I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for [Music] all may we have roll call please here member Todd mlar at the record show that member Todd McClary is absent from today's meeting member John Eric Hoover here member Denise Mackenzie presid have approval of the minutes of the April 25th meeting okay we do one at a time um sorry move to approve the 425 2024 club meeting minutes second have a motion a second all those in favor say I I opposed now have a motion for the May 28th club meeting so moved second motion second all those in favor I I oppos excellent you know guys have to work in tandem here you got a vote too by the way I don't but by me not saying anything I voted no silence is acceptance yes okay comments from the general public there is none that have signed up I'll look over at our only attendee okay there's no interest there uh comments from C manager and committee members you I have none time none and I have right yes sir so uh first item is a recap of the findings from the imagine Cody River Landing project should have been there yeah well no I don't think we had the right thing therey um I mean just a brief overview I would be we start yeah we already started but you know even though we' moved on do you have any comments no none okay we on the presentation of findings imag Cody River okay Tammy ver Consulting Safety Harbor um so we'll just kind of fli through really quickly not that are we ready okay so this is the presentation that was given to the city council at the the meeting on the fourth right the fourth is that right no no no 11 the 11th okay that was a different meeting um so this is just the overview of what we went through so we can go to the next one planning area which you're familiar with next please this was the sort of a recap of the um 1998 um well the Waterfront overlay District I guess but I think that this is from the water front overlay District so it's sort of the objectives of of that okay go to the next one this was a a board that was shown at the open house so it just kind of showed the timeline from 1998 when the planning for the focus planning for the area started and we are today with looking at uh the vision and whether or not it needs to be refreshed next please so in a vision we look at where we are now and where we want to be and then the third thing is how do we get there but this particular effort just goes as far as this go to the next one so we had our community engagement which included the survey this is a board from the from the meeting let's go to the next so we ended up having 766 responses um and of those responses 536 were from City residents that's what they indicated in the slide or excuse in the survey and that was 70% of the total responses if you take into consideration I don't know if anybody under the age of 18 took the survey but it's wor looking at people who can vote essentially um about 19 % of those 500 excuse me the survey response was 19% of the city population that's age 18 and up and then the population that I used was the Bieber for uh last year 20 it's the latest that's available 3268 and your H age 18 overpopulation is 2826 so it's about 86.5% and that's per the 202 22 American Community survey because paper doesn't do those breakdowns so I guess what we're trying to show here is that this in in my experience my very long planning experience um I'm also a an expert for the Statewide Public involvement for the Department of Transportation so we we talk about how to information the community and to get participation and I can tell you that 19% of response rate with considering city residen is exceptional let's go to the next please so those 30% that were not City residents GNA have to bring mine up because I won't be able to read all that um some of the responses they said you know I I go on my boat in Fort Richie I'm a business owner I'm a commercial property owner I used to live in Fort Richie I work on a charter boat there uh I spent a lot of time in this area this is my closest so they feel like it's there inria it's super important so a lot of different um types of people who participated in the survey um and in most cases because the area was really important to them so for the vision statement so I what I went through the survey and um there were a lot of open-ended questions including what what's your vision for the area in the next 10 years um so did synthesis of that um the synthesis was Community the Community Values careful sustainable development that enhances public spaces preserves natural areas and maintains the small town character of for Richie high density and highrise residential development is not preferred and there was a strong emphasis on improving infrastructure and ensuring that any new projects benefit the broader community so next was the question two uh which building use types are appropriate we had those single use type buildings but you go to the next one you can see little thumbs hopefully um as you recall when we all reviewed the survey together there was these were the typologies shops and restaurant buildings hotel resort buildings Office Buildings multif family buildings single family and two family buildings and mixed use buildings which may include retail residence excuse me retail restaurant office and or residential uses so this is for the Waterfront one area so we segregated this question into three parts and you can see from the green blue and yellow lines that shows preference that that shows that um those types of uses are appropriate that the the survey surveyor take survey takers thought that the use was appropriate for the area and then if you see the um orange purple and pink that's inappropriate and the turquoise on Aqua is either one you know it's neutral so in building one excuse me Waterfront one there was a preference for the shops and restaurant buildings and then a little bit more for the Mixed use buildings but the um the other types of buildings were not as preferred and I will tell you that some people who took the survey said there should be nothing that changes out there so they were kind of like they use the other category so we'll talk about that in a second so people had the option if they didn't really want to respond to this they could provide whatever they thought was a lot of them said don't touch it don't do it you know so um so there's some of that going on in this as well so go on to the next one this is for Waterfront 2 and you'll see again preference for the shops and restaurant buildings um a little bit more for the Mixed use buildings and hotel resort had a little bit more play there I also see single family and two family um has a little bit more weight there and then the last one is US1 19 Corridor on the next slide and again the shops and restaurants um were appealing and then also the mixed year Hotel had a little bit more uh than than any of the other two areas and then Office Buildings also had a little bit more activity there but the multif family buildings did not um did not receive as high preference so if we go to the next slide these are the other comments the open comments so the synthesis showed the importance of preserving the natural beauty enhancing commercial amenities and ensuring sustainable growth that respects the the community's character and infrastructure capacity and some of those themes included you know preserving natural beauty making sure that your infrastructure was um adequate uh preference for commercial uh limiting residential development having height restrictions Public Access and amenities and sustainable growth any questions before I move on to the next question which is which building height range do you find the most appropriate so we hit next one please um so for Waterfront one and for all of them actually we had the one to two stories the three to five stories six to 10 and above 10 I did hear some comments afterward that it would have been nice to have like the one to three that that that felt that or people would have been more inclined to go with three but not necessarily all the way to five so that's anecdotal so you can see for Waterfront one heavy preference for 1 to two and three to five stories in Waterfront 2 again the same thing one to two stories and three to five and for the US 19 Corridor thanks Ashley for keeping up with me um you see the three to five so there's tolerant little higher tolerance for taller buildings um one to two is also popular the six to 10 gets a little bit more favor and I think that also the above 10 was also higher than in the the other um the other uh zones and for the next one is the other comments and I pretty much just took what seemed to be coming through loud and clear you know keep the buildings low along the waterways or for like water like Waterfront one keep those areas low and this they said for everyone's sake so the next one was which type of site design do you prefer this one was a little and we can go to the next this was a little more difficult for people to understand what we were trying to get at and I just created these images and you all know all this but it's really a factor of the building site the building footprint and the building height uh preserving view corridors and sight lines where it makes sense and then of course uh having space available for what I'll call semi-public real public space you know like um restaurant areas and plazas and things like that so the for the whole community so it's not just private space so for the next for Waterfront one um you can see that there was preference for others because they didn't understand they did not understand so we'll just keep we'll keep going through these if I could ask a question on that sure um on the other I want to say I saw somewhere I says here but it's a provide explanation was that in the the 7 some comments is that where the explanation provided or where was so I guess other obviously was was the most prevalent in all these ones because they pretty much said I want shorter buildings with more open space like they they don't want shorter wider they want shorter narrower is what they were kind of saying well they well I guess they said they wanted shorter wider withd these things but they want basically the way that's usually taken is they want more um green areas but they want to keep their building shorter so this was a little skewed because well shorter wider means I'm not going to have green area I want shorter but I want more green area yeah but and that's the way we couched it we said if you go with shorter wider you have essentially no green space or um public space and and you have no view corridors because you're short and wide but they they said they wanted to short and wide plus the other things so it was a little bit more Fantastical it's a it's a hard question to ask who's not used to it is I I totally agree but we tried it yeah and we also had the the workshop which we'll talk about and that makes sense they didn't like the fact that there was there was no a there was no good mix option where I have basically corresponds with their previous one that we want one one to three or one to two three to five story buildings we want green area and so now you're asking them to go against their previous answer and that's why they just put other because well you asked me once I answered it now you're asking me kind of a different question or but I will remark that people really provided a lot of detail they spent time answering these you know when I take a test or a test I was at theend I will put like a period because I just want to move on right like comments I mean the comments were let's I said it's gold I mean it may not entirely be what you were thinking it was going to turn out to be but you have a lot of fodder for decision- making going forward and so and I think that what we did not have built into this due to timing was the educational piece really having opportunity and we can talk about what you might do coming up but so let's just get through these uh the next one is the Waterfront too um so you can see that there is a little more tolerance for the mid height and some more of the taller versus the shorter buildings and then for US1 19 the same thing only just it's almost like it's just it starts in one location and just keeps um going a little higher um as you go to us9 so for those site design other comments um they pretty much said they oppose High rde high-rise buildings particularly near the Waterfront and their key themes and preferences were preservation of views and natural beauty Community character smalltown feel infrastructure environment Balan development and preference for low to mid-rise buildings overall so that's not any Zone in particular oh no was it was this is Waterfront one oh go to the next one Ashley keep going this is waterf one so keep the buildings lower preserve sort of a feel in the Waterfront and those are the things that that they preferred for the next slide is Waterfront too so shorter buildings that prioritize Public Access views of the water and ample public spaces and then the themes were shorter buildings public space and access minimal development current use and character and concerns about overdevelopment so this really kind of just catch all they pretty much were just you know they didn't really like the question so they just were getting into their whole thesis of why things should stay the way they want it to be and then for the next one US 19 um again these are the other comments shorter buildings extensive public and green spaces minimal new development and an emphasis on enhancing existing infrastructure and natural beauty and I think what they were probably just regurgitating probably what they were saying before just throughout for those people who chose other um it's pretty much same types of themes and preferences ask ask another question on the on those ones where it said shorter mid height taller um did we Define what mid height was from a story perspective I don't think we did yeah I mean we just had those I know on before that I had set of floors listed but we didn't Define what mid height I think you have a question later though that starts to get into actual building Heights and starts establishing that now or am I I'm I mean the one the one question it had you know one to two stories three to five it had like think four things above 10 was last then we move into you know short mid height tall but we didn't Define what mid was Mo most people and you you Garner mid height has around five stories you know four to sevenish saw is kind of mid height for people anything over seven eight stories they start to okay that's highrise it's really not I mean in this context you know if we were in a big city it' be different people would have different perceptions but I think for here I mean I can only speak for what's going on in my head you know like what I would think would be but from a developer what perspective what do you guys look at Mid height story-wise kind of depends where you are if you're in New York City mid height could be very tall and that sort the definition of highrises is above 10 stories but that's kind of a an odd definition for something here it's relative yeah um you know I I can say Garden style uh what people consider their Town Homes is up to three stories so that's their your low rise type stuff um eight 10 stories and above is your highrise stuff and anything in between is kind of midrise and here the idea was to kind of get them thinking about footprint and and maybe what sort of height you'd need to be able to keep those really small Footprints and be able to incorporate more public space and view corridors but you know but we did get some chance to talk to people at the open house so we'll talk about that in a second okay so let's go on to slide 30 what types of public spaces would you prefer in the planning area next slide so the river walk and outdoor Market space were the most popular followed by pedestrian zones so kind of pedestrian only zones and sidewalk cafe and then children's playground Plaza and then other so let's go to the next slide and see what other has to say um they were again saying a lot of the same things but Waterfront access and Facilities natural and green spaces Beach and swimming areas River Walk boardwalks bike trails Recreation and entertainment Spaces commercial social spaces uh and their sentiments they wanted minimal change balance public and Commercial spaces they wanted educational and historical spaces infrastructure improvements and accessibility and inclusivity the next one 33 how do you want to be able to reach destinations in the planning area the next slide so boat and drive Then followed by bicycle where the golf carts up there too um and then the lower ones were in order water taxi shuttle and then public transit and if we go to the next the other comments um include walkability bikeability we did not include a walk option because it was kind of like implied that you're going to have to walk to get your but that's that's good there's a lot of interest in Walking bikability waterbased options a shuttle a trolley or some types of micr Mobility limiting motor vehicle access through things like ballet parking golf carts and a garage and then I thought it was interesting the uh wheelchair accessibility and also later on when we talk about the pervious pavement people said that's hard for people who have mobility issues with the GE web so good good to considerations the next is the architectural style uh or character that you prefer and the next so the fishing Village uh one out that we did show that image from the street package that you guys have put together and it has some sort of themes of fishing Village things and people picked from those in a lot of cases so that's probably some good information going forward go to the next slide um they like the idea of you know having some mod this but also traditional you know of course emphasizing the coastal and Waterfront things protecting historical and natural elements and creating a vibrant pedestrian friendly environment um specific Inspirations included John's past the Tampa River Walk Lodge type themes Southern Charm and Mexican style like guess I guess the um architecture like the barrel tiles and things like that and the next question which I think is the last one is what resiliency techniques do you prefer next SL there you go um so tree canopy you know that's not a surprise tree canopy was high the storm water park and living Shoreline were also High uh bioses or rain Gardens um the still people favored those as well and then pervious Services next for the other um they like the idea of enhancing through natural barriers such as oyster beds mangroves uh minimal human intervention uh tree planting and green infrastructure uh sustainable water management and natural recreational areas living shorelines and botanical gardens so that's the conclusion of the survey results then we had the visioning open house on May 30th that was open for it was really open for about 4 hours because people came early and we let them in and then they just flooded us mless like it's like fire hose but um it was great because we had we we were guessing a 100 people 70 something people signed in we had those six info stations that we talked about we also had people from not officially from the M with the no they were there fitting bicycle helmets free um but the real head of the show was the stations that you can see up in the corner and the two corners where people had a chance to sort of lay out Legos and talk about tradeoffs and I'll talk about that in a second Who did Dave Mueller pay to get his picture in there pardon Who did Dave Mueller pay to get his picture included in there that's him at top right know if I was paying I wouldn't have paid for that one I it I just put a bunch of pictures on the thing and the power like put it together so um just because he followed the cameraman around the entire hey I was working the door working the room we it it was all hands on deck because people were just flooding in as you guys know so the next slide um so so based on that sort of interactions especially at um the tables where people could push things around um we came up with this vision statement and this is the initial vision statement I won't read the whole thing I'm sure that people were going to take a look at it and and refine it but it's something to start with so it's a Cody River Landing is a vibrant thriving Waterfront District offering enhanced community and recreational experiences for residents and visitors um it's a focal point for community life it caters to the needs of all residents and age groups enhancing quality of life in the community um it's well equipped to manage future growth and development and uh there's a a practice of environmental stewardship then the next one so kind of to make a bridge between like what we heard and what might be lacking in the area because it has been 26 years and not everything that was envisioned has been achieved um I threw this in just to show like what are some common barriers to realizing a Community Vision this is just generally I'm not looking uh at this location this General and the first one development regulations you know lacking public private Partnerships if your infrastructure has challenges if there're isn't good accessibility to those Valu spaces that um that people love um public spaces you know are there cultural and recreational anchors that draw people in in addition to the restaurants and and in bars and other entertainment um is branding and marketing an issue is safety cleanliness and Property Maintenance an issue and are there economic incentives if any are needed so this is really just kind of creating that bridge to the the city's development policy the next slide is the slide we showed at the U openhouse and it analyzes what's allowed in the planning area today in including the WOD and the other locations outside of Cody River Landing that are outside of WOD um we we'll point out during this exercise that we it is possible to have 18 units per acre in the WD because the C3 allows it and it's not constrained by the WOD so you can up there on us9 um you can get the 18 units per acre today um C2 is 15 if you're in the R22 family residential that's dictated by your minimum lot size so you can get 9.6 units per acre there and in the R3 it's also 15 units per acre so for the most part 15 units per acre is um probably the max but there are a few of those areas along US1 19 in the C3 category that you can go up to 18 so say that again so you say within the WOD you can get 18 yes it's it's governed by the the master Zone y so I thought WD overrode no now the master zoning will will in in terms of what is allowed you can go up to the master Zone a WOD could exceed it I think if it wanted to you can have a specialized PUD that goes over the master Zone yeah but there's nothing that goes PUD I believe is 18 whichever is greater at the end of the day though in the Pud zoning yeah if you have a PUD you can go over your master Zone yeah in this case our M the C3 Master zoning is over the Pud PUD says 15 un per acre Master's Zing says 18 units perre you can go to master own you have PUD and it says 15 that that's what you if you're getting that I think that's what you it's part of the trade for the Pud I guess I mean we could talk I mean that yeah that's totally different subject but yeah but there's a lot of there's a lot of twists and turns inod the WD has a A6 far ratio too it's actually not the W it's that's the master Z it's the underline that is a huge problem that was even addressed yet yeah and we show so a floor area ratio if let's say you have one acre property 40,000 sare ft a 6 uh far ratio means the building on it can't exceed 6 of 40,000 or in this case what 28,000 you have an acre one acre you only can put a 28,000 foot building on it 60% of your site can be first FL commercial 40 you have to 40% open space on the line is that correct same thing the building have more square foot if you go higher right it's by floor floor is floor area ratio is the total floor area ratio is is based on it's not uh it's not a building coverage it's a floor are so you could actually do a two-story building at 20,000 but then you just move it back and then move it up so that's really kind of a good so the the biggest building that could be on a one acre lot is 28,000 minus the 15 foot setbacks and well no that doesn't count get so it's 60% yeah it would be 60% of 40,000 square fet that's 28,000 sare F feet so that's the biggest building you can put on it be it one story or five story that's the biggest that can go there I did do a little thought exercise at home and I didn't bring it with me but I was laying things out to see what does it look like because that that's yeah I mean a a lot of your highrises they do 13,000 foot floor plates so that you know that it's the way that Stacks out so in this case you would have a two and a half Story three story building so in a in an office building per se that doesn't that's what uses F right F non-residential period multif family period Well in your C plan you measured residential in density okay but we should but I think it's something we should talk about in this type of a urban environment we probably should get to the point where we're measuring everything in F yeah Mo most of your right I'll say more advanced development codes the only thing is the state of Florida does require you to have a it if you if you allow residential you have to show your density maximum but that's correct they still they still govern by the far ratio they show your density Max so you can have 18 units per acre or you can have far of 6 or4 or whatever right but but if you came in with 18 units per acre and you you could go over 60% of the site you'd have to do your building coverage correct yeah so it's to separate things but it's important to note that it's either 6 or 18 but once you start getting in mixed use they make you go to far we just have to provide for that I I agree with you but we need to like write it up because right now there's various limited information regarding that but yeah so in theory I guess it's very difficult as even get to 72 foot if you gotta if you got a restrict a far right I'm I'm giving you a 1 acre parcel so if it's a larger parcel then obviously that calculation changes um you know three let's let's take gild dogs because everyone loves gild dogs right now that's a 3 Acre parcel on a 6 far uh is 75,000 Square fet allowable my math does [Music] right all right my Math's a little off pretty close 43560 time 3 time6 841 being counter told you that by the way so so did you use a calculator did you go off your head no 43 56 I use the same thing only I use the calculator he's he is a calculator anyway human calculator you're getting into mixed use though theoretically because that was what was proposed so it's not you can't necessarily go by density because there's no density in the mixed part mixed use so by Theory you're going with your far ratio now and you're at 7,411 and change but right now today you just have to go by your density so if somebody came on that 3 ACR site and wanted to put 18 units or what's that's actually that's actually C2 right C2 c2's so they could do the 15 C2 is 15 C2 is 15 yeah 2 is 15 so I'm saying three acres times you could 45 units on three acres of non-mixed use because you can't mix the yeah you can't it's proportionate yeah so I guess what I'm trying to understand I think I've understood this so if I if I take a building on this 3re parcel or any parcel and that building has a footprint of 60% of that parcel not a footprint there there's two two measurements there's far floor area ratio so it's it's area of the space floor of your building to area of the space that you're building it on that be relatively the same though because it's you got a wall but then you have the space inside the wall no no no so again the area of what you're building on is one acre 40,000 square fet the building you want to put on that one acre is 10,000 square F feet let's say for well I want use max this this for this for the so so that would so your maximum floor of floor area floor coverage of your building in entirety would be 26,000 Square ft but if I'm at one level no no no no I get that but if I'm at one level then it's 20 then I foot print and it's same as there's other criteria that fall into that because you're going to have impervious coverages and you're going to have setbacks and other things roll into that so that's kind of what starts telling you all right is it a two-story building is it but let's say all of those other things go away and you're only worried about floor area ratio right now the biggest building you could put on that area one story would be 26,000 Square ft or you could do two stories at 13,000 get or you could just keep doing that but you can't exceed that number so your your height is really governed by footprint because of the far because if you well yes no you you'll get into zoning areas where they're far is 3 to one 4 to one um and that really starts changing that6 I was talking about from ours yeah ours is 6 but correct so that that's where you start getting your high rises because they Chang their fars and everything else to allow for those highrises too that's how Tampa has whacked out ones because they're just trying to and they do puds based off of that and then they set their floor areas for that pod almost for that building and then they run it up that's how they address those and so the final question obviously from a residential perspective does or does not the far become a restricting Factor it will yeah far is so it's not about units for residential if it's if it's strictly residential far does not play into it if it's mixed use so bottom bottom retail above that all far but if you had bottom floor retail you would say well how much retail do I have because I can go up to0 6 but if I go up to point 6 I can't have all my residentials so it's proportionate yeah they start knocking down the density to account for the residential so it's a calculation between the two at the end of the day the idea is you really shouldn't be exceeding 15 or 18 or whatever is or a point 6 yeah and then that calculation is done to make sure you don't exceed all of that put together yeah and so on a strictly residential no mixed use then far doesn't play it's just this strictly right well you do start getting into your impervious coverages and everything else that's a whole different set of calculation building coverage that come in play more like service for sure but this is based on so density intensity is established by your future land use map and the categories and then that's what you do your um infrastructure analysis to see that can you serve at that level and so that's kind of like what you've said like based on your future land use map that that's what you think that you can serve in terms of water and sewer and parks and Roads and solid waste and what's the other one storm water storm water drainage so as we as we go up in we'll have to demonstrate to the state that all those Services can be met um at least at the time when the building permits come in or the final local development orders do we set impervious on the comprehensive land used to or no we don't only in the uh Parks excuse me the recreation open space only Recreation but we have talked about I think we talked about that in the context of the coastal and conservation management element of that that actually again that it can influence the going high going wide and the far and everything else because once you start integrating in the impervious coverages you're mandating the Green Space yeah so there's a lot of little things that sort of change your building scheme and all those things when you start to think about what your needs are in this area all those will have to be assessed and understood and seeing what the Dynamics are between those different regulations and then making them as easy to understand as possible because it's a little your codee's a little complicated you know what I mean it's and and so when a developer comes in and they're looking at your codes like are they do they feel like they're catching everything do they worry that something's trust me you're not not alone okay does uh does parking facilities take away from the far or that is that free you have to park your building parking is included in there so that's part in a square footage a level of parking would take away from that no I think f is gross leasable area yeah correct it's gross leasable so it's not your part your your porches and it does count against your impervious coverages depending where it is and how it is if it's under the building it does it doesn't account against your imperious but yeah you're right it is gross leas so it's only like and gross leasable means all right so if you were to rent the space and I want a th000 square feet of space in a building and this building's 20,000 sare feet say hypothetically the common areas and let's say it has parking garages and everything else the lobby when you walk in that's part of your gross leas you actually pay for it as a renter but it doesn't count against the developer because the the far is based on the thousand square feet that you can rent and give to another person like common area if you will yeah your common area is part of your grossly parking it's also your utility areas uh your common area bathrooms um all anything that really makes the building operate is part of the gross leasable the net rent net rentable is what you are actually in in your space you can also think about it in terms of the gross leasable and also are the things that have impact potential relative to your services right so how many bedrooms that you or how many residences you have or how many restaurants with chairs and cons consumption of water and need for wastewater treatment and so but yeah the gross leasable is essentially the the places where the people occupy as opposed to where the car occupies the restaurant that but that's not gross right or is that is it is it would a restaurant would be net leasable to the tenant not gross because the operator of the restaurant is it would be it would be at leas within the wall so the restaurant itself is not leasable no but as far as the development form you're looking at the leasable be included the the net leasable is included in the gross square footage of the building but well there's gross leasable area and then that's what we Us in for growth management gross leasable as opposed to net I mean that's whole you're looking at the whole building yeah the whole building where there's leasable space as opposed to like that net that you're talking about this is the piece that that renter is paying but the net leasable is what counts against your car because it's not it wouldn't fall under the parking or the other components gross leasable parking is not leasable actually it is leas well you know it is now but back in the day like it was was a parking lot is there like a cheat sheet Cliffs notes or something yeah yeah 25 years I've still been looking for one I mean there why have you not created one yet there's something we can find that has there is items that kind of Define I'd love to have a little reference to be able to keep that it's a lot to a lot to know for and every Community is different except for the density intensity of Florida okay so um so the question here was how do the community preferences align with adopted regulations so the next next uh slide is the preliminary recommendations to what is the community's vision there's a lot of things that the community would like to see uh improvements within Cody River Landing there's also a sensitivity to height and mass and uh access to the water and and and view corridors so looking at your comprehensive plan Your Land Development code and also creating some design guidance to um so as development comes in you're making sure that you're checking the boxes on those quality of life things or design things athetics of environmental considerations all those things are U well considered embedded and and go into the development approval process so the next steps um in a nutshell we find the vision statement um and then for for the contract that I have right now with the city we're developing a scope outline so essentially what we've come up with so far and I'm about ready to finish it um and I showed the city manager the other day is we would do a regulating plan that sort of assesses all that we're talking about the potential for transfer development rights so somehow creating opportunities for waterr property owners that are maybe to keep like an incentive to keep their properties low and then transferring that additional density where you'd have some increase in your standards over to the places where there's more tolerance for taller buildings so that's not a slam dunk just you know go write it tomorrow you have to kind of think through a lot of things like we just talked about um you know getting some maps out and and also I think Community engagement is an important part of that as well but there's regulating plan and that plan tells you how you're going to update your comp plan and how you're going to update your Land Development code including some design guidance and then the community engagement that's part of that in its most basic level you have to do public involvement at your public hearings so before you adopt any ordinance you know you'll have to have those three public hearings planning and zoning and the first reading second reading but what would be ideal because I think there is a real interest in the community to be able to understand some of these dynamics that that everybody's been talking about um so I thought you know what if we could do like a private development and a Public Finance sort of 10one where we maybe we have somebody from like the uh realy um industry that could come in and talk about well what what goes into sort of like what we were talking Dave and I were talking about with you know when you have a property and it's very like an acre and it's very expensive sometimes it doesn't work out it's not financially feasible to build a small building because you'll never get a return on your investment right so then you're not going to do anything so you have to have that sort of balance between like what you pay for a property and what sort of rents or value that you're going to get out of it the next part would be things about how do cities pay for things you know they they pay for things like they have taxes ad taxes sometimes they pay for things because they um you know they're they're able to increase the value of their tax base and also they're they have things that they have to buy that that impact um where you can spend your money so sometimes you have like really high priorities but you don't necessarily have enough money to left over to do you know the fancy plaza where the where the open market is on Sundays so I think some educational process would be nice there so that people could touch and feel the information like we did at the open house but a little bit more focused I know you probably have some thoughts maybe on on um how that might how that might be how that might work out in a practical application but um but that's just an idea oh and also importantly I missed over we haven't talked to anybody out on the or at least I haven't or St maybe hasn't um anybody in Cody River Landing in this Waterfront 2 or in the US 19 Corridor what do those land owners have to say what do the people who would be interested in investing there have to say um the prop you know property owners in general agencies you know what does do have to say D um Department of Commerce what what do they have in mind for this area to help reduce the impact potential as much as possible so I think that sort of fact finding is really intrical to doing sound planning um and I think too because the community didn't grasp this or not grasp they're not board with a lot of intense development out here um I think you're going to need to spend some more time talking to the community and and bringing them along like to just to develop an understanding of what the Dynamics are because it feels to me that there's some things some nice things that the community wants but how do you get there and I don't know the answer to that right now and I don't know that anybody else really knows exactly how you do that but it's a it's a it's a village sort of thing I think it has to come together together that's my thoughts and that's it that's all I have so I'm ready for any questions I've won um on the skipped questions the skipped the other as you got went through all the questions there was they all 12 140 skipped whatever so what skipped over them yes I understand but what when were you able to count constitute a skip so if I entered the survey I mean you have to at least answer one question to consider skipped because if I went in to survey and it I think it started out it wanted to comment at first right they say I got out of it is that a skip the only one that you were that you absolutely had to answer was if you lived in the city like what street do you live on or you didn't live in the city or other so that that was the only mandatory question so they just basically left the question blank they just somebody maybe they got in and they said I don't really feel like writing they skipped it they skipped over um in a lot of cases the other people didn't have anything else to add so they skipped it not everybody answers every question so really once they pass that first comment that's probably the only time it really matters if because you couldn't go you could skip the first one you could skip you could just skip skip skip all the way to the end skip right to the end anything else as long as you put in your address and H enter then then you're good okay that's my question I guess so really the people that skipped they could skip at all really they didn't take survey at all putting their dress in right I mean generally people will skip one or two questions or sometimes they get a fat finger and it just goes right by or they don't understand the question so they just skip it to the next one and go through yeah not not every sometimes if it you don't feel like you have anything to add you don't agree with a question whatever you you could just skip it over or you know hypothetically well they didn't say one to three stories I would have picked one to three stories I'm not answering this click well and I think that's what we heard some people I would have answered that question but I didn't see the range that I agreed with there wasn't one for me yeah the reason I ask was they the skips were all around the same amount seem like they were all 120 130 140 all it's around the same it's all like the same people I know it wouldn't like that but just it was a odity I guess yeah so I just curious I will tell you this survey was very well responded to know very well to put it in context if if that survey had the same response rate in Clear Water they would have had 40,000 people answering that it's a phenomenal respons and they wouldn't you know I did a I did pelis County two years ago we did a sustainability action plan it was a very big push it was a lot of bold ideas 1,200 people so it's a county of what 800,000 I don't know where they are at this point um 1,200 and we were celebrating that we were like wow we got 1,200 a few years ago to get a 20% response rate is ridiculous yeah we I mean comparatively to other cities and whatever I mean our election even at as as low count as it is it's around 18% right which is 10% I think average for municipal that's good yeah and that's an election right that's people understand that we have we have a lot of people that more than normal would actually get involved yeah well I can see obviously but it's um I keep saying it's not a slouch rate of responses it's it's very high even to have a 100 people show up it was actually surp that's probably more impressive than anything I honestly thought we'd get like 30 to 40 people and that would be it to to to hear it's 100 it was very no that number was the most what I heard when we first started this and someone professional said I thought you were going to get 50 surveys back like they were going to be happy with 50 but when people hear 766 it's like their mind blows it's so high and that that Workshop as well for a community of this size for there to be that many people who came out is really a testament to either the Coconut Telegraph people just you know talking to people and getting them to come or just a real interest in the area that's the big thing really I'd like to commend everyone who was involved with it it really phenomenal response a good turnout from the citizens um you actually had good comments too because a lot of times you get really dumb comments from these things um it was really a well run thing all the way around and lot I like I was expecting a lot of fresh comments you know like usually but they weren't they were really thoughtful comments they like well this is what I usually you get the Port Richie socks CL that doesn't really help I think the mailer helped a lot too doing the mailer and the nixel you could see those points where you release something and there'd be a spike and S bombing me left and right Mi helped a lot too as I watched those coming through I was always waiting for it to slow down and it didn't it never slowed down we had spikes but even that very last day there was you know the the bar chart show a lot of people that were the last couple days there were still people out there trying to take did um did you have any kind of stats on when was the peak like was it the last day we had more people engaged and it seemed like it was like once a week like after we had our meetings we'll see if this lets me in it's always telling me I can only have two devices it's like I have more than I have more than two devices and then like when if we knew the day that the mailer hit just look I don't remember I'd imagine you probably get a spike when theel went out be interesting to see because I know Tammy was was watching that as well and would say that so I can tell you the Peaks well this is just I don't know what it's doing it's aggregating them but it's like May 6 but I don't know if it's that day or if it's just grouping them May 6 is when it started so there was like less than 50 on May 13th whatever range that's including there was um a little under 250 on May 20th it looks like 200 May 27th was 250 and then this last week was 55 June 3D 55 I think your mailer went out the 27th because didn't It Go like think it went out the week of the 20th yeah it was it was it went out actually it went out that Friday day before the 30th so it was it was the week yeah hit hit like Friday and Saturday of the week before the uh open house well if we could tie um the nixel that went out the when the mail went out to volume it'd be nice to know from a communication perspective what works better what doesn't that it shows me that someplace I just right here it's like a summary yeah um maybe over here it would be but um um as I mentioned I think when I wrote to everybody um on staff and the team and everything it was best practice whatever we did collectively worked and so in fact people in the industry that I've mentioned this too they're like what did you do like they want to know because you know we have we spent a lot of money on meetings like public meetings and maybe you get five six people I mean how many people participated in your CRA plan less than less than 15 yeah so City residents or non- city residents hear you know $100,000 public meetings because a lot of times they're very expensive put on but you have your consultant team outnumbers the public that shows up what have you really captured so there's a lot of interest now in this the surveys the Geo fencing so people drive through an area and they get like a thing to take a survey uh there's ways that that give you more value um but I think what it you you know I think the idea from the club having this open for like four weeks having it before and after the open house I mean it really shows that and I think we probably got a little bit of bump after the open house some people said they waited to come to the open house to learn before they took the the survey so sense yeah it it would have it would have been really positive if we could have had a of the open house before we opened up the the survey I mean not not exactly the same but more from the education education yeah yeah because I I think that's you know what I was hearing back what I synthesized from what I was hearing back was people weren't understanding what we were asking them I mean they understood what we were asking them but they weren't understanding what we were asking them because you know they they were expecting to see well we wanted we wanted to vote This Is How They we wanted to vote on how tall a building or how many people or what were the uses and and when they got to the survey it it wasn't what they expected and so they were they were trying to match what their expectations were to the questions and they just they didn't line up to what those expectations were well they did vote in a way I mean they they've made their their opinions known to what it was I think like you said some of them were expecting all right this is a referendum vote on so it's almost like okay this is an April referendum vote and we we say yes to five story or above and it goes through and no and it does that's what they're used to and that's what everything's directed towards this was a pulse and a pulse survey so I remembered something I was like a big reveal that we did speak about at the city council meeting but the results from that table those stations which was in a separate document so I'm looking for that now and that and that think again there were people there that I had talked to before and I think they they had already answered the the survey questions came up with a different insight into what they would have said in the survey if they would have done that first because what was coming out of that that tabletop exercise was a little bit different than what we were seeing I think in the in the survey so and I'll share this with with you but station 4 there was an overwhelming preference for Waterfront one uh for enhanced dining entertainment and shopping lowrise buildings up to three stories consistent with the existing character are preferred to maintain small town charm of fory zone or Waterfront one is a place for both families and adults the streetscape and infrastructure improvements recently designed for this Zone should be implemented in Waterfront 2 an extension of a dining and entertainment in zone one is preferred along the riverfront for the US 19 residential development up to 10 stories along US 19 are acceptable the mid-rise development here should not obstruct views of the gulf uh recreational water sports activities including improvements for the boat ramp at Nicks Park is desired there's also a strong sentiment to better utilize Waterfront Park as a community park parking is much needed there is in the area there is a general sentiment to have a multifunctional parking garage for Golf Cars golf carts and bikes on the west side of us19 to primarily serve the dining and entertainment in Waterfront one the improvements to the existing boat slips and new slips should be considered as part of any private site and public infrastructure improvements there is an opportunity to create a downtown Port Richie or Port Richie Main Street around Grand Boulevard Boulevard and River Gulf Road to leverage branding Economic Development and funding opportunities two more safe and pedestrian and vehicular Crossings across US 19 connecting Waterfront 1 Waterfront 2 and US1 19 are desired for a more connected and robust Cody River Landing the option to have a pedestrian overpass Gateway across US1 19 near the bridge was expressed and then to consider Water Taxi facilities to further connect the Cody River Landing Waterfront to other commun ities so so there really was an opportunity for people to sort of compromise and make tradeoffs that if they could protect this area they would be more inclined to accept more espe everyone seems I mean they they want to protect the Waterfront make it a a small town downtown fishing Village they almost don't care what you do on Route 19 I mean I mean I was a little surprised with the survey comments because it was a little protective of but I think was not understanding how infrastructure could keep up with growth because there's a lot of growth in Pasco it always takes a long time especially roads Road improvements 10 years 20 years you're dealing with a lot of congestion while you're waiting for roads and Roads you know they always fill up so I think that that was the the rub with people along US1 19 is that it's already pretty congested yeah so go ahead go 10 stories what do we care so um but yeah I think that that that educational opportunity that we had in a small way at the open house was had material results that were different than the survey good job good job it was a lot of work just want you to know want you to be appreciative like you said that was a good budget it was a good budget for the city so but I was happy to do it I had a lot of fun it was very exciting you know the surveys is coming in you do it again same price need a new survey would you do it again at same price or did you oh no I well it depends you know I have my favorite I saw that price I'm like hey this good price roll I have my my favorite communities that I I do special deals with but you know I thought this one was important no it was I can't do them all the time because there's only so many hours in a day it was a phenomenal turnout good results good everything really couldn't ask for more especially putting this thing together so I was a price of four speed bumps yeah is that what it was how much they cost two two 6,000 so 12,000 would be four are you doing them like they are in Newport Richie on the grand yeah the the table speed table one saying yes one saying no I'm Just sh my head about speed what they are speed we got all that survey and all that stuff the same price of four speed bu interesting how pricing I didn't break this no please do we need that's someone else broke it not nameing any Nam offo lives on Blue Point Drive 5439 yeah I remember uh exct any other questions for Tammy on this do I have any questions do we have to talk to anything about the next steps or is that outside of the context of this right now I think we if you have another contract it is another contract but if you have input on that yeah because she's in in the process right now of putting together kind of that that statement of work so we can get the okay so there's nothing for us to do right now or anything to it right I mean I guess you're putting together like we did with the original survey she's going to put together putting together statement work it's a really basic we'll comment on it and then go back and forth I will also add um and maybe Matt has forgotten about this but I don't know I probably have't May don't want talk about it we we did uh submit a grant to Department of Commerce to do more robust planning out here which would include a regulating plan comp plan amendments and Land Development code updates for the entire ream because not just Cody River Landing this is this whole area so I believe um that that you're announcing it tonight we got it is that what you're doing well I haven't heard anything yet so good 7 usually it will occur in June July August so it's after the July because the fiscal year starts uh July 1st but uh we asked for $75,000 you're going to need every bit of that um a reimbursable type thing where we can start spending the money and get a back end or what you get you well no he's thinking if we started it now no you can't start aren't you guys doing some kind of traffic Safe Streets study as well safe Safe Streets for all because that could integrate into it's more um dealing with hotspot like crash locations like oh is that what that is Oh I thought that was more circulation and and sidewalks and it's all part because you know you come up with pedestrian plans and bike plans that's what why I'm saying because we have a lot of feedback already on the the circulation and the the travel preferences of our citizens oh yeah definit that would work in nicely to the Safe Streets Grant and then circulate off of that as well so everything's kind of coming together at a good time there's anaz amazing linkage in all these things right now but I think going back to you know kind of that next step um where there's there there's actually probably three different things that I see we're doing here um one is is we have to keep focus on the greater planning of all those areas that that you know are the water Waterfront one two and US 19 and and that's kind of what that Grant was aimed at was you know while some of this was started because of a developer you know we can't plan on a single developer doing everything this needs to be done in those areas so I you should go under the assumption that a single developer will not be doing exact and that's exactly what I'm saying is that that we can't we can't rely upon that and even even if there is a single developer doing a lot you're not going to do everything and and so we have to start planning for how those areas get redeveloped and and that's kind of a little bit longer term issue I think and and again that's why that Grant is is a excellent opportunity so we don't have to pay for that let they pay for that part um the other two areas are a little or issues are a little bit more I guess closer term and that really is dealing with the developer it's at hand looking at some of those parcels and so that's where you know a land use change um land use plan change in the near near term is something we have to deal with and then also what changes in our land use uh code um that is reflective of what that land use changes and so where we have the bigger planning issue that's probably going to take a lot longer and allows us to engage a lot better um the the other two are probably not going to be as robust of Engagement but I think we would not be doing you know the area of service we didn't sit down with those existing land owners and stakeholders in the Waterfront I mean and and you know I've talked to most of them already and I know they they have something to say about all this that we need to listen to because I think it's it's the piece that's it really is missing in in what is up there although you know you might say that they may have had some input but you know we really haven't talked to them about you know the impact of different types of development on their businesses and and I will say that there is a wide range of beliefs there by the people that are down there I mean and it may be even wider than than what we've seen in this this uh um survey so it's going to be an interesting process that we're gonna have we have to figure out how to do that do it quickly do it within the here here's a very important part and and I agree wholeheartedly you need their input as to what they want I guess they probably have very varying ideas of what they want in that area the problem is what you essentially do in one parcel of that area you're doing for that whole area it's one master PUD so you know you can grant variances or do whatever you want for One parcel you're a lawsuit away from granting them to all yeah essentially so the the the the I know there's a a rush to to decide but you have to decide very carefully and get those land owners inputs because I know you know the the the feedback I've gotten is they weren't even aware of what could potentially be there and they weren't necessarily some of them weren't necessarily on board with it to that extent so getting their feedback and saying yes this is what we want is very important but also remember that what you do for one you're doing for all down there that there is no oh I can only give to you and you you you know it as well as anybody you give to one you are giving to all of them and you're likely giving to across the street to across 19 as well into Waterfront too so bring question I had on the Pud and let's talk about you know what the WD consists of and then you have that which gild doogs is within but then the parcel that's almost five acres is not I saw that here that it was the M the I didn't think it was okay that's where I all these disclaimers and things like so so my question is hypothetically for the guild off properties which is obviously the thing that's of uh the what's going on right now right so you've got some in a wd some out but it's all being one uh package together from a PUD perspective could you create a PUD for just those gild doog properties right again there there's the limitation of five which is something else we need to address if we drop that down to lower or whatever but this ke five let's say there's I what total is maybe Seven Acres something like that eight Acres could you define that as a PUD that kind of sits on top of the other PUD or do you have to modify the WD to take that out to then there's only one PUD right it would be you'd have to take gild dogs out of the Pud there's P Well w is a PUD no it's an overlay it's an over over oh that's so it's not pey so that's maybe another question but so I guess two Parts could we create PUD for the gildogs properties with the Waterfront overlay District now you'd have to take the gildogs out of the overlay District well no well you you can do a PUD in the overlay District but but the issue is our PUD requirements is it has to be contiguous has to be all separated by a road well you could just do two and then you could link them with a development agreement somehow like because what you'll probably if you go through the scheme that we're talking about keep being the one area individually because you have you have the four point whatever which is in C3 and I'll go down one further I'm the next developer you make special arrangements for him creating his own PUD we's mine and you will lose that's the whole purpose of PUD is negotiation with no no no the judge will say no you you have to now treat every further developer the as you treated this develop so Seaside then becomes its own PUD well well and go to the next step that is Seaside they buy that and they buy another partiel let's say and you all sear now now now I know own everything on the interior and I own Seaside well that all is now a linked PD you got to be careful with what you're going down the road because I've been there with my lawyers you're one step away from the next guy coming in doing whatever the hell he wants well that's always constrained by infrastructure yes and compatibility well so that's contrary to what I've asked told this is I mean again let's go further this is non-compatible with their overlay District so now I can do a non-compatible use to the overlay District which gives me a PUD which means I can do anything I want there there's a lot of thinking that needs to go this is this has to be extraordinarily it does careful it has to be just like we're doing right now all you actually want to get a land use attorney in on this big time to make sure you're doing it properly if you want to go down that road because there are a lot smarter people than you out there yeah well sure and and they're coming they will be right behind it and you anytime you make a special exception especially linking and breaking things out and doing special things the next guy's right behind you right and so I get all that and so the reason for the question is is a big part of being able to accommodate some of these things that allow for this is like you said if you open up one you open up for all right well what is the legal way that doesn't get us into that situation where we do have some flexibility to work with a certain piece of property and a developer to to do something that doesn't translate to another so that's you have right now you have a maap that's constraining you in order to increase it there's got to be some performance for that like you don't just give away all that density or intensity that you build into your comp plan or whatever you're amend so this is where performance needs to occur but to his point if if we do that for one somebody comes in and says well I want to do it over here too then they're gonna have to do performance performance so it's either you're GNA have to open it up for to go above that and and accept performance or leave it where it is and say no per no performance everyone's on the same plate you start getting into and depending what the performance is it has to be very specific because a judge think of it down the road a judge is going to look at it okay what is the performance because the same performance had so if the performance is very little the judge will say well you can't treat the next guy any worse than he treated this guy or or woman I don't want to get person it whatever we're talking about the the performance and and and the the leeway that you provide has to be either very very detailed and and hard to replicate and you can't do undo burden or anything like that or you have to leave it where it is or just raise it all at once and and and open it up for everybody which OB is not the answer and where you are right now with the regulations that you have you can build tall and you can't make the f is constraining for sure but how do you create an incentive to keep that Waterfront one area very much like the community wants it you've got to make those property owners have to give them some way an incentive to shift that extra density that they have someplace else and that also is going to require and it's it's done there TDR programs that work in historic districts or downtowns if you're trying to preserve some resource um but that's also something needs because there's a few different ways that you can set that up and how you're going to administer it and is it going to be Market based or is it going to you know there's a lot of things that have to be thought out but the important thing in my opinion is how do you keep those Waterfront one property owners whole as they help the community achieve the vision that they'd like to see out so they're you know they have something very valuable there so how do you take that value and put it somewhere else so the problem that they have something valuable but depending on what the code and what they can do with that determines that the valuation right so they can't do anything with it it's not very valuable at all so at least at least it's good in a way because communities that have given away a lot um you don't have any room to there's a balance yeah you guys good someone El to speak and I just wanted to make sure you guys were talking for let speak name and address please n Mueller 5439 bluepoint Drive um I really enjoy this conversation it's it's very enlightening uh one of the things and it sounds like you guys have a challenge here you also have to consider the existing structures down there for example catches maybe at some future point in time they want to race that building and do something else because now you don't have its highest and best use with this new structure you need to take that into consideration as well at some point in time maybe Whiskey Joe's or Hooters will want to change that because the value of the property is changing and now they find a highest and best use and want to redevelop it in some other capacity uh so you guys have a challenge there um Good Luck thank you I'll ceue off of that though highest and best use for a property is always Define well it's it's static to the extent of the um codes that uh you know exist and and um parameters the parameters that the plan falls on so the highest and best I I run into this a lot actually with uh land owners you know they have 30 Acres they have a far where they can go up to 08 and all kinds of other stuff stuff and they have a dinky little 20,000 foot retail thing they come to me what can I do with that for highest and best use and then I go and I you know lay out look at all the codes get the Architects look at it and we'll put together but it's always up to the code maximum so for instance catches you know is it underutilized right now maybe maybe not um to highest and best use but at the best you could ever go with current Cod would be a building of mixed use 15 or 18 units per acre and a far of 60 so it's highest and best use is probably right at it now for a high-end restaurant right on the water with Marina that is one of the highest and best uses as we sit what would change that highest and best use would then be you know if you substantially change the code to and let's say 20 story buildings and you know whatever else okay well now I'm now you know people with a lot of money are coming in knocking down catches and putting up 20 score because then it becomes its new highest and best use so they're static in and of themselves and let you know you can get a higher end restaurant in there or maybe it goes to its highest and best use of you know let's say Port Richie and New Port Richie become the new uh uh Los Angeles Beverly Hills where all the actors want to come here here and then you you start building in those condos that's new highest and best use but right now it's probably fully utilized for what it is and what's allowable under current codeine that big so what if there was this additional bonus that they could get through this new land use scheme that they could actually build on top of their they could in addition to their point maybe they have point6 right now I don't know what their f is well that's they have separate thing they they could possibly build right now on that well they have to have Podium Podium parking oh yes I'm saying build so there would be an incentive there for Podium parking and then you could have an agreement to say well the city would like to have a hundred spaces or whatever the spaces are you know how they have the agreements with You're Building you're building a building you've got Podium parking and we would like to have an agreement that we're going to get this much that's good for public public parking and usually it's paid parking though well I I mean when when I was on Council and gildogs was looking at the Kaiser thing there was going to be a public parking component on that of a 100 spaces something like that based right off the Waterfront and that was going to be the agreement uh with it that it went through obviously did something like that yeah they did that with you did that with Kaiser now I think on your I don't want to bring you they um they gave us the property because they were just going to have asphalt parking they us the property as long as we would build the 33 and then you have the public private agreement to for public park yeah I didn't mean to bring you in on no that's was it was their property yeah let's bring it back um why do you let us goal I you know I'm sorry I I'm I'm getting this evil stare from the clerk over here that I'm not running a very a very efficient meeting right now so I apologize but it's a very interesting topic and and again this it's a rich topic yes it's going to require a lot of brains I don't think we should rush it any no I think that's that's the challenge with this is to do it right but to do it right in the way that that you know we we meet goals that help transform the community in the direction the residents and the lucky officials wanted to go and and I think again as we're kind of putting together that that plan we're trying to be sensitive to you know what what you know outside influences there are but also to do it in a way that's going to get the biggest benefit for the residents and it's it's a difficult a difficult thing to do I know I put a lot of stress like somebody like puts together the regulations paret you got to figure out how much like it's just not like an arbitrary number what works you know what how do you calibrate those sites what's needed to make the project work financially what you can handle in terms of infrastructure all that stuff has to go into turning that dial you know do we have more over here if red that reduce but incentivize keeping it low flun over here what do you need to be able to transfer over here what does what does this look like you know so it's a lot of there's a lot L of nuance there so we'll be looking forward to outline it's just an outline yes as possible so the idea is the outline comes back to us like the survey did we kind of talk it through and see what okay and then send it to council and say we want to spend a bunch of your money y a lot of money we kind of I think I'm going to try to create a little bit of not a menu approach but just the different scenarios perhaps I'm gonna have some ideas I'm sure I think one of the most unique things that we have and one of the best things we have is the total engagement that we have if you know in developing this further if that momentum stays with the amount of people involved and interested I mean you can the trick is you know know again I work with do a lot they're all about everything's Community Centric and they're about building relationships because you want to have people engage now and you want them to engage in the future right and they want it to be a good thing so you need to show that the responses that you got back are meaningful and that people will continue to be engaged it's not just a oneoff right now you have a responsibility to engage so which is a great problem because I think an Engaged Community is a much tighter more respectful and you know just harmonious Community you they're going to have issues people are going to disagree but at least you ask and so many people wrote in this survey thank you for asking thank you for asking me this question yeah a lot of the and I don't want to speak for you but a lot of problems planners have is they don't know what the community wants because the community doesn't tell them what they want so they all go down that path and it's like oh we didn't want that where are you done done ready we move on to the next comprehensive land use Plan update conservation Coastal management objectives and policies review We through this like in 10 minutes I hope so because I gotta leave at six yeah this is a really easy one it's just the goal five do you see it not really so I added it's community and partner engagement like we're just rolling right into the same theme so our goal is to actively involve our community and partners in learning about and addressing issues related to conservation and Coastal management to foster a culture of preparedness resiliency and sustainability so essentially we have like two parts the objective CC M51 is community engagement and then after that is more partner related so we had last time a long list that was from a lot of different research that I had done so I kind of like took that and Consolidated it by topic um so if there's anything that you see here that could use a little bit more um detail or you just want to change it in some manner but I think it's a good starting point for different ways that you can especially related to all the topics you know flooding uh Community rating system you know hazardous waste and education so all the topics are there I think you guys can tell me if I'm wrong um and then going down to the the next one is Community Partnerships so those are the different groups including the county or the different environmental agencies that you would collaborate with to achieve your conservation and Coast management vision vertical oyster Garden initiative yeah I had to look that up yeah so have you heard about how they're collecting oyster shells from the restaurants yeah and also they use those oyster shells they probably like dry them and get all the gunk out of them but then they put them in the big bags and they use them to create the living shorelines but they also have these I guess they probably like little seed starters and they just grow Little Farms I supp but you know oyster are very they clean the water right I apologize guys I've got a commitment I've got to go to so if you want we can do this I know that you probably have your um water supply plan that you need to discuss no no no I don't have ton but maybe can we table this and come back I'm fine with that I so well before so we have to get something into the state in July on this or so July 6 is our deadline um we can be late I mean we just right now it's the 20th it's the 20th of June well I wanted I wanted to kind of work through what what the elements were to get this to the state because I thought the big thing that's lacking right now is water supply facilities work plan which is a 10-year plan to be able to so and that I think can be a very simple almost like a table yeah with some policies you know we don't have to make it robust us and if the state wants more we can always provide more later so that's probably the biggest thing another one is um and I know you're probably in budget starting budget discussions right now but and maybe we wait on this one is the Capital Improvements element which is a schedule of capital schedule of Capital Improvements that are related to meeting your level of service standards so it doesn't have to be everything you're doing but those things like you say we need to have or whatever yeah how are you Pro programming for that in the next five years if it has to be in five years because it's a fiveyear program so those are the two big pieces um I I need to put together just the beginning parts of this the data and Analysis and I've been working with Carl Roth is that his name um he provided some data that I was lacking regarding um resil is resiliency yep no sustainability sustainability resilience sustainable Land Management in some regard so I'm going to incorporate that but that's stuff that we don't adopt it's just data that we use to make us help help us do policies so I could probably use one more meeting sounds like you could use one more meeting and we can come back and just finish this last little piece of so then then once that oh it moves on from here we say yeah we like all this Planning and Zoning Board M which Planning and Zoning Board typically requires the 30day review period but that really en code is only related to planned unit development I don't know if it's just tradition or custom to give them 30 days to review something but you know if you want to give them 30 days we'll just be that much later getting into the state typically what happens with the state I mean and I think writing a letter to let them know that hey we're on the cusp of this we're getting ready to because a lot of places are are behind including the um so um but what will happen if they want Push C to shove they could stand in the way of Grants state grants and also they could prevent you as the city from amending your future land useb so if you wanted to do something in Cody River Landing but if if a private developer came in they could still go through the process of amending the future Ling map so there's this little sticks that they have but they won't pull the sticks out of um I mean discussing I think if we're upfront with him and let him know that we're doing a very good job extensive job doing this yeah no I also said that in the Grant application because that's the same entity that's that gives the grant so I want to make sure that they knew we were be diligent about that um that requirement okay right so want to meet again do we 11 from today is the fourth that's yeah probably the week of the 4th we're not going to have a meeting I am not going to be here on July 4th but you all feel free to have a meeting we got I'm blocked out that week so the week of the 8th that's good the 11th I prefer Thursdays at four o'clock that's okay so the 11th what you're looking at Yep looks good on my end excellent all righty how about you how's your calendar every day St okay is there any other business to come before the committee no didn't think so with that entertain a motion to a journ you don't need the Motions but I'm going to entertain one you can entertain when you want you're not going to get one you don't need one [Music]