e e before we hear the cases case today I have a a guidelines by which we operate this is a public hearing and we are the Zoning Board of adjustment for putham County Florida we operate under the authority of Articles 11 and 12 of The Land Development code AS amended the primary responsibility of the board is to hear decide appeals challenging final determinations made by the planning and development services department under the Land Development code and to hear and act upon request for variances special use permits non-conforming use determinations and preliminary development plans under the Land Development code today we have a variance so I will read that section a variance is a relaxation of the requirements of the zoning code in a particular case where because of unusual circumstances a literal enforcement of our zoning code would result in undue or unnecessary hardship the zoning code permits us to authorize variances only for height size of structure size of yards and Open Spaces if we Grant a variance we may impose reasonable condition on the use of the property which me must be satisfied if the variance is to remain valid the standards we use in deciding whether or not to Grant a variance are listed in section 45- 833 of the Land Development code I am skipping uh the section on a special use permit procedurally we will call its case by name and number a member of the staff will then briefly explain to us the nature of each request we will then take any comments from the applicant or their representative followed by any public comments concerning the request please direct all comments and statements to the board and not to other people in the audience before speaking we will ask each person to be recognized come forward to the lect and identify his or herself by name and address after all persons wishing to speak have been heard we will entertain a motion from the board this motion will be voted on by the board members and become our final order any decision made by this board can be appealed to the Circuit Court however any appeal must be filed within 30 days after the board of adjustments has rendered the final order which is being appealed are there any questions okay before the case today is heard all of those wishing to speak need to be sworn in so that will the notary please administer the oath e okay before we hear uh the U report from staff this is case variance 24- 00005 we will do an expart communication and conflict of interest roll call no no no no noest no okay m brown if you're ready good afternoon Madam chair and Zoning Board of adjustment members I'll be presenting variance number 24- 00000000 Z5 and for the record Nancy Brown Planning Development Services the application the applicant is Beck slone Properties Incorporated the agent for the owner is Brandy Price the location of the parcel is on the northwest corner of Edgemore Street and Rosel Avenue here in patka property size is 0.49 plus or minus Acres parcel number 13-1 0-26 d655 d011 0-0 090 zoning district is residential single family r1a and it is assigned future land use category of urban reserve the request for the variant is from the Land Development code section 45 d503 print e number two as amended by an ordinance from November of last year ordinance number 20 23-21 which is supplemental Provisions regarding additional utility based requirements and the request is for two proposed lots that are served by Central water and private septic tank excuse me from 10,890 Ft of a lot to 10,725 square ft which is a reduction in lot size of 165 square feet for each proposed lot a brief site description of the lots are defined is Lots 9 10 and 11 it is a wooded and unimproved lot in the Oak Terrace Subdivision which was recorded back in 1926 uh the fem flood zone is X which is no special flood Hazard and there doesn't appear to be any jurisdictional Wetlands on the property for EMS Services it's provided by puam County the main station located at 130 ory Griffin Boulevard here in patka and fire service from station number 5 which is the Southwest Volunteer Fire Department located at 3409 Park Street in patka that's approximately 08 miles from the subject property and again the intent is to split the property into two lots 82.5 by 130 ft and to construct two single family homes one on each lot and if the variance is approved both Parcels will be required to connect to the city water system that would be the city of patka and require on-site septic service because it's not available from by sewer from the city of patka a little bit of background on the property September 2023 the agent inquired about splitting the lot staff responded that the lot could be split as proposed if the city of patka provided a water inser sewer availability letter and the applicant provides a copy of the pre-annexation agreement ensuring that water and sewer will be connected on site then in November 2023 there were changes adopted to section 45503 of the Land Development code which is supplemental Provisions for e and as it relates to basically additional utility based requirements ordinance 2021 2023 21 relaxed the minimum size lot width based on the type of utilities which are water and wastewater with pable water and waste water prior to its adoption the parcel created by the subdivision which includes a lot split where central water in septic is provided the required lot size was 1 half acre or 21,780 Square ft and it had to be at least 100 ft wide in the case of the subject property variant would have been required to develop the parcel because it is 21450 square ft under current regulations the parcel meets the minimum requirements for the development of a single family dwelling Urban Reserve allows for up to 12 dwelling units per acre if both utility services were available there would be no need for a variance because the minimum lot size and r1a is 7500 square fet but they're not getting both um water and sewer from the city of plaa so we have to go back to those utility based requirements in January 2024 the agent applied for a lot split to reconfigure the parcels as previously noted 825 by 130 ft and during the sufficiency review the application was found that the Lots would not meet the minimum requirements from the recently adopted ordinance Lots depended on Water and Sewer or private or excuse me water and private septic tank are required to be 10,890 square ft and the proposed Lots measured 10,725 Square F Feet Again a reduction of 165 Square ft for each lot and the method for relaxation of the rules under the LDC is through the variance process which is why we're here today on display is an aerial map it may be a little bit difficult to see um um the subject parcel is outlined in a heavy light [Music] blue next slide is going to be the flood zone and wetlands which mentioned earlier there are no wetlands and the flood Hazard zone is X which is not a hazard flood Hazard Zone future land use map shows a surrounding property surrounding land use of the property and the zoning map shows the zoning of the property and if you'll note that anything in Gray to the east is city of patka so the property is relatively close to the city of patka again may be hard to see is the best um depiction we could have on our screen for the proposed lot split it is three underlying Lots split basically in the middle issuance criteria under LDC 45 5 833 I'm going to just briefly go over these for you as they are in your staff report special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land structure or building involved or the proposed development design utilizes Innovative planning and design which will result in better development which will be an asset to the Comm community staff analysis is the subject prop property is described as block 11 containing underlying lots n10 and 11 of Oak Terrace Subdivision recorded in mapbook 3 page 146 on June 28th 1926 the subdivision was created prior to the County's land zon regulations the subdivision was vested from the density requirements of the comp plan and report dated October 5th 2004 for 160 Lots at the time of the report there's 116 Parcels ranging from one single lot to a combination of four Lots the proposed development will utilize a design that's consistent with the parcels adjacent to the west and across Rosel Avenue the majority of the Lots in that platted subdivision were platted at 55 ft by 130 ft in depth or 71 50 square ft Parcels in the immediate area range from one lot to four Lots with a majority having two lots some of the existing homes in the subdivision date back to 1955 on Lots ranging from again one to three Parcels at staff determination that the underlying lots of the subdivision create special conditions and circumstances peculiar to the land involved the app an stated in their application that the subject property is currently vacant overgrown and an eyore to the surrounding Community the owner states that the properties that the proposed two three bedroom two bath homes on the lot will enhance the general aesthetic of the street as well as adding much needed housing for the growing Community number two special conditions and circumstances described in paragraph a above do not result in the failure the applicant part to follow applicable County state or federal land use regulations ability codes there's no failure on the applicant's part to follow applicable regulations the applicant owner applied for a lot split on the parcel and because the city of Paca does not currently serve a sanitary sewer to the property the method for relaxation against us through the bearance process the applicant took the necessary steps to inquire if the parcel would be eligible to be divided staff responded with a letter dated September 19th 2023 indicating the parcel was eligible to be split if the city of Paca provides a water insur availability letter and that the applicant provides a copy of the pre-annexation agreement ensuring that the water and SE SE service could be connected however the survey failed to show that the block met the requirements by 165 Square ft ordinance 20 2321 was passed after the purchase of the property and after the request was completed number three granting the variance request will not confer on the applicant any special privileges denied by the code to other lands buildings or structures in the same zoning District the applicant states that the majority of the surrounding homes are in the same lot size configuration and and are requesting a lot split application the property owner intends to develop two lots with one single family home on each lot there are other platted Lots in similar size and in some cases that were developed in some in the subdivision property owner has the any property owner has the same right if the same circumstances exist and coming to the board for a uh variance literal interpretation of the provisions of the code would deprive the applicant of Rights commonly enjoyed by other properties and the same zoning District under the same code and would place an unnecessary and undue hardship on the applicant staff analysis is that literal interpretation of LDC section 45503 print e number two as amended by ordinance number meeting the size requirements to split the property and develop one single home on each lot this variances to allow the applicant to split the the parcel to construct two homes the applicant states that the ordinance would deprive them of conforming to similar Parcels on the same street in the same area of the subject property number five granting the variance will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of the ordinance and such variants will not be injurious to the area involved or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare and interest granting the variance will be in harmony with the general intended poos subdivision and um the single family dwelling District the applicant states that this will allow them to actually conform to the surrounding properties number six the variance is a minimum variance required to make possible the reasonable use of the land Building and structure and staff's Analysis is that it is the minimum that will make possible the reasonable use of the land and the of for the proposed structures and the lot if the lot is divided by the applicant finding the recommendation staff finds that the request to variance meets the criteria required for issuance of a variance provided in section 45- 833 of the Land Development code and therefore recommends approval of the request for reduction in lot size of two proposed Lots from 10,890 Square F feet which is one quarter of an acre to 10,720 square ft a reduction of 165 Square ft each with the condition that the lot split application and I'll reference the number LSA 24- 0000000000 Z5 is approved by staff under the provisions of section 45 1052 of the Land Development code and just in case you're wondering 1052 the first one is that meets all the Zing requirements and that's it any questions any questions for staff did we go from criteria three to criteria 5 can't hear you did we go from criteria three to criteria 5 I didn't hear criteria four I go back and if I missed it I apologize the literal interpretation I did read it but I do it again if you'd like okay hold on huh pardon me FP through some pages Four's here you say we missed number four no I did you did okay I was ready to read it over it's folded in my my corner any other questions any questions okay thank you before we hear from the applicant or the agent let's do a site visit roll call please yes yes yes yes yes yes okay I think the agent today is Brandy Price would you like to come and address the board for the record please state your name and address um Brandy Price 2000 Reed Street Paca Florida um I just wanted to come up and answer any questions that you have we're looking to put like she said two single family homes three bedroom two bath or four bedroom two bath uh they're going to be Workforce housing so not affordable housing A step above that for you know the working class uh Sheriff's officers firefighters police officers Etc um we're R we're estimating the price range to be around 300,000 depending on the market at the time and what size home we end up putting on each lot which will be determined based on your decision today if we can do one home or two so that's all okay any questions for Miss price okay thank you anyone else in the audience wishing to come forward and speak in favor of this application anyone wish to come forward and speak in opposition no one is coming forward for either side okay at this time then we will close it to the public and open it up for board discussion and motion Madam chair I uh drove around this area and these will not be the smallest Lots there there are lots and houses that are going to be smaller to me the president has already been set but in my opinion we should approve this and do you want make do you want to make a motion all right I move we approve variance number V 24- z0000 005 as it does meet the criteria for Rance as required by section 45- 833 of the putham County Land Development code I didn't read any uh conditions and I authorize the chair to send the final order second all right we have a motion and second to approve variance 24- 00000000 Z5 all in favor please indicate by raising your right hand whoops one two three four five all motion carries 70 um just remember good luck in your Endeavor and there is an appeal process so if there's any issues or concerns please work close with staff thank you okay um next on the agenda is old business do we have any old business to conduct it was it was 60 can you just correct that the motion the motion carries you said seven we just need I said seven okay count myself twice I I will correct the uh 60 motion carries thank you I failed math in school what can I say okay the next thing is new business okay everybody have the next on the agenda is the minutes for March the 20th 2024 everybody had a chance to read them there was a correction in uh it's already been made on um where I asked for expart communication for variance 24- 00003 and it has Mark West and that's already been corrected so it should be read Ron West Mo they be approved as corrected somebody second second we have a motion second to approve the minutes of March the 20th 2024 all in favor say I I all opposed motion carries 60 all right anything else all right we're out of here I guess how about a motion to adjourn so move okay I saw the I got a got a question for you in a minute don't don't don't run away