good evening and welcome this is a regular meeting of the Princeton planning board on Thursday May 16th 2024 pursuant to section 13 of the open public meetings act adequate notice of the time and place of this meeting has been given by prominently posting the resolution of regularly scheduled meetings of the planning board of Princeton for February 2024 through January 2025 a copy was filed with the clerk of Princeton on January 8th 20 24 legal notice on the adoption of said resolution was published in the January 12th 2024 edition of the Princeton packet notice of this meeting has also been posted to the municipal website calendar notice that all regular and special meetings of the Princeton planning board will be held electronically via V via VIA Zoom was transmitted to the Princeton packet and the times and was filed with the clerk of Princeton on Tuesday January 17th 2023 please note that this meeting is being recorded during hearings on applications for development members of the public will have an opportunity to comment and ask questions questions may be asked after an applicants Witnesses have testified public comment is heard by the board after an applicants Representatives have finished their presentations and have been questioned by the planning board members and staff those wishing to comment orally should should virtually raise your hand by clicking on the reactions or rais hand icon at the bottom of your Zoom screen or if participating by phone by pressing star n oral comments will be taken in the order in which hands were raised we ask with respect that members of the public express your views in three minutes or less we will have a countdown clock to help speakers keep track of time please note that speakers who exceed three minutes will be interrupted inappropriate public comment containing obscenity hate speech or relating to matters not before the board will be muted Miss Philip will you please take the role certainly Mr bimer miss capoli here Mr Cohen here Mr mcowan here miss Nuka here miss pearlmutter here miss Sachs Mr Taylor here Miss Wilson Anderson Mrs Wilson and Mr odonnell here we have we have a quorum thank you very much uh for any of our participants who are just who are tuning in tonight to hear the estate Shore 479 Jefferson Road continuation from April 18th that portion of our meeting has been postponed uh no date has been set uh as for when it will resume uh I understand that the applicant will have to R notice for when a new date is set um or we recommend that people check their the municipal calendar uh at the at the homepage www.princeton um are there any announcements tonight Justin do you have any uh yes I do thank you uh chairman Mr chair uh sir chair uh outside of that announcement which was noticed on the application I think that worked um to you know maybe the people who were interested in that case saw uh that uh on the agenda and and might have taken note of it um just two other announcements uh the chair uh the vice chair and myself uh will meet again with the uh Municipal attorney in the next week or so to discuss revisions to the board's bylaws there's a process that's been going on for some time now um and hopefully that's you know our last meeting before sending that to the procedures committee uh for them to review and then ultimately to bring something to the full board uh for a vote on any changes to those bylaws uh so just an update but you'll start seeing more of that hopefully soon great uh and one other announcement uh so the 344 Nassau Street LLC application scheduled for the special meeting for next Thursday will not be heard that night um there's no date set now for when they're coming back uh but it has been postponed from next week uh I spoke with the chair uh and she said the meeting can be cancelled uh so we will send out information about that uh regarding next week's meeting or lack thereof okay thank you very much for that Justin y um moving on to subcommittee meetings I don't believe there have been any meetings since our last uh there was a site plan yes David yeah I was just gonna mention we were scheduled to have a site plan meeting yesterday but we um failed to get a quorum so um Ian is working on finding a a followup date that works for people okay terrific and uh no other subcommittee meetings have taken place okay thank you very much um next we have uh minutes of the regular meeting of October 19 2023 uh I know that some editorial Corrections have been made uh and submitted to the minutes Curry do we need to read those into the record yes and I can do that if you would like me to or you can please okay um on page three there was one of the references made to zoom and one of my references did not capitalize the first initial for zoom and that will be done uh on page seven third line from the bottom I added the word is after municipality so it said the municipality is in the process and the beginning of that uh sentence actually was a statement by Mr Lesco uh that's the only uh edits that I have great does anybody any I'm sorry any other comments or amendments to the minutes from October 19th okay not seeing anybody would someone like to make a motion to accept the Minutes David very much David Cohen making the motion and a second second Alvin McGowan thank you very much for making the section the the the second uh Curry would you like to do we take a vote on this or do we just yes a voice yes okay Miss capoli yes Mr Cohen yes Mr McGowen yes Miss Sachs oop sorry Mr Taylor yes and Mr odonnell yes okay motion carried thank you very much uh our next item is the findings of fact for Princeton Academy of the Sacred Heart this was a meeting held yes David yeah I actually want to request um that we um carry this to our next meeting I have one or two items that I'd like to consult with h legal counsel offline about before we bring it to a vote and um I spoke with Justin about it I think he would he was okay with it okay certainly um does anybody have any any questions or any other comments to be made if not then we will uh carry this to our next meeting not seeing any uh we will put that on the agenda for our next meeting so that David can can resolve the questions that he has thank you very much for that David thank you okay um then we'll move right along to our application for this evening uh we uh our application for tonight is um from 10 acre Foundation it is a modification to a major site site development located at 884 and 953 Great Road that is Block 3501 Lot 8 and block 3601 Lot 1 the file number is p242 4- 449 p PD uh Jerry do we have jurisdiction and proper notice notice is proper and um car if you could confirm that the proof of publication and service are in order everything is in order yes board therefore has jurisdiction terrific thank you very much uh we'll be hearing from on the uh staff side Justin I believe Justin leco is here Dan Weissman and Joe scoan I saw here before there he is right um so uh if you people can activate your cameras and be SW in by Jerry since this is being considered a new application right exactly if you could Raise Your Right hands the three staff members do you swear or affirm the testimony about to give be the truth yes I do and Dan you here yes yep okay good thank you so one Justin you wna Justin and Dan you want to take it away certainly um I could give us a a very brief introduction before handing it over to Dan um if you don't mind me sharing my screen and it's loading uh what you're seeing before you is uh from the Rowan University uh NJ parcel map uh that's publicly available online NJ partiel Explorer excuse me the subject property is in the blue out line block 351 uh oh excuse me I think I am I think I'm just off on this 35018 yeah it's not uh is it the large one in the middle I'm sorry you actually have it right Justin the one with the solar panels is the original project and then across the street in the main campus is the additional mitigation okay thank you thank you um and we'll mark that just electronically as exhibit pb1 and Justin if you could repeat again what are is sure so this is uh uh aerial imagery from the NJ partial Explorer uh created by Rowan University and hosted online publicly thank you uh and as you can see the 10 acre foundation's uh subject property uh is off of Great Road uh just after we're at for um near Stewart Road uh it's adjacent to the Princeton day school or near at least uh and the Stewart Country Day School is nearby um the application is for a modification to an approval by the planning board in 2021 which included new residential buildings and a m multi-purpose building uh as well as related walkways driveways and parking areas um so with that being said I will turn it to Mr Weissman to do the heavy lifting on this modification application wco um just to briefly run through uh so this application is for a modification of uh an approved major site development um the request tonight would memorialize the removal of two storm water variances that were granted on the original approval uh and it would also uh approve a revised storm water management mitigation plan associated with those variances uh to provide some project history in relation to the modification uh the development utilizes four storm water management basins located at the Four Corners of the site uh and due to Technical and environmental site constraints these basins did not qualify as green infrastructure uh variant release relief from the storm water uh Control Ordinance was required and approved for each of these basins in accordance with the uh New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection uh their storm water management rules variances from the storm water regulations can only be granted if a mitigation project is also approved with the variants uh the applicant uh supplied and and the mitigation that was approved utilized an existing Basin Basin uh on the west side of Great Road uh that had sufficient capacity to account for the required mitigation the application before the board tonight has revised the two easternmost basins to qualify as green infrastructure uh thus negating the two variances for those basins the two Western most basins cannot be revised and the variants approval would still stand as such the applicant is proposing a new revised mitigation project in the form of a small scale bi a retention Basin located across Great Road the mitigation project meets the DP requirements and as been reviewed by the municipality storm Water Management Consultant Joe scoan who's also here tonight uh and we are available if there are any questions thank you Dan uh Mr scoan do you have anything to add Joe um when I swore in the the staff members we I didn't hear you um B basic so sworn I'm sorry sir probably was muted okay no really Dan did a great job uh we're we're here to ask for approval uh or the applicants here to ask for approval um of variances for two of the four basins rather than the originally approved variance for all four basins I have to give credit both to Tom Fick at Carol engineering the the the site engineer and a tenacre for trying real hard and succeeding in in uh coming up with making two of the four basins finally do finally do meet green infrastructure so therefore do not need variances and also for coming up with a a really good new mitigation project to to mitigate the effects of the two basins the two remaining basins that do need the variance so we're going from four to two excellent thank you very much uh are there any questions for our stf members not seeing any uh Mr Kennedy welcome to you and your team thank you Mr chair nice you here tonight um again uh once we're uh since we are considering this as a new application we're going have to square in your uh your expert witnesses as well as qualify them this evening happy to Mr chairman um we'll have two witnesses as planned this evening um uh Thomas Fick um as Mr scoan noted uh is our engineer and Pete hatherell um will be our uh witness from tener Foundation you might have some of you might remember from the 2021 application so if we could have both of them um and we also have Tom Lind um from uh the foundation as well I don't think we need any testimony from him but might as well swear them all in together just in case sounds like a great idea if the three you can raise your right hand do you do you swear we affirm the testimony about to give would be the truth I so SW well thank you all um for hearing us tonight my name is Ryan Kennedy from uh Stevens and Lee down on Princeton Pike in in lawrenville here for the applicant 10 acre Foundation uh as as Mr leco and Mr Weissman Mr scoan noted uh this was a project that we uh were really proud of in 2021 for tener Foundation um uh we called it the residential cottages and there was the multi-purpose uh building uh for use on campus uh there were a lot of environmentally friendly and kind of innovative uh practices engaged but ultimately this was the first application that was heard with under the new storm water rules um and I think we all um no pun intended still getting our feet wet with how it worked um and as as you heard there were four variances granted one for each of these bi of these basins and um after the fact as the project was being built uh the staff and tenacre Foundation have been working towards eliminating as many of those variances as possible and then ultimately for two of them that really couldn't be changed sufficiently providing the additional mitigation measures uh that turns out d wanted to see with the grant of those variances um we'll have two witnesses and one set of um exhibits uh if we could I'll happy to share my screen and Mark what we've got as 12 slides as as our one exhibit this evening if that's all right yeah that's that's fine and that'll be A1 thank you um and with that I'd like to uh reintroduce or introduce for the first time if you weren't here for the 2021 application uh Pete hatherell uh from the tenac tenacre foundation uh who uh I'd like to ask have him explain his role um uh as as a helping with the special projects at this point because this might be one of his last times before you guys as we transition into some new leadership there thanks Ryan and good evening everyone so yes I'm Pete hail and I'm the pro I was the project um coordinator for this building project for tenacre um and recently are just in the process of retiring from Tena after a long and happy work life there um and now acting as a consultant to um help this uh project uh of the mitigation so as has been mentioned in 2021 the planning board many of you um approved this project and uh now the project is finished and we're really enjoying using the spaces it's complete and it's sensitive Landscaping beautiful functioning buildings and we appreciate the environmentally intuitive design that includes solar panels on the Campus Community Center the multi-purpose building roof and the way the buildings fit into the landscape beautifully with minimal lighting and the extensive use of pervious services these buildings serve the staff and residents at tenacre both as homes and a place for the staff and Campus Community to meet meet during the project the New Jersey Department of environment determined that mitigation was required due to the storm water outflows in two of the locations and we've worked with Tom Fick our civil engineer and the professionals at Princeton to find a location and a design that would meet the requirements of the D and fit appropriately in our existing campus and I have to say the collaboration um between Tom fic and the Princeton professionals has been so appreciated um by by tenacre it really has taken a great deal of thought and work and design and to see um the uh the professionalism of the folks here in Princeton the staff um and their willingness to work with us um to try and uh take an existing storm waterer um system and make it uh appropriate for this um we're just really very grateful for thank you Pete um as we often do I'd like to kind of slep through step through our slides and kind of Orient the board to where we are uh in the former Princeton Township so Pete on slide two here that arrow is kind of pointing generally to uh where the tenacre campus is yes that's right pretty much the main the main island there um mov to slide three it's Princeton's newer um zoning map I guess the left arrow that that's is that 884 yes that's that's a site where the cottages and the multi-purpose building have been built and the storm water retention basins are and the bigger blue arrow points to the main campus where the mitigation project will take place slide four uh similar to the um photo that uh Mr leco showed but uh I guess this up here uh if you can see my cursor that's 884 you can see the ex the um solar panel project and and where the Cottages were to be built um and then the main campus here on the other side of the street yes um so next um this was the caption of what was approved in 2021 but uh this was a one of the preliminary uh exhibits of what we thought this would look like when constructed and then uh Pete this is some photos of of of what it actually looks like built you want to take the the board through uh um you know what what what was constructed here and and how it's used absolutely so on the left hand side you can see some images of the uh The Cottages that were built there were three Cottage blocks and they were very much built in the style of a a modern Village um and also that they would be appropriate for the existing house which you can see in the the bottom center that they took architectural cues from those um and they've proved to be very good very efficient um great design of space and the people who are now uh living in those spaces really appreciate them um for their their efficiency their location on the campus uh and the uh The Design Within the village and then on the bottom right you can see the multi-purpose building uh a beautiful building which um fits right in the landscape and when you're in there you you literally have a wall of glass all around you um so it feels very much like you are within the Pastoral bucolic landscape that's up there thank you Pete um with that the board has any questions um operationally or about the existing project that was constructed happy to uh make Mr aell available now otherwise we'd move to our engineering testimony I see no questions no hands rais so let's move on to Mr Fe all right uh Tom I know you've you've definitely testified many times before this board before including on this project was approved in 2021 but uh this is a new application if you could briefly give the board um the benefit of your credentials um so we can have you uh accepted as an expert here tonight good evening everyone my name is Tom pick Thomas fck uh I'm with Carol engineering I've been with Carol uh for over 25 years I'm a licensed engineer in state of uh New Jersey as well as Pennsylvania I'm also a lead accredited professional um I testified in front of this board as well as other boards throughout the state of New Jersey and I've been working for 10 acre for uh sometime in the late 90s I believe when I first uh brought on to um to the properties here and uh so I vast knowledge of of 10 acres uh um improvements in infrastructure um and I work the lead engineer on the um residential cottages and U multi-purpose application thank you thank you very much I'm sorry Mr Fick can you please speak a little clearer into your mic there was a little garble yes sure thank you krie right so I I I I think Mr chair I heard that back forth the acceptance of of Mr Fick if I heard that right thank you um and uh uh Tom if you could we're on slide seven here I think we've got a map from your plans clipped that shows the original project location on with the left arrow and then a bigger Arrow showing the main campus and then on the right I suppose that that's the rendering of what was proposed kind of showing where on the zoomed in map those Cottages were built I we have that right that is correct yes slide eight now kind of zooming in a little bit on the mitigation site um tell us what we're kind of looking at here on on the right so um the area on the right is a grass area um that's occupied by actually a bio retention sale that was created back in 2010 I believe or between 2010 2012 um that was actually a bioretention Swale designed under a former um addition of the storm water rules um however most of the area is primarily brass um and uh that Swale does pick up um um surfaces uh both impervious and perious surfaces um on the main campus uh draining uh you know from the north into the Swale which then eventually leads into uh the existing bio retention Basin uh on uh 88 at the location of 884 great road so next moving to slide nine I guess this is this is portion of the plans for that mitigation area you want to take the board through what what you actually designed and and our building here sure so this this is our um design of our of our mitigation um Basin it's a bio retention Basin uh generally going to follow the the alignment of the existing bio retention uh Swale that's there it's going to effectively replace it um it's designed in accordance with the uh New Jersey storm water rules um it contains an under drain and contains bio retention mix a sand layer um and um it'll be seated um planted with with with a variety of Bio retention type of um plantings uh it it's uh it fits in nicely um in that open space grass area um it will um it meets the storm water rules because it is um in the same uh hu 14 Watershed uh as our as our uh other project across the street um in order for the for our mitigation project to be uh considered um it needs to be um also needs to be the same discharg in the same water port to the same water course and also located Upstream from our from our um uh development that is subject to the variant um so therefore this was an ideal location it's right across the street uh it's an unused piece of land um uh ultimately tenacre would love to eliminate it in terms of lawn maintenance um this is being cut now um constantly so now it'll just become a um more or less a a a you know slight depression in the ground vegetated I know tenacre will will do an exceptional job of landscaping um on this um you know in this in this uh facility um and uh so this was an this was actually a great location for it it does pick up the uh Upstream water Upstream drainage area uh from the site it does pick up it not only mitigates for the for the areas that are um for the variants but also it it does uh effectively treat the entire drainage area um from uh from the Upstream um portion of the site um so so what we have here is a is a uh small scale green infrastructure Basin um that's in accordance with the with the current storm thank you Tom um next uh we've got a kind of a a visual tour I think of the of the basins um on the 884 site the four basins and some of the other um mitigation materials so you want to probably Des dribe a little bit about what they're what we're looking at here so what we're looking looking at is the four uh basins that we designed on um the 884 project uh the top left is the U Basin at the front um is one of the basins up front uh that was one of the basins that we modified to remove the variances uh the one on the lower right is the other Basin near the front of the property that we also modified to eliminate the variances the other two basins uh on the bottom of the slide one on the left um and one on the right uh they're both both due to the proximity of wetlands and transition areas and also uh topography we were unable to revise those basins to to comply uh with green infrastructure standards therefore um they are the subject of Varian two Varan and and top right just because I I I think we all thought it was neat from from the original approval but this is a uh the perious pavement that's kind of been kind of tucked into uh the the cart ways on the project well the intent of this uh this is the ribbon drive this is the intent to minimize the amount of impervious on site um you know we wanted to create uh a concrete surface so that we wouldn't have that heat is heat island effect um it's a one-way drive that loops around the new element and the purpose of the U the Gap in between the stone is just that the the intent was that the ribbons would would flow into the the middle and allowed to infiltrate into the so that the effect was obviously the the decrease of uh of runoff on the site our last slide that doesn't say thank you but uh um take the board this this is the site plan for 884 uh with the existing basins maybe just to walk the board again through which ones you were able to um remove the variances for and which ones get the extra of mitigation across the street here this is so this is a sheet that was part of our um application in 2021 um and shows the four basins in question um and the two basins in the front Basin one and Basin two we were able to modify and uh able to um make them compliant with the rules uh Basin three and four as I mentioned they're they're very very close to um environmentally sensitive areas um and in order to comply with the rules we would have to expand those basins and then go into the environmentally restrictive areas and and uh the topography also was not uh working in our favor as well so um we could not change those B right ultimately the additional mitigation removes the two variances that were approved but doesn't create any new uh waiver variance conditions um with this new work no much so um with that happy to answer any uh questions that uh the board or your professionals may have but thank you thank you uh David Cohen thanks um Mr Fick I think you mentioned in order for a mitigation plan to qualify it must discharge to the same water course as the um project itself do you have uh on the aerial view are you able to show us what water course all of these are discharging to it's uh it's all going to the Mountain Brook um which essentially goes through um the same Watershed everything kind of flows into the into the mountain blook does it show on the uh on one of the Aerials this one might yeah it's not too close in but it's not really clear on this one however there are tribute carries there's there's one that goes through um through the main campus um there's another one on the other side of um of 884 884 Great Road it's on the west side and everything kind of meets up at some point um so it's all part of the same um Watershed um so therefore you know everything everything essentially flows um you know all these water sheds actually flows in the same Workforce okay so when you talk about the west side you're talking the top of the page here yeah if you turned it yeah it's it's above above the so okay thank you are there any other questions from board members um seeing none I believe that I will uh open the meeting to public comment we have three members of the public public if you'd like to comment on this application please raise your hand and we'll move you over um not seeing any hands raised uh from our three three attendees uh so going once going twice okay we will now close public comment thank you very much uh does the board David you yeah I'm sorry I had just one more question that I forgot to ask before which is um can I know that the there there was a prior mitigation project which was to upgrade a nearby Basin can you tell can someone tell us first of all where that uh mitigation project was located and secondly um if you know why this new mitigation project is preferable to that other mitigation project right bring up the okay so underneath Basin two there between um just along Old just along the Great Road there's an existing Bas in it it's just south of the new entrance that's just constructed for the for the 84 development so that was that was a basin that was constructed back in 2010 between 2010 2012 uh it does not meet the current New Jersey green infrastructure standards um it it exceeds the drainage area required is a 2.5 acre maximum contributory drainage area um and unfortunately the requires no more than 2 and a half acres that drains into your um green infrastructure uh facility um so that was not and and also I believe there was also another requirement um remember what that was exactly but that was one of the that was the primary one is that you know just it just didn't meet didn't check off the boxes um as far as the green infrastructure rules so unfortunately it was designed to compensate for future development they built tener built it to um um you know for future development and at the time it was more or less state-of-the-art you know current um green infrastructure at that time um standards but unfortunately the current rules uh it does not it does not meet those new standards yeah M Mr K I can answer that very quickly this was in the early early phases or early days of the new Princeton ordinance and the new D storm waterer rules when um well I'll be frank even D was trying to figure out how to apply them and there was an existing deten existing buer retention Basin right along great road that tenacre had built maybe 10 years ago roughly speaking to do just this they didn't need that Basin they didn't need the entire Basin but they enlarged it so that it would be could be used for future development on the site rather than have to build small basins every time there was a new parking lot addition let's say and so at the time with the new ordinance the new rules this Basin being built functioning perfectly it was like the ideal mitigation site it was it's already there it's functioning and so we decided good that's a good mitigation site as the rules let's say shook out and people understood exactly what they meant it turns out that no that was not a good mitigation site because it was treating too much water it had a it was which didn't make a lot of sense but I'll skip the editorializing so working with Tom working with Tom we needed to find another mitigation site on the 10 acre property that that would would not be too big and turns out this one was perfect two things I also want to point out one is Tom mentioned that this ex this proposed mitigation site was already a a treatment measure it's important to note though that that treatment measure was built by tenacre as on their own it was it was not meant to be providing treatment for any development it was was not part of any project approval it was simply something that tenacre on their own initiative went ahead and built so what Tom has done has taken that existing treatment measure and brought it up to current standards enlarged it and but not too big so it doesn't treat too much water and so now that was that was the curve that was thrown early on that the mitigation site was technically too big and so Tom had to find the new one the other thing I want to point out and and Tom was just to clarify for the record the requirements for a mitigation site require that the mitigation be located not in the same Watershed because that's a pretty nebulous term but within the same as as hydrologic unit code that the US Geological Survey has established now it's called a Huck H 14 they have at least 14 levels of of hu the mitigation measure must be within the same Huck 14 area as the project that requires the mitigation and this certainly does meets that requirement however this portion of the site doesn't go directly into Mountain Brook which then drains into the Stony Brook it drains into the Stony Brook directly eventually it takes quite a while to get there so it's not the same watershed this this area does not drain to the Mountain Brook like the mitigation site will but they both drain to the same hu 14 as required by the uh by the rules just again for the record I want to make sure that's clear yeah I appreciate it thanks Joe for the the additional detail okay thank you for that uh are there any other questions or comments from the board members and if not then would someone like to uh make a motion on its application David I see you making a motion thank you very much happy to move to approve the uh modification to the site plan thank you and is there a second I'll second I heard I heard Julie first okay thank you very much Dan Weissman has his hand up Dan uh not a second uh but uh just wanted to comment we had uh three staff comments in the staff report and are requesting if those can be made conditions of approval Dan can we go over them for a second is one absolutely a 4.0 B staff comment yes okay and then the second one is um 5.01 yes oh and the third is I'm sorry um 4 point oh o um J1 correct yes great I thank you thank you thank you Mr kened do you have any comments on those not at all we're happy to comply with all of the all of the comments from from the memorandum terrific thank you very much so the motion has been made by Mr Cohen seconded by Miss capoli uh Curry would you like to call the role please uh certainly Miss capoli yes Mr Cohen yes Mr Macwan yes Miss Nuka yes Miss pearlmutter yes Mr Taylor yes Mr odonnell yes motion carried thank you all very much thank you again special thanks to staff this has been a long time coming of of collaboration um and we're very appreciative of the the working relationship uh in in in figuring all this all out so thank you well thank you very much for those comments Mr Kennedy um moving ahead we are going to open the uh the second application that we had hearing tonight simply to carry it to a further meeting uh this is the estate Shore LLC uh minor subdivision with variances located at 479 Jefferson Road Block 548 lot one file number p2323 -43 Ms uh Jerry or Justin do you have any comments you'd like to make at this time or I do not okay I when when is it being carried to we do not have a date at this point then we can't carry it can we oh no not really they're going they're the applicant is required to re notice when a date is determined After we receive the plans for review so Jerry what is the appropriate thing to do is do we table it or since we can't carry it yeah I mean the only way we could carry it if we carried it to a a date certain with the intention of um probably not considering it at that point which I don't think is a good idea so I yeah I think what we what we need to do is table it okay I apologize for using the long-term anology in that case so we will table this application until such day to be determined right okay thank you very much um that is the extent of our agenda for this evening uh there's a one more one more item that I think Mr Cohen is ready to to jump on I'll move to adjourn yeah there's been a motion to adjourn is there a second Freddy go ahead on this one I second go Freddy on on the second thank you both very much all those in favor I I okay thank you very much everybody you made it a very simple night for me good job thank you very much have a good night good night have a good night