##VIDEO ID:0uhWCdou0oo## all right good evening everybody it is August 12th 2024 welcome to the meeting of the mayor and Council of Princeton New Jersey uh Madame clerk have car could we have the meeting statement please adequate notice of this meeting was provided in accordance with the requirements of the open public meetings act including the time date and location of the meeting in addition the agenda and all related materials were posted electronically and made available to the public on Princeton meeting portal in advance of the meeting thank you David's going to do the land acknowledgement for us tonight We Gather today on the land of the Lenny Lenape as members of the Princeton Community we aspire to show appreciation respect and concern for All Peoples and our environment we honor the Lenape and other indigenous caretakers of these lands and Waters the elders who lived here before the indigenous today and generations to come thank you can we have a roll call please miss Peron lambrose miss neang here Mr Cohen here miss sax here miss froga here Mr Nan here mayor Freda here you have Quorum okay thanks if you'd like to stand and join us in the pledge of allegiance that would be great I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America to the for it stands na indivisible andice for okay thank you and latio is going to handle a proclamation we have this evening yes and uh normally our Lea on to the recreation department which is my colleague Michelle Peron lambrose would have this honor but she's not here here today so I I am very honored to uh have uh to take on that role um in her absence and this is a proclamation honoring Anastasia Ryan on the occasion of her retirement whereas the municipality of Princeton is proud to recognize Anastasia Ryan Secretary of the recreation department for her dedication to public service on the occasion of her retirement and I forgot I need this whereas Anastasia began her career with the township of Princeton on January 4th 2004 in the role of secretary and whereas Anastasia provided customer service to several thousand patrons annually as the she was the first point of contact for Watkins and phone calls and whereas in the late 2000s Anastasia helped transition the Department from paper registration to an online registration system and whereas Anastasia played a key role in Staffing the office during the summer of 2020 when the department was able to provide in-person programming and pool access for residents during the early stages of the covid pandemic and whereas Anastasia was responsible for processing and maintaining hundreds of purchase orders annually for the recreation trust account and whereas Anastasia was awarded the joint effort Princeton Safe Streets Mildred trotman community service award on August 2nd 2024 and whereas Anastasia's retirement from the municipality of Princeton will be effective September 1st and whereas Anastasia has dedicated over 20 years of serving the municipality of Princeton and now therefore be it resolved that I letia Fraga on behalf of Mark Frida mayor of Princeton and the Council of Princeton County of Mercer state of New Jersey extend the municipality's humble expression of appreciation and sincerest congratulations to Anastasia Ryan we offer our wishes for a long happy and healthy retirement yeah [Applause] than than all right next up we have approval of minutes from the July 22nd 2024 meeting if someone would like to move thank you Eve and is there a second thank you Leticia any questions comments anything on the minuts Eve uh mayor I had a few very tiny Corrections which I already provided to the clerk a couple of names uh were misspelled and one other small change but those have all been taken care of okay thank you anyone else have anything all right all in favor please say I I I okay announcements and reports any Council announcements reports Leta yes I have uh one brief and exciting announcement uh reminding folks of our we I we've been talking about it for a while uh our first ever community yard sale that is being uh sponsored by the YWCA in collaboration with human services and sustainable Princeton is taking place this coming Saturday uh from 10:00 a.m. to 400 p.m. at The Big Field at the Y W ym uh to date we have 30 plus vendors that have signed up and registered uh however there's as you know that field is pretty large so they're still up to the the day before they'll be accepting registration if anyone's interested in in selling items uh and because we have asked uh for those this is to benefit our our community especially our uh underserved community that uh we're have asked the vendors to provide uh low prices on what they sell which will include clothing household goods toys Etc so uh but everybody's welcome to attend thank you thank you Eve uh thank you I just wanted to give a brief uh report on a visit that Leighton and I paid on uh Friday morning to a centurion formerly Centurion Ministries which is an organization that works to uh uh prove the innocence of people who've been imprisoned for life or on uh death row and uh uh Leighton and I hope to have them on the agenda to recognize them officially uh at the end of October but uh for those of you who aren't familiar with the work Rich Ry I see you're uh you're in the audience here and tap into happen to have a really nice article um about uh the work of Shelley and Charlie Yedlin who are supporters of of centurion about the release of uh someone who had been falsely accused and served I think 30 years so uh for those of you who aren't familiar with the work of this organization I really encourage you to become aware of it it it's quite uh amazing work and uh really brought me to tears a couple of times so anyway that's something to uh look forward to hopefully end of October Leon do you want to add anything to that or with the mayor's permission I will certainly do that yes um wow OMG when when um even I went to Centurion an early morning visit Charlie edin was there and Corey Waldren was there these people save people's lives they they save people's lives that are incarcerated for either uh murder or rape when when you walk through through the corridors of this office you see pictures of people on the walls that they have saved you see on another board the names of people who they are in the midst of trying to save you will stay on this board until you either die or they save you right here in the middle of Princeton you you just you you you the things you find out when you're a member of this body are amazing we we have great people doing great things in this town and Centurion if you don't know and if you're within the sound of my voice and I hope our good friend Leah Khan who was here will will highlight this these people are doing some incredible incredible work they are saving lives and they bring these people here two times every year and we will let you know they they gave us some gear really nice hoodies I mean it it it was an amazing event and I shared with the people before I left during my three years on Council this meeting that we had this past week was the highlight of all the time I've been on Council of all of the openings the closings whatever I've gone to nothing has touched my heart more than the work that the people as Centurion do so Eve God bless you and thank you for inviting me to this wonderful wonderful meeting where it it it it it it impacted me in such a way that I actually am asking my soulmate uh I'm I'm going to take her there next week because she wants to do some volunteer work and she's looking for something that can draw a passion and I said baby I got something for you so thank you Eve for taking me to a lifechanging experience thank you thank you both any other Council announcements or reports okay Bernie anything from the table all right Isaac experience Princeton you're up all right good to see you mayor uh Isaac Kramer executive director of experience Princeton I'll give my report keep it brief in the spirit of the meeting tonight uh going pretty quickly I see um so things we worked on in the last 30 days our eblast is continuing to expand its reach it went out to 4,455 cents over 19900 opens and 124 clicks so we keep building that up and it's become a nice resource uh to get the word out about things happening in Princeton the summer local banners were installed uh along NASA Street and Witherspoon Street and a special thank you to the DPW who is very attentive helping with that we actually put new brackets for slightly larger banners up but they didn't miss a beat they did a great job uh next up uh we're developing a document to track current and proposed Partnerships um that our organization is to seeking to undertake and that's a document we're going to be sharing internally with our board um so that uh we can all have a good working understanding of how to connect with resources in the community and have a bigger impact moving forward uh and last but not least uh the mayor and I attended the ICC Northeast event in Atlantic City uh last week um and we saw some repeat people uh from the similar event we did last May but we met some new people including a gentleman from Princeton so it goes to show if you want to meet everyone from Princeton you go to Atlantic City I guess so uh so with that uh what are we working on in the next 30 days um we're looking to enter into a contract with the planning consultant to continue to assist us with our work around allowable uses um we're hosting a Meetup and ribbon cutting and all of you are invited on Thursday August 29th at 400 pm. that'll be at the cor Coran group their new location at 195 Nassau Street we have a Halloween related event in the works a business came forward uh asking to help organize that and um we're going to try to encourage people to walk along Nassau Street as they head into the center of town while also raising the profile of businesses along that stretch and I want to add that uh Chief Tash uh who's just started as a chief of police we were very privileged to meet with him his first day on the job um and I just want to acknowledge how attentive and helpful he was um but also very positive feelings in the business community of how supportive the police department has been um and with that uh we're also preparing for holiday decorations our third year doing that hard to believe uh and we are looking for a few volunteers who really want to help uh get the town looking great uh to work with our streetscapes team on that uh to wrap up uh one big item uh that I'd like all of you to know about um I'm pleased to report we've received our first grant uh from Mercer County um it's for the special 250th planning Grant and what this will allow us to do is create a landing page on the experience Princeton website with a calendar of events related to the 250th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence and all of the subsequent events that happened here so we're grateful for that Grant and hope to put it to good work with that that's my report thank you Isaac any questions for Isaac thank you sir have a great evening thanks Isaac all right next up public comments for items not on the agenda if anybody in the the public are on Zoom all right see no one we'll close that part of the meeting and we have a public hearing on ordinance 2024-the on affordable housing Human Services and racial social and economic equity to the committee on affordable housing racial economic social equity and services aka the care advisory committee and amending the code of the buau of Princeton New Jersey 1974 accordingly Leticia has the motion and Leighton has the second all right let's start up here with the council any questions or comments Eve I just have to say the very fact that this group came up with such a stunning name just indicates to me they're going to be incredibly successful because we wrestled with this one for months and uh they we've been left in the dust so uh you know also loved uh Leon at our uh and uh meeting uh Saturday morning you called out that the uh chair of the committee was there uh and I think that's great that she and other members of the committee are getting out into the public and talking about what they're doing no thanks you Leticia yes uh I actually not just our the chair but I can tell you uh lot of uh several of the members of the committee are very engaged and I think as uh Leon can attest they're very engaged and uh we're very excited about uh what they're working on and uh What uh I know is going to be uh providing very positive results for our community um and regarding the name change I want to uh give credit to to uh the vice chair of the committee Ari myself who actually came up with the name and suggested it to the committee uh which we knew needed as you will know it includes everything that was on the original name is just rearranged uh because the original name did not lend itself to a acronym that could even be pronounced uh but this one uh the cares committee really fits in with what the uh committee is going to be working on so thank you Lon yeah I just want to thank Eve and and Leticia for all of the help and support that we have gotten uh in this endeavor and and I want to bring people's attention to uh a meeting that we had on Saturday and let me give John Bailey uh joint effort Safe Streets uh shout out this year John Bailey really distinguished himself in a way that I think is most appropriate to identify I found this this uh past week's engagement with the municipality with everything that's going on in Princeton to be three things informative interactive and inspirational and I want to put that out there because uh it's important that that with that we continue to have dialogue in Princeton about these sort of things and getting back to uh my colleague leti's point about Saturday and about this new cares committee on Saturday we had someone that actually was on a panel that uh alluded to us our body mayor and Council on January 22nd killing or getting rid of the civil rights committee and when I had the opportunity after Mia David and others spoke so eloquently in their panel discussions to address it I made it clear to the people that were at the First Baptist Church in Princeton and to the community at large that this body these people that sit in front of you and Michelle's not here but her too did not dismantle or kill or turn our backs on civil rights Human Services or affordable housing what we did was we identified a problem that we were having we identified that it was not doing they were not doing the job that we had intended them to do that they were working in silos and we sought to correct that and thereby developing the cares committee so I just want to put that out there to people here in the sound of my voice that this is a proactive Council and mayor and we are changing things for the better here in Princeton thank you thank you Leon any other Council comments questions Mia I'm going to say what members of the public always say I wasn't planning on saying anything but I just want to thank you both for your work and also to underscore what you said on Lon uh on Saturday Laton which is you know elimination and Eric are the opposite of what was in fact the case which was um elevating those priorities to Urgent status for the governing body top priority and making sure that there was a body that could um channel that urgency in the most effective efficient way especially the the delivery of services which is um much more important rhetoric is one thing action is another and this committee is about action and it's about caring and it already has um demonstrated its commitment to action as opposed to rhetoric and and I thank you both for for leading the charge so thank you good thank you thank you all right any public comment anybody in the room or anybody on Zoom all right we'll close the public hearing and roll call vote please Miss neerg yes Mr Cohen yes Miss saxs yes Miss Fraga yes Mr nulan yes Carri thank you all right resolutions 24236 resolution of the mayor and Council of Princeton authorizing an amendment to the Professional Services agreement with arcadis us Inc to extend the contract for construction engineering Administration and inspection services in connection with the mini system number 35 sewer Rehabilitation bid to expire with no change to the contract total thank you Mia David's got the second and that's just extending the length of that contract to the end of this calendar year any questions or comments I seeing none all in favor please say I I 24237 resolution of the mayor and Council of Princeton authorizing the award of a Professional Services agreement to lrk Inc for professional planning services in connection with signage ordinance and design guidelines for amount not to exceed $55,000 is there Mia's got the motion is there a second David's got the second questions and comments yeah please uh well this is many years in the making and long long overdue um and we do have a member of the public here who in fact happens to be someone who laid the foundation for the work that we're about to do and we're so fortunate in Princeton that we have professionals who command respect all around the state for their work and in this case um Josh Cinder um has saved the town a lot of money by doing the bulk of the work and which is uh now uh lrk is just going to connect the dots but Josh thank you for your contribution to the community and in laying the foundation and did you want to make a few comments about it's okay I'll be under three minutes so Joshua was zinder I live at 142 Mo Street my office is at 254 Witherspoon in 2015 after the Sandwich Board ordinances ordinance um was put in place my office began an in-depth review of the Town signage ordinances at their request of the princet and Merchants Association in 2016 we presented what we had learned uh to the greater PMA uh in the following years we presented updates to this uh report to zark HPC the economic development committee and numerous other groups within the town including updates in the last two years given to experience Princeton's Economic Development Committee the study eventually led to the creation of the projecting sign ordinance the conclusion and recommendation of the study was for the town to hire a consultant to complete the work that could not be done on a reduced fee basis or pro bono basis I am pleased to see that the town is taking this critical issue to the business community and to the architectural landscape seriously and hiring luny Rick's kiss to update our ordinances to reflect the town we live in today and not the landscape of 1973 and 74 when the ordinances were originally created I look forward to the great work they will be doing and the implementation of changes to our signage ordinances to improve our community thank you thanks Josh thank thanks Josh okay do we have any other questions comments all right seeing none all in favor please say I I I I 24238 resolution of the mayor and Council of Princeton authorizing the award of a Professional Services agreement with PSNS LLC for professional Engineering Services in connection with the trune road P pedestrian improvements project for an amount not to exceed $143,000 C motion on that thank you David May's got the second questions or comments and this is a project that I believe we got state aid for State Grant from New Jersey do all right no questions or comments all in favor please say I I I 24239 resolution of the mayor and Council of Princeton authorizing Princeton to enter into the mammoth ocean Educational Services Commission Cooperative pricing agreement is there a motion thank you Eve Mia has got the second questions or comments just thank you to our uh uh qualified purchasing officer agent what is it officer or agent agent agent for continuing to look for ways that we can uh take advantage of uh of price breaks and Etc all right all in favor please say I I 24240 resolution of the mayor and Council of Princeton authorizing release of a performance guarantee in the amount of 107,000 520 to the ivy club for minor subdivision and minor site plan block 49.0 lot 5 and block 50.01 lot 18 is there a motion thank you David is there a second thank you Leighton questions or comments all in favor please say I I 24241 resolution of the mayor and Council of Princeton authorizing a decrease of $1,000 to the not to exceed amount for the Professional Services agreement with Capital Health Systems Inc for the 2024 healthy child/ well bab clinic for a new not to exceed amount of $224,000 letia has the motion is there a second thank you Eve questions or comments all right all in favor please say I oh I'm sorry wait just if Leticia didn't want to say anything I just want we're not yeah oh sure I be exp so this is not that we're taking uh intentionally decreasing the the amount of funding for uh the uh Wick child baby Clinic is that uh now that uh the uh heal there's a health program that has extended the uh servic who's allowed to uh or eligible to participate in the program to include uh individuals who uh regardless of their immigration status which was not the case before and that's what we were able to cover at the local level but now that is being uh the there it's being made El ible at uh I think it's at it's zual at at the hospital Z so so we we don't no long we were able to reduce what we need to pay for that at the local level okay thank you Leon you want to jump in thank you mayor I I I just want to just let let folks know that this is an example of uh accountability and good management all right uh Jeff grer is watching how we spend our money and what he noticed was that we could better redirect our resources from one place to another and that is why this $1,000 has been moved so again I think people should be happy that not only are we making recommendations to spend money but as we spend money during the process as we see our lower income individuals and how they are accessing the uh what we have been allocating for them to do with e whether it be for uh Dentistry or medical insurance he's looking at our expenditures and making decisions to readjust it on the Fly I think people should be happy about that thank you thank you all right we're just going to do the eyes one more time since we started chatting I called that too early so everybody in favor say I I I I okay thank you 24242 resol ution of the mayor and Council of Princeton authorizing an amendment to the Professional Services agreement with Johnson Mir Mir mirman Miran whatever and Thompson Inc for construction inspections for the PSENG gas Services modernization Program gsmp t-304 2023 to extend the contract term until August 31 2024 and increase the contract total by $36,800 for new not to exceed amount of $253,700 $79 uh Eve's got the motion is there a second thank you Leighton and under questions and comments go ahead Eve do you want to do you want to say th this is uh money that we are uh we have hired a a firm to inspect the work that uh the gas modernization work that psng is doing and this will all be reimbursed so yeah psng pays us back by psng y yes okay any other questions or comments all in favor please say I I Okay 24243 resolution of the mayor and Council of Princeton authorizing an increase of $111,000 and the not to exceed amount for the Professional Services agreement with ver low biano for public health nurse supplemental services for a new not to exceed amount of $39,000 is there a motion on that Leticia thank you is there a second thank you Leighton questions or comments is this that $1,000 that we just moved from one thing to another excellent yes thank you thanks bur okay all in favor please say I I I 24244 resolution of the mayor and Council of Princeton authorizing an increase of $75,000 to the not to exceed amount for the Professional Services agreement with green bomb Rose Smith and Davis LLP for Legal Services as special Redevelopment Council to Princeton for new not to exceed amount of $15,000 is there a motion thank you Mia is there a second thank you Leighton questions or comments I see none all in favor please say I I I 24252 resolution of the mayor and Council of Princeton approving the 2024 Community Development block grant program annual action plan in the amount of $189,000 $189,500 all right all in favor please say I I I 24245 resolution of the mayor and Council of Princeton authorizing a third extension to the of the temporary re reval revocable God my gosh license agreement with riter University thank you for public parking at we Westminister choir College gez I'm going home since I can pronounce it I'm going to introduce yeah I'm G to all right leti's got the motion did you have a second there or you're making a comment second second were you commenting no oh sorry I thought you were I thought that's what you were saying my bad all right any other anyone else with a question or comment all in favor please say I I 24246 resolution of the mayor and Council of Princeton authorizing an increase of $53,000 to the not to exceed amount for the Professional Services agreement with arcadis us Inc for Hamilton Avenue sanitary sewer replacement engineering design and bid phase services for a new not to exceed amount of $49,950 Mia's got the motion leighton's got the second questions or comments I see none all in favor I just want to say it is so exciting to vote for sewer upgrades and it's it's also in it's good to Second it too it's all good you know it's a new high all in favor please say I I our new low 24247 resolution of the mayor and Council of Princeton appointing Adam Coker as chief of the Princeton fire department thank you Leticia thank you Leighton for seconding questions or comments Adam started today uh all in favor please say I I I 24248 resolution of the mayor and Council of Princeton appointing Dan Tagle as full-time construction official and building subcode official for the municipality of Princeton for a 4-year term effective as of August 1st 2024 Leon's got the motion David's got the second questions or comments just congratulations to Dan and also to everybody in the uh building department we had a lot of interest in the position we have a lot of a lot of qualified people we got a pretty deep bench there so it's uh very good to see all the talent in that department all right all in favor please say I I next up is the consent agenda just three items paying some bills some appointments and a banner or some fireworks display approvals if nobody needs to pull anything somebody could move them in Block thank you David the TC has got the second all in favor say I I I David I move to adjourn is there a second thank you Eve all in favor say I hi we are done good night goodbye happy August 12th