##VIDEO ID:Yy7qlHXVrtA## welcome everybody to the November 18th 2024 regular meeting of the Board of Education please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all for all okay uh all board members are present our first item on the agenda is to go to the open forum tonight we have three speakers um I'm not going to read the rules the rules are placed out there um and so I invite the first Speaker up which is Katie Gabriel on strategic priorities and policy 66.5 good evening my name is Katie Gabriel use she her pronouns I live in Savage and I have two students in the district we have a strategic priority that is to create positive learning environments fostering a welcoming inclusive and safe learning environment for all books are one tool that help people feel welcome and included as well as help us learn more about people who are different from ourselves and better understanding others helps to build a foundation for a safer environment for all which is why I'm surprised to hear two directors asking to remove the selection criteria in policy 66.5 that encourages acquiring media materials that promote Equity or an understanding of the views triumphs or struggles of others there may be some things that go without saying but the importance of equity and understanding others is not one of them you don't have to look far for examples illustrating a continued need for all of us to seek understanding about others and how a lack of understanding can be harmful to our students such as a flyer recently sent out endorsing a slate of candidates including a future board director falsely accusing schools of quote transing and quote our students without parental consent or the co-chair of local moms for Liberty Group emailing the board to notify them that our district is listed on the injunction for a recent case where moms for Liberty and young America's Foundation argued against the Biden administration's Title 9 updates because they include gender identity with within the protective guidelines these examples highlight a clear need for more understanding throughout our community around transgenderism trans and non-binary youth exist in our schools and in our communities studies show they're at higher risk of self harm and suicide attempts due to being bullied and lack of support from within their community and those risks are significantly reduced when these youth are out and are accepted and supported by at least one adult in their life imagine how much safer they would feel in our schools with an entire Community supporting and accepting them we have work to do equity and understanding is not word salid and we cannot assume that the importance of understanding others goes without saying we in the community but especially anyone who has a seat at that table needs to seek understanding of all students especially those from historically marginalized communities so that you're able to act and speak with respect and in support of these students as you draft policy and make decisions when we say we're creating a welcoming inclusive and safe environment for all students we truly need to create that environment for all students their safety and their success depends on it thank you uh next we have Michael Gillis speaking on the uh Library materials policy good evening board chair France School Board directors superintendent Thomas student representative district leadership and my fellow community members my name is Michael Gillis I'm a parent of two students in Prior Lake Savage area schools and I'm a Community member a taxpayer and a voter tonight I'd like to comment on policy 66.5 selection of library and media media materials I wish to applaud the board and District leadership for the effort it has made to review and refine this policy and I also wish to express recognition of the transparency demonstrated by the board and District leadership in the review and refinement process the policy ensures that students in Prior Lake Savage area schools will have access to materials that are educational interesting and engaging as written the policy aligns with the district's vision mission priorities and core beliefs is outlined by the Strategic plan published this past summer children will be able to access materials that will broaden their Horizons and understanding helping them build their background knowledge and insight to enable them to grow and develop to become thriving members of our community and live their best lives I am happy to see that the policy places trust in our library media Specialists paid professionals with years of experience and hours upon hours of training often including more than one Advanced degree when my children were in elementary school here I trusted the professional Judgment of the library media specialist in their school building as my children have progressed into District secondary schools my trust has also extended to the professionals at those buildings by approving this policy the board will send a message to our library media Specialists throughout the district that their professionalism is respected and appreciated their judgment valued and trusted additionally through the work of the policy advisory committee the board has demonstrated transparency keeping stakeholders informed of the process and engaging community members in the decision-making that led to the policy being presented and voted on tonight this policy is comprehensive and robust it ensures Learners will be able to access materials to enhance their Learning and Development as human beings in a Democratic Society something we can all agree on the process to review and refine the policy was likewise thorough and transparent for community stakeholders as a community member as a voter as a taxpayer but most importantly as a parent I am satisfied I urge the board to approve this policy tonight thank you uh next we have Kevin Andress I can't read your writing so I apologize and and Andre andrec uh on congratulations to new members and the referendum good evening Uh Kevin androck no one ever gets it right so that's fine I appreciate all of you and all the work you do it's uh selfless work that uh doesn't get appreciated Michael Thomas PhD appreciate you as well Community I'm here to congratulate the two new board members that are going to be coming on that just got recently elected I think it's fantastic that we're going to actually have some uh hopefully some accountability to Reading Writing and arithmetic and and really focused on the actual reason kids go to school is to learn instead of all of the focus being on a hug here and a hug there we can teach kids reading writing and arithmetic even if we can make them also be respectful so I would hope that with um coming back board member maybe I wasn't here when you were there and uh we can see that just as a note I've got a graduate from a college with a a degree in biology with a minor in finance and chemistry I've also got a academic All-American at Hillsdale College sophomore shik actually graduated number one in her class here in 2023 but this board doesn't allow for the recognition of a valedictorian um which I think is ridiculous we should be celebrating the Excellence of all the kids and everything that they do so I hope that the other board member that got reelected actually reenters themselves and really you guys focus on the kids and the kids academics arithmetic reading and writing thank you okay with that um I'm going to ask the board for a motion in a second and an approval of the agenda so by director olad and a second second second by director White okay all in favor I I opposed okay that passes 70 um next on the on the uh agenda we have the consent agenda the consent agenda items that are routine in nature and enacted by one motion there will be no separate discussion of these items unless a board member or citizens so requests in which event the item will be removed as a consent agenda item and addressed the consent agenda includes financials which includes the check andwar uh transfer dispersement summaries and details um the bank reconciliation statement the PMA Financial monthly wire detail monthly health and dental wire detail monthly check detail and monthly a detail purchase orders above 25,000 the monthly financial report the enrollment report the approval of Schoolboard minutes and Personnel items which consist of candidates for employment retirements resignations terminations non-renewals and leaves of absence it also includes the 24 20242 organizational chart and the Assurance of compliance report so I'd like a motion in a second so by director bernick in a second sorry director cby okay um chair France I'd like to pull 7 C the monthly finan cial report um for further discussion okay that will be moved to the first of new business okay so I need an amended motion for the consent agenda for all items except for 7 C so by director Atkinson second by bernick okay all in favor I I I that passes seven zero okay so next on the agenda we have um the uh resolution of acceptance of gifts and tonight we have three gifts a $1,000 gift for the community ed Halloween party from the PRI Lake Lions Club a $500 gift for the community at Halloween party by the pr Lake VFW and then uh mcaps wish wish list donor list who donated supplies by shuup petel furth niosi Ericson Parker Jameson Floric Rook Builder group Lyman Lumber and the Mayo Clinic this is a I need a motion in a second first made by director bullion second who was that ber bernick okay by director bernick second this is a roll call vote we'll start with director olad I director Crosby I director bernick I director bullan I director white I director Atkinson I and I so that passes 70 okay next on the agenda we have the Laker Pride special recognition and Laker showcase and I'm going to hand this over to Dr Thomas thank you chair Friends board of directors tonight I want to talk a little bit about um our tutoring program our peer tutoring program that we have started through our achievement and integration um Grant um for the 2425 school year we've introduced this tutoring program where students get support from their peers these students take time out of their day to tutor fellow high school students during Laker time and if they have open hours they also go work with middle school students during their advisory hours um and after school homework help um students apply for the job and are selected based on their academic success and their willingness to help others and these students find a lot of value in supporting other students to succeed representing the strong Spirit of Laker pride and tonight uh I'm going to have director Oak come forward and we will talk a little bit more about the program as well director Oak um we have um some certificates that I'll allow you to distribute afterwards surek you yeah and I I can go in a little bit more about the program when I do the presentation of the achievement integration Grant um but I will just add to uh that these students are not only a resource for academic support to their peers but they're also a mentor as well uh they selflessly uh selflessly give up their one hour additional sleep time during Laker time or a peaceful lunch at high school to go off and and help tutor middle school kids um there during their advisory time um and sometimes for those who are able to go uh after school they also take part in supporting the the middle school kids there as well too so without further Ado I'll start with the back row here and I'll start with um Jasmine to Headway you guys you can come up here and um I will pass out the um certificate once everybody is up here [Music] um I forgot your let me find your certific get here with that though Haiti delato you can come up here Arena D there you go why did you come up here and just stand up in the front Joe Joe Sher uh Ben sandville uh Hayden boyss and um D mun Deon mun uh Abby and Via yep let's move back a little bit here you guys can form two rows if you want I'm going to get your picture taken and then we also have Emy and Tyler um Emy Creskoff and Tyler andring who couldn't make it as well um tonight uh but these uh students are selected based on their um academic standings there and really their willingness to help their peers is also um we have limited time uh for tutoring so they they come and they talk to me um on top of the available structures that we have they also carve up additional times too to be able to help their peers their whole goal is to help the peers succeed and and and achieve their goals in education so it is definitely something that that represents The Spar Laker prize so I would ask all of you to give them a hand [Applause] fa [Applause] job okay next next on our agenda is Personnel items and I'm going to hand this over to director Herman chair friends my apologies my computer froze chair friends members of the board the first additional Staffing request is for additional kids co- Staffing um that comes out of the o4 fund to support the increase in an enrollment in that program okay I need a motion in a second so made by director bullan second second by director Crosby are there any questions for director Herman okay hearing none all in favor I I opposed okay that passes 70 uh the next item is the Staffing restructure and director Herman chair friends members of the board um tonight we're bringing forward a staffing restructure request to the board to convert a 1.0 health aid to a point six licensed school nurse um at the Edgewood programming in the early childhood programming we are seeing that we have a reduction in health office visits that would typically be serviced by a health aid position but a significant increase in um in student needs that require a licensed school nurse so with some recent moves um in those uh and some retirements and resonations we were able to um have an opening and a 1.0 health aid that we are asking to convert to a0 6 um licensed school nurse that differential and cost about 30,000 will be covered by the O2 fund or sorry the 04 fund um the additional 4,500 is anticipated to be covered by billable Services um through a third party billing because the licensed school nurse um some of those Services can be charged back through that okay I need a motion in a second by director berck second second by director olad are there any questions for director Herman I just have one question it looks like it's a zero sum basically to the fund one based on what you just said chair fors members of the board that is what we anticipate okay all right all in favor I I I opposed okay that passes 70 and the next one is item C additional Staffing for 2425 CNS chair friends members of the board um out of the O2 Food Services funds we are seeing our uh Staffing levels return to preco numbers and needs for additional um Services especially with the congestion for moving um from six period day down to three period day so we're asking to increase um the hours per uh by 4.75 per day um the entire cost would come from the O2 um Food Services fund so there'd be no impact to the general fund I need a motion in a second by uh director white second second by director olad are there any questions for director Herman okay hearing none all in favor I I opposed okay that passes 70 next item is the memorandum for understanding for theou for the campus supervisors director Herman chair for hands members of the board um as part of a petitioning process through the Bureau of mediation services the campus supervisors have pos position U petitioned um and it is passed through the bureau Medias and services for them to be included in the bargain unit for um Minnesota School Employees ass NE iation so with that we negotiated with that Union to determine which level Lane and benefits they would be eligible for and that is what is covered in theou I need a motion in a second by director actinon and director Crosby okay any questions for director Herman I believe the amounts in theou uh were're already discussed so um I have no questions either all in favor I opposed okay that passes 70 next we have the agreements and terms and conditions basically the contract for the 24 uh 2426 um term and I'm going to hand this over to uh director Herman chair friends members of the board um and continuing to work through all of our contracts so 2426 we're bringing forward um five of our contracts these are all of our contracts of casual um seasonal positions um so that they um meain increases in their salaries all of these settlements are within the board parameters that were set okay I need a motion in a second so Me by director bullan second director by berck director bernick any questions for director Herman on the contract okay hearing none all in favor I I opposed okay that passes 70 and the last one is the additional Staffing for the co-curricular coach uh that is funded by the booster club director Herman chair friends members of the board tonight we're asking for an increase of 1.0 stien for the dance coach positions um we have agreement from the booster um booster club to fund that fully um that is based off of increase in partic ipation as you can see in theou or sorry the the memo has increased from 27 all all the way up to 62 in the last four years um so looking for your um your approval of of this mou with the booster fund funded positions can you a motion in a second made director olad second second by white director white any questions for director Herman I just had one one question um and that's we are transitioning the middle school to be part of a district run program and before it was a private program that was run through the school is that a correct statement um chair Frans I um I believe that occurred two years ago um so with that that move over um that is why you're seeing a jump in participation is because it used to be um part of an LLC um and it it has since been run by the district okay thank you for that clarification uh any other questions okay all in favor I I uh opposed that passes 70 okay we have no unfinished business and for new business we're going to jump immediately to the item that was taken off of the consent agenda which is 7c yes thank you um so pulling out the monthly financial report particularly page three um with the results of the levy vote I was wondering if um director Frederickson could give our community an overview of our monthly financial and year-to dat financial highlights including our revenue and expenses and our current status of our fund balance I think it'd be very helpful for um the community to to hear where we're at from a financial standpoint um so to clarify you want additional information then what's in the financial statement No I think I just I think that it'd be helpful for the community to hear where we're at for as far as like um you know our un our fund balance is at 18% or you know to just walk through this statement of where we're at um there was a lot of fear coming out of the levy I've heard from parents and community members of what's going to happen if the levy fails and will I be able to send my kid to school tomorrow will the lights be still be on and so I think from my perspective looking at our financial statement here it gives me really a really good feeling of where we're at financially and I think that would be a positive thing to share with our community as far as where we're at with Revenue expenditures and our fund balance so to be clear um when we present these Financial reports every month um we've always made sure that everybody understood this is a point in time so this is as of the end of September it hasn't really had a lot of um some of the contracts that we've paid it hasn't had um some of the um contracts that or the employment contracts that have been approved so there's a lot of things that's not in this um financial statement yet because again it's just through the end of September um the percent of the fund balance varies throughout the year um it'll look different in October because we don't get get the property tax payments um we always skip the um state aid in the month of October because it's property tax collection so it'll look different in October um I don't think that there's been any different than the five-year forecast that I gave last month um we are still um going to be using the fund balance that was approved by this board we're trying to save money where we can um but I think just from the Financial board or this packet um you're not seeing the whole picture yet so there are many things uh we have some Transportation issues we're looking at enrollment increases there so there's just it's very early in the year to just look at a September financial statement and be able to predict what's going to happen for the rest of the year but the fund balance is it does look high but again we it's at a point in time and it'll kind of even itself out throughout the year you okay any other questions all right I'm going to ask for a motion any second to improve item 7c on the consent agenda by director Crosby second second by director white all in favor I I I uh opposed okay that passes 70 uh next under new business we have the comprehensive achiev achievement and Civic Readiness presentation I think they call it kaker which is the new version of world's best Workforce so I hand this over to director Z Bush yes okay good evening chair friends members of the board um tonight we are giving the comprehensive achievement and Civic Readiness and achievement and integration report um I don't know what the what did you say kaker as yeah it's very it's pretty much the same requirements as world's best Workforce at this point um there could be changes down the line but at this time it's basically the same presentation that we've uh given before um just to orient you we are talking about data from last school year so um it's a very very late like a report that provides information much past the end of last year um the reporting deadline is around this time of year um just because some data points do take a little while to come in um a lot of this stuff you will have seen in other packages before as we've presented other data um but this is just organized in the kind of requirement uh the different categories as laid out by kaker okay um okay uh first I want to apologize there was a um error on this slide in the um packet it's since been updated in your board packet um I apologize for that um this is just basic demographics that show that um the percentage of students uh the way their race and ethnicity in our district compared to the state um so here you can see that our percentage of students of color is lower uh than that at the state level uh this also Compares other demographics so our free reduced meal lunch rate is about 19% as compared to the state at 43% um we have slightly lower special education rates and lower English learner rates than uh the state at large the kaker or world's best Workforce goals uh are summarized in these five major categories uh the first is all children are ready for school I know we've talked about this one before it's a little bit tricky for us to um report on that since we have very Li limited uh Sway and um impact over the Readiness um but we do report on that per requirement um the third grade reading level is one that's been around for a long time and still is important uh with the read act to look at that um the third is about racial and economic achievement gaps um so we'll talk about a few uh data points that have been disaggregated for this purpose uh ready for college and career and then uh graduation uh School Readiness we're measuring by our incoming fall fastbridge data of kindergarten students uh here you can see that overall um the rates coming from 2020 to 2024 um maybe have gone up a little bit but have remained fairly steady so um despite you know the pandemic and things like that we're looking at some pretty high especially in the last couple years some high rates of kindergarten Readiness of students academically coming into our system uh the way that these slides work is uh I've laid out what last year's goal is whether we met the goal or not and then articulating the new goal typically the new goal is just uh the same percentage increase as the previous goal um so here the goal would be to increase uh the percentage of students scoring the lowrisk category and fast Bridge early reading increasing from 74 to 76 uh that did not happen um so then the goal would be adjusted down from 71 to 74 uh for next year and again pretty limited um impact over this um but maybe more in the future as Early Childhood um voluntary pre- gets a little bit more popular we'll see uh for third grade reading level um our goal here um is to increase our third grade reading level that's the um grade level that shows in research that is a key marker for whether you're um going to be really successful long term obviously if you're not we can still um do things to help students um but that's really kind of the the research-based um grade level to really um target for for on track reading uh last year's goal was to increase from 59 to 61 um that goal was met it was 65% of students um so then in the future our goal would be to increase that um with all of our react training coming up um we're um definitely hopeful that this is going um and have you know are starting to work through tangible strategies to get this to continue to go up in terms of equity um we are looking at our black African-American students and our Latino Hispanic Latino students um these are the two subgroups that we're watching in particular because of the size in our district there's some subgroups in our district District that do not have a big enough same size to really track at this level um and these are the two groups that are historically um more um underperforming than we would want them to be from a systems level so here you can see that we there was a big increase in Black African-American third grade reading proficiency and a slight de de decline in Hispanic Latino so here um our Hispanic Latino goal was not met and the black African-American goal was met um with that big increase the goal was to get to 35 and it was at 50 um so this just kind of helps us um work on specific strategies that we may need to cater to different groups um these are average ACT composite scores um the overall composite scores and then the state have been um fairly steady you can see here that the state went down 0.1 um and then our district went up 0.1 so very um steady in terms of the composite scores um here that's disaggregated by race ethnicity groups um this is just important just to make sure that all of our groups are getting what they need in terms of um academic support at the high school so our goal was to increase uh those same two groups Hispanic Latino black African-American um with the Hispanic Latino the goal was met it went from um it went to 19.2 um and the goal there was 18 so that one was surpassed and the black African-American um did not meet the goal of increasing um the one point that we were hoping it or anticipating it would this is the percentage of students in rolling in college um in the fall uh our line our line is that blue line there it's um a bit squigger than the state line part of that is because our sample size is low you're just naturally going to get more fluctuation and not as smooth of a line um but it overall the trajectory really holds strong to what the state is showing um here you can also see on the right hand side the percentage of students that go to postsecondary um within the state of Minnesota and then outside the state of Minnesota um also we're finding um especially with the pandemic that students just because they don't go in the fall doesn't mean they don't go it just means that they may have a different path for um acquiring uh post-secondary experience um but this is the percentage of students of our class of 2021 enrolling in college in the um Following fall um here is just a representation of our class of 2024 and the states in which they um attended the fall this fall um so you can see that they're spread across a lot of our country there um developmental education um is a metric that's used to determine whether students are really ready for a career in college there's a lot of metrics to be used um this metric indicates whether a student um needs to take courses that are noncredit bearing courses or non credit bearing um courses in college it's kind of the old term of medial courses in college um we want to decrease this as much as possible because that's requiring students to pay for credits that don't then um accumulate towards a a degree um so we're seeing a little bit um of well our rates went down um both Statewide and Prior Lake Savage area schools um and from 2021 to 2022 I think keeping an eye on that and making sure it's continuing to go down is an important um metric to watch and then rigorous course enrollment this shows the percentage of students um that are enrolled in rigorous courses um IB is a program that we don't have here at this in Prior Lake Savage area schools and it's not a very common program within our state so there you can see there's just a small percentage of students Statewide enrolled in IB um based on some of the other presentations that we've um provided we know that we have a lot of students enrolled in ADV advanced placement courses that AP um and you can see as compared to the state we have a much higher percentage of students enrolling in AP courses um on the left hand side we have concurrent enrollment which is also higher than the state average and then our PSU enrollment is lower than the state average um this really has to do with which programs we offer and which ones we promote and then within those um the percentage of students that are participating so really our Focus has been concurrent and AP here um we've heard this before but just another Point um 80% of our Prior Lake student high school students taking AP courses uh receive a score or three or higher and that gives them uh college credit so that is um something that's really important that a student um can start to acquire those credits while they're still in high school and save on cost and time here's our four-year graduation rate as a district um you can see that for Prior Lake Savage area schools we went up from 94 to 95 um the red is Prior Lake High School stayed steady at 97 um so that 1% increase as a district would be attributed mostly to um our bridges program and it's increase in graduation we've seen there um this is our graduation rate by subgroup uh you can see that a lot of these subgroups are really um in that upper trajectory showing that we're um we're showing some increases that also could be related to the increase in graduation rate um from Bridges because that population at large is more um students of color and more diverse than our um High School uh so I think there's a relationship there that um some of these rates going up um are um not there's no causation but there's a correlation there between um our increase in uh students of color graduation rate um Bridges and the work that's being done there um the state goal is that at least 85% of students in every race and ethnicity group graduate within four years uh so our goal always remains uh 85% or above uh for both our Hispanic Latino and our black African-American um subpopulations we met those goals at 91 and 90% um so the goals moving forward is just keep that as 85 or above um and that's really looking at the Statewide data and what they're looking for within each subpopulation and then I will pass it along to Sam or director Oak sorry so last year was the first year of our achievement and integration Grant it's a new plan that we written um LA to presented two years ago which our first full year of implementation was last year um and just a reminder the reason why we get the achievement integration Grant is because we are in ad joining District to a racially isolated District we first got the grant through being adjoining to the uh shaki School District um who had a significantly higher students of color population than we did at that time when we first originally got the achievement integration Grant we were only at $14,000 about roughly that we were leveraging now we're at uh a little over $941,000 and that's due to the increase in students of color um in our district here um with that being a joining to Shaka uh we also work with Jordan and last year Lakeville reached out to partner with us as well because they became a racially isolated District also so these are are the six goals that we um uh wrote for the achievement integration Grant I'm not going to read through all of them but I'll explain the first goal is our collaborative goal with our other partner districts and that's through doing the work with our caring and committed conversations um the work of caring committed conversations um in Prior Lake here we do it at all K12 schools our um Dina students who is also paid out of the achievement integration Grant leads that work at the building level um and then for our high school students we meet twice a year with uh Shaka and Jordan uh and now also Lakeville to do a combined um caring a committed conversation with them as well um for our elementary school and middle school um once a year we come together um with all schools the site decides but it's usually their fourth and fifth grade students that they bring out uh to take part in the caring and committed conversations and then our goal is set there um and there was a survey that was decided uh by all school districts um to pass out at the end of the year to um record the uh results from from that and I'll go into that a little bit further later on uh the second goal that that we have there is to increase the attendance rate of our uh Native American students um in the the first um in the past uh achievement integration Grant when I first came into the district here we were looking at unexcused absences in our Native American population from um an average of six unexcused absence um at that time our goal was set at at three unexcused AB absence uh last year we reported that we we significantly passed that goal we were down to like really point something in terms of average unexcused absence there for our Native American students so we decided to look at full day um attendance rate this year here um going from 72% to 80% of full day attendance um in the third goal is talking about um increasing uh graduation rate uh for our black students and our Hispanic students which um Dr zush have mentioned those are historically um our populations that have under uh underperformed um in a at a systems level here um number four uh to maintain proportionality in our AP classes and also increase opportunities for our at risk students to take part in minc caps and goal number five we looked at um ensuring that all our teachers have access to um and training to uh culturally relevant and linguistic linguistically responsive pedagogy and then goal number six is to increase engagement there and understanding for our um top five parent groups um uh language groups outside of English which are are Russian speaking parents Spanish speaking parents Somali speaking parents and Vietnamese Vietnamese speaking parents and kamay which is Cambodian speaking parents there so doing activities to engage that population and bringing parent groups out for meetings and trainings around um some of our system pieces systems pieces here so yeah like I said these are some of of the work um that we're doing and we I always say that Equity work is work we do together so it's really not just uh my department Alone um um but and what's in my department here um we have myself um as the equity and inclusion director our language lisons um as well in our Russian Spanish and Somali speaking uh languages along with our native program coordinator and um leison also doing that work there um and I also oversee the homeless Intervention Program uh their homeless bikini vento um which I work very closely with the social workers there uh to help coordinate and provide support to our students who are experiencing um housing instability and homelessness um you've seen today that we we honored and recognized our student tutors this is a new program that we started this year here and tutoring is just one piece of it uh there is a mentorship program that that goes with it as well um the tutors that we honor today provide tutoring uh support in during Laker time um and then after school and advisory time at the middle school there um if the students don't have homework um to to support um for instance when they're working with our our ESL students or English as a second language Learner in the D pod there the students would um have conversation topics with them uh around cultural differences um holidays and things that they um celebrate there um and that goal is to increase the conversational English skills of our our English uh language Learners so there's a lot of support that our students do uh we'll we'll be also opening a um Credit Recovery um during winter break here as well at the high school um and in the future we hope to open um some support at the middle school as well too during winter break and spring break time uh for students who want to catch up on work um whether it's credits at the high school there or need additional support in any subject area at the middle school and I talked a little bit about the uh language specific engagement we found out that our our one our you know our mode of communication doesn't always reach all families um so we do a lot in terms of bringing families in I know some directors have sat in in some of those meetings as well and and helping us do trainings um in um utilizing Infinite Campus uh checking on their students uh uh scores attendance even sometimes the students get really nervous when we talk to to you know to them saying that we're bringing their parents in to help support them in in doing this work here um but as a result of all the work um that we're doing um we we feel like we're performing extremely well we also always say in our department here that our goal is to remove barriers um so that our our schools and our buildings uh can do the work of closing the the achievement and opportunity gaps there um in terms of our caring and committed conversation we've reached our goal and this is a baseline year for us here we set the target of 80% of of students uh what report that they are self-confidence um and and um have stronger seal skills and their vo is being elevated and they're feeling more connected to schools I would have to say though that our sample size was very very small um we sent out the survey at the end of the year and we got very few responses um back but the responses that did report back were um all reporting that they have have gained those confidence um in those areas there um average full day attendance we we've been doing great with our our our Native American population there we went from 72.4% uh there in 2023 to 92.3% here this past year um so that's a huge increase um and this is reported through our educ climber um uh poll here uh the four-year graduation rate as Dr zumos have reported there we're at 90% for our black student population and 91% for our Hispanic student population which um beats out our Target of 86% by 2026 um in AAP classes we we we took the number of of uh students who attended mint caps uh last year and then we wrote the grant um saying um just the general um at risk population because at that time um the old Grant wrote of um targeting our students who are on free and reduced price lunch um and at that time when we wrote the grant we didn't know what was going to happen with uh the lunch uh cost and things like that but even if we just look at our our students who are on free reduced price lunch right now we are at 10% of our maincast popul who are on students free and reduced price lunch if we add other categories like English language Learners special ad we are actually closer to 14% of our students at our um uh admin caps who have those um uh categories um and we reach our goal in terms of maintaining um proportionality in our AP courses as well 18% of our bipac students in the class of 202 2022 we had 18% of our students there um uh who were bipac students and 16% of um bip students uh took AP courses that year there so we're around that that Target there as well um we have access um and training for culturally um relevant and linguistically um responsive teaching practices there um our students uh our teachers in the past have went through c um uh um training with um Dr shaki Holly um and we also have a pby grant that help allows for um teachers to Mentor new teachers coming in um and doing more work on there we also provide a lot of training in terms of the equity Summit and um during um January 2th for Dr Martin Luther King Jr celebration we offer PD there as well too that focuses on um equity and inclusion also um in terms of our parent group uh there and and reaching the target of 80% we are in in progress there um there is a lot of different uh numbers that we are looking at there for our Russian families we have 113 households and now we've um only been able to engage 16 um households there in terms of having them come out and provide that training for our Spanish households we have 151 households and we've worked with 39 households there the groups are getting bigger but there's a lot of returning parents that are coming in to make the group uh bigger our last um uh parent meeting we actually filled up this whole room here for our Spanish speakers there for our Somali speakers we at we are at 119 household and we've worked with 27 households there and And to clarify these are households who are reporting Russian Spanish Somali Cambodian or Vietnamese as their primary language their first language there are going to be many others that are from the community as well to that have um maybe reported English as their first language and these other languages as their secondary language so for our Somali households we have we're at 119 households and we've been working with 27 families so far our Cambodian household we are at 46 households and we've uh worked with 32 um households so far in our Vietnamese uh language we are at 62 households and so far we've connected with four so there's a lot of work that we still have to do in that Community there some of the the work on top of the parent engagement pieces that we do um is we work with Community Ed throw classes and sessions to help engage parents um I run a community EG course where I work with uh students um and parents and engaging them together on um working through their native language of um um um sustaining Cambodian language and culture but that was a way for me to help um kind of do some training for parents that this is how you can support your students in school where these are the questions that you can add and um ask when they're reading a a text um and our Spanish families are are are hoping to do a class as well too for for their um Spanish speakers uh to help continue the training in some of our systems their Infinite Campus um and and um everything else schoy for secondary um family amilies how to register for um courses when registration comes up around here in February as well well that's my report uh Dr zush and I will be able to take some questions okay thank you very very much uh for those comprehensive presentations I'm going to open up to the board to ask questions I have a question um it with all the uh different e families uh you you just shared with um how many households are in each group and and how many that you've been able to reach and and are working um have been able to work with I'm just curious what is the process to growing in those connections what does that look like for you yeah you know our lons are key for sure but what we've been talking as a team here as well too is we don't want to work in isolation and just invite them to our district officer and have meetings on these specific topics we really want to be able to engage the school um as well too and and helping them whether they're coming here with us to to be part of these um uh meetings and therefore being able to uh provide a more direct connection when they go back to the school there um in our our Somali um parent group we talked about our parents wanting to volunteer at the school um Glendale in particular um so that this is an opportunity here that maybe May if we provide that engagement piece for them um we can increase that that engagement because a lot of times we do a lot of meetings they come here they sit and then we tell them that this is some of the things we need to do um it usually go only so far but if we can make that long-term connection where we can do some work together usually that's what what um is becomes more sustaining so definitely involving the the the buildings more um whether it's our leoon going into the building there and taking part in our wolfridge conversations or anything else like that um we had Dena attend wolfridge with uh the kids and she was able to to clarify some of the misunderstanding for our Russian families to to be able to take part in that so those type of work are the areas that that we're going now that we build a a solid group of confidence in some of our families here hoping to expand on that with the help of the building staff um I don't have any questions but I just want to say like thank you to Mr Oak for everything that you're doing um obviously I like been in these conversations I see what you're doing firsthand and I can 100% like guarantee you that there is so much positive impact even if students aren't involved like directly with the events or the conversations that you're having just like knowing that they are happening and knowing that they can get the attention or the help they need is like really helpful and it really helps the culture of P Lake High School too um even if students aren't um needing that help directly just like the the students that are getting informed about these issues and getting informed about the change that is happening I think is really helping the culture and community so thank you all right thank you so much for that for that feedback and I I completely agree and if all of you have the opportunity to attend some of our student events there I would highly encourage it and definitely my my invite will will will go there as well um to for you to take part I know some of you have taken part in the past but um you know for me listen to our students and the way they articulate their hopes and their Affairs have been so so um fascinating and rewarding I I've often said I've worked in in three two other districts in the past here and this is my third district and and what our students are able to do and the things that they're able to say and articulate and plan for their schools and for the community is nothing short of amazing so we we are definitely some some districts say that in aspiration that they're working with the Futures are are the leaders of the future I strongly believe that our kids here in Prior Lake will lead the future just that Curiosity uh regarding the American Indian attendance increase how about how many students are we are we talking about 88 right wasn't that the number that 88 I'm I'm sure certain yes 88 that was a pretty significant increase was what what would you say drove that I mean I mean probably I think I I do think it's the engagement for one it's um uh in the past few years here um working with our parents um um understand making the connection that they they have they're able ble to communicate with staff to call in when their kids are are absent and being making sure they keep that line of communication going was important um but we have a lot of activities now in our native program and I think that increases the engagement of our parents and our students too we have drum and dance regalia making classes we have our coordinator our Lon working with student groups and now we've um gone into the direction of providing even more direct student support as you can see with our tutors here our our native leison um is also going into to classrooms in the elementary level to help students with their work in the classroom as well too and I I I I truly believe that that's definitely at least part of what um increasing the attendance there thank you um I just wanted to add you know I I attended one of the evenings um the Somali um Family evening it was it was really insightful for me and the one thing I wanted to just um clarify is of the groups that you mentioned the five linguistic minority groups they're not all e and that was is that correct I mean like I know we have a lot of Russian families in our district that speak English the students are not all e corre the parents are all Second Language Learners and they're all you know along different lines here of of their English uh abilities yes right and just you know I was just again surprised how many of the parents even though they understood English as their second language maybe um just how helpful it was for having them navigate like this is what school Ley means this is the difference between between Infinite Campus and so I think it was really helpful and I I love to hear about um getting these parents volunteering in the schools I think that's um that's incredible so thank you thank you yes um definitely um great Point uh director ainson beyond the language barrier there are other things too like the technology Gap the cultural barriers and even just getting acquainted to our systems as well too um you know um sometimes in the work that we do we we we try to engage parents um but you know we got to remember too that when our parents are coming into our PTC meeting and everything else they're coming into a community that's already established already and and personal feelings um from the parents coming in it's easy for them to feel like Outsiders so being able to kind of scaffold th those pieces there will will help the parents be more involved with with the the school work of their kids and our schools in the future anybody else I had a quick question for Dr zush if I could thank you Sam director Oak um the percentage of plsas class of 2021 enrolling in college uh those slides that you got to um and I know your Source was SLE EDS why do we not have data I mean that was three years ago do you know why that the data isn't more up toate um at the top of my head um I believe it has to do with um the lag in getting so basically it takes a whole year to determine whether a student has shown up somewhere and this is particular to the fall but they do it all at once and then there's certain like instate and out of state systems that have a hard time I can't I don't off the top of my head don't have all the details on that but it does take that much time to then feedback sled stands for the state longitudinal Education data system um and it connects um both um K12 education office of higher ed um career um like career and Workforce data so it's just a large multi- systems data base that takes a long time to to recheck with everything so that's the best I can give off the top of my head but a lot of cooks in the kitchen that don't talk to each other in a good amount of time yep lot of different State organizations trying to all talk and get back to us on the reporting yeah thank you for that um and then I had um the next slide you had where you you had plsas and plhs pardon me if I missed it what was the difference one includes Bridges and one doesn't right one of them is Prior Lake High School and one is Prior Lake Savage area schools overall um the reason we typically report both is just to show that um you know it in a larger system you would probably report out by school um here we're reporting out by a singular school with the high school um but just knowing that any discrepancy you see between the high school and um our district overall would be um Bridges and then a very small number of online students okay there's just not typically enough Bridges students to report consistent um Trends on that thank you okay any other question yes please uh I have a question Dr zush similar to what I asked Sam in in the the slide with the third grade reading I'm sorry not third grade reading the uh the black Hispanic third grade reading level uh about again how many students are we talking about do you have a ballpark we have is it like around 700 students per grade level is and then our Hispanic is 6% so yeah in the 30s okay I can I can easily pull those if you want the specific numbers yeah um and then just one when you are setting the goals for like for next year to see like uh you want to get from 65 to 67 MH I I'm I don't know how you how the group decides on those percentages just me it might just be me I would and I know it's kind it's hard to come sometimes come to the board with a goal that you had previous year and then come up a little bit short for me I'd rather have see you shoot for a higher increase and come up short than a 2% increase and come back and say we did it yeah so just give me the rationale as to yeah I I think um based on Guidance with goal setting in this and other areas um when I set this up a couple years ago and my predecessor may have done it slight differently I looked at threeyear averages and really what is it's it's a it's somewhat arbitrary in the sense that it's a little bit um there's no there's no real hard science to it but I I did look at you know longterm three-year averages to see what was you know a reasonable increase so I mean yeah I think the goal setting is um generally just like what is like if we've never seen a 7 percentage Point increase I don't think it's reasonable to set a goal at 7% percentage Point increase um so it's kind of a combination of what's aspirational and what's realistic given the movement of the data over time um but I don't think there's anything holding us um to these we can we can certainly go more aspirational um I don't know that the state I mean the the requirement for the state is to report it it's not to meet a certain percentage of your goals um and then just like my from me personally world's best work it's a little bit of a you're reporting on goals without the state providing the infrastructure to help you reach those goals so that's kind of my my um offline take on world's best Workforce in general um so it's a little bit um setting goals in an area that we don't necessarily have the infrastructure to improve I do think that we've built a lot of those and we have them a lot of those here um but not inherently due to the world's best Workforce initiative um but I'm open to goal setting in a different way director white I I'll just add so you um Dr zush actually gave some context I was going to share so I won't repeat that but the other aspect at the school level too um is that you'll see that our schools will have both you know we'll have our actual goals and aspirational goals based upon that stretch um of our of our students so you'll see a a hybrid of that more so at our SI level versus the world's best Workforce level okay fair enough thank I just um with clarification of the change of world's best Workforce and then also the legisla change did the legislators they took something out about third grade reading correct so like being ready by third grade it now I think says something about you have to be ready by it it's very general can you elaborate on that they broaden they Broad sorry they did broaden that director ainson and I I don't think we've seen the complete um ending of this bill yet to see where this will evolve uh they're a bit in this holding pattern but yes they got broadened to um not just focus on third they're looking at the Continuum um through uh through uh 12th grade right so how does that impact your goals though you know um because we don't have any updated guidance on what kaker is going to be long term I we don't we it doesn't at this point um I think that if we get clear guidance on what we should be doing with that um moving forward we could revisit um or we should revisit the goals and reset based on those um at this time though we're still um pending anything solid in a new format we're still kind of sitting in the old format until that gets updated that makes sense and then I would just say with with all the emphasis on the react and the resources and the training um and then also Al on our new strategic plan um focused on academic Excellence it might be worth it for you to go back and reevaluate your goals and and just see where you know if we can shoot higher for Higher Goals yeah and again again these are specific to this reporting requirement these are not our district goals these are world's best Workforce specific goals we have much higher and more specific academic goals in all areas um this is just reporting in these particular areas um so um as we're building out the scorecard for a strategic plan and you'll see a lot of goals in that that are not reflected in world's best Workforce got it okay thank you MH okay any other questions all right I had a couple of questions one um obviously we don't have a lot of control with the um kindergarten reading levels um but I do want to know if you've ever disaggregated the data to show of the of the kids being tested how many of them and what scores that went through preschool or prek yeah I have not um thank you for the question uh director France I have not had a chance to do that for this year but the last two years I have flagged in our system students who are circle of friend students which have attended our prek program um and tracked them over time in their first couple of years um in general that population is a little more diverse than our average kindergarten population and they do slightly better academically so historically we have looked at that it's not astronomical but um just a slight we we do look at that on on a regular basis um as kind of an indicator of of the kindergarten Readiness that we control how are we doing um The prek Early Childhood Program is doing a lot also a lot with the react um so I think the focus on early literacy skills uh they're going through the preschool um or the pre k um letters training so we will have a lot more um you know specific I think to director Atkinson's point when we're looking at reading we can really have that prek 12 um Continuum as we build out those pieces um but yes we do track to see how those students are doing as they enter um our system okay because I know there's been an emphasis on trying to fund the preschool prek um and potentially if the state had the numbers that would help I don't know if they ask for them or if we can offer them um I've never been asked for them but I can definitely provide them to I don't know who to provide them to though okay well it would be nice if they asked for them um and then the other question that I had um um I had a couple of other questions one had to do with the percentages that was was already asked uh but I know that from other presentations where we hear about the goal setting uh made by um the individual teachers at each grade as well as by the different buildings themselves um they are a little bit different they're much more specific to the academic level and to the class level I was just wondering is that taken into account at all with the percentage increase from whatever we're calling this thing cackle or were work force um it hasn't been um directly um interl I think part of it is we had the Strategic plan coming aboard and then we knew this the the um destination or the target was changing a little bit with um world's best Workforce so um that has not explicitly been done with the new strategic plan and um but I do think once we get clear um a clear idea of what our metrics are moving forward that would definitely make sense to do that and to be more closely aligned with what we're doing at the school Improvement level cuz the data is the same right just app differently um and then I had a question about the credit recovery if I heard you correctly we are we starting the winter and spring break Credit Recovery uh processes yeah we we are taking in stages we'll start with winter break here and we we have that um going on uh planed to go on here for this winter break um Kate egman our assistant principal over at um the high school there will'll oversee uh that program and and she'll have um be recruiting students who need that support to come in during winter break and make up those credits fantastic that's great news um and by the way I was thrilled to see the changes in Min caps and the number of free and reduced lunch um as well as other groups being able to participate in that um I also note that a few just a few years ago we actually started affording the busing um so that kids participating in the Lakeville version of mcaps didn't have to have a car and car insurance and all that kind of stuff um two questions one um the cost for the busing um did that come out of a Ani and then number two um did you see the same correlation when the busing started with the increase in the uh percentage involvement of those uh demographic groups in the mcaps I I wasn't here when it originally started with the busing the busing busing started before me and it was slated to come out of a Ani there um I believe in terms of the end of year charges did we charge out of ani there for maps I don't think we did I think uh we do um charge Transportation um out of AI but that's more so utilized for um our caring and committed conversations there um there yeah but we do have busing that that run from the high school to there and I know that um a few of our um English language Learners are riding that bus to to Maps great well thank you very much are there any other questions okay with that I want to appreciate the very comprehensive report and you're willing to take all of our questions so thank you thank you very much thank you okay next on the agenda is uh resolution for the 2425 budget um and I'm going to hand this over to um director Frederickson thank you chair friends uh directors um Dr Thomas we've talked about this at the last study session uh we have additional enrollment of about a 100 students um a little over half of them are at kindergarten so uh we are increasing the general fund Revenue by just under a million dollars and then increasing the expenses uh by that same amount we're also in increasing the community ed revenue and expenses um for due to the increase in the number of kids co- students attending so uh as we talked about a couple weeks ago at the study session this is just approving that the final document for a revised budget and I believe that we're also going to be taking the 957 or close to a million out of the fund balance correct that didn't change right okay um um so I need a motion in a second so made by director olad second second by director Crosby and any questions um I just have a question um I know I raised concerns um about keeping the expenses um at the 800,000 in our past study session and the more I looked into this and the more I thought about it the one thing that I noticed and I want to um get clarification if this is in your consideration is that I've noticed for the past three years from our October First Forecast or actual number of students enrolled until the end of the year we lose about 50 students on average for the past um three years in a row and so if we lose about 50 students per year on average for the past 3 years um would it be prudent to dial those expenses back um to be reflective of the fact that we're we're going to lose those 50 students more than likely and on our last enrollment report we're and I I know enrollment fluctuates but we're already down 17 students so so it's important to understand the difference between the actual enrollment that we have compared to last year and the actual enrollment that we use to calculate that the expenses which are two different numbers so the enrollment that we projected was going to carry over into the revenue um is significantly less than what we actually have right now um we are losing students I think there's 17 I think a difference um so we have more students than we had last year but significantly more than what we projected so the revenues and expenses are based on the actual amounts compared to what our projection was last fall yeah and my concern is is that if we're adding these expenses in that we're going to spend the money rather than trying to be fiscally responsible and dial back expenses um based on the situation you know based on our Levy um the levy didn't pass and so um that was just one of the things that I noticed is that there was consistently at the end of the year from October 1 to the end of the year we were losing 50 students so just one of my observations thank you um director Frederickson um having looked at the enrollment on average for the past about 10 years I think we lose a percentage every year um for a variety of reasons people moving out um we also get a significant number of students in um usually at second half of the year um so but I'm seeing an average every year of that fluctuation just pretty consistently over General percentage is that a correct statement that is but again if we're looking at our enrollment projections um as we built them out we had significantly lower number um I think our enrollment projections when we were doing our budget last fall or last yeah last fall um we something like 8500 and we're actually at 8600 um so um we're adjusting our revenues and expenses to reflect our actual and then we'll adjust the uh enrollment projections moving forward if this in fact holds so they're constantly being updated um which is why we give you that report every month um as we start looking at the 25 26 budget we'll certainly take those into account um there's several different methodologies we can look at for enrollment you can use a straight average you can use a weighted average so we'll continue to just keep monitoring them and make sure that um it's going to be reflective of whatever we decide for the methodology if I remember correctly during the study session you had said that no matter what there's a cost on average per student that is considered in the expenses regardless of what we get in uh because that stays pretty consistent and of course what we get in is going to be varied on the formula correct we're going to get money on the formula and again when we talked about at the study session last um two weeks ago as we looked at the actual expenses and where the variants were from last year and our transportation cost have been higher than what we anticipated um we had a teacher contract that was settled that had a significant increase in the um the um longevity longevity sorry and the steps yeah um so there are expenses that we hadn't originally anticipated in the original budget um that we're again we're going to try to save money where we can but I think it would be um it wouldn't be prudent to include some of those expenses if we're going to see the revenue but we'll continue to monitor it we'll continue to look at the financial statements every month and keep you updated on where we actually are sitting I just want to make sure I understood the long conversation that happened at the study session that addressed these questions so than thank you any other questions yes uh you just brought something up that I had forgotten about uh Tammy that the 700,000 overage on Transportation was a bit of a mystery at the study session if you had a chance to figure out what what's driving that yep we have uh we've done some analysis so we knew the the transportation contract was going to go up 6% according to what their contract was for just the general education Transportation where it has increased is special education transportation and activities Transportation so while the regular Transportation saw the 6% increase that we anticipated the overall is increased by about 16% and director powers and I have kind of gone through that looking at the um kind of all the detail they did change some of the formulas um on how they were charging the transportation specifically around the activities um they used to have a bus that they would take the kids to the activity they'd come back pick them up um they've changed that so that if they take them to the activities you're being charged for the bus driver from the time they take them to the activities to the time they bring them back um they've increased if there's a um U-Haul that's hauling some of the equipment they raise that rate so there are some things that are increased in the uh Transportation contract that we are looking at um we have committed um to the uh bus company that we would meet with them this spring to look at um possible changes in the contract I know they're interested in in um seeing how we can change some of the language in the contract but it it was in special ed and activities and then the the 95708 you give me an example of what that might cover um I mean that's to balance this coming out of the unsign fund balance is this for one-time costs uh so when we originally presented this budget we were trying to commit to um I think it was $3 million we presented a lot of options um there were some things that the board just did not want to to agree to try to cut out of the budget so there was an agreement that we would use 957 out of fund balance we generally will use that for one-time cost obviously it's it's only going to be good for one time so we are very cautious on what the actual expenses are um it's well this point I can't really give you specifics um because again we're trying to be good stewards of our money and not um overspend but okay it's it it is an agreement that the board had approved is it possible because I know that was one of my concerns during our budget conversation is it possible to provide a list when those spends do happen that you could just provide us on a monthly basis of here's the 100,000 here's what it was for it's a little difficult to do that I mean we can we can provide a list of things that we hadn't maybe anticipated coming out of the budget but school funding works works that if your revenues and your expenses have to balance out if you spend more than your Revenue then you take it out of fund balance there is nothing in any of the reports that that we are required to show here's the exact line items that came out um but we can certainly compare budget versus actual variance reports and see which line items we overspent and kind of deduce from that that that's where it's coming from but again it's it's when you're looking at the whole big picture it's hard to narrow it down to one or two things and I think an example I might share to maybe articulate an example form maybe what you're getting at you can prove me wrong here um is our need and special ed kits right it's gone up a lot and so um we're not fully funded those kids aren't fully funded so that could be a large piece of that puzzle transportation's an example of that too so hammy can make lists sorry director Frederick can make lists for us um but I think logically we can come to that conclusion as we're adding Staffing for special ed for example as we're talking about the increase in transportation you know and I would think Staffing would not be included though because that's a reoccurring cost not a one charge but the yes but we're not fully funded special education so that has to come from somewhere so where does it come from the D Tri fund balance well yeah no that I would I would I I hear where you're going with that so but no we we wouldn't take ongoing Staffing um resources to put to a one-time use so essentially the the best way that we can come up with this because of the fluctuations of as we discussed earlier with the budget from month to month is at end of year or you know quarterly we can we could um assign expenditure to the onetime use totaling the 957 and that's essentially what we do when we balance the budget we just then there there's no specific funding other than if it's a one-time use we can code it against the 9957 and so that's how we get to that um so it's it's more of a budget exercise than a an expenditure list so that's you know if that makes sense to you all so when when Tammy talks or director uh Frederickson talks about rectifying the revenues against the expenses at the back end is where we just recode and say okay we need expenditures totaling 957 one time this is a one time this is a one time okay here's our 957 so that's how we typically do it well I I know that when I sponsor the kids to go to the cyber security Summit this is the first year that the bus had a extra percentage on it for traveling during rush hour uh which was quite large um and was unusual and almost prevented a lot of students from being able to attend uh the conference so that was kind of interesting the other thing is is when I line up the same vendors and the same expense e fars accounting category you can see an inflationary increase for the exact same service um that's even higher than what you would expect from the CPI index so that seems to have been occurring quite a bit in the last couple years is that reflected in here I assume it would be yes the so an example of that is just like um we are held to some of the new legislative laws um around um personal time off Family and Medical um time off every other organization is also charged with that so while bus companies because they're for profit if they have increased expenses we're going to be charged those increased expenses so um it kind of is Right Down the Line you're going to see additional expenses for anything that any of our vendors are going to see additional expenses for okay any other questions okay this is a uh first did I get a motion Motion in a second no I didn't um I need a motion in ex a second for the budget resolution so made by director olad second director Crosby okay this is a roll call vote we'll start with director ainson nay director white I director bullan I director bernick I director Crosby I director olad I I that passes 61 okay um next we have the proclamation for American Education week and I know some of us have already participated in that today um I am going to ask director white to read the proclamation all righty here whereas public schools are the backbone of our Dem democracy providing young people with the tools they'll need to maintain our nation's precious values of Freedom Civility and equality and whereas by equipping Young Americans with both practical skills and broader intellectual abilities schools give them hope for and access to a productive future and whereas education employees be they custodians or teachers administrators or clerical staff bus drivers or media Specialists Child Nutrition staff or support staff work en tirely LLY to serve our children and communities with care and professionalism and whereas our district Community Hub bringing together adults and children Educators and volunteers Business Leaders and elected officials in a in a common Enterprise now therefore the Prior Lake Savage area school board of education does hereby Proclaim November 18th through the 22nd 2024 as the 103rd annual observance of American education week thank you very much um all of us are attending schools this week to say thank you to our Educators uh and of course the Educators again told me today how much they enjoyed those pumpkin bars so Del that was great uh next we have the proclamation for substitute educator appreciation day and I'm going to ask director bullan to read that one prior like Savage area schools recognizes November 22nd 2024 as substitute educator staff appreciation day on this day we celebrate our thanks and gratitude for these essential staff whereas Prior Lake Savage area schools has 364 licensed substitute Educators and 181 non-licensed substitute Educators and four nurse substitutes whereas substitute Educators must be flexible to teach a wide variety of sub subjects depending on the class they're teaching on any given day whereas substitute Educators must adapt to different classrooms and different classes on multiple short-term periods whereas substitute educators are responsible for ensuring each day of instruction is productive and maintains continuity with a teacher's lessons lesson plan therefore let it be resolved the Board of Education hereby extends its appreciation to all Prior Lake Savage area schools substitute educators for supporting the education of our students and declares November 22nd to be substitute educator Appreciation Day in Prior Lake Savage area schools thank you anybody here to say anything about substitute Educators chair FR members of the board thank you so much for the proclamation to recognize these vital individuals that help continue learning um when our staff are unable to be at work and I'm very happy to share that um last year we had 310 um now we have 364 licensed substitutes um and we went from 165 up to 181 that's a 177% and 10% um increase respectfully um for these very vital positions that um we definitely couldn't continue our operations without so I appreciate the commitment of all of our leaders throughout the district our community members um and all of our staff to help us continue to make our substitutes feel welcome and appreciated um as we would not be able to um continue our work without them so thank you very much thank you okay next on the agenda is policy and we start with policy actually we have lots of policies here um so we're going to go through these uh one at a time again and remembering uh and recognizing uh to the listening public that each one of these policies were discussed at length both at the policy committee meeting as well as in the previous study session so starting off with 66.5 chair friends members of the my chair friends members of the board um the only change to policy 6065 from the previous reading was in the purpose statement adding and contribute to acade academic Excellence um to acknowledge the connection to the Strategic plan um and just acknowledging that there is some um continued um feedback to make sure that we have Library materials that promotes the level reading um that that also includes um that in the policy as well um but that was the only changes um from the previous time we reviewed the policy okay any questions um I just have a question for Dr Thomas and maybe you can elaborate um with this being a new policy in place um will there be any sort of um guidance given to the library Med media Specialists on how to to um implement this policy and like doing any sort of audit to ensure that materials that are in our libraries are not obscene and that they reflect the age and the maturity maturity level of the students um in each building um and the reason I bring this up is because we did not have a policy like this in place previously that was this specific to library materials and we have had inappropriate items infiltrate into our schools in the past that have been removed and so by taking a more proactive approach I'm wondering if there'll be any sort of like audit or what type of guidance will be given to the library media Specialists thank you director ainson members of the board yes with any policy um particularly any new policy it is our practice that we would ensure that our staff adhere and have the supports necessary to carry out said policy so with our lmss throughout the district yes many of them were part of the development of this and so there would be a natural course that we would make sure that they understand and are fully exec the policy with Fidelity and then I know we reviewed this in the um study session and I still strongly agree I'm strongly opposed to having the library Bill of Rights um within our policy we're the only District that I can see of as of at this moment that has the library Bill of Rights and let it be known we are not a library so we cannot and will not have all items um in our in our media specialist center or in our media center and then the other thing is I believe that the library Bill of Rights creates a conflict of interest to our policy so any other comments or questions okay um I'm going to ask the board do you want to vote on these individually or take them all at the end individually okay um so with this policy I need a motion in a second I made by director olad second by anybody second by director bernick okay we've already had conversation is there anything else all right all in favor I I I opposed nay nay okay that passes 52 all right um Now we move on to policy 701 dror Herman chair friend members of the board there are no changes um to this policy um from the last time it was presented okay any first of all let me take a motion in a second by director Crosby second and second by director white any questions okay all in favor I I I opposed that pass seven zero all right um policy 71.2 fund balance policy director Herman chair friends members of the board there are no changes to this policy since last presented okay I need a motion in a second soov by director white second by bernick any discussion hearing none all in favor I opposed that passes 70 policy 72 oh yeah we did 702 accounting dror Herman chair Vance members of the board there are no changes to this policy since last time presented okay I need a motion in a second so made by director bullan and director Atkinson okay any discussion no hearing none all in favor I I opposed okay that passes 70 uh 7021 electronic funds transfer director Herman chair FRS members of the board there are no changes to this policy since last presented okay I need a motion in a second so moved okay director white second director Atkins any questions or comments okay all in favor I I opposed that passes 70 and the next one is 703 the annual audit chair Frans members of the board there has been a change under I to reflect the conversation from the work session to include if a quorum of the school board directs the superintendent or doesn't need by November um that there will be an RFP that is inducted so that language is reflected in the changes in your packet tonight need a motion in a second by director white second second by Crosby okay um any questions or comments okay all in favor I I that pass opposed that passes 70 all right policy 704 development maintenance of an inventory of fixed assets and fixed asset accounting chair foran members of the board I apologize my computer is not working again I do not believe there are any other changes to this policy since last presented you okay I need a motion in a second so made and a second second by director bernick any comments or questions okay uh all all in favor I I I opposed that passes 70 uh policy 705 Investments chair friends members of the board there are no changes to the policy since last presented okay and just to expedite this on 706 710 720 and 721 were there any changes chair friends members of the board no the rest of the remaining policies are all presented um the same as they were presented last time to the school board is the board okay with us taking all those at once yeah sure sure okay so I need a motion and a second for policy 705 706 710 720 and 721 so moved okay by director white second second direct director bernick any comments or questions hearing none all in favor I I I opposed okay that passes 70 and next our administrative reports I'm going to hand this over to Dr Thomas for superintendent report thank you chair France uh board directors um as we have been discussing tonight we are going into that budgeting process um and as a I just want to say thank you to our community for coming out to express your vote at the polls um and as we all have uh learned by now our community is not moving forward with their support of an operating Levy and again just a big thank you to everyone who participated in that Democratic process and with that said uh we are going to have to engage in some uh budget reductions and cost containments and um that is a process that as a leadership team we have begun um uh initiating those conversations internally with uh various uh staff groups and we'll complete some of that initial uh canvasing with our staff uh at the end of this week bringing more of that um conversation to all next Monday um but just generally speaking we are looking um in the $4 to5 million range as our budget targets for reductions and containments and more to come as we go through this B uh budget iteration um and just letting our staff and our community know we will find ways to ensure that we are inviting perspectives to that conversation to minimize the impact as much as we possibly can I've shent sent out messages to our staff to ensure that we are focusing on our ability to be respectful uh unified in what's best for our students upholding Integrity of all folks involved because people will be impacted even though we're talking about programs and positions Etc people are behind a lot of this um it makes up 80% of our budget so just keep that in mind um but tough decisions and we will uh we will work through those um very uh as best we can um I also want to just share that we are uh coming into kindergarten enrollment we talked about um our enrollment um coming up here uh this year and we want to continue that Trend and so about mid uh December we'll start taking on the class of 2038 you can think about that um and uh uh yeah I think uh we will have various um uh principal or uh various nights for information um so there will be uh December 2nd there will be uh uh principes will be hosting kindergarten enrollment information at 6m at Glendale um we will also have a Spanish mersion parent panel December 5th at 6:30 pm at um laola and um we will keep that open um all throughout the year but we like to look at a December 12th um kind of cut point for us to start looking and tracking and monitoring and just letting our community know and particularly our class of 2038 uh there may be some fun prizes um throughout this process as well so stay stay tuned um we've talked a lot about mcaps it's a vastly popular program in our district um I've sent out various Fridays fives because um a lot of their success is predicated on the involvement of our community and our business students are conducting research surveys and they need volunteers to help participate um so if anyone from our community is interested please make sure you go to our mcaps website and you can find information on how you can partake partake in some of the student-based surveys that they are that they are leading and then lastly uh we have our fall Musical coming up and uh they our Prior Lake High School uh students will be presenting Little Shop of Horrors I'm thrilled to see this event uh date night for my wife and I this Thursday and um uh but November 21st 22nd and 23rd at 700 p.m. at the high school and then November 24th we'll have an afternoon 2: p.m. matina so make sure you go to our site and get the tickets um it is a ticketed event even though it's u a big Auditorium they sell out every year so if you want to go see some great Off Broadway come on out to the high school and uh enjoy yourselves and uh actually going to turn it to Dan Powers quickly first before we turn it over to the team here for uh an administrative announcement you superintendent Thomas um members of the board Madam chair we uh we'll be starting groundbreaking on something that Jim delu started um before he passed away um it's in cooperation with um a bunch of our play groups our booster groups and it's going to be the construction of a LaCrosse wall at uh Twin Oaks so you're going to see a big thing a blank looking nothing it's going to be about 12 ft high and 30 ft wide um it's totally funded by our our our boosters the playgroup and the uh girls high school um booster club for their lacrosse teams um this is something that uh they have been working towards for quite a long time and like I mentioned Jim and Marine started this process before I even got here so I'm very excited to uh take a little bit of the good job things on all this as we get it done um but um some in the community will probably say oh why are we spending money on something and we aren't um this is something that's being provided to us by our boosters and they are greatly looking forward to it because that program has grown um every year for many many years um and I think it's an exciting thing to add to uh to our property so if there's any questions about that I can definitely answer those um the total cost um just so you are aware that they are covering is about $42,000 so this is a it's a pretty expensive chunk um and I'm really glad that I didn't have to pay for it so what is the LaCrosse wall so typically when they're practicing for lacrosse they've got their Nets on the stick and they're throwing up against my buildings and this won't be throwing it up against the buildings it'll be throwing up against a wall it'll be in the field in between where the older goalposts are on the um West Side there's a service road that goes right there and then we've got our um soft or uh excuse me the yeah the other fields to the South we we've got softball baseball and the soccer fields so there's a little service road so it's going to be about 10 ft off of that um right in line with the goalpost that's down at the end and it's permanent it's not a permanent structure yeah it's um to so it's made out of concrete um so 12T wide by or 12 feet high by 30t wide and it's about a foot thick so this thing is really big it's going to be reinforced concrete and to do that to make that structure we actually have to put in a footing that's going to be about 4T wide so it's this is it's going to take uh they're going to move a chunk of dirt for a while and then uh then we're going to get it to look a lot better again once it's all done next spring um but yeah it's still going to be exciting but it's going to be one of the things we talked about and I can smile because I know what's going to happen and I talked with the boosters about this it will be graffiti it's just a matter of time but they were going planning on helping us to make sure that we can make maintain that at that level and one of the things we did talk with them about is putting there's a specific type of paint that works really well with keeping graffiti off and when it's on there it can be cleaned up easier so I'm really looking forward to that too um they're planning on buying us an extra five gallons of paint when it's done to make sure that we can keep that up and you know the district our actual cost for that are going to be extremely minimal it's going to be occasionally worrying about that graffiti other than that it's not on us it's them helping us maintain it so I'm excited about that it's great yeah thank you everyone cool okay other administrative reports I don't want to follow that um but as Dr Thomas said as we're approaching the Staffing and budget season um we know that we're going to be making some collective hard decisions um and I just want to acknowledge that there's some questions over the past few months that we have been answering addressing around some different Staffing reports that are out there and so I just wanted to refresh for the board and Community some key points that were addressed in the August board meeting um that director um Frederickson read on my behalf um but it's vital to just ensure that when we're analyzing data that we're making sure that we're comparing Apples to Apples and knowing and that there's a acknowledging that there's a different reality that we're in right now that's different than 9 to 10 years ago so for example um in August we addressed a report that was circling around that talked about 23 admin hires in the last year but the really the Crux of the the matter lied in the differing definitions of administration the document creator categorized roles such as Early Childhood family education assistants Early Childhood screeners culture lasons kids co-assistant noon supervisors Deans and other roles under admin whereas HR and other governmental reports do not classify those as admin roles this can be the same thing can be said for a report that circling that is referencing for MD star data for example under that report it has administrative assistance listed under administrative staff whereas when we refer to administrators in our district we don't count administrative assistance furthermore in that report um it doesn't count all administrative assistance in those categories for in the 2022 school year it lists 11 administrative assistance where we definitely have more than 11 administrative assistance in that year or the report States from 2013 2019 that we had zero directors um which is not how we classif directors um for example in 2019 we had nine directors at that time um so just acknowledging that different reports especially at the state and federal level every single year they change their definitions and their categories so when looking at these Trend datas we really have to lean into additional questions around it um and as Dr Thomas always says that data is not judgmental but just helps us ask more questions so just reminding ourselves when we're looking at these different Trend datas that we have to dig in a little bit deeper so when looking at these hard conversations that we're going to have to have like looking at there's new schools that we've had programs that have moved from Lakeville to Prior Lake for example or increased or new state and federal mandates Staffing landscape changes um and most importantly significant um different student needs um so as I mentioned in the August 2024 meeting we have currently in place um control internal controls when adding staff whenever hiring manager requests an additional position HR uh reviews to see if the FTE is available in the current budget if it is not then we bring it forward to the board with the supporting data and an additional Staffing mou for the board to either approve or deny that request and as we've mentioned in August and and other meetings We are continuing to focus on trying to get to a true position control system um we have transitioned to the new Skyward and working very hard to work through all the Kinks of that transition and hope that next year we can utilize the position control model module to its full extent so we have better um Advanced reporting capabilities to provide cyal reports and comparing our approved budget FTE to our filled FTE um because we recognize the value of that information and how critical it would be so just re reaffirming our commitment to moving forward in that direction thank you director Herman I have a question so if an administrative assistant is not classified as administrative what are they classified as then um director ainson members of the board um in the district we refer to administrators as everyone assistant director and above um for administrative assistance we refer to him as school support staff so again it's just always different definitions depending on who you're asking for the report whether it's the state the federal government the the district um and just knowing that those classifications and titles and categories can change over time um so for example our administrative assistance bargain unit used to be referred to as the secretary's bargain unit so when you pull that data on a baseline data it looks like all of a sudden in one year we went from having zero um adist of assistance to a bunch but you have to look at then the category of secretary bargain unit and realize and know in a data comparison that they were the same bargain unit so um that's just the increas uh the I can't say words today um the struggles of looking at comparable data over Trend um so just wanted to to remind um the board and the community that we have to look a little bit deeper in all that and again acknowledge that our reality from 10 years ago is not our current reality um so as we look at all these different information and data um just digging a little bit deeper thank you for clarifying that uh other administrative reports along the same lines um with the budget coming up um I'm still hearing some confusion uh around our funds we have the general fund we have what we call fund two and fund four fund two is our food services fund can only be used for Food Services there is statutory requirements that tell you how you can spend those dollars we cannot use them for operating um out of the general fund it must be used for Food Services same with our Community Education fund 4 those are for Community Education programs only we cannot use them for General operating fund um and then also it's important to know I know we've we've talked about this um when we talk about our fund one General operating fund almost half a little under half of the revenue that we get in our general fund as categorical dollars and what I mean by categorical is by Statute there is requirements that you have to use these dollars for specific purposes you can't use them for anything else than what the statutory requirements are and those include things like our achievement in integration money the compensatory education dollars the American in uh Indian education Aid dollars our special education dollars Q comp the long-term facilities maintenance Capital dollars professional development the redac dollars uh English learner dollars gifted and talented uh we have area Learning Center dollars that can only be used for our area Learning Center we have career in tech ed we have safe schools and those are just some of them but it's important to understand that um we're when we talk about the buckets of money they're are very specific and it's all compliance driven around statutes so as we move forward with planning the budget you'll hear a lot of talk about the different buckets um and we do have to pay quite a bit of attention to what those buckets are used for thank you that's all I had um okay we're going to move on to board reports and at this time I'm going to ask an to do her report first um thank you director France we have a lot of fun stuff coming up at the high school um a lot of winter sports are starting soon um a lot of our community service groups are getting really busy around this time of year as we approach the holiday season um and as Dr um director Oak mentioned before we have a caring committed conversation actually hosted tomorrow by the na Native American student Coalition um so I'm excited for that and then along with that there's a new project that the president of our Asian Student Association is working on um it's a mural project that we're collaborating with um the Prior Lake rotary with um and we're going to make a mural that kind of represents what we think Prior Lake is and what the students want to see um it's kind of a legacy that our class wants to leave behind and this Wednesday actually we're meeting with a muralist to start designing and kind of talking about what the mural is going to look like it's going to go in our media center on this like big wall that we have um so I'm excited for that and as Dr um Thomas mentioned we do have the Little Shop of pores this weekend so I'll see you there hopefully um regarding student council our executive board just got back from our kraig's um retreat in brainer we went up there for a couple days and we just spent some time talking about leadership we collaborated with other student councils um we listened to some keynote speakers and we got a lot of input in that um we also have another Retreat coming up this Friday with all of our student council um we go to the St Michael's coffee house and we start planning for our winter week which is coming up in February we have a lot of time but um that one we're this year because we really want to increase student involvement it's kind of hard to get a lot of student like spirit and participation around that time of year where it's post holiday season everyone doesn't really know what to do um just some more highlights we have our No Shave November fundraiser that I mentioned at the last meeting um where male teachers refrain from shaving their faces and then they um raise money for a men's charity of their choice we've raised almost $2,000 so far and we're aiming for at least 4,000 this year so yeah and then our fundraising committee is working on basketball game concessions Sunshine Committee just made our custodians a gift basket and they're continuing to work on birthdays every week and we have a few community service projects coming up and our development committee is also working on the staff wall so yeah that's all I have for at the school and if I don't see you guys later I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving thank you very much this a lot going on okay starting with board reports we'll start with director olad sure I have a lot I'll try to talk fast um I too bought my tickets for little shop very excited taking the family Friday we're going to be like this because I waited too late to get tickets and so we got the first row um which will be exciting um um mshsl um they voted in favor of adding ninth grade um under the umbrella uh to the governance so this allows nth graders to compete develop um and as I mentioned last time too they're covered under the catastrophic insurance now so um this was a big um a big vote they needed 67% uh to say yes to pass which they obviously got it pass so um wanted to uh give our community that update um our equity advis committee um we had a coffee and conversation last week um around um housing instability and homelessness it was very well attended it was very powerful um really appreciate everybody coming out for that there's going to be another one we're planning for January um and we also our subcommittee in the committee um uh we have a newsletter committee and um staff received that just today actually it looks really great so we have other ideas about how to take that idea and broaden it but it's still in the work so we're excited to report back um Southwest Metro um I actually have a board meeting tomorrow night so this was from last night um but we're doing uh they presented their annual update for world's best Workforce slash cracker kaker or whatever we're calling it um and uh the finance committee met and they I uh um we looking at the administrative guidelines for wages benefits and work conditions so we're working that through the finance committee um and Southwest Metro was really excited because they um identified candidates for all of their International teaching positions which was something that hadn't happened before so that was a really great update and they're really excited about that uh delegate assembly is coming up this is my year two um if anybody's interested in nighttime reading I have um a huge delegate assembly guide book uh to review that's December 6th and 7th in Bloomington there's 28 resolutions um that are being brought forward um they range from funding for milk if kids bring their lunch from from home um if they can get a milk um cyber security comprehensive plan um mascot funding Decline and enrollment funding um so there's a lot of resolutions that we all um have a really good eye into so I look forward to that um and finally um teaching and learning I don't want to there's two of us on teaching and learning so I want to go through all of them because I'm sure you're going to talk about it too uh director Atkinson um we reviewed the library uh policy last time this is a couple of weeks ago now uh we talked about some new course offerings um and we we did talk about it's coding too for the middle school it's fashion design Dakota language AP Chemistry um and we did talk about the possibility um the levy hadn't happened yet the levy vote I should say it was the day before um and so hopefully those can um continue on it may may not um but that was discussed um so a lot of good stuff A lot happened in the last month so thank you D Crosby director yeah I had a few things that I wanted to share uh one tomorrow night at um Twin Oaks Chris Haron will be coming to speak um he is speaking um on behalf of choose not to use which is uh through the Scott County um drug prevention um it is it is free uh to the district uh Chris I went to Chris Heron's story uh his speaking last year in Jordan and I highly recommend it um it his his story is actually in our curriculum at the high school um last year when I went um my son was like oh we just learned about about Chris Haron so I thought that was really cool um so that is tomorrow night at Twin Oaks Middle School um uh from 7:00 to 8:30 and so share it and attend if you can um Early Learning advisory Council um was there last week and there's a shout out for um families to be part of the Early Learning advisory Council um upcoming dates for that oh I had it here okay our next meeting uh will be December 19th you can find information on the district uh website as well but um they're looking for families to be involved with that um Dr Thomas and chair France and I had an opportunity to attend oh what was it called um the student School Board de a development event that msba put on and um listening to student rep Representatives uh board Representatives it was um really enlightening um it had all of our wheels turning for things to um discuss uh it was a a well put on event and I'm sure um France will have more to say on that but that was all I have thanks direct white director Atkinson yeah just to add on to director oled's um from the teaching and learning committee um did a great job recapping in that um in addition we also talked about sorry I'm grabbing my notes here um we'll be getting some calendar proposals coming to the board here um um to be voted on I believe in December and then we had a very quick overview of the 66.5 um policy as well and then I just want to um let my fellow board members know that this Thursday we have a Community Education Services committee meeting at noon and I will not be able to attend so if anyone is would like to attend the meeting it's at noon at the Community Education Service Center and it's also can be um attended virtually so if anybody wants to I can forward the information on to you so just let me know thank you thank you um okay so yes uh first of all the amsd meeting uh in the um Association for metropolitan school districts we talked about different districts and how they were tackling the the um their definition of a profile of a student uh it was very enlightening and the different perspectives of the different districts and I think what stood out to me is every single one of them mentioned critical thinking and some level of strategic um um ability to think and project uh many of the the topics were the same some of them had more detail and um it was very impressive and it certainly gives us enough uh to think about as we go into our own adventures in that area um and then uh I did uh attend with director bullan and Dr Thomas the um the um student board representative um meeting at Shak op Y and I believe your second in command was there in your place and it was very enlightening the way the different uh school districts actually worked with their student reps how their student reps were chosen uh the ideas from the students uh were um varied and all contained one thing is that the students wanted more voice um and how they actually achieved that in their districts and what their goals were to make that voice more heard particularly when it comes to the school board so this was a a a um meeting I think it was the second one they've had uh where um the idea was for board directors to receive feedback from students particularly the student reps um and again I I hope that uh a lot of ideas uh came back to you and I'll be more than happy uh to sit down and also talk to you about our learning and what we learned not only from your second in command about how things work and and what I was really surprised with was how mature our own student council was compared to what we heard from other districts who are either just starting this process or still kind of trying to figure it out uh it was actually very impressive we walked away feeling very good about our student council and about uh their maturity and their um really organized way of of handling uh the student council the representation of all students and how they brought that up to the board so um again I I think I speak for these guys that we walked away very impressed with our school district and with our student council so thank you um uh as far as um other items um I just I think that's it for me actually so I'll go into future events if that's okay oh that's right so on uh December 9th uh we are going to have a celebration of our outgoing board members uh Julie bernick Amy Crosby and Enrique vquez and that will be at 5:00 p.m prior to our December 9th uh Schoolboard meeting and it will be held here at the district Services Center so I hope you come and um and celebrate and also thank the service of our board members um then uh also we have a board study session on November 25th of course we've got no school starting November 26th 7th through Friday uh November 29th to celebrate Thanksgiving and then also four new board members coming on board as well as existing board members and the first week of December you will start to receive information about potential committees uh that you may be interested in and instructions on how to give that feedback and the deadline to be able to put your name onto committees for the next school um for the next fiscal year actually school year January to J uh December December okay uh that's it and with that I need a motion to adjourn in a second so made by director bullion second second by director white all in favor I opposed okay that passes 70 we are adjourned