##VIDEO ID:tkNa1uISpoQ## call C Richie counc meeting CC Mee Tu August 2724 okay father God we just come to you and I do want to quote out of Isaiah 11 1-5 all elected appointed leaders would be filled with the spirit of wisdom and understanding the spirit of counsel and the might and the spirit of knowledge and also the truth and the fear of God not doing it our way but his way and that the righteousness by his Spirit would make laws that would be governed by his laws with our constitution of America so father for all the stuff that's on the agenda tonight I just thank you for the Council of you and us together coming and as uh from the general public the things that will be discuss tonight Lord that uh we would just listen to the heart of the people and what is that we could decide to vote on and what to vote against and I do also pray for the outdoor stores that decisions would be made on that as well as training for all members in the city uh for the stuff that and the Redevelopment plan and for adopting a fee for the building permits and uh there's a lot on our code enforcement and things that we're going to be discussing tonight so we need Counsel on that and as well as with the the city manager the the the mayor and the vice mayor and uh Council people so we just thank you for that and also for uh the school impact fee so we just ask for wisdom and guidance and we thank you for the Servants of the people to serve one another and serve you as we pray and do the Pledge of Allegiance in Jesus name I pray Amen to flag flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all [Music] M cler I have Ro please Mayor John Eric Hoover here vice mayor Linda Rodriguez here councilman David Mueller here councilman Robert H here councilwoman Lisa bur here City attorney Nancy Meyer here city manager Matthew coppler here thank you okay first up we've got to approve the minutes we've got two sets uh the agenda cover page only showed that August 5th but there are second set for July 9th um so let's start with August 5th city council emergency meeting minut have a motion approve a motion second for discussion all in favor 65 I I oppos motion carries next up is the July 9th 24 city council minutes motion to approve city council minutes from July 9th 2024 second have motion second for discussion all in favor 6 saying I I I oppos motion carries next up is comments from the general public um before I open up coun general public mayw we have a letter that uh actually sever of letters 25 26 of them that all the same that need to be read into the record 22 um so ask if you could read the the letter and then I'll ask the council to take that up um so for council's consideration there's 22 public comments um that are requesting all contract decisions and signings related to the police dispatch being transferred to Pasco County control be halted until the recall of airic coover and the multiple ethics complaints that have been addressed and decided I need a motion to set those into the [Music] record there second second motion second further discussion okay all favor by saying I I car uh so let's go moving on to com general public uh real quick public participation is encouraged if you're addressing the council step to the podium and state your name and address for the record please limit your general comments to three minutes comments on action items please limit comments to three minutes on the current topic please limit your conversations while sitting in the audience during Council business and silence your cell phones so as not to interfere with everyone's ability to hear the comments of both public and the council during that time that I do have a few signed up I'll start with Leonard [Music] Lord mayor council thank you for being able to share with you I was uh thinking back mayor when you came in was for in and how you wanted to lead this city in the way Jesus wants it to go and what I'm going to share tonight I know would uh be exactly the heart of the Lord um you know I've been here for pastoring almost 30 years in Newport Richie I've been in City Hall for uh 20 some years a chaplain for the sheriff's department for about 10 years and tonight I'm here to stand with our uh governor and also uh coer County and Gil Chris County Commissioners and Trenton city council that are passing a resolution denouncing Amendment for and we're asking that you please join us and condemning this horrible Amendment so I just want to share as uh it's great to have Nancy and always wise counsel of the laws and so I'm just going to take a moment and share for what God says I'm here because I want to declare that we want to stand for Life first for our own conscience secondly in agreement with What God Says in the fear of him and then for the Health and Welfare of Port Richie Exodus 15:26 told them when they came out of Egypt that if they would take heed to all of his Commandments and obey his voice voice that there would none of the diseases come on them that came on the Egyptians for he was the Lord that healed them and then we find out the Egyptians of course Pharaoh had to kill all the boy babies of God's people and so we see they had that innocent blood on them we've been to the Commissioners we're asking Pasco County to stand with our governor and to stand with us to declare that we do not want this uh Amendment four in our Constitution and they'll be sharing more on that we also find out the Judgment that come there if you go over and look through the scriptures that really the health and the longevity of a people depends on their obedience to God it's his presence of righteousness his law that's forever uh settled in heaven then we find out over in Psalms 106 that plagues broke out on them because of immorality and then uh finaz stood up and took Authority stood up for righteousness and stopped the plague then you read on how they had shed the blood of their sons and daughters and then the Wrath that God was going to bring on them the Wrath they were going to go into bondage to their enemies and so our question that we have is trying to say when life begins well according to the scripture when Mary said that she was going to uh have a child by the Holy Spirit he's going to be the son of the most high to name him Jesus and he was going to deliver his people Mary said how can this be not knowing a man well the conception through the holy spirit says Mary your cousin Elizabeth which is past age to have a child is six months with a child did you know when Mary went and spoke to Elizabeth John the Baptist 6 months old leaped in Mary's womb and Elizabeth said when the mother of my Lord spoke the baby leaped Within Me and the joy we had so even at conception was already recognized as Lord so we just want to thank you for standing with us I as a pastor and a leader here in Port Richie do not want innocent blood on our hands from this amendment thank you for your time and God bless you thank Pastor um on just a comment on that Amendment for back on the July 9th we had uh by consensus agreed to have Nancy look at that she was not here she was sicking at home on zoom and so um do you have everything you need to review that I mean I know okay if you could get with Nancy after to get her you guys have a sample resolution stuff you get her the information you have it okay get that to her so she can take a look um next up I have Valerie lefrance [Music] welcome Valerie La France 9731 Sandstone Lane Port Richie Florida 34668 good evening I too have been in the community for over 30 years and always been involved in the right to life for all and I was driving past uh I was driving down Washington Street today and I passed by The Runaways animal rescue that is here in the city of Port Richie what a commendable work that they do in Saving so many lives of animals very commendable work I represent the lives of The Unborn Child and children in the womb we are the voice for the voiceless according to the agency for health care administration in Florida this year alone from January 1st to July 1st 38,200 sorry 36,2 21 babies were aborted in Florida that's not even counting chemical abortions abortions done by taking a pill I'm asking you again as I did in Ju on July 99th to consider a resolution to adopt one that states opposing extreme pro-abortion Amendment which will be on our November ballot I hope you had a chance to review this resolution that was given to you prior the Florida's heartbeat protection act has protections for the women and for the woman and the child including a 24-hour waiting period and sonogram requirement planal consent for miners seeking an abortion clinical safety regulations and abortions performed in person by a medical doctor or osteopathic physician in part Amendment four says that quote no law shall prohibit penalize delay or restrict abortion if Amendment four passes the heartbeat act would be repealed these protections would be removed I have a replica of an unborn baby's feet you can't can't even see it I couldn't even find it here on my scarf it represents a 10-week old unborn baby and I have a model here that I've shown before of a 10-week old unborn child it's truly a child I'm asking you to realize lives are at stake and the time is at hand I humbly ask you to adopt this resolution opposing extreme pro-abortion Amendment four and please keep life alive I also have 30 7 seconds so I do want to I've been practicing mayor I do want to at least give out these uh small cards for you because it explains our heartbeat bill that we currently have and it lets you know what we currently have in place and remember that if Amendment four passes and as enshrined abortion on our in our constitution heartbeat belt act will be gone so I would like to um approach Ashley I guess is it or whoever is okay just leave the with her and we don't need to inter record do here yeah just leave cards there we get them after the meeting be great thank you thank you valie thank you you're welcome next up I have I hope I get this right yir Hector welcome is that correct yes my name is s Hector uh my address 1661 lemons Drive Spring Hill Florida 34610 um I am a small business owner here in the city of porich for more than 15 years and recently I had to relocate my business due to things that happens and I want to thank the city of porishi and the fire department all of you guys that had done a wonderful job helping me because as a small business owner it's really hard to keep the business going through this economy and especially move to a new place and we have lost customer we have lost business so I'm here to encourage everybody to visit us and thank all of you that have been helping us I really appreciate it thank you uh next up I have Pat Rogers welcome Pat Rogers 4838 Sunset Boulevard Port Richie I come here as concerned citizen as one of the state directors for protect our children project Amendment four not only affects the newborn it affects the parental rights for the medical care of their children and those that's another law that could probably be destroyed by this if it's voted for right now the parents do not have to give consent for any medical treatment that their children get if this amendment for goes through and that's important you know parents need to be in charge of their children not the children in charge of whatever so that's that and the uh this amendment has been gone through by uh Liberty Council that's a law national law firm and there are many many tricky words in here when you read it at first reading it sounds okay but the more you delve into it the worse it gets it's very misleading and most people don't have have that ability to get the council before they vote on something so it's up to you guys as our representatives to make sure that our citizens know what's out there what this is about it's way more than abortion it covers a lot of different things so I beseech you to do the proclamation and make sure the citizens know that we're all fighting for the lives of our children next up Cynthia M [Music] cynthy ma 5446 bluepoint drive so I'd like to make a statement I think signing of the contract to Handover dispatch to past co- Sheriff office should be delayed until there is a clear definition of the scope future cost increase contract durations and it should be present presented to the public to review as required by state law the information provided to the city council did not directly did not have direct cost input from the Port Richie Police Department the incomplete data given does not represent a clear case for moving our in-house dispatch to Pasco Sheriff office if the numbers have not been accurately verified that would be a misrepresentation of the impr information presented given up our local dispatch also disallows Port Richie for receiving future grants for cost reduction of equipment and personnel with multiple ethics complaints that have been filed all negotiations should be halted until the aforementioned issues have been addressed and resolved if the council continues to move forward you could be contributing to unethical practices thank you thanks welcome okay my name's Danny fields and my address is 8114 Leo kid uh here in Port Richie and uh you know you you hear what we was talking about I I like to kind of paint a good picture here we all love kids and we wouldn't want to see no kid to be hurt and that you know as I was sitting here thinking about the police officers how they go out there and and protect and defend and how the fire department goes in and rescues and and that well that's what we're here we want to rescue those that need rescue from this bill that would kill them if you look on the sites it would show you pictures of kids and the the way they abort them and the way they do that you know them babies have feelings from conception through you know their statistics that prove that is but see they we we want rights but when what about their rights that that's what I'm appealing to you guys about the rights of the those who don't have a voice I'm here to be their voice I'm a dad I'm a grandpa I have sons I have daughters and grandchildren if I don't fight for them and be a voice not only for them but for their children and generations to come we will lose our rights as American citizens you know there's a statistic over in China that they that they are not allowed to have so many girls well if you Google that just this year Alone by taking rights away from the children and The Unborn and and they was over 30 million children aborted why would we want that in society when this is a place where we could be free and stand for righteousness and Justice and so I will close this out like this in Exodus 2013 you shall not murder well well that's Old Testament well the New Testament Romans 8:28 talks about God would write his laws in your hearts and your minds you know if I if I talk about Philippians 44 it says this is the day the Lord has made we should rejoice and be glad in it humble oursel in five and then pray for all people and then it would guard our hearts and minds and we could think on things that are pure lovely just and Noble and right and then when you look at Proverbs 6 it talks about wisdom there there are six things that God hates and seven are Abomination Pride hatred murder and so as a Chaplain standing here appealing to and for the rights of the children as a lawyer as a man of God I want to appeal to you to say no to this and make a resolution to stand against it because soon as we take these allow these things then more corruption will come in and more murder and hatred so thank you for your service I know this has been tough and I'm easygoing guy but when it comes time to fight and stand for righteousness especially for the for the children I'm going to voice my opinion I do Lans and I hope you make right choices on this thanks Danny thank you that's all I have signed up for t i show hands anyone else like to speak thank you mayor take your hands I'll bring it back uh to comment from the city manager pass it to Mr comp for his comments did not have any comments none moving on to com mayor city council I'll start to my right with councilman Mueller all right get to my list um first of all I'd like to thank Pastor Lord and Pastor fields for praying over this city there's been a lot of consternation and turmoil in the city and I for one am praying as well and I stand in agreement with you thank you sir and I appreciate your hard work in doing that we need wisdom thank you Council like James says ask and you'll get it I'm a firm believer there uh what I'd like to know is when is the boat going to get off of the trailer into the water is it it's going in tomorrow the new thank you uhrs um are we moving forward with looking at getting that rentals address into our code for the shortterm rentals I all rentals I don't know the exact question any Rental Right should have a business license having a business license through this process would allow our fire people to be able to inspect the property and ensure that it's safe right um we were trying or I I've been bringing this up for a while but uh short-term rentals and long-term rentals I I think there's an opportunity there bring that into our code we talked about some things that's why I think confused we had uh presented to the the building official the residential rental residential uh codes that we had that's that was what building department recommended you do rather than that's on my list to do I can move it to a higher level yeah um when we get to Old business I've got some items there and city manager should be able to address that then so I'll thank you yeah I'll be real brief um first want to apologize we have a regular SCH council meeting on November 26th and I won't be here um I don't expect everybody to change your schedule around mine but if they do happen to want to schedule something prior to that date I'll be happy to accommodate I won't be back till December 6 6 to December 6 I'll be out of town that's all mayor Rod I was just Coastal resilience committee we had a meeting schedule one of the members and I haven't I've been looking and I haven't seen anything sorry I haven't called you but I should have called and asked this question that's okay I did send out an email trying to schedule for the 9th of September at 6 and I still waiting on responses from Members oh I didn't see that okay I'll look for it I'm sorry the ninth you said I've got two responses so far you'll have three by tomorrow okay that was all I had thank youg for to the yeah did you switch your email's a newa oh your email is good that's why I haven't gotten anything I keep looking and there's nothing in [Music] there we Chang to.gov so there's a procedure to be able to get your email George sent a message an email message to the old email so you looking at that there should be one from George I did not see that but I will that was um thank you um Can the council be copied on all of these meetings just for an information if we choose to attend like that Coastal meeting I'd love to go to that so when you send out that package to those or maybe you don't send emails to these other committees I I would like to get copied on all that wasn't it wasn't but that be a what okay you're talking when we send out to the Committees the reminder that whatever yeah you send a calendar to them I don't know I'm just more information I could help me get on track thank you yeah I don't you know I might be just send out calendar invites to everybody it's kind of easiest way to do it there's a way pull your calendar in City calendar I believe with a ic5 whatever you can actually keep that but it might be up other option to is sync that calendar together so come AC um okay so the only thing I add a couple things um first one is I I went to the um called Brownfield meeting but so they kind of rebranded as a Redevelopment grant program uh just briefly there so there's I think a half a million dollars of money the county received to um basically take commercial properties that potentially were Brownfield sites and they have that available out there for phase one and phase two um items phase one is a is kind of doing history of the property to see what was there um like a dry cleaner if dry cleaner was there before ground be contaminated and they would assess that to see if it's something they would move to phase two actually would test but um identifying a property as Brownfield there opens up a lot of uh incentives for additional grant money so I have a flyer here I'll leave that with C manager I've asked that they send us a digital one that we can put on the website or whatever but if they anybody that has commercial property in the city and I also want to say that that doesn't exclude Richie Government properties as well um there's there's sometimes when you acquired it um if you were the you were the one that actually contributed to the problem obviously you don't get grite for that I think there's a date if you required it before a certain date um then it's easy to do if it's after that date then it's additional hoop but anyway there's information out here on that but there's money available to do that identification and like said if it's is found to be an issue there's kind unlocks additional funding to help use that [Music] development tell me whatfield site is it's it's a contaminating sign so okay so I didn't know I understood that that's what was all about I yeah def or descri yeah let me see if I can um let me read this here I just yeah it's a yeah revitalizer Pascal County so Pascal County has been awarded 500,000 in EPA Brown Fields revitalization funding to launch its Redevelopment and cleanup efforts the program targets blighted and semi- blighted Commercial properties and abandoned or vacant sites with perceived contamination examples include closed gas stations vacant Lots former dry cleaning shops or open dump sites plus more so basically if there's any kind of environmental in impacts to that ground they'll phase one and phase two reports are covered in this grant get done free it's good program I'll leave it you and I'll try to get you the digital copy once they said to the only other thing I had is I I left in front of you guys this FLC University cert certificate program for elected Minal officials and I want to remind that that emo one class in Tampa is October 4th through the 5th and you can register for that now I think it's like $300 it's uh it's good information there's a follow-up class it's emo to I've attended both of them very good class and you get points for that through this program so I wanted to give you this to kind of track that there's three levels that they offer 10 points you can become bronze certificate of Merit 20 points Silver Certificate of leadership and 30 points as their gold certificate of excellence um I was Ed at for this last year I see that level points if you look on the back of the sheet you'll see what points you get for different things webinars conferences those classes so I'd encourage you guys to take a look at that obiously with that one being Tampa coming that'd be a good opportunity so that's all I had moving on to comments from boards committees do we have any uh moving on to except agenda for motion motion to approve the agenda for August 27 have motion second for a discussion yes I noticed we've got Newport Richie um through July now so I guess the process has been fixed if you guys are getting the invoices I don't know it's been fixed but they did since the invoices so they're being paid okay and then the other thing I had I know that we've been working with that Coastal engineering firm for Limestone peer and we got any invoicing from there yes yes yes uh the problem the problem is and you may not see it on there is that it's been uh um it's been overlooked since there hasn't been someone in this position so it's been overl we're trying to go back and make sure it gets um coded properly so you're validating the the amount on the envoice and the activity correct yes we'll see that next time right yes perfect on that same thing the so that was 43,000 for May June and July so I'm assuming with this payment that catches us up all the way through July we don't have anything before that right yeah we're all caught up right now so we we potentially have August September left correct and based on this we have 392,000 remaining under budget for the SE expense is that what I could derive from this if we had three months 43,000 say two months is 30,000 we also get build from pass County yeah we we have monthly recurring for the list stations uh so we get those along those not current either I guess those behind uh they were behind yes I believe we just received some uh for those uh and I don't know that they were included on this because we got them kind of laked any other discussion anyone public I comment hands up put the vote all in favor signify by saying I I iOS next up is uh item number three second reading of ordinance number 24707 amending chapter 127 article 3 section 12756 to allow for outdoor storage um this is back on the agenda because my understanding is it wasn't noticed properly last time when we we address this and so we need to redo that um now it's been properly noticed giv additional information on that it's Prett much cover okay so I'll pass that to uh Miss Meer for her reading ordinance number 2477 an ordinance of the city of P Richie Florida amending chapter 127 article 3 section 12756 cour reging code of ordinances to allow for outdoor storage providing a definition of outdoor storage providing severability providing for uneffective thank you so I'll Now open up the public hearing anyone from the public can speak on that I do have one signed up we'll start with Janet applefield welcome good evening Janet applefield 801 Apple 6 Drive uh just as you all know we've talked about this numerous times so um I'm hoping now that it's been properly noticed um it can be uh Mr Muller can um present his same motion and we can have the same vote as we had last time appreciate your support thank you thank anyone else show hands I'll now close a public hearing um and open up for a motion and discussion on the motion obviously the if you look at the packet it's the same as it was before where the the item was in accepted uses with additional language so if you want to leave that or if you want motion to change that you need to redo that motion I would like to um enter the motion that I entered the last time and if we go to page 21 where it starts with number eight all the way down to the middle of the fifth sentence in that paragraph strike bulk materials shipping containers and large items the outdoor storage yard shall not be located closer than 25 ft to any public Street or closer than 75 feet to any portion of a lot located within a residential district that's the part that I want struck so it's easier to say what's not going to be there so I'm making a motion to take that and list that as number 23 on the previous page 20 and then move 23 down to number 24 okay I'll second that motion second discussion are not included in [Music] thator no from off materials both okay that's I asking that's materials shipping containers that's I was asking thank you end at construction equipment okay your first question okay all in favor saying I I post no motion [Music] carries next up is item number four approval of resolution number 24-18 mandating ethics training for all members appointed by the city council to the boards committees and commissions within the city pass that to Mr C intruction yes at the last meeting we had a discussion about scheduling of the uh ethics and open meaning act training for board and commissions council at that time indicated they wanted to make it mandatory City attorney prepared resolution to encapsulate that desire you read that resolution number 2418 a resolution of the city council the city of portb Florida mandating ethics training for all members appointed by the city council to the board's committee commes and commissions within the city and providing for an effective date okay for motion or discussion motion to approve I'll second that motion motion second any further discussion com public [Music] comment Pat Rogers 4838 Sunset Boulevard we had the Sunshine Law training and it's been over 20 years ago and I have continuously been on either a border committee since then so it's we're way past time for this get you some training anyone else show hands I see Hands Up bring it back for vote all in favor signify by saying I I oppose motion carries next up item number five approval resolution number 24-22 amending the city of for Rich community redevelopment agency Redevelopment plan I passes Mr C introduction as council is aware especially being the board of the CR city um we've been going through the Plan update uh process for the last several months uh this has gone through a very public process where the company that's been uh handling this for the city for the C Inspire has done a number of Outreach efforts uh we also then came back to the CRA once the plan is in draft form presented it to the CRA board for comments which at that point in time we didn't receive any um it also presented to the Planning Commission or planning board at U that was here um with no comments at that point we also pursuant to what the code says s it out to the different taxing districts um and now bring it back to uh city council for final adoption motion and or discussion oh resolution number 2477 a resolution of the city council the city of Port Richie amending the city of Port Richie community redevelopment agency's Redevelopment plan providing for findings providing for separability and providing an effective dat okay motion discussion I I will make a point just to point out on the page 60 which list the actual sorry 62 which is page 25 of the actual presentation is the zoning map that zoning map has some uh differences than our December 2011 zoning map that we've been using so this came from the county um there so there's there's some disconnect between the two maps I don't think we know which one is actually accurate we need part of the work we need to do I think this kind of reflects what the county has in the property frasers data but it's in conflict with our we consider our current zoning Ma so just point that out I don't think it's necessar important that we change that because obviously doesn't matter but going forward obv we need to kind of hone in on fixing those zoning issues to make those Maps going to matter to somebody that's at some point but as far as this plan obiously these change still be there so I just want to point that out that that could be wrong information on that zoning map do we have a zoning [Music] map we provided this to council form [Music] Shar um could be but I think any of the electronic packets that we would have sent had it also I know during the conversation at least two conversations one prior to your being on [Music] Council I think we were having three storage this expensive so lot of good information but I just want to make yeah this this doesn't mean it's supposed to be consistent with what the comprehensive plan says so again it doesn't contradict anything that the comprehensive plan says it's supposed to be consistent with it thank you I just wanted to make sure I didn't miss it I appreciate that thank you so much for discussion or moot our motion motion to approve go ahead I have a motion there a second second I have motion second further discussion I have no signups talk on this is anybody like to speak any hands I bring back for a vote all in favor signify by saying I I opposed motion carries next up is item number six approval of resolution number 24-23 adopting a fee for the reissuance of the building permit I'll pass it Mr cop introduction yes you uh Might Recall a number of months ago I had brought forward a uh issue that was presented to me by a resident that was in the process of having their pool uh installed in a new build and uh their contractor had let the permit uh expire and when they went finally were able I I guess or ready to go forward with that they had to come in and actually pay for the full permit over again um they again felt it wasn't fair whatever um but we brought it here to council and indicated that when you look at like Pasco County or the city of New Richie they do have a reinstatement fee which is a fee it's less than what the full permit fee would be and um I believe ultimately what is in this uh um resolution mirrors if I'm not mistaken what Newport Richie has in theirs um to allow for a re you know to renew that permit fee after is expired Okay resolution number 2423 resolution of the city council the city of Port Richie Florida adopting a fee for the reissuance of a building permit and pro and providing for an effective thank you um and just to to draw so obviously this is the entire um permanent fee structure what we've kind of added here I guess is the $50 reate fee is that yeah so well that so IV is expired start yeah so it starts with uh IV expired permit reinstatement Fe for permits lacking final inspections only which is the $50 per trade but then if it's an expired permit reinstatement fee for permits lacking m inspections only it's in addition to the $50 per trade is also half of the original permit cost so they would again I think the theory behind that is that it it had gone through the full uh building review to begin with um there's still a review that still needs to be done because again like in this particular case that brought this forward um the the update to the building code uh Florida building code had happened and so we did have to go back and review that to make sure that there wasn't any changes within the the building code that would you know impact that so there is a cost time related to that review is there a is permits are what six months normally is that does it depend on what what it is yeah an active a permit's active for six month months but it renews every time there's an approved inspection but the one in question was 18 months with no inspections so so they're they kind they extend as process goes this is just basically nothing happens and nobody says anything then it expires that's what right okay okay any other discussion or motion yeah I'd like to discuss um here at the on page 173 page one three has um a $50 fee for any permits um I guess it's like if you have like a swimming pool or a driveway or a simple permit it's $50 but you have multiple inspections such as an addition or new home or new construction it's 50% of the original cost of the permit which could be $112,000 $10,000 impact Fe everything so well no this again is just for the building permit piece of it um and and again right now the way it's set up is that individual that had a expired permit if they wanted to renew that permit they would have to pay the full cost of the permit and so what the surrounding uh municipalities uh Newport Richie as well as um Pasco County they require a portion uh of the original permit to be paid and I can't remember exactly what Pasco counties was I I want was 50% as well but I just I can't remember that um but again there is a time spent in reviewing these uh especially when there is an amount of time after the permit is has expired without any work so the the difference in the two between um four and five the ID and the b um really is that the first one it's only lacking the final inspection and so there shouldn't be necessarily a lot that's Chang in there because it would been built whatever the code was was when it was approved where um in five no work has been done so you know effectively we're going to be doing from the very beginning again reviewing to make sure it meets what the current code is and the other inspections that would be necessary up until well and there's several different scenarios as far as expired permits and why that can happen because you said it could be just could have a storm and they were just missed it by a day they have to pay 50% of the permit in order to complete that job because it expired by one or two days well and also my neighbors built a swimming pool and they came in duunk up their backyard and part of my yard and a year later came back and finished the PS so it was tore up for a whole year and they their permit expired and we allowed them to go ahead and finish p with no fees so we're definitely not consistent and this is good good thing to do I'm just wondering why 50% it couldn't be 25% or is there scenarios if there's a issue like that we have a contract that's contract that starts it runs off and let's say pools I've heard a lot of four stories where people get started and they they don't come back or whatever in a case like that if you're trying to get that taken care of I mean such courts involved or whatever what's the process does that is just a call say hey I'm having trouble can can extend it for me is it or it actually just expire well again you know you said every every case is a different case and and I think there is a certain amount of discretion with the building official to look at those those cases um determine if there's something maybe that doesn't fit meatly within what the policy is um so again you know your your example that you know it expires by the day um you know if there had been a communication with the building official prior to that um you know he would have the discretion I'm assuming to be able to work with them and extend it before it got there if they're working with him on that if it's there's been no contact and it's like oh you know we didn't do anything and it's expired then yeah then kick in well it's it's can be a burden to some homeowners because it's this gets passed on to them most of the time obviously and if they're working with our grant program on an addition to their house and they're putting the windows at our expense and storm comes or whatever and happens to damage most the house it gets delayed uh contractor besides they have got to deal with the insurance company and there's a lot of scenarios where that can get delayed and now they are burdened to pay 50% of the permit when it's no one's fault it's Mother Nature there's like there's a lot of scenarios I was just wondering if that could be a 25% cost of the original permit I ask question so is there no time limit in this at all ever so I mean if they have to get their permit because he he had the case where he said it was 18 months later I mean at what point is I think it was actually 13 but is there no time limit ever you understand what I'm saying like three years later to open back up what you have what is there a permit that's ever time per you know whatever expiration list time on if you're asking with the the suggest changes about the lowered fee for rein statement of a per of a permit that was already issued that was not addressed I think that would happen that would fall back into the normal cycle so let's say the the individual that was gone for 13 months came back there was a provision for reinstatement fee they fit that for what's required then they're going to have that normal work with the building official right the permit will then expire in six months if you don't do what you need to do to start all over but then I guess you're question maybe they wait s months then they pay $50 again is that keep do they wait a year do they wait I just actually in here there's nothing that says you can only have you know pay two in reinstatement fees there's no limit so that's on on the actual permit I've had them but I've never read them I'm sure I'm not the only one but on it on that permit does it say give it instructions in for instance using Bob's scenario you know if you run into delays call the building of you know the city and notify them is there anything on that no no it just it basically just says it it's good for 180 days it expires in 180 days but since I've been here anything that has expired and has gone less than a year is a $40 extension they apply for an extension I've done hundreds of them in the city the ones that go over a year are the ones that usually get hit we don't have very many and and the one that we're speaking about is the only one I've actually had since I've been here Florida statute and the Florida building code says anything that has expired for two years and you haven't applied for a for an reinstatement of that then it's null and void altogether and the building official has the ability to have that entire structure removed and they' have to start all the way that's Florida statute that's not Florida statute and Florida building code so it sounds like it expires within a year they can extend it and then outside that year that's where this would kick in for the 50 and whatever correct and then outside of two years then there's right that's what I was looking for that yeah that's not on here and you talking about discre no discre on here either so this all this does basically is set the fee for that so basically from that past that year he does extensions there's no fee structure so that puts the fee in so for that one to twoe time frame that would be the Fe range and after that there would not be any reinstatement it had to go back to the start over I know we're talking about reinstatement but I got some other issues with this as well I don't know if we can even discuss we can discuss them and if there's more changes that need to be made we would probably need to just pause this and that's fine Bring It Back uh under the under the first item item I the fee for the cost of construction less than 3,000 we have a wait um page 173 item B1 gotcha um in the in the $3,000 in a $3,000 construction which is on the small side these are your DIY people typically that uh there's there's a minimum fee of $90 that's charged but if you have a $1,000 project you're still going to get hit with that $90 again and and I'm wondering is if we could just make it a flat 3% across all instead of the above cost uh 3,000 minimum 90 and the other thing on the on the 300 the just make it a flat 3% and that way it takes the smaller guy and doesn't burden them with additional permits and the next thing and it really isn't in here but it's in the process when uh a contractor comes in and prepares a permit most of the contracts that I've seen have permits already buried in them so that cost cost is getting applied for a permit and now it's going to be taxed if you will or permit fee apply to that as well and I think we need to be very explicit in our Forum to to indicate that it's construction cost only and not any permits that may be included in the contract so it's just a point of clarity I don't know that a lot of these contractors uh use a third party to supply the paperwork or to put the paperwork through and they're probably not as diligent as one like myself looks at numbers and I'm just thinking do we want to somehow change our process to call attention to the fact that when somebody comes and applies for a permit you're looking for construction cost only and not the cost of the contract conu i' had done by roof Etc I didn't come get the permit the construction company gets the permit that's not what I'm talking [Music] about here's the clarification when I got a building my my roof for got a building permit he charged me I'm just pick number $15,000 in that number was a charge for a permit and they took that number and applied for a permit for 15,000 it should have been 15,000 minus the 3% should have been the construction cost the permit should have went down by a Ser so it's tax on tax or permit on that's all I'm saying first of all we we can't ask for a contract so we it's whatever they put down as a in a cost and it's statute and Florida building code it's a job cost not not just construction cost job cost so we don't dictate that on the application that's whoever the contractor the homeowner is so that's up to them if they want to put down on their job cast whatever permit fees they feel it is that's on them but the building officials do have the ability through the Florida building code if somebody comes in say Dave comes in with his roof at ,000 I know from industry experience that roof is way more than 6,000 we give them two opportunities to amend it if not I can set the price on it and that's by Statute and Flor but we cannot by law ask for a copy of the contract so whatever is put on that job cost that application is on that contract I would see the permit as well as part of like part of the nails or the wood of the roof I mean that's part of the process we have to have a permit so I get it but what you're doing is you're charging for the permit twice well percentage or percentage of it yes and and all I'm suggesting is when we address our application make a put a footnote or a note there excluding permits because that's not part of the job C when you're applying for the permit it should be everything up to the permit is what you're applying for a permit for so if you had a $1,000 permit associated with a $30,000 project it should be 29,000 that's should be on the form not that per not to include the permit then the construction company isn't getting the th000 that they paid for the permit yes they are well go ahead B I understand what you're saying David and but the prop thinging is contractor's going put down we don't know what he his cost or for the job he's going to cost it out and he wants to put the permit fees in there he may not he may put the permit fees aside but it still could be incorporated price there's no way for us or anybody to tell except him that the per fees are included in that cost of that job and and maybe that the solution to that again is kind of off track maybe the solution to that is just as you say on the application instead of saying job cost look at the that the job cost minus the permit fee and that you know whatever they put in there hopefully they would do that math hopefully right is that something that you look into to see if there's options to do to I wrote that down so we can see if the Bild idea I'm just thinking from a point of clarity because I've seen it where contracts come in I'm trying to build $50,000 $60,000 and now 3% of that's 1,800 bucks and if you add that on top again and then pay another 3% on the 1800 that's what I'm talking about it's it's cumulative Mak if that's something we need to change in our process that's something else doesn't necessarily go here but I would like to see a flat 3% across the board on your I got comment on that so I think the idea 3% of 3,000 is 90 so that's where 990 comes from you know smaller jobs there's still a minimum amount of time that staff has to spend to actually do that permit so the idea is is that you know you want to at least recoup your cost and I think that's probably with the 90 is representing so we don't we want to charge 10 bucks for something that costs us 90 to produce right that's I think that's reason it's like that hard toate I mean if you want if you want to draft a motion and we're also also obligated to ensure that if we've over collected on permits I believe we're supposed to give have a mechanism to refund those as [Music] well are we not that's what I thought I read from your you have a there's an ordinance that you guys have that says that there's I think it's on the schedule it says that there's no refund yeah uh three M feed item C refunds no refunds shall be issu permit there was a there was a link to a Florida site uh that I think it was on the development services page and I went to it and I was reading through that and I give you guys later on that but I thought that there was a a mechanism there that if you collect too much over time then there has to be a mean you do if you because by Statute the building department is only allowed to carry forward up to four times right it's annual budget right we don't make that here so in the event that we did yes that's true by Statute you have to refund those back right now we have done refunds in the city because of the way some of the I work had worked out I think you you had brought some of them to my right those are the ones that were done but but by Statute we don't have to do it unless we exceed that 4year increase or or Revenue the expectation and on that Mike when you um if we were to achieve that you take over that four years all the permits that came in and proportion it back to each individual or who do you refund to curiosity I I I don't have that I think it goes by an individual basis but I'm not 100% on that but um just to back up a little point on to piggy back what you said when uh councilman Mueller brought it about the 3% piggy back what the mayor is saying $1,000 permits 30 bucks right could be two inspections on our cost I think it's $60 an hour for an inspector so you're already behind the ball then you got a permit Tech and if it's something that's got through zoning you've got all those people already in there I understand what you're saying and then coming back to your other one about if you get charged 50,000 for your pool and the permit fee is already included in your contract you're not being charged again for that that money is coming out of what the contractor had already put in there so he's assuming so you're not being charged that if you are you need to talk to that contractor because he should not be coming back to you for anything if it's built into that contract I've seen quite a few contracts and sometimes they say whatever your permit costs are in which [Music] case allocated a [Music] mo3 second motion second further discussion anyone public comment Pat Rogers 4838 Sunset Boulevard I just wonder if you could add a caveat to that that says if it if the delays are due to natural disaster that the owners are not penalized if they you know through see say your support services aren't available the electric the water whatever it might be that they're not at your house right now can that be something that can be o looked at in a different eye than just not getting the work completed I think built in the whole communication thing right as long you're communicating obiously the city would know at that point and we probably I would hope we'd be proactive on reaching out to if we had a national disaster where we had open permits that we would make sure we try to help facilitate that that they don't expire or whatever but what Mike said earlier which I did not realize is that when we get the permit and then we get our second inspection that six month did I hear you right that six month starts again so if you don't get inspected for five months for a pool and they come out and inspect for a second phase then your six month starts again you don't have just a month left on the permit I understand correctly if it's approved has to be approved INSP but but but did I understand what you said correctly it can continue to reset after each after each appr say come look at this I'm stuck my pool guy hasn't come out you come out go well you're stuck okay and then you got another six months and then I call you in five and a half months yep still stuck you come out and okay not a common occurrence but as a perfect example when I went to I went to pull permit to demolition my house put a te- pole up and build a new house and I was going to go to the city here the day the next day I was going to pull $12,000 permit and then Co came shut the city down shut me down by the time I geared up to to do that cost of con building a house doubled and I wasn't able to do it so that $122,000 is not refundable and I'm just done right well it says no refunds I mean I come one day short of losing $12,000 say that again so you you I had was ready to demo my house I had to pull a permit and in order to demo the house they wanted a a impact fee for a new construction and I was getting a Teeple uh permit also I was actually building the Teeple in the garage when I got the call from the state when covid came on March 13th 2020 and so I waited to go get the permit city was shut down I couldn't get a permit anyway for several weeks I geared up again to try to demo the house I got calls from my contractors that the price to do the house almost doubled so I didn't have the revenue to build the house now if I would have went in the day before I got that call and and pulled that permit and got the all that stuff I needed to do for new construction was it was close to $122,000 for not just the permit but for P back fees and everything it says there's no refunds on that yeah he Chang that's a rare occurrence but there's got to be stipulations and you're not I mean that was been a disaster I was hard on everybody but then throwing away $12,000 for absolutely nothing now now maybe there's an exception to that but there's no nothing in here as far as the exceptions I don't think we I don't think we could put every exception in that I think I think in that situation Bob I mean I think seriously I mean we we we we can't put every gotcha in there that's that was a global thing the city was shut down I think that's a total analment and had you applied for the permit absolutely you should have gotten that back and I and you did not and I thank God for that but but I think you can't put every what if in here and I think that would be discuss between building official city manager and attorney and I exceptions exceptions could be made to natural disasters or or pandemics and that's it it's a simple phrase in that area refunds since we're talking about refunds obviously would would it be be better to like you see in a lot of our code that the city manager has the ability to or discretion right his discretion make an adjustment on refund that's a simple phrase I understand it's a simple phrase but uh I I would rather I mean if you're going to do that I would hold off on this let us put together a policy for that so it's something that you would bless as part of that so it's something you can adopt and Grant the authority to do it would would would that have to be part of this or can we action this for the fee and then come back and do the policy for we could read you could do this resolution and just get the fee stated and then if we want to do different changes down the road new policy that probably and we've got that we've got that motion on the floor so why don't we go ahead and act that and then bring it back we can bring it back and talk about refunds policy go for that okay okay all in favor by saying I I oppos motion [Music] carries next is item number seven approval of resolution number 24-24 appointing a special magistrate for code enforcement proceedings and approving the rate of pay I pass it Mr coer for introduction so this is actually a the companion resolution is the next one which is what originally uh we had brought forward and started to discuss uh internally which is the um appointing of the uh special magistrate as the local hearing officer um for the city and um what was brought to my attention a number of months ago was that uh what the feed so when the hearing officer started I think the fees may have been a different number and then it increased but there wasn't really a contract in place with the the hearing officer um and so we started kind of a back and forth going through a contract uh to reflect what his current costs are which if you look within the agreement there with the special magistrate it has that contract that shows that $250 an hour and so as we started moving forward with that we also started talking as J Weare about uh doing the special magistrate for code enforcement proceedings and uh this individual that does that turning uh actually does Code Enforcement I think a special magistrate in other cities as well and was willing to do that and so instead of coming back twice for the same the same person uh City attorney suggested that we go ahead and appoint him the special magistrate for code enforcement and then you would be appointing the special magistrate to do the hear hearing officer uh for the red light tickets that's what the hearing officer would be um I don't feel we're ready to actually start doing the special magistrate for code enforcement I know uh one of the things the City attorney wants to do is uh update the fine section I believe for that yes um and I think uh there may be some other changes to that particular code that you wanted as well there there are a couple others that I can't remember right now but the main thing is the way your code currently reads the special magistrate is limited in his fines to what um the county court was doing and special magistrates have ability to charge more money for for certain things so we want to make sure it's very clear in your code that he has the ability to charge $250 a day for a continuing violation $500 for repeat violations possibly $5,000 for certain violations right now he doesn't have the authority within your code to do that so that needs to come back once you're ready to use a special magistrate for code enforcement so uh the recommendation for the City attorney was to go ahead uh appoint uh Jonathan nire as the special magistrate for code enforcement proceedings and then the next which is the companion one would be to appoint him to be then the uh hearing officer for our red ticket and if I may I'll explain the reason I'm asking it to be done that way is the the statute that allows the special magistrate to be your hearing officer for red light districts anticipate you have a special magistrate and your code allows for one but you don't actually have one so you need a special magistrate so he can be appointed as your red light hearing officer and should you choose to use him for code enforcement You' have that ability to do so that makes sense can you read by title it resolution number 2424 a resolution of the city council of the city of Port Richie appointing a special magistrate for code enforcement proceedings approving the special magistrates rate of compensation and providing for an effective date okay motion or discussion yes um so all we're really doing is indicating the rate of pay for this guy should we choose to use a special magistrate to enforce code and for code enforcement yeah it has it has his rate of pay and what his duties would be lays out what's expected of him for that rate of pay um and the city's duties to help him do his job so where does the fines come in that you were talking about your code item eight the next one no it's an ordinance that needs to be drafted at your your direction yes got it would change the code and so this approval here doesn't enact it as far as using a special magistrate just gives ability when we're ready puts them on standby yes there once we're ready for him but more importantly allows for the next resolution that we have to get this is your appetite your D's coming yeah I got my D there motion to approve resolution number 2424 a second I'll second a motion of second further discussion anyone public I speak any bring it back all in favor 6 saying I I oppose nay motion carries next up item number eight approval resolution number 24-25 appointing a special magistrate as a local hearing officer and approving the rate of pay pass it Mr C for introduction so our code requires that uh Council appoint the local hearing officer for uh for codes like this every year and also establish what the rate of compensation for the services of that individual will be so this particular U resolution will appoint Mr Maguire as the hearing officer and establish that based upon the contracted $250 an hour and for any ask hopefully I can read this um I did ask for a payout of what we spent over the last two years uh it looks like we've build eight times in fiscal year 284 and thus far we' have been built seven times uh in this fiscal year both years it was a total of $1,557 looks about 5050 how those broke down that was the cost of him doing theine yes that's what we just yeah just the hearings I went back and tried to find out what our legal costs were with regard to code enforcement and no I couldn't find any legal cost going to the building department so it mustri another account uh well it would have been um I think remember where where it was at I know you still see the uh the code number here oh no it's so it's general fund 19 is that General government 18 sedal government so I would propose that we try to attach that to the right group rather than have it oblivious to everybody we really should try to match where the expense for code enforcement would go against code enforcement orally building somewhere so that we could see what we're tracking to yeah when when we when we get to the actual use of the magistrate for code enforcement I would I would Envision that we in in that particular call center we would have you know Professional Services line we call out for administr this I believe if I'm not mistaken I think it's where we account for the cost of red light ticket right but when when Nancy bills us for showing up in court and that kind of thing we get an invoice and she attorneys are meticulous about every 15 minutes they ensure that it's got a chargeable action a chargeable out so when we get that invoice in and she's shown up in court that should go against the code enforcement somewhere a legal fee in the code enforcement account some and I was just trying to ascertain how much did we spend in that area last year uh also um the number of cases that we have uh you know in Flight what we've closed kind of an overview of of the whole process so we can see how big is it is an elephant or is it something small and at the end of the day I think our process should point to changing what we're doing and ensuring that we're one making a physical contact with whoever's creating the offense then go to notice of violation then go to a citation and try to give people the benefit of the doubt and really educate our residents so that uh we can build some Harmony in the city uh I hear it a lot that don't know why I'm getting this don't know why so let's have a maybe a better discussion on addressing how this process works I'm going to make a motion this be tabled for now so we get more information because it doesn't sound like we have motion table is our second motion dies let me read by title resolution number 2425 resolution of the city council to the city of PT regie appointing the city's special magistrate is a local hearing officer providing the local hearing officer's rate of compensation and providing for an effective and then um the one thing I want to just understand the idea of the special magistrate is to reduce our costs correct not necessar I mean it the what's the point okay special magistrate for code enforcement which was the last resolution this one's about the local the hearing officer for your red light cameras two different things this is red light only the red light so I have nothing to do with that and I can't talk about it those numbers I'm not involved in the red light camera let me clarify that because that's my mistake this deals with our current process and we're doing this now yes we just need to re reappoint him because it's a normal thing we have to do annually or when when I showed up and learned there was a hearing officer for red light districts I then learned there was no contract and by law and by your code there needs to well need a contract period but then by law and by code to have him do what he's doing he needs to have this makes sense let me just say that when we get to that conversation about actually starting use the special magistrate for Coach enforcement have that conversation and and those that information so we can make an intelligent decision I don't because last year I heard we spent 35,000 to collect six that makes no sense at all so we can do better than that and I think we amongst ourselves and and the staff can figure out how do we make it a win-win for so are we are we going to have the opportunity to say we're good with using a special magistrate at a later council meeting yeah okay so this just appointed rate of pay we'll still be able to Pine on whether we're going to use it or not and at that point I'd like to have discussion is it save us money or not or we're spend more money or whatever that's important to know okay perfect but doesn't doesn't the magistrate also in um expedite yes because that's also a problem with residents if if there's a problem it needs to go to court it's an extended period of time where if it was a magistrate I thought that was the major reason we were you looking at this was to expedited for our residents so that they could get resolution to whatever the problem was the potential code problem it is about money but it's not always about money it's about resolving it for our residents so they don't end up over the sixth month and with the permit process and end up in a pickle and and I certainly agree with you there but we need to look at the data and we don't have the data right it's like so today you're not we're not going to start using a special magistrate for code enforcement tomorrow this you need the special magistrate approved so you can have one approved to do your red light you now have in a minute you will have that before the special magistrate for code enforcement purposes is whether when that decision is made you will get all the information and all the answers that you need to make de how you want for there another motion second further discussion public comment bring back for a vote all in favor signif by saying I I oppos Mo carries it number nine approval resolution number 24-26 amending resolution number 24-7 to modify the committee requirements the last meeting Council requested the City attorney to amend the resolution that established the cenal committee to allow for appointment of non-residents Redeemed by the council The Helpful productive member during the meeting the nonresident with event plan experience Express the desire to volunteer in the planning of the city's celebration Council was receptive at the time the idea of including this individual of the committee attached amendment to original resolution this individual as well as any future non-residents were considered beneficial by title resolution number 24-26 resolution City Council of the city of Port Richie amending resolution 24-7 to modify the Committee Member requirements and providing for an effective date motion or discussion motion to approve resolution number 2426 amending resolution 247 to modify the Committee Member requirements there [Music] second motion second forther discussion any public comment show hands see I bring it back for a vote all in favor signy by saying I iose motion carries um couple on with that we don't have it on the agenda but we do have in front of us a a letter from Cheryl Taylor she's obviously the one we this is changed for to be able to accommodate an event planner for um that I'll read her letter de May Hoover City man C city clerk madona I'm rting to express my sincere interest in being considered for a position on the Centennial Committee of the city pori as a dedicated member of the community and Senior promoter and market manager of Community Markets and events LLC I am passionate about creating opportunities that bring our community together and celebrate the unique Heritage of the city of Port Richie with my experience in event management and community engagement I believe I can contribute to the planning execution of events that will honor Port Richie's Centennial Milestone I am eager to collaborate with the committee and support efforts to create memal experiences for our community during this historic celebration thank you for your consideration I look forward to the possibility of contributing to the success of this important event please feel free to reach out to me directly at 727 365 6411 or via email at Cheryl Community marketsand advance.com if you require any further information warm regard Cheryl Taylor um she's just to some background she we've had two meetings and she's been in the audience for both of those been very helpful and um in discussions on that so I'd like to possibly go ahead and action her so she can actually set on committee at the next meeting um so I guess first we'd have to amend the the can we just just do motion motion to appoint we don't need agenda okay so if I could get a motion to uh add Cheryl to the committee I make a motion that chery to committee to the committee second motion second any further discussion anyone comment comment see have to bring it back all in favor say saying I I opposed motion carries uh next up is item number 10 third amended School impact fees intergovernmental agreement I'll pass it to Mr C for introduction thank you um much like us the uh County school has been going through uh an assessment of their school impact fees to make sure that it's covering the intended cost of new development within the county um they are proposing a interlocal a third amended interlocal agreement which you have in uh your packages that again if Council agrees to will allow them to uh have a higher impact fee than what the current uh agreement allows for okay and I do have Elizabeth here taking questions if you guys like so open the flo motion or discussion did would you guys like to hear from Elizabeth first sure get a little dog and pony explanation great thank you for having me here this evening my name is Betsy I'm an assistant superintendent with Pasco County schools and as Mr cobbler indicated we are here because of an inter local agreement regarding impact fees we were recently had these approved by the County Commission last week um was the second reading in the vote and so we had an impact fee increase last time in 2017 and that was a phase in approach over three years we had a study done in 2024 so 7 years later to recalibrate those impact fees as I'm sure you're seeing here in the city um the school district is seeing an increase in construction cost and so part of that study was to look at that and to look at all of the growth that is coming to Pasco County and particular Pasco County Schools we um increased by 1,000 students last school year and are projected to increase by 13,000 over the next 10 years so we're I'm definitely a fast growing district and those students that I referenced that thousand those are just students coming to Pasco County Schools not to Charter Schools or not to private schools even though we now have the voucher programs that also are running our 2024 study resulted in Maximum supportable Impact fee of 13,633 for single family um Florida has had an impact fee statute change recently and it now provides for a limitation on existing impact fee amounts and it specifically states that a fee may not increase more than 50% except for an extraordinary circumstances and so the statutory limit for the impact fee increase is 12492 our proposal is a four-year phase in so right now it's 8,328 our proposal is $1,000 per year over the next four years and I also just wanted to talk to you a little bit about why impact fees are so critical to the school district and that's because um our overall strategy with the capital plan we have penny for Pasco dollars very very helpful need those Penny dollar that allow for us to not only build new schools but to renovate existing schools and I know we're here in the city of Port Richie where we don't have projects right now about 10 minutes from here um we have Penny projects that just recently wrapped up and Penny projects that will be continuing and starting soon um golf High School 10 minutes from here recently um was completed golf middle school will be starting and Cypress Elementary will be starting so we use those Penny um Penny fees to be able to um work on those schools and to do Renovations impact fees help us to keep up with growth and we really need that balance to be able to maintain that um that Capital plan that allows us to keep up with growth while also maintaining and renovating our existing schools um we believe and I know you all believe too that good schools make strong communities and places where people want to live and do business and though therefore we respectfully request your approval of this interlocal agreement um question so on the on the single family where it's supposed to go 63% why why is that able to do that that again because I thought it was 50% so what we're proposing is is less than what the the study came back at recording stopped did I do that you so the current fee is eight 8,328 correct yes and we're proposing $1,000 per year to get us to that 12,328 is that that 50% is per year is that that's that the the 50% we aren't allowed to come back in except for every four years so it's this is only on new construction yes sir it's not on existing homes right andless they meet this the thresholds to qualify as that yes right right and what about if you had to tear down and and rebuild those situations I mean it depends on whatever the the code says for what it would what it would be but yes that those can be depending on how much you're replacing can can be an impact fee as well but it wouldn't be the full necessarily right in that case I me cuz technically you've already paid it right typically a tear down has got a baked in Impact B so maybe yes a Delta between when it was and when it is what it is now yes so where this is for new single family detach I know that it's not as simple as just you know if I'm putting one one room on a house it's it's a percentage based upon what what you're actually replacing yeah so this is $1,000 per year per per single family new dwelling yes addition to what they already have yes ma'am so what you're saying is the impact fee would be if it was 10,000 now it' be 11,000 next year and if you built it two years out it'd be 12,000 so right now it's the 8328 The Proposal would go to 9328 starting in January then 10,328 and on up yes sir yeah there was on the pages they had that progression somewhere yes that's in if you're looking at the study that was attached to your agenda we have that I think it was at the bottom looking for it I can tell you the page number thank you you're welcome it's in the study that is attached 26 yeah there you go in fact 8328 it goes to 9328 10328 11 and 2028 is reaches a 12328 and the four years is because of the between 25 and 50 I'm sorry no no no I I interrupted you I apologize oh no please go so that's to 8,000 on top of something else that's the school impact fee okay just the school impact fee just the school part the school impact Fe meaning what's the school what the school district gets it's not necessarily we are able to buy buses with it for example or it's what by land with it but it's just what the school district gets and you're asking for how much more than normal so we're asking for to go in January to increase by $1,000 and then to increase by $1,000 again the next January the next I understood that just how much more than well the total increase over the four years is 63% for single family homes right the total the total increase over the four is $4,000 from what we're what we have right now why does that show 63% at one point current this is the current right at one point she said 50 they can only ask 50 you'll get more of a primer on this when uh we bring um very soon the uh request for update in our impact fees number of our impact fees but effectively you know by Statute they can only increase a certain amount over a fouryear period right and you know to go over that there's a possibility but you have to have a lot of extend in circumstances um and so typically there'll be a target number that you know they can justify the study what what that number should be it's generally less than what the study can justify I mean the study will say it should be this but you know you can't really justify that as easy so here here is a number that you know fits within the statutory limits um and we would do over a 4 so and maybe I'm missing something here so on S family the current fees is 8328 50% that would be 4,160 something right but we're taking it to 12492 which is 5,285 or 63% is there is there extraordinary circumstances they're able to achieve that 63% no we did not come in under that provision of it it's that it's in four years so when it comes in between that that's that's the four the four years we're not coming in today asking for that the 12,000 in four years we're coming in asking okay so that 50% is just year by year you can't increase it so you couldn't take you couldn't take 8,328 and turn it into anything more than um wait so our so our study came in our study came in and said based upon your need 13,00 63 but the statute doesn't allow us to go that high and so we thought it made sense to come in and have a round number with the $1,000 over the fouryear period and we have to come in and attempt to renew every four years I see surpris so it says 12,4 92 which is 50% but it says 60% 63% here so that's what the problem is 13,000 so they're only they're only raising at 4,000 yeah that's that's what the study says but the statute prohibits us from coming in that high the only one is confused here I guess $4,000 increase bled over four years they want five though but yeah we'll take all we can get I know can I ask I don't know what I I I don't know the answer um I'm going to build a $400,000 home including all the impact fees including this does anybody have a clue what impact fees would be like what is the percentage of this to all the impact fees so for the county I know when with the county impact fees it's it's getting close to $30,000 for a new build um a large portion of that is the mobility fee um there also was a County Parks increase that just took place in the spring as well so for a $400,000 house you could be paying 30 40 50,000 just in Impact case $330,000 approximately yes ma'am and on this this particular impact fee for sure doesn't matter what value of the house is it's the same across all home so if it's a two-bedroom one bath or five bath yeah I mean a single family yes yeah I just hav the other categories 37 years so I had no idea what the impact fee doesn't sound like you want to either no I don't no I don't new construction I don't think people even realize that it's baked into to what you know when you sign the contract with the builder I don't think people always realize that it's already included in all that and they may not even even realize how much it is does this does this impact the residents who already live in their homes no no no okay I'm clarify yeah the intent of this is that the people moving here the growth will pay for itself that's the intent okay I just want to clarify thank you good [Music] question is there any guarantee that after four years we won't be asking for more money or an increase between now and four years we won't be coming in between now and four years but I anticipate we will be coming back in four years or at least doing a study to see what the study supports if we continue to grow by a thousand students a year as we're projected to grow I mean we're we've built a school a year for the past many years possibility if it stops growing then may not yeah I I would agree with that the East Side in particular right now is is exploding um so we have a lot of projects that we're looking at on the east side of the county in Zephyr Hills and Dade City it seems like they're they're almost now they're not there's not as much separation as there once was with all that growth discuss or motion uh can we make a motion to approve second second have motion second further discussion anyone public comment P pick up the tab for all these new homes thank you don't go away you need to answer it all right I'll stay right here my question for him is how does this impact the property owners of rental residences resid you Residential Properties that are rentals yeah the owner the owner that would actually build the property would pay it just same but what kind of is it a different percentage is it the same percentage I think I think you're asking about like apartment MTI family is a different multi family single family housing single family rental property you own it I already own it but this is if this would be if you built a new rental house yeah if you built yeah if you buil a new house then then you would have an impact fee to build it but not any else thank you for com appreciate thank you for your time appreciate it okay I bring it back for vote all in favor 65 saying I I oppose motion carries for everybody okay uh moving on to last item on 11 discussion business I've got a hand out any discussion business absolutely great so we updated I know it's been a couple months since we updated this which is one of the projects that Adam was assigned so we went through and did update this I did add another actually two columns show the money that's been en covered for different projects we have in there and then shows what's available find us you know what what was budgeted what's incumbered what's been spent and then what's available for each of those so we spent today 370,000 we have another 583 encumbered which put what that is right 649 so for for instance you go up to the Coastal Design of here you know the encumbered amount will be the total of the contract where we kind of spent up to um that would leave the difference between the budgeted which was 175 and what ultimately the cost is $41,000 obviously something that once we have it out to B applying that towards the demolition cost get that demolition coming this yeah we're I don't know if we have we have a final yeah they preparing a b packet now I've already s a template that we normally use going review that and get that back to possible and we'll be able to go out to bed did they estimate what the cost will be or uh I believe it was at the time between 30 and 40 if I'm correct that was that was their estim well it was it was last I saw 40 to 70 they they they should have Engineers cost this'll get that so big question is we plan on spending the 649 what can we ramp up before between now and the end of the year right so so everything ex encumbered at this moment if you look at the budget you guys are spending so the $584,000 for the um the water main project Everything is Everything is encumbered so we're we're good with artha right now this is what's not been incumbered so there's no not a PO for for these items but they are you know they're their Pro their projects be spent with that money there's really no money left the water main project Cody River Landing we haven't done anything on that other than probably paid heirs to draw plans right yeah I it doesn't it doesn't look like it came out of year I think you actually probably spent it out of your CRA right so Advance Engineering did the initial U water main project plan and we have drawings for that but because of the possible new development we have have to you know and depending on what that may be um it's not sufficient enough to meet the demands of what that development is so um we probably have to bring that back and have those plans redone but once again that's speculating on possible development yeah so I'm wondering as we've got the the Grand Boulevard numbers coming back and that may eat up most of that if we decide to do if we to use that that instead right um of course depending on what what the county is Will to do I think there's there's three projects that that are kind of hanging out there that that you have talked about potentially using that amount uh or that funding for uh one is Grand Boulevard one is uh the pier you know if the demolition cost is greater than the 41,000 um and the third is Brasher Park the out the bathrooms yeah so we're we're trying to get you know I think restrooms not out house restrooms um you know that one is probably the least likely to be um at at a point of Engagement by the end of the year um but I think that both the uh Pier as well as the uh Grand Boulevard would be in a position and again Grand Boulevard we're also looking at potentially getting help through the county uh through their allotments of state DOT money um I think again there's there's a lot of need within the city uh that we could probably turn around pretty quickly and get that encumbered before uh December 31st um but we're just kind of in a holding pattern until we get those engineering costs and and what we're going to do with those three projects if we signed a contract to do that that would encumber the fund and we'd be safe right okay yeah that's that's you don't really need to do a contract we could uh just do a PO for this and it would encumber it same thing a contract same thing but you wouldn't have to actually have a contract with a contractor to to do anything we just encumber it the 23880 I'm almost positive we've spent that that's it information I I think we already spent that on that thrive think not yet it should be it should be encumbered but it doesn't okay I wasn't because we yeah so but we can just po the rest of you know if this is what you guys want to do or change it out and we can just encumber it before the end of the year yeah well it sounds like we' we've got Pathways to spend it all so not sure where to go but we'll get get her spent so that's the main thing so um if we could continue to have discussion because because we're so close make sure we start you know every yeah see get update on this because we will make sure we don't turn anything over there a water man on a water we talked about a 10-inch man on Old Post bringing it down to Cody and then then we have to work out some of do as far as running the water man over to bridge to Limestone but bringing the 10inch pipe down continuing it down old post that covers no matter what we do out that would cover anything wouldn't it that should be done well that's been talked about but not approved for count you know by Council or anything to pursue that project we could do that though I mean not tonight but these funds here is that towards that part of these funds towards change bringing that 10inch water M down that no that's that I think is again something that we need to start I think it's a project that we want to move forward with we have to put together what that project you know Le the scoping on what the project is come here to council make sure you're on board with what we're talking about be able to identify exactly where the the money is going to come from again if if it looks like you know we're not going to be able to use this funding on those other projects or don't need to use it on those other projects that would be kind of the the next the next tier of things because just from the standpoint of getting the engineering done on a project like that um you know you're probably 60 to 90 days to get the engineering done on it seems simple I know but but uh I I've seen it other places where Engineers work very quickly it's usually you know 60 days to get those plans done and out to bid uh here it seems that Engineers take a lot longer um so I wouldn't even be able to Hazard a guess on on when they would be able to get a project to to B can we find out well again I think we need to get a scope put together what it is we're be doing get with some engineering firms and see what those projected costs would be and bring it back to council for your approval to do that weren we looking also at some chlorine storage tanks as well I mean certainly anything off of the pening for Pasco we could take a look at maybe buying some in other words if you're running out of time we're looking for opportunities right right um so that's why it's important that we don't want to I think so leave M on from from my my perspective the the number one project that you all have talked about has been the the Grand Boulevard uh intersection Improvement and and again that number in my mind is very close to what I think that cost could be um you know I've heard a lot of different a lot of different people people wait in for what that could be um I think that's the highend but again I'm not an engineer can't tell you that and so what's what's kind of costing this time right now is getting the final the final numbers on what that preliminary cost is going to be which will answer that question and and if the answer is you know we can do you know it's going to cost 500,000 cost a million you know we whatever that number is we can start working with the c to see what they have available and what you know our share of that's going to be because I don't think that there's a scenario necessarily where it's going to be 100% but until we get that done kind of in limbo so I don't necessarily want to use that money for something else because again Council since I've been here said you know we have the money we need to get that project done you got guys put the speed signs up yet they haven't marked U we just haven't had a final approval to install the sign we were going to install the uh the South um I'm sorry yes the southbound side uh first but um Public Works is just waiting for you know final approval to install approval from who uh you city man and then I sent you guys a list of all the lighting in the Waterfront District was that helpful you guys working with trying to get with Duke and find out if there's opportunities to put more lighting down there last night I noticed a couple dark spots and took a couple pole numbers down so we'll be looking into and actually I noticed um there was another light that was out that I reported to Duke Energy so they should be repairing that soon so after that is done I'm going to submit for for quotes on those a couple of spots you can start with and I noticed that a lot of them are 40s or 50s in the lumens and maybe they could be upgraded to a larger like we have on the at Waterfront Park where these are those are 110 Alum so it's almost double the amount of light just an idea we consider that but I'd be afraid of you know how bright they would be of course any close to residential area the roadway yeah but they'll still be bright no one will see it from afar but I'll look into it on the the logo for the cental anniversary did we get any more submissions today was the cut off so yeah we have a few more that we're going to present to the commit um on top of the including the ones that we selected out of the first group we'll have we'll have some other ones for the second group and we'll make a final on that so then we can survey for the fin I proba covered this in the board commit but I just tell so we met and we had submission to logos really cool logos saw me or not but um we did select three but we realized that the cut off was today so we're going to meet again and then go over that and once we have those new three the same three or we swap out or whatever we'll select three and we'll put those out for the resid to vote on and then tally those votes and make choice of which one we go with that's forthcoming so good so how many we have you say new ones look at how many more came in oh um I think it's um maybe a handful between five and six more okay so question because there was one there was one person that submitted like three or four different variations okay cool any other Miss motion second motion second all in favor by saying I I okay