##VIDEO ID:YJS6oQlCbUs## e e e e e e before we get into our normal business I need to ask have any members of the commission had any expar communication concerning either one of these cases no thank okay which which one would that be p the panile road okay they're here okay thank you very much um is there anything else has does anyone have a conflict of interest that would affect their voting on this case either cases okay then let's get started this is a public hearing and we're the putam County Planning Commission we are the designated local planning Agency for the county as prescribed in chapter 163 of the Florida Statutes and we function under the authority of article two articles 11 and 12 of the putam County Land Development code the primary respon responsibility of the commission is to serve as an advisory body to hear and make recommendations to the board of County Commissioners on matters related to provisions of and proposed amendments to the putam county comprehensive plan and the putam County Land Development code the members of this board will review each application and make a recommendation to the board of County Commissioners at their next regularly scheduled meeting case PSA 24-2 will be heard by the County Commission on January 14th 2025 resoning 24-11 will be heard by the board of County Commissioners on January 28th 2025 procedurally we will call each Case by name and number a member of the staff will then briefly explain to us the nature of each request we will then take any comments from the applicant or their representative followed by any public comments concerning the request please direct all comments or statements to the board and not to other people in the audience before speaking we will ask each person to be recognized come forward to the lecton and identify his or herself by name and address after all persons wishing to speak have been heard we will entertain a motion from the board this motion will be voted voted on by the board members and become our recommendation to the board of County Commissioners the board of County Commissioners will make the final determination regarding each application all applicants have the right to withdraw their request at any time during the application process there have been no cases withdrawn for today's meeting the first case to be heard is PSA 24- z00 z002 Mr Graves thank you m chair uh for the record Michael Graves planning and development services and once again this is PSA 24000000 2 for the MD Smith and Suns uh LLC uh this is a type one subdivision known as Beverly Crossing uh the the subject property is located at the intersection of East pineal Road and pineal Church Road in Paca uh the uh subject parcel combined is approximately 14.4 Acres total uh with a future land use of urban reserve and a current zoning of residential one uh the the applicant requests the preliminary and final plat approval for the addition of 14 Lots resulting in a proposed 16 lot residential subdivision uh the residential density requirement is two units per acre uh due to the lack of centralized water and or sanitary sewers present this is met by the proposed density of 1.1 units per acre uh the property was rezoned to residential 1 via ordinance 20210 31 and and all the proposed Lots will be of sufficient size to meet the zoning District requirements you can see here the aerial of the property to be affected and the zoning the future land use and finally we have come to the plat uh which is multi- Page in uh nature due to the uh level of detail provided by the applicant uh the land affected by the plat are within the urban Reserve future land use category as mentioned before uh are adjacent to and access by a pave County maintained Road and are not within the military restricted operating Zone the plat adheres to all uh regulations for its current zoning District as well as regulations for the future land use category uh the request is consistent with the goals objectives and policy of policy of plam County comprehensive plan and is compatible with the surrounding zoning and uses and it is furthermore consistent with the requirements of the putham County Land Development code as such staff recommends approval of the request for the preliminary and final plat approval for the plat for the Beverly's Crossing subdivision resulting in a 16 lot residential subdivision any questions are there any questions of staff at this time hearing none I will ask is the owner applicant available would you like to come forward and talk to us please come forward give us your name and address and uh share your concerns and Thoughts with us uh Rick Perkinson with bgp engineering 555 Landing Boulevard Orange Park 32073 I don't have any further comments as to Sir Michael Smith 1070 South State Road 19 you're the owner address ma'am you're the owner yes ma'am okay and you're the agent anything you would like to share with us about this sub proposed subdivision think we think we're good nothing additional to it okay Al righty well then I thank you and uh we'll continue with the hearing we may need to ask you questions at a later time okay thank you so much um I do have one speaker card for this case uh Brett Bennett would you come forward and give us your name and address and um tell us your concerns Brett Bennett 350 penal Church Road um it's hard for me to get up here and tell y'all what I think y'all should do with somebody else's property whenever wouldn't would y'all tell me what I can do with mine um I understand Mike's in the business of building houses and he's got a big piece of property here that um he can build houses on I get that that's how he makes his living um just thinks that it has to be in our neighborhood and the rural way of life that uh we live around there I do have some concerns at the end of the paved Road um several Lots it's downhill the land slopes to the South uh where the pavement ends it's all private road we spend thousands of dollars in rock diesel fuel tractors our equipment because the water runs down the road and washes out our private road I seen in the uh SN in the staff report that there's going to be HOA and then the HOA is going to be in charge of the drainage for this neighborhood um how are they going to keep that from washing you know down our way because it's going to be a lot more than what it already is now um and I guess is the question of making this one acre lots out of the it's going to be three4 AC Lots there's no way to make this one acre lots right I think not every lot is going to be exactly one acre and there's going to be I think at least one one one parcel that's not going to be built on uh if memory serves correct it is a 3/4 acre lots uh for the majority of properties okay and then just one more thing uh I know this is a very tip of Iceberg for subdivisions in putam County um my 700 homes just got approved in East PKA so there's no way we're going to disapprove of 14 homes um but is there a stop measure somewhere eventually down the road where we say okay that's enough because we you know we don't want to end up like our neighbor to the east St John's County where it's just slap full of subdivisions um the putham county comprehensive plan states that maintain and manage the County's natural resources and Quality of Life by establishing a pattern of development that is harmonious with the County's natural environment and supports the rural and AG agrarian nature um a county full of sub divisions doesn't support that at all I just was wondering if there's a a stop measure somewhere I'm sure that'll be years down the road that we don't get slap full of subdivisions I think that's probably something that will happen down the road um the comprehensive plan is not a document that is cast in stone it's a document that's very fluid it can be amended at any time and I think it has to be amended on a 10-year basis I think 10 or 15E basis we did seven-year basis okay we're already couple years into this one so we'll be looking at it again it'll be thoroughly reviewed and that's the time when we need input from the public uh and there will be advertisements about public meetings and that's when we really will need people like you to come forth and share your concerns share your comments share you know your fears and your anxieties and these are things that need to be heard by the commission and that will certainly be an opportunity Unity that you will have at that time um keep an eye out for advertisements in the paper it's going to be probably four years before we start that process but we'll also be looking at uh items in the Land Development code in the meantime and um your opinion is very important to us the opinion of of everybody that lives in putam county is something that we need to take into consideration and the more people who come forward and talk to us and share with us the better we can do our job to represent you as putam County Citizens and also talk to your uh elected official whoever your county commissioner is in that District talk to him or her and let your concerns be known because we're not we just make a recommendation to the BC the next step is they will take this up at their meeting and they will completely flesh this out to but I I thank you for coming forward and I respect your your concerns yes thank you said my only concern was the drainage and maybe the engineer can and I think that's something we need to look at because we've seen this piece of property before thank you so thank you is there anyone else who would like to come forward and speak either for or against please come forward and I'll take that as you come up and give us your name and address and share your concerns with us Mr may my name is uh Jonathan May I'm at 301 penal Church Road and uh I I'm the one that's been taking care of the road recently after all the drainage I've had my tractor out working on it and then neighbors all got together and we spent quite a bit of money on rock and putting stuff in where the pavement ends and um so I share my neighbors concerns about the drainage issue that's a significant issue I do not know Mr Smith don't have anything personal against him it's just I would prefer as my neighbor would to see these Lots at a minimum of one acre lots it's U my concern is the impact that we're going to have with the amount of traffic on the road with that amount of homes in the area in that moving in it's a very rural area if you've been out there taking a look at it it's quiet and I'm very concerned about the amount of traffic that's going to be on the road we do have quite a few young children in the area and um so that's something that I'm concerned about as well but I'm mostly I would like to see the the one acre minimum if possible and um the the the drainage issue is a big concern of mine as well thank you is there anyone else in the audience who would like to speak either for or against this particular application yes sir please come forward and give us your name and address and when you're finished fill out one of our speaker cards Bill Parker 31 in penile Church Road um the drainage issue is a concern my other concern is traffic as he mentioned and what is the possibility that down the road these Lots can be split and divided into more lots and more housing because we do cherish our rural community I think we can answer that question for you Michael can you answer that I certainly can uh the Lots will not be sufficient in size to be split further uh the minimum size requirement for the residential one zoning district is 1 half acre in size uh as these lots are 3/4 of an acre they would not be allowed to be uh further subdivided without any uh sort of rezone uh it is worth noting of course that it is the urban Reserve future land use category if you were to have uh water and centralized water Andor sanitary sewer in this area uh then the density allotment would be 12 units per acre uh however until such a time as rezone would were to occur for say residential three or residential 4 that allows for multif family there's just simply no way that they could further divide this uh and have that level of intensity in your area this is essentially uh more than what is required to limit density uh like I said half an acre would be the minimum but they're giving 3/4 of an acre and it was was rezoned in 2021 to Zone one I believe that's what was a Zone before I'm uh agriculture if memory serves right which is uh a considered a holding Zone in the urban reserve and is uh desired by the county to be rezoned out of Agriculture I believe this was a prior case that had come before us yes 2021 I think we did it in 21 there was a request at that time for a subdivision that never came to fruition uh but that's when it was rezoned to uh urban service okay thank you so thank you thank you Michael um could I bring the owner and the agent back up and ask you to address the how you're going to mitigate drainage issues and uh what your anticipated traffic flow is going to be for that subdivision uh as far as traffic uh I can't remember what the it that's the uh International traffic engineering handbook I can't remember what single family trip generation is but I think the difference between one acre and the 3/4 acre lots that we're proposing is it was like an additional two or three lots talking about two two or three more homes for that I I want to say it's like two per the trip average daily trip General duration is two per single family home that's the historical data that yes but I'm going from memory from like that's okay we're more concerned about the drainage issue so uh if you look at the plat we do have uh uh drainage ements that are shown on those lots that there will be a series of swes for each lot especially so like half half of uh the so uh our our subdivision is on one the one side where it's on the south side of the Wetland half of those lots do drain towards that corner where they're concerned about the drainage but we'll have a series of side yard SES that as as the water is heading down there it'll stop each flow for each lot the soils are very good there the the water table is quite low so uh basically those swes will infiltrate most of this that water and there will be an improvement of the rate of flow going into that corner there won't be any piping or culting or anything like that only be covert for the uh driveways going across the the rideway as well that's it there's just not any direction annotated on the drawing in the easement to show which way it flows expected to go yeah well that that I mean I'm sure you guys are going to solve that when you have your site development plan from from Public Works DRC so I'm sure that that will be addressed in the in the future when you get actually develop it but the initial drawings you know that's part of the confusion of the E of the uh Flowage of the drainage easements is there's no direction on there and then obviously they do have legitimate concerns on that last lot down there because that's where the pavement ends and it's pretty it's an ongoing battle down there so that last lot will be will be probably your biggest chore as far as keeping the keeping the water out of the road but but he's right about the the rest of that it's all a Sand Hill it water doesn't drain or doesn't flow it just seats into the ground for the most part unless we have a dramatic good soils and the water table is quite low what we're talking about so and the SES will be um established when each lot is built out correct now is there going to be anything during the construction phase that's going to mitigate that water flow down that road from affecting those people that live south of there there there are all kinds of options that we will make sure get done from synthetic ha hay bales to there will definitely be Sil fencing and construction SES to divert that flow just to make sure that during construction we don't have you know a huge huge rate of flow going in that corner Michael is that something that we can build into our approval that the the owner will assure that um drainage will be mitigated during construction for those Southern Watts I'm afraid not miss commissioner okay just checking that's something the state makes us do we have to do permit for every subdivision that we're building or any kind of thing that you're building you have to go to the state any any idea where the water is flowing in those those most southerly Lots which which direction it you guys intend to send it so it'll be collected in each Swale where it'll so the objective is that it collects in the swell and do and leave the property so it's is correct okay all right and I guess one final question and this may not be something we can do either but um are you willing to give those owners in the southern end of this area an assurance that if there is damage to the road that you will repair it if it's something that's caused by this construction and this this work that the owner applicant contractor whomever will assume the responsibility for repairing that road the contractor will definitely have to take responsibility for that so the contractor will definitely have to take that responsibility would will there be one single contractor or will each site be built out separately will be one single contractor okay so that contractor will be aware of this issue and will assume responsibility in the contract for any repair that needs to be done to the road or damages caused by construction make sure that yeah okay all right does that help assuage some of the concerns that we have here today okay all right anything else you'd like to share with us I think it's pretty straightforward so yeah I don't have any additional information from I I understand historically I think there's been a problem in that corner yeah what we have to do is make it better well I do remember in 2021 when we saw this site before it was extremely wet I mean there was a a lake at the intersection down at the bottom of the road so so I I understand what you're saying or what the people are saying I've seen it and we've seen it so hearing you tell us that this is something you will mitigate and something that you will offer repair to the road if there's any damage okay thank you caused by the construction yes caused by the construction and and the section of the road that's affected by not having pavement is beyond right where the construction is going to take place which is I mean the only part in question is as far as drainage goes that's going to affect what they're bringing up as far as the end of the road down there is the last lot right so I would hope that last lot will be protected before you begin any construction and I hope that last lot will be sailed out and protected before any construction has begun so because you've got neighbors there that have got concerns and we want this to be a a happy subdivision we're good neighbors okay we want that to happen anything else the board would like to any other person in the audience who would like to speak either for or against this particular case thank you sir thank you sir bring it back to the board for consideration discussion and motion I I had one more question for them can can just Mike are you guys going to bring the construction traffic down the road to each lot or you going to have an entrance and access the subdivision away from the main road so that you have made like one entrance and exit from have you guys considered that or you'll need to come up to the podium to answer that question but good question thank you so will your construction traffic and your deliveries and all of your I'm just curious if you guys are going to have like one entrance to the place where y'all you know you come down part of P we have big ride big RightWay there but I I wouldn't carry any no we would have to go down the road yes yeah I just asking if you're going to build out like you know how the the roads kind you have a higher level to the road next Road and move forward but we may not be able to do that depends on I just know you guys cut into someone else's property does that make sense what is your projected start date for this project soon soon as I can get it soon as we can yes okay all righty and how long do you think it will take to to build it out completely we don't have a depends on how it sells plan on that yet depends on how it sells okay all righty any other questions of our owner agent it could take five years to do it I mean we don't we don't know yeah it's not like a planned unit development you have to give us a a Time certain so but just was curious to see what your thoughts were yes ma'am all right anything else from the board I've got a couple people other than that want to speak and I will accept that you all may be seated and ma' if you want to come forward and fill out a form after you speak we'll be glad to have that my name is Lori Gil and I'm at 310 penal Church Road my question is uh when they get the goahead to start this project are they going to clear the entire is it 14 acres or is it going to be done on on as as purchased lot purchased basis we can answer that question thank you Michael you need to come back up yes thank you Loren 're we don't plan on clearing a lot of it we're going to keep all the trees that we can we're going to clear just what we have to to build the house we don't want to clear we're not going to clear all the will this be done before you sell or on a lot by lot basis as far as how many trees get that'll be the owner who the owner so you won't be going in and clearing any land until the lot is sold the house is being built and you've got a and then it be the ex uh the owner whoever purchased the property they whatever they want to do take out yeah all okay so basically the answer to that question is no it will not be cleared up front sir you had a question you wanted to come back up I'm going to give you just a minute I'll take your 30 seconds Mr may please give us your name and address again Jonathan May 301 penal Church Road my one question was are these going to be spec houses or are they going to be built to order built to to you buy the property he builds the house or is he building them to spec and then leaving them there and just selling them it's sounds like they're going to be built to order once they're sold and a contractor come you know gets plans developed but he's shaking his head yes you're not going to do Speck homes no Speck homes are going to be built for this okay I I need you back up here I'm sorry that was more than a yes or no answer uh I mean the houses will be built as we sell them pretty much I mean we're not going to just build a bunch of houses to sit there if that's the question right yeah okay not going to do a model home and then okay all righty do I have anyone else who would like to speak either for or against this particular case they Custom Homes okay I will bring it back to the board then any other questions from the board to anyone else all right board this is up to us now to speak talk about this and make a decision I'll entertain a motion or we can have discussion preferably a motion I'll take I'll make a motion uh to approve uh PSA 24- 0000000000 two um as it is consistent with our um comprehensive plan second okay we have U Stanley has seconded Aaron made the motion it's proper um discussion let me just say I appreciate everyone coming forward and sharing your concerns okay all in favor please signify by saying I I I I'll oppose like sign it's carried unanimously The Next Step will be this will go before the board of County Commissioners on January the 14th and it'll be a time Sur and probably 9:00 a.m. so um Jennifer you're going to do our next case all right thank you so much for being here folks you're welcome to stay it's not going to be along it might be fun can I leave now too they're all leaving USP thank you Michael unless you're supposed be Drive know Jennifer you ready okay got to bring it up I'm going to be the one to get up and complain and talk about stuff on this are you I'm kidding nobody's here somebody's got to say something and you didn't even declare a yeah somebody's got to say something Mr Sanz is going to sit back there and be nice and quiet okay we're ready for the record Jennifer gasal planning and development services we are hearing case r e 24- 00000011 Johnny and Elsie Ramirez are requesting a zoning map Amendment from commercial retail C2 to commercial General C3 on a 0.79 acre parcel located at 229 North Highway 17 in palaka to allow for a landscape supply business the subject site is Zone commercial retail C2 and has a future land use designation of commercial and urban us the vacant parcel has approximately 150 ft of Road Frontage on North Highway 17 and 220 ft of on West Oak Street according to the NWI Wetlands layer and the FEMA flood zone layer on the gis reference map the lands do not appear to contain wetlands and are located within FEMA flood zone X which is not a special flood Hazard area should the applicant's request be approved the applicant will then submit to development Review Committee to satisfy additional development requirements the DRC will review plans to ensure the development is compliant with local state and federal development regulations other agencies including but not limited to putam County Public Works Emergency Services and St John's River Water Management District will review the plans to ensure the development will not adversely affect surrounding Properties by complying with each agency's specific requirements associated with new development your aerial future land use your zoning conceptual site [Music] plan staff recommends approval of the request to amend the zoning map from commercial retail C2 to commercial General C3 as the proposed amendment is consistent with the adopted goals objectives and policies of the putam county comprehensive plan and is compatible with existing development in the area on questions any questions of Miss gazelle yeah where's the closest C3 to that looking at the map It's Kind it's a look at the thing that said everything next to it was C2 but when I look at the map I'm trying to figure out it so close so everything immediately surrounding it is C2 but if you go a slant just a little bit there is C3 C3 where across the street to the north on Oak Street across the street across 17 to the North Harris on Harris Okay Okay so we've already got some sort of thre three C3 zoning in we do correct all right all I need any other questions the applicant owner does not appear to be present um so we'll skip that phase of it we'll bring it back to the board for discussion and decision bless you move to approve okay because it meets the goals and objectives a little blue she yeah that's why I'm getting I'm trying to get to it I'm trying to find which one I'm opposed to I recommend we approve rez2 24 00000011 as it is consistent with goals objetive IV and policies of the putam county comprehensive plan second okay Justin and joy I have a proper motion and a second is there any further discussion hearing none I'll call for the vote all in favor please signify by saying I I chair votes I all opposed it seems to carry unanimously this was an easy meeting now we do have old business and new business um Zach do you want to address anything from your email that you sent out after the last meeting um no ma'am not necessarily so and further discussions regarding that topic um the commissioner Morris brought up whether or not there's a 5% threshold for community services and facilities and within the agriculture future land use designation only one two and three are permitted with an a um type four would require a future land use map Amendment so we had some carryover language in there from um our prior comprehensive Plan before it was amended in 2021 that included solar Farms as a type four within that same policy subsection I think it was H that Mr Morris brought up um the last sentence said that uh solar and wind farms are permitted so I don't necessarily believe that the 5% threshold told would apply to those um passive uh utility generation types of uh developments um nonetheless um if you look at putam County on a map and you look at the agricultural future land use designation you can quite literally go from Melrose to Crescent City by tracing your finger over Agriculture and so that what percentage of land in putam county is a some two some 200,000 Acres right um it's over majority of the the land correct so um essentially you know that policy says that if it exceeds 5% in a distinctive future land use designation then a map Amendment would be needed well that's extremely subjective because what I think is a distinct area you all may disagree with what is distinct that's very subjective so but essentially I think with when we ran the numbers if you go 5% of 200,000 it's somewhere in the neighborhood of like 10,000 acres um right now we're sitting somewhere around 2 or 3,000 Acres um so now that portion of the comp plan that states the 5% from what you read seems to be in conflict with the final statement that says that passive energy develop can be shall be approved right and I do think that the uh that policy is more or less speaking to your fire stations communication Towers you know those types of infrastructure that are not preempted by state legislation to be required within our our zoning designations and then commissioner Frolic brought up a really good point too that the sighting criteria for a solar farm is is so immense that you we won't see at this point in time solar Farms popping up you know in every pocket of a land that we have throughout the county um they're going to be very specific in where they target those developments and then a sidebar I had with Mr Perry um really brought into more light you know right now it takes 500 acres to generate enough electricity but 5 years from now the technology may be so Advanced that it takes 2 acres to just generate the same amount of of electricity that currently requires 200 so um it's just one of those things that you know we will continue to monitor it um we do you know when when when those projects come in staff looks at them at at every level of detail that we can and and we try to work with those developers to um to make sure that we have a product that that fits within our community um and then I don't know if you all followed but as it went through the board of County Commissioners here earings um Jennifer and I worked with the applicant and we uh built in additional standards for solar Farms which would essentially um incentivize solar farm developers to increase their setbacks and their width of their vegetative buffers by increasing the impervious surface of the the so the allowed Development Area and when you start talking about solar Farms because they're all slanted um they they're already um basically the only impervious surface that's calculated is the 4x4 posts that go in the ground to support the um the solar panels themselves and then any sort of pavement or concrete so what what we will end up seeing is these companies will you know bring in their setbacks and their their buffer their widths of their buffer but they're going to they're not going to be able to get higher impervious surface because the panels are already going to take up so much area as it is okay you're you've generated two questions for me number one do we need to amend the comp plan regarding that statement that's not in sync with what we did later um and do we need to amend the setback regulations for those sites so um do we need to amend the comprehensive plan I really don't think so um not only do we have in place language that already allows for the solar farms and wind farms to be existent we also have got State preemption through Florida statute so do we need to amend it no should we we probably could go in there and scratch out solar Farms as a type four use just to alleviate any confusion from anyone reading the comprehensive plan in terms of do we need to go in and amend the setbacks for the a zoning District I would expressly say no because what would happen is right now your side and rear setbacks and a or 10t my my house is 15t from the property line in a zoning so if we go in and say the side setback is now 20 foot in a mine and everyone else in putham County that's within that area is now non-conforming so we're going to create a huge bag of headaches for everyone okay okay I just wondered if we need to put anything suggesting that for solar generation or wind generation the setback should be X feet instead of what's normally there INF well and the the risk with that is that the statute says that you cannot pass an ordinance with more strict setbacks or vegetated buffer than what other similar uses would allow for so all right and also there was a question that came up about taxation of these sites and I did go out and look at the gis map for the uh Coral Farms Road site and it's multiple Parcels but one of the parcels I pulled up the taxes on that property are in excess of 35,000 so they're not getting a huge exemption they're paying more than would have been paid on the green belt so we are getting tax money back on these solar Farms not only that but the tax assessment goes towards you know EMS garbage you know property things like that well well those are unmanned sites so you're not going to have someone calling 911 well you may but it's not a regular situation but that's helping offset the cost of those services in the county so that's very good any other questions about that situation I do appreciate you're bringing it up I appreciate the discussion we've had um it's just one of those things we're we're Bound by state law first so um I would be remiss if I did not thank our retiring members from the board we have three that have expressed interest in retiring uh Mr Frolic has already entertained his resignation uh Miss forner has is going to step off preemptively of her term ending um but when she showed us the pictures of her grandson I understand why and Mr D santis has said that he uh would step down at the end of his term this year so I cannot think the three of you enough for the input that you have given this board over your tenure um your counsel and your advice and your cander and your knowledge has made my job a whole lot easier and I for one will miss having you sitting on this dis but I I look forward to being able to see you in the community and being able to talk to you without violating the Sunshine Law so um with that said I I also want to thank um Commissioners Pickins Turner and adamac for their support and their guidance over their tenure that they have given to this board and to me um I worked with them closely on the comp plan development and um Commissioners Pickins and Turner are former chairman of this board so um they have been invaluable as well and I look forward to working with Commissioners Alexander newold and pelir um I think we will have a good working relationship with the three of them and uh I appreciate their willingness to throw their hat in the ring and be elected so we're in good stad with that is there any other new business to come before the board hearing none I will entertain a motion for the approval of amendments of the November 13th meeting Ive thank you Joey thank you Aaron any discussion I don't think there should be all in favor of the approval of minut please signify by saying I I chair votes I all opposed thank you very much it is 444