e e e e e e e e e e e and I'll turn my microphone on so you can hear me um before we get started with the meeting proper I would like to welcome our newest member of the board um Justin Morris Justin is coming on in the position that was created when Mr Schwing resigned from the board and also I would like to um recognize and welcome Mark mcmanis Mark is the community planning liaison officer for NAS Jacksonville and he is a standing member of this commission a nonvoting member of this commission and we have had him or his counterpart attend meetings in the past and he will be doing a presentation today uh later on in the in the meeting um I need need to ask our board members have any of you do any of you have any conflicts of interest concerning this case no no no thank you I don't either has anyone had any experte communication with anyone concerning this case no no okay good nobody here so with that we will get started with the meeting this is a public hearing and we are the putam County Planning Commission we're the designated local planning Agency for the county as prescribed in chapter 163 of the Florida Statutes and we function under the authority of Articles 11 and 12 of the putam County Land Development code the primary responsibility of the commission is to serve as an advisory body to hear and make recommendations to the board of County Commissioners on matters related to provisions of and proposed amendments to the putham county comprehensive plan and the putham county count Land Development code the members of this board will review each application and make a recommendation to the board of County Commissioners at their next regularly scheduled meeting on April 23rd 2024 procedurally we will call each Case by name and number a member of Staff will then briefly explain to us the nature of each request we will then take comments from the applicant or their representative followed by public comments concerning the request we ask that all comments be directed to the board and not to anyone else in the audience before speaking we will ask you to give your name and address and be recognized before you come forward after all persons wishing to speak have been heard we will entertain a motion from the board this motion will be voted on by the board members and become our recommendation to the board of County Commissioners the board of County Commissioners will make the final determination regarding the application I understand you're up today yes ma'am I am thank you good afternoon everybody Jennifer cazelle for the record planner 2 the case we're hearing today is Rez 23- [Music] 000000008 the application is to amend the zoning map from plan unit development and agriculture to residential estate the applicant is David Pepper the subject property is all 224 Acres of Hog Island totaling 22 parcel ID numbers the future land use is agriculture the zoning is plan unit development and agriculture The Proposal is to amend the zoning map to allow development of a private luxury Community the purpose of the requested zoning map amendment is to reone all 224 Acres of Hog Island from plan unit development and agricultural to residential estate to allow for development of a private luxury residential Community which would be reviewed and processed as a platted subdivision dependent on the outcome of the subject request based on the supplied conceptual plan of what could be developed the community could comprise a total of 22 single family Waterfront Lots ranging from 5.9 to 14.6 Acres lot SI lot sizes are subject to change when the plat is reviewed by the development Review Committee the island is currently incumbered by a PUD de development agreement Isle of St John's ordinance 1997-04 which expired 5 years after being approved in 1997 as no development occurred consistent with the phasing schedule of said development agreement Additionally the island is also encumbered by a ploted subdivision Hog Island subdivision mapbook 4 page 108 in which the road and drainage improvements were not completed an aerial view of the island sunning future Landers this is the conceptual subdivision that the applicant submitted to us the residential estate zoning district is implemented traditionally for larger one acre or more depending on the residential density Parcels located on nav navigable waterways and to implement residential policies of the Agricultural and rural rural residential use categories the re zoning district is compatible with the current future land use category assigned to Hog Island the proposed reone also provides an assur an assured use that the lands on Hog Island can only be used for single family residential development other lands on the island are zoned to agriculture which allows for development of mobile homes and several other uses subject to an approved special use permit the subject zoning Amendment proposal is an effective down zoning which limits development to those compatible with the re zoning District the proposed zoning map amendment is is compatible with the surrounding uses staff recommends approval of the request to amend the zoning map from planned unit development and agriculture to residential estate staff finds that the proposed resoning is consistent with the goals objectives and policies of the adopted comprehensive plan and meets the locational requirements of the residential estate zoning District provided in the Land Development code and the comprehensive plan are there any questions of Jennifer at this time I have one yes sir I have one uh they're supposed to have they've got these uh 22 sites they range from 5.9 acres to 14 acres correct yes sir okay I thought that uh they were supposed to have 10 acre minimum Madam chair if I may cut in real quick please can we just confirm Mr Mr Hancock doesn't have exp parte or conflict interest do you have you okay thank you that's all thank you um what are the lot sizes required for residential estate and the agriculture zoning areas or agriculture land use areas so this would be a down zoning from what's required now it's one dwelling per 10 acres correct right okay so so if we're doing it for them are we going to do it for everybody in putam County that's the question I have M Madam chair if I may answer that so the the residential density for the a future land use is indeed one dwelling unit per 10 acres for ploted subdivisions but that is the total density for the development so the property the the island itself comprises 224 Acres we would end up with 22 Lots which is a gross density of one unit per 10 acres so we so one unit per 10 acres and then it's uh one unit per 5 Acres if it AB buts and takes access from a county maintained Road and then it's one unit per 20 acres when it's located in the military restriction overlay Zone and this is in a military restricted overlay Zone portion of it is yes ma'am and whenever it's a new ploted subdivision it stipulates that the gross density for the development being limited to one unit per 10 acres I don't remember when we did the comp plan that we ever talked about it being an average I thought it was per site it was to I believe that it's uh provided in the staff report the the um a snippet from that future land use element of the comprehensive plan do we have a plan with us today that we can look it up uh not immediately handy but I can I can go fetch something real quick it' be nice if we had that here okay there a couple other questions that come up okay be right back um so you're saying that that we use an average Mr Perry do you have anything to weigh in on that no ma'am but um I am interested to see what what uh Mr Baker is going to bring back for us comp plan clearly said one for 10 so okay um any other questions from the board the only other question I had was uh I thought that when you did a development that you had to have water treatment facility and water facility and not uh individual Wells on each uh each property that's going to be an exception to the uh comp plan too the exception right well the lot size is but subdivisions are required to have uh sewer treatment aren't they and Central water no they're not um if you want a small lot size you do yeah sry the I have a couple of questions about one about the soil the um soil has been defined as not absorbable the soil type is that suitable soil for a septic system I can't answer that uh that would be like a Department of Health um when they had to go for their permits to get the sewers and uh or the septic system installed that would be Department of Health that would issue those permits and and say whether they could be built or not that would come through also DRC correct do would be there yes um it seems to me that that soil type is not going to be compatible with percolation with with a septic system I can't I can't say one way or the other if it would that would be a DRC review also there appears to be a a drive that goes from the north to the South part of the island is that on a Causeway because it goes over Wetlands I'm sorry what do you mean a drive it looks to be a road can you bring up the the can you bring the island the map of the island up okay no back over back one this is their conception conceptual plan that they submitted and they do not at this time have any plans for a road each lot would be accessed by uh boat so there's no way how would there's only going to be one one Marina right I'm not sure that there's any plans for a marina I thought there's going to be a dock where 2er to the applicant or the applicant's agent for yeah that's on the other side we'll get you in just a minute Mr Douglas thank you then there are there are right now I believe two docks on the island but I would imagine and this is just speculation on my behalf that every house would have a dock or plans to have a do question with that it looks to be the Highland the Upland areas with one exception or two maybe do not come down to the The River's Edge there's a substantial area of wetland between the Upland areas and the river what is our setback requirement for Wetlands believe it's 25 ft okay is that taken into consideration here um Review Committee okay now there's a PUD in existence right now for the island yes ma'am some of do we have to formally vacate that PUD not if this is passed and how about the subdivision we don't have to vacate that either it's going to go away yes ma'am okay it would be vacated um got a question pardon yes sir I've got a question you y'all call this a conceptual plan if we approve the uh zoning change that doesn't necessarily lock this plan in correct no sir well now wait a minute this is a subdivision plan isn't it no it's not we are we are not here today to approve their conceptual subdivision plan that would be a plat that's going to be submitted to DRC and at that point that's when those approvals from all the state agencies and the building department I thought CU I have to sign subdivision plans we are here today to approve or deny or give your recommendation on the zoning change not the subdivision so this is just one possible configuration correct so this come back to West to approve the subdivision no the this would go to DRC after here we are here today to make a decision to for you to make a recommendation on the approval or denial of the rezoning after that then it goes to the bccc they give their final say if they approve then we go to DRC at that point that's when plats start getting looked over all right let me ask a question of Jenny you've had me sign plats in the the past where we've platted a subdivision and it's been done after we've approved it'll come back to the Planning Commission again okay after DRC okay to approve the the final configuration yes ma'am okay well we're looking at right now we're looking at the uh the zoning change to uh residential estate yes ma'am uh can you talk about the the different layers of flood zone areas that are on the island and just Define those for us did I include there two different categories I believe I read on page eight thank you that's what I thought just doesn't say anything about averages can do I think it's the ter it's not if the law doesn't say you can you can't so where's the military zone oh the overlay zone is the whole island we're going to have the military man speak in just a minute so it would be the transfer and that needs to be more clearly defined in here excuse us while we dot our eyes and cross our teas it's all uh special flood Hazard AE okay what is that exactly is that 500 year 100 year I think it's 100 year we have AE n NWI Wetland layer AE flood zone and NWI Wetland layer what exactly does that mean the the wetlands show the Wetland layer is going to show where the wetlands are exactly MH and the flood zone is going to show where the flood zones are now okay right thank you um this doesn't take into consideration any uh projections that we're seeing with title changes uh we're seeing with storm surge inundation those are all uh Northwest Northeast Florida Regional Council has done a lot of study on that that's something that may need to be looked at because um with title change with surge those areas are impacted um just a cautionary word there I think what we've come to we found out that yes indeed the agriculture category is a density of one unit per 10 acres but the future land use uh element of the comprehensive plan does also allow for residential transfer zones where residential trans density may be transferred from one lot parcel or trative land to another upon approval by the BC pursuant to requirements of the section um the sending zones from which residential density may be transferred shall be those areas within the military res restricted overlay Zone um the receiving zones or areas to which residential density may be transferred shall be areas served by Central water and or sewer utility within the designated mrz surrounding the Lake George range and Rodman range of the Pine Castle military range complex um that needs to be reflected in the staff report if you can do that because that does impact what this what can happen with this the receiving area must have Central water and Su Andor sewer um shall be served so that was that taken into consideration when you all did this work no ma'am um would not that be something that would be vital to this report well I think it the reason it was not considered was we were merely looking at the fact of whether or not we could rezone the property to residential estate all of the Lots on the island currently the 22 Parcels are existing they're considered lots of record so we could have just left the the existing lot layout as is and because their lots of record they would be entitled to develop as is the applicants are wanting to subdivide the island so that it's more of a proportionate layout of parcels as it stands right now you have one parcel is like 0.9 Acres the other one's 177 Acres so with the redivision of land we would have more of an average four and a half 5 acre parcel the original subdivision or the Pud that's in place right now was done under the old comp plan the current Parcels that are on the island right now are lots of record the right and that was all done previously under the prior comp plan because the comp plan did change in this area the subdivision was plotted before there were any regulations for density I agree right so therefore if we're going to look at this to approve it we have to go by what the comp plan says today I mean if you're going to build a house in the 70s you don't have to do the codes that you have to have to now sure but what the comp plan says today is that lots that were that predate the comprehensive plan December 19th 1991 are considered locks record and are El eligible for a building permit but aren but isn't that plant being vacated with this change no ma'am that would come after the zoning determination they're not going to pursue a plot until they find out if they can get the zoning that they're looking for seems like one is pretty much contingent upon the other right but they don't need to replat I mean they could just leave it as residential estate if they got the zoning and build what they have exactly but wouldn't they fall under the current comp plan what do you mean no because it was approved prior right prior but they've got to meet the needs of the current comp plan in order to do it if they're going to replot then they would need to meet the needs and that's where we would implement the residential transfer zones but that would be up to the applicants if they wanted to pursue this Central water okay I'm confused that we want to approve rezoning to residential estate which requires much larger Lots than are currently platted but we're not taking into consideration the underlying comp plan requirements they should go together we really can't consider the underlying comp plan because we don't know if the applicants are going to move forward with a subdivision or if they're going to just keep the Lots as are the intention has been to re subdivide but we don't have an application for that they frankly and the applicant will probably agree to me they didn't want to spend the money on a plat until they figured out if they were going to get the reone so in effect they're wanting to this proposal they they have 22 Parcels there now that's correct and then they'll have the ability to make fewer Parcels with the replat the replat goes to 22 right that's not guaranteed so the the the I think it's 18 the effect is basically what the effect could just be it's zoned differently but they still can develop all the lots that are there now is that correct well they can't develop all of the Lots there now because the Pud is null and void so there you can't do any development at point in time okay so we needed to remove the Pud and then if the applicants desire to move forward then they would submit a plot and repat the sub the the island for a total number of lots that's equal to the existing number of lots currently there which is 22 correct okay um any other questions of the board of staff I I would like to say one thing so when staff recommends approval it's not in accordance with the comprehensive plan period it's either is written and it's not correct you're recommending approval I can accept that but it's not in accordance with the comprehensive plan based off of the way that I'm reading the comprehensive plan I believe that it is but I don't feel that we need to debate that okay that's fine that documentation does need to be in staff report how you came to believe that this should be approved understood that needs to be in the staff report especially the part about the density and anything else the water treatment water treatment the sewer system the whole nine yards needs to be addressed in here the other thing is I think it would be really good and behoove you to put a timeline of activities in here or at least a succession what happens first what happens next what happens after that because we're at the Starting Gate right now and they've got several laps to make around the track before they get to their final ideal situation this is just step one what is step two what's step three what step four I think that would be very good to have in this document uh and to have been presented to us for this um anything else well Dron Island's BAS basally the same thing R island is how many Lots is on that one I have no idea there was a lot of people around that Island a lot more than this yeah well I understand that but just to me that this this island here is basically like draing the same thing very very much yes and I think the water the water and sewer issue falls on the developer anyway down the road but it it it is included in the comp plan right so I don't think it would be practical with an amount of wetland there for to run lines there yeah that there there's a the majority of the island Falls within the wetlands is that correct based on the NWI mapping that is correct but we haven't received a delineation for those wetlands are we premature here today no ma'am okay so right now from what we know the majority of the island is wetland we don't know that the NWI Wetlands map is just a layer that looks at elevation of land it doesn't look at actual Wetland habitat so when will we know that whenever they submit a subdivision plot okay all right sorry for all of this back and forth we were a little bit confused up here um at this point before I bring the applicant up I would like to bring Mr mcmanis up he has some things he would like to share with us based on the military overlay zones and the military's uh position on this because th those of us that live in South putham got a real taste of what uh happens with low-flying jets about a week and a half ago um we had a really sharp uh Sonic Boom Boom it was more than a it was a bad one so um Mr mcmanis I turn it over to you thank you ma'am uh through the chair first for the record that was the Air Force not the Navy I don't take responsibility for that please give us your name and address uh Mark mcmanis PO Box 2 Naval Air Station Jacksonville Jacksonville Florida 32212 uh as I said my name is Mark mcmanis and I'm the military representative to the putam County Planning Commission in this role I'm an ex officio non- voting member of the Planning Commission pursuant to Florida statute 163 3175 I'm here today to express the Navy's position on the proposed rezoning and development of Hog Island uh I also brought with me Mr Don Heaton he is the range director for Pine Castle so if you have any questions about Pine Castle or Lake George range he is the subject matter expert on it the position of the Navy is we strenuously objects to any resoning or development on Hog Island for health safety and Welfare reasons for our military air Crews as well as the residents of put County before you in a folder you have multiple exhibits the first is a definition of range compatibility zones and a guideline a stoplight chart if you will that shows what the recommended development is in the different compatibility zones and I will explain that second you have a map of the range compatibility zones that clearly indicates that range compatibility zone two and three overlay all of Lake George to include Hog Island third I've included putham County zoning code section 45 Tac 163 a copy of the warranty deed for Hog Island by runaway Island LLC Google Earth in putham County property appraiser GIS historical imagery of the helicopter pad on the island a copy of Florida statute title 25 section 330.30 a portion of the FAA VFR sectional for restricted area 2907 over Hog Island and finally the court finding for vilo vers Ryland group ruling of 2012 and I will speak to each of these Hog Island Falls within range compatibility zone two which is the area of armed overflight when an aircraft commits to an attack run over to the lake George range this is the period where the aircraft puts the master arm switch and on the weapon is energized the weapons rack is energized the only thing keeping the aircraft from the weapon from departing the aircraft is the pilot pushing the button this is right over Hog Island you can find the definition as I said in uh exhibit one in exhibit two it shows what the compatible use what the Navy's recommendations for development in range compatibility Zone 2 you will see that single family residences duplex mobile homes multif family residential Transit lodging public assembly is all considered incompatible the Navy does not want people living underneath armed weapons the Navy and other DOD activities depend on the Pine Castle range complex to prepare for war and support the nation's National defense strategy any development within rzz 2 may affect the ability of the US Armed Forces to complete our training mission for this reason we oppose the application to reone or allow any residential development on Hog Island furthermore I have five items I'd like to State for the record first as the Navy strenuously objects to the development inside range compatibility Z zone two if putam County elects to approve this development putam County will be assuming some of the responsibility if there is ever a mishap if putam County approves houses to be built on here knowing the risk the responsibility is shared as the Navy strenuously objects to this development noise complaints resulting from Hog Island will be forwarded to putam County County Administrator and ask them to respond once again as the Navy has strenuously objected to it we feel the responsibility for noise complaints is shared now moving on to putham County zoning code 45 Tac 163 exhibit 3 it states a special use permit for private aircraft Landing facility may be granted contingent upon the applicant obtaining all necessary state and federal permits for the facility this island has been under the current ownership since February and March of 2013 per the warranty deeds when they Consolidated the properties imagery obtained from Google Earth as well as the Platinum County Planning Commission clearly indicate that construction on this helicopter pad commenced in 2014 under current ownership the putam County Planning staff has confirmed to me personally that no special use permit was ever issued for this helicopter pad per FL statute 330.30 fot is required to approve all horts and fdot fot has no record of any application for a Hort in this location this location lies inside restricted area 2907 which is special use airspace codified in federal law 14 CFR part 73 the FAA has designated the Navy as the airspace Control Authority for for this area and neither the FAA nor the Navy has ever been asked to approve a helicopter pad in this location the Navy is the airspace Control Authority for the restricted area does not recommend the development of any Aviation capability to this island to include landbased planes sea planes or helicopters as this pad is in violation of County state and federal guidelines the Navy requests the putham county enforce Code Compliance on this pad and have it either brought in liance or eliminated per Florida real estate law the seller is responsible for latent defects in the virgilio versus Ryland Homes ruling which you have an uh case study of the Court found that when the seller of the home knows of facts materially affecting the value of the property which are not readily observable and are not known to the buyer the seller is under duty to disclose this to the buyer in the vilo case the location in operations of Pine Castle were specific to this case and they were not disclosed to the buyers we wish to enter into the record that the owner is responsible to for disclosing to any future buyers that armed aircraft will be flying over these homes both day and night at low level while conducting weapons drops onto the Lake George range as well as air combat maneuvering over Lake George and inside restricted area 2907 and that is the same area where the Air Force had their sonic boom finally the development is located 18 mi from the Pine Castle impact area which I'm sure you're all familiar with this is a range where live ordinance up to 2,000 pounds is routinely employed low altitude flight and detonation of live ordinance can be heard and felt in this location in the propo of this proposed development therefore per the vigilo ruling the owners must disclose this fact to potential buyers as it is documented that some individuals who suffer from medical issues may be triggered by loud noises loud noises and Tremors from the use of explosives and military equipment so once again the Navy strenuously objects to the development in rezoning the information that I provided for you comes from the range air Installation compatible use Zone which is the operations manual conducted under the National Environmental Protection act framework it pulls together the operations of the range and then EX it looks to extrapolate how those operations will impact both the air noise and S and uh dangers to the people that live outside the ran are there any questions thank you any questions for Mr mcmanis anybody else you're thinking down there Justin yeah how do you reconcile that that objection with the rest of the residentially zon property inside those areas it's already um every airport there's there's development inside the range compatibility zone for Pine Castle for uh I was just down at Lake County they have high density residential in the rcz 2 leading into the Pine Castle impact area um I can't speak to what was done previously uh as was brought up earlier comp plant change the Navy uh the Navy's guidance Sy from 2017 uh has been updated uh it not necessarily incorporated into putam County zoning uh we extend the offer uh but there are lots of areas where housing was developed prior to engagement by the Navy or updates of comp plans and Zoning codes that have resulted in for example Dron island is exactly in the same position as Hog Island um but once again as this has come up this is the opinion of the Navy sir so we address things as they come up and as questions come or as applications come in is when we address them I can't speak to what was done previously I follow that what we're doing here today is determining not whether or not stuff can be built on Hog Island because there's already Parcels there that have the ability to be developed it's so whether or not we're going to reconfigure those and reone it and and through a resoning process not it's not like we're saying yes or no we're going to develop the island we're saying how if it does get developed it will be developed I agree with what you're saying but based on what he's saying is they should not even issue building permits that goes to the building and Zoning I I got that part but that's not what that's what we're talking about that's right we're talking about zoning what we're doing is making determination of not whether or not it's going to be developed but how we're going to proceed forward if in fact it does we're we're determining whether or not to re to recommend rezoning of these Parcels that's what we're doing y but we have to take everything into consideration when we do it thank you thank you so much Mr McManus anybody else have a question Mr Perry Okay Zach or Jennifer do you want to ask any questions of Mr McManus okay at this point I will ask the owner or the owner's applicant whomever has been drawn the Short Straw to come up and speak to us please state your name and address and talk to us Madam chair my name is Charlie Douglas 117 North 2 Street patka Florida members of the board thank you for allowing us to be here we fully support the thorough analysis of the staff and would re request that you approve their recommendation I would like to take a moment and answer any questions that you have but first to answer some of the issues that came up from the repres representative of the Navy first and foremost the owner is very respectful of the Navy thank you for everything that the Navy does and keeping us safe but there are some things that uh need to be cleared up and one is about the helipad and the PowerPoint presentation that was constructed by the Navy is a little bit misleading because in that presentation it makes it look like the helipad did not appear until 2014 but the helipad was there long before and it even predated the Pud in 1997 if you look at the original PUD on page 12 it references the existing helipad the helipad has been there from the very beginning and if there are any FAA regulations uh to bring the helipad in further uh compliance of course we will follow all federal state local law but there is a big difference in the uh regulations that were cited for airports and those for helipads and the the issues of helipad specifically were not added in your packet also the uh FAA restricted area 2907 I I want to make sure that the the commission is very clear on this Hog Island does not exist inside of a no-fly zone there are FAA zones for no fly zones these are called prohibited areas the closest prohibited area to the north is around St Mary's Georgia with the nuclear submarines the closest prohibited area to the South is CMI with Disney World there is not a nfly Zone over Dron Island over Hog Island it is a restricted area and an MOA and flight is allowed for any aircraft through that area with um certain permissions and many times the restricted areas are not even live and you can fly through without uh getting permission if the restricted areas are cold which a lot of times they are also it sounds like that the position of the Navy is that there ought not to be any residential development for Hog Island and if that is the case that's a taking uh and that impedes on our clients's constitutional private property rights and just compensation would need to be paid I don't know if that is the the track that the Navy wants to go uh but if they're here to say that no development at all can exist on Hog Island then that that's a larger constitutional issue that we can cross the bridge later uh and then the case of virgilio is not applicable to today's conversation we we are a long way away from marketing any of these Lots to be sold and of course our clients are going to follow whatever the law requires of them in marketing and what is a lat defect or not obvious defect and what has to be disclosed not disclosed they're going to follow the rules on that and that that's many to use your earlier analogy many laps around before we got to that point but we're coming out of the gate today at the very first step and it's only a a discussion about zoning and right now the with the had the Pud continue forward it would be a much higher density this is a a down zoning this is something that is going to elevate our community uh putam county is going to be proud of what our clients are looking to do down there and it for visitors who are coming up from the south into putam County this is going to be a great something really nice to look at and those who are uh coming south before they leave putam County uh we'll see what U beautiful luxury neighborhood this is is going to increase the the tax value of putam County it's going to help with adalum and it's going to do a a whole lot more than what the island is right now which is uh pretty much uh staying dormant but we're going to activate the island it's going to look really good it's something that the citizens of putam County are going to be proud of and that the government will be thankful for for the additional tax revenue the other questions that came up are great questions about soil pulation uh setbacks uh the plat and the flood zone all those things are important and that will come one of those future laps around the track with the development review all we're here right now is on the zoning from the a PUD over to re okay any questions of Mr Douglas yes my question is the location at 121 Georgetown Landing Road how big is that parcel because you see you're going to have 22 boats and parking for cars you're going to have to have parking for cars because people can't get to the island unless they're going to get Dron Island ferry to stop over at Hog Island so yes it don't look like you're going to put any roads on Hog Island at the moment yes sir and that will be a request that comes before the Planning Commission soon because it is the landside is currently Zone agriculture we're going to need to resolve how big is that because it wasn't really what a sign was what I was told what a sign was that was a county owned piece of property where they put the sign at the end of Georgetown Landing Road that but we will be back before you on that particular part but it is large enough to accommodate I'm just worried about the neighbors too now you got Neighbors on the mainland side and then we got the Navy on the other side so yes sir and I I assure you based on the um commission meeting from January where the zoning went from a to commercial to accommodate a Dollar General we will not be asking for a Dollar General on the island or on the landside uh it will only be a zoning request from a to re as well okay I was just curious about how that property was and I should also hasten to add that or what whatever zoning is required for the function of allowing that to go the residence to go back and forth RB might not be the the best designation there uh maybe some other um a Light commercial if that it may not even be that but I assure you it would not be a Dollar General okay um any other questions of Mr Douglas Mr mcmanis do you have any questions Mr Perry okay thank you very much is the owner president or are you representing the owner totally sure if you would up would you like to come speak David Pepper and Mr Cliff paper and I'm not sure if you've met the peppers yet but they also are developing the dry storage boat area in East batka and who are folks from out of town but have a long history in putam county and with Mr Pepper's children learning to water ski in this area the St John's river and we're we're proud to have folks like him uh choose to invest and be part of the economic development of our County okay I do have one more question to Mr Douglas but come on forward Mr pepper Piper go ahead Mr what responsibilities will the county have regarding fire safety uh health and safety evacuation of somebody who is ill um Emergency Services basically thank you very much for that question and that's another reason why the helipad is essential is for a public safety component of that and the residents there well the county doesn't have a helicopter where for for LifeLight who would be coming in and need to yes ma'am but the um the the services there will be all part of the level of service is something that is considered in the development review but yes the residents who live out there would know that um any type of Medical Services could be delayed because of the necessity of fery access what about firefighting same thing yes sir and there was a parcel or a residence that was severely damaged by fire in 2023 was there was the count County able to get over to help fight that fire yes okay what that come on you can speak from the microphone my name is David Pepper I live at uh 340 Oakridge Trail in St Augustine uh answering your question yes they came over what they have is they have a small bow and it actually has a pump attached to it and we have we have a fire wagon for the island and we have some fire stuff there but they came over with that and it's got a you know fairly large Honda engine and they just you know and flood it so actually they were very very quick to be honest with you and very efficient and they were able to get to the structure with the hoses that they had oh yes okay uh but uh they're used to that they have to be prepared for everybody on Dr Island where the heavier density of the population is correct uh there but U I've owned the island for uh since 13 and I'm sure y'all all know how it All Shook down there was a big auction and all that kind of stuff happened and nobody showed up but me so and then it was brok into all these pieces so all I did is I bought the two ends and then had to connect it and and when I bought it everything was three years behind in taxes so the tax collector was right there to get their tax money as we bought it which which is proper and uh you know the right thing to do but we bought the island the reason I bought the island is because I've had a house down there for a long time in Lake George prior to the 213 uh my children are 18 years old now identical 20 girls but they grew up tubing and water skiing on that back side of hog Island you know where it is there and in fact uh just recently uh we had the power company there and I don't know if y'all are aware the power company just within the last 30 days ran in brand new power there so we have power there now for over 50 homes of uh good siiz houses and and uh is there a substation is there a substation on the island or no it comes from uh drton Island okay so the power company is thinking they're going to sell a lot of power there we did not ask them to do that they came and they did it on their own it took them two years to get the permits to get the cable over there and you know they they did a good job and uh just finished it up if youall been boating in there you've seen the barges and all sitting down there um but um the island I've always gone by it and when we would go by there you couldn't see any the houses you couldn't see anything on the island it was so grown up and then when a chance came to get it uh we got the island and we started piecing it together in fact I think I was the first person to own the whole island in 50 years and you know there's all kinds of stories to the island we we had somebody who was a psychic to the stars that was the last person to sell to us that lived on a yacht and so forth but we got the island and I just fell in love with it you know we have um the best Wildlife over there uh over there you know we all come up we see all the wildlife you know we're very very much Wildlife orientated um we're kind of tree huggers that actually and uh but we rebuilt the houses got them got them going again got the docks operational so the docks that were there we didn't build any new docks we just used utilized what was there and uh did it it it's turned out nice you know we've had U multi family daughter father campouts with other families there it's a great place to to be there and it is a hidden Jewel it's something that needs to be shared with people and people need to know about it in fact the reason why we have built the Boat Barn you know the big facility over on 17 as the the water the river is the biggest best thing you've got around here it is a unused Jewel you talked most of people in St Augustine they've never even been up here they've never been the river it's one of our it's one of our best resources I will agree that's and that's what we're trying to capitalize on that's are there questions of Mr pepper yes yes I got one on the I think it was the southeast Island part of the island there's a dock there that's all by itself is that is somebody living there there was a boat there when I went by with with a boat the other day um I can tell you the sad story there um that house was built and a Gentleman had it and he had cancer and he died and so we bought it from his estate okay um but I know it was way out there by itself compar where your main compound was yeah just happened to notice that but we're on the island maintaining it all the time you we're mowing it we have you know everything from blowing the roofs off to to keeping it up okay okay any other questions of Mr pepper gentlemen I thank you please stay around because we may have more questions later on thank you all right at this time I will open it up for public hearing I have one speaker card you're not required to have a speaker card uh but after you speak if you'd fill one out that would be great um but the first person I have is Jerry Wilson and Jerry um come forward please and give us your name and address and uh share your concerns thoughts and hello my name is Jerry Wilson um legal name is Germaine Wilson and we recently purchased 103 Georgetown Landing Road and um so when we heard this of course we have concerns um one of my you're going to need to speak close into that microphone it's a little finicky I normally speak pretty loud so I didn't want to get too close so one of the concerns of course is for us I mean I'd love to see the the the development of the island that would be nice but for everybody around here is the infrastructure I am from a small town south of Daytona it used to be small and you know the infrastructure was not put in matter of fact we just came back from bike week and it's just you know it's not it's not good when you don't plan so I'm thankful that um I can't um I don't want to say Joe I want to say Mr I can't Mr you can call me Joey it's no big deal so I'm thankful that you brought up the ferry because there's been rumors about that and I you know that's part of the infrastructure of this you know of this development so it's like how is this going to affect the property owners that are on the river my property is on the river and it is actually right next door to Mr pepper property at the end of uh Georgetown Landing Road we also have two other neighbors here with us um my husband's here with me as well but we're you know concerned about that I mean it's a it's a very quiet area one of the reasons we're here and uh you know it's very concerning what are they going to do about the infrastructure how are they going to control the extra cars going back and forth you know etc etc and how's that going to affect everybody around here it's um if you've been down to Idol a while in Georgetown you know what I'm talking about you see how quiet it is until they have their little things going on Sunday but you know that's all part of the fun they're quiet at night everything's you know it's very nice it's very quiet down there um not a lot of traffic and one of the reasons we are here um so you know that is one of the things I was really concerned about um I think I one of my other questions was answered about anybody living on Hog Island I wasn't sure if they were but they they're living there now and they're getting back and forth I'm sure about with their own boats right unless they have their own ferry so those are my concerns you know how how is it going to affect us um especially with the extra traffic with the extra you know even the the property is not that large right next to us you know it's um I think you know the the riverfront Fage is maybe 100 feet I maybe 200 I don't remember I think it's 100 but it's still not that large well you know we going to have a lot of cars parked over there that's our concern and um you know and I I do love development I love the idea somebody's going to have a wonderful place to live that's great but it needs to be thought out and and how it's going to affect everybody else okay thank you appreciate it okay thank you is there anyone else who would like to speak please come forward and give us your name and address good afternoon my name is Judith York I live at 142 Drayton Island Road I'm a resident for 24 years the experience I have with Mr pepper is that he has done tremendous Improvement for this County and for southern putam County every project he does he does it very thoroughly and he certainly has the finances to do so I've watched watched Hut uh Hog Island for years be dormant be overgrown be looted with poachers it was always a place to go other people fishermen they would go hang out it provided a lot of opportunity for people to enjoy the fishing and hunting obviously on private property not being governed by anybody Mr Peppers steep forward and has developed it has cleaned it up he's also invested in the historical schoolhouse for Georgetown it's an historical landmark that should be designated this man has put a lot of time and effort he's moving forward of trying to take a piece of property that putam county has uh it's all encompassed in puam county and he's trying to give it an opportunity for some kind of growth where other people can either put their home on it or choose not to he's all freeing 22 lots that doesn't mean you're going to have a huge subdivision but uh Georgetown uh has back when I first got there what 500 residents I don't know how many more in there you've got along all along the river you you got now homes that are going for a million dollars I stood up here in in defense of development or lack of development when somebody wanted to come into uh Henry what's it the the fish camp and they wanted to put in the Villas they wanted to put in three story Condominiums and we got together and we fought that was wrong for that Community what Mr pepper wants to do is correct for the community for that little segment anybody who buys a lot and chooses to build on that island that is not going to be some cheap $50,000 home I guarantee you it's probably going to be assessed for a half a million at least that's a big ticket for your taxes somebody who can afford that is also going to care about how they get from point A to point B we thank you we thank you very much for bringing that so I I I think that is something that you need to consider and I agree that it should be rezoned thank you appreciate your coming forward is there anyone else who would like to speak please come forward and state your name and address name's Karen Harvey Borg I live at 119 Georgetown Landing Road exactly beside Mr Pepper's property and my concern is that he also has the piece of property adjacent to that all the way to the river so he's connected two pieces of property so he could have Riverfront access he uses the property beside me for all his maintenance for Hog Island people in and out they have enough room to park but if he gets 20 houses over there or how 22 whatever it is he's going to try to use that property for those people to park their vehicles their Boat Trailers that's a lot of extra traffic on Georgetown Landing there is no parking on either side of Georgetown Landing when OT while has a big party which they do they don't have enough parking either so there's vehicles on both sides of Georgetown Landing everywhere they can park neighbors have been putting fences up to try to keep people from parking in their yards that's fine but 22 more houses how many more vehicles are going to be able to work on that road if they can squeeze them on that piece of property I don't see how it's going to happen so somebody needs to look at that for extra parking thank you man' because all those people have boats and vehicles they have to be somewhere back and forth we thank you very much for coming forward so that's my concern what was your last name again form sorry what was your last name g okay would you turn that into this lady here ma'am yes Jenny needs your um your sheet your blue sheet thank you ma'am okay and Miss York if you do one to you're doing that right now is there anyone else who would like to speak either for or against this development or this rezoning application hearing none I'm going to bring it back to board the board and close the public hearing portion of the meeting um at this point we will entertain discussion motion and a vote I have a question for the judge how you doing sir yes sir uh I don't I I know what the Navy said about liability and know there's going to be a mishap there's not a doubt there always will be at some point we hope there's not my question is I don't think the county should sign up for a mishap so is there anything that you can do to put a restriction in the deed where the county can't be sued that they sign I don't know I'm asking this question sir that would have to be something that we'd have to sit down with the county attorney and with the uh with the uh County Administrator and try and work something out but I mean now is not the time for me to try and voice any opinion on that okay I'm sorry I can't help you further but okay I have the same question because if we recommend to the board of County Board of County Commissioners approval for this we in fact are also recommending that the board of County Commissioners assume responsibility as the Navy is saying they will no longer assume total responsibility am I reading that right Mr well I'm I'm sure my colleague Mr dougl have something to say about that but right off the top of my head um it's as far as who would be responsible for a mishap or whatever happened uh considering that we're talking about something that hasn't happened yet or anything like that um I once again I'm I'm UNR unwilling to to uh Express an opinion as to who would be responsible for it or what can be done to to lessen our responsibility when I say the county yes and and we did have a situation a week and a half ago where a military plane did cause damage in South putham uh because of the way it was being um maneuvered so you know whose responsibility is that is that the Florida Air National Guard does the county assume responsibility for that I mean South putam has been developed for years so I don't see how that can be happening there but there there are opportunities there so um I'll recognize you Mr Douglas if you would like to answer that question if I may Madam chair I'm not the attorney for the Planning Commission or for the county but I listen very closely because this is the first time I've ever heard the argument from the Navy that by a county taking an affirmative step toward a zoning that somehow you are signing up for joint liability I'm not aware of any Authority legal Authority for this County to assume joint responsibility legally for any mishap of the Navy and if you go back to the 2008 riku's enabling letter from the Department of the Navy there's no mention of joint responsibility this this whole idea of the Department of the Navy being part of an ex officio member is so that there can be Harmony and we believe that the the request and the recommendation from the staff down zoning from the Pud to the re at a lesser density brings us more into harmony with the Navy not less I I'm am not aware again your attorney can advise you of any Authority whatsoever I did not hear it from the Navy either of how the county is signing up for joint and several liability for any mishaps of the Navy I'd like to ask Mr mcmanis if he could address that from the federal legal whatever ma'am um to the chair uh I specifically use the word responsibility not liability um when there is a mishap uh for example 2012 an F18 Hornet took off out of Naval Air Station oceanana aircraft had an engine fire the aircraft crashed into an apartment building the apartment building was in what was known as accident potential Zone 2 which is similar to rcz 2 and the question was asked why to the Navy how did this aircraft C into the apartment building um the Navy's response was well they explained the situation and said that the Navy recommended against building apartments in this location for this specific reason so that is the responsibility which I spoke of is that if putam county is approving development in this area knowing the risk then I'm not implying Financial liability I'm just saying that putam county is acknowledging there is risk and they're acknowledging that there is risk of building homes in this area um I briefly respond to that uh there there's a big distinction between the Oceana incident and what okay I don't want to get into he said she said um I think he gave that to us as information I don't want to do a rebuttal kind of situation we certainly understand the the difference between what's going on down St John River but I appreciate your willingness to come forward and we may ask you to come back up if somebody wants to hear your answer Madam chair uh just to try and clarify a little bit we we live in a we live in a world where you can sue anybody for anything and we're talking about a speculative matter something that you know could take many many different forms but I but I tend to agree with Mr Douglas in his assessment in that there is no and I don't know of any case law uh that would uh make uh our County responsible for an incident so in that vein I hope that that's kind of uh explain it a little bit but at the same time you you know a a person who's been injured or feels like they've been injured they can take whatever steps they want but as far as am I would I be worried about it no I I think uh the builders and the homeowners of putam County take risks every day through our building department building in flood zones but that doesn't stop them from developing in flood zones fall to the county to be liable or have no but the county doesn't approve building plans in flood zones either well some flood zones I like to make a statement in South puam I don't know people realize Emy rid University at a Daytona flies over us all day long there's probably 10 12 planes at a time right flying over and that's a risk yeah they're a lot well they have landed Skinner Nursery with a plane commercial aircraft fly over there all the time too oh yeah um see them but I think what I'm hearing from Mr mcmanis is that there is a linkage between the Navy not assuming full responsibility for damages if the county goes ahead and acknowledges this risk so is that sort of what you're thinking saying to use the word reluctant to use the word uh damages because that's implying a lawsuit which I'm not speculating all I'm saying is putam County must acknowledge the risk right so in approving this we're recommending that putam County acknowledge a risk yes ma'am okay okay can I ask Mr McManus a question madam certainly man so what is your opinion on the 22 lots that are currently there I mean if we were presently there's three buildings on the island right um the what was zoned prior I can't speak to um all I can convey is the Navy's recommendations based on the compatible use guidelines which I provided which the Navy recommends not building homes underneath the flight path of aircraft flying with ordinance so as I read this you you only would support a golf course riding stable or water Recreation livestock farming and um well then it says agriculture except livestock mining forestry fishing and Wilderness it it's a matter of population density in the area of risk but yes ma'am that is the the recommendations based on the study from 2017 was the developmental guidelines and were these was this same recommendation in place in 2013 when Mr pepper bought this uh I don't know ma'am this study came out in 2017 that was before my time in the job I know there was a prior uh if I can ask Mr Heaton are you aware of the prior raiku State no okay so I can't speak to before 2017 ma'am and I think that is something that was omitted unintentionally from the 20 20 comp plan okay so that was something that didn't get in it should have probably it might be something Zach to look at for an amendment to the comp plan to further Define the relationship between the military over overlay and uh what we're doing in pen County any any other questions I have a question for Zach Madam chair Zach um so the 22 lots that are there currently you couldn't issue a building permit because the Pud is they're part of the Pud mostly and the put is it's expired is expired that's the word I'm looking for thank you for the most part for the most part that is correct there are three Parcels on that island that are azone and those currently right now could be issued a building permit so what would have to happen for you to issue a building permit on the Lots as they are in the 22 do you have to abandon the Pud yes ma'am that PUD that's Nolan void is restricting the other 19 Lots from being elig eligible for development L of course the two existing homes one was destroyed in the fire that we discussed ear earlier okay so it would is that an administrative thing or is that something um to abandon a PUD I'm just curious no ma'am the only way to abandon a PUD is to reson it to something different okay is there is how what would it take to make the P active and uh that was something that was explored by the applicants before we got to this point um unfortunately we we wouldn't support a revitalization of the Pud because of the density and the military restriction overlay Zone I mean that PUD would have allowed for I want to say it was somewhere in the neighborhood of 193 total residential units um and and a one acre size Community Center 45,000 squ foot Community Center so that's something that we could we could never support so he I guess the next question would be if is there any sort of case law or something that if that was to be litigated we could be forced to adhere to those lws I don't believe so no sir I don't know if there's any case law but the the development agreement for that PUD said specifically that if the the phasing schedule was not complete within five years of AC of approval then that was it so and when that gets voided what was there partiel was there a partial diagram prior to the Pud that had that broken up into multiple pieces or was it one piece that when the Pud expired it all became basically one one agricultural parcel again the the development agreement did have a a site plan laid out and it it would have required a replot of the Hog Island subdivision that was there they never got that far I think the first thing was to do a like Wetland delineation and and we don't have any records of what occurred after the Pud was approved by the BC no I'm asking what condition was Hog Island in prior to the application for the P oh it was ploted with uh that subdivision and there were the the three homes were there so the three homes predate the Pud from 97 the homes were erected in the 80s um three Parcels or was it a single parcel with multiple homes on it there was multiple Parcels okay so in and bear with me in effect if PD PUD is no longer active does the does the space on the island revert to the original way the parcels were split prior to the application for the Pud no sir the subdivision the the layout of the parcels is uh is not associated with the Pud so the Pud would have allowed for a certain number of uses but it then also required a a replot of the subdivision on the island so they're not they're not in any way connected the current layout the prior layout and the the defunct PUD okay I'm just trying to I'm trying I'm trying to see how you can have a PUD that is not valid and then how you divide the parcels up if you if you say the Pud expired so you revert to a configuration of parcels or you have an existing set of parcel divisions you have to create a new one so so so your left with and where I'm going with this is if you have a p PUD that's not valid and you have previous Parcels that you're not going to adhere to how do you get to the what how does the land owner say what can I do with this property you won't let me develop the Pud you don't let me revert to the original um parcel Dimensions you're basically telling me I can't can't use my property that's exactly where where I'm at that's exactly the scenario that the applicants have found themselves in so in order to develop the land you would only be able to develop based on what the zoning District allows for the zoning District aside from the three a Zone Parcels on the island is PUD that PUD has expired and is null and void so they can't develop so the 22 Parcels that are there now are not valid Parcels they're Parcels of the Pud no sir they are valid Parcels they they do exist it's just the the zoning that encumbers them prevents any development it'd be very similar as if you approached us and you wanted to build a home on a commercial zone property we'd say you can't do that unless you rezone a re residential okay I got you I see Mr Kennedy standing at the D at the platform or at the at the podium uh would you like to address us and tell us who you are first uh Patrick Kennedy my address uh 673 3rd Avenue waca and I'm here on behalf of the uh the applicants as well just trying to maybe shortcut some of the discussion here um your own code provides how you deal with expired puds in uh section uh 45- 800 if it's expired PUD um and there is an expiration date within the Pud to answer you one of your earlier questions uh you cannot revive that PUD except in compliance with today's comprehensive plan so that answers that question the other is um with the uh uh the Pud if the county determines it's no and void it actually provides that the county should actually be resoning it to something either it's prior uh zoning category or something consistent with what's in the area so this resoning is actually mandated by your own code our applicants actually are uh doing it there's no reason for the county to pick it up unless someone's interested so I get that part of it but technically this has to happen Okay something has to happen something has to happen to Res this property you're right and something has to happen that's consistent as far as the zoning category goes with your a future land use a zoning and re zoning are both consistent with your a future land use uh and I just want to test on one topic earlier stated and we can we'll get into this when the plating comes but it's it's it's pretty emphatic law in your comp plan you look at the definition of density versus lot size density is not lot size those are being confused early density is how many houses per acre each one of those can be a different lot size as long as the average density does not exceed one unit per 10 acres you could technically have a 1 acre lot and a 20 acre lot and and you're not exceeding density if it's a one unit for 10 acres on a 22 acre lot 21 but that needs to be clearly delineated so it's it makes sense you have to kind of work through it to get there but that is that is how your comp plan currently reachs so we have to do something today or something soon I guess and the re zoning is actually a lesser zoning that they're asking for then probably I think if staff was doing this on its own I would presuppose they would probably choose the a zoning because it's what's typical under a future land juice it's what's predominant on Dron Island it's also what the other non PUD Lots PUD lots are zoned so they're actually asking you guys to do something a little lesser than it might have defaulted to otherwise mhm so I think we need to keep that in mind and you're going to have an opportunity to review the development plan when it uh but they're really not asking for Less because that's voided yes and and the parcel question I can answer that too the parcels predate the Pud so as your uh staff already advised you the predates the comp plan comp plan and so they're they're entitled to develop those 22 Lots now um the configuration they're proposing is going to be better for addressing all the issues you address spoke to Wetlands blood Hazard you know the the configuration's intentional based on the maps which all be truthed with surveyors and things like that before any permits are pulled so you're going to have a better project than what they could actually do today and they could just you know you want a zoning or we're going to do what these lots already allow so they're asking to do something better they asking permission to do something better than what they could do today so I just like you to keep that in mind as you're deliberating so you're telling us you'll be back if I have to all right Zach Z Zach can I ask you one other question yes sir this will come back in front of us if we approve for the for the rezoning correct if you approve the rezoning and they move forward on their subdivision yes sir it will come back to you in the subdivision form and the excuse me in the subdivis we'll see the subdivision we'll see the actual PL that's correct yes correct at this point point is there any further discussion among the board that point I I have one more question for Zach I'm sorry that's all right go um Zach do you concur with what Mr Kennedy just said that basically we have to do something so the the his point that he made where if the county determines the Pud is null in void then it's the County's responsibility to fix that I I was unaware of that um it it could be true I I've not not read that in our code but that doesn't mean it's not there we have 1,200 different articles of code and I don't remember all of them um I I think the the bottom line there is we often go in and where we see an expired PUD the county will go in and we've did that in the comp plan we did change land use designation on several Parcels because they what they were intending to be had expired and they were incompatible with current use and the county did make those determinations and technically If This Were A dormant Island and the owner had died and nobody had come forth to buy it and it was overgrown and everything else and PUD sitting there the county could come back in in in a review and say we got to do something about this this is not good and there's several I mean there are thousands of parcels across the county that have incompatible uh uses on them and are sitting there screaming to have attention and this is one of them it's also worth noting too that a county initiated rezone rather than an applicant or a property owner initiated rezone if we did it it'd be much more arduous and and difficult and the notification requirements are greater I mean there it's a longer drawn out intense process than if an applicant comes to us and says this is what we would like to do right it's always better to have an applicant come forward and want to do something that has possibilities all right I know a lot of us have questions we've heard from the audience we've heard from the applicant we've heard from the applicants agents we've heard from the Navy discussing the Department of Defense recommendations uh but here we sit as a citizen board task with making recommendations to the County Commission on all applicants applications that come before Planning and Zoning that aren't special use permits or zboa stuff they get some of the fun too yeah um I will entertain a motion M iend to approve resoning z23 and why do you recommend that Mr Cod we have to say I believe there's some safeguards between this and the okay we got to talk about the comp plan and the Land Development code in there you got a little splur there you sp you got it oh consistent with the goals objectives and policies of the P County comprehensive plan sorry this is for the rezoning for the resoning yes approve the resoning I second it okay uh Mr Morris is seconded do I have any further discussion all this I'm going to to do a roll call vote um Justin I just give me a minute um Mr Hancock I for the resoning I guess Mr Frolic I Stanley I know that but you got to vote I'll vote I for the rezoning but I have serious concerns about project going forward I will make that statement just so I'm above board and to the public uh you all have answered questions you've given us your your opinions um I can't thank Mr mcmanis enough for being here you've clarified immensely a lot of questions that many of us have had over the years we would love to have you attend our meetings more regularly they get rather Lively I wish you had been with us during the revision of the comprehensive plan when we get to the point when they bring the Land Development code revisions back to us please come yes ma'am I will uh you're notified every time of a meeting aren't you yes ma'am okay when uh ma'am uh Mr Baker does a great job of when an issue comes up that uh the Navy may have interest in or has Equity then he reaches out to me and make sure I'm aware of it does Mr mcmanis get our agendas every month regardless of whether it has something to do with the Navy as an ex official member of the board he should no ma'am we've been sending him only those items that are either um like communication Towers uh that would have effect in the F I'm going to ask from this position that going forward anything coming before the Planning Commission a copy of the agenda be emailed to Mr mcmanis as the same time it's emailed to the board thank you madam chair but he's an ex official member of this board he's not just somebody representing the Navy he is on this board so we need to get him information um and we will be working on that Land Development code I sincerely hope soon do we have any update on I'll get to that in a minute okay um this will go on to the board of County Commissioners at their meeting on April 23rd 2024 um they will go through the same process that we have gone through today and they will take you know input from people from the audience they will listen to the agent and applicant they will ask questions just like we have the staff will make their presentation and um it'll be the same process all over again but we're recommending approval at this point so that's what's going to happen next on April 23rd okay any I appreciate those of you who live in Georgetown having come today uh these aren't fun meetings sometimes but when you exercise your civic responsibility and stand up and share your concerns share your accolades it makes a huge difference for us I can't tell you the number of times we have sat here to an empty audience literally those chairs have been empty and having you here and having the applicant here and the applicant's Agents has been wonderful especially having our our military Representatives here so I thank you all for coming and I appreciate it you're welcome to leave at this point we're just going to do a couple um minor housekeeping chores we've got to approve the minutes from our February meeting and we're going to hear a report from staff about where we stand with the comprehensive with the Land Development code revision so um i' got to leave Mr hod you may leave Mr Hafner would have left already uh but uh seriously thank you very much for being here and um we'll move on to Old business is there any old business other than the Land Development code to come before the board let's talk about the Land Development code where are we staff is eagerly awaiting a uh proposal from our consultant um we have been deadlined a couple times you've been what deadlined uh they they've pushed back the deadline a few times yeah um we're hoping to have received something this week um will you be then sharing that with with this board as you receive it so the first um motion that we go through is we're going to send it to um planning zoning staff as well as public works and allow those staff members to make their suggestions requests it'll then go back to the consultant and then it'll come forward to Planning Commission and all right we we will be going through it on a very detailed way won't we yes ma'am yeah I mean whenever whenever we approach with those revisions you'll have the entire because through underline we may make some revisions also coming from the citizens perspective because we did the comp plan line by line in this chamber yes ma'am so and I just wanted to highlight too it it's unfortunately not the comprehensive rewrite that we have been hoping for it is a um rewrite to allow us to align with statuto requirements and and correct some of the errors within the Land Development code now what was was the RFP what was the deliverable from the consultant what are you asking I'm asking was the consultant task with doing a comprehensive revision no ma'am great okay um any questions of Zach on that I got a comment take it I want to tell Zach y good job after looking at all of it I get it thank you sir say yep I agree yep I've got questions but I agree uh but I would like to see a little bit more specificity when we get the next one and talking about the wetlands talking about um the uh densities I'm sure the St John's Water Management have something to say too absolutely oh I can't wait that's going to DRC before it comes back to us that's correct so DRC is where you all need to be present too Mr military guys they need to be invited to that all right I need to get the minutes approved do I have a any minutes of our last meeting second any discussion hearing none call for the question all those in favor please signify by saying I I oppose like sign shair vot sign what do we got for next month anything yeah well you're not sure yet we do have applications that we working um there are three uh one is a rezone on up in Bostwick area it's C3 to C4 um I think a a minor subdivision plot is going to come before you all uh I'm sure I'm what's that is that a no oh but we will have a PUD um for a kind of a funky new lot lease type of community lot leas kind of community like a a mobile home facility yes ma'am gotta and this is where no the uh so the the subdivision replat is going to be Lewis Brower Road for the Dollar General we just recently did the um the lot lease Community is in San Mato okay and what's the C3 to C4 in uh C3 to C4 would allow for mobile home sales exactly I'm sorry yep yep I was expecting that yep so that's three cases that yes that I can recall I'm fairly certain that's the only three that we anticipating for April 10y doie we'll be back second I won't debate that to that today take your time we'll debate it then huh can we go home you may go home this meeting is adjourned it's 5:39 e