welcome to this public meeting of the Princeton Board of Education the board is an elected unpaid group of 10 citizens who set policy and make decisions on educational financial and Personnel matters for the Princeton public schools on behalf of all residents we are always pleased when members of the community attend our meetings the board and the school district operate under applicable New Jersey laws and under regulations of the the the New Jersey State Board of Education each meeting includes an opportunity for those attending to com on items on the publish agenda or other matters of interest to them the board reserves the right to limit the time allotted to public participation law limits discussion of individual personnel and confidential matters we hope our meetings uh provide useful opportunities for communication between the board and the community thank you for attending as required under the open public meeting act njsa 1046 Ed sequentia adequate notice was given for calling this meeting it was authorized by the Board of Education and forwarded to the municipal clerk Princeton pack and the Trenton Times on Jan jary 6 2024 it was also distributed to the schools and others on the standard distribution list the board reserves the right to enter into executive session during all meetings of the Board of Education board policy 168 recording devices requires that we inform those attending this inperson meeting that the proceedings are being recorded this meeting is also being live streamed the representative of the Senate District is authorized to vote on such matters that affect anying District students or affect the governance of the principal Public Schools as more specific specifically designated in njsa 18a 38 A.1 sending District votes pertaining to Personnel actions refer to high school Central administrative and districtwide staff only votes otherwise are considered abstentions in the event this statute is amended the law shall take presidence over this bylaw thank you Mr Balden would you please call the RO yes D Kendall here Betsy Bago here Beth Baron here Adam Beerman present Debbie bronfeld here Mara franceski here eminor H here cancer here ranan McDonald pres we have a quorum thank you Mr Balden um can I get a motion for the adoption for D1 adoption of the minutes from June 11th 2024 Debbie second Brian Stan Kendall yes Betsy Bagel yes Beth Baron yes Adam Beerman yes Debbie bronfeld yes Mar franceski yes Elanor hubard yes Susan caner yes Brian McDonald yes motion passes thank you Mr en um welcome to this meeting of the Princeton Board of Education um although it's summer and school's out there's a lot of work happening here which we will be going over soon um the board is also working um at our June meeting if you missed it we did um authorize uh Dr uh Foster's contract for another year uh we received approval from uh the um the state to allow her to remain here for another year um uh unfortunately it's only a year um um so uh we realize that um it's time now to take the next steps uh to finding um our next superintendent and so with that the board um will be meeting on uh July 29th and we will discuss um those next steps and we anticipate um you know uh starting the search at some level in August um so please stay tuned we'll try to update um the community as we go along we expect there to be um focus groups surveys um and other ways for the community to be involved in the selection of the next superintendent um so that's all I have tonight Dr Foster so I will turn it over to you good evening um happy summer everyone and although um many of us relish the summer season for its slower Pace maybe few scheduled events more time with family and friends school districts take advantage of this time apart to focus on some deep thinking reflection and certainly Extended Learning for uh both our adult Learners and our student Learners with that said uh Princeton offers many Rich opportunities for student and adult learning so I want to just quickly highlight some of the things that are going on this summer first and foremost we're offering three formal weeks of whorton Gillingham training for classroom teachers in grades K through three as well as special education and ESL teachers across all grade levels this comprehensive training aligns with our strategic plan goals of focusing on early childhood education and ensuring opportunity and achievement for all students um our first session was the very last uh full week of June and over 23 staff members attended that first training session uh in addition to OG training we're thrilled to introduce the AI Institute under um Dr T's leadership an initiative aimed at fostering a collective understanding of artificial intelligence um we'll be inviting board members ptoc members staff and students this institute will play a pivotal role in shaping District policies regarding Ai and providing professional development opportunities to ensure our students are prepared for challenges and opportunities for the future I think approximately 30 people are registered for the two-day event am I correct or is it even more than that we have 42 oh 42 that's great um and then we're also hosting again uh under Dr 2's leadership a summer Institute dedicated to Universal Design for Learning uh I think uh Kesha Smith kington is also uh leading that it's um udl is an instructional approach that promotes inclusivity and supports the diverse needs of all Learners uh this initiative underscores our commitment to fostering a learning environment that prioritize prioritizes Wellness inclusion and academic success for every student and again I think it's approximately 40 um members who of Staff members who have signed up uh student learning continues as well uh we're offering the jumpstart summer classes for students in grades K to5 leap classes for um multilingual Learners extended school year programs for students with IEPs and various science and math programs at the high school level uh these are uh designated to provide targeted support and enrichment opportunities and I believe the DLI camp just uh was completed last week uh at community park so we're excited um for the wealth of learning opportunities available but we also recognize the importance of rest and rejuvenation for both students and staff so please we encourage everyone to take time away from their studies uh relax recharge and spend time with loved ones um before we go into Dr to's presentation I just want to recognize Matt Balden and his team in the business office for SEC among other things um for securing the psng energy grant that is on the board agend Matt can you just give us just a quick uh just go over the overview it's uh this is uh coming uh about seven or eight months now we did miss out on the last round of funding but we got right in on the second day and we're able to get um more than 75% of the uh almost $2.1 million of HVAC and new boy was at the Four elementary schools um paid for so it would cost us [Music] $513,000 for almost $2.1 million of equipment so it's a great thing um it is funded you know through PSG program um so we're really happy about that so um I do want to uh welcome Dr uh CIS Sten to the uh de here up front uh this is her first board meeting you're welcome thank you uh and and now Dr two is going to present uh the results of the NJ GPA New Jersey graduation proficiency assessment okay it's okay I can explain what the NJ GPA is for the audience watching online and the few folks we have here as well as the board um so New Jersey graduation proficiency assessment is the new hespa so in 2021 we piloted it across the state in 20 um sorry 2122 in 2223 that was our first round and then this year is our second year of taking the assessment it's administered to all Juniors and it is requirement for graduation what the state does allow us and districts to do is if a student does not pass the NJ GPA there's an alternative pathway where they could use a qualifying PSAT score SAT score ACT score or other assessments like acup Placer uh to receive a passing score for their assessment obviously they still have to pass all their credit bearing courses and have attendance requirements fulfilled and then they can graduate um but we really want as a district um who believes in excellent learning opportunities for the majority of our students uh to pass the NJ GPA so when Matt um opens that up we'll start going through uh the results um the ELA component is aligned to grade 10 Ela standards and math has Algebra 1 and geometry so the goal is by junior year most students have completed those two courses and should be successful at them so if you have um Rising seniors they took this assessment back in March and the state requires that once we have excuse me the formalized results we have 60 days to report them out to the board and community so that's why we're sort of reporting them in July and not waiting until September when everyone's uh returning and then next month we have our access test results as so Priscilla Russell will be here access is the assessment that we provide to our multilingual Learners um so that's following their progress from year to year in speaking listening reading and writing domains um so that will be next month and then everyone always asks as soon as we start doing these test results well when are the njla scores coming out just lots of assessment njsla are are you know grades three through nine um assessments that we do um in the spring usually in may we only have preliminary results right now in those scores we don't have finalized results so those will go out to families they'll get the score reports in September and then I will usually present to the board in October and on that and during that presentation we will have AP results as well we have already received them but we like to bundle them sort of all together and average ACT and SAT scores as well so that's the very long testing presentation tonight should be short and sweet um so U Matt you can kind of go down to that next slide if you don't mind thank you so much um so here is the the clean data um so you can see here on the left hand the furthest column is Ela and math and it says number of students tested in the district um we did have one absence uh so you can see that we had 397 in math and 396 in ela and they will have to make that up all students must sit for the NJ GPA they cannot refuse or opt out so that is a sitting as a graduation requirement as well as passing it or another assessment um so you can see um at the state level uh 18% of students were not yet graduated graduation ready for ELA we're at 8% so that means that 92% of our Rising seniors pass the ELA component so that equals about 31 students did not um pass that assessment and then in math live session this is interesting it's okay you can do the bottom left the bottom right yeah have you hit the little projector looking thing next to the minus sign say you can see that Mara okay over one Matt over to the right over one more that one right there hit that yeah now I can read it okay I don't know why it says live but um and so if for math it's a little cut up but it's 397 students took the assessment 18% of our students did not are not yet graduation ready for Math and 82% are graduation ready so everyone asks that you know well what are the differentials from last year like how did we do in comparison because this is the second year of of the assessment so Matt if you want to uh swap to the next page so here's where I pulled the pilot year 2122 um so we were about 20% not passing and 80% passing for math Ela I obviously they tweaked it because you can see how much stronger year one and year two meaning 22 23 23 24 are so we did go down a point in ela for graduation proficiency and we went down three points in math um it you know before we get concerned that we did test almost I think it was 84 more students this year than last year this is a bubble class um and when we look um at the numbers that meant 72 students did not pass math over the course of of the um assessment but a lot of those students um unfortunately did not pass either Ela or math so there's double dipping um there um so when we worked with the counseling team um our supervisor of ESL our supervisor of student services at the high school um we noticed that with um IEP um uh waving with alternative assessments like PSAT sat act we're down to about 30 students who are not yet graduation ready so the the good news um is that we're already on it so we're going to talk about sort of next steps of what does that look like so that we're not waiting until the end of the year we had about 12 students who couldn't take any other assessments they we we we weren't able to do pathway one which is the GPA or pathway 2 which is those alternate assessments who did a portfolio last year all of them passed so all of them were able to graduate and that is really to the support of uh Tiffany Brennan our Mass supervisor kha Smith Carrington our supervisor of humanities Priscilla Russell supervisor of ESL um and Anna Rose Gable one of our ESL teachers who really helped kids um and working with different teachers uh like Tor Esposito and ADBA um just to have extra sessions for kids to be able to complete the portfolio and our goal is not just to kind of get them across the finish line is we also want them to have these literacy and math skills we want to make sure that when they're leaving us that they feel like they've mastered this content so it's not just about graduation but making sure that that we feel that their graduation um ready so Matt if you can um go to the next level so part of the requirements when we're reporting out to the board and Community are we have to present subgroup data so this is subgroup based on race so it's a little blurry even for me back here um but you can kind of see um some Trends um things that I really want to um highlight and not in a good way are our Hispanic population numbers that went up 6% so we never ever want to see more red than green um we do um have a large uh recently arrived in high school multilingual learner Hispanic population and so what we're doing and you'll see this in a future slide is um because of our wonderful ESL teachers we do have a summer program this year specifically working on literacy and math skills that we know will be present in the portfolio process so that they're getting extra support and we're trying to make it fun having swimming lessons as well um and just getting them going they're not completing the portfolio this summer they're doing sort of the groundwork so that come fall we're going to kind of get them launched and ready to go um so we really because with covid all of this went away graduation requirements were waved for a time so we're kind of building the system again to making sure that we're catching these kids and getting them where they need to be uh at the end of the PPS experience um our uh black student numbers um you know are at 26% I believe from seeing here it used last year it was 40% please know that some of our um subgroups are small numbers so when you have a small end size from year a year your percentage changes can can drastically um change regardless we have disproportionality when you're looking across um our Asian black Hispanic and white populations um so our goal is to uh as part of the Strategic plan are kids graduation ready in nth and tth grade what are we doing along the way and I'm so glad you know our principals here like we're on it we have a team and we're going to talk about things like Saturday Academy and supporting our staff to support kids um along the way Matt you can change to the next um slide yep so this is pretty oh go back when it skipped too um so we have to report out by gender um we didn't have anyone list as non-binary or transgender you know otherwise it would be suppressed um so you have about 14% of females not yet graduation ready and mail it's pretty steady from last year there was not much of a a change and differential there you can go to the next one all right now here's subgroup programming so F SLR lunch are students who receive lunch Services once again more red than green so this means that we need to provide more intensive supports when we work with um Lawrence who's our new supervisor of multi-tiered systems of support I know I was on an email today that Cecilia was in contact with her of looking at our inrs processes looking at our Saturday Academy looking at our summer programming how are we providing targeted supports to students who might need a little bit more need that's how we get that red to go down and that green to go up um our special ed red actually went down a few percentage points from last year it's still high but it it did go down and uh gen Ed in Section 504 remains steady our students who have a 504 typically do very well on our standardized Assessments in Princeton which is is good to hear okay so what are what are the supports in place so once again we really try to leverage alternative Pathways because not every student especially if um we have a lot of international students not every student has mastered all the standards because they might teach math differently in another country and they might label it differently uh literacy wise so um that's why we have the PSAT act we go through student by student when they don't pass the GPA and say what other alternative assessment can we use to leverage because they showed Proficiency in this assessment to help them graduate and if they have not shown proficiency what uh classes like our Plus classes what supports like Saturday Academy pulling kids you know during their blocks to get support with a portfolio what can we do to make sure that they can cross that finish line but also have those foundational skills so that they can be successful once they leave us um as I shared we do have the summer programming this year with intense focus of this targeted group of about 20 or so um multilingual Learners to make sure that they're prepared for that portfolio process and then uh we've been working really with the building Administration um cilia has been really great and our bu our supervisors at the high school level with our Plus classes um having a set curriculum having an identification process how do we help kids with targeted supports using data to inform the instruction um so that place will happen and then seniors who would be in the Plus Class they can complete the portfolio process during the school day because as you can imagine our students are really busy our students you know we're they're a captive audience when they're with us but you know they have after school activities they have jobs they don't want to come in on Saturdays or before school or after school to complete a portfolio and our philosophy is that if if the go is graduation that should happen during the school day so having this class and the schedule really helps and that's in both English and in math and then we have Saturday Academy to provide that additional instructional support throughout the year Lauren fredman one of our assistant principles and former math teacher did a lot of great leg worth of of redoing that program this year and showing data of of how this has been really beneficial to students and so how can we continue that good work and once again using the irrs process and different conversations along the school year get that get students in those programs earlier rather than as a last resort you can swap the screen Matt um so then what are our next steps um so once again we've been having ongoing conversations we actually um are doing another round of NJ GPA for kids who were absent during those weeks this you know during that week so they couldn't make it or if they were the cut off is 725 say they got a 720 like just come I know it's summer but we may be able to like get you done through this process so that you don't have to go through through a portfolio or an alternative assessment um and then we're beginning the portfolio process uh once we're ready in September and then we're looking at Trends so what we've noticed in GPA and in njsla is the evidence-based responses so that's once again the reading and writing in the technical subject areas is what it's called in the strands and that really is the non uh fiction informational reading and writing and this is a great goal for our district because it really ties into into our portrait of a graduate when we talk about uh critical thinking and um informed involved Global Citizen and uh communication you it's about forming evidence-based arguments and resources and so how these skills tie into the standards are really going to be helpful as we push our portrait of a graduate work um and then for math geometry um has been continuing to be a a weak area for us in modeling and reasoning um one of the good pieces of feedback this is at the elementary level but it does lead us to high school um is that uh teachers feel like they're they're able to get through the curriculum with our current school calendar for whatever reason historically um Elementary curriculum in the in the mo in the materials we use in any District geometry is the last unit so what happens at the end of the year you run out of time you don't teach geometry and it builds and it builds and it builds so making sure that our early Learners are getting all of the standards is really important and I think us revising our elementary minutes for next year is really going to help with that um and then as well as working with um different uh tiles and different manipulatives because even big kids can help with the visual spatial relationships and things like that in geometry and I Know Tiffany and some of our teachers have been doing some PD around that work as well um so you know it's not you know it's good news I think like we're we're on a good path I'd like to see growth in next year in 1% and 3% in the opposite direction but I think it's kind of where we are right now um and we will continue to look at our njsla data in October um with everybody and that gives us a little bit more uh detail because it's grade level standards here there's sort of um an overview um and it's really hard to Target exactly what kids are struggling on or not whereas when we look at our geometry assessment for njsla we can really drill down and then extrapolate and say well if they're struggling on njsla in this topic we know that they're going to struggle in NJ GPA for this topic so let's make sure that we're closing gaps and and moving forward so I think that's it except for questions from the board yes Adam okay um it's really what you're doing just Muses here do you do you find that um one are the tutors are they becoming that solid object that and they really get to know their students and they can see weaknesses and strengths and and and then I guess my second question is again very it's kind of EX it's a muse do the student maybe their um ego starved when it comes to academic success when they do well do they have self-perpetuating motivation to keep going I can give you a quick anecdote so we've had a lot of success with our Saturday Academy and we've had kids like come to Lauren Freeman and come to the teachers and like I have I got an A on this test I've never gotten an A in this class before I got a B on this test so we know that success breeds success right and for whatever reason particularly in math there's mindsets of I'm not a math person but we would never let someone say I'm not a reading person I don't do literacy like we have to kind of help change that mindset and sometimes in high school it's already firmly established that they're not a good student or whatever so we want them to experience those small successes as you're saying so that they can build and change that identity um and yes those tutors do become another trusted adult in the building because they're in small groups with the students or they're one-on-one with the students and so they really can see a lot of times too our our students sometimes live lead very complicated lives they're might be a lot going on at home they might be working outside of school and sometimes they just need a little bit more time and this allows them to have that time and get the support that they need and they don't want to be embarrassed in front of their peers that they might not be on grade level just quick second question I know I it's it's an ongoing process especially the Hispanic parents they're B but they're they're kind of do they get on board or they do they understand what's going on and what you're trying to do and are they involved we work with Liaisons we have a lot of Staff members um who speak various languages at home because we do have a lot of international students from all over the world when they come here and the American schooling system is you know it's complicated and so what we try to say is we emphasize and that's where we really utilize our ESL teachers as a point of communication our case managers appointed communication the um the seriousness of of these assessments and how why we need you to come to school why you need to take it and then the portfolio are saying like this is really going to help you in the long run if you're not able to pass this assessment because once CE again I can't reiterate this enough it's not just about getting a kid a checkbox like we really want to make sure they have some some foundational math and literacy skills before they leave us so um thank you Kim for the presentation and we appreciate it and um thank you to Kesha Smith Carrington and Tiffany Brennan for their attention to really drill down um and it seems like math has gotten like a little weaker so hopefully we can pay more attention to that because you said I mean they're good results but you know you judge a school district by how you know the struggling students are performing and and there's work to do there um and so I wonder um speaking from experience with uh one of my children never passed um a state assessment and um but you know did find on the SATs and colleges doing great and he'll probably run the world one day but that's it but he he will have uh the stigma of never having passed uh you know njsla or or and so I wonder and now he was special ed and I wonder if it's because the test just aligns more closely to the standards and so children who aren't receiving the same curriculum right are missing that or do we think it's something else oh I mean I think each individual case is unique I mean I'm not going to speak for your son but do do students take it more seriously the SAT and the ACT do you know what I'm trying to say like they might and when I mean seriously do they do a like a workbook or a test prep book or do they get a class so they're learning how to access that specific assessment whereas here like the goal is we teach the standards right and kids have access to them and then there might be test prep in the sense of here's how you navigate the menu here's how you respond so that that's a great point right so test taking is a skill yes are we teaching that yeah well yes and no I think there's different tests so the answer is it depends we we should be explicitly how do I get this in the age of AI right yeah I think there's different skill sets that need to be taught and kids should be able to be able to do fill in the blank multiple choice short answer long answer and that's actually in the updated standards where they're saying in ela standards it shouldn't just be these long essays which are important but also there should be short births of writing so that kids can get immediate feedback on on their work so I think we could do a better job of logic and teaching kids like let's look at the four choices like what makes the most sense um but it's not as formal as you would be with like you know a Princeton Review or you know like some I mean maybe that's something that we serious it's a skill and if not all kids are getting access to that skill that's an equity issue so I hope that's something like even on a Saturday if we had a test prep yeah and sometimes you're more once you see it you're more familiar with we do have it in the summer yeah you have test prep sat sat no no no but I mean for the for the state assessments that but could maybe that would help with the scores right because people like the kids by the time they take the SAT they've seen it a couple times right cuz we administer the PS p twice for free in our schools I just wonder if there was a preview if our scores would go up Susan hi can you speak a little to the portfolio like what kinds of work is in the portfolio and how are they demonstrating that they learn these skills that maybe the test didn't enable them to demonstrate um so the portfolio is is actually really interesting it's open-ended tasks so they say you need um a constructive response task in this standard about geometry and uh we have the um altonomy I guess for lack of a better word a word to select the kind of task the state does provide examples that you can use but they do not require you to use those type of examples and then um the teacher will teach into the skill then the student will complete the open-ended task there like a few problems per standard and then the supervisor will grade it so the teacher does not grade the assessment Tiffany or Kesha will grade the assessment um and the same thing for reading and writing there's certain strands and there's like a non-fiction reading and a response a writing response and so when they say it's a portfolio it's not like a huge binder but it there's several tasks that need to be completed and what we try to do is really do intensive spurts of teaching these specific skills do the task teaching the next set of specific skills do the task so that it's fresh in kids minds and that they can be successful as much as possible um and then we do is we say to the state Kim completed the portfolio she got this much out of 10 um and then we keep it on file so we do not submit to the State anymore we used to have to drive them to Trenton and submit um but there's so many thousands across the state basically it's part of our qac auditing process now if they say Kim you had 12 kids complete a portfolio last year where's all their work where's the sheet we submit a state of of assurance to the state with the name of the kids their student ID numbers and their scores So in theory they could audit you to say like show us three kids and randomly and you would have to show how they pass we can't just say here's a math problem like it is very structured yes um thank you for this this is really interesting um I have a a a couple questions um first um how many sort of late arrival multilingual Learners do we have roughly per year like what how big a group is that and then my one is um how many kids go to Saturday Academy like how that's the first time I've heard about this program like sure um who teaches it and then uh finally I just like to put in a plug for including sort of weaving in more reading and writing um practice not just in the high school but also in the Middle School curriculum where I think there could be more opportunities for reading books and writing different um kinds of materials uh just to get the kids to have more practice because if you only do like read one book in a semester or write one piece in a semester even if it's a Well chosen book or assignment it doesn't you could you could do more right and you could even write in science class or social studies class you could do that kind of evidence base writing oh it yeah it should be across the continents and that's something we definitely need to to work on so agree so I'm going to answer your first question vaguely so it depends on the year I would say like 15 to 20 new arrivals it go it fluctuates yeah we have about 80 mlls on a given year at the high school um and then it's a lot of um interrupted learning so they they are newly arrived some of them are um Alone um some of them are the prietor for their family and then they might have had very limited um formal education before they come so our job is not just to get them to graduate and remember with special education you can have until 21 to graduate but when you're a multilingual learner you only get one additional year in high school no matter what year you rrive you know so there's not as many legal protections for MLS um and then Saturday Academy I'm gonna look at Cecilia again how many and then the second and thir I somewhere between 10 and 12 and this year we're adding English thank you which is great so thank you great thank you thank you for this it's always really interesting and and as you said we do have a lot of work to do I love that you're that the teachers are really going through the topics that we know students are struggling with at sort of all levels are any of them being asked to or any teachers maybe on their own doing their annual um plans based on the standards that we know students are struggling with that's a great question um so I'm not in the AP or APR meetings but I sometimes observe supervisors who are leading that and I can say I was in an uh high school English teachers uh AP meeting this year and they were talking about um having a common rubric across you know 9th grade English let's just say and utilizing um language in the rubric that mimic the standards that exactly and so I love hearing the words common because that means kids have a consistent experience no matter you know what what teacher they have and then it's leading to this ultimate goal that it's standards based um so I like I said I can't speak to everyone um I can ask supervisor about that no problem um but I know it's definitely a thought process for some of our teachers thank you just another Muse when I was in I went to pron High I remember like the Haitian kids came and some Chinese kids they got together and they did their own peer-to-peer study groups and it it really built cohesion at the same time it really they reinforced each other and uh there's been some studies I don't know how valid they are that this is really helps you know with you know getting up to grade level is it any way to encour again just a thought music to to encourage that group cohesion are you talking about like language group like affinity group there be just different groups that came in some didn't do traditionally well and I mean I remember even going back to in Princeton history the weather spoon school for college kids they got together in in groups and and did their own self-study and there just been La just some been studies about that how that helps improve grad we do peer tutoring you know um through um our Idea Center um and so that's been really helpful but we find that kids it's more like I have a pre-cal test coming up and I just need like a little boost I don't know if we have as much as what you're saying like a consistent like coort model but our kids are always looking for leadership opportunities so maybe we should if they're looking for some ideas and maybe when we have our new board reps that's something we can say because I I love the idea of Pier helping Pierce yeah yeah yeah I know it's hard to do don't get me wrong but any other questions all right thank you K thank you so much thank you guys uh Dr Foster uh thank you thank you Dr Tu um I just want to highlight uh two things uh the first is our Princeton public school's 2425 uh calendar um it's back on again uh we had just two slight um changes um but I uh so I think we left off the March 17th early dismissal day for um the inservice uh for staff development um but um while I have the mic I do want to just highlight that um again December 23rd uh which is a Monday we are having school it's an early dismissal but we are returning um you know that week um so I just want um families to be prepared however uh we're continuing to work with our um Board of Elections and legislators and if we can uh get um uh the voting out of two of our schools um then we might be able to uh change something so uh stay tuned but will will continue to work Dr Foster so one comment the fifth will not be changing the fifth will not be changing this year because it is uh a presidential election it's coming it's coming so we have some work to do and we can maybe get the third we take it yeah we'll take the third we'll take the I'll right yeah I'll share some more but yeah the fifth is well it'll be it'll be good data to see how many people vote in person during a presidential election right yeah yeah correct and we had data from the last crime and we do have data from the last primary so um but hopefully as I said um we we have some alternative locations for anyone that's listening uh we have quite a list uh and we'd love to um give our schools back to an instructional Day on on those primary and election days and then if you will notice also um the 2025 26 draft is up for review it is not um to be approved yet uh but we thought we would post it to let you uh take a look at it um so that um any feedback we welcome and then uh we'll make a recommendation um at the next board meeting thank you Dr Foster thank you um can we post this on the website just so people as a draft just so people could take a look at it absolutely thank you Dr Foster if anyone in the community has any comments on this who should should they reach out to I'm I I will be happy to receive them you'll take the calendar emails calend yes exactly wonderful um I think it's great to post it on the website my suggestion might be I don't know the clarifying language that um we understand that this I don't know if you can fit that but that you know that this one day is a little awkward and it's because of XYZ we understand no no you don't want any clarifying language like what do you mean oh the the the I me 25 2526 yeah the Christmas break there also did it not it is January 2nd is another early return it is a Friday um you know that may not be the most ideal but again our goal is always to embed snow days and we want to end before um juneth because there are two holidays one the state recognizes and one um that the um country recognizes and so um that's our goal but again if um we get voting out of the schools that's another opportunity first thing we did we will do those are the two days we are going to give back so it may be helpful if that's posted on the website to to indicate that that that that that day would be given back should we get perhaps you know that's what I meant by clarifying language yes but and also maybe subject change yeah it's a draft yes yeah it's a draft yes how do other districts handle juneth uh the uh most districts um and and here's what it is um tricky um most districts actually avoid both the State Rec recognized Friday right it's always the third Friday in June but many communities have um uh activities and events on the national juneth day so most school districts try to avoid both of those days for school um I believe Hopewell had off and then had to come back like that next week next year for 25 26 they they have off and they coming back and they come back in the following week so stay tuned thank you thank you Dr Foster okay uh moving on we have our first uh public comment uh on any item that you would like to discuss with us or talk to us about uh and um we had the sign up and we have one person Jaclyn fararo so please come on up uh you have three minutes please um just say your uh your name and the street you live on hi hi good evening U my name is Jacqueline fusero and I wanted to talk to you a little bit about the middle school schedule um because in the fall we're we're planning on taking away both uh Paws and also well not taking away entirely pause but uh every four days it'll meet now and we're also planning on taking away recess and I understand that this is because you are concerned about uh the test scores which also I've seen and I'm also concerned but I also in looking at that uh we've spent a lot of time talking about the math curriculum and how under the previous uh chair uh the pre-algebra curriculum did not cover important prealgebra topics the algebra 1 course for the entire first marking period was in fact pre-algebra which meant that uh seventh graders taking that course only had three quarters to take and learn all of Algebra 1 which was just too much for these students so it's not that surprising to me that those scores were low um we also have a concern in terms of the LA scores for economically disadvantaged and culturally diverse students and also there I think uh the most important thing we need to do is look at the curriculum because we're also using Lucy ckins in terms of our Ela curriculum and I think that's something we need to look at because 15 states have banned her work um and that's because of the fact that it tends to work a lot better for students coming from more advantaged communities because they get more exposure at home and the Lucy Caulkins model is basically it assumes that if kids get enough exposure they'll figure out syntax and and reading and literacy on their own and that doesn't work for all children which is why we've struggled in districts that use her model I I taught in the New York City public school system and we had kids who came in who used one of the things they taught the kids was just to read the pictures and some kids adopted that as their primary mode of of literacy and for those children who did that um they they never really learned how to interact with the language and and the content um and we had to actually just cover up the pictures and and teach them to to look at the words to force them to look at the words we don't use her her reading curriculum which is very good we have a very strong literacy curriculum in terms of reading but we do use her writing um which is something that I think they're piloting a new program for next year and working on that but I think we should work on that um before we take away lunch and I'm sorry before we take away recess um is is improving the curriculum um and and also one significant concern is at the time is not going where I think we all assume it is of the five core content subjects they're only gaining 65 minutes each week um but the four EPS plus Health racial literacy and Home Room are actually gaining 9 1 minutes um each week and and I can show you um where the the time thank you um so the current eay schedule has 43 minute periods um which compared to next year's proposed schedule is only one minute fewer per class and 13 more minutes of lunch in recess home room is reduced from the current proposal of seven minutes to just two um and free play and recess is incredibly important because it allows students to grow cognitively and problem solving and risk-taking and can lead to decrease in anxiety and that's really important now because so many kids are having mental health issues and we need to support these kids in 2001 the Council of physical education for children and National Association for sports and physical education recommended that PA classes not be replaced by unstructured playtime for recess and this is a group of physical education teachers who said we don't want to see Jim replacing recess so I think that's important to consider um and then the other issue is I I know for my son if you give him a combined lunch recess he's just going to eat out of a a vending machine and he's going to just run outside and play um and I think we're going to see a lot of kids do that and that's going to be a huge issue I know one other problem is that um the outdoor recess is canceled a lot but I think we need to look into that because we we call that at 35 degrees um which there's one school district in Minnesota that calls it at minus5 degrees I don't think we need to go that cold but I think there's somewhere in between that that different Oak up there right right I don't think our children are that Hardy but I think we we could be a little bit more um uh we could keep more recess the other issue is please consider that we're talking about reducing pause to every four days they're also taking away the paused passes so the kids have to stay in the pause class um but we're doing that at the same time that we're reintroducing tracking in mathematics and the problem is before the students could use their pause classes to go to their Math teachers and learn the curriculum so what's going to happen and my concern is that we may see students who are not able to get out of the lower track math classes now I'm not telling you have to keep pause because I understand the concerns with that that not all children are using their time effectively so there's a lot of other options there are online programs in which can support students in learning pre-algebra independently and then also maybe there's also the possibility of having an EP for the students to work together collaboratively to learn the mathematics that aren't in their core class the lower track math classes if they want to move up to Algebra 1 the next year um so I I think we just need to look into Alternatives if you want to get rid of pause or at least the ability to leave pause to go help get help with your M teacher because otherwise I think the students are going to get stuck in their original tracks and I don't think any of you are going to be happy with that um if that happens um thank you thank you thank you um Dr two did you have anything you want to add not sure we talked to Mr M Mr B I did speak to Mr B yes I did a lot of you know work on this I do want to speak to your Ela concerns I hear you we well much very well aware um we are piloting K5 programs next year to move away we have currently supplemented withon Gillingham explicit instruction and then we would pilot 68 the following year because our K5 solution might have a 68 solution piece so we want to kind of roll it up we're very much aware of those concerns and then are utilizing things like um gosh I'm totally blanking on the program right now but there's an explicit writing instruction program that we're training our AIS teachers and some other things so that students have some explicit instruction right great so that's that's what they need but I I'd hope to see the curriculum changes coming because the math is being fixed next year so it's seems like it's a little bit concerning that we're taking away recess instead of waiting for the curriculum to be fixed first and seeing if that solves some of our problems so that's my concern one thing when we were working with Mr mcon Mr ver please help the Dr one of things that they also wanted to do with the schedule was the static they wanted static because of the drop and rotation it was a lot of executing function issues and like that and they were trying to maximize staff and class SI because there's only so many minutes in the day and we weren't fully utilizing staff so that they can teach six period so we know that no schedule isect perfect and I hear you with that I was I'm a middle school teacher I understand that those kids need to move they need that te impression and so we have had conversations behind the scenes with school of saying listen let's see how this home run works out because if you don't need seven minutes maybe you need three minutes whatever can we add that to lunch can we room I we joke if we could keep them till 5 o' which parents say please do it we can get everything in but we can't get everything in so we know that there might be an evolution and some tweaking that has to happen um along the way um but we know um that pause has been a concern and that lunch shorten lunch recess right right thank you we appreciate your sharing your concerns with us thank you all right uh there is no one just for the people watching at home there is no one else in the public that is not a school district employee so um and I don't know if you have any does anyone want to comment anything on your mind no nothing okay so uh moving on uh we have harassment intimidation and bullying and then we have H2 harassment intimidation and bullying hearing um could I get a motion please Beth second Betsy Stan Kendall yes bety Bagel yes Beth Baron yes Adam Beerman we voted on what we talked about yes oh oh no respectfully no Debbie bronfeld yes Mar franceski abstain Elanor herard abstain Susan canther yes Brian McDonald yes motion passes thank you Mr Balden uh moving on now uh we have board committee highlights wow that went fast um yes and so I will um who the equity is gonna be with the equity repor is going to be with Debbie bronfeld thank you the equity committee met on zoom on Wednesday July 10th at 6m the focus of our meeting was a presentation by Laurence Samara the district's new supervisor of mtss and special projects Lauren spent the past 20 I'm sorry 20232 24 school year as the elementary interventionist which was a state-mandated role due to Princeton's disproportionality classification of Hispanic students with a specific uh learning disability Lauren shared her work throughout throughout the year which included such Innovations innov Innovations wait a minute initiative sorry as an IM sound wall a shift from a traditional inrs model to a data team model at JP and Littlebrook and high impact tutoring for students the board is grateful for Lauren and she will continue to look at all the data provided and support students to improve their achievement our next Equity meeting will be September 9th at 700 p.m. on Zoom thank you thank you Debbie uh next up is long-term planning with um Beth Baron hi Beth hi there um good to be here nice to have you here thank you back from Wisconsin um we met a long-term planning met on the 11th at 4:30 pm and we talked about the fact that we have filed the projects the growth the growth and capacity projects are now filed with the state and we look forward to hearing comments back and moving forward with those we are targeting a January 28th referendum date we're doing our best to make that it if it could it does slide it slides but we're doing everything in our power to make that happen um and we were very happy to hear about that from our Architects and from our administrators they have also been meeting with the municipality talking about how they um getting onto the planning board schedule and making sure that the municipality is um kind of coordinating with us as we move forward to move these projects along um we had to check in quickly on the playground projects there's a phase one and a phase two phase one being done this summer in phase two to come in in next year given that there are longer lead times on those approvals some of them even the canal commission and other things like that that takes some time um and we hope to have more information specifically on which ones will be done this summer uh soon um and then we spent the bulk of our time talking to the um uh Communications firm that we have uh secured the Laura Bishop group in order to help us with the growth referendum projects and we are looking forward to speaking with them again on the 14th of August to talk through more specifically the timeline for how we communicate things and how we develop our messaging and to make sure we have basic information on the projects available to the public um in August with in connection with the orientation and the coming back to school um so we look forward to kind of working with that firm we were very pleased with their help in the previous referendum and we felt that they gave very clear and simple materials that explain things to the public so um we're very happy to have them helping us again and we again meet in on the 14th to talk about Communications and on the 15th at 4:30 p.m. we will have another meeting to talk about the projects and other planning issues and is that open or uh closed closed closed um can I ask you a question about the are you finished yes yes um the referendum for January 28th um could you just explain uh why um I think the state only has a certain number of days that we can put a referendum out correct there's Matt do you want to speak to that yes September uh November the general election December um January and March so there statutory dates the state has on occasion so it's the 4th uh Tuesday in January which this year happens to be the 28th yeah the state has on occasion changed those dates um but it's usually stuck to the um the statutory date and and that we're being driven to those dates through the fact that we're in the with the state now the projects are with the state the state reviews them they also receive comments from the planning board from Prin and so it takes 90 days to hear back uh and then we have to address those comments and it that was my next question so the planning board I is the me has that been set are we on the uh agenda yet we're working through that y okay and that's a courtesy hearing or um do they have any um courtesy hearing they have 45 days to to comment on our projects once they're submitted I believe it's 45 days and if there are no comments they they move forward no matter what but they have the option of giving some comments to the state so that we can consider okay all right well sounds good please keep us posted thank you thank you um moving on now to operations with uh Susan ker hi we met on July 2nd at 800 a.m um in open session we were updated on both uh work happening on for the 2022 referendum and the 2023 referendum this summer um Matt and his team are overseeing such a vast number of projects that I can't even make this report short so it includes Roofing at PHS PMS JP and Riverside there's also smaller HVAC projects going on in the elementary schools and clearly weather like today demonstrates how important these projects are to the district other projects we received updates on included uh the security door and Handles in our in our middle school and high school security the security vestibules at PHS the PHS cafeteria upgrades at the PMS pool um and then non- referendum work includes uh the PHS training room renovation we also went over um a fire the fire alarm uh maintenance contract which is on the agenda for approval tonight and the JP cell amplifier our contract which is also on the agenda for approvement t for approval tonight um in sustainability as we always discuss in every meeting uh we discussed um Energy Efficiency School competitions that took place this year and how to expand those competitions for next year to more schools and congrats to the Little Brook School for their win this year we also touched we touched on uh solar which is on the horizon and additional Sustainable New Jersey applications that Jenny lmar has submitted uh on behalf of the district and we're waiting to hear back on those um the meeting actually had a lot more topics but keeping it short um our next meeting is August 14th at 8: a. and it is open to the public thank you Susan can I ask you a question just add two quick notes um one is um there are a record number of projects and um I think five to five or six different contractors who are working here this summer so new road construction is providing two full-time uh project managers who are here on site every day with more on call as needed and I just wanted to offer special thanks to Matt Dave Hardin um The Architects and many other people um who are working on behalf of the district to get everything done um as quickly as possible okay do you have a second because I had a question but you said you had two points was that it that was both of them that was both of them okay so yeah so my question is when uh we come back in September what what's going to change what's going to be finished and I did listen to everything but it was too much what's going to be finished yes hopefully everything no no no I'm just I mean of course I'm not so there are always construction projects yeah there as you're alluding to I we look forward to the cafeteria at PHS which will be anticipate a beautiful cafeteria at the high school um the vestibule the security vestibule at the high school so that uh both in the front and the back of the school great so uh new roofs new roofs at the high school new roofs in four different schools do um so that we'll be ready to begin in Earnest our quest for solar um HVAC work so there'll be certain places that have had poor circulation of air that will have better you know offices and and spaces that we'll have um that we will have um a updated training room so that that one it provides uh some classroom space that was needed and allows uh the training team to work uh on the students in a much uh safer and better manner so we're excited uh and the pool do we expect uh the lighting is being worked on I um you're doing some maintenance on the pool itself and then I think you are working on the um we're looking at starting blocks um the vendor that's chosen has one representative in this country um and they're having trouble getting their uh New Jersey business registration certificate so are those the ones that use the Olympic the Omega product yes from Switzerland so we're working on that and then that's our luck some other you know Anway work around the pool um maybe resurfacing the pool deck um yeah while the pool was empty they thought they would try to do some updates to make that sounds good and um Cecilia Burge the high school principal is in the audience tonight please invite us for a grand opening of the cafeteria and um we'll check out the new food service and we would like to check out those vegetables as well and maybe the roof so yeah that's great but of course there's always delays and we won't be angry like the time the elevator didn't work remember um we're gonna we're not we understand these things happen so um but that's really exciting that's a lot of work going on yeah I am no I remember the elevator inspector came out on the Tuesday after Labor Day yeah yes it's very hard to make them move yes I know but it's truly an unprecedented amount of work being done in this District this summer it's it's so good job so so Beth briyan Susan Debbie Mara thank you uh for you know being the board stewards on this and keeping a close eye um and I had one question on the playgrounds phase one one okay um oh and Adam I'm sorry um phase one of the playgrounds what does that entail so when the kids come back in September sorry only only mat what's that yeah we're still um you know we're still working with our Engineers um we're so there's a lot of moving Parts with the playgrounds um no as we know um we're hoping to uh redo the Gaga pits ahead of time but we're you know so we don't know what we don't know right so there're a lot of cost so that's why we're using Engineers to figure out yeah what um can be repaved what can you know what the costs are but you don't know that until you actually do core samples in the um you don't just throw down asphalt right there's layers and layers below there so you know you hope to do it and last for 20 years not five years we've all seen in various places where they just put down asphalt poorly so um you know it takes MyWay you had a bad okay that's not good got to get it sealed every what three years we don't like the sealing it makes it slippery we don't seal part of the bylaws just trying to help I would get it sealed I'm trying to get my driveway sealed where are we going with this I just want to know so there's a lot of work going on I just wanted to know um come September you know what are what are families and parents going to see uh that's changed I understand sounds like a lot we hope yeah we're working on it great right thank you all right uh moving on now wait oh person Debbie okay thank you uh the Personnel committee met on July 9th we discussed leave of absences for the 2425 school year we discussed a streamlined organizational chart for the district which is still being updated we discussed a few job descriptions and we discuss new hires for the 2425 school year thank you thank you Debbie um next up policy with Beth um we met on July 2nd and we talked about the class size a policy that is on the agenda for first read tonight um this is an important policy that we have been talking about for quite a while because we would like to let the community know what we're targeting and what we're aiming for particularly as we do the growth projects so people understand what we would like the the class sizes to be that said we can't always control them and there are times where that we will not be able to achieve those but we are definitely you know our administrators are targeting this as a policy um we also talked about preparation for a meeting with the ld16 representatives which I can talk about at the end of this very briefly um and we it was a light meeting um and we look forward to at our next meeting on August 14th talking about um the Strauss Esme policy update that we received we get these periodically they come from the service that helps us with our policy manual and they make uh they show us what is on legally and um based on case law you know recommended and required that we update in our entire manual so we be starting on another big batch of those next time um so that was that was our meeting so our next meeting is 8:14 um and then I can briefly speak to the legislative um meeting so we have as a as a district uh made an effort to meet with our ld16 uh Representatives representative Fryman drulis and zwicker and so we succeeded after a number of months of back and fourth in getting an audience we had about half an hour with them and we do hope to repeat this again but we wanted to share with them kind of unique issues to our district many of which we do share with other districts in the state we wanted them to hear our perspective on things we spoke to them about um our financial situation and the impacts of the 2% cap and some of the particular things that are difficult where we are required to only increase our operating revenues by or our operating budget by 2% year-to year but we have things like the charter school costs and Charter School tuition and our special education outplacement rates which just go up with no cap with no no bearing on on any sort of restriction and and with inflation and we also have transportation costs so it's very difficult for us to be managing our our our budgets moving forward we wanted them to hear specific issues that hit our hit our pocketbook and we also explained to them the unique uh situation in Princeton where we have residential taxpayers shouldering a large portion of the burden we don't have the commercial ratables other districts have we have many large nonprofits so we we wanted to emphasize again that even in Princeton where we seem to be doing quite well and we've been very fortunate to be making our budgets every year unlike neighboring districts we still feel the the the pinch and they're working on that this summer in terms of M um changing the funding formula so we wanted them to hear from us and Dr Foster spoke to them about a number of curricular curricular issues including unfunded mandates like the Hib things that are important and we think help students but we have no funding that's been given to us to implement them to have training to have PD on things um we've been required to revise both our Ela and math curriculum over this summer two significant course areas that require extensive work in the summer I know that West winster Plainsboro estimated it will cost some $300,000 to do it this summer that's due by September and there's been no um sense that anyone's going to wave any of these requirements um we have a lot of social emotional learning requirements that are unfunded and we are working on this voting in school and we explain to them how that significantly impacts our school calendar um and we ALS o mentioned to them the teacher shortage and tried to suggest a few simple things that might help like making certifications more flexible and helping with reciprocity saying that people who have certifications in Pennsylvania and New York should be able to teach in New Jersey and vice versa um and there's some simple things that they can do but unfortunately uh at the state level there's a lot of politics and there's a lot of um com complexity and so they have trouble passing legislation and they do not have any sort of and we we have a strategic plan in this District we have annual goals we all know we're moving the same direction when you look at the state level and the Department of Education and the legislature there is no strategic plan there is nothing um we have no guidance no leadership and no help with things like Ai and um other other major initiatives that uh 600 districts in the state should be given some guidance so we kind of really talked their ear off in the half hour and we hope to do it again in a couple months um so it was a good first meeting it was very positive and you know thank you for your efforts in organizing that meeting and also our good friend Jee Durban for her efforts yeah um and it's you are on vacation and you find time to do all this and so just your commitment is uh inspiring well thank you yeah thank you and and can I add that you you keep you keep plugging away because um yeah there's a lot of politics in the state government they have a lot of conflicting issues you know better than I do right but I think it's important to hear from us as individual District and they we their consents and when they introduce legislation we don't agree with they need to know you know they should check with us we have very experienced Educators ready to speak and we emphasize that so thank so thank you for your efforts I know it's diff difficult but do we um are you like a lob you kind of like are a de facto lobbyist you think from the board no no I'm not a lobbyist uh I do um it would help I do in a personal capacity sit on the Garden State uh Coalition of schools we belong to that and help on the executive board there so I'm able to bring back um what I'm learning and try to share it with my colleagues and um in policy we talk about advocacy in every meeting and policy meetings are open to the public um oh they're archived too you can watch it too yeah uh policy meetings are not filmed no no but n njsba archives a lot of information and New Jersey Spotlight but that's another story you can find out a lot of information quickly all right well we'll pick this up next month good all right thank you Beth uh and last but not least a student achievement with very quick report a lot of what we spoke about was already spoken about in other committees uh we met July 12th at 11:00 a.m. on Zoom we spoke about the calendars that Dr Foster um mentioned are on our agenda this evening and we do invite the public to to weigh in on the 2526 calendar as Dr Foster said until our August meeting uh Lawrence Mara and Mickey chrisly came to our student achievement meeting as well as our Equity meeting about the disproportionality report that Debbie spoke about uh we spoke about opt two and some changes specifically for high school students uh for health and PE actually not Health just PE um and so parents just stay tuned for more information about how to um engage the option two process if that's important and and the right decision for your child um could you just explain briefly what option two is what option two is uh that means that a student takes part in athletics in some capacity um the state does mandate how many minutes Kim 150 per week and that is the only subject that is mandated there's a number actually mandated uh by the state and so we have an ability almost every school district does I think um but we have an ability for students who do meet that out of school or even with our in school sports um in the afternoon to be able to um there's some paperwork involved but option two will give them some free time during the school day to do some do some work um and then we talked about the class policy which we spoke about in policy so a lot of these topics went to student achievement our next meeting is August 16th at 11:00 a.m. we hope you join us thank you Betsy um so now moving on um to uh policies for first reading J1 and it's that um policy that both Beth and Betsy mentioned and um for people at home please take a look at it uh and we would welcome your comments um so you can write to Beth um with any comments you might have on the policy yeah because we're interested um we've over the years we've heard a lot we used to have a policy that had the class siiz numbers we took it away once um the enrollment was growing and space wasn't um but now we've reimplemented it and so we do want to hear from the community if it's if they're aligned with what um you think they should be um moving on now to Personnel K1 resignations um and I just want to say um we have two two staff members resigning that um taught my children or were staff members uh Jackie cats uh biology teacher and kin and Taria um and both um you know really made an impact uh Jackie cats um you know we wish her all the best she took a job as a supervisor in another district and we just wish her all the best um next up is um appointments um then we have uh transfer reassignments L for uh retirements sorry what oh sorry sorry K uh Personnel items k6 leave of absence K7 substitutes K8 abolishment of job description K9 curriculum instruction K10 student services K1 uh six period compensation K12 comprehensive Equity plan K13 athletic appointments uh moving on now to um curriculum and instruction one Grant application acceptance can I say something yep so I just I keep forgetting to kind of say this in the public um we get funds another unfunded mandate for our district is because we have so many private schools in our district we as the public school have to do a lot of paperwork for them and this is one of them so we as a district collect the money do some paperwork send it out d d but again it's an unfunded it's not a mandate I I don't oh it is okay an unfunded mandate and we do it with their textbooks and we do it withy techn and just all their stuff all title funds so again we are the only Public School in Princeton but again it's more work on our staff that um isn't going to our children so and I know some of the people in our community send their kids to private schools but again just uh I don't know the percentage but anyway just another item all right thank you um L2 revise uh preap uh private provider contract approval um L3 remote 24 remote learning plan I guess we're we have to have that even though we all hope and pray that we will never have remote learning again um L4 language instruction educational program five student day trips um I was excited to see the esy class is going to uh Monster Mini Golf that's great uh M1 student services is educational placement of pupils 23 24 revised M2 School nursing plan um three special education independent educational evaluations and4 M4 commission for the blind M5 Wilson Reading and language Services revised M6 educational placement of pupils 2425 and M7 uh Grant application acceptance of fy2 federal funds for handicap Ida uh and then we're moving on to business and One Financial reports and two fire and evacuation drills and three joint Transportation agreement with the Lawrence Township Schools uh and four is the grant Mr Balden mentioned the PG uh Clean Energy Future direct install award that's great hbac equipment revised uh then we have uh N5 Eastern Data Telecom J JP cell repeater award so hopefully people at JP thank you to Dr ciso Sten uh if there's an emergency we'll be able to call out let's hope um and six bid award proposal a fire alarm prepare repair time and material for three years ending June 30th 2027 uh then we have as Susan mentioned PHS athletic train our area of innovation General carpentry uh then we have uh an8 fvhd Architectural Group contract Amendment for the playgrounds uh and that's uh using funds from the 23 referendum and then we have N9 registration travel agenda and now we're moving on to our second public comment and uh there's no one from the public here School District employees is there anything you would like to discuss nothing well we appreciate you coming because sometimes it's really hard to talk to chairs and usually this is a very well attended ticket so but not tonight so uh there's no one for public comment so we'll move on to the consent vote can I get AG um a motion to approve the consent agenda items Brian second Susan D yes D Kendall yes Betsy Bago yes Beth Baron yes Adam Beerman uh yes Debbie bronfeld yes Mario franceski yes Elanor hubard yes Susan caner yes Brian McDonald yes consent agenda pass did I get to vote twice y uh no my mic wasn't on the first time okay got it all right because I shouldn't get to vote twice you did not get to vote twice you only get one vote only one vote okay um so it's nine o'clock uh can I get a motion to adjourn Beth second Debbie all in favor all right good night good night