sorry when you're ready how that disappear now it [Music] disappear Call over the comprehensive land use planning committee meeting of uh May 28 2024 please stand for the pledge allegiance pledge allegiance to the of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all okay can we have a roll call please chairman Matthew coppler here member Todd McClary let the records show that member Todd McClary is absent from today's meeting member John Eric Hoover here member Denise McKenzie Pres uh do we have minutes we do motion approve uh May 6 and May 13th club meeting minutes second all those in favor I iOS Nate okay approved uh what's next on the list I don't have mine up here so I'm sorry jump up oh yes comments from the general public we have nobody signed up do we have anybody wish to speak positive I just have one little comment sure step forward state your name address Cynthia Ma 5446 bluepoint Drive um I've talked to a lot of people and they're finding the online um survey tedious and leading I'm just saying this is this is what people are telling me I'm just giving you input what I'm hearing from the citizens and I've probably talk to 40 or 50 people so good thank you anybody else okay uh comments from the board I don't have any nothing nothing nothing from me so let's then jump right into the first agenda item okay sorry thank you Tammy br br Consulting um today we're going to be talking about goal four and then goal five in the coastal and cons or conservation and Coastal management element so let me pull this up Voice not working isn't technology wonderful I just had it up too it okay I'm gonna have to use my word file then see if that works okay so the U the goal four relates to post disaster recovery and planning get in there get in there sorry guys disor Redevelopment and the goal is to proactively why is this jumping around the goal is to proactively prepare for and efficiently manage post- disaster Redevelopment focusing on reducing future vulnerabilities and fosting Community resilience that is the goal there are three objectives that are identified one relates to post Disaster Recovery the second to post disaster repair and Redevelopment and the third is related to post disaster the the post disaster Redevelopment plan so for the first one post Disaster Recovery there were policies in the comp plan relative to a recovery task force uh so I took those two policies and consolid I guess an objective amount of policy and Consolidated them into one so essentially to designate a recovery task force that's comprised of the city manager civil defense coordinator departmental staff and others as may be appointed by the city council and that it has a series of different tests they would be responsible for and I me last time we spoke we weren't certain about who the civil defense coordinator was but this in this case it mentions both the city manager and the civil defense coordinator um and then departmental staff so I don't know if there's any tightening up that could be done there or if that's adequate the way it is but those were taken from the existing policies in the call plan and and that that entity would be looking at your preliminary damage assessments after a disaster looking for financial assistance so making sure everything's uh you know organized and submitted accurately to seek funding from state and federal agencies to authorize uh immediate cleanup and repairs for the um protection of the public health safety and Welfare to direct any post- disaster recovery and Redevelopment plan activities and to evaluate to do evaluation afterward and recommend changes to any appropriate documents such as your comprehensive emergency management plan the comprehensive plan and or the Land Development code any thoughts okay okay can come back to if we needs here the second uh objective relates to post disaster repair and Redevelopment so balancing the urgency of post disaster building repairs with broader Community goals for hazard resilient Redevelopment so in many cases I took I borrowed from the existing comprehensive plan just made some changes here and there the first one relates to A A Time limited building moratoria so that you could kind of get settled and and uh you know get your bearings before you start uh issuing um plans for you know major Redevelopment uh temporary use permits the procedures for issuing any kind of temporary permits to uh to get help get the city back feat um expedited permitting for post disaster procedures for building repair reconstruction that includes review and approval of development and building plans that are consistent with your code and your comprehensive plan um looking into the coordination of um the timing for repairs and Redevelopment activities to make sure that they're a logical and efficient sequence and the next one u c CCM 4.2.5 at the top of the page relating to severely damaged structures um I understand that you are coordinating with the state looking at what that threshold would be maybe going from a 50% to a 40% of the pre-damaged assessment value um I know you haven't gotten there yet so I don't know if we want to keep this at 50% and then if you change that later on down the road I mean I know you want to have the discussion and maybe that's something that we don't just rush right into um so I just put the 40 in there just to because I know there's discussion going on but I know you haven't engaged the public yet yeah council is going to be discussing that till June 4th okay so what we can do is we go ahead and what June what' you say June 4th jun4 oh was it 40% they looking at 49 yeah I think it's it's not 40% I think a little bit higher of a number is it 50% now yeah so you're thinking like like somewhere between 40 and 50 yeah yeah because if you're below 50 then you get more points from CRS rating perspective so because it's more stringent and I don't know what the I think the point values depend you know it's 49 48 there's more Point vales the lower you go okay I'm GNA I'm gonna highlight this and then I'll just wait to hear what comes out of that meeting and then even if we send this off to the state at 50% you know there'll be a time in between that before it goes to the final second reading that we could potentially just bring it down if it's appropriate to do that question on that so let's let's say you you submitted 50% we had the first reading we don't know those numbers yet however we have the first reading goes to State comes back to the second reading is that something we change the second reading or that go back to the state no we I think because it's more stringent and probably more in line with resilience that to say that this was something that was happening I mean you know we'll call them and find out if it's okay to change it but you can make changes I mean between the first reading and the second reading you can make changes you don't want to do anything too drastic but this that' be a textual change which state review right well this the whole thing is going to be reviewed but there'll be that period that they're actually reviewing it they'll come back to the cting with their comments and then city council will consider the comments and what needs to be modified in what we sent to them this could be one of the modifications with just explain what happened and um and I would make a phone call to the state just to make sure that it was okay to do that but I don't suspect that there would be any push back from submitting something like that because it is within the realm of the topic right um and it does relate to of responsiveness to resiliency in the community okay so the next one I had a question related to repetitive loss properties and this is in your comp plan it's as an objective where feasible property which has received recurring major hurricane damage from storm surge shall be publicly acquired or designated Coastal lands Wetlands on the future land use map to prevent Redevelopment of the property so should be not shall be um but pay attention to the storm surge so then the policy that supports that is below uh 2.1.8 so consider one or more of the following strategies and it says in those areas which wasn't clear to me so I went ahead I thought that it was referring to areas that had received damage from storm surge but I wanted to find out if there was other areas that are repetitive loss properties that aren't necessarily losses from storm surge but might be just losses from flooding events so I didn't want to be too constrained but you know what are you finding relative to these repetitive loss properties are they storm surge Properties or are they blooding like just non related both I can't think of anything sitting here today that would show it's both but I would just assume they would be both and the top one relates to major hurricane damage is that also overly constrainted because sometimes storms are not hurricanes so would you be in favor of not describing it as a as hurricane damage and then taking out storm surge altoe so it's maybe major storm events or this will be on 4.2.6 well can you just make that a uh a list so Mercury major hurricane sever storm okay so like okay a list a list of threat okay I'll make those changes to both um 4.2.6 and 4.2.7 would you would you use the language Act of God events so that I mean I if say the house is burned down several times that's that's if it was hurricane storm struck by life so I'm wondering if um do like burning houses do those fit under the repetitive loss category though usually that's a flood related designation repetitive loss you can have repetitive loss several different ways right but I think that the the actual designation relative to is flood okay they're actually repetitive law they call they used to call them repetitive loss flood plane management that was all related to flood okay I how if I I'll just work something up and maybe just send it out to you guys and you can respond well I don't know if we're gonna have another meeting or not before we send off to the state but we'll see okay there's plenty of time right okay okay so then this is actually going to be kind of a short meeting for this because we're almost at the end here the last one is uh it's the post disaster Redevelopment plan so guide post disaster activities through a post disaster Redevelopment plan and so this plan would be a a set of your comprehensive emergency management plan which is something I believe that you guys are are uh working on or about to start working on so for that plan there are in policy 4.3.2 there are a list of components um and so that's kind of a long laundry list of things that you could address so is there anything in there that that you would not want to include in your post disaster Redevelopment plan or anything in addition to and I think this could just be a list and not necessarily bind you you know we can instead of saying shall address uh we could say should address and that way you could decide as when you get into it what it is that you want to include in your post sucess toel could you change address to sh consider yes everybody good that I know and I have my and in the wrong spot there okay any other clarifications or changes that you might want see in this oh see I got my and after L but it needs to come after M I guess the question I have for you is in in that new policy and as a component of the comprehensive emergency management plan then you have things that are a part of comprehensive emergency management plan one thing that may not be a part of a comprehensive emergency plan which is sea level rise again comprehensive emergency plans deal with emergency emergent situations where SE rise is I mean it may you know cause those things to be worse but it's not necessarily it's an emergency it's in the moment sort of thing right I think and it certainly doesn't this does not have to be part of your comprehensive emergency plan it could just be a standalone and that's I guess where I was going is I mean it's almost that you have to have another policy just for that so in essence this is really looking at if there are if there's major destruction in your community how do you want to rebuild and and what are uh some things that you want to prevent as a result of your plan for know such as the you know blight and abandonment of properties it's just anticipating what sort of things could um could come about and having a plan of place to address them now if if you think that the comprehensive emergency management plan is probably something that's higher up in this because this is really the Redevelopment aspect but one way I have seen communities do this is to have it be part of the cemp but other places it's it's this own Standalone document so I think that's just a I knew you were working on your your the EMP so I thought maybe that could be a component but we can certainly split them out it doesn't there's nothing that tells you you have to keep them together do it separately yeah I just I philosophic it's not it's not an Emer situation I mean it's it's an important situation and one that really part of the comprehensive plan we're addressing is you know on the coastal management side not so much as Disaster Recovery although it would be a disaster don't get me wrong but it's one that that you know is going to emerge over 20 30 40 50 60 years yes so how about on U 4.3.1 we take out the phrase as a component of the C everybody good with that and then it's it's a standalone document now now a standalone document yeah without with that removal yeah okay so if there are no more questions or comments we'll go on to the the last goal which is community involvement and I started to put these together but I thought you know you're not going to have this big exhausted list because you wanted it to be manageable so I thought I should put it back to you guys and what do you think are important ways that the community and also the community's partners could be engaged in more um conservation and Coastal management strategies um I know that you're doing things like notifying people during Hurricane Season to be prepared and to you know make sure their property properties are in good shape before the season starts um but then are there other things that you would you know I thought I know the city managers talked about botanical gardens in the past so is that sort of a community project that could be something that um you know might get some interest behind it and organize the community and putting together some type of garden because the gardens are um you know creates clean air absorbs water um so would be have a resiliency component to it but off the top of your heads are there anything that you feel that this community would be excited about help you to either from a conservation perspective or from a a resiliency perspective and I do think there should be at least one thing related to the CRS just to make sure that you get that point if uh if that's a point to be had so was there's like 49 different things here you said pick three to five or what whatever is yeah there's I mean and these could be Rewritten of course these are just things I pulled from a lot of comp plans that I've looked at over the last year probably and so anything I saw that was Ed public education or partner coordination related I stuck it in here so you know here's going on like water conservation educate the public on the benefits of conserving water use of native plants ecosystems and yeah I mean I like several of them is there a way we could leave them all in there and just why don't why don't we just talk about topics and then like so or you can point to the exact one that you're talking about either way well in general I just as opposed it would L down three to five or whatever if that was the exercise it is the exercise we we could we include them all listen like okay you could do for example these have them all there I think you're all great but you need to be manageable because you may not get through the whole list so I think it's it's important to have some level of priority because maybe it'll be so daunting that you but I think there are some that you think are and maybe we even prioritize them if you want to have more vers plus but do you want to are there ones that you want to point out that you liked especially well I mean I had trouble single out just three to five you can do as many as You' like I was just trying to that's what I saying cap if we we've captured them all here is there a way we can well you know what we could do is we could say engage the community in programs such as or that could that might include and then we could have like a laundry list right just kind of what I was thinking okay have the dump after that so just if you look it um and I'm on towards the end of your list there 42 43 4 4 and probably those three those are all very similar I mean they're different different things but they're similar things right and and that's what in looking through all these 49 I started seeing you know the the common themes saying okay this is one one thing this is the second thing I mean I don't think there's 49 things there yeah right right I think maybe there's 10 or 12 things that you could list you know so for that you know exploring different ways to deal with climate change or okay so let me put it back to you this way um was there anything on this list that you weren't jazzed about just to know if there's anything we should take take out and then is there anything not on the list that you would might want to add I will go back and I will kind of sort these and consolidate them and make them chunk them up but is there anything additional what I should be including or is there anything in here that you feel isn't as important to this community just just asking you know just see if there's anything that otherwise I would just go back and do what I intended to do the first time and did you we put out a a yearly newsletter hurricane dis that has some information and stuff in it You' mentioned public meetings shall be held each year to inform Fort Rich citizens natural disaster protection procedures evacuation routes we do that in newsletter not say public meeting yeah you're doing some of these things already so which number are you talking about well that was number 12 but I think they're you know looking at 12 so what we're talking about though going forward is having our own kind of like what Newport Richie is doing this weekend hurricane disaster preparedness day or whatever right so we're thinking of doing those type of things as well so I me although in a public meeting or public meeting today will be I just didn't know if we want to call out well we're already doing that mailing what we're already doing we're continue to do that yeah yes absolutely so you're doing right now you're doing a mailing annually for Hurricane Season what other mailings are you doing what other mail mail else are you doing in addition to the hurricane that's it that's it oh that's it that was the only mail we're doing for the hurricane was the newsletter but you also doing social media that's kind of the cross the board with whatever so that's also a good way of It's actually an ideal way of communicating with the masses um was there anything else that you wanted me to make note of that you're doing relative to this topic or go forth I mean I nothing on there that I would say oh no no we're not we're not going to do that um they're all very okay important Endeavors to do I just think that we could probably shorten it from 49 down toal number just saying these things are similar and right consolidating essentially okay I can do that and then um relative to the water supply facilities work plan have we gotten any data pull back on that okay good we're working on that can and I also noticed something that I wasn't aware of before remember how we were talking about a did we talk about a 20-year time frame I think we did okay so make sure it's 20 years yeah and then split it between 10 and 20 as opposed to five and 10 e five and 10 somehow I I missed that um I think I was not doing comp plans of the year that that that that um legislation was passed so good and then the other thing was are you also looking at Capital schedule of capital projects which can be very abbreviated um and based on what your needs are so if you're noticing that you have water and wastewater related needs tying those to a capital project will fit the bill okay so moving forward then I think we're done with this topic okay before we do that yes if it's okay sorry I know comment on what we just talked about okay go to it I get ahead of myself so um what I thought I'd show you today is the at the open house on Thursday uh starting at 4M we're going to have stations set up around the room there's going to be a total of six stations and I have boards for four of those stations the Google Earth will not have a station I it'll be a station but it won't have a board but it'll have like come over here and do a virtual walk on it the other one is without a board is um where you can have there's a an aerial map scaled to some Legos and also Trace paper so that the public can work with an architect and they kind of just lay out what they think would be appropriate for different wherever they want to build a building in the area and then we're just going to take pictures and see what people come up with so those won't have a station this is the first one so this is essentially a about imagine Cody River Landing and the vision process so it's it talks about what is a Community Vision I I looked this detail up because um in my community we were looking at refreshing our vision a few years ago and we thought well who's who's new in the community that didn't get a chance to work on the first Vision so it's interesting I think I don't have I can't see from here I got to pull mine up but I think this is 12% or 133% can you guys see that okay I'm gonna pull mine up oh 13% of current city households were in PT Richie before when the W Vision was created yes the 133% of your current households 13% of current city households were in Fort Richie before 2000 when the original vision for the Waterfront District was prepared so that means that you've had 87% turnover in households that's estimate of course because some people might move to Newport reg and come back to Port reg but um but essentially you have a line share of your community who've never had an opportunity to express what their vision is or what their preferences are so that's why in communities typically when you have a vision they tend to look at them about every 10 years because there may be things that are change things in technology or things in the you know structural aspects of around the city or with economics or whatever so typically they look at an opportunity to something if there's a reason to sort of look back at that vision and they call it refreshing it to see if it's still valid how they come up with that number by the way they look at property sales that 133% um in the Census Data they have something called year householder moved into unit in the city and so it'll say householder moved in between 2015 and 2019 or 20 2021 or later but they also have one that's back to uh 2000 it up the vision actually was was uh established and you will'll see in the next slide between 1998 and I think 2001 Maybe or 2000 not certain we'll go to the next one but um I'd like for you guys to be able to like read these if you wna just to make sure because tomorrow morning we're going to print so if there's an opportunity well let's go through it and we'll come back so this is the second one that's actually when you first come in about the project so where we began is in 1998 they the city put together an intermodal water master plan and they finalized it in 2001 so was a phase one and a phase two but together they represent that plan and they had some Concepts that you can see on the left that was the area that's now Cody River Landing and then on the little piece at the bottom was the area to the east of US 19 so they had laid out these Concepts they weren't adopted in any way but they were just ideas and The Guiding principles were respect don't know why I'm struggling here respect I think it was connection and revitalization so I just truncated them respect connect Revitalize so that was kind of like the guiding principles about development in this area and you know a lot of the same sentiments um that were expressed about this area back then seemed to be uh in play today um in 2002 the city uh commissioned this regulating I'll call it a regulating plan which really was the Genesis of the Waterfront overlay District zoning and so the zoning was actually the Land Development code amendment was accomplished in 2005 and then the objectives of that were to improve the physical image of the area to protect environmental sensitivity of the river to provide for the highest and best uses of waterfront properties to enhance and Revitalize uh the area to create an economic focal point in the city and to expand the tax base so those were kind of the Again The Guiding principles for that Waterfront overlay District zoning and then I I went ahead just because there was a long period of time that there was not a lot related but I thought well the vulnerability assessment and adaptation plan does speak to the Waterfront overlay District so I went ahead and threw that in there just as a a planning uh product and then here we are so in 2024 26 years later does the 1998 Vision still reflect our goals for the Waterfront District and that's what this visioning process is about so in developing this um visual preference survey that's has a lot of topics and and every opportunity for people to say if they want something more or less or different or the same there's plenty of opportunity for people to express themselves and we've had I think we looked what did we looked just a little bit ago there was 46973 473 responses so far not all of those are complete there's a few that you know I think it's like 85% rate um but even if some people thought it was leading everybody which I think there's probably just a few that maybe said something to that just a tiny 2% maybe said something like that but what's gold is that when we said what's your vision for the area it is so robust there are so many and and I haven't sorted through it CU I'm going to wait until you know just do it like one F swoop um but just reviewing them it there's a lot of positivity there's very few I mean people love the area they love it but they have like you know we love it the way it is but you know it could have this or it could have this or and so there's a lot of that I think at the end of this process you're going to have such Rich information to from which to help you make decisions going forward I think it's going to be a really valuable process regardless of the scale that's a whole different story but I think that you know that's that's the next step of course okay let's go to the next one so this is the station one this is station two so what's allowed in the planning area today so within the planning area which includes both sides of US1 19 and and a larger strip of US 19 itself you've got got these four zoning categories C2 Waterfront commercial C3 General commercial and those are the two categories that are within the WOD so those are the underlying zoning districts for your overlay District then other areas you've got the r here again why am I looking why am I looking up there you've got R2 two family residential so that's the yellow areas that you see um east of US 19 and then also the orange areas which are our three multiple family residential for each one of those zoning districts we have indicated what the maximum allowed dwelling units per acre and sometimes that refers back to the comp plan because in some cases these zoning districts don't speak to a density or they don't have a lot area so if you have a lot area you figure out how many of those lots you can get per acre and that gives you your density so for instance in the two Waterfront commercial you can get 15 units per acre but in C3 which has no minimum lock requirement and no reference to density you'll be able to get that 18 units that's allowed across the city in the commercial mixed use um future langanes category for R2 it's 9.68 kind of an odd density but that's what the 4500 foot lot into an acre gets you um and then R3 is also the it also States 15 units per acre so residential is is already a component of this area of course there's commercial and you can see the different floor area ratios 6 for those commercial categories and 025 for um residential so that's more of like your neighborhood commercial and then your building Heights are 72 ft and all and that's the maximum you know there's things that require it to be lower in other cases but that's a Max and then your R2 allows a 32 foot so over in the yellow areas east of US1 19 those are 32 feet so this is an opportunity for the community to get to be aware of what's been adopted what applies to what which areas and just information right we want to make sure that people have the fullness of information is that C2 density correct because the WD is 15 for sure the WD does not State there's no D density if I looked I could not find a density reference in WOD I think it does underline I think it actually it was 18 and it reduces it in WD to 15 it is in the Waterfront commercial but but it look I I looked I searched I did a little war search I I was wondering if C2 but if it's if it's incorrect let me know because I did the bo search for 15 spelled out and for one five and density and I did all of that I just want to make sure my eyes weren't tricking me I know was definitely 15 in WD and I I thought that was a reduction from the 18 there's there's both C2 and C3 in a w I know the C2 references the density but I could not sign anything in the WOD that zoning section [Music] code there is there is actually Dave Miller 5439 BL Point Drive drive right um there actually is no C2 zoning it's C2 Waterfront right C2 it a C2 Waterfront but and if you look in the Cod Cod we don't specify what C2 zoning is we specify what C2 zoning Waterfront is but we don't specify C2 well C2 is water is a waterfront designation yes but there's areas outside of the Waterfront that are C2 that's not defined well there's C2 in the county but we're not County I know but I don't in the city I think all our C2 is is on Waterfront maybe not Noe but it's it's 18 and then it drops down to 15 in the Waterfront District and I actually I think I got it it's in my notes just let me know where it is and I'll make the change because I I also noticed that the zoning code C1 and C2 it means to say C2 and C3 so there's just a text amendment that you need to do what was that again if you if you look at the W WOD section it will say the commercial underlying districts are C1 and C2 but they're actually c22 and C3 no show me water C2 okay this is maximum okay oh here multiple family is that W no here's W right here you look 15 unit per AC inity requirement in this section W yeah that's that's C2 I got this is water yes that's C which is this okay so you're looking I'm not seeing any we'll come back to it I have lived and breathed this section all weekend I keep going oh I come back and change a little bit but um I think you know and the maps the maps do need to be switched around a little bit or fixed up a little bit um they've kind of lost their way over time but that's not a problem because it worked out as far as the density and intensity related to each one of those categories so there's no wild swings or anything as a result of the colors being different want to go to the next one so this one is um so then there' be the first station the second station of the third one would be what makes a great place and this is actually uh borrowed from a organization of very respectable uh called project for public spaces and uh you know I remember years ago the City of Newport Richie had Fred Kent who's the founder of project for public spaces come to the and to help them um you know Define you know what public spaces are important to a community and what I'd like to call them are what a great place are PE places people like right they're people forward places um that people want to come back and they they love them and they they want to be a part of it and take care of them and uh so anyway these are the components that we essentially look at and there's a lot of different variation but they relate um in four points to uses and activities to comfort and image to access and linkages and opportunities for social social ability um so this is just what we'll have of people that are stand you know stff standing in front of these boards having conversations we'll have sticky notes and um comment forms and so as people are thinking about anything in addition because hopefully they've already taken the survey and this way they can just reinforce what their thoughts are and what they'd like to see in the Waterfront District and the last one is having you taken the survey and so essentially it's a QR code um kind of gives a flavor of what sort of things are in the survey we're not going to be having people like answer questions in the meeting but they certainly can go to their phone and do the survey then um and I'll also make sure that we I think on um something else like with the QR C but we'll make other the comment card we'll make sure there's a comment card or the the passport too so I'll make sure that the QR code is on other things that they're going to take home with did you it's defined in the definitions by defining what's in1 theity it has to be it has to be in the section I know I wanted density though anchor go I was excited you found a but um okay so that's that so if there are any changes let me know I won't submit this until in the morning email it you email it yes absolutely yeah I'll tonight yep I can do that so the next thing I I don't have I don't know if I've sent that to you or not but wish I could show you but um I did a passport it looks really nice I think you'll like it so it's a passport where people can go around and they can get stamp so um wish I could show you I'm so proud of it I can't show you but um but anyway so people can around it has nice instructions and then when they hand their passport in at the end uh we'll do a drawing within 24 hours for two grocery store gift cards like what do you thinking Publix or when Dixie or where people shop for riching Walmart Walmart Oh Walmart okay okay we can do that sure I think that's the only one we actually have in for Richie public is outside City Y Lun with the city manager actually if I emailed this to you can you see it the passport do you have the passport okay I hope thisy going back to the densities with in the uh land use plan did they have a maximum density for the Waterfront the Waterfront overlay district is zoning is not recognized in the comp plan as a future land use category that is something that needs to be fixed on your future land use Mount but no it does not indicate because it's not a could remember I know that there was a number of them in there know that so um commercial mixed use has density of 18 units per acre and also has the Flor rati whatever I indicated if it's not specifically referenced in the zoning code I went back to the comp plan because that's the you know that's the base and then you can refine upon that with zoning um but the the residential has 18 units per acre and then the commercial mixed juuse has 18 there we go so each one of the stations some instruction and then we'll have a comment box or a box for them to put this and then they can put their name and their email address to enter the the drawing instead of a gift card to Walmart why don't we use more local businesses we can restaurants maybe know I'm gonna do250 so if you have I'm just saying a Walmart you know chain yeah yeah yeah no I'm with you on that is there any I mean I could go to a do you want me to go to a restaurant out on the C landing and they probably have gift cards that might be appropriate what do you think I like it I don't care you say grocery store is the only way I figure with the grocery store you can always you know I remember when I was a young planner they used to give us like $25 for a turkey at Thanksgiving it was like it was a little something and everybody has to spend money at the grocery store so but if you don't go out to eat I what but I think businesses also are important to support so I'm I just want to have something to give away and so whatever we want to give oh fine with me sure okay that's it also I'm GNA email this file to you and so if you could just like go through it very closely um and make sure that everything looks good and you're okay okay with the especially that first one where I kind of did the about sort of the origin of how we got to this point and make sure that you're in agreement with with my storytelling what time do you need to send it to the printer tomorrow um I would say like by 9: maybe I'm not certain they just I told I was going to send in the morning so in fact actually Ashley you have the file could you do you have the file that you could email because I don't know that I I probably have everybody's email address but I know you do so the uh the time frame for everything coming back from the survey and the um open house because I'm assuming that we'll probably need to have our next meeting maybe timed with the results of that or so the survey ends June June 6 um well I want to ask you was there anything we're not going to report anything about the survey at the open house anything that you want no okay just check uh so the survey will end June 6th and then we are sched not scheduled yet we need to have a schedule for the report bound to city council so I know that June 11th is the next meeting it was I think um Sal was a very busy meeting so should be that much busier okay I mean I I thought that it was a to be determined so that's all so because June 6th and then you're going to have your agenda packet so I guess maybe we won't be able to make the agenda packet but we could certainly right coordinate with you and make sure that we'll we'll figure out how we get on the agenda but um okay I think that's the goal so do we want to then have our next meeting heed before that meeting week before which would be next week okay so the [Music] only that's this R I have something on the fourth at 6m se Hills I can't be there after the survey is done you want to do it on the seventh six you want to do on the six take survey 6 right or you can take the survey on the 6 so be closed midnight at 6 either the 7th or 10th 7th is Friday I can't do the 10th because I have my second Zer Hills meeting with the city council that night so I could do the stff we did it earlier in the day either either day earlier in the day I have a six o'clock in Zer Hill so I just stay probably be driving there by 4: um so what's up to you you want to do earlier in the day on Monday or if you want to do it on Friday the 7th no do Friday it sounds like Monday earlier of the day maybe like at 2:30 I'm got to meetting from 2 to 3 3:00 3:00 what time 3:00 from the 10 cut so close it's his fault I got a meeting from 2 to three so I don't know if make three o'cl oh you have a two to three huh you have a two no I have a meeting from two to three if if you want to I I can okay how about the 11th that's the day of the city council meeting okay are you sure you want to have the 11 you want to have it the is there any other time slots you know we have to do a little bit of work on this it's a lot of it's 400 it's going to probably be 500 surveys by that time so it's a lot to run through and make sense of but we'll figure out do four on 10 are you you're doing something GS leave lat my mean what what's the question we do it in the morning yes we could do it in the morning but I don't know if that works no not you not me that's thanks it's right what's ear you could do it on Monday um Monday one or two maybe take my two o'clock here I guess one to two on Monday me I'm here you're here [Music] here okay book what well 12:30 you couldn't do has we won I can do 12:30 do 12:30 think get hour and a half yeah cuz 1230 what did you say 12 12 12:30 I think said 1250 I just want to make sure we get a full hour and got a little bit of time in between okay good know the business to come for us on there right we have this y show you [Music] this water we don't you don't just have that