##VIDEO ID:xjpsvHdm1Bk## okay United States of America for stands na andice R please chairman John Eric Hoover here Vice chairwoman Caroline Gonzalez here member Sal Cary here member Adam Thompson here member Julie Keenan here member Kim lary here member Debbie Robinson here member Janet applefield here thank you first up is comments from the general public I have no one in attendance so I will BR back to the the board comments from the chair and committee members start to my left with member Taylor minutes oh thank you you be chair no sir I didn't see that so first up is approve the m i number one for September 3rd look for a motion a motion that we accept am from 93 second motion second forther discussion all in favor saying I I opposed motion carries now com general public again no one here bring it back to the committee members start with member T I'm good so far I'm good good we'll go over here no thank you no thank you I'm good I'm fine I'm fine as well so we'll move right along to the agenda to our first up is Centennial logo selection so if you see the chart that's in front of you this was the results of the vote for our five that we selected to go out to vote and Gathering the most votes at 104 was the red white and blue stilt house with the dolphin and manate emboss in the background um and then of course second was the see very close second was the sunrise version of that the still house and Pelican and then third was the state and Stripes alligator uh fourth was the palm trees and pelicans and then fifth was the original City Hall em and so I believe we should probably just uh make a motion to accept these results and send us to council for adoption let you guys wanted to talk about Mr can you show those to us again uh I don't have the capability to do that we didn't do a zoom for this meeting but um okay do we have a print out or something somebody the go I can I can go print an old agenda it might take me a few minutes but that's okay the um I can if you if you pull up your phone oh yeah that's right actually yeah yeah see if you go to the the the website see website yes yes he if you click on the the top one to go to the um the menu under Community you'll see centennial celebration I think it's on there and it sound let me see there's contest it's in the news feed as well so go back to the homepage you have to go to the newsfeed I guess if you roll to the right you'll see help us choose a logo yeah there it is and then it would be a link but I think that's what they still showing yeah it's closed so you can't uh might have to go to the Facebook page I guess same yeah actually I'm I was if you give me one second I can print this I've got a packet I'm preparing for Council so I think I have everything right there yes I do um let me just go ahead and make I can print this from here I'll go and it that way the clerk um does anyone else need a copy of the actual logos I was gonna try to pull up an old I've got something prepared Ashley um I was gonna actually it's for the council packet That Was preparing which basically has this and the five logos on it so um does anyone else need the put it to coun all right okay can I make a comment real quick sure um the only thing I just wanted to mention is the state stripes and alligator it really did not meet the requirements of what was asked for um submission it does not say city of it just says Port Richie on it so I just wanted to bring that up okay that was one of the kids yeah we probably should have caught that before we put it out for vote I guess but uh but because they won the children's selection I think that we should send it back to them to yeah update that well while he's doing that I mean there was several uh kids submissions that was actually one of the the ones and it you know we talked about potentially doing something special for them maybe doing some t-shirts or something that uh for sale for with those logos on them I don't um or maybe having them as like a an art gallery I you know I kind of thought about all the logos that were submitted you know I we'll pick a one we'll go with that but if we could maybe do something to show each logo that was submitted and what the options were on a on a sheet says this was the the logo contest and here's what was submitted that way there's a little recognition for everybody to see that they SP something or whatever I know we could do for that but um I did want to make a comment I did see that Newport Richie I saw it somewhere I can't remember where but what they did was they had different logos and each logo was on a different t-shirt and they were selling them so I'm like maybe that's an idea we can do with all these that were selected the five of them something different I don't know an idea [Music] I'm sorry yes what's so the what y'all's thoughts on I should we move to send the the winner to council for adoption or top three since they were fairly close yeah actually I was going to need direction on that because I'm I was in the I Was preparing the agenda item for Council so of right now I have all five logos um and an explanation of this that was going to be included in that but I didn't know if we wanted to just spit the top three or all five and then have Council make the final decision yeah I mean it in my opinion and and I I'm not speaking because I'm on Council as well but uh I would think we we we selected to five as a committee we put it out to vote I would uh obviously we can just send the one over we can send the three just I would say we just send the data as it is all five is what the the votes came back at um if we wanted to make a recommendation we would go with one of the you know the winner or whatever we decide here or if we want to say our our preference was the top three again s up to this committee to make that recommendation say send them all but recommend that we go with the one that they voted for okay I just send the one I think we've we've beat this dead horse so I mean they voted I think we we put that out there my my vote is to send the one okay and we can also send the child's one that to say that that was the to yeah do we want to and we we we picked that one that kind of competed as the the adult ones if you will the other children ones weren't really considered because they weren't I guess to the to the level that these were but that one could compete obviously so and I know we talked about before having a separate category to something different with the the children's logos so maybe we we put those together the all the ones that were s by the kids so Council has those and maybe they can make a decision on what uh they'd like to do and maybe we can submit a thought we do we do kid shirts or whatever with with the logos yeah it's you know the goal here obviously is to pick Theo right and so how we how we deal with these other ones is really up for debate maybe for just public engagement go ahead and put the kids logos out there have them select their favorite of the kids logos just we can do that se process yeah separate process since we have to have that one logo meet the standards and have them resubmit it with city of and put it out there just for public engagement it keeps them interested and engaged so um just so we're picking that level Y what yourse thoughts on that that's weird idea um I I think sending that back out again could be bit confusing um I I think that once we solidified ourselves with our events and what we're doing moving forward um that may be a good idea you know later on um saying these were you know these were our you know our our kid runner ups and then put it out then to do it one after the other it's just going to confuse the general public say look we just did this you know why are we doing this again so I I think that um having you know having recognition for the for the children would be great but I think what we should do is just space it apart because you know once again you know we're looking at our 100 days coming up in February if we're going to do that so it's it's a very short window between what we have to do now and February um but I think once we have that logged in and then the list of events that we're doing we can go ahead and re-release something like that and says and by the way you know these are our our these are children you know please give consideration and you know and we'll go from there but I I I think doing it like one after the other is is not a good idea Mr chairman as a um protocol matter do does city council have to approve this or can we just approve it ourselves and run with it yeah I think they they need to probably weigh in on it I don't I mean really we're just an advisory body all the Committees and Boards um just make it recommendation but Council always has final authority to to make those decisions so we've just send it along let them decide for sure while the while the public voted for this um those one um I think sometimes we have to think of logistics like how this might be hard to reproduce um for certain materials and exactly not not So Much Anymore technology has come with a long way it's not as hard as it used to be okay Al for like like banners and signs that won't be a problem they they literally digit they'll digiti printer so I don't you know I don't know like this is easier you know maybe it used to be but it's not So Much Anymore maybe something like embroidery that might I if it was embroidered that' be different might be a little tough but uh yeah but even that even that's come a long way so okay perfect good thank you I think we should just submit the results recommend that Council chooses yeah the one they voted for 1004 votes so you want make a motion for that um I am making a motion to submit the all the results all the logos and recommend that we that Council chooses red white and blue stilt house with dolphin and manate okay okay motion second for discussion can you repeat the motion so the motion is is to send the entire slate of five to Council okay with our recommendation that the one that was guarded most votes would be the one we recommending select second sorry second so I just need if there's any more no further discussion I'll close it for a vote all in favor 65 say I I I oppos okay motion carries so that take care of our logo and then going back to the like said the kids logos we can revisit that in the future about as we talk about maybe some some event we could bring that back or do some kind of Engagement yeah I'll compile them as a pack so set them aside so when we're ready to start like I said engaging for events and stuff like that it's something like I I think it's a really good idea that we put out and let you know let the public see that as well so and like I said I think that later on we can use some of the ideas as like t-shirt ideas you know you know like you know limited run type of situation you know where where that where that logo if Council chooses that one will be on all Publications but you know we can probably use some of them as like limited runs or like you know for the special you know special events little look at a look at a t-shirt or idea that we have this time so and then that that way it keeps everyone engaged and you know there's variety to it as opposed to seeing the same exact thing all the time so good points and then do we need to do there already kind of built in that we were going to do some kind of I guess Proclamation I guess with that once Council adopts it whatever I know if we need to recommend that to them but um I'll carry that forward okay um so next up is item number two discussion on finalizing centennial celebration events um and so we've got a list of events I know that there was in this packet um I saw somebody had I think it's Claud Smith actually had sent an email get that um she had put um on here uh she said this idea is probably already in the works but here is anyway she was proposing a makeshift building of some sort to house picks from the beginning to current Port Richie um early Fe didn't have picks share for the historical board committee may already have some of that but could be used and she'd love to see you know 100 pictures if possible now I know that we uh obviously the historic committee is engaged now and and actually collecting some of that stuff and and none will be working with those guys on some of the stuff as we go forward I believe we had some kind of event Museum day yeah Museum day and I think so what she's getting at here is we would in that museum day we would have some of those photos so I think we're covering what she's looking for was there was this the only email we had come back about okay so there was a comment on Facebook um from a ray g e r c o l n o said I've seen other cities do a mock council meeting with the citizens they understand the protocol I thought that was a great idea yeah we uh we do have the meet the things maybe we could that's a good idea because that's true a lot of people don't understand the protocol it's really good idea actually um it so that being said it looks like the list that we put out there was either obviously comprehensive enough that nobody had any ideas outside of those and we should maybe just look at those and start to vet those I know we were going to try to do this as a working session to kind of delay those out um do we have a list in the packet NOP on Facebook I I think I saw I know you've been working on kind of the timeline stuff so I think if we can schedule a um working meeting and get those down with the timeline and start looking at that's our best Next Step yeah well I think we got some time now we can maybe we we go through the the list and see if there's anything we want to can I make Scratch Out sure um first of all I'll be like the David mua um first of all this this event actually first of all did someone respond to Claudia Smith and say thank you for your submission or your suggestion I mean if if someone from the public answers of our request somebody should answer her yeah did we respond back to her when she said that in we sub it to the thing she get kind of response from us yeah I believe I responded I don't have my email on okay that's fine I just want to make sure that we respond to well hope she watches the meeting too and see that we we addressed it so okay um the list um has all dates in 2024 they're not 202 five we CH we revised the list when we put it out we noticed um Ashley and I noticed that we made changes to that list that was out to the public we changed the dates to 2025 it all says 2025 now okay I don't have that list I only have the 20 list um I just pulled it up is that another website that list it's currently on the website new list is on the website where's that so I'll get that directly on the news feed the news feed y I had some suggestions for some additional events okay um one was a um a touch of truck so that we could then involve the police and the uh fire department and um the city trucks or City cars or something like that kids really like that that's a big event um maybe doing some face painting or something at that event or um at one of the other any one of these other events well it's on that particular thing did we have something in here where that could be incorporated field de field day okay yeah so maybe we put some anotations on field day to incorporate that touch of truck and I firep Poli you know even if the City of Newport Richie wants to bring their trucks also can have so Feld day so that's one thing um Boat Parade there's no boat parade on there but we're on the water yeah we we have the holiday boat parade but oh we got the got the rata we do have the rata in there which is um necessary but it's a it's with kayaks and can I mean I think we should people have boats here we we we brought up about other parades and we obviously we're going to open with a parade um and then um we're GNA have a golf cart parade but there was I think I maybe mentioned a boat parade um not opposed to it at all I think fit it in somehow maybe we maybe the boat parade would be on the rata day yeah coordinate that to kind of open that um because if you think about it I guess we'd be probably doing that in in a bayou I guess after the parade they can actually hand on the boats and kind of when you go to Rado a lot of times you'll have boats out there to watch the Rado the RAC so that might be something that would okay may push that more into an evening event because clearing everybody else before the boats come out four par is going to be important clear the Waterway uh well to have that you mean in the like at dark or just later in the day later in the day so that they can light up the boats and all that kind of stuff yeah true so that could be all about timing because we have to put order ways for that to happen so we could do the rata ver then a boat for after that's one yeah that would that would probably work um if you calculate back from from and you back from May so 100 days February 7 um I didn't see like a a kickoff event or some event to start the whole celebration Friday February 7th we have a kickoff ceremony and Time Capsule preparation which is what we were February I don't know what you have in front of you our our main grade was the week of right is that the week of kind of what we talking about so the museum day number 25 is the capsule opening yes okay so that's we start off with a a time capsule okay preparation gotcha so to get people involved okay perfect what all were we thinking about doing in that kickoff that capsule opening um what else did you have in mind for that we hadn't gone into actual events what as far as meet the the council and stuff would that be a good time to have the council that would be here where's the csil day yeah um we that number 21c govern report Council committees resources organization we have an actual time capsule to open cool it's from 25 years ago yes where is it physically it's out front um if you go out the front doors it's to the left and left hand corner where the gravel meets the sidewalk nice take it do that as part of the we did it a day we did it when we were down at the park wasn't it the dedication day oh we did it with the it was April 12th with the barbecue and chili C off yes because we they were going to be able to judge it those April 12th the Meer local government Day barbecue and chili K which that's another day we can put the touch a truck that that would be a nice hearing so what else would we be planning on that seventh when we would do the this kind of informal Gathering here at City Hall then or it's a Friday correct is that there so I mean I wonder if it would be better served if we would do that meet the government stuff here since already be here we can still judge the barbecue stuff you know but not do obviously with the barbecue and cooking stuff that do we where that was that going to be in a park I would assume so so the only thing with doing it in February is we were about a dunk tank that might be a little cold all better right make a supper it's completely up to you February 7th and April 12th as long we probably have a heated water tank can't we NOP no it's good point I don't it's St made not too terrible cold um we'll give you a blanket for the kickoff event we can um we have to have a Grand Marshall of our parade so maybe we can open up voting for The Grand Marshall on the on the parade okay yeah basically doing all the announcements of all the things that people can engage in that's going to be the big hey this is what we're doing for the Centennial um you know an opening seller for ceremony and Proclamation maybe you could just show your pration for the kids um things at that point so what if we um we can unveil the mon Monument on that day on the first day I would think we'd rather do that to probably the we'd Avail that on the actual Centennial Day part of the fireworks thing you know what I was thinking if if we've got some stuff to talk about announcements and that kind of stuff we could probably make that part of the mck council meeting because you would need some things to that would be great to talk about so that would be if we did the capsule we had that meet your government M council meeting stuff that day um and we could talk about some of the events we've got planned over the next 100 days that might be a good way to kick all that off and it we still we could do the dunk T stuff yeah D tank then that would bring people in yeah you do the dunk tank stuff on the same thing you want to chil cook off or whatever barbecue thing we still do that but we do the meet to govern stuff that first night do our mock counsil meeting talk about about some of the stuff we've got going on to kind of set the stage yeah from there and maybe have stations outside where people can sign up to volunteer or participate or you sponsorships and all that and and really kick it off with information correct we'll have like little booths or something for all the Committees and the boards and stuff is there enough parking here for all that yeah think so yeah what I what I really think that we need to solidify between now and our next meeting is this list of events are we doing all of them are we doing x amount of them um setting a date next to each one of them and then of course we have to start looking at estimated cost budget um what are we what are we going to present to council and actually explain to them how much we're going to need you know on our side um for the city side or any other expenses that are going to have to be covered or are we going to rely 100% on each of these events being sponsorship because we still have to put out the sponsorship packet and get that going so and in order to do that we need the event list with the dates next to it so these so these sponsors can start calling us up and saying yes I want to be a part of this event I want to be a part of that event I want to be a part of the whole thing um we really need to start locking in these dates and times so these businesses can can start um reaching out to us um before we start talking about particulars and what we're going to do at each event we need to lock this in um and like I said we've only have we only have three to four months before we get into February I mean it's right around the corner once the holiday season starts time is going to go very very quickly yeah that's why I suggest we have like a working session with a with a big calendar and we have the events so we could kind of group them on what days kind of like we're doing now do we not have that yeah we're starting that today weren't we well what I want to do today but I don't think we have the facilities to do that whe there's a white not enough time for that today yeah that's true they that planing Z 6 so I mean could I propose that we go down all the events and maybe rate them one two or three so we know which ones are not the most favorite of the we do that and then we can start prioritizing you know big part of the I guess what what I'm thinking is is as we look at that 100 day calendar and the weekends what we have we make you know we may find we have too many events and we need to scratch some which that's the prioritize we can see which ones we want to shift around first um or might find I we we actually maybe don't have enough right depending on what we're going to lay it out so really the calendar piece is kind of uh important to the what we have and um which on we use and how we can group them together I mean a couple of these can be commen kind of like we we've talked about but definitely we go through and rate these one to three for sure just and then that gives us something to work off of can we go off of the timeline that I had worked on the last time because you have that in your calendar don't you yes is is the timeline important to the ranking of the actual event itself or and you know kind of where it falls in the planning of it there's there's some events though that we know we want to have like for example the mayor's ball the last the Centennial cele one so can we lock in like the mayor's ball if we want to have it in Fes we have to lock in that date so I have to let them know because you never know that someone else books the banquet or anything like that what do we thinking about the mayor's fall because I visited VES on another subject last week how many people do are we thinking about that is it going to be meal is it just going to be a dance right they if we want sit down dinner it's 110 people they can accommodated to sit down they can go up to 150 but that wouldn't be sit down didn't I be like buffet style um but if you want to sit down dinner it'd be 110 people um one one thing about that I don't want to get too deep into the the detail of an event but um at the Florida Le of cities conference every year they have the past presidents launching so I kind of think and what they do is they have a video that's going in the background that they they're running through you know mayor this time not mayor but um the president for this year and they roll through all the president so all the pictures up there I don't know if we have pictures of past mayors that we could do something like that or not as far back as all the Mayors have some have some it would be nice to be able to have something set up like that we have a a dinner formal dinner or whatever and then it the dance after or something do we have room for a dance and she said if we had 110 people for sit down we have room for dance right and the DJ booth and all that right so we're good it up to 110 110 to accommodate sit down we can go all the way to 150 though with face style but limited dance area too so those are those are going to be covered in t tickets because that's yeah not a big crowd okay can I make a suggestion can I suggest that you um because I haven't seen it and I don't know if the other members have a l that your your propos timeline for the events that are on here because I don't think it matters if they're prioritized or not I think there it's just more important if you have dates and times because I agree with s we need exact dates exact times and exact location for these events um we need someone who's going to maybe be in charge of one or two or three events I mean the people on this committee maybe or people outside well we may need to put um we might have to committee to like the mayor's ball committee where they would actually run and do that right we might need like you suggested maybe to combine a couple of the events um I don't know how we're again like s said how we're financing all of those so that would be someone like who's in charge of these events would say okay I need $50,000 I'll get so many sponsors but once we can get an exact timeline of what's going to be when and where then we can start um putting together press releases these are happening we can put together sponsorship packages we can put together booklets to give residents when they come to the opening day so they know all of the events that are coming um I my opinion is I don't think we should rely on volunteers and people at the opening event to to step up I mean maybe volunteers to help um with the running of them but not so much to be um I I guess what I'm trying to say is I think we need to have things in place rather than relying on absolutely people at the time to come and step forward yeah now that was for them to sign up now knowing what everything was going to be sure um let me go through the draft that I have so that you ladies have those dates and everybody has those dates and I'll submit this to Ashley she can get it out so before you so what why don't um obviously we've got somewhat of a calendar laid out that we talked about which is a good starting point um obviously today 17th the logo stuff will be on the council meeting for the 24th yes correct so that which is next Tuesday yes so that that gets the the logo going we can start um getting that stuff prepared or whatever our next meeting would be on the 1 of October correct and so I would suggest that meeting we hit these events hard and get this kind of solidified so that could potentially go to Council on the 8th would be um adopted and then we could start moving forward with you know Staffing that could be your Workshop meeting yeah so use the first Workshop meeting that that will still give us plenty of time to kind of get that hashed out um we don't get anything else on the first right not that I am aware of not yet anyway right so so CH can you email everybody your your timeline she put it in the next agenda packet and like I said if we could maybe even have a table down here Round Table kind of like we did the the council visiting session we can all kind of Shuffle stuff around and and kind of really solid that um is that list in Excel how is that list prepared in Excel it was suggested that we put in Excel so we can put a move them yeah that's what I was thinking I mean I don't if we have like big desk calendars can get type thing get a desk calendar and we use a three months or whatever and just kind of put uh we can put these on each been on sticky and whatever kind of put stuff together kind of you know and once we have it then they can go back and they can they can digitize it should we should we also um like we said rate them between now and the next meeting that way if we go yeah yeah we go ahead if Cheryl will send me the the the timeline she has if she can put it in Excel I'll send it to everybody and then everybody prioritize how they see fit so that way you can bring that to the workshop and collaborate yeah that's a great idea everybody kind of make their own calendar how you kind of see it um and then um I'm going to provide it in Word and Excel because not everybody likes Excel um but no problem problem got that so we have for next meeting we'll definitely do a workshop to to solidify that now we can go through we got some time here if you guys want to go down through the list and maybe give these a one two three type rating that so I'll go down the the list we have the item number one which is business expo at VES event you want to go through it time wise or you want to go through let's just rate them as um you know one being this is a definite event we got to have two you know we' like to have it and three is you know if we didn't have it it uh you know it'd be the first to go okay so let me get it okay do you um do you have the list up do you w to as we go through these you want to with me I'm not used to this you're good does that ready methodology sound good one two three one being have to three being I think short and simple is the best now way it gives everyone an idea what we're looking at actually how about one two three and then or combine so combine being an option to combine with something else so instead of us you know doing we want to do that as well like for instance number one not saying that we are but see if we wanted to combine number one with one of the other ones instead of instead of we can rate it as a one two or three and then also combine so okay so one two three and then a plus sign would be to add it to somewhere well like we we already combined a lot into like the field day we can I think one should be our definitely our main events I mean there's certain things that we're going to definitely do ball business so youate okay no just as a one two three four five and then you can put a one beside it I'm gonna type them out I'll write it down I'll take the notes I'll take the notes and then I'll relay it them to you I'm gonna put it in right we've got the numbers here we'll just refer to the numbers um and I'll I can annotate here as we go along just kind of keep track so um so the first one is the business expo at V event definely one definitely one do you think that we're going to get a lot of participation for something like that because it's I don't believe it's only for Richie residents I think it's we're opening it up to everyone so whatever business would like to go and do we also want that is that also going to be a separate b b event where people are GNA buy tickets too is that what we're gonna do they're not gonna buy my my idea is not that they're buying tickets is that the person the businesses are going to rent the space for the booth and then that's the where VES said that they would donate their space and then they would I believe they would sell you know their their food and things so this is kind of like um if you uh if you go to a conference or what you have the vendors in there so it's free to the public but then whoever wants a vendor booth has to pay for that it's like advertising but it's it's all Consolidated one night it's evening type thing I guess all during the day or I think we were doing it on a week well we thought it weekday or something but yes evening towards the evening so it could be open to the public okay so one for that one yes and we got two takes to Port Richie Sip and stroll Pub craw Mel I CH cough barbecue definitely one okay fishing tournament one one hold on about that okay yeah me NE I think for each one we need a consensus across the board okay okay so uh we can't just hear once and automatically becomes one I think what we need is a consensus of that and it'll become one um so I think we need a consensus on each one and then we'll go on for the next point so I never one business is is anybody disagree that should be one fishing t I don't think let's get consens start at number one so Vis Expo is there any anybody have an issue with that being a one no consensus of the one there takes the court Richie only thing I had with that was mixing it with the barbecue and chili C off because that's more of like a daytime event where a hub crawl and stuff is more of a nighttime event I think we need to have a taste of for Richie what it consists of at this point we don't need to determine I like T of Port Richie but I'm just the only thing mixing it with the barbecue chili cook off was the only thing I had a question about yeah make that separate event yes or just make put that in with like some one of the events at the park you know where I mean it could be part of the field days that could be part of anything else could be part of the car show I mean you could separate let me let me do this sear I'm G separate chili cook I'm I'm gonna take chili cook off and barbecue cook off I'm gon to separate that and put it down in Number 27 yes um and we'll we'll address that separate 27 so then T Richie would be T Port Richie Sip and stroll pug CW yeah so does everybody agree that should be a one yes I would like to say at least two and I'll explain why um and possibly three because pretty much all these events in one form or another are going to have food related either food trucks or or or food tied with them so I'm I'm looking at I'm looking at the bulk of these events and I think that you know instead of making the taste of for Richie number one I think when it comes to everything that's going to have a food or a food related event we should rank them we should rank them separately um so I'm going to say number two I'm going to say for uh number two is a a two what's what's your thought of putting t for Richie on the opening day out here out in the front showing off some of the food vendors you know that are local to the city and not even so opening days a Friday right opening days a Friday but you do not have enough room for food truck so I think if we if we keep that Friday to the evening people obviously going to work or whatever if we do the the council stuff and whatnot that evening that fits have it an offal thing not a food thing also right well like the food truck night you could mix with the taste of pork V right because that's like all the food of pork V so and then that way you're combining two food events um and I don't know I think because there's going to be food tricks at some of the other events anyway but specifically showcase them right but I think it's important my my opinion I think it's important to have a taste of Port Richie because it'll feature the restaurants that are in within the city limits um and that would be exclusive to them well so on your comment about the food would it if if we take all the food once together and you know we can maybe run them somewhat simultaneous depending on what it is or whatever would taste of Port Richie be kind of the event in that case it would be more of a one where maybe the other stuff would be a two could or add even add on to that well right because then like you know number 10 and number number two should you know should be combined if you're going to do that if you're going to do a taste support regie then you know then the food truck night should be just excluded and just be part of number two um only because like I said every everything you look at car show you're going to call Food Truck vendors to have X amount maybe not as many as tast tast but you're going to want someone there you're going to want two maybe three there for drinks or like light Refreshments for people while they're at that show um the golf scramble anything that I'm looking at you're going to have X amount of vendor you know truck vendors or beverage serving um vendors at these events um you can't do without it um you know especially when you have X amount of people um at at events like this so that that that's my point to where it's like you know um every food event that we have we may want to consider combining because every one of these events are going to have vendors like that one form or another I think instead of ranking them one to three we only have 25 items on here I mean you can keep them all I think the most important thing is run through there how much is it going to cost you know and then and then rate rate it like that you know what I'm saying I mean we know how much money we need you got 25 events who cares you know it's it's 25 events but some of these are going to be more expensive than others and how much is the city going to have to dull out to make this happen I think it's deciding which ones are getting sponsorships which ones are we having tickets for but you know people pay into it or you know like food truck night and I people are just paying the ventures themselves right so I like the business expo is paid for by the booths for the most part so um you know I think it's deciding where the money's coming from is it coming from the city is it coming from sponsorships is it coming you know delineate that way right but what if I mean you put on a thing what if only five people you know rent a booth I we just not going to do it I mean I think it's important to say okay it's still gon to cost you know if only five people show up it's still gonna cost the city 2,000 bucks can we handle that you know what I'm saying or something like that I think that's the important thing there's a lot of good stuff on here yes but you know that I would assume as we solidify these and we we'll use the um the golf Scramble for a an example let's say we don't get enough teams sign up to participate in golf scramble I mean I would imagine we would at some point had to cancel it right if it if if we didn't get the participation to do that event or sponsorship or what have you we would have to we would kind of know that going forward because as we would solidify this we would start you know making those things available people sign up and purchase and whatever and we kind of gauge as it goes along I mean how how do you do your events this be a good great question you you schedule event somewhere and you don't get to people sign up for you I guess at some point you just cut it and say cancel due to lack of failure is not an option failure is not an option so let me tell you that just going down the list the business expo we don't have any problems getting that fully funded by the event Taste of Port Richie you don't have any problems getting that funded by the event chili cookoff barbecue cook off separate or whatever no problems funding that the fishing tournament um that one may need some help with a significant sponsorship but I don't think you have a problem with that one because that's the way people think of Fort Richie is is as a a sleepy fishing Town um but you could you could get entry fees that's fishing entry fee so you don't really need sponsorship except maybe the boards or something yeah I think I think that will support itself um the Bed Race and field day I think that's where the city's probably going to have to have the dollars um and and the sponsorships golf there's nothing going on here that isn't going to cost the city money exactly that's just all there is too so like my thing is is like you know if we only get Walmart and you know Dunkin' Donuts that give us you know 8,000 bucks uh you know that's where we sit down and say okay where are we going to do this I mean the fishing tournament is great but it's going to cost us $8,000 of the only money we have we may need to scrap that so I mean you know paying for itself I mean then you got to think about there's got to be people cleaning up you got to have staff for that you got to have the police you know it's going to be overtime and all that kind of stuff so I mean I'm really I'm really all down to the numbers I mean things are great but you can't have a fishing tournament without you know the police on the water and all this kind of stuff and that's that's going to come out of the city's money well yeah that's I mean I mean overtime would be a factor there but uh most of that stuff to be Staffing it it's kind of su cost we're already paying that it's not like we're spending real dollars right unless it's overtime well it would I mean yeah you couldn't you couldn't take your police officers off the street to stay you know by on the on the water or anything so it's going to be overtime and you got to have people like I said to clean it up and all that kind of stuff so you're paying somebody from the public works department or somebody out there I mean so that's kind of where we're at unless unless you get so many booths out there that you you can cover that but I mean we have volunteers that you know the Civic communities and the the people that are especially the kids that are looking for hours and in volunteer um volunteer hours we can use that for a lot of the cleanup and things of that nature but just take um uh I'm going to take the food truck because I just had a food truck rally that alone um will fund itself and that the advertisement okay this depending on where we have it we don't need um the police department or any of the cleanup and all that but that'll also fund another event because those food trucks you know are going to pay a fee for being there and that those dollars can go elsewhere because there's really not a promoter or anybody to pay per se so but there's still as far as like the building department that still is time for somebody do inspections for the food trucks they can't just go park a food truck without inspection so there is also time that needs to be considered as far as the building department and you know fire department also as well their time is making sure that everything's set up appropriately and under um code yeah I mean there's undoubtly going to be cost for sure um what those are is sometimes difficult to well if you're renting tables if you're renting you know uh you know items like that like if you're going to have the Food Truck Rally but then you need tables for people who are going to order from them and rent that is that going to be on the city's cost to rent that tent rent those tables chairs whatnot um bathroom facilities such as porta-potties you know similar to what we did for boom andab Bayou are we gonna is that a City cost or we going to try and put those on the on the cost of you know entry entry into these events you know that these are the things that we're going to have to weigh in and look at um and that's the dollar amount so we're going to have to see who's going to take care of that the city or or with the sponsorships but once again I I I I think we're I think we're straying from from the point is is this list do we want you know we need to figure out if we're combining if we're going to combine some of these and and make it instead of 25 20 15 whatever it's going to be and then at our Workshop sit there with the calendar put these dates and lock them in so then we can present them to council and then start looking at how much how much is going toost cost for the city so then we can either get these approved or not not get approved and then we can go forward because once again we got to get that sponsorship pack it out because none of this happens unless we get those dollars it doesn't so you still should we still keep going and and rate these or I I think they're there I mean I don't think I mean you want to put them together I think we do that once we see what kind of is coming in you know what I'm saying I mean these are good we don't know how much money's coming in until we solidify the events yeah well I mean these are these are solidified you want to do but I mean but you're not going to know what you can do unless you know what you can afford I mean we're not going out for until we get sponsorship we're we're do I mean we'll probably have some blanket sponsorships right here's here's five grand do what you want to do with it but I think you're also going to have some sponsor say hav't sponsor the the golf uh scramble well that was the whole point of getting the logo the logo was the last step to setting up like the blanket sponsorships where we had chosen like the number of categories um he had already put the paperwork together so we put the logo on that and start just go ahead andly we're getting you know a ton of money in the beginning yeah let's I mean we can do all this you know but I think once we see you know if it's if it's trickling in like raindrops you know maybe we we cut back and that's where we sit back and say okay you know this is probably how much we're going to get I mean you can't you really can't do anything without budget and say okay this is the way it is I mean because he's exactly right you can't have a food truck without somewhere to sit you know umbrellas and tables and things like that and we definitely can't have the food trucks say he yeah you gotta provide your own tables and stuff sometimes they do though sometimes the food trucks provide the table and tent and things because they that's good for their business right they want people to eat there and sit there and see their what they're offering it depends on where we're going to actually have it you know but as far as the the rental company and all that already have the the person that is going to be supplying the tables and chairs they're just waiting for the sponsorship couldn't we include the price of the city services or the inspectors or anything like that could be included in whatever they're were charging them so you know we might not it might not be another extra expense on us um and the other thing is I would think rather than rank these when we have the workshop next time let's just do it at that time say okay we'll put this with that do it it would be helpful when we have the workshop if we have an idea of what the cost is for the city for those types of things so that we can build it in and have a budget for yeah because some of the stuff you're not going to need a inspector and you know and and again we have to follow by our code you know if if we wouldn't lay a food truck you know like the taco truck down here if we won't allow him to do that we can't allow 50 because we're putting on a show so but we don't need an inspector for a fishing tournament you know what I'm saying but we do need cops on the water you know and things like that so I really think that that's kind of but again if you if you start seeing money trickling in from these uh uh you know sponsorships then you can say okay well it's going it's coming pretty good we can do everything right you know and and you know we I think he said that there's some money set aside we have a little bit of money set aside for this yeah we have you have very little but I could tell you right now the money that we have set aside could be used on the the C the Centennial Celebration Day for the fireworks alone so you know yeah that's that you know that's going to cost you I mean the boom on a bio event was 25,000 so um just for fireworks firor and that was that was without and your DJ salary was huh your DJ salary was probably astronomical too right yeah as in zero um but what so one one of the things I think so maybe what we what we could do today and expect you know the fact that we only have limited time is maybe look at this list and decide what we could combine and then get a hard number um right now we're at 25 um or 26 and 27 27 now with with the Cherry cook off but that obvious want to combine with something so maybe we can combine some of these shrink the number down and then at our Workshop put Hard dates to them and at the same time start coming up with with estimated numbers of how much each each one of these is going to I think one thing that could really help um is if between now and the next one where we're going to sit down and put this together if the city can come up with um estimated like on these events do you need police do you need and like what a ballpark number would be yeah I was actually going and then like some of them then then we can think about you know we don't work with the city we don't know the codes and stuff but we can work on which ones would we ask for tickets which ones would be free to the public which ones do we think would be you know we can work on that side um where the city can put together basic numbers on which ones need inspectors which ones need police which one need uh water um yeah yeah the staff go through this list of events and and maybe rank them low low to no cost medium cost high cost some based on I mean I you can't really or just you this one needs police this one needs um inspections right so we have just some kind of a ballpark so when we go to start scheduling then we can say all right we need extra sponsorships for this one so we might want to put that in a later to make sure we have the funds that have come in because when we start off we might get more sponsorships especially from the business expo and the meet and greet sh some of the the lowest cost stuff up front front right which starts the engagement whatever and then we we might get some money come in along the way so that way you know we can do what we can do and the city can do it can do um to let us give us an idea of what we're looking at so we know how to go forward when we set it on the calendar next time Sher when was the next um or when was it the market that you said you were they were doing for the Chamber of Commerce that's OCT oober 6 October 6th well we have the sponsorship packet by that time it's ready to go for the most ready soon as Council not just a logo we agreed that we wanted to attach the event list so the sponsors can see that that's but if we can just start with that start with something so that we could have October 6 actually have a booth have people want to do volunteering and signing signing up and of course sponsorship why don't we just put a sponsorships package out there for title sponsorships presenting and title sponsorships rather than event sponsorships and leave those yeah we could have a list is a list of possible events what are you interested in and then we could see and then that's another thing too if they say well I want to do the golf cart parade and that was something that we were iffy on well there's a sponsorship for that one so it's something but we got to get going because this yeah we're gon time yeah and like let's say for the just an idea like the business expo adves they're donating the space but how about the days that we want it they're not available well then we're going to have to pay for a space for that you understand so I just I'm afraid that we keep letting it go and we don't Reserve time frames either and then it's getting it too close so we have to think of what are we doing now that's what I think we all put you know what the city knows they put their information in we put our information in we come together next time and we just solidify this L yeah no definitely I think we need to come out of the October first meeting with with a pretty set schedule yeah doesn't have to be perfect but at least an idea the rest of tonight I think we can just sit down and look at the list and see what can be combined yeah I have an idea but next time we need to have a basic number of some sort or at least an idea oh go ahead I can tell you I can tell you now all your all your indoor events are going to be much more less expensive than your outdoor events any of your outdoor events are going to evolve you know involve Emergency Services police um you know probably you know rental rental equipment um photes things like that um or organization with City staff inspections things like that setting up so all your outdoor events are going to be much more your bowling your bowling event is going to be next to nothing because you're not going to need EMS or whatnot you're you're you're bowling within that facility that facility has its own you know insurance and coverage you're holding you know they hold bowling bowling events and stuff like that all the time your golf scramble same thing whatever facility you're holding at the golf scramble at whatever you know local um they also have their own insurance and coverage for that so that's that's something that's going to be minimal on our end the other events like you know even a car show if we hold the car show all depending if we we ask Walmart for their facility or we ask we ask golu Square Mall we're still going to have to provide you know anything for that outdoor event so it's your outdoor events going to cost more than anything anything to do with VES same thing VES VES has insurance and whatnot that is going to accommodate for any event that they put on so you know they do this all the time so whatever whatever we're paying money towards you know or whatever we're going to hold that going to be covered under their blanket under their building under their facility so that's that's something you know for you to think about as far as generalization anything outdoor is going to cost more than anything indoor that's where the city can really provide those numbers can I just make a suggestion that we take off the Easter egg hunt and the only reason why I say that is because light of the world Tabernacle already does an event at the park um that police and fire are involved in and they do it every year so I don't think that it should be part of the Centennial because that's their thing that they do with the Easter eggs and they give out like um school supplies and backpacks and things to the community so maybe we could consider taking that off of one of the events just because we don't want to take away from their event I think when we when we brought that up was it we were gonna kind of work with those guys on that that event children's event yeah we can amplify it you know U work with them you know that in the primary um primary of that event and then just us amplifying and making it bigger for them so that's something we can do as opposed to not not including it in the list but maybe like amplifying it whatever yeah I think we could benefit yeah right just saying it not as far as being like a cost to the city right because that's really their event so yeah be good I think they they have fire police out there for that then anyway yeah you know some of these events like the circus a type event you know there's there's companies that do that go around they charge tickets or whatever you know we just set up a date with them and see if they can come out they actually put it on they you know we we couple with them so I mean there probably low cost and stuff like that it's an opportunity for you know them to make money as well I suggest combining the car show in the food truck tonight I think it would bring more people to the car show if there was food and you guys talk about combining food events I think that would be kind of cool car show and F that's a great idea which one and yeah everyone okay that that makes sense to me the um we just we were originally talking about food truck night with the taste Port Richie IDE um most yours are going to be out from outside the area we really want to highlight the people food within the city okay we want we want to combine number three and eight fishing T and the rata how long is the rato would actually last how long would that like like from start to finish how long would I've never been part of what I'm just asking we put that as part of the field day yes was part of the field day yeah we talk about the boat parade yeah we're GNA do the boat parade after the we got it okay we don't have a B on here yet I have a logistics question on the fishing tournament is it is it onshore or offshore because kids fishing tournaments that I've gone to where they they just fish off the you know off the pier or dog or is this going to be like an adult fishing tournament go out in your boat a lot of times seen I would I would say probably be an inore type tournament where you I don't know if you if they do the inore slam or whatever and they I've not been a part of one there there's folks um inun does I think Chad actually is part of the group that does that um I think it's open for discussion how it's organized and what's you that's what I'm saying I I don't know if it's more of a kid style or adult style you probably have that component of it even they stand on a pier or is it then you don't have the boat problem with the police out on the water yeah or is it going to be a fishing tournament go out and we'll see you in three hours you don't want you don't want to create a nightmare traffic situation out of the water either with the because if you know get kayaks canoes we really don't want lot of boat traffic going on I'm sorry oh wait apiz I just I just thought I just thought of something too um everything water related we're going from February to may may um it's GNA have to be really close to April because anything before that is going to be quite cold great group fishing huh great group of fishing I don't think you're gonna have many people do a regot in February or or you know February or March I'm just saying right I just want to keep that in mind that any water related thing it's going to be pretty cold during those months especially in the water we had said the fishing tournament to be possible after it may after the kickoff parade so I don't know if maybe that's a thing yeah so maybe like s said combining you don't want a combiner either but the only thing with the fishing tournament it's usually early the day most people fish early get bait out and you have to also look at the tides um it's got to be the day with an early tide or early high tide it's the best fishing yeah we had the fishing tournament on April 26th Saturday April 26th yeah we can look at tides and see if that would work so we have to get all this information and then next time when we meet we'll have it again is that offshore or in or from the pier we might want to do a combination where we have peer fishing and well the peers could be kids and and the other could be the adults too so we could combine it and then have the way in at the pier that's more of like when we get down to the committee part the the small committees to make all those decisions right okay it seem centralized location forer fishing where would that be if you're GNA have a a fishing contest in A centralized location the fishing tournament would be boats but if we're talking about having a you guys are fishing tournament we don't have we don't have a pier it's a board block right there um at the park there where the boat ramp is that's not a fishing that's to get on off your boat it's a yeah right so offshore it is so I mean you would have a a centralized place but you could you could there's Place places of fish along the area that you could include if people want to catch something and include it or whatever again I don't know but generally I the thing the original thought was was a boat fishing tournament okay might have to be well it seem it seems like we we we keep circling back to when stuff gets scheduled and all that and maybe it would be better if we waited until the workshop and just combin everything there when we actually have a account we're sticking stuff we can move it around it's just it's very difficult to facilitate this was just a list in front of us that we're not all moving around maybe we could make a a collection of what we're going to bring to that Workshop based on what we discovered today of the information that we need the information from the city Tides things like that on resources so that we know what we have to contend with as we did you say Tides Tides I can pull that up on my phone I mean so we have that 11:47 is I'll look it up yeah we we can um you need like8 o'clock high tide or something I mean I think just just take the list in between now and the first and be thinking about um you know maybe create your own time become come prepared to to collaborate on that so we can kind of has that out and if if you if you want to think about how you would combine things bring that data we each do that and and just collaborate on it and see how it flushes out I think once once we get that calendar in front of us and we've got these events we start moving around it'll really start flowing and it make sense I'll get those to Ashley um by the end of the week and that way they're out there maybe not today no that's fine but maybe I won't look at it today anyways okay do that that sound fair is there any further discussion on the on the event list that we should take up the other question sorry um was um should we talk about the event place for each of these at the same time the location a good idea an idea because that would really help with the cost part yeah well some of these already have like set locations we golf screen what gol obviously right so there's mean and well that's great information for people to bring back to the workshop our yes think about different venes you if you got obviously venues in mind bring those as well um I don't know that we necessarily have to set that that night no but it would be a good idea we know some of these like the V stuff is G be a VES so um maybe if you could I guess you have a contact of V is yes maybe if you can get there that and our day time frame what they have available now so maybe we can potentially lock that in as early as possible for those if we and there was one that about the Walmart parking lot maybe check with them that as well something like going be pretty flexible with that right but they might have dates they can't do um I don't maybe the for the stuff at Waterfront Park or whatever if I guess the church has probably got some events during a time frame like the Easter thing or whatever ever if we can maybe bring that so we know what what available is there as we start moving stuff around we make sure we don't go over top of something somebody has planned yeah I don't know like she's got events there first Sunday of the month uh I don't think the church has submitted anything for that far in advance yeah um as we move forward we can definitely reach out to them and let them know okay what we're planning so that um especially like the you know Easter egg hunt something like that so we can hopefully get a you know get a date from them and we can lock in did you have something else you GNA so when you asked this you know for the city to look into it what do we what are you specifically asking because does it need police does it need fire does it need EMS um does it need inspections right you know those things that we don't know the codes of what is required like something that would cause like a code enforcement type thing in other words if I'm going to park 20 food trucks on Walmart's parking in Walmart's Park work lot what's required of person for yeah yeah well I think we can you know by our next meeting I think we can do U we can I'd have to consult with the city manager and Adam um you know and probably some of the other departments and go through this list and tell you where if it's either going to be a minimum or you know a higher cost and list what those things would need for each event so then we can we can discuss that at the workshop yeah if you guys because like I said about that you know the golf scramble once again you're going to be doing it at a at a local uh golf club so you're not going to need EMS Port Richie EMS or Port Richie police at that you know your bowling tournament same thing but it would also help us decide which ones we really ought to combine those two because we can use the EMS and everybody at that one at one event but you know and like for instance the pbd You Got Talent we need to decide where that's going to be so then we can decide who we're going to need for that right um You you meet your local government that can very well be here at City Hall Once you once again very minimal you know um so we can look through that list and come up with some sort of you know idea so that we can discuss that at the workshop and logistically you know that's important from my function here doing something within the City versus within the county there's some differentials there for being I as far as the using the food structs as an example I just have to know that they're they're up to an inspection by Florida um Department of hotels and restaurants if they're not they're going to visit anyway and they're still going to clear the trucks anyway before the event but I don't know whether the city has certain things that needs to be done it all depends where we hold the event so if we're you know if if we're going to be doing it at like let whatever we do at Waterfront Park you know the city has to be you know deeply involved because it being city property um you know it's being uh we have to get we have to get fct permission and submit those dates before we do the events so the the state is involved because we we built that property up with grand dollars so there's more steps with Waterfront Park as opposed to other locations and we combine it with the the car show right it's much much easier across the board right especially when it comes to parking and everything else I think that's a great combination um because cars and food go together beautifully and then it's all level I don't have to deal with the people that have to friers and all that kind of stuff it's level out you know once again if you're doing the car show at Walmart or or gol VI Square because I know I think G Square Mall is doing a car show this weekend so they've already obviously have already done them before as well um you know once again you know will you need probably some minimal um police or EMS oversight yes but not not as much as other areas or other events so once again we we can go through this list and give you a better understanding of what's each of them are going to entail remind about Waterfront Park that anything that's generating money there has to be reported to State as well so we need to make sure that that's being tracked accordingly too okay can we safely say then that anything that is going to be held in a city property that that's where we going to have to put our funds to it the city has to put their funds towards it more than other location I would say more yeah definitely more than anything else any of these parades are going to be gonna cost money they're going to cost money as well right C limits and stuff okay because you know the golf cart parade or you know you know the boat you know Boat Parade you're either have police under water like Adam pointed out or you're gonna have to have police um you know escorting the golf carts as they you know as they go through the city you know so you know but once again we can come up with a you know high rank you know high low medium ranking you know by our Workshop okay else in events motion toour oh do that any old business on any other items you guys want to discuss no okay have to most second all favor I saying I need