##VIDEO ID:gOM9OigJ5MA## we do have a quorum I'll call the meeting of the putam County Planning Commission to order before we get into the actual business I would like to ask do any members of the uh Planning Commission have any exp parte communication they need to declare no no anyone have any conflicts of interest with any of with this case no no oky dokie neither do I all righty um put my glasses on to see this one we appreciate you coming out in the rain as this is a iy weather day this is a public hearing and we're the putam County Planning Commission we're the designated local planning Agency for the county as prescribed in chapter 163 of the Florida Statutes we function under the authority of article 11 and 12 of the putham County Land Development code the primary responsibility of the commission is to serve as an advisory body to hear and make recommendations to the board of County Commissioners on matters related to provisions of and proposed amendments to the putam county comprehensive plan and the putam County Land Development code the members of this board will review the application and make a recommendation to the board of County Commissioners at their regularly scheduled meeting on October 22nd 2024 procedurally we will call each Case by name and number a member of Staff will then briefly explain to us the nature of each request we will then take any comments from the applicant or their representative followed by any public comments concerning the request please direct all comments or statements to the board and not to other members of the audience we will entertain a motion from the board this motion will be voted on by the board members and become our recommendation to the board of County Commissioners the board of County Commissioners will make the final determination regarding the application all applicants have the right to withdraw their request at any time during the application process we have no cases that have been withdrawn for today um our first case and our only case is sp24 000000001 and Michael thank you madam chair uh once again Michael Graves planning and development services this is sp 2401 of Mount Royal Air Park Phase 2 replat uh the application is a type one subdivision uh the applicants are Jason I and Travon a shefield stevenh j and Janet C uh simex forgive me if I mispronounced that uh Mary f wowski l uh Lindy D farmer Jr uh stonnie Clinton and Joyce and Jones uh the location is the subject property located at 110 12 14 and 16 Airport Drive in creson City Florida uh with uh the 911 addresses will be assigned to each of the newly proposed Lots once the final plat has been approved uh the subject parcel is approximately 4 43 acres in total with a future land use of rural residential and a zoning of a planned unit development uh the applicant requests uh uh preliminary and final plat approval for the addition of four Lots resulting in a seven lot utility subdivision the residential density requirements are relevant for this as the approved PUD specifies that the entire land on this parcel is for utility only no residential dwelling can be created on this land uh the parcels cannot uh support any residential development as mentioned before uh namely the development that would be supported here would be airplane hangers for the private Flyin Community uh the placement and development of such buildings are subject to additional buffering and screening uh and heightened setback requirements to prevent dis uh distri disruptions to the residential areas and historic areas here you can see an aerial view of the property in question excuse me can we get it up on our screens here on in front of us it's not coming up is it not no my apologies it was in here earlier it working we've got something blue now not the blue screen of death than evens there we go all right there we are sorry about that not to worry anyway here's the aial of the uh block which the property is on here is the zoning you can see it's PUD aside from the uh Green Block there which is the historic Indian Mound uh the future land use which is uh again Ral residential and the proposed plat uh the proposed future land use and re and resoning the lands affected by the plat are within the rural residential future land use category are adjacent to and accessed by a pave Road and are not within the military restrict operating Zone uh the plat aderes to all regulations for its current current zoning District uh the request is consistent with the goals objectives and policies of putham County comprehensive plan is compatible with the surrounding zoning and uses and is consistent with the requirements of the putam county land of development code as such staff recommends approval of the request for the preliminary and final plat approval for the Mount Royal uh Phase 2 subdivision replat resulting in a seven lot subdivi subdivision section questions of staff I asked one question of um Mr Perry and I posed it talking to Jenny and to uh Jennifer earlier was a cultural impact study needed done on file for this particular site relative to the uh archaeological sites on property Madam chair may I answer that question yes sir so there was we we did not request the applicant provide any cultural impact study the reason why is the development rights are already established for that property they can be built out right now the the only reason for the subdivision is to make conveyance of the airplane hangers individual Property Owners achievable I just wanted to make sure of that because I know when you deal with archaeological sites usually there's a cultural impact study that's required yes ma'am and the only thing I could imagine is that it was done either in 1994 when the Pud was established or in 2005 when it was amended but the the entitlements are there to build the airplane hangers as and we don't know whether we have anything on file or not I tried to look for it before coming over today and I couldn't locate anything okay Madam chair since you asked me to look look it up if I could I'll tell you what I found okay please do uh well there are Florida Statutes that prot that protect Indian M Indian burial mounds but these are mounds that are already as in this case have been identified um have been researched to a certain degree this particular one is actually protected in a in a in a very real way it has a uh fencer around it um if you were at another situation where you didn't know there was one there and somebody put a shovel in the ground and you came up with a bone or something then then under Florida law you'd have to count uh contact the County coroner right away and and go from there but there's also even federal laws that protect Indian Barrel Ms but none of them we're not dealing with that issue here quite frankly the reason I ask is um my brother an historian and is very well aware of this archaeological site and shared with me and this may be something that the owners don't realize that site was excavated first back in the late 19th century early 20th century by archaeologists from Harvard and they pretty well messed it up they took everything out put it adjacent to it and then just dumped everything back into the mound areas there's also a uh they found when they were doing the study later on on there that there is a the remains of a Jesuit Temple from 15th century Spain Spain so I don't know where that is in relation to the mound but anybody want to talk to him about it I'll be glad to give you his phone number after the meeting um he's very pretty well versed on it and uh since he lives with me I kind of got that earful this morning at breakfast but um nonetheless I'm glad we we know that and I'll feel better about signing the the plat now I've got a question um I'm comparing the two pieces here uh showing the new lot configuration how uh how did Planning and Zoning address the minimum lot width requirements for the little lot that there is shown behind the uh parking area I see it it create kind of a little landlock is the Frontage in the parking area considered Road Frontage or how is how is the minimum lot with determined for that like inclosed lot is it 25A that you're referring to um I just it's the one behind the parking area I see it but if you look at the so there all those lots have Frontage on the road which I'm assuming meets the I can't read it but I'm assuming it meets the 100 foot minimum WD on the road printage but you have an closed lot so when you create that lot there that would be immediately west of what is showing is parking area for Indian Mound that an interior lot there um that does not have Road Frontage how did we so and I I don't have anything in front of me to see but I do recall I apologize Madam chair for that um I do recall during DRC the uh the committee and and of itself as well as planning and Zone was comfortable with the dimensions of the Lots um the the issue that we had was um a legal access situation and we' worked with the applicant Mr Sheffield to figure out maybe an easeman or something like that but ultimately that property that proposed lot is intended to be combined with the residential lot to the north of it um it's owned by Mr Stony Jones so the combination of those two tracks of land will will resolve any sort of Road Frontage or access issue but it it's not showing a combination in this scenario so in there would be there would be a situation where one person could under the corner and another person own the the landlock piece behind it I just I I was just curious cuz this always comes up when people talking about lot split is how much Frontage they have yeah the minimum Road Frontage and if the parking lot is considered an easement or that access so that there's not going to be a barricade or something in between it that I understand but I just I just think that probably needs to be addressed on that particular lot um so that we don't have a landlock situation where they then have to go to court and argue over what the legal hand is certainly Michael did anything in our staff report address that landlock piece of land uh I can't recall off the top of my head if the staff report itself address the landlocked portion however the DRC did approve for a private easement to go along the northern uh side of the property through Lot 25 into lot 25A okay between the two yes ma'am this piece right originally it was uh required to be a paved Road dedicated to the county as all other roads normally would be in a type 1 subdivision however it was determined that such a road in that area could not only uh almost completely engulf the lot 25A with the required colde saac on the end it could also potentially be dangerous to the Indian Mountain site just because the amount of asphalt and digging they would have to do as such it was uh determined that for the sake of history and for the sake of property rights it would be uh acceptable to use a uh dirt e access easement for the foreseeable future for what is ultimately a utility only uh parcel and which other parcel residential parcel will that be it would be combined to Lot 25 the one in the north east corner there the one to the north okay that makes sense good job yeah I my my my only concern there would be in the situation where somehow that did not get combined and there there were two owners there you know it's just I'm just seeing the legal issues down there because understandable uh the DRC has required that they must make the access easement and that will be considered and acceptable uh by the public works department okay and do they have um what what would be the minimum width of access there I would have to defer you to uh Public Works normally though off the top of my head I believe it to be 30 feet wide because I believe the last discussion we had about this the Land Development code had a 66t wide easement as minimum for lot split stuff but the the uh Public Works was allowing down to maybe a 35 foot easement somewhere that ballpark but again I'd have to defer you to public works unfortunately okay well Mr Morris if I may expand too so the the 66 foot right of way that you're referring to is your um your status quo for a new paved Road um you're correct we can go down to a 35 foot wide easement with a 20 foot wide stabilized surface for um an easement serving two properties um I believe if recollection is correct here Public Works allowed it to go down to a 30ft easement uh during DRC and rather than it extending into the property as is typical um they allowed it to uh terminate at the property line proposed for lot 25A okay simply because the only thing that would come in and out of there is either a passenger vehicle a recreational vehicle or an airplane so the biggest thing was making sure we get an ement wide enough for airplane wings that wouldn't hit trees or anything of that nature and that easement will be between 25 and 25A right and how how do you restrict it how how do you make it so that 15 years from now after this is an established lot it's not it's not combined via parcel number that you don't you don't run into the argument of you have a lot there we need to access our lot by two different people had what in this in this the deed for 25A uh will record that they have access to their lot through the easement that will run through Lots uh 25 and 26 along that northern border line okay uh it will guarantee by right of deed that they will always have access even if it is not combined with Lot 25 I got you and you guys are create you're you're confident we're not creating a non-conforming lot there for that interior lot that's correct after it went through DRC it then went through our lot split committee which is comprised of essentially for point of discussion uh the County surveyor who ensured that the legal description for not only the created Lots but also the easement accessing 25A were appropriate okay okay I'm I'm fine I'm fine with that I just I know that in the past we've we've run into that like you just said the easement had to extend onto the property they had had a minimum in this case I think 100 feet so it it seems like that lot me being not schooled in this appears to be a non-conforming lot via what I've read through the Land Development code if you guys are more in depth than that I just want want to make sure everybody's comfortable that we're not creating a noning lot there thank you Justin any other questions of Staff thank you Michael um at this time I will ask the owner or the owner's agent if you'd like to come forward and and talk with us have anything else you'd like to add that didn't come up good morning Madam chair members of the board my name is Jason Sheffield I am one of the property owners and I'm also the uh the agent uh on record I think between Michael Zachary and Justin I think everything has pretty much been covered I think all these conversations about easements access of easements and all that good stuff we talked about at DRC we had basically uh defined the 30ft easement coming in to that to that Lot 25 a um we originally had it on the plat but the County Surveyor made us take it off because I guess we can't record a an easement on the official plat so that uh that easement will be coming uh at some point once the plat is recorded the repat is recorded okay so I'm good any questions for me any questions for the agent thank you so much thank you is there anyone in the audience I'll open it up now for public hearing is there anyone in the audience who would like to speak either for or against this particular application seeing none I will close the public hearing portion of this meeting and bring it back to the board for discussion motion and vote all I move that we uh approve for approval or move to approve the uh case SBA 24001 as it is consistent with uh the goals and objectives of the county and Aaron has seconded is there any further discussion I do appreciate everybody's due diligence on this and making sure that we've answered questions and I know I had a kind of picky question but I I do appreciate that getting answered I had to deal with with uh Indian repatriation stuff when I was building libraries in Georgia so kind of struck me anyhow thank you very much we'll take a vote on that all in favor please signify by saying I I chair votes I any opposed okay this will now go on October 22nd to the board of County Commissioners and I think I have to sign something is that what you're holding there with a black Sharpie I did this in the car one time here J even brought it out to me one more done all right app you're welcome to app evaluation and Appraisal report of our comprehensive plan but yes but it is an ear if anything if the presentation has shown up on the screen I don't know I have it up okay it's up perfect good evening members of the commission uh name's Robert Jordan I work for the northeast Florida Regional Council uh we've been contracted with uh putam County to assist on the evaluation and Appraisal review update to the comprehensive plan make sure I hit the right button sorry about that here we go um so with the ear process um the ear process is required every seven years um to reflect statutory changes since the last update to the comprehensive plan um and there has been a little more teeth added over the last few years with um uh the Florida commerce the state land planning agency uh preventing any fur further uh plan amendments that are initiated by the county if they are not in compliance there's a little more Regulatory and enforcement teeth to it at this particular Point um the comprehensive plan was updated in 2021 it was outside of the Year timeline but it was updated so you are already in compliance with the property rights element and a few other things but there's been some satutory changes since 2021 and that's where this evaluation and Appraisal review process is is going to work with that um so at this table here we worked on to kind of address just the text amendments that we are proposing based upon statutory changes since 2021 um so the first proposed policy we're adding is to address it's um it's actually was part of the affordable housing legislation before Liv local act uh which permits the board of County Commissioners to approve housing that is Affordable as long as it meets the statutory definition of affordable housing and it's a certain number of units um there that will be allowed within commercial or industrial land use uh the next amendment is the definition of resiliency facility and is a permitted use within the commercial and Industrial future land use districts um resiliency facility is just for natural G Gas Distribution and those are are permitted use by Florida State statutes within commercial and Industrial districts you already um or puam County already permits solar facilities as a permitted use in agricultural land use districts uh but the state definition the the statuto reference was not included within that text so this is just to cover that to ensure this is actually an older pre 2021 legislation but we just proposed this so that when a developer comes in they are specifically referencing State definitions of what a solar facility is um there's two other changes that have been kind of big ones in the last year in 2023 House Bill 1379 was passed to address nitrogen uh officer shoots into Basin management action plans or B Maps these are State defined areas where they determined river valleys or or certain flood plane valleys are particularly vulnerable to nutrient offshoots and there's two parts of this statutory change that came into effect one is requiring all communities to start looking at sanitary sewer feasibility now you guys do not have to do this you're in a rural area of opportunity and so therefore uh putam county is excused from doing this particular statutory requirement however we have proposed objectives and policies that are just placeholders so the county will be in compliance with the statute is the objective and the policy is putham county is currently in a rural area of opportunity and therefore is does not have to do this so that's really just the policy language um the other you do have to is proposed goal h.5 and Associate objective policies dealing with listing the the projects listed by either the Florida Department environment protection or we've contacted with County staff as well that address nutrient reduction we've in the Bas management action plans there are two large ones there's the lower St John's river base management action plan basically along the Eastern portion of your of your county and then just a little bit into the southwestern portion parts of the akaha base and management action plan are included so projects that were listed by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection have been included in this list that's going to be proposed to be part of your Capital Improvements element and then there is also a series of projects that were listed by County Public Works staff as well in correspond respondence with them so these are the proposed text amendments associated with the comprehensive plan and with the ear compliance uh we are also proposing a update to the planning Horizon um it's now 20 years uh used to be 10 years but now it's up to 20 year time period to 2045 based on and I want to emphasize this based on the best available data from the uh Florida's Bureau of Economic and Business research or Bieber the population is projected to grow by 4.1% uh this is this is fine within being a compliance Florida commerce will accept this I do emphasize that that number is you know might be accurate now but you know there's it's clearly growth that is coming into the area so if you do want to address this in a non-compliance when you're updating your comprehensive plan based upon what your own local guidelines will do you can address that with better available data at that point um water supply facility work plans uh the regional water supply plan was updated in December of 2023 and so state requirements that any community that has a water supply facility work plan which putam county does has to be updated in 18 months after that time period that the case we just heard the Mount Royal Air Park has its own water and sewer system and it's not on your list um I noticed that today when I was I just read one and I started reading the other one and I saw that it's not on there so you might want to add that one I will yeah we can definitely add that say had Lake Como I was impressed there are a lot of them I think squirreled away around the county I understand yeah so lot of Mount Royal Air Park does have their own U sewer and water system definitely look I know this is a lot of this comes from the Department of environment protections at least based upon what the projects they have and other local staff but we could definitely include that as well and that just would go into the Capital Improvements element under that listed project thank you I'm sorry to interrupt understand so with the water supply facility work plan we are uh proposing changes just to reflect the regional water supply plan changes to the demand uh and water demand and projection numbers that are within the regional water supply plan so it's just updating your County Water Supply facility work plan to reflect uh those changes to the regional water supply plan in order to be in compliance with those uh there's also been map series updates and this is just to reflect better you know more accurate or better data that's come out since 2021 so the future land use Map update has been reflected uh updated as part of the comprehensive plan to reflect what is on file with the County GIS Department functional classification maps and the number of lanes and annual average daily trips based on uh Florida Department of transportation's most upto-date information Wetland cover maps from uh fdp and then plan proposed multi-use trails maps they've just updated the fdp priorities list for their Trail so that's just to reflect that data and we also right now there is a designated Historic District map that's just the Melrose area that's within the comprehensive plan but part of uh State statutes also requires showcasing his designated historic structures that are on the National Park Service list as well so we but we just pulled that data in and made a countywide map of those that are within unincorporated putham County yeah and this is just a kind of a brief overview we did uh this presentation with the putham county BCC as part of the presentation at the end of August just explaining some of the the changes that have happened since 2021 probably the biggest legislative change has been in affordable housing with the Liv local act now uh the Liv local act has the portion that is addressing affordable housing your comprehensive plan is the non-preemptive believe up to I have to check the numbers again up to 10 units uh would be allowed for the county to determine if they want to bypass the rezoning with Industrial and Commercial but if it's up to 40 units have to uh that is where it gets into preemption territory and that is with the live local act uh counties and local governing bodies uh have to by right allow affordable housing as state as defined State statutes within industrial commercial uses and there's been another series of fixes in this year's legislation addressing some of the height issues and some of the um some of the density issues that were for example airports some of those height those height restrictions were not included in the original legislation but those were addressed in the legislation passed this last session we've got that concluded in our plan don't we it's either in Land Development code of the comp plan the height issues and all that we do have airport height notification zones we do have that established in Our Land Development code I'm not sure that we have much legislation and our comprehensive plan for the airport stuff there's been a series of other uh amendments as well we kind of mentioned with utilities with the resiliency facilities those Natural Gas Distribution points the planning procedures uh they just strengthening some of the rules associated with them uh including the ear process and Environmental Protection including those Bap projects there's been a lot of legislative changes since the 2021 update to the comprehensive plan and if there's any questions happy to ask or answer I don't have a question but I I do have a request as you're talking with the board of County Commissioners I think I know you understand this and I think most of us understand this pretty well the um difficulty in getting up to- dat up to the minute accurate sta statistical data we're always going to have a l time we're always going to be dependent upon the US Census Bureau we're always going to be dependent upon Bieber to pull it down from the Census Bureau and then make it available through their services so we're never going to have this year's data or even last year's data that we can accurately depend on on for planning and I think that's one of the things that we've struggled with with Statistics doing the comprehensive plan revision and it's also one of the things that's been an issue during our most recent campaign for County Commission so if you would make that a a note when you talk about Bieber just talk about the fact that they're doing the best they can do with what they've got and they can't get anything better than what they get yes so I tried to explain that because I've done statistics but if you could reemphasize that M yes and I we under stand I mean Bieber is using past uh data where the county did lose population in the last 10 years and it it's very hard for them to catch up to what clearly you are seeing on the ground that's coming because they're using p they have to use past data in order to create these projections and until that data comes in and there's good and bad about that but but anyhow this looks like you've done a really good job questions we have for this fine gentlemen I have one question yes sir can you give me a definition of affordable housing so there is a state statute definition of affordable housing and it's based upon area median income I'd have to look at the exact it's chapter 42.4 Florida Statutes and it's a percentage of houses that fall it's a percentage that fall under that Ami so it varies from one area to another it does it would the actual number would vary but it's based on percentage of that Ami within the jurisdiction so not just County but also municipality good question any other questions what do you need from us I think I just to know how the process works I you guys are the local planning agency so would we just vote on uh affirmation of for approval we accept his report and approve it yes ma'am and and with that he we within your packets there was um the proposed text that is going to be added to the comprehensive plan so and I'd like to take this opportunity too to remind not only the Planning Commission but anyone who's in the audience or watching on online that um this is not changing any of our current regulations to make things more restrictive or difficult for development or anything like that we're simply trying to adhere with Florida Statutes at this point that's purely the only reason we do this isn't it to uh make sure that our documents and our planning documents concur with what Florida statute is requiring of us and that's why we do this every seven years and Madam chair to address your question yes today we are seeking your recommendation to the board of County Commissioners um and at the October 2 second BCC meeting we're going to be seeking an approval from the BC to go ahead and send this for State coordinated review so once if the BCC is happy with the proposed text and and what Mr Jordan has prepared for us um we'll put everything into a packet send it out for State coordinated review approximately 60 to 90 days later um we're going to be trying to schedule for adoption and at that point in time time uh we can we can bring it back to the Planning Commission so that you all can see what the state's comments may have been so on and so similar to what we did with the comp plan yes ma'am um so can you offer the text of the um motion that needs to be made to make this happen you can do that I can do that I'm sorry public comment yes please and also I had a question about the survey that's been up on the website uh where have those responses been taken into consideration so those responses we have them um stored in and they're they're very broad questions that are more deal with the comprehensive they're more for kind of guidepost of what you're in compliance and we've been providing snapshots of like the amounts I think it was at 60 some when I was last looked and so we've gotten some pretty good that's a pretty good level of feedback that we're starting to see yes and so what will happen is we will We it's through arcgis survey 123's application through our our services we can actually download those results into Excel or download those results and then we we can provide them to you now will those be incorporated anyway into this ear report not really into the ear report because it's statutory compliance it's more just to provide a framework for we provide this as part of services okay because the ear compliance is really seen as kind of the potential next step if you wanted do a comprehens full comprehensive Plan update or updates to compr some still have shell shock from having done that a few years ago so Tre gently with that understood but just for local knowledge as well what you want to if you if you want to address the comprehensive plan if it's if it is um something that is seen in the community um but because of ear compliance is statutory based it won't really be going into the ear compliance section thank you and thank you Aaron for prompting me do we have anyone in the audience who would like to speak for against the proposed your report okay well seeing none now I'll call for the question did you want to phrase that question Mr H all right Madam chair I recommend that we uh forward the evaluation and appraisal report Amendment the comprehens plan to the County Commissioners for approval I have a motion do I have a second I'll second I have a motion and a proper second both are proper actually um do I have any discussion this was an easier ear report than the last two I've been through so um we thank you for what you've done for us okay hearing no other questions or concerns all in favor of this uh motion to forward this to the bccc please signify by saying I I chair votes I anyone oppos all righty we will send this on to the BC sus yes sir got a follow-up question to this not part of this okay how often can the county initiate changes amendments whatever to our comprehensive plan and Land Development code monthly that could be done monthly I mean we've we've done am text amendments anytime we need them don't we does it have to uh relate specifically to a certain item or can it relate to the policy as it applies countywide can be both can it I know I've seen them come through you know for like one request to do something U and there have been changes to it but okay so it can go either way all right thank you we've done a lot of text amendments over the years we tried a few and didn't get them done didn't we and denied a few too yes sir we did only one only one and once but we're going to get back to that Justin we came out of it friends okay um we're talking about a Tex Amendment concerning personal Sawmills and uh we were having a we struggled with that for a little bit is there any old business that needs to come before the board is there any new business that needs to come before the board what's up next month Madam chair forgive me for the record I've been on vacation for the past six days and I just came in today to to be here for support on the E so I got sick you got a surg you had surgery I had Co so that's true we had a little vacation so we don't know necessarily Jenny do you know okay that's all right not not to worry it's always nice to know ahead of time what's coming up um and everything we've you want to bring us up to date on any action with the bccc that we might need to know about or anything they've done vacation he's been on vacation well I can I can tell you one thing that that happened and um the rural the um over 55 facility that was proposed for uh putam County Boulevard that we turned down Board of County Commissioners turned down the judge sent it back and said get your act together and the BCC Rel reluctantly approved it a couple of weeks ago um so that was a um residential facility that's mainly uh RV type permanent RVs manufactured homes yes um we there was quite a bit of contention on that and and we understand that so but it came back from the judge saying this is something I want you to do sometimes when the judge says that is not easy but pretty much everything else we've sent forward has gone through and um we appreciate staff very much and we appreciate all that you do for us and you keep us straight and out of trouble and now we need to approve the minutes from the last meeting yes sir you may one of the comment based on what you were just talking about that's what prompted my previous question about the ability to be able to change or amend our comprehensive plan Land Development code and so forth and so on because I personally think there are a number of areas in the plan and the code that need revisions simply based on a couple of cases I've watched go through to where I think the county had to suck up to things they shouldn't have to suck up to and I don't mean to use that term but that's a fact and if I can expand to Madam chair um with so there's two different text amendments that the county can pursue that we can initiate one being to Our Land Development code which goes through very similar to like a rezoning of a piece of land when you start going to a text Amendment for our comprehensive plan you know of course we've got a small scale and a large scale Amendment any text Amendment to the comprehensive plan is a large scale and has to be transmitted to the state so it's just a more cumbersome process but it can be done and it can be done pretty frequently too yeah it's been a while since we've done one but we had there for a while we were doing a lot of text amendments so um we appreciate all that you do and all that you've done for us and we appreciate this this board very much you all have been through the the thick and the thin of it with us and we've I think we've made some good progress over the last few years and um I'm I'm kind of proud of y'all so um with that being said we have the the minutes of the August 14th meeting um neither the chair Vice chair or the chair with that meeting so I'll let you all leave that discussion of the minutes and if there's any changes or Corrections that need to be made Madam chair protim I'll make a motion to accept the meeting minutes of August 14th of the okay Joey and Tom any any further discussion all those in favor please signify by saying I I all opposed like sign car VES I hearing nothing else it is 4:45 this meeting is adjourned