gentlemen I'd like to call to order the meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board August 1st it is 1M please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance all right can I have a roll call please chairman Shan P here member Randy stout here member Lorie Simpson here member Joe me here member Michael FZ but the records show that member Michael FZ is absent from today's meeting alternate member Denise McKenzie City attorney Nancy Meyer here old business first any any comments discuss regarding last meeting you hear me we are gonna ask Miss Nancy the attorney to give you a little um dissertation of what's going to happen today and procedures we're going to use to follow I know everybody here would like to have their voice be heard and that's what we're here for today to hear what you have to say um so yes we we know you all want your three minutes and that's what we want to make sure that that will happen so just so everyone understands the process for today um there'll be no no decisions being made today okay so um we want to hear what you have to say or wants to hear your input city planners here um she wants to hear your input um I don't know if there's someone here for the developer or not but if they are they want to hear your input so what's going to happen is um city planner is going to give a presentation if the developer is present they will be giving a presentation it will then go to public comment public comment for the city's code is three minutes per person you're going to get your three minutes should you if you signed up to give public comment or later on he'll say you did sign up is anyone else want to speak and and if Sean let you come up here you'll have your three minutes it's your comment it's not going to be a question and answer period have questions pose them you're not getting answers today this will help city planner and the developer and the board prepare for the next meeting which is August 13th at 1M okay um so don't feel insulted or upset if you ask a question and we all look CLE at you we want you to have three minutes to comment but there'll be no back and forth at this point um I think that covers it for now absolutely right so we'll get started okay we'll start with a comments from the general public McClary uh these comments will be just general General comments not regarding the actual what disc Todd McClary 8731 Betty Street um my general comments is is I know regarding the agenda which is a general comment um this was originally posted as a voting meeting a lot of people here today had taken time off from work to uh Express their comments to a voting meeting with the understanding that this would be a vote up or down this was posted on the property as a voted meeting so to change this last minut minute and make it a non- voting me meeting and everyone come back here two weeks from now is actually very disappointing on behalf of myself and my wife and other residents that they are taking time off and the city is messing around and wasting people's time to do this yes you could have had a workshop that's what these are called workshops when you get people's unofficial input and push it through that way but the city is posting properties and do posting notices and putting agendas on and then changing everything last minute it is kind of disgusting for a Professional Organization that's supposed to be impacting the citizens of Port Richie and changing everything last minute after they take their very valuable private time to try and have input to the city thank you very much Mr Brown please approach supporting me to state your name and address for the record please okay my name is Johnny Brown I live at 4849 water Side Drive Port Richie uh I'm here basically to support OD and I believe that this should have been a voting meeting that's what I was told it would be for my wife and I to attend so we're just totally disappointed in that okay and I know the mayor and some of the council people are here and I hope this committee is paying attention to some of the some of the ways that they are changing uh the the plan that was set forth just a year ago for this city so that's all I have to say at this time thank you thank you sir Mr qu my name is Ross coil I live at 5531 Pasco away um right now it's a little premature I'm a little unclear as to what everything is that's going on I've heard that there's going to be two 12-story condominiums on the waterfront and a five-story parking garage uh that would be directly across the street from my house I'm right on the edge of the property so any construction that's going to take place there is going to directly affect me um I don't know what I wish I would have had the chance to my comments at the end of this meeting so I would have a little more clarity as to what's uh going on however from everybody that I've talked to it it just 12 story condominium just seems completely out of place so just a point of order this is just a general comment you back comment regarding the actual each individual product okay I mean if you guys can address some of my questions I'd love to come back and then comment on that cuz I'm I'm afraid I'm a little bit ignorant as to going on so okay I'll I'll do that then appreciate it all right at this time I'll close unless there's anybody else like a general comment sure please sir it's your name the record address Sean oh yeah Phil apps abts 5436 blueo Drive I've got a question as much as a comment and I know it's a comment but you move this to the 13th there's also a council meeting on 13th where this is supposed to be decided is that still happening no um going to slam this dates changed there's a council meeting on the 13th but the meeting regarding this will be on the 27 27 not the 13 so the posted signs are incorrect then are we going to repost those signs they did today they did okay thank you all right we have comment again right thank you yes sir thank you Sean anyone else okay at this time I'll close the general comments general public comments all right do we have any comments or just general comments from the board is this coming with staff recommendation this next meting we have more staff recommendation cor didn't have any staff Rec impact it currently correct all right yes um was the did a notice go out to the residents that are within 200 Fe of the property yes certifi mail was it did okay else have a question sure I know who to ask why was it Chang the purpose of this meeting why why the meeting dates were changed as far as making a me a voting meeting as opposed to a non- voting meeting well we we advertised it based upon the thought that there would possibly be action or not because again we we can't dictate that you as a board make a decision at any point in time so it could easily have been that you know today if you know our expectations were you going to have questions and you needed answers that we couldn't provide that that meeting would be continued or to another meeting um you know we wanted to air on providing notice to people that this was going to be discussed and we don't know exactly what what how that was going to play out based upon you know some of the information coming in later than what we anticipated we felt that there was no way that you could have as a board all the information you would need to make a decision and we didn't want you to F you had make a decision and so we wanted to lay out a different time frame that would allow you if you if you needed that next meeting which we believe we prer you to take the time to consider all this and possibly have another meeting after that if you so need to to get that information um and again if if we sit here on the 13th and you say to us we need more information guess what we're going to go and Reen notice that next meeting we have to make sure public is aware that you acting on something potentially going to be acting on it so that's why you Reen noticed it because again we felt that you know one we weren't going to have all the information put that pressure on your shoulders to tell you had to make a decision without having the information that that you need to make the decision yes please is there a reason that this public hearing wasn't held after 5 is there a reason it was wasn't held till after after 500m that's PNC made made a decision several months about what's it probably six months ago eight months ago because we had the longer meetings because most of us are everybody on the board are citizens of residents of the city we all have jobs as well but um the last couple meetings went long and because of that fact we starting at 6:30 7:00 and having staff stay in the extra we thought it would be easier just to move them into daytime because we take time to of our jobs do the same thing and so that's why it's been that way ever since this is specifically a public hearing um they're every single one them is public oh they are yes yes ma'am everyone is public they they I implore the citizens to show up because we help make our recommendations to council based off of how we respond to our residents our neighbors so I mean I was in Europe and I was getting phone calls and texts from all my neighbors trying to find out making sure first I was going to be here and secondly what my thoughts were with this whole meeting so of course we can't share our thoughts on that that's we don't have thoughts right so so we here here to have that and I understand Mr mcclary's concern to the fact you believe it's a this is a voting meeting I had the same concerns when I first read I'm like I felt blindsided the fact it was gonna be a voting meeting but then I just no way we can make the decision the city manager made it very clear there's a this is this is a multifaceted thing that we have to work through this is the first step multiple Pro multiple meeting process and I think it's best served for the citizens and for the board to be able to take the time today in particular to listen what everybody has to say digest that present our questions everybody give their if you've written your name on the board I want to hear your questions I want to hear your concerns I want you voice those to us because that helps us make a better recommendation and I have after reading through it on a 9h hour flight yesterday I've got lots of questions too so there's it it's definitely the reason we do it and the 1:00 meeting today makes the most sense sot I apologize to people for if you did take the time off because of that fact all right um that being said any other questions all right I'm going to close uh the comments from the chair and the board current currently from that standpoint we will start moving forward today on the agenda the first piece is to number one regarding the amendment to the text the city of Fort Richie comprehensive plan to create a new land use category for future application Miss Nancy yes um I think we're g to start with Miss B the city planner she will present um the information she has to share with you wonderful and I will state I don't know if I said this earlier um from the board's perspective obviously you have questions of her please ask them so she can um the information necessary to bring it back to you next week the information that you need all righty ready so my name is Tammy Verana with Verana Consulting and I am your city's city planner I've been serving in this capacity since 2012 uh helping the city with Land Development uh application reviews and comprehensive planning and that sort of thing I have my own company uh for the last 17 18 years and I work 100% for local governments so my paychecks come from cities counties mpos and the Department of Transportation thank you Department of Transportation um so today we're here to talk about some applications that we received the city received for amendments to your adopted comprehensive plan and today is going to be somewhat educational when we come back to you there'll be a more uh structured uh presentation that's more typical of these types of applications um but we did receive information very late last week and the information in my staff reports are in some cases incomplete and some cases I would like to have some thought some time to think about it so let's just kind of refer to those but know that you will be getting uh up-to-dated up to-date uh staff reports very quickly so just to reiterate this is for a requested text Amendment and for two future land use map amendments that's the request by a private party so I've colorcoded throughout um based on these two applicants we have the first applicant SCP Rio and you can see the shape of their property there in the blue and then the other one is SCP byou Brothers uh LLC and the shape of their parcel is in purple and then the property ID numbers and the agent of record for both of those um property owners are listed below the first request is a request for an amendment to the text the policies of your comprehensive plan this is typically something that is handled during the time when a comprehensive plan is being developed or it's being updated and the community comes together and they decide what their vision is for the community that's what you all did back in I believe 1998 when this plan was first adopted and then again in 2010 when there was a major update um in some cases though you can have an opportunity for um members of the public outside to come in and and to request or suggest a change to the text uh in your comprehensive plan I want to bring up this is what was uh submitted by the applicant um the section in yellow we want to take a little bit of a closer look at this is a future land use category it's not a future land use map Amendment um so we want to make sure that that area that they're proposing which is essentially the Cody River landing area plus the old mobile home park so it's the area north of the River West of US1 19 South of Pasco way uh excluding the Waterfront Park um and so we want to make sure that that doesn't say the sub this future land use category doesn't Encompass this area but it's applicable to so we're looking at more land use um uh criteria so locational criteria as opposed to saying this is area so in the future if someone has a property within this area they have the ability to come in and ask for a future land use map to use this category just like with any other category in your comprehensive plan so this is the sub area forgot I had the map here point two it North is to the top forgot my North Arrow uh these are the parcels so you again parcel the one set in blue is I'm calling it number one and the other parcel in purple is number two that's to the north so the requested um change in this text Amendment would be to um have a category that allows up to 60 units per acre with a maximum of 900 units across this entire area be capped at 900 units it also would allow for up to a 1.0 floor area ratio which is a way of measuring non-residential or commercial type uses looking at the floor area ratio so a floor area ratio of one would be you could spread it across your entire property that's 100% of your property but you could do it in two floors and then it would be also one so it's depends on how you arrange it but floor floor area ratio is essentially a one is the exact same size as your prop as your lot of course there's regulations that apply that uh change the design so in this first uh uh property set of properties um it is a parcel uh the two Parcels um together have 3.64 Acres um under the current situation they would be allowed 56 units so that's on the ground adopted policy today and then non-residential will be up to 995,000 and change square feet under the proposal of 60 units per acre and the 1.0 floor area ratio that 56 units would jump to 218 units and the non-residential would go from 95,000 to 1585 th000 thereabouts so for the second second application same same provisions of 18 units per acre 6 f um and then this would actually jump it would be the 60 units per acre in the 1.0 F allowing from 88 units today to the potential for 295 units um 128,00 change for non-residential today but 214 315 uh th000 Square ft if this is approved oops so this is just a little bit of a primer and I was here before the pnz back in December we did a little like little um intro to the comprehensive plan so I just brought some of these uh with me again a comprehensive plan is a long range plan it's a written document it explains the community's shared vision for their future it sets goals objectives and policies for growth and development and conservation activities that that affect the city it helps to protect your valued places and promote economic prosperity and you implement your comprehensive plan Through Your Land Development regulations your zoning code uh infrastructure expenditures City budgets and Etc so this is the picture of the few first few pages of your city of Port Richie comprehensive plan in the introduction it says that it reflects the community's vision for its present and future and the plans goals objectives and policies outline the strategies for achieving this Vision so as I mentioned before the plan was developed or adopted in 1998 updated in 2010 um so that is essentially articulates your vision that was established at that time the comprehensive plan uh includes a future land use element um which is what is being proposed to be amended through this text change um the text change includes a future land use cat ategory a new one that sets out allowable uses your maximum density and intensity so your development intensity in terms of housing units per acre and your floor area ratio for non-residential uses um future land use categories also sometimes include land use compatibility criteria so what is compatible the policy certainly do in your comp plan you'll see that in the staff report the comp plan also indicates public facility levels of service standards that the city is by law required to make sure that those are adequate before the develop any development occurs that would uh consume those um facility resources and then you see your future land use map on the side I will I put I put this old version up this is actually the future land use map that is in the um the state of Florida's records because the comp plan future land use map right now it needs to be corrected a little a little bit but this is actually um right now the Waterfront overlay district is shown on the future land use map and that's a zoning designation so we've kind of Blended those two over the years but this one will show you that the majority of this uh Cody River Landing and the Mobile Home Park area uh have a commercial mixed use land use category and there's um it does kind of outline the Waterfront District there but it's the the actual designation is commercial mixed use so this shows the set of future land use categories that exist in your comprehensive plan today and as I put into the staff report you know these were developed at a time when West Pasco was um you know it was developing it was urbanizing uh it was a very Suburban environment and what you may be lacking in your comprehensive plan uh today is a future land use category that that U accommodates mixed use walkable mixed use urban type development but you can see today the most that you can achieve within the city is 18 units per acre and the highest floor area ratio is 6 F so when we're looking at a comprehensive plan Amendment we're required to make sure that the comprehensive plan amendment is consistent with your adopted comprehensive plan um as I mentioned before there needs to be the ability to be served with public facilities and services uh including the portable water supply so making sure you have enough resources under your water use permit to be able to supply the needs of the population today and as planned in the future uh your portable water facilities such as your water treatment plant and distribution uh facilities same with Wastewater facilities Solid Waste Disposal so is there enough capacity in the Count's landfill and resource recovery facility to handle the solid waste that's generated by residents and businesses storm water drainage making sure that those standards are met roads um making sure that your collector and arterial facilities which include in the city I believe it's US 19 Ridge Road and Grand Boulevard maybe Washington I think Washington's in there too and then parks and recreational facilities and I'll go into more depth at the next meeting as to the um achievement of those level of service standards but off the top of my head I did uh you have a a lot of parks but some of the facilities that you have are deficient so those are things that you're not uh meeting at this point in time I believe the other facilities are um could be served under a development scenario that's being proposed roads is another issue um level of service is uh f for us9 your standard is level of service D it's kind of like a grading scale like a report card a is good f is bad so um but the there are Provisions in place for a developer to be able to pay um into the city's funds for um transportation projects and so that they can help mitigate what their impacts are on the facility because of course not everything that happens on US1 19 started in Port Richie it's coming from everywhere we also look at land use compatibility this is other another top consistency consideration there's a lot of policies in the comp plan what we really want to hone in on is these the density and intensity that's allowed into your future land use categories and also your compatibility criteria when we think about compatibility we look at land uses are the land uses that are being proposed complimentary and compatible with the land uses around it and those could be existing land uses but they also could be planned land uses so at the bottom of this list you'll see there's a special area plan which kind of like a generic term but if a community decided through the you know their uh visioning process that they wanted to do something more in an area they could have a plan that says this is what we want to be and then you could you could measure your compatibility based on what you have now and what the the plan is for the future uh development intensity as I mentioned before that's measured in terms of dwelling units per acre and your non-residential floor area ratio and then the locational CR criteria so as I mentioned before with the text amendment I wanted to make that little tweak it's very customary for a future land use category to include locational criteria today for your commercial mixed use category it'll say something like commercial uses mixed use along the highway so it's it kind of tells you where those those uses are appropriate So speaking of special area plans uh the community did come together in late 1998 and I I will say that I'm old enough that I was on this team as a as a baby planner working on this water Waterfront District Intermodal master plan and in that plan it laid out it has like a a a concept there to the right uh and it also included some areas on the east side of US 19 but the city went forward and they um they developed standards zoning standards that apply just to the area west of US1 19 and that Waterfront overlay District uh plan and eventually code Provisions Your Land Development code was to enhance and Revitalize the city as an economic focal point to improve the physical image of the community to protect the natural environment to allow for a variety of commercial uses and to improve internal compatibility and function of the area overall to create a destination in the city of Port Richie so over the years I think it was maybe 26 years ago that that was my math is correct 26 years ago that that initial Waterfront master plan was created um and so you you haven't necessarily achieved that you know you're still wanting to do more within your area so we look at at some ways that maybe there are barriers potentially these are not related to Port Richie these are just general barriers but one of the top ones is your development regulations is there something in your regulations that might be holding back investment in an area so it's just something to think about not saying that it's true or not um so this is going to jump to the actual future land use map amendments and just give you some context so you can see uh the little yellow dots up there that's in the regional context where these future land use map amendments are proposed um this is showing it a little up close in the neighborhood um there's some site a little closer so you can see what's on the site so you've got some development of course on the old uh gild doog site and then the mobile home park is vacant these are just some views I have a lot of pictures but I decided not to um I'm sure you've all driven out there many many times so surrounding these uh properties today so you can see with the purple site to the north it's surrounded by by the waterfront park there are uh residential areas to the South and also some commercial and office uses to the south of course uh office or commercial uses to the east um and to the South and then if we look to the blue set of parcels Parcels number one um you've got water and the Waterfront Park to the north you've got commercial mixed juice areas I don't quite sure why that's showing up as Industrial in that color so that's a little bit off but um pretty much commercial uses around that that parcel that's blue this is the future land use map again the purple should be red it's commercial mixed use um but you can see that pretty much it's commercial mixed use and then the recreation open space uses surrounding these Parcels as far as zoning um you have the C2 which is the Waterfront uh commercial District that's to the along the Waterfront along millish Bayou and the river and then closer to us19 you've got C3 which is your General commercial categories and then to the north you've got uh R2 residential is a two family residential zoning this is just your future land use map in case we need to look at it here's your zoning outlas oh and this is really this ends I there there was this is just for later so we're this is just showing uh jobs inflow and outflow but it's just background information so I'm not going to go any further with this and we'll keep this up right here so let me so I think that that is what I have to present to you today as I as I mentioned before it'll be a little more structured as a land use case next time uh once I've had a chance to go in and revise those staff reports and thank you happy to answer any questions thank all right before we uh I'm just gonna see is there anyone here on behalf of the developer y okay if someone if you'd like to present this is your time to do so pleas state your name and address for the record please yes Ryan work 4529 Harper Point Drive um I think what I'd say to you all and to everyone in here is I've tried to say it time and time again I live here I'm local to here um I love this area and so as you have questions I'm totally fine with you guys ask me questions at any point in time um as you guys know this was this was new the city hasn't gone through this process before um that we could find or were aware of uh how this project has come about was a personal desire and a desire of my family and and friends to make this an area that can be sustained long term make an area that you have things to go to you have things to do to create much more publicly accessible Waterfront um to make it an attraction it something our city could be proud of and knowing that there's a lot of financial needs of the city um there's a lot of things that maybe we haven't fully realized yet but but are coming um things I'd love to see in improved like the sidewalks along Bay Boulevard um all of those things cost money they 100% cost money there is an inflow happening in this area Mafia Cancer Center is building the largest Cancer Research Institute in the world 10 miles from here wanted to make sure it's something that we could all be extremely proud of um and wanted to do so in collaboration hand in hand excuse me with the city um the way the existing plans were written is was our understanding we couldn't actually do that because we couldn't really have a conversation around okay if we're going to bring density density is really it's it's for financial reasons it's to help support the businesses that you want in there as well just help support the local business owners the local restaurants because if you talk to any of them then back there today it's extremely seasonal the weekday is very slow it's really hard to sustain a business business on those kinds of es and flows and so it provides a captured Community there but then something that is also uh an attraction for folks in the city and even folks from out the city to come to and enjoy um that helps support and sustain those businesses that all helps put money back into the city um the reason and I heard some oo and o on the the density the reason that we wrote it this way um and wanted an opportunity really clearly explain is it would create the flexibility to pick and choose where that density is if we were to continue to expand this project to cover that entire area back there um not including things that are existing that are there you know catches know the owners love them um not to include those but as you look at some of those other areas how could we then be strategic and so we want to put a cap an absolute Max on any one acre and so if you actually do the math on all the available Acres back there there's no real way to get to 900 but what it allows is more flexibility to say okay on this piece let's talk about it can we do 60 here and that allows us to only put 20 over here 30 over here and can then we pull some off of the water here to create a bigger opening it just creates flexibility but knowing that we can't use 900 there's there's not the math doesn't allow it um with the existing the parcels being considered today or any future Parcels being considered um those Parcels if they were to come into this it would unlock some more flexibility but as of right now it it restricts what we can do but creates the flexibility to decide where should we have density where should we have more public accessibility where do we want to have more retail and mixed use in restaurants it it creates that flexibility to work with the city um I think the the thing that keeps me up at night about this whole project and the amount of of outside of the the personal finances I've put into it um which is a lot uh is what can happen if this doesn't happen does this doesn't happen or something like this doesn't happen the city is going to continue to need to find ways to generate some Revenue to sustain this doesn't happen someone that's not from the Community can come in and buy these these parcels and within the current um comprehensive plan today and the current zoning there are things that can go in there but any investor is going to look at can they go in there and can I can they do so without me losing my investment and I think everyone can look up and down 19 and see what types of places those are that are very safe and very attractive Investments to Pure investors today those are things like storage units that's a very sound stable investment in today's economy this is not something I want there and so for me it was much taking a chance on on the city see can we do something collaboratively on this that makes sense and can we do so in a way that's it's thoughtful and helps redevelop the road infrastructure back there helps redevelop the Waterfront with walkable boardwalks um creates a safer place for pedestrian traffic and is really something that I think was the vision back in 1998 which was a central focal point to this city that attracts people into it and and that's our goal here and what we're trying to accomplish but really the biggest point of clarity is the the reason it was written the way it was was to create that flexibility while putting very very strict limitations on what could be done on any one of them um and then allowing us to have those conversations that really need to be had which is what should we do and how can we start laying this out and really incorporating feedback from the the the the public which was they they want water access they want more green space those things are all doable they 100% are um but we can't do so um without some certainty of being able to support that um so happy to answer any other questions anyone has um I'm not a real estate developer I'll tell you guys that right now I'm not a real estate developer this is new to me um I'm learning as I go with this I'm supported by a great team of folks that one of them is someone I've known for 30 plus years um and so it teams mixed of local folks and folks from outside we've got folks right in the community that are part of the team um and then experts from outside and so we we are not looking at this purely as hey can we grab this as a great great real estate deal and turn into something we can all make a ton of money on I think anyone would call us pretty foolish if that was our vision there's a reason that there hasn't been a big investment back there in a long time and so I was willing at a point in my life where I was able to take a chance here and try to do something that's really giving back um to the community in a positive way and got a fairly long history of of doing that uh philanthropically in this community and and hope that we can find a way to work through this together uh to figure out a good plan that that makes sense and helps the city sustain long term that's all thank you I have a question wait wait wait after you can talk to him after please Perfect all right at this time I'm GNA open up the public comment and I will do it in order that was written on the sheet Mr McClair you are first Tod as you walk up I'm just gonna say one thing not about you come on come on up um city clerk has received a 30ish emails I believe yes 25 okay that um we need a motion to include those as part of your record if someone interested you want to before to approve okay have a second all in favor I now you will get them um for your review as we move forward but of course not Mr mlar speaking perfect M mlar Todd McClary 8731 Betty Street um there's a number of things to unpack here first I'll start off with the comments you heard earlier and then I'll get into my own comments for this um I know uh the city planner mentioned at one point that um the comprehensive land use plan was adopted in 1998 I believe redone in 2010 it's actually right now in the process of being redone um the comprehensive land use committee which we'll hear more about in a little bit has been reviewing the comprehensive land use for the past 3 months Denise is on uh that comprehensive land use as am I uh we've talked about everything having to do with Comprehensive land use except this um which is quite curious if if you think about it overall and instead it's going to the planning and zoning committee so right now the city is undergoing its an update to its comprehensive land use for everyone in the audience you may not be aware of that but that has a process there is a state requirement um for that for submission of it I believe it's due in July or was due but we're running late for that and obviously those items should be uh Incorporated therein including something of this nature so um that that's one thing you need to keep in mind uh the second part I believe uh Mr Burke mention that he was uh promoting open space now all we can do is go by the documents of this agenda uh presumably they were complete apparently they were not and we were hoping and praying that things would be in time and whatever but those documents here call for an 80% land coverage of the two Parcels involved which means of the 13 acres under control by uh Mr Burke uh a good I believe 11 of them will be covered by buildings parking lots boardwalks whatever so the promotion of open space and everything of that nature is a little bit misleading to the board overall with an 80% lot coverage uh another item that um the planner mentioned was that uh when the uh densities of for Richie were created Pasco was much more Rural and that sort of thing and that's where you got your 18 units per acre and all that well again that's a little misleading in and of itself um yes she is correct when it was adopted it was you know a rural point but if you look at the pasco's land use plan Newport Richie's land use plan they don't go above 30 units per acre yet the applicant is requesting 60 units per acre I guess we're trying to jump ahead of the times and get in front of everybody but so a couple things to to keep in mind regarding those testimonies now probably the most important part you have to understand as Planning and Zoning is and the citizens you are not voting for two parcels here in the applicant's own uh document could someone please yield their time to me I Y my time then if that's GNA happen you need name address and that you're giving your time to Mr mlar which means you cannot speak yourself later Jeff rer 8141 Aquilla Street San Pebble thank you I yield my time to this gentleman thank you very much for minutes so you are not voting on two Parcels at 60 units per acre in the own in the application submitted by the applicant which I'm not sure how they did this but they're also saying oh yes this will expand to other areas of the wot so essentially they are putting in an application for owners that are not listed on the application aside from that there's been no notification for the other owners of the WOD so we're in a little bit of a quandry here that not everyone's notified who's impacted there are applicants identified here that are not part of the application process so that is something that needs to be addressed I Believe by the city Administration and legal because that's something that would be looked at by the state authorities which we'll get into in a little bit now again i i s stated that you are impacting areas of the WOD in totality right now the WOD is listed at 19.4 s Acres of of property um according to the testimony that uh or the the presentation that the planner gave they're also going to be adding another five acres to the WOD which brings you to a total of around 24 Acres at 60 units per acre of potential density now there's a there's a note in the application that says well it's at City council's discretion you cannot disadvantage a land owner to the advantage of another landowner this this applicant has shown no hardship has shown no need other than they want it therefore you are essentially opening the same densities everything you're voting for for these two Parcels you're opening them across the WOD in its entirety plus the five acres so in some of those numbers you'll see in your application that that they're they're noting 1,700 potential new res new residents as and 469 units the math again is a little skewed in the application because they're actually applying for the entire WOD if you put that real math in you are actually opening yourself up to 1184 new units and a total new Resident population of 5,2 429 people using the math provided for in the documentation of the application so we're not talking about 1710 residents we're talking about over 5,000 residents now ironically in in this application there is no mention or or feedback from any of the uh various departments whether they can support what going increasing our population by 160% roughly so there is a lot to this that I don't believe the city Administration City attorney or anybody is really looking at as part of this application process they're just putting it in I need someone to yield my time thir time got it I'm just getting warmed up people uh don Bonelli 4550 Bay Boulevard San Pebble condos you want to go ahead and find the next person so you don't have to interrupt I need two more one one more right 12 minutes max that's not 5439 blueo Drive I yield my three minutes to you thank you that's that's all he needs he's maxed Seth cap 7638 Grand 12 minutes max thank you okay so let's go back to the Charter here we Viola we're violating the charter right now uh per Charter section 8.04 this comprehensive land use plan shall be in compliance with General law we can get to that in a future meeting the comprehensive land use plan approved by the council Shall Serve as a city long-term growth plan blah blah blah from time to time in accordance with General law or when deemed necessary a generalized update the council shall appoint four members which they have to a four person committee to review and modify the comprehensive land use plan that's not the zoning depart uh Planning and Zoning Board you have a different area of your uh jurisdiction of course you do zoning and all that wonderful stuff but the more important one is uh let's make sure I get it oh uh to investigate and make recommendation on all new plats which this is theoretically to review all plans for subdivision with this is condominium complex oh wow uh and any other project substantially impacting the city and to ensure their compliance with the comprehensive land use plan well we know it's not in compliance with the current comprehensive land use plan because they're asking you to modify the current comprehensive land use plan so by definition you should say immediately this does not abide and move on with your lives because this isn't the uh uh department or the committee for that review it's the comprehensive land use committee per City Charter that's all I'm going by and by the way you you're you're covered under Section 8.01 uh for your du duties now I'll go a little faster here because I've apparently limited on my uh thing but let's go into the original application itself the ownership per the applicant is listed at its SCP Rio LLC and SCP Bou Brothers LLC neither of which exist according to sunbit so they're not viable llc's they're not owners if you go on the Pasco County land appraisers they're not the ownership of the land I'm not going to tell you who the ownership of the land is let them figure out or the city Administration figure it out you think that would be something they check right away but they're close just not there so that that's another problem it's just a total lack of looking at these documents and making sure that it's correct before it gets presented to you presented to the citizens or anything of that name nature um now the applications themselves there's a lot of discrepancies between which of the zonings these Parcels fall under there's one that's in C2 one that's in C3 the application uh erroneously lists them both in C2 that's an error uh that is within the documents as was mentioned there are no staff reports uh for this review again we thought this was a voting meeting but I guess not but as I mentioned ear earlier you're potentially increasing over the entire area your um population by 160% there's no input from police do we need more police uh what are the costs of the police to to address all of these new potential residents as part of your comprehensive land use plan what about fire do we need fire trucks new fire trucks do we need a bigger fire station that's something that's usually addressed by most agencies as they go through us probably most important water um there's no feedback from the utility department what is uh available in terms of water supply or wastewater treatment as part of this the there that's all very important feedback when you're increasing your population by 160% has the Pasco County Wastewater even weighed in are they able to uh treat that much effluent coming out of the city of Port Richie what type of pipes are needed between this development and the water sewer treatment plan there's no impact because no one bothered to ask them uh Pasco County Solid Waste uh right now the application States 515 tons of solid waste generation is going to be by this the real number is actually 1635 tons of solid waste no one bothered to ask Pasco County uh Solid Waste are they able to do that um no engineer has reviewed any of this and I've been in business this type of business for over 20 years usually an application comes in there's engineer after engineer telling everybody how great this is and how much this isn't a problem I've never seen an application be presented to a board for approval with nothing there no one says it's good other than a thumbs up from the administration that there you're not going to have an issue no Engineers are looking at things no one from outside of the uh oh boy okay I got to keep going then no one outside of the uh uh uh Council or outside of the state has said can we accept this new um population and this new development state law and specifically FS 163 3177 States all of that must be provided as part of an adjustment to your comprehensive land use we're missing it we're just violating things left and right because we want to get a development through uh Recreation and open space major component of our uh comprehensive land use uh they said that according to their own math that we were going to be uh short on a lot of recreational open space Parks boat ramps beaches fishing peers quadruple that shortage it makes it even worse so to my math we have to come up with another 3.6 miles of biking trails to accommodate this new population within our and be in compliance with our comprehensive land use there is so much being impacted by this comprehensive land use that isn't being considered thank you anyone else in the public oh I'm sorry Cynthia Cyn me oh she did she already she I'm sorry she did not she did not get back I'll back she won't let me talk so I'm going to talk Cynthia 5446 bluepoint Drive um just the same thing as to mirror what Todd said I do agree with almost everything he said I think we're rushing this whole process we haven't done the due process that we've to work through the proper steps in in doing this another thing that we need to look at is traffic Old Post Road is now going to become the road to Walmarts and we already do about 11,500 cars per week that's going to be tremendously increased in that that traffic and the amount of speeding that goes up and down that road um we just need to really step back we need to think about this I don't think that we want to agree to the maximum amount of population density I think we could find something much lower than that and be agreeable in those aspects but I think we really need to watch our steps and take a good look at what we're doing and make sure we're making proper steps to improve the city thank you thank you m mlar Sher mlar 8731 Betty Street I agree with everything that my husband said and I think if the city starts focusing on what matters like cleaning up the garbage cleaning things up in and of itself developers will be knocking down our door to be here but right now nobody wants to drive by garbage on the streets seaw walls falling in because the codes haven't been adjusted grass that's 52 feet high trailers and mechanical equipment in lots and then go to their apartment because these aren't going to be top end condos these are going to be low income housing is what we're talking about with that density not high-end condos but I don't even think people in lowi income housing will want to drive by that so we should start to clean up the city and think about other areas that we've been talking about for years since we've been here over seven years address that and then developers that really care will be here to develop properly and listening to the surveys that we spent $115,000 on that the citizens already spoke and said what they wanted it to look like and have been ignored by certain individuals that are elected officials thank you you Mr Johnson Fred Johnson 8141 Aquilla my problem is and it may be me but my observation as I started analyzing everything that's been said and again this is looking at me but what come to my mind was something tell the Keystone Cops and that you'd have that kind of date you if you know what the Keystone Cops are but a lot of disorganization a lot of miscommunication and some communication and I don't know where it's real or not but it majorly concerns me as a full-time resident of this city is there a plan that we can look at right now a proposal that meets all of what Todd was talking about that we can see if it is I don't know it and from people that I'm talking to they don't know it either so I understand there's going to be another meeting in about two weeks where there's going to be votes on this issue with this much miscommunication don't see it I just uh I'm I'm asking you guys to take a little deeper a little step back a little more communication a little more presentation so we can know what's happening to my backyard I pass oh you pass this Mr bonen I as well Jeffrey shard I yielded to as well fantastic um pad she wants you if you need more hold on hold on wait wait people sign up 8141 go by the people sign up the list first we'll ask for anyone that's not signed up you don't not like that she gets three minutes you get three minutes yeah let's if it's your turn and you need more than three minutes she can for three minutes but you don't just say it's your turn and you get to cut lines St cutting in line right now all right so sit down we'll get to you I yeah right there right now it looks like we're at Johnny Brown Johnny Brown there we go there he's trying he's raising his hand I'm trying to get you my wife says I'm impatient uh Johnny Brown 4849 Waterside Drive Fort Richie uh I have a question to Mr Burke okay no no Mr Brown We're Not Gonna if you want to ask him qu you can ask the question but he's not going to answer that right now this is public comment yeah so you make your comment you can leave it out there hanging but if you want to you can also talk to him later it's your choice all right but he said not during public comment he won't is it he going to write me a letter no you can talk he can answer later but right now I just want to make it clear you asked the question you're going to wait for that's my address all right uh Mr Burke yes sir Johnny Brown uh the city spent $115,000 on doing a survey not too long ago which I think everyone here is aware of that and our city council decided to ignore the results of the 70% of people who uh wanted a different Waterfront less intensity and so forth and uh so my question to Mr Burke is what do you think of the SE 70% of people who don't want your plan uh is it only the money or does the people matter thank you Mr apps question and answer later you said I said I said at the beginning what's what's going to happen after you all have this is public comment this is not question and answer understand but you tell us we could ask you let me finish sir I will tell you so you're gonna have your public comment you have questions that you pose city planner will take note of them if it's something relevant for her the board's hearing your questions once public comment is over they may when they have a discussion answer something you said but it may be at the next meeting when you get that answer I understand okay s okay yes Phil apps 5436 blueo for Drive take thank you for taking time to listen to me um I've got some questions and I'd like for you to write these down if you would and a lot of them are for the I guess you wrote the staff reports I would take it um okay good good good but the um the staff recommendation is all pro- residential it's pro- adding additional residents to our city we don't need any more residents to the city we need to take care of the ones that we have when we need to take the Waterfront and we need to turn it into something beautiful we need to add to it you had a plan or the city council had a plan let's work that plan let's move forward with the plan that they had we don't need to add any additional land uses we have the land uses that we need let's take care of what we have let's move forward with what we have we don't need to add residents we don't need to add another 5,000 or 2,000 or however many it is no offense but that's still quite a bunch and I would ask the person that's writing the staff reports to please consider the resident opinions when she's writing it and not make recommendations that this is what the city should do because she needs to listen to the residents at the same time not just the city or whoever's writing writing a paycheck I'm not sure who that is but please listen to the residents as mentioned earlier we had over 700 residents that responded to the survey that should have been enough for City Council and for the staff and possibly for anybody else that's pushing for this to understand that we don't want this the residents don't want it and this is just the beginning this is 1:00 in the afternoon we need to move these to 5 or 6:00 6:30 maybe that would be very accommod for other residents doing it at 1:00 in the afternoon people have to work let's please try to move it to a different hour at the same time but what we want to do is to alleviate over population of our city we've got too many residents there's too many people moving into Florida everybody knows a th000 people a day are moving in it's not our job to accommodate them in our city there's Condominiums going all up and down the coastline right now I've got pictures I can show you for mine's out there in the boat he was showing me pictures of condos all up and down the coastline we don't need them here in Port Richie but what we do need to do is to add to the businesses that we have we need to support those businesses we need to give them advertis they need Street Front advertising we need to help those businesses and help them move forward and Mr Burke we want to help you if you would like to do that without a big residential impact we'll help you any way we can but if you're offering a big residential impact this is just the beginning of the people that you're going to have to fight to get that so we don't want to fight we want to work together and we want to improve our community that's it thank you yes ma'am feel free yes my name is Judy spra live at 8141 Aquilla Street and oh Judy spra I live at 8141 Aquilla Street and I am just here I haven't been to the other meetings but my observation is and questions are one is this funded by grants because I heard lowincome housing so grants from the city from the the state I I don't know that much about it I know but money can come in I know he's investing his own money up front for sure and I appreciate someone wanting to come in and Revitalize the area but uh I live in San Pebble we have about eight units there it's about 240 uh condos there in a large area but you're looking at getting maybe a thousand condos it's what I got out of that I maybe I'm wrong but in that tiny area that's so many people where they're going to park at you know then you're going to have to have a high-rise parking also so that seems like such a small area for such a um to do there in that small in that small place but it's just a concern that's a concern but we do need to go forward and we do need to Modern modernize our place here and I I would be for something good to go in but not you put two people on a thousand that's two 2,000 people right there one block basically so that's all I wanted to say thank you thank you anyone else in the city sir please yeah Ross Cole 5531 Pasco away um actually this whole presentation I look at the map and everything it's all very very ambiguous I don't know maybe I'm stupid but I didn't get much of anything out of this um years ago there were maybe five six years ago there was something in the Sun Coast News where they wanted to take that place and kind of create a John's p pass type feeling um you look at what Newport Richie has done around the lake those things seem to blend in well with the residential area I think most of the citizens live in this community because it's a small that's defined as a sleepy uh fishing Village so to speak sure we can go forward and we should but my God 12 story Condominiums thousand extra residents in a very small area um it literally is in my front yard you know there are other people that are blocks away but this is in my front yard and he has the right money talks walks we know that um so I I I mean all I could say is we haven't had anything to even look at those uh surveys none of them actually represented what is actually there all those surveys showed I mean from uh K uh who all the way down to catches we gone is is that is that a done deal are all Whiskey Joe's that just opened several years ago they're all going away so that you can have the River Walk we're a residential Community we love it here and um I mean this is going to change the whole dynamic of our entire community and it's all on you you guys were elected by us the residents to represent us seems to me like you guys want want to represent developers they didn't vote for you that's all I got to say I'll I'm gonna break my own Rule and I'm gonna respond not directly to any particular person I just I listening to you guys I want to I want to say something I don't know if it'll make any difference to any of you but I always want to say it this is before Planning and Zoning because an applicant has requested it to be here any of you can do it anybody can bring a a variance a request to change the future land use map it's a request from a from an applicant planning and zoning and Council have an obligation the city manager has an obligation to bring that forward so I just want you to understand that's why it's here and nothing's done this is a conversation today that the city planner has begun her process because she didn't have all the information before today to complete her process um so there's more coming I just want I don't know if that helps anybody I just want to make sure you guys understood that if that if that does help I want explain that we're not elected yes okay this this board Is Not Elected they've been appointed by city council to set as the Planning and Zoning Board so just to make sure you guys understand that and we are just citizens that are here that were appointed and we take our time we do this for free we don't get paid for this so your input does matter to us because we are your neighbors right so so just I just want to if that helped anybody and if you still want your three minutes to come up absolutely come up but if that helps answer that question oh and I like the city planner wants to say something see we're breaking all my rules now here we go that's chaos chaos not you you're done and Consulting to re reiterate what Nancy was saying that my staff reports were not based on the fullness of information when they were submitted last week I had about 45 minutes I purposefully did not do a recommendation because I didn't have the fullness of information to be able to put a recommendation out there so if you see anything that looks as though it looks more or aned to residential or or not um read it again because I think what you'll see is just considerations to help everyone think about this proposal and what it would mean for the city and so we can talk we can get more into it next week yes thanks yes sir Pete Barnett 8428 Green Street um I I was on the planning board years ago and uh I have any of you read the 2018 highway road transportation thing that we paid a lot of money for that tells you in 2018 we had no space for any more people now we're going to buy 5,000 of them I appreciate Todd going into all that other information because he's good at it and he has the time I'm retired I don't want to have to do it but if you guys are you guys said this was a voting meeting which meant you were going to try and make a choice this is baloney you got nothing they haven't been to the highway department they haven't been to Swift Mud yeah what what are we voting on what are you people voting on changing our ordinance which we said and I don't know how many times it you have to say it again the people have already said no zero we're not interested we don't want 10 story buildings it's pretty simple that's why we made the ordinance years ago at that height level if you want to come in and be a responsible businessman and make money hopefully everybody will be with you but 10 stories is is like the elephant up in Hudson for 10 years it's a waste of the city's time it's the waste of the infrastructure our water I mean we have enough problems I still get brown water at my house I didn't before but I get it now and I know there's a lot of problems out there so that's what we need to be basing our money on the infrastructure that we already have because he's not going to build it that's all I got to say I mean I've been here 12 years and I've seen the good years and it's going downhill and I'm sorry that the mayor owns a piece of land over there that he wants to make money on but to me he should recuse himself from this whole damn thing he owns property there he should have no discussion thank you anyone else question questions will be okay so of the things well public comment well okay okay once public comment is closed I the board can ask questions of the city planner the applicant and if they want to address anything that they've heard in public comment they are free to do so well there'll be a moment where we're going to say hey what's your question and you're get an answer not today that's not going to happen but the things you have brought forth that everyone's taking note of so that means you want to come up come on well I don't think I used my three minutes moment ago so I'll do that yeah I agree thank you very much youve already been I'm sorry if you already have been up yes you can't come back up Johnson already come back up sorry he's in here time approach the podium he already conceded time did he he did you already concede your time earlier he did not darville from uh 8248 Aquilla my three minutes you I'm sorry did you already concede your time to to Todd yeah no no okay all right hold on hold hold on wait one second did okay yeah he already conceded his times hold on would anyone else like conc their time to be done absolutely ryanb 4529 Harbor Point uh I'd like to concede my time to the gentleman here thank thank you just trying just to get up again he does he wants to talk to you we don't know if you guys are going to make a decision in two weeks or not I I hear that and I go back to my point I made a while ago there seems to be a phenomenal amount of miscommunication confusion a lack of facts to what we're doing here for example if we're going to build this big highriser I hear somebody here say it's going to be low income Section 8 what impact is that going to have on property values what impact is that going to have on and this was stated police the need for police I live right over here what's it going to do to roads you got to be kidding me there's just too much information needed to make a decision like this at this point in time even if we're going to consider it what are we considering does anybody know what we're considering I'm doing no well there you go so how can this community support your decision when you look right here and they tell you they don't know what we're doing there's no one else I'll close it last call at this time I'll close the comments from the public I will start round robin Mr me okay um first of all sorry get closer this better okay Tammy your presentation was pretty good with one exception no one back here can read it I've said back in these meetings and when you put in number 12 font when it comes up on these it looks like number two font in the dark I think that might be part of our Communications problems if you could get some of your staff to redo these and make the font larger so everybody in the audience can read it and keep up with it I think that would be a lot better um and then you know I'm going to refrain from comments from Mr Burke because um because I am I can I can get to those next time um yeah let's just leave for that like said when no one can read what's on here and they can't follow along it's just like either no information or misinformation you can't can't read it so you have to make your own interpretation of it okay thank you Miss Simpson um I was just wondering if anybody knew how we compared with the county in Newport Richie for this change and if we're if we're um the same as them right now yes looks like she might she stood up so so one thing I was able to do was some research and it's in the staff report so you can see what um I pulled for uh Newport Richie for Tarpon Springs and also for the county and so I believe the the highest Tarpon Springs had a limited category I think they allowed up to 40 units per acre and that was the highest they do have a provision for like a special area plan so if a proposal is brought forward to the local government they can you know it's probably with a lot of detail and so they can make decisions based on something higher um but Pasco County I believe they're amending their comp plan now and I I recall at a meeting with um with staff I think that they're going up to 27 units per acre um and the City of Newport Richie on the in the coastal areas where they have condos I think it goes up as high as 30 units per this is from memory but if you look in that staff report and I believe that's online that anybody can pull up and look at and we'll of course put the updated one up there um but there is an analysis of those nearby proper nearby communities okay I have a general question I know how to understand some of these things so talking about density per acre have a question about the discussion of density per acre is there somebody here more The Authority you Tammy um it was mentioned in a earlier person speaking up at the podium that the density is considered per individual a specific acre not the acre acreage of the entitled lot is that correct is that so the way that acre so the way that the applicant has requested a text amendment to create a new category would allow for across this entire Cod River Landing area um to have up to 60 units per acre on any property that comes forward and gets a future land use plan amendment to use that up to a cap of 900 across the entire category so whomever gets in there and gets their first 900 units first would they could conceivably use that up but You' have no more than 900 units across the entire area okay so it's not considered at of individual acre it is it's considered you can't considered 60 units per acre up to 900 so it's an upset limit so you could conceivably if you're the first two three properties that come in and you can use up those 900 Acres you you cannot go above 60 units per acre on your property but if you could or not not a cup sorry you could go up to 60 units per acre um but in no case can the total unit count across the entire area not your property but across the entire area no case could it exceed 900 units so it's a cap that's areawide but the cap per property is 60 units per acre per I'm trying to clarify it it's per really based on the size of the property not it is on it not like if you had a two acres if you had 60 people on one right unit on one side and there nothing on that side if you had a half an acre um and there's some other complic you know complet uh other things to consider relative to the zoning but that's another thing and we'll get into that at the next uh meeting but um if you had a half an acre you could do 30 units per acre because it's half of the 60 so it's essentially a measure of intensity that's done on an acre by acre just so we could you know kind of have a uniform it yes it is and that's typical in your comp plan across all your categories you'll have a 18 units per acre that's the way it's measured it's called density my second question is does that include land underwater I do not believe currently um that your if it's Wetlands that's one thing I think submerged land no but that would be something we'd need to I I don't I do not think so but we'd have to look at the regulations theity has in place as well as the state regulations I would say submerged lands no it look like one parcel that we're talking about here like 40% of its acreage is underwater I may be reading the maps wrong but looks like to me yeah and so one of the the notations that is in the staff report is that there are other regulations that would work to potentially and most likely reduce the ability to achieve 60 units per acre so it's Max it's not a it's not a promise so it's you have to come in and you have to do storm water provide for parking setbacks open space requirements building coverage there's a lot of layers uh wetlands and Waterfront you know submerged lands all those things would work to ratchet down what you could actually build in an area but this is just this is very large scale like um overarching comp planning and then from here we get more detailed um can we reduce uh secondary commentary in the background this is we're trying to understand what she's saying and I can hear multiple conversations happening so if you have if you want to have conversation please step out or just listen what she has to say and then we can have conversation afterwards this is very important we have to hear what she's trying to say but Randy's asking is very important to him making sure we understand density because it's the biggest problem and or concern for the entire board and the residents thanks guys go ahead well just let me I understand so when you say the total area of the property that would include any wet lands or land on submerged under the water and then another step in the process it could be the density could be reduced based on yes and so what and and I'll go ahead and get into it just because it's the appropriate time but in order to use this land use category the applicant would need to enter into to a planned unit development zoning with the city so that is something that is based on a site plan it's based on a lot of requirements the actual text Amendment indicates all the different considerations there's probably 12 or 15 things like uh open space and usable public space and uh storm water management so there's a lot of things that we've kind of teed up that are ready to be discussed in the course of a planned unit development zoning which would would be conditioned you know it would be a negotiation making sure that you know cuz essentially um the developer would be asking for certain things and the city the community would be looking for certain things so they work together to kind of have a a blended proposal that would work best for that site and that location all right thank you hold on one second um Lori to answer your question is page eight on your do your information there it has the about halfway through it shows you the surrounding communities and what they have currently it myself ear yes Mr Kenzie um in this staff report in Pages five and six of 11 of Staff report um it mentions affordable housing and I just don't see any reason to put affordable housing this close to the water so when there are references to if if there are references in anything that I wrote to affordable housing it's for the purposes of just general affordability you want to be able to um provide a product that's accessible to your your community but it no way refers to any sort of affordable housing program such as may be available through the grants that the as the woman said earlier or but this does not have um you know I know that the Pasco County has an area median income of maybe like 92,000 for family at four and they they have different ranges all the way from you know 120% of that all the way down to maybe 30% of low very low and you know we're not looking at those income bands we're just looking at something that would be accessible to People in West Pasco you know to so it's not necessarily an affordable program it's just a you in your comprehensive plan today it says we should provide affordable housing but not necessarily you know a program of a you know within the city we need to look at what the demographics are of our city and what are the needs of those communities and think about what the needs are where where are we falling short do we have too much of this or that and so affordability is one type of consideration for providing housing in a community but it's not a Section 8 or anything like that that's not what affordable means in in this context thank you oh did you did sorry okay all right a few points and questions I'd like to ask utilizing the data you provided with the staff report I um turned it into a technical rainbow and highlighted all sorts of things so the very first one I want to discuss is question Lori asked according to your document you provided us uh the City of Newport Richie who was our closest neighbor as you can see um who in my personal estimation has done a wonderful job with they've had some hiccups we all know it um but the modification of downtown and what they've done with orange leg and everything else is now become very nice place to look at a great place to take my family for dinner I can walk around I can park my vehicle I can take my dog for a walking all those things which is what we lack in the city so we've lacked the 25 years that I've lived here we've lacked it and I've been harping constantly we need to create some kind of synergy and for that reason I applaud Mr and his ideal but I have concerns very very large concerns um as Ross said when he was here I think he left earlier this is in his front yard well this is in my backyard so and the fact that we have it's almost as we're putting the cart before the horse now I understand there's concerns with the citizens that there is a process that needs to happen here and Mr Burke has been made very rare what the process is by the city by the planners themselves else the citizens have not been made aware of that process and don't really understand how that process works first of all they thought they were coming here to listen to us vote today on something that we just got and we just starting to read they have concerns with a survey that they put out that they don't believe has been presented and to correctly for them what they've come up with and voiced that's all I keep hearing we said this we said this and nobody's listening to us and that's a problem so that's my first concern secondly the large the largest one you mentioned was the city of Tarpon Springs is 40 units per acre so you're suggesting 60 units per acre which is 50% more than they have and if you you respond feel free go ahead I'm not this is a proposal by an applicant understood understood I'm just simply helping you to analyze I'm not pointing fingers I'm just I'm just making a statement so and thank you for like a finger point um so and I understand that that is I'm a real estate broker by trade I understand highest use of properties and how to get the most out of it and trust me as a person who owns multiple properties in the city with my wife I'm well aware of what my tax dollars go to and happy that we have the services we have utilities we have the police we have even if we have green water every once in a while utilities we have um the fire department we have the building staff we have everything that's a wonderful part of living here as somebody who just returned from a vacation yesterday I couldn't tell you how excited I was when I pulled in the city of P Richi and I was like we home I was excited to see Bay Boulevard was just recently paved that was nice I didn't have to hit the same pothole I to every single time driving town so there are things that we that we live here and the reason we live here is because we do love the village of field that we have Mr Brook stated that he loves that he lives here I've sold many houses of people in carber point and they love what they have here even though they're isolated behind two gates they still feel like they're part of this community but we need to make sure that the citizens feel like we're looking out for them as well that's my first concern because of I think the density is too high and I understand there is cost cost of business cost of business is very very real so but I think we should look at units per acre in addition I think that Citizens need to understand as well this is the beginning of a process this is just the beginning of a process and you know because you're on the uh comprehens land use board this is just the first piece then it will go to pnz to discuss how to change the zoning so they can even do this that he's talking about doing but it never went to it doesn't need to this process does not require that so this process kind of supersedes that cor it's two different things right okay this is a specific application and there's a process for that for state law and your code the the other um comprehensive land use plan committee that may not be the proper name is more specific to the overall review of the comp plan which is different than what this is this is a but I would add I would think that because of the nature of the text amendment that is a vision type of exercise I mean I granted it's a it's a it's a private um resident or uh applicant who's come forward and so I get that but but if you were to do this on your own to say we want to have a new category the comprehensive land use committee would be the first stop I in my opinion in my opinion I think now that it's a little bit this is very unique let's just put it this way PE cities and counties don't get text amendments requests all the time so we're kind of thrust into this if I could speak to the survey and the the tasks that came out of that um the the whole project was to do a survey to come up with a preliminary vision of what that survey said to go back into the community we did a um an outline of a scope for services that would include that sort of community engagement and then looking at specific regulations that would help Implement that it's just that we didn't get there we we we're marching in that direction but this application presented itself and so we are you know doing our duties of responding to an application to the city so it's not as though things have been pushed aside it's just that the you know it's it's it's never tidy you know planning isn't tidy as we say um but we try to do the best we can to keep the community you know informed and involved and um and that was the purpose of the give us a little bit more time to be able to digest this information get you out some good data and a recommendation and then let you decide on that versus is just um something that's kind of you know half baked well along that that that line then on page 11 and also on page 13 there's a very specific statement that I highlighted it says will require thoughtful planning design and implementation it's saying as a as a community I agree 100% and that was and that's the reason I brought it to your point as a community it requires thoughtful planning design and impementation because we're kind of in a impass where I feel like the thoughtful part is kind of jumping a couple steps yeah so I mean the it's I have begged for the city to move into the 20th century for 20 years of living here and I used to drive through that trailer park to get to my house on knowwhere by you and I used to I'll never forget the first time I drove down that street I wasn't in real estate at the time actually and I drove the street and I my wife looked me and she said where the hell are you taking me and I said trust me you'll get it you'll see it when we get there and we turned on Miller by your drive and she saw it and she was like okay I get it even last year when he had the storm we all many of us were underwater last year I'll never forget the statement of the guy standing inside of my house while he's my wife is categorizing our life on for on forms and the FEMA guy looks at me and staring at the backyard he crosses his arms he looks at me and he goes I get it I live here too it's important to us and because of that fact I think that the process itself needs it needs to we need to make sure we have all the data so that we can sit in at dining room tables later on with our our neighbors and say that we did the right thing for everybody and for my children we're going to eventually take my house because they damn sure to let me sell it so I think it it's just one of those things we I think we just kind of need to make sure we have all all the data that's where I'm any else from the board Just for future we're GNA have a presentation that is um gonna be shown at the meeting could be part of the agenda because I think certainly that might help some people and audience it's just all about time you know and I what I had I borrowed from presentation that I gave to you guys in December and so it'll be u a much more organized and um data driven no rush yeah no rush thank you Joe Lori any last comments on this matter on this matter no you everything's pretty much been answered so yeah one one or two more questions about the what we thought we were going to do today but oh if we whatever meeting it turns into we actually take a vote okay what exactly are we going to be voting on is going to be the the height of the building is it going to be the density is it going to be the so what are we here to it's just a comprehensive plan Amendment we're looking at text and you you that's in your packet it's underlined that's the exact text with the changes that I'm going to suggest because there's a couple things that we need to make sure that you know it's not a self self executing future land use category that leads to a comp plan future land use map Amendment we we need to make that clear that it's a locational criteria and it's not we're not creating a future land use category map like a mapped area by virtue of a text Amendment so the first thing is a text Amendment with the changes and the second thing is the future land use map amendments for those two applications the two property sets of properties and so and I'll lay those out very clearly I'll have slides for each one of those that's only thing as far as the building coverage parking standards things that are more appropriate for zoning those will happen at the time of zoning rezoning so you'll have an opportunity to discuss those at length during zoning but this does not provide for any of those relief or variances I think as they're called in the application it'll clearly be what we set forth in the ordin that Nancy puts together so it'll be clear what you're adopting okay good good all right that time I'll close it for the board all right second item on the agenda future land use map mix you you mix you mix the two together oh I mixed the two together perfect even better then okay great um um yes Phil please Phil pH free I thought that it's okay yeah feel free it was supposed to be a second thank you okay Phil apps 5436 blueo Drive um y'all are making some great points here I certainly appreciate y'all taking the time to look this over um my biggest question is is you're going to make recommendations to them on how to make this happen why we don't need any changes to what we have everything looks good make recommendations on how we can improve what we currently have we've got good density everything was set just like it was previously stated with the current densities that we have those are fine work with what we have don't try to improve don't try to add a whole bunch of people to our city please we don't need them we already got density just to drive down US1 19 but please consider the residents and what you're hearing when you make your recommendations okay thank you so much Karen absolutely you said in your document it had a word or a couple words said low income but that's you said no that's not what I mean lwi income has its definition your interpretation of the word is irrelevant legally if it says low income means low income second agenda name iatch it I cat it Johnson anyone else please Ross coil 5531 pass go away U just a quick question is all this information available to us um because it's a pretty quick presentation and uh frankly I get out of that map I see city of Port Richie and some colors so doesn't tell me much is there is it on a website where I can go to this and take a look or we're GNA make the presentation that was provided available on our website and then of course if you want to request it you can email me and I can send it to you via email but we will be putting it on the website okay I mean can you pick it up here too or is it already in print or in a booklet it's not in print it's digital at this time okay all right so just uh send okay great all right thank you Ryan Burke 45 29 Harbor Point um I think I want to make sure I heard correctly I hope it it came across but I heard that this was really to allow first step to do a planed unit development or plan development unit that then would really allow us to use a lot of the city's feedback the resident feedback to really create something that would then have to be approved as a plan development unit um and is want to make sure that everyone understands we're not trying to keep anything from anybody we can't do anything with the way things are written right now and so that plan unit development and my understanding of it really allows us then to work and say okay what can we do what can we do that actually makes sense in from both a financial standpoint sustainability standpoint and then incorporating all of that feedback from the city and so it's just right now I think I want to make clear we we can't really do that and we we have invested a lot of money the next steps of the things that you guys talked about with getting the engineering and doing a lot of those things those are all very expensive things and this what we're hoping to unlock is the ability to have the real conversations around how can we start planning this and putting it together knowing that and and that's a key for that 900 to a reason part of the reason it was written that way is to make sure it had to be done through a planed unit development so that had to incorporate the city's feedback and prevent somebody from coming in if if I get hit by a bus and all of a sudden my wife says I'm not closing on this property now that someone else couldn't come in and just put in the rumors that I've all heard right like I've heard 12 stories I've heard 10 stories I've heard unbelievable things things that are we don't know and wouldn't plan on doing other thing is I don't think it says I want to be certain because if it does I want to make sure I have the opportunity to rise it make sure it does not say low income I okay I want to make that very very clear there's no it says a of low income there is a mention of being affordable and making sure that we can accommodate people living within the city and people coming into the city um so those are points of clarification I want to want to make sure there's a lot of information out there that I have no idea where it came from there's been two newspaper articles written like I don't think anybody knew who I was for the 15 years I lived here is kind of nice and I've been in newspaper articles but I have yet to talk to anyone that works at the newspaper I have no idea where they're coming from so again I would open up to everybody feel free to ask me I'm happy to be open with all of you feel free to ask me my hands have been tied on how much more I can do to incorporate all the feedback and start putting plans in place letting people start seeing things Beyond like until we get the ability to kind of work within this plan development unit and get buying and get something executed so that's the goal and and I don't think there's a perfect road map for this in fact the application we filled out like no one was certain is that the right application is it not um so we're I think we're doing the best we can with with with what we have but we' we've also heard you and and I I it's important to me too again I a member of this community um so that's that the only thing I want to make sure I made clear thank you thank you all right at that time I'll go ahead and I'll close it to the board as well as the public thank you very much for all your comments as you can see the planner has a little bit of work for us before our next meeting and some items that need to be addressed that the city has provided and asked for as well as the board um and as such we will close that agenda I have old is there any old business we need to discuss when are we planning to discuss the seaw wall code again that is ready to come before you um but due to the time we felt that would go into this meeting it was back but it's ready to come back within next probably within the next month okay perfect all right great SE say that again the plan moving forward next sure absolutely so the next meeting will be the 13th is scheduled for that's what we actually stated for at which time I'm assuming um Tammy will come back and she will try to address the concerns and questions were presented today in addition um I know I personally have asked and I was brought to Veronica's attention uh that staff actually will have their reports ready for us because I asked the same question you all have asked I don't see anything from staff showing impact to the police department impact to the fire department impact to utilities so we should have that data as well um at which time we can go through and go decide that and like the city manager stated before if we're able to make a decision or have a conversation regarding having a decision or or a motion we can do it at that time if not we will ask for more time so this is not a rush through it Mr Burke understands this is a I I would hope he understands he seems to understand that we need to understand exactly what he's asking for but the impact it's going to have to our citizens and those of us who live here so and honestly to staff because they have to be able to support it as well so there's um there's a lot there needs to be done the 13th is it's very possible yes sir so um one o' one o'clock yes sir so all right at that time if there's no other other bit old business I will entertain any other motions I move we ad I have a second a second all in favor thank you everyone for coming