everyone welcome to the meeting of the mayor and Council of Princeton New Jersey it is March 25th recording in progress 2024 uh Welcome to our meeting could we start with the meeting statement please adquate notice of this meeting was provided in accordance with the requirements of the open public meetings act including the time date and location of the meeting in addition the agenda and all related materials were posted electronically and made available to the public on Princeton's meeting portal in advance of the meeting thank you Leon's going to do the land acknowledgement thank you mayor We Gather today on the land of the Lenny LPE as members of the Princeton Community we aspire to show appreciation respect and concern for All Peoples and our environment we honor the laap and other indigenous caretakers of these lands and Waters the elders who lived here before the indigenous today and the generations to come thank you can we have a roll call please miss Peron lambrose here miss Neer gang here Mr Cohen here miss Sachs here miss Fraga here Mr nulan here mayor Freda here you have cor thank you if you'd like to rise and join us in the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you okay first item on the agenda is a presentation by Palmer Square management comes up frequently so this year our traditional events but we've also taken a new spin on so if you were around last we saw that insteading our as we're trying to reimagine everything we're doing so um the ice carving event took place from 12:00 to 3 while the shops were open um and they actually carved Dueling Pianos or two pianos two Baby Grand pianos out of ice and at 5:00 around the time the stops were closing on a Sunday they put on a concert on the ice which was really awesome a lot of fun the ice was lit up um they thought we were crazy when we asked them but they all they all signed up for it and it was so uh well received that we hop to do it again at the tree lighting so that should be a lot of fun make a little a little more magic so um one of the things we've done all year round is to look at our demographics um the people that are coming into to the events and try to make sure that all of our events hit all of our Target audiences for the stores for our role as a community partner for you know each different type of vendor in town um so we looked at everything we had and again we tried to reimagine it so next month uh May almost next month may we always did girls night out after the pandemic we found a way to kind of change this up because I'll tell you our attendants were getting a little tired of everybody coming in just for the free food just for the free drink and it was kind of hard to uh manage so the pandemic gave us an excuse to make it a weekly event a little smaller so we tried ladies night out still weren't getting our repeat audience we're getting people that just came for the free stuff this year we decided instead of giving them promotions and freebies that we would do shopping for cause so every Thursday night in May we're going to have a different benefactor um we went to the traditional female benefits because female and families I should say because it was originally ladies night out or girls night out um but again that's difficult this year so our four benefactors are going to be um we have women's space Homefront Community Options and the YWCA um each week they'll have their one week and instead of all of our Shoppers getting a discount back they'll get a way to give back so the stores will offer uh lace Silhouettes for example every brait they give a dollar back to the cause um some of the restaurants will donate back if you order a meal they'll donate so much else back um we have enlisted our stylist who has gotten very good at working with the tenants to help us go around and make sure everybody participates so we have more giving plus each week we're going to work with dress for success they'll have a spot where they can take donations um and they'll be there every week uh in addition we're going to have a kickoff event so the kickoff event is going to be on May 5th and we want to do a derby themed event um something we've never done before get your hats out get your dresses on come out for a great time um but we're actually going to do a live horse race now it's a wooden horse race it's a charity horse every benefactor will get a horse ahead of time they get the whole month of April to decorate it name it tell all of their donor lists to come out and support them on May 5th um where we'll have Big Dice and we roll the dice and I don't know if you've ever been on a cruise ship but when I was little we had uh I think my family bought the Italian Stallion and we rolled the dice and for every time their number comes up the horse moves everybody's a winner though because they're all just collecting donations it's a give back event we'll have music music we'll have themed drinks photo ops um we're going to you know decorate it gorgeous with the red roses uh and we're also thinking of inviting save that day and doing a pet adoption because everybody loves the dog so you'll have your four main benefactors dress for success and save will have the six horses um so that's our first big event of the year that's a little different than before um as always we have spring music starting we did decide to hold off on the earlier music last year we attempted to have music every weekend throughout the year the grass is a little muddy it's a little cold so we're going to start that off in May with the music on The Saturdays we'll go through the summer like normal but last year what we did was we tracked all of the bands and what kind of clientele they brought in what demographic they brought in was it our demographic are we hitting all the different audiences so this year we can really mix it up and make sure we have a really good uh mix of every different demographic throughout the year so we'll have the music every Saturday uh we are bringing back the Dueling Pianos in the summer everybody seems to love that um for the record we were the first people to have Dueling Pianos in this area now everybody has them we brought them here in 2018 now they're everywhere but people still come back to uh Palmer square and Princeton to see the Dueling Pianos uh we we liked the first Friday events that we did last year it's not a huge event but it does bring the Ambiance um and it gives every Friday we bring the Arts out we work with the Arts Council uh different artists in town to come out and do different things jazz music just livens it up when the town's open late to keep things going uh so we'll do the first Friday events again we have our movie series we of course haven't picked a date yet or the movies uh any suggestions are always welcome CU you guys usually give us something good to put on the calendar uh we do have the Music Fest series coming back in the fall uh our Music Fest series year-over-year we've been using that demographic tracker and we've been hitting the right bands to bring in the right people um we found that foot traffic is higher now than it had ever been on Sundays um through that month versus pre-pandemic numbers um with smaller bands and smaller events than when we used to do the Jazz fees too so um and then of course we're into holiday season holiday we've got the skating rank coming back we loved the trolley tours last year so we'll keep them going they go all through town but we sponsored them um we have you know we work with the university so the university has their uh holiday Jam outside uh our tree lighting every year we try to make it just a little more magical this year we're going to add the the the pianos maybe go back to something a little more traditional but you know you know never know what you're going to get that day so we like to make it snow and everything else um and I'm sure there'll be many more that pop up throughout the time we we work with all Community Partners uh we just picked a date for the Discover India event um we have a ton of them calling us windberry as I know is celebrating their 40th anniversary so they're looking to put an event on the calendar um so we're we're constantly working with the Community Partners we have an eclipse viewing on the 8th um they're coming out so hopefully it's not like it was in what was it 2017 where we were mobbed and we needed police escorts for the the glasses but um so we we continue to work with Community Partners it's a great way to keep everything going and uh busy and Lively right now we have the bunny strolling around um so that's been exciting although it was pouring on Saturday but we made it we made it work um that's really that's really it we're we're constantly trying to come up with new ideas and I know uh you usually send us some different ideas um events come through I know you've had the races come through and you have welcoming week so we hope to work with all of them as they come in thank you questions or com yes Eve yeah hi thanks it looks like a really exciting menu of options all throughout the year so thank you for all you do um last year the uh Pride uh picnic or after was uh in Palmer Square which was great and I know it's moving this year but I'm wondering if you're planning on doing anything in June to celebrate Pride or encouraging you know stores to fly a flag we would definitely um still work with them we had a great time I actually was disappointed that they moved the picnic um I know they moved it for logistical reasons and they want to move it every year but we'll still send around the Sign Up Genius and different things to our tenants to make sure they're aware of what's going on on Hines Plaza and we can uh participate as well yep Michelle I love the Derby event that's a great great idea it sounds really fun I mean you you guys are really creative you're particularly very creative and the ideas you bring um really enhance everything going on downtown and activate the the whole the whole area so thank you thank you yeah l y yeah I just want to thank you mayor also you know I noticed all the activities that you're having so if we're going to have a a plug for Pride I would also like to have a plug for juneth which is a significant event in America and African-American history and hopefully we'll pay a little attention to that too thank you okay yeah oh sorry Michelle has one other comment I just want to uh let everyone know that um we are forming a steering committee for the 250th uh and um Jamie uh is representing uh experienced Princeton in the downtown for that uh so thank you it's exciting okay thank you very much okay thank you good night take care okay next up our announcements and reports any Council announcements or reports I do have announcements but I think I'm having the same problem you do my iPad is just continually reloading so when we get to the point where we're going to be voting on things it's going to be a little challenging I don't know if uh Terren is still here if there's anything that can be David you're able to yeah I don't it just keeps reloading continually yeah mine's an automatic so my the count the packet just keeps REO everys we all have iPads up here that we're looking at it has the detail of the agenda and a number of the iPads keep crashing yeah so anyway sorry just so you know what we're talking about I don't know if there's anything that can be done at Terence was looking at this just a little bit ago yeah I mean we do have the that's for without any but yeah okay all right uh I do have a couple of announcements since I'm talking anyway um so uh first a couple of things uh relating to the library um I think I've mentioned this in years past um on Tuesday April 16th at 7 the uh teen Advisory board at the library has an event called I read this book in which all of them and there's probably 15 to 20 talk about a book that they've read uh during the year and I sit there busily like writing down every title that they've seen but I really um encourage summer all of you to join me it's really uh a book lover myself to see this kind of enthusiasm from the teens is really wonderful and a lot of their recommendations have been spot on so um uh both uh council members and members of the public and uh then also wanted to say that uh Wednesday April 24th marks uh 20 years of the sans's library building uh many of us remember the uh debate about that building and where it was going to be cited but it's it's clearly in the right place um so there'll be events uh at the library from exhibits to conversations with the uh Li uh series of Library directors and uh the architect of the building on the uh afternoon of Wednesday April 24th so I encourage uh my colleagues and others to uh join me and the other uh point I wanted to make is just as uh residents are required to use only the regulation garbage cans for disposing of their trash the same rule applies for recycling Mercer County has recently introduced a requirement that recycling only be in the official Mercer County containers um there have been a number of injuries from people picking up a buckets a staff uh in Mera County Improvement that picks up our Recycling and they're trying to reduce that so it's for a good cause you can pick up uh a new recycling bucket an official merer County Recycling bucket at the Harrison Street Public Works I think it is Deana you can correct me 9 to 2:30 um Monday through Friday is that yes I know 2:30 is the end and 9 I think is the start yeah and uh my husband just did that it took him just a couple of minutes so not an onerous ask and that's it thanks okay David I I just wanted to ask a question about the recycling buckets because I feel like the new ones are bigger and I'm curious how that's supposed to reduce injuries I noticed that too and I don't I don't have an answer to that but I know I I've been both uh internally and from Mercer County I've been getting Communications about how they want us to use I mean this is not an extremely much larger bucket so I imagine some people are have you know significantly larger buckets with especially with with newsprint uh you know can be extraordinarily heavy so but I I did notice they were bigger so yeah and of course people can still use their old official buckets too any other go letisia yes so I know most of you probably already saw on our Municipal newsletter on social media and town topics about our uh March 16th Community Building event but I just have to uh mention that it was such a joyful event uh I I think by by far is one of our most successful ones I understand we had close to 170 participants attent that they actually uh there was uh ex what is the word over we had over capacity so they had to stand some had to stand in line outside waiting for folks to leave so they could come in uh and my colleagues Leon Newan and Michelle were there as celebrity callers and to help with the event but I could say that everyone would agree that the stars of the event were our police squad who took a very active role in it was just they stayed there through the entire event and uh I think hopefully they had fun as well but uh it was and chief buer was there also who was there to uh to uh help with uh with announcing the Grand Prize winners but it was really uh it it was hopefully you have fun too but it was really a joyful event and it's wonderful to see uh so many in our community come together for a fun fun day it was it was a great day and again Chief the uh the the the hit of the day were the police officers who went above and beyond to make this one hell of an occasion I I mean they were mixing with the audience they were handing out prizes they were doing a tag team with the Spanish pronunciation and the English pronunciation it it was amazing how much they brought to the occasion and how much they gave to themselves so hats off to our fine police officers one one more thank you and that's to letisia my colleague you really did an outstanding job you are the master game master so thank you for for thank you it's something I enjoy so it brings mey good Joba thanks that's it thank you other Council reports or announcements Michelle just one quick thing uh we have launched the campaign Bloom local uh so just look for more information in the newsletter uh how residents and businesses and the whole Community can really get involved we're working with various Partners I won't list out everything but there's a lot of information on the website um so thank you to my colleagues thank you to uh Craig dinwoody uh and to our communications director and experienc Princeton thanks thanks Michelle okay Deanna thank you mayor just a few updates uh first we've received word from New Jersey Department of Transportation that Washington Road the 10 ton weight limit has been lifted they are still maintaining a 25 mph speed limit on the roadway between route one and faculty Road um and they're looking to finish the DNR Canal Bridge deck um in spring or early summer but for now University buses are fire department uh emergency these Services can all now cross that bridge without that that weight limit restriction um also this week we have uh a closure that will be occurring on Witherspoon Street between Valley Road and guo Avenue right out here outside of our building um this is on Wednesday March 27th between 700 a.m. and 6 p.m. and this is to facilitate uh some gas main work by PSC BNG as well as tree removal for our Witherspoon phase 3 project um and then just to give Advance warning and notice to everybody beginning on April 8th Witherspoon Street between Paul Robison and Lee Avenue will be closed and that will be a full closure 24 hours a day 7 days a week um up to April 20 6 so that could be an 18 day span and that is to um construct the three raised crosswalks and to Mill and pave the roadway so with that closure the idea is Witherspoon Street Phase 2 construction will be substantially complete it is a long period of a closure um we're trying to get the word out early and often so everybody knows that were working with the businesses along that Corridor to um get information to their customers about the detour routes because there still will be access to the businesses they'll just have to come in using John Street so we are working through all of those details and um intend to go out to all of the businesses individually and and give them an update on this so just want to make sure that the public is aware that this is happening that's it thank you that'll that'll be greeted with a lot of Cheers thank you okay we have any other staff announcements before we get to the police report no Chief good evening mayor and Council uh tonight I have for you the February police report uh which was highlighted by Walter Harris day where we honor the service and sacrifice made by Officer Harris back in 1946 uh want to thank the municipal Partners uh and different departments for their attendance um I know in speaking to the family it was much appreciated uh and it's a day that they look forward to and I I thought we did a great job um at the last uh report that I gave um there was a request for the uh 2019 statistics which uh have been added and are included in uh the February report um and in looking at the report I think that the uh trend is that our calls for service are rising uh so we're happy to add that uh that data and I and I I definitely think it's beneficial uh and the last thing I want to mention by way of update is that our civilian police academy uh for 2024 will begin April 18th um and we had a total of 28 people uh register for the uh civilian Academy and uh unfortunately we were only able to take 20 uh so we had to turn away uh eight people uh until the following year um but I think that uh the number of applicants is a testament to the job uh that the men and women did and it shows uh that the uh Academy was successful and uh we look forward to building upon uh its success this year happy to answer any questions thanks Chief any Council questions on the police report for Eve uh hi thanks Chief and um thanks for uh Walter Harris day was a a very moving event I've only been once before but very you know really well done and very moving so thank you for encouraging everyone to to come and and be part of that um I have a question that I think I know the answer to but I'm going to try anyway I notic that for the safe neighborhood Bureau it said that they had helped at one uh school crossing and I was wondering if by some chance that meant that our dir of crossing guards had somehow been magically solved or that we because I know for many many years we've been trying to find additional people and maybe that just means that other members of the police department did that but just an update on that would be interesting thanks certainly so I think that the um you know the the fact that doing less Crossings is a product of uh you know some success that we had in recruiting some extra guards uh but it's certainly um the product of the fact that we revamped um and took a uh a deep look at the school Crossings uh in in general and were uh able to eliminate some of the ones that were uh you where there was redundancy um so by limiting some of the some of the crossings and uh through some pretty uh recruitment um I think we're we're covering less Crossings which allows us uh to spend more time in and around the schools during that time which uh so it's been a win-win that's absolutely fabulous news every once in while I jumped to the right conclusion of add something but thank you it's a great update any other questions on the monthly report okay seeing none we'll go next we'll go to comments from the public for items not on the agenda so again this is for items not on the agenda please come on up if you would just state your name your address and then if our technology works right a three minute timer should show up somewhere but please welcome hello uh my name is Julie heagen uh I live at 88 battle Road um I am a resident at 88 battle Road for 16 years now and I am a member of the Nassau Swim Club during that whole time I have to say that I'm very disheartened to hear the news that Princeton University has terminated the lease of the Nassau Swim Club Nassau Swim Club is a precious resource for a truly diverse Community for over 60 years there are Princeton families who have enjoyed summers at the beautiful pool in the woods for multiple Generations it supports families health and well-being Community all in one idealic place it is one of the few places I know in Princeton where town residents can gather for exercise Recreation and Community with members of the university and the institute for advanced study communities beyond all this the Nassau swim club offers swimming lessons swim teams for children all over Princeton increasing their well-being health and safety the university may not want to be in the pools business but it should be in the business of extending its resources for the benefit of the town and neighboring institutions the Nassau Swim Club is an essential part of the University's value and Goodwill toward the wider community in the town of Princeton it its value to the town's diverse communities is greater than the cost of supporting a fully volunteer organization that is working so hard to hold up its part of the bargain I am asking you Town Council and the mayor to tell the university to accept the business plan that was presented and well received by the university by The Swim Club to keep us open and I want to just thank you thank you mayor for your support um that's it thank you thank you I I would just mention that we we can't tell the university that but we can we can suggest and I as you know I have talked to some people at the University but anyway not to get into that mayor is there a copy of the business plan I'm sorry is there a copy of the business plan available okay yes yeah they'll provide that okay do we have other anyone else in the room that wants to uh make a public comment for an item not on the agenda all right nobody else in the room is there anybody on Zoom that want wanted to make a comment for an item not on the agenda if so if you would raise your virtual hand that'd be great all right seeing no hands up and no one else in the room we'll close that part of the meeting and now we have four sets of minutes to approve January 22nd January 23rd January 30th and February 12th if someone would like to move those thank you Mia's got the motion Leticia has got the second so we're moving all four sets of minuts in Block any questions or comments on those four sets of minuts David was first and we'll work our way right on down all three of you had your hands up yeah I'll just I'm I was absent for the first meeting so I will abstain from that one but vote on the others okay so David's abstaining from the January 22nd meeting I had a couple of very minor comments that were in like one was a comma that should be taken out and the other was an and that should be an in that I had in an email to you Raina that I realized just now I didn't send so if it's okay to uh this is for the January 22nd meeting to uh pass those minutes with the very tiny uh changes that I would appreciate that okay Michelle did you have your hand up too no sorry okay I couldn't tell was two of you all three of you any other comments on the minutes i' seen none uh it's been moved and seconded all in favor please say I I thank you and we note David's exstension for the January 22nd minuts next up we have ordinance introductions and just so people understand when we do an introduction we don't discuss the ordinance because we talk about when the public hearing would be and if we started discussing it that would negate the public hearing being at a later date so we just say what they are and introduce these first up is ordinance in and by Princeton in the county of Mercer New Jersey appropriating $1,175 therefore and authorizing the issuance of 15,31 11,625 bonds or notes of Princeton to finance part of the cost thereof the public hearing will be April 8th 2024 is there a motion on that thank you David Mia's got the second and that is a roll call vote Miss yes Miss ner gang yes Mr Cohen yes Miss sax yes Miss froga yes Mr nulan yes car thank you ordinance 20 20 24-15 Bond ordinance providing for various improvements to the parking utility in and by Princeton in the county of Mercer New Jersey appropriating $511,000 therefore and authorizing the issuance issuance of $511,000 bonds or notes or Prince of Princeton to finance part of of the cost thereof the public hearing April 8th 2024 thank you Michelle is there a second thank you Eve roll call vote Miss Pon lambros yes Miss Neer gang yes Mr Cohen yes Miss Sachs yes Miss Fraga yes Mr nulan yes carried thank you ordinance 2024-the appropriating $540,000 therefore and authorizing the issuance of $513,000 bonds or notes of Princeton to finance part of the cost therefore public hearing April 8th 2024 thank you Eve Mia's got the second roll call vote Miss Peron lambrose yes Miss Neer gang yes Mr Cohen yes Miss Sachs yes Miss froger yes Mr nulan yes carried thank you ordinance 20247 Bond ordinance providing for various sewer improvements in and by Princeton in the county of Mercer New Jersey appropriating 13,500 therefore and authorizing the issurance of $3,550 th000 bonds or notes of Princeton to finance part of the cost therefore public hearing April 8th 2024 Eve has got the motion Leighton has got the second roll call vote Miss pron lambrose yes Miss Neer gang yes Mr Cohen yes Miss sax yes Miss froga yes Mr Nan yes carried thank you ordinance 202 24-18 ordinance appropriating $121,000 from the sewer trust fund to provide for miscellaneous facility repairs and improvements in and by Princeton in the county of Mercer New Jersey public hearing April 8th 2024 another roll call vote I'm oh sorry yeah we got to make a motion that little thing leighton's got the motion Mia's got the second sorry now we can do the vote Miss Pon lambros yes Miss Neer gang yes Mr Cohen yes Miss sax yes Miss Fraga yes Mr nulan yes Carri okay let's see if I get the last one right ordinance 20249 Bond ordinance providing for the acquisition of open space in and by Princeton in the county of Mercer New Jersey appropriating $9,100 th000 therefore and authorizing the issuance of $99,100 th000 bonds or notes of Princeton to finan part of the cost thereof public hearing April 8th 2024 M has got the motion Eve has got the second roll call vote Miss Peron lambrose yes Miss Neer gang yes Mr Cohen yes Miss Sach yes Miss Fraga yes Mr nulan yes Carri thank you all right now we move on to resolutions 24101 resolution of the mayor and Council of Princeton authorizing change order number one to the contract with Eastern Surplus and Equipment company for the the purchase of one highwater rescue truck for an increase of $8,600 resulting in a new contract total of $266,300 and new contract completion date of November 1st 2024 Michelle's got the motion letisia has got the second questions or comments all right seeing none all in favor please say I I I 24102 resolution of the mayor and Council of Princeton authorizing the award of a contract to Tactical public safety for dispatch consoles for $ 57,8 40 utilizing New Jersey state contract number 839 32 t109 radio communication equipment and accessories Michelle has the motion Leta has the second questions or comments see none all in favor please say I I I I 24103 resolution of the mayor and Council authorizing the award of a bid contract to Sunset Creations in for the 2024 spring tree planting in the not to exceed amount of $4,670.00 tree coverage if you or your neighbors or if you know someone who would like a tree in front of their home please ask them to reach out to t zador tsap p u d a r at Princeton nj.gov Taylor will be happy to talk to you about it remember the tree must be in the municipal right away adjacent to your property he will be able to help you with size type species and location if you don't have a nice tree in front of your home I strongly suggest you consider one thank you thank you thank you Le any other questions or comments all in favor please say I I I Okay 24104 resolution of the mayor and Council of Princeton authorizing an increase of $4,5 58 and 14 cents to the Professional Services agreement with T&M Associates for Witherspoon Street phase three design service services for a new not to exceed contract amount of [Music] $425,500 uh the ground and we discovered things that we didn't know were there and so that required a contract to be revised I just really always appreciate the explanation so thank you okay any other comments or questions all in favor please say I I 24105 resolution of the mayor and Council of Princeton to establish a dedicated trust by Ryder Leed inspections trust pursuant to njsa 40a 4-39 Leticia has the motion Leighton has the second questions or comments all right seeing none all in favor please say I hi hi next up is the consent agenda is just okay Michelle's moving the consent agenda are we asking for I I actually like to move it but I'd like to ask for two items to be um removed and voted on separately okay so why don't we let's do the removal and okay we'll we'll we'll address those two items and then get back to the consent agenda thank you okay so the two items would be the last two 24-11 and 24-12 okay so we'll do 24111 first resolution of the mayor and Council of Princeton amending the establishment of the ad hoc public art program study committee okay so is there a motion on that Michelle's got the motion is there a second David's got the second Michelle did you have a comment yeah so the comment is I just um we made one Amendment to the resolution so that it is broader than um residents a princ princing community so it could be including residents outside and this would just be applied to this particular ad hoc committee um because we wanted some professional experience um so we've reached out to a particular person to appoint okay any questions uh yeah just I think that the term for the future the term Princeton Community is maybe not as clear as it could be because I saw that there was a change but to me Princeton Community would mean someone who lives in Princeton so I was a little confused so maybe we need better language going forward but thank you for the explanation thank you thank you any other questions or comments on that okay if not all in favor please say I I Okay 24112 resolution of the mayor and Council of the municipality of Princeton authorizing appointments to boards commissions and committees ad hoc public art program study committee is there a motion on that thank you Michelle is there a second thank you Leighton questions or comments Michelle so just to um refresh everyone's U memory so this will be just a temporary ad hoc committee we have 12 months we're a couple months into the 12 months uh this committee will only be five people appointed plus uh James Stewart from the art museum and Adam Welch from the Art Council uh to come up with recommendations for a art plan for the community for public art uh and so that should be forthcoming uh this is not the standing committee and hopefully if we do move forward that would be a larger group and I just want to thank everyone all the committee members and everyone who applied um it was really a great um response so thank you thank you any other questions or comments M how are we distinguishing this from a task force we don't use the word anymore so it's a task force that's not titled as task force got it okay no comment any other questions or comments okay seeing none all in favor please say I I I okay that would leave the first five items under consent agenda remaining in the consent agenda and Eve you're moving that as a thank you is there a second to the consent agenda thank you David all in favor please say I I okay David do you have a mo yes I move we adjourn thank you is there a second Thank You Leon all in favor say I hi thank you for everyone that attended the meeting is over and have a great evening go out and buy lottery tickets I hear a rumor the Mega Millions and Power