e e e e e e e e call this meeting to order um before we get started with any preliminaries do I have anyone who's had any expar communication concerning either of the cases I need to yeah I'll get to you yeah I need to reuse myself from the first first okay that would be fine Mr Hancock you want to go sit in the the audience I have yes sir I I talked with Keith Valentine on the um item you's got coming up today okay nothing that would influence Inu me okay nothing that would influence you thank you um anyone else have any experte communication Madam chair I did speak with Mr Valentine also several months ago but it was in relation to this and um and the person that I when I did my drivethru I just spoke to them briefly that works there um but nothing that would influence okay yeah any conflicts of interest we know Mr Hancock has recused himself due to one um anyone else okay we like to welcome everyone here today we appreciate the public coming and U Mrs D Santos we appreciate you being here today we run into each other in the grocery store on Sunday mornings so um we have a preliminary statement that I will read this is a public hearing and we're the putam County Planning Commission where the designated local planning Agency for the county is prescribed in chapter 163 of the Florida Statutes and we function under the authority of Articles 11 and 12 of the putham County Land Development code the primary responsibility of the commission is to serve as an advisory body to hear and make recommendations to the board of County Commissioners on matters related to provisions of and proposed amendments to the putham county comprehensive plan and the putham County Land Development code the members of this board will review each application and make a recommendation to the board of County Commissioners at their regularly scheduled meeting on May 28th 2024 procedurally we will call each Case by name and number a member of the staff will then briefly explain to us the nature of each request we will then take any comments from the applicant or their representative followed by comments concerning the request please direct all comments or statements to the board and not to other members of the audience before speaking we will ask that each person come forward to be recognized come to the lect identify his or herself by name and address after all persons wishing to speak have been heard we will entertain a motion from the board of County from the board this motion will be voted on by the board and become our recommendation to the board of County Commissioners the board of County Commissioners will make their final determination regarding this application all applicants have the right to withdraw their requests at any time during the process the following cases were advertised as being considered at today's meeting but will not be heard at the request of the applicant PUD 24002 has been withdrawn if any applicant wishes to have these cases heard at a later date the case will be read vertis in accordance with the putham County Land Development code and the Florida Statutes before we hear our first case I do want to make a note I didn't do this last month we do have an exart ex official member of this board representing the United States Navy and the reason for that is we have several overlay zones in putam County related to bombing ranges down in Lake George and down at Pine Castle in Northern Lake County so that's the reason the United States Navy has a presence here they are an exofficio member of this board and we have Mr Mark mcmanis who is with us today um with that our first case to be heard is rezoning 24 000000001 thank you very much for the record Jennifer gelle planner 2 first case is a rezone from commercial General C3 to commercial intensive C4 the applicant is ocean Investments USA LLC the agent is Jean bramlet parcel is 0.68 acre parcel located at 1086 North Highway 17 in Paca Florida the applicant is requesting a zoning map Amendment from commercial General C3 to commercial intensive C4 to allow for a manufactured housing sales and storage the purpose of the requested zoning map amendment is to rezone 0.68 acres from commercial General C3 to commercial intensive C4 to allow for a manufactured housing sales and storage the parcel is designated commercial on the adopted future land use map the surrounding areas are mostly commercial retail C2 commercial neighborhood C1 and agriculture the parcel is located at 1086 North Highway 17 in palaka and has approximately 460 ft of Frontage on Highway 17 parcel is currently developed with an approximate 840t office the parcel does not appear to contain just just stal wetlands and is located within the F FEMA flood zone X which is not a special flood Hazard area should this rezone be approved the applicant will then submit to the development Review Committee DRC to satisfy additional development requirements the DRC will review plans to ensure that the development is compliant with local state and federal development regulations agencies including but not limited to Florida Department of Health putam County Public Works Emergency Services St John's riverwater Management District will review plans to ensure the development will not adversely affect surrounding properties for aerial view future land use zoning Wetlands staff recommends approval of the requests to amend the zoning map from commercial General C3 to commercial intensive C4 staff finds that the proposed resoning is consistent with the goals objectives and policies of the adopted comprehensive plan and meets the locational requirements of the commercial intensive C4 zoning District provided in the Land Development code and the comprehensive plan are there any questions of Staff hearing none is the applicant present all right seeing that the applicant is not present I have two speaker cards that I will entertain the first comes from Ray K Watley would you come up please to the podium speak into the microphone and give us your name and address and then tell us what you want us to hear okay uh I'm sorry I wasn't prepared to speak today I thought I would spoke next time um but I think I've got it pulled together pretty good uh first thank you for hearing me today on and your name and address yes ma'am uh ra Santa Watley is my legal name I live at 107 Price Street in Paca and my properly property is all of my property property directly AB buts their property separated by the railroad tracks so the entire back of my property sees the entire back of their property um the concerns that I have today I'm opposed to at this time I'm opposed to rezoning uh provided that my issues could be addressed um I think that um I have pictures um but they're on my phone I could email to the commission um the uh units that they get in are and I understand they're buying them either at foreclosure or they've been storm damaged but none of them are nice units they have roofs torn off they have windows that are broken um uh they need a lot of rehab I guess before they're sold to their customers um so that is right there on the street at Highway 17 so everybody that drives past there especially on the way to the Blueberry Festival sees that as an eyesore and I mean it is um there's um a lot of brush around the property that isn't maintained and there's a lot of verman that live there and I think um all the continued activity is going to stir that up in the yards um we have a lot we I've seen an increased presence of people walking around the highway um up and down 17 that um look like they're in transit from places they could be homeless they could be vagrants um maybe they're just poor people from other neighborhoods that are walking to and from they don't have transportation but I'm worried that that might be an invitation for some people to like squat for the night or whatever and um I think there's also maybe um I I understood when she said the reading that this was for sale and storage they also do rehab to the units there so I've seen them uh painting the units so um there's airspray dispersed into the air and um I don't know what other type of rehab that they have I don't know if there's things like oil changes involved to the axles on the units or anything like that that I would want to be contained and I would hope that if it is granted the use of this proper for C4 that there's at least a visual barrier on the back of the property so I'll have to look at this and that's what I had to say thank you hope I kept it to three minutes you did you did fine thank you so much um question they will be required to do a buffer correct yes ma'am they will and that's high 25 ft okay no the Buffer's 25 ft High it is not 25 ft High um it it's depending on the zoning district and the ma the the lady that just spoke is residential so it would be a type 20b buffer which is 20 foot wide um 6 foot privacy fence 20ft canopy trees I mean there's a variety of ways they can satisfy but there will be a buffer required that's correct okay thank you I've got a question as it relates to the mobile home stuff do we have I know we have like a dense it requirement on lots for um impervious surface and coverage lot coverage and stuff is there anything in uh the code that addresses that for transient buildings um meaning you know we'll obviously have permanent parking there so there will be some sort of impervious surface for parking and mobility issues but the fact that everybody that comes in to obtain a building permit has to provide a plan that demonstrates they're under whatever the certain percentage is of impervious surface but here we are talking about a mobile home place that's going to store those and you know in effect could bring in units set them side by side by side and cover the whole lot with do we have anything in the code that addresses that yes sir we do um so whenever it's commercial zoning it's um dictated by the the future land use that's underlying so with the commercial future land use uh let's see the maximum permitted impervious surface area is 85% so 85% of the land can be impervious surfaces that's out of the comprehensive plan and and that impervious surface will include that calculation somehow includes the transient structures that will be there yes sir the last time we reviewed a mobile home sales Center through DRC um we required them to more or less block off where the mobile homes would be located and provide the maximum square footage of home that could that could locate that area so in that case it was like a 26x 60 so that the largest of what could locate there was taken into account for the calculation okay thank you yes is there any impervious surface on that site yet there is there's a 840 approximately square foot office building there now okay couldn't remember okay is there anyone else I see we have Mr Chris Hancock come forward give us your name and your address and tell us what you want us to hear yes ma'am my name is Chris Hancock 280 West tooy Road Baca Florida 32177 I see this site every day when I pass it um it can best be described as a mobile home graveyard uh they bring in mobile homes that are destroyed and it's really an iore uh I want to point out that it's 68 Acres it's not a large lot it used to be a uh post office a US Post Office for Bostwick and they built a new one and it became an office building then uh most recently it was a used car lot and they had a pile of junk cars behind it it's just not something that you want to see from the highway coming into putam County in my opinion uh at any rate uh I I want to say this as well the the notification process that putam county is doing is a disservice to our citizens we are not putting signs up there have been no signs on that lot the entire time and the people out there probably do not even know they're having it I know that they post it in the newspaper but we are not enforcing putting the signs up and so it had no signage at any rate I've said what I had to say I thank you very much thank you uh question Mr Baker Mr Helms what's the deal with signs I didn't see one either we're required to place signs we are not required to upkeep those signs so when we go out and place the signs we have staff take pictures to verify that the signs are there and what happens with the signs after we leave is nature happens trucks drive by blow them over rain comes wind comes we can't control never noticed that being a problem in the past but it's a big problem now CU we're not getting signs in a lot of sites but I know over the years you know here and there we would have signs missing but now are they being I don't know so I I have personally put the signs up myself um on multiple sites and been told they were not put up there so I know it is a problem but we are doing what we're required to by law and I have done them myself and hammered them into the ground and stapled them to it and done what we have in regard to that um a fix for that we we have discussed that I have talked about doing uh different type of sign but as of right now that's what we have and that's what we've been using um but I I have gone out to a site and put them up myself and then someone come by and said the next day he said they weren't there and I know I put them there so I'm not saying that they weren't there and they don't blow down because they do because I go bying like oh they are down so we're not required to do that so if that's something you you want to do it's I mean it's it's man hours to go by every single day because the ones I go by you know what I mean so we do take documentation of it so is there any any type of notice on the sign that removal of that sign is not proper that's the other lot thing that comes with that I mean just like with I call it politician signs that are put up they get moved and it's I mean it's against the law to do that but again I'm not a law enforcement officer I can't speak to that but I do know things happen when people don't like certain things that right i' I've seen a lot of signs removed yes ma'am I have two okay well third place in the public right away the Public Works removes them anytime they move that's that's correct yes sir okay I I realize there were no signs there myself as well okay anyone else liking to speak either for or against this particular application if not I'll bring it back to the board for consideration I'll make a comment if make please do um I have to agree with Chris on his statement about the graveyard situation I've personally noted a number of places where around this County where I've sat on this board and approved things uh that all of a sudden do become graveyards for things such as semi-tractor trailers and so forth and on so on uh and this would be an absolutely horrible place to have that so I would agree with that okay anyone else like to speak on behalf of the themselves for the board eron um I just was well of course the Aesthetics of it are not are not good I know that's not what we're here to discuss but um it seems like an intensive you use for such a small lot to me very and it doesn't really I know the the staff says that it's consistent but it doesn't seem consistent to me because we have C1 and residential we don't really have any intensive uses there other than a gas station um we have Dollar General the store or Street that's retail I mean that's it's different okay anything else and I will note that this is a case that the Navy does not have any interest in so Mr mcmanis is just sitting there being quiet um any other questions or concerns from the board at this point then I'll entertain a motion I'll move we recommend that we deny case number re 000000 1 I have a motion from Mr DeSantis and the reason for that Mr Dan santis we have to give a reason reason is I don't think we need that kind of an ISO right on IA 17 uh and that's a very very small lot to have that kind of an operation going on anyway you're talking about a building lot for a home rather than bringing in mobile homes that are in derly conditioned okay Mr Hafner has seconded Madam chair yes sir uh can we just verify with legal if Mr desantis's reason for objection is a valid statement yes sir yes it is a valid statement we need to address the Land Development code and the comprehensive plan I mean do you want him to to look it up in there I mean you can Madam chair you can have a reason that's it's correlated in one way or another with putham county code right but it doesn't necessarily have to be a a specific code uh section okay at least that's my understanding you right with that Zach Brian you okay okay well then we go with that and Jenny you got all that down any discussion further hearing none I will call for the question all those in favor please say signify by saying I I chair votes I all against we have denied this particular motion that will go to the board of County Commissioners as a denial Mr Hancock you may be reeded at the dis um we're going to hear case number PUD 24001 in a minute um got too many zeros in there I guess Dade County would need those zeros but we don't but anyhow that's just me uh this is a case brought by Keith and Joyce Valentine and are you ready to present yes ma'am Jennifer gazelle for the record this application is to amend the existing planned unit development PUD ordinance 223-4467 Acres located at 1 145 163 and 162 Willis Road off of us19 the applicant is requesting to amend the existing 34.75 acre PUD to add 16 more RV sites and reduce the setbacks to 10 feet on the sides and rear and 25 ft in the front the parcel is designated agriculture on the adopted future land use map the trails and outdoor PUD currently includes a mix of recreational commercial and residential uses currently the following uses exist on site 44 RV sites 10 primitive camping sites three single family residential units resource based and activity based recreational uses events including weddings reunions and Retreats equestrian uses agricultural uses the trails and outdoor PUD consists of several pars Parcels located on parcel 08-10 d25 D 000000 -002 0-50 is the residence of the applicant in 2023 the applicant processed and exempt subdivision to alter the boundary lines of parcels ending in 0020 - 0050 and 0020 D 00000000 the applicant's request was approved to reconfigure Those portions of the property there is another single family residence located on parcel ending in 01010000 in 2016 parcel ending in 0020 00000000 and 000020 D30 received a special use permit Su 16-002 to allow for a landscaping business and an equestrian business Commercial agriculture paral ending in 0020 D30 was removed from the Pud development agreement and reverted back to the original agriculture zoning should this PUD Amendment be approved the applicant will then submit to development Review Committee DRC to satisfy additional development requirements the DRC will review plans to ensure the development is compliant with local state and federal development regulations as it pertains to this property the DRC will ensure the placement of RV lots is acceptable based on the development agreement and the Florida Department of Health will review the plans for pable water and sanitary sewer other agencies included but not limited to putam County Public Works Emergency Services St John's River Water Management District will review the plans to ensure the development will not adversely affect surrounding properties wrong that's not the I know I have the wrong maps on I'm sorry that's all go I know sorry oh they could I apologize I put the wrong maps on the slideshow um staff recommends approval of the request to amend the trails and outdoor PUD to allow for an additional 16 recreational vehicle sites and to reduce the front setbacks to 25 ft and the sides and rear to 10 ft as requested it is consistent with the requirements for PUD zoning consistent with the future land use designation and consistent with other comprehensive plan goals objectives and policies any questions of Staff I've got a question I read through all that stuff and I see that there's a reduction in setback but what is the current setback that's in force there do we know there should be a strike through underline development agreement in your packets I don't remember off top of my head okay I believe I saw 100 yeah I mean I just I'm I'm curious to where you know if we're changing a setback what we're changing it from 100 and I'm assuming the DRC had some sort of involvement in that PUD from before that establish those setbacks thec did approve it before it was finally approved approved so it looks like the prior development agreement was a 100 foot setback for the front from all property lines not included in the Pud so all property lines of uh that wasn't under common ownership say that one more time I don't I don't it was 100 ft from all sides ft in in this in this area this 100t from the outside of yes that whole 30 whatever Acres yes sir and I'm assuming that was done as a buffer to the neighbors yes well yeah I mean setbacks are both buffers and to provide additional access for EMS um the buffer would be like 10t wide so the ones that would have disagreed with that at that onset that would have been a compromise of such to keep the noise or traffic off the property lines and we are now reducing that from 100 to 10 is that that's correct that's correct yes okay can you tell us what the thinking was was that a request from the applicant or yes ma'am okay we'll get the applicant up in just a minute yes ma'am I would also like to point out that I was out there today and there were no signs posted anywhere I couldn't f i put their signs out as well as I put all the signs out in Bostwick and I know I put their signs out because I myself was out there doing it and it was hot we usually can at least see them dead in the ditch it was hot that day there's nothing I absolutely no trace of a sign anywhere on either one of these sites the stakes are still up they're in it's still up in Bostwick Stakes are still out yes ma'am the stakes are still out okay you know all right any other concerns I we do need to look at that setback and talk about that when we get the applicant up anything else from from the board to staff hearing nothing I will bring the applicant up please if you would come up and give us your name and address and I'm sure you've got some things to tell us but in what you tell us please talk about the setback issue I'm Keith Valentine at 165 Willis Road Hollister uh on the signs just on the other one that we talked about what's happening is on the cardboard signs they're on a survey stake and so here's what'll help you if you put two survey Stak signs on both sides and staple them and if you want to be sure it'll stay up just put another survey on the back side and that'll hold it up because the Staples just won't hold with one with one sign with with one stake and what they're all the signs are there today they're just have fell off because the wind and it it it blows it so just put two survey Stakes on both ends if you want to be sure it'll stay up tap the other survey Stakes on the other side and just staple them through because it'll save you some money because if you start putting metal signs up it won't work too well but that'll help you on on any of the properties because if you have an irrigation system irrigation hits it it just takes that paper and it just doesn't hold up but the signs are at my place they're just laying down and I don't want to touch them so they're laying down there just on the ground there they're white and of course your signs are the green right bright green and that's what what what'll help you okay uh are we retrieving those signs after the cases have been completed no ma'am that's part of the problem is the signs that we're putting out right now classify as biodegradable so we don't have to go pick them up so the stakes are biodegradable as well it's wood they're rot eventually termites will eat them eventually okay on on the setbacks them in no time our setbacks I did that when I first started because I did everything by myself trying to figure this out so my setbacks weren't from County officials or anything it's just that my first group that we had in there we they were off 100 feet and I did all this I've been doing this all myself as far as getting the the Pud back three or four years ago so it's just my setback this time around I own the property um the backside of my fence is I've got a fence up to keep the Bulls from fighting between us and the property in the back but it's all Woods on all sides of my property so I'm I'm not wor y'all did good on the 25 ft in the front that's I guess County rules for the road but I did that and I probably should have thought longterm you know I just need to go to 10t off and so that is only to keep the RVs from that come in 10 foot off back there but it's all Woods on both on all my roundabout sides it's all woods so we um have no problem but we need the setback because my roads that are coming in the the dirt road that comes in we need enough room so that people can you know go around this next weekend and again I want to thank you for what you've done for me guys y'all made it great for us out there and for the county and the tourist Development Council that they asked me to be on but it's been a great project this weekend just to let you know we have 20 of the elite elite Anglers coming in starting Sunday and they love it there and so we've kept it it's an old western town and we've kept it that way and we want to keep it that way with the people that come in I don't want any problems with my neighbors and and they haven't the last time we did a change we had no Neighbors come into Jack as you remember and it's just been the greatest thing for us so we want to keep it that way so the signs I'm a landscaper so the signs the stakes don't hold up the paper and then of course um my place it's an old western town it's my farm it's my Ranch and mine and joyeland and it's been a great thing for us we hope that you'll allow us to have the 16 extra because that's going to be my pull through sites everything I have has just been back in so the the 16 will go in the center of the pasture right there and it'll be perfect for pulling through there okay any questions of Mr Valentine I did have one um Mr Valentine I know when we first started it was about the trails and like horses and and um farm animals and stuff like that how how much is of that is still going on I didn't really see I saw the cows in the back but that's all I saw there today the horses are when if you came straight in past the office they're off to the right there where the barn is the old Corral I call it the U okay Corral but the horses are right there we've got four horses out there I've got five mama cows and one bull so and we have to Hay them because I don't want I'm messing up my pasture so we we do have our it'll always be a ranch operation cattle operation and the people that come they come with treats and they walk to the fences and the horses come up the cows come up and they love it so it's just great for the people putam County people are coming in and staying at our place because they're building homes so they'll come and they'll stay there so that they can have their permitting and all get going for their home so we've had a lot of that honestly scale from I don't even know how to do it something on Google where they go on and have good ratings and all ours is one of the highest ratings and I don't even know how to do it so if I knew how to do it I'd push it even farther but people come and and it and and the ratings that what we get is great and what that's happening is it's going they're calling the hotels and the hotels don't have a place to stay so it reverts down to the cabins and we're one of the first people that they call when it reverts to the cabins and then the people the workers that come in for seol electric GP the solar Farms come in they've got a place to go and they're continuing coming back for the shutdowns for simol and GP and families one other thing I don't take up your time but what's great is and I told joy and I says look out there and they look out there and there's five families with all these kids and they're out there playing kickball so it's good and it's a place for them to go to get out of the big subdivisions and come here and live on our our little old western town so that's why I hope you let us add the 16 units there that'll help us out and the setbacks is important because I don't want to cramed up all in the middle of the farm where they don't have room to move okay but I did I did the 100 foot not not to worry okay thank you for explaining that Madam chair I do have one more question so on one of the exhibits is exhibit B it has a phase two and a phase three um but I can't read the numbers on that or I don't know if there are numbers the phase three is not part of what we're asking for today am I right or am I wrong I put phase two and phase three because that's just how I do it when I put my Wells in phase two was when you let me have from 18 to 44 okay phase three was when it went to the 44 so my phase is not right so it's just how I put down there my my my goals and things that I do so so that's what so this depicts all 60 on or however is it 60 yes ma'am total the middle section there in the middle that says 49 through 60 that's our pull through S so really and truly that was part of a phase three and to go in there or I could have said phase four but that's what that is and they're all numbered so when they come in it circles around gotcha it's just hard to read on such small print I it's my my own draw it's not your fault it's just you know on small paper it happens don't worry we're us to it we've gotten smaller and more difficult to read than that so I appreciate it yes ma'am any other questions of Mr Valentine uh Mr Valentine do you own all the parcels there to the east outside of the the P to the east um it looks like there's one two three maybe three or four houses there that are I I own the I own can you can you describe it the only thing that I don't own out inside this 34 Acres no I do own another cabin down the road on wellis road so I own the the no I was just talking about the stuff immediately adjacent to it looks like the drive in there the drive that comes in there it looks like there's maybe three houses in a barn in the back or something mobile home to the right of the road as you coming to the right of the road that comes in there so when you're coming on Willis Road to the right you mean yes sir there's a my I have three Neighbors on the right side of me the one neighbor right across from the driveway he's in a nursing home and he doesn't live there uh but the rest of them are just my neighbors right there across the road I don't know anything east of Willis Road That's the Way east of Willis Road I don't know anything East okay and I'm trying to uh uh just make these three partials nice the two the two acre partial I took out of it last year the 162 is just that it's an uh an a agriculture part of it but I didn't want it in the Pud plan we're trying to get my in-laws here who are sick so we're trying to save some stuff for them that we could help them okay any other questions of Mr Valentine thank you sir if you'd remain around we might have more come up no you can go back to your seat is there anyone in the audience who would like to speak either for or against this particular application hearing none will'll bring it back to the board for consideration before we talk I would like for Mr mcmanis to share the Navy's position on this parcel and uh we'll go from there thank you madam chair um so this property lies within range compatibility Zone 3 I provided you handouts that's defined as the airspace restricted for Pine Castle operations but does not include the airspace where aircraft are flying with energized or uh operational weapons so it's aircraft maneuvering to and from the range entering the range um the Navy's recommended guidelines for range compatibility Zone 3 is no more than two single family homes per acre however I'll also note that rcz 3 covers at least half of putam County so I understand what that would be asking so uh while we do uh state that it it exceeds our recommendations we have no objection ma'am okay thank you so much okay bring it back to the board for discussion consideration I'd like to say that I went out there and looked at it today and I think it's a pretty classy classy area I think they've done very well with what they've got and uh I know you can't worry about what's going to happen but at some point you got to be concerned about if it sells to someone else whether they maintain it in that same type of position yes so um my question is for Zach I I just want to be consistent kind of with these things I know every PUD is different but the 10-ft setbacks is that inconsistent with other um puds that we have for this type of reason you know for recreational I don't believe it's inconsistent no ma'am um I'm trying to think of what other puds we've recently approved for this type of use and really the only comp would be um off of LC Drive which is yet to be developed um but they it's the uh five acres across from what the old Captain Joe's yeah so I think they're 10 foot set back and 20 foot on the front property line as well okay okay thank you thank you anyone else I'll make a comment I also think the the project speaks for itself I think it's been very well done and very well received uh I I personally don't recall hearing any objections to this property from anyone in the community so I'm good with it okay are we ready to put that in action I'm asking for a motion H I need the number oh I need to look at your number PUD Madam chair I recommend that we approve PUD 24-0 z0000 Z1 Excuse me yes 01 because I think it's in uh where's my paper consistent with the c it's consistent with compreh the goals and objectives of the putam county comprehensive plan thank you yes ma'am do I hear a second second okay Mr um Hancock and Mr Hafner is there any further discussion U will will the if we make this uh approval will this have to go through the DRC as well and will is it a possibility that they could be addressed at that point this goes to the DRC next doesn't it uh the short answer is yes the long answer is it's got two trips to the BCC and then before any improvements occur he would have to stop by DRC that's because it's over 35 Acres over 10 acres yes ma'am any PUD over 10 acres requires two hearings before the BCC my my issue is not the additional sit there I have no problem with that and I really have no problem with the setbacks on the edge I just have have concerns about the any of that stuff that touches people that you know whether the whether the setback came from the property owner came from the the board is doesn't really matter because they would have been that would have been weighed in the decision-making process whether to approve or deny the first time so um like I said I I don't have any issues with the additional spots I just I think I think that the setbacks need to be addressed as they relate to people that are already there right now this is not AB budding any other personal property is it this is only a budding areas within the park it appears to be a budding at least three other residences okay that's right all right yeah so the properties lying East are separated by the the road that's there um the properties lying South are under separate ownership north and west all are under separate ownership with the exclusion of one of the small Parcels where uh Mr Valentine has like six or eight C cabins um located southeast of the the main development right uh the one other question I what a reduction let's say there was the within the 100 foot setback as it stands do that um preclude him from development of Roads or improving roads around that does that or is that only for structural stuff like structures there so setbacks are applied to structures over 30 in in height so as far as RV sites go can can he develop an RV site in the set back since there's no permanent structure with it no sir no that that would the RV sites would not be allowed to be in the setbacks however um like power lines or septic lines or anything like that that are underground they can locate into the the setbacks improved asphalt driveways or whatever can be inside the setback that's correct so the only thing that the setback would right up adjacent to the prop 10 foot off okay well that I mean that's my only concern I'm I'm fine with the additional spots just think the zbs need to be addressed and not just RVs either I mean it could be any accessory structure suppose like you said he hazes cows if he needs to put up hey Barn he could put it 10 foot from the property line okay all right any other questions hearing none I'll call for the question all those in favor please signify by saying I I chair votes I anyone opposed okay and we need to note uh PUD 24-0 00002 was withdrawn prior to today's meeting uh the next item we have um all business and from the County Commission meeting yesterday and talking with Mr Helms uh the board of County Commission has scheduled a joint BC putam County Planning Commission meeting to be held on Wednesday May 22nd at 10:30 a.m. with Ray bord who is the consultant who has been doing the Land Development code and this will be a time for Mr spafford to present the revised Land Development code to those two bodies orally we will not be going through it line by line as we had been promised we would do we will be hearing a presentation and there was an implication yesterday that they were hoping that we'd go ahead and approve everything and hand it over to the BC right there at that meeting Madam chair may I clarify to on that yes so we're working with the consultant to have the documents in our hands and printed out two weeks prior to that yes and we need to know whether we want electronic or paper or both or both or yep so Jenny would you make note Mr dantos do you want hard copy electronic copy or both I got okay Mr Morris both both Mr Hafner both I would like both Mr Hancock both Miss forner and Mr mcmanis you're welcome to chime in too all righty and Mr Mr Perry what would you like okay all right May 22nd at 10:30 a.m. will be a joint meeting of the port of County Commissioners and the putham County Planning Commission here Madam chair it should be here yes so um and there will be a presentation by Ray Spofford doing L well you know that's a good question to ask Mr Mr U Mr Harvey since he does cook cook pork be prepared for lunch here yes uh yeah you it might be a long meeting they don't think it will be because they think it will be a mere presentation well and the other thing too is um with with the ability to afford you all two weeks to review the document I think the anticipation is that you come prepared with any of the revisions that you'd like to discuss yes it's a 323 page document it's up there about an hour read you think Mr mcmanis Speed read yes so please mark that on your calendars it is a morning meeting on a Wednesday and they wanted you all to know far enough ahead of time so you could make arrangements to not be at work and I thought to myself not that many well most of us work I guess but Mr DeSantis and I and U Mr Hodes do you work sorta I work at sorta too um but anyhow that's that's coming up May the 21st uh is there any new business any other old business that needs to come before the board is there any new business that needs to come before the board we need to approve the minutes of March 13th which you'll find in your packet motion to approve the minutes from March 13th okay I have a motion in a second any other comments or questions or concerns all those in favor please signify by saying yes I I yes whatever yes I whatever it is 4:50 this meeting is AED for