##VIDEO ID:0iicMi25gp0## e e e e e e e Tuesday September 10th uh we're going to ask commissioner Pickins to lead the invocation commissioner adamac will do the Pledge of Allegiance all arise if you're able to do so let us pray ourly father we just thank you for this glorious day and all the blessings in it father God just thank of the opportunity to gather here as our 2:00 workshop with our commissioners our staff or concerned citizens let us listen to each of the um participants with their U comments and digest that and use us to our best decisions for the county in Jesus name we pray amen amen flag United States indivisible with liy and justice for all thank you commissioner Pickins commissioner adamac appreciate that um we'll take I'm going to do things a little different today instead of calling people up for public comment on agenda items when we get to that part that you're interested in we're going to give you time to speak but we're going to move the agenda around just a little bit because we got two gentlemen that need to get back to work um so commissioner Wilkinson if you'll take item J first sure thank you um so today we have in front of us um from the Sheriff's Office Captain Stacy dling and uh is it Captain Silva major Silva if yall can come up to the podium please um they have passed out some information uh to us just a little while ago but what they're wanting to do and they'll go into some of the details and this is just the first um they're planning to se so to speak um but anyway um they uh their idea of creating a food inmate Farm program out at the Sheriff's Office yes ma'am so what we're looking at is pull the microphone right to you and sorry about that sir that's okay U so what we're looking at and trying to accomplish is right there behind the north side of the jail some of that County property if we could um is putting a farm back there with some roow crops and teaching inmates how to grow um some of the food that they'll actually consume we have an agreement with our kitchen vendor um and they will actually process that and then in turn serve that back to them on their trays and try and save some taxpayer money there as well as educate them on the use of that or or from planting it all the way through to even preparing it because they teach that class as well excellent now other sheriff's department does that around the state right Maran County does yes sir Maran County does that and we've actually um have an agreement with them as well for any excess that we grow we can um trade with them and barter with them for some things that they grow if it's something that we're not going to grow or use uh we have a a barter agreement with them in place also okay and um so one of the benefits there's many benefits of this so after people um get out of incar incarceration it would help them find jobs um it helps with their mental health and their personal development some of the other research I've done also you know it gives people a sense of accomplishment right it gives people um you know they're able to provide for themselves in a sense of ownership and you guys have marked out on this on this property behind you about 22 acres is what we've estimated it goes out to the center of the power line and um there is some cows on that property so what we would be doing if we were able to move this forward is we would work to renegotiate with the current lesie um Les this footprint obviously there's still about 100 acres out there where some cows are being uh utilized in that property so we would um negotiate with that new uh with that current Le see with a new price per acre based on current standards of what other cow owners are paying in the area so um and I would work with the County Administrator attorney on that with with direction from the board if that's okay I think it's a wonderful idea commissioner Turner a couple of things um we were going to use part of that property for a large animal area for the uh animal services building that we're building that's always been the that's always been the plan that part of that would be a a pasture in case y'all have to take in a cow or a horse or something something that wouldn't fit in the dog and cat kennels up at the new animal services yes sir if you'll look at the picture that we printed out here it's a Google Earth print out you'll notice the the square that's uh east of what we're looking at there that is where the new Animal Services right system is obviously the picture does not reflect where that building is and that uh area set up however this area all the way from the corner of that property along the wood line a very small portion of that is is slated to possibly be used by US and local farmers the rest of that will not be used for any gardening yet it will be a while before we'll be able to take it to totally Encompass that entire 22 Acres right so right now you're you're looking at just taking up need to expand for such as a cow or horse or some other large livestock that can't be uh uh held within the confir of what is standard Animal Control there would be more than ample room to be okay that's fine that's fine I I had no issue with that I'm just saying that uh that I knew that was part of the overall plan for moving it there the animal services that we had that big pure behind it that we could use utilize part of it for large animal my other up and the just because you're not going to have inmates out there with hoes you're going to you're going to want to buy tractors and you're going to want to buy you know farming equipment and you're going you know large stuff so we're not talking about $50,000 we're talking about a half a million dollars worth of farming equipment here to sit up farm this big yes sir so we're not going to start out with the full 22 Acres we're going to step into this incrementally um we do have the inmate welfare fund that is generated through um sources at the jail that can fund some of this and help us with that and then the money that we save through supplementing the food sources at the facility would um offset all of that I don't believe that we would have to come to you and ask for any money in that respect same way with fencing that was the same thing they talked about and then they've also already had discussions with the University of of Florida and Wendy Moline about uh donation of some seeds and fertilizer and that kind of stuff but like you said that's not the heavy heavy uh cost to this it would be you know fencing and and all of that in the future but it seems like they've got a a good plan and they're not utili wouldn't utilize the whole 22 Acres you know right now it would be started you know maybe just a few Acres at first and and as we all know the cost of fresh fruit and vegetables has certainly gone up I mean I looked online as like a 40% increase so if we can reduce the cost to the jail I mean it makes good sense so we're not really asking for anything particular today I think this is the very first step in going forward you know just getting some consensus on the border would we be okay with this and then and then getting into the details as to um the footprint and all of that going forward well I have no issue moving it Forward today for further research and looking into it or whatever as long as it's not going to cost a lot of money I just don't feel like it's my place to burden the people that are going to be sitting in these chairs in two months all right well that's good and I think uh going forward you're probably get some volunteer people that would come out there and plow some Fe some of the land up and till it I mean anybody that owns a tractor would love to go till you know but I think this is a very noble noble thing and I think that it you know it's going to benefit the the prisoners are going to benefit the county cost everybody's got it's a win-win situation and we got the land in there so you know it's 22 Acres but 22 acres is what they're asking for in this footprint but again um it is flexible because they don't really I think they were just trying to come up with a good line right and so they went to the to the power line but they don't know that they'll use utilize the hole so when they come back the next time it it might only be down to 10 acres or 15 yeah they still a pretty big Garden that's a pretty big Garden but probably need to probably need to try and pick how much acres they actually need because it's also going to be if they take it out of the cattle program somebody's going to have to mow the grass and do the maintenance and do all that so that's you know they might want to do 10 acres now on the the the west east end West End let's see that'd be North on the west end so and then start moving you know more and maybe just take the part of it you're actually going to use out of your cataly program where you don't have to maintain that other property do you have PL of if you say you did 10 acres that still will produce a lot of food um probably more than what the jail can utilize would you donate it to nonprofits or sell it or what would and you may have said that I have missed that so we can um we have an agreement worked out with Maran County where we can trade for things that we're not growing that they are uh they have a hog program that they're running currently a cow CF operation that they're running and a road crop operation so we can trade for anything that they have in excess and anything beyond that we would probably donate okay any and understand there have inmates involved out there any way to can coordinate with the FFA local ffas to maybe participate in that or that' be a no no there yeah students I think we could as long as the inmates weren't out there at the same time right okay and then I think you also discussed maybe a um um program with IAS for um what' you call it oh the composting the compos yes ma'am UF is going to um they'd like to work with us too if they could use a little piece of that um as part as Their donation and stuff where they could do a a local composting to help some local farmers work on that that's a good idea as well all right sounds great what do you want a wave yeah just a wave and then I think we'll we'll fine-tune this as we go forward and figure out a a more accurate footprint um I think we had some good points brought up today so thank you for bringing this forward that's I'm excited for the future thank thank you thank you great presentation all right let's go back up to item a our fee schedule Administration Mr chairman I think we've hammered out everything on this fee schedule except for that one issue and that one issue was basically that I didn't want to charge for residential grinder pumps I think that um it should be I think it should be part of doing business business the people pay us $50 a month for sewer and I don't think that we should and I don't think that we've intended any part of this fee schedule any raise that we've done to be considered as a fine but if somebody's grinder pump goes out and it's not to to uh their and it's not their um doing that they didn't make it go out we just finded them $22,000 because they're they were un fortunate enough for their pump to go out now I had a conversation the other day with a friend of mine and he told me that if her if her mother's sewer had gone out of her house then she'd have to go fix it the difference is is her mother ain't paying the county to furnish her sewer we are we're we're getting people we're wanting people to hook up to our sewer that's a big difference to me so y'all do what you want to do but I think you're hurting people that we're not not intending to hurt by making them pay for a grinder pump especially if they're living paycheck to paycheck and they're unfortunate enough that their grinder pump goes out and it's a minor cost of doing business to the county there ain't many of these going out but it's a major cost to a family the having to put $22,000 in a grinder pump even if we let them pay it over a period of a year bother me no I can write a check for it cuz I don't live check to check and I don't I don't scratch to buy groceries but there's people that are on our system that do every single week and we need to have some empathy for them when we're raising these fees so y'all do whatever you want to do but I'm not going to vote for for raising for making the citizens do Residential pumps just not going to do it commissioner Wilkinson um thank you commissioner Turner I um I'm not quite in agreement with you on that and doing some research it looks like that grinder pumps can last up to 20 years but could fail sooner obviously and the life average lifespan is about 10 years so currently we have approximately 800 of those online so in a 10year span there they're going to fail eventually something's going to happen every pump that's ever been in a septic tank has failed at some point or another it has a lifespan um so the point that the concern I have is that when you have 800 current pumps in place and you have we're going to be expanding that facility to add more grinder pumps I mean that's a $1.6 million expenditure that we could have in this County for a future for a future board and so I get where you're coming from and I'm always for helping helping those people but you know on our fee schedule it had actual Cost Plus admin I'd be willing to wave the admin part of it I'd be willing to set up some kind of pay pay payment plan for those who couldn't afford it I'd be willing to put in a maintenance agreement into the into the uh program or something so that we're that we're made whole and I do agree with the person who said when you're at home and your and your pump goes out whether it's in your well or septic uh we're that's for us on our as individuals I mean I got a guy that works for me right now who does not have a well his well is gone out and he can't afford it it's $88,000 the County's not going to furnish him a well um so you know I think part of for me it's always about um being equable and so it I just have a hard time for the other citizens in the community that are on well and septic to have to cover 2,000 that's $2,000 today for a pump in 10 years that pump can be a lot more than it is today so for me then why why don't we raise the fee $2 and pay for it ourselves that's what I need something some kind of math that's exactly right if there you know whatever that would come out to be you're okay you're okay Mr Adams yeah I mean we talk about worried about the people that are hooked up to the Sewer the majority of the people live in this County don't have any access to sewer or water and they've been funding it for decades um so what about those people at this point I think the covered all costs need to be covered by the people receiving the services and I'm for it the way it's written how did they ever figure out how many pumps are average a year the amount of pumps we're averaging a year is that your question um since we put them in now keep in mind the system went in in 2015 and I think we've replaced five or six pumps since 2015 but that's less than 10 years old so I mean we're getting up to where's going to be the end of a life cycle here pretty soon so I think that'd be a fair question you know 10 years from now is how many did you replace that we 10 years old I mean we don't even have the system doesn't have 10 years on it yet do we know what commissioner Adam that okay commissioner Turner um I I get it I absolutely get it but also I guess I'm not communicating well in the devastation that we're going to put on somebody's life if their grinder pump just happens to be unlucky enough to go out I can't express that Devastation to have a $2,000 fine put upon them because their grinder pump went out they've had five of them go bad in the last nine years I understand they're N9 years old but they've had five go bad so they have one go bad or two next year whatever I'm I'm all I'm all fine for adding another $2 to it and making that fund separate to where it goes to pay for grinder pumps I'm okay with that but it what I'm not okay with is ruining somebody's life because they're unfortunate enough to lose their grinder pump that's the part that I'm not for all right may I say something before we go to commissioner Adams that I think that when we look at residential septic which I'm on I take care of my septic tank I every month I put additive in there I make sure we don't pour grease down the drain there's things that you do on private residents that you don't normally would do there when I first got here I complained about these grinder pumps and I said you know we're out there promising people all these GR grer pumps and one day they're going to go back and the citizens of putham County are going to have to step up and make it right and but again no one bought my last water pump no one's buying your well your workers's well no one's buying the septic tank down the road that needs to pay anybody I know they're not paying anybody but they're but they those people are subsidizing these people and I do think we got to find a common ground to make that work commissioner Adams so they are paying something they're they're paying their electric bill they're paying to have the original septic installed to have a septic and well installed in a property now is at least 25 grand out the door so it's it's actually cheaper for them to hook the sewer and that's that's and now there's mandatory pumps on the septic system so it's not even like you can have a septic system without a pump so every other citizen that's putting in a new septic system is having a pump in their yard so it's everyone has the same level of risk so in my opinion um just the group that's larger has been subsidizing the smaller group for a long time that's all my life so if you added $2 that were you talking about I don't $2 per month per resident to put in a a fund to pay for them when they go out as is that what you're talking about that you mentioned well if it's a two I don't know what the math is but if it's a $2,000 grinder pump over a 10year period it's not $2 month I mean I I I guess somebody needs to help with that but I I don't have a problem with us covering the labor I don't have us a problem with covering the admin fee I'm just having a problem with the with the the 2,000 that's today but in the future we all know that the cost of goods is going to go up so again $2,000 there's eight do we have 800 pumps out there 780 something like that I think it's total we have 780 on the system there's 481 grinder pumps currently in place today with with the expansion of sub sewer phase 4 coming which will all have additional grinder pumps okay so again 780 a 10e life it's just the math doesn't work for me because that's a $1.6 million expenditure in the future so what you're saying is is that the to make the citizen buy the pump but we but we don't charge them any labor percentage admin or whatever the pum goes out we just charge them the actual cost of the part that goes out over a period of time they can pay over a period they would have Antion three years yes sir they would either have an option to pay it or if they wanted to divide it up into a I'll go along with that all right so that I think we fell down at that I think we're all good with that long as they can pay a payment of you know whatever it takes them to get it done over a period of several years and as long as they're only paying for the cost of the parts that's where that's what I would propose and everything else that's not what this ISS now and everything else is provided by the county that's correct the hook up admin everything else that's what I would propose if you guys can just I'm going to rewrite the fee schedule for the final meeting that we have the only thing I need Clarity on so that there's no gray area is what is the maximum years is it two or three that you would allow that individual to finance it over up to a maximum of five I don't have a problem with that we're going to recoup it so doesn't bother me can you get a vote because this is I I've got get this Vu done this time I move Mr chairman I move that we the citizen pays for the cost of the parts of the grinder pump on residential now talking about commercial that stays the same on residential they pay for the cost of the parts needed to fix it and they can Finance those parts up to a maximum of five years they might want to do it less no interest no interest okay I'll second that but I do have a question okay we have a proper motion second discussion Mr okay I know that we have talked about this is that some are user error where are we with user error if it keeps having items in there that are just not supposed to be put down into this grinder pump I don't know if we can determine determine that okay I think we just fall down on the fact that people need to use it the right way and hope they do well if they're buying the parts now yeah they then if it they might decide that they want to pour a little less grease down their grinder pump or they might want to take a little better care of it after they buy their first one I agree now that we're okay I'm good okay we got a proper motion second any further discussion hearing n all in favor signify by saying I I POS like sign the eyes have it julan you got the proper ver chairman yes sir sir I move that we pass the fee schedule as just amended good deal we got a proper motion do we have a second we got we got to bring that come you got to have a clean ordinance okay okay your motion appw okay so it's problem Workshop can't seem to do business in a workshop we're doing it we're going to get we're good okay so next item is our Administration budget discussion on the hold back uh last year we all got $200,000 per District to use U no sir we did not take the $200,000 out of hold back that came out of general fund reserves I'm sorry I I now you can keep going so last year we all got 200,000 per District at a general fund Reserve well that's the next item sir yeah that's oh I'm sorry yeah the whole that no no that's the commission project y you're right okay so the hold back right now was 575,000 we took one we had 1.57 million and we moved 1 million over to Transportation fund to make that whole so that leaves us with $575,000 now at the last Insurance meeting it was discussed that we were going to be short Julianne how much we 200 205 855 855 balance of 37694 so I I believe Mr Turner made that suggestion in that meeting and I support that Mr Turner you have a yes uh Mr chairman I think what the Julian's looking for today is is that was only a suggestion in that meeting and she needs us to say what we're actually going to do instead of just making that suggestion so basically the the hold back was 20% we had to take a million dollars of it and use it to to to toh balance the reoccurring expenses at public works because they were 1.9 million short of making it making it right making that fund whole and so we had to do that um we uh we we ended up having eight an $8 million true up and we had to take a million eight of that and use it for health insurance but then when the reinsurance or stop loss depending on what you call it came forward it was a 200 $25,865 increase from last year that money wasn't budgeted right so the proposal was or the suggestion was is we would take that um 205 855 out of what some of the money that's left out after we took the million dollars out of the 20% hold back and that's not just the board side of this that's 205,000 everybody's that's everybody's reinsurance that's the clerk the sheriff that's everybody's reinsurance so it's not like we're just paying it on ours we're we're paying the 20% hold back for all the constitutionals employees as well as ours so with that in mind I move that we uh that we take the $25,865 shortfall on the reinsurance or stop loss whichever you want to call it and move it over into um the proper fund to Insurance Fund Insurance Fund to to fund that shortfall second we have a proper motion we have a second any further discussion hearing that all in favor signify by saying I I posos like sign the eyes have it good deal chairman yes before you move on is does the board have any direction on the remaining funds and how they would like them utilized I don't want them utilized for anything just yet let them sit there as part of a reserve yeah I'm think I'm good right now I don't disagree I think with what we've got going on with um Public Works and all of the work that we're doing in the county we have a lot of needs no problem I just wanted to get get clarity on it it'll sit there okay good moving right now the next one is on page 57 is our commissioner project fund last year we were able last budget year we were able to take a million dollars out of general fund Reserve every commissioner got 200,000 to do capital projects in their district and um anywhere not just in your District yeah we could split it around but as long as it was capital projects inside the county so um so my question is do does the board want to continue that and roll it over into the next fiscal year Mr yes sir the current funds need to roll over right if you haven't spent what you your uh discretionary funds yet then they need to roll over I would have spent mine if I knew we were going to put the rules on it but I was holding off to spend that money on something that's dragging around the duns Creek boat ramp I already put 880,000 in but I've got another 60 I believe it is and that was what I was trying to put that towards I put some money in PE picco Road as everybody in the Pico Road boat ramp as everybody knows Pico Road boat ramp more than likely is not going to be fixed before I'm out of here I don't think it's fair for me to take my discretionary dollars and try to make something better and then it not roll over or move forward after I'm you know after the year ends I also don't want to be faced with the prospect that I've got between now and October 1st to go spend that other 60,000 so I'm going to I just don't I just don't think that's good so this commissioner would like to see them roll forward and as I said I believe it was at the last meeting I'm not going to vote I'm not going to vote for another 200,000 let them guys vote on it if they want the 200,000 which I think is a wonderful thing by the way but anyhow let them vote on it it's the money that that they that they need to deal with um but I don't think the money that we've got should not roll over all the way and if it's not spent yet I think it should be spent on whatever we decide to you know whatever we decide to leave that money to do that your motion yeah I'm I'm going agree with that also um because I definitely with some of this I've been holding off um I only have about 50,000 left but I've got projects that I'd like to do but won't get them done before October so yeah needs to roll over at least to to we're out of here so all right do we need a motion or do you for direction okay I'm good thank you moving right along Animal Services Animal Control spay and neuter portable trailer uh Mr chairman could I speak a little bit before I waste everybody I hope so sir look somehow or another this got all messed up yeah I'm just going to be the first to say it I agree we agreed to give them the money if they got the grant yes sir when it came in last time they didn't have their business plan they didn't have the the all the other private funds and the other people like they have now this commissioner and I'm only speaking for myself I don't care if they get the money as long as it's going towards the trailer my concern was is that we would give them the money and the money wouldn't be spent on a trailer it would be spent on something else if they didn't get their funds that's not the deal now the deal is they got their money they've already and the only thing holding them back is our money that we already agreed to give them back whenever it's just the only thing that's changed is that theyve funded it other than through a grant but there's our money haven't changed a bit Mr chairman I move that we that we uh change that fact that and we give them the $225,000 that we'd already agreed to as as long as that it goes towards the cost of the trailer second I'll second that would comment okay I have a comment too I wanted this to happen so I appreciate commissioner Turner and commissioner Pickins commissioner Wilkinson already um I do want the services for us for putam County so other than that I don't care so commissioner Pickins yeah and I um we've had many conversations recently uh as as ear late as Monday on this and um I um was a little surprised to like conversation but you didn't have the money then right okay you weren't going to get it from the from the USDA or whatever it was and you didn't have it you had a plan to go out and and ask the city of Crescent City Pomona Park waca interlocking and the City of Paca so you see that you you went out you did what you said you were going to do and now you're back this is a result I was hoping for I know from the expression on Jenny's face this is a the result that you were looking for um I wanted to make sure that our money the County's money the citizens money was the last money everything else was in place and it is I think this will be a great addition um and I hope it continues for years and years and one thing they did say this is for putam County okay even though it originated in in the in District One or the South it's for the whole County to be able to offer these services and to work with animal control um for a a problem that continues to to grow so that's all I have thank you Mr Adam Zach you have a comment when we talked about the original time we talked about having a number of spade and neuters per year do we still need to put some requirement on the money because that was the only thing that wasn't in the motion or are we just going to go with the requirements we stated last time in their business plan though isn't it they includ so it is in their business plan is that good enough I guess that's that's the question I'm asking it's yeah okay yeah we'll get it all vetted through legal as we prepare the budget amendment and everything that they need and make sure that we bring back to you guys the whole package of approval commission thank you ladies I I just want to say that you know I have been down to the arc rescue facility twice already um these ladies and their group is very vested they have property they have a building they're not going anywhere they're they're um they have a board they have a very active board and and this is exactly what we need in putham County just the beginning I mean we need more than that but this is the beginning and the fact that we can have a mobile trailer that goes around the county and services some of the most rural areas is going to be you know just astronomical in what we can do for our pets in putam County so thank you for your tenacity thank you for not giving up and thank you for bringing this forward for question oh in favor signify by saying I I those like sign the eyes have it thank you all right Brian usually I don't let public Outburst but I'm happy with that one so all right so we're good Brian you next item is animal services update yes sir so um again I'm just coming to you guys giving you kind of a 10,000 foot view of what's happening and and kind of getting in the trench a little bit but this is just information I'm bringing to you guys so on the 29th when I submitted this um it has changed a little bit since then but we're still over capacity with the animals that we have there um sitting at 114 dog I mean dogs that are there and again we only have 54 spots so the longevity of this happening with my staff is it's hard on them because it's different than cleaning the kennel out right when you pull a cage out and have to clean that out it's just it's hard on my staff so um and even going to the new shelter we're only going to have 88 spots 114 88 would probably help too cuz even with the 54 you can put multiple dogs in certain kennels and you know there is room for expansion but as a whole we have lots of crates and lots of stuff that's happening with that so that was one of the the things I was going to bring to you all um also in your packet it also go ahead you want to go through all of it and then no I just want to make a statement go ahead you know the whole idea of the new animal services building and if you go back to when Carl Beck had the vision of having this uh one was to get it out of the landfill area yes sir I mean that that's horrendous out there one was to have a new facility that really looked like we cared something about I mean we have to deal with what we got and this it took a long time to build this but Mr Beck's Vision was for people to come to a new facility and adopt animals at a faster pace so I I realized and I've always said we're going to be over capacity the day we open but hopefully we'll get the adoption going quickly and get that moved out so maybe won't be so overcrowded but I do think a new building we're going to have to give it a chance to to do what Mr Beck wanted to be done and that was to see that rotate pretty quick you've heard me say I I hope I wish we weren't in the animal services business I wish everybody took care of their pets the way I took care of mine and how most pet lovers take care of their animals but it doesn't work that way and we have to have something but I do believe this new building is going to help us get these pets adopted faster and faster and faster yes sir so ready I I agree and I'm getting I'm just bringing information to you all that was kind of asked me to bring so the next thing in here um I talk about how I do meet with Animal Welfare League um Jenny and them I meet with them multiple times we have lots of discussion probably once or twice a month something in there right somewhere in there we we kind of have a an active thing where I meet with them and they have a lot of things that they're implementing um one being almost it's almost at the Forefront front of um putham Pals that we're it's a new website that's going to have our dogs in there to be able to get more dogs out um and there's a variety of things and it's in your packet any of that you have questions on um I can provide any answers with that but we are there's a lot of things happening with that that I do think it's going to be very beneficial to that um also I just want to give you all kind of a a little bit of heads up I have spoken with uh the University of Florida and we had the very beginning meeting and trying to do a spade and neuter inside the facility um we moved our cats outside and that was for some other reasons but there's space in there that we might try to make that a place where we can have surgical visits done um I I have at the beginning of stages I have a second meeting they're going to come out and see the facility I sent them Blueprints and so we're in the very very beginning stages but um I think that would be wonderful even if not just for them if we had vets come in they could come in and give shots and lots of stuff we can do there as a resource so just want to give you all kind of heads up with that I think that's going to be wonderful for the community and for the animal control uh itself um but then the last thing um I will have I know we have a lot of things that we're implementing and we're starting to do but the grind that's out there on my staff I'm concerned with um just as a whole and I know the new facility is coming and when they got to hold on to get there but you know we still got work this afternoon right so um that's really what I was kind of called here to do and just for y'all to have that those discussion and then I'm here for questions anything that you have I really want you to explain the Foster program and that that would be that's so that's one of my takeaways for that so um the Foster program I did have legal look at it very from up high so he kind of gave me the thumbs up we'll get it checked off with him and that would be something we push out through our website through different sides so if someone feels I can't take on this dog forever right but I can take it on for a certain period of time so I have a my personal JG I have a German Shepherd that's 130 lb so I could take another one and he they would be okay for a while my wife might divorce me but I could take it for a while and then if we know we have a German Shepherd of Brian's house Kathy comes in I need a German Shepherd because a certain person wants that dog hey Kathy calls me hey here you go there you go your Foster goes out so I think that's going to be a wonderful program if you guys give me the okay on that that's also in there um if you guys can approve that too that's one of the takeaways is the the Foster program that I wanted to get to takeaway from that so um anything else that you guys have I'm here for questions I have Kathy here she's the the work the workhound of this anyway wison has some comments or go ahead my first question is you know I see people are concerned that we're not having adoption events and it always Burns me a little bit because I see that you are having adoption events so can you please give us an update on um the adoption events that you've been holding you know how often do we have them I know that our staff are way overwhelmed but at the same time I also know that we are still holding adoption events on the weekends we are so um the last two weekends we went to it was pet sense correct pet sense two prior and and and and and so also we work with other programs so we'll give them like two dogs they'll take it to their event for us so it's still an adoption that comes out so on average about 2.1 dogs we did between 14 to 17 events between May and June and you you got to see there's not many weekends so we're in multiple areas multiple times again my staff is working lots andot lots of overtime I sign off on a lot of it because I think it's very important and so we do participate in a lot of events um that we have out there but um because this last week it was rainy so we didn't get a lot but the weekend before we had what seven we had five last or five the weekend before and we just had four this past weekend yeah so it's a constant but again when we get out four we get in 12 so it's and and they can behind me can preach on that too but we are constantly doing those um and and look forward to doing that and I I kind of want to do kind of a grand opening of this you know the new shelter once we get that an actual date hard date I would love to do something like that you'll see that coming to you but again that's still preliminary right so and I I appreciate the Foster program I know mayor Watson uh took a mom and some pups down in South putam down in Waka area and the the difference is that is those pups were able to be raised in a loving environment versus a cage without that daily contact with humans and so I I I recognize said that's a you know that's part of putting you know good animals out in the community that are going to be um you know not vicious but actual good dogs and so I also looked through your pro through this um recommendations from the Animal Welfare League there's a lot of great ideas so how do you see some of these things going forward are you looking for the board to go through these and or are you just wanting to I mean what do you want so so really what I was looking to do is give y'all the information for y'all to process the information good it is quite a bit so some of the things that are in there like it's going to take funding for some of no some of it's a lot some of it's not a lot some of it's just a little bit some of it's time right so the based off what's there would y'all solve would be the biggest bang for your buck um kind of looking in working with that I know Miss Miss Wilkinson we have you've gone to those meetings with us and you've been there so I I kind of just want to give you the information that's really what I was tasked with in doing so um there's a lot of great ideas um and working with that but again it's where you guys want to see that and so I think this is a good starting point and that's what this really was for me is a starting point to say okay this is what we got we are working they're they're working really really hard to to get these dogs out but just to give you all the information what is it that we can do I mean I know we're you were asking for the approval of the inflamation of the Foster program um is there anything else that we can do as a board immediately that we're not already doing that would help animal services at this time I I think as a whole so how to nail that down so it's like putting nail Jello to the wall so there's a lot of things there's a lot of moving Parts with it it's not just dogs coming in it's Dogs coming out it's transportation for the Dogs coming out so there's a lot of different factors I think if I have something where I know I need transportation for this weekend to say okay I'm gonna need overtime for this are you guys good for that I mean things like that will come about um but as for me to say I have a ask of this my big thing was the Foster thing I think that's a great thing um I I wanted to get okay and I didn't think that would be a slam dunk but other than that I don't have a whole lot in regards to that cuz I wasn't really prepared for that but I definitely can bring something back yes maam all right well I move to approve the implementation of the Foster program second any further discussion all in favor signify by saying I iose like sign the eyes have it Mr Adam you have a question yeah no I did you have anything further on do possibly the transportation out of the area conversation that we had had offline saying to take dogs out of the state yes where where there is the need for dogs instead of and I think we we found out it would cost around $250 for dog I know that sounds expensive but when we have a dog that we're feeding for six to8 months it's it's a wash and then it also clears up space so I mean is how would we I guess this is more for juling in how would we fund something like that where let's say we found something that's willing to transport six dogs what what's the mechanism that we would do that would we put a pool of money in for transfering dogs and as it came up it I guess cuz it's not the Transporters don't always have room to transport but if there's a transporter that has room in approach that says hey we could fit three dogs to go to New York or wherever they go we should get them out um it would all be for the board to allocate a dollar certain for that purpose and we would set up an expense code um and when it when it is expended it's expended they could transfer as many out as they had funding to do so you can't take them to the post office and put a label on them they frown there there's people that are running dogs all the time for for that same exact purpose I mean well didn't they used to ship kids like that right on the train back that's in a movie I think years ago they did I mean back in yeah the post office did it we've progressed how how many times did you watch snow pups I mean is it I think it's a great idea Brian can I say something to you sure it's been a long time since we've had a director stand there with the excitement that you just produced and I will tell you that and it's exciting to see that you know the building's coming new plans are coming this Foster thing is amazing to me I I'm just excited Kathy I'm I'm I know you've been through the trenches for years and you're finally starting to see I know you're anxious to get moved into your new home but it'll be here soon so you know but it's exciting to see what we're going to do for the animals of putham County and I have one other comment is as far as the animal adoption things I mean three of our four dogs at our house were adopted by my wife from animal services at adoption events so they they do get people there they do them at what do you um Deep Creek you've done a couple so I mean they are trying to hit other parts of the county too so it's not just plaque entric so that's the part that's really good about it when when we are able to do it we have the manpower to do it and they're they're willing to go just about anywhere that I can get we can get dogs out so she almost got my wife to do another one L well now you can foster so that kind may lead to another adoption that's that's the other side with that so won has another I just wanted to comment I know part of what Kathy does in her spare time because I've seen her on Facebook at N9 o'clock at night is finding the animals that are lost with their owners and so we see that a lot in um um that helps prevent those animals from having to come into the shelters and so Kathy thank you for your spending your personal time to do that but I have seen people hey I where's this dog or I lost my dog or I found this dog and you are truly the one of the people and there's plenty others in this room that are trying to make that connection so that those dogs don't end up in um out at animal services so personally thank you you know along those lines I had a years ago I had a labador that I always have a labador right but he um he went over two blocks by the school and my pastor took him to the the the shelter right and turned him in and I said man I'm looking for my dog I just turned in a black you know and I went that's my dog don't do me so he just got out and wandered the neighborhood and you know but thank you Brian with with the adoptions that youall are having and the success of them how are you promoting that is it Facebook or web page and stuff I think that's one thing that we're lacking is we we get the bad press there's no question from Jacksonville you know um all over faka news and they have to report but the successes of of an adoption or say talking about this fostering program when it starts and gets going those are the some things that I truly need to be be be be advertised because it just we are doing things that I think maybe get unnoticed and we just get kind of talked about with the bad stuff so yes sir and we're we're in the process part of awl they that they working on is kind of having those testimonies and so we're in the process of pulling citizens who've had adopted you know an animal from us or you know a shelter type of area and say and they'll give a little testimony so they know they're real people and they're not just oh we're adopting dogs so we're in the process of doing that I agree with you we do got to we have to be a better job and being diligent with that so I agree definitely that we're in the process of doing that because I have some names for that we're going to pull some and so some of those might be called on to had adopted dogs might have to have that too but um just be but I I do agree with you we do got to do a better job with that we do post on social media and different events and um you know like we'll tag on to everything but um you're right that there's something we can be a little better at with that yes sir thank you truly this board has paved the way for the incoming board to be better at animal services so thank you so much next item a Broadband update thank you commissioner won you want to take that no I don't okay I'll take it last week um for the listening audience and our public I want to take a break for a minute yeah I'll give yall a minute to we're going to take a two-minute break e e e e e e we're going to talk about Broadband Mr Richie you hear that the head of our local technology planning team and um myself at and commissioner Wilkinson at different times last week was um called in to u a local company so I'll let you uh tell what we're up up to with that company and also with the other with our local last local technology planning team meeting for sure so we um James Richie IT director ltpt chairman uh thank y'all for uh for a few minutes for uh the Broadband update we did meet with a local company here in town um looking into applying for the bead uh Grant application they're still in uh the steps to secure that funding here back from the state and all that there there's a long process of all of the uh uh I w't say Hoops you got to jump through but the application process and the data that has to be analyzed and submitted to the state and uh for underserved and uh locations within put County uh will say this that if this particular player in the game now does uh succeed in that a huge portion of uh underserved uh citizens in multiple counties for that matter will uh will be will be served for sure uh biggest thing is infrastructure you know fiber in the ground is the is the what is what's really needed it's the future proof um we do have you know there's obviously the Star links and the things in the rural areas and that's and that's really what the uh this particular company's wanting to uh jump into is the rural rural areas and uh so we're looking forward to uh having updates from them to see what uh what happens with the bead uh funding in uh in reference to our last ltpt local technology planning team meeting uh we have uh we had Comcast and some other ISP players uh uh AT&T we had and Cox uh Media or Cox Communications rather they had they were at we had some uh to be completely honest and uh I was very direct with him from the Chairman's position I on the on the team I asked them if we had any uh fiber in putam County going in the ground from the applications that they have been awarded uh and they said that they're in the middle of Contracting uh with the state and trying in their legal department getting with another legal department and uh I was uh to be completely forward and transparent I was rather Frank I'm like we have spent almost three years on this team and we are in desperate need in putham county for uh fiber infrastructure in in the ground putting fiber making rural rural America rural putam I'll say that rural putam uh to have uh fiber connectivity uh internet connectivity and uh Mr chairman has always said from the very beginning everyone has access but is it reliable affordable you know um Dependable for that matter and we we are as a team working diligently with these isps and trying our best to get uh fiber internet or internet in general to the rural counties I live in rural putham County and uh I mean to put it I'll put it to you this way my daddy he lives the end of the world and you take a right and you go another little bit past and there he is and there is no time he has he has Starling and uh it's and it works for him and it's a great solution for those who don't have fiber access but the fact of the matter is um we are we're looking to put these dollars for these isps that they're getting through these Grant programs in the ground and uh we're we're pushing pretty hard for that in our team and this local company really just wants when that time comes is the support letters from this board and the local technology planning team we always said that if they if one of these companies would step up they would serve half of the citizens of put sure would and um so we were very excited to get that presentation we were very much so it was uh it was certainly um a great step forward uh in the Broadband initiative here in putam county for sure I have one comment um I did speak with representative Payne I've been speaking with him about this um and I did speak with him again today and he said that he has had contact with Comcast and Cox and while they want to say it's being held at the state that's not necessarily true however he's going to make sure that the new um Senator and the new state represent representative will continue to push on their end whenever you know uh they're back in session and during committees wonderful that's very uh encouraging to me for sure and when we do schedule our next ltpt meeting that's we'll definitely bring that up for sure and and that's that's like I said earlier it's a very positive direction for uh putam County in the Broadband space it really really is it just can't happen fast enough for us that's so there is a vendor in West putam that's going out Gordon Chapel from 20 out to Star Lake Community I don't know if it's the same vendor I I don't know if we're not naming names but they're putting one gig out there and they're doing it I don't believe they got a dime of the the government money wow um so I really think we need to challenge these companies that got the money that are much bigger than this outfit to step up because and I'll say the same thing I said before I'll sign it for any company that's actually going to do the work but at this point I don't think I would sign it for one of the companies we signed for before because the work isn't done just like you said in three years um there's several that I signed individually separate from the commission because I wanted to see the proof in the pudding the prior people we signed for didn't provide the proof in the pudding except starlink but starlink really provided it for everybody and it's a different animal altogether yes sir but that company's doing it on their own right and I think they feel like they're going to be profitable so yep I agree any more good thank you sir thank you appreciate it just wanted that update Mr Helms Planning Development impact fee update good afternoon so um very short and sweet with this just kind of giving you guys an update so we are in the process of getting all the information um uploaded I know Mr Harvey you were on some of the meetings that we've had um with some of that and so once we they're processing the data now to give us back um to say how they want to split it up and what the impact fee will be but it's going to take four to five months once they get everything uploaded so we are still in the process it's not just one area it's multiple areas you have Sheriff you have different areas that are missing information and so once we get that in there it is a very extensive of the information that they have to have and so um we are working very hard and very diligently to give them that information and then once they get it all it'll be between four to 5 months um and then the study will be given back to us and we will present it back to you so you guys can look over and and make movements where y'all would like to do that or even if we want to go down that so go ahead sir go ahead chances are nothing can really happen with it anyhow until next budget season so as long as you have the stuff in place to make the decision by the spring or very early summer you then it shouldn't hamper y'all from being able to do what you decide to do well it actually what we learned is it doesn't really need to follow the budget season at all it's something on its own at that point so and one of them was a 90day moratorium on everything bu utilities has to say with everything but utilities utilities can immediately so what we asked the contractor the other day was basically if you can get us a product back by March or April or May then we can impose that pretty soon if we're going to go down that route and have it ready around the time of a new fiscal year but we we're pretty much assured that we can get something back so um I appreciate the efforts that Zach and you and everybody is putting in on that Public Works Sheriff's Office everybody's kind of chipping in because it does affect everybody so I have some concerns on the timing um when I look at the Florida statute 163 31801 it says the new study must be adopted by the local government within 12 months of the initiation of the new impact fee study if the local government increases the impact fee so and that was a concern and we talked to rich in depth about that so rich you want to answer that yeah I would like for you to weigh in on that please so in the at least what it appears from the legislative intent as to why they created that 12 month time period the idea is that they don't want local governments using dated information to form the basis by which the impact is analyzed or assessed um I think when we first went out to to retain the services of the consultant that's helping us do this candidly we jumped the gun a little bit there was a number of pieces of information that we really should have put together ourselves we didn't realize that they'd be asking for so that information has taken them some time to look through before they actually get to the analysis point so um administratively the decisions made to you know we need to retain them from the point where at least we have the package of information to get them for analysis so that we can stick within that 12 month period so does the contract date create the initiated date because if the contract was uh executed on March 12th does that mean we have to have we're we're going to reinitiate the contract after we get all the information together that makes sense okay thank you that was my question because I had you know concerned about about that being well we kind of got caught with that house bill that happened on us really quick so but we're good I think we got a plan going forward just wanted to let the board know that the study is I'm sorry is the stud is good for 12 months after that or what's the time frame once we receive the study do we is there a time frame on that like how much I don't think so because the way the statute's written it has to be start to finish done within that 12 month period so but I was piing up if we get the study back I I would say like month six I think you only have six months to make a decision at that point commission Atty um you know we need to keep in mind here that when we when the county implemented impact fees many years ago it was at a time of high growth high expectations High just like we're in right now it's highly possible that by the middle of next year things aren't as rosy as they are right now on the growth front um I mean it's just highly possible so let's just keep in mind that this is not a slam dump that some of the new Commissioners I'm hoping will and and the existing Commissioners will look at this on of what needs to happen at the time because the last thing we want to do is what they did last time around they implemented impact fees at a time when they were necessary with Rosy future and high growth projections and what have you then all of a sudden you wake up one morning there's no growth going on there nothing happening you had to you had to Mor put a moratorium on impact fees to try and get some growth going on in the last few years so I understand right now it's Rosy we got a big boy knocking on her door and another one that's talking from what I understand on the the developers but that could all go away within a few month period if the certain things happen so I'm hoping that we understand that this isn't necessarily just a slam dunk that we're going to do this it's look at the information see if it's necessary it could always be moratorium again if it needed to be if the economy crashed or whatever I mean so you know I'm not speaking against it I just don't want it to be a slam dunk that it's going to happen or the public by that may hear this thinks it's going to slam dunk happen it kind of needs to be from the information that comes from the report and then the new commission would would make that decision thank you Mr chairman thank you I kind of broke my promise at the beginning of this meeting people are in the audience that want to speak do you want to speak about a certain thing that we've already talked about or do you I'm sure they raise their hand when they're ready sure all right well we just keep moving along uh next item is our Planning Development overlay District Mr wber come on up exactly well I made a promise in the beginning and I and I appreciate you reiterating that promise since I wasn't here in the beginning to hear uh Michael Woodward 517 South Francis Street interlockin uh I don't claim to be an expert on impact fees although I have been published on the subject a long time ago uh to to to Mr Turner's Point commissioner Turner's Point excuse me sir uh yeah I've I've followed the uh the history of impact fees in this County for for quite a while now and some of it's been kind of a sad history uh and when times are tough we look for anything that we can do to try to make them better and one of the things that was that was done in that effort was to put the moratorium on impact fees but I just like to remind everyone that as far as I know there's no evidence that impact fees do anything to slow growth or construction starts uh doing away with them didn't help uh putting them on didn't cause a Slowdown it just doesn't really seem to have much effect on that at all uh somewhere around 2011 uh Craig shirar actually looked at the data on impact fees and he looked at what happened after the uh impact fees were imposed and after they were then put on a moratorium and the only change he found when impact fees went away there was a very slight uptick in used mobile homes being brought into the county and permitted but in terms of uh housing construction permits being pulled that sort of thing there just was no effect at all thank you information that is great information that's okay Mr hel next item on our overlay District the reason I wanted that on there is we've heard a lot lately about overlay districts in East Palaca um but they're all over puon County correct yes sir um and so I think there could be and so I'm going to give you um my view point of the overlay and how a PE coach can understand that so let me just say that before I start off so the the overlay districts um our future land use so we have our land use now and then we have a future land use the future land use is an overlay of that land right so the future we think it's going to be blah does not mean we have to go to that does not mean that's mandatory it means we think we're going to have this when we make when we did the future land use I know that was created in 1991 um it was the very first one that they were done and again like Mr Turner has said in the past that it wasn't necessarily we think development is going to come here now we have gone through them and done multiple updates to that a overlay District um actually I learned my first learning of that was when I actually went to a different I was in a different state with my daughter's appointment and we were in an area where you could have an open container so that overlay District in that area you could have an open container you could walk from shop to shop and you know it was downtown it was real cute and you could walk with open container because the server told me that I was like huh I've never heard of that so I looked it up and that was my first interaction action with it as a as a citizen so it can be a variety of things so you have future land use you have land use and then you have overlay districts that's something you could put in the commission whoever's here could say we want development to happen in X we're going to give them X to make them build there and it could be a variety of things I don't only give you ideas but it's a variety of things I looked them up it is from you know no taxes to this or low impact to D free hookups there there's a variety of things that they want development to happen so um I think there's a little misc you know little um heart of understanding with the two difference it is a overlay future land use is but it's not necessarily what is there so did that make more sense or make it worse for you I think it's good Mr Turner I think the biggest problem I have with overlay zones or the problem that I don't have with overlay zones depending on how you want to look at it yes sir is what you use them for yes sir because I don't think it's easy to get as easy to get rid of an overlay zone or to amend an overlay Zone as it is to amend a future land use map we looked at an overlay Zone in East Pac at one time from the foot of the bridge to 207 we looked at implementing because somebody came before the commission this since I've been here somebody came before the commission and asked for a C4 on that piece property used to be the oil place right there next door to Hitch are right in there by McDonald's in there just to the other side of McDonald's from here and we turned them down and the reason why the they wanted to put a mobile home dealership there and it was a C4 and it would have required a C4 zoning and at the time the commission said that they were going to try to keep C4 and and Industrial and the heavy stuff out of that Corridor right along the foot of the bridge to 207 when they started doing the research on that they come to find out that it was once you Implement an overlay Zone it's a lot more difficult to unimplemented Overlay zone so it's kind of like it's kind of keeps you from doing things that you may want to do and it it's kind of like um when I sat on the Planning Commission many years ago I had a gentleman that I had a lot of respect for his name was John Turner he was a survey here uh in putam County he sat on that board with me and he made the comment that you'd never want to build a sidewalk out of school you want to go ahead and open the school and then everywhere there's a path at the end of the school year build a sidewalk there because otherwise they're going to walk where they want to whether there's a sidewalk there or not and it's kind of the same situation we don't know where growth is coming we don't know what what's going to be the perfect the the perfect project to go in a certain area and if we go in there and put an overlay Zone on there other than the land use and other than the uh or the future land use and other than than the zoning that's already required to help with safety in in the area and we put another layer of keeping somebody out then and it's a layer that's even more difficult to change than future land use is or the other then it may keep somebody from coming here at all they'll just go somewhere else so we have the safety from the zoning and we have the safety from the land from the future land use map and if we wanted to do an overlay zone for something along the lines you know that didn't have anything to do with land use or what have you such as an overlay Zone that allowed you to drink downtown or you know when they shopped or or whatever that that's a totally different ball game there I have no issues with those kind of deals but trying to basically hamstring future Generations up that sit up here at this dice over what we think would be a good thing to do right now that's difficult for me to do yes sir I toally and when when I have read about overlays and how they are done it's when they have the infrastructure there so if we had water and sewer all over the county it would be different if you wanted to say I need development here so that's what they do so again you're right it is hard to to do that and the future land use is very important so when we say future land use it is not just a oh we're doing future land use it has a lot of value so um but yes sir you're right with that too commissioner ads that yeah I think the most intriguing thing you said is the futured land use doesn't mean we have to to use it for that use it um that stands out to me and that's been my stance since I've been on this board um I'm leaving in a couple months but uh I'd advise The Other Board coming in that they they actually look at that instead of taking at face value that it's in our future land use we should do it and actually look at that when they make their decisions because as much as I appreciate the board that I serve on I think there's been several times where we made decisions based on future land use that we could have gone a different direction and that's just my my opinion and point but um yeah overlays I I don't I think we should have less and that I'm not for Development coming in unless it it's in specific areas I think we need to be tighter to our city centers and Tighter to our we don't have infrastructure almost anywhere so we need to be tighter where the The Limited infrastructure we have is and again I I voted no on the alone on the one development that was at the end of our infrastructure we need to start from the beginning of our infrastructure and work our out so yeah and some of the overlays that we have in our County currently that I've been aware of is like I know Melrose has a historical overlay that's there which is kind of different but you know there's when I say it's a variety of things it is a variety of things that you can when we were going through some of these the mobile home park in East placa and and the other one we had people that actually stood up and said this is what the previous boards did and this is where they wanted these things to go you know and and I took I took very cautious approach to that but but we did spend a lot of money in those areas to bring water and sewer you know even out to that other project by the fire department on 207 we got water and sewer there did we not expect to con right next door did we not expect and I think that's what I heard from people is this is what you plan for why are you now struggling with this and I think and when I go to Regional meetings from my understanding Anar and Lake Estates has the most West putam has the most platted undeveloped Lots in the State of Florida and if they ever really built out look at the look what we would cause out there to really take place now I probably won't see it in my lifetime but you know RADS bring bring people and so 17 North 20 West 207 East I mean we've got some major four-lane roads yeah but Mr chair yeah go ahead Mr chairman you we need to keep in mind here that if you if you're not going to plan for future growth you're you're sticking your damn head in the sand I agree with cuz it's coming it's coming whether you plan for it or not so yes there it's been planned for in the East Paca Basin for a while especially down a four lane Highway when we rewrote this last time around when we did that redid the comp plan we added urban service out on 17 North just south of the County Line because if you don't think that growth is not going to encroach over into putam County you're sticking your head in the sand you know that we've got land owners out there that bought property for no other reason than for this to happen at when the time is right in the future 3,000 Acres of it and so I'm just telling you right now that when that overpass gets or that bypass gets finished up there and people can drive from the other end and get off right there on 17 North people are going to want to live in a different area than an ARG forest or wherever it is that the other options are so I'm just telling you I I think that the county in the past has done a good job in trying to plan for areas of growth does it make everybody happy no but the one thing I've learned about being in this job is that you can't make everybody happy no matter how hard you try so you've got to do what you think is right for the county and right for the citizens in the long term I've had many many more people come to me and tell about the deal in East plaque and say that's what you needed to do that's what it's been planned for for years I've had many more than came to hear being upset about it so there's just there's just as many if not way more people that understand that if we don't have some growth we die that's right and I think where I was going to out there on in the west putam area I attended a meeting in Jacksonville for a state agency to say you know we're concerned about this area because of water recharge for cpen Lake and that was the first I heard about so we settled up went out there to the state agency and said is it really a concern because if it is we need to make some density changes now um I don't think it was that big of a concern they just put it in their presentation but you know um again we I just wanted to have this conversation about what the overlays and where we're going to go in the future because I do believe people are going to find us and they're going to get off that outer Beltway Express and I'm going to take it myself to bypass Jacksonville and from our port to that outer Beltway is going to be about 17 minutes so you better figure that they're going to come down 17 and find us and they already found us and I'm glad they found us we just need to try to find a balance that's all any more discussion on overlay no okay I'm good and the next thing on your agenda is remember about I think it was what last January I talked to Mr sugs I talk to the board about getting our County inventory will actually during this process of of um the impact fee study we got that so Mr Suggs I want to thank you for getting all that we're still working on some of the leases but these are our county-owned properties and in your spare time if you have nothing to do you can type in all the partial codes in your area and find out what we have because it's amazing I think there's 498 pieces here was that right Mr s something in that nature so uh now some of them are just lots that we need to get back out on the but some of them are very finally we got a good list and we're going to be able to build on that list well I know that it's a big order but if we could when if we could try to assign somebody to just start looking at them when they could I'm not there is no spare time but in their but when they could to start looking at them and trying to weed their way through them um every month I pay close attention to what tax deeds are coming up and I track them down and where they are and if I would be interested and what have you and I go through the list and almost every month I'll find a piece of property somewhere that I didn't know the county even owned and it might be 12 acres or 16 acres and a lot of it isn't drainage and a lot of it isn't Wetland and a lot of it isn't things it's just property that the county owns that unless public works or staff or some somebody could have a reason for owning it we got no business owning that we need to get it back out on the patch rolls and the plan that we've already been implemented for several years now that I hope would carry on you know into the new commission to try to get lands that the county doesn't need back into private hands um and you find out I know there's some in here that you know that could be looked at and you find some something that you think you own you don't own so you know it's amazing but we are we're getting through it so I appreciate the efforts of Staff commissioner Wilkinson I wasn't done oh I'm sorry I had one other thing that I wanted to bring to everybody's attention just in case they didn't notice it that on the insurance valuations on all this property there's a lot of these properties that are valued at a lot more money than what we've than what we've uh got on them for instance um if you look on page 115 of your packet the first one on the list is I think it's the courthouse 323 St John's Avenue um they did an asset survey value of 8,479 th000 and we've got it insured for $1,686 th000 so that's a shortfall if something was to happen to the courthouse of 6,793 th000 now I'm an absolute Advocate that you can't Ure everything you got to full value because the insurance premiums would break in instead of it something happening to it but I don't know that we shouldn't that the county shouldn't take a look especially on some of these bigger ticket items such as the jail they've got it valued at 21 million and so we're basically $7 million short um some of those bigger ticket items we might want to think about increasing the insurance amounts on them because you know it it's easy to sit here and say well it's 7 million we could figure it out well it took us a lot of years figure out how to try to pay for a $8 million communication system by going to the feds the state and everybody else in the world we couldn't get it done if our patent showed up they'd still be talk using smoke signals right now to talk to one another around the county so the uh point point being is is that I think that somebody seriously needs to take a look at this is especially some of these bigger ticket items and weigh the risk that the County's taken versus the amount that it would cost them to do it on these bigger ticket items I mean just in this top there's just a few of them there like 323 St John and 400 St John's and then the the ory Griffin one is the jail I think and then the 600 College Road is 2.7 million um that these are the deficits is or what I'm calling out um the 410 Highway 19 is $6.2 million deficit uh 2509 K which I'm assuming is this building here is $9.2 million deficit you know lightning struck this building twice since I've been here maybe three times if it burnt this place down you got I mean what we going to do we don't have $9 million to make up the difference and to be honest with you I think some of these numbers that they're giving us here from being in the business may be a little conservative even at the net change due so if you had to come up with another 10 or 12 or 14 million to build one of these buildings like this because this one burnt down on a fluke it'd even be worse than having to buy a grinder pump Point any the point of that conversation is I think somebody seriously needs to take a look at these and you know it doesn't have to happen this week or whatever but I think you guys that are going to be around here for a while should make that decision on do we really want to bite off that big of a piece of the apple and how much would it cost to raise some of these to a little better level commissioner before I go to you um there are times in the insurance business and I've been racking my brain since you started talking about it with the comment is but if you don't ensure to Value then your losses are cut down too so let's say that you have a $2 million building on insur for 50 I mean a million then the company thinks you're want to self-insure for 50% of that so there are times and I can't think of the the legal name of that but there are times when that does happen so if we don't ensure there somewhat of value then we could it's just something y'all need to look into this was a very good exercise by the way whoever you know got this done it was a very good exercise I hope that this isn't one of them reports that just sits on a shelf somewhere and doesn't get any use because this is there's some really good information in here if we could try to identify properties off this list that the county really doesn't need you know or or have I mean if it's a easement for something like drainage or a road or whatever that's one thing but there's a lot of properties the county owns they don't do anything with them um so that that was one thing and the other one was I I think y'all need to take a serious look at at the difference that you're in between the assessed value and the rep and what it's actually worth thank you Mr chairman no I I think that was a great Point commissioner Wilkinson uh great discussion and certainly um learning on my end um I just had a couple questions I seen this last page on page 130 is discussing our current leases um and one of the things that I feel like we need to do at the county level is and y'all don't shoot me but this is my personal thoughts but I think that we should move the IT department I think that that and I have not had any conversation with the tax collector or the tax collector elect but I know uh they're cramped down there and it would and I also you know there's security issues and so you know we just spent and previously today we spent a lot of money or going to be spending a lot of money to update the security at the it and and you know I just I don't know what that would look like but I think I'd like to see a task in the future to some ideas whether we put him here at this governmental complex or we have another space I don't know that we have another space but I think we we need to have the discussion at some point going forward that's my thoughts sure Mr chairman and I think that's a great idea that's something that we've talked about with the IT department and uh so uh I don't know if Mr Richie is still in the room uh but we were supposed to be getting some um ideas about size and needs and and space and things of that nature so uh and then the Cs to move in the stuff that we need to get moved over I do believe uh that conversation has been had so what we need to do is just put together a timeline yeah and put together some ideas about where we think we may be able to house the folks yeah I agree with that I think we've got a that department is growing and and we just need to security is obviously our utmost one of our utmost important things that we're working on and then also I see that this corner drugstore which is I believe the piece that it says Corner drugstore formerly CDs family and behavior is vacant um that's in that building that we're going to be we we're going to be appraising out the rest of the old Clark building and this is the one part that was if I'm correct made improvements that has some improvements too so I guess the question is can we reach out to is that correct first of all okay so um should we be reaching out to the clerk of courts and saying you know do you have need to move Guardian light them over there I mean are they tight for their area um or do we want to potentially lease that out and receive some kind of Revenue in the future so we can definitely have those conversations the board asked for the valuation to come back to them before we make a final decision so we do have we've engaged a commercial appraiser to give us an appraisal on the one Standalone building for which I think we're all referring to which has had some improvements in it um several years ago as well as the three Parcels that combin to make up what we refer to as the old running Clark building um once that appraisal comes back we can have all of those conversations um we have had some communication from Guardian adem already requesting additional space um and of course the clerk's office has also talked to us about their need for better space or or more space so certainly once we have all that information we'll bring it to the board and let you guys kind of have some more deliberation as to to what you think is going to be the best course of action okay that those were just my comments and thoughts thank you okay that finishes up so we'll go to County attorney nothing else thank you County Administrator uh no sir we've taken some notes over here so we'll get back with the uh with the commission on the request and uh look forward to seeing you 505 starting with commissioner Pickins any comment um good Workshop thank you for putting it together and um that's it told you we could get it done commiss an any I have nothing today commission Turner one question concerning what we were just talking about um a notice on here that the port Warehouse that we rented to Victoria Marine that they haven't accepted that lease yet I was under the understanding they were going to do it Pronto yes sir it's it's taken care of uh matter of fact I've already signed that leas I Sam brought it to me earlier today okay good deal that was my understanding thank you I have nothing further I have nothing other than this was a great Workshop very educational thank you and I have nothing so that ends if we have any public comment on miscellaneous items anybody in the public would like to speak about miscellaneous items this meeting is adjourned to see you at 5:05 --------- ##VIDEO ID:RYaXBLJyMEo## e e e e e e e e good morning everybody and thank you for being here today is the board of County Commission meeting and our regular meeting our Port Authority today is Tuesday September 10th 2024 it is 9:00 in the morning I will call this meeting to order and the invocation this morning be led by Miss Peters with the keys of authority Ministry Min and the Pledge of Allegiance will be led by commissioner Terry Turner All Rise if you're able to do so let's pray Heavenly Father we commit this meeting to you we invite you to come and Reveal Your Will in every aspect of our County and as County Affairs are discussed we ask for your will to be done as 1 Timothy 2 veres 1 and 2 says pray for those in authority I urge then first of all that petitions prayers intercessions and Thanksgiving be made for all people for kings and all those in Authority that we may live Peaceable and quiet lives in all godliness and Holiness we are praying for our commissioners this morning all that is done direct all thoughts words discussions and actions toward the right path and help all to stay on track let your will be done as plans and decisions are made we pray this in the name of Jesus amen amen please join me in the pledge PL Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you Miss Peters thank you commissioner Turner next item on our agendas are approval of minutes uh before we get there we know it's hot Julianne is in charge of air conditioning she's working on it um so you know just want to give her the accolades where it's due so no she's working on it so we know it's not very comfortable but we we should have that done pretty soon so next item is approval the Ames Mr chair I have a couple um typo changes to make on page nine of the minutes of our package which is page five of 17 first paragraph should say commissioner Wilkinson it just says commissioner um and then further on page 11 of 17 which is Page 15 of our packet um fine reduction it just says Commissioner Adam so it needs to say Adam Zack so just a couple typos but with those changes and I apologize I didn't get those to you sooner um with those changes I move approval thank you commissioner wison minutes are approved as amended and they will be corrected so any further discussion on the motion hearing none all in favor signify byan I I pose like sign the eyes have it we're going to recess the board County Commission meeting go into the Port Authority meeting and the first order of business is the approval of the minutes of the Port Authority Mr chair I move approval of the minutes of for the port authority dated August 13th 2024 second proper motion proper second further discussion on the motion hearing down all in favor signify by saying I I posos like sign the eyes have it next on the agenda is Administration letter of intent Mr Suggs do you have that uh Mr chairman I'm gonna have the uh Port manager Mr Sam Sullivan address that thank you good morning Mr Sullivan good morning Commissioners how are you can't hardly hear you good morning Commissioners how are you go ahead um I'm here standing before you to discuss a letter of intent that was uh offered to us by the uh Douglas uh Law Firm a representing NIS which is National Industrial Services regarding a lease of part of the property that used to be known belong to Georgia Pacific which we call the port Annex what we are asking for you today is to accept the presented Loi and to authorize staff and the County Attorney to work with uh the petitioner to draft a lease agreement for the property okay so this is a portion of the port that uh the 8 8.7 acres is that correct something to that ex 8.7 of the close to 16 Acres property we bought from George Pacific across the road yes sir my only concern on that was the fact that the Northwest and I talked to you about that the Ingress and egress over there that gate if we need it because we are using some of that property for a lay down yard when the dredging does take place so I was concerned about that that that would be a discussion we would have staff and the County Attorney would have with the petitioner during the lease agreement uh drafting okay and also the repairs on the building we talked about that on that old George Pacific building needs to be updated and I think what the county is doing under that lease I think the the person leasing it can easily fit that into their financial schedule to fix that that that that would be discussed as well Commissioners any other questions for Mr Sullivan my only question would be did we um the light doesn't work today no um would be did y'all get everything in there that you needed uh Rich did you get everything in there that you the changes you wanted made and that's in this copy yes sir and you two Mr so yes sir I believe we did and and there was a couple of the uh the comments here this morning that I've already met with Mr Douglas on that we we are going to work through some of those and bring back a lease uh agreeable to both parties you know in move approval second second any further discussion on the motion hearing none all in favor sign is saying I I POS like sign the eyes have it thank you thank you any public comment on Port Authority items only at this point Port Authority items any public comment going once and that's it good thank you any general discussion amongst board members on Port Authority Mr I have a comment um I'm glad that this worked out the way that it did with them leasing this other property because they didn't really need the the port front the same as the the ship Builder did and they kind of was competitive AG you know options for that other building so this allows us to do some economic development with both groups yeah and U move forward so I appreciate that that uh the boards willing to do that and the port authori is thank you thank you Mr Adams that any further discussion okay we're going to end the port authority and reconvene the board of County Commission meeting and our first presentation commissioner Wilkinson Proclamation for p Patriot Day and a day of prayer and service Jr if you'll invite everybody down Chiefs Chief uh Lieutenant p come on Katie Captain Harper and chief L I see some of them are shaking their head back there they don't want to Danny come on down y'all come on now okay now I know why this microphone is so hard for people good morning board good morning puam County Proclamation number 202 24-85 Patriot Day in a day of prayer service and Remembrance whereas on September 11th 2001 the American people endured with courage and heroism the worst attack on us soil in the nation's history and whereas in response to this tragedy Americans across the country came together in a remarkable Spirit of patriotism and unity and carried out countless acts of kindness generosity and compassion and whereas Community organizations and family members of 9911 victims began observing the anniversary of September 11th as a charitable service day to honor the memory of those who were lost and those who United in response to the tragedy including Law Enforcement Officers First Responders and volunteers and whereas putam county has many brave men and women serving our County who heroically tirelessly and courageously put their own well-being at risk in difficult stressful and other dangerous situations and whereas putam County the has the Awakening American Alliance cry out America has called people to gather for prayer and historic leaders who have called for periods of prayer for our nation and God has called his people to observe solemn assemblies for generations and whereas the assembly is a day of restraint where religious and political leaders gather in a serious nature to bring their petition and prayer to God and whereas God has promised in the Bible ible in 2 Chronicles 7: 14-15 If my people which are called by my name shall humble humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their Wicked Ways then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and I will heal their land now mine eyes shall be open and my ears attent unto the prayer that is made in this place now therefore be it proclaimed by the putam County Board of County Commissioners that September 11th is hereby recognized as Patriot Day and a day of prayer service and Remembrance for the victims of the terrorist attacks on September 11th 2001 in putam county and its citizens called are called upon to honor the lives and memories of those lost through particip through participation in community service and Remembrance ceremonies on the stay and throughout the year be it further proclaimed that this that the citizens of putam County are urged to show their support and appreciation of our Local Heroes including law Enforcement Officers firefighters paramedics First Responders and volunteers of putham County who give of themselves to protect and serve their communities thus proclaimed this 10th day of September 24 Mr chair I move approval of this Proclamation second proper motion proper second further discussion hearing none all in favor signify by saying I I those like sign the eyes have it good morning and thank you all um obviously tomorrow is 911 so we'll be having sorry we'll be having our ceremony will be at 9ine starts at 950 at the front uh at the ampet theater whether should be maybe an issue but we have big tents this year so uh we invite everyone all of you of course and uh the public if anybody wants to be there it' be we very much appreciate it thank you and commissioner is in front of your desk our the Patriot Day U Proclamation that was just read and your part if you can make it and we look forward to seeing everyone there tomorrow morning Jr Mr chairman Commissioners thank you for your time this morning um it's it be a great day it always turns out very well these guys put on a great presentation to remember those that had fallen on September 11th of 2001 those are that's one of the days that everybody can remember what they were doing where were at um it changed America America um it doesn't matter how bad things get if everybody could live like the day of September the 12th for those of us that remember that I mean that was when they when our our entire country was unified um it was a great day U these guys out here that on the streets every day all the credit they get um they work hard every single day um 177,000 plus calls a year ran in putham County um and that's that's a that's that's a heavy lift every single day um and they do a phenomenal job doing it so I'm very proud of each and every one of them the ones that are here the ones that aren't here this morning um please show up tomorrow um as you can it starts at 9:50 um Reverend flag mentioned this morning they're going to do the same thing they have always done at Mount Taber tomorrow evening Reverend play what time was that 7 o'clock p.m. tomorrow at that mount Taber uh they always do such a great recognition of the First Responders usually have some great speakers come in so um and I'm sure there's other ones around the community tomorrow um it's Peters I think something tomorrow would you please repeat that on the yes sir tomorrow First Baptist downtown on Oak Street uh 12: to1 12: to1 they'll have multiple pastors inside the community down there praying for the First Responders so any presence would absolutely be U guys and have a wonderful day thank you all right don't [Applause] go morning sir how are you can we get some on this side thank you sir like you ready to pitch into the air too Chief there we go that's a good spot right there I know they didn't want to come but they are why don't you get up on the so that they can there you go today yeah all right all right everybody get ready Smiles everybody long my camera went off I know that's hard but you two one up hard for me hard for me to smile that long dying I stand corrected the air falls under J.R grimes's Authority and not Julian so it's coming close to being operational thank you very much commissioner Wilkins did a fabulous job in that Proclamation and thank you to our first responder Sam I'm here for the next item sir the next item is Dr Dan dorte I'm gonna mess it up so I just yeah Witham County Mr dorte uh is commuting from uh Winter Park I my email does not refresh in this room associated with the air conditioning um and um we do we do not know if uh he's in route if he's been delayed for some reason so I would suggest that we skip at this time and when Mr Dr dwarte show uh arrives uh just let me know when he arrives and we'll try to fit it right in okay thank you sir thank you sir yes all right the next item on our agenda is our planning develop public hearing Greg Kimble ordinance 202 24-1 8 page 44 in your packet Jennifer do you have that all your lights on thank you sir surprised it works one of ours do you're special if want you ready I'm ready good morning everyone for the record Jennifer Cassel planning and development services the applicant is requesting a zoning map Amendment from residential manufactured home park and Commercial General C3 and residential 2 R2 to plan unit development PUD the applicant is Greg Kimo this is a 15.94% this is second and final hearing the applicant is seeking approval for the purpose of establishing an overnight recreation park consisting of up to 130 RV sites no more than two caretaker residences 10 primitive camping sites and a bath house during the BCC meeting Commissioners expressed concern about 56 Avenue being used for Access and the accessory structures caretaker residences the applicant added to the development agreement that only a storage shed will be allowed at the caretaker residences and that the entrance or exit will not be permissible using 56 Avenue how it will be blocked off is to be determined RC should this PUD be approved the applicant will then submit to development Review Committee to safy additional development requirements as it pertains to this property the DRC will ensure the placement of the RV lots is acceptable based on the development agreement and the Florida Department of Health will review the plans for portable water and sanitary sewer your aerial view future land use zoning conceptual plan staff recommends approval of the request to amend the zoning map from residential manufactured home park and Commercial General C3 and residential 2 R2 to plan unit development with staff proposed development agreement the request is consistent with the requirements for PUD zoning consistent with the future land use designation and consistent with other comprehensive plans goals objectives and policies at the scheduled public hearing on June 12th 2024 the Planning Commission recommended approval questions any questions all right seeing none is the applicant here the applicant is here would you like to speak okay is there any other public comments either for or against this project this is a public hearing either for or against seeing no one come up we'll close the public portion of that meeting Commissioners what's your pleasure Mr chairman I move approval second proper motion to moove approval on the resoning Pud 24-5 GG Kimble ordinance 202 24-18 and further discussion on the motion hearing on all in favor signify by saying I I pose like sign the eyes have it thank you very much and doing a great job out there by the way okay next item is our msbu public hearing this is on page 85 Tony do you have that or is that who's got that Mr chairman these are the same rates that we've already seen before it's just that we have to have a public hearing because one of the many Es mbus went up in value so we if you don't mind would you just ask for any public input on it I don't need to hear any for is there any public input on the MSB rates that are posted please come up and state your name and address for the record and ma'am if you could get in line come on up we'll get to you in just a second Terry if you will just come up and state your name and address and what msbu you're associated with okay it's empty lot my name Elijah lari is an empty lot uh that haven't been developed and uh what's your address sir uh hold on sir would you like to give somebody else the floor while you gather your information okay next speaker Miss Terry and we're going to give you three minutes to speak okay you'll be fine Terry uh Terry sorl I live at 112 Breezeway um Avenue Satsuma our msbu you it went down it was $32.88 well it went down to two something well I don't know if I'm able to talk about the complaints we're not getting roads done nothing's done when I call when I call Tony about ditch cleaning June 5th nothing's been done about the ditch cleaning mowing got done in August when I called the roads got grass growing in the middle of the roads our our roads look like Pig Trails we're paying a lot of money for msbu to get nothing done so that's my complaint yes may I come yes you may in all in all fairness have you scheduled any kind of time with with Tony or you have I call him I haven't talked to him in uh I guess it was June 5th when I called okay and I haven't I think he called me I don't know if he called me back all he's interested in is doing something about the ditches putting drainage and we pay $3,000 to have our roads graded we don't have a lot of money I'm I'm concerned about the ditches it's got trees growing in them bushes the water's not able to drain but we need the vegetation taken out of the ditches and we only got three roads that had needs ditches cleaned yes ma'am commission Turner would you like to make a comment uh yes please um one of the reason that we didn't dropped that down more than this year than what we did was because where they would have money to do some of the repairs that you're talking about that they just didn't have the money to complete this year so I've talked Tony about this some and in in depth when we were talking about cuz I was want to bring it back down to 200 a year instead of 300 where it is right now but he uh he convinced me otherwise because he needs that extra money this year to do these additional repairs that y'all are requesting he can't spend the money if he doesn't have it in your account well if he can't get CS put in or anything like that why can't we get our ditches CLE three roads need ditches clean I can't get mowing done yes ma'am I understand that but what I'm saying is he he can spend the money that you have in your account I don't know what your account balance is but each one of those mfb msbu have their own fund balance or their own account and so if the money's been depleted with other repairs throughout the year whether it's grading or mowing or whatever the case may be and I don't know that you're out but um if that's the case he has to wait until the fund regains some more money and then he can do it again and that's the reason we only dropped at $10 this year is to try to have more money in the fund to do some of the these repairs that y'all are wanting in the area well in a year it's only been mowed one time I have not got the ditches cleaned in over a year I don't know what the funds is I've asked him to send me a copy I can't get a copy of what the funds is in our account I don't know what he's doing he's concentrating on on drainage for cul well okay that's going to cost more money than what we got okay so why can't we concentrate on cleaning these so you hav't met you haven't met with Tony since [Music] June no okay I believe you will Tony would you please put her on your agenda and if it turns out that y'all can't come if y'all can't come together on this one of y'all reach out to me I'll come sit in with you in the meeting but I believe that if if you'll get with Tony that he your finances aren't secret we'll be we'll be happy to show you anything you need to see when it comes to the msbu finances and he can explain to you what his plan is and what he's done and what he's trying to get accomplished in the future I haven't seen him not try his best to work with anybody he possibly can what about the road grader grading the roads were like this well now they're like this some of them well one he can talk with you about that and what further repairs that the MSB you can afford to do with the monies they have available in the fund all right thank you thank you m Terry if Mr chairman may I have just one second please yes you may gentl he put in a c okay Mr asley do you have any cards for this call you subject matter okay thank you ma'am hang on just a second I promise that gentleman behind you there if he he come on up and state your name and address okay I thought you was talking about what I thought you was talking about what empty lot my address is Elijah L is 259 West over drive okay good de okay and what I was concerned about was the uh IL Boulevard yes sir okay it says benefit but I have no benefits they pay and when it got to the curve not where my lot and stuff is and it's going up for $55 is there's a good reason yes sir I'm gonna let Mr adamac approach that but we are trying to do Paving inside of an msbu which has been unheard of in the past right so we've been doing that to get people moving okay out as quick as we can but we can't when you're talking the amount of money per mile but Mr Adams that will explain a little bit so the paving had nothing to do with your MS Buu fee that was something I did in the dirt to pave money oh okay um so the msbu money is for the grading and other things so if you go in Marth the lane some of those areas we fixed a lot of different places in there um the goal is to get a route for emergency services the Sheriff's Office the school district that goes from inter locking Boulevard down Dawn and then out lady slipper as the main route hopefully that gets paved I'm not I'm out of the seat in November so hopefully next commissioner can continues with that plan um I can't say whether you will or not um but that has is separate from the msbu fee the reason we raised the msbu fee is because we ran out of materials the last two years and uh we need more materials if you want to continue to fix the B holes keep that whole mspu as a whole which is all the roads I mean it goes from Kuka all the way out past Martha all those roads getting graded and getting the potholes fixed and stuff as best as we can we ran out of materials so this allows us to get more material to keep that progress we've made up okay I understand and if you don't mind me saying years ago when the mspu process started out there it was a way for the citizens to get services that the county just could not provide you got to imagine there's o my district which is right beside Mr Adams at I have over 300 miles of P of unpaved roads that are in the msbu process so it's a lot so you can imagine back when I was a younger man just recently married 23 years old we might have saw the road grater once or twice a year and on Saturdays we drag bed springs on the road just to get we did we we did the best we hauled the garbage up to the to the landfill too but when we imposed those years ago they were never indexed to to be truly the cost of doing business when you ran out of money you ran out of money and you had to wait for the next fiscal year to come along well now we've been able to index these and say okay the cost of doing business is this now so it's going to help you and I think that yours is the only msbu that went up in price yeah and I just want to add one more statement about that ours was the only one that went down um in the prior iteration one I think there was two that went down so this is the first time it's gone up in over a decade for your PR mspu so but thank you for your comment appreciate you very much sir all right next speaker ma'am come please come up good morning good morning if you'll state your name and address for the record Stephanie danler Curry and um I'm here about property uh 119 Ontario and interlocking okay um I own several properties out there interlock you put that microphone closer to you this is the one that they sent me the letter for are they thinking about Paving to go up on extra fees or I think you kind of hit on it a little bit with the first gentleman um I'm not sure whether the fees went up or down on it I just paid because I've had it for a while um so what is the uh extra $25 fees because I'm out there I can't even go out there on that particular property I think is about two acres without taking my truck so I think Mr Adams that just to mention that but he'll do it again if you like Yeah so basically when we did Martha and some of the the roads leading out and then from where we ended the paving in we used all the material in those areas and then also what's I can't remember the name of the road that comes in parallel to interlocking Boulevard fix that where it dips down as well that there's a a separate erress Ingress um we ran out materials for the stuff that the citizens were requesting M so we haven't really been able to do many projects in there now for several months right so this increase is allowed us to do more projects and we also were not part of the increase of the prior years that happened in all the other msps so it's only supposed to be like an extra $25 fee yeah yeah it's just extra $25 to get more more gravel more sand more whatever to fix the roads so it's for improvements yes okay and there is a monthly meeting that the msbu have at the community center out there okay and everybody all of them from West putton and meet at the same time okay in different rooms so please Avail yourself to go and be part of that because that's where the citizens really it's a Citizens committee and Tony oversees that but it's really led by the citizens out there okay thank you thank you so much for coming who else would like to speak please again if you'll state your name and address for the record yes good morning my name is Danny Kore my address is 310 interlocking Boulevard and my complaint is about the same as the others that come forth um I received a letter saying it was going up $55 on my um property $255 it's going $255 going to 55 from from 2920 to 5543 okay and um and that's that's for the year just you that's for the entire year it's not it's a onetime thing yes and my and my next question is you started Paving on on interlocking Boulevard I've been out there for 27 years yeah and like you um mentioned earlier we bu sell them SE greater you know and now they paved uh maybe a mile of interlocking Boulevard they stopped like three or four blocks from my home and I was just wondering when will they continue that work out there in in lock Boulevard or is that in the yeah that'll be up to the next commissioner that takes my seat be up to the next that did not come out of this fee that came out of dirt to bve uhuh so if he decides when he gets takes the seat that he wants to continue that project that'll be at his discretion not mine okay and my plan was to continue like I said to the first gentleman to continue from interlock and Boulevard eventually get it all the way out to Dawn and then eventually you go interlocking Boulevard out to Martha to get that whole Loop but that's up to the next commissioner okay and also um Governor santis he awarded putam County $1 million for infrastructure and I was wondering how do y'all U dispers that money or where where did it go that's for think you're talking about the water projects that we have but let me let me assure you we get State money County Road 315 from 100 to 20 from 20 to 310 310 to Maring County Line the State of Florida is paying $13 million to have that road resurfaced so we get money from the state but we don't get money for the interior roads like that unless we do a scop or scrap but we usually use that for the large arterial roads like I just said because we had to pay 13.5 million I don't know where we'd find that money to do that and that's just one Road thank you thank you next speaker hello morning good morning morning my name is lesle wall I'm on uh 145 Kingfish Avenue in Paca and uh I got a uh note in the mail that the neighbors can't build because they have a a water okay that's not about this is this isn't it this is a different topic yeah so just see it's my time here so it be coming up pretty soon it'll be coming out so just hang tight okay you know what part it is yes sir it's right number it is actually it's um under Public Works item seven on the agenda no you're fine you're fine you're fine worries next speaker do we have another speaker here we go all right thank you for running up here appreciate it very much you John Mickey Stewart an lockin um 1083 old games the highway my question is who is doing that really awesome I don't know if it's de dep payment or what it is but who's doing that really neat wrap stuff that leaves like um the hard top and takes care of the nasty sugar sound that's awesome whoever is doing that it's is that msbu or is that dir to Road um say that again okay there's this really neat product I'm seeing in some of the roads primarily where the school buses have trouble um it's like this wrap I'm going to call it wrap recycled asphalt product or something the mill so who's doing that msbu or you no actually it's part of our regular maintenance from the county right we've got some millings that were stored out there at Mary wishman Park and some are coming off of 315 and being worked on the North side and when the again from 20 to 310 that'll be worked in that area and then from 310 to Maran County we don't know where those are going to go just yet but yeah I mean we're using Mill but millons have a problem don't think that there's a solution because you get you got to still work them and it's a it's a job so yeah but I just noticed I mean now we're not getting stuck going from you know the hard top to the you know where the dead roads are it's whatever it is it's lovely I just wanted to put that out there um who is the guy I want to get a hold of with them there Tony you jly good I'll be in touch with him J in I don't think so either anybody else T that might be more for you because I don't think she's in an msv anybody else want to speak about msbu please come up hello are you an mbu no sent me a letter oh you got a piece of property in an msbu right yeah and um I my name is Shirley Edwards and I got plenty property out there but how did y'all go by picking one and raising my property to increased to 5543 okay again though you own a piece of property in in aaren Boulevard area okay okay and every lot gets assessed for that for services provided so that's where it's going from 2920 right to 5543 a year right okay so more services should be coming your direction okay so by me coming to the meeting you gonna bring it down no ma'am no but I mean getting work done brings it down yes but they another I talked to I think Tony yes come to the meeting and they are and let know that I'm not I don't like I'm not approve for that and y'all going to bring it down it going to stay the same price to so basically we meet with citizens every month like like was mentioned before at the interlock Community Center so anyone that has property in mspu can come and give their feedback and a lot of what we've done out there based on the feedback of the committee or in this case because the committee is not fully full we need people to volunteer to come be appointed to the committee and when they decide what projects they want to do there's a cost to those that comes out of that money that's from that fee we ran out of money because we did some really projects in there I don't know if you've driven Martha you couldn't use the there was a pothole bigger than the step that was in four different places lady slipper when you used to go around the corner you literally when it would rain there was a ditch across the road that I walked in at one point was up to my hips um so we fixed those things that costs money um we have not raised yours in over a decade and this is the first time it's been raised and it's about $2 a month um the only way if we didn't do it we wouldn't be able to do any of those projects that are happening in that community so um I'm going to vote for it because I think those projects are needed um so that but that's why we're doing it okay thank you Miss Edward thank you appreciate anybody okay we're going to close the public hearing Commissioners uh next on is our approval of the assessment role Mr chairman I move we approve the assessment rate changes as presented second proper motion proper second any further discussion hearing down all in favor signify by saying I I pose like sign the eyes have it we're going to take a three minute break e e e e e e e e e e e we're going to resume our meeting our board meeting and go into the public works request to vacate drainage easement Kingfish Avenue who's got that Jr you got that oh sure but I'll let Mr Stout do it Mr Stout please state your name and title for the record JT St executive director of Public Works puon County um this is uh in the bosck area St John's Harbor I believe it's on Kingfish and they're wanting to relocate the dra easement from the center of the property to the southeast borderline of the property um so we won't be losing a drainage easement we're just moving it so that if we need it for future ref uh future use then we've got it and the question I asked you was is that moving going to work and moving that water correct it will work yes I we talk to the engineer everything's good to go okay Mr Turner you have the floor is there any additional cost to the county for moving this drain from where it is to where it's going to be there might be minimal recording fees that's it no I meant the actual work on the ground oh we haven't done any work on it it would only be done during dirt correct okay yeah it's undeveloped the one that we're vacating is is undeveloped so basically you're just moving the the what you're going to put in from one spot to another so there's no additional cost correct okay and I think a huge component of this is the fact that the person who owns that property he's wanting to build he put two lots together so this runs right down the middle I don't blame I'm okay as long as there's no additional funds that the count going to have to like rebuild a new easement somewhere else no we're good to go have no issues okay thank you any further questions for Mr Stout this is a public meeting so the public is encouraged to come speak and um we have one blue card if you will state your name and address for the record yes it's lesle wall and I'm at one 145 I'm the neighboring property to this okay and I don't know what's involved in it I don't know is it just going to be where there's going to be standing water possibly I'm not sure is there going to be a pipe under the ground but I just built a brand new home and it's vacant and on the opposite side of this property is also vacant it looks like I don't know why they'd want to put it right next to mine if that's going to you know I think you heard the reasoning was the Gent the person wants to combine the lots and build right there and I and I understand I think everybody can understand but Mr Stout would you like to give a give an explanation of that yeah so all we would do is an open sale um to run down to the canal to get into the water probably be uh 10 ft wide on a 4:1 slope so you're only looking at maybe a foot deep just to collect the water and run it down to where it's not in the road something that could be mowed maintained is it possible to go to the opposite side cuz it's vacant on that side and I got a new house I didn't want any stand water for mosquitoes and all right so it it wouldn't be it would be running not standing it's not a retention sale it would be a movement soil and I can't he's he wants it on that side for whatever reason so that's the side we're going with and it does stay within his property boundaries right so I don't have a say if if it's vacant on the far side of his property also that it would put right next the the item today is about moving that from the middle of his property to that side and if it works for the drainage and it doesn't hold water and it's it's maintainable I I don't see the you know I don't I don't think it's going to okay just really concerned that I've seen so much standing water in these little uh things that the bugs well are supposed to hold water and move water so they they do both so think you'll be happy so vacant on the right now we're not doing anything with it right now nothing we're not doing anything there currently it was just proposed and I thought if could proposed it should enhance that area more than it's going to hurt y okay all right good thank you thank you uh Francis GL I'm sorry gath I know you've been here my name is Francis gon I live at 169 Bonita Drive I'm Vice chair of msbu St John's Harbor unit 3 we as as a a Community member we have we have come to the conclusion that this is this is great for this Gentlemen let's move it the southeast Corner what he's talking about it is lower in that area so the drainage would go out faster uh public workers correct in putting it in the Southeast corner but as long as it is moved we don't have a problem and welcome to the neighborhood to this gentlemen thank you thank you sir thank you all right any further comments on public hearing on this item we're going to close the public hearing and commissioner is what's your pleasure Mr chair I move approval resolution 202 24-8 second proper motion do we need to re by title rich or okay commissioner wilon will you include that in your title in your motion yeah let me get there putham County resolution 204-0880 section 336.00 n of Florida statute continue reading you got to read the whole thing I think we're good we're good we're good all right thank you all right so we have a proper motion proper second any further discussion all in favor signify by saying I iose like sign the eyes have it we're going to move up to our presentation Mr Dr Dan dhy I messed that up I know this is the 2024 putam County vul vulnerability assessment good morning Commissioners um Sam solvent grants projects latest of Affairs support manager um I'm proud to introduce you to Dr Dan dhy uh he's from Balmoral group uh they conducted our vulnerability assessment uh that was funded by the state of Florida and uh he's going to give you a brief uh summary of the findings and all that through his presentation the uh entire document can be found online uh on our website under the e mer management tab uh for anybody who would be interested we're looking at the entire document Mr suvan before you leave who funded this uh Florida Department of Environmental Protection we uh received a grants of resiliency Florida and uh thank you for and um Mr Stephan turnip seed was here for emergency management is also with us and uh let me introduce you Dan dhy Dr Dan dhy who will give you presentation please come forward so thank you thank you Mr chairman thanks uh members of the the board for having me [Music] here sorry I'm just trying to find my did you put the slides on on here somewhere Mr Richie oh I see sorry sorry about that there we go just hidden okay very good so this is the uh vulnerability assessment we did um like Sam mentioned funded by D the resilient Florida program so the objective of this is essentially for you all to have another tool in the toolbox to build a more resilient putham County and this this study focuses just on flood risks so it's different from your like your LMS your local mitigation strategy that's looking at a variety of types of Hazards this is just focused on identifying and mapping flood risks throughout putham County and developing next steps for reducing those risks so we've provided the county with a uh with a d compliant vulnerability assessment d here sort of specifies the scope and has largely standardized these vulnerability assessments so they're looking at things the same way so you end up with a a report an online dashboard and a bunch of kind of spatial data GIS data that Maps out critical assets and areas of flood risk throughout the county looking at sea level rise storm surge and rainfall um now and out into the future 2040 and 2070 are sort of the specified future planning Horizons that are required here um and this also you know having this vulnerability assessment done makes the county eligible for uh future Capital Improvement future implementation Grant funds funds from D so just want to say thank you to our steering committee who has served on this project and helping you know make sure we're paying attention to the right areas in the county and looking at the right data in the county uh so thank you to this group here so a little bit about the process sort of how this comes together starting with flood modeling we're essentially um starting with digital elevation so a land surface map very sort of high resolution digital elevation model um we're overlaying water elevations with that so we have 19 different flood scenarios different combinations of rainfall sea level rise and storm surge and combining that with our critical assets throughout the county so d by Statute has described certain types of assets that they describe as critical assets um water and wastewater schools airports um fire stations uh waste disposal sites so there's 37 different types of critical assets that are all mapped throughout the county and we're basically um talling up flood depths at those locations if there is flood depth tallying tallying those up and Counting impacted assets throughout the county to give us a measure of of flood risk um and ultimately this is pointing to you know what comes next so um your team at the county will be you know figuring out like they always do figuring out the next kind of implementation project here so so this is showing you all the different flood scenarios that went into this um like I said these are specified from D so there's um five different types of high tide flooding uh sea level rise scenarios that go into this and high tide here means 2 feet above your mean higher high water so this is an unusually high tide that occurs maybe three or four times a year you might hear it called king tide so this is not your typical high tide we're also looking at rainfall 100 Year 500 year and also your future version of those um 2040 and 2700 year and 500 Year I'll explain those in a minute and a bunch of different combinations of storm surge 25 year and 100e storm surge combined with the various uh sea level rise scenarios so just to give you a quick look at what that those types of depths from sea level r R and storm surge sea level rise ranges from looking at 240 and 2070 it's about 7/10 of a foot up to um over 3 feet of potential sea level rise this is estimated out through 20 240 coming from Noah's uh sea level rise scenarios these are the required scenarios that are used here and your storm surge Go 25 year going from about 4 to 7 feet and about 5 to 9 ft for your 100-year storm surge values those are some of the the sea level rise and surge scenarios coming into this um so this kicked off a little bit about the timeline this kicked off last November in convening with the steering committee kind of getting acquainted making sure we're paying attention to the right data in the county there was a public Workshop here in uh March of this year where we invited um members of the community to show up and let us know some of their concerns we had some maps around the room and people were kind of putting sticking dots and marking up the maps for you know various known areas of flood risk um we came back together with the steering committee in June uh and then delivered the final report and all the data that goes with it uh back at the end of June uh so I want to say a bit more about uh rainfall here and the rainfall projections so your current 100 years so on average should occur once every hundred years your your current one day your one day storm is about 10.6 in per day should occur about uh once every hundred years the estimated future version of that in 2040 Rises to about 13.9 uh based on some work from South Florida Water Management District and USGS looking at how rainfall has historically been changing and sort of intensifying you're getting more big rains and so that's you you've maybe noticed that and that's being captured here as well as we can on countywide scale so we're using those elevated 20 240 2070 uh big greens as part of the as part of this risk assessment here to map that around the county so just a few slides to kind of quickly run through the results there's a lot of this on an online dashboard and also in the report that shows you you know every critical asset and if it's there's some flood risk there or not um this is counting up flood impacted critical assets throughout the county for six of you know I showed you those 19 different uh flood scenarios this is a selection of six of those from left to right going 100e rainfall 2070 100e rainfall um high tide in 20 240 so this is a intermediate High 2040 sea level rise um then 2070 intermediate High sea level rise and then the same version of that 240 and 26 7 with a 25-year storm surge and you'll see these bars just indicate the number of critical assets flood impacted by those different scenarios and in the the transportation group that's all all your roadway segments not surprisingly those are the biggest number of assets affected because it's the biggest number of Assets in County you know just in terms of number of pieces of Road pieces of infrastructure out there so you have you know about 1,300 um mostly roadway segments affected in your 100-year Reign that rises to over, 1400 in your 2070 version of that 100-year Reign um and the next most affected asset type is the group here is critical infrastructure most of those are storm water ponds um locations of any type of storm water infrastructure so that's your kind of your next most U kind of impacted asset that shows up there so zooming in on a particular uh kind of RIS so your high tide floods these are sunny day you know potentially sunny day 2040 King Tide high Tide so the two feet above mean high water these are locations of um that's the northern portion of the county on the left the southern portion of the county those dots indicate roadway segments with some nonzero amount of flood U of flood depth there this is kind of what it looks like on the map you see those shaded areas are um you know water elevations water above land surface at at those location of Roads so you see uh this is near Paradise Circle and Edgewater Road um so you see some of that flooding there in in working with the steering committee early on WE identified 30 potential uh Focus areas so these were existing LMS projects other areas of known flood risk in the county um 10 of those emerged as high priority areas based on County input and also looking at the number of assets affected those show up here those are those are described in more detail in the vulnerability assessment this doesn't mean you have to do anything in particular there they got a little more attention but of course it's up to the county you know looking at all the data which you know which order those should go in or if it should be one of these that's you know not in a priority area all of the data so there's I think roughly 13,000 critical assets mapped throughout the county all of those with their different flood depths if they're flooded are available in an online dashboard so you can sort of Click through just see the schools for a particular flood scenario you can see if any of those are affected so it kind of just makes a whole bunch of data a bit more accessible there so how to wrapping up here how to use this study um just a few pointers on that that um um your team at the county will be proceeding on with Next Step so using some of this information to guide your local mitigation strategy and CIP project selection avoiding new infrastructure in FL impacted areas so any land use decisions that might uh make sense to use this supporting easements and Acquisitions in locations of flood impacts there is a possibility of community rating system credits for uh some of the work that went to this that would we would be up to your flood plane manager to proceed with that uh storm water and roadway and print projects should maybe be considering some of this information for example where there's a resurfacing um in some areas should there also be a roadway elevation that's worked into that resurfacing plan um any storm water modeling that drains to tide any any of that that's near the river you know that's permitted what tail water conditions you use and that not going to change for a while there might be some the county might want to alter that or work with your engineers who are doing that kind of modeling to make sure in you know 20 or 40 years that whatever's drained into tide will still work uh will still work as planned and ultimately to uh pursue external funding there's a lot of funding available here from rilian Florida from D to support actual implementation projects and this sort of ticks the box for that um so that'll be one of the next steps here we would expect so again thank you for for having us do this work for you all and for having us here today and I'm happy to happy to answer any questions if I could any questions you have a question no I I appreciate um all the different information and definitely some of the areas of concern in District One are on there which is um East River West River and also Sportsman Harbor so and speaking with um Sam this morning completing this does keep us um I guess in line for to be able to apply for different monies when we come up with projects to help mitigate some of this stuff so thank you for the report yeah you're welcome thank you Mr s you have a comment I don't think you're M sorry I thought I had my mic on uh first of all thank you for the presentation and and Mr solivan and Mr turnam SE for their their work on this uh as you know Mr chairman yesterday you and I had the pleasure of meeting with Miss Beth Payne from the northeast Florida Regional Council and one of the comments that was uh made yesterday was the amount of dollars that would be available for these type of Grants moving forward now that we have the uh uh the study completed and the work work done it shows where we need to be concentrating our efforts you know here in puam County so just want to say thank you again and also to let Mr Sol Miss Mr Atty know that that conversation did happen yesterday in my office with Northeast full Regional Council so be looking out there reach out to miss Payne Beth pay with the council to see what grants might be out there for us to take advantage of thank you commissioner Turner I mean commissioner bingson I'm sorry uh thank you I appreciate the study I just want to take this opportunity to put out there that um we do have a problem occurring right now in butam County over from the East panile area over to um Horseman's Club Road and it's a huge a huge problem and the the staff is doing everything they can to work on it but as we go forward so I'm putting this out to the everyone and to the fellow Commissioners is this is that's one area we really need to look at I mean Mud Lake is all the way out to Highway 19 right now it's a huge problem I drove through that Community people are pumping out their um properties to not get water in their house and that's happening right now not in 2040 or 2070 so I think as we go forward that's an area of concern that I have and um just letting staff know know and administration know and future Commissioners that um that's an area we want to concentrate on thank you yes commissioner Turner um I appreciate the report and appreciate the discussion and maybe it'll help some with future funding for the for the county or whatever um most of the issues that we're having right now aren't coming from this they're coming from existing ditches and drainage vessels that are are not clean and we don't own them so we can't clean them so we're going to be those kind of issues all over the county from now forward because there's no way of knowing if a tree has fell down and blocked a ditch on a private piece of property back in the woods and until unfortunately the actual area starts flooding and we try and then we understand or or a covert has failed inside but we haven't had enough rain to back the water up so we get a big rain event and find out the covert's bad there's always going to be reactionary defensive type work that the county has to do you know and so I I just want the people at home to understand that this has nothing that the flooding that's going on the tragedy because it is has to do with default to the county they jumped right on it as soon as they could put down all other work there was to put down to go out and and try to resolve those issues as quickly as possible so you know I just didn't want them the people at home to think were being critical of Public Works by this comment you know because they they've done everything they can do here to make this go away as fast as they possibly could and I wanted to commend them on that as part of this I agree with that thank you thank you Mr chairman Mr adamac specific to that this this isn't unique to today this has been going on for a long time so when it happened last time was about two years ago where flooded really bad off that Lake and we actually got with Public Works director time which is not not the current Public Works director and we started to get approvals to do stuff and there was a land owner in the back of the lake that absolutely refused she was blocking part of the problem we did get that blockage removed that we because they weren't allowed to block what they were blocking um at that so who knows if that person put and I don't know if that's something you're looking at but at one point the guy actually put stones and concrete and everything else at Outlet of the lake which was flooding everyone upstream and our road that got removed so I don't know if that's still there or if someone possibly put it back um hopefully we can make better progress with that particular landowner maybe that changed hands but just like commissioner Turner said if a landowner in that path doesn't give us permission or access outside of potentially Amant domain we don't really have much say in it so well a lot of times if you remember in the past the land owners actually took care of their own drainage issues and took care of things um that seems to be not the normal anymore like it was Back 40 years ago or what have you so you're just running into these issues and some some land owners don't want you on their property we've run into that multiple times and I know we're getting in needs a little Mr chairman so excuse me well we've had that happen multiple times and out there at HUD Ridge we had one that the uh it took us almost a year to talk the land owner into giving us a TC temporary construction easement to go in there and fix a covert that he that had failed on his property but it was backing water up for two miles in in a direction and I mean seriously backing water the road yeah yeah we're at HUD so yeah this is this is definitely part of it thank you Mr chairman and and let me say I was when you were giving your presentation that's that's kind of been my thing for a long time is is we do have these drainage ditches canals take for example Flor home who years and years ago did a drainage District to create Farmland out there and when we got a million dooll Water Management Grant to clean that out found bags of concrete found Boulders in there people wanted that water backed up for certain reasons you know I mean you can't you can't protect everybody against that and and what commissioner Wilkinson said and Commissioner Adam Z Turner as a young boy I remember going down certain roads around the Horseman's Club Davis Lake being one of them you know walking horses in the water and I mean so we don't see that often we don't see that as much but I do remember where water used to be and it's not there now and there's a home there now you know so I often think what do we do here you know but but we do have to clean out our interial stuff so it can make its way to the rivers and to where it's trying to get to so but I appreciate your your presentation all your work on this thank you and we'll be looking forward to using this document into the future so thank you very much next on our agenda is our ship public hearing and administration do you have that page 3177 in your yes sir uh our grant administrator has included for you the fiscal year 2122 State Housing Initiative ship reports and um a public hearing has to be held before we transmit to the state and so it is just um a formality at this time it's been properly advertised and is before you today okay so we have a property advertised meeting you've heard the explanation is there any public comment on the ship State Housing Initiative partnership report and transmittal to the state anybody would like to make a public comment on that and seeing none we'll close the public comment portion Commissioners what's your pleasure Mr chairman I move approval second I second it okay we got a proper motion proper seconds all any further discussion hearing none all in favor signify by saying I I posos like sign the eyes have it thank you public comment now on agenda items is there anybody in the public that would like to speak on the items of consent agenda items a through L anybody in the public would like to speak on items a through L we'll close the public hearing commissioner Pickins will'll start with you is there any items you like to pull I have none commissioner adamac none none okay commissioner Turner I have none commissioner Wilkinson I have none and I have none so the chair will entertain a motion Mr chair I move approval of consent agenda items a through L second a proper motion proper second any further discussion on the motion at hand hearing none all in favor signify by saying I I oose like sign the eyes have it appointments we'll start with you Mr Pickins I have none Mr adamac I have none Mr Turner I have none Miss Wilkinson I have none and I have none going right down to new business and commissioner adamac you have an item on the Bill of Rights Sanctuary County yeah um basically we were I don't know if Mr Council can I allow Mr Council come up and talk about it Mr counsil good morning I'm Johnny counts 9470 Barrel Factory Road cracker swamp Florida uh is Cracker want really a Township absolutely it's my own Sovereign territory it's like Johnson um yes sir I've uh approached y'all talked to y'all sent y'all some information on this constitutional County um resolution ordinance proposal whatever we can get uh to bring it forward but um as you know we've done a second amendment Sanctuary just a couple of years back and this is basically uh uh protecting our Bill of Rights uh you know making the Constitutional County uh let it be known that we are going to stand for the Constitution that it is the law of the land and we're not going to allow our sovereignty as a County be overrun by the state or by you know Federal so with what's gone on the past few years we've seen how much has been uh affected in the Second Amendment as far as how much has been uh pressure has been put on that Amendment since about 1934 I guess you could say when it started and uh we're seeing now a lot of our other amendments being uh attacked and especially since we had the covid episode with the emergency it seems like an emergency is uh uh that's basically the call of the Tyrant I guess you could say it's a it's a way to U have us give up some of our our um god-given rights uh to uh you know make way for the supposedly the public better but Mr Bill Mitchell here is with the state uh he's overseeing it we're trying to get Florida to become a constitutional state and by getting all 67 counties to become constitutional counties we can go forward with that and uh a lot of counties all over the country did the Second Amendment uh uh however you would want to put it there is there a sanctuary or you know resolution or an ordinance that they you know a second amendment County and so with that being we like to see all of it done and I believe I spoke at the County Commission that we had here for for the sanctuary for the Second Amendment and said said we need to do it all the second amendment was not enough and anyway I'd like to have Mr Bill U introduce hisself and he can tell you about how it's been going all over the all over the state with the other counties hi thank you for the opportunity to address you on issue that's very close to my heart which is the Constitution now one of the things I it would like to know State my name and where I'm from right yes okay I'm Bill Mitchell I'm from Orman Beach and I'm at uh number what is it three SE Dunes Terrace in Orman Beach I basically travel all over the state and uh at this point was I'm the Florida director that uh working with a number of counties to work towards having them become constitutional counties and a lot of folks I'm I'm sure that the County Attorney is going well that sounds pretty redund it because aren't we already constitutional counties and then that's where we bring up well let's take a look at the Second Amendment Amendment and let's take a look at Co and what happened to the 1 the 5th the 9th the 10th and the 14th Amendment when that happened because a lot of counties say well we're constitutional County but when I say well then how is it that we didn't protect those rights as a county of our people and how come people suffer tremendous losses through business through various other issues because of that lack of protection so it's kind of like Al's reference is kind of like marriage vows you know a lot of time when people get married they're they're saying their vows and all that and they're thinking about the honeymoon a lot more than thinking about what they're saying anybody have that experience well you might have but the same thing's true with the Constitution it's like sometimes we need to be reminded that we gave an oath of office to basically defend and protect the Constitution for all enemies foreign and domestic and sometimes we don't necessarily realize how that needs to be done at a city a county a state and a federal level because each has independent sovereignty because we're all supposed to be keeping one another in check according to the 10th Amendment so one of the things that I would like to suggest to you is that just as you felt the need to protect the Second Amendment because you saw I don't know if you go back as far as the 1990s as the gun grabs that happened under the Clinton Administration and things that went on back then but 60 to date 61% of the counties and states in America have passed some sort of Second Amendment legislation that says we're going to protect our Second Amendment why because up until 1934 there had been no challenge to the Second Amendment it basically meant that the right to shall be bear arms shall not be infringed but in 1934 there's a thing called the St Valentine's Day Massacre and Franklin Del and Roosevelt decided he was going to have a new deal on crime where he was going to put forth the first gun control legislation and the idea was that we were going to now Outlaw fully automatic weapons and other things like that under the various acts that are going to go on and we knew that all the criminals were going to turn those in because obviously Outlaws always obey the law right and certainly uh our law- abiding citizens he needed to protect themselves did they okay so that was the beginning of that now to date there are 300 different federal laws on the books controlling your gun rights and there's over 3,000 state and local laws and statutes controlling your gun rights to date now let's go forward and talk about what's happened under covid okay when Co happened suddenly I don't know if you did but I woke up and wondered am I living in the United States of America anymore because now my first amendment rights are being violated because I'm having to shelter in place I'm my fifth amendment I'm not having due process as there people taking away my rights my Ninth Amendment rights are being taken away along with the uh 14th Amendment and the 10th Amendment the the sovereignty of the state or the counties to do something about that seems to be taken away too because we have these uh presidential uh mandates and various types of orders that are saying oh you need to do this and the m versus Prince case that was in the 1990s basically determined that the federal government has no right to impose upon state or municipalities their programs and expect them to enforce them especially if they're on constitutional I'm going to interject here now sure um and I think you did a really good job so basically the reason why I brought this for tonight I'll be honest with you from a covid perspective I think putham County did a better job than obviously some of our surrounding ones and now being neighbors to elua County makes it pretty easy to get a gold star there but we did have and part of the reason why when I talked to Johnny and other people about this why I wanted to get behind it was we have communities that border alacha and things like that and Melrose is a key example um I remember in 2021 this is at the end of Co CO's really over and uh fellow commissioner at the time Jeff rolls and I went to dinner after a parade in Melrose and we were told we had to have our masks on and that was the county Rule and we're like two of the five of us are sitting here it wasn't a county Rule and I think what this does is it not only addresses the things you said but also just lets us restate the fact that we are going to stand out separate from certain areas and I'll I'll say elat County I I don't mind saying it that we're willing to stand out separate from from the some of the policies and things that they have and uh support our Constitution and do it in not only action and words so that's why I want to put this forward and um that's why I brought it to you guys today and I appreciate the extra thing I think we do have a majority con we have Constitution people on this board um so I don't know that we need to go into the weeds completely um but I just want to interject that thank you and thank you for your presentation on that my pleasure and I'm happy to answer any questions and I also brought copies of the various uh resolutions and ordinances that have been passed in state of Florida in case you need them well I'm going to start a commissioner comment so I appreciate that but I I I don't have a problem with some of this but when reading it um you know preemptions always on the on the table with the state legislators um who's going to enforce this am I going to stand up there with a piece of paper and go the border of County Commissioners did this um I think this is kind of far-reaching and I need a lot more information to move this forward so uh Commissioners how do you feel well Mr chairman uh my the problem I have with this is not what's trying to be accomplished that's not my problem with it at all uh just like the Second Amendment thing we went through I had no issues with that I voted for it I ain't sure I didn't make the motion to do it I'm not sure but I'm just saying it but the difference is is we started the co process with President Trump we didn't end it with President Trump but we started it with President Trump you can look back hindsight 2020 all you want but this ain't the same world today we're living in when we were going through it back then the public was scared the public was doing things different everybody's over it now nobody wants to wear a mask nobody I had people that that to day you'd have to beat them with a stick to make them put on a mask that wouldn't walk out their house without finding one and putting it on so you can say what you want looking back at what happened but my problem with this issue after reading it and talk meeting with meeting with Mr counts and reading it and everything is I could foresee that we didn't get funding because we boded up to the federal government over an issue that that we shouldn't have V up to them about my problem is what would have happened if we have said back then okay we're going to be constitutional we want to sit on our own we believe in the Bill of Rights which is true I do and they say okay no problem go ahead and stay down there in putam County but we're not sending you your $14 million in arpa funds because you didn't do because you didn't do what we told you to do that happens every day that's not just something I'm Dreaming up when when states don't do what the Federal government says they say okay no problem at all you're not getting your hundred billion dollars of money that you can give out to your counties or whatever that's the problem I have with it I can't vote for something that I feel like could possibly hamstring the person that's going to start sitting in this seat that's right back there in the back of the room starting on the on in the end of November I can't do that to my next people that's going to be sitting here I just can't do that and I that's what I think is the risk of not being able to apply for or receive federal funding because of a statement that we've made that we're not going to do a certain thing cart blanch across the system and that's the problem I have with it thank you Mr chairman Mr Turner any other commissioner comment commission Pik I I um I would definitely um like commissioner or chairman Harvey to do more research I did with me with Mr I have read this I've read the other information uh before I'd make a decision and I'm outgoing commissioner also so in in a month and a half there's going to be somebody else sitting in this seat so that does um you know may determine um which way I'd go with that but I appreciate it being brought to us but I'm not ready to move this forward right now okay so we have a majority not ready to go forward I have a question for the attorney is is there Mr Adams the floor something in this that you think precludes us from Federal Financing or Federal I mean I don't I don't read this in that way well you're asking an unknown when you look under section two A2 or 2 B it essentially says that you're a statement and that's a policy statement of the county that you're willing to use all funds available to the county to fight any sort of federal unlawful act now the definition of what is an unlawful act I mean that's why we have the court system that gets fought out uh pretty routinely in a everyday basis but the decision from a policy side as to whether or not you want to make that type of Declaration is up to you have a question I think that's almost got to be done by the Commissioners at the time I just don't see how we can make the policy blank statement at this point that we're going to Bow up to them about anything whether we want to or not I think that needs to be the next people's job and the people after them when they're done Mr Commando I have question what is the real daily legal impact of this resol is there any candidly I don't know that it does anything I think like commissioner Turner said I think that if there's a specific issue that comes up then I think as a commission you would have to discuss it I think that's why so much uh of work that's done within the judicial branch and the court system is case specific right so County cannot nullify a standard Federal action of going to court that not in my opinion no I mean you can there's again there's a mechanism by following a lawsuit where you can challenge it you can make constitutional challenges um but just because we say something's not true doesn't give it any legal force and effect thank you okay again I see a majority not wanting to go forward Mr flag you have a comment you'd like to make sir good morning good morning sir giving honor to God first and to each of you uh our elected and appointed officials um I'm honored and humbled to be able to stand before you on this item with all due respect to my friend who was a part of the presentation uh Bishop counts I had five questions and I believe that you all have touched on them and I just want to make sure that I am on the record um just to raise these questions I'm not seeking an answer but I just need this to be a part of discussion first of all all of our freedoms are constitutionally protected we should not be walking Americans and not recognize that we are protected it's the people that we elect in office who may have various opinions and often times those opinions divide us I'm weary of leaders throughout our nation who seek to divide us we are the uned United States of America en title we have to fix our rough raw and Raggedy business so that we are truly United question one what is this Bill of Rights Sanctuary County resolution question number two why is this resolution necessary question number three what does this resolution actually do for p county question number four how does this resolution protect defend add value unite and support our County as one out of 67 counties final question what are our liability and our legal adverse legal ramifications and until the five of you can solidly answer those in an affirmative way I graciously request that this either be tabled or voted down thank for your time thank you sir again uh for the public there seems to be no majority to go forward so um we're going to end that conversation is there any other comments that just desperately need to be made Sandra coconut do you desperately have to make a com you can I mean I think the horse has died there's you but please come up it's a public hearing we're more than welcome to have you thank you good morning Commissioners um I just wanted to um bring up something else um can you put that right to your and labeling and you're going to have to state your name and address I'm sorry I'm Sandra cerut 117 point of woods trail plea um giving putam County a label of biller right Sanctuary would attract groups and individuals that want to escape the hand or the eye of the federal government um far right farle Anarchist paramilitary troubled people with assault weapons it's happened in other states and other counties in in Florida actually um it's not what we want for p County and would it not attract ecotourists or the families that um the business Community here wants to bring to putam County thank you s all right thank you we're going to move on there is no more discussion that need to take place Item B under new business procurement Pico Road boat ramp replacement Administration do you have that yes sir thank you chairman um back in April we brought to the board uh several different options to address the damage that pic R sustained due to a recent storm the board uh authorized staff or directed staff to issue a solicitation to solicit contractors to repair that boat ramp in a pre-storm light condition we issued the solicitation um we had eight different contract attend the pre-bid and we had 11 material questions um of which either the contractors were asking for modifications to specifications or um contingencies within the specifications we made um allowances for all of them however even the strong participation through the bid cycle no proposals were received in response to the bid I did reach out to a number of contractors and asked if there was something that affected their ability to bid based on the scope of work or the information in and I received um affirmative information from two contractors directly that just said they're too busy to mess with a bid of this amount of money um so we had roughly identified $140,000 and to go through a government bid I had two of them tell me they were too busy to respond so it's back for the board for some direction um so that you can provide staff with a with a way to go forward M Julianne when I spoke to you and Jr and Mr Suggs about this I think the consensus in the room was maybe we weren't doing the right boat ramp maybe a more floating boat ramp was more appropriate in that area you want to elaborate on that or so I I can a floating boat ramp the Pico Road has obviously a lot of futility and the water level there a floating boat ramp would of course accommodate that um one of the contractors did ask if the county would cutter a floating boat ramp and although the board had initially said it was not their preferred um venue we did modify the bid form to allow for the contractor to submit us an alternative bid of a floating boat ramp even with that modification allowing for looting boat ramp we still did not have a response by any vendor um during that cycle so we have several different options that that just initially are present I guess black and white options right the board can direct me to reissue the Sol solicitation for second round and to determine whether or not the contractor's scope and time and and what is on their plates is in a better position for them to respond um or we could change the solicitation to issue an RFP which by Nature essentially says you guys are in the dock build industry here's the area you bring us your best uh proposal whether it's floating whether it's static whether it's an improved that type of thing um or the third alternative that that is black and white at this point based on the criteria that's come back is to wave our County procurement code to some extent right we were able to get some quotes uh but nobody would participate in the bid cycle the board could establish some some method or means by which we identify how you want to move forward or anything else that you'd like to entertain Mr Turner you have the floor yes Mr chairman I think I would appreciate this is the one of the projects that I was put my discretionary funds towards and I'd like to see it move forward I would like to request the board to wave procurement on this and turn it over to me and staff and see if we can't come up with options to bring back to the board for approval uh you know I don't know if it would be to do the RFP and that would be our option I don't know if it would be if would rather if we could find a couple of people that would give us a give us their options that would bid the thing but just didn't want to do it a formal bid pretense that if we could get a couple of options we could select the best option for the county and bring it back to the board for approval instead of starting all over again and then I guess Mr Alexander could worry about it after I'm gone but but i' I'd like to try to get this moving if we could not have to wait an extra two months and then them decide what's going on so um I'm all in favor of that I think that's your district and you know that area and I'm all in favor for that commission I'm not asking for permission to spend the money I'm just asking for the permission to join with staff and and figure out a way to move forward maybe negotiate with a couple people or then bring their findings back to the board for approval Commissioners is there any I agree with that because definitely a project needs to be finished um because the Dock's in terrible shape from looking at these pictures I haven't been down there um and I'm sure you know when the boat was not under water probably even when it is it's used a lot so I I I agree um to allow commissioner Turner to um it with to come up with maybe a possible solution is that your motion yes second a proper motion proper second any further discussion hearing n all in favor signif I was saying I iose like sign the eyes have it next is our Public Works request advertise for a public hearing to v a portion of Magnolia Avenue Bridgeport subdivision Mr Stout do you have that you sat closer it would be a lot of I need my steps on my watch okay good so um yes this is an undeveloped part Magnolia um Avenue out in Bridgeport in the Boswick area and so Public Works has no issue with this road being vacated there may be you'll see in the packet uh either Clay Electric or fpnl might be requesting utility easement later on if something does occur but other than that Public Works has no issue with the vacate is this an approved Road or is it just no it's un completely undeveloped nothing going on nothing okay move approval well I guess you got to call for public input I'm sorry yeah we'll do that now is there any public input on yes there is a gentlemen anybody want to speak on that okay good then we have proper motion proper second any further discussion hearing and all in favor signify B say I hi to like sign the eyes have it Mr Suggs you have the next item correct or Mr no Mr s Mr gr I'll help you out with that sir um this is brought to you guys as an emergency procurement um following our emergency procurement guidelines um immediately following that action that we will bring to you the item before the next board meeting I'll turn it over to Mr Grimes to give you an update on the situation I appreciate it but I think we've already heard from Jr on the thing the um you know I just want to say before I make this motion that I appreciate what what went on here when they found out they had an emergency situation and it could affect the all the water in East placa uh water system over there they jumped on it worked tirelessly and got a solution as quick as they could uh this worked like it's supposed to not like typical government works to where we're in January with a shut down in water one saying well I'm sorry I've been trying to get a generator since last September so I want to commend Jr JT Scott all the guys that worked on this uh probably Dana uh is that her name Myra K Kayla Kayla Kay I just can't do it sorry Kayla um but uh I want to I want to just say that I appreciate what went on here it was done like it was supposed to be done and uh with that I make the motion we approve this emergency item second second proper motion proper second any further discussion hearing that all in favor signify by saying I I I POS like sign the eyes have it Mr Mr chairman can I just say one word about that is I'd like to thank our local folks out there that actually worked on this um I made contact back during Hurricane Arma we had a huge emergency at a lift station down on River Street in Paca and nobody could get it fixed we called this fell and he was down there in 15 20 minutes and had the generator back up and running I called him in a frantic mess um he left his job where he was working with his crew at a paper mill in um Brunswick Georgia and loaded his crew up started at 5:00 drove back to East Paca to get started they pulled it out they found out what was wrong with it he actually did all the leg work worked found one in Louisiana there was one in the United States that was bought directly from the manufacturer so it was just a great team effort and I'd be remiss if I didn't mention that we had some local participation that really really helped us in the project thank you thank you Mr Grimes and it is a it's a wonderful thing to see everybody working together so okay next item sanitation I'll take that one too if you want me to sir please do sir um we wrecked a truck where was that wrecked at we got where was that wreck at it was here in the County district one it was district one of course it was a district one that's where the equipment always is if anything's going to get wrecked it's got to get wrecked district one don't start he'll want his roads pre or coming to and from district one one or the other um they used Started Mr chairman I did I did I'm sorry little levity never heard any situation okay so we wrecked the truck we got to replace it the truck's going to get a insurance thing on it later on but we don't know exactly what it is yet we've still got to we've still got to buy a new truck J was very diligent went out and found one uh we need to go on and get it right now cuz it's got us in a bad spot at sanitation losing that truck so it's another emergency item so Comm the only update is that as of yesterday we did get the um insurance payout and it's going to be $255,000 so it's going to cost us six grand yes sir move approval Mr chairman we have proper motion proper second any further discussion all in favor signify by say I I po like time the I have thank you all very much for Jay if you want to say something I'll ask the chairman to let you come up here all right we're going to move on to our public comment on miscellaneous items this portion of the agenda is designed to allow citizens an opportunity to bring matters to the attention of the board it is not reasonable to expect the board will engage in debate or deliberations about matters on which the board have received no prior information as part of the agenda please limit your comments to three minutes commissioner Wilkinson will be keeping time public comment cards are conveniently placed in the meeting room entrance and should be submitted to our Deputy clerk to my left Miss Ashley and to your right so our first Nancy Purifoy would like to come up and speak and I went to school with an Earnest Purifoy your brother okay at Paca Central High School good morning good morning Miss PUO I thank you for taking time to listen to my request I have a request your assistance could you speak right into the microphone had a very soft voice so no thank you I don't like to he that's good but yes I I'm asking for assistance my name is Nancy purfoy and I stay on East Oak PLA and I need assistance in my neighborhood on East Oak and Magnolia actually the whole neighborhood and I would have appreciated very much if you would take time to assist me in these issues the neighborhood we live in is not up to par and I would be shame to have people to come in the neighborhood it's I I got an agenda here but I'm really I'm I'm nervous but I just want to say what's on my heart say what's on your heart and this per and it needs help it's not we're not living in a dump we pay property taxes out there people don't keep their properties clean and it needs to be a fine because you have I won't say tagers lions and bears but we do have animals uh snakes and everything else out there and I wish that y'all would help me or come and look and give me the time to explain what I'm trying to say I'm trying to be as patient as I can and I know that the neighborhood not just that it's the roads I know you aware of East Lake Street we just got it fixed uh this year it's been eight years since that road was down and we just I don't know whether you aware of Margaret Elling she's fighting hard for it she's my neighbor but we need the roads we have trucks semi trucks Tu PO with puck wood trucks that is tan the roads up I know that we don't have money to fix these things but they could be avoided before and if you would just please hear us out in the neighborhood I'm speaking for my neighborhood and we need the properties clean they dumping I'm not living in a Landfield I pay property taxes and it's like a landfill out there you can't even walk to the stores every corner people dumping you can't walk to the stores who feel Goods out there nobody would want to live out there and it's sad you can see and I commend the city the city is doing wonderful with their works but the county needs help thank you Miss pery thank you for your comment thank you are you Miss per are you located within the city I'm in the county in the county I've been here with this issue before right uh over a year about a year I've been here with this issue and we have no results Miss peroy I remember um going going out to towels Road in that area and having a cleanup out in that area and speaking with the sheriff's department and they actually had done help with some cleanup out there as well so um I have no problem with meeting you out on site I can uh you can contact me I'll get my card and I'll be glad to get out there and see physically see what you're referring to and if there's any way we can help please ma' if you want to you want to give me the card now you I think I might have one let me look I don't ask to is across the highway but I'm in the area that you can't even walk to the store without a dump here on the dump there on cheerful while she's get bringing you your card let me assure you that I know it's bad in your area and it's but it's bad all over putham County people just feel like they can just dump on anybody's property right now they can drive down the road and throw it out um they didn't get raised by the same Daddy I got raised by I'll tell you me neither so but it's a shame that we have to go out there and pick up somebody else's garbage because they're too lazy to go to a receptacle and put it in and that's what happens and I'll give you a true story that happened I I did many many hundreds of cleanup in West putham and I was probably 5 miles from my house cleaning up a road and a Gentleman stood at the gate and said you missed a spot over there and I said you know what you need to come out here and help I was hot and tired and bothered and that was the last thing that man needed to say to me but it it it's sad because we only get garbage pickup yard trash every two weeks that's correct but when I clean my yard and in the morning I got trash out my yard I know I know it's sad Mr J.R Grimes would like to address something yes uh there's two ladies here earlier that we gave our card too and I'll be happy to give you mine is I met with Colonel Wells um Mr Tilton is we're going to have a little community meeting up there invite commissioner Wilkinson and sit down and figure out what the issues are we'll address them um whether we need to do a Community Wide clean up uh col Wells actually committed some inmate labor to go through there and try to help clean up the neighborhood so uh there is a plan in place I'll get you my card in just a second soon as I leave here and then we'll get a community meeting set up together and I would appreciate it we we'll start addressing it thank you you know one thing I've learned in my trash pickup life is trash attracts trash so if we can get rid of it maybe it doesn't attct too much trash you don't want me to talk about the trash in the neighborhood that's a whole another story but thank you Miss Pur we appreciate your comment than you thank you okay is there any other public comments on misscellaneous items and seeing none our Clerk of the Court is not with us today County attorney Mr Rich Commando nothing today thank you sir County Administrator Mr Suggs yes sir Mr chairman I got two or three things this morning uh first all thank you uh to the Port Authority not the board of County Commissioners but the Port Authority for moving the LOI forward this morning giving us the the uh the approval to move forward with a uh negotiation of a lease I think that's going to be very prudent moving forward for that area out there so looking forward to doing that also just want to piggyback a a little bit on commissioner Wilkinson's comments this morning about the amount of rain that we've had and the Damage that we've felt throughout the county you know it's has affected a lot of us and lot of us personally and so uh you know just want to say that Public Works has done a tremendous job trying to get out there and find a solution and a resolution to the issues out there you know and sometimes we get criticized sort of things that we don't do but the this is one of those times I'm going to recognize someone for things that they did do you know we've we've taken a little bit of heat uh with the way that we've got things set up here but there's a reason why we do the things we do and how we do it you know yesterday was a prime example not only do we have public works out there trying to uh do everything we can to get the road repaired and open for the citizens but you got your Deputy Administrator Mr Grimes out there running the piece of equipment you know that's the type of teamwork and effort that your staff puts out there for their citizens and I just want to take the opportunity to to thank Mr grinds personally for that as well the public work staff for what they've done to to get that open and and back to U being able to use for those folks out there tremendous job and a job well done thank you Mr Grimes and to your staff of Public Works lastly uh Mr uh or I'm sorry chairman Harvey and I met with Miss Beth Payne yesterday for the Northeast Regional Council a lot of the information that we got yesterday is really or received yesterday is really not public so I'd like to make a little bit of a public here today we pay about $3,000 a year for membership for the Northeast Regional Council and so this is a report that we got yesterday it's about a 39 to1 return on our investment one of the things that a lot of folks don't realize is that this is a county process this a county project that we do with the Northeast Regional Council it's our contract that we have with them our membership and dues but each one in the min municipalities gets to participate in that because of what the county does you know every every municipality and one of the things that we got yesterday was a an update of completed projects and and I promise myth Payne i' I'd read this today and I'd like to do that now of our municipalities well Lac a historic uh property survey Grant of $31,500 came through the Northeast Regional Council uh Paca had a visioning plan the hope Grant was complete a lot of that was Mr Sullivan working with uh uh Mr boy Thompson we had the update of pona pars comprehensive plan Ted planing assistance for the town of Pomona Park and then our own ER or e or ER appraisal report as well so there's a lot that goes on behind the scenes with the Northeast Regional Council that benefits not just us here at the Das for puam County but all of our municipalities as well and I think that needs to be stated uh the that's done by the council and those things are actually paid for and brought to the community by you5 as Board of county commissioner so thank you on behalf of uh PUO County but also of each one of municipalities took advantage of it this year and had great work done you know so uh Mr Trev I know you sit on that board and I believe Mr adamac does as well commissioner adamac so thank you both for for that uh one other housekeeping type business that we need to do and I spoke to me about this yesterday today as well as we've got two Commissioners that sit we currently have two Commissioners that sit on the U Regional Council board uh chairman Harvey is one and again commissioner adamac but we're going to be having a uh a changing so to speak we're going to have commissioner adsac who will be stepping down in November uh we do have a meeting that's coming up in October so I wanted to bring that that discussion to the board here this morning I've spoken briefly to commissioner AMAC about this morning uh so the what need to happen is we're going to need to have a changing of the commission representation on that board and we can either do it here today or next next meeting but we're going to need to do something to have representation on the council moving forward when's your next meeting the next meeting is in October yes sir you want to still do it tell them you're going to still be here till November the 19th okay just just bringing it to the council attention that we we're going to need to to make some changes in the near fure future so uh however do my Council would like to handle that that's fine I'll just fast it up to miss Payne once we get the uh once we do the uh changing of the seat and also there's one more seat that we're going to have to work on for them is a municipal rep and so uh talked to Miss pain about that yesterday as well and we'll look to do something that sometime around January thank you Mr chairman thank you sir okay commissioner comments commissioner Adams at I commissioner Pickins thank you chairman Harvey um I just want to you know to um continue the accolades for public works for all our employees Emergency Services um planning zoning everything but you know Public Works is is um with all this rain what y'all are having to take care of and it's all districts I was really not pleasantly surprised when I went home yesterday and there was 4 Ines of rain that dumped in Fruitland I can't say that I've seen those ditches full in well over a year and um I've had at least 11 Ines of rain U at my house in Georgetown so the drainage issues everywhere so and road is you know roads start coming apart um when we have this type of rain so I just want to appreciate all the efforts um that y'all have put in um it's probably definitely better that um Deputy Administrator Grimes was operating that piece of equipment rather than chairman Harvey U but I'm sure he could do it also so and I also want to uh really want to commend uh Colonel Joe Wells the sheriff's department really to sing out Joe Wells um I got a text from Joe probably three weeks ago and Joe was participating with I'm sure some of our staff and the ride arounds to check the uh signal for our new Communications towers and everything and he just happened to be in district one and he little undercover um work and he identified that there was excessive amounts of Public Works equipment in District 4 and that he alerted me and staff uh so we could get that situation corrected and Joe IED me too that it was so anyway Joe I just want to it's always good to have a little bit of fun but thank you for everything that you do and uh that's all I have thank you commissioner Turner Mr chairman that's almost exactly what I was going to say except for we don't have it equipment District three because all down there but I was going to uh and I will reiterate the but probably not as eloquently as commissioner Pickens is able to do it but you know for all of us who were around here 7 years ago the difference of what goes on around here right seven years ago is unbelievable it's something that I never thought that even I would see and I had all the the the ambition of trying to make it better every Department we got right now is clicking is every single employee happy no we got a thousand you think you going to make come all happy you're fooling yourself but I'll bet the percentage is so much higher now than it was s years ago is not even comparable you know our department heads our our sta everybody is is just stepped up the game around here to a point that I'm proud of them I really am are we going to have problems you bet you every single day that's this is the government it is never going to stop but if it's handled nicely or handled correctly or the best that that can handle it uh and having compassion to the people which we do uh when we can and uh so yeah I was going to say the same thing as as commissioner Pickins I'm pretty proud of our staff and our departments right now thank you Mr chairman thank commissioner Wilkinson I can completely uh concur with both of my colleagues um driving through the district in that area and uh seeing people seeing our public works out there working hard um they had a supervisor that was having to use a piece of equipment and they were going to stay till the road was fixed and they could open it back up that day and it was like 4:30 so they were already past 3:00 or whatever time they normally probably would have been done earlier if they had had to bring the equipment in from district one well there's that part yeah you're right but anyway um I I couldn't agree more that they are doing a great job and the hundreds of uh work orders they've had to deal with in the last couple days has been you know they can't get to everybody they will they are trying to take put out as many fires and get as much done as they can we have a great uh staff on that I just want to mention um the community param medicine program is about to be um hopefully um out on the street for some um looking at staff and and up and running in the very near future so I'm excited about that and opportunities that's going to bring to put County and helping the citizens and putam County and then I just wanted to ask um uh regarding St John's Harbor water uh Mr Grimes how do you feel like that's going forward I've only received a couple complaints about uh billing and that kind of stuff but I just want us to have a general conversation about how how we're doing out there sure so um we're moving forward um one day at a time right uh guys are doing the transfer of some funds I think it think the 505 this afternoon so we can really start working on some of the initiatives that have been set forth um they did the last billing so right now currently our billing staff is manually ing all the stuff into our system because our system does not work with theirs so we got to set up accounts for them so that we can do the next billing uh part of the transfer of the funds is we're going to actually go through the water meter retrofit which gets the water meters into the same system as the ones we're currently using so that we don't have to manually read Because I to manually read every single 168 meters up there so that's on in process now um thought you had somebody that would read them for you for like a hundred bucks we we do we're working through that process too um is was trying to get that but um the the more we look at that process I don't that process is Right everybody's getting a build for a minimum usage um which I don't know that that's accurate meter reading so I'd rather get on a program that that we actually get what the citizens are paying for um and if they're using overc consumption they should pay more than the person that's you know watching what they use so that portion of it is moving forward uh we've got a one of the high service pumps that needs to be changed which we knew that going in um that be done we're working Mr nolles is going to write us up a scope of work on what needs to be done with the um retention area or the rib that for the the Wastewater you know um because it's considered Industrial Waste when it comes off an R plant so they're working through that um Miss Wy has done some things right at the very beginning so it is starting to come together um I know that I talked to commissioner Wilkinson yesterday and U maybe the maybe didn't we send out a generic letter but at that point that's really all we know is generic we really don't know what the whole operation of this thing is until we dive into it and right we're dove into it so uh we're working through day in and day out of the issues that are going to come up day by day in this in the plant right now everything's okay I'd like to knock on wood because everything we've touched lately has fallen completely apart um but right now everything is okay um so the transition has happened uh we're working on the other little objects loose ends here and there that that we get put back together so uh but we need to do start doing some things that we can't do anything until after 505 today so that's really going to help when we can really go to work next week when we actually have an operation where we can go to work right so and that's one of those things that you know was was additional right when we started the beginning of the year we didn't know we were going to be taking this over so you know when we work as a team and and we've got all all the best intentions and everything laid out as to what we're going to accomplish in the year then things getting thrown at us and you guys particularly and so then we have to adjust and still move forward and you guys have done a good job on that and then I just wanted to um um mentioned that we're also um we are working on a project the drainage the north drainage District project which is out name community and the Bostwick Community I've been getting a lot of questions on that and um you want to just touch on that a little sure Mr stalard probably a little bit more educated on the D I know they have reached out to a engineering firm to start the process to um Mr nolles I think gave a scope of work in they they're put plan together now but this is just really to give the the citizens and the board a little bit of an update yes ma'am yes so we' reached out to uh tooy Engineering in and given them a scope of work uh we're waiting to hear back hopefully by Thursday is the email that I got on Saturday that they'll have a price for us the design for the north putam drainage that would include paletto Bluff from milikin road all the way to Cedar Creek and then all of milikin Road West River Road to paletto Bluff right and then what we want to do what I've mentioned to you is that we would have some public input set up a meeting out there and the community center have some public input to see where um citizens have concerns that and then yes once we have too officially on board and contracted for design then we'll meet uh we'll go with commissioner Wilkinson have a community meeting and see what the citizens have to say because they've been watching the water for a long time that's so some good input for the engineering y okay well thank you for giving that update and other than um that I just wanted to mention again that we have the the the different events going on tomorrow at 911 thank you thank you Jr did you have a comment you'd like to make yes sir uh commissioner Pickins mentioned a second ago so I wanted to kind of give an update about the communication system that was an undertaking you guys took um back when the arpa came through that it was a really heavy lift and I'm proud to say today that the units are up on a 7 and 800 megaherz state-of-the-art system um we're going to do a presentation to you guys but I just wanted to let you know that the two systems are patched together right now the the folks in fire rescue law enforcement still working on getting some installs of their mobile radios and their patrol cars but that project's moving forward it's in the home stretch it's about done um and that was uh I started in here in September of 2020 and been working on it constantly since 2020 so that thing has hit its final you know we're we're over the last hurdle we're we're touching up now we got one antenna left to put up up at Boswick and we're going to do an antenna swap in and down in Huntington area um as we went through it the the mapping and all showed that we would have some weaknesses in some areas but we had an antenna that would work and that was shipped here and it was purely a luck of the draw it's here so it's going to get changed out but we've got to do a little bit of work with FCC but other than that the system is up and running and I would just like to thank the board that's probably one of the best things you could have done for our law enforcement folks out there fire rescue um I would encourage you and I'll bring a portable in the room when we get ready to do it so you guys can actually hear the the the difference of the radio quality versus what we have dealt with for the past 30 years so I just like to thank you guys but it is up and running I just want want to let your board know that that project is in is in the final stages thank you you know as commissioner Turner said earlier you know that wouldn't have happened if we did we wouldn't had the federal dollars to make sure it happened and probably one of the most disturbing meetings I was in as a county commissioner in my career was listening to a deputy right back here in Rolling Hills trying to contact dispatch that he needed help and he couldn't get through and that's just right down the road and that's so sad and and there's nothing worse than our our law enforcement our First Responders when you're you're asked to rush to a scene that you cannot communicate and that should not be acceptable so I appreciate all that um and I want to Echo something too I know some areas of the county has had a lot of rain we finally in the west end started getting some rain in the last week we've had about seven Ines I could send you some yeah not every day but but truly if you came out to the West End you would see the water tables are still dramatically low out there so I mean it's putham County we do need rain I could use another probably five feet of rain alone in my Lake I'm mowing where I usually never mow it usually has four feet of water and I'm mowing there um so so I know some areas get a lot some areas don't but truly you know the water tables are not up to where they need to be I do want to thank our staff and I've said this many times and I'll say it again you know when you walk back there in the back room and just like commissioner Wilkinson just alluded to things get handed to us thrown at us I mean sometimes shot at us if you will and don't mean that literally but you don't expect to take over a water plant it's not in our budget to do that you don't expect to to deal with the problems that we have to deal with and every day they walk in wondering what fire they got to put out today what what thing is going to be given to them not let let alone what the public wants let alone what the five Commissioners want you know and and they come to work daily to solve that little problem that you probably think they're not even paying attention to me and they're in the back room talking about it that's what's impressive to me as a county commissioner and um and I appreciate that that you take the time to study to find a solution and and we have some really Quality Quick thinking Common Sense people in our Administration who are getting the job done throughout the staff and um and I appreciate that I think Scott NOS you need to Triple yourself because I keep hearing your name over and over again I don't know when you're going to sleep but that's your business but we appreciate everything that public works and everybody does and um that's the end of my comments we do have a 2:00 workshop and we'll reconvene this meeting at 5:05 so this meeting is now recessed till 5:05 thank you