##VIDEO ID:G-G6O6lBLGU## okay City Rich Comm Redevelopment AC board meeting Tuesday January 14 2025 like St pledgees indiv andice M cler I have Ro please chairman John Eric Hoover here Vice chairwoman Linda Rodriguez here member David Mueller here member Robert hubard here member Lisa Burke here City attorney Nancy Meyer here city manager Matthew coppler here thank you uh next up we got two sets of board minutes for motion for October 22nd CRA meeting minutes three oh there's three I'm sorry thank you 10 any motion for the first set 1022 2024 motion to approve the October 22nd 2024 CRA meeting minutes second I got Dave second uh first second uh any further discussion all in favor 65 saying I I opposed motion carries I need a motion for November 12th motion to approve November 12 2024 CR meeting minutes second have motion second forther discussion all in favor 65 by saying I I opposed motion carries and finally November 26 2024 motion approved November 26 2024 second have motion second for discussion all in favor 65 saying I I oppos motion carries uh next up comments from the general public I don't have anybody sitting out there nobody online I believe right so bring back to uh coms State manager pass Matt C for your comments the only thing is that uh I've almost got the RFP for the branding way finding project complete and uh probably sometime in the next couple weeks we will actually be putting that out to uh the street to uh begin the process okay anything else okay moving on comments from the board I'll start my rights time member Hub yeah I have H something's come to my attention with the uh grant program we have with the residential commercial grant program there's and there a stipulation of requiring three quotes from three different businesses and that can hinder some some people work I don't see the reason for it um we're not telling them who to pick we just want to make sure that the the who's doing it the qualified licensed person to do whatever job needs to be done so you're asking citizens to go out and get three bids and it's kind of a waste of time for the professionals not do that you're not going to get the job anyway and there's also such as that Tru and stuff there's not three contractors could even do some of the work that need to get done so then now they don't qualify with that stipulation in there so I just asking is there any reason I could be wrong is there any reason why we need to have three bids on this application when it's not necessary that I can see so um I've often wondered that myself and I was actually mention it to Matt today um there may be I'll let youl say the same thing I said to you you know all I know is that the city's always required it going back what that reason is I have no idea I'd have to do research yeah I I would assume the reasoning would be that the city would you get you get three bids and the city would only pay you based on the low that's not the way it's Min like an insurance comp so that being said is very similar to the the the thing that we had in there about um you had to prove that you weren't poverty level um as well we took that out so I think I don't know what the consensus is but I in my opinion why do we ask for it if it's not necessary so right now if you get U say window bids you can get a bid for $8,000 on the set of Windows and $50,000 you're still giv them $5,000 it really doesn't matter to us as long as the people are qualified and uh you know the client you know the residents getting what they want we're just assisting in that so it would be easier maybe for you also to eliminate this so I I think when you're thinking about this you got to think of it we're giving you $5,000 but we're still spending $5,000 we're required to have three bids to to do anything so it doesn't necessarily mean you have to have three bids if you can't find three window people you can't find window people you're still government money and you have to follow the purchasing that's why I'm assuming that's why guidelines in there I'm not sure I would change that um you know if you can't find three bids you can't find three bids we go out for bid and we don't get three bid sometimes and you can roll with that but I mean that's that's what that's what Matt had basically stated that let me ask this question what's our threshold here for bids 25 well not for bids 2500 requires three quotes three quotes for anything spend over 2500 so that's our internal policy Y and that's that's St and that's all we're doing is that's State and it goes to B if it's over 25,000 yeah between how manyoun build water plants there that many companies in the area that build water plants like we're getting done we build water plant well those go out to bid because that's way more money over 25,000 goes to bid all right bid process so 2500 to 25,000 is three quotes So in order for them to receive money they they they don't qualify unless they put in through by the government is it our our policy or is it a state policy or we we mirror the purchasing policy of the State of Florida and that's what we're trying to make sure we follow going forward it's not it would I think it would you know be a bad precedent to say hey just go out you know because you could get your brother and you know to do it and you could have probably got it for 3,000 I don't I don't know that's the reason why we we have the policy here but it doesn't hurt anything so if you can't find three bids you can come back you're not GNA be disqualified from it as long as you tried to get three bits state of city of lgo my son got a roof and he got Windows their qualifications was that's got to be a a contractor within the city of limits or within panel's County I'm sorry within panel's County and they didn't get three bids he they gave him the choice of companies to use he got money which ones that he liked and he picked it and they paid for it as long as he stays in the house for 25 years and two I me yeah so there's there going be stringent things I don't think that's too stringent to ask for three three contract and it doesn't and it doesn't say in there I don't think in our policy it doesn't state that you have to pick the lowest price one it has to make sense on what you're spending on so like you think you're getting a little bit more from this and a little less from this you you can go with the middle I mean you're you're not required to pick the lowest Even in our situation but I would I would keep it at three it's it's like we just had a a thatch roof put on on a commercial building and there's not three companies that do that work in the area qualify I think if we could find out if it's if we have to do that I am I I will do research but sitting here just listening I would I would agree um with what the finance manager has said because you're you're you're you're mimicking your code which requires the city to do that and this is City money being handed out to somebody so I would I would say it's that that'd be the best practices whether you legally have to I'd have to research it it's also good personal practice I mean I I had a little work done and I got three bids and I one bid was 5,000 and literally one bid was 10,000 for the same thing of course I did go with the lower bid but but I mean so you could I mean it's good practice to get one I don't think it says in there that you're required to have three bids you don't get anything so if you come and you say hey I want this you have you have it says you have to get three bids but again if you come back and they can prove that that again it's a specialized whatever and there's only one company I mean it's basically what we do internally right I mean if there's only one company that does that can we put on there maybe in parentheses in case of a special request or whatever but but I think you know we're we're assuming everything is over 5,000 in cost where you know 5,000 is 5,000 from our perspective but for those those things that are less than 5,000 if if they came in and you know again we knew that you could get that for 2500 and they say nope I only could get this one bid for 8,000 right well we know you can get this for this price then then we're giving 5,000 when we could pay 3500 but you you can't tell them you got to use the contractors it's going to charge you $ 2500 if they want the $88,000 contractor there's nothing nobody saying can't do that what we're saying is you come back with three bids this is what you want I mean you you've done your due diligence at this point you've done exactly what we would do if we could only find two people that do that we we want do with $88,500 Bill we could do that too but I think when you start taking that that that uh that policy away it you're going to get people that's going to say hey this is a $5,000 job but my brother's going to do it for 2500 and you got you got $5,000 I mean so I I think that we should keep it we should mirror what we do here because it is government money and even though we give it to you we still spend so we need to follow those rules if they don't have three contractors maybe we have specialized exception maybe yeah absolutely come he's I think he can almost do anything he wants as far as like saying hey you try to get three bids you only got one well you know I'll still give you 5,000 I'm pretty sure he can do that that makes sense right right that it y member mu good member uh Burke Vice chair Rodriguez I'm good thank you very much um I don't have anything but I forgot to say something last me and I want you all to have this on your calendars or whatever in um I can okay the um obviously with the appropriation process whatever our lobbyist Mike Moore um would would like whoever can to come up to Tallahassee to meet with legislators or whatever um traditionally there's a a legislative action days conference that happens and it's March 24th to 26 of this year now that's a very busy time that's when all the I that's when FL League cities and all their people go up there and so what Mike has suggested is that we look at that week before that um which would be see get count here Mar so March 24th the last week it' be the third week which and we actually that fourth week we have Council on 25th too so that causes the issue there so if we were going to do that we'd have to possibly look at doing something with Council meeting uh but if we go the week before which is the 17th through the 21st not the whole week he was saying that probably Tuesday and Wednesday the 18th and 19th would be the days he would set up meetings or whatever and we can kind of arrange um ivly I'll go for sure but obviously the more of you all can attend that the better um I can tell you last year when when Newport Richie went up there the entire Council was there so it makes a makes a difference FaceTime with these folks and and but I I'll definitely be there to represent but I want to make sure you guys had it in your calendar in case you was able to do that and we can swing it like we drive up that morning we could even probably carpol um we probably to stay at least one night there I do have one question where does this fall with budget we don't have this much in budget no we've got training budget in there but like is it like $66,000 the year 6500 or something somewhere don't remember the exact number right now again it's it's I'm just asking we always ask for Budget where we we fight over two cents sometimes so I'm just bringing that up is that it's it's we've got five Appropriations to the tune of how many millions of dollars that's over 10 million easily so um it might be worth blowing that budget out by a couple thousand dollars a chance of picking up several M I'm not disre I just wanted to bring that up because we always talk about budget there's other there's other areas of flux right right and you know we're we're running without a police chief for how many period of time those things add up to a benefit and there's other puts and takes so if you're talking just a a couple of thousand bucks you're really like I said it's I just wanted to put it out there so you guys were aware of it um if we don't want to like I said Thank Matt going to go and I'm going to go for sure we need to definitely have us there um but um I would like for you guys if you can make it up there and like said we can talk about ways to um he's going to let me know but he's he's recommending probably the 18th 19th 20th the middle middle of March that week there the 17th and 21st and he tried to schedule on the on I think the 18th or 19th he said we're good days so we kind of figure it out I just want to does mark your calendars we talk about it later um but uh it it's a it's very educational to to see that process and to meet with but from our standpoint we're asking for several million dollars and if we could make a united front there that we're there to to ask for that it means something legislators um and you know it's it's unfortunate that's kind of the way business gets done so as well put that up there so sorry had to bring that up last last meeting but um that's all I have um so moving to uh next up is Board of business it two RFP for CRA land not meeting the PC plan obje pass it m cup for introduction so we did the uh RFP for the property is adjacent to um address here uh the Betty Street property owned by uh dapne St John um after 30 days it was uh opened up and we received received one offer of $2500 from dapne Elaine St John based on what was submitted we are recommending that uh the board board uh approve this purchase okay motion to approve the proposal from second have motion second any further discussion any public like to speak see bring it back for a vote all in favor 65 saying I I opposed motion carries that's all board business and we have old business any discussion of old business if there's none I will pass it to member or vice chair Rodriguez for her motion second motion second all in favor say I say I I I