board meeting of the board of County Commissioners Tuesday January 23rd it's it is 9:00 I am commissioner Harvey um so I'll be calling this to order and we're going to ask the Reverend Ted stackpole chaplain to Foster Care Community to come up and lead us in our invocation and commissioner Bill Pickins will lead us in our pledge if yall would rise if you're able to do so can we bow our heads together graciously heavenly father as We Gather here today in this place we bow our hearts and humble our hearts before you the creator sustainer of all things we recognize acknowledge your sovereignty over our lives our community and our nation we are grateful for the opportunity to come together with the putham County Commissioners to deliberate and make decisions that will shape the future of our County Lord we seek your guidance and wisdom as we embark on this important meeting today may your divine presence fill this room permeating our thoughts and actions so that all decisions made will align with your perfect will we acknowledge that true wisdom comes from you and we humbly ask for your wisdom to guide us as we address the needs of the people that are being served Heavenly Father we pray for Unity and Harmony among all our commissioners recognizing their diversity and ideas and backgrounds may your spirit of understanding empathy and respect Prevail in these discussions fostering an atmosphere conducive to productive collaboration and cooperation Lord we are aware of the many challenges that face our County from social needs to Economic Development to environmental concerns and we ask your divine intervention and insight to find the best solutions for these issues always keeping the well-being of our community at the Forefront of our minds in this assembly Lord we recognize the importance of seeking your righteousness and Justice May the decisions today reflect your heart for the vulnerable the marginalized and the needy among us give us Hearts filled with compassion and empathy leading does to act with fairness and benevolence and lastly Heavenly Father we ask for your Divine protection and guidance over our residents of putam County we lift up our Law Enforcement Officers firefighters medical professionals teachers and all those who serve and protect our community surround them with your love and Grant them wisdom and discernment in their daily calls to duty in your holy and precious name of Jesus I pray amen amen please join me in the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the for stands na under God indivisible with liy and justice for all thank you uh Reverend sack pole and thank you commissioner Pickins I do have some honored guests in the room today the retired honorable Tim Smith Clerk of the Court thank you for joining us today look forward to that and we have baby Baker over here to my left your right um You can hold him for a small fee right so okay commissioner down to business here if you don't mind uh approval of the minutes of the uh special called meeting Mr chair I move approval of the board of county commissioner special meeting called January 4th 2024 second proper motion proper second any further discussion on the motion hearing none all in favor signify by saying I I oose like sign rich I didn't bang the gavel should I have to go back and do that we're good good deal good deal all right so now we're going to recess our Board of County Commission meeting and I'm going to call to order our Port Authority meeting and the first item of business is the administration I'm assuming Julianne you have this animal services facility layout plan yes sir thank you um as presented in your packet we have met with the um design build contractor and we have uh reviewed several different options for layouts and locations and what we're proposing to you today um is there drawn although I did look and the scan is not very clear it was brought to my attention apologize for that scan being um not very clear but it is going to be just north of the EMS main station in that parking lot area the area is um currently used just as parking for vehicles that are being transitioned out of service and so we will relocate that area and the compaction of that area along with the proximity to current infrastructure makes that um our most recommended option for the layout and location thank you Mr Young uh Mr Turner you have a question uh yes uh after reviewing the packet um I don't have an issue with it going in in the area of where you're going in but I don't think you should build it on top of the compacted Lime Rock I think you should move it right off the edge of it to the North and use compacted Lime Rock for base for the parking that has to be put in later on that'll save a lot more money than trying to not only dig through the lime rock and it's not going to make any difference as far as compaction under the building it has to reach a certain point anyhow so my suggestion would be to move it just a little further to the north to where it's not sitting on the lime rock and we can use it for base to pave later which will save the county money cuz we're doing the site work inhouse yes sir good point Mr Adam Tech you have the floor yeah I'll I'll concur with what commissioner Turner just said but I also want to make sure on the two kennel buildings that they're facing in a way that if we extended them that the area that we can go off where the the peaks of the roof go aim towards the back of the property or whatever direction we're going to extend them and not butt it against each other because that would defeat the purpose of being able to extend one of the buildings yes sir they're both laid out there's there's area between the two however the the expansion plan would be another Standalone building um not necessarily just extending the rafters although possible because they are Northwest facing so that for the to to avoid direct to avoid minimum exposure of direct sun during those summer months of an animal right we want the the rafters to be like that but you could expand however probably the more efficient um expansion plan would be another kennel pod that was the the overall concept when we designed it okay good cuz I asked that specific question that we could expend the buildings um you can could we possibly stack the one behind the other then and that would allow you to do that instead of next to each other there's still gives you the sun exposure and allows you to expand I just s the picture I can't tell which way the building faces it just isn't clear but it would Pro go ahead but it would probably make it harder to deal with from the office back and forth if you had to walk all the way around one building to get to the other building to bring animals up front for the people to look at to adopt or whatever because all that's going to be done in the office area right so which is why I preferred the original plan of having the building attached and going two different directions but that's a whole different subject um so we're dealing with what we have the problem that they ran into with that issue is that the office building would always smell like kennels if you attach those two buildings together unless you spent a lot of money on on scrubbers to get the and no noise when you're when you're in the office um having a little bit of Separation but the buildings as it as it is laid out the buildings will be erected so that the kennels are north south facing and the entry exit doors are east west facing um you asked you about the site plan and so there will be opportunity for further expansion by erecting a entire new pod or you could of course always add on however probably most efficient would be another another pod well if you could determine where the lime rock stops on the north side of the existing parking lot I would probably move it back another three or maybe 4 feet that way when we put flowers and Landscaping and whatever in front of it we're not having to dig up Lime Rock to do that either so uh I agree plus on the North side we we own 60 Acres up there we got plenty of room so um so what do you need from us a um motion yes sir Mr chairman I move that we accept the uh the new layout with the changes that were just made as far as moving the building to the north off the lime rock second proper motion proper second do we have any further discussion on the motion hearing none all in favor signify by saying I I I oppos like sign the eyes have okay four to one and thank God this is moving forward so looking looking forward to groundbreaking coming up very soon hopefully is there any public comment on Port Authority items only this is a chance for the public to comment for three minutes on Port Authority items and seeing no one rushed to the front we will close the public comment and is there any general discussion on Port Authority items from Commissioners and seeing none we will adjourn the Port Authority meeting reconvene the board of County Commission meeting and Miss Lorie Parker you're up next and this is the time the whole Baker family arrives right good morning good morning morning I'm happy to announce the employee of the quarter for fiscal year um first quarter and that would be Zach Baker on behalf of Zach Baker baby Baker will be accepting the award well Zach does have a new pair of shoes I mean those are pretty I know to get that in the picture he got before he did this [Laughter] morning well this is um the award for the employee of the quarter for first quarter in addition he does get um $500 wow for being employee the quarter and Mrs Baker you know what to do with that right yes scholar scholarship fund yes so um I get to be a part of La um Zach's life which has been a wonderful thing we worked over the last eight months together and uh coming into new facilities sometimes different but Zach has been nothing but uh professional loving um when he's dealing with citizens he's always looking to get the best out of them and for the easiest route to get there so he goes above and beyond thank you to his family for letting us have them all the time that you give them to us and um the little baker so he's uh been a big part of us too but uh I just want to thank Zach and what he means to me and to um the planning area he's uh he doesn't have the true stigma of a planner but he is a planner so it's a great thing to be around him and I'm I just thrilled to be a part of his life very good thank you very good Zach I think you made a two things you put your envelope in your pocket it goes to your wife and the baby lost a sock somewhere between here and there so we'll figure that one out Zach you have any words you'd like to say sure uh thank you again for the recognition um it's a it's an honor to be in front of you all accepting this award it's an honor to have my family here today um planning his doing and we're going to get it done no matter what introduce your family if you don't mind um so from left to right uh y'all's right to left you've got my grandmother Lucy my mom carlen my wife Courtney and my son case and then in the back my father Earl good deal well congratulations we stay up here today you think probably will let people I love them shoes man Laura out fig you they handed the check straight to her I really would have I Afra you got learn this for long marri de congratulations Z well deserved yes sir not moving that our next recognition is a retirement recognition and this is for Sam Willis Sam Willis was the utility services director and he has been with the county for over 14 years and he's been many many years at the city I don't know his combined total but he's about to come up here and tell us um this is a retirement plaque for Sam and recognition for service to the citizens of putham County Samy bringing your wife up too please says come on come on once I get to tell her what to do that's the last time well um today today I guess the clock hit zero right because ever since I started with the county Sam had a retirement clock and any given moment at any given day you could always ask him how much longer he had and it's pretty much down to the minute um but um I hope he wishing the best of his retirement um you know it's not often you get to see somebody that started the utility system right in the county so I think Sam has been here almost since day one um so there's a lot of institutional knowledge that we're um hoping he's going to be around think we've called him a few times he's always been willing to come still come back in step up and help us um and we truly just wish him the best in his retirement he spent a lot lot of time and uh years in the industry um and not most people don't get the same title as he gets um but um he's truly a a legend in his own um in his in his own field so not not in his mind like he said behind me but in his field I mean youd go anywhere everybody knows who Sam is so uh it was a honor and pleasure serving with Sam and we wish him the absolute best in retirement of course yeah Sam I'm sure you have something to say start start the start the countdown there uh Mr be nice Sam be nice okay we got we're going to give you one minute dad G if I got to be nice I was told I could say anything I wanted but no uh this uh this has been a culmination of 50 years in the business and um it was something I was little born into uh my father was a wastewater operator and a water plant operator and my grandfather was a well driller so um it it kind of comes naturally to me and uh quite honestly I've lasted longer here than I thought I would because I typically have a fiveyear shelf life with government and uh then I find myself moving on um I brought my family with me today uh not just my immediate family which is my wife but also my extended family which includes the people I've had the honor and pleasure of working with uh different ones over the last 15 years here and I won't introduce all of them because I lead up all my time but um it's uh it's been it's been fun I'm going to miss everybody some more than others but uh I will still be around uh my next move will be to the cemetery but not too soon I hope um and as JR said I've got a lot of there's a lot going on up here uh the people people that follow me unlike the old days where the guy that had everything in his head was the the one that you wanted not to have the stroke uh there are a lot of stuff there is a lot of stuff that's uh uh on paper and and uh got capable people running the systems now my Replacements have uh stepped up and are doing a wonderful job from what I understand but I'll still be around for those times when they say didn't we do something over here yeah so uh thank you again for 15 years 14 and A2 years and uh I appreciate it and uh thank you for for the for the plaque and the recognition Sam hang on just a minute Mr adamack you have a comment yeah Sam I just want to say I appreciate all the interactions that we've had over the few years that I've been here and that what I feel was honesty about different questions that I've had and Clarity that uh helped me make decisions here on the board and that goes for a lot of the people standing behind you as well and uh I wish you the best of luck in your retirement and uh look forward to following what you do thank you thank you Sam I've known you for a long time back to the days of parent your pride P your pride yes sir and Peter coming in and uh you were one of Grandma's favorites she tip well back in but she was a lovely lady your mother well that that was uh that was the well driller's wife so she understood what it was like to be deep in the hole I get it but you've always been uh honest with me sometimes brutally honest but I need that uh don't ever lose sight that our our employees need to be able to talk to Commissioners in a manner that we need to understand and sometimes we we hear from the public we hear from staff and then we have to disseminate what's the best thing to do but when we get the honest answer we can handle that we can always work with that you've always been there to give me the honest answer that I needed whether I liked it or not and I wish you well in your retirements sir thank you sir welcome all right anybody else I do yes get ready yes Sam we known each other probably through my brother for well over 25 years and U Sam popped in my store about 20 years ago and found that he was somewhat related to my secretary so anyway Sam would always stop in when he was in this private business sector uh and just chitchat and stuff like that but I appreciate our relationship here when I was as a commissioner and you're always available to answer my questions the biggest problem I had was to figure out whether I was going to call you calling you on my on your personal phone or or the county phone but you answered both of them for me so I wish you and Judy well in the retirement and uh and good luck thank you thank you Bill Sam uh like everybody else we've known each other a long time more years than I'm willing to say yeah yeah let's let's leave it at that yeah um I want to wish you congratulations on your retirement and thank you for your service to the county all these years well thank you Terry I appreciate it we've gone uh been through a lot together uh individually collectively as friends and as uh uh fellow public servants so it's uh anybody else good deal we'll come up here we'll get our picture taken and we're going to stand back here with you bring everybody it's God bless you brother little closer right I'm just changing positions all right Sam good luck okay now we're going to close our presentations and go into our Planning and Development public hearing and we'll give our planners time to get down here so baby Baker is not helping you on the presentation today our first case is our rezone Rez 23-00 10 and whenever you're ready to go we are ready to take it board let me remind you that this is a meeting one of two so we're we're going to be getting the presentation today and then setting a date and time for the next meeting 10 acres of PUD I don't think we to see this one twice do we 10.2 it's in our packet that it's meeting one of two per Florida statute so go right ahead put that in there the the reone is over 10 acres right so we need to do we had one Planning Commission and we need to do the two BCC meetings okay Jennifer Cassel for the record uh planning and development services this application is a zoning map Amendment from commercial retail C2 to commercial intensive C4 the applicant is Carlton Florida estate LLC John Carlson Jr the agent is John Bruce the property is located at 1370 North Highway 17 and Paka consisting of two Parcels parcel number 13-8 d26 D 000000 -003 0- 00000000 second parcel ending in 03- 0030 the two subject Parcels combined are approximately 10.26 Acres the current future land use is commercial and the current zoning is commercial retail C2 the proposal is to amend the zoning map to allow for a clearing Contractor Yard and heavy equipment storage and repair parcel ending in 003 0- 000000 is 6.39 acres and has approximately 635 ft of Frontage on Highway 17 and is currently improved with a 4,000 ft Warehouse parcel number ending in 003 0-30 is 3.87 acres and has ax approximately 212 ft of Frontage on Highway 17 and is currently vacant the parcel is located in a portion of the corridor where commercial development has occurred on the lands that have maintained a commercial future land use classification the surrounding zoning designations are commercial and agricultural the surrounding future land uses are commercial industrial commercial and agricultural the majority of those lands are vacant or contain a passive use like communication Towers have our aerial view the zoning future land use the current zoning designation of commercial retail C2 does not allow for heavy equipment service and repair resoning to the commercial intent C4 zoning designation would allow heavy equipment service and repair the proposed resoning is compatible with the surrounding uses and would be compatible with the future land use designations and Zoning designations with the surrounding area staff finds that the proposed rezoning from C2 to C4 is consistent with the goals objectives and policies of the adopted comprehensive plan is allowed in the adopted future land use categories is not anticipated to adversely affect the orderly development of the adjacent and surrounding properties as the property is subject to development standards of the Land Development code and meets the locational requirements of the C4 zoning District provided in the LDC and the comprehensive plan staff recommends approval of the request to amend the zoning map from C2 to C4 the Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the resoning application at the scheduled public hearing on December 13th 2023 questions any questions for staff commissioner Pickins do you have your light on oh no I didn't turn it on thank you thank you no questions is the applicant here would you like to speak even though today is the meeting one of two so we'll be back together at another future date I just want to say that if you'll pull that up to your voice and then state your name and address for the record uh my name is John Bruce I live at 96 Prince clan in Palm Coast Florida uh I've been working with love and Contracting they do clear and work in in North Florida and we're looking for a yard and we plan to be good citizens if we come to work and we plan to be very conservative and we want to make sure that we do everything properly and uh appreciate your time and I also want to make one personal comment is uh Zach I know he got the war for being the uh employee of the month but I can say that he's really helped me and loving contrac and uh and every time we had a question he had an answer and he's worked with us very good and I I applaud him being the employee of the month thank you thank you thank you okay is there anybody else would like to speak in favor or opposition to this application all right seeing none we will close that and the board will decide when the next date and time of the meeting will be I'm fine with it so Commissioners if I can just remind you too uh we're going to hear another rezoning case for the second time on February 27th at 9:00 A.M soon thereafter if you'd like to group this one with that um call it's the Pud for uh Bim was the applicant off Clear Lake Road just a consideration there there's no sense dragging it out let's just go to the next meeting if that's good with the board February 13 whatever your pleasure is yep no problem that your motion commissioner wison okay the motion is February 13th at 9:00 we have a second we have a second yeah yeah yes sir yes sir we have a second by commissioner Pickins right yes nine o'clock yes all right Mr Adams that I hope be voting no as usual on us because we're not doing in the evening um if we get the majority vote that we need um has no bearing on my decision on the actual case before us thank you thank you any further discussion from the board we have a proper motion proper second all in favor signify by saying I I oppose like sign I passes 4 to one next item is uh type 1 subdivision PSA 23- 000000001 Smith the retired honorable Tim Smith does this have to be heard twice all no sir this is one hearing okay Jennifer you have the floor thank you sir this application is for a type 1 subdivision replant the applicants are Tim and Darlene Smith the subject property is located at 137 Pierce Lane East in Palaca parcel identification number is 06-10-2019 d00 00- 000020 911 addresses will be assigned to each of the proposed Lots once the final plot is approved the subject parcel is approximately 5.77 Acres future land use is rural residential zoning is residential estate the applicant requests preliminary and final plot approval for the addition of four Lots resulting in a proposed eight lot residential subdivision the subject parcel to be further divided which will Encompass approximately 5 .77 Acres comprises lot two of the aelas on the St John's ploted subdivision the subdivision was recorded in mapbook 6 page 80 on November 21st 2002 all Lots within the subdivision are accessed by a 50ft wide paved private road and includes drainage improvements the subdivision is within the RO residential future land use designation and maintains a residential estate zoning designation the applicant is requesting a replat of lot two to create four additional Lots 2 a 2 b 2 C and 2D ranging between 1.06 acres to 1.79 Acres the resulting residential density is one dwelling unit per 1.44 Acres have our aerial view [Music] zoning future land use this is the proposed plot sorry it's fuzzy the proposed resubdivision of lot two will result in a residential density of one dwelling unit per 1.44 Acres the lands affected by the replat are within the rural residential future land use category are adjacent to and access by a pave Road and are not within the military restriction overlay Zone ordinance 2005 -8 was approved by the putham County Board of County Commissioners on August 26 2005 amending portions of the Land Development code governing governing allowed uses in the zoning district and dimensional requirements along with other Land Development regulations the subject division subdivision was approved prior to the implementation of certain regulations governing subdivisions however the subject plot does adhere to all current regulations the request is consistent with the goals objectives and policies of the putam county comprehensive plan is compatible with the surrounding zoning and uses and is consistent with the requirements of the putham County Land Development code staff recommends approval of the request for the preliminary and final plot approval for the replat of lot two of the aelas on the St John's recorded subdivision for the creation of four New Lots 2 a 2 b 2 C and 2D resulting in an eight l subdivision the Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the resoning application at the scheduled public hearing on December 13 2023 questions thank you any questions okay we'll move along and we'll close that part is the applicant here would you like to speak I don't know why I said is the applicant here I'm s right at you apologize retired politician you offer him a microphone he's going to take you got that right well some things you just you know you don't get rid of when you're uh retired that's right but uh Mr chairman and Commissioners and staff uh thank you uh Mr Baker your staff uh this was a a journey that we went on um when Darlene I purchased this property back in uh 2001 uh and then subdivided it um this area was actually a horse passeng and on the uh Eastern end my sister lives and on the western end I live so we've had kind of like this little family compound for a number of years and so um uh as time moves on and I'm trying to do some uh Estate Planning and and looking forward I have uh two children Ryan and Bren and I have two nieces Kaylee and Katie who have expressed interest toh be part of that subdivision and and try to keep it as a family subdivision and so that really was the purpose of this um um these Lots as long as I'm here would never be on the market uh because I like it just being a horse Pastor myself but uh knowing that time moves on and and what's the best for um um um my family and their uh longevity we've decided to try to make this move um I would like to take just a second if you don't mind and also say that uh uh I was extremely happy to see Mr Baker's uh recognition today um because my interaction with that department over the last year and a half has been nothing but uh Pleasant uh it's a journey that you go through when you're not in planning uh understanding all the rules and the specifics that need to be addressed and why you look at them but every time there was an issue or a question there was a legitimate reason that those questions were being asked and so I appreciate that uh you know as coming from government and and uh uh in fact when I started I'm not sure he was even married yet now he's got a son so uh it just takes a while but uh not one part of that was ever unpleasant uh and it it does drag out but that's just how that works because you want to make sure you do it right and so that's our goal and congratulations uh to Mr Baker for his um recognition today and so that's our explanation of what we're trying to do and I thank you for your consideration and uh you know I love all of you and I love this house so uh thank you thank you any questions from Mr Smith okay seeing none uh we're going to open it up for anybody who wants to speak in favor of this application or anybody want to speak opposed to this application seeing none we'll close that Mr chairman yes sir Mr Turner and U I would like to move approval for a resolution of the the county of putam State of Florida approving the fin final plat of the Zas on the St John subdivision providing for severability and an effective date that's not listed we have a proper motion second proper second any further discussion on the motion hearing none all in favor signify by saying I I oppose like sign the eyes have it thank you very much next item will be our rezone Rez 23- 0000000000 n Vander velt and I messed that one up Vander Warf Vander Warf Vander Warf how I pronounce it okay Jennifer you have the floor this application is for a zoning map Amendment from commercial retail C2 to commercial intensive C4 the applicant is John land use urban service zoning is commercial retail C2 The Proposal is to amend the zoning map to allow for a diesel mechanic shop the 1.15 acre parcel is within the urban service future land use designation and is currently developed with a repair shop however it is unoccupied parcel is located in a portion of cordor where commercial development has occurred on lands that have also maintained a commercial and urban service future land use classification the surrounding areas are mostly commercial retail C2 commercial intensive C4 and industrial Light Li and Mi city of Paca we have our aerial view [Music] zoning future land use the current zoning designation of commercial retail C2 does not allow for a diesel mechanic shop resoning to the commercial intensive C4 zoning designation would allow for a diesel mechanic shop heavy vehicle sales service and repair or heavy equipment sales service and repair the proposed rezoning is compatible with the surrounding uses and would be compatible with the future land use designations and Zoning designation within the surrounding area staff finds that the proposed rezoning from C2 to C4 is consistent with the go goals objectives and policies of the adopted comprehensive plan is allowed in the adopted future land use categories is not anticipated to adversely affect the orderly development of the adjacent and surrounding properties as the property is subject to the development standards of the Land Development code and meets the locational requirements of the C4 zoning District provided in the LDC and comprehensive plan staff recommends approval of the request to recommend to amend the zoning map from C2 to C4 the Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the resoning application at the scheduled public hearing on December 13th 2023 any questions for Jennifer yeah commissioner Wilkinson you have the floor um Jennifer so this this U area traditionally has been a mechanic shop or and they've also done sales there for many years so because they're going to do diesel they have to completely change their to that's correct wow okay um H okay is it just the diesel or is it heavy repair and that that diesel trick tricks that that threshold yeah so if I can elaborate a little bit um the the applicant Who currently owns the property is um is conveying the lands to a gentleman who has a contract with UPS to to repair the the fleet vehicles um so we are going to see you know commercial heavy Vehicles being repaired on um mostly on that facility it's worth noting if these were just standard diesel pickup trucks uh they they would not require this intensive zoning okay that's what I need to hear it's the possibility of having you know semi trucks dump trucks other commercial heavy Vehicles yes ma'am okay all right thank you Mr Adam Z yeah I just wanted to make a statement normally when we do the C2 to C4 anything to C4 we have the discussion of about you know all the other uses that could potentially be there but in this case I just want to point out this is one of those locations that actually is right for almost any of the C4 uses so I fully support this and you know I don't even have that concern that I do a lot of times when you got just a C4 use that wants to be put somewhere new because this is surrounded by uses that are similar so um just wanted to make sure the public knows that we did our due diligence in that way as well okay thank you Mr Pickins oh forget turn it off I'm sorry all right Mr Adam that will you hit your button because for some reason I'm not able to change it today all right is there any comment from the public or is the applicant here would like to speak is there any public comment for or against this application and seeing no one ra run up to the podium we close that portion Commissioners what's your pleasure this one can be done today don't need a second hearing okay Mr chairman I move approval of ordinance of the putam of the county of putam State of Florida amending the official zoning map for putam County incorporated into article two of the putham County Land Development code ordinance 2005-1 18 resoning of 1.15 plus or minus acre parcel of land from commercial retail to C to uh retail C2 to commercial intensive C4 providing for the severability and an effective and effective date to be determined second we have a proper motion we have proper second any further discussion on the motion on ordinance number 202 24-6 hearing none all in favor signify by saying I I oose like sign the eyes have it thank you very much and Jennifer you did a great job maybe soon you'll be employee of a quarter of a month right if you got the right shoes commissioner Turner Mr chairman yes sir Zach before you leave um could we have a quick discussion on this two meeting business that we're going through right now is there any way or any possibility I mean this is uh I'm not disagreeing with the interpretation let's just start there but it's kind of silly that we're having to go through all this just for even ones that are easy and and should be approved very easily is there any way that we could on Planning Commission meetings that um that one of these cases come before that that require two hearings could we do a joint meeting between the Planning Commission and the County Commission and and advertise it as a joint meeting then we've got one meeting with the Planning Commission and at the Planning Commission level and one me and one meeting at the County commission level instead of having two at the County commission level when when the case is usually decided at the first County Commission meeting in in a lot of cases so Zach probably looks at this more than I do I have to look at our ordinance more than what the statute requires but the I guess the flip side of that is to ask who would make the decision on when there would be a joint meeting versus when you would break it apart or would you want all of them to be that way right no staff would staff would make one when a case comes before them which is larger than 10 acres or PUD that would trip the threshold for a second County Commission meeting that meeting then when it went before the Planning Commission would be advertised as a dual meeting between the County Commission and the U and the Planning Commission and that would serve as the first meeting for the two meeting requirement let me take a look into that I've never I'll tell you in advance I've never seen that done in fact I've seen it the opposite where I'll give you the example Bradford County doesn't have people appointed as their Planning Commission so the board of County Commissioners actually sits as the Planning Commission and they will have a Planning Commission meeting 30 minutes before their Board of County Commission hearing and they actually do the same thing twice would y'all wait on that until after November please like I said let let me just take a look into it but thank you for the suggestion uned consequences or ref fire fire the Planning Commission no one all be the Planning Commission no one said that I'm not for that no one said that that's not what I I agree with commissioner Turner because it seems like you know we're doing double duty which I don't mind doing the double duty but it's it's not efficient for um our residents we've they've already gone through like Mr Smith just said he went through it almost two years and while it wasn't a bad process it was lengthy and so anything we could do I know there's a statute that we have to abide by but if we could just think about and or see what other counties are doing because it is um it it adds to the time and people need to get to work well yeah it's just like the one we we heard today the first one we heard today you know if I was a betting man I would have said that probably would have passed today you had a recommendation with the Planning Commission you had a recommend you know a uh you had a a unanimous decision from the Planning Commission I just if I I was a bet arguing against and nobody here the for against or whatever all we did was hold the people up from being able to go and use their property for what they wanted to do for another for another few weeks so I just you know well we didn't hold them up the state statute said that but I have some I'm not an attorney so I well I think we're the only County that I'm aware of that does this um okay Mr Adam you have a comment I'm interested to hear the outcome of this but I we could have accelerated it by holding a meeting sooner for the second hearing um that we have that ability to do that so if we're going to do a meeting in the evening with the Planning Commission why couldn't we just do the second meeting sooner to help that person along just like you're saying so we do we do have we do have some flexibility here to to be able to accommodate a quicker for me whether it's morning or afternoon right I'm the only one that I'm the only one that I'm the only one that votes against against daytime meetings but whether it's morning afternoon we could accelerate it by having a meeting sooner okay so we do have some levity here as a commission the idea by Statute was to have more public input and the public have an opportunity to see it more often and um but we'll get to the bottom of this Mr Commando will work on it and we'll go from there so we're going to end our Planning and Development public hearing part move to our public comment on agenda items is there anybody in the audience or do we have any cards no cards uh that anybody would like to speak on agenda items if so just please come up and seeing again no one rushing to the podium then we will close the public comment portion of this meeting and go into the consent agenda and I'll start with my far right commissioner Adams act do you have any items you like to pull I have none commissioner Turner I have none commissioner Pickins I have none commissioner Wilkinson I have none and I have one only for the sake of fun uh item C so the the chair will entertain a motion Mr chairman I move that we approve the consent agenda a b d and e second proper motion proper second any further discussion hearing none all in favor signify by saying I I iose like sign the eyes have it item C Mr Richie would you please um come down he got all dressed up today uh I think he's going to deliver the word to us today while he's here and you were supposed to boss walk but you didn't do I did not I apologize for that chairman okay Mr Richie real quick we're just having fun go ahead well thank you all for uh for pulling it uh Mr chairman I really appreciate that we're looking forward to uh if the power does go out in this building for us I thank you Mr Richie for the comments and chair will entertain a motion move approval move approval item C do we have a second we have proper second any further discussion hearing none all in favor signify by saying I iose like sign as Mr Pickins would say a little levity in every situation is good correct exactly okay moving on to item eight do business you mind if I say that you're not as funny as you think you are I think we used to sayter we used to blame that the commissioner Gard also I absolutely second that thank you you're laughing so something's happening hey at least I'm not getting voted out like the house does and Washington so hey that's the main thing okay new business administration 2024 quarterly budget reports good morning chairman and morning can you make this as entertaining no sir okay we are here though we have finished the first quarter of 2024 and are actually in the beginning stages of planning 2025 so um it it certainly never ends as we have reviewed numerous times our budget is cyclical we typically collect revenues heavy on the front end and so when you look at your budget reports if we start with the general fund you'll see that we're about 82% of advalorium collection right now and we're only 25% into the Year this is normal we expect that and we expect it to trickle in through the rest of the year um your expenses overall are about 26% remember that part of your operating expenses is a percent of Revenue collection for those advalorium taxes so we expect to see a little bit of a bump in that operating account um a little bit over the 25% because we've paid 86 or 8 2% of the ADV valorum Revenue collection fees um so all in all things are right on target with Revenue collection and our expenditures for the general fund you have your reserve balances down there as categorized so you have some um what we call free reserves restricted contingency and then restricted cash balance as well as capital outlay dollars um for a total of roughly $12 million in your reserve accounts this is as of the close of December 31st because that's when our quarter closed so anything that has happened from January 1st through today is not reflected in this report moving on to the fire fund I'm sorry the transportation fund again um you'll see that the revenue collection is a little more slow because they are not um ADV vorum or tax heavy um we make those up kind of throughout the year and our expenditures are at 21% which is just below where we should be for the quarter quarter 1 your um reserves in that account are just under million at 852 Into the Fire fund again you see the same um reflection in the revenue Source we're at 84% of collections because that's collected as a fire tax on your adum or your tax bill msbu and then you're at 18% overall on expenditures for the first quarter and you've got 1.3 in reserves sitting in the fire fund moving on to the sanitation fund you're at 63% of your collections that's because they they are more proportionate so they have a fee base as well as that ADV valorum so you're going to see the heavy collection that's paid through property taxes but the sanitation is also fee based so we have a lot of contracts that are paid uh monthly so you're going to see an equal distribution there more equal distribution of Revenue and you have 16% of your expenditures expended to date and then that Hefty balance remember in captures are restricted closure funds and so those are not all available for expenditures um and so that is your Reserve balance in the sanitation fund the 405 water fund uh we're about 14% of Revenue collection for the year and 18% of expenditures so they're about balanced this again is a fund that is a fee based user fee driven service so you're not going to see Heavy collections up front you're going to see pretty methodical or even throughout the year the last report is the new report as requested by the Commissioners um as you will all remember each Commission was allocated $200,000 of onetime capital expenditure dollars and to date the only expenditures we have had is in District One commissioner Pickins had a drainage project that needed to be completed for which he uh was willing to allocate his dollars to and commissioner Harvey allocated um $225,000 to partner with the Melrose Youth Sports Complex to put LED lights infrastructure on that last field those are expenditures only we have had a couple of Commissioners Reach Out um about different quotes or ideas but when we close the quarter those are the only expenditures to date for those commissioner dollars thank you Miss Young any questions Mr Adam yeah I just have we got any update I know we talked each quarter actually about the the sanitation escro future about how we were working with I think we had a consultant or something that was trying to help us determine whether that number is good or we need more or potentially less we're working ideas to to narrow that down have we gotten any update on that so every number that every I'm sorry every year that number changes as to what our long-term um expenditures are required we are still working with the consultant through the process of determining how much has to be readily available liquid I.E and how much can be long-term planned okay thank you yes sir but even with that number it has to be approved by D that's correct yeah so I mean and when we do the financials every year we make adjustments to that number based on what the D's long-term closure costs are so this number is approved through D through the end of 2024 or what what is the how long is that number good for D and it's an annual every year he's going talk much you're going to talk you need to come up Mr Tilton and if you will state your name again add no your title is fine Jay Tilton Solid Waste director um so yeah those those numbers are due every year in September um it's an adjusted they use an inflation Factor um right now it's kind of a Roman Target I'll be honest with you because they've increased the inflation Factor almost triple is what we're dealing with some of the things that we are doing and what we're working with the consultant on though is we're going back and looking at the numbers for those total costs like closure and things like that and trying to see if they are realistic with the way that our old consultant was doing it we were able to look at saving um uh some monies on the post closure care and so then one of the things that we're doing now and something will be brought to you guys in the near I hope in the next year is uh opportunities to save money on closure costs like delegating a certain part of the property that we have out there as a bar pit so we don't actually have to purchase that dirt um and I've heard that that could save us a couple million dollars so those are some but those studies you have to you have to put a big study together and have people come in and drill and make sure that the dirt meets the spec and everything for the different type of materials that we need for closing the landfill out so um we're continuing to work on that but that number is done every year thank you yes sir Mr Turner uh yes um Julianne How concerned do you are on the 101 fund Transportation fund about only having 12% into the second quarter of the year is that don't remember it being that low previously yeah well you're looking at the aggregate total of those Collections and so if you're looking at taxes which is the main um Source you're seeing there at 27 % and then permits fees and assessments are at 29 your inter government is where you're low and that's a function of just normal business so I'm not concerned at all um we have seen a declining amount of Revenue in the transportation fund year over year for the last three so I am concerned about the longevity of the transportation fund sustaining itself however I am not concerned as to where we stand in Revenue collection today good thank you all right any further discussion thank you very much for that presentation we'll move on to Administration smma request to approve building Renovations Nancy you're gonna Nancy Russo SMA Healthcare 330k Larin drive patka we received a three-year Grant from the health resources and services Administration also known as hersa I'm being mindful of the acronyms to develop a neonatal abstinence syndrome program which is also known as Nas as you can see from the information in your packet there is a high prevalence of Nas in putam County which is why we applied for this grant opportunity due to this grant we will be able to create five employment opportunities with a program supervisor part-time primary care provider and LPN a prevention specialist and a healthc care Navigator we will also be contracting with Dr tuisi for Midwife and Healthy Start of alacha County to provide a part-time nurse to work with mothers and their babies in the home but in order to provide these Ser these much needed Services we had to come up with a way to increase our office space availability for this purpose it may be difficult to tell from the existing floor plan why we have requested these Renovations but the offices on the top side of the diagram need to be renovated to allow for adequate exam rooms and the large room will allow for additional office space to be created for the primary care provider nurse and midwife the bottom side of the building already has four office spaces but you have to walk through the first office to get to the second office which is not conducive to Hippa standards so this design allows for private entrances into each of the four offices since this is a county-owned building we are asking your permission to make these modifications to allow for enough space to run this program hersa has allowed for $100,000 of the 1.5 million 3year award for this purpose thank you Commissioners any questions all right what's your pleasure motion we do I make a motion that we approve this as presented we have proper motion do we have a second have a proper second any further discussion hearing Nancy I do um okay commissioner wilon you have the floor thank you um I know that you have struggled getting staff um do you feel like this is going to be an issue with this program no we've already um secured three of the five staff okay very good all right thank you Miss Nancy the only thing I want to say is um kind of gives me a little heartburn when people do work in County buildings without procurement um I understand that you're doing this outside of that but please know that there's no leans can be placed on a county building uh so this is our building at the end of the day and we will be following those Building Inspections and all okay so proper motion we have proper second any further discussion Mr ter um I have concerns along the same lines I realize that it that we can't um require them to go through C County procurement on this because it's Grant funds that don't come to the county but it is our building and I think that with them not going through procurement I don't know how we're going to make sure that rich do we they can't place a lean on a county building if they if something falls apart on the deal right I mean the contractor can't place a lean on the county building if if it turns out that he's that uh that he doesn't get paid for the project or whatever the case may be I mean he can't place a lean on a government building can he no you cannot you're correct you cannot adverse possess or place a lean on government property okay so we don't we don't need to require Bonds on it to make sure because he can't place a lean on a government building correct okay that's all I have I mean whether you require bonds up to you but no he cannot place a l on well usually you would only require bonds if you wanted to protect your building or protect the creditors or whatever but this is not County money so I don't really care about that that part of it from from the county standpoint but I just want to make sure that they can't file lean on the county if this deal falls apart so that's the only reason I would have required a bond if that they could have I agree all right so we have proper motion proper second I have one more question I apologize discussion Miss Wilkinson you thank you um what's the time frame or the turnaround time for you to have these Renovations done if it's in the package I missed it I apologize no it's not in the packet um we are expected to start services in April but not every one of those Services needs to be provided we can start a ramp up okay but when would the renovations be completed estimated after the approval today I need to submit it to Hera for their approval to move forward with um the payment for that and then I was told it would be 45 days from start okay very good thank you there was one thing I did I wanted to mention that I think in the quote that when I read it basically that any additions and all would be above and beyond what was quoted here again the county is not going and and I I I'm not trying to nickp pick it to death but we have seen price overruns on work being done in County buildings in the past few years based on the economy that's my only concern but I'm done with my concerns so we have a proper motion proper second Harvey I I got a question I I'm sorry so what we're talking about that is when you're talking about that they could not put a lean on the county property in case something goes wrong what if something does go wrong and it ends up in litigation where where's the county on that one Mr Commando you have the sorry I was trying to because they can't use the building and it's a stalled project I guess then it would be our responsibility to fix it okay would you please would you say that again I guess my hearing a cut out I mean if there's any reason why the project installs or isn't completed it then become because it's our building um it could create a situation where maybe it can't be rented you'd have to fix it somehow so maybe so you may want to consider a bond for that reason a performance bond well currently the motion does not have a bond inside there but I'm willing I'm giving it some thought right now because I'm very concerned if this gets in the middle and and then it's not finished or whatever the case may be or that Miss Russo's organization falls out with our contractor um and we didn't follow County procurement which we can't do because it's not not our money but it is our building if it got half done and not completed I have some serious concerns that that without some kind of protection here that we could just be in the middle of it rather we want to be there or not that's what I was trying to lay out earlier with my comments but um am I allowed to make any additional comments not right now Miss Russ let us let us Hammer this out real quick so would I wouldn't mind hearing what she had to say Mr chairman if you don't that's the will of the board well miss Rea we have um the ability to moved 25% of the 1.5 million into any other line category that we need to like if the um Renovations came to more than that we could request from hersa to move that money to pay for the additions also if we don't finish this we can't get any of the money so it is very important to SMA to make sure that this project gets completed in a timely manner to the specifications because we have been a recipient of hersa awards for the past six years and we wouldn't want to jeopardize that for future grants because we are already looking at Future grants for the county from them so let me ask you this based on your statement if you don't mind 25% of what 1.5 million is the total Grant so you're looking around $300,000 so in my mind you could actually put up a credit to the county out of that money correct that would guarantee that if and I don't care who the contractor is that makes no difference to me but we have seen uh again the reason my concern is because we have seen cost overruns on buildings and a lot you know just recently one almost stalled out um it was our building but they did get a chance to finish it and move forward but prices are up and and help is hard to find and no matter who the contractor is we just need a guarant guarantee that we're not going to have to go in there and spend taxpayer money to fix up a building that's my only concern if we were doing it I would have no concern I will tell you that Mr adamack you have the floor how long has been in the building about I'm sorry I'm asking her a question I didn't hear your how long has SMA been in the building okay about 12 years about 12 years I mean I think SMA is proven to be a good partner they they've utilized the building and for 12 years I I don't don't see where I get where we're going with this but I don't really see how it's overly relevant to $100,000 project we have plenty of space that County owns that's not updated that when someone does release it they redo it like we have just down the hall here we so it's it's not abnormal if a lease came back up and they left to have to renovate it again and that would usually be under the percent leasees the property's expense so I have no problem with this the way it is thank you Mr Turner you have a question um I I agree that we probably need to try to do something but to ask SMA to put up a deposit of the amount of money or whatever to cover that I think is unfair and unrealistic um you know a bond is not that much money as long as they I'm I feel like most contractors that do this type of work are bondable so it would basically be if it's $100,000 I don't know what his bonding costs are but it would be a certain percentage of that bonding cost depending on what his deal is for that so um the I think that the that it needs to be just be discussed do we require a bond of a contractor to work on a county building or not that's and with it just being a $100,000 renovation and not if it was $200,000 and I if it was County money and I don't know if the if the performance bond requirement would kick in with it not being County funds or not but statute requires any County projects over $200,000 requires them to have a bond so I think that's really the only discussion that is not required at this point and it's not really that big of a project so I guess I'm on the borderline here whether we do it or not I mean I I just am all right well we have a proper Motion in a second is there any further discussion I'm call the vote all in favor signify by saying I I I posos like sign the I have it thank you thank you all right item C Larry Harvey that's me ratification of emergency State order Mr Commander will you handle that please yes sir our code allows for the Declaration of a local state of emergency um traditionally we ask the board to come back and convene a emergency called meeting however with the situation of the storm that was coming through literally just hours after our last meeting our code also allows for the chairman as um next in line to sign that declaration so this is just and part of that ordinance says it'll be brought before the commission for ratification at the next regularly scheduled meeting so that is this order that was presented with storm coming through um at the time we just wanted to make sure and it was advice of uh the County Administrator myself that we go ahead and sign the order to make sure that um any need for uh possible Federal funding to reimburse would be open uh fortunately we did not see any significant effects from the storm um but that's the process that we went through so I'd ask for a motion to approve and a vote motion to approve second it proper motion proper second any further discussion hearing none all in favor signify by saying I I oppos like sign the eyes have it right moving into appointments commissioner adamac Mr chair Mr attorney you have I just have one comment on the last item Rich um the only reason that I brought this up at all was because and I don't think I did to you but I did bring it up was that um I just wanted to make sure that if we had have needed it in the future that that we do things a proper way where we don't lose that you know lose our state of emergency because we didn't properly notify I just remember that when I got appointed back six years ago they literally swore me in at the judge's Chambers instead of at the County Commission meeting which was regularly scheduled and they were holding a meeting down here up for me to come get in on that emergency meeting because a hurricane was coming and so that's why I wanted to make sure that we know in the future if this happens I don't have a problem at all with the chairman doing it and ratifying it the next one like you just said but I didn't know that's the way we could have done it yes sir so normally I mean your the situation you're describing is a little bit differently normally when hurricanes come through the governor's executive order is days in advance and we have a little bit more time but the governor's executive order came out literally I think towards the end of our meeting I hadn't seen it till we had adjourned and at that point we only had hours so yes you're you're right we could have used it at that time okay long long as we're covered that's all in the future and the chair has made a mistake the vice chair has shown me my error of my ways so codes enforce case um Thomas fine reduction on codes case 2011- 00981 Mr chairman could we ask again if there's anybody present on any one of these cases we will will all right thank you what case are you involved in the first one or the second this okay thank you go right ahead Mr Moore address is 141 Denise Circle property owner's name is Kim wall violation was unsafe safe structure the original fine amount was 11,178 we had a tax Surplus that we actually received for $3,260 the total cost of enforcement action was $1,219 Property Owners recently purchased a property it's now compliant and requesting a fine reduction if the board approves we recommend the reduced fine to be paid within 90 days thank you the walls would you like yes Mr Turner if we take the money out of the Sur Plus in tact is it would be paid we wouldn't have to put the 90-day deal in there because Matt would pay it within 90day it comes from him yes okay so basically if we take it out of the Surplus yes it would be no cost to the to the owners at all but it would just come out of the Surplus taxes and it would come from the clerk's office yes sir I already have it I would just take it and return the access back to the Kirk's office okay thank you Mr chairman the walls would you like to speak you've been patient to sit there for a um I just want to say that uh state your name and I'm sorry Kim wall and uh we're here're over here from Palm Coast and we purchased this land with intention to put um kind of more affordable housing up in this area because can't afford anything in Palm Coast anymore in our Zone forget it so um we're just my husband's a contractor Realtors also and just something sorry that we're trying to move forward and do this lot we bought on auction we did our research this lean was unbeknownst to us it's very old and we were shocked when we heard about it so um we we really appreciate that you got a question did you did you do a municipal Le search well so I learned the the correct way of doing it after the fact but we did do some online research that we thought was correct okay and then upon speaking to um the county then I found out okay we did that wrong so we did not find this lean we found others the smaller leans that we dealt with but not this one so I was just curious as being a realtor I thought in the future I will I will definitely know okay correctly but in In fairness when you're buying tax deeds you don't know which ones you're going to be successful on so if you went down if you went down and did a a municipal lean search on every one on every tax deed in the whole thing which sometimes there's over a hundred of them you would have more money in tax lean searches than you in Municipal lean searches and what on properties that you weren't successful in buying so I mean I I can understand how one of these can get by you I just really can in fact I was looking at one last month um that I was interested in and I actually called the codes enforcement to ask them was there a a lean on that property because they would have that record and there wasn't but I didn't end up doing anything but still there's there are ways to look at them and whatever if you have one or two that you're interested in but if you're just going after Lots um to it's very difficult because of the amount of money that it and the time that it would take to do it thank you well miss wall let me say this all we want is compliance we want things cleaned up and uh you know the process is lengthy our citizens don't understand that in some cases but we just want compliance and move this property into a usable situation so um is there any more comments you like to make that's it that's our intention as well welcome to Pam County thank you all right so board what's your pleasure Mr chairman with regards to case number 21981 I move that we uh reduce the fine to $1,219 which is to be taken out of the tax Surplus received second proper motion proper second any further discussion on that motion hearing none all in favor signify by say I I posos like sign the I have it next case Mr Mr Moore is the is the applicant here on this case I don't know sir okay I don't really need to hear it unless the board the applicant's not here we'll just go ahead Mr turny you have a motion you want to make uh yes sir uh you need to ask just for the public record if there's anybody here to comment I did is there anybody here to comment on this case Okay moving on okay thank you Mr chairman with regards to case number 2020 - 00610 A Move that we reduce the fine to $1,736 to if it's paid within 90 days second proper motion proper second any further discussion hearing none all in favor signify if I was saying I iose like sign the eyes have it thank you thank you commissioner all right good now we can go to our appointments Mr Adams act um for waterways and trails I move to point Linda krider okay thank you is that your only one for today yes okay Mr Turner I have none today Mr Pickins I have none Miss Wilkinson for Zoning Board of adjustment I'd like to um appoint Willie mahe and that is your appointment yes all right good deal and I have none today now comes our time with public comments on miscellaneous items this portion of the agenda is designed to allow citizens an opportunity to bring matters to the attention of the board it's not reasonable to expect the board will engage or debate or deliberation in matters of which the board has received no prior information as part of the agenda please limit your comments to 3 minutes public comments are convenient cards are conveniently placed at the meeting room entrance and should be submitted to Ashley our clerk prior to the meeting of the Deputy clerk assist to the right of the podium is there any public comment cards Noone no and is there any public wishing to speak if any n we will close that meeting that part of our meeting and turn it over to the honorable Clerk of the Court Mr Matt Reynolds good morning Mr chairman um thank you I I have nothing to um to inform the board about today so thank you thank you sir County attorney Mr Rich Commando just to know that this week is rural County dates in the legislature and I wish you all have a good trip and productive time over there look forward to it thank you sir County Administrator Mr Terry so yes sir thank you Mr chairman just to uh piggyback on uh our attorney Mr commando's comments you know we'll be leaving later today to go to Tallahassee uh I send a text message out to the Commissioners yest yesterday that were going to be a Tenon World days uh with a attentative schedule uh we're continuing to add to that we just got another one today I'll confirm it later and let each of you know where where we'll be and at what time but um looking forward to another successful trip to talah hasse thank you Miss Young you have anything no sir Mr Grimes okay good deal commissioner comment starting with commissioner Adams act I have none today Mr Turner uh yes I'd just like to uh reiterate the congratulations to Zach on his employee of the quarter I think it's very well deserved um he does a good job for those of that haven't been around here back in the days when you'd walk in the door and the first thing out of their mouth was you can't do that well I haven't asked you what I told you what I wanted yet well you still can't do that so uh that that's completely a different deal over there right now when you walk in the door and it's the building department also but the planning department they uh they've got it down where you walk in the door and they try to figure out a way to help you get where you want to go that's the way it should be that's should be they're they're doing a a good job uh I also want to congratulate Sam on his retirement um and that's all I really have today thank you Mr Turner Mr Pickins yeah thank you chairman Harvey um the only thing I have was really to commend um the uh Emergency Services um I got a phone call at 8:30 this morning for the meeting and I knew the person and i' we'd had different discussions about Road issues and other complaints and I just knew it was going to be a complaint and it wasn't he really was to commend the emergency servic yesterday he had a spell a situation around one o00 on Fisherman's Cove Road and he said the responders were there in about 5 to 7 minutes was a young man and a young woman um he didn't know who the other person was he didn't tell me but he said they responded to his needs they were very polite very capable and he felt he was in really good hands so that's always positive so if you can find out who was on that call if that's possible Richard and Tina and Jr and commend them that U they did a a very good job enough for him to call me this morning to tell me so so that's all I have thank you thank you Mr pck Miss Wilkinson thank you I've got a few things first I'd like to thank public works for working with fdot and uh when I first got elected we we set up a meeting and sat down with fdot about the intersection of uh 309d baren Road and Highway 100 it's one of the worst areas in the county for traffic accidents and um as we know in government things take a little bit of time but uh we've got flashing lights up there now and hopefully that will save some lives in the future and prevent some accidents so I just want to say thank you to your staff year and a half year and year and a half that's warp speed I know that's warp speed that's pretty good but anyway um I just want to say thank you to your staff Jr for you and and everybody who worked on that project and also I want to also thank um EOC for sharing we had a cold weather shelter a couple days there was uh this week we've had cold weather events and Westminster Hall and First Baptist I mean First Presbyterian Church downtown brought in a total of about 39 people over a 3-day period and um EOC helped get the word out and helped spread the word we got it out on social media of course BR life told the told the clients as they were coming through the line you know that this was available and that's collaboration in my opinion when we've got the private sector working with the nonprofits and the churches and I really um and the in the public and I really appreciate EOC working on trying to get that information out so that was I appreciate that and then um we're having a pet adoption upcoming in Hastings Main Street on Saturday February 7th from 9:00 a.m. to 300 p.m. and the putham animal control services will be there with some animals so I would just want to say thank you for that that's coming up yeah good and then one more thing um I do want to just I'm not asking for anybody's I mean we can have discussion but um I did bring the uh Bridge light proposal up to the city so I'm giving you guys the update at the last City commission meeting I did bring it up it was received I thought pretty well uh through the City commissioners they um like the idea and they didn't tell me no so I thought that was good and um of course it was something we had discussed under comments but we haven't had a vote and I told him that and um we talked about collaboration one commissioner would have liked to see us sit down around the table but I don't see that that's that's that's a lot of moving parts to get 10 Commissioners and to sit around and and have a discussion about the bridge lights but it is an eight up to $18 million project that fdot is willing to fund they would handle the uh illumination of the lights from the from the start to to end it's simply that we somebody has to take the lead on the maintenance agreement so that's the way I proposed it to them asking them to take the lead and they said they would take that into consideration they did say um they would like more than a 50/50 split if we were able to go forward and um I don't know what that number would be however that was the discussion we had so thank you higher than 5050 because their thought process was that we have a bigger budget so whatever the number is you know that's the thought process is you know the one thing about the the lights is whoever signs the maintenance agreement gets to work with the on the coloring of the lights so I and I let them know you know that the city really has a lot to benefit from that and taking that lead and so hopefully um they'll do that so I don't know if you want to have discussion or but that that was the discussion that I had thank you commissioner adamc you have a comment yes so the last part they just said is exactly the reason why I think we need to be on the maintenance agreement um that's just my opinion as one person that'll be voting on this um I would not vote yes if the city had the maintenance agreement okay all right we'll move on and uh thank you commissioner Wilkinson for that update do want to bring to mind a look at your calendars Commissioners I'd like to call a workshop meeting on Tuesday the 20th at 9:30 um there's a few items that we want to go to uh fdot has some items they want to talk to us and they'll be in the room at 10 o'clock but there's some things we can get started on prior to that so if your calendars are free for February 20th at 9:30 it's a Tuesday it's a [Music] Tuesday and if we're good with that then we'll move forward and that's and I'm available okay okay so we'll schedule that for 9:30 and uh agenda will be coming out with topics of discussion if there's anything you'd like to put on there please let admin ation know and we'll go over that and get that handled uh don't Pro see it being a full day but if we are productive and we'll move forward at that point I'm with turn commissioner Turner I just don't want to have a meeting to have a meeting but if there's something we can do to move our County forward 9:30 Mr chairman yes sir prior to setting a a meeting time uh would it be all right if we looked at our upcoming schedule because we do have have a DRC that morning what a DRC meeting that morning that same morning that part of our staff may be required to bet we don't know I'll need to look at the agenda DRC meeting yes sir so we may need to look at maybe 10 or 10:30 but let me look at the DRC if that's okay with you sir I think we'll go ahead with 9:30 and then you know um we'll just work around the topics of the Dr okay that that's fine but you'll have a lot of your Deputy administrators and department heads will be in DRC I just wanted to share that okay that means we can get anything done that we don't want them to argue with us about you're you stand a whole lot better chance boss exactly all right good deal and am looking forward to going to rural days U it's one of the highlights that representative Bobby Payne started for the rural counties in Florida and truly it's an opportunity for a lot of us and there is a lot of people from putam County going this year to highlight and showcase putham County and the things we have to offer as well as all rural Florida so looking forward to that will be a busy busy few days asking for money thanking people who have helped us and showcasing our County and it's always a big benefit for us to be able to Showcase putam County and that's the end of my comments at 1:00 today we have an executive session over in the county um conference room we'll open here and then we'll open here and go over there for a executive session meeting and if there's nothing further for the agenda this meeting is adjourned thank you