##VIDEO ID:557Zy2fVRRQ## e e e e e e e e e good morning we're going to call our meeting to order it's a frosty October morning in this office October 22nd at 9:00 sorry little levity never heard anything the invocation this morning will be led by Pastor Roger Phillips bua Baptist Church if you'll come up pastor and the Pledge of Allegiance by Leota Wilkinson commissioner Wilkinson All Rise if you're able to do so let's pray together Heavenly Father what a privilege it is to gather uh with uh these men and women Lord uh all of which you've gifted for service uh Lord You've qualified them and tested them and Lord we thank you for their willingness to accept your call uh Lord thank you that you are aware of us father we acknowledge you to be uh Creator and sustainer and Redeemer and so father uh for those reasons we come before you Lord um uh asking uh making requests Lord father for your blessing and your guidance and your dire Direction Lord that we would use the the gifts and talents and skills that you have given to each one of us uh Lord uh to honor you and to give you glory uh but to serve one another thank you for these servants uh for each one that's here Lord I pray a blessing that you would guide uh we are unsuccessful in our efforts to serve you and we fail and Lord You've uh uh forgiven us already and so father we thank you for that uh we ask your blessings on this meeting today in Jesus name amen amen please join me in the pledge I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with libery and justice for all thank you Pastor Phillips and thank you commissioner Wilkinson we'll go right into our presentations this morning and the first one will be done by commissioner Wilkinson the proclamation for the Ark of putam County 50th Anniversary commissioner wilon you have the floor thank you chair Harvey putham County Proclamation number 2024-the County 50th Anniversary whereas the Ark of putham county has been a steadfast and essential Organization for five decades providing unwavering support ad advocacy and services to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities in putam county and whereas since its founding in 1974 The Arc of putham county has championed the rights of individuals with disabilities working tirelessly to promote Independence self-sufficiency and Community integration for the people it serves and whereas the Ark of putam County's programs and services including life skills training employment assistance residential care and advocacy initiatives have empowered individuals with disabilities to lead full signified and meaning meaningful lives and whereas the dedicated staff volunteers and Community Partners of the Ark of putam County have demonstrated an unwavering commitment to ensuring that all individuals regardless of ability have the opportunity to reach their full potential and enjoy the benefits of living in a supportive and inclusive community and whereas over the past 50 years the Ark of putam county has consistently embraced growth and Innovation expanding its services adopting new technologies and creating Progressive programs that meet the involving needs of those they serve and whereas looking forward to the next 50 years the Ark of putam County remains committed to pioneering new initiatives advocating for expanded opportunities and continuing to adapt to the changing Landscapes of disability services to ensure that individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities can thrive in every aspect of life and whereas the organization will continue to lead the way in promoting greater inclusive inclusion self- advocacy and Independence ensuring that future Generations will benefit from its Visionary approach and Innovative practices now therefore the putham County Board of County Commissioners hereby proclaims October 24 as the official start of the Ark of putam County's 50th anniversary celebration recognizing the extraordinary contributions of the organization over the past 50 years and celebrating its dedication to innovation and growth as it looks forwards to the next 50 years of service and advocacy done ordered and adopted this 22nd day of October 24 Mr chair I move approval of this Proclamation second a proper motion proper second any further discussion on the motion hearing n all in favor signal by is saying I I POS like sign the eyes have it thank [Applause] you yeah um I I would like to thank the the commission and um the county for the support over the last 50 years uh we are growing and uh we're looking forward to to to the future of the Ark we are expanding the uh Whitaker Center and this gu the limit thank you thank [Applause] you get them all around you won't be able to be seen congratulations thank Youk see you again in 50 years how are you doing good how old will you be in 50 years what did you do you stop Count On You our next Proclamation will be for Veterans Day and Commissioner Adam Zach has a pleasure and honor of doing that Pam County Proclamation number 202 24-14 declaring November 11th 2024 as Veterans Day in putham County Florida whereas throughout US History Americans have kept a special well-deserved place of honor in their hearts for our nation's veterans and whereas for more than 70 years we have set aside each November 11th to recognize the men and women who have so valiantly served our country first known as Armistice Day in e e e all right Commissioners on the next item I was informed this morning that we're not ready for that one yet due to the hurricane so we should be ready by the next meeting on the countywide project update so we'll go into Planning Development was there any minutes this morning to be or there just none on the agenda this morning okay I just want to make sure we didn't miss it okay thank you Mr CH good all right so we'll go into our first one is our type one Subdivision Mount Royal uh thank you Mr commissioner uh for the record Michael Graves planning and development services uh this is uh SP a 2401 the uh type 1 subdivision the Mount Royal Air Park Phase 2 replat uh it is a type 1 subdivision as applied for by Jason Sheffield uh as well as several other applicants in the neighborhood uh the location is the properties formerly located at 110 112 114 and 116 Airport Drive In Crescent City Florida uh for uh they are wanting to uh reconfigure the lots of their uh utility area and approximately 4.43 acre area uh that is zoned PUD with a future land use of rural residential to create uh seven utility Lots as opposed to four uh the residential density requirements are relevant due to the fact that no residential development can happen on these properties as in accordance with the planned unit development agreement uh the parcel cannot support any residential development and the placement and development of such buildings are subject to additional uh buffering and screening and heightened setbacks to prevent disruption of the residential areas that do surround this as well as the historic Indian Mound located in the same block uh here you can see an aerial view of the property uh here is the zoning the future land use and the proposed plat uh highlight highlighted of course is the uh seven New Lots uh the proposed future land use and resoning the land affected by the plat are within the Ral residential future land use category and are not part of the military operation Zone and the plat aderes to all regulations for its current zoning District uh as in accordance with the uh PUD development order uh the request is consistent with the goals and objectives and icies of putam County comprehensive plan in and is compatible with the surrounding zoning and uses and is consistent with the requirements of the putam County Land Development code as such staff recommends approval of the request for the preliminary and final plat approval of the Mount Royal 2 uh subdivision replat uh resulting in a seven lot subdivision section in their September 11th meeting the putham County Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the request for the preliminary and final plat approval for the Royal phe to subdivision replat resulting in a seven lot subdivision any questions any questions for St I think we're good this is a public hearing so is there is the applicant here would like to speak okay the applicant's not here um anybody in the audience want to speak in favor or against this application please work your way to the podium in favor or against going once twice three times that's over then Commissioners what's your pleasure Mr chairman I move that we accept the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve uh type one subdivision SP 2401 second proper motion proper second any further discussion on the motion hearing n all in favor signify by saying I iose like sign the eyes have it thank you very much next is our evaluation and appraisal report this is a first meeting but it does have to be transmitted to Tallahassee and it'll come back to us so uh we'll have public hearings too at that time also good morning commissioner um so I don't have a a a presentation prepared uh Mr Robert Jordan from the northeast Florida Regional Council is going to take over good Mr chairman yes sir we just ask a couple of questions before we get started there wasn't but just a very minor changes in this document that I could see the underlying document so if we could maybe just ask a few questions we can I think there was one thing you wanted to add about the Bap and then we'll well that's one of my questions okay go right ahead then ask the question okay the first question is um on page 73 of the document it says on a [Music] 1.9.3 let me get to it right quick page 73 um it B basically added language in there that 10% of of the of the units had to be affordable housing in a project my question is is affordable housing I couldn't find it and it may be in there but I couldn't find in this document where it had a definition of affordable housing because what's affordable to Elon bu might be not might not be affordable to somebody who lives on a minimum wage and so I'd like to know what the definition of affordable housing is if we're going to have to add it in there that um that 10% of all of all subdivision have to of all approved developments have to have affordable housing in it yes sir yes morning Robert Jordan Northeast Florida Regional Council um so that is one of the uh ear compliance texts that's addressing uh legislation that allows the board County Commissioners to build affordable housing on that 10% um it's based on the statutory definition chapter 42.4 which is based upon area median income is how the affordable housing is defined in statute so there's a statutory definition of affordable housing that is the basis of that policy and it's based upon the area of mediate income of the jurisdiction and it's on page 59 I think it talks about that okay 59 of our package commissioner I'll just add to so when you talk about about area median median income and what is or what constitutes affordable housing there are different levels so there are different levels based on very low income low income moderate income so sometimes your area median income on very low income might be 60% of the Ami um when you look at lower for example something that would be considered affordable housing in Duvall is certainly not considered affordable housing here okay I realized that we had to put something in there along these lines because of that statute I just wanted to make sure we weren't shooting oursel in the foot but sounds like that's covered so if we could move on Mr chairman to page 185 which is the Bap discussion that you were talking about earlier um I if I understand it correctly we're both we're in two bmap areas we're in the uh lower St John's river and aaaha Basin uh Bap areas so if if that's the case then shouldn't we have a note in there or something that Edgefield in East pacco was supposed to meet quite a few of our Bap now you may not have even been told about this but the the uh when we took Edgefield back few few years ago we took it over from water management and the deal was was that should meet all of our bmap credits in that Basin for the foreseeable future so I'm not so sure that we don't need to put that in this plan somewhere that Edgefield meets those bmap credits for that Basin I'm I'm assuming that's the St lower St John's River Basin because we're in two basins here yeah but so I just don't want that because that cost the county a lot of money every year here to maintain that edge fi um deal for the that we got from Water Management I just want to make sure that it doesn't get lost in the shuffle here that we were assured that if we took the maintenance over and the ownership of Edgefield that we would not have to do any Bap credits for that Basin in the foreseeable future so I can verify with the because that that was with the Water Management District yeah so um we can be verify with the Water Management District um and then when we send we will be sending the review FTP is going to be looking at this list because this is uh a lot of these communities are doing the Bap for the first time with the where this Bap list so they will also be including in the comments before the adoption and second reading that's why I think that it's very important that with this that's listed in this plan that we have Edgefield where when they're reviewing it at the state they don't forget that we had Edge field or they didn't know we didn't have that we had Edge field and and they would require us to update our bmap to uh get additional points for something that we've already covered by taking over this uh this deal from Water Management this uh drain drain clean or whatever it is for water management so I think that specifically needs to be listed in here that our bmac credit should be met by by owning and maintaining the edge field project that we receive from water management or something along those lines it's going to keep the county from spending a bunch of additional money in the future possibly from having to up to create more bmap credits so what we can do is I'll add Edgefield and then there under the status I can I can put the Bap credit what you discussed with the bmap credits in that status and that way it's it's not just the edge field project listed in but that way your specific concern is actually listed in the uh the table that works for me as long as it's in yeah yeah it needs to be in the table and that's all I had Mr chairman okay any other Commissioners have anything they want to go over Robert is anything you want to share other than than the Bap uh yes sir so um just let every had a b map in Mount R you said there there was and then a couple other local changes I do just want to address since August 27th when we presented the overall changes that were statutory um we have went to the Planning Commission and there was a recommendation the the Planning Commission voted to recommend the approval um but they all um a planning commissioner recommended I don't know if it was officially part of the recommendation like the official recommendation or if it was just an individual commissioner who recommended it uh but they wanted to include the Mount Royal airport as part of the bmap project list and so that has been included but we U that has been included in the proposed table and then after the Planning Commission I don't that's what how how would that be a BAP yeah I don't know what they would be doing there that yeah I don't know how that would be a bmap credit okay um I don't know if what there was specifically there um that would be included uh we can take that language out um but I don't care if it's not going to hurt anything I don't care if it's in there I just don't know how an airport would be a BX credit I just in list I don't I think there was a nutrient project that was there um nutrient reduction project that was listed there based upon my recollection from the Planning Commission meeting maybe that's what it is the nutrient ponds up on are they using maybe some of their irrigation to irrigate the yeah I I think we need from yeah look I think this is the first transmittal that's going to go to Tallahassee it has to be there in two days I think we should get rid of that we can always come back at a public hearing and talk about it yeah but I don't see us adding more to the plate than what we need to add it's already in there you say it's already in here I I added the proposed text after the Planning Commission with that project it's in the copy we have it's in the copy it's in there don't we leave it in there for now and then you could always I don't see where it's going to hurt anything if it's not an official credit the state's going to pick it up or something I just don't want to make us tied to something that we shouldn't be tied to I don't know that that would be it or not yes go ahead by inclusion is this going to require that we perform any type of mainenance or have any type of cost associated with not my based on my understanding of the statute I think it's just in the requirements of putting in your bmat projects either local or state based in the Capital Improvements element so we just replanted seven Lots in Mount Royal and if we put a BAP in there what's that going to do I just don't think I have enough information to make that so Mr chairman you saying you think you might want to take the um that portion of it back out before we transmit I would I'm not I don't have a strong opinion either way yeah I don't either as long as it doesn't hurt us I mean I'm like you we can always put it back in after it comes back at the public hearing that we have if we feel like it doesn't cause it you know the issues now yeah you can address that situation we just don't have time to address it in link today well you would you would have to go through a whole another motion to to put it back in where it would you could take it out in one at one time but you can't you can't just put it right back in because it would have to go back to the state to get reviewed again before you could adopt it so you're going to put another step if you take it out you're going to put another step in there in your in your approval process I do think M Mr chairman the one thing that we notice over here we're looking at paperwork is that shows putam County as the lead Agency on there so our only concern is if we're list as the lead Agency on there what is Our obligation moving forward i' say we take it out we can always put it back in I think you can with minor with minor changes like that you can add it after transmitt okay um it it where well it might be minor to you but it might be big to us I understand it might be big in consequences but in sense like you're not adding new policy or new like new objectives in a material change that would reset your first and second reading which this is fine to to remove it and then you can always amend your comp plan going forward and then uh there's been additional local changes that were based upon staff recommendations so uh just changes with um taking in uh adding on Frontage it's just there was some wording in the existing text of the comprehensive plan in rural residential land use category and agricultural land use category so there was recommendation from the planning staff to just make that wording a little easier to understand and then uh we are also proposing because you have to have your Capital Improvements plan as part of as an appendix and uh there is a fiscal year 2020 Capital Improvements plan that planning staff has sent me to add as an appendix to the Capital Improvements element it's just you have to have that attached to it and it's best to have the most up-to-date version of that so those have been the changes since the August 27th meeting and Commissioners if I may the capital Improvement plan that Robert's speaking of is the capital Improvement plan that we've sent to our impact fee study uh consultant so we're maintaining consistency between the two projects as well so when will those changes be done so we can um sign it and S transmit it those with when voted upon those those changes are already uh the ones we talked about today the the so the the ones that the staff has already included is already in there I can take the bat project out if voted on with the recommendation and the the capital Improvement plan is already in the updated Capital insance plan you're going to make reference to the Edgefield project for the B map explanation and the edge field yeah and I'll put that into the B map as well and so that's very just easy once it's voted upon to put that in uh the plan is there's going to be a cover letter that uh going to be sending to the planning staff for Signature and then we will have all of the transmittal package and we should be able to send it by tomorrow okay Mr chairman I move that we uh approve this for transmittal to the state with the changes that were discussed and that he that Robert just outline okay do we have a second second any further discussion on the motion sorry about that we have to have public comment so I completely left that one this is a public hearing so is anybody in the audience wanting to speak in favor or against this proposal please step forward for or against going once twice three times that public hearing is closed we have a proper motion proper second no further discussion on the motion all in favor signify by saying I I pose like sign the eyes have it thank you very much appreciate that next item on our agenda is public comment on agenda items U is there any public comment on the consent agenda items listed on the packet any public comments on consent agenda items seeing none we'll close the public portion of that and Commissioners what's your pleasure Mr chair I move approval of consent agenda items a through F we have proper motion for consent agenda items a through F I'm sorry we didn't ask we had to pull oh I'm sorry Mr Aden do you have any to pull Mr Turner no Mr Pickins no M Wilkinson no and I have none so the motion stands for consent agenda items a through F second commission Turner seconds it any further discussion hearing none all in favor signify by saying I I oose like sign the eyes have it next on our agenda codes enforcement fine reduction just to ask them are they here I'm going to is there anybody in the audience here to represent that case today anybody in the audience on this code enforcement okay Mr chairman Mr Turner um I'm understanding that there's a small tax Surplus on this property of $24.49 if I'm correct Thomas that's the number you gave me this morning so uh I move that we reduce this fine to uh $ 4,340 minus $24.49 tax Surplus anticipated to be reduced from it for a total amount of $431 651 if paid within 90 days second proper motion proper second further discussion hearing none all in favor say5 say I I po like sign the eyes haveit thank you commissioner thank you Mr Moore Mr Adam Z any appointments no Mr Turner none ader Mr Pickin I have none Miss Wilkinson I have none and I have none new business Melrose Community Association Mary Melrose Christmas parade Mr so I'm going give you that one that's just closing that street to do that is we just seen a motion to approve approval the proper motion we have a second second second by commissioner Pickins any further discussion amongst the board hearing none all in favor signify say I I oppose like sign the eyes have it next item is Parks and wreck pickle ball shade blue approval structure second proper motion proper second any further discussion on the motion do we need to direct where the money's coming from the recommended action includes a recommendation from general fund Reserve so if you approve it just as is then that's where it'll come from that was a motion okay okay good that was part of the motion thank you part of the second any further discussion hearing none all in favor signifi by saying I iose like sign the eyes have it next item Parks and Rec Pico Road boat ramp replacement Mr Turner I'm going to throw this on you ain't no problem first of all I'd like to recognize Mr Miner he was a integral part of this helping us out in this and uh I appreciate it uh so I wanted to give uh credit where credits due uh he helped us out and he uh for just a very quick recap the board gave uh wave procurement and let us go out and and do negotiation to try to get this project done when we didn't get any bids on the project originally so the current project that that I'm going to recommend that we do today is basically a floating dock on both sides made out of aluminum it's going to be they're going to remove the existing boards off the dock and they're going to use some if not all the poles and they're going to extend the poles to where they can use them with floating docks on the North side on the South Side they're actually going to have to add some PO on the south side part of this deal is they're going to whatever demo they do they're going to put their trash in the parking lot and Jay's going to go pick it up with his uh grapple truck and haul it to the landfill as part of this deal so we were able to uh to come up with a whole new facility with with a a new ramp on the southide the the ramp that's currently being used on the North side's in good condition and we don't have to redo it um that was one of the recommendations so the final numbers that we came up with was 169 700 the the project was already funded at a level of 140 100 from general fund 30 from my discretionary funds and 10 from uh commissioner pickin's discretionary funds and I'll pay for the other 30,000 needed today out of discretionary funds to no additional cost today to get this project done I just need to have it approved where we can move forward I do want to mention that that he's going to go out and start his demo work probably within the next couple of weeks and start getting prepared but these new docks aren't going to be ready for about 6 weeks or maybe even eight weeks so I need everybody to understand that thing's going to be out of commission for a short period of time but it all already is it's almost unusable from all the storm damage that hasn't been repaired previously and the new storm that just came through went ahead and did it on in and so um with that being in mind Mr chairman uh I move approval of this uh this project second proper motion proper second any further discussion I have one go ahead you don't mind go ahead is there any way we could put signs out there explaining to the public that new ramps are being built and they're on their way that might helps keep the phone calls down okay good commissioner wilon I just wanted to say thank you to Mr Miner and commissioner Turner for coming up with a good resolution I like the idea of the floating docks that makes perfectly good sense hopefully they'll weather the storm pretty you know better than what we've had there before so we know we're going to have storms I mean that's just part of where we live so thank you for doing that you know the good thing about this is if I may Mr chairman is that the way they're going to put this together and extend the polls and do everything and the ramp on the boat there's going to have a ramp on each side if in the the future the commission wanted to raise the parking lot up a couple of feet or something it's really not going to affect the ramps all they're going to have to do is just raise the end of the ramps up and hook them to it so if if they decided to raise a level and repave that parking lot area or whatever they wanted to do this is not going to prevent them from doing anything they want to do in the future so thank you thank you all in favor signify by say iose like sign the eyes have it okay Mr chairman one more thing if I may sir you may um is not on the agenda but I wanted to bring it up and the reason I'm bringing it up is I have $30,000 left in my uh in my fund that uh that I want to put towards a playground at um saner recreation park uh the same thing we put in East plaque at that part um the reason I'm bringing it to the board is I only have $3,000 and they're in the $50,000 neighborhood is how much they cost so um can I put 10 on it yes sir all right I'll put the other you'll put 10 I'll put 10 on it okay for recreation right that'll be fun and we can move forward and I appreciate it do you want to bring that back on the next agenda or just I don't think we have to need to Sir procurement will be able the those are on contracts so you'll be roughly 50,000 which will be a signature of the County Administrator and the chairman and the budget is all from discretionary commissioner dollars so it's all taken care of good deal good deal thank you Mr chair thank you Mr chairman okay now any at the end of that is there any public comment on miscellaneous items any public comment on miscellaneous items and going once twice three times we're done Clerk of the Court Mr Matt Reynolds thank you Mr chairman I have nothing this morning other than to thank the board again for doing that Proclamation for the ark's 50th Anniversary that was that was special so thank you'all very good County attorney Mr Rich Commando nothing today Mr Shar thank you Mr Terry so County Administrator uh yes sir just a couple of things as you know we've got uh our legislative delegation dayses that are coming up in January we're not sure the date yet but it'll be coming up in January I bring that up today to let you know that we probably need to start thinking about what our Appropriations are going to look like for this coming uh legislative session also uh yesterday reached out to everybody about the U uh March 29th or 28th 29th I think it was 18th or 18th something like that uh rural days up in Tallahassee so let's make sure that we get that on our calendar we've already got rooms reserved so we're good to go there you know we're just uh cleaning up after Helen and Milton uh our debris contractor started Sunday uh so we'll be working countywide to get the debris picked up as quickly as we can getting back to normal here with uh catchup I know that uh I believe when I spoke to uh our building official uh last week he said that they had 100 plus permits in the queue from when we were dealing with the hurricane so uh you know your staff's doing all they can to catch up and we're getting we're getting much better and the efficient of that kind of stuff so just want to bring up speed that we're back to normal and what a great job The Command Staff did out of Doc chairman Harvey you were at um uh outstanding having your your leadership there was was very prudent as well so thank you very much for that and if there's any questions afterwards please feel free to get with me thank you I do have a question on the debris removal pickup um gentleman contacted me from church about I told him to go on the dashboard and fill out his name and address is that is that going to be a normal thing and um that everybody has to do Excuse me yes sir um it's it's it's there just so we can get an idea I mean because I've said it before picking up the Bree like an Easter egg hunt I think that came from commissioner Turner uh so this kind of if somebody has a pile out there it kind of tells us where those surprises are um so we just ask them to fill it out because it makes it more efficient for the debris contractors and haulers be able to pick up people's debris uh so it is actually normal um I'd like to commend Our IT staff on developing that because when the state calls started happening and how we separate debris out of the 67 counties in the State of Florida putam county was the only county in the state that was able to differentiate between um Milton and Helen uh debris and that they saw the maps that our it folks created Miss Brook created um and nobody else had done it so we were the only County that actually had a plan on how to separate the two storms that was very very good and and to her and and and Mr Richie and their staff for making that happen so um when Stefan came down the hall to me the other day and told me that you know how we those those dashboard maps are actually going to be very very beneficial so um we couldn't do it without it but yes that will be the the new Norm moving forward it just gives our citizens the opportunity to plug their their debris in and it just makes it more efficient for the haulers to be able to come in and get what if it's on a private road we've that that's been comments well if it's on a private road if we normally pick up uh the trash there then yes we would go down there but we can't go on private property and pick up a pile so we would follow the same route that they would take their garbage too okay good deal good deal thank you and I do want to Echo the comments about the dashboard during the incident it was up and running be being made aware of the needs that were out there then it was also used for U damage assessment and if you clicked on one you could see the damage and what the potential uh income impact there was so I was really impressed with that and now we're moving into debris dashboard still a wonderful wonderful tool and I agree with you I think it's it's going to be a road map it is a Easter egg huh but the eggs are going to be more visible and you don't have to go searching for them quite so heavily so y'all did a great job Mr Richie you and Brooke and your staff and um I just want to say you it hats off to you so Mr so you got your light on nope you're done okay all right commissioner comments Mr adamac Mr Turner yes thank you Mr chairman um a quick update very quick on dun Creek boat R we um sent that out to get it um to get it engineered and the they redid the concept and it wasn't adequate because they dropped the original concept from I believe it was 60 parking spaces down to 39 uh for boats and trailers and uh and I I took it upon myself if it if I did step that line I apologize I took it on upon myself to say that was not going to work so they went and they redesigned it again and they came back and they got one a new design that just came in yesterday yesterday that actually has 51 parking places for boats and trailers plus nine single parking places for other vehicles and it left us a little area there for a future expansion for a pilion or a bathroom or whatever that the county decided to do in the future and it still had our double boat ramp so I would like for maybe this just came in yesterday I'd really like for us to talk about this one more time and put it on the agenda at the next meeting if we could and see I've already paid out of my discretionary funds I think I paid 990,000 or somewhere in that area to have this design and so if we could maybe talk about it one more time before Mr Alexander takes over I'd appreciate it and maybe we could get this moving on forward I agree commissioner ATT I have a question if that's okay so we feel confident that we'll be able to have a a decent boat ramp there because I've been hearing people say saying oh there's not enough space and all of that so but there's more land there than there is at the city dock I'm aware the land but I'm I guess the the issue is the the water how you get in the water well there uh we have three several options but the orig the option that they have at the present time is they actually move the ramps up into the property a little bit which the engineer said would give a certain size boat the required area to be able to back in and turn around so that was part of the redesign okay that they did but then when they redesigned they put in I mean it was a beautiful design uh with a lot of additional landscaping and a lot of additional you know it was a beautiful deal the problem was it was not functional because you could only part a handful of boats there so they did take it and they did redo it and got it kind of a hybrid and we'll get that everybody but like I said it just came in yesterday so Miss Young will I'm sure will get it to everybody between now the next meeting as part of the packet to take a look at the new design but it still has a double boat ramp and it also has the option to have a third boat ramp on the end where the existing boat ramp is another single boat ramp if they decided to do it I need to talk to Mr nolles I haven't had the opportunity yet but I need to talk to Mr noes because it's my understanding he's either going to do the permitting force on the boat ramp or he's going to be knee deep in it one or the other and so um I I I need to talk to him to find out if we should go ahead and while we're doing our permit go ahead and permit that third boat ramp even though we're only thinking at this present time about putting the double boat ramp in those are questions that somebody with a lot more numbers letters after their name needs to answer than what I have so I need to talk to Scott about that okay thank you for that update I was I've just had some questions asked to me so I want well that was that was the first issue was that we couldn't with the double boat ramp we couldn't get the boats in there without hitting a bulkhead on the other side which we didn't realize was there until they went out and did a on-site visit okay that's why they moved the boat ramps up into the property enough to where we' give them the proper turning radius to get boats in there good good work thank you sir is that all you have all I have Sir Mr Pickin yeah chairman Harvey um first I just say um thank you to all the staff um administrator sugs W County Administrator Jr Grimes and Julianne also uh Public Works Emergency Services or everything they did preparing uh for the hurricane we did um you know uh Escape most of of the damage um that other counties did get especially down south um but I just think um we just got a great team and I just I appreciate that um I do want to thank public works there was a point um Thursday morning morning that County Road 309 308 308b and Junction Road were all blocked and within probably four or five hours you could get through those roads and they did really did a great job so I appreciate that um I hope that uh staff will definitely pay attention to I know all projects but this um Pico boat ramp um that upgrade I think is going to be great uh I think that boat ramp is used a lot we are in need of a a small floating dock at the drton Island Ferry and uh so hopefully this will work out and and be able to have a model to maybe put a smaller one there so people can access that ramp because really you have to pull up too Shore uh to get in and out of your boat um I do see um commissioner elect Josh Alexander up there and possibly commissioner uh elect J.R newold I just want to remind you that all meetings are not this short and don't go just smoothly we're not done yet but this has been a good meeting and uh and I figured I just would mention that and uh that's all I have thank you thank you commissioner Pickins and commissioner Wilkinson thank you chair um a couple things I wanted to say thank thank you to Simon's house and epic cure they did a food distribution Saturday in Crescent City and I from what I understand I couldn't attend but what I what I understand it went off very well and um I just appreciate those nonprofits for stepping up and trying to help people in our community and then um also I wanted to um thank our staff that during the eocc during the storm we had just such a a big difference in improved communication and getting the communication out to our citizens um and I was certainly doing my share by trying to share everything I could on social media but at the same time I was getting feedback from our citizens that um they really appreciated getting the information so I think that a lot of work goes behind the scenes but then how do we reach our citizens and get them the information and I think we've certainly improved upon that and we'll continue to do so as we move forward so thank you for that and then um I just wanted to mention that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month I'm surprised nobody asked for a proclamation but I'm wearing pink and I see a couple other people wearing pink and uh my mother was affected by that my my mother-in-law my aunt and so it's very important to me and so um just remember the uh October is breast cancer awareness month thank you thank you Mr chairman uh I would I would really be remiss if I didn't join commissioner Pickins and uh commissioner Wilkinson in in accolades to the to the county on what they did on this one um we've had multiple ones over the seven years and if if there's such a thing as one going smooth maybe it's from the the amount of them that we've had or what but I'm telling you this was almost amazing it really was it it not just the amount of time that it took them to get everything open and running again but how quick things back to business as usual once it got done I mean within now this is me looking outside in but within a week they were grading roads again they were they were back to business as usual and that to me was the most amazing part of the whole whole thing is how quick they did what absolutely had to be done Incorporated the rest of it that absolutely had to be done into their normal schedule and went back to working again to me that was just an amazing task so I join them and kudos to you guys and also chairman Harvey um the way we have it now just the chairman goes to the EOC and it is just a an extra effort to to make those briefings and things like that um so I I app appreciate everything that Larry's done with his leadership this year and um you know two hurricanes back to back is is no fun but um you you stepped up to the plays you when he miss in the first I knew that was going to I was on a cruise it's not my fault that was seven years ago it never ends no it doesn't thank you commissioner what you talk that's all I have thank you good thank you and you know I want to say since I was there you know U we are getting better every time we have a storm no doubt about that we wish we wouldn't have any storms that would be wonderful um but we are doing so much better with the information that's being handed down not only to the Commissioners but to the public and uh you know yesterday I was trying to tell somebody about the the debris pickup and I said I don't need to make a phone call I can go on the EOC website Facebook page pulled off right there and here's everything you need to know about it so I think that's the frustrating part years ago was information but now that we're into this technology phase of our life and everything is moving in that direction um we can do a lot of things and we proved that and uh we Prov that we're a leader in the state with information technology so I I think we're our best days are ahead of us and we're going to continue doing the right thing for the for the right reasons um it does take a while to ramp up no doubt but uh but we can shut down and that doesn't mean the work ends and just because we're closed here there's a whole lot of people from here over there doing the work that they normally would be doing if not more over there and they're doing it laying on a cot barely sleeping at night and getting the work done so you know our hats do go off to to emergency services and our our our em director and public safety director and and I'd be remissed if I didn't mention the sheriff's department and also the linemen you know when you see these parking lots full of line lineman trucks from all over the country you know coming down here to help us when we have a need you know to turn on thousands of people's power and the amount of time that they did was just incredible some of us lost power I didn't lose power this time um but that doesn't mean I won the next time and they'll be out there helping us so it's just a a big effort and um it does not go unnoticed and don't I do want to caution the citizens to think this is not normal uh it was our good it was a good effort but every Storm's different and every time is different and some days we can get to you quickly and some days we can't and that's just how this works but I think we're we've got a good team we got a good program and uh we got good leadership from the top of all the way down and everybody's there rowing in the same direction and moving this County forward Mr Mr chair did we call for public comment on my SL we did okay we did all right um I are you you're done and I'm I have one more the dirt to pay for 20123 did not make it out we had uh we we were very busy with the hurricane so the protest period started on Monday it'll end on Wednesday so it'll be coming back on our next agenda and we'll do dirt to pave at that point uh we're trying to move those that's 2023 so we're trying to get that out by the end of the year and we should be able to do that so they've already been approved for done you're just talking about the 23 engineering and the bid package or no he's talking about the award of the contract okay yeah the bids have closed the intent to award has been issued we're in the protest period now so once we complete that we'll prepare an agenda item and it'll be at your next meeting so we couldn't approve it today and that if it wasn't that if the one um protested to bid that they could go on and get started your process recommends that you do not so no good enough but we could call a special meeting so we'll see about that maybe you know and we'll talk about that so if there's no further comments for the good of the order this meeting is adjourned thank you e