River Landing in that scenario that's one that so in in the item number three playing zoning recommendation that doesn't apply because it is in that but it still can be integrated into the development it's just that the comprehensive plan policy that applies would be at the 18 units per acre and the 60 floor area ratio for that St just for that which anyway well the the strips value is you take it as a hole in the Pud so whatever the say it's 8 and a half acres or whatever that little strip you would you don't have 18 to contribute as opposed to 60 and you would you would be able to take the 18 because maybe residential can't even go on that strip but you can take those 18 units and bring them over you can aggregate them across the site okay yeah I do understand that okay sorry I didn't catch that earlier could you go talk a few forward because I think in the second in the US1 19 property I didn't think the math was right on the on the units yeah 218 and I thought it was higher than that um keep keep going 4.9 Acres yeah the 4.9 Acres there that's so look at the dwelling units if you're talking about the property that's 3.64 Acres not the 4.9 you have go to the next keep going blue is the tread excuse me the well not that blue Treadway it's the 19 Treadway and purple is the US 19 so right it's colorcoded to help on the US 19 Carri over the 28 keep keep keep rolling forward I'll tell you what you tell me when go to the next yeah that one that one that one yeah that's it that property is almost 5 Acres 9 to correct actually yeah facilities by 218 residents I think that higher than that for that property that was identical to the previous I think what I did was a cut and paste when I was so it's it's a cut and paste era number B so let's go back up one more oh there we go so 295 dwelling units times 1.9 persons per unit so whatever that is I don't have a 580 something I'm a planner you know so an engineer they 295 times what 1.9 1.9 times 1.9 600 600 560 and a half okay to be exact based on Microsoft the the calculation of as adequacy of the public facilities occurs at the time of res zoning and really at the time of the final um um certificate of occupancy so you know we want to make sure that there's adequate capacity in water sewer some things like Transportation you know you have like three years I think maybe um parks and wreck might be also 3 years but th those calculations as to whether or not this development would meet the adequate facilities levels of service would be in conjunction with the resoning because then we would actually know how many units were going to be what what was the reality and versus just the maximum got built so that may be three years down the road that not after it got built as it's being planned for comes into permit comes in for permitting right for zoning and permitting on the um on the deficiencies there was a for the 19 it was something F I guess a grade right on that so we grade roadway facilities on a level of from a to F with a being like a good grade and F being the worst um so US 19 is really just kind of we manage it I mean you're not responsible for all the traffic that's generated on US 19 it's coming from everywhere so what we try to do is with development of course to re you know to limit the amount of impact that we're putting onto our state facilities which happens to be a strategic inter modal facility on the um State system so it's a high priority one but um you know if you can and also you have a ordinance that allows an applicant a developer to pay for their impacts so it's a payand go process so it's not as though you can hold them up for that but as a city you should be looking at ways to manage the demand for uh right I guess what I was going to ask was what's what's its grade with without the development is it is it f already I think it's it's right now it was F 10 years ago it that's still an F right it's just a it's just an f plus yes yeah exactly you would put um the water the the pable portable water and there it's blue both scenarios you have that it's good but then there was one screen that you had that that was the text amendment that looked at complete Redevelopment of the whole area the map area so not these two Parcels but this so it was the overall sort of the worst case scenario if the entire area redeveloped then you would be in a deficit situation and I know that you guys are working on U your your water system upgrades and maybe getting a water use permit up um update so those are things that you would have time before any anything like that would ever happen but for the purposes of when we send this off to the state for review we want to let them know like what is the ultimate the maximum that's well that's the water treatment plant but what about the well Fields the well Fields is where we get our water your so your water supply um is limited by your water use permit by the state say that again your water supply what you have available that you can pump from the ground is based on your water use permit from Swift Mud from the state and and S probably can not enough to supply this because not we're buying water from Newport Richie at a much higher rate which means all the residents have to pay for increased water rate so not just a specific so for the entity so when you look at that whole area which that is reflective of if it was all developed and 2900 residents were put in there businesses it would show a deficiency so if you knock down catches Hooters everything down there but with with just the two properties that are being added into that we do have the capacity for those two Bas on what that maximum development would be so if we're changing the whole area to whether it be 40 or 60 or 18 what you know whatever that thing is to Residents they could knock down Hooters and catchers and if we change this now and then we will not have enough water as as we sit here today that's correct well also if if if Hooters and to Pasco County and and getting water to bring down to Tampa there's not enough water supply they're already hitting our well fields in Pasco County so it's not it's not unlikely that we're gonna we're gonna lose our well fields or they're not going to be well supplied well so from from our perspective doing that the planning for water supply you know our our intentions are one increasing our well fils so we we believe we have the ability to add new wells to our system and in doing that they're going to be probably higher production than we currently have and it'll be deeper so both that will help with the water quality as well as what the water supply is um the other piece of that you know the the portable water facility so that's the treatment facility again what we're looking at is doing a larger plant obviously L um in a newer technology or different technology than what we're doing and so in doing that we'll probably get an increase in what our permit allows for us to treat and we have I think is a 2 million gallon a day capacity of the plant but we really our our permit only allows I think it's 1.5 million to be produce right and so as part of a new facility that capacity is going to be larger we should get a larger amount than as well as what the day permitted daily use is going to be um and then the third piece of that is we're ready to get a new uh holding tank as part of it which be larger which will you make that even better for that's not for five years down the road that's if we get the grant because we're not gonna have $44 million to build a a water treatment plan well I will I will say that right now again as we sit here today in five years we have to do something I exactly and so that that could be again regardless of this development in five years we either have to be getting ready to put a shovel on the ground because we got the grant or we're looking at an alternate supply of water I mean there's there's not a there's not another option for us right now in five years we won't have any capacity right yeah I I guess my concern is that we're looking at the Waterfront District Cody River Landing as a whole changing the um Acres uh the the dwellings per acre right now seasid for sale Hooters is still isn't open um the casino boat I understand that that so someone could come in and buy all that and make those whether it be 60 40 18 whatever the end number is and then we're going to be in a situation where we're not going to have enough water for all the residents and that I mean that that's that's a lot of money for people to have to pay We already pay a lot of money for water it's going to be a lot more if we have to buy it from Newport Richard and so I I think you know one of the things that you need take into consideration though is that 2900 is based upon 60 per acre I know it's hard so that number isn't again unless unless Council decides to allow 60 per acre um you know that number is going to be a little bit south of that not sure what the total number is but but um it's going to be a little bit less than that so again we don't have the the numbers up there I mean the calculation wasn't done to show what a 40 per acre would be I think the second thing to take into consideration is that this is requiring that any development that's going to be used using this has to be rezoned to plan unit development so again right now um there's not a lot of potential I mean if you just look at the individual Parcels there's not a lot of uh those Parcels right now in in common ownership that would have that ability to do that so they would have to aggregate the property they would have toire and do that again I'm not saying that can but again just could I add something yeah so each property owner that wants to take advantage of this future land use category has to come before you for a future land use map Amendment and this type of analysis would need to take place for each individual application that capacity would be an issue on each one of those right so if you got to the point where you had no capacity left then you would say we don't feel that you know we it's not in it's not consistent with our comprehensive plan for us to approve this Tom part of the conversation and quick so I'm getting we need this is a time not for you to ask questions of the planner well discussion after we discuss coming so make notes so you guys can finish asking any questions plan if you have any the applicant needs to be able to provide his and then we'll bring for discussion and then we have public comment and then you can ask all the questions have all the conversation so we need to stay on track I know it's hard it's some complicated questions the question I have for you I haven't seen But at the Planning and Zoning recommendation of the the entire area and Au 40 did we do any of this analysis to see what if we were I mean on that 40 unit per acre and the bigger map do we have anything in the red or do we know I would think we probably don't well we would have less so you mean I mean as far as the overall buildout would there if we knocked everything down and we did 40 units per acre at the smaller area at well at the bigger area then so what what Planning and Zoning is recommend recommended is that the map stays like the applicant ask but at at a lower density of 40 when you run those numbers trate out as we knock everything down and build up at that 40 years break or where do our numbers are they still in the r and I I can go and calculate those while you guys while the applicants speaking but see if it if that resolves that or not um be less I think o I think overall because you're really running up at at the limits of what you have available as far as water supply and water facilities so um I think these two developments are probably okay but if you even if you pulled in the 40 units per acre is probably going to put you in the red okay be curious I me I I'll go calculate it with I go sit down anything else for Tammy thank okay thank you and so now i' like Ryan Burke applicant you got come up floor is yours I me ru Ryan Burke um do I need to say anything else address add oh 4529 Harbor Point Drive it's up to you this is your chance to explain to them great what you heard her say why you don't agree with it or why you agree with it or whatever you want them to know for their consideration excellent and look I we've all I think seen these slides seen the presentation talked about it and I want to be cognizant of everyone's time like we've just gone through something absolutely horrific and people have things to do and and other things to worry about so if you guys would like me to go through these slides those here would like me to go through these slides I'm I'm very happy to otherwise I'm happy to summarize it in like two or three minutes um and allow you guys to open it up task the questions that I think are most important to you all you I think everybody's seen at least on Council the the presentation summarize perfect so I I think at summary I I was really excited to see the collaboration that happened within the planning and zoning committee um it's been my goal within this this project to be collaborative and I think the idea that we put forward um did that it it forces collaboration we didn't ask for just a change to the uh the density and intensity we we set out guidelines around how that could be changed who what properties could be included what are the requirements to be included in that and then it has to go into a planned unit development so that it forces collaboration it forces us to work with you all um a lot of that and as you know you brought up uh you know what if someone goes and buy everything and someone just maxes out the density um that was a fear of mine right and my fear is I walk out and get hit by a car tomorrow and I wanted to make sure that whatever we put forth had those protections that wouldn't allow for someone just to come in carp launch mow everything down and put up something that doesn't benefit the city um I think a project like this can be transformational to the city I think it can have a tremendous economic impact on the city you'll see in the the presentation that uh a development of this size brings millions of dollars in profit to the city and a continuing ongoing Revenue stream to the city it can be used for things that I think are are more important things like our Parks things like our sidewalks um things like our water um and so really allowing the city to finally realize financial gain with something that also benefits the residents which I think is critical um I think it needs to be a place that's for the community place that people can walk to a place that people can enjoy and finally a place that can support small businesses small businesses during this time have gotten hit hard I know many of them and it's going to be tough and it's going to be tough for a while and I think it shows the importance of having people living here having that density to support those small businesses and Retail that I've heard from from the public that everyone wants everyone wants the those options to stay local go to restaurants go shopping walk on a boardwalk walk on the waterfront um and and the density allows those things to not only happen but to actually Thrive and survive and be sustainable long term when you look at most small businesses about 70% of them fail within the first 10 years adding on an additional hurdle to overcome of not having people around to shop at them is important and then finally I think we've shown that there's there's a housing shortage that's on the horizon um and and I think this would allow us to address this in a collaborative way with the city um but happy to answer any questions uh and and really want to be open with anything you have um and I've been very grateful for your guys patience as we've worked through this process for the past 16 17 months um to get to where we are today to where hopefully we can start moving forward so just quick question so obiously you saw the the uh staff recommendation and you saw what planning is only put for what's your thoughts on because obiously your application showed the entire map which the playing is only did um keep that the same but they did drop the the uh density down from 60 to 40 does that quick thoughts on that yeah so I think um for a couple of reasons I like the fact that they kept the map as we applied that avoids us having to come back and do this all again whether it's us whether it's some other applicant coming back and asking to be incorporate in this it kind of avoids that step um I think the 40 units an acre is is reasonable um and and we're okay to move forward with that we don't have an objection to it um because I think our intent again as we switch this PUD is to be very strategic with the city on where the density is how the density is used and so I don't think it's like we don't never had intent to put 40 units on every single acre back there it's not our intent at all so or nor 60 so I think that the P the Pug structure allows us flexibility to work within the 40 units and work with the city to to come up with the good plan so we have no objection to it any questions be the first I checked the rules too when I got up here so no questions I appreciate coming out thanks Ryan thank you so now I'm going to open up the public comment um the public has steadily dwindled does anybody like to speak have no signups by comments okay if not I'll bring it back and close the public hearing no that's right close that's fine I going to read the first ordinance and then you guys can discuss away so close public hearing read it by title yes ordinance number 2474 an ordinance of the city of Port Richie Florida amending the city of Port Richie comprehensive plan ordinance number 88- 382 as amended providing for a text Amendment to the Future land use category by amending policy l111 to add the Cod River Landing us9 Corridor land use category providing for up to 40 units per acre and 2.0 FL area ratio providing for purpose and intent providing findings providing for severability and providing for an effective date thank you that I'll open up for motion discussion and I will pass it directly to vice mayor Rodriguez because I know she's been anxiously waiting to talk to the fire department now he's on now he's second um in the in the ordinance in the title it's 40 units per acre but in the first paragraph it's 60 units the first paragraph is the application and the the or the title is what proposed to happen based on what Planning and Zoning did if you guys go back to 60 I will will be amending amending the title but the title is based on planning and zon's recommendation and staff's recommendation the first part is just the application and and here it explains that it changed so just basically lines out that the map will be the entire area at 40 break it's the kind of that's what they have now says we're going to need a whole new fir Tru for $3 million or I don't I made that number up um to accommodate a I know it's not a highrise it's a mid-rise don't kill me a large building do we need additional equipment that we do not have to accommodate this what other the what are the regulations so in the memo address to um do we address to the building department we addressed that it says that the proposed building require ire initial response of an aerial firefighting apparatus this would have to be secur to ensure the first alarm respones an arrival specialized apparatus we would secure that obviously with our mutual Aid resources and have to probably just amend our mutual Aid responses and our autom medicated responses to include an aerial apparatus to respond to to this to these structures to make sure we on our initial oper um response that means the time the 911 call goes out there's um thing for structure fires not for obviously medical calls and but for structure fire response and and that would be across the board really for any structure and Newport Richie has that Newport Richie has Pasco County has that um you know so the closest one to us for Pasco County is at Cross Val station 19 which is 100 foot truck station 30 on Madison currently has a 100 foot truck and new pory has a 75 truck okay so we don't we're not required to buy a add required to ladder truck to buy one okay we don't have anywhere to put it I know but we're looking at getting a new fire station that was my question can can I ask a question did are you finished I am that's all I needed to ask okay Dave currently we have highrises or mid-rises today and that's how you service that capacity is it correct and s in Sand Pebble so again this is based off of us not seeing any plans or anything like that I'm talking about Sand Pebble yeah well sand pebble's different because you're talking about a sprinkler building you have St pipes outside stairwells there's so many factors that go into whether we have an aerial apparatus responding on the initial alarm or or so you have an initial armarm and then you have a working fire alarm every working fire automatically gets a ladder truck out sign to it okay but on the initial alarm who's initially going straight um Sand Pebbles you know different in the sense I I haven't seen plans so I'm basting this off of a a building that I've never seen before and can't do this so we're gonna say that we're going to initially have a an aerial apparatus coming to it Sand Pebbles obviously outside stair there's a lot of factors besides just being a tall building if we send a ladder truck or not okay [Music] yeah I just have I got a lot of things to talk about we'll talk about later just a statement maybe a wish list uh there's six rent boats uh there by the Bayou um by Hooters that's been here longer than anybody else has been here through generation through generation I'm just hoping to we provide slips for those shrimp boats at a reasonable rate after this is all set and done because they are a very important part of our history if you want to respond I gu I think that's the the whole intent of this is to work with the city on things just like that very good I agree with you um I also think there's an opportunity to make even more out of it make those slips nicer make them more accessible make them more walkable um widen them so there's they could be more pedestrian friendly so there's a lot of opportunity there that we can we can do with this project together okay thanks again just as far as the details of that that all comes in that PUD process whatever so this this is really framework yeah no absolutely any other questions or comments um I know there are three land it's the whole Waterfront District then there's the Planning and Zoning which is the same thing and then it's the staff recommendation of the smaller one that includes just the gild dogs property is that correct no it's just it takes off the basic takes off this Waterfront it just takes off this part so basically takes off Seaside Hooters Whiskey Joe's this one oh cat that's recomendation this is 81 this this what's that street that goes on there yes this is it yeah that's it yeah basically B is the line yeah maybe yeah yeah I I I would like to use the staff recommendation instead of the whole what front District that saves Hooters and catches and and all of that and address we can address or the council whoever's on here in the future if that future land needs to be addressed if people want to do exactly what this is being done that can be addressed at that time I understand um you know save those people from going through this process but I think the city has a right for to the citizens to re-evaluate it see how this goes I'm sure it'll go great and then if somebody wants to do that we go through the process for that I would like to use the staff um planning the planning staff recommend number two for the uh land okay is that a motion sure 40 units per dwelling toing per acre were we going to wait for Tamp oh sure we can sure oh thank you so at 40 units per acre in the larger area you would have um you would have a deficit of 3,000 gallons of water and a deficit of 100 3,000 of water facilities so from 100,000 to 3,000 I guess basically on the one and 200,000 what was it um I don't have that one with me I have to go look y so still R this went down so that's for um the map for three right at 40 at 40 units per acre correct correct so if we do do the planning staff recommendation it would be less that we might be closer to what we have and our supply yeah so at the at the 40 units per acre with a larger area you're coming like right in at what your capacity is now that doesn't consider all any other growth that's happening also doesn't consider what you might be doing relative to conservation so you could actually expand your budget by just maybe having some standards that require um higher levels of water conservation so I mean there's other things you can do I don't think this is a scary number um but it's something that you're working on anyway just for my own purposes um did you use the 105 gallons person right okay so one one thing to keep in in mind the 105 is what the the comprehensive plan identifies as use for for individual what we're finding though right now we're probably closer to 80 so again from a a what we're actually doing versus what the plan recommends us to look at there's two different numbers 20 25 gallons but that's the standard so I would think we would need to use the standard it's just it's it's a a planning level standard now it's a planning level standard so we always want to be conservative but you'll use that actual demand when you go forward to this to the Water Management District to say this is what we're doing we're conserving you know we're growing and we need to have a bit more to our our permit and I don't say that to change anything other than you know when when we get to another another uh discussion somewhere down the road about the water plant and the changes the comprehensive plan we have to make and the the water supply plan we have to put in there we're using 80 not 105 for that so buffer but it's always a good idea for planning purposes to use your standard and that's if there's 40 on every acre in here that's right Redevelopment on the 25 ACR which is probably not going to happen right it's it's a worst case like a it's a maximum right but it's probably not going to happen that there's 40 on every single acre in here not with what's being proposed to be put right and you would evaluate with each successive request and also the rezoning and also the permitting you would make sure that you would not go into the negative so so so one thing I I want to make sure everybody understands so I'm actually advocate for the larger map and matter of fact I think later on down the road we should even it was kind of funny during the Planning and Zoning meeting um Randy actually included the the east side of 19 down there where where uh Crab Shack is and all that um ivly the the goal of this is to create that destination right and to make it a walk booy area and to really connect all this stuff and do a lot of things I think we look well into the future um I think it would beho us to to actually even grow that map again within reason because we want to we want to create that destination and we want to we want to have enough density down there to support um all the cool stuff that we'd like to see down there restaurants whatever and if you look down now this is just a just a poster child case for why we need density because this event hit us and even before the event hit us hurricane um we had gildos closed Seaside flipped hands three times closed and now have these disasters that come in because they're low-line properties they aren't built to to deal with that um the only ones we got open down there right now are Whiskey Joe's and catches um and so with we want to encourage that development down there so that new stuff happens and it gets built up and it's fortified and it you know drains better and and all the things that come come with new development that you just can't can't um you really can't mitigate with existing structures and so it would it would be nice to have that at least from the starting point of that bigger map because that allows those other properties to get Acquired and maybe rolled into something and you can shift that density around so you can keep less stuff on the waterfront maybe a little higher on 19 that allows for transferring that around and gives a gives a property owner the ability to acquire more properties and kind of build something bigger than just he dogs in 19 that's so there's a benefit to having that larger area as well I make one more comment too as we look at these numbers again worst case scenario if if we mow down the entire Waterfront area which is not going to happen I mean technically it could right and in the future who knows maybe the hurricane comes through and levels the whole place and it everybody starts fresh thing now at this point but uh you know we we're not going to see those numbers we're using math that's really we're finding we're using 105 versus what's actually being used 80 so they're really artificially High um and again as we look forward five years down the road and we have this develop have this money coming in regardless of whether this happens not 5 years from now we're going to be doing something water plant and if all goes well maybe we'll be supplier of water instead of having to reach out to new par Rich for water maybe they'll be reaching out to us because we can supply cheaper than what they get from Tampa Bay again all speculative but um if we do the right things and we we make these adjustments um we can really put us on a good footing moving forward and I don't think we're going to see um this ultimate Doom by overachieving or over over allocating our Water Resources I think we're going to take care of that well in advance of that oh up close Ryan one thing to to clarify is this is this first is is changing and Tammy can explain explain it better than I can but you're you're changing the land use category but then the next two things you're voting on if this goes through is actually each individual land being accepted into that land use category so if someone acquired another property down there they would have to go through that process of getting that piece accepted into that plan unit development but they wouldn't have to go back and change the whole comprehensive plan to allow for that application to even be relevant is that a fair way of describing it we have to go through this whole process over again if we wanted let's say we restricted that map area we have to go through this whole ring again just to move it out and again we have control over it anyway because if we make the map larger you still got to have at least five acres to do anything so for example let's say we leave the map the way playing and Zoning did it these two properties get moved in okay um together they have eight and a half some Acres I think contiguous so that would be a plan you develop we'd see that coming forward we talk about that whatever gets done there somebody can't come in and buy Seaside at what was the math like three acres or two 1.9 so they couldn't come in and even though they're in that map area they can't unless they have five acres so they' have to have basically they'd have to acquire the Hooters property and I don't know if that would give them five acres because they can't jump across next park because we own that so you know it really connect you have to be contiguous property I mean a street can go through you but a city property can't so it's not like these they're going to buy up these little spots and make five acres they all got to be together and again it's all in the future when we talk about do we want to move that in or not and and then go that the whole plan development what you what the capacity is going to be so they have to speak about it from staff perspective of based on these numbers this is worst case scenario but worst case scenario not likely or even possible unless so why did the staff recommend this map the smaller map what was the rationale for that because of the development patter in pattern around these sites around the entire site I guess and also the plan development so we found that that to be inconsistent orc me incompatible with the neighborhood character which is low intensity lowdensity Suburban scale and so we thought that I thought that um that you'd have a better opportunity to mitigate for some of that scale issue that you would have with a 60 unit per acre development versus a 40 unit per acre development and then in addition to that we look at your planning your planning for the Waterfront overlay district and also the uh survey that was done with the community that was very well participated in that there was a a desire that the Waterfront one area be less intensive So what had been envisioned with the reimagine Cody River plan was that we would do and we applied for a grant we did not get it but we would do some planning to actually see what the needs were of those three care three areas and granted that takes time and we don't necessarily want to hold up the private sector from doing their thing of course um and so I thought it would be uh advantageous or prudent to leave that Waterfront area out so that we could look at what I kind of look at that as somewhat like a historic district you know it's it's got a character it's got something that the community wants to preserve maybe there's some opportunities for transferable development rights such as what they're using in the downtown Corps in Newport Richie to be able to um make it viable for those developments to continue on maybe they can sell off some of their but we don't have that in the comp plan right now because we're going through it very quickly that's something that we could think about with the east side with the West Side US1 19 you know that's really where your opportunity is for a lot of intensity um and you know making opportunities from no housing you're going to have repetitive loss properties you've had some that have gone back to the uh off the tax rolls you know you could good like some communities that have gone through um em disasters like we've been through that you lose your population because they move someplace else and then that property so this is a way for you to be looking to the Future to provide some vertical housing within the city in appropriate locations so um that's where you know we thought that maybe a more uh incremental approach to this versus but I do understand you know it is a process to go through this but you would already have a category to emulate maybe it's just we have some additional Provisions for transferable development rights or different ratios of dens residential density and non-residential whatever that might be but we just haven't gotten there yet and that was the rationale but I I think it's totally reasonable what the Planning and Zoning Board came up with they understand the the um complexities of going through this process and I don't think people um and maybe they they see something different in that area but based on the information I had available to was staff meaning you staff doesn't mean Port Richie staff this being this is you yeah I'm your planning I'm I'm your yeah she's our staff just contract right I well I just I want to make it clear that they didn't you know we didn't ask right no offense I use my professional planning judgment I of course looked at your comprehensive plan I understand the history of the community I've listened to the thousands of comments that we received so all of that is what I came up with as far as that um and and maybe there will be continue to be plan we could always amend the comprehensive plan later but it's always harder to to go down you know you can add two right but going down is a little bit more of a a lift and that's where I'm coming from so I I stand on my 40 units per acre with the staff recommendation of this as a motion do I understand we can add to it um and she is the professional none of us up here a professional I I can tell you I can tell you what to think about but it's your community's values right and so you need to rely on what you what you feel as the community well our community spoke pretty loudly on your imagin um survey that so they agreed with this so and I just want to be clear it's not um Tammy out there on an island by herself I mean when she says staff certainly I agree with what her recommendation was so it is truly a staff recommendation okay well I appreciate that thank you okay so I got I I wrote the report and of course everybody reviewed it but I'm just I'm just taking it Taking it she's the front yeah than you we're right behind her I have a um we've had a lot of conversations including with the applicant so we've had a really good rapport through this entire process uh but everybody's bringing their own information to the process which is important that's the collaboration that we we need when we do development thank you just a quick question uh simply because we only if we decide to do this we like to do it once does it make any sense you've been figuring it 40 units per acre and then you figure it at 60 units per acre doesn't make any sense if we did it at 50 units per acre just to be safe you can make any just you want once once okay once I entertain the motions on the table it's my question that's it so but whatever units per acre ultimately when a plan comes forward if we have 40 units that's a maximum that we could approve 15 for example or if you had 50 you could approve 35 you don't have to be it's not a guarantee that somebody is coming to the table asking for 50 is going to get 50 or 40 or what I do want to be transparent with councils and I think you all know this but just whatever that number is there's a live local act that can tap into that maximum density so when we talked about 60 that's scary because why it's all good we it's a Max or whatever live local act allows them to come in acquire property somewhere else in the city and use that 60 so it it's good that we keep it down so that they can't they would only be able to grab 40 in a sense or 50 or what side but again 60 is a high number use other place in the city so that's another reason why if we if we open up the map and we keep it at a lower you can move that stuff around within that map so let's hypothetically let's see that uh they acquire uh Seaside in the future and they roll that in they can rebuild that restaurant orever and take that 40 and put it there but live Lo will still can only grab 4 40 they can't come in and do that so by keeping it lower than the 60 it does price local protection in other areas of the city so and like said you talked about the trans and I'll also add based on the the staff's recommendation that we did look at standards or comp comprehensive plan policies for Coastal communities in this area Tarpon Springs Newport Richie Pasco County um and we found that you know I think Tarpon Springs had a 40 for in their community redevelopment area nobody exceeded 40 we did find that Newport Richie allows up to 60 in the downtown Corp but there's a transfer development right Provisions they're getting a a community benefit by taking some properties out of the flood plane area and bringing it into more of a high-rise situation so they're getting an opportunity to get more of a benefit but that's not been th thought through if you go at 40 right now later on you could decide to go to 50 and maybe there's a performance that you add to that or 60 or um it's just that once you establish the the 60 you don't get that negotiation room anymore it's we doing yeah going backwards it's gone and and I I thought I heard the applicant say that they feel that the 40 would be able they'd be able to accomplish their Vision within that I think you guys are is that what I don't want to put you on the spot so we need to make a motion well they got a motion so I just I didn't want to just throw it out there and discussion so I have a motion to keep the map based on staff's recommendation and at the 40 units per AC yes sir thank is there a second a second I have a motion a second any further discussion okay I I don't I don't agree yeah I don't agree I don't agree they anybody else has to come back this is something is really in one way no different than when they did the whole Waterfront District to start with you know there were rules for the water it's more complicated but it's the same it's the same thing so I don't agree discuss we should do the whole thing now so I just my comments on that I I agree I think we need to keep the map the way it is I'll see you guys see otherwise you have comment on Dave okay I'll put it to vote oh wait before I do that no public comment had public comment as L okay so put a vote all in favor say I saying I oppose n motion Deni okay entertain another motion I make a motion that we go with Planning and Zoning recommendation to include the entire area at the 40 okay motion for the tire area that plan zoning in the 40 which is basically what the ordinance in its current state reads second second I have motion a second any further discussion on that okay all in favor 65 saying I I oppose no motion carries okay next up is item number four uh I'm going to pass it over to um Nancy for the reading ordinance number 24705 an ordinance of the city of Court Richie Florida amending the future land use map by changing the land use category for personal number 29251 160020 06200 0010 and parcel number 32256 0270 00200 0010 as more fully described here in and providing for an effective date okay I'm open up the public hearing anybody like to comment see no hands I'll bring it back and close the public hearing and open up the council for motion discussion this is just going to have that new category apply to two of the four parcel so there's four parcels and two clumps and this first one is the two clumps dogs and the one across one this is yes so this tread W so yes this is the old G dogs and the small lot across street to apply that newly created um C Landing us90 Corridor used to those properties do I have a motion for that mve is there second second motion second any further discussion all in favor second by saying I I opposed motion carries next up is it number five I'll pass it for reading coordinance number 2476 an ordinance of the city of Port Richie Florida amending the future land use map by changing the land use category for parcel number 29256 000000 03200 00 and parcel number 29256 000000 03200 001 as more fully described here in and providing for an effective date okay I open up public hearing about that comment hands I'll bring it back motion discussion so this is uh obviously for the other two properties that are on us19 and the small sliver onding that off of uh Old Post is there a motion to uh to include uh or yeah include those properties in that um approve this ordinance number 24- 76 I'll make a motion I motion second okay approve second okay motion second any further discussion all in favor 65 say I I post motion carries okay that's all our public hearings do we want to take a quick break we have two and a half hours here want take five b break and we'll come back to council business take five you give Lighthouse a call [Music] [Music] that e e e e e e e e e there [Music] those are mine okay we're going to resume starting with Council business item number six approval of contract with the Southern Group for lobbying Services I'll pass that to Mr coer for introduction council's we during this uh Year's budgeting process I recommend the city lobbying a lobbying firm to help secure grants and direct funding for several potential projects that we're looking at in pursuit of this I met with a couple of the companies that specialize in providing these services to municipalities and I've previously worked uh here in Pasco County and uh with the City of Newport Rich Richie after reviewing the capabilities resources anding success and delivering tangible results I believe the southern group is the best fit for our needs therefore I'm recommending that we utilize the publicly bid and recently awarded greaton contract with the Southern Group additionally we've secured pricing based upon the city of Palmetto's contract with the southern root which I believe aligns with the scope of work and is a fair for the services required so the contract that we originally had in there was for $42,000 um what the contract will be for is actually $36,000 based upon the palto um contract we're still finalizing what that contract looks like um unfortunately my time was caught doing doing some other things so it was actually uh yeah uh earlier today that uh working with City attorney we're able to put it together and we'll be getting that contract to the Southern Group if you approve tonight for us to go forward so in the uh if you wish to move forward with this we put in the recommended motion that would need to also say for the the city manager to negotiate a final agreement with them and tonight we have a representative right and would you like to see my 30 minute presentation I have one teed up if you'd like to but the will of the mayor and and Council and the city manager and County attorney I'm here to answer any questions if you like me to talk more about the firm you do have our deck in your agenda packet um but I'm again I'm happy to answer any questions or talk about anything you like me to at this time it might be it might be good just for the public and obviously sure just kind of explain um you know obiously I I spent some time in t hassy last uh year to kind of observe the process and see and and it's uh if you could just talk about why it's important to have a lobbyist and what you provide for the city sure of course happy to so need give a little background on the on the firm as well while I'm here so the Southern Group we just celebrate our 25th anniversary here in the State of Florida um we have offices across the southeastern United States um we we are the largest firm in the State of Florida and we're thankful that we were named the number one lobbying firm um last year and many previous years as well um in the State of Florida we have over 50 lobbyists um we're very unique on how we do business in the State of Florida we don't only have one office in Tallahasse we have offices across the State of Florida that includes Tallahassee includes the Tampa Bay I live in Pasco County some of you may remember I was a county commissioner for eight years here in Pasco County um Orlando Jacksonville Broward Miami Dade even the keys in Orlando and the reason we have so many offices across the state is we really want to be closest to the people that we represent but we also want to be able to build those relationships with the people we Lobby on your behalf to that means our legislators so instead of just having an office one place where hey we see the legislators every once in a while during session or during committee weeks we live and work and play in the same communities they do and we get to build those strong relationships you know in the in the State of Florida you have 120 house members you have 40 sen senators and then obviously you have the executive branch with the governor in in the cabinet very difficult for one or two or three or four people to get to know that many people um so we have the benefit of having multiple relationships so if for some reason we're representing you and we have an appropriation we need to get to a committee chair maybe I don't know that person as well but guess what somebody in my firm does know that person very well and we work as a team and that we we collaborate together it's not just one person that's working working on your behalf it's the entire team so as a mayor stated before a little history on you know how this process works um when it comes to Appropriations um you know you hire us we go out you you've attempted some Appropriations in the past here right um we find a sponsor we find a house sponsor we find a senate sponsor through committee weeks we need to get it through the budget or get in the budget but during that process we're meeting with the committee chairs people on those committees as well to make sure that item gets within the budget and finally gets to the governor's desk but we still have a lot of work to do too because we need to make sure the governor does not line on line veto that line item veto that item which happens quite often as well um we've been very successful we the mayor from Newport R here we call him out too but um I was brought on to help them last year and we were successful in getting them an appropriation um the piggy bat contract you're working off in the city of paletto we were able to secure $2.5 million for them last year were the first time they ever had a lobbyist in the history of that city which was suggested by some of the legislators you might want to get some help um I spend my time during the committee weeks in Tallahassee I spend my time during session in Tallahassee you'll see me coming home on a weekend sometimes um but I do spend my time up there um the mayor has had the opportunity to visit our office when he was up there on your behalf in the past and obviously the the mayor behind me has spent a lot of time in our office as well and if you do decide to come up and and join us during session what you'll all be invited to do thankfully we have an office what's a block away from from the capital so we can walk back and forth all day long and and see our legislators and visit those people um it's Al Also let's talk about policy a little bit too besides Appropriations we're going to obviously monitor policy policy that may or may not affect you um and I say may or may not all policy possibly could affect you but maybe in a positive or negative manner um some things that are important to you obviously home rule is very important to each and every one of you and we keep you a breast of that too we don't just um at the end of the session send something out to you every every week we typically go through the city manager he disseminates that information as he pleases um because we don't want to burning with you too much but we send out updates every week we have people actually besides us going to the committee meetings that's needed we have somebody that monitors and actually summarizes every committee meeting that's going up on up there every meeting during session that summarized so you can get a a summary of those bills that may or may not affect you or should so s sorry will affect you um and get a summary of what's going on so it's not just Appropriations we work on its policy as well and there's those relationships it's always it's very important to maintain relationships with your legislators and other members of of the cabinet and all the way down to you know the secretaries of agencies that's very important too um many of our lobbyists within our organization we're former secretaries of some of the of every agency in the State of Florida we have former former speakers of the house um we have um former Chiefs of Staff to the governor's office and every agency or Department you can think of um attorney generals I could go on and on but we have contacts and links to every agency and every legislature um to do the best job for you and hopefully we can have some success and never make guarantees but we will do our best and work very hard for you so I'm open to any questions hope that was quicker than the 30-minute presentation thank I yes sir on a timeline I know legislature comes in session in February so this year we're going have their first committee weeks starting in December the first two weeks there's a more going to be organizational committee weeks session starts in March this year okay so they'll do committee weeks all the way up to then and during that time during committee weeks that's when we're working on you know you're getting your Appropriations in they're due and I can't remember the exact date they're due the house has a deadline and the Senate has a deadline they're two separate deadlines um I start working on them now okay I start working on them now with our legislators and that's what I was looking for timeline so we should be starting that process right oh yeah yeah I mean again committee Week start in December we like to get in the door and start having those conversations a month or two ahead of time so you're you mean you're in the right schedule okay we're good so we're coming into this thing eyes open full steam ahead full steam ahead so we'll work very closely obviously with um the city manager and and your team and staff on possible appropriation request and obviously they'll have those conversations with you we'll decide on what those requests are I go and meet with our our um more likely members of the delegation sometimes you don't always use members of your delegation for those Appropriations matters what position they in if they're in leadership position sometimes you go out and they'll be supportive of it but they need another sponsor um and well we'll you know we'll start working working that process but again and you know we'll we'll go to them too and say Here's what we're looking at and we'll get their advice and their input on it as well we want to make sure every time we do an ask on on the preparation side it's something that the legislators themselves and the sponsors want to Champion right you got to make sure that they're going to be going for Force for you as well there yeah there's a lot of inside knowledge that these guys have priorties or who and all that um basically you have access to all these through people firm just give an example I went up there we had three Appropriations we submitted through both um one in through Jagger's Office three in through Hooper's office I went up there I met with them shook their hand and um you know asked that they would consider our stuff but again that's just me talking to those two um you know themselves they can't get anything done just like if somebody talks to Bob and say hey Bob I want this you know it's come to five person counsel right well these committees are larger so these things have to get through there that's the beauty of having somebody up there that actually you know knows everybody and they go and they they can actually talk to all these different people and start well in advance I will say that the reason you want to start early is because when like when I went up there it's kind of the last minute we barely got him in because I knew the process and we' never done anything here at City before so I had Matt his first day was first or second day just to get something together just to try to you know make an effort right and so and I went up there during legislative action days um with Florida League of cities and I met with with folks and I can tell you they Usher them in and out during committee those sessions you got 10 minutes with the legislator and you're moving around and so and they got one after another all day long for several weeks right and so now is the time you have more sit down time and that's why important he's or whatever lobbyist would be out there advocating for our our issues and really motion so when it comes to committee week oring committees it gets through it comes to sessions where you can actually meet whether we all go up there myself or whatever we can all like last year I got to sit in with Newport Richie um with um I can't remember you you joined us for I don't remember how many meetings but you you came in with well he's gone oh there he is there he is he actually yeah we we invited um mayor Hoover to come meetings with the City of Newport Richie as well fire Council was there they met with the legislators and um again it was out they got 1.2 million I think for the fire State I think it was it yeah yeah so um this is an investment in city and in ability to to to put somebody on staff if you will that is constantly lobbing for stuff we need and I I'd like to make a motion sure I'd like to make a motion to uh contract for lobbying Services of city of Port Richie the Southern Group for the 3,000 and then also right allow Matt to negotiate sign contract y motion second um any further discussion um before I move public just one item sure go ahead I know that it was a fire drill when Matt was brought in and it sounds like you know we're right around the corner from that two weeks week and a half no no no no longer than that they start committee weeks in December okay so it was December when you were no no no no it was nov last year it was November session was different last year they yep session was different yeah what happens just so you know so um every it's an election year so they don't start session itself until after the election because there new players right right so the election comes in in November they can't obviously seat the legislators and have them swarming until then gotcha and then I would Envision I know that what's in the contract here was the start date October 1st I think we start that November first going forward I think so you need that the motion do you because you're G to detail that okay so I a motion a second any further discussion any want public like comment I would love to hear it I know um so I bring back for a vote all in favor 65 by saying I I oppose motion carries welcome to team Mike well thank you all very much I look forward to working with each and every one of you and look forward to a successful year thank you I will also just say something about Mike I've known him for a little bit know through his process or whatever guy Returns His phone calls reaches out calls and gives me information doesn't work for the city until soon right but uh anything see he's just said he's hard worker so going to be really good for see all right moving on to item number seven approval of resolution number 24-33 update to the local mitigation strategy pass Mr coer intruction every five years city is required to approve updates to the County's local flood mitigation strategy federal law mandates that each County must have a strategy in place Bas County develops and maintains strategy on behalf of its municipalities and we' participate by aligning with their plan maintaining an independent plan for the city would be both costly and burdens closed as resolution approving Pasco County's updated local mitigation strategy as part of the formal adoption process required by FEMA the city must officially adopt the fiveyear revisions approved by the local mitigation strategy working group okay oh read resolution number 2433 a resolution by the city council of the city of Port Richie Florida supporting adopting and implementing the Pasco County 20 2004 5-year update of the local School M mitigation [Music] strategy discussion motion to approve resolution 24-33 5e update second any further discussion anyone public comment has to bring back for a vote all in favor 65 by saying I I opposed motion carries item number eight uh approval of resolution number 24-34 waving building permit fees for repair of damages to houses and businesses caused by hurricanes Helen and Milton I'll pass it to Mr Copic induction because of the widespread damage caused by hurricanes lean and Milton um I'm proposing that we wave the building permit fees that are issued or assessed by the the city for all con all work that is uh done because of the uh damage sustained by the residents uh and businesses as you're aware the economic impact of these storms has been substantial with many residents and businesses business owners facing the overwhelming costs repairing and rebuilding their properties by waving building fees City will ease the financial burden on these affected properties allowing them to focus their resources on necessary repairs for reconstruction this waiver will encourage Swift rebuilding prevent delays of recovery help restore our neighborhoods and Commercial to their pre-storm condition the waiver of fees would be limited to a six-month period ensuring that only immediate recovery needs be addressed the time frame strikes a balance between supporting recovery efforts maintaining the city's long-term fiscal responsibilities additionally Additionally the waiver will be an incentive for residents and bu business owners to act quickly reducing the risk of prolonged disruption to the local economy byle resolution number 2434 resolution of the city council of the city of Fort rich Florida providing for a temporary waiver of building permit fees for repairs related to building or structural damage caused by hurricanes theane and Milton providing for an intent and purpose of this resolution providing for a filing period for eligible billing perit applications providing for severability and providing an effective date motion to approve resolution number 24-34 waving per second second D motion um any further discussion uh the only thing I was going to add you said six months in there do we think that's the right amount of time or should it be a little longer than that there is an option in there to extend it for 60 days after that just so you know it's in section three C maner do that or Council come back Council to extend it for you have the six months and then city council shall have the option to extend its resolution for an additional 60 days if authorized prior to the expiration of the resolution so that like rolling 60 days and that comes we do now 60 days just says just at one time I I I think I would I wouldn't recommend that we go more than the six months I mean again if if during the six months there's another state of emergency that would delay that um what what I think we've seen with aelia is six months is plenty of time for people to and again we want to incentivize them to step forward and do this if if we you know unfortunately there's going to be people that if you give year it's going to take a year yeah the only the only reason I bring that up is just because given the magnitude of the the damage and even we see it now as we compete for resources just to get rid of the junk um you know there may be it may be hard to find contractors to get that done and so six months is while it may seem like a normal amount of time but given the circumstances it could it could roll quick right that's six months to apply once you have the building permit you have another six months before yes to finish it right you can contact the building contact them as long as you contact them within that 60 days or whatever you it'll it keeps every time you contact them it extends them right right every time you have an active perm our active inspection yeah not just contacting right so once it's AC yes but what we're talking about is the the initial application right you know once it's applied for in 6 months you're good to go what we're saying is in the seventh month it could be an issue you can't get a contractors show up for a period of time so no sense in getting a permit until you got you know contractor so yeah so I'm okay with I mean I think it's it's reasonable an am out it um we can always revisit if we need to again yeah I me I I was that was one of my questions if if the six month isn't long enough we can do it at the resolution so this is just for storm damage only yes so if someone wants to put an addition in five months from how do we know he said it's storm damage but it's not do we go out and check asking for pictur yeah yeah we're asking for pictures okay we're if you don't if you don't have a fourth [Music] bedroom then you bedroom then that that would be a store related not many houses left but there might be a few okay so I got motion second he um open up public comment speak I just want to comment if you don't mind I uh financially I I don't think it's a good idea for the city and I work for you guys but I want to I I wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't say that you're you're losing probably just you know $150,000 in a time when we probably need that money I agree that something should happen maybe revisit it um but I mean leave you know making them you know I mean I yeah I just don't think financially it's the wisest decision I understand that we need to get people building and stuff like that I agree with that but financially it's just it's a it's a big loss especially with the money we're spending right now with the overtime and everything else and not be able to who knows at this point that's just my opinion but I'm G to support anything you guys do sure I appreciate that and ivly there is a financial impact I I will add though that these had we had not had these events they wouldn't be coming and getting permits to fix them so it's it's you know not like we're adding staff I mean here's some overtime stuff what and again it's possibly reimbursed through feeman and and whatnot so while there is a financial impact it's really above and beyond probably what we're budgeted for because if we weren't planning on having all permits to fix I thought this would be a windfall yeah we could do this actually it pad the numbers we could do 50% too or something half got motion for the full thing so um the um I just do want to ask for put to the vote you know this again un precedented people are hurting um we want to encourage people to come out and get permits we don't want to be prohibitive um we want to make sure they're doing it doing it right and I think this is a great step for the community to to um incentivize them to come in hey talk to us let's work through this and I think this is a great uh great way the city can can do something to help so just to clarify I this is just waving the fees for the permit people still have to get the permits yes so I just want to make sure that we're very clear in that respect we're not saying you do not have to get a permit correct yes we are saying you still need a permit but you do not have to pay the fee and I understand what Adam you're saying I I totally understand but what you're saying also Eric is true but if this storm did not happen they wouldn't even be getting permits to start with so we're not taking money out of the system we're just we're just not adding to it I agree you like I said I work for M and I support him but I wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't say hey this is a great idea well to Adam's point we are going to incrementally pay an inspector to go and look at this so we are going to have incur cost and to what extent we have more uh inspections more people writing permits uh it is going to tax the staff a little bit but in light of the fact that we had two back-to-back hurricanes and if you look back A year had another one and most of these people are doing it REM redoing their home twice I don't think we need to be burdening them with this additional thing and it's something a gesture that the city can move forward with and and try to help this community get back together I think it's a good gesture yeah so I got to no public comment so I put sure there's one thing I I probably should have put out there with this so again what what we're doing is saying come in get the permit before you start to work M as you always should right you'll get that way yeah however if if we find that you're doing the work that requires a permit you're not and we find out you've already started that you know there won't be a waiver on that okay so if you if you try to if you try to skirt the process you will be charged you will be chared and and our current charging is three times what that is so again there there is move that we add that in here is that not in there I think we should add add that language um so I need if if you're in agreement who made the motion I think I did yeah you if you want to it to include that if you're caught uh doing be easier if you just take back your motion because we got a second take it back okay so now we can entertain a new motion go ahead what do you want are you asking me what oh I want um you can proove res approve resolu solution number 2434 with additional language um addressing individuals that did not get the permit ahead of time not being allowed to take advantage of the resolution fines will be applied or something comp the current time frame three days two days I mean what whatever he said no whatever said so I I'll state so and then somebody move it so what we're looking for is any a motion to approve resolution number uh 24-34 with the amendment that we only wave if the resident comes forth in advance if they if they're caught working without a permit these this waving of fees does not apply and the regular uh rules rules of three times permit fee are in forc so move motion a second I I have one question we know that we have what 1100 homes that have been affected can we make sure that we I know the code enforcement gentleman was coming around on Sunday and handing out gr books and that's wonderful but can we make sure that we I don't want to catch these poor people that have already suffered a loss of their homes can we communicate with them by sending them a letter or dropping a letter something so that they know that they still need a permit for their work I I don't want to hit them with triple fees just because they thought because it was a storm we can do it and they misunderstood our wording so code enforcement has been driving around yes this weekend and he's educating he's not giving any citations or he's not giving any violations anything like that he's trying to let people know come down to the office and put in your permit application that's all he is doing he's got the packets we have out in the lobby we have it on the internet as well he's just reiterating and letting people know we have caught I have caught a couple contractors doing work without permits and I didn't site them or anything I gave them 24 hours to come into the office and put in or I would put a stop work order on their door they came in the next day they applied they did it they apologized they know they're not supposed to be doing the work without a perit so it's very very important that they come in but we are not giving citations or violations is there any way we couldn't do a one-time letter to all the residents so that they know I mean I don't want to catch them we should notify them ahead of time so that there's no problem mailing yeah I mean I know it's gonna cost a lot of money but 600 bucks let's I just don't want to catch the residents you know I mean they're already upset they lost their house now he's instructing them he can inform them is there a way we can handle this within the resolution that um so so they're caught because I think if they're notifi if they're aware of the rule and they and and they're caught they should pay the fine but I'm afraid that we're going to someone's not going to be aware of the rule and then we're going to catch them and then those gonna you don't be like and how do you how do you determine that they know or not know you know the big the big problem with with this type of damage is the whole drywall discussion right people don't think that drywall needs permit when it does now yeah obviously people put in HVAC and all typ things they they know contractors contractors doing the work right but you got people that are stripping their drywall out and putting back up that they may not know um they should but reasonable to think that they might not we not finding the people I I'll be honest with you in the past week I've been driving around as well we're not finding homeowners doing the work it's contract we're not finding homeowners we're find contract we're finding doing work that's what we're finding we're not finding homeowners who are not aware of the process we're finding people that know the process and are trying to circumvent the process and probably trying to save customer money that's what they're trying to do so we're trying to even with them we're telling them come down to City Hall fill out the permit application that's how we're finding we also have some undercover people in the community that were told to us as well so you've got um people coming out of Divisions out of Tampa and they've given us their business cards and they're finding people doing work unlicensed work uh they're unlicensed you know contractors insurance fraud uh people out there so they're in our communities and they're knocking and we're sure to tell everybody anytime we talk to them on the phone we're letting them know before you hire anyone do your due diligence call ask ask just ask the questions but anybody that you hire we're seeing a lot of people pulling their own permits their own owner permits they can do that but just be aware those are red flags when a contractor is asking you to pull the permit you're assuming that responsibility as a homeowner so there there's a lot of information that I think a workshop would be good that we can let people know um if we have to go door too and put a flyer on everybody's door we'll do that I mean I only have limited to staff but I mean we'll do what we can we put it out on the website um we're handing out packets I've got code enforcement working on the weekend um we're trying to get the word out there to at least apply for your can a mailer be added to the water bills you know so it's it's a great it's a great um well opportunity it's it's a great effort to try to reach out and touch everybody whether it be a mailer or whatever and we can we can literally spin our wheels and money try to get the information out there but you got to have they got to consume that information even if you mail you know get see yeah trash they I'm fixing my drywall I can't got time to read this so you know people are going to do what they're going to do um I believe we're doing a great job I mean Veronica came down the street handing out sandwiches on Green Street and um that that probably opportunity they could talk to people that was doing stuff or whatever that's probably was part of it right um so you know people should should know now there are cases where people um hire a contractor and they don't know they just want to get the work done and that contractor's at fault and there should be an Avenue to hold that contractor accountable um I'm sure what probably happens is is off we got I got caught by permit and they roll it on the customer charges or whatever so there's there's obviously there's circumstances all the time exceptions to the rule so my question was I believe the three times the F permanent fee is something that the building department has a discretion to apply or not that's not hard set right have to look at the wording I don't know yes May so is it is it enough and I don't know the answer to this I'm asking I guess you what's your thoughts on it and obviously I think you probably have the ability to intervene on certain things as well is that enough to um obviously we we put it out there we're talking about it in this meeting people are they're hearing about it it's on the website it's in the package if they just don't do it and they come and they say I had no idea hire this guy and it finds out this contract is there have that discussion with you all and you have the autonomy to make a decision well with contractors as well um we have the ability to put in a formal complaint with DPP so it does go against their license so it does behoove contractors to come in because the last thing they want is something negative on you know dppr under their license um and I can I can almost bet with 100% certainty that's a 99% certainty that when a contractor comes to the house they can say well I can do it for this but if I do it this way and I don't you know don't do permit you know so they're informing res res seeing saving money so they probably know about it most of the time well we educate any homeowner that comes in um we're educating them and we're letting them know we've had a couple people say you know what I'm going to second guess this and I'm not going to do it so we have had that happen as well um we we just try to inform everyone we we tell them everything so again and you heard what Veronica said we we're finding people now doing that work and the first thing that we do is we item we say get in and file the permit and if you know we follow that same process through this process which would be our our uh our desire you know and they come in the next day and file that permit there's no no issues right well that that makes some sense to do it that way but by resolution what we said is if it's if they're caught doing it without the permit well but that's but but again although I can't say in the past it's been uniformed this way but for a lot of people that's what happened in the past I mean again we didn't jump right to it's triple I think it's when people ignore saying you know come in and get this that's when you know it fell into you know getting a triple rate as well as you know getting a citation so I don't think that we're really changing anything in in this you know and why I wanted to bring it up we're going to treat people that don't want to get a permit and and it's not because we haven't told them to get a permit I mean they'll have that opportunity you need to get the permit um and do it you know within 24 hours 48 hours whatever the circumstance is um and if they don't do it then that's when you know we would go to the enforcement so NY do you feel like what we have in there will I'll work on the the wording in your the code gives the building official the ability to Grant a waiver of fees or more time um to do what they need to do when causes demonstrated so I think the wording in here will capture all of that that it will be we're waving these if we if we if you're you know if you're caught without a permit I think the best way to probably put it is then the city code will apply more generic so take take it to the city code what does the city code say city code said there's these fines there's these fees that may be waved if the right inform provided I think that would be the best way to do it so again you know using some of the examples you brought up you know if it's a homeowner that's replacing all the dry wall in their living room or through their house they do it themselves you know and and we knocked at the door and say you see you're doing this you need to get a permit come in tomorrow get the permit they come in tomorrow get the permit we're done all good yeah wait fees but if we don't see them in a couple days we go back there and the drywall's done then then you know that would apply yeah so I think there's going to be you know again the way that we're going to be doing this I think there's already buil in that we're going to be communicating with people and and again I I think between uh Veronica and Pat They they've talked to a lot of people I mean it's not everyone out there they've talked a lot of people and again I in the early days of this you know I saw how she went about you know communicating she was telling people you know it looks like you're going to need to get a permit you need to come in and talk to us to see what it is you're going to be doing and and what that's going to be and that's before you know we got into the waving of the fees so I think we've done as as good of a job on onetoone basis as you can expect in given the circumstances we have the um you know the other aspect of this obviously is why people would want to uh circumvent the permit process is the 50% rule as well they like is much taken care of outside of those numbers as well so you probably have that aspect in it as well so it's a great gesture for the city to weigh the permit fees there is a you know double edge s yeah I'm from the government I'm here to help uh oh by the way gotta board it up so but but with that being said you know the the importance of of doing what we're supposed to do as it relates to the flood plane management to the whole Community is even I mean that's that's the balance here right right because you know you had said earlier if if we're not in the plan no one's getting flood insurance so right you know you might say hey I don't need flood insurance but then you decide to move and you want to sell your house that's why they can't buy it yeah no one will be able to buy it then you're going to be stuck and you're not going to be able to move so I mean there there is a greater a greater good here in in doing it I know it's a hardship at times and it's something that we're going to be dealing with because I think it's Our intention as a city to stay in in that CRS program because it serves the greater good of the community to be a part of that and so you know we're going to have to figure this out State's going to have to figure it out Federal government's going to have to figure this out how how it doesn't you know destroy a community because there's going to be a lot of communities now think you know up to this point FEMA hasn't really given a rats you know what about that and and they've they've threatened to take that away from different communities in the State of Florida I think they may have actually well they threatened me and and so I mean you know I I I don't hold a lot of hope that anybody above us is going to look out for us in doing this um but you know maybe that's where you know we have to be more creative in what we do maybe there's things with with our CRA that we can do to try to help as much as we can um but but we're going to be we're g to be Crossing that one way or another and and there's just really no way out of it there's yeah with that I mean there's going to be some there's going to be some folks that are going to get some bad news and there's no amount of sorries that uh can make up for somebody losing their home and so the best the best you can do as a city obviously is to explain the reasons why why that's like there why it's like that it's it's for the good of community and it's you know they're still going to hear it but at least if you're compassionate and that's important obviously from the billan part but you guys are front line if you're compassionate explain explain why and and really advocate for them and we do all we can at the end of the day some people going get bad news um but hopefully we can U at least minimize it so I think I do have a motion a second in a while so um any further discussion uh I don't know open public comment Dan nothing back for a vote all in favor saying I I oppose motion carries uh next up is item number nine surplus of impounded Vehicles pass it for the surplus of 10 impounded vehicles have been stored in the impound bot of the police department for 90 days or more register owners were sent notifications viaa reg mail not responded to retrieve their vehicles Port Richie police department will send these vehicles to the Royal Auction Group as is our standard practice RG will auction these vehicles through their Standard Process I also want to point out that I haven't gotten the contract finished with them yet which I was talking to Nancy we will prioritize that to get that done here in the next couple days so we'll actually be able to send those to the uh Royal auction okay open up motion discussion yes I got four items do we have keys for all these vehicles I don't know I have to check okay that probably needs to be addressed because I think they wanted that and titles the titles we have to get unlike the other uh group that we had T we have to get the ties up front for them have we got them oh you're sorry we have to pay for the titles up front I get that have we got them yes yes the ones that we have nine or 10 Vehicles we we can move and and what about the vehicles that were Tampa at Tampa machiner auction what's the status on those they were sold and we got 6670 I believe for those um and M's the toe fees so so that's we don't have any inventory there anymore we're done with tamper Machinery Auction and do we have a process cuz we we effectively incur almost $2,000 on the books doesn't cost us that because it's just sitting in a lot back there there's not a cash machine rolling out cash but there is taking up space and that was your problem trying to move to this other thing do we make any efforts to contact the owner over that 3month period several times to ensure that hey they know this clock's ticking and give them an opportunity to redeem their car right for the process we send out mailers their return receipt to the registered owners of the vehicles and they're during that process they have the opportunity to respond or not respond okay and and these 10 vehicles I don't know how many there um how many other vehicles do we have in the lot back here we have that are in the Aging proc in the 9A aging process we have 10 more that we can attempt to get the title rolling in but it's taken us a period of time to apply for the title correct we can't apply to the title we also have to advertise it uh for a two week period in the newspaper before we can get the titles uhuh and then we can get the titles it usually takes about a week but back to the back to the key thing I believe we can get more money for these cars if there's a key in IT 99% of the cars we have keys for good good all right thank you motion discussion motion second discussion um just in a little bit of levity I I lost my Mercedes in the flood as I had my on that 2021 Chicago scooter I you know when the off you let know go I like put a bid in on that one you kill yourself on that there is one good year anyone public like comment to bring it back for a vote all in favor say I post motion carries that is that concludes our Council business open up for discussion old business is there any disc old business hold on right second okay motion second all in favor say I saying I I me journ