[Music] call the United States America chairman Sean P here member Randy Stout let the record show that member Randy Stout is from today's meeting member Lorie Simpson let the record show that member Lorie Simpson is absent from today's meeting member Lisa Burke here member Joe ma here City attorney Nancy Meyer here okay thank you very much do a little housekeeping first regarding the minutes from our last meeting on the 26th of January do we have any discussion questions concerns or do I have a motion to accept say okay have a second second all in favor hi hi okay fantastic all right today's agenda we're going to discuss the water plont ml dist District revisions yes so I provided you three options none of which you can have to look at I mean take this is some some suggestions option number one is what um Waterfront or Rel District language currently shows in your code section um sorry option two option three um to give you some some suggestions the main thing we're looking at is paragraph d8 top of page two um of the various options um this conversation started um about I guess currently in this location based on the the writing of this code there's a limit on what um establishments can do regarding rentals on the property and there's been a conversation whether that is something that this city wants to keep doing do they want a lesson do they want to leave it do they want to change it somehow so these are just some ideas um to give you guys some some talking points and some St we have some people here that might want to also give some comments about it um that's kind of what it why we're here and what you're why you're looking at this wonderful [Music] okay any questions or comments from the board first and then I'll take it to to the public no I just on number eight you know the one that kind of highlighted that's where most of the differences are but no one's really said you know like pontoon 24t length and then back and the back it's kind of stricken so you know has anyone said what will be the length of long boats or John that's what you're going to do that's the idea is so right now option one is what's currently written um and option two and three are just suggestions that just came from me they don't mean anything you don't have to listen to them city council no no this is you looking at it first and what you guys suggest we'll take I'll take back to city council and they'll talk about it some more I feel like there's more things than just the highlighted options that need looked at because it stays the same through all three and there's there's some other um issues in here that I think be looked at okay in regards to number eight or in addition to in addition to number eight I think there are other things that are somewhat outdated or um they're just not appropriate for what's actually already going on in the city so understood okay um so at this time I'm going to open up to the public first as to speak I'm sure it's regarding this particular issue all right afternoon uh Tim low 5349 Bridge Street for Richie Florida uh I'm here on behalf of Port Richie Marina and rentals and uh seab Breeze boat rentals so we recently just got our permit finalized for our wet slips at our new Marina next to catches um we've been operating seab breze boat rentals behind catches for about a year or two and recently we're informed that there's these restrictions in the in the current code where pontoons in excess of 24t cannot be rented and John boats in excess of 16 fet our pontoon boats are under 24 ft so that's not a huge concern but we also would like to rent a deckboat maybe a center console fishing boat um these would all be probably 24 feet or less but I just feel having that restriction um is a little bit too restrictive you we would like to ask you to to recommend to the council that it be if you are going to restrict the length maybe make it 30 ft something that's a little bit more uh common I'm not sure why that footage was in there uh to begin with that restriction we feel that boat rentals in that area specifically the Waterfront overlay District would be a complement would bring in tourism um out of the city's Waterfront area we feel that that would be the best location for rentals to happen rather than in another area that's maybe more uh primarily residential wouldn't want to increase commercial traffic there so we'd like to request that you open it up to recreational vessels as a whole and if if there must be a restriction maybe on length I can tell you as the operator of that business we have no intentions of of renting vessels that would be in excess of you know 28 or 30 feet just because predominantly people that don't own vessels and that are renting don't have the experience with a vessel that large um you have usually dual motors um the anchor is electronically controlled there's a lot more variables with those larger vessels um that we wouldn't want to rent to people because of that and the insurance companies would most likely restrict us from that as well so we're we're here in uh support of lifting those restrictions to allow uh more recreational vessels to be rented in the district questions for Mr L no Joe you go so the um to the west of catches they've got that small Marina yes sir and if you have a 30 foot long boat or longer will those will they still be able to utilize those slips going into those going into those areas so we've at that Marina our wet slips are designed for boats up to about we've got some outer slips that could handle a vessel up to about 45 ft um but most of our slips would be for vessels of 30 ft to 35 but that would be for private slip holders so that Marina is um designed for boat rentals and private slips and that's the that's the one yes sir yeah between catches and Whiskey Joe's Okay the reason I ask is there's if you ask that it be lifted to 30 but no one can get in those slips because someone on the third one from the end has a 30 foot boat but no one else can maneuver by it that's why I'm asking this question I think the confusion there is where is cbze operating out of compar in relation to the actual the marina so seab Brees will is currently operating at the new Marina at those slips um again I'm saying 30 ft because I'm sure there's other businesses maybe in the future that might want to rent a 26 or 27 foot boat um we've got three locations on the coast where we rent including this one um our largest vessel is 24 ft um again right now we don't have any intentions to rent a vessel larger than that larger than than 24t but that may change and there may be other businesses that aren't aware of this situation right now so I'm trying to speak for the industry as well a little bit um yeah I mean we would we would not put vessels in our Marina that wouldn't be able to fit and maneuver so you confir concerned about navigability Joe is what you're asking that's that's what I'm worried about and the other part is that do you qualify the people that R those vessels I know how to run a power boat but I'm not really sure that I could get in and out of one of those slips if I have something stuck out in the back that I have to maneuver around so it it's not so much that I can't do it but I would also not like to see someone else in that Marina have their property damaged by someone who has no clue what they're doing and just runs AB absolutely valid question and and we do qualify our customers we have a list of rules and regulations and restrictions for those customers they must be able to um properly communicate experience with the vessel but they also have to have a safe boater course uh succession they've got to be able to complete the safe boating course if they haven't done that they need to do that prior to renting the vessel um and then we will speak with them and ask them questions about their experience our staff is very experienced um and un unfortunately there are times where we have to deny people the ability to rent The Vessel um yes sure you're when when you're taking do whatever you have people that are aware of how much space you got yeah absolutely G stick out yeah it's not going to we do that or you're not operating respons we yes we would we would be stepping on oursel if you will right we don't want to compromise or um inconvenience or damage our private customers as well okay the ratio of boat rentals to private I mean it's a much smaller ratio we have two vessels there right now you know if if business increases we may go to four right now that that Marina is 38 slips um so the the majority of those vessels will be private slip holders thank you for that you're very welcome thank you one second uh as you can let the record show that Randy's here Randy would' like to join us I'm here my question is um we're talking about the marina and we're talking about you running boat but also does that also apply to any like rental slips because we not only does it say aquatic establishment but it's also tourbo Chargers so we know we have a tourbo charter on the river that's much longer than 24 ft very popular in the area and I think it's an asset absolutely so it's over that my question is so my question is how are you GNA limit or why would you when it's an asset to the area so currently the the tour boat Chargers has no limits sizewise the limits currently are just on pontoon Vates and John Vates I wanted to make sure that's exactly what that T pting I don't know what they ran yeah sometimes they are P boats but it's a it's a different thing than catches and R River owning them as opposed to somebody else but they can them at their place if they have the room for it and I want to make sure that's still going to be an option that's interesting because the the verbiage is pretty big that's why we're here that's one reason we're here I didn't like I don't like GRE that's why we're here to make it black and white I mean it's one of the popular things around to make sure we weren't stepping on our own to saying whoops and there's a fishing T that's been there for 25 years it's probably about 40 35 40 feet if I could ask another question am I reading too much into this is does this mean if it's not listed here that it's restricted the way it's written now it's it's the activities that are allowed or what's on here it's not on here so a deckboat which is is similar to a pontoon that has a fiberglass hole it's not specifically called out are those allowed to be rented right now you are allowed to have the fishing charter non-motorized watercraft rentals t or boat charters pontoon boats that don't exceed 24 feet John boats that don't exceed 16 feet and there's another requirement for the John Boat and pontoon boat and that is it okay so if it's not not there yep understood so any other boat is right now no correct or in the case of something that's already there jet skis are not listed there either right we know that that's operating currently right which is why we're sitting here right exactly because it's great exactly that's like option two you can see that um the language I changed just has um fishing charter watercraft rental to remote Charters that's much bigger right right much bigger there's no vote limitations that may be too not limiting enough um but that's that's kind of idea you can work with those words and figure out which ones you want to use and how about the source of power outward engine only I know what does that mean I know nothing about boats except how to get on them and enjoy myself I don't I don't know yeah I mean if I could speak to that um again we don't currently have any in our inventory that have a motor other than an outboard um I know a lot of the charter vessels uh fishing vessels commercial vessels have inboards some of them maybe have inboard Outboards or jets maybe the business could grow and somebody wants to rent or or Charter utilize a inboard outboard so I also feel just for the industry's sake that that should be lifted um there's also a comment here that the outboard engine horsepower shall not exceed the whole rating that's kind of just obvious that's what manufacturers do and and Coast Guard inspections require Etc so guess it's not hurting having that in there but it seems like extra language air boats AR allowed does not mention that that can be but now this is en forced I guess well that's a conversation for a different day in different we're not doing code Force come on R come on and then mentioned the jet skis or there's boats that are jet jet skis to like a regular boat almost right so yeah there's a lot of it's too restrictive the way it is I didn't really understand all that of I kind of felt like if you're trying to limit the speed and the boats are going in the river weights and stuff that makes sense and and it's against the law now so you know it's just a matter of enforcing what the laws around the book The Horse if you're worried about boats going too fast too big and the size of the boats and things there's those uh you know says John vat 16 ft Pango boats they kind of like a John boat but they're they're generally fairly long for the size of the boat and there's G news things like that correct I think the industry has evolved and grown significantly since this was written obviously I'm I'm not aware of why this was written or what the intentions were but I do know that that in our marinas we see the average size boat is increasing uh just by the nature of of the industry growing and and people becoming more familiar with it and becoming exposed to it any other questions for Mr L yeah thank you for your thank you for your [Music] time Mr Muer oh sorry is your your name's Mueller too love to you Dave Mueller 5439 bluepoint Drive um I think this arose because we had restrictive uh requirements in our Waterfront District for the business owners yet as a resident and anybody coming in from Pascal County they can put anything they want in at that boat ramp and run anywhere they want out there so I think the focus at one time might have been good but I think at this point in time uh like Tim mentioned uh things have evolved and the reality is if he's got a concern and and the kind of boats uh that he was wanting to rent that are going to benefit our area here uh it's going to be uh incumbent upon them to ensure that their people are properly trained they got insurance on all that stuff so actually he's probably going above and beyond than what a recreational person might do because I know a lot of people don't even have insurance on their boats so uh the bigger issue was is there was you know jet skis going on and and some concern about that but the at the end of the day ultimately I like option two uh because it's the least restrictive and it focuses on uh what can happen down there and if we're a city that's trying to grow I think these all bring uh the right uh things to our city and we'll hopefully improve it and improve the Waterfront there as well thank you thank you sir you yeah we're at the same issue still we're still working the same you say option two simar feel free step step forward and that's your for the record please may I approach give you can hold that hold that thought Lisa he answer my question what he said okay perfect uh state your name and address of the record please my name is smart King uh my wife and I are current owners of Port Richie waterports at the goog Marina okay yeah feel free to you have something you want you want to pass to the board sure AB thank you okay [Music] okay good afternoon my name's against Mark King my wife and I currently own a jet ski company at uh at the gildogs um has come to our attention that there's some concern over a business operation I just wanted to clear up a few things um first and formost who are not like a car rental company where you just take the vessel and go um this is not responsible on many levels no one knows where they're going especially out in the Gulf they don't know the tide conditions um they don't obey no one will some won't try won't obey the the Wake laws uh by their own um and they may get lost this costs valuable time resources and money no one especially vacationers are aware of the the tide conditions around there and where to be safely if the tie drops if they get stuck again it it can it can also ruin our vessels um even though these issues are not of our cause customers will see it in a bad way and leave us bad reviews secondly if there's any mechanical issues with the jet skis whether they break down or customers clog up the jet uh the jet pump or uh the engine with seagrass um we'll lose money on both sides they just take it and uh destroy the vessel um and and it would be IM movable in the water um for the above reasons and more we implemented imple we have implemented the system that is both safe and fun for everyone and this system is pro is by giving guided tours only no one takes the ski and goes we're with them we have a uh we have licensed tour guides they have done this for uh sorry I'm emotional they've been with us for years we started in clearw Beach uh we tried to make Port Richie our home um we put a lot of time we we bought a house out here we open up shop at the go off we came to City Hall they said it was okay and now we're hearing that now that we're now we're hearing that we may not be falling within the ordinance we may be um we we may be uh in the out in the water so to speak um we're standard J we provide uh tours only um our tourists also have a set routes in which to go safe routes our highly trained and licensed tour guides supervis from start to finish we guide them in and guide them out we tell them when to slow down we have them obey all the Wake zones we limit the horse planes um and we keep them safe uh from boat traffic we're there to watch watch over them to make sure the other boats and boers are paying attention um and we only we limit our uh our size to only four to five skis per gu per guide uh better service is also given when you reduce the group size uh we currently have a 14-year premium safety record we were currently uh Clear Water beach jet ski rentals um I believe our company renting space at the Gold dogs actually complies with the city ordinance section 12755 of the wad uh subsection D outlines permitted uses which states actually number eight recreational aquatic activities establishment and parentheses fishing charter non-motorized watercraft Vehicles tour booat Charters pontoon boats not to exceed 24 ft in overall length johnb boats not to exceed 16t in length Etc uh I'd like to give the following definition of a charter boat any vessel or wcra used to transport passengers who paid a fee or tourism including but not limited to fishing well watching sightseeing or diving we actually show our customers things we show them the the around give them a history of the a area we go around the still homes we go around diry key and cloat we show them the uh we show them the mangroves and we slight see for dolphin manate and more as you can see uh we do actually fit the definition of toyboat charers we do comply with Section 12755 since we're we're a tourboat company we're not a we're not a a rental company in sense they just don't take it and go as you can see from my advertisement in the back we you show that that there we only advertise guided tours as you can see and supervis freestyle so they don't ever leave our they don't ever leave our site if anybody disobeys the rules we send them back so I'm just begging you to look again at the law at the ordinance I think we comply cuz I I feel that we are a uh we are a uh supervised toour company we're about we're about toour company not rental um I think we're we're more safe than those others out there we don't again we don't let them uh go off on her own uh our area is against the wall it's out of the way of everybody they go single file past the gild dogs and they Park and um this is my lifel hood this is what we counted to make money on down here I about a house down here try to make this work and if we don't if we're not allowed to go there I don't know what we're going to do so please uh yes sir I'm gonna open the questions the board to ask any questions before we start though I just want to say it I don't know if there's an active code enforcement case going so I don't know specific questions about his particular sure if you have general questions about jet skis and allowing those in the WD that's one thing but let's not talk about is possible case specifically if that makes sense well can I ask just about the general concept of supervised jet skiing this this is new to me and I'm I'm impressed okay because the I live on the river myself and the jet skis and the not wake zone is probably my biggest intention okay and it's individual people you know hot dogging around in the river when they should be yes sir we always make sure um that that's our number thing cuz we're insured I mean we spend over $20,000 a year on insurance we take it very seriously I don't want we don't want our rates to go up um we're very courteous of the um of the neighbors around us when we go through you know um so we make sure we make sure that we we're respectful to the to the uh to the neighbors to the environment and um we make sure everybody's safe there are other jet skis out there um there are jet ski um mechanics out there that test the boats especially in in in the bayou and they go a little fast and unfortunately they think they're associated with us which we're not um we don't hang out in buou um it doesn't make for um it's not it's kind of like Big Ben Parliament Big Ben Parliament you just kind of go in a circle um so we're more out in the golf you know we of course we don't go out and not even 12 mile winds we wouldn't go for safety sake um so uh you know like I said uh there's a difference between letting someone take the jety and go and hope they're coming back uh some people even take them and take take them and strip them for parts they'll take them to another and they do that down in Miami other places they'll take them strip them or take a part off and then say that the the the the jet ski a piece of junk and now they're stuck so they want their money back too um keeping an eye on because we've got we've got whistles we've got horns um anything like I said anything over four to five um we get we hire an extra helper uh we'll split the group in two some people don't go as fast we never ever for safety reason tell someone that they have to speed up uh Clear Water some of the ianes do I mean you're in line eight or 10 and they say you got to stick with the pack we're not like that we're family oriented and so if anybody can't keep up we'll we'll call back and we'll say we need another tour guide my wife will jump on a ski and she'll take the slower ones kids um we we love it to have kid kids enjoy it um we do take the younger we like to take the younger crowds we love families um we are a family faith-based business because we are a family business and I don't know what much more to say I I think that we do fall in the category because we are um we are we are truly a uh we are truly a tour company we show people around um yeah they don't they just don't go on their own there's just so many reasons why we wouldn't let anybody on on their own on the um you know beside not coming back and running into another boat um he made a good point there are jet skis all over they're not his company they're jet skis aren't going to be able to regulate that they're out there nobody likes it when they throw a WG nobody likes it when they're crazy but that doesn't mean that's his business where they're watching sure we also do our briefing an hour they sit there for an hour and they listen to us um not only do this things thing off on on our on our contract but we you know we're also checking to see are they impaired um if they're if we don't feel safe we just tell them they can't go I mean we screen each and every one of the drivers and passengers um so they go an hour they train with us we actually have an hour of training we go over uh signals and distancing and speed and what to do if there is beep uh sometimes the jet will complain for no reason well it's like a 50-hour oil code maybe they sucked up some sear grass we're there to help them so um they ra they know they raise their hand and we'll come around speed around we'll jump inside the waters and pull out pull the grass out for them so we're there also for for help so we um yeah I mean I think I think it I think it just Falls you can see from the aage we don't some things you'll see that say jet ski rentals maybe in the part of the name but that's more like complaining because Texas Roadhouse is in Florida it should be Florida State Roadhouse it's in the name we do tell them and even on our FAQ on our website we tell them that it is a and we turn back business but you know what I'd rather turn away those people that want to go out and drive fast and hot dog and and lose money then jeopardize the safety of uh of us the drivers and the community yes sir the your insurance compy in the description of your coverage does it say uh Charter or guided to tour boats that you operate or does say does not cover rentals is there any kind of language like that in there that's a good question I'll answer it like this um it's not specified in the insurance but our insurance policy does require us to have eyes on the drivers at all times so that again that would make it a tour oh is there language or description that we could even in Clear Water and allow this clear water too they have to keep an eyes on them that you'll see them going back and forth they can go in a square circle or spell their name and cursy but they can still only go from point A to point B and they can't leave it's the it's the insurance law and we have to adhere to that or we lose our insurance yeah some of the requirements that you that you've heard from from individuals as insurance requirements and stuff like that not necessarily something from the city level corre your your level at this point is just do you want to allow certain activities um not to say that you can't be more add more restrictions you you know a lot of it's going to be insurance-based not City based or may be requirements within the city for their business tax receipt to let them operate um but at this point what we're just trying to do is what activities do you want to allow in the WD now it's restrict very restrictive and do we want to open it up to include and these other things that you heard about and maybe some things you haven't even heard about yet any other questions but it doesn't not say jet skis which is what got brought up if it doesn't say some sort of the way this no the way this is written if it's not on there you can't do it right any other boat yep like every other boat that would be every boat there is except for I I think it might have been a little outdated when they wrote the when they wrote the ordinance too I don't think back then jet skis were quite as popular um and they probably never thought the gildogs was a residential house right they never in a million years would you think that there's going to be a restaurant and some you know live music and and you know fun times over there and um you know we want to bring business to this community that's about Genera Revenue within our city we we want to make it better and um there's not a lot of I don't think there's any jety companies close to here um we're pulling in actually traffic from Tampa and Orlando because well in Orlando you kind of mids spot you go east or go west and uh and some spots of Orlando were actually closer than clear water and in in the summer if you consider the traffic on the bridge we're definitely they're definitely going to make it over to us first we're more with nature out here uh I I um you know we left clear water but I actually think that this is a better place it's more with nature there's less boat traffic there's so that even makes it makes it safer for everybody especially with the younger generation who might not even even driven a car and now you're putting them on a jet ski um I I I like it up here um there's no no wake zone so you don't have to worry about you know go up and speeding up and down and them getting confused when do I supposed to slow down when do I supposed to speed up it's all look this is the this is the speed on the nowi Zone it goes from here to the Gul of Mexico and Obey that uh and we're good keep your distancing like we talked about for the for the hour of briefing and uh and we're good don't get between me and land cuz we know where you know any storm can kick up a sandbar and we go out there and Survey after every storm make sure that the the sandb bar didn't shift North and close Sandbar is pretty dangerous and if you don't know the area they're just going to clear water just had another one they going back and forth hot dog and and the the tide went down and they got hurt but we're there to that's why we're there um people a lot of people thank us there's um there's some spoils out there um over by Anclote beach there's some spoiled out there right by the way and if you don't know they're there it's going be dangerous and uh we're providing I think we're providing a safe environment for for everybody and all we got nothing but safety in mind I know jet ski town oh my God they're going to I don't know about these guys but I'm telling you it's it's if you ever come on or you ever see a tour I welcome you to come with us um and um you know we'll take you out if you actually want to see what how safe we are and how we operate what we do a question for you yes sir if I'm looking at this option two on just driving the types of boats basically pretty much be any kind of boat but if it was added in there except or prohibited would be jet ski rentals would that impact you would that prevent you from running your business like you described I'm sorry sir can I get up little bam hearing impaired he expect that if you if he were to if they were to modify the code to say excluding jet ski rentals would that impact your business oh if it said excluding jety rental I think that's the point hold on hold on hold on that's that's really close to the yeah that's Clos to his actual case that's his issue now okay I'll ask you not yeah not specific I'll ask you the question then if it says except for Jet right now the way this reads you cannot have jet ski Reynolds is that the question talking here to talk about Chang already it already it already doesn't allow jet ski reyolds pardon it does currently it does not allow jet ski rentals if you want it to allow Jet Rentals need to add that language do he's concerned with the verbage okay what what would it impact this gentleman's business is what he saying but that's a problem we can't we can't have that conversation because the problem I never my answer would be yes yes my answer would be yes now legally later there may be a case that says some something wrong differently differently than what I'm saying but at this point I'd say yes that would affect his business if you excluded jet currently affect business it would yes that's my so you need either need to allow jet skis or not allow jet skis so I I'd like to some contention about whether it's a rental there's a business out there that's rental or or guided to just okay yes so I'm proposing to either either modify the code or uh considering us under under uh 127 5 uh Section 8 I believe it says recreational aquatic activities establishment and then it says TBO Charters so the and we understand where you're coming from from that standpoint and that's valid conversation to be had regarding your case you have currently for the board's intent and purposes it doesn't affect what they're trying to do so but we do appreciate where you've come and given the information the data they need to be able to help your understand what you're from so it's not it's not our place to modify the code to be inclusive of what designing what your business is that's not what we're here for so um so but you did answer the question I think you were asking correct he's answered the question you want you're your your guidance from the the attorney regarding staying clear of his case is the key is the key part of that so we're going to modify or modify or at least review the code and make a res recommendation to council based off of what we to need to be modified so I mean his if he's he's been very clear he's doing a tour he's not ring skis that's key exactly yes sir uh you got it spot on okay well in that case we thank you for your time for your time any questions Joe you have a question for the young man okay perfect any other questions for the gentleman no thank you sir okay you have any question feel free to email me call us our number's on the card Mr Hoover thank you sir thank you hi JN Co 8703 Green Street Port Rie Florida um coming back to the the item number eight there in the code um obviously this is Mark correct yeah yeah Market actually reached out to to me on this and that's why I actually brought this up to have you guys review um but but summarizing here really what the code is saying is that any motorized watercraft rental is not allowed if it has a motor whether it's jet propelled or whatever it's not allowed but it makes an exception for John boats and uh pontoon boats 246 so it'd be my recommendation that we we look at removing the non-motorized uh from that code which is option number two and make watercraft rental just in general and when you talk about watercraft rental in general you don't have to specify deck boats you don't have to spef fishing boats jet skis whatever any watercraft rental would be okay as far as the size restrictions again I don't think that's that's necessary for my opinion um like Tim had stated you're not going to rent out Yachts right there's just that's just not a good business model right very expensive watercraft um you're not going to take that kind of risk so I don't think we need to mandate that the reality of it is anybody can put any kind of watercraft in in the water down there and they can do some things it's my understanding that this code was put in place probably to uh protect the residents in Miller Bayou from jet skis coming in hot riding again you can't keep that from happening you can keep businesses from allowing that that easy access to it there but at the end of the day somebody can put anything in there and do that so I think the intent here is to mitigate that what we should do for the intent of that is you put some things in like a you know put a sign up there says no rentals allowed past this point unless you're transiting or staying at one of the residences uh that would probably help with that but again as far as restricting the actual rental itself you're just prohibiting business down there um so I'd recommend you guys go with number two option two and and do away with that restrictive language thank you thank you at this time I close to the public and I'll just bringing back the board conversation and or motions um I will start if that's all right guys I I personally agree this is an Antiquated verbiage for sure um I believe it's the property it's the it's the business owners responsibility to manage have the proper insurances vet the people correctly and take get out of the city's hands shouldn't be the city's respons um I'm complely okay with modifying it to option too that's my personal contention I don't I don't see a very good business model for rening 35 foot boats so I don't see a lot of people doing that so because of that fact I think size restrictions are also something that shouldn't be we don't need to micromanage businesses in the in the business in the Waterfront overlay District we want to encourage the businesses to come to Overlay District matter of fact so that's my contention I'll go around the board Miss Lisa I agree with you Ry uh I like number two where does it say in number eight in any of these options talk about rounds I don't see the word rental in here anyway well it does say yeah establishment so I mean that's as opposed to personal that's how I took I'm sorry R yeah okay um is it possible to say except for except no jet ski rentals and that's I'm trying to look for some kind of language to allow this guided tours on then you can't if it says the IDE if you say no jet ski rental there are no jet ski tours okay if you if you go with option two that's been that's been suggested so far and it just says watercraft rentals whether he's renting or not he that could happen I'm not gonna talk about him would be able to rent J are boat clubs cons considered rentals boat slips clubs clubs Club absolutely it's an absolutely r a rental I think it's I once again we're looking for ways to to tighten down things what the city allows but instead of letting the the business owners manage their responsibilities and the course Co their job so I mean if if you rent whether you rent a 24 foot center console or you rent a 13 foot jet ski if you're speeding through the bu you and you're acting like an idiot in there it's the responsibility of the police department to be able to enforce the law it's not the it's not the responsibility of this board to make recommendations to council to limit that to control that because he's not going to control anyway so there's still somebody's going to break the law if they want to break the law they're going to break the law so that's my personal contention well Joe with you I like the uh number two op sorry sorry I agree I like the number two option you know uh and then we'll just have to give the you know City Police Department the you know equipment and the manpower to go out there and you know limit the enforce law yeah enforce the law I mean because this this isn't and I understand where these especially the big Marina stuff um AIS Herz and those guys they don't rent $125,000 cars much to anyone and unlike you know you see out on the highway ways you know it says rental car but some of the people that drive them really think that they're stunt drivers right you know so I'm I'm okay with just opening this up and let the business owners you know control their end of it let the city of Port Richie police our end of it and um you know I think we're good gr back to you okay so the option number two would allow jet Reynolds regardless to whether there's a guide or not unfortunately y you're opening it up to all water craft and I live on Mow and I'd rather not see jet rolds cruising to my mow either so but I don't want to it's not our position I believe that we for us to control that I'd rather call pick up the phone down 911 and say there's an idiot in in my backyard so and if we give them the what they need to be able to do their job that's not my problem so to have a motion I move that we uh go forward with the option number two and approve that to send back to the city council okay do I have a second second all in favor I I thank you very much okay moving on three public hearing on the future are we doing that we not doing that oh we we have nothing right finish yes ma'am I right you had some other things you wanted to mention in here yes there are some other things that maybe we oh yes let's go back to that absolutely look at them in the we don't have to go I mean maybe we can't go over it all today but there are definitely some things in here that need um looked at are we talking about just specifically uh section D I'm talking about uh well under Additionally the following uses um are are prohibited right I'm talking about that section so that's E2 right I'm talking about yeah E2 um H which has to do with Amplified music I'm talking about um oh where else was something else there's another section somewhere else that I thought was off um it would be also F nope G six Storage storage so that being said is is something we want to have you look into tell me everything your your yeah because this well I'm not going to go all the way into it but obviously um you know the music thing music live music in in um Cody River L the body District that's a thing right and none of this in here even makes sense really because nobody's getting per to hear live music and they shouldn't have to as long as they aren't going above us Sound Ordinance right so that's all I'm going to say about that need changed in there then under the storage thing um it says storage sheds exterior refrigerator units blah blah blah uh all that everything has to be under the main the principal structure which there are storage sheds that and there are other things that are that are outside currently they've been like that there's no problem nobody can PLS there's been no quote enforcement because there shouldn't be in my opinion so you're suggest we will be review those and modify according yeah because there are you know and they and they store stuff out of the way and then it looks neat and I'm I have no problem with that maybe somebody else has something else to say but some of these things are in here and they're not being they're not being as they are in there because people don't care so [Music] protocol what I do you want her to no what we mean you can discuss it now if you want and give me a recommendation um to take to council the other option is I've marked them let me look at them make sure there's not some other reason within the code that these are here yeah can talk about this because like I said it's not like we can move the other one forward to council um with your recommendation and we Circle back and do these next time perfect if that works for you guys okay in that case do I have any other motions question your favorite motion important motion motion do I have a second I second you can't second here all in favor hi hi thank you guys I would