[Music] okay so father God we just come to you tonight we thank you for City Hall and all those here the mayor vice mayor and the board members and the council and the people here for the stuff that's on the agenda Lord we just lift it up we continue ask for wisdom and guidance to make this a better place that uh where we live work in place so we could work together and hear from the hearts and minds of the people that elected them in and we know that we all don't get what we want but together we can make wise counseling and I I thank you for that in the precious name of Jesus now we do the Pledge of Allegiance Jesus [Music] name to the FL of the United States of America and to the Republic for stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all Madam cler you take a rooll please Mayor John Eric Hoover here vice mayor Linda Rodriguez here councilman David Mueller here councilwoman Cherokee Samson here councilman Robert hbert here City attorney Nancy Meyer here city manager Matthew Poler here thank you uh first up tonight we got something brand new we just recently uh started a proclamation process and um we actually have one to give away tonight so if I could have Ashley mcdna come forward if you could grab that Podium M for me [Music] so Proclamation is for a municipal Clerk's week May 5th through 11th just finished 2024 whereas the office of the municipal clerk a time-honored and vital part of local government exists throughout the world and whereas the office of the municipal clerk is the oldest among public Serv servants and whereas the office of municipal clerk provides the professional link between the citizens the governing bodies local governing bodies and agencies of government at all at other levels and whereas Municipal clerks have pledged to ever be ever mindful of their neutrality and impartiality rendering equal service to all whereas a municipal clerk serves as the information center on functions of local government and Community whereas Municipal clerks continually strive to improve the administration of the Affairs of the office of municipal clerk through participation and education programs seminars workshops and the annual meetings of their state provincial County and international professional organizations whereas it is most approp appropriate that we recognize the accomp accomplishments of the office of them clerk now therefore I John Eric Hoover mayor of the city of Port Richie do recognize the week of May 5th through 11th 2024 as Municipal Clerk's week and I further extend appreciation to our municipal clerk Ashley McDon and to all Municipal clerks for the vital Services they perform and their exemplary dedication to the communities they represent dated this e8th day of May 2024 John Eric coover mayor so Ashley does a tremendous job for us here at city of Port Richie and I personally can't thank you enough for all the work that you put in we really do appreciate you and I'm happy to present this proclamation to you tonight thank you so [Music] [Applause] much thank you Ashley thanks Ashley you're the best [Music] [Music] okay moving on next up is to approve the minutes we'll separate these there's two sets we start with the town hall meeting minutes look for a motion motion to approve the town hall meeting minutes for 328 2024 I have one correction I'm sorry excuse me me get to it on page seven it says Vice May Rodriguez stated the council was invited we were I was I was not invited to the presentation at Sand Pebble good catch us yeah I I was invited to a presentation but not the one at Sand Pebble so I just wanted to make sure that was the only um correction I have I apologize for my DeLay So you want amend your motion to include the changes uh motion to approve the minutes from 328 2024 with the amendment that uh vice mayor Rodriguez was not invited to that particular presentation at Sand Pebble thank you motion second forther discussion all in favor 65 by saying I I I oppose motion carries next up is the 410 24 Council minutes have a motion for that motion to approve the 4 10 Council minutes motion seconded motion second forther discussion all in favor signify by saying I I I oose motion carries next up I have comments from the general public I have two signups starting off with Danny Fields welcome Danny Phils 8114 L kid Avenue uh I got three things I want to cover here so I'll hit them quick because I got three minutes uh again thank you Ashley for all that you do here I appreciate you as well and all ofion uh so I'm going to back up a little bit we had uh the National Day of Prayer at the government center I thank you for all those who uh participated showed up there uh it was a great turnout we had a big event they recognized uh what Ronald put in uh uh you know Ronald Reagan and uh you know and they even give us a plaque uh knowledging that and then even asked us to come in and we're going to have a meeting and put an invocation of Prayer in there as well and start leading in prayer there so God is doing a lot of good things uh with the faith P church and government's working together okay on the second thing I had with we had uh the South Koreans here we had an interpreter because they speak another language and so we right here got The Joy FM you probably uh some of you know that right around the corner here and so we had them and we used our van stuff through uh Pastor Troy with somebody cares and take them around and pray a lot for the for the United States the family governments and all these things on the seven mountains influence and so what I got coming up is going to be the backpack giveaway at Waterfront Park so we'll have about 400 backpacks or plus that day that will be on July the 27th and uh it'll be from uh 10: to 12 but we booked it because we got a set up and then uh get things ready so there'll be food fun and games I'll talk more about that later so you're welcome to come to that I'll get you guys the flyer and stuff so you you'll be up on it and then uh we'll advertise it and and we'll have a good turnout so we get back to the schools for people in need so they come they eat food uh and then they get all these backpacks given to them with all the supplies in them and then we the faith-based church and businesses around here support and get back to the community so that's what somebody cares is about okay and I'm still good on time now I'm standing in for another church uh he was in here uh he did an event at Waterfront Park two so his name is hersel and it's the Union Mission Baptist Church uh 6235 uh Pine Hill Road and he's having a breakfast and it's going to be this Friday at 7:30 57 and he wanted to invite you guys I think he was in here and he gave you guys a flyer already I know I think he said Ashley was out and uh s handled it if not I could get you that flyer back in here and then you're welcome to come it'll be at 7:30 you probably be out by 8:30 and at work at 9 so I know it's a lot but you'll get what he's wanting to do is reach out to the community and just get to know you and see how he could serve you as well so I I'm in partnering with them and I thank you for all that you do bless you in Jesus name thanks d uh next up I have Wayne Guido Senor welcome hello I've been here for 11 years I live at 5445 blueo Drive um want to talk about the landing survey um that's online on your your site uh just for a second um and the reason is I don't think everybody in the neighborhood knows that that survey is actually up there because I walked around to the community the other day and nobody even knows about the projects that are going going on there you know with the one did I call did I say right The Landings I think but anyway um so the survey um to me looks like it's geared towards putting something down there which which I'm an agree with it it looks bad um but I don't think we need like high-rise Apartments down there and I and I said that on the survey and I hope everybody else that's in the community that I've talked to that nobody's been for this this thing going on so I don't know how it U you know I know everybody body is entitled to buy whatever they want to buy and do with it whatever they want to do with it as long as it's within uh the zoning and the rights of um the community so um W with with that said if we do have I mean do we have a question to you maybe is do we have can we stop any kind of seven story highrises going in to where we can't see the water I mean it's it's it's pretty easy so so part of that survey is is to gather input from the Community um on the people not knowing about I know we just sent out yesterday A A nixel if you're signed up for the nixel alerts it's on the website as well so we're trying to get the word out and that that survey is going to last until the first week of next month June I I missed the Mee I mean I missed the meeting on the 28th whenever it was and I think a lot of other people would have been there had they known you know was going on and I was wondering if we couldn't do like a flyer out to the community because for some reason nobody knows to go to the the website and I I don't know why that's true I know David tells me he my neighbor tells me all the time you know go to the website which you know I don't have any problem problem doing so um you know that's my big concern I don't Old Post is not ready for however many cars are going to be you know 600 or however many people that are going to be coming up through there um you know all that infrastructure is going to have to be changed I work in the survey field personally and I work on big projects um I don't do house surveys um you know that the water system is not capable of handling such a thing nor is the sewage system they're always at our little pumping station there for the Force main all the time and um you know it's broke down or not working or something so I don't I don't you know I don't know if there's planning going to be involved with this yet because I don't know that much about it uh as far as I can see so um I'm planning on you know being here for the rest of the meetings and talking to you guys about about what's going on for sure with all that said I'm going to change gears one second because it's my pet peeve my Canal on blueo is any I mean I I've got a oyster bar behind my boat and I can hardly get off you know in high tide so I was hoping you know that uh you know there's some plans and work to do with that maybe Swift mug can help us out not sure um I know that that pond um is drain has dra off from 19 you good finish yeah so I'm I'm good but that's that was my concerns as of today um just one of comments on that but that's you know if there's any plans for my Canal that would be great yeah we'll uh we'll be looking into a lot of water quality issues and stuff going forward as well budget season coming up we'll be looking at that as well so just stay tuned stay engaged it's important okay for coming in appreciate it very much thank you that's all people have signed up anybody show hands like to speak welcome and state your name and address for the record hello my name is Susan Sabella Marsh that down oh okay thank you I'm a shorty thank you so much yes um thank you for holding these meetings and I was just concerned my neighbor just told me two days ago that um you know like the zoning area by where um gild dogs and Hooters and all that was going to be changed to highrises and um I was just concerned about that because gildogs is such a staple to Port Richie it brings in tourism in fact they just won an award for tourism with a travel magazine and I was just curious if are they going to relocate or is there going to be any way that they can stay you know with with all the building going on yeah well so the um and just you know the dialogue we don't know go back forth we have to answer your question the um the property for sale and and the city has a control private property I mean y dogs wants to sell they sell uh new user come in they can run gild dogs they can do something else with it there's within the zoning there's um there's certain things they can do um highrises 72 foot buildings can be built currently with zoning uh with a density I think 15 for grow saory in at Waterfront over District so again I would encourage you there's actually if you go and visit uh the website there's some meetings that there's a lot of that details that came out that this particular developer mentioned what their Vision was again the survey that's out there now that's going through the first week of June that's just kind of an overall Vision that you can put what you think you'd like to see in these areas or whatever and so as we get those responses back then we can kind of figure out do we need to change zoning in some way to accommodate that that could be more restrictive could be less restrictive so engaging those those opportunities to to comment and we'll take those into consideration while we make decision decisions as they come forward as of right now there's no hardset thing going on other than they would like to do some things they haven't even closed on the property yet yeah yeah yeah I had a little confusion about that because they're still open and everything so I was just curious and now I just go to the website and then it'll show the future meetings about the zoning past meetings you can actually go out and watch them they're all online on they have a YouTube site oh great thank you so much I was concerned about that answered all my questions yeah thanks for coming and stay engaged thank you thank you anyone else okay see hands I'll bring back uh next up is C from City manre I pass to Mr C for his comments thank you good evening everyone a few for tonight so we can get moving forward with the rest of the meeting uh first uh in preparation for the 2024 road paving project staff met with Ajax Paving to discuss forthcoming project uh scheduled to begin the week of July 15th that and the project will kick off with resurfacing of Richie Drive in Bay Boulevard to mitigate daytime traffic disturbances both roads will undergo renovation during the evening hours it's anticipated to take two to three day two to three days for each uh Street to be completed uh following completion of these streets the contract will shift to the neighborhood streets ahead of the scheduled work and and we'll know more what the the schedule of each of the roads will be as we closer to that day um we will start circulating informative Flyers to the residents to make sure they're aware of the construction is going to happen uh next week uh the utilities department uh will begin a project aimed at cleaning and conducting video inspections of sanitary sewer Lines within the southern section of the city uh around Pier Limestone and Sunset Boulevard scheduled to commence hopefully next week as I said this initiative represents an ongoing commitment to ensuring the Integrity of the city's sanitary sewer infrastructure and through these Pro proactive measures that we are conducting the city aims to ensure the continuous functionality of sewer Alliance and pinpoint potential s sources of inflow and infiltration uh originally it was going to be this week um but for some scheduling reasons it was put off the next week and as I said this will be the beginning of a proactive approach to cleaning as well as checking out the Interiors of our sewer lines um imagine Cody River Landing visioning uh the project kicked off uh officially last Friday I believe it went up on the website with the preference Sur survey aimed to gather input and ideas from the city's residents survey respons to play a crucial role in informing the council's considerations regarding potential changes in City Zoning codes particularly to attract development in the Cody River Landing area within and around the Waterfront overlay District president can participate in the survey until early June furthermore on Thursday May 30th 2024 the city will host the visioning open house near City Hall from 4M to 7 pm. all interested members of the public are encouraged to drop in any time during these hours to delve deeper into the Imagine Cody River Landing initiative share their thoughts and inquiries with City Representatives engage with various activities and displays positioned around the meeting gr um further details on the project residents can visit the city's website we set up a special page which is the Imagine River Landing Page um which posts a lot of backup information um and we're still adding more and more to that every day um the last thing I wanted to talk I don't have any my written comments um but if you have been to the city's website uh since yesterday uh you'll see that there is a story up on citizen service request portal and is something that I know uh alari our our operations manager has been spearheading for the city um using the I Works platform that we use for development services uh residents can go and submit a request for a number of different Public Works related uh issues that may may be found within the city and uh this is a system that will follow to the right department and we'll provide feedback to Residents along the way as we go to correct the issues of fac I submitted one already took like two days done and got feedback so it does work and that's all I have thank you okay next up is uh comments from the mayor city council I'll let uh councilman hubard lead off tonight com right along to cast Mueller let's see how many on your list Dave I actually have kind of a short list today um two things what Wayne brought up about the quest blueo canal and the Oyster Bar um I would like to see some provision move forward to try to address that in some capacity uh maybe with the Port Authority board maybe uh I would like to see something done I know it impacts him a lot more than anybody else on that Canal but what what's happening is uh storm water runoff has flooded that canal with the Bree and it makes it not navigable and incidentally it's right across from another eyesore with a falling Sewall that hopefully we'll get that resolved as well that needs to be put on a list and move forward um the other item that caught my attention um several residents have contacted me about situations where individuals own their house and have bought another piece of property next to their house two contiguous pieces of property they use their empty lot to store their boat or trailer or something like that and the way our code is written um it forces the code enforcement to address that as a violation because they're parking a boat or a trailer or an RV on their empty lot even though it's connected to their other two individual parts uh I think that's a technicality and I think we need to maybe address that also in the code and give them language that they can more effectively and more neighborly try to manage that rather than inflicting you know pain and suffering on an individual that realizes they don't have enough room on their property has bought an extra lot for that very purpose and now they're getting gigged on that particular thing uh I'd like to see something done with Planning and Zoning there and maybe put that on an agenda um looking over the Port Richie reports that we got I know that there was uh at the last meeting there was uh two traffic reports put out there or U devices monitoring devices and I'd like to hear how those uh devices have do you have any results okay um I would like to see what those results are from the one that's flashing and the one that's in cognito so that we can see what kind of speed we're indicating maybe even flip them around a little bit um because as we know we we're thinking that those uh those traffic devices that do flash at you is controlling uh a better Behavior right um also noted that uh you had a chat with the chief last month um how did that go was small turnout but it was informative people from outside of the city actually came as well so it was a good event and MD very Cooperative very inviting and that we could do any good good I I think those kinds of things are good for the community um and I was also going to suggest potentially foot Patrols in certain areas at certain times U have you given consideration possibly to that as well foot patrols I think it'd be good way to get to know our residents and and try to encourage encourage that um um I guess the rest of these reports I can probably take those offline on your two agend you want to get consensus to put those on that what was the question I'm sorry he had a couple things he wanted to get on the agenda i' like to see I'd like to see something done with u putting uh maybe reappropriated some of the funds that we do have to addressing the Oyster Bar and trying to get that water flow in that canal and that's going to probably engage potentially who owns that Canal I was under the impression that um uh Pasco County owns many canals in our area count that Canal there but so who owns that one do we know uh Pasco County does Pasco County owns it okay but Swift Mud and all the residents in this County dump into okay I understand uh and what we really need is a an effort to go and try to address that one of the other aspects I'd like to address is um we've checked uh a lot of these canals and there are let's just say navigation issues not through the whole Canal but through certain parts of the canal and I think we need to look at a concerted effort to try to address those areas that creating restrictions so that we can't get water Improvement there and and better navigable navigation through these canals um that's one thing I'd like to do the other one is um the the Jon oh yes get that on the agenda to uh look at providing some relief potentially in a situation where an individual's parking their trailer on their lot adjacent to their home and provide some relief there maybe even put a stop on that until we can get in front of our board to uh evaluate that situation to eliminate some of that effort that these guys are experiencing remember they're enforcing what's on the books right that's what our what our laws are and if an individual owns a house and owns the lot adjacent to it it's all their property but because it's a vacant lot they're confined to issuing a violation if they're parking their own VAT on their own lot what would happen if I know the gentleman across the street he he had two lots and he joined them what happens Mr Alexander if they join the Lots can they then Park their stuff behind the the house the situ the rule that's the situation that's going on with one right now the one that's in question is the house and then there's a separate parcel they may own the land but it's two different Parcels so the code currently reads now it has to be parked on the side of the house right well in his in the resident's mind it's on the side of his house but it's not it's not one unified piece of property it's two separate pieces of property and since there's no structure on the second piece of prop property there technically is no side behind the property but yes if he did unify the property then that would be considered the side of Si that for him as well that's additional cost an individual would have to incur and I don't believe the nature of the the Beast is I think we we can provide a workaround on and that would probably be the right thing to do rather than force them through a additional legal fees to structure the properties together I he may want to sell it in the future I mean I mean to me I would not want that that that that raises the bigger question of parking vehicles in the front of the house as well because it's it's on the side it's visual it's Vis visualized by everybody and what he puts a boat can he put a trailer as well and then can he put an RV as well so can he Mar what's the rule that where do you put the stop at using that vacant lot as a storage unit for his or her toys I have toys too so I'm not against that um but where where do we put that that opens a bigger question in my mind as to yes just a boat but then what happens if they another person's got a boat in an RV and some jet skis and another person and and that that whole back row is now a storage unit it's not really very appealing so that needs to be that opens a bigger question well like I said I would like that addressed by Planning and Zoning to one let's look at if we can provide some relief in that aspect because it seems to be parkings a shortage in this town for one and if an individual is willing to go out and buy another piece of property next to his they ought to be able to utilize that in some capacity rather than keep it as a as an empty lot it maybe the since planing Zone I believe is going to be talking about the parking are they done with that that's not currently on their agenda it was I thought remember there was a time they had a list and we oh that's right stopped that maybe that's a better question so is that is that something that we need to go through planning can we address that directly here um it it depends on what you're ask I mean you can ask them to review it because they they are um part of their um job duties or anything you ask of them they can be asked to review it whether they need to from a it's a planning and zoning Cho what needs to go to them first it depends on what you're asking them to do with what they're looking at so like yes you can go to them if you wanted to but didn't have to in this case it depends on ultimately what the request is going to be if it's changing zoning or changing parts of comprehens comprehensive plan or something to allow for something it may need to but it doesn't have to sounds to me like the first first step is the conversation you guys can definitely have a conversation before it goes to them for an official action yeah why do that is it does anybody opposed to put out G talk about parking in general we include that as well as other things absolutely tot and then specifically should we put a hold on the existing uh ones that are in that scenario how many are there one no there's probably this active code case there's a several then we I didn't know that so as an active case we need not have too much more discussion about it you mean by a hold you mean like a moratorium on something yeah don't put any more violations in place till we can get it resolved well if it's active code case that doesn't get resolved here okay I mean obviously we can talk to you about it but we don't want to resolve it here it needs to be resolved either okay in settlement or in court um but if you're looking to no longer use a provision of the code for some reason that needs to be an official action taken by Council to do it not just let's not do it right anymore can't just kind of say let's not do it if you want if you want to stop I'm not saying that because Cod chain require two read I I I realize that I realize that's what I'm saying that's it says right now I don't think it's a fair assessment to be able to put that on somebody right and people have contacted me and I've seen situations where I I understand that and you look at the there's half a dozen other ones that aren cited so it's on selective to uh it's it's all over the board right so I think I think if I'm following everything that you said I think the best way to handle it is the actual o open case let me and Mike talk about it perfect after this or tomorrow not tonight but after this now it's been brought to our attention um and we'll Circle back after that does that work yeah that's fine any time I guess we get on a future agenda discuss in general what was the other agenda dring yeah um dredging any object yeah any dredging any objection to putting some Waterway man stuff on the agenda and we can actually cover that in a little broader sense as well so sure else I think that's good I'll pass it to uh new vice mayor Rodriguez um as promised I have copies of my survey that I would like to share um this is a surve that prior to the city doing is it okay that I pass out the copies I think so just make sure make sure the clerk has a copy I'm gonna give her a copy but I want I have to ask record the same as that it can be add I with the numbers on top any objection I add for the record no bring them up okay I just want to make sure I have mine with my numbers that's all so um this one as some of you know I did an unofficial survey I started this back in March these are these are the the details of it in the comments um because I wanted to know what people thought um I felt it was very important so I did unofficial I know we have an official survey now so if anybody in the audience did my survey please do the official City survey they're not the same okay so please make sure you do that one as well um so I wanted to get organized um I had 118 respondents um last time we discussed this um Eric you felt that that was not a large sample size for the 3,000 residents so I did I did have do the um investigation prior to but I did bring the some of the stuff that I gathered um in some of the searches I did it has Gallup and other major organizations used sample sizes of between 1,500 because they provide a solid balance of accuracy against the increased economic and it goes on now we have 300 million people in the United States and we have a national election and Gallup uses between 1,00 and 1500 respondents for the hundreds of million in the United States so my 118 respondents I feel is a is a good sample size my opinion um the first question I read this last time but I'll just do it again yall have copies of it do you want high-rise residential complexes to be built in the Waterfront area currently gild dog Seaside of PT riching one for that is this little uh assum Bay Boulevard had the most response is that what that means no no no no no no no no that that's just some of the different roads that's just a graphic sometimes is the more thing they gravitate to the middle that do mean okay well not to my knowledge no let's 15% answered Bay Boulevard for this question I think it probably is what that represents so the majority of those come from B 15% comes from Bay Boulevard yeah actually it does represent that yeah okay so 84 people do not want high-rise complexes that's 71.4% 16.5 .1 15% do want high rises and 12.75 we're not sure the next question was um the high-rise residential comp complex planed for development at the waterfront area gildogs is limited to 72 feet that's what our current code stands for um do you want the code change to allow the buildings to be 100 plus feet higher um yes 19 11.9% 14 people said yes they wanted higher 11.05% 13 said no and seven people were unsure can I ask a question you certainly may um how come we had 118 in the first one and then now we're down to about 30 because people didn't answer the question okay I mean you don't have to answer a question it was just you know you you could answer it or not answer it right but 14% or 14 I guess that's for is that 14% I what I unit what I'm sorry 14 the number 14% 14 people 14 respondents and I wrote my percentages in here it's 118 people and when you divide that by 100 it's 085 so I took 085 and times it by the number of respondents gotta I find that interesting that you had almost everybody answered number two but when they when you got a more specific nobody really answered it interesting weird yeah people chose not to answer that question I guess uh the current city code prohibits the rental of jet skis and certain boats on Miller by you are you in favor of or against code changes that would permit companies to rent jet skis for use in and around Miller's Bayou I want jet skis in and around Miller's value 20 people said yes that was 177% I do not want jet ski rentals in around Miller's value there was 79 that said no that is a 67.1 15% and 19 people were unsure at 16.15% current uh next question you have any questions on that uh yes okay the current city code only for at the time prohibited the rental of jet skis in the Waterfront District it didn't have Miller buy you in there at all right so that wasn't an issue you could rent one from americ marine or wherever and run it wherever you want so it's anyway and that's been changed anyway so I know but I did this before that was changed so right right so most of the people didn't want it we the council voted it in that you can do that so just as a point of reference current zoning prohibits RV parks within the city limits are you in favor of or against zoning changes that would permit the establishment of RV parks within the city limits I want RB parks in the city limits 18 people said yes I do not want RB parks in the city 82 said no 18 people were not sure the next question is what is your opinion of the appropriate acreage for RV park locations if zonings were approved to permit them less than five acres 12 people said eight people said at least 10 acres or more two people said at least 15 Acres or more and 14 were unsure um the next question was just this is using the KOA guidelin as to 10 sites per acre so that's what this one is about if zoning were toit RV parks what is your opinion of the optimal number of sites that would be allowed that that website Daves consulting.com that is um using KOA guidelines that's so that people could go in and and reference that if they wanted to um less than 10 sites per acre 13 people said yes 10 sites per acre 19 said yes and four people were not sure about 15 sites per acre then the comments which I gave you copies of that was eight and then nine when envisioning the future of Port Richie please select the answer below that best reflects your preference for the city's future um and this was I want Fort Richie to stay primarily residential and 85.8 5% and I would the next one would be I would like Fort Richie to change to high ra to high rise and that is 14.45% 17 people so 101 people said they wanted to stay primarily residential and 17 people said that they do want it to change to high-rise so um I will post this online so y'all can see it because y'all whoever responded to it I appreciate your your time in doing that residential question res single family home when you say residential because highrises multif family highrises are residential by Nature right thank you yes that's correct it's not all printed out yet the way it's printed here so I apologize that I didn't I didn't write it all out so my mistake so um so I did have 80 um as well as 80 comments um they are printed as they are written they are not um filtered in any way so you kind look at those I read some of them last time I'm not going to do that this time um but you can certainly look at those your your leisure any questions on that I do want you to again encourage you guys to go to the PT Richie website and do the do the survey as well there that's very important that's that is the official survey this is unofficial this was just me asking questions that's was I took this as me going to everybody's house and knocking on your door and saying what do you want that's how I took that so please go and make your comments I do have a couple other things if you don't mind um I do want to thank you Ashley for all you do you really you really help a lot and all of us up here that have been elected we could not have done it without you without your guidance and help so thank you very much um lights in the parking lot here are like non-existent we get out late at night a lot can we look at enhancing the lights in the parking lot so nobody Falls because really me going to my car I I'm a little jumping off the curb you know is so if we could look at that that'd be great um the website for notification I agree with the gentleman the website going to the website is wonderful but not everybody uses computers and stuff I think we do need to look at other ways and we've I brought this up personally myself many times I think we do need to look at other ways to communicate to the residents I think Flyers whether we put it on the water bill as a start which we've talked about sending a separate flyer not everybody reads the entire water bill I think a separate flyer important issues dredging um what do we want to do with the water front I mean all those things are important and I think a separate flyer is really a good idea I do get Newport Richie's newsletter because I'm in their zip code so I get it and it's very well put together um very informative and and I think it's quarterly if I'm not mistaken I'm looking at him but he's not answering I think it's quarterly um our newsletter that we put out that's we don't put out a newsl for don't we once a year we do put one out H we put out a hurricane thing for Hurricane Season or something which is yeah right about now that's my question is is that about to go out do we know stuff every year same Hurrican well we could add that to it yeah but but this is this is what are they doing in the in the city they had Chasco Festa in there mayor Davis puts a little thing in there the employees put different things it's really quite it's done quite well very nice so um we just put a one-page flyer and send it to our our residents so that they know what's going on I think that's real important I think that was a really good idea I've brought it up in the past and I agree with them I I personally don't go on the website every day as well um I I don't I don't but I certainly look at my mail and I would pick that fire up and look and say oh yeah right so um so that's all I had thank you I'm sorry if you take so much time thank you what about email would that be another way to communicate we need to computers a great day and I think they a lot of people use them we have got also got a lot of elderly people that don't use computers or phones they're not Savvy in that in that aspect and we have to how they going to take the survey yeah well if you put it out maybe maybe we have a paper survey that they come here I don't know why don't we don't have that or come in a terminal in the lobby something I mean but I mean just to notify them of that then they can go to their and say I want to be able to survey but I don't know how to do it I I I our has a QR code too as well correct Matt yeah yeah I mean M had a QR code too so all somebody an A person who doesn't have a computer or doesn't know how to use it goes to the somebody the young person next to them and goes how do you do this darn survey and they go here you go and then you can do it like that on the 30th that's being provided in that in at Public Work Work I mean I'm talking yes that's important for that surve talking about in but in general for everything that's important that we have the website's important nixel is important that's are all great Avenues but for the people who are not Savvy in the computer or the technology we have a lot of elderly population and and and I think we need to not exclude them from their opinion and and give them other avenues when you teach somebody something there's so many different levels of Education within within art country we have to not just because we're Savvy and it does not mean everybody is and and we have to be able to ex you know spread that out well give it a Timeless if we want to send them something yeah so um there's there's a couple options we did talk in the club meeting obviously about um doing it with the water but that wasn't possible because that's it's not going to go out in time right so that lot of those are are email now anyway so digital um if if we do like Every Door Direct Mail where everybody gets a flyer every stop um that's cheaper I think it's maybe 18 cents per piece or something like that I want to say there was there's three routes that mostly cover the city you aren't on it because you're on a separate one but I think it's your little subdivision manty Point Drive I think's off there but the majority of those or three routes and I want to say if I remember correctly it was around 300 something $60 maybe to do all three routes okay or something like that um don't quote me on that no I understand relatively inexpensive so I don't is that and I don't know if that's something can we find on that club need to talk about that we can we talking about CL s out fire for the survey I mean we're not what's it 600 bucks and Max be 6 we had to have do the fire but there's you know you got to do certain for the it's something that could be done relatively quickly and get it out I mean you drop it off if you set it up you can drop it off it go out the next day and we can hit all three rounds so that is an option that we can do it's cost a little bit money not not a lot compared to the price of the project I think it's no I think I have no call for that do we do a mailer see what we do is there any objections Mae no I think that's a great idea okay I just I do an EDM I oppose to actually addressing it because that's much more expensive and the council's going to approve these mail outs in other words if there's any if if is there any objec in to go ahead and send a mailer it's it's it's going to spend say $600 if you include the businesses it's a little more expensive OB survey I mean it's what's on the website for that you know what I mean like what what what we have on the page rather and they'll they'll just you can put more on a website and be a lot more efficient but not everybody can do that that's my point yes it would be more efficient you can put people to that but if our goal is to get everyone's input as possible possible we have to include everybody no won't I mean people w't do it yeah you want to do our best to do that though yeah so if you look to do an EDM for that we basically send out the flyer that we did that has the dates on it yeah so we just take our fly we have you see that there that yeah yeah I did see that on there and send it out and you actually do two sides if you want to do two sides yeah that I I saw that yesterday and I think we need to look for the future considering other avenues no I agree include the website and and Facebook and all those important places but I think we need to also um include other avenues so that people don't miss it we're asking for input to change our city to make it better I think those are great Avenues yeah and we did talk about that we were trying to get in a water bill on that but yeah we didn't we've talked about with cic as well yeah the club did not say have the ability to expend funds so yes okay we can do that thank you appreciate it very much C Sam no comments okay I just had a couple things one uh it kind of files on to today's thing about the water stuff so me and the city manager attended the Tampa Bay Regional uh resy Summit um Thursday and Friday last week um a lot of good information um but Chris leads from our Port Authority board was there and we were chatting and the Port Authority had brought forth and I don't know I think it's probably before you Council they they had a presentation that they had put together to spend a lot of time on about Coastal uh restoration resiliency and so i' I'd like to have those guys back they can tweak that presentation and and I was in the audience for it it was wonderful okay you were here okay good I was in the audience so I'd like to have to bring that bad Council so we can uh reconsider some of the stuff that they they have on there so they could if you get them to touch that up and bring that back and going forward with that obviously I talked about that myself before Dave was on Council Dave Devon um Carl Alan Allen um sever folks got together to kind of talk to that talk to the county about options and whatever and the County's there to support us and and this if if we want to use and there's an Avenue through them but they you know they're GNA support us on Grant side or whatever but we really need to part of that will be um what Carl will talk about when he presents that presentation but going forward from that my hope would be is that uh we could put together a committee that would continue to work on that um and and and possibly include Alan Rose as a very knowledgeable person and and and how to how to do some of that stuff think he'd be valuable to be on that um doesn't live in the city but he he retired Coast Guard I think is that correct um good resource he could as well as the PO Authority board again I think Carl's of the opinion that he'd like to have a separate committee not just his board but I'd like to see something formed and and actually doing some some work on that and bringing back some sub to council if you guys are okay with that on the subject of uh cleaning our waterways and basically called dredging dredge is not really necessary talked about doing six and 10 feet dredge out is is not needed you can rent a back ho in a barge and a storage and we have people that can run backos sou yes okay and I'll help too I don't mind it's not very simple to do and it's very reasonable you can clean out certain canals like where that gentleman boat sits when we're going to be cleaning your Canal certain day he can move his boat we can get there and basically like 3 feet is all he probably needs maybe 4 feet clean that up behind my house and that house is over there along Grand a foot or two so you don't need to dredge a lot you just need to clean it out especially over behind the Hooters in that area so all the boats and Miller by you can get out at low tide and then especially home at low tide and that's not that complicated it's not that expensive to do that yeah no I think when you talk about the Gen he put on there as well as what put together would start looking strategies on Lowe's Brothers don't catch it they have people that work for them they do that um Scotty can help us um he dredged that whole Canal out there for the marina and that's what that you can rent that equipment fairly reasonable and just do maybe one week do a certain area another week do another area and six months you're done you don't have to worry about it no more and you're not talking about half a million dollars at can I ask a question I don't know about this sure if it's that easy why don't we have to have EPA I mean don't we have to have a whole bunch of I think there's some there's you tell the EPA you have we have to designated a place to put it you just you put it in the Des area that we have there's I think there's there is permitting obviously but I think it's on the maintenance dredging there may not be this is why we need Carl them to account yeah it's maintenance it's not dredging it's not you're not dredging important thing is we already have canals and waterways we're not dredging virgin bottom there's a big difference so if you're just maintaining a current Waterway I believe you might we're talking about permit see what they say about that but it's a whole lot easier a whole lot cheaper and it's not necessary to get be dredged out and as far as the EPA we have a days made place over off we there and we can just put it where we were putting it we don't need to dredge as much as what we were looking at all we need to do is clean out make it accessible for the boats that are there uh some of the home owners already done that on their on their canals they didn't get a permit they just did it I'm not saying that's the right thing to do but I would just like to continue for the people that don't have that ability to do that help this gentleman like and myself we can get it in at low tide when we leave we can we know we have to leave at a certain time but when I want to come home and I can't it sucks so it on another foot or two a lot of the canals and be done with it yeah yeah we'll have the conversation for sure yeah can I um the the company that did the trout re um release CC yeah CCA CCA I think it is they also are very into obviously Coastline all the way up and down the coast they might be interested in in helping as well I mean they released the trout right in in Brasher Park to help with that that might be another good resource to include in in the discussion AB well that would be good as far as put in a water or a canal from Miller Bay over to boy War Boyce area we need to get a clean out where the tide can go out that way other than just besides coming out by Hooters which we talked about that would be a lot more detailed and be more expensive as you're going through Cyprus and on users that mangr things like that so EPA would you'd have to get a special permit to do that yeah I'd really like Po Authority board to get involved and start one of one of the things that Allen brings to the table is he's an ex Coast Guard uh retired Coast Guard he knows where there's an awful lot of federal funding for this but we just need to have a plan to say okay we need to outline our plan and work the plan and submit the plan to be qualified for GR sure and that's what I think we as a city as a committee whatever need to uh essentially kind of survey the situation and come up with a plan what what we'd like to do I know we had some discussion about potentially uh out there with the Autobon area uh trying to do some stuff there uh the property that that they U maybe was it putting some beaching out there for birds and maybe sea turtles or something you know but there's a there's a lot that we can do we just need to start trying to do something sure and and that's all we wanted to try to do is start that conversation so that we could maybe make ourselves make available some of that funding you know because there's an awful lot of it I think the big thing was is when they when po Authority brought that to Council then they didn't have the support going forward so that's why I kind of want have them come back and listen what they have to say and hopefully we can get behind them as a as a council and and maybe start down that that path um last thing I had well one two things the one I we talked about the visiting survey want encourage everybody to make sure they go out and take the survey um we've covered that for sure and we're going to send out that mailer now last thing uh I want to get an update on the Grand Boulevard intersection not so much for myself but the public um and I I also wanted to share before you give that update when that engineering stuff be happen um I sit on no board represent P Richie um that that um not the Planning Development engineering but the actual um funding of that project is um potentially going to help out with that um there may be issue with the timing of that we may decide that we don't want to wait if there's going to be a wait but uh the dot likes um good projects that are relatively small which is obviously a small one so there's a good chance we can get them to help with that again I want know details of that but it is number six on the on the non-funded priority list so it's very high up on the priority list um of the non-funded stuff so there's a good chance that we once we get that engineering stuff back that that the county no would be able to help out with with funding that that intersection so you any so uh the engineering has begun uh they're scheduling I believe the uh surveying should be now a little less than two weeks away from the start of that and that'll take about two weeks to complete um then more likely it'll be three to four weeks after that for the final design to be so what was it the day you think it be done again what was it what's what's the estimated time of completion now well now we'd be probably looking late June or early that's all I got yeah I got okay moving on comments from boards and committees do we have any comments boards commes see um do we have a date for the Citywide cleanup I think we do it twice a year we have a date for that CAC was asking with all the work we did for hurricane we didn't schedule one this year we were going to wait for the next CLE okay all right um and I guess the sign around Brasher Park is needs to be trimmed I should have called you earlier and not done it in the middle of the meeting but I apologize um and the next meet your neighbors at Rum River May 22nd at 5:30 be there b square Rum River May 22nd there was a did you want to say anything about the garage sale that seemed I think that was Saturday and I have not heard anybody that I haven't heard any outcome for that how that went yeah I know Cindy actually reached out that there was no signs out or anything I don't know what the plan was for well I had asked for signs I don't think we' were able to get them in time um by the time I called um Mr CER the next day I asked for them we were G to work on that but it was just not enough time I wonder if we should in the time frame maybe schedule another day probably for the fall because because it gets too hot in the summer yeah this time may try to do a little more to yeah adver that I I didn't notice any garage sales I miss the C approved it wasn't a problem to get the signs and and I did let everybody know but the sign company it was just the time frunch and we weren't able to get them in time and I I know we wav the fee yeah um it was a resolution so did did they still have to come in and register it I can't remember how that was had a conversation today with CAC member about that I I thought we did that they still had to come in they still had to get the permit she was saying that they didn't um but I think you know I had a good conversation with a member of CAC about that today as well had some ideas that the next one going forward that maybe get people to sign up in advance so we know that they're going to be part of it and we talked about possibly you know having a an event around that in terms of like you know my words like the passport of all the different broad cells that are going on and you know there's possibly prizes if you visit all of them so I mean there's some ideas that I think at the next CAC meeting they're going to be talking know you almost kind of combine that with a Citywide cleanup a lot of times what people do is they try to sell their stuff in a garage sale and then they get donated or even throw it away so that that' be something to coincide or had that right after maybe um do we have a of how many people came in for uh permits for that at all you know none I have no clue I mean I find out I don't I don't know off top my head it was something on my list to ask and just so you know the resolution did not suspend the need for a permit it just suspended the fee associated with getting the permit so they should have St permit and did we because I think we talked about ability to do that in a future so we wouldn't necessarily have to this was specific just spe we're going to revisit that or whatever so maybe we maybe take that resolution and um or whatever the maybe it's I guess a section of code that resolution so the $2 fees for is a resolution well no the $2 fees in your code but the resolution suspended it so if you wanted to make it an annual well I if we maybe if we mayy the code with the ability to suspend it per Council consensus or something and then we wouldn't have to worry about doing resolution each time we want to do that or something May looked at um you have for cc no that was it thank you anybody boards committees okay moving on a consent agenda look for motion and or discussion motion to approve the consent agenda for May 14 2024 second I have a motion second for discussion any public like comments see Hands I put to vote all in favor sign say I I opposed motion carries uh we have no public hearings tonight except Council business item number three Brasher Park restroom building structural analysis I'll pass it to Mr C for introduction as Council M remember uh we uh had the restroom facility at Brer one one thank you as the two bucks we lost there I guess restroom facility at Brasher Park uh was deemed to be safe uh consequently we had our Coastal Engineering and Williams Williamson Design Associates we're tasked with conducting a thorough structural analys to assess the ability's Integrity uh the analysis has been finalized and we have with us this evening Teddy Williamson from Williamson Design Associates he's approaching here uh present to discuss the findings and any questions that the council may have no you if you B it I think we got don't too hard uh good evening council members I'm Teddy Williamson I'm a structural engineer with Williams and Design Associates and we were tasked with conducting the structural assessment on the Brasher Park restroom building um and I'll just go ahead and give an overview of our findings and kind of our recommendations with what we found out there on site um so some of our structural observations we found out on site um some were pretty obvious on the exterior of the building there's um pretty considerable spalling and cracking that's occurring in um the corners of the building um and it's um pretty extreme where the reinforcing is now being exposed and causing corrosion with this within this reinforcing um and in addition on the interior there's also cracking that's occurring step cracking within the loadbearing walls um and also some falling that's occurring in the corners as well and we also used a device out there it's called aeroscope it's a reinforcing locator that we like to use on um concrete masonry and um concrete walls to help us determine where the reinforcement is located in these walls and what we found is that uh we only detected reinforcing in the corners of this building um and there was really no other re reinforcing detected other than in the bond Beam at the top of the walls um and in addition we also took a look at the hurricane tie downs that are tying down the roof joist um and we not that these were pretty rusted as well um and in addition to that we noted on the exterior of the wall there's the can of lever portion of the of the wall Bond beams that had some pretty significant spalling and cracking as well um and we also noted some architectural observations on site um the restroom does not appear to really meet current ADA requirements um and in addition uh the exterior doors were pretty rusted and damage and really weren't functional um and in addition the walkway leading up to the restroom as well did not appear to be ADA Compliant as well um so really based on these findings um we ultimately found some pretty significant structural concerns with the building obviously with the spalling occurring at the corners of the building which is really where the only reinforcing is located um that's obviously a concern because that's your main um bearing points for this building is where that reinforcing is located in the corner Corners um and the fact that that there was really no other reinforcing found in the building um would tend to make us believe that this probably wouldn't meet current load requirements per the current building code um and typically you'd have reinforcement all the exterior openings as well which we didn't find um and in addition um the hurricane time Downs being rested will obviously be a concern in case you get a storm come through um and they fail and then your your roof blows off which obviously wouldn't be a good thing um and then also the restrooms not meeting the current ADA requirements um is also a big thing nowadays to meet the current requirements um to allow for ample maneuverability for wheelchair bound um persons um so really based on these findings our first recommendation would be to obviously tear down your current restroom building there and build a new one from ground up to meet current building code requirements um I think this be the best way to really get a building that would be have ample longevity and would be able to meet current building code requirements and especially flood requirements with this being a building on the coastline there's a lot more code requirements nowadays for flood loads um and hydrostatic loads um and really it also be beneficial for the Ada ADA requirements as well um because if we were to try and keep your um existing restroom building there'd be quite a few modifications that would have to be made obviously fixing the structure itself um you'd have to install new reinforcing in the walls um to make sure it can meet the current loading requirements um it to be reconfigured on the interior to meet current ADA requirements um for all the maneuverability for wheelchair bound people and then the obviously the fixtures as well would have to be brought up to ADA requirements as well um so it'd be pretty considerable amount of work to try and bring the existing building um up the current code requirements um and that's yeah that's was really kind of the uh overview of what we are findings out there um I think it's pretty obvious if you go on site there's some there's some pretty significant deficiencies with the building so it's our recommendation that it's definitely not structural sound structural moment and items that need to get addressed so go ahead and open it up to any uh questions or comments that any of y'all may have questions no good for another 30 years yeah I guess that's the recommendation turn down that's probably always the best is it just so we know is it is it viable at all to fix it I mean also like the tie downs from the roof for us you could you could put new ones in there's probably some some block work you could do to probably Shore up some of the issues is it just so extensive that you couldn't do that or yeah it's it's doable it's for the amount of work you'd have to do to probably bring this building up to code be cheaper to build a new one you think it it probably wouldn't make much sense rather than building a new one CU it you would have a lot of modifications that made to the existing building um and there's lots of options nowadays for new restroom buildings for C we have to build a bigger building or could we use the same footprint it's a it's a possibility you'd have to reconfigure the interior because it's really not configured for ADA requirements slap and potentially I well you said there's options that maybe an example of some options yeah yeah so I mean there's there's all kinds of different they have a lot of modular um restroom buildings nowadays that you can I actually sent something to him about that and it's they're they're already designed to meet current ADA requirements they're designed in the Florida building code requirements um we've used them a lot in in parks in Pasco County pel's County um that's definitely a costeffective option and there's there's plenty of numerous other options as well um so how often does that area not for you I'm sorry what BR par do we know all the time all the time all the time all the time so it would need to be lifted anyway I don't think it needs to be lifted how are you going to get a wheelchair input an elevator it needs to be Ada requirement but also has to meet the the the building code that has to be lifted well does the bathroom flood a lot so you there's there's certain Provisions in the code um as far as flood requirements go typically you'd have in a situation like that you typically have flood vents um which would allow for movement of water within the building and you just have to design your electrical accordingly to be above the flood zone so there's certain Provisions that you can do to get away from having to do a lifted building um so there's there's options questions so I guess that's the next plan is figure out what those options are thank you appreciate coming thank you very much appreciate your time just for discussion right it's inter Direction yeah so by consensus I guess look at options to bring it back to us to action modular seems I've looked at that too that's the most realistic and you you can elevate a little bit ramp and steps to it you don't need to elevate that that the restroom probably doesn't a lot the surround surrounding area does yeah on the mons are just and I don't know have noidea the cost or whatever but it popped up and it was very very interesting they have self cleaning I mean it they basically locked down and stuff it cleans itself and course probably expensive but there's a company actually puts mods or bathrooms together for cities and stuff so I sent that to him might be worth a look at but I if if it's reasonable in cost we got do it anyway maybe it would be nice to have that and it would kind of take care of itself so we would just need to make sure that being at Brasher Park it's like go what 20 feet away from the coastline so a modular is that going to hold up to the floods that we get in there so that that would be that would be the only thing that I would really be uh interested in is to make sure and I would like to make sure that Mr Alexander has significant input is into all the different types of buildings to make sure that they're Ada complying because apparently they're not now and that they meet you know the uh the present need for our our Park does that matter or any of our restrooms ADA Compliant probably not and modular just doesn't mean mold I understand Perman as well you know one of the reasons that was probably built block like that because this is saltwater it's a different animal than freshwater you know if if the thing if a modular building flooded um with salt water I I'm thinking we might have a bigger thing on our hands I don't know they're strapped down too right but the salt water itself damage the building I think that's what Dave talking salt water gets in there and does things well we can look at all the options I mean there's there no no hormon looking at all the options bring some options okay uh next up item number four uh surplus of impound of vehicles I'll pass it to Mr C for introduction take that this request is for the surplus of five can't read from this direction five impounded vehicles have been stored in the impound lot of the police department for 90 days or more the register owners were sent notifications via register mail have not responded to retrieve their vehicles Fort Richie police department will send these vehicles to the Tampa Bay Machinery option as is our standard practice tbma will auction these vehicles through their standard prac process and we got a scooter looks like move to something I move to um Surplus the impounded Vehicles second motion second forther discussion do we have keys on any of these vehicles probably yes yes okay you want to borrow one the scooter they got a oh you've never asked for keys I'm like why do you want to know if there's keys don't want to know where they're at now the Reas the reason I asked the question is I have a friend in the business and he's telling me that these vehicles sell at auction better if they have a key as opposed to not having a key and if we didn't have a key could we get a key made and potentially up our am got just tonight you don't want to borrow the scooter okay I got a brand new I got a brand new golf cart I don't need just check it he public that comment and I apologize to borrow the scooter yeah just check it and the uh I forgot to open up on the on the Brasher Park so if you want to comment on Brasher Park you're welcome to do that anybody like comment okay see hands I'll bring it back for a vote all in favor 65 by saying I I oppose motion carries Scooter's gone sorry Dave uh item number five first reading of ordinance number 24701 amending Article 4 chapter 24 section 24-180 and section 24-11 of the Port Richie code of ordinances modifying the maximum number of historical preservation commission members and what constitutes a quorum pass that to miss Meer for the reading you read most of it but I'll do it again ordinance number 2471 an ordinance of the city of Port Richie Florida amending Article 4 chter 24 section 24-18 0 and section 24-1 181 of the Port Richie code of ordinances modifying the maximum number of historical preservation commission members and what constitutes a quorum on the historical preservation commission providing for severability providing for codification and providing for an effective date okay and this this basically just changes the the number from seven to five yep on page 57 it changes it from 7 to five and then the quum goes down to three which is what we discussed at our last time we talked about this and so we have a we have a three- member committee now so they can once F pass us if they're able to rock and roll yes motion to approve the ordinance 24701 second motion second for a discussion you're welc com like any public like to comment anyone has a br back all in favor 6 by saying I I oppos All She carries I guess we have one more reading of that then right next time yes next time yes uh next up is item number six approval of resolution number 24-12 modifying resolution number 23-11 changing the quum requirement for the citizens advisory committee uh pass that to miss my as well resolution number 24-12 a resolution by the city council the city of Port Richie modifying resolution number 2311 changing the Quorum requirement for the citizens advisory committee and providing for an effective date this is a very small change that was asked um and it is simply announcing that the forum is the majority of members appointed at the at the on the CAC at the time of the meeting and that that was part of the concern that it's a 12 member board but if you only have sorry maybe even bigger nine over four but you only have seven you can meet if you have a quum of seven and not have to worry about you mean quum of four you all know what I mean I'm just going to stop talking so so whoever being actually on the committee the majority of those appoes is a and if you have all nine that's great but if you don't you can still me if you have the majority whatever is appointed perfect thank you motion to approve resolution number 24-12 motion second Mo second for discussion anyone public like comment sign to put to vote all in favor signify by saying I I oppose motion carries next up item number seven purchase request for zetron Max dispatch radio system I'll pass it to Mr ceru as Council may recall at a previous council meeting there was discussion uh regarding the overall dispatching uh Communications for the police and fire department one of the items came up was the need to replace the radio system in the uh dispatch room uh as we talked about then uh the chief uh has money in the penny for Pasco to replace that dispatch radio in the amount of 87,7 74 they're requesting to purchase a zetron Max dispatch radio system is that is that budgeted or just in there yes so it's budgeted it's part of motion okay just just to clarify I know we talked about this but just clarify for us and the public that Al we're having dispatch discussions this this radio system doesn't matter we keep it here use Pasco County this this radio system is cor good to go okay motion discussion motion to approve Tron Max dispatch radio system motion second have motion second for discussion anyone public like comment see Hands I bring it back for a vote all in favor signify by saying I I opposed motion carries next up is item number eight city of Port Richie delegation of signator authority pass commission CER for introduction staff is in the process of submitting an application to the Department of Justice requesting funding from from the cops community policing development program accred accreditation grant program sorry this funding will enable the city of Port Richie Police Department become fully accredited in the capacity to implement community policing strategies the requirement of the program is both the top law enforcement executive and top government executive signed the application and if awarded accept the award package both of these individuals must be assigned the role of authorized representative in just grants the request is for two years of funding which total is $125,000 there is no match requirement so they're going to give us $125,000 a request we're requesting that correct okay I vote not vote motion to delegation Authority signature Authority second motion second forther discussion anyone like to comment see that bring back I do have one question before we vote just curiosity because I know we have this which delegates my signature you all but the the other one is to have me sign something I know there's another thing so is there and not that I care I'm just curious of why sometimes we have to delegate my signature to to you and other things I need to sign it it depends upon what the Grant requirement is so I just could I just sign the grant uh well my understanding is it had to be the executive in charge oh I see I got you so that so it's requirement of the grant that you sign it in order I got Del to gotcha I was just curious why um all in favor signify by saying I I oppose motion carries next up is item number nine City for Richie pass County subrecipient agreement for the US Department of Justice Edward burn Memorial Justice assistance grant award I pass it to Mr cop for introduction staff submitted a grant request to the Department of Justice for $40,000 replace laptops that are used in police vehicles this grant is worded to administered through Pasco County the existing aging laptops are un loan from Pasco County Sheriff's Department utilization of these laptops is very restrictive and any hardware software repair work has to be approved and completed by the sheriff's information technology department the sheriff's it has service a large agency and their is very busy their domaining schedule frequently results in delays and me the needs of the city police department the approved funding will allow for the purchase of new incar laptop computers and return the existing ones to the Sheriff's Office these new computers will increase efficiency and service to the public request is for a purchase of 20 new semi-rugged incar laptop computers totally $440,000 there is no match requirement so this is a grant as well that we have not we have not award submitted yet we awarded we yeah this this has been awarded okay through the county okay so we have a sub recipient agreement with the county that details what we have to do as part of this um and so it is actually I think going to the County Commission a couple weeks in June yes in June for their final approval so this is one of the steps necessary so we can get it on the agenda okay so there's no money out of our budget for this correct I motion to approve the Pasco County subrecipient agreement for the US Department of Justice Edward burn Memorial Justice assistance grant program motion seconded a motion second further discussion yeah what's going to happen with the on they go back they go back to the count anything else anyone from the public like comment hands I'll bring it back for a vote all in favor signify by saying I I opposed motion carries uh that's all the agenda items we have other than old business item number 10 any uh discussion for old business I think I what's what's going on what's going on with the uh the peer design are they stoed forward with that so I believe we have receed now the information that we had requested in terms of all the different compos we'll be bringing that back to council to have final discussion Direction on that um it's a it's a tear out of the op regardless is it is there any way we can reason I said obviously I think Arbor funding is covering that I was going to ask about Arbor funding because that we got to have that stuff spent by the end of this year are we on track to liquidate all that ARA funding well there's still the conversation because of the the um River Landing projects that you have to decide whether we're moving forward or not with that you already taken some of the money that's been set aside for that for another project we have to have a further discuss what to do do we have um alternative options to spend it as the decision come out like a bathro backup like a like a modular bathroom yeah I mean we can easily give you a number of things that yeah halfway through the year so we make sure that as as these things flush themselves out that we have some Avenue to put that money I think we need to flush that out yeah and I know tearing it out that's why I said I don't know if do need to wait on that to go ahead and actually start put that at to bed to tear out well I think you'll need to give us Direction based upon design well yeah the tear out is it's irrelevant right it's all gets out put a new pier right in this place or you don't put a pier there the tear out has to happen but they were also securing permits too uh don't know where they they stood or whether they there was fees attached to all that stuff so that's still an incoming probably we I think we received it I haven't just put it together yet for a council discussion gotcha okay and then I just wanted it's uh the very first item the sun shades the at Waterfront Park it says expect the response by miday so I was wondering if we' heard anything from Team moov early your feeling on that is they normally wait till last minute tell you no or is it good thing no news good news or no news do mean anything it's a it's a federal or it's a T-Mobile it's T-Mobile yes yeah we applied for it before and got denied right yeah any times how did that about every six months I I put an application in for it for various things for the parks um it's very competitive they only issue 25 Grands and it's Nationwide it's not just State of Florida and they have a limited amount of funding I can't remember the exact dollar so I don't know I don't know how they make decision I've read um some of the other Awards to other people other uh municipalities and they're they're pretty similar to what we submit so I don't know how they make their decision so keep my fingers crossed that we'll get it this time thank you is that something that based upon not winning the Grant I know is that something that we want to look to consider potentially utilizing the AR funding on uh as well and I believe there's a bathroom or not a a swing set down there at Brasher as well that's all fenced off as well we applying for something on yeah we we uh we're in the process so we're working with the county on the cdbg project for Brasher park on the Nick Nicks Park rant fees allowance on here still says City attorney researching information ago it's in the city manager you talk to him for us please I'll try and find it if I can thank you if he can take a look at his old business fix it all the time there's plenty on my list but that one's fine you've passed the book I see so thank you for asking for one that I can say uh was there anything else on Old business I'm just glancing through here what we doing the boom on the Bayou It's coming soon we I believe that we have do we have any um you you got the information over there that means tag your do we have any sponsors what's the um I we haven't received any sponsorships yet um we've we're contacting vendors we have uh we have 12 vendors that we're reaching out to we're hoping to have at least 12 vendors um out out at the park which was more than we've ever had before um 12 you say 12 oh wow yeah um all all different types of you know refreshments and whatnot um I've actually at our last department head meeting we're going to start setting up um you know weekly meetings towards July for staff to get ready for action plans and preparation for that Public Works is going to begin doing there prep work for the park um I did put out on website and Facebook about anyone committing to be part of the committee uh we oh that's for 100 Year I'm sorry never mind I'm about that next so that was a different thing but um the uh but as of yet no sponsorships that's have signed up um there's anyone that is mind we're going to refresh that again as we get closer um I want to cut off probably by the end of this month or maybe 1 of June because if I do have any sponsorships it's going to take time to preparate you know prepare any banners or anything else that's gonna have to be you know displayed for for the event so um so what's what's the protocol we're using to solicit sponsors I saw them on the way of something I know that as me and mat our Friday lunches we kind of visit different waterfront restaurants in not Waterfront but restaurants in the city obviously but we've spoken to a couple down there that are interested and at least they said they were interested in doing it so they probably just need somebody reach out to them to just um they they go ahead and submit to and let us know they can contact Ashley myself um you know which package they want to subit to I believe it's like four or five different types of packages you know sponsorship packages they tell us which one they cut us a check and we you know we we put them on we put them on the banner so any other you know we put them on it'll be on Facebook website everything like that that's part of the sponsorship package so it all depends on which one they actually sign up for but I'm to contact us I wonder if that's something we couldn't put a a quick letter of that same information you have there and actually mail it to the a few of the big businesses obviously that uh might want to do that don't we have all the u p we have all their emails there maybe you could yeah pull a mail list together and just Target that all the businesses that are uh have btrs cuz we have their email I believe right got a and then run that against the male merge label and and really when you when you're trying to get donations I would say it's hard to get that via mail or email or that it's kind of a handshake type thing hey which interested doing this I mean and I think most of them would probably be very interested because it's obviously they're all a lot of this year you know it took us a lot to get this packet out um I think next year either for the 100th 100th anniversary or if we do another Bo on the bou um we'll get it out much much sooner you know earlier in the year that way it allow businesses more time to decide you know budgetary Wise you know do they want to do it you know some most of these businesses you know they do sponsor events but they'll they'll only do a handful of year because it's part of their budget so they're like okay we're gonna we're going to set aside x amount of dollars go ahead and do you know so many events so um I think I think next year we'll have a you know bigger following but I mean I can also release a nixel on that too but I I don't think that's really going to go out to businesses more less just go out to Residents um I think with the BTR um idea on maybe a mass email or something like that could work um I could have that conversation with the building department tomorrow and see if that's possible well one thing we talk about next year whatever the previous Council me and ly left from the previous Council but that sense at the time when we did that was that if we don't get any sponsorships it wouldn't be a boom on the value going forward and I don't know if that we continue with that thought process but um that was a consensus at the time what are you soliciting the businesses for sponsorship where do they get I mean they they they get there's well there's um Banner advertisement banners Banner going what visibility be displayed at the park during the event front along the fence line uh they'll also have sponsorship on our website sponsorship on the um you know on any fly that we you know that we're we Distributing so Facebook page Facebook page now we want to work with newp Richie possibly maybe next year to we talked about that before and it there wasn't any interest of time so I every year we can can look you probably get a lot more sponsor if you have the cities combined and they have their own show as well I know I still think they should we should combine them I we definitely talk about that the next sure but you get a lot more sponsorships if you're not just Port Richie you've got Newport Richie Port Richie you're combining a lot of west coast c to One play you're gonna get a lot more sponsorship I know we can't do that this year but in past years we've always tried to it's not really being competitive but public wants the opportunity of getting two shows hence why we're doing ours on the on the fifth of this year um I don't know what date new Richie had actually has their set for but it's you know the general public likes the option of being able to go to both you know get I think they'd rather see one with 10-inch mortars bit bigger one longer everybody would enjoy it I would think more I would most people I talk to did I can you're competing with them I think even during our go setting Workshop we talked about you know talking the gulf you Square Mall and doing it something like it used to be many years ago you know at the mall doing an event like that um as far as mortars and size once again we'd have to defer to the fire department and you know what what is actually allowed um if I'm I don't mean to call on you but I think we're kind of pushing the threshold what we're allowed to use now as far as distance whatnot with inside the value right so we have to stay within that param I can see fire trucks all around by square mile we used to do it there that's what I'm saying so maybe they maybe they would be allowed to be open again but now that with the ab now the residentials back there that may not be an option so probably actually we definely talk about for the next show business the more I think there's interest out there and we just need to reach out I know a couple I you've been there as well so um on the 100th anniversary Staffing that committee thing we're waiting for responses it has been put out on Facebook and nobody's website unless you I received one this morning from um a member of the CAC who would like to join that just got sent out recently correct yes we just need to blow it out again that's all nixel thing yeah that's yeah well that one we can doel have one we both are on obviously so we have one more yours on starting to meet I don't care what you who's who's who Miss Caroline Gonzalez okay we like an art festival in carnival got music got a meet um in the committee there's room I don't have time but just a thought did we on that what was the number we were going to you looking you knew I was going to ask it someone already someone maybe already looked at I think it was like nine I think it's neven or I'm thinking nine as well but did um and how did we want to the committee shall have nine members to include the city manager or his designate and the mayor you have those two the remaining seven committee members will be nominated by city council all nominees shall be residents of Fort Richie the council by majority vote shall select members from the list of nominees you need five a quum so should we this is reading that you don't means obviously nice you ask for volunteers but this is this is reading and the intent was that you all come in with here's my list of two or three people that I think would you might want to ask them before you do that but the idea is kind like each of you nominate some somebody or more than one person and then the discussion is had and vote on that do we think we need to have some of our department heads on the committee wouldn't hurt to have at least a representative St police yeah all told the chief and the chief are there I mean there there are I think staff members that would like to be a part of all of this yeah we would like to talk are we all looking at one face I don't know that [Laughter] he told me he told me he wanted to I think he's going to bring a couple more people because we're a team I'm already by so well talk about it I wouldn't mind being part of it if it's if it's allowed for staff to be on I think staff should be involved I have no I have no he was he had already volunteered that that he was going to be involved have ideas for it so yeah five points out right now second it to your list add to the list do we need to do something formal for that was that was that formal enough well now we got have a got a motion so the idea behind the resolution was to bring the nominees forward and have a so keep them on the list with with with Miss Gonzalez now we got two yeah and maybe by the next meeting we'll have a couple more or you can bring some ideas Okay so maybe each you try to at least talk to somebody sure because how long's that been outside the advertising week or two it's been about a week just a week for the for the committee uh for the committee yes yeah it's been about a week okay so we'll refresh it you know every week um I can set down a nixel on that because gonna go out to Residence I I will say when you sent out the nixel yesterday for the club uh Tammy told me that we had 80 more people take the survey after she said the nixel so that might been I didn't even know about the nixel no my daughter calls me texts me sorry she texts me yesterday she goes is that your survey on the thing I went no my survey is done I didn't know anything about the nixel my daughter had to tell me so we need to educate people about that we talked about it a little bit well I didn't know what you're talking about issu some secrecies to and I hear it's going away soon to something else we're in the process in the me to a new in the metime we need to educate people type 888777 with your ZIP code it's on there too maybe that thing we put that on there too but it's I believe if I'm not mistaken on the uh the hurricane newsletters going out that it is on there you're right that's correct to commemorate Captain Richie with the city's named after and his fish rise he had every Thursday afternoon out there on the waterfront sounds like he won't be on the committee to me I I could furnish a couple hundred pounds of fish Dave and I could s FL them and we can fry them up got Mr F all right as much as we probably want to continue anybody F further uh no business no starting to get a little kitty all right uh what happened to the old business about the um C3 and C1 for um that you left it last um meeting with the lawyer come back meeting some suggestions honey I I don't know my public comments time but go ahead okay this Debbie Robinson 8001 Apple 6 Drive poor Richie so um the last meeting you left it that um um that it was going to be with the lawyer and the lawyer was going to come back this meeting and it was going to be some SU suggestions on what to do with the C3 and the C1 because I still have two family members that are third generation of Port Richie that are waiting to open up a business and we're waiting for an answer I believe this is a storage issue we we're not ready to discuss yet yeah so they're still working on that I don't would that would you let to believe be the next meeting yeah that it'll be on an agenda in a future meeting on once they get there because they've got to do some research and stuff oh how long is that going to take I don't have answer for it's not as easy as you might think it takes a while yeah it's it's on the list we'll get it we'll get it done as quickly as we can so okay thank you y sorry about that okay okay for motion motion to adjourn motion seconded the motion second all in favor I say I iour