e e e and we are going sorry your honor I we're going to call our meeting to order today is Tuesday May 28th and uh we're going to ask for uh Landon Hayes from the church of the heights is he here good please come up and do our invocation commissioner Pickins will lead us in our uh Pledge of Allegiance All Rise if you're able to do so all right let's pray most gracious and Heavenly Father we come to you this morning as we're about to commence the deliberation of the business of our County and Jesus I just pray that you would remind us that your word says to trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding that's what we want to do this morning God I pray you would just provide us with wisdom guidance and discernment just to make the best decisions for the edification of this County and its citizens Lord and we ask this in Jesus name amen amen please join me in the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the stands naivy andice for all thank you thank you Mr Hayes and thank you commissioner Pickins next item on our agenda is our approval of minutes the chair will entertain a motion Mr chair I move approval of the board of county commissioner regular meeting minutes of dated April 23rd 2024 second proper motion proper second any further discussion on the motion hearing none all in favor signify by saying I I pose like sign the eyes have it thank you our next uh presentation will be from our Proclamation will be commissioner Pickins and judge Morris if you want to come up and get bring your group up commissioner Pickins will read the proclamation and then interact at that point all right okay thank you chairman Harley put County Proclamation number 202 24-0 53 National Drug Court month whereas treatment courts have been restored lives and families for more than three decades whereas there are nearly 4,000 treatment courts Nationwide and whereas treatment courts have served more than 1.5 million individuals and whereas they are now recognized as the most successful justice system intervention in our nation's history and where they save an average of $6,000 for every individual they serve and where treatment course courts significantly improved substance and use disorder treatment outcomes substantially reduced the addiction and related crime and do so at less expense than any other criminal justice strategy whereas treatment courts improve education employment housing Financial stability promote family unification reduce foster care placements and increase the rate of addicted mothers to Ling babies who are fully drug-free and whereas treatment courts facilitate CommunityWide Partnerships bringing together Public Safety and public health whereas treatment courts demonstrate when one person person Rises out of substance use and crime we all rise therefore be it resolved that the putam county bard of County Commissioners declare the drug court month be established during the month of May done ordered and adopted this 28th day of May 2024 Mr chairman I make the motion that we approve this Proclamation second we have a proper motion proper second any further discussion on the motion seeing done all in favor signif sayain I I oppose like sign the eyes have it all right okay all right good morning thank you again for having us um I don't know if y'all know but I I believe this is the 24th year of putam County's adult felony drug court so it's been going on for quite some time uh judge art Nichols began drug court and about 24 years ago and I've been the presiding judge for the last 14 years after he um retired but drug court is my passion it's the thing that I love the most about my job when I walk into uh my meetings in court every Wednesday morning I'm a happy camper so and and I love trying to help these folks change their life and turn their life around I just lead a team of people that work diligently every day with these folks um to help them learn the skills and the tools that they need to be a productive member of our society so I want to take this opportunity to introduce to you the drug court team that works with these folks if I call your name please stand up we have Miss Jackie Pollock she is our drug court coordinator we have Miss Amber moscal Miss Amber moscal is an assistant public defender we work with the public defender and the state attorney's office we have Sam Fraser who's an assistant State Attorney back here we have Vanessa struck who is our probation officer and last but not least we have Miss susette Young she is our senior drug court counselor she's a very important part of our um group and as you see it takes everybody coming together all of the agencies work together uh to try to make drug court as um good program as it can be this is um what happens in drug court people plea into to drug court after they've been charged with a felony they can spend anywhere from about 16 18 months up to 3 years in our program and it's kind of a I call it a work at your own pace um some people can get through it in 18 months some people need two and a half years and so you just take whatever time you need that's why we give you up to um three years to complete it we have a recidivism rate that's under 10% that means that people that graduate from our drug court probably less than you you know two or three of them a year go back and commit other crimes and get arrested again so I'm really proud of that one of the other things they do is in drug court thanks to y'all's funding of this program and continuing funding um our folks give back 140 hours at a minimum of community service while they're in drug court most of them do vastly more than that but that is the minimum that they have to complete in order to complete the program so you know it is a um I just can't say enough good things about it I've Just Seen folks whose lives have been completely turned around um we have a young lady that's going to talk this morning and I can tell you that she just looks like a completely different human being today than she did when she participated in drug court a few years ago she graduated a few years ago um and has a lot of uh recovery days under her belt so if you don't mind I'm just going to I've got two or three people that are come up say three or four sentences and then we'll be out of your hair all right Ridge you want to come on up good morning good morning um so I don't have a speech or nothing I'm just gonna give yall my experience of it uh before drug court I was using a criminal activity for 10 years so when I pled in a drug court it was that point in my life where I want to choose to either do the right thing or do the wrong thing and uh man I can't say anything bad about Court ever since I've been in since day one I had no car no license no place to live I have a place to live my license my truck uh a good job a high paying job and everything's just coming together and I think drug court is one of those things where it shows you what life is normal and sober being a part of society and it really changes you so if I can do it I feel like anybody can do it and it's just it's a great program I love every step of it and uh you know I can't I can't be more thankful of it so I just want to say I'm grateful for this program and it's changed my life and the short amount of time I've been in there but I know it's going to keep changing my life as I go on in life so everybody's great and they're super caring and like when you go to court it's not like normal Court you know they actually care about you and it's it's just an amazing experience so that's what I want to say about it thank you thank you Travis you're next good morning like Ridge I didn't really prepare a speech or anything um for the past 20 years I've been you know willing and Dylan and um criminal activity and and drug use and since I've entered the program my life has done a complete 360 I've I'm almost uh six months clean and you know just one day at a time I'm taking it but this program has taught me s I'm 34 years old that I never had in my life and um I'm not ashamed to admit that it's just you know it's been a journey and uh I look forward to progressing in my recovery and seeing where this road takes me it's been real nice very good thank you just a little aside before you know Ashley comes up here our approach to drug court I call it the whole life approach because we're not just going to ask these folks to come in on you know any given day and give us a clean drug screen we ask them to participate in their Community to get a job to learn how to budget their money to learn how to address issues that and stressors that come up in their life so it's a whole life approach it's not just you know give me a clean drug screen and I'll give you a certificate you know at the end of the deal all right so our last um person to speak is Ashley good morning um okay so I have two years and eight months sober um and without this program I was in and out of jail I didn't have custody of my kids um I lost track of everything that had to do with life with myself with just living um if it wasn't for an amazing judge a counselor I didn't doal with the other um Jackie and then when I was in drug court but if it wasn't for them not giving up on me and showing me how to love myself again I would never be here um unfortunately it did take me longer I had to go to the rehab and that completely changed my life it also helped me get the tools I needed and just helped me keep moving forward um and I I have a I work at be Automotive now I have a vehicle heck I even have a motorcycle now I never thought in a million years I would have this you know these personal belongings um I have my kids back I have a great relationship with all of my family um I have sober friends and I learn to stay away from the people places and things and that's what keeps me going and I wouldn't be here without the drug court team so thank you all right so just wanted to give youall a little flavor of what our successes are with different people in different stages and you know you if you come to any drug court graduations you'll hear these same conversations over and over and over again about how meaningful drug court is and how it's helped people change their life and um I'm here today to accept this Proclamation but also to thank the County commission for the funding that y'all provide to continue to support um what I think is a very worthwhile program and I think yall I hope yall will continue to do so thank you much very much for having us y'all have a great day any of you that are willing to be in a photograph come on forward if I can be in it y'all be in it if we could get some on this side and if we could get you gentlemen two one [Applause] more judge Morris before we leave in your group when I heard you were coming that always that brought a big smile to my face because since I've been on this board and every year seeing the success stories that come across and seeing people's lives that are changed in a positive direction what more could we want in this community than that and people everybody wants something different but the lives are important and they're worthy to be changed and some of y'all are going to be sitting up here one day governing and remember what you went through because somebody needs your help too so thank you so much judge yeah they're all very good about paying it forward I don't have any problem with that and I invite all of y'all to come to a Drug Court graduation they are very moving and the first Drug Court graduation I went to I had not celled one person on that drug that was graduating but I cried through the entire thing it was just so moving so I encourage you to come to a drug court uh if you're interested in knowing when we have one just contact Jackie Pollock our drug Court coordinator and she'll put you on our email so that you can come visit us when we U see the end of these success stories we usually partner with Life Church they support us and they do all of our graduations feed us a meal um Amber Gilbert and Ronnie and all the other folks down at Life Church I forgot to uh mention them but they are great partners with drug court and I appreciate their help you have a great day I can just jump one thing so you know I was actually part of the I was a founding member of the dependency drug court down in Broward County and then after becoming a prosecutor and as a defense attorney I would recommend and try to advocate for my clients to go to drug court because it was a better legal alternative and it wasn't until I had a friend of mine that was in a similar situation that I was helping I was helping him pro bono but um watching him go through that we see the success stories but I don't think I can communicate how difficult that road is and you know for people that renting drug court this is not traditionally their first time with addiction recovery um my friend actually as he entered the program uh told me afterwards he's like you know what I've been to so many AA na I've been to so many substance abuse evaluations he thought he was just going to game them and tell them what they wanted to hear and his analogy to me was you know it's the difference between going to a class and you hear something and you know you can learn going to school but he said drug courts like going to an internship and as part of the internship you have have to live it and having that support there is really the make or break from what I've seen with the success and it took him a year and a half but he speaks even years later now about you hear the term tools and I feel like that kind of get brushed to the side but he learned to break the cycle which is the critical point in how you just don't end up in that situation again he's never been arrested against that so the value of that I agree with judge Morris if you can go watch one of the you know what not even the graduation go drop in for one of the um drug court court hearings and see the interaction if that doesn't profoundly change your view on it uh I'll be surprised yeah Wednesday morning 10:30 we do drug court every Wednesday morning at 10:30 courtroom 302 so feel free uh to join us uh thank you Mr Commando for those you know kind comments and I couldn't agree with more with anything you said I mean these folks back here will tell you this program is intense when they come in on day one we become you know like a demanding overseer for a while um and you know through throughout drug court we kind of back off back off back off and start letting them have you know a lot more control but one of the last things I want to leave you with with regard to drug courp think about if you came down to see me next week in my courtroom and the first thing I said to you was uh I want you to be honest I want you to be honest with me and the drug court team but mostly I want you to be honest with yourself I want you to open that book of life look look in the mirror at that person and say you know what things do I want to change what things do I like and want to boost and what things absolutely have to go then the biggie that I tell them you got to change all your people places and things and I analogize this if somebody came to me and said all right in the morning judge Morris you have to go to different places hang out with different people and do different things that would be tough I mean that's a tough ask of for anybody so they do a lot of deep hard work in Phase One of drug court is super intensive um so they have to get organized pretty quick to uh manage it but again that's one of the things we teach organization time management money management I mean You Name It We Touch on it somewhere or other so again thank you for having us yall have a great day thank you again give you a few minutes to clear out I'm sure you all right do the next Commissioners keeping on with our agenda I'd like to call great friend of ours and putam County Mr Mickey Thomasson up to the podium with me and if you don't know Mickey Mickey is in charge of Greenways and trails for the corridor I guess from from of Mexico right to St John's river that's a big area and he's he has managed that for a long time and Mickey is retiring his last day will be this coming Friday and I'll let him speak about it but I do want to say Mickey on behalf of the board of count Commissioners uh we want to present to you a certificate of appreciate appreciation for your invaluable service significant contributions to putam County partic particularly in advancing ecotourism and effectively environmental Land Management Mickey on behalf of the board thank you for all your years of service to puam County and to the State of Florida thank you [Applause] thank you I appreciate the opportunity to be here today and the recognition I very much appreciate and uh also want to thank you all for the Partnerships uh we've got four different counties putam being at the easternmost end of The Greenway but we appreciate all the partnership efforts working with the county and everything you all do so thank you very much thank you yes sir you want to come up yes this is my supervisor Jennifer Roberts she's the assistant bureau chief of uh District three of the Florida State Park Service um yes good morning and I just want to say thank you for um appreciating and recognizing Mickey for his contributions and he absolutely will be missed he's a really valuable part of the greenway and when we think about the greenway we think about Mickey so um thank you for recognizing him let's get our picture tap three two one just and Mickey before you leave I want to say I said this to you earlier you took a very complex issue here in putam County you always divided the baby right down the middle and I shouldn't probably say it that way but you know you walk the fine line of what's good for the environment what's good for the people and um and I appreciated that I really really did working with you all these years you're just a a man of your word and a man of honor and I uh we're going to miss you a lot out there so hopefully that'll some of your knowledge will still be around if somebody needs thank you sir have a great [Applause] day next is our Proclamation Emergency Medical Services and commissioner Wilkinson will be reading that thank you chair putham County Proclamation number 202 24-54 Emergency Medical Services week whereas emergency medical professionals and volunteers provide medical care to victims of such life-threatening injuries and illnesses often under stressful conditions and in high-risk situations to save lives and whereas Florida's residents and visitors benefit daily from the knowledge skill and Judgment of paramedics emergency medical technicians firefighters Educators administrators emergency physicians emergency nurses and others who Encompass the Emergency Medical Services System and whereas emergency medical personnel must rapidly assist assess manage and effectively provide care in unpredictable situations requiring life and death judgments and whereas Florida's EMS teams unselfishly serve on the front line of Health Care when responding to man-made and natural disasters at the local state and National levels and whereas it is critical the general public be made aware of understand support and effectively use its local emergency medical services system and whereas recognition is due for the emergency medical system for its accomplishments and contributions to improve Public Welfare through Health Care Medical Transportation injury prevention education Disaster Response Homeland Security and other initiatives that reduce health care cost and save lives now therefore be it proclaimed by the putham County Board of County Commissioners that the week of May 19th through 25 2024 is declared Emergency Medical Services week in putham county and that all citizens are encouraged to take part in recognizing the hard work and dedicated Services provided by all personnel providing Emergency Medical Services done ordered and adopted this 28th day of May 2024 Mr chair I move uh I make a motion to move approval for Proclamation number 202454 second we have proper motion proper seconding for the discussion hearing none all in favor signify by I I POS like sign the eyes have it thank you y'all want to come up here what you got anything you want to say y just real quick I just want to say how proud I am of the team that works I work with they don't work for me I work with them every day I believe putam county has some of the best fire fighter EMTs and paramedics anywhere in the State of [Applause] Florida whatever you feel like there she is I was looking for stand up that right no [Applause] com before we go on to our next one I do want to recognize the mayor of Palaca Miss Robbie Carrera is here in in the house today welcome to a welcome to the put County Chamber we got to figure that one out don't we okay next uh commissioner adamac if you'll read the proclamation for Memorial Day Pam County Proclamation number 20 service 24- 055 Memorial Day 2024 whereas Memorial Day is a day of solemn remembrance for the men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice and service to our nation and whereas throughout our history Brave individuals have answered the call of duty placing Their Lives In Harm's Way to protect the freedoms and values we hold dear and whereas on this day we honor the memory of those who gave their lives in defense of our country reflecting upon their courage selflessness and unwavering commitment to duty and whereas we express our deepest gratitude to the families of fallen heroes recognizing their sacrifice and resilience and offering our unwavering support and solidarity and whereas as a nation we renew our pledge to never forget the sacrifices of our fallen heroes to uphold the principles for which they fought and to strive for a world of peace and justice for all therefore be it resolved that the putham County Board of County Commissioners Proclaim May 27th 2024 as Memorial Day in putam county and call upon all citizens to observe this day with reverence and respect honoring the memory of our fallen heroes and reflecting on the profound debt of gratitude we owe them done order adopted on the 28th day of May 2024 uh chairman I move that we approve putam County Proclamation number 202 24-55 proper proper motion proper second hearing any other comments on the motion hearing and all in favor signify by saying I iose like sign the eyes have it thank you want say a few words so yesterday I was at the uh celebration and everything and we had a retired Colonel up there he pretty much said everything that we need to we is remember the Ames that are still around after our Soldiers and Sailors have fallen so definitely gold star families things like that uh I know that the fdva just started a gold star neighborhood down in Broward County I don't know if you understand what a gold star is but that's anybody that's Fallen sure so yeah they're starting a whole neighborhood of that and I'm like hey that's something we need to be a part of So yeah thank you that's all I have to say we're going to get a picture three two one e all right next one is a big one right Wendy you want to come up and Wendy has a presentation honoring one of our local residents farmers and all around good guy thank you so much Commissioners it's wonderful it's always a pleasure to be here uh I have very very good news for y'all today we've got the face of Agriculture puam County Larry Korn with us today Larry come on up with me Larry uh graduated high school in 1961 and uh has been farming full full-time putham County ever since he graduated but when I say what's your earliest memory following that you know that uh clear the the land clearing that his dad was doing and watching his dad clear the land and even when he was just a child and um and uh and what we have now in putham County I mean L&M world I mean that's that was Larry and his dad bringing L&M to us and uh you know they started clearing land 200 Acres started four years later had 900 acres and they were the ones that Drew McGee and them in to to come to putam County and now Larry 72 72 yeah maybe 73 anyway um he he is still managing 2,000 acres throughout the Tri County Area and and knows every little piece of soil every whatever the ground can do he knows what the ground can do and he's just been on top of things and and Larry even though he has the experience he is continuing to embrace everything that's happening in agriculture Ai and drone technology and soul moisture sensors and we celebrate him today what he's receiving is the product of putam award this is from the school district um through agriculture Larry received this award this month um but I'm also pleased to tell you guys that he's also received the um agricultural list of the year for the whole state of Florida through the University of Florida I so we have a yes so I'm going to let Larry just say a few words because he he really is a legend in in putham county and he has contributed so much to our agricultural landscape Larry you got something to say thank you uh it's an honor to still be farming at 72 I'm the manager of a pretty good siiz farm and and uh of course farmed myself for years with my partner Joe McGee and uh I started out I even put up fence with Terry Turner for so many years I think that's why I'm a a halfway decent farmer we learn some hard work and uh that's what pays off the only thing I got to say the youth in our County I hope you guys keep some of our land and farmland cuz since this water and sewer deal is going on I'm plugging something I probably shouldn't be saying here but um our youth has got to have a place to farm and and our families uh are get our family farms are getting smaller and smaller so I know progress is coming and nothing we can do about it but I hope that y'all will consider keeping some of us in some Farmland so thank you for all you dok you thank you picture hold that gu Larry before you uh come up here and take a picture it's my turn um Larry like like Larry said we've known each other since we were teenagers yeah um and I can't think of a more deserving or person for this award today congratulations that means a lot thank you [Applause] two one don't [Applause] all right Zach are you ready to go right into so we have a our next item on the agenda is our 9:00 Planning Development public hearing item a vested right determination uh 20 v23 d004 resolution 2024 d56 Mr Baker you have the floor sir good morning Commissioners for the record Zachary Baker planning and development services it's been a while I'm going to try and knock off the cobwebs this morning yeah applicant is maish Kiki this is a a parcel of land located in East Paka on East McCormick Road the purpose is to obtain a vesting determination for a single parcel of land uh the subject parcel is product of an illegal lot split resulting in the creation of two non-conforming lots in 2007 the resultant Lots comply with the minimum dimensional requirements of the agriculture zoning District however they do not comply with the residential density requirement of the agriculture future land use category the adjacent parcel listed here is developed with a single family residence which allows that property to be considered a lot of record pursuant to LDC section 45796 therefore a vesting determination is not required for that adjoining parcel only the one in consideration today a lot inquir response letter dated uh 2018 verified that the subject property was unbuildable due to this illegal division of land and current property owner acquired the partial in 2023 and was advised that he could not build on it 45- 801 of the Land Development code provides the vesting criteria uh furthermore 801c kind of goes on to explain you know what Equitable esole is and and when vesting are to be considered here you can see an outline of that subject partiel it's kind of an unusual L-shaped um nonetheless it still conforms with the zoning District dimensional requirements this would depict the uh the future land use being agriculture oh I'm sorry this is the zoning and here we have the future land use of Agriculture I zoomed out a little bit so you can see that urban service and Rural residential both much higher residential density land uses are within close proximity of this parcel and Via this map you can see that there's a few other Parcels immediately adjacent uh that are also the same same size the property owner legally obtained the property with the impression that it could be developed upon contacting Planning and Development uh the property owner was advised of the non-conforming status of the partiel due to the illegal division in 2007 property was created without the benefit of a lot split review after the establishment of the comprehensive plan subject partial exceeds the residential density requirements of one dwelling unit per five acres given the property AB buts and has access to a county maintained Road parcel would have been approved if the property was split in conjunction with a residential family member density exception staff is unable to administratively vest the parcel since it was created after December 19th 1991 and was not created through a lawful lot split staff recommends the board of County Commissioners to authorize the chairman to sign the resolution vesting the subject of parcel as depicted on exhibit a and described in exhibit B of the accompanying resolution I'll take any questions Mr Turner you have a question sir um Commissioners this is one of those cases right here that we've got to figure out how to fix agreed this is ones here that make my blood boil 1.2 acres in a in an area that's already clearly residential I know it's the future land use is a but it's clearly residential and I'm not giving this to staff they're doing what they have to do because this is what our land code says we've got to fix this this piece of property's been tied up since 2018 somebody bought it in 23 thinking they could build on it and now that it's 24 that they're trying to get where they can build on it clearly clearly this is a residential piece of property next to a residential piece of property on the side of a County Road why we've got to fix this somehow um I don't know what the suggestion is but I'm going to say I'm going to ask Zach I'm going task you Zach to try to come up with a recommendation on how this could be done with it not taking five years we're fixing to redo the land code it's coming to us at the next meeting we can still add something to to it this would be a perfect example of when to try to fix something if we could this we need we need this either go to the ADC if that passes or we need to go or the arc if it passes or staff do it or something this is a no-brainer there's no reason in putting a citizen through this no reason whatsoever other than we have to because that's what it says let's make it say something else and and do away with these kind of problems that's all I had Mr chairman any other comments this is a public hearing so is the applicant here don't see the applicant is anyone here to speak in favor or against this application please rise and see no one rise up to that we will close the public hearing part Mr chairman yes Mr Turner I move that we uh accept the recommendation from the Planning Commission and we approve this vesting second you have to read the resolution into your okay a resolution number 2024 d56 correct resolution by the a resolution of the putam County Board of County Commissioners providing for a vested rights determination for property located at 230 East McCormack Road East Paca Florida 32131 case number v23 D 000000000000 Z4 second might have too many zeros but we'll figure it out not a problem the resolution we have a proper motion proper second any further discussion on a motion hearing none all in favor signify by saying I I POS like sign the eyes have it next item is our PUD uh 24- 000012 Valentine Jennifer you got that good morning for the record Jennifer gasso this application is to amend the existing plan unit development PUD ordinance 2023 -004 the applicant is Keith and Joyce Valentine the parcel is 34.75 acre located at 145 163 and 162 Willis Road located off US1 19 the applicant is requesting to amend the existing 34.75 acre PUD to add 16 more r V sites and to reduce the setbacks to 10 ft on the sides in the rear and 25 ft in the front the parcel is designated agriculture on the adopted future land use map the trails and outdoor PUD currently includes a mix of residential commercial and residential uses currently the following uses exist on site 44 RV sites 10 primitive camping sites three single family residential units resource-based and activity based recreational uses invents including weddings reunions and Retreats equestrian uses and agricultural uses the trails and outdoor peut consist of several Parcels located on parcel ending in 0050 is the residence of the applicant in 2023 the applicant processed an an exempt subdivision to all alter the boundary lines of parcels ending in 0050 and 000000 the applicant's request was approved to reconfigure Those portions of the property there is another single family residence located on parcel ending in 0 in 2016 parcel number 0020 00000000 and 0020 0030 received a special use permit perit to allow for a landscaping business and an equestrian business parcel 002 0-30 was removed from the Pud development agreement and reverted back to the original agricultural zoning should this PUD Amendment be approved the applicant will then submit to development Review Committee to satisfy additional development requirements the DRC will review plans to ensure the development is compliant with local state and federal development regulations as it pertains to this property the DRC will ensure the placement of the RV lots is acceptable based on the development agreement and the Florida Department of Health will review the plans for portable water and sanitary sewer other agencies including but not limited to putam County Public Works Emergency Services St John's River Water Management District will review the plans to ensure the development will not adversely affect surrounding properties we have our aerial view future land use zoning Wetlands map staff recommends approval of the request to amend the trails and PUD to allow for an additional 16 recreational vehicle sites and to reduce the front setbacks to 25 ft and the sides in rear to 10 ft as the request is consistent with the requirements for for PUD zoning consistent with the future land use designation and consistent with other comprehensive plan goals objectives and policies at the scheduled public hearing on April 10th 2024 the Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the resoning application this will have to go to another hearing being said it's 34 Acres any questions so basically today we're just hearing it and then we'll move it we'll set a date and time for the next one do want to say that on the directions it is State Road 20 not US1 19 that this property is located off so just for the record we need to clean that up uh Commissioner Adam Zach and then I just wanted to declare that I've had Communications and visited the property and I also had Communications with some neighbors to Mr Valentine and it will not affect my vote yeah I need to call I was going to call the expart in just a moment but since we're there commission attorney do you have any expart communication uh yes but it will not affect my decision Mr Pickins yes I have I've spoken with the owner Miss Wilkinson yes I have and I visited the site and I have um I have also visited the site and it will not affect my decision making at all commissioner Wilson you have the floor I just a couple questions on your staff report um page one of 10 it says 165 Willis Road in your in your program you said in your PowerPoint you said 162 is it 162 or 165 it's 163 164 and 145 I may have misspoke so it's 163 164 163 165 and 145 okay okay all right um and then another question is um the state legislature passed some ruling on Agra business and Agri tourism does this property not is it EXA is it is there some leniency I guess for since there's Agro business and AGR tourism that was allowed at the Florida legislature a couple years ago when that policy changed um to commissioner wilon so that the AC tourism changes to the statute dealt with the ability or the requirements to get building permits it didn't affect land use and Zoning okay all right and then um I think I have one other question um we're talking about setbacks so the did the county require the setbacks or did the applicant set their original setbacks in their in their original proposal at 25 ft and now they're now they're asking to change it to 10 he set the original and now he's requesting that they be reduced well I think that's very important for us to know thank you yes ma'am all right any other questions I have one okay Mr Turner um so we have to hear uh plan unit development adjustments more than once I mean that's one of the thing knew we that you had determin that we had to do zoning but but just to amend the uh the Pud we have to hear that twice yes does it actually say that in the ordinance or is any land use change I I guess I guess I need to talk about that again because as you know I think this is just ridiculous we're having to do this and I understand that that you've made the determination that we have to on some cases but is it on anything we do that's over 10 acres I I don't think it's anything you do but and I don't remember what the thres the thresholds changed for land use I don't know that they changed for Z I think it's still 10 but for this it's in statute it's not in our ordinance okay so just to amend an existing PUD yeah a we have to hear it twice I mean I know we do zoning because you I mean you made that determination brought it out but when you read that when you read that statute to us that day I didn't any part of it that said that anything that you do that's 10 acres or more it was basically if you changed the zoning on 10 acres more wasn't it a PUD is zoning you're changing zoning from one to another it's just you're changing the we're amending the Pud we're not they already have the Pud they already have the zone we're just amending what they can do within the Pud that they already have they're not expanding the Pud they're expanding what they're doing within the Pud I agree but when you're amending the Pud you're the technical process you're going through is you're amending from a PUD to a PUD you're just that's what changing the conditions does so we would need a if you want to have the hearing before 5 o' you need the super majority vote okay the this is a public hearing so I will give the applicant they' like to speak to come up and Keith understand we're going to have to do this again um this is just the in between hearing basically that's that's okay um Keith Valentine 165 Willis Road Hollister Mr Valentine we put that microphone right to here there you go all right Keith Valentine 165 Willis Road in Hollister appreciate you um letting us come back before you today um as it was said before I set the original setbacks and I don't know why I did because that limited me to the very center of my Ranch and I didn't think about what I wanted to do for future um I set it we have it from 100 ft to 10t and the setbacks just to let her everybody know on people who come and visit is at the edges of the property it expands it out um what's the great thing about this is we see people out there at the fence lines feeding cows and horses and just gets to see what putam county is all about and that's the great thing we had 25 of the elite Anglers who were here and I tried to save the lower portion closest to the cattle and the horses for them and they enjoyed it so what I'm asking today is to let me go 10 foot off and it keeps everything back from the fence lines it's not against somebody's home or anything but um we originally still have it at the 25 ft out on Willis Road as the county requires those setbacks um it's been a great thing for me and for putham County it's been great um I just can't believe how things have happened for this and the positive effects that it has for the tur development counil and the people that come in so I strongly urge you to let me go ahead and do our thing there um these extra sites are for the center of the property where it's an open area so that the the motor homes that come can do a pull through cuz all my sites are backend and that's all that I knew how to do but we have room for these new sites to be in the closer to the center so that people can pull through and Buddy camp with each other and um just asking you to allow us to do that thank you Mr Valentine any questions okay uh we'll move on thank you is there anybody in the audience that want want to speak in favor or against this PUD and seeing no one rise then we will we will get done with the public hearing part and Commissioners what's your pleasure yes sir I move that we move this case forward to the next commission meeting to be heard at 9:30 in the morning or as soon thereafter as possible have proper motion do we have a second we have proper second any further discussion on that motion Mr Adams act just want to State I will be voting no only because of the time of the meeting has nothing to do with the case thank you all right all in favor signify by saying I I pose like sign I guys have it four to one thank you very much next item is our resoning Rez 24- 0000001 ocean Investments again for the record Jennifer gazelle the applicant is requesting a zoning map Amendment from commercial General C3 to commercial intensive C4 to allow for manufactured housing sales and storage the applicant is ocean Investments USA LLC the agent is Jean bramlet parcel is 0.68 acre parcel located at 1086 North Highway 17 in Paca the parcel is designated commercial on the adopted future land use map the surrounding uses are mostly commercial retail C2 commercial neighborhood C1 and agriculture the parcel is located at 1086 North Highway 16 in Palaca and has approximately 460 ft of Frontage on Highway 17 the parcel is currently developed with an approximate 840t office the parcel does not appear to contain wetlands and is located in FEMA flood zone X which is not a special flood zone Hazard area should this rezone be approved the applicant will then submit to a development Review Committee to satisfy additional development requirements the DRC will review plans to ensure the development is compliant with local state and federal development regulations agencies included but not limited to Florida Department of Health puam County Public Works Emergency Services St John's river water man Management District will review the plans to ensure development will not adversely affect surrounding properties our aerial view future land use zoning wetlands staff recommends approval of the request to amend the zoning map from commercial General C3 to commercial intensive C4 staff finds that the proposed rezoning is consistent with the goals objectives and policies of the adopted comprehensive plan and meets the locational requirements of the commercial intensive zoning District provided in the Land Development code and the comprehensive plan at the scheduled public hearing on April 10th 2024 the Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend denial of the resoning application questions commissioner wion I'll can you go back to the can you go back to the zoning map please so all the pinks are a little confusing uh C4 that's the only thing in that area that's requesting for C4 everything else is C1 and C2 yes ma'am okay and can you uh let us know why the um denial what what was the idea of the denial for the Planning Commission the Planning Commission was worried about the intended use on a small lot okay all right thank you Jennifer that was my concern also um I voiced that by taking a trip out there and looking at this property um is just a little sliver a property and I remember when I first got here and we allowed for mobile home repair to be done on site at a location like this um I'll just be very Frank it's turned into a fiasco in some places the isore and this is our Corridor coming into putam County right here from the north and going to the South I just have real concerns that bringing that in here without proper buffering and all I don't see how they can fit that on that little piece of property and again even if it's not that use we're going to a more extensive use of a C4 I just don't see I don't see that so I don't see how you can buffer I don't see how you can landscape enough I don't see when you have a big double wide mobile home how you're going to fit that on that property and that's a concern of mine so um any other questions not until after we hear okay thank you is the applicant here please come up and state your name and address for the record please hello do you need my home address or the office just whatever yeah okay Jean bramlet 1086 US Highway 17 Boswick so um I know you guys are saying that it's a small lot I have seen other mobile I'm not trying to do I'm also a licensed installer so I'm bringing homes into putam For the Working Class People in your area uh doing permits I actually knew them from the building department from pulling permits before I even decided to bring my business to putam County um I have drew I don't know if y'all can see this little thing but you know I'm trying to get my dealers license that way there's not a bunch of used homes up there um and I only plan to put two maybe four at the most at a time because I spend my time really installing homes but um as far I would love to spend the 10 to 15,000 to put the fence up to make it look beautiful up there but I'm not going to spend the money thinking that there's any way I can get denied so that's where I'm at on that thank you my question basically if you heard me speak just a minute ago was that this zoning runs with the land so whatever if you decide later on down the the road you don't want to do this mobile home sales or repair there then the property still have a C4 designation put left on it for someone else to use so you see the struggle with that little sliver land but that's my comment so commissioner attorney you had something yes sir um I didn't have any questions but my comments run precisely with what your concerns are um C4 is way too intense for this area we got C1 and C2 with no C4 anywhere in sight you can't shoot a gun and hit C4 from there I have tremendous concern um in East Paca on the we were asked to a few years ago to put a take a piece of property and change it to C4 for the exact same thing that she's asking for right now and we denied it we denied it because we didn't want C4 along the 207 I mean the 117 Corridor between 207 and the bridge that we were going to do an overlay area in there and try to change it my problem with this is if we put this in tend of a zoning out there and I wish the lady the best of luck in her Ventures but if it doesn't succeed then we've got a piece of C4 land out there that you could put such an intense use on that it just wouldn't make any sense whatsoever ever so I'm sorry but I'm not going to be able to support this just for that reason it has nothing to do with you personally or anything else it's just that that's way too intense of a zoning to have on a small sliver of land where there's no C4 around it anywhere in the area thank you Mr chairman thank you Mr Turner any other questions question com commissioner Wiston um is it only mobile homes or are you are you also doing like Portable Buildings sheds that kind of thing um at this point it really depends on what my customer is wanting to move because I have one in Klay County as well so it just depends on most of the time it the houses are parked there waiting in transit cuz their land's not ready or whatever at this time right now I'm not selling anything whatever's up there is just waiting for people to clear land in putam County to put their home there okay that was my question okay but again Mr chairman if I may but again it does it it's not what they're wanting to do with it that bothers me as much right now as what they could do with it under C4 in that area that's a very intense I mean that's almost industrial type uses um it it could just turn into a real it could turn into a a junkyard it could turn there's so many things that it could turn into by R under C4 or especially with C4 that gives them the opportunity to go and get a variance and even even get more intense than it even is already for other uses that are even worse so I just I just can't get there on this one I just can't get there thank you m brand thank you you guys have a good day no I I I agree with the size of the property and then it really concerns me of you know it's not this use as what can uh be used like you made the point that the zoning runs with the land not with a particular owner or operator of the business so so I have the the same concerns that everybody else has thank you okay is there anybody in the public that would like to speak Ashley's bringing a card thank you Ray K Walley Watley okay please come up and state your name and address for the record please okay can you hear me all right we can my name is uh raay my name is raay Watley my husband and I Paul uh Watley we reside at 107 Price Street our residential property is um the property most impacted by resoning of this property we're right on the other side of the railroad tracks and our property runs right next to uh uh this property that we're talking about today and and I'm here today and I believe me my husband and I have worked we still work full-time we're 71 years old um we will die in the house that we live in we bought it it's owned outright we intend to go nowhere um my husband was a small business owner for um uh that worked in putham county for about 20 years in two various businesses so you know we're we have solid Tiz to the Community I'm new relatively new I've only lived here for 6 years um the property uh uh I I gave you guys a handout uh and I'm sorry I didn't make quite enough copies I hope you can share um that has a few pictures but the points that I wanted to cover today are uh these first um your concern is my concern too the first thing that comes to mind is the size of the lot is way too small and intensive for the attended use um you saw on the map up there the the dimensions of the property so the square footage kind of belies it because you have that little tiny sliver area where it's not big enough for them to put actually a trailer on I don't believe um the average uh dimensions of a double wide mobile home can vary but they generally range in width from 20 to 32 ft a lot of these are double wides that have been on this property so far and uh uh the length can be anywhere from 40 to 80 feet so that translates and this is worst case scenario up to 2560 square feet per unit the square footage of that acreage is approximately 29,620 and to be set back from the um highway there um also you had mentioned that this is the Gateway in and out of putam County there and there's been um a lot of people that have moved into this little neighborhood here we're all doing our best to make this eclectic Community more uh showcase especially for when the Blueberry Festival comes out there people drive I've had people Park in my yard for the Blueberry Festival I'm that close um uh I'm also worried that the condition of the properties that they bring in is mostly look like that they are um have been not taken care of for a long time possibly condemned so there's um uh there's roofs that are coming off there's windows that are broken um uh there's enough uh foliage in the area that hasn't been cleared by other property owners that you know I'm worried about Vermin um it's kind of an invitation to vagrants that are walking up and down the highway and um they do do small repairs out there I noticed that that is not part of the intended use I have seen them um spray painting out there I don't know if they were spray painting the uh building to improve the office or if they were spray pain the units but I worry about that and maybe other possible um Hazmat issues um I have to leave the back of my property unkempt to minimize the view if you look at the pictures from um the first set of pictures those are from my uh backyard so if I sit on my screened in back porch and enjoy my one acre that I have there I have that to look at Miss Watley I was I should have reminded you that we give sorry anyway everything everything's out in the hand out I'm sorry I'm very nervous so much I do have a question for Zach though I'm not me no ma'am you're fine these pictures reminded me that the mobile homes are there now so with this be in in the zoning the current zoning mobile homes are not allowed there right now that's correct yes sir this is um the result of a code enforcement case I'm a little offended I mean not by you but you somebody's wanting to rezone and they already got I'm just never mind thank you I just don't think that that's right but it is a valid Mr chair it's a valid point I I'm not disagreeing with what you're saying but just so you understand our process there are many many times where something comes in from a code enforcement complaint where our planning and zoning department tries to get people into compliance so that's actually a normal process for us still doesn't sit well it's a hard pill to swallow when you know you don't have the zoning and you're coming in here and there's pictures to prove that you don't have the zoning especially when you're this far out of compliance yes this isn't just a little out of compliance this is way out of compliance well that ends our public hearing if no one else is here to speak um so we'll close the public hearing portion and board what's your pleasure on this chairman I move that we take the recommendation of the Planning Commission and deny this case proper motion to deny we have a second proper second any further discussion hearing done all in favor signify I let my um Mr Adams I just wanted to add that the the the main reason beyond the fact that it I don't think it's an appropriate use even with intended use is the safety concern I had too I was visualizing I went out there and I saw where all the mobile homes were and there really is no turn in or turnoff on that on the main road either it's way it's before the property and after the property so there's the whole idea of how do you get them in and out if you actually were doing a lot of business there too so I think it also takes in account the safety of our residents out in that way too so thank you I have a comment yes M Wilkinson you have the floor I just think the it's too intensive for that small of the lot and it doesn't seem consistent with the C1 and C2 in the area so that's why I would be against it it's it's definitely um not consistent with what's in the area okay we have a proper motion proper second we're going to call for the vote all in favor signify by saying I I oppos like sign the application was denied we're going to take a three minute break Mr before you do I want to say one more thing Zach this goes where from here code enforcement that's correct sir we'll notify code enforcement of the results today and they can res resolve that case okay thank you thank you three minute break e e e e e e e e e e e e e all right we're going to reconvene our Board of County Commission meeting and go into our public comments on agenda items and do we have anybody in the public that would like to speak on agenda items only and seeing no one run up here then we will close the public meeting part of our agenda items and go into consent agenda I will start on my right is commissioner adamac is there any items you want to pull I have none Mr Turner I have none Mr Pickins I have none Miss Wilkinson well I'm not going to be the odd men out here I have none either how did you know I didn't have any I didn't have any and I don't have any so the chair will entertain a motion Mr chair I move uh consent agenda items a b c d e f g and H we have a proper motion proper second hearing any further all in favor signify by saying I I oppose like sign the eyes have it and just want to bring your attention that County Road 315 is going to get started from 20 to 100 guys that's been a long time coming so thank you very much and thank staff for for working diligently with fdot and getting that done and and moving that forward in this board that's going to be a very good project for petam County next on our agenda is item seven is codes enforcement page 149 Mr Moore you're here could you ask is there any is the applicant here is any of the applicants in the room for any of these two code cases I don't see anybody nope there's no one in the room Mr Turner do you have a pleasure sure uh with Mr chairman with regard to code case 2011 0572 uh I re I move that we take staff recommendation of$ 5,648 if paid within 90 days second proper motion proper second I do want to say the reason that one's High uh for our public watching is there was an abatement cost of $3,500 that the citizens paid for and now that's going to go back into the county coffers so all in favor signify by saying I I oose like sign the eyes have it Mr chairman with regards to code case 2005 606 um 1886 County Road 308 a move that we take staff recommendation of 1,5 $584 have paid within 180 days second got a proper motion proper second any further discussion all in favor signify Bain I I posos like sign the eyes have it thank you commissioner thank you Commissioners any appointments Mr adamac Ione Mr Turner yes sir um I'm going to appoint ship liable to the solid waste adjustment committee our meeting is going to be tomorrow morning at 9 o' that's one on the list is that a U District appointment or is that something we need to sir but the board the board said that I could appoint them yep as chairman of the solid was of committee so I still got to come up one more but this one here for tomorrow morning so I believe that we'll just wave in support is that what we'll do vote to confirm okay let's vote to confirm all in favor signify by I I poose like sign the eyes have it that's all I had today Sir Mr Pickins I have none Miss Wilkinson I have none and I have none so the next item on our agenda will be item nine procurement Surplus properties who's got that Julianne do you have that uh there was one property being offered donation to the board of County Commissioners in that packet the property details are um included there was not a department that recommended retention of the property or recommended to accept it so staff's recommendation or staff sees no reason to retain the property at this time however staff is requesting the board's direction thank you and and just for the general listening public excuse me the uh staff does look at these partials when people are trying to give them to us or they a sheet to us or they come to us from other reasons we look at them for drainage for roads and and infrastructure but in most cases somebody's trying to give you a a horse that needs attention and um this is something that we have to be very mindful of accepting uh donations that might end up costing the county money in the future so board what's your pleasure on this Mr chairman um I'm move that we decline this kind offer second okay we have proper motion proper second any further discussion hearing none all in favor signify by saying I I pose like sign the eyes have it next on the business is request to advertise for a public hearing to vacate undeveloped rights of way in M mlui subdivision who's got that Zach do you have that Brian no that's that's Public Works I I'll take a stab out and might Mr Stout to help me but this is a request from the owner to vacate a road to set a public hearing so there's no action today other than to set a public hearing we have not had any um any turned in from the adjacent property owners and um anybody that has us all agreed to vacate the section of road so we just need to push it forward to a public hearing there is a gentleman in the audience that would like to speak about this so I would ask you to come down now and again this is just a request for us to go to public hearing at that point uh you would have another bite at the Apple how big is this property would we have to have two or it's okay I can find it we can figure it out go ahead sir you state your name and address the record we are going to keep you to three minutes if you don't mind okay my name is Ezra Henson my address is 142 mlau drive pacco 32177 and um what what my concern is is that where my property is and that where the where the rideways are my house is is almost right in the middle of one of them and um they're talking about closing them and there's a there's another piece of property that's that's beside me that someone else owns and if they they close that right away right there they're not going to be able to go in there to their property and and I don't know who they are and and how to get in contact with them but um that's that's my main concern right there is um is how that right there is going to go that'll be part of what they look at when it goes to public hearing I don't think anybody's looked at any of that kind of stuff yet but if you're concerned that we're going to vacate a road that goes to your house I don't believe you need to be concerned about that I'd be very shocked if that happened so but this is just the first step to see if we can move in that direction for them to look at it as all this is okay all right and then a public hearing would be advertised signs would be posted um that's when the opportunity to come and and really you know let us know if it's not already dealt with by the time it gets here well one of the things that that I'm concerned about too is is what they're going to build in there you know because it's right there in front of me right yes sir okay so thank you very much and we appreciate your comments sir okay thank you thank you anybody else want to speak from the public Commissioners what's your pleasure on this item Mr chairman I move approval to move this forward to the public hearing second all right we have proper motion proper second any further discussion on the motion hearing on all in favor signify by saying I iose like sign the eyes have it next on our agenda is our Public Works discussion discuss options of covering funding who's got Mr Suggs do you have that I'll take that Mr chairman as the as directed by the board of accounting Commissioners Mr Stout and myself attended the city commission meeting last week this item was on their agenda and they voted unanimously to move it forward uh would they fun request so that's should what do you need out of us today just a motion to move forward or with the deal or what this was just an update because this item was a was tabled uh last week so uh we're just giving update to let you know that the project is going to move forward and the funding for that 64 plus th000 will be coming from the city any motion from us this morning I don't believe so no sir at this point with the funding now in place we probably do need a resolution in a to identify a budget location so we were already moving yeah everything's been done we just needed the funding approval from the city of Paca to cover that additional cost and we got that last week so we have the resolution and the budget amendment all all in play well that's going to come the city of the fla has to furnish us something and then we will prepare a budget resolution for you thank you but it's not gonna I guess my question is it's not going to hold y'all cutting me off with no no no it's not going to hold the project up even further we can go ahead and move forward while some of this paperwork's being done now that the city is graciously agreed to partner with us that's correct you'll see a followup resolution but it will not halt the project um JT and his crew will have the ability the only thing I want to be sure of it wasn't going to hold it up right good deal thank you commission Turner I don't think a couple beats would stop you anyway okay just see yeah but you gave commissioner Wilkinson the button over there so she turning me off as what she do I don't think she would all right that ends our new business discussion and we'll go into our public comment on miscellaneous items this portion of the agenda is designed to allow the citizens an opportunity to bring matters to the attention of the board it is not reasonable to expect the board will engage in debate or deliberations about matters on which the board has received no prior information as part of the agenda please limit your comments to 3 minutes public comment cards are conveniently placed at the meeting room entrance and should be submitted prior to the meeting to the deputy clerk who sits on the right of the podium is Ashley over here so is there anybody in the public that would like to speak on misscellaneous items and we have one card Sandra Barry and I remember seeing you on the thigh of the road not too long ago right Miss Barry possible keep in mind you got three minutes okay my name is Sandra jollyberry and um I reside at 323 Palm Street in Interlocken and I am just coming to present a concern um we recently moved to the area and our daughter had gotten lost because we had no street signs and it took us over 25 minutes to find her she had no landmarks no nothing so and I apologize I'm not a public doing great you're doing fine don't so um I would really like to see at least getting road signs put up in our development yes ma'am so that we don't lose people thank you thank you and not to debate but I did you probably saw me on the news the other day and uh the citizens committee from the msbu is looking at the street signs as as we're speaking now um we have had cases where people we put street signs up and immediately they're taking down and um it's well I would like to also see some better police in that are we talked about we don't ever see anybody yeah come out and and they do the sheriff's department out there but it it's a big area yes it's a huge area and um it's there's a lot of challeng but it's not just that area trust me they all over putam County we all have challenges in every District so but thank you Miss Barry for coming for to is there anybody else in the public wishing to speak please come up and state your name Mr hey just second Mr heggy hang on a lady in the back had raised her hand so please M you're on Deck sir you're on Deck please if you will state your name and address for the record good morning I'm Cassie ox and d17 Georgetown shortcut Road Crescent City um I'm here for special consideration for the ship program but my um concern is that you have to go to aack first and then come back to the board of County Commissioners for their approval and from my understanding right now the next aack meeting is July 10th I think it is and then I come back to the board for approval so my concern with this is that I turned in a complete package on the 19th the first day that the um applications were to be Miss o you got approved today um no that's my sister oh that's your sister I'm sorry I'm sorry okay I didn't mean to interrupt you yes that's her um but 27 years ago I made a purchase with the ship program and bought a house and I satisfied that commitment now they're saying that I'm not eligible so they send me a certified letter on May 1st saying I was and so now I have to wait and go to aack come back and by that time the funds could possibly be depleted so I'm just trying to see if there's a better way to reach the ahac um committee going forward for other um participants or applicants well thank you for comments today Mr chairman Mr Pi out is that that's the the process as far as I understand and we'll have Julianne maybe elaborate but we do meet once a quarter on the ahac committee and those individuals that you saw that we approved today they came to the last meeting and made that request and then we have to send it to the border of County Commissioners for approval which we did um Julian I don't know if there's another um way to circumvent that that process uh to at to current or to current point there is not another way the ah hat committee has to make a recommendation that they would approve you to reapply since you you've been a recipient in the past then that committee recommendation would go to the board of County Commissioners and then you would have eligibility at that point um that is that is the aack process that's why that aack exists that citizen board in part and that process is outlined in our we have a local housing assistance plan you he called the lhab and we can't violate that we have to follow that because then that's approv approved by the state through Florida housing so that this is the process and kind of the concept and going back before aack as commissioner Pickins knows is to make sure that there's not other people that were in line before you ask for a second um effort for assistance right I understand but I was just wanting to bring it to your attention to see if there was any way that we could possibly in the future but I understand it's already outlined right and I was here before I don't think they're going to run out of money that okay so I'll wait and see and another question how do I get on the aack committee there so when there's a vacancy applications are posted on the County website and then they're reviewed for that vacancy and they come before the board for consideration okay thank you very much for your time o thank you Miss oxidine thank you is there anybody Mr heggy you were walking up here a minute ago so okay please come up and state your name and address for the record um Ralph heggy 112 Drive pull that microphone up to you if You' like you don't have to bend down here you go 112 Paul Drive Hollister um I was just curious about these signs that are missing are they all kind of in one area I mean no no there I mean I don't know if there's a specific place where you know the so it's all just scattered huh they're everywhere all right well I was just about that so yeah but anyway thank you for your time thank you anybody else in the public wishing to speak see no one jump up we're going to close our public comment on miscellaneous items and go into the clerk of the court Mr Matt Reynolds good morning Mr chair um first want to apologize for last meeting I didn't give you guys an update um uh we got the uh the last fiscal year the books closed and that information over to the Auditors so the external Auditors are working on that and they should be um at that time uh when I talked to them a couple weeks ago they were still planning to be done by June 30th so um we have another update with them today and if anything changes I'll be sure to update the board thank you sir appreciate thank you yes sir Mr Turner uh Mr Reynolds um as you go through this process and as you make different Milestones even though they're not 100% sure reliable yet as far as being audited figures could we make sure that we reach out to Miss Young our budget officer was one of the titles that she carries and I'm I'm very concerned this year as I've already told you before now that um that we're way behind in the process from previous years because uh for for a lot of valid reasons but I would uh I'd really like to see us try to at least update the information as it becomes reliable to Miss Young absolutely and if any way possible like I said I'm I'm really concerned that we're behind the eight ball this year Well if you'll remember um this year we have a new audit firm new external audit firm that didn't actually get in place they were very very late I was concerned with how late we did procurement on that but um moving forward with them in I believe it was October um we got them the information as soon as we could get it to them um and we had some turn turnover in our finance department too that I'm working on um fixing that as well but yes sir I'm I'm concerned about the timing as well not trying to be critical and like very valid reasons and I knew what the reasons were I just want to make sure if there's any way possible that as you get additional information that becomes more credible than what the information is out there now that you have somebody reach out to Miss Young and try to give her that information sure we're fixing to have her in a bad spot is what we're fix have here pretty quick I trust me I did that I I completely understand how how tough that spot's going to be so yes sir thank you thank you uh Mr Commando I don't have anything I think commissioner Pickin is gonna address the things I was thinking about okay Mr sugs yes sir thank you Mr chairman just a couple things uh just a reminder that uh June 12th through the 14th myself Miss Young miss Mr Sullivan and I believe the chair and and uh Vice chair going to be in DC uh for uh representing puam County and then the uh week of June 25th I think it is 28th will'll be in Orlando as well representing the county at the uh Association of County's conference we have a board meeting that week don't we I'm going to get to that well I was fixing to get to go right ahead need to or would you like to Sir go right ahead sir um I think we need to decide today and not at the next meeting if we're going to have that meeting or not to where we either anybody that's scheduled to go to the second meeting in June if they're ready move them up and not put them off a whole another meeting or a whole another meeting or excuse me a whole lot another meeting or two after so I'll make the motion because so many people are not going to be here I'm even concerned about having a quorum that day at the County Commission meeting because I know that you're going to be gone commissioner Wilson going to be gone uh Mr commando's going to be gone Julianne's going to be gone probably I don't know if Jr's going to be or not but Terry's going to be gone so basically everybody's going to be gone except for commissioner Pickins and myself and I'm not sure about commissioner Adam's act but um if y'all let us have a beat without you that'd be fine we can do whatever we wanted to do be a little scary just kid I think I'll make the motion that we don't have the second meeting in June second okay we have a proper motion proper second any further discussion all in favor signify by saying I I poose like sign the eyes have it thank you Mr only thing that I want to add to that is make sure that we talk to the people that were scheduled for the second meeting in June and if there's any way we can let's move them up to the first meeting in June instead of putting them off if we if we can agree good Mr s you have the floor that's all my comments Mr chairman thank you and I'll I'll wait for Mr Pickins to address those well then I'll start with commissioner Adam's back then I guess Tony and and Mr Stout if you can come up by I want to talk about something and then uh in the meantime while they're coming up um as far as the weekend there's a lot of activities this weekend um we had I went to the boat racing on Friday actually before they had the event so we got to actually check out the boats and do all that stuff down in Crescent City um I overheated when I attempted to go to the blue crab so I didn't stay for very long um I think just with my injury that I had that I was getting over just the walk that I took from where I parked to there just it was not sustainable for me to stay um so I I went home and cooled off um but great weekend um obviously Memorial Day weekend is very important as well and just want to thank everyone in the community that participated in all the different events guess the reason why I called these guys up is our msbu in our in Boulevard really is on the brink of running out of money and kind of we run into that situation I think last year we ran into the same type situation before you were here Tony and uh we discussed the potential I don't know what the process is so I just wanted to talk about in front of the whole Commission of actually upping our msbu fee in that msbu to be able to to cover that and I just wanted to say that I'm supportive of that I just want to know what the process would look like and to see if we could get the commission to agree that that would be okay um because basically the the citizens there are calling with a lot of wants and a lot of things and all the ones that we've talked to have said at $2 some do a year we were we're fine with it going up um because of the fact that they need to fix a whole bunch of poth holes and different issues all throughout that whole community so in the if I may Mr chairman in the past if I remember correctly and pleas you're the msbu guru here so uh in the past I believe what we've done is we've gone out for bids and these things of the work that we looked that we thought they were going to do and then we tried to base the msbu fees on covering the amount of work that the committee or the committee thought they were going to do in the year upcoming is there something changed there yeah we don't have a committee because no one wants to volunteer to be on a committee they just want to call well by Statute I mean by our ordinance that there's no committee Tony the msbu coordinator runs that but commission Turner is right um there's a process Rich if I'm not mistaken to raise the msbu we send out letters to those affected people inside the msbu stating that this next fiscal year the U citizens committee or lack thereof recommends this because the work's not getting done we're not collecting enough money for the work that needs to be done yeah we haven't sent out those notices yet we're in conversations with that but looking at the work that needs to be done in that area um they do need to go up at least 50% if not more because of the amount of material that we need to bring in okay so let me ask this Julian you're the budget person we have time frames to hit but I mean I'm sure with you and Rich you can come together and give some ideas of when those letters need to go out and right we we we traditionally do all msbu adjustments at one time in the the beginning of the or as the budget season progresses um I'm assuming commissioner adamac just kind of wanted to start having this conversation since he knows this is going to be a significant need so what will happen is the committee and or staff will estimate what the budgetary need is then we'll divide that to determine what the proposed fee is and there's a couple of different times it comes back before this board before that final fee is set and the and the residents are obviously notified if the increase happens so you be looking at all the MSB all eight or nine of them I think we'll be looking at all of them but there's only a few that really need to be going up on their rates right I'm hoping that the one there in San mtia can actually come down this year we've actually been talking about that as well all right the amount of work that's done in there we can get by with lowering their rates well I think the important thing for the listening public and people in our audience to know we didn't have this capability up until just a few years ago the rate was the rate it started back in the n 1990 some of them did um and we never changed that rate the boards never changed that rate so when we got together as this board decided that we needed a variable rate we needed something that could go up or go down based on the work that was getting done and this board stepped up to the plate and made that happen very important I mean how you know cutting services is not the right idea and that's what was taking place in these msbu especially West putham msbu you know well we can't do that road we don't have enough money we're not going to do it anymore that's not fair to the people who are paying and and they call it a tax but it's actually a fee a fee to get the roads done and I paid the same fee I paid the grading fee and I paid the paving fee so it's no different than what we knew that our little one mile for per commissioner a year wasn't going to cut it so we decided we were going to Annie up and pay and it was it was hard but we all did it so commissioner abzac I apology for bringing that to the attention Julian said the point is just to make everyone aware that that's the intention I get it we do recognize the shortfall we recognize the work that needs to be done they're putting together a plan for what that's going to cost to go through the process and uh we were one of the mspu that lowered for some reason like a dollar something so I don't know why we lowered but that's just how it worked out we've had some good meetings with Commissioner Adam Zach out on site and gotten some things fixed where we were able to come in and help as just public works department but the rates do need to go up to make things better for them you'll look at all of them and come back with a recommendation for yes thank you so much thank you is that all you have Mr Adam all I have Mr Turner um yeah I I guess I get to be the first one to congratulate the ladyes softball out at the St John's River State College uh [Applause] yeah world world champions um hope hopefully next meeting will be also congratulating the U men's baseball team hopefully they're successful this week as the ladies were last week so um I can't believe I got to do it uh I figured somebody else would beat me through it this morning um and that's all I had today Mr chairman thank you commissioner Pickin thank you chairman Harvey um I just I'd like to commend Mitch Atwell uh Mitch came to meeting a couple of meetings ago and requested some help with um emergency service for the drag booat races that he was trying to put together for the first time in Crescent City and actually information from Jr they were able to hire uh a private company to take care of that that was the missing link to complete that and that's what I going to say uh with along with mayor Meyers and and administrator um City administrator Charles Rudd uh with Mitch and his team they put together a very very successful event I went by water with my family and there were probably at least 50 60 boats anchored offshore watching these boats the farmers market was the same day so it was up at the center of Crescent City so a lot of activity in that area and marger and Neil Nelson Park is where they staged um I did not get a ride in one of these boats I don't know that I want one but it's pretty impressive to see a boat on a slow running start and then 800 ft reach 135 miles an hour um so anyway I just want to commend Mitch for bringing something to putam county that we've hadn't seen or never seen in Crescent City we've seen the round round races but not dragboat races so and the second thing is uh Mr Commando said I'm not about to give the county any legal advice at all but uh and I hope that he chimes in along with administrator Suggs and Julian former graduate of St John's River State College it's probably Community College back then and former softball player correct so what they have done and I want to commend president Pickins which yall know is my brother uh athletic director and head coach baseball coach Ross Jones who hired his nephew Joey pound and in just a short few years when they went to division two uh junior college uh division they have won the World Series which I think is just a tremendous mendous achievement um hopefully when we recognize them next meeting they will show portions of that last game I'm not going if you haven't seen it it is unbelievable how that game turned out but they went to Greensville Greenville yeah Greenville Spartanburg um South Carolina they actually played near Greenville uh my brother graduated from wford college which is in Spartanburg uh so it was kind of a homecoming to him um but anyway and the boys are in Oklahoma um they will play their third game tonight at 8:00 p.m. and uh they have already won the first two games so they are poised and positioned uh maybe to go far in that division also so that would be something to win two World Championships in one year from one school so so that's all I have so I hope that y'all add something because y'all went to the um when the players got back Sunday they had a little uh welcome home uh deal for them so if y'all can to elaborate on it a little bit um we did we had the pleasure of going and meeting the girls as they arrived and um the girls were very touched they had a police escort which um many of the girls I don't know if you got a chance to see Joe but many of the girls on their Facebook page they were impressed having a police escort and then they when they got to the college obviously they had a number of community members there um and many of the girls got off um even crying just cuz they're not from putam County they don't they didn't grow up in this community so to have a community come out and support them after a victory is something um but as commissioner Pickin said what these ladies did was they made history and if you watch some of those games um like I did you got a few extra gray hairs but they stayed with it and um they persevered and and it showed off and it was neat to see the community and the kids I brought my daughter out who plays softball and um she was a little bit Star Struck which was pretty neat to see so it was an accomplishment for all of them it was it was a fantastic opportunity and and chairman thank you for notifying us yesterday of that opportunity like Miss Young said just watching their faces when they got off that buzz with the folks I was there holding signs of congratulating them it was just uh one of those moments that you just were proud to not only to be there but be a part of but for them as well because I did watch that the uh the ending of the game and it was phenomenal it just was and commissioner Pickins I took the uh opportunity to text President Joe Pickins yesterday and I've actually I've text it with him a few times since this but but yesterday I told him I said what a what a Charmed Life he seems to be leading living right now with the fact that his girls just won the World Series his boys are in the World Series and his Alum MO is playing in the uh NCAA regionals uh for chance to go to the World Series as well so uh yeah when I grow up I want to be just like Joe and uh you know so uh I told him to enjoy the moment because it's absolutely welld deserved thank you Mr chairman thank you thank you Mr chair so you know having the honor of serving on the College Board gave me an opportunity to kind of see their progression throughout the throughout the year and to really see them meet challenges that I mean as Julianne said gave you some gray hair so you know when you're watching them see when they're playing against the number one SE with Parkland and honestly just took them out uh no question about it they just had the strength to work through and um president pins made the comment that you know they're they're gritty I mean they just never quit fighting so as you're watching that championship game and you see the other team hit a home run and an RBI come in your heart just kind of stops but that didn't deter them at all they just kept fighting and they fought all the way back for the win so I mean I'm I'm proud of our our young ladies and uh I told president Pickins I really do hope we have a parade I hope it's joint parade with the baseball team too I think that's something that they've earned and the recognition that we can give to them and I'm certain there'll be a proclamation to go along with that but um to have the support from this commission and the community is part of what makes it so special for them so thank you thank you may I one yep and I have a comment for when you get I'm on the athletic association at the college and for years we've been working very hard to improve the program out there we'd go we'd be remissed if we didn't uh mention Miss Joyce Oliver the work that she's done and and the training facility that she provided and the community did for those young ladies to have a a state-of-the-art place to practice that that Julian that wasn't what you were when you were there and um but I said on the radio this morning you know getting there is one thing winning the other but the preparation to even get to that point any of us us who played Youth Sports you played it from the time you were old enough and you know there was times you thought should I quit should I just what am I doing here these girls didn't stop and you're right when they got off the bus it was moving and I tell you the most moving thing probably a little hokey um autographs your daughter was getting autographs and one young lady said you didn't get mine and that moved me so much that this young girl was all these kids were getting them and she didn't want your daughter to be left out and I just thought you know there's so much going on at that moment but for her to care about your daughter she didn't know your daughter she just knew she didn't sign that piece of paper and that meant a lot because all of us elected officials we go home after an event we go I should have said that and I wish i' have said that I should have done this and we wish it we wish oursel away sometime but she was in that moment and uh those kids your daughter might grow up to play and remember because of that moment in her life and that just moved me a lot so we are the first meeting in June we're going to send out an invite to them to come and hopefully have the boys and the girls here and celebrate two wins but anything like that that can promote putham county is is you can't buy that advertisement but it's wonderful for this community thank you commissioner Pickins so letting me say something okay thank you for all those comments um I do want to add I want to thank Colonel Joe Wells even not to just here um for their efforts with the boat races and actually you know patrolling uh all the different events uh this weekend from the blue crab to the Vince and Crescent City and I want to thank there was a a citizen who watches I guess quite a few of our meetings I'm not going mention that person's name but they were impressed with Mr atwell's uh presentation the other day and requesting for assistance from the county which we just could not provide and they made a donation and and found some donations for him so I want to thank that individual you know who you are and uh so that's all my comments thank you thank you commissioner Wilkinson you have the floor thank you um just a couple comments so uh regarding the signs that are missing that is not something that is unique to interlock and Lake States I can assure you I live in the baron community and when I first got elected I was one of the first things I said to this commission was what is going on with the signs they're all coming up missing um my husband is a Master Mechanic and we were behind a vehicle one day and out of the back of the tailpipes were two two posts that look like they could have been a county sign at one point so I don't know what people are doing with them it is an issue that's across the county um we go out and replace some and then it's not you know I don't know if we need to put some Loctite on the bolts if we need to put a tag on them so we can find out and follow who's who's stealing them um but I don't think it's one individual I don't know what it is I used to think it had to do with you know street names and so if you had a street named Wilkinson and you were a Wilkinson you might take a Wilkinson sign but it's not necessarily that um I think it's just uh people are I don't know if they're playing I don't know what it is but it's it is an issue so I want you to think it's just in your area it is something that we we're aware of a public works is aware of and so is the Sheriff's Office it's not just unique to putam County either okay Taylor County was just as bad I put in a subdivision over there and I named the roads after my grandchildren you could not keep a sign of because other people had those children names and they would come take the signs down within two days after you put them up we can maybe we can put some lock tighter weld them or something so they're not so easy to remove um anyway uh moving on uh do want to mention that we the county had applied for the spay and neuter uh Grant and we did not get that Grant and so um I don't believe any agency in putham County got the Grant I don't think it's just us I think there just wasn't enough money did we the spay neuter program we did not get that Grant um so I would like staff to see if there's any other grants that we can Appo apply for because it's something the spay and neuter program is something that we definitely need to see if there's some funding for maybe from another resource because um Commissioner Adam Zack and I have went to one meeting and I think there's going to be some more meetings um regarding animal services and what the citizens want to see in putam and one of them the very first thing is we need to have some more Spade neuter programs and I know we're working with uh Miss Jenny down in South puam for the mobile clinic and I'm very appreciative of that but then I just feel like we need to have a something else if there's other grants let's look for them let's turn over every Rock we can to find whatever else is available for uh that kind of program and um I just want to mention to staff I appreciate and I don't know if you're having this conversation commissioner Harvey but I do want to say to staff thanks for cleaning up the outside of the Ronnie Clark Clark building downtown and we're doing a lot in putam County to try to improve putam County and promote putham and improve downtown a lot of great things going on the Blue Cow Festival was a big success and I want to thank everybody who worked on that and just a lot of positive things going on in the community thank you thank you commissioner wilon and I do want to say um I was honored to be at the American Legion in enakin yesterday opening the Ceremonies for Memorial Day in the flag Burning uh flag retiring event which was very moving um do want to bring your attention in your box you have a community hospice invite to June 11th for a program they're having I did I was able to take the news reporter from First Coast News out to West putam msbu um explaining to him the process of the msbu the elevations in West putam is the hard thing to deal with and he was dri we were driving down Twin Lakes Road and he says my ears just popped and I said yeah you're in the highest point in putham County out there so he understood some of the those challenges of that um and I assured them that we never tore up a asphalt road out there they've been dirt from the time time began uh but the the reality is 95 miles of dirt roads in that one mspu and if we're looking at our current pricing of 900 to a million dollar a mile where does that come from and when you do just the math it's $700 per person per year for 15 years that's a lot so seeing that that we've got some challenges we're looking in that area but we've got challenges everywhere in this County uh do want to say that it's getting hot and if you notice it's not even August yet and the other day was extremely hot so please be careful hydrate take care of yourself and anything we can do to help so if there's nothing else for the good good of the order this meeting is now adjourned thank you