##VIDEO ID:azKX10LTwKc## bu find for Richie community redevelopment agcy board meeting Tuesday September 10th 2024 stand for [Music] pledge I pledge to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all Madam cler I have Ro please chairman John Eric coover here Vice chairwoman Linda Rodriguez here member Dave David Mueller here member Robert Hub here member Lisa Burke here City attorney Nancy Meyer here city manager Matthew CPP here thank you um again no board minutes to approve so moving on to comments from from the general public I have no signups up here so if there's show hands any would like to speak hands bring it back uh comments from the city manager pass to Mr C for his comments no comments than thank you sir moving on to the board I'll pass along to let's go to my left this time with councilwoman or sorry member Burke nothing thank you Vice chair Rodriguez I'm right now thank you sir member Hub at this time mu I'm okay I'm okay as well so moving along to our agenda uh first time board business item number one discussion to schedule and advertise upcoming quarterly CRA meeting dates I'll pass that to Mr C for introduction it's going way too fast I'm just slow down here for a second again uh we're looking to uh schedule and advertise the dates for the quarterly CRA meeting as required by the C them [Music] on motion to approve the quarterly me motion second further discussion any public comment show hands bring it back for a vote all in favor 65 saying I I oppos Mo carries it number two discussion of fisc year 20242 PRC budget I pass for intruction so at uh the first public hearing we uh had a little discussion on the CRA budget um promised that you would have a budget Workshop to discuss this and said tonight would be the night to do that as you know trying to scroll down here uh we prepared a budget and presented one that's balanced at 4,900 $2,317 based upon the Plan update we included within this significant reinvestment into roads Parks sidewalks as well as uh looking at uh hiring a position within uh for this which would be the CRA coordinator resiliency coordinator for the city so here's your opportunity if you see anything in there you don't like make changes to now's what one thing uh there will be an amendment to this because the way that we are going to achieve the the savings that uh you would that we need to do for the general fund was to uh reduce what the general funds payment to the C is going to be and and uh we had put in there originally I think at $700,000 as the amount of money went general fund into this we're going reducing that down around 687 that's how we're going to rece reduce that cost to lower the mill rate for general fund will have an impact on this um but again we'll still be funding it at a level is probably higher than what the current funding which is at 694,000 has change any discussion I kind of want to go over I know the council in total voted to decrease the millage rate to the previous year and of course um I don't want to increase taxes I wanted to keep them the same so I just wanted to share um I got this information from the city on what the increase would be if we kept the millage the same not decrease it same 653 to roll back 653 yes and I have the 653 from last year what it would be this year and the roll back so for $100,000 according to a home value so for $100,000 home for the 635 it was $635 for the 653 it was 653 it would be an increase of $15 to the homeowner for a $3,000 home the millage would be $195 the roll back would be 1,913 so a slight increase not a lot um for FY 24 at 6.53 would be 1,959 it would be increase to the homeowner of $46 for a $500,000 home um FY 23 at 6.35 is 3,175 the roll back would be 6,189 again a slight increase not a lot FY 23 at 6.53 is 3,2 65 so if we kept the millage the same for that we were last year not increasing the increase for a $500,000 home to the homeowner would be $76 for the year my concern is we roll it back and then next year we have to not only increase it what we rolled it back but we have to increase it more we're all paying more for potatoes we're paying more for electric we're paying more for gas the city is paying more as well they're they're they're not stuck in a Time Warp their their expenses are also increasing I don't want to increase taxes I understand what you said to me prior to the taxes are going up due to the reassessment of the homes but I would like us to reconsider and keep it the exact same not increase our millage and and and do what's right by the city because we need the money we want roads our res need roads they need Waters they they we have so many high price items that need to be dealt with in the city and I understand the the rationale behind it I do understand that but I think our residents at a $3,000 home $46 more to get more roads or water or something like that and out of my tax bill out of my $1,400 tax bill only $327 goes to the city so um I would just like us to reconsider that because I think I I really don't want to increase taxes twice as much next year because we're C with our pants down because we've we cut our nose off despite ourt copies that I can ask them to make copies for you absolutely this was had this was I asked um Mr coppler to give this to me so that I didn't make up my own numbers so this was provided to me so I can absolutely ask them to give this so I I know we're in a CRA meeting but does that make sense in a CRA meeting or should we defer this until the bud second budget hearing we can but I just didn't want it to go under unsaid because we are talking about budget we're talking about the millage here so I just wanted to bring that up now and I planned on bringing it up at that meeting as well but I just received this information today so I didn't want to just sit on it I felt you deserved the same information that I have I mean this is not a secret this is not a secret societ I wanted to put it out there so that you all had the same that information should have been shared as well well I just received it tonight I'm saying I just asked the question and I just got the answer so right right app so so from a CRA perspective let's say that there was entertainment to change or whatever what would happen is is that would be re adjusted to what you had before right $12,000 higher y right um if we went to 653 you wouldn't put more in here that would be something a general fund it would so from a c perspective it's no impact other than it's either $112,000 less or $112,000 more from where we're or keep it the same keep it the same as it was right now he's he's adjusted $12,000 lower to accomodate this the difference between 63 782 right so From perspective that's all we need to know everything else happens on the other side and and the impact on this particular fund you know that amount of money is negligible because you know you see you have a lot of money that we have in there that we're not really using anyways it's not going to have an impact today so just a general comment since we're talking about it now on the on lowering it um to and then possibly raising it double next year correct so again total speculative information where we'll be at next year again that all depends on a lot of lot of variables of what happens if properties change hands what they are um what development happens and all these things so there's there's there's an engine that's it's moving right and so the economy could fall out this year and we'd have you know it'd be a roll up position because you know the valuations decrease whatever so there's things that can happen that actually fluctuate but just on the on the pure fact that you if you if you talk about lowering so if you're paying $2 for a gallon of milk now right and you you lower it to $1 for this year you're saving a dollar on your gall of milk you know you're buying but next year if you have to you have to jack it up if you would if you left at two you still got to go to three you lowered it to one you're making a you're so you're you're having a year at lower cost so that's never a bad thing in my opinion that I don't understand the argument I guess if you give reprieve here if we have to if we have to make it up next year we pick it up much and if we have to do that then that's it's still there was a year of good times so if if we but if we if we if we do our play our cards right the goal would be is to not take it past 635 going forward unless we absolutely needed to so that's that's the rationale gu so if we if we gamble a little bit here and again it's not gamble it's the budget is balanced at 6372 is a roll back um it's just a small $112,000 difference again from a from a $100,000 property $1,000 property $300,000 property you know 1575 um dollars that's not a lot of money from an individual perspective and as a city whole it's not I think we looked at the difference between the the 653 and a roll back was 60 Grand 80 grand I think so you know not not astronomical amount of money either we' be able to do anything with but it obviously everything helps so anything we take in is obviously something we can use but again people's pockets are sensitive and you know $75 a year while may not sound like much on $300,000 home you know we don't have we've also got people with half million dollar homes million dollar homes and they just continues to escalate and those people that are paying for the million dollar homes they're really shoulders some taxes and businesses and and stuff so um it makes a difference and it's uh you know one thing if we absolutely needed it but as we went through the budget process obviously we we're balanced and we're we're doing well U we're we're engaging in um uh lobbyist to try to get some more money coming in via the preparation process we um we're looking at development and stuff like that there's a lot of things going on that we could really be in a transformational state of money coming in where we wouldn't have to pickpocket the residents but I appreciate your points and ab we'll talk about those in the next meeting when we we go to do that second hearing one other thing too I believe there's some properties that are still floating around that are going to get onto the tax roles that aren't reflected in the number that Matt's been given by the county I know the keys some of those should be coming on and they weren't in the initial pass where not all right so there's a potential Revenue that's coming in that we don't have in the we haven't accounted for because we don't have enough yeah okay I know that I drive by it every day I'm aware it's favorability that yeah but it's not in but they're not in the tax roles for our budget this year but they will be yeah so there's a there's a windfall coming there too I just don't want to double the taxes next year and that's really goingon to hurt residents and I understand it's it's it's maybe it's a what if well it's a what if it's a possibility of a what if with everything the prices are going up dramatically we've got contract negotiations with our labor next year they're not going to ask for less money but and and again I don't have the argument now but obviously if you don't just just address your your point you don't want to double them next year but again if I'm taking $75 from you now and you had to pay 150 next year you're still G have to pay 75 now and 150 next year no 75 next year doubling 75 and 75 is if you keep it the same and you double it you're still going the same Your Mark is still the same I'm not going to arue next level right move on okay we'll talk about next next meeting I I'll put some numbers together go straight thank God anything else on budget motion or discussion um you indicated you indicated that you have uh this additional person that we're hiring I know in the past they had some issues with having labor is that going to be a concern at all no as long as it's direct again yeah yeah because again the function the main function is the administration of of the CRA the different programs that we're going to contemplating in that and I and I believe there's no city council um so I don't know why we're sitting here if we don't have city council there all to be some allocation going you're not city council here I you're the board oh okay well there used to be and they in the audit it had to be taken out okay so that was that was an audit fix okay um moving along we probably need to get a handle on the items that are being demoed I think that's maybe way too much I know there's four properties right now that are in that process and I'm believe they have 30 days to correct and you guys are working with them and yeah it's they're the advertising pH yeah pH right now uh but we also need to focus on the recovery of those leans as well and we're doing that [Music] right uh on the grant expenditures uh Department 38 we have $100,000 specified but I think want to get another 100K in there for commercial um and split that into another account 802 801 and 802 to effectively track uh commercial versus residential grants I know we didn't have any commercial this year because we're late getting the um procedures off the block so uh I'd like to see 100 Grand added for commercial businesses to help um Kickstart that and and move that forward forward if that's possible I I believe we got funds to add 100K in there it shouldn't be a problem um anybody got any concerns on that just need a consensus what was the uh the ask again so on paraphrase this really quick um for our community grant program we have $100,000 in there and I think this year the way it was set up was 50,000 was going to go to residential grants 50,000 on to go to commercial we didn't obviously get the uh commercial Grant up and running um so we actually transferring more money into the uh the residential but going next year what board member Muer is saying is that we should have 100,000 for the residential Grant 100,000 for the business grant so we just double our allocation P last year yeah and and try to I think we've had some success this year and I think I'd like to see the commercial businesses you know participate in this as well help them U and I think I think it's I can't recall was it five or 10 grand for them I think it might be 10 yeah it's it's more I think it's it's more yeah it's 10 right 20 up to 20 up to 20 20 multi M but is there like a sharing they have to spend 20 to get 20 kind of thing okay dollar for dollar okay as opposed to the residential right now it's you no match no matching you'll pay the first five and then the resident beyond that so anyway I'd like to see that added and you can split that into at a new account at 802 for commercial that way you can track them separately because they're that way it'll allow us to get our finger on that you don't want to mix apples and orang so so is any anyone opposed to increasing the commercial and residential $100,000 a [Music] piece and it certainly is needed okay objections have your consensus uh let's see we're I'm on page 27 um on the capital outway we're looking at potentially buying land 800k in Road improvements 500k in park um Park improvements no 300K in park improvements and then sidewalk con 500 Parks yeah I can't read across this line hold [Music] on yeah sidewalk is 300 road is by total of 2.1 mil um 800 800 for roads 500 forch 800 for roads excuse me Dave where are you 27 or 23 [Music] which I'm using my notes from the last one since it didn't change all my notes we're trying to follow you that's all 23 or 30 in the present one just and do we know have any Targets for the land that we're looking to buy uh not right now no again because cuz I got some ideas and I think I share okay um that's all I have there good discussion the account is finished a motion motion to approve uh C budget for fiscal year 2020 no we don't we don't need this is the budget Workshop oh work okay so the only change that was made was adding the 100,000 so when we get to the uh next public hearing that's what I do then we'll we'll make the amendment to include that and then okay my apologies so any other discussion on item number two moving right along it number three community redevelopment agenc the commercial Grant I'll pass that to Mr C for introduction so we we had this conversation uh previous at a previous meeting regarding the business uh version of the community grants program grants uh the homework was that if you had any uh recommended changes to this to let me know didn't get any of those so I figured we we need to have another conversation to make sure that there are no other ideas out there for uh this we can get it finalize so we can be up and running questions on it I'd like good um one thing I noticed that when we first brought this up on the on 37 of this of of three of six of this in the middle of the pages we welcome all improvements however maintenance issues resulting from neglect will not be eligible for grant funding and I think the majority of the grant is for neglect so I think maybe that needs to be taken out that's my opin and I think I would like to go for the we're not talking about residential but I think for both projects go one year instead of two years if people are going to make improvements sometimes they can't do it all in one and and if you want if you do the five 5,000 for years they can't do anything for well this it's more than that for the for the um commercial commercial thank you um so I really would like to do it one year and and let the business I mean we know 19 is a big problem and and takes a lot of money to improve this and I would like to do it give them if they want to make the improvements I'd like to do it every year that's that was my two suggestions so you want to remove the requirement that you have to wait two years correct like like do one year well would it would it probably best way to say that is is the way that we need to think about this is as a program year okay so you you authorize is the board each year of the program in this case you know this program would be F school year 2425 program year and so we would word that in some way to say that you know take out any barrier where you'd have to wait you know another program year or two program years you do it the following program year so if the business owner has is only going to do well it's the maximum Grant of 10,000 for a single unit so let's say they're only going to do $5,000 of improvement at the beginning of the um of the year but then they want to do another 5,000 six months later because can they not do that they have to it has to be all applied for at one time is that correct that's that's typically how because we want this all to be you knowed up front to be because the issue the issue becomes especially in the commercial side is that that you know if we we're not approving it all as one money could get resent or something that could have been caught if they you know had a plan going forward I know we talked about that on the residential side CH that's still no that's still two years I and I really would like to make that one year because people can't afford everything in one year I thought years I thought in that discussion that we'd let them spend to the 5,000 and threshold if they didn't spend it all in the first year they could reach I didn't bring the packet with me I'm sorry I don't I didn't bring the packet I I had read it and went through it and I did because I knew we were discussing this one I didn't bring my my residential one but for this one I I really think we need to decrease into one year so that we can get our businesses up to park so and give them help and just as Devil's Advocate and I I don't disagree with what you're saying at all but I think you got levers in this right and I think that's a lever because you don't have a limited fund that you can disperse so if you if you you tie a time frame to it it helps distribute that grand money across to so you don't have a you don't have a focused group spending all the money and then as somebody comes along it's it's all gone because every year it's come back and get another 10 or five whatever the case may be what was it five for the yeah five for the residential 10 10 to 20 for here and we only funding at $100,000 on each program it go very quick quickly I think that's that's the only bad part of redu into a year is because a very select few will capitalize on that and then other people won't be able to so again it's I don't disagree with you're saying obviously but if you want to try to ideally what you like to have in a program like this is that you never run out of money and people are getting benefit right so I know and just as example another lever that we that we took out was the match portion on the residential side and so now you can just come in no matter you know you can be a gazillionaire and you can get $5,000 you know that you know somebody who is in poverty saving up to try to do that they've got all these people that are just coming in there and getting that $5,000 and then they run out of money and they they can't get it because you know there was no match on that side so you know we took that lever out and that honestly I think we saw an extreme we had to move money it was 50,000 we and we took 50,000 from the commercial side I think almost we moved 40 or something I think over so what's our spend 30 so we we is it about gone okay is our residential done no how much we got left roughly can you come up here please sry put you on spot just curious um off the top my head I think there's still probably pretty close to 30 left okay so we we basically were getting close to 50 but we haven't since we mve that 30 we haven't really I was the money I don't know if the money was ever moved there was nothing to move it's just in the same account yeah so really yeah that that's what I know there was a a rush to do a motion to to do that um we looked at it you know as you can see in the budget it's all in one item so there is really and Commercial couldn't access it because there's no program Place yeah so we had $100,000 in there total total spent 50 we got about 50 left 50 maybe a little bit more okay so that's carrying over next year right it [Music] just we just agreed up with allocation so yeah it's basically finless left over but so so that lever obviously I'm surprised we actually didn't use that quicker well it's a big improvement from previous years 10 people 5,000 they use full yeah I mean but in the past maybe two or three people a year only used it so it it's improved it's increased a lot which is wonderful because it needs to be used and there's you know the the thing I struggle with on on some of this too is that uh people that are have have the means to do this stuff um you know there's it's it's you replace a door I think right so you know somebody could get a new door out of it and then get people that maybe that we're really wanting to fix their place up or whatever they don't use it we need to we really need to kind of work with our building department to try to get people into this program to use it well as they have an infra right exactly Well here here's here's your here's your noov but here's some a grand opportunity to help you fix it so one one of one of the problems with the way that this is all crafted from my perspective and and again another places where we we use usually cdbg money to do this type of thing um with a lot more strings attached to it but but the problem that you have is that the people that that are are making use of this money right now have the money to do bigger projects right so this this may be um you know a $10,000 thing that they're going to do and they're going to save 5,000 because we're going to be giving them 5,000 the people that that you know can't afford a $10,000 project the 5,000 is not going to get the project done right and so what what you end up doing um if you want to you know get the money to where you know people that need it that that you know don't have the capacity you really have to look at a bigger project number I mean again $5,000 to replace a roof isn't going to replace a roof right um and so the people that can't afford the the $112,000 overall can't afford the $7,000 either um and so if if we really want to start targeting that we need to have a different concept for the program and and again it we can come up with that and it becomes need-based it becomes targeted D you know blighted properties um so it can be done but you know you're not you're not going to see for $5,000 the type of improvements that you're talking about just it's just not realistic because again people that that you know need a roof replace are going to have to come up with a portion of the money and they don't have that now so 5,000 isn't going to make that that big of a difference you know I have spoken to Veronica in the past about this when when I was inquiring about this and when there RS notices a violation they have Veronica has given them the P the the booklet for them to get whe the front door or the stoop or what you know whatever fit the um the violation in the past I've not spoken to her about it recently and she's gone already but but I know that I have spoken to her about that in the past and they have They carried them around in the truck and Mr Alexander would give them out or Veronica would give them out in the tast so um regarding they they should do that and they have in the past whether they do it every time I don't know of course but um I know that they have in the past and so let me just say that that you know this this thought is something that that you know in my at least in my thoughts is a thought and and again I kind of see it growing into the future not not the upcoming year one of the reasons why I believe we needed to have a coordinate is to be able to focus time on those type of of issues right because we are we are getting out of the easy administration of the grant into a more difficult more time consuming and it just doesn't make sense to jump into that when I know that from from a staff perspective that's a lot more time that you know our staff doesn't have to manage it adding this position puts us in a position to where we can start managing that I mean it's it's it's there's a lot of work that has to go into it um and so we build the competency and capacity to start doing that and so in the next year you would see us start to look at maybe a little larger grants for the targeted issues that that we're seeing but you just right now you don't we don't have the capacity to to manage something like that yeah it's a very valuable tool that Community needs no question would love to throw unlimited money at it to help some of our issues but the problem is as in all programs if you don't really think about how to put them together they get I don't say abused that's not a good word but you you understand I'm saying you know I mean I've purposely not used it because I have the wherewithal to do things and I you know I'd rather other people take advantage of that that that need um but I mean to be honest with you the the the drive is there to hey $5,000 don't to do any match I mean that's that's hard not to latch on that so that's that's and that's what my fear is is that if we if we loosen it up too much then it's going to be abused because it can be just my thoughts but but that being said I wish we could throw Millions we got to make sure that it's spread around appropriately that's well the thing is we have to start spending this money as well we can't we can't keep rolling over $4 million we're not supposed to we'll spend it so raising that would do that so you know but to Echo your point if you can utilize the 5,000 over a two-year period that accomplishes your goal I do like that and that way um somebody that starts into the process can only do 2500 this year and 2500 next year they're on track to do that right as opposed to if you've consumed all of the 5,000 then you've got to wait a year out to be able to enter the program again to allow other people to participate you're absolutely right let mean like doing gutters and Sage you might be able to afford a little bit of that now but then you can't do the your front door which is falling off the H and so I mean so absolutely I mean let it add up to 5,000 over twoyear period that would be more for people who can't afford things problem that you you're focused on I get that yeah yeah whatever the allocation is you should be able to achieve you shouldn't be penalized because you only did a$1 th000 project corre that you can't do you can't apply for $5,000 for another two years you should be able to apply for $4,000 within that right but assuming that there's funds avilable right of I mean you can't get I think that's I think that's a that's a much better compromise that's the way we compromise that's the way we change the residential side to address that with the commercial side and that was correct I mean these are Big projects and this helps them in a little way but can experience what up to 20,000 that that's that could be five people or five businesses and you're done and don't business it won't take long I don't know but I think this is it's a start it's a start we can always reevaluate it whether it be in the middle of the project and we can add money yeah we can always do that if we if we have another project that's for example that 500,000 for land if we're not going to buy land or nothing looks like we're going to spend it could move more money that direction I mean we're flexible and what that from a commercial standpoint I with bigger dollars and generally they would have more money to to do projects right maybe we find out that this this uh $50,000 100,000 what we just ch $100,000 bucket in there maybe that goes the first three months they realize maybe we need to actually look at this maybe maybe not 5050 maybe it's maybe it's a 25% match on so they pay 75 25 so find that good balance because it could very well go through this quick but which is a good thing as well because it's getting stuff done but it's a start yeah we can always add levers if needed to make it last longer spread out about the on page three of six in the middle of the page that's issues not that's I agree with that I mean this is all about who determines that well if you take it out nobody make differ nobody that makes the administration maybe a little easier and that's typically what we're trying to cover yeah exactly I agree take that out sense and then essentially try to rewrite the residential one to be able to you you can only consume the 5,000 over a twoyear period that's fair that's fair now there is something in here about after the improvements you got to maintain it for a certain time now that's definitely something we should definitely well that goes without saying I saw that good but we don't have any penalties you can't go take the money back I mean I don't know what the Mak them ineligible for future grants or something what's okay okay maybe that's what I know uh there was some conversation the last time regarding what the money could be used for what the money could be used for yeah comment if you want me go ahead no go ahead so two things I brought up about you know it kind of talks about business owner but then it specifies a building so just I want to make clarification if we want to exclude vacant lots that you're going to provide any any funding to help develop those sometimes vac lots have signs on them you could I mean if they're a commercial parking lot for existance you could redo that but specifically talks about building single entity single unit or multi-unit so I think the way it's written now excludes anybody that doesn't have a building that's first observation and maybe that's by Design I just want to point that out and the second thing I was going to bring up was on the eligible projects you go down the application the application has um it kind of combines them and I wonder if it shouldn't flow exactly how you have it in El projects down to the the costing there because I'll give you example there's two things that didn't carry over into the the form was restoration of facade system appearance and internal architectural changes I probably lump that into something down there and have like uh build out and aesthetic detailing or whatever but I think it' be better that that those items that are eligible flow directly as they are into the costing so one one thing that kind of dubils into an issue that that were questions were being asked about the residential um we we are getting some requests for elements of of things that we allow money to be spent for but it's not for the so forign example off fence right now you know you can utilize the residential brand to replace off fence um the question we received was what about don't want to replace the fence but I have a a the latch that opens the fence can money be used for that it's part of the fence but it's not you know I mean it's an element a small element of of the fence that has nothing to do with improving the the operation of it but not necessarily know the look of the fence another example is that a real example yes it is a real example another example uh we've got a request put uh the uh gutter guards on E you know again it doesn't do anything in terms of of look or provement that does make maintenance easier for maintenance I guess that you know these are things that you I don't think we're ever contemplated as that but now as people you know see that we have this money available and they want to make use of it they want to you know upgrade what the ability is now that's something that I can see also happening in us getting into with businesses as well that these are going to be things that maybe aren't addressing what the goals of the program which are to the look St all this other stuff it just makes operations easy that's the question that we're we're not coming back to you all the time because we haven't thought through it but it's really these ancillary ancillary things that don't really affect how it looks or improve you know from Slumber blight but would make operations easier you know just from a legal question so I make notes over here so obviously you're you're restricted on what you can spend stuff on from a CR perspective right my note so this is this would be somewhat of a pass through right so if somebody wants to replace the their door hitch or whatever on their fence fence hitch whatever is this are we putting oursel if we allow that we be putting oursel up for some problems your your goal is to fix BL fix BL so if you're if you can argue that what you're providing is accomplishing that then you have an argument right if it's not if changing a lock does improve the sumon blight issue at that location then that probably would not be the best use of C money yeah I think it come back on if the latch was gate and that was falling down because the latch wasn't would work different conversation but if it just doesn't fast right but if the whole thing's falling down because the latch holds it up that's another the way I would look at that is you know the gate is failing replace the gate this part of replacing the gate you're putting on this new mechanism that latches it no problem with it but if all you're doing is changing latching mechanism that right and and here's the here's the problem and I use the door example again I want a new door hurricane rated door my door looks fine it's you know and technically I can do that with she my not is here to talk to Matt about tomorrow um listening to the conversation of what what's been asked before and what how things are working the purpose of this is to defeat slum and Blade is to help improve so we need to somehow have a mechanism which is what Matt said you get someone that can spend time to work with us to know that's where the money's going if the money if $5,000 is going to someone to I don't know what they're asking to do with these things but it's not it's not focused on slum and BL your CRA money is not going where it's supposed to be going and that can be a problem there needs to be a mechanism to make sure it says the right things right you can replace your fence so you assume a broken down fence that would fit in assuming they're within the CRA te um um territory for the city but you know I don't think anyone maybe code enforcement is checking that I think we mentioned code enforcement checks some other stuff so we just need to make sure there's a mechanism in place that the money is being spent the correct way roof's a big thing right and windows and doors all these things are they really Su light but they're getting replaced in this money it's concern why a Coordinator would be outstanding because that that's a full-time job probably right I think the devil's in the details with some of these things where you can make the argument you know a replacement of window um you know using cdbg money for instance you know way that you would characterize that and justify it is that you know Windows have useful lives you're improving the efficiency you know you're doing these things that that you are are transferable that are goals of what CBG is trying to do right trying to make it more affordable make ownership of houses you know easier and all that when you get into slum and blight there's there's a whole another level and you know the question that that I have in my mind for instance on let's say a sliding glass door um you know if I don't like my sliding glass door I want french doors and there's nothing wrong with my sliding doors but I want french doors you know right now I could get well I couldn't but someone that's within the CRA could go and say I want to put French doors in and it's going to be whatever it is and I'm GNA pay for the extra cross but I'm gon get $5,000 you know does it address the goals of the of of the CRA giving that money just because it's changing out that I mean that's I think the difficulty that we get into with the way that we're running the program is it's it's hard with some of the things that could be coming across for someone to say that this is actually some in play I think we do have to actually drill down and give our staff more Direction on what's acceptable and what's not acceptable yeah um and that would solve some of the run out of money things because you wouldn't have some of this abuse that's right better word you know again you know right now Walmart's in in somewhat or in in the CRA not saying that they have any issues but but tomorrow they could if if we had this available they could come in and say hey we want to put a new you know sign on the front of the building give us you know $10,000 so using that these examples in here under the eligible projects is replacing ceilings and Floors installation or removal of fixed walls General fixed build out for business I mean Electric and Plumbing that's not slum and blight that's regular business startup cost or or maintenance um so that's not slum and blight that's interior and I mean you can't fix my AC right can you I don't I mean you I mean you can't fix my my ceiling lights in my for residential I know the commercial so so so going by what Nancy said you know eligible for I mean does that fit into that I asked about this and I was told because now the Public's going in these buildings the difference I see I thought that and then I thought that afterwards but hearing this conversation so I just wanted to bring that up I agree with the public the public is I asked the same question the public ISS going in these building nobody's coming in your house unless you bring them in right yeah that's the difference startup business though I'm sorry you can't help a startup business with this right here business being conducted is been is conforming business it's an established business is all this is for if the whole building is slum and blighted and they and they want to start a business in there and they want to fix it up does that well they not that that doesn't qualify if they're starting a business well you establish a business day one you got a slum I think probably way around that but well it doesn't say that right but and it says here if you need a new H HC hbac system the air conditioner only if you've never had one right I don't know how many buildings have never had I know there's some warehouses but we call those sheds people doing are they doing business in there sometimes goes down it doesn't qualify only if you don't have one it qualifies and I think the CRA is is actually a little looser on economic development type things as well anyway right so there is it's it's looser because you want to Spur Economic Development so they do allow a little more platitude right and the thing is if Walmart wants $110,000 to put up a new sign they in they pay the taxes so they're entitled to it as well that's the crazy thing about it yeah also has their owner occupant listed on the deed of the property so for renting real renting office or renting real uh Le retail place then uh I don't qualify unless I hire a contractor um I guess if I hire a contractor then I would qualify I don't think your tenant could do it why right your tenant can't do it but the own but the owner can whiskey judge doesn't own their property so they're not eligible it depends on the lease well what it says here though it says the owner Arup list on the deed of the property which page you on Sir on B on page five of six permits right at the top thank you the own arent listed on the deed of the property who will continue to own and occupy the property for at least 12 months but underneath this say a liced or a it doesn't say or it says or a licensed contractor specialized in requested Improvement so or means a tenant could have a contract to do the work for him right do with grant money this has to do with the permit process that's that's yeah St LA right yeah he's got have permit but right those those yeah those are that's not has to do with I mean it's in there but it doesn't have to do with where you get grant money or not that's not what you can use the grant for right right so the the grant money okay Falls in line with permit no there permit process says if you're the owner occup listed on a property work must be complet within 60 days so if they're building a new business and it'll take them six months and they file for this for part of their project and it's not done in 60 days and it gets kicked out I grant most of the work will be done in 60 days but there are those exceptions where they're doing major work and it may take more than 60 days to complete whatever they decided to there's a well perfect example you have Windows you're putting in storm windows hurricane windows it might take eight weeks just to get the windows or and you have to get approval if you're going to move forward with this and get that so something needs well there again I don't know what that well yeah they're building addition and they putting windows in the addition this qualifies for the they qualify for getting new windows well they got wait till the walls are done before they order the windows and then by time yeah it could be more than 60 days and they want it disqualifies for the roof which another question I have is if they want if they want to qualify for $10,000 can they get $5,000 towards Roofing and 5,000 to Windows so again they're doing multiple things to improve their business and expanding it may take more than 60 days for those tasks that they have on their application to get finished especially then they just don't get the money is what it says here I mean I think I think the date of commencement is the thing once it starts I mean commencement is not commenc is actually when there's installing the windows no well permits usually go for uh six months right but this this from the day of commencement that's not commitment I don't think that means commitment when the commencement when the permit is issued it's when the work Starts Now They said said meeting of the meeting beforee said something about um we talked about the six month permit and every time he he would go out for for a um inspection at another step of the project rested six months there's extension capability too if you need to extend it that's what I he just said that a meeting or two ago so it ought to correspond with that timeline so I mean gotta be flexible with this 60 days is kind of a decisive thing I it should be 120 days I would say for yeah so this should mimic the the actual perit process a business owner wants to get it done as fast as possible as long as long as it follows the perit process then it's it should be be dragging unless something happens and and the overall goal is we're trying to help people not you know poke them in the eye with a stick right well again down here it says here that approved work plan that the business owner will have 30 days to cure the problem well things happen again you know like Co I had my neighbors it took them a year to get their full stre out after they got tagged on it I that's rare but we've seen these incidences where work gets held up because things happen with the contractor they lose help um there a lot of things can happen I think that should be 90 days we have down here we're not gonna pay them for 30 to 60 days that that is only if there is if once the Project's done we go in say okay the Project's done do our final review and they didn't do what they said they were going to do or the work's incomplete then we're giving them 30 days to Ure the and the roof isn't done and you need to get that done and he can't get it done in 30 days that was the whole problem why it's not done because the Contra didn't get it done the project wouldn't be done right that's what I'm saying is if if they come in and say we're done and we go in there and there's a big hole in the roof I know that's what I'm saying it's it's red tagged or if it's not right the project wouldn't be done he say it's done and we're saying they come in and say it's done we want to pay the contractor you know or get reimbursement whatever it is and we go in and look and you know it's not done right you say it's done well it's not done and and so you have 30 days to fix whatever that that issue dep on what that is it may not may take more than 30 days well that's all I'm saying it could or it I mean typically it's like a week typically you know you come in there well you need to this is this won't work this way this or not what we agreed on you need to change that they'll have it done in a week or two but it could be something where they have to tear some things out and change a whole bunch of things to get it to is is there no provision that IGN I see it's have time frames to keep things moving along sure but you should always have a exception process to where the city manager could make an exception given circumstances or Billy official or whoever would that be there should be some latitude there to hey I'm only 31 days oh sorry you don't get your money that's not what the goal here not so but yeah we need to have something in there where there is an exception process we can extend that if we just did that to a resident he went to the process thought he had approval went through the process he proceeded without without something I can't recall he proceeded with he move forward without being approved that that's different than this to say you already been approved and you're just you're try you found a defect you got 30 days secure it they're working on it it's going to take 45 days um we can't just come back and say sorry it's only 30 putting a lot of responsibility on Pam we just need to have some there need to be a higher level that can make an exception that's I guess we're the higher Lev they want to get it done as fast as possible I think we need we're going to monitor the property for two years we're going to look at the tax rolls every and going to look this up make sure that they still there and they're still doing business and if not ask for the money back or it wouldn't it would be the coordinator job to do that at that point okay they're going to do that well it's not what we're doing we're asking for the money back we're just not apply toell County well a lot of counties do this like they have a um mortgage they'll take a mortgage on a house they'll put a roof on your house for $25,000 roof for instance and they'll put a $25,000 lean on your property you got to stay in that house for at least 10 years or might even be more than that anyway if you leave sell the house in five years you have to give them back 122,500 you sell a house a year before the 10 years you got to give them back $1,200 something like that so that's what I'm reading here basically is what it looks like that's what that means it's pro rated did some some people move sometimes they have to leave and U we to all the money back or is there an exception I think we would have to put within I just don't see it within the grand application it back I mean what what would in my mind if if you're giving money to someone that said I bought this property and I'm going to start a business here they go they they make the investment in it and then they sell it the next day well that yeah so I think well they haven't got the check then well they get the check in all yeah yeah right and and so I think we do need to put them on notice that that you know if again that's that's up to you g to put a lean on the property though if they sell it the next day the taxes are going to go up we're going to get it there too you I guess it's it's up to what how you want to do it do you want you want the ability to call back money should they not live up to what what we're giving them money for you purpose we're giving them well if they sell the business someone who wants to continue to operate that business what there's no hair off our back Ian ultimately the goal is is an improved building which could be a better owner I don't the city's getting right again I think what the the the problem is is that if you don't maintain it you aren't eligible for another Grant that's different right well if you don't maintain it that's a problem okay that's that's if you the buy and you sell your business I mean like I said what's what's we can we can make those changes good for you tax base right it says change make more money anyway because they're gonna sell wonder why the change of ownership would be tracked that's all anyway uh also I think CRA should offer more to businesses which I have a meeting off topic but it's just something for you to think about is um co-op in marketing uh because we're going to be getting with uh Florida Sports coast and they're going to be having Co-op advertising through the state and the county uh for businesses and for M municipalities and they're really interested in helping us out I got a meeting with them on the 19th um say you have a uh a business is going to be marketing on Media or whatever and they have 20% of their goes towards Port Richie their location is Port Richie which is something we need to brand our name which we've talked about branding and the logo and I think citizens get involved and put in something that's really Snappy that can get people's attention and they put that in their ad we can co-op 20% of their ad we can have a cap on that of course uh but we can help them with marketing also um if we're having a fall festival and on a waterfont we're having a huge fall festival and people want to Market their businesses out there I think that we should be able to to help them Market their business if they're going to promote Port Richie with their business and know you time businesses in with the city and it's important everybody does it everywhere else that I see and I think it's important that we do the same thing there a that'd be a no-go with the CRA funds well I think there is there is someity C yes but you have to you have to Market it just for CRA with this you'd be marketing it for the whole city of P right so you like for example our our Waterfront which is all part CRA if you marketed that that would so where would Newport Rich downtown this is financed by Pasco County and the state so where would that fall in line with as far as you could use C funds to to do that if it if it does anything outside of the CRA boundaries you can't you can't do that for you know we were talking about at one place I was at getting a police officer the thing is is you can't pay a police officer because he may go outside the city limits or outside the C that's why it's so difficult for workers and that's why with this resiliency person Focus just on CRA that's a whole different B but as far as that unless you were only um using it to uh to profit the CRA district with this well what you're talking about it's going to be the whole city of Port Richie and you can't do that you can't even pay portion of it for that even though a portion it's going to go to that because it's not focusing just on that now if you were just saying hey let's go to Red Lobster which is closed down now but if you go to Red Lobster I mean that's still a stretch but now you can't do anything that's going to profit anything else outside of that CRA so I wouldn't even I wouldn't even touch that well okay I still think we should help a call I mean p count is ready to do that if we could tie that funds in so they could help promote the city somehow would be helpful that could be in the regular general fund you put in the general funds okay R it back into the the specific so good good information uh any other discussions on this what I what I hear is that we need some work on this so if you guys could take that back and kind of touch up what we've talked about fig back maybe we can see what we got that point and then add to it if we need to that fair good deal anything anything else on on this if not we will move on to discussion old business anything on Old business [Music] uh um we we did get our payments taken care of for the rental parking lot parking lot yes some money good yeah State C thank you anything else if not I will I will ask Linda for a motion because I know she likes to give those one one quick question were we looking to handle the um golf cart Crossing uh engineering out of the CRA that side of harpa okay we'll talk about it once we have motion to adjourn baby PA a second all in favor by say hi hi KN J