##VIDEO ID:8t7btfRtwIg## good evening and welcome this is a regular meeting of the Princeton planning board on Thursday December 19th 2024 pursuant to section 13 of the open public meetings act adequate notice of the time and place of this meeting has been given by prominently posting the resolution of regularly scheduled meetings of the planning board of Princeton for February 2024 through January 2025 a copy was filed with the clerk of Princeton on January 8th 2024 legal notice on the adoption of said resolution was published in the January 12th 2024 edition of the Princeton packet notice of this meeting also has been posted to the municipal website Princeton nj.gov calendar notice that all regular and special meetings of Princeton planning board will be held electronically via Zoom was transmitted to the Princeton packet and the times and was filed with the clerk of Princeton on Tuesday January 17 2023 please note that this meeting is being recorded during hearings on applications for development members of the public will have an opportunity to comment and ask questions questions may be asked after an applicant's Witnesses have testified public comment is heard by the board after an applicants Representatives have finished their presentations and have been questioned by board members and staff those wishing to comment orally should virtually raise your hand by clicking on the reactions button or the raise hand icon at the bottom of your Zoom screen or if participating by phone by pressing star N I guess I'll continue with this part but we don't have an application tonight it's being carried but since I've come this this far and maybe we can address that um carrying in the U um announcements oral comments will be taken in the order in which hands were raised we ask with respect that members of the public public express your views in 3 minutes or less a countdown clock will be used to help speakers keep track of time and speakers who exceed 3 minutes will be interrupted Carri would you call the role Please Mr bodimer miss capoli Mr Cohen Mr mwan here miss Nuka here Mr adonal here miss pearlmutter here miss saxs Mr Taylor here Miss Wilson Anderson here Mrs Wilson here we have a quorum thank you um announcements so I um uh mentioned during interrupted the opening statement to I guess make a half-hearted announcement but maybe it's a good time um Justin for you to um explain that you know about the application we're carrying tonight yep absolutely thank you madam chair and uh good evening members of the board and members of the public um the uh Princeton shopping center Eden's application for signage that was on the agenda tonight will be carried to February 20th um we'll do all the formalities later of there will be no no further noticing and and you know reading the agenda and all that but I just wanted to mention it now that if members of the public are here for that application uh it will not be heard tonight it'll be February 20th you're more than welcome to stay uh for the remainder of the things on the agenda but uh if you're here for that and um you'd like to get going uh it's not going to be heard tonight okay thank you um other announcements anyone seeing none we'll move on to subcommittee reports um I will give the landscape committee uh report because um the two other members who were there are not with us tonight we knew ahead of time that um that Julie would not be at tonight's meeting and and um obviously um councilman Cohen is is uh occupied right now um anyway the landscape committee met this morning we were looking at the um Princeton University University um landscape plan for the 112 114 and 116 Prospect Avenue project where the three um Victorian houses were all moved to one [Music] um moved together grouped together on one parcel uh as part of the a compromise that was much uh appreciated and um applauded uh associated with the environmental science um and School of Engineering and Environmental Studies engineering studies I'm sorry es and C's um so anyway we we talked about um the size of trees the placement of trees um the university realigned a few to um potentially open up a little bit better view of the big building that's behind the two smaller Victorian houses toward the front of the lot um we talked a little bit about trenching required for a water line that's being slightly expanded um the meeting lasted about a half hour and the committee the landscape committee approved the plan so that is that is the report from the landscape committee um Ian I understand you have a report from site plan committee yes I do uh thank you madam chair so yesterday the uh site plan committee met we were uh discussing the classification of uh Stony Brook Regional sewage um they have the the Demolition and the rebuild of one of the pre-fabricated office trailers uh was just slightly larger trailer is going to be rebuilt this is at um 290 River Road and um so the site plan was D Minor uh there is a conditional use so uh the application will be brought before the larger board uh we're looking at deal in uh February okay great um I don't think we have any other subcommittee reports do we although I guess in a way the procedur subcommittee is is certainly related to the um to the bylaws that we're going to be looking at momentarily um okay so let's proceed with resolutions and findings of fact um am I correct that we are considering a but not B tonight isn't that is that correct Carrie yeah okay so um the first resolution is uh step wascow this is a minor subdivision and lot line adjustment it was carried from just last week the 12th it's at 5 37 and 561 Stockton Street file number p2323 d368 Ms I wanted to advise that I looked online and it appears I have the vote twice so I will be removing it from the very last page the I'll only have one okay my apology oh no problem thank you for noting that any other uh comments suggested edits related to these um to this resolution and if not would someone like to move it so moved thank you Mr Macwan seconded by Mr Taylor thank you um uh roll call please Carrie Mr mwan yes Miss Nuka yes Mr odonnell yes Miss pearlmutter yes Mr Taylor yes Miss Wilson Anderson yes Mrs Wilson yes motion carried thank you um the next resolution on the agenda is uh for the institute for advanced study I will read the whole title but I understand it's being um carried because it's not quite ready it's the preliminary and final site plan with variances at one Einstein Lane and Olden Lane file number P2 2424 467 P so we expect that in um January then well it's actually finished now we sent in today what happened was David wanted a couple of changes we those were done um The Institute asked if they could see what they were I sent it off to them they said we have a couple of more changes and I got them I think it might have been today actually and we incorporated them I sent it off to the staff but they said appropriately that can't get it on the agenda for tonight right right good and those changes that David um and we talked about this last week those are very good changes so yeah very good changes yeah good okay um the application that was before us tonight um was for Princeton Eden Princeton shopping center major site plan for wayfinding signage and Monument signage only this was is at 301 North Harrison Street file number P2 2424 d506 P um Justin can you um just give us a quick sense of when will we we will see this and um what's the hold up certainly um so we'll see this on February 20th um that's mostly due to the applicants availability uh but also um this is really kind of the second part of the Princeton shopping center application that was heard I think it was November 7th uh where the facade signs were approved but then the directional signs and the identification sign was pushed off because the board wanted more information um which was memorialized in the resolution the additional information uh we did not receive uh most of that information we did not really receive it in a timely manner to put it on anyway so uh that's why this is being carried okay good uh so next up we have um a discussion and um hopefully a vote on the um updates to what have in the past been called um the planning board rules and regulations we are changing that name to bylaws because that's really what they are I'm not sure where rules and regulations came from but um as a name uh anyway um this this work to update and refresh these has been going on for quite some time and uh I'm really really delighted that uh we are at this point um presenting them to the full board a lot of folks have seen uh and of course you've seen um Justin's um um memo as well so I'll stop talking and let Justin uh introduce this um topic y thank you madam chair um I'm happy to give a summary of my memo dated uh December 12th and then I'm happy to answer any questions you might have um Jerry this isn't a hearing so I don't think we need to do any swearing necessarily do and I I I won't swear anyway um and I'll try not to lie um but uh so from that memo dated December 12th um uh you'll see that per the municipal ordinance the planning board has the power and Duty uh to adopt bylaws and other procedural rules uh the board last adopted a rules and regulations document as the chair said in 2013 and those have served us well for the past 10 years um just however there have been some things uh that can be updated um and and also just kind of a decade with the document it was worth looking at it again uh so planning world leadership and I began to review the current bylaws in August of 2023 uh with several rounds of revisions both before and after uh that we uh before and after bringing them to the planning board attorney um the proposed bylaws that were in your packet after my memo uh were then shared with the procedures committee uh who uh endorsed bringing them forward at this meeting um Mr Taylor is the chair of that committee and he might want to say something in a minute after I'm done uh basically these changes are not a large shift from the current rules and regulations they mostly harmonize uh the document with other things like the municipal code and the municipal land use law um including things as small as changing the name to bylaws like it says in the municipal code uh or updating staff titles that might have changed over the past couple years or to make it clear you know that that it there might be three titles but it's one person um that sort of thing um other revisions are based on changes that have been made since 2013 when the last document was uh adopted um like removing references to sprb and adding ones uh about the site plan committee uh since those bodies changed in 2021 um or adding in language about how concept reviews are conducted uh that language was taken from some of the uh forms the instruction forms that we've updated uh in recent years uh or to do things like reflect that meetings are held on zoom and uh how Norms have been translated to that you know talking about attendees and moving you to the attendees room if you have a conflict of interest obviously that wasn't in the the document from 10 years ago um so things like that have also just been updated um we didn't include or or I didn't include the redline version of what has changed since there were so many rounds of revisions um in the the past I guess that's what um 16 months since we started looking at these um though I did include the 2013 rules and regulations uh pass the proposed bylaw so you could kind of look at them back and forth if you'd like um so with that being said I'm happy to answer any questions you might have Madam chair and like I said uh Mr Taylor might want to say a few words as well Jack yeah let let me just add a couple of things first and foremost I can't resist do you know the vote has gone against speaker Johnson we now have tomorrow and I a very careful review and there's not anything any of us individually or collectively can do about it that's correct we should we should stick to the business at hand other than that knowledge about our country I I think the story behind this document is is really quite impressive bear in mind it's the procedural framework within which we operate it's the status quo and how we've operated of all things since 2013 without a single review it's untouched and Louise thanks to you and thanks to the vice chair Tim Quinn initially and and Owen and certainly to you Jerry it became necessary to take a look and a fresh look was taken and over a year what you see before you has been presented it's absolutely first class and more so because the way in which it was presented is consistent with the way we're organized namely we were asked at the procedures committee take a look what do you think any thoughts additions deletions and literally after circulation there were literally none so yes Justin's perfectly correct we endorse Madam chair we endorse we approve but most of all I think it is one of I've only been a member three years one of our Finest Hours it's well done the one thing it's not and this is not to make a point really but this isn't a review of governance this isn't a review of the planning board it's re review of the status quo how we operate and that's entirely appropriate and there is no what shall I say mass movement any movement at all for a fundamental review of governance so while it's not governance it's extremely important as a building block in who we are and the way we operate so congratulations in cour thank you um and thank you for the for the shout out I want to just make a point that um first of all Justin spent a gigantic amount of time on on these and uh I'm deeply grateful for all of that work but also this goes back to when Gail and Wanda were Vice chair and chair um they they uh stressed when they you know turned over the rains how important it was to do two things update the master plan and update the rules and regulations uh so I'm you know that of course there's always much more to be done but um I'm really glad that this um yeah night has come so are there questions that any other board members have um would definitely you know want [Music] to if anybody wants to kick tires and you know ask about the rationale behind one thing or another uh I'm I'm ready to answer so is Jerry meller Justin nothing okay that's good too uh then would someone like uh to move that we adopt the 2024 planning board bylaws thank you moved by Claudia Wilson Anderson seconded by Freddy Pearl mutter thank you um Carrie would you call the role please oh I'm sorry I grabbed yes I do have it um Mr mwan yes Miss Nuka yes Mr odonnell yes Miss pearlmutter yes Mr Taylor yes Miss Wilson Anderson yes Mrs Wilson yes motion carried great thank you excent thank you thank John and Louise and and I want to just add You Know Jack thank you very much for mentioning Tim Quinn who was a an important part of the process he really was he he certainly was thank you for that Owen yeah and and Jack uh okay so our next meeting is um is January 9th 9th yep yep we pushed back uh first off so we wouldn't have a meeting on January 2nd um secondly the council um reorganization is January 6th I believe uh so it'll give time for that as well so it's uh I think it works out in January it's a five Thursday month or or maybe uh close to it um yeah so it ends up working out pretty well okay good great well in the meantime everyone have a wonderful a joyful holiday season um and in Mr Cohen's absence who would like to move adjournment thank you Owen I I will move to adjourn second all in favor please say I hi hi oh and you're now officially a vice chairman youve crossed over that line long ago uh thank you thank thanks very much everybody thank you all good night bye