##VIDEO ID:yo9bvU7eb6w## to the flag of United States of America to the rep stands [Music] I will double check chairman John AR couver member Linda Rodriguez here member David Mueller here member Robert hubard here member Lisa Burke here City attorney Nancy Meyers here city manager Matthew CER here thank you comments for general public we have none in the audience so I will bring that back to comments city manager pass M thank you comments from the board start with right member h m mu uh no Burke no Vice chair Rodriguez I have nothing as well so moving right along to our agenda first order business is item number one first reading of resolution number 24-29 fisc year 24-22 Comm Redevelopment agency budget I'll pass it to Mrs Meer for reading thank you resolution number 24-29 our resolution of the city council of the city of Fort Richie Florida acting as a community redevelopment agency approving the CRA budget for fiscal year 2024 2025 and providing for an effective date Mr C for his introduction so once again I have yes a brief uh PowerPoint kind of go over the highlights of this year's budget um I'll point out on on this uh first slide is this quote the vision for the Port Richie CRA is to be a lively well-connected Waterfront Community for visitors residents committed to Growing local businesses retaining the residents and supporting inclusive Redevelopment efforts that benefit all so that that is the the mission statement that came out of the Plan update which uh I have a hard copy of here which we hopefully beginning up online um that Council has recently approved in the CRA board and so I wanted to get a little bit into the background on this so this this particular map will outline what is inside the boundaries of the Fort Richie community redevelopment agency area um it doesn't include all the city at one point it did include all the city but uh areas that effectively you know are not in in need of Redevelopment uh don't meet criterias for slum and blight or Redevelopment have been taking out and one of the things that I know council's Weare because we talked about this a little bit within the budget um we contemplate taking a few areas once again out to reduce what the uh the CRA boundaries will be which will reduce the amount of money we have to take from the general fund to the for riching community redevelopment agency within the uh the plan that was recently adopted um I just wanted to to call out that there are uh implementation schedules for things that we need to start doing this budget uh starts moving us towards a number of these different projects that they believe we adopted believe we should be uh spending CRA money on and the next slide next after I'll talk a little bit more about that um but the current year uh fisc year 25 proposed budget is $ 4,925 317 um balance you can see between revenues and expenditures and about a 464,000 and change uh increase over fiscal year 2024 budget where does CRA funding come from the primary source of funding for C in Florida is tax increment financing when a cra's established the proper property tax base within the designate Redevelopment areas Frozen as current value as property values increase over time due to Redevelopment and other improvements the additional property taxes generated above the Frozen Baseline are set aside for the CRA to reinvest back into the area this Revenue comes both from the city as well as the County property taxes so again uh you know we're looking at a significant significant increase in the value within the the city um so we are seeing good increase this year from both the county and the city's property taxes for the CRA funding budget highlights uh this budget will add position of CRA coordinator resiliency coordinator and this this is in my mind a very important position to add to our staff um besides starting to oversee some of the the basic things that we're doing now like the the residential grant program and the business grant program that we'll be talking about uh next week uh at CRA board meeting um it also will start moving forward helping move forward on some of the projects we're going to be talking about here very shortly additionally resiliency is is a very important thing for our community um not only because we're on the coast and there's a lot of coastal resiliency issues that we need to start addressing not only because uh you know there's a sea level rise because of climate changes not only because we get a lot of storm water and our storm water system is not where it needs to be um and not just because uh we have to start redeveloping our commercial base and not just because we need to start helping our residents improve their property so we don't fall into a slum and blight issue but because of all those issues there's a lot of reasons why having someone that can focus just on these issues is important you know unfortunately we have a lot you we don't have a lot of employees we have a lot of employees that are focused on a lot of things and what typically happens is the things that are important get focused on on any given day those things that are second tier importance don't get focused on what this position will do will make um the cra's objectives and projects and the resiliency efforts that the city is going to be undertaking over the next hundred years we'll make sure that is a top priority to someone and I think accountability is very important and this allows us to get accountability for the projects that I know each one of you believe we should be undertaking as part of the CRA that being said you know we have in this budget 500 ,000 for the purchase of properties to further the objectives the CRA um $800,000 budgeted for Road Improvement projects $500,000 budgeted for Park Improvement projects $300,000 budgeted for sidewalk Improvement projects and then uh we have right now $100,000 budgeted for residential and business grants what I didn't have up there uh and if you I go back way if I go back here to some of the phase implementation one of the things that that they really highly recommended and and I think is I think about this more we really need to start looking at is that wayf finding branding idea um you know we don't do a good job of pointing out to people that are on 19 or Ridge Road where important things are within the city where's our Waterfront it's here we need to start coming up with the ability people to to be able to move around the city and know where they're going and get to our businesses and important uh attention areas that we want to do within within this budget um we do have significant monies that because of the way that the law is for the budgeting uh large portion of that budget is actually money that's in the CRA fund that you know doesn't hasn't been been designated for any certain expenditure and historically the city kind of plants that money in the Professional Services so I think we have opportunities in the upcoming uh year that you know we can look at things like the way finding and branding to take advantage of with that money and hopefully there'll be other things that come up that we we might be able to start focusing on as well and that is inshell the CRA budget for fiscal year 25 thank you back and open up for motion or discussion again this preliminary we'll have the second budget hearing actually make any changes to this to this upcoming Workshop so um are we gon to have a separate workshop for the uh we're planed on having that Workshop uh Tuesday night after the council meeting okay so again we'll through this then so I I just make recommendation we move forward motion for approval here we'll move on to the next hearing second motion second further discussion no one in public to speak so I bring it back all in favor 65 saying I iose motion carries that's all board business we have any old business not for motion motion journ a second all in favor second by saying I I CL