e e e e e e e e e e call to order our meeting today today is Tuesday April 9th 2024 uh we are calling this meeting to order is Pastor Edward Davis here today to do our invocation and not seeing him here I've asked uh commissioner Paul adamac to do our invocation and commissioner Leota Wilkinson will be doing our pledge All Rise if you're able to do so please pray with me dear Lord thank you for bringing us all here together um allow us to be one voice one voice for your will and allow us in our deliberations to do so in a in a good means that expresses what your needs are for our community allow us to develop Unity as we go out into the public and and mix with others and allow us to um spread your word wherever we go everywhere we go in Jesus name I pray amen amen please join me in the pledge I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States St of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you commissioner adamac and commissioner Wilkinson our next item on the agenda is approval of the minutes Mr chair I move approval of our amendments for March 12th 2024 second a proper motion proper second any further discussion on the motion hearing and all in favor signify byan I I POS like sign the eyes have it next item we're going to recess our Board of County Commission meeting and go into our Port Authority meeting uh that item of business and item a is approval of the minutes Mr chair I Mo have approval of the minutes proper motion we have a proper second any further discussion on that motion hearing none all in favor signify ban I I oppose like sign the eyes have it is there any public comment on Port Authority items only at this time just Port Authority seeing no one coming to the front we'll close our public comment I'm sorry Mr adamac I did not see your light on oh that's right that was for a general discussion um I'm just curious we had talked about a couple months ago having a list of the properties that were owned by the port authority and kind of delineating a line between what's owned by the Port Authority what's owned by the county and possibly creating conversation once we have that list I haven't received the list yet I don't know if there are other they're working on that list now so we should have that very very soon okay thank you thank you is there any other General discussions on Port Authority items we're going to close that portion of that and we're going to re restart our border County Commission meeting and the first item of business is a proclamation for water conservation month and I've asked commissioner Pickins to do that I see our gentleman with St John's river water manag so if you'll come forward and commissioner Pickins you have the floor sir thank you chairman Harvey Putman County Proclamation number 22 24-30 recognizing April is water conservation month whereas water is a basic essential need of every living creature and whereas the State of Florida water management districts and putno County are working together to increase awareness about the importance of water conservation and whereas put county in the state of Florida is designated April typically a drive month where water demands are acute water water conservation month that educates citizens about how they can help save Florida's precious Water Resources putam county has always encouraged and supported water conservation through various educational programs and special events where every business industry School citizens can make a difference when it comes to conserving water whereas every business industry school and citizen can help by saving water and thus promote a healthy economy and community and whereas outdoor irrigation comprises a large portion of water use put County will encourage citizens and businesses to FOC call improving outdoor irrigation efficiency now therefore be it resolved that the virtue of the authority vested in chairman Harvey put County Board of County Commissioners do hereby prame the month of April as water conservation month put County Florida is calling upon each Citizen and business to help promote our precious Water Resource by practicing water saving measures becoming more aware of the need to save water and for this the 26th year water conservation month there will be a special focus on improving outdoor irrigation and efficiency done ordered and adopted this 9th day of April 2024 Mr chairman I recommend we approve this Proclamation second we have proper motion we have a second any further discussion on the proclamation hearing none all in favor of signify by saying I I pose like sign the eyes have it thank you you want to say a few word please good morning commissioner uh Commissioners all of you um this is the 26th year of doing the water Proclamation month in April um this is we've been working with local governments to put out the word of water conservation it it seems kind of crazy with this year being the the focus or the theme is on irrigation we have so many things going on with the growth of Florida just exploding between water treatment plants between all the sord septic to sore systems everything is so expensive why irrigation because 50% of our water clean drinking water that we use goes to water in the plants that's where we can make a difference not only restaurants not only agriculture but everybody in County can make a difference and the more we save water the less those big infrastructures we can push those down the road uh where we don't have to get them right now so basically what I see as all of our missions is to pass on to our kids and our grandkids clean Springs clean clean Lakes clean rivers and the beauty of Florida thank you chairman thank you thank you would you like to get our are we all in yet all right good thank you commissioner Pickins and the next item is Cindy Smith with UF IUS April Griffin Master Garder volunteer here plant sale Community gardening projects good morning good morning I am Cindy Smith the senior staff assistant for the putam County Agricultural Center and I would like to welcome our Treasurer and co-chairman of the master garders program at this time April Griffin thank you good morning thank you for letting me come and talk to you this morning um first of all I'd like to thank you for your continued support support of the a extension office and therefore the Master Gardener program um as you probably are aware the Master Gardener program was created to assist the a agents and the extension office in community support and delivering the message of the nine principles of Florida friendly gardening um I'm here today to invite you to our plant sale which will be April 20th from 9 to 1 at the Yelvington uh at the fairgrounds but in the Yelvington entrance I've given um your clerk some flyers for you we have lots of um Citrus this year blueberries we have ornamentals there are over 700 plants that the Master Gardeners have grown for our plant sale and you won't leave empty-handed I promise you and we can use your money so um we are going to use the money we raised to continue supporting the extension office we have um we give one scholarship to 4 for their summer camp we're planning on doing more Hands-On programming this coming year with some butterfly um programs and other things that are still in the works we're hoping to get back into the schools it's been a little bit harder to get in schools um since the pandemic and so we're planning on that and I think that the plan could be to work with 4 in the schools that they're already working with and then start from there um we hope to be tabling at some more events the plama which I've never been to but it sounds interesting and the bartom trail Festival amongst others so thank you so much for your support and um we will be planning our summer over the summer we'll be planning our programs for next year so if you have any ideas or any contacts we can use to to um come and speak to people we' appreciate appreciate it and on a personal note my husband and I just moved to putham County about three years ago and we're in the process of building a home and everyone that we have worked for that works for you or have worked with that works for you has been so nice and pleasant and helpful and I wanted to extend that thanks from my husband and myself so thank you for having us if you know of anybody that would like you think would like to join the master Garden program I'm going to leave these with your clerk also and um thank you for your support thank you thank you thank you thank you very thank you very much and we'll see you on April 20th um next item is J.R Grimes our Deputy County Administrator you have some um unit citations you want to give out Chief thank you Mr chairman Commissioners for allowing us to come up here and present these citations to our members you're going to have to get that to you there you go better y thank you so we have a couple that uh couldn't make it today uh be sickness and a couple wrong calls right now but we're going to recognize the ones that are here and then later we can recognize the other ones so on August the 20th 2023 we had a baby that was born that was in Cardiac Arrest this baby was also being a breach delivery the quick actions of Captain Kenneth rust uh Captain Lowry Johnson and Lieutenant Bradley Jones along with firefighter kill Kim firefighter Mt Garrett vidan firefighter Mt Michael cartright and firefighter Mt Joseph Gardner in providing Advanced life saving skills with CPR regain the baby's heart rate and breathing both the baby and the mother were quickly transported to the hospital with a successful outcome and we have verified this to this day they are doing well and we like to congratulate each one of these for a job well done thank [Applause] you come come [Laughter] jul everybody wait everybody in okay good yeah all right congratulations you know you're you're tall when you block him out congratulations congratulations thank you I always said this is the best part of our meetings and best part of our job in most cases The Honorable Matt Reynolds Kirk of the Court you have some presentations you'd like to do thank you Mr chairman and thank you Commissioners for uh allowing me to take a few moments this morning to um to recognize some some staff members that have achieved some significant milestones and so the first person that we're going to call up is uh Mrs tranisha Austin come on down Trisha I would like to um to just take a moment um to to congratulate tranisha and thank her for her 25 years of service and let me just take a a quick moment to say um I am truly blessed to have her as an employee for her to have chosen the clerk's office to be where she has uh served her career at because tranisha is a very dedicated um community service oriented individual and the time that she puts in outside of work into people people in community uh putham County Community is truly special and so again I I just I feel blessed that she has chosen the clerk's office to uh be the place that she has spent 25 years in her career so again thank you trinisha and [Applause] congratulations and if we could get a picture yep everybody come on down congratulations thank you he's good congratulations commissioner Wilkinson uh tranisha I just want to say thank you for your community service I've served alongside you at Epicure for a number of times and she's definitely has a servant's heart and you make a big difference in this community so thank you for your [Applause] service sure sure please why don't we uh we'll get out of your way and let you how's that sound sounds good looks like their camera shy man I know you're not princess them all together I want to see you do that can't promise you it'll be Alis in qual but I think your thumb was in front of the view you were not train properly that thank thank you Commissioners and next up we have a familiar face to probably most of you um and I I just want to thank uh Miss Debbie Wilkinson for her five years at the clerk's office and as I mentioned most of you probably remember I was at the county she was working at the the EOC and through several storms she was very very instrumental at the EOC and so I know when we lost her on the county side that that we were losing a great asset but then when I became clerk I've regained a great asset and so she's been with the clerk's office for five years now so thank that's a nice saying you stole her from us I did look at that face okay congratulations Debbie Debbie congratulations thank you thank you Commissioners all right the next presentation is very riveting I would ask you to get your pen and paper out uh there will be a test at the end of her presentation Miss Julian young our Deputy County Administrator on countywide Project updates Miss Young you have the floor thank you chairman we're bringing you April's updates and as a reminder this is not intended to be a list of every County project underway it's intended to be those of most importance to our Administration our commissioners or our citizens we'll begin with the Port putam Port putnam's infrastructure development Grant will kick off on the afternoon of April 9th with its selected consultant Burns McDonald's the animal control facility the core borings have been sampled signed and sealed plans have been uploaded for review environmental and sight plan permits have been applied for the Department of Health has a few updates the parking fence for County vehicles has been installed they're in the process of upgrading the outdoor sec security systems they're beginning stages of the community health needs assessment once the survey is created they'll be disseminating it to the community they have three certified child passenger safety technicians and are in the process of organizing a monthly car seat check event the community baby shower is being held on April 13th from 10: to 2 at Calvary Family Life Center the Jerry beaten Ball Park the playground and shade with concrete slab and adaa parking have been installed we're waiting on new fencing and concrete benches Mel's Youth Sports Complex new new LED lights have been installed on two Baseball Fields as well as the softball fields the John theold Sports complex project play shade structures were installed as of yesterday South puam Sports Complex one soccer field one baseball field and a softball field have new LED lights installed the remaining two soccer fields are scheduled for new LED light installations the East blacka Community Park the basketball court resurfacing is complete the exercise equipment has been installed the Shade Sail and concrete slab and Ada parking have been installed new installation has been scheduled the etnia community park or Bon Community Park the new swing set equipment has been installed and a gate has also been installed to keep vehicles from entering the park the Francis sports complex five of the six Fields have new LED lights installed the the sixth field is scheduled to have the LED lights installed this week the Johnson Community Park the basketball court has been resurfaced the shade structure is complete the old swing set has been removed the permit for the new swing set has been applied for and installation is scheduled the volleyball courts has been moved and the new polls and borders are being scheduled LED lights are scheduled for installation of the basketball courts Fort Gates fairy Landing the fdot bridge report was obtained for The Landings on the West Side Public Works is reviewing the required repairs and determining the best course of action to allow for the reopening of the ferry St John's Avenue resurfacing Palm Avenue to the CSS Crossing at the Paca fire department phase one is in construction turn lane to Palm Avenue is complete milling and resurfacing to 19th Street is currently underway an interlocal agreement has been been uh obtained between the city of Paca and putam County which was signed 1031 of 23 in a supplemental agreement from fdot to fund half of the CI for phase two is in progress County Road 310 Bridge Rehabilitation the project is complete and the bridge has been opened dirt to pave 20122 the project was broken into two phases phase one is currently under construction with 50% compl 50% completion phase two bid documents are currently under review the design of phase two roads which includes fisherman Creekside Edgewater Paradise Point and Paradise circle is anticipated to be ready to bid in April of 2024 dirt to pave 2023 designed in-house and is ready to be bid by May of 2024 contains roads in Saratoga Harbor Gibbs Avenue Ingram Drive Lake View Drive Butler Drive Eagles Nest red fish and Ridgeline Road East puam drainage and flooding mitigation phase four phase four is under review by the County engineer and advertisement for Construction Services is anticipated in May of 2024 St John's Avenue drainage Improvement State Road 19 to Road 309c segments 1 and two are substantially complete segments three infrastructure is underway and the project is on schedule with a completion deadline of December of 2024 St John's Avenue multi-use Trail the proposed termination of this agreement due to its funding is being negotiated with fdot South PMP sidewalk Drew Street to Silver Lake Drive the project is complete James a long Elementary and Jenkins Middle School safe routes to school the project was terminated due to cost County Road 315 resurfacing project advertisement for Construction Services was approved by fdot and will be issued tomorrow April 10th 2024 Port bu a Vista wastewater treatment plant conversion and Sewer M extension the control panel and the ATS have been delivered tested and put into service we are waiting for a disconnect switch to be able to hook up the generators overall construction is appr approximately 95% complete Paradise Point sewer hardening system and Generator installation Public Works is waiting for the amendment to the extend the time and increase the funding East Baca septic to sewer project phase 4 notice proceed for design was given on April 1st 2024 and the scheduled date of completion is October 29th 2024 East Paca water plant retrofit project two of the three vfds were defective and are awaiting Replacements door modifications are complete waiting to be installed two of the three ethernet cards are in and waiting for vfd Replacements to be installed San Mato water extension project notice to proceed was issued November 20th 2023 installation has begun date of completion is set for December 12th of 2024 North puam drainage project the project is um being terminated due to no it's being designed South putam drainage project the project is under review from the county engineer and the bid for Construction Services is anticipated to be issued May 2024 East Baca water main expansion arpa funded the bids are currently being reviewed puam County Water infrastructure structure project US Army courts of Engineers is the pre-bid me meeting was held on April 1st 2024 and the bids are due April 22nd 2024 Ash Street drainage project GPR is completed and in-house design is underway RI Vista an Overlook Point sewer projects the pre-bid meeting was held on 42 of 2024 and the bids are due 424 of 2024 countywide re uh striping of 2023 is complete Hoover Road Culvert the project was terminated due to design cost the deliverables required for the design made the cost exceeding the grant funding allocation puam County Boulevard list station generator the design is in progress with the completion date of May 1st 2024 Paradise Point retention Pond the executive funding agreement has been obtained in a proposal for design service is under review by the County engineer County Ride resurfacing for 2023 the bid documents have been issued and bids are due back May 6th of 20124 the central landfill the construction of the new sanitation office is underway the ex exterior walls are up and the trusses are on site the contractor hopes to have the trusses and framing done in the next two weeks the central landfill also has a scale house outbound scales they are operational with only Minor Adjustments to be made the central land landfills project for the tire grinder still has a permanent power to be installed the pole barn o covering it is under construction and once that is all necessary the panels and components will be installed to complete the project that concludes my project update thank you Miss Young is there any anybody in the audience that can repeat all of those items okay just to joke a little bit you can you have the list in front of you I know that's not fair juliia thank you so much Commissioners is there any items that You' like to talk to Miss Young about before we move on miss wlin you have the floor uh two things thank you Julianne for your presentation um I would like a little bit um Jr if you could explain a little bit regarding the end of St John's 2 to 309c just for our citizens I mean I know where we're at but I think that you know I see so much out there and people complaining and it's been over a year project a year and a half could you just sort of give certainly so that overview that project in itself was very difficult because of allowing access to businesses access to apartment complexes so we had to break it down into really small Snippets along the way um and they're what they have to do is they to dig the road out and install a box cover under the road in order to transfer the water from almost let's say Ski Club Road up by the college all the way out cross zler drive to where it enters an open ditch again and goes back out to a retention Pond the next phase of it they're going to be moving off the roadway and into the cleaning the swell ditches out between um Viking Street and um Ski Club Road so we're almost getting to a point where we're getting close in the middle of the road to where we can open it back up and start to swell ditches but it one of those projects that kept growing and it kept getting more funding put towards it uh because what it is is it was hmgp dollars it was or one of the funding mechanisms that had brought it through that as other counties didn't spend we were able to expand our project so um it was really difficult in the very beginning when we had to close down right there around the nursing home facility but every time if we were able to open the entire Road up and do it all at one time we'd have probably already been finished but the problem was was getting access for people to their businesses and homes and different things like that so we've had to break it down to such small segments but they're making great progress um they're almost finished with the segment they're in now so it's getting a lot closer than what we had but it's just taken so long because of the small segments moving 100 foot at a time and remobilizing and moving up that it's just taking a lot of time thank you I think it's important that our citizens understand it wasn't just a resurfacing project this was a complete drainage project in that entire area ma'am because we had some flooding that's happened in the past yeah because if you remember back to Hurricane Irma um the nursing home took in almost six or eight inches of water inside the facility so the whole premise of that was to make sure that never happened again so this was a a mitigation project to ensure that the the nursing home there was safe post any other storm so it should be moving forward um there's a lot of infrastructure on the road that's not ever going to be seen a lot of the city water mains gas Mains sewer Mains all had to be moved out from underneath the roadway and moved over to the easement uh I think we had to actually do some power line shifts in there so there's a lot of things that had to move a lot of pieces and parts in order to just get the stuff underneath the road so but it has a completion date no later than December of 24 thank you for that and I think I think it needs to be focused a little closer on though he alluded to it a little every time they just about got done the state gave us more funding and so it started the project over again from ground zero so I think it's at least three different phases maybe four so we do one and just about get done and the state had Pony up some more funds and so we'd just start over with another one and so where it looks like it it's taken a long time and it has it's because we get a new phase that shows up every time we're about done so I think yeah and then I had one other question um when will do we have Palm Avenue on our list to be resurfaced coming up in the future that's in the one that's about to go to the Street Palm Avenue I think it's from Krill Avenue to Silver Lake Drive is on that 2022 that Mr nolles had sent back out because the prices were inflated okay so he went back through and re-evaluated what we needed to do and put it back out on the street and if I'm not mistaken it's going out is it out okay that that that's out so it'll be back in 28 days all right I think it went out last week all right thank you any other questions good we'll move on uh next item is Chairman's update that's something new I've added I don't have any updates but I am going back through all the board actions to uh see anything that Miss Young did not mention and that needs to be updated but I don't have anything right now the next item is public comment on agenda items this is the opportunity the portion of the agenda is designed to allow citizens an opportunity to bring matters to the attention of the board these are agenda items and this will also include the new business items so if you're going to be speaking at that time we're going to be speaking on agenda items and new business items at the same point if you have an agenda uh you can get them back there in the back we are going to limit the conversation to 3 minutes we're not going to um open the trap door and you fall out we're just going to ask you to start wrapping things up Miss Young did you have your light on it's broken oh I'm you have speaker cards these are all new buiness okay good deal so right now we're going to open up for public comment on agenda item so Mr Miner would you like to come up and speak first please well yeah go ahead I uh David Miner 116 cheffy Road Paca Florida um I understand there's a few things that be coming up to the board and stuff and they're trying to figure out design and everything else I wouldn't mind getting into the design build part of it uh about the uh uh docks and the what have you because uh I've had quite the experience of Designing things when we done stuff for the Navy we actually did design the build and sometimes we had to do our own inspections so uh I'd like to get into that and see if I can help move this along we've seen two bids go to the county one one from one extreme to The Other Extreme because one person was not the experienced the other one has quite the overhead so I'd like to get involved in this all right thank you Mr Miner thank you next on our agenda Mr Tim hotelin would you like to speak on Pico Road boat ramp hi there Tim hotelling 105 Riverside way s um you all have got the Peer Road thing as I recall you've got option A B and C all with different money uh i' just like to uh you know encourage you you all to stop by the ramp again and and take a look because every time I've been there it's been really heavily used there's a lot of people that apparently fish for for food there um every time I've been there there's sort of uh a jam to get on the on the ramp and as we know it some of it's flooded uh I think it's more than just a money matter uh in terms of returning uh to the citizens and the voters uh an opportunity to use that part of the facility even even though it may cost more I think it'll be money well worth spent thank you mrin Mr chairman yes sir Mr Turner hey Tim Mr Tim I want you to mark this day on your calendar this is one day me and you agreed on something there is a God in heaven right we had church today already all right good deal so Tony Hammond Tony Lynn Hammond would you like to speak on the recer operations in putam County you did such a marvelous job the last time so so I feel like my name is Tony Hammond um I'm with Johnson's Towing of 3840 Reed Street here in Palaca um I did a presentation two weeks ago not realizing that I was on a three minute time frame so I apologize but I appreciate y'all hanging out with me and uh hearing me out the most you could I feel like I covered the majority of everything I know I prepared packets for you all for reference for the ordinance as well as the original resolution um as well as what we're proposing um I do want to apologize I realized after the the packets I provided for y'all didn't really show the last resolution it was the original ordinance and what I'm asking for so when you compare those two it's like holy cow it seems like a drastic change when that middleman the resolution from 2010 wasn't really there um I appreciate the commissioner's taken time out to talk to me the last couple of weeks um and to give me some time to explain some situations because I know there's a lot of what we do that not everyone understands and I totally respect that um let's see here I wanted to address a couple concerns that I heard a couple weeks ago whenever we were upfront um I noticed that it was um mentioned about like a 25% increase previously and how like maybe possibly every five years that would be acceptable um well in my opinion we're asking 100% after 20 years so in my opinion that's the same difference um by my numbers um also I want to mention that the ordinance reads these are the maximum rates that you're allowed to charge you're not required to charge these rates so if someone does not agree with the rate they're more than able to go by a a lower price this is the maximum allowed not what you have to charge um I also wanted to mention that um only four of the six towing companies here in putam attended our meeting in regards to a new resolution although everyone was invited however when speaking to representatives from those two companies that was absent they both agreed that they needed a rate increase as well um one of the things that I wanted to point out is I feel like Class A and class D keeps getting compared we're talking about a Honda Civic compared to a loaded tractor trailer with logs there's a big difference between the two um Class A increase yeah you'll see that I've I'm only asking 40% for that um however we had an increase in 2010 so if we look at what it was originally when the um ordinance went out to what it has increased today that's a 75% increase yes I am asking 100% increase for class D um however we haven't had an increase for that since 2004 um Class C and D Towing requires a lot more than Class A these types of trucks require a CDL driver which gets paid more hourly the cost of equipment and insurance on these trucks are astronomical as the more equipment the more expensive equipment requires more expensive supplies I also mentioned that I was wasn't going to go into uh detail on insurance because I didn't feel like it was fair to compare insurances to other yards as it's not but we pay over $100,000 a year for insurance and we are required to keep a million dooll garagee Keepers policy for Florida Highway Patrol and that is why our storage yard cost what it does to store Vehicles am out of time you can wrap it up okay all right that's pretty much it I just wanted to mention that because um I was compared to another storage facility that was just a regular storage yard I wanted to mention that 15b for Florida Highway Patrol requires us to have a lighted facility Gates surveillance indoor and outdoor storage and an office open at all times 8 to 5 Monday through Friday so that is why our storage facility is a little different we're not talking about you guys' toes we're talking about someone who was arrested someone who was involved in a crime scene a lot different than just you or I got pulled over and got enough Ender Bender so I just don't want to compare apples to oranges here and I appreciate y's time thank you thank you very much uh Dean Johnson morning everyone good morning sir my name is Dean Johnson I'm with Johnson's Towing and Recovery as well our address is 3840 Reed Street I'm here along with others to represent the majority of non-consensual Towers in our County uh basically uh following Tony's lead uh We've uh we've been following these uh maximum rates for a long time a long time and they are exactly that and I wanted to just uh reiterate on that fact that these are maximum allowable rates for non-consensual and trespass toes this is not the normal you call me and I tow your car that's basically what uh what I wanted to explain is these are law enforcement toes at 2: a.m. in a flooded ditch on a vehicle that no one will ever come to retrieve uh so we're we're not saying you have to charge these rates and normally we don't uh some of the requested revisions in the ordinance address charges uh that we've never had before that we've never gotten paid before that are uh really necessary to keep us going um I think that's about it uh thank you for your attention in this matter thank you thank you sir next up Jason Brown Mr Brown if you will state your name and address for the record Jason Brown 16009 St John's Avenue represent St John's aut body Towing we all do need a rate increase I want to make sure that everybody understands that okay but I think that y'all are uninformed I think that you've gotten one side of a rate of what it costs things to do business in this industry okay I buy I buy things in this town I go to different people I spread I spread my work along everybody I don't go to one in a particular person because I owe no one anything I just do business as normal and I go to each one and do things yes you're right that we do have different styles of Towing you break down on the side of the road you can call your insurance company you come out and have Roadside okay you contact you know if you get in a wreck or somebody gets in a fat fatal you contact Sheriff's Department FHP or whatnot okay what y'all AR understanding the ab and c and DED light duty medium duty and Ultra Heavies and things like that is that those are different classes yes okay but the information you're lacking is that there is differences of where we're at with light duty and medium okay you're you're giving light duty across the board an increase but heavy duty medium duty and and what it is has a sole proprietor of one company or two if you want to look at it which is Johnson and Johnson's Brothers okay for 100% increase for a company that controls that situation that's that doesn't look to be where it seems to be okay a sole proprietor of one thing gets 100% increase now I stand here alting myself in front of yall okay and I'm I'm doing this without I'm I'm not stressed I'm try to for the community okay yes we need a rate increase yes insurance is is astronomical one thing we don't realize and we haven't talked about is that the city and the county y'all y'all deal with the insurance company and you get a a set kind of rate okay we have to deal with those the other things and I'm asking that we sit down in a hole because none of us have really talked to each other in two weeks a lot has gone on for every one of us and I I finally got to read what the the proposal was and to see the rates and I I really would like to sit down I'm for an increase but it needs to be fair across the board for everyone everybody needs to be able to to to take care of and do with what they got to do with this with this increase not one of us should should Prosper more than the other so again I agree with everything that's been said I want to thank the Johnson's family for putting a proposal together I think that it needs to be looked at outside of one person's perspective um I appreciate y'all's time and let me come up here and speak um but again I haven't talked to any one of y'all nobody's reached out from Association or for the board or anything like that to ask questions or to to do anything so putting a a number to something that's I know my time I number to something that hasn't been really researched or Outlook and and and brought in I don't know where y'all are going I don't I don't even know where you stand so thank you thank you thank you very much is there any that's the end of our blue cards is there anybody else in the public that want to speak on agenda item please come up and state your name and address for the record my name is jeie Johnson and I'm with Johnson's Towing 3840 Reed Street in patka I just wanted to clarify a couple of things yes we do have two businesses um we are clearly and completely separate in compliance with all Florida Highway Patrol regulations for those purposes um we are the only two class B and C towing companies in the area um we do have to contract out um as you've seen in your packets when we don't have the right equipment but I just wanted to make it clear that so there's no confusion yes we do have two companies um they are not they are completely separate completely legal to separate llc's I own one my children own the other and we we just want to be clear that there's no impropriety there thank you thank you all right is there any other public input on agenda items seeing them we're going to close the public portion move to our consent agenda commissioner Pickins is there any it you like to pull I have none commissioner adamac I have none commissioner Turner I have none commissioner Wilkinson I have none and I have none the chair will entertain a motion Mr chair I move approval of consent agenda items a b c d e f and g second proper motion proper second any further discussion on the motion hearing none all in favor signify by saying I I oppose like sign the eyes have it next on our agenda codes enforcement Mr Moore and is there anybody in the audience today for these codes Enforcement cases cases number 20 2009- 00912 2020-4 64 is anyone in the audience representing those case numbers today okay all right Mr Moore um Mr chairman commissioner um while we use usually at this point take off on a rush and try to go through the cases I believe that's not possible to do today because one of these cases is a lot different than normal so I I would ask that Thomas go ahead and present this case because it has a staff of non reccommendation I agree thank you Mr Turner Mr Moore you have the floor sir um Mr Gregory Hood um contacted me regarding u a partial lean request um for partiel 02124 40751 1840 0100 uh the address is 107 Dunaway Street um he wants a partial Lan request so he can sell another parcel um that's this Lane is attaching to um so he will be able to BU U demol demish the structure that we have the case on which is an unsafe structure and a demo permits required um total fines as of April 9th 2024 on 107 dway is $6,950 and the fines are still running um he has pull a demo permit um it's still active but he hasn't been able to demolish the structure thank you Mr Mo Mr Turner you have the floor yeah a couple of questions just so I'm understanding correctly Thomas so basically this piece of property um the lean attached to this piece of property because of another piece of property or is this a piece of property that they're asking for the partial release on that the lean was actually attached to the property is asking for the partial release on is does not have a code case um there's no lean on it and he wants to sell that property so he can demolish this structure and take care of the the lean I guess the problem that I'm having with this is we've had numerous people in the past come and ask for this same situation and we've never that I'm aware of granted this before because it takes away exactly the reason why this is there do this lean attaches to multiple prop properties and then if you want to get it if you want to get the uh the lean off of the properties then you have to come come into compliance and it's not like we're trying who who who U citizens that have to do this come to us and ask for these U partial release of leans like and and then if they just went and cleaned up the case to start with we would drop the thing down to where it was just within enforcement cost you know which is a big thing because a lot of counties don't do that they make you pay full lean cost right on through and that's something we haven't done for several years so I can't I can't support this Mr chairman I just wanted to let you know I'm going to have to take staff and attorney's recommendations and and Deni and deny this request and I'm ready for a motion when the Commissioners or is there any further questions on this no further question Mr attorney I move that we deny this request second proper motion to deny proper second further discussion on the motion hearing and all in favor signify by saying I I oose like sign the eyes have it next case Mr Moore I think this is a standard one isn't it yes sir yeah Mr chairman I'm uh I'm ready to make a motion on this one with if you're ready to accept Sir With regards to case 2020 0464 I move that we take staff recomend Commendation of $1,440 if be if it's paid within 90 days proper motion second do we have any further discussion on that motion hearing none all in favor signify by saying I I oose like sign the eyes have it thank you Mr Mo thank you commissioner okay appointments uh Mr adamite do you have any Mr Turner I have none Mr Pickins I have none Miss Wilkinson I have none and I have none so we'll move on to our new business part and we've already taken public put on that so the next item is page 52 is a resolution establishing rates for towing is there anybody in staff that wants to grab that and produce it or we ready to make a motion I think we've probably heard it um I don't um I I absolutely agree that there's a that they need an increase there's no doubt about that from the rates and how old they are or whatever I'm just not quite so sure that it should be that large of an increase at that time and the the reason I'm saying that is is because it's not where if I decide I need a record and I call you up say how much come get my vehicle these are um these particular ones are for a non-consensual so it means that if somebody leaves their rig parked in the wrong place or somebody whatever and and I know they shouldn't do that but if they do um to go down on Monday morning morning and and they they they park at the wrong place on a weekend their log truck or whatever and they go in there on Monday morning log truck's gone they got to find it first and then they figure out y'all have it then you should because you were called but the what we just did is we went from a toe that was um $400 which under the old plan to a tow that's now $800 if they were able to get it within the first 30 minutes if they can't then it's another $800 hourly port to port on top of that not right now hang on no no hang on we'll get hang on okay well I if you want to know how to put on a roof or build a house or a building or something ask me or land use ask me if you want to ask me about Towing I know nothing about towing business so um and I'm not trying to be unfair here I'm truly not I'm just trying to F to okay okay hang on I'm trying to to get this in a situation where it's fair and so um personally I believe that we need to do it in smaller increments I need even if we Revisited every year and I know that they haven't done it in 20 years but I would propose for the for the commission to give thought that that we do it in a a 50% instead of 100% which was pretty much what they are doing in a 50% this year and then revisit it in a year and see how that's working out um also a lot of these rates which is very concerning to me because it's non-consensual toes it's very concerning to me that we went up from from uh from time Beyond initial 30 minutes at the scene to an hourly port to port from in class A we went up from 25 to 175 and then Class B we went up from $50 for that uh for that additional to $400 so it's not a it's not 100% it's a quite a bit more than that and and and then on the the last one it went from $100 to $800 an hour on a on a non-consensual so okay hang on hang on hang on this is so and and I am going to if you'll allow it to invite one of them to come up here again and speak because if I don't understand something I'm I'll be the first to understand it but my but I'm up here for the fairness to the citizens as well as fair to you guys so do you mind if I ask her to come up Mr Turner you you have the floor come we just okay so um I I guess I could agree with his point of view if before Mr Turner you had some questions so one let her say I mean she kind of knows what they were at this point I've done a lot of work on this so um so what he is mentioning 50% if you guys give us 50% rather than the 40 for class A we're asking for this is going to affect our citizens more than what we're asking for class A we're only asking for a 40% increase this is the majority of our citizens our citizens that are um and I also want to mention by non-consensual this is isn't just a tractor trailer that parked in a wrong spot this is a rolled over log truck that it takes our staff 8 to n hours to clear out of the street like I mentioned to another commissioner we don't just tow these trucks we're responsible cleaning up the accident but the difference is in all fairness the difference is if somebody rolls a truck over there wants you there well it's still consider non-consensual understand but they want you there they're begging for you to show up but either way that all falls in the category as non-consensual so I also want to mention you mentioned the portal to portal with the hook and hour and the mileage so port to port means hourly if you're charging port to port you can't itemize so when you said that we would be able to charge port to port as well as a $800 hook that's not correct if we get on scene and we tow the vehicle and we clear the scene of the accident within the hour we're going to charge them that $800 hook with the mileage if my guys are there for five hours cleaning the scene of a terrible accident that fatalities take us all day to clean if our guys are on the scene of cleaning up a fatality tractor trailer accident in town we are going to be charging $800 an hour is what the portal to portal would charge but I can't charge the itemized fees as well so it's either the port to port hourly or the hook which is listed as a toe and the mileage you can't charge both you'll also notice storage is listed for outside and inside you can't charge both it's either outside or it's inside can't charge both thank you that answer your questions Mr pretty much Mr chairman I don't know that it changed my mind on some of the on the some of the increase amounts but you know yeah because if we go up 50% on the class A that's going to be the majority of our public yeah but it's $10 versus 800 so it may be a a majority but it's not a majority of the actual dollar cost so yeah and I know we're really looking at that 800 but let's be real there's only a few of these a year that happen and it requires the majority of our staff and the majority of our trucks and it takes all of us to come forth with all of our equipment when we have these big accidents in our County we we're it I understand your passion and I appreciate it I truly do thank you thank you thank you um I uh I'll be willing to listen to what other other Commissioners have think about it I just think going from port to port on those kind of is very expensive and it and and my biggest concern is and and I know this is silly but you know we had a festival in downtown placa not too long ago and some people parked on the bridge and I know they shouldn't have done it but they got until the sheriff was able to put an end to it there was a half a dozen or a dozen cars that got towed from by by somebody else or what all right well hang on look I we're not going to we uh so anyhow it doesn't matter if it was two or there was 200 the point being is there's a non-consensual toe now those people were not proud to see you guys I promise you they weren't proud okay okay okay so so anyhow that that's my concern is that sometimes people get in a situation where yes they shouldn't have done it but you know they the fine just tripled on them for what they did where they could have went down and got their car back and in a lot of cases these aren't people that have a large disposable income that they can just go spend on these kind of things so I don't know like I said I'd like to hear if I'm the only one that has these concerns I'll just shut up and move the side but U I'd like to hear what other Commissioners have to say Thank you Mr chairman thank you Mr Turner anybody other Commissioners have any comments Mr Pickins you look like your I I'll make some comments um when we when we talk about the different classes and Tony I appreciate the conversation yesterday and explaining more about the outside storage and and those things again and and Bruce and Vicky brette uh your conversations with me also uh so a are the smaller Vehicles right so in that and can you come up because I'm asking questions and and just to get clarified is that okay Mr Mr chairman that's fine that's fine okay so I see some of the the rates in the class A are not 100% % correct they're more of a what did you tell me yesterday 40 and it's 40 which is in the packet I broke it down next to it put the percentage there but like I mentioned when I came up for the 3 minutes this morning this from the initial time that it was started until now that would be a 75% increase that we would be getting and we got to remember that heavy never had an increase ever so it looks like the heavy is Dr jumping up astronomical but that's because it's never had an increase and and these are rare occasions these these are not the majority these are commercial tractor trailers with full coverage insurance that cannot clear the scene cannot they don't their driver steps out and says can y'all fix it for me and that's our job to do okay let's get back to let's get back to class A okay so class so with class A so like a trpl toe is going from 125 to 175 okay that's not killing anybody right so down to all right nothing there is really the the trespass non-consensual tow daily went from 30 just to 55 so the hourly Port report explained that again 25 to $175 yes so now it was aund $100 before this was already on there but this is why I apologize this morning that I didn't have the last resolution in y'all's packets because the last resolution from 2010 is where it shows that um that class A got a raise and and what was the question I'm so sorry for Port hour $25 to 175 yes so no that 25 was only for a 15minute increment so make sure on your resolution for 2010 that you're noticing that it says um 15 minute increments so it's most definitely only good that that $25 is only for 15 minutes sir so it was $100 for a whole hour and we're asking 175 and and that was that was actually you and U Miss Wilkinson had that question to me and it threw me off because y'all seen the number on the um on the establishment of rates and it kind of changed from the initial ordinance but it didn't change from that resolution in the middle so the only difference is now it's port to port by the hour rather than 15minute increments is the only difference okay so if we move down to if you go down to class B then the so that's a tell me what a Class B vehicle a Class B would be like a small U-Haul truck like a little a little box all right so we got that so that's doubling there or is this the numbers that you have here are not correct and i' had to go somewhere else to look for those too no no all the numbers are most definitely correct so um that would be a 100% increase and whenever I came up here and did my presentation two weeks ago I gave you all the breakdown of all of our cost increases and I was able to prove that our cost increase in the last 20 years has went up 132 or 137% let me look at my number yes so it was 136% % was the overall cost increase in the last 20 years we're only requesting 92% okay so if we go down to class C tell me what a Class C looks like that's 100% you mean like what type of unit type of okay that would be like a bobtail semi like a semi without a trailer okay all right and D is the bigger stuff we discussed that real C can have a trailer as well but then you're kind of getting into like an empty trailer it don't have a ton of weight now a d is a loaded tractor trailer with a lot of weight on it okay and you did explain to me yesterday if y'all are called and you're on that rotation you're responsible I figured to just clean up the glass and the stuff on the road you're you got to clean the Cabbage up on the side of so I I used an example of um a fatality that we worked a couple years ago um the uh driver of the heavy truck was was um killed unfortunately and he had no insurance it took our staff N9 and 1 half hours six employees and three trucks to clean the scene of that accident we didn't earn one penny off of doing that job because that man passed away and he didn't have insurance so you know I know you look at these numbers and you're like man these people are greedy but that's if they even have insurance that's if they even come back for it if a Tracker and trailer is abandoned in my storage yard and nobody comes back for it because it has a $3,000 recovery bill on it I can put a $400 lean on that person that's it I can get compensated $400 back and that's if they go to the DMV to try to renew their tax right and unfortunately that's the cost of doing business so the thing about it is we could triple these rates and you run in that situation you still don't get pay anything let me ask you a question how many how many are in the rotation how many different business I I don't need to know their names I just want to know how many six there's six of us total all right how many can do class A do you know six how many can do Class B Johnson's Towing and Recovery and Johnson Brothers that's two what about C John towing and recovery and Johnson Brothers that's two let's not name names I thought you needed the name I said I don't need names and then D the same okay I see that not as a penalty yeah okay so I'm going go ahead and ask this question to get in this business could you survive on the old rates and can you even survive on the new race and I'm just asking this question I'm not saying which way I'm going on this vote Yes sir um I would say we've been surviving but with the rates that we have that's about all we can do our cash customers are paying the price our county is paying the price when we had a missing child in south putam or 200 pets to be adopted in West putam um EOC called on us they needed their uh Command Center because their truck was tore up I'm charging the county what these wrecks are paying that's not fair that's not fair these these rates that that I'm having to explain are what you guys are paying in an emergency situation like why are you guys paying what a wrecked vehicle pays that's so unfair so unfair and that's why two weeks ago whenever I was here and I said my cash customers have went through several price increases in the last 20 years and these wrecks haven't everybody's paying what these wrecks are paying so these recks are getting away with nothing to worry about and everybody else is paying the price so if we're talking about the community in our County this this this ain't it they they're already paying okay all right I I agree that there needs to be should a rate I'm not sure what what that is but I do believe that that if when we do something that we need to um agree that this needs to be looked at like every year every other year or every three years something like that so that's all the questions I have right now okay thank you Mr Adam that you have the floor I'd like to ask the guy from St John's a question if he's willing to up he's not here he's right back there oh there he is okay and I guess my question when you're walking up is you come before us twice as well and but what you haven't given us is any definition of what portion of this you want change and what you would like it change to and ultimately you I'm not going to give an answer right off the bat I need you to speak in the microphone you had a couple weeks to to provide that answer that's why we delayed it the first vot though so that was your responsibility if you want to represent your your yourself and your objectives to do that it's not our objective to go out and find everyone in the I mean we'd have to ask 75,000 people what they thought their opinion was you brought us an opinion but you don't have you get what I'm saying I don't know which part you object to and you had an opinion when you first came here you stated that can you speak right into the microphone you had an opinion when you first came here that you had done your due diligence and research did you not that first meeting yeah I did I was ready to pass it and you were ready to pass it right and we delayed it under the premise that we wanted more time based I I didn't want more time on me okay we're not I don't know what the other commission trying question is here the question is what part of this do you object to so I could I object to the fact that we don't sit down as a community as a group as Commissioners as the the presenting body for towing and sit down and discuss it one person's View an opinion does not accumulate to me she doesn't speak for me as far as John tell I apologize the the the process for us to sit together is a public meeting we're not allowed to sit together I'm given three minutes to sit here and speak you're given all the time that you need to talk to me and tell me what you feel which is why I called you up to ask glad you did because I sat here and got to listen to this and get to be told what's going on why don't you ask the question hold on why don't you ask the question I'm not going to hold on this is my the question I would need from you is what part of this do you object to and what do you think it should be that's that's what I want to ask you all right yes sir let's be civil let's all we can't change process so the the process isn't going to change we are not going to hold the special meeting for one topic I mean as much as I'm for evening meetings and more workshops on this topic giving everyone a couple weeks more to to bring us your objectives is meets that criteria to me I apologize and I'm for more transparency but in this case I think you had that opportunity thank you okay good is there anybody else have any questions because I have one or two Miss no no no let's not do that let's not do that out I'm sorry but you're not going to act like that Miss Tony will you come up here I got a couple questions for you you you said at the last me you said at the last meeting that when you can't do the work that you have to hire it out yes and my question to you is just simply you owe that money and you have no way to recoup that money yes sir yes that's correct and all of us have been in business for ourself sitting up here and believe me I know how to lose money in business uh making money in business is the hard thing yes sir and the the margins are very slim uh people think that you're in business and you got all this money uh they don't realize that the lump in your throat every Friday when payday comes yes sir and all that so I understand there's a need um and I understand that some of this maybe class D doesn't happen that much I I I can get that um I do want to make a comment and I wish the gentleman wouldn't have left in in the way he left it does seem to me that your Association needs to go to Tallahassee and have a conversation with lawmakers and let them know what you're really facing you know if I had to have your V vehcle on my property for so many days and I'm only going to get x amount of dollars why would I even bother doing it that's just the cost of doing to I mean and my last question and and this is a question that was a statement my last question is do you have to be by law in rotation you do not so there's other towing companies that not are not on rotation the ones that are on rotation have passed all the um what's the word I'm looking for the requirements to be on rotation like you're required to have a certain amount of office hours open you know you have to have a lighted facility a gated facility okay good that okay well thank you that's the end of my really appreciate it okay Commissioners I think we have negotiated this and talked about it appreciate all the lengthy conversation uh but the chair is willing to entertain a motion I don't know that I have one at this time I don't know got one I don't know can I at this point all right we have more discussion then or do we what's the pleasure of the board at this I I'd like to say something I haven't weighed in on this yet so U my husband was in the record business um working for Mr Scruggs for many years and I can tell you it's not an easy business to be in and he was he didn't own the business at that time he was just the record driver but I can tell you you get calls at 2 3:00 in the morning and you're in the you're in the ditch and you get come home and you're covered with ants and it's not a pleasant business to be in but it's a it's a choice to be in that business just like you sell an insurance or arest repairing cars um so I do understand the struggles they have the fact that they have not had an increase in 20 years in class b c and d could you could you operate your business at the same number you did 20 years ago because I can't I couldn't and so I understand the the rub between the companies and and there's a lot of history there that some I know about and some I don't know about but the but the bottom line is I you got to be able to do business and to Tony's point she's having to to her cash customers are paying more than what she's charging for insurance because she has to make it up somewhere and if this helps our citizens and I understand that that that thought process I I know that we we can't sit down and do a a meeting every time you know somebody comes in and has a request for us um but we we do need to land this somewhere so um I just don't know how to how to move forward with it but I understand where she's coming from and and she did a lot of great research I took the whole package and read it she compared it to the city of Paca rat she compare compared it to Flagler County's rates it all seemed within reason some of the numbers do jump out at you because you're like oh my gosh they went from 400 to 800 or the port to port is completely different than it was before um you know from $100 to$ 800 on a heavy but um we we need to do something for them I me we we need to 20 years of the same rate is unheard of thank you m Mo Mr Turner uh could I ask another question you may you you have the floor could you come back up Tony please um could you explain the port to port thing to me again what I mean it used to be it was nonconsensual time between initial 30 minutes at the scene and then in every additional 15 minutes it was $25 so sir so basically it would have been $100 and not the 175 that you're asking now but Port the port is an additional it's from when you leave to when you get back to Port is that not correct sir that's not correct so the way it was worded before it was not worded port to port that was not in there at all so port to port is from the time you leave your facility until the time you get back before it was 30 minutes after 30 minutes on scene you could charge for um 15 minute blocks so wait a minute do you don't let me let me try to get where I want to go instead of you trying to take me where you want me to go sorry it's definitely not the same um so if you let's just pick one it doesn't matter Class B okay so if somebody calls you for a class btoe and and you you get the original $400 they called you for correct itang if you're not charging the port to port you can but if you're CH one or the other it's one or the other either port to port or it's the other the 400 plus port to port absolutely not it's one or the other correct okay it makes a big difference and that's why I referred to the storage I was said you know that's listed inside and outside but you're not going to charge both for that either so previously it was not worded port to port now it's wed port to port so you know there there won't be 30 minutes free but at the same time it's not in 15 minute originally it had basically you had a base tow rate and then for every additional 15 minutes over the the first 30 minutes then you got an additional amount on top of Sir the basic rate so before you got $400 plus $25 over 15 minut or 200 plus $25 over 15 minutes so what your you're asking for is to get either a basee rate of 400 or a port to port of $400 an hour one of the other yes sir absolutely we are on the same page I didn't understand that that's okay that's what I'm here for I have another question are you done Mr are you done Mr um with insurance rates do you feel like that your new new increase if if this were to go forward um fits in with what insurance would normally pay you so I want to thank you for asking that question I really appreciate that question and you asked that when we were on the phone a couple weeks ago and um she said do you think that this would Impact Insurance with your rates going up and I'm like holy cow what our insurance cost us is why we're here today we're already impacted by the cost of insurance and our insurance 20 years ago we're paying hundreds of thousands dollars a year to insure our trucks we weren't paying that 20 years ago right but what I'm asking is from an individual person you know I get to AQ I'm towed off to the hospital you get called um is the insurance companies going to pay these fees to you yes ma'am so what happens is your vehicle gets towed back to our facility you make the insurance claim to your insurance you're like hey Johnson's Towing and Recovery towed me the vehicle's in their storage yard they contact my lot manager she explains to them the process of getting it out um we are pretty much contracted with all the insurance companies um I have them on charge accounts they send me a check and they have your car removed so so you don't see this hurting the insurance company from from an individual standpoint no because in a lot of places they're already paying this and I feel like the counties surrounding us who hasn't had a raise in another 15 to 20 years is right behind us yeah yeah that's what we talked about okay yes ma'am that's all my questions thank you and I want to say this you know what what we find out sitting up here and I know people get frustrated with us us we try to do the right thing yes sir but there's always unintended consequences and we try I can tell you that there's not a commissioner sitting here that doesn't try to mitigate the unintended consequence doing the right thing sometimes we hurt people and we don't want to do that so we can lessen that we're all about that so Mr Turner you had a comment um yeah the so I'm trying not to be thick on this I just don't understand yes sir so if an in if you the insurance company would they pay you on a class btoe that we talked about and we let you have the new rates they would pay you $400 for the basic toe in a class B or they would pay you 400 an hour port to port whichever is less well not whichever is less so we would have the right to make that decision on how we bill so I talked about a tractor trailer that took us nine and a half hours obviously we're not going to charge like 400 for a hook and like 10 miles at $480 for a whole crew for 9 hours would be crazy so in a situ ation like that that's when you do your your hourly but if you go and you clean up the scene there like say a trespass I'm not going to charge hourly for a trespass trctor trailer because we're going to have it back in 30 minutes but you could so basically you could do your $400 minimum if it was less than an hour and then if it was over an hour you'd be 400 port to port I think that would be fair how to word it it's not worded like that but I think that's reasonable well I know but in the real world I mean yeah it is it's reasonable definitely it's already worded after 30 minutes so I don't know if it should be worded maybe if it's more than 30 minutes on scene to charge just word something that would cover every single instance that came along I was just trying to figure out in my mind how this would be done yeah yeah absolutely that after listening to this conversation for that particular section four in each of these I I prefer the original language better and get rid of the hourly to port and just double that that 50 to 75 to 150 I don't know why we're trying to have it where there's two choices I think that standardizes it um personally so you would do the $400 and after 30 minutes You' do 15minute increment just like it is today and just double that amount I think that's makes more sense and creates less confusion research on the port to port and that is the meaning of port to port usually you don't you know if you look up port to port and towing usually there's not any other itemized feed there so I just I I trust that you guys are upstanding and everything else but there may be some operator that's not and then goes with the the higher cost every time they take a call Sir after they figure it out so I think we have to standardize that to what original language was and just whatever the percentage we increase it I think makes more sense than right right and it's easier math I mean and if we wanted to potentially say we could move the time Beyond an hour like you said commissioner Turner and then do 15 minutes per after that that's definitely reasonable I like that idea okay so we're in agreement on that absolutely okay so Mr adamak are you ready to make a motion not sure exactly how to word it but I'll I'll go for it um I make a motion that we pass Section 8 of establishment of rates for towing making section item four under Class A B C and D read non-consensual tow time Beyond initial hour at scene 15minute blocks at 50 for a 100 for B 150 for C and 200 for D I'm sorry that was the original wait a minute wait wait wait wait when nothing's going to happen unless the the 15minute increment stays so we have a proper motion do we have a second for Mr Turner so I left the 15 minutes in there okay so we we got a second now that's going to be open for our discussion then we'll Mr Turner a second okay did you no I'm good at I'm rich no Rich needs right so commissioner adamac your motion is to amend the exhibit a which is the rates which is fine but I think part of your motion needs to also be to adopt the resolution that's in your packet okay thank you but the language changed just a little Rich so I don't there's a resolution State the what the language is or or can we change the the language in what we're doing and the resolution would still cover it so the resolution adopts the exhibit and then the proposed amendments are changing the exhibit so I yes okay so he changed the exhibit back to the original language basically but just double the rate so basically it would be the same amount per hour it would just be in in in 15 minute increments like it used to be yeah right thank you okay so Mr adamac you need to make a motion to adopt the resolution and then we'll I think maybe we need to withdraw that right now okay and then start over with the resolution before we do that can I I have one other issue you may um on your separate charge for airbags Tony before you had at a cost not to exceed 3500 now you're having 4,000 per hour right so you'll notice my orange sticky next to that says that's per the Flagler County ordinance so that is those rare occasions I've been doing this for 10 years we've needed airbags twice so that's the Flagler County ordinance so if I was to contract someone out to do that service for me that's what they charge me so that's why I went up that rate that's actually not even a service we offer but because we are class CND D for putam County we are responsible of taking care of that too so we contract out Flagler and that's their fee so that's the only reason why I went up on that we don't get a penny out of that that's just what we're charged for but if they come to putam you have to charge them FL rat they still go by their Flagler County rates they do they're not going to come here for a a penny of what they can make in Flagler I I wouldn't be able to get help you know and last time we needed airbags that was for a body under a tractor and trailer at 19 and 100 and that was many years ago but it was absolutely necessary that we had one but um it's not worth investing in because they're rare I go you okay thank you do we have a motion on the floor now got withdraw your second I'll I'll withdraw he'll withdraw you want to take another stab at or do you want me to take a stab take a stab let's see how it okay I'd like to move that we pass resolution number 2024 and I don't have a number on it resolution of the board of county commissioner to putham County Florida establishing rates for toying and providing effective date and I uh as long as the exhibit changes to the language that we discussed earlier which is B basically number four under Class A B C and D that we change it back to the original language with the amounts double what they were but the same language from before does that make sense to everybody Mr Commander did you get that all right we have a motion while they're talking do we have a second um second okay we have a proper Motion in a second any further discussion okay so now Mr Commando do you understand the motion at hand right we're just trying to make sure we understand the effect so the is the effect to double what's in practice today on item uh item four of a b c and d and it's going to go back to the 15minute should it go back the original language of the 15 minutes but the all rates will double from what they were today to the new to the new one so where it says 25 25 go to I have a copy I can provide him if it'll help it's in our packet no it's not that's what she's telling you it's a different no it's 25 for 15 minutes so now it would be 50 for 15 minutes yeah I didn't give a copy of that though I have a copy if he'd like to see it the last resolution for the wording oh I get you Julian I get you you remember what she she's talking about that that she even said it not provided last time these numbers are not so with the terminology that y pointing out we in the packet all right I think y'all understand where we're trying to go would you help us get from where we am to where we're trying to go to where everybody understand okay we're going to take a twom minute recess while they get their okay so we're going to recess e e e e e e e we're going to call our meeting back to order we have it all worked out Mr Adams that I am going to withdraw my second for rewarding okay well I wish you hadn't done that because I was going to amend the motion just to say second it again second again okay all right all right the motion has been made now we're going to amend the motion and we're going to actually say on number class a number four is going to be the the the language that was in there initially and it's $50 now B same thing language is initially $100 okay Class C one where is it four well I the wrong button on my thing here give me a second a Class C number four would be 150 under the original okay and on D it would be 200 okay the original language now we're good correct and we got a proper we second on the amended so let's vote on that all in favor seif saying I I pose like sign now the original uh we have a proper Motion in a second any further discussion all in favor signify by saying I I POS like sign the eyes have it thank you all right thank you for going through all that next item on our agenda Administration request time and set for a 505 budget hearing Mr chairman what what afternoon you want to do it I think we were going to look at our schedules okay Julian you had a Time certain that we had to have this done by well uh yes sir so the payment to GP has to be remitted buyer before May 15th which means um the hearing has to be done so that I can get that check out of Finance which that check run date would be May 9th so it has to be prior to May 9th for me to hit the deadline before we go there uh the next item is our joint boc Planning Commission meeting and they want to Julian they want to have an all day meeting is that correct yes sir that's the N well it doesn't have to be all day we don't know that that's item C so they were concerned that they and the the committee working towards the LDC um revisions has the reason I'm bringing that up is I'm hoping that maybe possibly we could do that meeting the budget meeting after and not come back two or three times is my point you know do the Planning Commission at like 2: in the afternoon and then the other one at 5:05 on the same day correct have we gotten any dates from the Planning Commission so the only thing that was thrown out was meeting dates after the deadline for the budget so I would need to go back to the L move we'll move I mean I'm happy to explore that option we can reach out to the LDC consultant while we're talking if we can move on to other things and see what his availability is prior to that date let's just pick a date next week one day and do it at 50:5 if you're if you're available if everybody's available I am available I am not Wednesday or Thursday so okay about Tuesday the 16th next the week from the day I can't the evening I can't I can't in the afternoon I'm I've already got a couple meetings but I have the morning available yeah I can't this well it's got to be at 505 oh that's right I can't do that either I could do a five5 but you can't okay what about let me ask you everybody this what about Thursday the 18th we all got things to do that evening anyway and we're going to be in town would that be a good day good th I'm not available any Thursday at that time okay that is my one day a week that I have a set meeting okay outside of this commission at that time what if we do it on the 23rd on commission day at 5:05 I can't do that can't do that okay let's go back 17 Wednesday the 17th at 5 I can't I can't going out of town if I do it I'm divorced so I get it we don't want that I can do to do anything to make you have change women that's made it 36 years so all right so I think the the consensus is Wednesday the 17th at 505 be I can't do that you can't do that okay you're out of town what day I'm out of town but I'm having a procedure so I don't know if I'll be up to that about the 24th I'll be out of town okay when will you not how about how about let's back up when will you not be out of town I'll be back the 23rd I'll be back the fallowing Wednesday you'll be back for the 23rd board meeting say the the 18th I may be able to adjust if that does that work I'm sorry you initially said Thursday the 18th yeah but M probably gives me enough time oh Mr Pickins will not be in so let's go for the 20 when are you leaving Bill the 23rd that's our next board meeting right the 23rd yes how much advertising time do you need okay so can't do it this week and can't and Bill Bill can't do it on the 18th Paul can't do it on I can do it on the 18th Paul said he thought he could move his I can move it on one all right 18th in at 505 18th can we can we let me go look at my schedule I'll be right back minute recess you want to take a break while he y take a two minute e e calendar so we're just doing the 505 correct on the 18th okay I can do that one I thought you was G to try to combine the other meeting okay good so we'll stick with 505 on the 18th and I will take care of that all right so next item is our joint Planning Commission meeting discussion Julianne get your calendar back out again Mr chairman it was proposed by Mr spafford that we meet on at 10:30 on a Wednesday morning I'm Excuse me at 9:00 on a Wednesday morning I can do it the day before the day after or I can do it at 10:30 that morning so whatever works for Mr spaer is available for all three it's my understanding so whatever work what date are we talking about it's um what was the date again Julian May 21st 22nd or 23rd but you'll May May 22nd May 22nd I can do it at 10:30 May May 22nd 10:30 10:30 I can do it at 10:30 but not at 9:00 like Mr spafford wanted to or I can do it the day before the day after whatever works out best for everybody Julian I do have a question how much much time does Mr sord think it's going to take because the Planning Commission members work too so they're going to have to take off that day well that will largely be predicated upon the amount of discussion between the commission and the Planning Commission not so much Mr Spofford I believe he can um concisely deliver his information within 30 minutes or so but then um the rest of that will be up to you all the way that I see this happening Mr chairman um having be involved in conversations up to this point is that I believe that Mr spafford would show up there that morning and make his presentation it will not take long then we will make sure that the Planning Commission members either have their printed copy or their electronic copy whichever they prefer to have hopefully in advance of that meeting for them to look at it and bring recommendations if they need additional time then it would be this commissioner's wish to turn them over to Zach and let Zach lead them from that point forward on any additional changes they may or may not make to the document that come from staff okay so Bas and the consultant so basically that's where we are at this time and the the reason I believe that that we're trying to have a joint meeting is to impress upon the members of the Planning Commission that we're not asking them to go through through a line item line item 393 Pages by the way I've read it twice in the last month it we're not asking them to go through it line by line by line and raise flord is not going to be here for that we didn't hire him to do that we hired him to make a presentation to the commission outlining the changes and then if the Planning Commission wants to bring additional changes or make additional recommendations to the board about the Land Development code it will be brought forward in in a format to the commission on additional recommendations to what was sent to them by staff is that how you understood it to be Zach okay got thumbs up from Zach so 10:30 on the 22nd is our joint meeting with the Planning Commission okay that the 22 okay I want to make sure that we'll get we'll have advanced information right yes yes yes and Mr chairman that I'm going to request that that that uh Zach or Brian or whoever they designate to do so gets ahead gets a touch with every member of the Planning Commission and ask them do they want a printed copy or an electronic copy and we try to get it to them at least a couple of weeks ahead of that meeting for them to review and with the instructions here is your copy look at it if you have any recommendations bring them with you to this meeting now Rich a question I'm assuming that a joint Mission between us and the Planning Commission counts as the Planning Commission meeting that by Statute it can yeah okay so if we was to get lucky and resolve this that day then it could turn around and come to the commission correct yes okay also if y'all would get Julianne if you or would get with Zach and make sure that that if the members here of the commission want their printed copy electronic however they want and believe me ladies and gentlemen it it's a lot easier to do this on a computer if you get a where you can go back and forth and all that so but however you want it if you'll get your copy if you'll try to get everybody that a couple at least a couple of weeks ahead too then everybody can show up to that meeting the same now the commission if we do this will get another crack at this when it comes back for the commission all right Mr Adams that I would like my copy both it end electronically please thank you me also thank you electronic for me okay good then we got that taken care of next item is Parks and Recreation Pico Road boat ramp Julian I guess since you're Parks and Rec now yes sir thank you chairman and let me clarify um the intent of this item because there's been a little bit of confusion so when we met with FEMA and brought FEMA's findings and recommendations to to the fishing fund advisory committee they we we were looking we are still looking at a multitude of different options right we have everything from replace the boards that were damaged during the storm to making several different levels of repairs what staff did in order to give the commission some reasonable expectation of cost is get budgetary estimates there's no procurement going forward today the idea is that you guys tell tell us what category of repairs you're willing to fund and then we will issue the appropriate procurement process based on those thresholds so after the February 27th meeting what the commission asked for was a quote that only identified replacing the boards that were damaged and so that quote has been obtained and what you're seeing in that quote is a one two three option you only need two of the three so job one is replacing the broken and missing um pieces on the right side at 2,000 job two is doing the same on the left side or job three would be an alternate to job two which would be replacing all decking and stringers on the left side because it's in the worst of of the conditions for six so you're either going to pair one and two or one and three if the desire is to simp simply replace the broken boards so if if we procur the money today the money if we okayed the money today say 140,000 not to seed 140,000 budget purposes and the then that would go out to bid from here to the contractors and then but the specification would be that they rebuilt the South and the North Area all the stringers now are the post good or they roted off um some of the peer no I believe the post uh when they were looked at in that um uh that those quotes were to replace some of the peers so it would be a 10in diameter dock piles where your your going back to the original proposals one two and three which was we were going to bring it back to light condition um prior the storm before any damage and that was roughly going to be the 130 um cost at that time that's what I'm interested in doing okay and I I wanted to to if I could get the commission to go along with it what I'd like to do is I'd like to to set a budget of 130 or 40 and U in the thing and I'll put 30,000 of my of my commissioner money in this project and but I want it done back pre-storm on both South and the North Area understood I understood what your intentions are so let me get that cleared real quick so if it's approximately 130,000 you're going to put 30,000 of your allotment and the board will do 100,000 if it's 140 we'll do you'll do 30 and we'll do 110 Mr Adams that you have the floor these other proposals from how do they tie into this because yes sir um the one concern I have with the original way that this boat ramp was is it's so narrow I think it's a safety hazard it's I literally tried to utilize it when I had my children and myself and it didn't work because at the time my children were young um I kind of like the idea of a hybrid where we fix the one that isn't as accessible with the $2 or $3,000 and then we do option the $48,000 option from HCG to basically redo the one ramp wider um or the one deck so again the budgetary proposals are here just for you guys to give staff an idea of what you want to engage both the um options so if we're looking at options one two and three and four from the beginning February meeting the options one and two are going to be um re redoing the replacing a dock and Pier on the south and the north um in the same footprint on one side and then the other side is a is slightly larger footprint that being said wider footprint then the alternative is Staff looked at a mitigation option right because this is an boat ramp that is very prone to flooding and storm damage and something that we see routinely so then commissioner that fourth option the different proposal is a mitigation measure um being I.E um attempting to forecast what flooding levels and storm conditions would do and provide a solution there I.E a floating dock that wouldn't maybe necessarily get so abused each storm event but item four is $350,000 36 so I'm not willing to go that route I get it he asked me what the differences were no I'm I'm I'm not asking I guess I'm asking for option five um which would be to fix the one in its footprint now just fix it and then do the one with the wider which is proposal one I believe on the dock that's actually can be utilized easiest my only so that it's whiter my only question would be Juliana if I help me out with this you told me that there's a possibility that we can turn these repairs into FEMA and they could pay for them is that correct as long as we put it back like it is maybe with a very minor change don't even know if we can even do the minor change but no minor they're they're only right now FEMA said we will only authorize the repair to pre-storm conditions which would be some something more along the lines of what you have in your packet for today the updated quote of the roughly $88,000 depending on which option you pick um when FEMA came out they gave their report which was included in that first packet and their estimate was a total amount of repairs at $110,000 to be split 7525 so FEMA's contribution as at least as to what they have said um would be limited to only replacing what is literally broken today wasn't broken I thought they gave us the option of that they would entertain us turning in the cost of the the better repair the the feedback we have gotten from FEMA is that they're not going to entertain that okay fine that doesn't change my mind at all Mr chairman I move I move that we um authorize a budget of $140,000 maximum for this project and under the specifications that we discussed here today of which 30,000 of it will come from my discretionary funds that's option three so we have proper motion do we have a second I'll second it the proper second any further discussion on that motion yeah can you go over okay go ahead go ahead go ahead commissioner Pickins all right so explain it again because I thought we were just coming to maybe just approve what the commission had a given direction for staff to do um commissioner Turner I think you're um you were not at this meeting I don't believe it's impossible because I I don't remember discussion about this at all but I did talk about it with Miss Young And basically I I think it's ridiculous to put $110,000 in one of the best used boat ramps we have in putham County I think that I wish I truly wish we had the money to go put in a $350,000 facility and another $300,000 to raise the boat ramp up to where it doesn't flood every time we get a little nor easterly blow but that's not where we're going with this this would be the The Next Step Up from just a $110,000 repair and that's the reason why why I would like to see it put back where it'll be a little better than what it was because some of the old Timbers and some of the stuff that were there before aren't up to Snuff and so it would basically bring the South and the north p uh pilings or the and the pier itself it would bring bring them back up to what they were originally okay all right I don't disagree with that all I dis I agree 100% but where does this put this down the road because three of us are not going to be here with the decision to try to raise that are those docks going to have to be raised also are they high enough does anybody know problem is the problem is is raising the top of the dock is a two-edged sword and the reason why is because if you raise it up on a regular loow tide you can't get off the dock into your boat and on a really high tide it floods depending on how high but just on a king tide it's going to be Knee Deep up on the dock and so and or anywhere in between but to get a floating do dock option they reached out and tried to get a budget on that and it made the project go up to $350,000 I can't get there because we don't have the parking and we it's a small boat ramp we don't have the parking and we're trying to build a boat ramp right down the road that's going to be a great facility right well if if for some reason we were able to spend the money or find a grant to raise the parking lot is that the dock still work at that level yes it will okay it'll still flood on a king tide but I don't know how you could raise it high enough to where it didn't flood on a king tide and still be able to get into your boat when it's a low I'm with you I live on the river so just two months ago um I almost had to pull my boat out because the water was so high and uh Sunday when we went out in the boat uh almost had to get a step ladder for my wife to get in you know so it does it goes drastically so okay all right I'm good miss wion you were next um actually um commissioner Pickins asked a lot of the questions that I have but um would we send this back out to bed I know we had somebody that was concerned that you know local people could bid on would we send this out to bid I know this is how we got the original bid from Hayward but um right at $130,000 that meets our bid threshold so we would write the specifications and we would send it out um to bid 140 140 apologize okay okay Mr after he does I guess my only concern is does that allow us to make it wider because that is my biggest concern is how narrow that is in some of the areas on that the specification um constructed the new five wide by 72 long on the south side and then the same footprint on the North side yes it' be wider correct cuz now it's only like correct fourt yeah so it would be wi it would be some wider yes Mr pings you had a comment yeah with that and um you said it was 104 up to 140 Mr turn is going to put 30 in we have to go to the 140 to round it off I'll put 10 in it for my money and um that would leave the county with just 100 if it goes to 140 okay I guess my my only last concern is in talking to Citizens that utilize it is given that we don't have the Landscaping to get to that other dock a lot of people say no one ever uses the one that's closed anyhow and they weren't as much prior to the hurricane anyhow um so I like the idea of making the the main deck decking as good as possible um so I guess the question is to you commissioner Turner is your vision is to do this and then make it so that that other side is more accessible in the future hopefully is because I just don't under I don't necessarily support putting money into that other dock if it's not going to really be able to be utilized as well it is heavily utilized both both of those docks are utilized um one is more probably geared towards pedestrian than the boat traffic but both of those docks are are heavily used plus you can take smaller boats in you know kayaks smaller boats and do that kind of stuff all right any further discussion we have proper motion and we have a second any further discussion hearing none all in favor signify by saying I I posos like sign guys have it so it's 140,000 the County's on the hook for 100,000 Mr Mr Turner's putting 30,000 Mr pickin's putting 10,000 so if it goes to 40 if it goes to 140 if it goes from 30 to 40 he'll put in the other maybe we'll get a great bid for like 80,000 exactly there 50 all right the next item is our public works department Mr Stout are you here or Mr Grimes going to take care of that that one's easy I'll do that for him this is a no-brainer guys can we not just can we just approve this one and move on basically we got the road on both sides and 200t or so in the middle and we pull up our greater blade and drive over it and then put it back down and grade again we do that inlock in some places so I get it go ahead Mr I move I move approval on item e second you got to read the resolution please okay let me find it sorry Mr chairman resolution number 2024 it should be page 94 94 got it okay 9 934 P9 resolution number I'm Mr chairman I move approval of resolution number [Music] 2024-the proper second any further discussion I just would like I'm just glad that we're doing this these are the kind of Common Sense things we need to be doing oh you got that right I think we all can agree to that just like I said we we picked the blade up because we weren't allowed to we drove our motor grader across this road and put the blade back down 400t later or whatever it is all in favor signify B I suppose like guys have thank you Mr turn sometimes it feels good just to do the right thing it does does it as so next item um Mr gries are you take it or Mr Stout please uh it's our road list for 2024 dirt to PVE every commissioner has had a chance to put their finger on the board from I've been told and to look at these roads and also the problems with uh public works if you've identified these two chairman yes sir I move approval of the uh 2024 physical year pave list as revised and presented proper motion proper second any further discuss hearing done all in favor signify saying I I presentation thank you and the next item Mr chairman I move approval of the 25 pave list as revised we have a second second we have a second I hear any further discussion hearing none all in favor signify by saying I I Bose like sign the eyes have it next item on our agenda public comment on miscellaneous items this portion of the agenda is designed to allow the citizens an opportunity to bring matters to our attention uh this board is not reasonably expect the board will engage in debate or deliberations about matters on which the board has received no prior information please limit your comments to three minutes public comment cards are conveniently placed in the meeting room and should be submitted prior to the meeting to the deputy clerk who Miss Ashley sits on my left and your right anybody in the public want to make public comments on miscellaneous items and seeing no one run up here we will end that go to our Clerk of the Court Mr Matt Reynolds good morning Mr chairman and Commissioners I have nothing to add this morning thank you sir thank you very much County attorney Mr Rich Commando Mr Commander had to step out I'll be more than happy to make comments we'll come back to him how about Mr Mr County Administrator Mr sugs yes sir I have a couple this morning Mr chairman uh first of all uh the uh the equipment auction that Gideons runs for us every year is is uh is underway and I believe is going to run until uh April 23rd this year so hopefully we'll be successful again Nicole does a great job with that so if you have any questions please don't hesitate to reach out uh that is going on as we speak and the other announcement is the uh Pam County school district has sent us uh an email in uh invite they Revis and S another one out today uh they want to hold a uh Public School advisory committee meeting and so that meeting will be uh right now is temply scheduled I believe for the 22nd of April uh from 1: to 3 uh so I want to just make sure that everybody has an opportunity to know that the meeting is is out there I'll send uh I'll send an email to email out to each of you Commissioners and we will also publicly advertise that meeting as well as in conjunction with the school board so that our commissioners will have an opportunity to attend as well if they so choose to do so and we'll be attending it at their at their facility ours now it's scheduled for theirs okay on May 23rd May 22nd May April 22nd April my understanding the only purpose of that meeting is to is to figure out if an existing School site is consistent with the comprehensive plan or is there something I'm not I don't know yet uh Mr following this issue some and and the best I can tell there's an interlocal agreement that's in forc between the city and the or the school system and the county that BAS basically says that they will form a committee for a School site and it would be up to the committee to make sure that the comprehensive plan is not being violated by whatever School site that they pick and so they pick out a site whether it be the one out there that used to be a school on Horseman Club Road and they they pick it and they say is this violating the comprehensive plan and the our commissioners unless I'm missing something here are not going to be a member of this committee they're welcome to attend and just like any other citizen but the members of the committee are like one School Board member a couple of school board staff somebody that's uh on our staff which is um I guess it would be like Zach or Brian or somebody like that that's in our planning department um and then if it's in a municipality like in Crescent City or in Palatka than a member of that that municipality would also be on the committee so it's laid out pretty particular by the interlocal agreement who sits on the committee I'm just trying to follow this issue obviously and so um we're all welcome to show up as Citizens but the Commissioners this isn't isn't going to come to the commission that I'm aware of it just they have a meeting with with the to make sure that there's no that there's not inconsistent with the comprehensive plan in the opinion of the staff and then it moves on in the process am I Mr no sir I I don't have an agenda yet so I can't answer any of those questions as far as what's on the agenda uh but I will tell you that I'm invited and because I believe one of the schools is in cesas City uh city manager Charles rud's been invited so uh my point this morning was just to make sure that everybody knew that this meeting had been requested and I do know that two school school board members have been invited and uh I think they had previously accepted now we're changing the date so I don't know but I just want to make sure that my five elected officials are aware that this meeting is going to be scheduled for April 22nd what time also uh it's from 1: to 3 would you also send an email out especially if it changes or whatever that that gives that date to us absolutely I will you bet and Mr chairman that concludes my comments thank you sir commissioner comments we'll go to commissioner adamac I have none today thank you commission attorney uh yes Mr chairman real quick um I've met a little bit and i' I've done a preliminary review of the duns Creek preliminary plan uh for the boat ramp down there um the architect that's doing that has agreed to do a secondary preliminary plan for us to present to the board of of different options the one that he had presently just has one boat ramp off the end of the existing cadal and I had requested that they do a double boat ramp off I guess itd be to the north side of the canal back towards okay the main street or whatever he also made some recommendations that he thinks that that we can put this boat ramp in this facility in out of gravel and not have to do all the retention necessary um but we would have to put in concrete handicap parking and and and a a sidewalk over to the dock area and to make it handicap accessible so anyhow the uh I just wanted to let everybody know that this is coming and they're making process progress on it and hopefully within the next few weeks we'll have that second option for the commission to look at on the dun Creek boat R good thank you thank you Mr chairman any more items sir that was all today sir thank you Mr Pickins thank you chair Harmon just want to um recognize and congratulate the Ked City rotary club for pulling off the 42nd catfish Festival after fouryear absence um it appears to be a tremendous success the crowd was uh it was pretty large it was uh amazing to be honest with you want to thank all the rotary clubs um in putam county and outside of putam County that participated any of the other Civic clubs and all the volunteers that really makes uh this Festival a success I want to thank the sheriff's department um because they're there all day and probably most of the night with some of the activities that go on there uh I know the administrator Suggs and Julie um attended uh this is a working festival for me so I didn't get spend much time with them and all and I really would like to um to really just recognize and thank uh chairman Harvey Larry's MC the cafis festival for years uh we brought him out of retirement and uh he did a really really good job and I want to thank him for that thank you thank you always there for the public yeah and it is special to um bring it back after four years and I'm in charge of the Swamp Cabbage and have been so for 30 years after my father passed uh we lost uh a fine gentleman Reggie priest and oral SS um just a short time ago and they were instrumental um in that whole process which is a 4-day process plus the cleanup but the amount of um volunteers that showed up had been doing it for over 10 15 some 20 years and some of the new people who came through Roc Junior ROTC at the high school who had helped um the festival as they were high school students are now grown and have their own families and businesses in came and I also want to thank uh JT Stout JT took a personal day and carried around a chainsaw for about six or seven hours and uh we really appreciate it so just thank everybody for attending that festival and I would assume with the success that U there'll be a 43rd next year that's all I have thank you Mr Pickins Miss Wilkinson I just want to say uh two upcoming events on April 27 Saturday April 27th is the Blueberry Festival of course breakfast is served from 8:00 a.m to to noon and uh that's a great event they have fresh blueberries pies and lots of things so um come out and support the Bostwick Blueberry Festival estival on Saturday April 27th also that same weekend we will have the St John's river bartrum Frolic um 10 to four 10 to4 on the riverfront on the same day so as we've all stated before lots of things happening in putam County um one other thing I want to mention I appreciate the constituent who talked about the service that she received in um planning and zoning and when we first hired um Brian and JT I was was a little bit nervous I'm not going to lie I was a little nervous and I was like what are we doing getting two principles um but I have to tell you um since they've been here their work ethic and their the fact that they want to help our citizens and that's when people come in they don't immediately get a know our customer service in both of those departments in public work and planning and zoning has increased I think people are more satisfied than they were before and um probably ever not probably ever probably ever and so I want to say thank you to both of them and um I know you stuck your neck Out Mr Suggs by by hiring them and again I was I was a little nervous for you um but I think it's worked out and I just want to say thank you because I think you both have stepped up and done an outstanding job particularly with your leadership and the and the um friendliness that you're trying to have in our community and service so thank you yeah that's it that's it okay good um I do want to say you know there was something happened the other day that we went out and rode some roads that are on the dirt to pave list for 24 and 25 and um JT you were just very you and your staff was very good about looking I try to look at problems I try to solve problems that are out there and most of the problems that I'm trying to solve is drainage as you well know um I remember I said to uh JT I said did you he was at another call prior to our meeting I said do you see that Culver that's been laying in the woods for 10 years and he said yeah but it's not going to lay there much longer so I appreciate that um this coming weekend at Kenwood boat rant sa Rodman Reservoir Bass Tournament is going to be taking place so please come out if you're able to uh the weighin starts at 3 and it'll be a really really good time uh to be out on the lake o leaha and the bass tournament and before I get done with my comments I do want to say one thing about the catfish Festival I'm not running for supervisor of election even though a gentleman in the audience had a shirt on that said that that was not sponsored by me that's a joke he had my old shirt on so Charles and I made a quick laugh about that um but I want to say going around the county one of my highlights is the catfish Festival the people dress up they're they're polite they're very responsible and we have no problems down there and even with the massive amount of lines the people were very accommodating in the lines to get catfish um and it was a very very wonderful beautiful Florida day you couldn't have asked for better weather to have a that fish festival and I think there was four rotary clubs plus the land came and was part of it so it was really a great time so again if you have nothing to do in putam County it's your own fault because there's plenty to do in this County and if there's no more business to come before this board this meeting is adjourned thank you my friend thank you e e