let's call the City of Fort Richie community redevelopment AG board meeting Wednesday April 10th 2024 like stand for pledge allegiance I pledge algi to the flag United States of America to the it stands Nation godible with liberty and justice for all Madam cler you take roll please chman John Eric Hoover here member Linda Rodriguez here member Tom canel here member David Mueller here member ker Samson here City attorney Nancy Meyer here city manager Matthew cop here first up thanks first up uh number one looking approve board minutes from 312 2024 motion to approve board minutes between 122 motion seconded have motion second any further discussion all for favor sign saying I I oppos motion carries I comments from the general public I have no signups by like to speak see I'll bring it back comments from city manager turn over to Mr C his comments uh a couple things maybe not real quick um first one as council's aware uh went to uh open the bids for the River Landing project we did not receive any bids some of the preliminary so we've requested that uh the engineers reach out to the different contractors that we felt were going to be uh bidding on this just to get some feedback on what we need to do and so some of the preliminary so we don't have a full report yet but some of the preliminary information was uh what part of I think it was more of the Civil the roadways um they felt that the costs that we were estimating were way lower what the actual costs were going to be I think one uh one contractor felt that his price would have been two to three times what what our estimates were so they just you know you're not going to accept it anyway so we're not going to B so we're going to have to make a decision with this whether it's let's go back out again to see you know three months from now the the temperature is different so the the work will be different cost to be different or we're going to have to re go back and and relook at that in total and come up with a different package so again I'm not prepared to have a broad discussion on that tonight obviously I want to get more feedback to understand where where the weaknesses in the uh the project were um but we're going to have to have a conversation as to what the next steps are where did we get that number from that they from right yeah it would been the cost estimate for we need to ask a where they got that number from there's there's a lot of conversation as to happen here we paid them a lot of money to be that far off on numbers is is not not good yeah not disne is I have another word but that's that's a good one I try to be correct good and again I you know I can't I can't sit here and say that that's right no I understand no iary feedback and again generally you know unfortunately I've been in situations like this where you know you you think you're going to get a lot of bids and you end up not getting any bids or you just get one bid that's way out of out of whack and so there's there's a way you go about this you know first you try to figure out what what it is the contractor saw that we didn't see um then once you have that you sit down with the didn't see well them us it was it was our bit in the end um and so then we sit down the engineering firm and and kind of go through okay how did how did this get here why did they see it differently than than what we saw it um you know what what are the remedies to it what are our options for that so I mean there there's a process it takes a little bit of time so you know you're not going to be necessarily next meeting we have have a full report and say here's what we think we should do but I think you need to be thinking about you know what what what do you really want to do if you want to go forward you know maybe the solution is WE peer back with what we're going to do if it's you know well we want to wait you know well you have an opportunity to wait if it's we want a whole different plan you know we have to kick back and figure out what that plan is so so start thinking and we'll be back with you once we have that thank you uh the other thing I wanted to give to you um Sal and I had a meeting a few weeks ago with the owners of Whiskey River interesting gentlemen have a lot of great ideas and I think they're doing a lot of neat things there at Whiskey River as well now so they approached us because they uh were interested in two two Parcels of land that we own that we're talking about here in a little bit they one on Cody one on Old Post Road and uh what they were thinking although I don't know necessarily if they've come to a final decision on exactly what it's going to be but you know they had an idea of a coffee shop or an ice cream store or both and they kind of had a unique spin on how they would go about it they compared it to a place and I'm not really familiar where it's at but somewhere in Tampa the answer uh but anyhow uh they were aware that that we were we did a bit on this for at least for uh for parking they understand that and they you know wanted us to at least have the idea that they had if uh the C for that lease you know they would be interested inquiring those parsels so I told them I would provide whatever they gave me to the board so you can review it keep it in mind um I've done that I think uh that all I add for C oh for your comments yes for my comments okay up comments from the board start with you down as well have none moving right along to board business item number two request for proposals RFP for leas parking I'll turn over Mr C for intruction so I so we open the lease for those two properties I just talked about one on Cody one on Old Road um we receive one which is what we anticipated from um Whiskey Joe's again no action tonight on this because we received it after uh the date that we had to get this uh agenda put together I didn't want to you know rush you along but I wanted you to at least have the ability to talk about this proposal that was submitted to so guess the big big things with this is they're proposing a lease of $1,050 per month for the two lots that would increase annually they not proposing any set time frame for the length of the lease they understood and we wrote this in a way so they would understand that we wanted flexibility should we need to sell the parcel redevelop it whatever we were going to do we'd be able to do it rather quickly I think when we come back to the next meeting to discuss this what I want you to be thinking about is okay this is what they've offered um you know what kind of position do you want to put the city in either do you want to go forward with this you want to go forward with it with you know some other elements that you know maybe they didn't offer that you want to uh put in there so it's kind of open to you but I just want you to be thinking about how how to move forward with this thank you did um did we do any kind of uh market analysis on what the value of that land is yeah I mean I think that's in in in a sale position normally what you would do before you sell it you would do some type of yes so you have least this is what the value is of it where you go out now one of the things withc and the public process you can have that but it's only a matter of what the bids are going to be that you receive let me let me they come in with ,50 a month or whatever let's say the going rate for it is 3,000 a month you know because we got one bid don't have to take it yep we don't want to cut ourselves short maybe we do but it'd be nice to know what the value of rental value is that property no and I think that again we got this on Friday I just wanted to in your hands and at least if there's any preliminary questions you might have as we put together you know a formal report to you for the next meeting we can address those questions again there may be something that come up after let me know but it just I think will help you make your decisions when we get to that point and I can't remember today is this this shortterm lease like month to month they proposing or is it annual yeah it's annual but again they didn't give a a length in terms of how many years they would like that to go I I think that would be something that we would want to do is put a term on this sure so the only thing want to make sure that we have in place obviously giving the uh our tent not to sell OB what we going to do with it when we need it right and we don't want to be locked into a long-term lease I think we put something in there that lease break fee you at our option or whatever we lock them in at the rate we this operate but time we need it short nous hey we got two months three months shut you down because we're going to use that property something else I want make sure that we have full access that access to that property sure ask another because we obviously would given this so I have a question um would this just parking in this proposal be just for that one restaurant see that's again no I understand that I understand that I know but I didn't know I mean some people could be nice and like say yeah anybody could park there and not threaten to tow you so that's the reason I was asking I mean I know they're paying for it but obviously very I'm not going to park there and walk to gildogs you know I mean like so I mean obviously they're going to stay in that area yeah I'm sure they private Science a't parking for well that's they have the other one oh this should just be for them how long have we own this property you guys know two years two years two years of opportunity water flowing under the bridge right um now yeah the city acquired is 350,000 yeah yeah plus demo cost yeah two and the this project Proposal with this Whiskey River this is they're also interested in that same piece of ground yep y but they put a proposal together because it's but they didn't put a proposal yeah yeah because they because that was specifically for parking right is what we did now this proposal is this a lease proposal because they're container I can pull them off no so this so this isn't this isn't I they when we talk to them to help kind of guide them on what kind of information to give to you so you can understand what they're talking about we directed them to the RFP we had online for the park parking because effectively if if if you tell me hey we want to go out and sell these Parcels that that RFP is the basis where I mean for the most part we'll reconfigure what the purpose is but it's going to basically be the same information we're collecting right and so what what I told him is listen you know kind of follow along that fill in the blanks so Council can see what it is you're talking about because again I didn't want it just to be hey I talked to a couple of you know business people that want to do something somewhere and kind of looks like something you may or may not have seen I wanted it to be a little bit more filled in so you can have an understanding of what it is they're talking about so I we just gave that as kind of a a template for them to fill out and to provide you information so they're not making any offers or anything like that it's just here's what we're thinking with this one with this crate container scenario they'd have to have on-site parking anyway would they not if they configured it in a way somebody would pull in and and theyd have to accomodate that like take Spartans War if they actually have offsite Park it's oh they it's all all the like that those containers and stuff are in the section of it and there's you know right called playground area whatever Gathering area picnic tables whatever and the parking is kind across the street it's actually a pay parking from Tampa like you know but if you wanted to get this thing done I know it looks like it looks like the uh the parking lot scenario they're gonna have to put money into the lot to bring it up to S so it's not turn key today right they gotta fix it yeah in in The Proposal they talk about what their time frame right I think it was like four to six four to six months or sure so it's interesting this this project proposal this is I actually had this similar vision for that particular property City own from a city perspective I thought that'd be something that the city could put up and then we would lease out these things I how many you can get on there is is questionable but uh I think it's what third of an acre total something like that it's not very big so there's a app for that and seriously I just put the square footage in here it's so cool I love technology anyway so based on the parking angle which evidently is extremely important like the most that you could have in that the 70 let's just say um I counted 60 today let's see if we're close 21 huh you're not even in ballpark how are you going to get 60 in there 21 I was looking I was looking at the property that's adjacent to it yeah only the Pirate Bar yeah but only if it's at a 75 degre angle if it's 90° it's 16 it's 60 it's 11 45 13 two locks though yeah it's again it's only about 12,000 square foot all together both locks yeah okay I was thinking it was the same size as what's the on the other side well one the funny thing is we actually had a test run because it was not blocked off it looked like more than 16 this weekend didn't it yeah cuz people were parking there for the gild dogs thing and the reason is we've got it roped around the perimeter but not in the middle saw that looks like one big lot right yeah so that was a food bar there we uh oh is that been fixed yes I checked that this week today so so that was interesting so Lu nothing happened there weable couple things I have is is the upkeep you know police does to specify who's responsible doing we're entering the summer we're going to have our summer RS the it would be I mean again we we don't have an actual lease put together this is what their proposal is so elements of it so we would definitely address and also reliability they'd have it a that yeah yeah any back to this that was that was something that lot hly I thought would be a really cool idea love going down there love love that concept but uh in light of what we've got potentially going down there doesn't make sense to do something pseudo permanent like like these depend on what we end up doing with with all this other stuff um so I'm definitely on board with keeping it just dirt parking and getting some money out of it and we can easily convert to whatever we need because once something happens down there we're going to need to figure out we makeing a trolley stop or or what have you parking and the beauty of it is is if we if we convert to parking we lease it out to them they've already developed the parking so we just in the lease and we got a parking lot ready made and they can use it and they can use it and we won't tell them that's right so yeah I I say we as soon as we can get something together again make sure we're not under cutting ourselves but uh let's get get some Revenue coming in from that so um okay next up I'm number three discussion of 7808 Weber Lane I've heard that has been pulled yes uh the uh owners had uh had a email with me earlier today and they've requested that we pull that and the reason is because of my recommendation not to sell it uh due to the fact we're kind of up in the air what we're going to be doing with our parcel that this is a part of yeah so obviously a lot of a lot of work went into getting this ready for so whatever once we do figure out whatever we're going to do with the Dr ter lot which I think we'll be talking about relatively soon be good to Shell this and bring back in so you don't have to redo that work once we know that then it might open that up for something this discussion be a little different anything else on that and I apologize was there anybody public want to speak on either one of those the police parking or number three Weber Lane which is now pull okay uh finally old business any discussion all business discuss business what we got on there you covered that okay for motion second I have a motion a second all in favor 65 saying I I [Music]