let's do this I'd like to call to order the meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board today is Tuesday June 11 it is now 1M please stand for the pledge allegiance the United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation under indivisible liberty and justice all right can I have a roll call please chairman Sean P here member Randy stout here member Lori Simpson here member Lisa Burke here member Joe me here alternate member Denise McKenzie alterate member Den Mackenzie is not here for today's meeting an alternate member Michael forz here Nancy Meer here thank you um at this time I'll take any comments from the general public regarding make sure have comments sign anyone okay moving on about any comments from the board members regarding I have a question for the minutes or the last meeting sure just for clarify my mind absolutely I I wasn't here at the last meeting meeting before that in April we had Ted a discussion about sea walls and RI WRA and then I did don't see anything mentioned of that in the minutes from last meeting so was that still tabled or they discussed that at the last meeting the see all was discussed at the last meeting the um building official was here to answer questions that will be coming back to you and I'll not say final form but in a modified form for you to see again and can discuss it some more probably next month I was waiting for today's all I saw in minutes was talking about percentages of reconstruction I seen any of the other I did not read the minutes but I assure you we talked about seat walls but it's okay me look one April's when it first came up sure and then in May kind of seemed like it split by or something I I wasn't here so I can't I can't attest to that um but still it's it's officially still tabled until we have further clarification from building correct and that's that's gonna be coming back to us it's not table it was discussed and I can see if you look on page seven and eight of the minutes I think that's kind of where this the seaw wall conversation was captured it was not it was not long it was brief um there were a couple um edit comments made so I'm going to edit what you originally saw so it'll come back once those edits are made I was also waiting for our conversation today about the boot slips because that'll be incorporated should we choose to make any recommended changes you'll see all of it again nothing is yet going to council so you'll still have time to ask questions and have further discussion coming back yes yes okay that satisfy that perfect any other discussion regarding the minutes have a motion regarding the minutes from last meeting have a second no you're permanent now you're the real deal now right yes she second all right I have a second all in favor I thank you there's two sets that was just for the 54 minutes we need Mission and a second for the 423 minutes perfect regarding the April minutes any discussion regarding that board meeting I moved to okay do I have a second second all in favor I fantastic all right great now moving on to the agenda for today discussion of storage of boats watercrafts trailers and major Recreational Equipment on any vacant lot zone for residential use should we take a staff first U I think Veronica they are here for the next conversation you have the conversation okay unless Veronica wants to talk about this no um yes sir please P I like to speak for a second I don't know if I'm I was told there's a meeting I'm a resident at 54 hold on wait you have to wait till you get to the podium state your name and your address for the record name is Ray leer I live at 544 Quest Drive in Port Richie I have a house there also have a a vacant lot next store who is owned by a friend of mine who lives in Long Island but I take care of the lot I have the power and I keep my boat on that lot i' been getting a lot of citations lately on the the lot I take care of the lot and I I mow it I keep it clean I've got a $150,000 boat on on a on a dock that I've invested with Eric um I got Eric got a citation because I keep the trailer of the boat on the lot on the corner on my property and his property the reason I keep the trailer there is because the canal is getting so shallow that sometimes we come in and I cannot get the boat on my lift because the canal needs to be dredged so I have to take the the trailer around and pull my boat out for a night until the tie comes up and then I can drop it back in So Eric got sighted having the trailer on the lot called me about it I said I don't know maybe it's a trailer so now nevertheless I moved the trailer into my front driveway because I cannot put it on the side of my house because I don't have enough property so then I got s cited at my house for having the boat trailer in my driveway so then I talked to the your your people and they said well and I went around I took about 25 pictures of other boat trailers on the size of properties in the community there which I have on my phone so back to the point so we were talking about the empty lot and maybe building we have power there and we also have what's called an RV hookup on the lot so now Eric's being told that we cannot even park an RV on the lot or if he wanted to come down for two weeks from Long Island with his boat Park his RV hook up go out and enjoy Florida days the they're not allowed to do it so I've talked with Eric a little bit about me maybe purchasing the lot and then I try and get it zoned into one to maybe I don't know how to stop this so that's why I'm here listening today okay so if anybody has any Enlightenment or helps me in any way I would be appreciative and I don't believe I'm the only resident that's having this problem you're not that's fact the reason it's on the board today okay so thank you thank you all right so what you have you it was not part of the packet and I do apologize it came late it should be on the the table in front of you is section 12792 and if you turn to the second page section f i put in some proposed language if this is something that you're interested in um entertaining and recommending to council um the conversation was similar to what you just heard although we're not going to talk about any specifics obviously because there citations p similar to what you just heard there's a inquiry as to whether there's an interest if someone on a residential lot whose home is on that lot happens to own if it's okay for them to have um the boats watercraft trailers just in that limited situation um so I like said there's some proposed language there um and what I have ADD I'll read it for those in the in the audience um right now it says no boats watercraft trailers or major Recreational Equipment shall be permitted to be parked or stored driveway or yard forward of a dwelling or on any vacant lot zone for residential use what's been added is unless the vacant lot is contiguous with a zon contiguous with a lot zone upon which a permitted structure exists and is owned by the same property or owner according to the Pasco County property appraiser that would capture that idea if that's an of course that's just my language it can be strick and changed whatever you guys are interested in possibly doing so that's why it's here for you okay um I will entertain any comments or questions from the board and then I'll comment go around Robin Mr fres um yeah I don't I don't see any problem with that as long as I don't know if we need additional verbage in there or we need to point to the habitation because that's been an issue in the past with folks buying Lots putting we even have we have a provision to not put boat docks on empty lots within the city because people were buying Lots just to put their boat on and then calling for a temporary power pole and running it forever and never building anything on the lot and we we already have that I know there's been lots of questions I know that planning and on building gets requests all the time when someone's going to build on something eventually to put an RV there to stay on the RV in the RV while the building is happening and I know that that's we don't allow that in the city either so just I don't know if I'm going to make sure that that's there's do that verbage need to be in here or does it need to reference to make sure there's no misunderstanding that the lot that's adjacent would be used to for to live on you store an RV there but that does still does not allow for you to plug it in open up the slides and stay in it right because we know that'll yes we will either we can either add that language or reference to another provision in the code that's I think we already have a fact that you can't stay can't right use an RV so we could probably just reference that code this one miss perky well U it seem like it makes sense and stuff for waterfront property and everything but I think where it might get out of hand is where you get you know farther away from waterfront property you just get to a middle neighborhood or something and all of a sudden somebody in the middle could have 100 boats on lot next door to them sure yes I know one way to get around I think the he had alluded to is that can I don't know what the word for it is but like Annex the last you can make it part of your property it's a very simple process sure I don't think there's a charge for it to do that yeah the boat is hanging on the dock I can't we we can't pick you up on that you have to speak to exra if you want to step back forward yeah the record has to catch I can say we we can't we can't talk about his specific I know you weren't you I I've driven the neighborhood and I've seen a lot of houses and um some have RVs and some are just have boat trailers they have a boat trailer along with their boat on their dock which they paid impermanent for a dock so the question is I I understand that people we don't want people parking all this equipment or boats or everything on these empty lots but if the boat that is on the dock and the boat trailer we live in a flood zone that floods you have to be able to pull your boat out when a major storm comes if you can't keep your boat trailer there for just like it happened four or five months ago when we all got a foot and a half of water you know we have to the boat will come off the lift so that's the only thing that I don't know if you can put something in there for that's all I'm asking for sure so something that says more or less that it has to be right I think the key here is the verbiage that nany's already put in there is it has to be contiguous to the to the property that the property owner has that's the key part right there are many vacant Lots in the city right most of them I don't say most of them I know quite a few of them are owned by the property owner who owns the house next door and a lot of times that was building structure later they don't want a neighbor whatever it is and many of them do in fact Park boat trailers RVs and other things behind and they're trying to meet the code from the fact that they're actually parking it's still behind the front of their structure which is next door that seems to be the biggest confusion right so they like well I'm I'm following the code well no you're not because the two partials are not together so when code enforcement goes out he's just doing his job based off the fact he sees a the boat Trail sitting out by itself and that's the problem so I think nany's verbage by saying this us is a very key part that's the biggest part um that's my injection real quick uh M Miss Simpson Lor um well like Randy said wouldn't we want to limit how many votes can be on that that's a that's a definitely consideration needs to be had we thought about Joe goad no and then most voters will tell you that one vote isn't the rest the best vot see always have to them too true story little boat big Bo yeah all right I've heard from some residents they want to make sure that sorry that they want to make sure that those boats belong to the owner of the continuous lot that they don't have their brother-in-law's kids mom and dad parking all their stuff down there also that's true so I think that there should be some kind of verbage in there that only the owner of the residence and the ous lot be able to park their stuff there yeah so yeah I love I like that making it for this provision where the Lots don't have to be combined at the county into one thing you could have a this provision allows for that owner that owns the second lot to have their stuff parked on it as long as it still meets that front setback so it's not in the forward setback but I think then we're opening ourselves up to a question later on of okay well if I own the lot next to it and I do combine it at that point then we're as long as I'm behind the front corner even if I have my brother's boat and my cousins RV if I bought the lot next door to me and they're behind the front corner of my house and I've made the two lots contiguous and they're now one lot that just becomes sidey yard setback sidey yard then I can park whatever I wanted in there that's mine as long as it's behind the front correct okay so this wouldn't preclude you from doing that it would just mean you'd have to do one additional step where you'd combine the two lots into one parcel and then you'd be able to do then you could have your brother's boat or your or whatever else I guess the real question means sorry the question means is that do we have violations n probably the one answer that do we have multiple violations where people have multiple product on one just a vacant lot or is it the occasional boat trailer or camper or whatever it is on a lot that's contiguous there seems to be like there needs to be a little more Discovery done we don't we don't obviously want don't want to tie it all together and refer to council and say hey we think this is a wonderful idea and they do it all of a sudden three different Lots in the city now have 35 things on them and they all they're all more accely belong to one person you know I mean so that would cause a problem because right I see your point I do not know the answer to that um Veron I don't know if Veronica that knows about the code enforcement actions that have happened I know she doesn't know everything that happens in the city but she knows a lot so that if she doesn't know that off the top of her head that would be something I could get with code enforcement about to always call her because I know she knows the answer for everything I know I believe the pack your packet did have a few pictures just to show you but I cannot honestly tell you that that is a representation of all of the issues that are out there right um so I don't know if it's that it's just one one vat that's on a lot somewhere or it's somewhere that has there's my guess is there's probably both there's probably a mixture of [Music] those I know when I looked at it I I recognize a couple of these properties as a matter of fact page 14 yeah I know which RB is this part there it actually belongs and which is funny because this one in particular with RV on it page 16 that's across the street from the property owner property owns that property has owns the property the house across the street and he's never built on that lot she knows what I'm talking about so that's interesting with that one the first one on that and yeah same as the one property on page 17 he owns the house next door right really yeah I bet it does well 17 is a lot that used St so TRS having all that stuff there but okay have conversation are these pictures all violations or something yeah they I would imagine they're they're not they're not complying and the city manager shaking his head yes resounding yes um okay I think the verbage you have is definitely the right track y but I believe there's some clarification needs to happen as well I've made notes for um to clarify that no one's going to live on the proper and their property um specify that you want the property to be that of a person that owns the the property that is on and um you want further information so you can discuss the limitation possibly I mean the only time that we allowed in the city allowed people to stay in in a camper or RV is during a disaster management issue right and that was and there's a limited time set assigned to that PO Fe the county has a I think it's a two we with requests you can tell the county you have someone coming in who can stay on property in a Hooked Up RV on property in the in the driveway for two up to two weeks and then you can close that and then you can close that I don't know if it's in our code as well do we have any any provision for that in our code um so you got somebody coming into town they can stay for x amount of time very brief period of time um I know the county has that provision but I don't think we have anything for them okay well with that information I will br bring you back that addess the seaw walls plus this and we will get it finalized so we can go to Council in regards to your question earlier sir uh the board is going to have and the attorney is going to ahead and revise what she believes to be a way to modify the code to be inclusive of properties attached to it it would kind of depending how city council de decides what they want to move Heth situation but not so much and I'm going clarify why the biggest reason you have is the parcel you're here and the parcel next to you belongs to a friend so you wouldn't qualify under that n unless you purchase that property so I've talked to him and at this point he's been SED so many times for other things he just wants to sell with it uh I had it appraisal and I'm going to be handling that in the next 60 days and I'll work with the city and everything on taking care of that and um so I don't want to do anything that's not of code you know I I'm just trying to keep a boat and I live here for 20 something years I mean I don't live in that residence but I live in Newport regie but you know just don't want any trouble with anybody well you can you can send the city council a thank you note when you when they get it I'll figure out for you uh Mr Muer Dave Mueller 5439 9 bluepoint Drive um based on what I'm hearing and certainly you're looking at proposing language to address some of this stuff how would a scenario run if I chose to lease the vacant property next to me now I've got rights into that property would you address this the same way or would a lease basically cure the problem question something to think about I would say least yeah what is the difference between R you're running a house around the whole city well it would stay on the it would still be the contiguous I think he would run it inside this contiguous so in his example uh in his example he if we put verbiage in that allowed because renters get owner's rights conferred in real you know in real estate law in general typically so in that scenario he could lease that property with a lease that he could show code enforcement that says that that piece of property he is he has rights to and then then it could fall under this provision that we're talking about putting in but you couldn't go do it everywhere else it would have to be the right next to you but then it becomes a business for the that's but that's taxes for the the guy who an empty lot would be a residential I think I think the problem with that is cre it creates a very slippery slope right that I mean Nancy's job is the idea to keep us out of out of court right Y and that seems like that would open us up to way too much litigation I think it'd be I think it'd be I don't know I want city council spending all their time worrying about lawsuits as much as I am more concerned about our job is to kind of protect city council by going through and doing Discovery and making good recommendations to them and I think that opens us up to way too much litigation it's obviously conversation for Council to make a decision on I my personal contention is I I wouldn't want to deal with the idea of leasing it it' be somebody it be a property owner caveat only Mr wheer the rationale Dave Mueller 5439 bluepoint Drive the rationale is if you move two independent properties and combine them as one now you got a homesteaded property now you got Homestead protection 3% cap every year if you keep them separate with a lease there's no Homestead on that extra land so it escalates at at 10% cap per year so it benefits the city in a tax base to see them separate uh and which is the other Paul Harvey If you will thanks I mean and I understand that I agree with that but I will tell you my I don't know that the value from that standpoint offsets as much because the they can l in the city is really not that expensive unless it's sitting on Waterfront and L it's sitting on Waterfront right and then but the the amount of vacant land that it's that I know of in the city which that's my business um that is owned by the property next door is very small there are just a very few pieces but I agree tax Bas is obviously a big consideration the lot next door to me just went for sale for $575,000 for a lot so that's a nice that's a nice taxable hit for the city when that sells if I were to buy that myself and attached to my property I can see what that would be I would help the city at the same time it's like well we already have a provision for that so the current code would allow whatever they wanted if they own the one next door and they combined them right um this provision kind of steps to what you're saying which is this provision would allow someone to keep them as separate Parcels but have the benefit of being able to park their stuff on them and keep them separate Parcels as we're currently already writing it we're just trying to make sure that we don't create other problems the other question that I would have though now that I'm thinking about it because you brought up the liability side of things is that homeowners insurance isn't going to convey to the empty parcel corre next door and now you've got equipment parked on it so yeah you need a separate liability policy for a vacant land would we want to have we want to have to have verbiage in there that says that if you're going to park on it and you're going to activate this that allows you to park on it that there needs to be a requirement for liability because there's not going to be requirement for fencing and now you've got equipment over there and trailers and not no requirement for liability it's not city property so that it's personal property so I don't know that because the city has no part um I think we would hope they would make wise decisions for their own safety and safety of others but we're don't requ allowing this doesn't create open up any problem the home owner and the property aren't be liable if somebody Falls breaks a leg on there and they get sued that's their problem it's not ours and to go back to the lease questions I'm in my mind I'm trying to you know go through the different scenarios um so it's the thought being that I own I property owner the lot with the house on it now I'm also have the lot the vacant lot next door I obviously should this pass in its current state could store my boat on theot vacant lot next to me so the question becomes what if I lease my lot with the house oh he's saying just lease the physical lot V lot so the key is I think you said is key the word that would take it away from the property owner correct wouldn't be able to the the verbiage of contiguous okay takes it right out of the way okay so go back to mine now that I created another scenario what if I least the property with the home on it I think you I don't know that you could keep them from conveying to the person you're leasing to the rights to store stuff on the correct uous because like Mike says the the tenant rights in the State of Florida are much we might need to address that well and the scenario now that you say that the scenario that I see that would be more probably more common in the city is the fact that we do have a lot of people who own Lots own homes owns a home doesn't reside in it um rents the home to someone else but then wants to retain the ability to keep his boats the own property owner's boats on the contiguous lot even though he's not occupying which as this as is how it's written out that would be allowed because it's property if if the way it's written again that's just not as in set in stone but as long as the property appraiser shows that that person owns both Lots he's fine he's covered he can leas his house all he wants because he owns property and the leasy and the owner can both there now you got two people that are going to be right are going to give it to the renter if yeah you'd have to clarify in the code that the that the if the owner leases the physical home only he would have the right to be able to park vice versa don't don't allow one or the other the owns and resides or resides in either or either or it needs to be one of the other if we don't want to allow it to be separate where the tenant's going to get to park there and the owner's going to get to park there or we yeah like do we do we make it it needs to be the people that reside in the in the home whoever's residing in the home has rights to the lot the contiguous lot next door for parking or only the owner now you then then there's a lawsuit then there's a tenants rights argument because the tenants have the right to we we we I don't know if we've ever gotten into it but I know other communities that have gotten into the reparan rights argument or you know what rent the house they keep their boat on the reparan and there's tenants rights arguments over the repair rights well along that line then but if you have a house that somebody lives in whether it's the owner or Lee but the two people in the house only one person owns the house but the other person has a boat so how does that come into play they live there but they're not a property owner I think residence probably is the better route for us if you currently occupy the dwelling then you can have contiguous rights to the contiguous lot to but I think the key part is to make sure that the property owner the property owners for both par have to be the same that is the key part right you can't have you can't have a property owner in his situation I use his situation where he owns the house and his friend owns the lot next to it you know they have to be the same owner to be able to consider it contigous I that's the key part and we can't have just individual Lots contiguous like contiguous is is the key word here for the entire thing yes so whether or not we call it residents we call it Property Owners whatever it be those two Parcels of got attach owned by the same owned by the same person ownership by the same person is required they have to be contiguous that's required but the person that gets rights to the lot is the person residing in the dwelling that'll fix that problem I can't think we're good hung up on the who owns the property and leases and all this kind of stuff have we decided what you're allowed to put on a lot in the first place what are we talking about well that's that's already that's already in the code we're just gonna whatever the code is now as far as what you can park there right now it's um boats watercraft trailers are major Recreational Equipment and there's no number of vehicles or who owns aicle or anything there was not before so the only thing we're deciding is can I continue contiguous lot be included in that description and when it comes back to you I will bring information from code enforcement about numbers so you can decide if you want to put I can tell you a slide is there's still the provisions about being of in the backyard and all that kind of stuff is 10 feet from the side yard and so if the lot is in the front if there's a lot in if there's a vacant lot in front of the house then that then we're not including that one wellous me it meet it meets so you know we're I'm I'm picturing side by side but I assume there could be scenario FR to back absolutely be what that RV picture is right you said yeah that's lit across the street so they're not contigous at all so that one doesn't qualify because it's literally there's a street a city Street between the two it continues they have they have to touch right they have to touch in one way or one fashion other like that one that's just not compliant period and it hasn't been in 20 years that I've lived here 25 years I lived here so yes sir my name's Ray leer 5440 Quest drive I have a question if you own the second lot can you put up a fence because I'm thinking I'm buying the lot I've talked to them about it I was thinking about putting a pool and leaving the boat there and I can put the trailer in in the same residency are you allowed to put a privacy fence at six foot up you know back 20 30 feet to uh a different issue and that's better that's not for the that conversation that would be the building department question okay and I can't answer that question Veronica probably can answer that question I know if you have a property that they're connected together yeah if you come over to the building department yeah I'm because I haven't purchased it yet and I've talked to them about it and I have questions that I want to make sure what I do is yeah building department will give you all the guidance you need as far as that's concerned okay it's been multiple conversations with other people who have okay properties with a lot next door can I put a pool on it I have one for sale now currently and S people ask the question I go call the building department that's what I tell them I'll see [Laughter] you all right any more public comments the two gentleman sitting in the corner in the back all right I I have directions so you'll see it again next month wonderful all right any more discussion regarding this issue if not we were going to readdress it next month moving along okay second item on the agenda which everybody's very interested in discussion on boat slips and boat shelters yes and that's why we have the pleasure of Veronica being here I believe to help us out um because Mike is out of town this was something that you guys asked to discuss um and luckily our newest member of the board gave me some direction on where to find information um because I I had struck out completely so what you have before you today are um a code from Mar excuse me Marco Island and Cape Coral um just to give you an idea of the language they have Veronica provided some pictures so you could kind of see what we're talking about and I will I'm not plugging any specific entity but I will tell you that Coast Coastline boat coverings if you go online you can see a bunch of examples of what these look like um and Savvy enough to have printed them to bring them to you luckily Veronica did find some um so this gives you an idea at least a place to start um this [Music] conversation [Music] okay so ver what is the the contention of Staff well we have gotten a lot of questions regarding the bu shelters and that is something that has been discussed several times in the past um we've provided a couple of pictures there currently our code does not allow the boat shelters they're completely prohibited um but uh there are some pictures that you have in front of you of some boat coverings or boat shelters that we had uh seen while out on the water and is for your discussion to see if that's something that the Planning and Zoning Board would want to even you know think about it um everyone in the city you know it is a boat Community everyone is wanting to protect their boats I know there's discussions there have been discussions about you know that they cover the Waterway can't see I can't see you know Port Richie is a little unique everybody's kind of right next to each other so the height is is is a issue that residents have had but it's really your decision and council's decision on what they want to do moving forward these photos you provided they're not are these not these aren't in the city of por currently no okay that's those all right was herand Beach okay and I will let you know that the um the photos I saw from Coastline boat cover coverings covers coverings um that's the idea behind what they build it's they call it a um canopy so it's not really a boat house like a a full hard-sided um so it leaves room for vision through to a degree and as you if you read some of the language in these um codes that I provided it talks about that that only can come down the side so far so it's there's still a vision you you can see through that um and it talks about how high high up it can be that kind of thing these particular ones these pictures particularly um a friend of mine has one and so come time for Hurricane they easily come off correct so um you can take it in and out with two people they come in and off on and off rather quickly uh some of them are hurricane rated um the straps come down and there's different components to it but that's one of the ones that seems to be popular versus the boat shelters I think for I haven't heard anybody say their head set against that have come to these meetings uh I think there's lots of details about the construction how it be that would be allowable and all that kind of stuff in the size and everything like that but uh it kind of seemed like the main thing it would be hard to to set up would be where it's not blocking a neighbor's View and that's going to be anybody that doesn't want it that's going to be their main contention I don't see how they're going to complain with the Fabrics made out of or anything like that it's going to be is it going to block their view or not um so I think that's what we got need to figure out so statement walk their view I've been selling waterfront property for almost 25 years and I always explain to people when you're buying waterfront property you're buying the space of property that you have in the dock Frontage or seaw wall Frontage you have it doesn't mean that you don't have a wonderful 180 degree view because your neighbors haven't built anything but that doesn't belong to you your view is here and as such your responsibility is here so to stop a neighbor from building something because it's blocking your view to the West is irresponsible on our part or city council's part to do that but yet when we first moved here 12 years ago now the first city council meeting I was in the city council heard a complaint and had to have a full-on discussion because a a homeowner who had been able to look through the porch screen porch of the neighbor for the 20 years she'd lived there was wanting to sue the new owners of the house because they put privacy screen up and she lost her view and the city council spent 45 minutes deliberating on it on whether or not and I'm like I was floor like what do you mean that no no we will try we will try to not let that happen again 45 minutes our job is make sure the city council doesn't have to fight that correct and that's what I'm that's what I'm saying okay no one wants to take someone's view away but legally he is correct I just see it as a point abely absolutely so we got to address just builds a builds a dock that wasn't there before gets a bigger boat you know it changes the view and people get upset about it that that's the normal conversation I think the key is to make sure that when you whatever verbiage you put in there it just states that it doesn't impede The neighbors's View on their property if they're standing on their property looking straight out their property and your canopy out 85 feet in the Waterway and they can't see because you turn in front of their house I get it but but but that's that's not really on us they're going to take care of that we already have absolutely we already have minimum distances from property lines property lines extend out into the water you can't build anything out the boat can't hang out nothing can exceed that 10 ft toward the property line we have maximum distances across waterways already in the code right and I love the verbiage in a lot of these places that you know no more than 30 inches of overhang you know that way you don't have someone take advantage of the fact that well you said I can put a canopy up and now all of a sudden they've got they've got 2700 Square F feet of canopy in the backyard covering all this dockage and their floating docks and and and and and um to the point of council having to argue about view the simple side of that is that if I get rid of the lift that I have now and I decide that I'm going to put a 47 foot yacht in my backyard your view is gone right your view through my property is gone and I'm within my rights within that with what I can float in the backyard within my 10 ft from property line to property line so I mean I think to me this is a no-brainer the code side of it is going to fall back to the the Florida building code on Hurricane compliance if it's going to be listed as a permanent structure it's going to have to be hurricane compliant with strapping and everything and there's already Provisions in code for that right if it's not going to be a permanent structure under those rules and it's going to be a canopy then it's going to have Breakaway requirements just like we do Tiki huts and things like that we already have a code that covers a lot of that and these guys a lot of that I've looked at a bunch of these different things in different communities and um I think one provision as we move forward and I know we have a lot of discussion to do on this one provision is yes they're easy to take the canopy off but I think one of the big critical things is making sure that they are passively going to release in up at a certain point and a lot of these guys already have that provision in where they go on with the little ball bungees and those have a tear away Force so that the canopy pulls off at a certain wind load before it tears the structure off the off of the top of your dock right because if a canopy flies off and runs into the neighbor's yard it's not damaging anything but if it pulls the top pulls the aluminum structure off the top of your stuff because it didn't break away right now you have an aluminum thing moving through yards and it's going to cause damage um so but I think there's already Provisions in a lot of the code and and our our attorney has done a great job of pulling together the codes from the other communities that have pour a lot of time into this um I definitely think it's a pro um for the area it's a huge I also sell real estate waterfront real estate and it it is sometimes a detraction when someone's moving down that's bringing a 300 $400,000 boat down and there's a Code provision that we have in that doesn't let them put a cover over it right they don't want to put their boat in this community where they it's got to sit out in the sun um so I think this would be a big a big plus I think gives the city the ability to lead by example for the rest of the county if we do it right the first time they're and the County's trying to they're they're scrambling trying to figure out what they're doing half of them are built in Hudson illegally they're trying to drive around on their boats trying to write tickets or figure out what they're going to do if we do it correctly the first time utilizing someone else's code to modify it to work for us they would be a huge draw he's right the people that are spending the money I mean the lots are selling for $600,000 so those people have the ability to buy nice boats if you can protect that asset for them that's a that's a wonderful thing we can offer well and we also have the ability right now to put it in place and require it to be an engineered Sol correct so that we don't end up with somebody out there strapped nailing 2 by4 across the top of the top over top of the boat stretch in a blue P we have the ability right now to write this put a code in that allows it to have some fairly specific provision so that we end up with nice looking stuff in our Waterfront not right as long as it's regulated and even these you know the boats already on the lift there right and there is really not that much above it there's a little bit of aluminum and some money yeah well and hopefully we end up building all the codes so that everybody's elevated anyway and then everybody's just looking over the boat covers before 15 years from now nobody's look nobody's looking through a boat cover anyway their living floors are above the boat that would be nice so it sounds like he's going to raise Port Richie he's raising all of P Richie it sounds like there's consensus that there's an interest in moving forward with a a code provision for the canopies I will work with um the building official he's already looked at these I can work with him um and draft something specific to bring back to you so you can really kind of and I'll get it to you before the meeting this this late stuff is on my fault not Ashley's completely on me I didn't get it together early enough um but we'll make sure it's to you in time so you can review it and and comment um and we can kind of get that Pro process started I do want to ask um before we go any further too is there any interest in any what I would consider like a traditional boat house where it's more of the structure no interest in changing that it looks like everyone's shaking their heads I personally don't believe so we don't have the we don't have the aesthetic Waterfront that they have in the city of Port Richie there's I think there's three left in the city of Port Richie that are New Port Richie I mean uh where you have boat houses but even those each one of those the main structure is up a hill from that I I can think of and the channels Under This Way correct and those kind of it fits the Ambiance of what they it's different when it's way wider than narrow that would really and I think the key is I like the canopy because then it's like you said it's it's something that can come off be removed or if they don't remove it it'll tear away and not cause damage the biggest thing is going to be able to make sure that it's controlled and managed 100% by the building department y right so you have to pull a permit you have to use either it could be per by owner but still it has to be permited structure and approved accordingly yes ma'am um I like what PID wrote on here but I don't see anything about color G to specify what color I mean can you get through purple with polka dot polka dots or glitter or I don't if they built if they make them maybe special order I I mean do you want to do you want to you know I don't think you can I think we open ourselves it's kind of the same thing with the boat house um if you allow boat like boat houses work well in communities where there's already an ARB there's an HOA that can dictate things like color style things like that we don't want to use the port regie code to work like an HOA where we're trying to dictate what it's going to look like and what it's going to look like um we can dictate engineering spec and we can dictate maybe size limitations because of that but I don't think I and we don't control color on paint on paint colors on houses so that right there yeah I think it opens up to a big argument ofer I had spoken with Jeremy gramble who put a lot of these in in Hudson and other areas in the Bay Area he said the key word in to have in your in your codee is removable you want to make sure it's removable they with their company they you can pay them to come out right before a hurricane and they take it down or the home owner can do it themselves nice but they have a whole list of you know emergency team that can get it down in time before the hurricane another comment I had was we have to have hurricane straps on the frame for a closed pool so would we want to you know recommend hurricane stps for the framing of the was he already building them to Florida building code anyway um yeah I mean I would imagine so but I don't know yeah so if he's already building the code we don't have to add those caveats it's some something that building the building officials will manage because that's that code changes more often than I Chang my sneakers so okay that's all I have like we've talked about some other stuff putting it on the writing it into the code so that it follows floorida building code or it gives them the ability to make adjustments in their department so that it's not written into our sure this part of muty so that they can work it into building code that way if the Florida building code changes and all of a sudden temporary is not allowed and we're shifting to it's got to be permanent permanently mounted we don't have to go back and rewrite this one because Florida building they the building department can make their changes city council can make changes to building code outside of this ordinance to make that much more effective I think agreed Mr Mueller Dave Mueller 5439 bluepoint Drive I think the key here is building the defined terms boat cover boat canopy boat house and ensuring that we have the proper language to address what we want in this city right now I'm aware of canopies in the city and boat houses in the city so we already have them whether we like it or not um and maybe it's not been enforced but the point being and and uh Lisa mentioned if you have a boat on a lift up in the air it's going to be the same um obstruction whether you have a canopy on it or not right so the reality is U building the language so that one it's manageable do we know what this defined term is what's a canopy we can Define it and it sounds like some of this other communities have already done that and you know a boat cover most people have a boat cover it come sometimes it's a Snap-On that goes to the boat maybe it's something that totally en covers the boat well the boat is going to obscure the same same view right and uh the last thing is people want privacy here right and I think everybody's aware of that and I think Sean you pointed out that you buy the view directly parallel to your property lines right um you know we have this fence ordinance that um you know you can't have a fence over 4 feet high right but you can have a 15t uh shed that's 1T wide uh that's totally opaque all the way to the water line and I think we need to have a few more of them and we can have privacy thank you Joe any questions or concerns statements all right um so you g go back and essentially combine these together I'll work with the building official um I I sent these to him um for him to look at he said he is at a conference I think so I don't if you had a chance to look at him um to make sure there's nothing in there that causes him concern either is there that he doesn't think should be there or that is missing so we'll work together and draft something and bring it back to you um I did want to ask um based on what Mr Mueller said do boat you already said no boat houses that was a no right boat covers I'm assuming we're fine with that's we have if they covers can covers and can of piece okay so we'll include some language about big word being removable and we y got that already okay then I have my direction to go any discussion regarding old business I don't we have any do I have any other motions motion toj have a second second all in favor thank you very much for coming everyone thanks everybody