##VIDEO ID:AedrFjUElek## I have all right good evening everyone thanks for joining us it's August 26 2024 and this is a meeting of the mayor and Council of Princeton New Jersey welcome to the meeting uh Madam clerk could we have the meeting statement please adquate notice of this meeting was provided in accordance with the requirements of the open public meetings act including the time date and location of the meeting in addition the agenda and all related materials were posted electronically and made available to the public on Princeton's meeting portal in advance of the meeting thank you leighton's going to do the land acknowledgement tonight thank you mayor we gathered today on the land of aleni laap as members of the Princeton Community we aspire to show appreciation respect and concern for All Peoples and our environment we honor the LPE and other indigenous as caretakers of these lands and Waters the elders who lived here before the indigenous today and the generations to come thank you can we have a roll call please miss pron lambrose here miss Neer gang here Mr Cohen here miss saxs here miss Fraga here Mr nulan here mayor Frida here you have Quorum thank you if you'd like to stand and join us in the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge to the flag of the United States of America and to the repu for it stands indivisible andice for all thank you all right I'd like us all to participate for a moment in a moment of silence for former mayor and former member of this Council and also of the former Princeton Township Council Mr Bernie Miller who uh died this weekend and who has served this community in so many different aspects so well for so many years so if we could just have a moment of silence for Bernie that'd be great thank you we're going to go to announcements and reports and we'll start up here with Council Members First any announcements or reports tonight Eve uh thank you mayor just uh a few things um I found out today that the Princeton environmental commission has received an award from anac that's the association of New Jersey environmental Commissions in recognition of its Greenhouse tour Greenhouse being two separate seate words uh which highlights uh uh uh homes in the community that uh have energy efficient and other sustainability features um so that's a really exciting uh recognition uh and this year's Greenhouse tour will be Saturday September 28th and then the following month on Saturday October 19th there will be uh videos of some of the tours and a panel discussion at the library so those are things to uh look out for um on behalf of the Princeton Public Library the children's book Festival will be held on Saturday October 5th and that's always a great day with a lot of uh authors uh nationally known authors uh coming uh to Hines Plaza and finally uh the uh the uh I'm totally forgetting what cmap stands for Center for modern aging prinston will be hosting its golden jubilee celebrating 50 years on Thursday September 12th at 6m and there are still a few tickets left thanks Eve Leticia yes thank you I would call that a senior moment right uh so I wanted to announce uh on behalf of Human Services and our cares advisory committee uh this year as in past years uh Princeton will be observing uh uh natural National welcoming week this year it will take place from September 13 through the 22nd uh we're going to kick it off on September 13th with a cultural exchange night which will take place at Hines Plaza from 4: to 6:00 p.m. and that would involve uh include cultural displays music Dancing Arts and Crafts and activities for the family and right now uh our human services department is accepting uh registrations for any of our Community Partners but also members of the community who wish to take part by sharing um their culture so this would be uh a we would uh invite you to table at the event and share your culture for any of you who have that children uh who in Elementary School uh participate in in culture exchange night is very similar to that so uh families can share their culture by either uh many of them will have uh for example a poster board with information about their country they will share uh arts and crafts and uh from uh that are particular to their country as well and like I said we're also going to have music and dancing which will include at the end of the uh uh cultural exchange night uh there will be the a regular dancing Under the Stars event on Hines Plaza uh so we're uh welcome everyone to stay afterwards uh and uh we expect that music to include um music from all over Regional music from uh all over the world so please reach out to Human Services if interested in participating thank you L thank you Maria I just want to recognize and give a shout out to the Princeton Housing Authority the the board the residents for a complete blowout barbecue third annual uh Princeton Housing Authority picnic in barbecue uh I want to acknowledge the Community Partners that were there to share uh in giveaways and information I want to recognize the elected officials that were able to come and hang out also uh want to let you know that they unveiled a new repurposed and refurbished community room uh the weather was great the food was great and primarily because Princeton's finest our great Police Department offered up hot dogs hamburgers turkey burgers and plant-based Burgers uh and grilled them outside in the hot uh we we had just a great time there and it was just great to see uh the building of community and community building on behalf of you know residents that uh are very deserving of a good time and a good day out improving their quality of life in so many ways so I just want to really recognize the uh new executive director John in on an interim basis John Clark uh and the board uh led by Felicia Spitz uh and the rest of the very capable board members who give of their time on a volunteer basis to make life better for people that deserve a better quality of life thank you thanks Leon other Council announcements or reports okay um Chief do you want to talk about the police report for July thank you mayor um I just want to highlight one thing in the um July Chiefs report we've been noticing a um Trend an upward Trend in our uh motor vehicle crashes you know we're investing investigating as to why that's happening but um just wanted to put out more of a PSA you know it's Labor Day weekend this coming weekend crashes um generally increase here and Nationwide so we're just urging people this weekend you know make sure you drive safe get to where you're going safely and get home safely most of our um accidents are due to driver in attention so we're just asking people especially this weekend just to slow down on the road and get to where you're going and have a good time and get home safely so that's all I have mayor thanks Chief any questions for the chief tonight Eve uh this is a perfect segue to my comment which is just that last month I asked um uh those of you who know about how uh traffic negative traffic interactions are are uh detailed the common term has always been accident and in recent years there's been a move to redefine those as crashes implying they're not accidents they're not Beyond human error and uh I think as a a vestage of how things used to do the police report had always read mvas motor vehicle accident and I just noticed that last month and pointed it out uh to I can't remember who was here if it was Ben or somebody else and ask that that be changed and I just really appreciate that being done because just in accordance with the comment you just made you know we are responsible for these they are they are not accidents they're not acts of gods they're due to a human error uh for the vast majority and and we have the responsibility to behave better so thank you thanks you David yeah Chief I don't know how longstanding the trend is uh the upward Trend but one piece of wisdom that um is sort of counterintuitive that I want to share with the public is that congestion actually reduces es um it improves traffic safety and reduces crashes because it slows people down uh congestion is traffic calming so if this is a trend that just happened over the summer maybe it's because we have less traffic in the summer and uh the cars are going faster okay any other comments or questions on the chief's uh report all right thank you Bernie we don't have anything else under okay thanks next up is public comments for items not on the agenda if anyone in the audience are online has uh anything they want to ask or say that's not already on the agenda then just come up to the podium state your name and your address and you get a whopping three minutes to share your thoughts with us our timer should pop up on the big screen hopefully oh okay I was going to put that on my watch but uh that'll be easier so um my name is cel I live in the Princeton Ridge Development I've been living on Aron Road for 22 wonderful years uh in wonderful Princeton and I'm here to discuss uh a proposed donation by the Princeton Ridge Homeowners Association of 34 acres of land to Princeton under an ordinance passed by Princeton uh ordinance I sent a letter to all of you outlining my and many of my neighbors concerns with this transaction uh I have I have some copies here if if if that would be useful to you the board of the Princeton homeowners association has acted without a full assessment of community support or lack thereof for this project the board appears to have violated the document which established Princeton Ridge and perhaps even New Jersey Law um some details on that 2third of the 89 homeowners of Princeton Ridge must approv the transfer of land but only 18 votes were recorded in favor uh of at in favor of this at a board meeting the board has been ineffective for various reasons change of systems missing emails and things like that uh in notifying homeowners of such an important project uh the manager uh did not have all the members emails and the notification that was received uh was really lacking in details or alternative act uh options for for the community to contemplate with respect to this transaction furthermore uh when more detailed information was requested there was no response from the board and that's a Poss possible violation of New Jersey uh home Owners Association law the board also failed to hire a disinterested Council to advise and draft documents the council that the board um got involved took no fee but he is a board member of friends of Princeton open space so I I don't think he was in the best position to represents the to represent the interests of uh the princet and Ridge Community he obviously he an advocate of open space the donation that is a sale for a dollar um is in sharp contrast with transactions of similar open space properties for between 4500 and 12,500 per acre and the current board uh has some newly joined members who are are not supportive of this project I recommend this transaction be paused until such time as these issues can be worked out I do believe that a reasonable outcome can be achieved if the relevant HOA documents in New Jersey Law are followed I got yeah I sorry we didn't get a chance to yep you're welcome sorry we didn't get a chance to reply to your email today but we have no intention of taking property until everything is done correctly and legally and I know we had been in correspondence with some members of the uh homeowners association about that prior so I was a little surprised to see your email but I think we've made it quite clear to members of the members that have contacted us that we're not about to just act on our own that you guys obviously have to be a full part of it so we hear you and we're going to make sure that something that shouldn't be done won't be done yeah I mean I members of the community would love to to meet with you there's tremendous dissatisfaction with the board and its performance but thank you for your kind and responsible um answer to my issue problem thank you thanks for being here do we have anybody else from the public that has something for that is not on the agenda again thanks just come up state your name and address and hi I'm Victoria FL I live at 186 Bruce Circle and I'm a very grateful and happy member of the pH Community thank you Leighton for showing up at our barbecue and we have a parking issue and we're trying to get the town aware of it even though we know that PHA is also working on it and I am now on the tenants Council board with the Princeton Housing Authority for the residents and I am so frustrated living in Spruce Circle where we have a tiny amount of sparking and we have people coming to use the park next there to door to us and they're parking there we have no assigned spaces we've been told by certain people along the line that we can park in the municipal lot across the street on Harrison but we have to call the cops every time we do it and we have to tell them what we're trying to park there because we live in Spruce Circle this has gone on and on and on and now we are facing Towing and all kinds of penalties being placed on our cars and I'm just frustrated because I have a car and I'm trying to comply with the rules to have one vehicle and park in the circle and sew open I come home at night and there's nowhere to park we can't park on the streets there's no street parking we can go across the street to a lot but we're not even sure that the police are recognizing that as a permanent solution while we redesign the parking lot which PHA is trying to do for us but it's just we would like to have definitive use of that lot and not always have to call the cops and say can we please park here you know at 10:00 at night and that's the reason and that's all I know about it but my um neighbor um Mr Payne would like to say a few things because he's been actually keeping very close records on all of this so okay thank you I can't pain 190 through Circle uh I've been active in the uh organization that has become the residence Council uh we've been meeting with the uh chair of the Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority for a couple of years Felicia Spitz and uh we've been going over a lot of things with regard to to the Housing Authority she's been trying to get Council to work with her on a cooperation agreement for a long time and I'm certainly speaking in in favor of for all the issues that that she needs to work with you on getting to her the council and and the Board of Commissioners the housing authority to be able to do that but in the meantime yeah we do have this parking issue we have 24 23 or 24 resident Vehicles right now for a 19 space lot lots of creative and sometimes illegal parking um and uh we do use the the lot at uh next to the the DPW lot next to the uh Hook and Ladder building and get permission each time but very often a dispatcher has to go and check you know can they even give permission to to do that they don't always know um so you know our hope is that the council and and the Board of Commissioners can come to a cooperation agreement that will resolve all of the issues that exist between the PHA and town all right thank you no thank you I I think we have the right people in the room tonight our administrator is here our engineer is here and Engineering gets pulled into everything our Council liaison to the Housing Authority is here and we'll Loop the police chief back into and I I think we'll we'll come up with a we'll help suggest a solution to the housing authority and they we'll we'll work together with them to try to solve that in the near term I just want to yes sure yeah so parking is an issue not just for the Housing Authority but for people throughout the town so we we're aware of that and and Felicia Spitz has has been a you know a very um um diligent advocate for trying to resolve some of those things but I I did want to just clarify that when the Housing Authority reached out to the municipality to use parking in the adjacent Municipal lot it was supposed to be for staff not for residents so this is news to me that residents are using it um that was not it was an informal agreement and the engineer is nodding her head that was only supposed to be for staff not for residents so I think um the uh definitely the situation is is even more murky than we realized um but lots of work to do so thank you yeah David yeah I just have a question are there um resident stickers that you can put on your cars okay well so that's a separate question but I just can you hear me even without the can you lean to the okay so resident stickers were issued some years ago be with by previous management but there were more stickers issued than there are spaces in the lot and some people have moved some people have gotten different cars some new people have moved in so but but it won't resolve the problem you know they want to have a lottery for who can park on site and who has to park offsite but they need some kind of cooperation agreement that amounts to permission to use the sure but it seems like at least at least the problem of non-residents parking in the lot which sounds like it's part of the problem should be easy to solve and um you know again I don't think we want to have a terribly detailed discussion tonight no we don't need to yeah but um I I think there are solutions yeah all right we're going to turn it over to staff and staff will work with the housing authority and we'll we'll make some progress there for you okay anybody else in the room have uh comments for things that are not on the agenda or anyone watching by Zoom all right see nobody either in the room room or nobody online raising their hand we'll close that part of the meeting and we're going to go to the next part of the meeting which is an ordinance introduction and that is ordinance 2024-25 and chapter 17A of the code of the burough of Princeton New Jersey 1974 um public hearing will be September 23rd 2024 would Summit David thank you for the motion is there a second please Eve's got the second that's a roll call vote and just for everybody here when we do an ordinance introduction we don't discuss it because there's a public hearing at a later date and that gives everybody ample opportunity to know when the public hearing is and then they show up for the public hearing and that's when we have the discussion so we don't discuss it tonight because that would be starting the public hearing before we told people when the public hearing is just so youall know anyway roll call vote Miss Pon lambrose yes Miss n gang yes Mr Cohen yes Miss sax yes Miss Fraga yes Mr nulan yes carried thank you next up is ordinance 24-33 Bond ordinance providing for the replacement of the heating ventilation and air conditioning system at the municipal building in and by Princeton in the county of Mercer New Jersey appropriating $1,200,000 therefore and authorizing the issuance of 1,1 140,000 bonds or notes of Princeton to finance part of the cost thereof the public hearing will be September 9th 2024 is there a motion on that thank you Leighton David's got the second roll call vote again miss Peron lambrose yes Miss Neer gang yes Mr Cohen yes Miss Sachs yes Miss Fraga yes Mr nulan yes carried thank you next up are resolutions the first resolution is 24254 resolution of the mayor and Council of Princeton expressing support for S1 s622 D a442 authorizing the use of rank Choice voting in Municipal and School Board elections Mia has the motion Eve's got the second discussion questions comments by Council folks first anybody I have a statement from uh Senator Andrew zwicker uh one second who is sponsoring the legislation that this resolution is is supporting um and he says when it comes to our elections we know that there are existing reforms that can help make them more fair and open and also make political campaigns more friendly everywhere in our country that ranked Choice voting has been implemented voter turnout increases negativity in campaigns decreases and public discourse is strengthened I'm delighted that Princeton not I'm speaking on behalf of Senator scker I'm delighted that Princeton is joining Hoboken Red Bank and Jersey City in passing a resolution this evening to allow for rank Choice voting in Municipal and Schoolboard elections once a referendum is approved by the voters which would come after the legislation is passed at the state level this is a great step forward towards a healthier Democratic process at a time when politics is becoming increasingly divisive now is the time to work together to create a system where voters of all backgrounds can feel represented rank Choice voting is integral to that system and the time to do so is now and I think all of us here couldn't say it better than that so okay thanks sure well thank you for reading that from Senator wicker anybody on Council have any other comments you want to make before we ask the public because I think there might be one or two people here that want to comment on this all right anybody from the public that's here to make a comment come on up and again usual say your name who you're representing and watch the flock good evening my name is David Goodman I'm with represent us of New Jersey I'm here tonight with my colleagues Susan Colby and Deborah Lambo we've come to say thank you to the council especially to council president Mia saaks councilwoman Eve n gang and Maya Freda for their support of rank Choice voting in Municipal and School Board elections by approving this resolution you have once again put Princeton on the map along with Hoboken Jersey City and Red Bank you are calling on our legislature and Governor to authorize rank Choice voting in New Jersey for the first time this resolution calls for the enactment of the municipal and Schoolboard voting opt options ACT first introduced by state senator Andrews wicker whom you just heard a comment on Princeton and this Council have been leaders in democracy reform before on July 14 2014 my organization worked with then mayor Liz lbert to see Princeton approved the first anti-corruption re resolution in the United States now it and it has been our pleasure to work with you on behalf of rang Choice voting thank you for your leadership and congratulations to the members of the council thank you any other uh Avery Doran 400 th Circle so nice and close um good evening Mr Mayor esteem council members my name is Avery dorgan a member of voter Choice New Jersey and a proud Princeton resident I spoke before you recently about the importance of adopting a rank Choice voting trigger ordinance so I'll keep this a little briefer um and I want to reiterate its benefits rank Choice voting enhances democracy choice and fiscal responsibility while addressing Social Justice by empowering marginalized communities eliminating the spoiler effect and encouraging diverse candidate participation it also promotes more civil issue focused campaigns benefiting all voters by adopting rank Choice voting Princeton can lead in our in advancing fairness equity and inclusion in our electoral system ensuring every voice is heard and every vote counts thank you for your consideration and your leadership thank you good evening my name is Renee steinhagen I'm the executive director of New Jersey apped public interest Law Center and I'm the board chair I guess of vcj I want to thank you oh we're located in Newark at 23 um James Street and I finally am a resident of Jersey City after 27 years living in Manhattan so I want to thank you very much oh just a personal story here I went to graduate school here in Princeton and I do not remember this municipal building which will show my age um I want to thank you very much for considering this resolution and I want to let you know a little bit where you stand in our strategy here um yes senator wicker has been our champion and assemblyman Fryman is also standing behind us it would be really really helpful if you could communicate to Assembly women jewelist she's on the Senate uh she's on the assembly government committee and we have been unable to meet with her and contact with her you are really in the throws and I will let you know I think you're the momentum we heard about Jersey City Hoboken Red Bank and now Princeton and next week it's Maplewood and the following week it's possibly South Orange we are working just understand in clusters we're trying to reach out um and we have as a prime target now Trenton we've had some inroads uh with the mayor and we are meeting with some Council people why that we're trying to convince the legislature that there are clusters of municipalities that want to just enable their voters to be able to use rank Choice voting as we know this bill no one has really talked about it is not a mandatory bill it's an enabling bill it's a small D democracy bill and it's also a home rule bill in some ways what's really unique about it um is that it applies to every single municipality in this state regardless of your form of government and that's something that's pretty unique about this bill because so much of our local bills are targeted at particular forms of government the other thing that's very important about this bill is that it can be initiated by the voters and not many not all people who live in uh other than Faulkner and Walsh communities really understand the power of voter initiation and so um it's also that it's a bill that the school board can put a question on the ballot too if in fact a municipality only wants to have rank Choice voting for its Schoolboard elections so I really am urging you to take the power of if you do pass this resolution to speak to your colleagues and elsewhere and especially lawrenville Hamilton if we can get Trenton we'll have a cluster here and hopefully we'll get all your assembly uh your your state senator and assembly of people on board um it's very important to get those uh legislators around the Trenton area on board be of their relationship with the governor okay so I thank you very much and thank you again for keep keeping the momentum going thank you anyone else to make a comment good evening mayor and Council my name is Veronica azwa I live in Jersey City and I'm a member of voter Choice New Jersey uh this resolution really is a critical step towards empowering voters and opening up the Democratic process in New Jersey uh I firmly believe that passing the resolution will serve as a powerful signal to state legislators that there is local level support for rank Choice voting and it's growing and um your leadership is greatly appreciated uh by many of us uh who live elsewhere in the state um we look forward also to uh continuing to host a voter education workshops um to to educate more people um about this reform uh it's not a new reform um but it is one that there you know there needs to be some education on and we are fully committed to to doing that and I wanted to mention that in the coming two weeks uh Maplewood and South Orange are also uh passing a local resolution um and then on September 17th we are hosting one of these uh rank Choice vot voting m ction events here in Princeton at the United Methodist Church it's from 7 to 9:00 p.m. uh so you know we are doing voter education along with you know the push towards uh enabling this legislation at the state level thank you very much thank you any other anyone else want to make a comment hi hello everybody um my name is Kathy stro and I live in parcion New Jersey but I did work at educational testing service for a few years and then moved to the area and was a member of the uyu congregation um on Cherry Hill Road so I have a real love of this area and I'm very grateful that you are under taking this rank Choice voting I would hope that I would be able to do the same thing up where I am in Mars County um but knowing this community and loving this community I think that it's just great and I really want to extend my appreciation for caring about the voters thank you thank you good evening mayor and Council my name is Barry bender and I live in a place far away called forkid River mayor I was the guy who gave you the documentation twice at the reorg meeting I don't know if you remember that uh rank Choice voting is extremely important and you're leading the way here in Mercer County uh in putting more democracy in our in our voting process and I really thank you very much for that to me one of the most important things with rank Choice voting is that it guarantees that the winner of an election will have better than 50% of support from the people who are voting and to me that's an extremely important thing and again I thank you very much for leading the way um I travel wherever I have to travel to to to push this so you guys will see me around in various towns thank you very much thank you k all right anybody else all right so I think we're doing a photo op here and we're gonna I just want to thank everybody from coming from so far Jersey City pipany really appreciate you coming New York and and appreciate you coming so far to show your support thank you so much all right so let's let's just make sure any other comments if not we're going to take our vote and then we'll do our photo off okay all in favor say I I I I that's everybody okay there you go all right so what do we um I think we're not all right Craig tell us what we're doing we're all coming up front in the middle in front you know it's true than I used to work at ETS yeah yeah we had a we had a zo yeah I'm sorry it took so long rman fantasman rman is like I'm all in I'm going to co-sponsor when you get the amendment she's new no I understand yeah Dan Benson but you know we try to get him to call right thank you again see you good night I know want to take a break yeah really so I go offer coffee okay thanks for everybody's patience here we go 24255 resolution of the mayor and Council authorizing the award of a contract to Jesco Inc for a new 2025 leeboy 7000c pver for 8,119 $4 utilizing the Educational Services Commission of New Jersey Cooperative purchasing system is there a motion on that thank you David is there a second thank you Leighton questions or comments right seeing none all in favor please say I hi hi hi 24256 resolution of the mayor and Council of Princeton extending a bid contract with Gen Electric Inc for traffic signal maintenance services for one year not to exceed the amount of $ 42,4 is there a motion on that thank you Leticia 's got the second questions or comments all in favor please say I 24257 resolution of the mayor and Council of Princeton authorizing an increase of $2,996 to the not to exceed amount for the contract with the santis construction Inc for Harrison Street Park Bridge repair for a new not to exceed amount of $7,850 is there a motion on that thank you Eve is there a second thank you David questions or comments okay all in favor please say I I I 24258 resolution of the mayor and Council of Princeton authorizing a payment of $354,900 35 to the township of Lawrence for the purchase of a two of a 2680 XP track Beast recycler grinder for the Joseph H Mahar Jr Ecological Facility David's got the motion is there a second on that thank you Michelle uh Dean do you just want to remind people of why we do this so the Joseph H Maher Ecological Facility is a joint facility that we operate with Lawrence to manage our um branches and logs as well as the leaf debris that we collect annually as part of our yard waste recycling program so the material is taken to the Ecological Facility um it is for the wood material it is ground in this grinder and then it is put in windr to decompose so that we have um a mulch material that can be given back to the community for use in the residential yards um and then we do the same with the leaf material it's not ground uh but it is put in these windr to decompose and then uh can be provided back to the community thank you m it's always good that we explain some of these things for the the public that listens to these and all the people that watch this after the fact thousands anyway any can can I just add this is an example Dean I'm sorry if you said this already I zoned out for a second but you know a shared service that we're doing with another community that enables us to save money by not each providing this service so thank you y okay any other comments all right all in favor please say I I next up 24259 resolution of the mayor and Council of Princeton authorizing the award of a contract to us Municipal Supply Inc for a Johnson es35 M chassis mounted mechanical street sweeper for $352,900 n 302-b is there a motion Leon thank you is there a second Eve questions or comments David uh I just wanted to make sure people are aware that um street sweeping requirements uh enhanced street sweeping requirements are part of the newest storm water management regulations from the state of New Jersey and um this is really important for Pres serving the quality of our natural waterways uh the runoff from our streets goes into our streams and rivers and um uh keeping the streets clean keeps those rivers and streams clean and then just to add the memo of explanation uh from Tim Vanetta uh states that we're replacing a 2017 piece of equipment the cost have the repair costs have become cost prohibitive and that this is being paid partly out of our capital budget and partially out of funds from the clean community's Grant account so again our engineering world does wonders in getting grants from all kinds of places so thank you very much any other questions or comments just want to say mayor that we get all that we possibly can out of every piece of equipment that we purchase much through their useful life on many occasions so it's it's a job well done and we are very cost efficient and cost effective in the way we do business yep thank you okay yeah um and I just want to add to what Leon said that in fact that's true about all these vehicles um this is a lot of money for a lot of V vehicles that are no doubt important um but people are important too and I I hope to see um that we'll be um focusing on that and on some on uh funding that helps individual and helps uh people as well in a more direct way in the near future okay any other comments or questions all right all in favor please say I I Okay 24260 resolution of the mayor and Council of Princeton authorizing an increase of $77,500 to the not to exceed amount for the Professional Services agreement with PSNS LLC for the design of the TR trune Road Improvement project for not to exceed amount of $164,000 is there a motion on that thank you Michelle is there a second thank you Eve questions or comments all right seeing none all in favor please say I I I okay next up is the consent agenda there are four items if nobody has a question on any of them someone could move the consent agenda in Block Leticia moving it in Block thank you is there a second 's got the second thank you all in favor say I I I David I move to aour is there a second yes Leon thank you all in favor say I I thank you thank you everybody who is here have a great evening