e e e to this rainy Tuesday May 14th 2024 it's 9:00 in the morning I'm going to call this meeting to order our invocation this morning will be uh led by Reverend T Ted stackpole and our Pledge of Allegiance by commissioner Paul adamac if y'all would rise if you're able to do so morning would you bow your heads with me heavenly father as We Gather in this assembly today we come before you with hearts of gratitude for the opportunity to serve our community we recognize your sovereignty over all things and we seek your wisdom and guidance as we undertake the responsibilities entrusted to us Lord in this month of May we are reminded of the significance of National Foster Care month we lift up to you the children who are currently in fost care knowing that each one is fearfully and wonderfully made in your image may your love surround them bringing them comfort and hope amidst uncertainty we also remember the Foster families who open their hearts and homes to these children offering them love stability and support bless them abundantly for their selfless dedication father we ask for your strength and wisdom to guide each decision today Grant the insight for the Commissioners to lead with compassion and justice especially as they consider the needs of the most vulnerable in our community including those within the foster care system help us to be mindful of the impact of our actions on all members of society and may your grace abound in all that we do we offer this prayer in the name of your son Jesus Christ who taught us to love one another as he has loved us amen of the United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all thank you Reverend stat Pole thank you Commissioner Adam Zach do want to recognize in our audience today the mayor of Paca is with us mayor Carrera thank you for being here our sheriff is here over here Gator Delo thank you for being here you're normally always here is there anybody else that I missed don't see so uh The Honorable David DWI from Bon is also in the audience thank you just a little levity next on our agenda is our approval of minutes Commissioners Mr chair I move approval of the minutes of the board of county commissioner regular meeting April 9th 2024 proper motion proper second any further discussion on that motion hearing none all in favor signify by saying I I poose like sign the eyes haveit Mr chair I move approval of the board of county commissioner budget hearing April 20 April ail 18th 2024 with proper motion proper second any further discussion on that motion hearing none all in favor signify by saying I posos like sign the eyes have it we are going to recess our board County Commission meeting call to order our Port Authority meeting and the first item of business is the approval of the minutes Mr chair I move approval of the Port Authority regular meeting minutes April 9th 2024 second proper motion proper second any further discussion hearing none in favor signify ban I I oose like sun the eyes have it next on our agenda Port Authority this is Port Authority only is there any public comment on Port Authority items only Port Authority items and seeing none we'll close that any general discussion from the board on Port Authority and seeing no hands or lights slit up we will move P that and we will recess the we'll end our Port Authority meeting meeting and reconvene our board accounting Commission meeting and our first presentation of Miss Lori Parker human resources employee of the M we did notice a lot of equipment is not in it's raining it's raining we don't want to even one struck by lightning that's right good morning we're here to recognize employee of the month we received nominations and the employee of the month for April the selection was James wise James wise works for public works and he is equipment operator 3 and he was hired in 2021 and here is JT to give more information if James can come up to the front please your wives you and your family and friends come on up bring your staff with you friends come on guys does he have any friends in the building any friends for Mr White you got one sitting right here go wait till everybody comes up I'll say something there we go to stay little keyer y'all G need to gather in like you like each other now get in there so we're very proud of James and everything he does for putham County uh he leads by example and his work ethic and the job that he gets accomplished um running the tractors on the side of the road mowing doing anything that we need him to do uh it is not uncommon to find him out picking up the trash before he goes through the ditch cuz he takes very great pride in what it looks like when he's finished working uh takes greater care of his equipment helps anybody out that we need him to help with uh including helping our Fleet Department this year getting everything ready for the mowing season uh with servicing our uh tractors servicing the bush hwks everything that we need uh and then helping us come up with ideas to make things better so we're very proud of James very glad to have him on our staff thank you James Mr chairman if I may um a lot of times you're looking for that employee that does the right thing when nobody's looking um I just happen to be driving down County Road 309 the other day and Mr wise had to be a half mile from his Strater and he had a garbage bag in his hand and he was down just picking up trash off the side road nobody else was around it was just him and that that is just amazing that we have employees that will step up above and beyond and do things that most of us wouldn't even do right it's just as easy just to mow over the garbage um the inmate crew had been through there was just still some ancillary stuff laying around between the time that he was able to do it and he was just out of his tractor I mean and it was late in the day it was probably close to quitting time he probably had to drive all the way back to where his truck was up towards the um forestry division there in Waka but it was just he was doing the just doing the right thing and I think it's very good when we can actually see people are doing the right thing when nobody's looking so congratulations Mr wise on a job very very well done wait a minute Mr commissioner Turner has a comment to me I've known Jimbo for many many many years and the amount of Integrity that this man has is hard to explain so congratulations and I know it was well well earned well learned good to see you again brother thank you y'all come on up and again thank [Applause] you we're going to stay up here I'm happy we got one coming can weot in a little bit more back in the back stand up on that wall holy congratulations absolutely thank [Applause] you all right we're going to give them just a second to get out I know they they're eager to get back to work I'm not going I wasn't going to say eager to get back to district one [Laughter] but you wanted to get back down there across the bridge huh all right our next uh Proclamation will be commissioner Wilkinson and uh she's going to invite youall to be with her [Music] speak Mr chair good morning it's my honor and privilege this morning to read to you putam County Proclamation number 20 24-42 a proclamation to recognize May 15th 2024 as Prader willly syndrome Awareness Day whereas Prader Willie syndrome a genetic disorder affecting individuals of all Races and gender presents significant challenges including life-threaten obesity and cognitive impairments whereas the syndrome necessitates constant Supervision in a controlled environment and presently lacks a known cure whereas timely diagnosis facilitates access to treatment and support services are crucial for affected individuals and their families whereas ongoing research Endeavors offer promises for advancing our understanding of the disorder and developing more effective treatments whereas increased research may lead to a better understanding more effective treatments and an eventual cure for Prader willly syndrome whereas early diagnosis of prer willly syndrome allows families to access treatment intervention services and support from health professionals ad advocacy organizations and other families who are dealing with Prader Willie syndrome whereas ADV advocacy organizations have designated May 15 2024 as Prader willly syndrome Awareness Day providing a platform to educate the public improve communication and education and promote research efforts now there be it Proclaim that the putam County Board of County Commissioners proclaims the day of May 15 2024 Prader Willie syndrome Awareness Day Mr chair I'm proud to bring this to you and uh move it forward thank you we have a proper motion proper second many seconds U any further discussion on the motion all in favor signify by saying I I oppose like sign the eyes have it yay anybody want to talk yeah just just a quick second good morning I would like to thank all the Commissioners for having us here today and for everyone else for being here my name is Trisha blunt this is my husband David blunt and the light of Our Lives Madison Nicole blunt Maddie was diagnosed with prly syndrome at the age of 12 prly syndrome is a rare genetic disorder resulting from an abnormality in the 15th chromosome this syndrome is characterized by but not limited to Chronic hunger growth hormone deficiency Behavior challenges like emotional outbursts PWS affects 350 ,000 people worldwide labeling it a rare disease if you have ever met Maddie you know that she is very outgoing loves to talk and is everyone's friend Maddie has overcome so many obstacles and is very happy and productive Maddie receptions two days a week at my salon spends a lot of hours at the gym and makes soap to sell at local farmers markets she is also at a healthy weight with the help of her dad who built a Pantry in our home with an automatic Locking System this syndrome definitely has his challenges with food seeking being the biggest battle people with PWS are on a low carbohydrate low sugar low calorie meal plan permanently this combined with constant insatiable hunger due to the malfunctioning hypothalamus in the brain and I'm sure we can all see where some of the emotional outbursts arise our goal today would be to raise awareness for prly syndrome to help other parents who may be struggling to find a diagnosis for their child I encourage everyone to go to PWS usa.org to learn more about prly syndrome thank you and God bless [Applause] all going you might want to be joined here one day three two one got a large three two one deal [Applause] give them time give them time to get out they got to go make the putham county look pretty by cutting hair today and cooler today today too by the way all right our next Proclamation will be done by commissioner Bill Pickins okay thank you chairman harmy is Miss Kathy Fisk with the uh Coast Guard auxiliary good to have you again thank you put County Proclamation number 202 24-0 43 National safe voting week whereas for over 100 million Americans voting Contin continues to be a popular recreational activity from coast to coast we're taking to the water enjoying water activities during National safe boating week the US Coast Guard and its federal state and local safe boat Partners encourage all boers to explore and enjoy America's beautiful Waters responsibly and whereas the Coast Guard estimate that human erir accounts for most boating accidents and the life jackets could prevent nearly 80% 86% of boating fatalities basic boating safety procedur carrying life-saving emergency distress and Communications equipment wearing life jackets attending safe boating coures participating in free boating safety checks and staying sober while navigating we can help ensure boter stay safe throughout the season and whereas the national safe boating week is observed to bring attention to important life-saving tips for recreational boers so they can have a safer more fun experience out on the water throughout the year whereas over 600 people 650 people die each year in voting related accidents in the US 75% of these are fatalities caused by Drowning whereas the vast majority of these accidents are caused by human error or poor judgment and not by the boat equipment or environmental factors whereas significant numbers of boers who lose their lives by Drowning each year would be alive today if they had worn their life jackets whereas Larry Harvey I do U hereby support the goals of the safe boating campaign the Proclaim that May 20 to 26 2024 as National safe boating week and the start of the yearr round effort to PO safe boating done ordered adopted this 14th day of May 2024 Mr chairman I recommend that we approve this Proclamation you proper motion proper second any further discussion hearing n all in favor signify by saying I I pose like sign the eyes have [Applause] it yeah I think she's Kathy you want to say a few words of course hi um a lot of you know me some of you don't we've been doing this in 2006 when I started um a lot of things that we're still trying to get out is that the awareness for life jackets the awareness for safety part that helps us is when we have the bass elite pro series come I don't know if y'all have noticed but on their Kathy they can't hear you if you don't speak into the microph oh well okay I don't just talk to us and they'll they'll see you um a lot of things that people don't realize is if you look on their boats they have ATI and it says Coast Guard approved baselite Series has worked with the United States Coast Guard auxiliary for years and what they do is they have an open house normally we have we're number one when they start but this year we were number four so what they do is we have a safe boating so all the Bass Pros can get their boats inspected make sure they have everything that they need on it so that they are safe voters out there they're setting the example for the adults and especially for today's kids you know these kids are looking at these pros and they're seeing these stickers this is something that everybody can do the stickers are free the boat exam is free there's no cost to anybody if you don't pass the first time we will come back out to you now this Friday wear your life jacket to workday which means we encourage everybody to set a good example that has a boat to wear your life jacket to work you can take a picture and the paper will put it in there so the biggest thing that we're just trying to get to everybody is if you have a boat set your example make sure you're safe and for Life Jack jacket safety before you go on anybody's boat make sure your life jacket fits you make sure they have the right one for you not just eight in a boat and three are kids make sure because your safety comes first and nobody can take care of that but you and I appreciate y'all having me every single year it's been a long time all right three two one thank you I am going to turn the gavel over to our vice chairman and I'm going to go to the podium and the N if you'll come up and meet me at the podium Madam chairman fellow Commissioners putam County Proclamation number 202 24-44 Nurses Week May 6 through 2024 whereas registered nurses in Florida constitute our state's largest healthc care profession and whereas the depth and breadth of the Registered Nursing profession meets the different and emerging healthc care needs of Florida's population a wide range of settings and whereas the Florida Nurses Association has working to chart a new course for a healthy nation that relies on increasing access to primary and preventive health care and better utilization of our state's Registered Nursing resources and whereas professional nursing is indispensable component of the safety and quality care of hospitalized and non-hospitalized Iz patients and whereas the demand for registered Nursing services will be greater than ever because of the Aging of the population and whereas more qualified registered nurses are needed in the future to meet the increasingly complex needs of Health Care consumers in this community and whereas the cost effect cost effective safe high quality Health Care Service say provided by registered nurses will then be increasingly important component of the Florida Healthcare delivery system in the future and whereas along with the American Nurses Association the Florida Nurses Association has declar May 6 through the 12th as nurses week with the theme nurses make the difference with appreciation for nurses unar impact during the pandemic and their contributions to healthc care and an open invitation to thank a nurse for enriching lives in the world we live and before I go any further I have a personal story that my mother she was a single raising two kids and went on to become a registered nurse and passed away early in life um my sister f in her footsteps who became a nurse and is teaching nursing at Daytona Beach State College and also works at Halifax health health Halifax Hospital so Mrs M chairman Miss Madam chairperson our move that we move this Proclamation forward we have a proper motion do we have a second we have a second all in favor say I I I good thank you thank you very much go and get picture do you want to say something say I would I am Amber Johnson I'm the regional director of the north east region for FNA Florida Nurses Association and on behalf of this which is Duval in the surrounding five counties in this great County that I'm in now you guys have opted into something that means the world to us you actually have said we acknowledge and recognize what you do and we just say thank you and for that to your mom and your sister we are honored to be here and also would like to say we don't take it for granted the things that happen in our surrounding counties we want to know what they are we want to know how to promote nursing in this area to bring it to Excellence and I just want to say you to my colleague Dr Valerie Morrison we know what hours nurses work they were not able to join us in the force that we would think of but if you see one on the way home or tomorrow on the weekend just give them a hello and say thank you to them if that is okay by you thank you very much three two one three two one commissioner Wilkinson are you giving the gamble up the okay thank you for that and thank you board for allowing me the opportunity next on our agenda is uh Mr Gerald Donnelly with the Veterans of Foreign Wars post 3349 all right they made it work good morning good morning post 3349 Paka VFW Veterans of forign War we're here today to honor our sheriff and police uh fireman of the year with great honor that we have done this for the last a few years uh we hope to keep the tradition going uh we have two outstanding people today to honor uh we're going to go into the fman of the Year first and then we'll do the sheriff of the year uh Commissioners if I may have your permission after we do all the ceron can I tell you something that's going to happen here in the city of Paca on Memorial Day please do if it's okay with you yes sir only take a minute or two all right with further Ado Bill Thompson will do the introduction and uh present the plaques to the fman and Poli Sheriff of the Year thank you thank you sir good morning good morning sir hey Bill as you can see our commander uh had a ladder accident it's a indication that old guys shouldn't get on ladders anymore so glad glad you're alive though let you present that okay we're going to start by presenting our firefighter award to uh Lieutenant Luke kiry it was nominated by his peers for the 2023 firefighter of the Year nominees State and foresight into his job in high stressful situations he has overcome obstacles due to his preparedness and tactics overcome obstacles and applies tactics to receive a clear outcome Lieutenant kiry's sound leadership and commitment respected and Pam County fire rescue should be proud to have an employee such as Lieutenant kiry let me uh let me see if I get to this point the fair fighter of the Year 2023 Lieutenant Luke kiry in special recognition of your hard work and dedication to the citizens of putam County the veterans of foreign war post 3349 would like to you sent you the 2024 fman of the year for the county in due honor congratulations than sir thank you you want to invite your firemen buddies down would you like to invite them all down take a picture yep come on I got get in there if you can my broken leg I think they can push they can take care of you if they can't we are in trouble congratulations thank you okay make room for jul three two one three two one just against your nature you're not as bad as you put him in a good spot that way is what it is is what it is good thank you we were now honor the Sheran of the Year okay this have to your last name all right to Sheriff's Office detective crit bfield please accept this letter of nomination dedicate uh wait a minute for exemplary dedication to working on all facets of criminal investigations detective Bachelor B Elder Elder there we go continuously exemplifies the qualities of a servant leader detective bastor never shutters away from a challenge and is constantly the first person to volunteer for any job or assignment defective detective batchelder has led several high-profile cases involving a multitude of criminal cases across multiple agency and balances the often overwhelming amounts of information with case with ease each case to defect The bacheller Works is given his full attention as if it is the only case he has assigned his work to completion with no stone left unter detective bachelder takes no investigation or task for granted and expects no recognition in return for the job he does detective bachel consistently demonstrates a work ethic that is second to none it is an honor to be able to recognize detective Bachelor for his willingness to continuously challenge himself and those around him for his dedication to our profession and for the leadership and command of any situation with which he is presented Detective Chris batow we puam County Sheriff of the year for 2324 in special recognition of your hard work and dedication to the citizens of butam County the veterans of foreign war post 334 of the United States would like to present you with this plaque I would also like to thank all the sheriff and firman in putam county and the city for the hard work and dedication they give to the community every year it's an honor to do these and I hope we can keep it up for a long time [Applause] you want to bring your family down come on got up this morning brother of oh yeah you to fill in behind the Commissioners go go up go up Al tell them what to do this many you gotta from Shannon to crw anybody else go back you're gonna squeeze in aren't you scoot over come on scoot over s turns you're right here same thing slide in guys two one that would be bad oh my leg all right look at me first three two one thank you you weren excused Alis can they move now good you good [Applause] Al yes sir thank you thank you VFW we appreciate your support and our local community County Commissioners uh on May 27th Memorial Day we're going to have the uh Memorial Day parade downtown on 11th Street to the riverfront on the riverfront uh afterward we're going to have a ceremony to honor the veterans that for uh that fall doing our Wars we're also this year going to try to do and I try to coordinate with the uh Sheriff's Department to do a 21 gun salute to honor our fallen veterans I think it's due time we have never done it before and I think it would be a good idea uh I've been asking people's opinion on that and I'd like to know how the County Commissioners feel about that I problem I think that would be up to the the sheriff yeah yeah the sheriff's already told me they would do it I got to get with the commission with the uh fire department and uh and let them know what we're doing so I think it's we've done quite a bit of different things over the for Veterans Day and I'm going to try to continue the ceremonies as I can to keep improving them so I think this is one of the ways to do it for Memorial Day and that is in the city of Palaca say the city of Paka right yes it will be downtown City Pac yeah the mayor is sitting right over there so yeah she she I like that mayor she might not know about what I just said about but that's a surprise to you too because I just got it all right figured out this this morning with the sheriff's department thank you you're welcome thank you sirk you for your time have a great day thank you for coming appreciate all your hard work if you would thank you our next present ation will be done by people one if you will come up to the podium thank you good morning good morning bear with me I have a couple of visuals to throw up here there is a copy if you don't have it we will make sure that you do get a copy of this um um I'll start out by apologizing I don't have any awards or commendations to give to anybody but I do I do have some updates we'll see you next time then okay thank you for com I'll make sure to bring that I'll be prepared next time I promise um so uh some some quick updates so we went through the approval process at a former uh uh commissioner meeting we've been working with uh Administration to uh start rolling out education and communication to employees uh to great success but um where we're actually delivering Care at the people one Health uh Health Center um has been a little bit up in the air good news is that we have uh a lease executed as of last week for 6100 St John's Avenue initially the conversation was to try to uh locate on the in the county complex due to some of the complexity of construction retrofitting the space um it was decided that we should pivot and find uh existing medical space that we can accelerate the timeline so that we can start taking care of your employees uh as quickly as possible and delivering care in the community um so that lease has been executed and we are in the process currently uh working with the architect going through the permitting process and getting those up to dat um we expect the office to be able to start seeing patients in July so um in short order we should ultimately be able to start actually deliv delivering care to employees um couple other uh you know updates to share as well this is probably the most important one um whenever you're sponsoring a health center for the employees it really matters who is actually delivering the care to your employees um unfortunately Dr conran uh was not able to be here with us today but uh some of the County Administration I know some of the leadership team has already met her and kind of uh I I think approves uh very much of of her and her um uh her her her methodology her her her character um so she will be starting with us in July as well um her undergraduate degree was uh from George Washington University um she uh got her doctor of osteopathy in Iowa um and then actually did her residency here in Florida much of her practice over the years has been in Florida primarily in Family Medicine but also has experience with um occupational medicine so has kind of worked in a similar setting to this uh so we're really excited to have her as the leader of the office um and then due to the uh the the nature of the hours um that County employees work fact that we have you know 24hour coverage we wanted to make sure that we're starting out um with having kind of sufficient coverage uh for all of the employees so Dr conran will be working for extended days uh to begin with when we open the office and Dr Kevin Funk also is coming on board with us at the opening um who will also work one extended day so we will have both a male and a female doctor that are on site leading the clinic um Dr Funk will be again doing one day as well as cover for Dr uh uh Dr conran anytime that she's not available uh if she has PTO vacation whatever it might be um additionally we also are deep in the process we've already identified and interviewed multiple Advanced uh practice advanced practice practice providers uh nurse practitioners and Physicians assistants and have a few uh uh really solid candidates kind of in the wings at this point so when we reach a threshold where we need to hire additionally we have a Talent poll that we can kind of immediately tap into um that goes Al for we're interviewing starting interviews for registered dietitians uh health coaches uh far phac ists and social workers which are all integral into the model of care that we deliver for all of the County Employees um we are currently uh interviewing for those positions uh um starting starting this week actually um so we we would expect all of those hires to be made within the next 45 days and all onboarded for July at this point um just some quick updates on numbers uh again many of you probably saw me and some of our team as we were communicating and educating the employees on this new benefit that's available to them um through that initial kind of rollout process we've already enrolled uh pre-enrolled 330 members of the County's Health Plan uh where we will ultimately be the uh care provider for them um what that means for the county is an impact of about $40,000 in the first year uh to the County's health plan based upon the the the the math that we've kind of did that we did initially when we had uh uh started our process of evaluation with you and and it you know $65,000 worth of out-of-pocket savings so dollars that are back in the pockets of employees of the county um so an initial immediate impact and that will only grow as we continue to grow enrollment um if you remember we did the county uh uh under Road or partnered with us for a th000 initial members so that we could open the uh open the office up we've already started to make great progress towards that number um not only from the County's employees but also through others in the community where we have a number of private organizations both large and small um as well as some of the other Municipal entities uh in the county that have shown interest um we are very confident that we're going to hit that thousand number uh before we open the doors next steps uh you'll continue to to see a lot more of us as we get more boots on the ground here in the county um and continue to communicate with the County Employees um on the the the introducing them to the doctor introducing them to care teams um all of those additional people as we uh continue to bring them on board so those are the updates we have for now if there's any questions I'm glad to address them commissioner any questions I have a couple commissioner AMAC I ones to staff I thought when we what does this look like when an employee enrolls what is I thought all employes could just enroll or would be enrolled based on the fact that we were paying for a thousand out the gate all employees who are on our group plan have the option to enroll some employees have chosen not to enroll at this time either they're want additional information or they're well established with their primary provider and they do not want a different primary care provider at this time I thought we said this wasn't in lie of a primary care provider it was augmented of services is that and maybe I misunderstood it this is a primary care provider so you would not want to continue with a primary care and be seeking Primary Care here for the danger of having two medical doctors whom are not communicating with each other both treating a symptom or condition I.E you have hypertens ention which is something our group struggles with greatly you do not want your primary care providing you medication for hypertension and then seeking this primary care doctor for medication for hypertension without some coordin of care um so this is um the the goal is this is a primary care Advanced primary so it is not just base but Advanced um facility and option for service for employees okay thank you Mr Adams that any further questions thank you very much for coming today we appreciate it uh commissioner we're going to take a three minute break e e e e e right to allow development of a private luxury Community this is the second hearing and the final hearing for this one the applicant is David Pepper the subject property is all 224 Acres of Hog Island totaling 22 parcel ID numbers based on the supplied conceptual plan of what could be developed the community could comprise of a total of 22 single family lots ranging from 5.9 to 14.6 Acres lot sizes are subject to change when the plot is reviewed by the development review committe our aerial view of Hog Island zoning future land use the conceptual subdivision that was supplied by the applicant the residential estate zoning district is utilization for larger one acre or more depending on residential density Parcels located on navigable waterways and to implement residential policies of the Agriculture and Ral residential use categories the re zoning district is compatible with the future land use category assigned to Hog Island the proposed rezone also provides an assured use that the lands on Hog Island can only be used for single family residential development should the Hog Island rezone be approved it will move forward through the type 1 subdivision replat process there will be three hearings to review subdivision development and plat approval one preliminary hearing shoot before the Planning Commission and two hearings before the board of County Commissioners once the plot is approved the applicant will then submit to the development Review Committee to satisfy additional development requirements the DRC will review plans to ensure the development is compliant with local state and federal development regulations agencies including but not limited to Florida Department of Health putam County Public Works Emergency Services St John's River Water Management District will review the plans to ensure the development will not adversely affect surrounding properties staff finds that the proposed rezoning is consistent with the goals objectives and policies of the adopted comprehensive plan and meets the locational requirements of the res residential estate zoning District provided in the Land Development code and the comprehensive plan staff recommends approval of the request to amend the zoning map from plan unit development and agriculture to residential estate the Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the resoning application at the scheduled public hearing on March 13 2024 questions any questions Commissioners I have one yes commission attorney you have the floor did um out of the 22 partial IDs are there any multiple Lots within the partial IDs or the is each one of those and the 22 partial IDs are right now 22 separate pieces of property as far as we're looking at it yes sir and then what are they asking for how many Lots were they wanting once they get their subdivision done what is the proposed amount 33 22 Lots so basically they're they got 22 partial IDs currently and they're asking for 22 Lots essentially yes they're going to resize the Lots because they're all very different sizes right now I mean they range from very small lots to to huge huge Lots well question was that there's 22 Parcels right now and they're asking for 22 Lots yes sir so they're not asking for an increase in the current density they already own correct correct um but it needs to be rezoned so this is kind of locked at the moment because of the way that it's all zoned and but my my question was on density they're not asking for an increase in density they're they've already got a density of 22 and they're asking for 22 they just want to reform the 22 laws that is correct thank you any other questions I do I have one some of the services that we uh were concerned about at the last meeting I was concerned about I shouldn't put we in there um with the fire with the garbage I I know that's going to be addressed and it's already been somewhat addressed um living on an island creates challenges you know and um we have some great people that live on Islands you know that U but sometimes as they get older they want more services and um it's hard to provide that on an island and it's hard to ask the citizens of putham County to to that don't live on an island to Pony up and help that situation so I I don't know really what I'm asking other than to say you know let's be aware of that as we go into this um I think probably Island life would be kind of cool for a while but it probably get old too when you have to evacuate or high water comes or whatever the case may be but um just be cident of that we okay thank you sir thank you any other comments or questions okay we're going to turn it over to our applicant Mr Kennedy if you'd like to come up and speak and then we will take nay and yay from the audience in a public hearing good morning Patrick Kennedy uh my offices are 673 Third Avenue Waka a new branch of the Douglas Law Firm um but in any event um I we basically want to concur with the staff recommendation obviously um and we believe as they said the resoning we're asking for is consistent with a comprehensive plan is actually the least intrusive least intense zoning we could ask for in all your zoning categories so we are essentially down zoning this from what the original PUD nobody wants that PUD we don't pretend that uh we would try to implement that PUD as it currently sits uh we wouldn't argue that point but because of that we are essentially compelled to reone this property at this point so we have to do something and what we're asking for is the least intrusive possible we've had our preliminary meetings with the staff we understand uh the island life and the uh uh challenges it presents for services we don't expect Putman County to subsidize anything that's going to go on there they uh they will pay their fair share to make this development work uh and ACC course with your comp plan and your zoning so that's not an issue uh for this project um and I appreciate the conversation on density but you know we don't want to get too lost in that because that's not what we're here for this is just to get get the property rezoned for the for the use will come back with the plat and and density will be addressed uh more specifically at that time but I'm happy to take any questions you may have Mr Kenny Mr adamack has you have the floor sir you recognize this speak so I know you said pay your fair share or whatever that's based on an appraisal from the uh property appraiser and what the taxes would be but that doesn't it's not fair share when you end up having to put an apparatus or something on island which has happened in the past and things like that um because that item is a high cost item that isn't fair share because it's only 22 people paying for that apparatus it's not like you get a separate tax for that apparatus right that costs a lot of money can't be used anywhere but on the island if that were to incur so is there a plan by the developer to actually have their own little fire service or some sort of common area that facilitates that well not at the County's expense that that hasn't been drill town to with any specifics but things like hydrants water tanks on site uh and the ability to uh uh bring apparatus on Shore all these things are being considered this time we would rather have the opportunity to work through it with uh your uh on that particular issue uh your emergency services folks and come up with solution that makes sense and is also e economically feasible uh for the development to take place but in the end uh there are no specific plans in place at this time we're just trying to get through the zoning and then the development approvals where we address those more specifically will will come next part of the zoning thing is we got to take in account the the safety of our public and part of that is the public that would reside there correct you know in making this decision I I don't know that I have enough information based on that response to say that that's going to be taken into account well again I mean uh you know there's a zoning allows residential all the zonings allow some form of development um and we're not uh you know we have a concept plan but uh you know we want to be able to address all those issues at that time um quite frankly uh you know the idea that we'd have a special apparatus on the island I don't know that makes sense for this particular Island I believe they have something on Dron Island but again dry hydrants and uh and water tanks that Supply fire suppression to uh the appropriate areas are two things we've considered but again uh the Pud needs to be changed to something and we're asking for the least intrusive possible and it doesn't uh it's not a development permit so nothing's going to happen until we get through and on other Islands it didn't make sense until there was a fire and then all of a sudden it made sense I'm just saying just because of the way Island's laid out but if that if that's if that's the end result is there's a water wagon or a small firetruck on the island itself that may be something that we consider but again it's it's it's kind of uh we believe it's a little premature to dig down those details we really just trying to get the rezoning to know that we can move forward with those details thank you thank you Mr Adams that Mr Turner you have uh thank you Mr chairman I was hoping we didn't go down this rabbit hole but this is a resoning hearing once they get done here if they're successful they still got to go to development review preliminary plat back to re development review it's got to come back before the commission for the to be approved by the commission for the subdivision and the and the different um amenities that that they have to provide through the DRC process so it's just too early to ask all these questions all of them haven't been these answers haven't been developed yet um and that's why we have the process the process first stage is getting the zoning changed where they can present a preliminary plat for review and go through the whole process that's already in place my U wife I don't have any problem with this so far none whatsoever is very simply they're not asking for an increased density to what they already have they can go in there and start doing whatever they want with their 22 I understand your concerns commissioner I truly do about that it costs more to service a house fire on Dron Island than it does on the mainland because they have to go across or whatever or I get all that but it's supposed to be developed somewhere what in the DRC process development Review Committee process so today we're we're just here supposedly we're here just to address the zoning issue is it a proper zoning issue to me it is because it's they're not asking for an increased density they're only asking for the same thing that they already have as far as how many units they can put on that property or how many Parcels there are on the property so that that's all I have at this time sir thankk you Mr adav yeah and the reason I asked these things is because I want them to be aware of my stance on it before it goes through that process and comes back to me it would be disingenuous of me to go to him the day that it comes back from DRC and go yeah I can't get behind it because you guys didn't talk about something that was a concern of mine so that's why I'm bringing it up today so thank you for addressing it and your staff your staff uh scheduled a preliminary meeting with us it wasn't necessarily required in this process but because of those concerns was appropriate and thank you Mr Mr pick you have the floor yeah thank you chairman I just want to um appreciate Paul's comments I think we all have concerns of of the the safety from whether it's a medical uh providing medical attention uh police or fire we all have those concerns and commission turn I appreciate you explain in the process that will come to DRC for all those things to be discussed but this is a you know a unique situation being on island and it is a new development so there might be some things that should be added that um maybe weren't added at the time of the development of drton Island which was Judith yor can probably tell me but it's probably back in the 30s when uh they started developing that and it is other challenges so I just appreciate commissioner Turner bringing that to attention to the public that um these will this is not the end all here this is to approve the rezoning which which is what the matter at hand today and all those other things will go through a process and then come back to us so that's all I have thank you Mr P any of other comments all right we're going to go to our public hearing and anyone who wants to speak in favor of this application please come forward well Bill Pickin already mentioned my name I'm Judith York I live at 142 Drayton Island Road Georgetown Florida I'm in favor of it um one thing is the puds already expired they can't move forward they can't pull permit he has a right to fix his own property that was damaged by a fire and prior to this when he first got Hog Island several years ago you had two beautiful structures that were so dilap idated you know they were an eyesore you had poachers going in and this gentleman spent his time and money and with his crew and has restored them he's not only restored those structures he's he's restored the historical schoolhouse that was the putam county Schoolhouse in uh Georgetown and that still stands in original footprint everything Mr pepper touches it seems his Integrity moves forward he's in compliance with the county and that's what all he's asking is I want to be in compliance I want to fix my property I have a right to and that's what he's moving forward and uh I'm in favor we we uh approve the zoning and then we address his structures right now the old PUD if he did build them on that footprint you've got 22 houses or structures clustered close together and what he's trying to do is let's make it aesthetically pleasing by plotting it and preserving the forest as it is thank you thank you m Judy anybody else would like to speak in favor please come up and face your name and address for the record please my name is David Pepper I live at 340 Oakridge Trail St Augustine Florida I have had a house down at Lake George for a long long time decades my children children grew up tubing and water skiing on the lake there we fact Mother's Day that's what we did we went out on the boat went to the island we went over there saw the turkeys we collected our tortoise shells we have the tortoises that come up to lay their eggs and U it's been a place of um of beauty and a real hidden gym the real hidden gym this entire area is the river as you as you all know we're the ones building the Boat Barn over here I have spent so much time on this River and just thought it is such a magnificent thing we should share it with everybody and I've had Hog Island for a long time and we did re everything over there and it was a slow um a slow go to get everything back to its serviceability and we did get the 1899 Schoolhouse and all y'all knew Eddie babbit I can remember him sitting Schoolhouse and telling me the stories of him going to school at the schoolhouse we restored and uh it's been uh quite a treat to listen unfortunately he's passed away his sister's still alive and she went to school there though but uh we were very proud to be able to save that for the community and and do that for the community but the island uh needs to have some zoning right now we have no zoning there's I can't pull I can't pull a building permit to retire or repair anything a plumbing permit or anything because we have no zoning so we do have to come up with a plan to go forth and I think this density of an average of 10 AC per unit is a very usable good density and people people need to get out and enjoy the river and help the restaurants and help the boat people all up and down the river I think it's a reasonable request to ask for 22 Lots on over there but um at this time do youall have any questions that you would like to ask me I think we're good thank you okay well thank you very much sir um is there anybody else that want to speak in favor of this I think there's a Bruce McCutchen you want to speak in favor or opposition you want to speak in opposition okay well why don't you come up then and state your name and address for the record please sir Bruce McCutchen 123 Georgetown Landing Road Georgetown Florida I think the concern with the primarily the people that I've spoken with is once again that rabbit hole that we've mentioned is the services is how the materials get to the island how does the trash get from the island I understand that all of these are going to be addressed later this is simply to uh rezone the island itself which I have no problem with at all but it's the periphery services that are uh my problem like I said because the uh uh the fear for me is that the property adjacent to me on two sides is where all the materials and the trash is going to be transported back and forth the island which is currently residential area which will have to be I imagine rezoned at some point and uh with the way that and going in Georgetown with the uh the uh situation across the street from me which was another commercial Enterprise that had been closed for quite some time and kind of like I don't know in my opinion slipped through the cracks as far as uh permissible uses as far as density and all that because uh when it was set up in the 80s the rules were different than they are now and you know and so my point is just yes it is the rabbit hole it is the periphery that's uh concerning most of the people that have a concern about it I have no problem with the and I just don't I'm not for yay or nay I I do not uh like the adversarial relationship or uh that zoning and and and permitting uh creates between neighbors I want no hard feelings at all with my neighbor David yeah and I don't think I have it good thank you sir but thank you for your time thank you for coming and your consideration thank you as far as vested interest Mr Grimes will tell you if he'll speak right in the microphone as far as vested interest uh my wife's family has 150 years years on that property so yeah we've been there a while too you look good for your AIDS thank you all right anybody else in not in favor or okay now we're now we're going to start with um the people who are against so Captain Gregory thewit is that right yes sir the went and uh we are keeping our limits to three minutes our speakers to three minutes so you'll see you'll hear a beep and then we'll ask you to wrap that up sir thank you than you for serving our uh Captain Gregory DWI commanding officer Naval Air Station Jacksonville uh it's box two in Jacksonville um speaking for the Navy's position Navy would recommend against rezoning and primarily it's a matter of of safety uh the range compatibility Zone it's in the area where armed aircraft are in approach to drop or deliver ordinance onto Lake George so primarily concerned about safety safety for the residents of putam County um that would be living on on the island um everything was about risk uh and if this zoning is approved then we'd ask that acknowledge that there's a responsibility for Shar risk um but we can't always predict what risk is going to be but it is it is there and also would ask that uh you share the responsibility for any noise complaints as aircraft are in route to that range um we definitely appreciate Partnerships that we have in my 33 years of service it has been amazing to see the Partnerships down here in uh Florida not just up by uh Jackson Bill and Deval and Clay but also down here so thank you all for that thank you I think we have some questions for you sir so commissioner that you are recognized to speak no I I didn't have a question for him specifically just around the safety aspect um I did spend two years of my life at Naval surface Warfare Center doen where we regularly drop ordinance into the patomic river and they regularly retrieved it and regularly were there broken windows in the homes in the neighborhoods and on the base and um that still occurs to this day so I completely understand your concern and I share some of the same concerns thank you thank you sir thank you Mr Turner you recognize oh yes um the nav realize there's already 22 Parcels on that prop on that and change in the zoning is not going to change the fact there's still 22 Parcels on the so they're not asking for an increase in the amount of parcels that they already have yes sir okay I acknowledge that so if the Navy is wanting to stand in the way of some gentleman being able to use his property not at a higher density than what he already had but in a different way but not any more people don't you think the Navy ought to Pony up a check and buy the property from him instead of trying to block him from using it well sir again we're not trying to uh block anybody just wanted to increase awareness of the risk that's involved uh in this resoning uh as I understand the resoning will allow for development of homes the same amount they've got 22 Parcels now sir and they're asking for 22 uh 22 density so they're not increasing anything from what they currently have 22 Parcels unless I misunderstood something you did fair question sir thank you Mr Adams that staff is is the 22 parcel are there today are they developable today under the current zoning or the current beauty that is expired uh thank you for that question for the record Zachary Baker planning and development services uh you got to forgive me the the map that I'm looking at on the screen is pretty small there are a handful of parcels that are already comprised the a zoning District which would be buildable um I think the concern is that the the the property owners would like to make the the Lots in that subdivision more uniform so to answer your question some of them can be built today if they obtained a building permit and went through the proper channels okay but it's not a like for like 22 to 22 like being described uh it truly is a like for like I mean we've got 22 that are there um they they could put 22 homes on there today no they cannot put 22 homes so that's not like for like the number of partials is the same right the US isn't which is what we're talking about here okay okay thank you um thank you sir thank you for coming down we appreciate your service uh is this Commander Mary Robinson is that right that's right am I oh I tried to go in the Navy but they wouldn't take me because I had asthma so I don't know all the the the titles and I apologize so that's all right if you will state your name and address and speak directly into the microphone please Commander Mary Robinson uh Naval Air Station Jacksonville and uh you you'll see a letter today from my boss who's Commander uh Air Forces Atlantic Admiral verim Mo uh wrote a letter I'm going to summarize my name is Commander Mary Robinson I am the commanding officer of Fleet air control and surveillance facility Jacksonville long TI to say we manage the Navy's training ranges in the area at 60,000 square miles of air and land space we have over the water off the coast of Jacksonville all the way up through uh North Carolina South Carolina all the way Cape canaville we have water space above uh airspace water space and sub surface space and then we also have Pine Castle range which is why today which is our air to land it's a vital range for training because for the Navy we have to do from the sea to the land and this is the only place they can do it on the East Coast Coast for high uh for explosive ordinance is here because we need our our Pilots to be able to take off from a boat can land and drop either in Lake George or at Pine Castle range um so I'm going to highlight some of the stuff from am moim Mo's letter and then I'll I'll finish off so the rikus we talked about that for the Navy it's a planing document I I have it here if you wanted to look at it it's a 2017 document to just look at for safety the Navy is very concerned with safety and noise complaints um in race cous 2 which is the island is aircraft are armed 45 to 60 seconds prior to release seene weapons into the Lake George impact area it's the area that could be impacted by ordinance should a rare event of inadvertent release following activation of an arming switch RCS are not predictors of safety hazards pick areas where mishaps are most likely to occur the Navy recommends against Residential development or any other land uses that have potential to affect congregations of people inside rikus 2o additional information is in this study but admo REO strongly recommends that putam County review the raiku study and consider the risk to potential future residents of the proposed development and not permit homes to be built underneath a known flight path where aircraft are dropping ordinance I think that's the big difference here is just the safety for us uh the airspace above Lake George is a restricted area from the surface up uh pretty high and so aircraft will be flying there so it's important that the residents who buy these houses know that aircraft especially loud jet fast moving aircraft are permitted by the fa a to fly down to the surface to release their ordinance because they have to do uh certain run-ins um so that's going to be something that airspace is available from 08 to 2400 365 days a week we do plan it out but if um do do units need to train we call up the airplace from the FAA and no civilian traffic is allowed in that airspace during that time for the safety of both the pilots and the civilian traffic so even if it's another Navy unit wants to come in if that restricted space is active nobody but the participant going be in there so that just H there's currently an unpermitted helicopter pad there that the D has not approved the permit the fa can't comment but even nobody would be able to fly in or out of that um to that Island while we have the airspace active for training that's all I have thank you thank you very much and next is and I'm not going to get this right but Mario santis is that right is that Lieutenant thank you uh AC Andrew pepper thank you Donald Heaton thank you sir and Mark mcmanis through the chair um Mark mcmanis Community planning liazon officer for Naval Air Station Jackson Ville Jacksonville Florida uh just want to point out right now there are currently two homes on the uh on the island uh one is burned down so the the concern the Navy has as uh Captain dwin said is if we're putting people on this island who are going to be there living there right now no one lives there people are going to be living there or spending long weekends there aircraft are going to be flying over their homes as a person that answers the noise complaints I tell you you we will receive noise complaints from these homeowners that are going to buy these homes um all we ask is that you just consider the risk of putting homes underneath the airspace as aircraft are flying over it proceeding to drop ordinance weighing up to 2,000 pounds about 60 seconds after they fly over this island that's allk thank you sir thank you chairman yes sir Mr Turner you have the floor Sir Mr M M the na the Navy realizes that they can already put homes there correct it's just that they haven't yet sir uh understood um what we're asking is that you understand the risk in 2015 when we updated the environmental assessment for Pine Castle range puam County was uh putam County Planning Department was uh in the dialogue in 2017 when the environmental assessment was released the raiku document it was provided to putham county that information has never been incorporated into the putham County zoning codes um understanding it's a recommendation for the Navy we can't tell putam County what to do we're just making sure you understand what is going to happen in this area that's all sir thank you sir thank you thank you all right is there anybody else in the audience wishing to speak seeing no one step up we're going to close our public hearing and Commissioners what's your pleasure on the reone Mr chairman yes sir Mr Turner I move that we uh take the recommendation of the unanimous recommendation from the Planning Commission and we approve this uh this request second proper we have proper second any further discussion on the motion Mr Adam Zach you have the floor yeah so I'm just going to make note and I'm going to read this into the record because part of our ordinance when we do this it's not only about zoning it's also about the safety and orderly development all the other things so whereas the board of County Commissioners determined that the proposed amendment of The zoning map is consistent and compatible with the future land use element of the putam county comprehensive plan which I agree with and is in the best interest of the public health do not agree with that safety or welfare which I do not agree with of the general public and the orderly development of the district and its neighboring property so I think there is some responsibility on the applicant to establish some sort of information around public health safety and Welfare of the general public orderly development during the zoning change process not just in the DRC it's right here in the ordinance now if we want to strike that whole line out of it which then it doesn't make it AV valid ordinance I don't believe I'd be all for it but we don't and we can't so thank you thank you sir any other comments from the board all right so Mr Turner will you read the title of the ordinance as part of your motion let me find it sir what page page 82 I'll read it off yours you don't mind I don't yes ordinance number 24 22 24-9 amending ordinance number 5-18 and ordinance of the putam county of the county of putam State of Florida amending the official zoning map for putam County incorporated into article two of the putham County Land Development code ordinance number 2005-1 18 resoning 224 plus or minus Acres from plan unit development PUD and agricultural to residential Estates providing for severability and an effective date case number R EZ 23- 000000008 pepper dhog Island thank you sir Mr Pickins do you amend your second I amend my second thank you we have a proper motion and a proper second any further discussion hearing yes sir Mr Adams that and my comments earlier really aren't in lie with what the Navy gentleman and lady said I think in there I think part of the DRC should take an accommodation when they to this planning is there should be something in the development plan where they let the people purchasing these properties know that they're in that area so at least they have awareness and um that's just my opinion thank thank you Mr Adam Zach I got I got one more comment and commissioner adamac I agree with that because I've lived in this area twice from 83 to 89 out on the point near where Mr Peppers has his house out there I live about 500 yards from there now and I understood exact what you're talking about they they fly over they do make noise I've never had a problem but I knew that when I moved there to expect that so that definitely needs to be brought to the attention of the people who are going to purchase these Lots um because they need to understand they don't need to find it out later so but I appreciate your comments you can call for the question thank you Mr Pickins call the question all in favor signify by saying I I pose like sign I the eyes have it 4 to one next item on our agenda is our consent agenda Mr adamac any items you wish to pull I have none Mr Turner item G item e g g I'm sorry Mr Pickins I have none gonna make me m Wilkinson yes item C item C okay the chair will and I have none the chair will entertain a motion on the remaining items Mr chair I move approval of consent agenda items a b D E F H and I proper motion proper second any further discussion on that motion hearing none all in favor signify by saying I I oose like sign Mr Turner your item G you were first um M chairman I just wanted to vote on this outside the consent agenda sir okay thank you all right so um do we have a motion to approve item G I make the motion to approve item G second we have a proper motion proper second roll call vote Miss Ashley let's do that no yes yes no yes okay thank you passes three to two and commissioner Wilkinson you have item C no ma'am we'll be to you in a minute I'm sorry you're not able to hear us M we're ma'am this is ma'am this is not the time to be up here I have not been able to understand a single word okay I'm sorry about that but we are in we're not to any other I do have a question ma'am I know you would you please sit down for just a moment and we will get to you in just a moment Miss Julianne's going to direct you okay Miss Wilkinson you have the floor uh thank you the reason I pulled it item C is um this was the opioid abatement settlement we got and of course the information's in your package but I'd also like to um for you for this board to consider adding three paramedicine um positions to the EMS and the par the per the purpose of that is is to help it's called community paramedicine and let me start by saying that we will be funded for the next 5 Years From opioid abatement funding to the tune of 300 $2,000 so this would not be a cost to the county uh the $312,000 would provide the three positions along with benefits and the purpose of having a community paramedicine program is to help lower the uh amount of 911 calls and to help assist patients because a lot of times what we see is EMS is simply there for transportation and to and to get people to the doctor I mean to the um er and that kind of stuff but what a paramedicine program does is it allows paramedics and um people that are under that purview to go and follow up with some of the frequent flyers that we have in the system some of the The Falls some of the people who are dealing with opioids and there's also an education component to it uh we have sat down with our counterparts and clay and Flagler County they both have paramedicine program s and um if you look it up online there's pretty much throughout the state uh the Department of Health has a complete program that would um explain and help train and then also our other um counterparts have also offered to help train and and it's could it could help with a lot of the elderly because what what what a lot of these um paramedics and EMS are seeing is to repeat people from falling and uh some times it's simply a matter of um you know are they taking their medicine correctly this these kind of positions would help bring Community Resources to the people who need them the most and by doing that then you could reduce some of the repeat calls we have and Jr Grimes can probably speak a lot better to it than I am but um basically that's the idea so we could fund it for five years and it would we'd either be successful or not we've already this board's already approved for the equipment and so if we're going to pay for the equipment through the opioid abatement um then we should have staff who are going to use that equipment and be out in the community to help our citizens thank you I think the numbers got turned around uh so they did no uh Mr Turner I think was first and then but I think mine make any difference Mr adamack it shows you so if you'd right to go first I guess so this is an addition to what we're voting on here yes sir that's what I'm proposing um and and we may have to bring it back another time but I just wanted to have the discussion I I love the idea I think we should probably bring it back as a separate item and with someone outlining how much money is left and how much it would cost and all that so I love the idea I just don't know if I can add it to this particular action item today okay without having the exact date of what it's going to cost and where the money's going to come from all right thank you Mr ad Mr Turner that's pretty close close to what I was going to say U I don't have any issue with the program I'd just like to know where the money is going to come from you said that the that the 327 312 I think2 or whatever is not going to cost the county any money because it would be funded through one of I'm assuming subsequent opioid payments whereing from cor for the next five years best I can tell we're not sure how much or when that other money's coming it hasn't been it hasn't been allotted to us yet it hasn't been promised to us it just says we got more coming and so another thing I would wonder is what happens at the end of the three or five years or whatever is this going to be something that becomes recurring on the commission that's there then so it's going to be another1 or $200,000 a year because that money would come from and even though this is not going to cost any additional money um it would the $300 and something, that would cost is going to be spent somewhere else so it's going to be money that's not going to be spent somewhere else so I'm not saying it wouldn't be spent better where you're proposing I'm just saying I need a lot more information before I can get on board with this totally not against it totally not against it I just think I need some additional information so back on what we're talking about today um item C is is what you're proposing going to affect item C at all sir no sir it's a separate so basically this was another conversation you wanted to have that's basically about the same money as item C it comes from the same Source right but it does not affect item C okay well like I said I'm with commissioner adamac on this one don't everybody fall out of their chair um the U well we very seld are on the same team I think you've noticed even that this morning you're on the same team just Avenues that's all so uh anyhow I uh I think I would like to have this conversation I really do um so if we could get further information maybe try to see how we would fund it out of these opid dollars um in the future and see what level of certainty we feel like that money is actually going to come to us perhaps and the commissioner there we have a level of certainty they've got a structured plan going forward I think for the next 18 years years based on the different settlements that have come in so well like I said I'm with commissioner adamac I think it's definitely a discussion to have it's just not not on along with this particular item okay Mr adamac you have the floor I just did want to say I liked in your in your comments commissioner Wilkinson that you brought up the idea that you know after five years we can assess the commission at the time could assess the whether it's had a net positive effect or negative and obviously commission could asset throughout as well um so that part I loved and I do look forward to having that conversation in the future okay Mr Pickins I have a comment would like I think it's a good idea we should bring it back at as new business at some point yeah when just one question that hopefully be answered today if not during that meeting the three said 300 and something thousand that would come is that total to the county no it's annually there's a Miss Young you're like there's a schedule of payments um year 2 is about 312 year three is about year 12 and then it begins to stagger off until it declines okay the amount what we're about to prove today we had a certain amount of money we split it in three different three different areas we is this what we would get or the BC would get to do what we want next year's plan hasn't been deted by the BC so it may be that the BCC has a program or engagement for all of the funds all the fun okay that's this year when the program was released the lsf the grant administrator advised that the year one until we knew more details was spent on Capital um in in areas that could help agencies with the opioid crisis and that's what we developed a plan to do okay I'm good thank you and I want to make a comment uh we have talked about this for a long time and uh for a few years J.R and I have and others so I think this is going to at the end of the day commissioner Wilkinson I think it's a great proposal and I think it's going to actually save us money for the repeat offenders or the repeat customers I shouldn't say offenders that's a bad word but the repeat customers that um don't have access to healthcare and they use 911 to get that and that that will cut down I've seen it be successful in Bia County and I believe it'll be successful here so I'm looking forward to the more information coming but right now we do have a item that we need to vote on yes sir and I would just encourage you before we go before this comes up again to do a little research on the paramedicine program if you haven't already and with that I would move approval of item C opioid abatement settlement funds second proper motion proper second further discussion on the motion for item C hearing none all for signifi by saying I I posos like sign the eyes have it next is our codes enforcement and Thomas are you here and before we to started is there anybody in the room for a codes enforcement case okay we got got two Thomas you're up if you will deliver the comments morning commission morning first code case is 2016 449 address is 408 East pal Meadow Street the property owner's name is Elijah Lowry and gyland Robinson Lowry violation was care premises and unsafe mobile home original fine amount was $37,076 98 the property owner has recently purchased the property it's now compliant the fine reduction if the board approves we recommend the reduced fine to be paid within 90 days thank you is the applicant here please come up and if you'd like to would you like to say anything okay please come up and come right up here speak your say your name and your address for the Rari 2509 West overdrive good deal I'd like to thank Mr Thomas and all them what happened um it was a company out of Brooklyn New York slope that got the find and it trickled down to me on a tax uh deed and I just wanted to reduce it more or close it out uh it wasn't my fault um a lot of people didn't even know it was a trailer in there until I clean I wish I had took before pctures but I got pictures after okay thank you sir all right anybody else like to speak favor or against this commissioner is what your pleasure Mr chairman I move that we accept the the enforcement cost action of $1,698 if paid within 90 days proper motion proper second any further discussion hearing none all in favor signify by saying I I oppose like sign the eyes have it Mr Moore your next one case number 2014 470 address is 1013 euina Avenue property owner's name is Donald Barber violation was a permit required for mobile home original fine amount was $64,500 days so thank you yes Mr Turner has a question Tom I understand understand that this violation was originally for them not pulling a permit to put in a mobile home yes and so for not pulling their permit they started a fine on them and the fine got to 664 $64,000 cuz they didn't pull a damn permit they installed a mobile home without a permit and was living in a a mobile home that was not permitted and when we contacted them they wouldn't they just wouldn't come do it would do it no sir did they not speak English or well I mean they we can't make anybody do me obviously this has been going on way before you so you probably didn't know any any particulars about it it's just very surprising to me that we let case that someone didn't pull a permit get to $64,000 that's that's another one of those on the ridiculous side than was okay sorry Thomas I was name that you thank you Mr I know this was way before you so mobile home has been removed though right I mean it looks from the picture that it's not there so was there something wrong with mobile home as well no it was removed it was was there did it have something wrong hang on with Mr is there something wrong with it in the process I mean why was it removed it just needed a permit it it disappeared so we okay Mr Moore thank you Mr Barber the owner now so you have some explanations how you doing I'm doing well thank you sir say hi to your mom for me so I bought I bought property on Brad Avenue which the road over from and I bought that property about eight years ago when I purchased the property this was a house that was behind me on the next Road over the gentleman who lived there yes he put the mobile home on there without proper permits but this is even more ironic he had power yeah I'm sure he lived there he was taxed for this mobile home he paid you in other words there was tax benefits for the mobile home even though the mobile home was receiving penalties for being there he went to prison the mobile home got run down tore up left all when he got out of prison he came home found out there was nothing really for him to come back to because the mobile home was in shambles he then left and went to Orlando I since purchased the property from him now the fines have been going on for God knows how long Okay so purchased the property I cleared it I rented a trackco I have a dump trailer I haul stuff to landfill well the tax people the mobile home burnt down several years ago some neighborhood kids burn it down in the middle of the night fire department never showed up there was never any record of it I mean the house completely burnt SLA to the ground nobody ever showed up I didn't even know it was gone for probably weeks before I realized it and I live next door to it and so they came out they did a reassess value on it and they took the mobile home off the tax assess portion of it well when I had to pay the back taxes on it I didn't pay garage fees because there's no mobile home on it even though prior to that there was garbage fees and I've got a tax records on that from when the mobile home was so when the mobile home was there you paid all the tax fees you paid for the he had how he had electricity I don't know apparently you can get Mo you can get electricity on a house illegal and no permits he did it it was there well septic the whole nine yards everything's there okay so when I go to the landfill to clean up this mess that was left to me when I purchased the property I have to pay landfill fees now so not only did I have to rent a trackco to clean it up then I had to pay landfill fees at the landfill for the same piece of property I've paid more than enough on this piece of property and the 64,000 that's built up is built up for a mobile home that quote didn't belong there but the mobile home ain't been there for eight years but they've been assess fees for the last eight years you follow what I'm getting at and then how can you assess fees on something if you're also assessing taxes on it you're saying okay it's an asset but it's a liability but we're going to charge you for both so I've already had to pay the back taxes on it I've already had the landfill fees on it I've paid all this money on this property I did clear it y'all see the current Pro pictures of it I cleared it leveled It Off and I'd like to put a quar million dollar building on the property but I'm just trying to get through this process here thank you Mr Turner you have a question no I can't get her light off Julian will you hit your button and see if your light goes off there you go I could okay um first thing is is that can you prove when the mobile home disappeared do you can you prove it by an aerial can you prove it by something of when the mobile home actually left because if the mobile home wasn't there there was no residence on the property you can go and apply to get a refund from your Solid Waste adjustment so you don't have to pay that so that 300 a year or whatever you I can't I'm sorry I can't prove when it disappeared but I spoke with Mr Moore and he says that they go out regularly that was part of these fees here so they go out all the time so he'll know when it disappeared because they go out all the time working the case but he should know when it disappear just for your information I believe you can if hasn't been there for 3 years I believe you can apply yearsas you want to talk you want me to talk sir okay I believe you can apply to have it refunded for the last three years if you if the trailer hasn't been there or any other residential structure for the last three years so that's significant amount of money probably upwards of $900 or $1,000 would probably be worth your time and effort to go make an application for a Solid Waste adjustment so just your information Mr chairman yes sir I'm ready to go go right ahead Mr Turner um I uh move that we take staff recommendation of enforcement cost of $1,680 if paid within 90 days do we have a second second we have a second any further discussion hear and all in favor seing five saying I I POS like sign the eyes have it do get with Thomas on how to do that Solid Waste we'll get you work on that okay La do they get do they uh give that application to you if you'll see that lady right there then she'll take a solid waste adjustment application from you and if you've got records Thomas that you can show it as I think it's three years as long as you can go back but I'm AUST 2020 okay good okay thank you Mr Barbera we appreciate get with Laura right there and she'll give you your card all right that's the end of those uh commissioner starting to my left Mr Pickins any appointments I have none commissioner adamac I have none commissioner Turner I just have a quick discussion okay quick discussion Mr Turner um the solid waste adjustment committee came before the board last year and we and we expanded it to five and I asked uh Laur to go back and she said that that we it was on the video that all we had to do that I had to to appoint two people I want we we've got a meeting by the 26th I was going to try to appoint two people to make it five instead of the three that's on it now do I am I supposed to bring that an appoint them at the board we okay because that wasn't what we talked about before it was just that we appointed and so do I need to reappoint the other two that's on there with me because they were never appointed out of board they were just appointed by the chairman of the solid wayte adjustment committee all four members and then the chairman of the committee and that's what was set up last year when we did it I had her go back and look at the video I don't know how the other two were appointed and honestly I don't even know what their terms are just because we're talking about this but generally all appointments come before the board because I'm good with that that's the reason why we're having this discussion I don't want to do it wrong again so um when is our next meeting what's the date of it 28 I think okay 28 well we'll just have to get through the next one because I think our next meeting's on the 26th and I'm not prepared to come up with two new names at this time so we'll just have to try to get through it with the three members we have okay thank you thank you all ahead Mr chairman all right Miss Wilkinson um Caitlyn Lee for Animal Services advisory committee has um said that she would be willing to serve again if the board would allow her she's an atlarge appointment I don't have an issue so therefore I make that um the motion to reappoint Caitlyn Lee to Animal Services advisory committee it' be a nomination to be nomination all in favor I I posos like sign the eyes have it and any more appointments that's all I have sir thank you and I have none so let's go to our new business and the first item of business business is uh Administration duns Creek boat ramp page 261 in your agenda yes sir thank you chairman um as shown in the agenda there have been crg Architects provided two conceptual renderings rendering one is a one boo ramp launch and rendering two is a two lane boat ramp launch they did also provide a proposal fee um of 77632 50 that is based on the um two lane boat ramp launch cuz obviously if we go with the more than if we if you choose a lesser one then we'll be less than that but um those two items are for the board's consideration and Direction commissioner Turner you have the floor yes thank you Mr chairman um part of that was is that they um also gave us a $78,000 thereabouts um uh engineering fee if we approv the two booat boat ramp I don't see how we could do a one booat boat ramp there that's ridiculous there's 60 parking spots there agree with that yeah that's that's a no-brainer there the two vat the two slip um what I would like to try to do is is I would like to try to get the two boo boat ramp approved today I would also um like to uh to the commission to understand that if it's okay would like to do this in two phases one phase would be to go ahead and put in the parking and start the engineering put in the parking and whatever and have it set up to where we can put the boat ramp in once we get the permit the permit for a boat ramp I'm being told a year and a half out so I'd like to go ahead and put in the parking and use it for a soft launch for a kayak or do whatever there up until that point and then put the boat ramp in and possibly even the uh the bathroom or what have you U but the put put in the handicap area and the and the rest of the parking area and whatever once we get it done I'd also like to pledge 80,000 of my discretionary dollars to do the engineering on this project and get it moved forward very generous commissioner Turner I'm with you on that as long as I can ask one thing if we could put a sign up there that the parking the boat ramp is being applied for so people don't think we're just doing something you know that we shouldn't be doing CU but I think that's a great idea and I agree with now what page is your concept that you really like is it page 268 269 or 270 270 is the one I like to one with two boat ramp the two ramps see that's just one ramp this next one here is two ramps see the two ramps I saw two here too 268 and 270 are the same thing just somehow they they got upside down one's turned the Riverside one's turned to their street side I like DC I think you like 270 than 268 well it doesn't matter to me one way or the other but it's I think it's pretty yeah but I'm good so we can put a sign up there that says we're applying for it and we'll get it and right now we use the soft launch well it'll have to come back before the commission before it moves forward once the engineering is done on it so but we have I believe Juliana helped me with this I believe she told me the other day we have $389,000 set aside for this project so far and that's not using any fishing fund monies and we've been saving the fishing fund monies for five years for a capital project now rather it gets used on Georgetown or rather it gets used here or part for both or whatever it'll probably be somebody later on that makes that decision unless they get the engineering done pretty quickly and then I'd like to try to go ahead and get this moving forward hopefully uh they were saying that they thought they may have it done within approximately 60 days the engineering on this which in government time and Engineering time probably means 90 or 100 days or whatever but still we might it's just the way it is and so but if we get this done ahead of time before November I'd like to try to get this project moving with with whatever discretionary funds that I have left this is where I'm going to try to put them is in this Pro is towards this project and get it moving Mr Commando do we need a motion to move this forward or just okay Mr Turner Mr chairman I move that we approve this and approve the uh the engineering second and with your 80,000 yes okay with my $80,000 up to $80,000 in and to pay for the engineering servic and that's for the two boat ramp the one on page 68 68 or 270 they're the same just upside down all I just have a question so um for clarity purposes we we designated our discretionary funds for capital projects even though his is going to this 880,000 that he's proposing would be used for architectural work it still applies as as the as um design fees are capitalized as part of that Capital project CU it's a it's a onetime project so yeah okay thank you I thought so I just wanted to clarify that we have proper motion proper second any further discussion hearing done all in favor signify by say I I oose like sign the eyes have it thank you Mr Turner Item B Administration manifold repair at putton County Ro plant guess that's going to be Jr yes sir thank you um we have a I'm ready to just make yeah we've got to do this when we don't have we don't have this is not one of them we have an option on I move it with if you do move it you have to move the resolution for it too please okay is there a resolution let me find there is great speech chair I've been nominated to do all of them not even 25 352 Okay resolution 202 24-0 49 East putam Regional water fund no that's just that's the resolution isn't it well we have a res yeah resolution that's all it says resolution [Music] 2024-the in and all in favor signify by saying I iose like sign the eyes have it Mr Clerk of the Court you have okay okay okay Mr chairman I move that we award the project in am of $62,400 resolution 2024-the now second got proper motion proper second and plenty of levity all in favor signify by saying I I pose like sign the eyes haveit Mr clerk you are next on the agenda with two msbu um yes sir hang on let me pull that up real quick quick is that the two that got turned down yes sir just as an update um the um deadline for responses um came and went and we have attached the responses for both of these um msbu petition mail outs that the commission approved at um previous meetings both of the um responses that we received um for both projects were um no votes Mr Clark if you don't mind I want to make a comment about that I we the board uh kind of modified the U procedures on this and I think we did a great job doing it um I think the RS got sicker shock when they realized how much that was going to cost per per lot out there um roads are not cheap right now and they're not even back when we did ours in front of my home home uh was $238 a year for 15 years M um and we all paid it um and a lot of people paid it I did want to say that um you know this was our first year of having discretionary funds and I was going to ask the board if they did came back favorably to let me uh partner with these msbu to lower the cost of them using my Capital Improvement fund but but they didn't come back favorably so I just want to go on record that uh I support the msbu I support people who want to make their residents better their communities better by partnering with the county and I think going forward um we got to find that Avenue to help them uh not get so much sicker shock even though at the beginning when all this was started you know um I know what I said but I don't know what you heard my pastor says that all the time um we we talked about you know 8 to 900 to a million dollars a mile but when those conversations happen people don't realize that until it's actually on paper and what it's going to cost them um so Mr chairman It's Not Unusual even back before it was this High probably at least 80% of these fail when once they go out there when people find out that it's going to cost even a little more because some people don't mind living on a dir road yeah and you're right and then some people go well they got theirs I want to get mine and I don't shouldn't have to pay for it so there's all kinds of dynamics that go into it but in reality with the hundreds of miles of dirt roads that we still have in this County uh and the and the amount of money that we are trying to put to dirt to pave it's still going to be a long long process before we ever see and then we got drain is to deal with so Mr clerk thank you and U so that's report on both of your items yes sir I I I um think so and one other thing I think I'll will mention is something that I think I noticed via this process and the changes that you you mentioned and and have in my office you know follow the ordinance with mailing out the petitions it seemed like there were um that the residents kind of misunderstand what the board does with the dirt to pave program with better place funds each year and then versus what they are asking for Via this um uh citizen Le petition process that they would pay for their own I think there's a lot of people see dirt to pave happening and they think that it's this other process this petition process where they came in and they are petitioning the board to pave their roads but they're not understanding that what they're asking for is for themselves to pay for them to pave their roads and I think that there's just a that kind of misunderstanding of what you guys are doing with their Tove in better place versus this citizen Le um process where the citizens will pay for it on their own so and you're right in reality though comes back when you live on a dirt road that if we're going to get if we're going to get this road paved we're either in the queue or we're going to have to do it oursel correct and we decided in our neighborhood we would do it ourself and um so I understand the Dilemma but you know we've got to move forward on doing the best and moving people out as fast as we can in solving the problems that we're trying to solve on the dirt roads so thank you yes sir that is um I think the ordinance says there's no further action with it being a no vote so good thank you thank you sir chairman could I recommend that we go to item I next whereis doesn't have to everybody else left I'm sorry Mr Kaiser I'm just going right through the agenda we're going to take now since no action was required on item C and D we're going to go to item I uh that's our putam land Conservatory request to construct a walking trail Mr Turner do you have a comment or no I just wanted didn't want to have to sit here another hour you have the floor sir thank you Mr chairman Commissioners uh my name is Timothy Kaiser my address is 51 Atlantic Avenue Interlock in Florida I'm a lawyer I'm here representing the putam Land Conservancy the putam Land Conservancy owns land at Half Moon Lake which is in the Melrose area it's approximately 40 48 Acres that surround an 11 acre parcel owned by the county the Half Moon Lake is an intermittent Lake its water levels fluctuate it's noteworthy in the area for bird use and activity I request on behalf of the putam Land Conservancy authorization to construct a walking trail on a public walking trail on County owned property the putam Conservancy will construct the trail they'll pay for all maintenance for the trail in the future so uh I did have uh some maps we have a map in our in our pack you have it okay uh uh so that I have a question for you Mr Kaiser yes where would people access this walking trail from through the putam county there are two points of access one would be to the north there's a uh if you look at the map there's a indent that on the North side that would be one point of access the other point of access would be from a public road on the south side and I don't recall the name of the road is it a publicly maintained Road yes then there'll be parking into the property itself rich rich you have any issues with us letting them put a walking trail on the property as far as liability may go I mean they're going to they own the property around it's already County property and if they they're not going to pour concrete they're going to go clear a trail to walk through and mark the mark the trail correct right it' be a walking trail a very narrow walking trail so if if they start using this and the county in time in the future was was to decide they wanted to use it for something else we we could just go to them at that time and tell them that we're going to use it for another purpose but other than that couldn't we just go ahead and let them do this you see any road blocks to this I mean every piece of C property has liability with it so is it any greater or less I mean I I don't Mr chairman I move approval of this item second proper motion proper second should we for discussion only real quick should we enter into mou with the putam county the putham land Conservatory would that be something that we could possibly [Music] do to to do a walking trail I wouldn't do okay I just asked the question we have proper motion proper second any further discussion all in favor signify by say I I pose like sign the eyes have it thank youer thank you Mr Kaiser okay going back up to item e procurement bid 248 Mr Grimes you got that I'll take it okay Mr Turner um this another one of them we just don't have an option on it doesn't taste good it's like a bad piece of candy the longer we chew it and we can't spit it out um is another one of the it's another one of these that we bit out and it came in more um to Mr Grimes is credit he's working hard on trying to do some value reductions with the contractor but up until that that point arise or if they're successful in getting that done by buying their pipe somewhere else or something that may happen and the county would um actually receive those savings if they're successful um up until that point we just don't really have an option here so Mr Turner if you're going to make a motion you have to incorporate your resolution I'm looking for it right now sir there you go right here okay uh Mr chairman I'm I move that we uh hire the contractor and use a better place fund reserves capital outlays for 35934 resolution 20245 better place plan fund we have a proper motion did that work y do we have a second second any further discussion does the motion work does the motion work thank you all in favor signify by um I'm sorry you have a discussion yes sir thank you Mr Adams that I didn't see your light on for consistency sake I I will not be voting yes I don't agree with the project because I don't agree with it coming out a better place plan and uh I think every penny of that should be utilized for dirt to pay that is possible thank you Mr adamac we have a any more comments saying none all in favor signify by saying I I POS like sign I the eyes have it four to one thank you uh next Public Works repair or vacate Rody Rogue Culvert who's taking that J.R or if I could Mr wow you're getting a lot of credit today I want that one it's another one of them big pieces of candy you can't spit out well I'm going to tell you I'll go ahead and while you're coming up here Mr nolles I know this area very well that has always been a problem in that area yes sir and if you ask my what my two cents are I am not an engineer but I'm going to tell you I think it's time to vacate that Culvert and turn that property there's other roads that are that are dead end in that area that don't cross over and I think it's time that we let nature take its court and run through there unimpeded I would like to hear I'm very familiar with it as well but for the Public's sake I would like to hear so go ahead Mr no well uh as you know that Crossing of r road has been experiencing potholing from uh subsidence of the soil underneath it I went and stood the CTS and but the the one covert to trying to get by be the Eastern covert is separated in the middle uh it's offset about about six inches and water is Flowing underneath uh that's where the subsidence is coming from all the soil underneath that covert is washing out and it's causing the road to start slowly collapsing it's not a public uh safety issue yet but it will be very soon especially with more rain so uh the only thing we could well we could either replace it we could slip line it which is buys us a little bit of time or we could vacate it Carol Road is about 400 ft away from there and I was out inspecting it uh there was more traffic Crossing that Creek on Carol Road than was in Crossing on Rody road so uh my recommendation would be if we could if we could vacate it it's a lot cheaper to vacate it it's not really impacting tra or residen that area significantly uh but it also uh would allow us to open up that channel again to reduce potential for flooding Upstream so uh but I leave it up to the board on that kind of decision Mr chairman yes sir Mr Turner I'm in total agreement with you but before we dig this cul out can we block it off with some concrete bears and leave it the hell alone for about six months that's what I was going to recommend because if you don't we'll be back there putting a culvert in when whole neighborhood shows up here ready to kill us y so you're right I was going to say the same thing if we could just temporarily temporarily go in there because the Culvert needs work it on and put them things up if we don't have any issues or no lot of complaints or a lot of a lot of problems from it then good we'll go on and do what we need to do but for right now don't dig that thing up because I I would agree that to get the residents used to the idea of that Crossing being eliminated go ahead and put up some uh concrete barriers and close the road people get used to it by the time you uh remove the pipe and I think they'll glad that no through traffic will be going through that neighborhood it personally unless unless you live right on the other side of it and you got to dve all the way around to get back which is not far but not much of a of a detour but for the people you know you can do anything in this job you don't upset people well I I agree somebody is going to be upset hey Mr no will you state your name and occupation Scott noes County engineer thank you for the record you have any earthly idea of approximately how much it would cost to sleep the inside of that uh I believe I put a uh cost estimate in 300,000 about $300,000 if we did go that route what do you estimate the time of of longevity of that how long the lifespan according to the manufacturer the sleeves you could get a hundred years out of it I would say that you're probably looking at about 15 to 20 years if it's done forly okay is it the current time is it dangerous that the current time for people to drive across it it's not dangerous to drive across it right now um but if we get enough significant rainfall uh uh it could be an issue I would suggest not having large vehicles go across it passenger vehicles are fine but something loaded down like a Lo truck or something like that is just going to exac the issue I guess that's the reason that I'm asking is should we block it off completely at this time or just a sign up that says no the vehicle pass or passenger vehicle only or just block it off and be I blocking it off I think blocking it off I've had residents reach out to me and they're concerned for their safety going across it so I think I mean they're not in obviously but I think that and they live right there and I'm good do we have concrete we can put up yeah we got some barriers we can put okay did you happen to in that conversation that that's a possibility that we may vacate that thing and open it up no sir we I didn't get into that yet okay but I did tell them it was it could be significant it definitely needs to be addressed soon well I think once we reroute it and people get kind of used to it they probably thicker shock won't be near as bad as wherever we go we decide to fix it or we decide to the district is it God God bless you to all right thank you then what sens is right now is we're going to block both sides of that off I think that needs to be done by motion Mr chairman somebody needs to make a motion I make a motion that we um block off Rody Road Culvert area don't if that's so we're gonna block off both sides correct okay good thank you do we have a second I'll second thank you any further discussion hearing down all in favor signify by saying I I oose like sign the eyes so we haven't actually vacated yet we just going to block it off at this point we're going to do something different later correct thank you next item is our um Public Works discussion options to cover funding shortfall for CI services to St John Avenue Palm Avenue to CSX Mr chairman yes I would really like to table this item for a short period of time um Mr Suggs were you able to reach out to them um I had asked you last week if you could if you had time could you reach out with the city and explain to them what the options could possibly be that the board would do such as a reduced scope of work and that we're already we're already did we already bid the project for them we're already doing their project management we're already doing the procurement on it we're doing the value engineering on it we we're doing the in the inspections and the field engineering on it we ain't charge them a damn penny so if we just charged them what we already should have charged them in this project it would have been triple what we're asking them to pay for their CI services so before I understand that do we reached out to do and they gave us the permission to to reduce the scope of work to bring it back down within you know into budget I I really think we need to give the city another shot at this if they're so dysfunctional down there that they don't understand that they're fixing to lose a block a city block over $65,000 of us doing a project for them then that's a bad deal that's a bad deal so I think we need to give them the opportunity again to to maybe ask Mr Bell or somebody if if he would like to take it back to the commission and let them make a decision because I don't think it's up to the county to pay for this in any way shape or form so I think that's our two options the city either pays up the money or we reduce the scope work and I don't really want to do either one of those today yes sir the question was that I may contact and yes I did I spoke to Mr B along with Mr Grimes uh last week in my office via telephone and we explained to him the situation just like you did today Mr Grimes did an outstanding job of laying out the project and the concerns and all the work that the county has already uh put forth on both of these projects Al there were two projects and so uh we let him know that was going to be on the the agenda today for discussion and I saw both the mayor as well as Mr Bill in the audience today knowing that this item was on the agenda but we did have a conversation let me know that we're bringing it forward for some direction from the board of how they wanted to move forward with this project uh and one of the discussions was whether or not we're going to pay for it ourselves or cut it uh the scope of the project uh short as do has given us the option so he's aware of all of that his comment back to Mr Grimes and myself was he' like to take one more shot with his commission and would he have time uh following discussion and and direction today at the board to do that and I believe the answer was yes and even if the board told us today that we'd like to take the option of reducing the scope and cutting it the block short he would still have time to go back to his board to have a conversation knowing what the county stance was that was my next question should we go on and pass it today that if they decide not to do it then we will move forward with the project with reduce goope I just just just so everybody's aware and I'm sure we can get through it is is the contractors on a certain amount of time frame for them to complete the project so they may come forward at some point and ask the county for a Time extension on the project because um any of these delays we put in there whether it's funding or whatever is going to have a adverse effect on the contractor so just as long as the board's willing to give a Time extension for more time and doot is willing to give up for some more time um I don't I don't see where that would be an issue all right currently we're under a um restriction in time because the city's doing all of their utilities and the contractor they have with that I believe it's Kent Brothers is taking uh three to four weeks which is delayed phase two of the start of the project so there could be a time delay which could have another cost affected to it um which I believe would then be again the city's responsibility to pay because this is their project that they have delayed with their utility work the other thing I would like to just say on public record so maybe I can help clear up a misunder understanding at their next meeting was I think there was a confusion between a change order and a first cost they kept looking at this as a change order when I when I zoomed in on the last City commission meeting and I couldn't get them to understand that it was not a change order it's a first cost and they they only looked at it as a change order and that's why I believe it fell dead on no motion J JT or Mr Stout I'm sorry even if it was a change order it's their change order it's their project Cor we're just administrating it for them so that's not the way it works I don't go help you paint your house and then I got to buy the paint that's not the way that worked be nice if you would though but it's not going to happen all right commissioner Wilkinson you have the floor I just want to say that I went back and looked at Thursday's uh meeting city of Paca meeting as well and during that meeting they did note that the county um engineer assisted them with some help in a in a park and that it was a cost savings to the city of about $40 to $50,000 so in my opinion if they're worried about the 64,000 then they should look at the cost savings that this county has already given them and use that money amen that's all I have to say thank you could I recommend that we have somebody besides just JT down there where we can double team them where if they did you know if I mean you know what I'm saying where somebody else can get up there and also not that he's not very good at it I'm just saying that sometimes it takes two so we're going to table this to the next meeting and give that the city of plaque a time so we'll be it'll be back on the agenda on the 28th will that mess up the contractor at any no because they're still under delay with Kent Brothers finishing the so we're okay for the 28th but that'll give the city of Paca time to correct to even if they had do an emergency correct meeting okay so and what I'm seeing is JR sorry I just got one more question so with the consensus of our board is it you guys as direction for us when we go down there to be able to say that it's your road and that the County's not willing to pay the 64,000 additional it's your house and your paint and we shouldn't buy the paint for you as commissioner Turner said that's this my I'm that's my consensus I'll tell you I'll tell you my consensus if you want me to take it one step further if there we could walk away from the whole whole project I'd do it because of the way they're treating us and the way they talked about the other road that we did on the other side it's too bumpy it's too this or too that go look at some of their streets and tell me they've done better on any Street they've done in town then that one there was done CU I rode down it I rode down it several times just to see I think you know the consensus going we do and and that's and Mr chairman that's why we had to bring this back to the board for discussion because staff was absolutely wants to take the direction from our five elected officials before we have a conversation with five other elected officials so thank you very much for that input and we'll take that message uh to the city good thank you well I I don't want to pay the 65 Grand all that being said just I'd rather reduce the scope I agree agreed agreed all right so the next item on our agenda is item H Public Works purchase of a pay jet Mr South do you have that are you coming running back to the podium I I can take that one Mr chairman um move approval we have proper motion do we have a second I'll second it for discussion you also need a resolution when you make that motion there a resolution to buy peace of equipment yes sir okay we're getting resolution crazy a we're going resolution nuts I think so do you have the resolution is resolution and the budget resolution and I approve and to approve the purchase at then the amount of um the Milling head and also this and as you can see in in the board package it does say the price includes some training in order to activate a warranty which is key and I do believe it's onsite training so I just want to go offer there they offer up that there are some specific spots in district one that probably out order District Two just thinking to say if if I thought I could have got it seconded I would have said and never take it to district one oh Lord but anyway I think this is going to really pay dividends for um if nothing else just when we have to replace a culvert or a cross cover for water or something like that so anyway I do second it so thank you any further discussion hearing none all in favor SE up saying I those like sign the eyes have it next on our agenda is public comment on miscellaneous items this portion of the agenda is designed to allow the citizens an opportunity to bring matters to the attention of the board it is not reasonable to expect that the board will engage in debate or deliberation about matters on which the board has not received any prior information as part of this agenda we're going to limmit your comments to 3 minutes public comment cards are located in the conveniently in the back of the room and should be submitted to the deputy clerk who sits to my left and your right of the podium is there any public comment on miscellaneous items any public comment on miscellaneous items seeing none we'll close the public comment portion Clerk of the Court Mr Matt Reynolds good morning Mr chairman I have nothing oh I've already closed a public comment well go ahead Mr I'll wait just a moment may not have realized she had a miscellaneous com in we're good okay Mr clerk thank you Mr chairman I have nothing this morning thank you Mr Commando nothing additional thank you sir thank you County Administrator Mr Su uh no sir I have nothing to add thank you commissioner comment starting to my right Mr Adams act I have none commissioner Turner I have none commissioner Pickins I just want to make note and congratulate the St John's River State College Vikings um coach Ross Jones head baseball coach and his nephew coach Joey pound the girl softball coach and president Pickins uh for both of them winning their respected districts in Junior College District 2 the uh boys will be headed to I think the Omaha Nebraska to or to uh for the championship I'm not exactly sure the girls path but they'll move forward and I just think it's great um of everything that's happening out there and they have moved to division 2 just a couple of years ago and with this is just living proof that they're very competitive so I just want to congratulate all them that's all I have thank you commissioner Wilkinson I have none and I have one item um don't need to make a discussion today we'll put on new business but uh ladies and gentlemen we got to talk about that Ronnie Clark building I'm getting some complaints about the looks of it and what we what the plan is for the future but if you don't mind we'll put it on new business for the next meeting downtown okay so I have other that's definitely going to be quite the discussion yeah I know so no more commissioner comments see no more comments or nothing good for the order this meeting is now cancelled don't forget your I mean this meeting's post ended adjourned our animal shelter I mean animal services building groundbreakings at 2:00 today thank you