e e e e e e e e I'd like to call the meeting to order please I have a statement to read before we hear the cases today this is a public hearing and we are the Zoning Board of adjustments for puam County Florida we operate under the authority of Articles 11 and 12 of The Land Development code AS amended the primary responsibility of the board is to hear and decide appeals challenging final determinations made by the planning and development services department under the Land Development code and to hear and act upon request for variances special use permits non-conforming use determinations and preliminary development plans under the Land Development code a variance is a relaxation of the requirements of the zoning code in a particular case where because of unusual circumstances a literal enforcement of our zoning code would result in undue or unnecessary hardship the zoning code permits us to authorize variances only for height size of structure size of yards and Open Spaces if we Grant variance we may impose re reasonable conditions on the use of the property which must be satisfied if the variance is to remain valid the standards we use in determining whether or not to granted variance are listed in section on the use of the property which must be satisfied if the special use permit is to remain valid unlike a change in the zoning classification as a general rule a special use permit applies only to the specific use requested in the application for a special use permit the standards we use in deciding whether or not to Grant a special permit are listed in section 45-10 183 of the Land Development code procedurally we will call each Case by name and number a member of the staff with then briefly explain to us the nature of each re request we will then take any comments from the applicant or their representative followed by any public comments concerning the request please direct all comments or statements to the board and not to other people in the audience before speaking we will ask each person to be recognized come forward to the lectur and identify his or herself by name and address after all persons wishing to speak have been heard we will entertain a motion from the board this motion will be voted on by the board members and become our final order any decision made by this board can be appealed to the Circuit Court however any appeal must be filed within 30 days after the board of adjustments has rendered the final order which is being appealed are there any questions okay before the cases the first case is heard all of those wishing to speak need to be sworn in if you're an undecided whether or not you're going to speak it's iffy please uh be sworn in today so we don't have to do do it in the middle of the meeting okay will the notar please come forward and administer the oath okay before the meeting starts today I would like for our attorney to address the audience thank you madam chair uh good afternoon ladies and gentlemen I would like to take a few minutes to explain as best I can the procedure the Zoning Board of adjustment will employ during this hearing some of which I some of which I have to say has already been explained to you by the chair lady this hearing will be conducted in accordance with with the applicable putam County ordinances and Florida Statutes first of all please recognize that this is a quasi judicial administrative hearing in this instance that means that the formal Rules of Evidence and procedure are relaxed the Zoning Board of adjustment can and probably will hear and receive evidence that would not be allowed in the court of law the Zoning Board of adjustment does however follow specific procedures set forth in chapter 45 article 11 section 45-12 two of the putham county code of ordinances these procedures are designed to make the hearing progress in an orderly manner and to protect everybody's due process rights allow me to briefly describe this process number one the chairperson Miss Osborne has Authority during and control over this meeting number two each petition will be introduced by the chair three representatives of the plan and development services department will then make a presentation and will respond to questions posed by the members of the Zoning Board of adjustment the applicant will then make a presentation if he or she chooses and will respond to questions posed by members of the zoning board the standard of proof in this matter is competent and substantial evidence Excuse me while I sort out my computer a definition of this standard is evidence that is sufficiently relevant and material that a reasonable mind would accept it as adequate to support the conclusion reached number six as set forth by the putham County Municipal Code quote interested parties unquote will be permitted to address the zoning board interested part parties is defined as persons prepared to submit evidence to the board and be willing to submit cross-examination a person simply want wishing to provide comment or other input without being subject to cross-examination may do so during the public input por portion of the hearing number seven the zoning board will then hear from citizens Andor their representatives in support of the petition and answer questions if any posed by the members of the zoning board the zoning board will then hear from citizens Andor their representatives who are against the petition and answer questions if any posed by members of the commission comments by citizens either for or against the petition are called quote citizen comment unquote when it is customary while it is customary that each citizen be given 3 minutes to speak the chairperson has the authority to allow a citizen to speak longer I believe you will find that 3 minutes will usually suffice the chair will then allow the petitioners the opportunity to rebut any evidence offered against the petition when everyone who wants to be heard has been heard the proceedings will be closed and the committee will deliberate and vote I appreciate your attention and may I ask that we all conduct ourselves in a civil manner thank you madam chair I'd like to make a comment there was a lot of people that stood up to be sworn in but I only have about 10 speaker cards so am I is everyone not supposed to fill out a card and wishes to speak I'm sorry well let me just tell you I'm sitting here and I have about 10 speaker cards filled out so do we need for people who do not have not who raised their hand who have not filled out a speaker card need to do so don't forget to ask about X I will I know I please on your speaker card please put you're in opposition or for and what case where this a variance or special use permit I don't think you're going to make your second meeting don't think so that's okay hopefully it's not really important I'm there I'm there are we doing the venes first are we switching the or cuz I didn't F that I just noticed that that's what's up there it Mak to get those people out of here so they don't have to sit three hours I know man it's six people e all right she didn't Elizabeth harbis may I have your attention with Elizabeth Harvest who filled out a speaker card you didn't put what [Music] [Music] first two 08 and o 8 SU what I think this probably for the not see this is variance too I understand that but I'm he put a variance in it's Su Jesus is p8 all right uh Joanne melany and Richard Ferry you guys put a variance 08 and there's no um and you have the bua Church Road Richard are you Richard that one right seven 2 is it Su hey Mr Mr Hill there's two people want to speak on both as far as the migrant labor camp do we really have to listen to both of them you pick Pi one okay so you may want to get with Mr Perry about how you hand this but this is an attorney actually representing these two individual well so that may a little bit more is this Mr the attorney that's over here Mr blocker yeah Mr blocker okay all right thanks okay hey julan how are you Mr good yourself I'm well which one was it two that was represented by the attorney oh yes ma'am' okay Maran so7 my dad what zoing what is this to talk for 6 seven s okay I'm just trying to get all of these requests to be able to speak incorrect order so um hopefully I've got them that way okay before we hear the first case um today which is uh I'm going to well I take that back let me sh let me see a show of hands of all you that are here for the two Su U for the migrant labor camps okay since there's so many of you that are here wanting to speak today I'm going to change the agenda and we're going to start with case variance 24- 00006 so before we get started however we have to have an expar communication and conflict of interest roll call I no no no no no no okay we're ready for staff report thank you Mr chair I am Michael Graves of planning and development services and this is variance 24006 the applicant are Cheryl and Peter soless uh their their property is located at 319 West River Road in Palaca and is approximately 1.07 acres in size with a zoning District of residential estate and fature land use of rural reserve the request is an amendment is a variance from Land Development code section 45501 1 and 45 632b for the reduction in setback requirements and Road Frontage respectively for the installation of their home on their property the subject parcel is again approximately 1.07 acres and is currently vacant but previously contained a single family home the subject parcel is located in FEMA flood zones X and AE and appears to be and appears to contain no jurisdictional Wetlands uh according to to the applicant's proposed site plan the subject lot size results in an acre of 1.07 Acres uh and the re uh relevant principal building setbacks for the property are 25 ft front 10 ft on the side 25 ft on the water as reduced for uh vested subdivisions here you can see the aerial view of the property here you can see the flood zone and the wetlands uh indicating that there's nothing major on the property here you can see the future land use and finally the zoning uh issuance criteria number one special conditions are or syrum senses exist which are peculiar to the land the subject parcel was is was created prior to the establishment of the Land Development code it is only 100 ft in width uh and was created is part of a previous uh recorded subdivision which in all Parcels were of that width uh special conditions and circumstances described uh before do not result from the failure of the applicant again this is a previously recorded invested subdivision that has existed since before the applicants even moved into town uh they are not responsible for this it was created back in uh 1955 uh granting of the variance will not confer the applicant any special privileges Road Frontage requirement reductions are among the most common that staff deal with and the zoning board deals with uh so much so that the Land Development code as you may be aware is on the process of streamlining uh this entire process for us uh it is not going to be granting them any kind of special privilege that no one else would be allowed to have they can simply ask uh literal interpretation of the provisions of this ordinance would deprive the applicant of uh the rights commonly enjoyed by other property owners they're asking for the right to build a home on their property uh by denying them the right to uh reduce the road Frontage by a requirement by the 50 ft uh from sorry the 20 ft from 120 to 110 it would be U denying them the right to have their home on their property uh granting the variance will be in harmony with the general intended purposes of the ordinance and such variance will not be injured to the area the entire area is single family homes on similar size properties uh the variance will be in harmony with the local community and with putam County as a whole there should be no great deviant uh the variance granted is the minimum variance that will make this possible the variance is a reduction in Road Frontage from 120 ft to the 100 ft of Road Frontage that they have they not asking for Le more than that uh you could make an argument that the side setback reduction is over however it is a minor one of 5 feet which is uh something that staff could frankly Grant through an administrative variance staff finds that the required variances meet the criteria required to issue the variance of in LDC section 45- 833 as such staff gives the recommendation of approval other request variance to allow for the reduction of Road Frontage setback from 120 ft to 100 ft and side setback from 20 ft to 15 ft any questions any questions for staff okay this time let's do a site visit roll call please yes yes yes yes yes yes yes okay we have the app please please turn off your cell phones we have the applicant today Cheryl and Peter soless you want to come forward and speak to the board okay please uh give us your name and address for the record name is Peter soless the property is 319 West River Road and I would just like you to realize we're not building a home to resell this will be a retirement home for us lifelong law enforcement officer uh well 40 years presently working as an inspector for FDLE Florida Department of Law Enforcement more wife sh Geral is previously from Palaca and I have uh two children one's a nurse in Jacksonville one's a police officer in Jacksonville and my son-in-law is a Navy pilot when my granddaughters are residing here now so it's about that time in our life that we move to our final destination and we hope it is pman County that's it thank you for your time any questions for Mr SAS okay thank you sir thank you thank you okay I have no speaker cards for anyone wishing to speak in favor of this application I do have a two cards uh speaking in opposition Tony alanar it's very difficult to read your would you please come forward you put variance 24- 06 I'm I I can't understand what you're saying I'm here just for the special use permit oh okay well you put the variance sorry about that and Teresa Miller you have the variance also is this for the special use permit okay okay since I don't have any speaker cards I will ask the question anyway uh just to make sure there's uh just for clarity uh is there anyone wishing to come forward and speak in favor of this application no one's coming forward anyone wish to come forward and speak in opposition okay no one's coming forward so at this time the meeting will be closed to the public and open it up for board motion and discussion Madam chair I'd like to make a motion okay I move we approve variance 24 4-6 as it does meet the criteria for a variance as required by section 45- 833 of putam County Land Development code uh there are no conditions and authorize the chairman to sign the final order second we have a motion second to approve variance 24- 00000000 6 any further discussion if none all of those in favor please indicate by raising your right hand 1 2 3 4 5 six seven okay motion carries s uh 70 just remember there is a 30-day appeal process so if there's any concerns please work closely with staff and good luck in your new house okay the next case is variance 24- 00007 before we begin let's do exp parte communication and conflict of interest roll call no no no no no no no all right thank you once again Madam chairman this is once again for the record Michael Graves planning and development services and this is variance 24- 00007 the applicant is Dale Rogers Donald McCarthy and uh sorry Donald mccardy and Jerry KES uh the agent is Steven Wood of wood engineering and the location of the property is 151 Hoover Road in placa the parcel is approximately 17.55 acres in size zoned agriculture with a future land use of rural reserve the request is a variance from the Land Development code section 45- 513 for the removal of the 2B the 20b buffering requirement for a cult trol buildings in the agricultural Zone District uh the subject parcel as mentioned before is approximately 17 and2 acres in size uh and is currently occupied by a church uh the subject parcel is in FEMA flood zone X and appears to contain jurisdictional Wetlands uh the relevant principal uh building setbacks for the property are 25 ft front 10 ft side and rear and 25 ft of vegetated space from the wetlands uh in accordance with the Land Development code and any uh churches in the agricultural zoning District are considered cultural buildings and would be required to have a 20b buffer in in the development process if they are connected to uh residential zoning districts here you can see an aerial of the property here you can see the wetlands the flood zone future land use and the zoning special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the Land There Are No conditions or circumstances that are peculiar to this land in question the same is true for the addition to the church its design or the expansion approved by the development Review Committee the DRC required a small buffer be created along the Southeastern portion of the property where it buts residential development in accordance with Land Development code section 45513 uh churches as mentioned before follow uh fall into grp Group C group three of cultural buildings uh the special conditions listed before do not result in a failure of the applicant's part to follow the applicable uh County state or federal land use regulations again there were no conditions or circumstances uh that exist for this development in section one as such uh section two also does not is not met uh granting the variance will not confer the applicant any any special privileges that is denied by the code and other lands the the applicant references Land Development code section 45-52 F in their statement of hardship as a means to bypass 45513 which only applies to vehicle land uh vehicle use area Landscaping it does not apply to the buffer requirements uh the use of existing vegetation is preferred for buffering requirements and encouraged there are reductions in place for existing vegetation however it does not Grant the right to remove uh the necessary buffering requirements a l literal interpretation of the provisions of this ordinance would deprive the applicant of Rights commonly enjoyed in properties of the same zoning District the DRC ruled already that the applicant only need to fill in the gap of the Native vegetation on the Eastern 275 ft of their southern border with the buffering required to form a class 20 B buffer uh literal interpretation of the LDC will not deprive the applicant of Rights of other cultural facilities in the agricultural zoning District as all cultural facilities in the agricultural zoning District are required to have a class 20b buffer when a budding residential granting of the variance will be in harmony with the general intent and purposes and ordinances uh and such a variance will not be injured to uh otherwise detrimental to the public welfare interest granting that the variance will not be harmful to the surrounding area however it would not be in harmony with the general intent and purposes as the of the LDC as the applicant has already given a have been given a reduction in the buffering requirements by the DRC to uh justify filling in the gaps with existing vegetation the variance granted is the minimum variance that will make this uh make possible the reasonable use of the land the applicant uh did not comment on this in their statement of hardship uh the truth of the matter is that the minimum requirement is just to take the variance already granted to them by the DRC and fill in the small 275 ft of uh empty space with vegetation buffer as required for a 20b buffer as such staff has uh staff finds the requested variance does not meet the criteria uh for issuing a variance in LD c section 45833 and gives the recommendation of denial of the requested variants to allow for the removal of buffering along the Eastern 275 ft of the Southern property line for a cultural development in the agricultural zoning District any questions any questions for staff okay at this time let's do a site visit roll call yes yes yes yes yes yes yes okay we have the agent Steven Wood would you like to come forward and address the board hi good afternoon I'm Stephen wood 102 White Cap Circle Maitland Florida 32751 um thank you for uh hearing this variance request um I wanted to um highlight uh this is for Dunham Woods Baptist Church they're adding a 2400 squ foot building to their property um in order to provide Sunday school services and so forth for the congregation um we have been through DRC which they've recommended approval with comments and this comment um that is being uh requested for a variance um has to do with the 275 ft of the southeast corner of the property and the 20 SLB um incompatibility incompatibility barrier um consists of um 6 foot tall evergreen uh Plants Plus 8 foot tall canopy um trees when they're planted and um the the site itself I don't know if you saw on the aial um is roughly 70% covered in canopy trees and and brush and so forth and so um while you know this incompatibility barrier um is a comment that was made and is your is in your code um it's just adding more trees to a site that already has 70% tree coverage just seems to be a bit Overkill the um the resident to the South that is impacted by this um incompatibility barrier um she um signed a a letter in agreement to variant approval she sees the existing natural vegetative cover between her residence and where the building will be built is sufficient for screening and so forth um so uh we that that's why we're bringing this forward just to um see if it's possible not to put in additional vegetation when the site's already covered in in so much so thank you any questions any questions for Mr wood okay thank you sir thanks right I have two speaker cards here uh is it Steph Coleman would you like to come forward and address the board please state your name and address for the record Steven Coleman 112 kumbo Road I've been a uh jumbo Road where kumbo Road where Hollister Florida thank you I've been a member there for seven years uh we need to build on extend for our classrooms our classroom we have it basically for men and women or in the part now so we just want to extend it and add in out the 2400 ft that is there and uh break the classrooms up from other classrooms or other people coming in from Sunday school to church they interrupt us so that's why we are building an extra building just for the Sunday schools nothing else and it' be on the west side of the building that y'all would see there and we already have the contractors here on here in the building here today to do the do the work so I'm hoping and praying that it will take be done through y'all eyes that we can get it done thank you thank you any questions for Mr Coleman uh Mr Coleman come back please we have a question looking looking at the areial which I guess you're looking at the same one I I am um there's an open space behind the church yes ma'am okay is there not enough room there without with any of the buffer to build your building behind the church I don't see any anything showing where you're going to be building but um behind the church would be more like a Wetlands behind theur if you take a look at the map the open space behind the church is Wetlands got it sorry y it' be best to the west of our church okay west of your church there's a um you mean South like a pole barn type building okay it' be East then they' be East okay be east of it and then the others there's a several little out buildings yeah they could be moved but they're way away from where the 2400 ft structure could be built they're I'm sorry they could be moved as well so I mean it's way away from where the structure of the 2400t Sunday School room would be built so this your building is not going to be attached to the church that's there it's going to be freestanding yeah well we yeah 2400 square foot which is about the size of this well I'm just saying but it's not going to be attached to the churches ex the existing no okay yes ma'am right if you attached it to the building would it work would it work yeah could you get it in there and still keep your buffer yes ma'am oh yeah have you considered that yes ma'am thank you yes ma'am thank you okay we have Jeremiah Bennett wishing to speak in favor good afternoon I give us your name and address for the record Jeremiah Bennett bmar construction 200 Northeast 25th a count Forida 34471 okay you're going to have to speak into the mic cuz you Jeremiah Bennett Thank You bmar Construction uh 200 Northeast 25th AV that's my office my house is 4760 Southeast 8th Street of California and um uh I've been working with a church me and my father's been working with a church for the last couple years uh we had to put the project on hold due to covid um and cost and and trying to get material and and so the church has been waiting a very long time for this and um once we started running into some roadblocks with the with the Civil we've tried to get through everything and this is kind of a last hurdle um they have aced um a lot of additional cost because of the things of the requirements uh to get this uh this building built um one of the questions I was asked was could we attach the building if we do that that would Ur a lot more cost due to fire code um we we had push we push the building back actually additional uh back to 50 ft from 30 ft where we plan to do it first uh just so that I talked to the Fire Marshall to be able to reduce the tanks that are required on site um it the cost just keeps going up and up and up and um to most people this may be a small thing uh that for 200 and plus uh feet of uh Landscaping but to the church that's an additional between 8 and $10,000 and it just it just keeps adding on so that's why we're fighting so hard for this last hurdle um to try to save cost for the church so we can get this done for them and move this project forward so they can have a a Sunday School uh basically services so that's it any questions for Mr Bennett okay thank you sir thank you okay I have no speaker cards for uh opposition but I will ask just to make sure that everything is covered okay this um this portion is closed to the public and open it up for board motion and discussion I have a question Mr Perry yes ma' um the recommendation was for denial U do we have to stipulate any conditions other than how the staff deemed their decision uh well do you have anything you want to discuss with with the I'm just asking before if anybody makes a motion if if they make a motion to deny do we have to State the criteria that was not met but if it's a recommendation to be denied then can't we just go with the recommendation and not have to make a statement Madam chair are you suggesting that you're going if there is a recommend recommendation to deny the petition then there has to be as you can see on your sheet there has to be some have I'll read it for you if denying special exemption or variance State the criteria numbers and the that the request doesn't me okay I just wanted to clar make sure that that's clarified because it's not I mean they they did go through the um the different criteria but I just wanted to make sure since it was not covered in the um recommendation the the criteria that was not met that was just clarification okay okay okay this time we will uh Mr Michael do you have anything else to add as far as uh there was uh once again Michael Graves Planning Development Services uh there did seem to be a bit of confusion earlier about the uh buffer and the location of the building it's not uh a matter of the building being detached or being built new doesn't matter if it's Northeast south or west the de development Review Committee already approved for development with the buffer uh being a 20b buffer and it's not like the building is going to be any of the setbacks this is literally just uh they were told they need to plant some trees and bushes or and or build a wall in that 275 ft on the southern Southeastern portion of the property uh that was one of their requirements for the approval by the development Review Committee they're asking if you the board for permission to not do that it's not a matter of they're going to be in the setback it's they uh are wanting not to put in the vegetation that was required by DRC okay I'm sorry ma'am please have a seat please have a seat I I ask if anybody wish to come forward and speak in in opposition in in in favor of and I only got these two cards so do we have somebody else that wants to speak in opposition do have somebody for speak in favor did you were you sworn in did you fill out a a speaker card for a variance 00000000 007 excuse me I cannot understand what you're saying I'm I've got this meeting under control okay I do not see a I do not see a VAR a speaker card for variance 00007 other than the two people that I called let me look and see if there's another one here no that's okay let me see that's okay is um Steven is it Steven Wood okay come forward I did have that mixed up I put it in another but you've already spoke so you know I don't have any other speaker cards so who is wishing to come forward and speak in favor please come forward I'll give you the chance good even Dale Rogers pastor of Dunwood Baptist Church 121 o Road Hollister Florida 32147 I just wanted to speak for uh we really need this uh y'all don't realize the cost it is for a small congregation we barely got 125 people our our average you know service is 60 and and we struggle uh trying to to you know afford this and every time we look around there's something new added to it and and we really don't need the buffer I I don't feel that uh spending $10,000 on putting trees in again when we have the whole Wetlands we've left alone uh in there we have tons of trees and so I I'm just uh asking y'all just to please approve this so that we can move forward with this Sunday school building we've been trying to get for the last five years and that's it thank you okay any questions okay at this at this Venture we will close the meeting to the public and open it up for board motion and discussion Madam chairman if in this particular case if this was one criteria that they did not meet we might be able to work through it but as I read this they don't meet any of them and I don't see how we can possibly approve something like this when it goes against Land Development code and the policy of this board so I prefer not to do this but Madame chairman I move we deny variance 00007 is it does not meet the criteria for a variance as required by section 45833 of the putam County Land Development code and authorize a chairman to sign the final order a second okay we have a motion and second uh for variance 24007 to deny do we have any further discussion all in favor please indicate by raising your right hand one two four five okay all opposed okay motion carries 52 um there is a 30-day appeal process so please work closely with staff and I hope you issues are resolved thank you okay let me get my agenda here okay okay before with the next case is variance 24- 000000008 okay before we get started let's have an expar and conflict of interest roll call no no no no no no no all right okay we're ready for staff report thank you once again Madam chairman uh Michael Graves planning and development services this is variance 24008 uh the applicant is Robert Rockwell uh located at 105 West Groveland Lane in East blacka the is approximately 0.98 acres in size with a zoning District of Agriculture and a future land I'm sorry agriculture estate and a future land use of Agriculture the variance is from the Land Development code sections 45 403 501 and 503 for reduction in the side and Waterfront setbacks for the instulation of a pool and a detached garage uh the subject parcel as mentioned before is slightly sh of 1 acre uh the subject parcel is currently non-conforming inide but was granted variance 20-5 to allow for the construction of the property the subject parcel is located in FEMA flood zone AE and the parcel appears to contain no jurisdictional Wetlands uh according to the applicant's proposed site plan the subject lot size results in approximately 0.98 acres and the relevant principal building setbacks for this property are 40 ft front 20 ft side and 50 ft from the water here you can see see an aerial view of the property here's the wetlands here's the flood zone future land use and finally the zoning special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land structure or building involved uh the subject parcel comprises approximately 0.98 Acres uh located along West Groveland Lane uh as mentioned before the principal setbacks are 40t 20 ft and 50 ft respectively and the proper property is zoned as it is uh the property is surrounded by single family homes and the St John's river the non-conforming size of the property was previously resolved uh requirement for granting a variance was all that the development needed to comply with the zoning regulations uh there are no conditions on this property which exists would which would prevent the development of a pool or detach garage however the LDC regulations would prevent the applicant from development of the parcel in the desired configuration the development is uh Innovative enough for the granting of the variance uh special conditions and circumstances described in paragraph a above do not result from the failure of the applicant uh the subject parcel W was uh depicted on a warranty deed on March 1st 1978 and the applicant has gone on to actually get the previously mentioned variance 20- 005 uh in order to remedy past errors with this property uh the subject H the applicant has actually attempted to remedy this in the past uh granting the variance uh requested will not confer the applicant any special privileges privileges that is denied by the code the setback reduction is a highly common variance that staff handles on a regular basis as does the zoning Board of adjustment uh the amount of requested variance if it was less than what is needed a reduction of 5T instead of 10 staff could administratively Grant this outright uh due to the common nature of the variants required uh requested and the amount the setback uh reduction had to go in front of the board and they are following all necess necessary uh processes literal interpretation of the provisions of the ordinance would deprive the applicant the rights commonly enjoyed by other uh persons in the same zoning District the applicant is requesting a reduction in their Waterfront setback and side setback reductions uh the it would be more accurate to consider this properly in the same regards as the agricultural Zone uh properties uh containing one single family residence uh the requested variance is very common uh traditionally the agricultural zoning District allows for 10 ft on the side and uh 20 25 ft on the front with 50 on Waterfront however in addition to that there is also the nature of the fact that this is in a vested subdivision the only three Parcels in this subdivision that were never vested include Parcels one 2 and eight the applicant owns parcel two so the neighboring uh land land owners in the same subdivision have a 25 foot Waterfront setback as opposed to the 50 Foot that the applicant would be required granting the Vari will be in harmony with the general intend and purposes of this ordinance and such variances will not be injured to the involved or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare interest granting of this variance will be in harmony with local community as mentioned before his neighbors have 25 foot Waterfront setbacks whereas he is required to have 50 this will not create any additional Hazard for any of the neighbors the variants granted is the minimum variance to make it possible uh the side setback reduction of 10 ft from 20 ft 2 10 ft is not exactly the necessary minimum however it has come to staff's understanding that this was granted in error by staff before the uh applicant came before the zoning board as such this would be the minimum necessary to allow him to continue the development that has already begun on the property staff finds that the requested variance meets the spirit and criteria required for issuance of the variance in land is development code section 45833 as such staff gives the recommendation of approval of the requested variance to allow for the reduction in side setback from 20 ft to 10 ft and the Waterfront setback from 50 ft to 40t okay questions I got you said from 50 ft to 40t but this report says 45 or did I miss the first stage yeah that might have been a typo I'll have to correct that my apologies okay any questions for staff none okay this time let's do a site visit roll call yes yes yes yes yes yes yes okay the applicant is Robert Gregory Rockwell would you like to come forward and address the board please state your name and address for the record uh Robert Gregory Rockwell 105 West Groveland Lane East black of Florida good afternoon chair Osborne members of the zoning board um uh I want to first thank the uh building department for uh helping me through this process they've been great they write to report it it was great job I think done by them I want to thank you all for your time and consideration with this variance and um I just want to uh I guess put forth a few things that have been done I have uh five permits with the county and I'm in good standing with all of them you know I've had uh many in inspections and everything is passed and with flying colors and have no problems there uh the the garage permit was uh granted last year and the garage is built um but it came forth to my uh knowledge that the setback was not uh 10 ft it was 20 feet you can see on the survey that was submitted that uh the garage is about 10 and 1 12 foot from the from the property line um so I think that's a remedy I was told for to get a variance of remedy for this issue um but the garages built I followed the permit and uh what was granted on the uh front uh I like to build a metal picket you know black picket fence with a concrete columns and uh my neighbor to the South has a 5 foot tall fence and I'd like to match that and the county told me the uh the height limit is 4 feet You' need a variance to get to 5T so that's what I'm requesting there to go up to a 5ot uh fence and I've got permission and approval from my neighbor Mr V Mr Mrs Vicario to attach to their so the fence will be attached directly to their fence it'll match up to it and I just think it would look a lot better if it was the same size you know same height um and then with the pool I do have a pool permit already the pool built I'm asking to uh build the a screen en closure on it and I was told when I got the pool permit that I would have to come back and get a permit for the screen enclosure and I would have to get a variance for the screen enclosure I was told that so I knew I was going to have to come back for that and uh they said just because of the proximity to the water that I would need a variance for that and that's what I'm requesting on the uh water Frontage and on the side and there was a letter submitted by my neighbors to the South uh Jim and Chidi Vicario they are approve it they're the only ones who can really see the the pool you know it's in the front of the house towards the river and they're all for it and couldn't make it today but they would uh they have submitted a letter and approval for that I'd be happy to answer any questions any questions from Mr Rockwell I just need I'm going get verification so the pool is already built the carport or the garage is built so basically we just are looking at connecting onto the fence at the same size yes and giving you permission to enclose your pool screen enclosure yes it'll be TW 12 feet high 24t wide 40 ft long because I'm having a hard time seeing a pool we're not we're not discussing the pool today are we it's just the size of the fence uh we're discussing the setback and the fence side uh the setback is for the pool too because the structure goes around pool is not into consideration right it's just the just a setbacks on the height of the fence just a setback around the pool it's fine oh okay all right thank you okay any other questions thank you sir thank you okay I have some speaker cards I do not have anybody making sure that I'm doing the right ones uh I do not have anyone wishing to come forward and speak in favor of this application okay at this point I have some opposition uh Charles Davis please come forward your and address for the record Charles Davis 109 West Groveland Lane East batka I live uh two doors uh on the lake um down from um Greg and and the property uh a couple I have one question may be relevant may not but I appreciate it uh if you'd entertain it uh the original variants that allowed for building on a non-conforming lot um I know that Neighbors on either side were approached for sign off uh my property joins this as well I was never asked is that what what is the requirement for variance uh that you receive from Neighbors to be able to build on a Mr M would you like to address the neighbor Neighbors don't have to have approval from the neighbors correct Madam chairman uh it's something that the neighbors will sometimes do out of uh Goodwill to the community however it is not a requirement by any means to get a variance oh okay I didn't understand that so A couple of things uh related to these uh variances first off the report I found disturbing uh there seemed to be multiple violations of which uh there was no sense of accountability or uh responsibility either from the Builder or from um the county um uh staff uh I didn't I didn't really understand you know why there was such uh acceptance for these for these multiple uh variances um and the fence that's being asked to uh to be erected um the fence I think he's referring to to neighbor of the South is a chainlink fence dog enclosure type fence um and you know it's it's it has purpose um the fence that's being built appears to be more about uh esoteric and and uh you know a look uh to the property um and it it is quite a bit different um there is a fence around the corner that utilizes the black metal uh spacing fence it's 4 feet high and it was built as an enclosure for for for Animals the pillars The Columns that were referenced are two of them are well over 6 feet and one of them is well over 5T um about 6 feet so uh I I don't know how that comes into consideration in terms of the size of the fence uh itself uh but um it's uh overall it's going to be significantly higher when you consider the the the pillars and the other thing um my property uh I have three acres and so uh I have property in front of front meaning the other side from the river um from him that uh basically is connected through easement uh for the driveway and at this point with those pillars in and the fences and even in yet no large trucks can come into that property without going through my property in front of my property and I've got multiple ditch ditches and ridges in there uh and so I worry that you know as the rest of the fence is built uh I I don't know how he'll have access from you know any delivery building of size or uh additional construction building the last thing I'll comment because I think I'm probably running out of time um is um and and I I'm not going to question anyone's character uh or but the pace of the build on the house has been very slow they've done it themselves they've done a remarkable job uh and really worked very hard to to do this themselves the pace of the garage was extremely fast and I'm just curious as to uh when the information around the uh the variance that he got in incorrect information originally that was cleared up um how that is timed in terms of when the accelerated pace of the garage uh was initiated um it it felt somewhat out of context for what we had seen in the bill previously so those are my concerns um I guess one last one I will say the variance uh on the uh north side which is really the the one that's closest um it also that's where the generator is going to go that they intend on putting in the property and so now you'll have a variance 10 ft variance that's allocated and using that space the generator will now be as close to the neighbor's property as it possibly can be uh and uh given you know the variance that that seems unnecessary to me that's what I have to say today okay thank you thank you Joshua mast good afternoon uh Jos and address Joshua Mast 105 Breaker Lane East Paca um I live across the street um my family however has lived in the same area for nearly uh 100 years um the easement that Mr Davis owns in the property was subse or previously owned by my grandparents um I was born and raised there so I have a vested interest in its present and future future um and we have a way of life there um this project has completely upended that um when you come down it's a dead end Road when you come down Commercial Avenue and all you see is this huge building that does not fit um the construction has been crammed onto this tiny lot um and from the looks of it the garage once they found out that the variance was only 10 ft instead of 20 there was only concrete ported and instead of fixing the issue they went ahead and hurried up and finished building it and now we're retroactively asking for permits to say oh well it's already built you know so sorry that doesn't seem like it's in Good Will and I just have a question for you who wrote this report you did do you have a person personal relationship to Mr Rockwell do you know him previously no sir because the language in this is very subjective uh did you have did you do any qualitative or quantitative data to come to these conclusions did you speak to Neighbors in the area it is not the responsibility of staff to speak with neighbors of the area correct then why is it your responsibility to speak on behalf of them in favor of this and say that it's this is uh quote in furtherance of the a better developmental result to the community that's your opinion not the opinion of anyone else so I just there's many many things and if you'll if I go over three minutes please bear with me this is very important um there's also this application was filed the date says May 13th so how do you file and get a per to get a permit for something that's already been built six months we do not issue permits at this board we have nothing to do with permits I'm just asking how well something could occur because it seems to me that this has been I mean that this is fraud well that's not this board's position so I understand I'm making a point as to to the veracity of what's being entertained before the board um as far as the pool is concerned the pool is not done the pool has not the pool is not an issue with this application s the location of the pool is cuz he's asking for adjustment in the setback correct that's variance for the adjustment on the setback correct right so to deny it would not endure would not endure an undue hardship um and I would say based off of this report where it says that um the owner has made um every attempt to follow the rule rul and regulations of the county um and that it would not be injured to the area involved or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare interest I mean it this report is highly subjective as I stated before and I would just urge you to do what you can and what's in your power to try and remedy a situation um because this is not just one person that's objecting this is many people that are objecting and I think that a vote in favor would be um giving someone uh privileges that were not uh not earned so thank you I appreciate it we have another opposition Karen Eubanks please state your name and address for the record my name is Karen Eubanks I reside at 107 West Grove land Lane I am the neighbor to the north of Mr Rockwell well I am the one most affected by his building choices so I am forgive me I write everything down so I can give you all my information um and I'm right pretty much at three minutes so if you'll indulge me um so I want to address each item Mr Rockwell wants a variance to allow for a garage that he built 10 feet from my property line that should have been 20 ft from my property line he's asking for a variance for this today and it's already built and like was stated before it's built very quickly I I reached out to the county I've been reaching out to the county about this since December of of last year sending pictures before the stem wall of this garage was even built saying it should be 20t from my property line not 10 and the garage was built and nobody did anything and when I reached out and I have talked to I have talked to U Miss Cole who was amazing at just sending me to the right place and providing me with documentation I talked to Ricky Lyall Don pekham Julianne young Terry Turner and everybody said to me oh well he was permitted I guess you'll have to sue him nobody took consideration I have been paying Riverfront taxes on my property for 12 years he has not only crowded my property now with the generator this is less than 8T from my property line now and also just a few feet from my bedroom window this generator will be um and I I'm I'm really frustrated that nobody at the county took my family's safety uh into consideration because he has now not only built this horrible garage that is three stories high it is three stories high ladies and gentlemen it's like the Great Wall of China in my yard um he's also um he's also built his property up I have a site map that I was sent by the county and he's built this property three feet over flood requirements so the bottom of his property now is at my window Sals again I have been petitioning the county emails and calls I've had people out to my property and all I get was oh well he was already permitted so here we are at a variance hearing to get a variance for things he's already done this this fence that he wants to do at the front of the property these pilot are 18in square concrete pilasters that are 5T tall five of them are 5T tall and two of them are over six feet tall and he's telling you he wants a variance from four to five they're already built and they're over 5 feet so once again Mr Rockwell is doing whatever he wants and asking for permission after the fact um it's it's been very frustrating to me as a property owner um he wants to build this pool I I'm glad that he did admit that it was built because he's got it covered over with dirt right now like it's not there um and it's very close to the river I I just this is what I'm concerned about is all of these things pull my property now is in danger the next big weather event we have my property's gone it's it's completely flooded there's no room because he's so close to my property with this garage that he's asking for a variance for today that there's no room to build a Swale there's no PL there's nothing going on for a Swale and if he cuts a sale in a proper sale it's going to cut into my property line now so I I am just absolutely please begging you to to deny him this one thing do something right um the County's already admitted that they made a mistake with with the zoning sorry my mouth is dry I I I called zoning and asked what the zoning is for our property in our neighborhood and our division and I was told 2020 4050 like has been stated here today I was able to do that in one call and yet in this letter Mr Rockwell says he didn't know didn't know sorry so I I really you know would ask that the pilings the fence we would like to have it moved back my understanding is that fences need to be 15t from the center of the easement or at least 5et in from the property line he's built this right on the property line which is constricting um my property is at the end of this road and he's got it right on the paring line as it curves if I'm gonna have to call time on you oh I'm sorry okay all right I appreciate it thank you he's he's private so please please say no I thank you staff do have a question you they were talking about the piling I guess the post that are supposed to um have the fence between is are the is that an issue as far as the height the post or whatever you want to call the pillars or whatever you want to call them no ma'am uh accordance with the Land Development code that's still considered part of the fence uh with the uh current regulations for fence height staff could actually Grant the two foot variance from uh 3 feet to 5 feet already uh administratively uh he meets all the requirements for an administrative variance we just went ahead and put it in with the regular variance to prevent an unnecessary paperwork okay thank you thank you Miss Eubanks thank you these are the only those the only speaker cards that I have so at this time uh we will close this to the public and open it up for board discussion and motion can I have a question for staff sure Mr West in the photo you have up right now I know it wasn't part of what you were supposed to do to check but it looks like to me that the both properties on either side of that don't have the proper setbacks on buildings that seem to be sitting there uh I cannot speak to the properties outside of this uh prop uh uh surrounding this one uh however aside from the garage which was put uh 10t into the setback um because of a clerical error uh the property in question uh that were Mr Rockwell's property is uh meeting the setback requirements for the primary residence it's just the proposed pool location and the currently existing garage that are in the setbacks as for the neighboring properties I can't speak to that unfortunately okay um thank Madam chair I have a question for staff this may or may not have anything at all to do with but however I do would like to know are we looking at something that was done was it permitted and then done or was it done and then permitted it was permitted and done uh the building department made a clerical error uh saying that the zoning was agriculture as opposed to agriculture estate which would have given them a 10- foot aside setback by right uh Mi Mr Rockwell took them at good faith and began construction uh so basically it is no fault of Mr rockwells from the standpoint of what he was told from the setback correct and that was I'm sorry both pool and garage were were permitted and then built correct any further questions of Staff no be T Madame chairman I move we approve variance 24 000000008 as it meets the criteria for Avance as required by section 45833 of the putham County Land Development code and authorize the chairman to sign the final order second uh we have a motion and second to approve variance 24- 000000008 any further discussion all of those in favor please indicate by raising your right hand one two three four five all opposed motion carries 52 um there is a 30-day appeal PR process so if there's any issues please work closer with staff thank you okay now we are going back to the two special use permit request now before we hear would does anybody need a recess before we I would like to see one because I think we're not going to get one for a while okay I think we're going to take um 5 10 minute res say okay e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e I'd like to call the meeting back to order please um may I have your attention thank you we are going to um time limit your presentation today if you are in opposition or in favor of to three minutes so please have what you're going to say uh ready and in concise and the only other the only applicant or the person that would get more time will be the applicant themselves so they are entitled to present their case with that said we will do um an expart communication roll call and and conflict of interest for special use permit 24- 00007 no no no no no I have no conflict of interest but I did receive a couple phone calls and I told them immediately I could not talk to them about this case and that was the end of it no Mr West was there anything about this communication that you received um that would affect your ability to consider and decide this matter in a fair and impartial manner no thank you sir okay um staff report thank you madam chair Michael Graves planning and development services uh this is special use permit 24007 uh the application is for a migrant Farm labor camp in the agricultural zoning District by Continental floral FL LLC the location is 1350 County Road 308 in City future land use agriculture zoning agriculture the parcel is approximately 5.4 plus or minus acres and currently occupied by a plant nursery uh the farm is already on the parcel the applicant is simply Desiring to house their migrant Farmers on location which is allowed by Land Development code section 4572 e-6 here you can see an areial of the farm here you can see the future land use here you can see the zoning Wetlands the FEMA flood zone and finally based off of the uh restrictions in place a combination of all the parcels that they have in that immediate area um so they decide to combine Parcels in the future which is approximately 30 acres in size uh the SE following sections are the requirements the use is consistent with the comprehensive plan and meets the concurrency requirements the property future land uses agriculture as such it meets the comprehensive plan regarding concurrency microfarm labor camps are more heavily restricted at both state and federal levels than we could possibly do at the county level as such they will be required to meet all state and federal regulations uh the use is allowed for the special uh as a special use in the zoning District the proposed use is allowed in the agricultural zoning District these are the proper procedures for obtaining such a permit the special use will not adversely impact or unduly restrict the enjoyment of the permitted uses in the surrounding area the proposed migrant Farm labor camp is not anticipated to adversely impact or restrict the enjoyment of neighboring areas a farm is already located on the property and is already utilizing migrant labors uh the applicant is merely requesting for lodging for those migrant Farm labors on site as opposed to in hotels around the county the special use will not substantially diminish or impair property values in the area as the farm is already located at site it is not expected that the addition of the lodging will substantially diminish or impair the property values in the area adequate access roads on-site parking on-site loading unloading and measures have been provided to provide Ingress and egress from the property to minimize traffic on local roads adequate access to the site will be provided by County Road 308 the farm is already located on site drainage has not been proposed for the development but is anticipated be acceptable due to the agricultural based nature of the development furthermore application is proposing the use of existing structure already located on site as the residence therefore the it will not result in an increase in perious surface and the drainage will remain the same adequate screening and buffering of the special use will be provided needed buffering for the special you uh for this parcel is not required as the neighboring Parcels are the same zoning District if the zoning foror of adjustment were to desire required screening or buffering mechanisms as a condition of approval they may do so uh the special use will not have signs or exterior lighting no lighting or signs have been proposed for this application there will be no undue risk the persons or or property from hazardous substances hazardous substances have not been proposed the project will need to meet the state regulations on health and sanitation the proposed special use will not adversely affect the General Health public uh safety and Welfare of the residents of putam County uh it is not anticipated that the housing of the migrant farmers will negatively impact the General Health Public Safety and or welfare of the residents of putam County there is already a several migrant Farm labor camps throughout the county and there have no and they have no larger impact on the health and safety than other farming operations as such the staff has recommended approval for the special use permit subject to the following conditions the camp must meet the state and federal regulations of a migrant Farm labor camp state regulations can be found in Florida section chapter 381 section 008 00897 and the camp must be uh must meet the health and safety requirements as outlined by the Florida Department of Health administr of code chapter 64-4 in accordance with that same chapter the living quarters will include all required heating cooking he water heating equipment installed in compliance with state code uh the in compliance with the same code private sleeping quarters shall be a minimum of 50 square ft with communal sleeping cooking and living uh room shall be a minimum of 100 square feet uh do you want me to keep going through all these heavy details as you wish all righty then in accordance with uh fdac chapter 64e 14-00 1-1 all private living quarters and bathrooms shall be equipped with heating uh proceed uh heat producing devices to maintain a room temperature of 68 degrees Fahrenheit and in the spirit of fdoh haac chapter 64e 14-11 and given the fact that Florida experiences more extreme heat than cold cooling systems must also be provided for all bathroom and living quarters to maintain the room temperature of 68° F these systems both Heating and Cooling will be able to be controlled and operated by the migrant Farm La laborers or living on site and the camp must meet all OSHA standards and the camp must meet all federal regulations surrounding migrant Farm laborers including the migrant and seasonal agricultur worker protection act mspa in accordance with mspa the migrant farm work workers will be provided with notice documentation and or posters in their native language explaining to them their rights in addition the rights listed in the mspa the notices shall be included with State Statute rights and regulations as well as additional regulations created by the putam county in uh by putam county in this document and the developed living quarters will be required to comply with Florida State Building Code and micro Farm labor camps and the living quarters shall be reviewed by the the putham County fire marshall and shall be compliant with all fire suppression requirements and the number of Migrant Farm Workers that reside on this property will be further restricted by the future land use category agriculture wherein it shall be required to meet the density requirement for the agricultural property on County maintained roads of one migrant Farm worker as desined by FS 381 d008 per 5 acres of land minimum one and in accordance with uh in order to provide housing for up to a grand total of six migrant laborers at 1315 cting Road 38 Crescent City the applicant shall combine the following Parcels into one uh the parcels listed are the ones that you saw in the previous combined image on the earlier slide any questions any questions from [Music] staff okay let's do a site visit roll call please yes yes yes yes yes yes yes okay the agent for this application is Susan Nichols Nicholas would you come forward and give us your name and address for the record hello um my name is Susan Nichols I am the manager of our Florida location um thank you for hearing us this afternoon please give us your address my work address is 2329 Lemon Street Delan Florida um my home address is 102 Blanco Drive Delan Florida um we are petitioning for a special use permit for um housing for migrant labor during our Peak Seasons um cutting to supplement our full-time labor and um we have two locations that um could be useful to us currently we have one location in vucha county that we've been using since 2019 um I did bring photos and stuff if anybody wants to see those um it's very strict requirements um on migrant labor um through the state and federal that make sure that it doesn't um affect you know the land owners around it we've currently like I said been um doing this program in um Delan Florida at our Lemon Street location which is in North the land um it has not affected any of the property values um they are very um big homes that live in that area we've had um no crime no um and it could be looked up in Valia County um on the website I'm sure but um we have a very good relationship with our neighbors now and would like to do that you know up here as well um but the 36 people that we have is not enough during peak season which is Valentine's Mother's Day and Magnolia Harvest um we currently have um good relationships and with several of the people in valua County feries and in putam County um we've purchased land in putham County starting in 2020 with um St John's Oaks Durant Duran property um we purchased that it is 110 acres and then last year we purchased from um Harris Fern Holdings three farms and we are just trying to redo and upgrade and put new crops in and harvest um crops accordingly and you know during our heavy times we will need extra labor not 300 people um that's not what's required on our Farms here it would probably be tops eight is currently what we've been using we'd like to have a place up in putam County so they're not having to travel 45 minutes twice a day um if they're working up here they can stay up here if they're working in the Delan three Farms that we have currently they would stay in D land okay any questions for Miss Nicholas I have a question are these going to be h2a workers um currently we've been using h2a but we also have migrant labor too okay so that travels from um Michigan to Florida depending usually um they make a circle they do a lot of um fruit and vegetables up north and they do strawberries and blueberries here and then um when they're not doing that you know they came and helped us this spring in dant okay so most of your um Farm crops would be the ferneries yes they're all feries it's all ornamental Greenery all ornamental green yes ma'am okay and just out of curiosity there's already buildings on these property correct particularly the the Harris F on 13 on 308 right there in Crescent City yes are you going to think about building new homes new housing or are you going to we're going to re we're going to use the what's on the property now property and and refur and it would have to be um approved through the state and federal levels um this consists of many things so you have to have permitting for um once this process goes through then it goes permitting through Department of Labor they agree to yes you can house x amount of people in this location you have to have water testing um inspections from the county health department and it's multiple times a year so to make sure that you're in compliance and basically not a slum Lord you know that they have a decent place to stay eat relax shower and live while they're here okay so it's a six Monon is this a six Monon uh back and forth or is there a time limit as to the number the years that they can stay are they coming over on a Visa as a h2a so H2 comes over on a Visa and it has to be pre approved through the Department of Labor um if it's the migrant labor that's already here it's a contractor right in the United States but if they're coming from other places is there a limit as to how long they can stay or as long as they have a Visa it would depend on what you put in as an application we are looking just for supplemental label labor to our 36 full-time employees that are currently here which would be strictly Valentine's um Mother's Day and or magn your harvest in September and October okay maybe part of November depending on how long it takes to harvest okay do you have any questions I'm sorry do you have plans to hiring local labor we have hired local labor so we have the two original Duran um employees that are both full-time and we kept them from Mr Duran and then from Harris Holdings um we have 16 people that are full-time all of our full-time employees have um benefits PTO um we have 41k that's offered um Health dental vision you know that they are offered at a full-time basis depending on um if they CH Choose Or Not choose it and we have kept all those people but if people were to come we just hired two people um from another farm that had closed down and they are now full-time with us which make the 16 if you see the fies when they come time to pick there's all sorts of extra cars out there that's just the fern Cutters that's you know they just come and go they're only there for a week or two are you going to you know pick up some slack for them you know bu them we would gladly hire local labor um the only local labor that we did not acquire or has come to put in applications with us was the two people from um a local farm that closed here in puam county and we did hire them because they're experienced and nothing can replace that okay another question you said something about u u like a contractor um you work through a contractor who would um Supply you workers to come in so um um is there a limit on the number of workers that that contractor can bring in yes so it's it's deemed by the house so what he had just said in this application um if everything so they are approving one person per five acres that property is 30 Acres with conjurant properties and so they're saying six people could possibly stay at that house that would be maximum I understand that but I think my question has to do with when the workers are actually in the field cutting um will the contractor if you're working with a contractor will that contractor bring in additional workers no okay so I I think that we've seen in the past where you know there was multiple cars sitting on the side of the road you know working in in a fery or cutting in the field and I guess that was some of the concerns that you know if if anybody and everybody's going to to be able to come in and cut no okay so you no we're asking so we could have people come and stay during those times and those would be the people that would be working in our fields and you are you've acquired all of Harris fery no we've only acquired three Farms three Farms he has kept some of his other Farms okay and we still do business with Mr Harris okay yes ma'am I sort of clears up okay can I ask her something yes sir Mr West like most companies today require background checks on their employees yes we have a elementary school fixing to be built within 100 yards of that uh do do you do background checks on yes please please e verify is um required so you have to e verify which means you have to make sure that um they're approved to work is that what you're asking me well e verify does that do a background check or is that just no I didn't think it did that's just saying that that they're eligible to be sorry I misunderstood okay no ex we have not but if it was required we could currently it's not required okay for um H2 or migrant labor housing okay Madam chair is that something that we could even put in m r I'm sorry I can't um I was Wonder and if that's something that we can require because I don't think that we can get involved in I don't think we can making her yeah requiring that company I mean I would like to see that happen based on the school but I don't think that's something that as a board we can require you to do okay I I have a question and I'm not sure exactly where the new school from the the previous school is going to be built because are they going to tear down old Middleton Bernie excuse me I am talking and I if we will clear if you guys don't follow the rules we have the authority to ask you to leave so let us conduct our business and then you will get a chance to speak my question is I'm not sure exactly where the new school is going to be built if is it going to be and Union 308 and Union okay so they're not utilizing the Old Middleton Bernie Elementary School be vacated just like Miller okay thank you Mr West okay any other questions I do for for clarification um you're not increasing the amount of people you're already using you you're no you're farming the same land yes so these people are going to be here regardless they were here this year so they stayed in D land and we traveled them back and forth with a passenger van so they're they're coming to farm the same stuff that was farmed yes sir previous okay yes sir we're just trying to make it um easier on them and us to have them stay closest to the Farms that we need them to work at we've currently been doing this since 2019 and we have um a mobile home in Dand on our main property that houses eight that's inspected water tested um multiple times a year and the size of the property at one migrant to stay there per five acres you can have six at that property yes sir if everything's approved in the end that's what is approved for there but you there's many standards that you have to go through you know they have to have like he said 50 square sleeping 100 square you know recreational area um there's many things that have to happen before they would even be able to stay there and it has to be approved by the county the state the health department and um the Fire Marshall so Ronald Harris has been in business many many many many many years correct yes sir yes ma'am and he's still in business he's just not full time full time okay then he's also limited as you said three locations said he we purchased loc I don't know how many locations they have I me that you guys purchased we purchased three Farms we purchased one on um 308 one on Middleton and then the other one on um bua Church okay from Mr Harris M chair does Mr Harris have migrant camps no ma'am so he runs his camps without without that he runs his business without migrating he has I don't know what he does with other people with us we go to his property and we use our labor to harvest his greens and then we sell it so we pay him for his greens and we Harvest it with our labor okay I don't know what he has other Farms do but that's what we do with Mr Harris any other questions for Miss Nichols okay thank you ma'am thank you I'm sorry okay miss m we have an attorney I think that he has an objection so we're going to let him ask his question and rather than come back and forth later can we have a a mic just just for correction mad chair I'd like to ask some cross-examination questions if that's possible go ahead thank you Mr Rogers I understand you're here to represent Continental yes sir thank you so I just want to clarify um the site PL that are depicted I don't know if we can pull that back up or not is that accurate yes site plan okay and is that binding that's a binding part of the application I believe so okay and are you familiar with the federal and state regulations that require a certain number of square footage per migrant okay and I this one as depicted is 770 Square F feet correct I I don't know off the top of my head okay well we can pull it up the measurements are 770 ft okay would you agree with that you need to see it to I don't I haven't measured I don't know it off the top of my head sir okay so as depicted here are 770 ft okay so per federal and state regulations for six migrant workers the requirement would be 900 ft then it wouldn't end up being six so everything that we're doing it would have to agree with the state the county the health department and the Fire Marshall so if there's not 50 squares then you can't stick that many people in there it would only allow for four so as depicted now so in the in the staff report identifies six migrants and outlines of square footage as depicted in the current site plan that is not sufficient with federal state regulations then we wouldn't be allowed to stick six men in there so this is not binding so what you presented in the report is not blinding is that what you're saying we're applying for migrant labor they're the ones who said six we didn't not ask for six so so the the site plan that was submitted that's before this board here identifies there going to be six migrant workers present correct no I asked if we could make a migrant labor home out of it not to put six in it they were saying that we could do up to that with state and federal regulations but if it doesn't meet state and federal if it only meets four then you can only have four men in there okay so who who did your did your company present these these schematic drawings to the county yes okay but we did not ask for six laborers we asked if it could be used and approved for a migrant labor so how many migrant labor are going to be here this year we had eight okay so currently with eight that's even increased square footage so so the drawings that you submitted to the county correct are 770 on site is that's where I face drawings so that would only allow that that would actually allow for less than six you're saying they're going to be up to eight that that are going to be working there living there no if it's only allowed for four only four will live there okay well so are you familiar with any federal or state violations with the Department of Labor with your company I don't know what you're asking me I not hearing okay so are you familiar with that um in let me see in April of 2024 the Department of Labor cited your company for violations of the fair labor standards act yes okay are you aware of that yes are any of the florido properties included in that lawsuit no you know that for sure not to my knowledge okay so you don't know whether that's correct or not so you don't know if any of the fora properties are included in that law not to my knowledge it was Washington State so one more thing you mentioned that yall seek out local uh labor employees can you can you explain to the board how did you do that how do you go out and seek local labor for your no if we hear that there's local labor so we heard Word of Mouth that there was um three people that were looking for work and then we asked them to come and make out applications at our Dand main office location and they did two wanted to stay and one opted not to stay does your company go out and seek local labor in puam County do you seek out unemployed laborers in puam County to work at these facilities no so you bring in migrant labor we do both we have local labor and migrant labor for Peak seasons is that your questions are you complete yes okay thank you thank you Miss Nicholas okay okay this is we have some speaker cards and we are going to limit three minutes so we have a timer set and we will give you three minutes so have your questions and your comments ready so I'm going there's several people who want to speak on both cases so I'm going to call no particular order Mariam Humphrey okay let me let let me back up just a minute before all of these are in opposition let me ask if there's anyone here wishing to speak in favor of this application no one's coming forward so I guess we will go with the opposition okay um Miriam Humphrey please state your name and address for the record Maran Humphrey 119 Rainbow Lane Crescent City Florida um seems like there's like a shotgun effect there's two different places they're going to see which one hits you know and even though the one Farm showing up right now we need to talk about the two the seven the variance on 00000000 7 this Farm up here what was it 30 Acres something like that very small and they want six people they're going to these guys they bring in other people all the time these camps are Havens for criminals they they have a culture of violence extortion and abuse of women and you know they're going to bring women in so it's right around the corner from us we have it's a nice bucolic area Countryside pastures Ferns and the harrises they used local people and I guess there were some migrants and this 1315 308 used to be Tiki exports and I worked at Tiki exports and they you know who vetted the the migrants coming in the lead men or the supervisors of which were like contractors and they would bring in fake social security cards I's filled with God knows what names sometimes there would be some yeah Bonafide legal workers but there were a lot of them that the Social Security Administration when you turn their their information in they just never heard that number you know they you don't know who these people are and they're not they don't always have they send the money back to Mexico or whatever other country there is not much of it stays here a lot of it goes to their under the radar businesses that are not above board in any way shape or form I'll talk to you the next one on bua okay any questions from Miss Humphrey okay thank you Greg Roberts please come to the podium please say your name and address for the record uh Craig Roberts uh 330 Huntington shortcut Road Crescent City Florida the questions that I had have been asked by the attorney here so I have no more oh okay thank you all right thank you Tony Hall please state your name and address of the record Tony Hall 140 Palmer Sawmill Road Crescent City I'm about a third of a mile away from this where this is going to happen and as far as the uh help why don't we put a help wanted sign out there is nothing nobody notified anybody about this we found out yesterday that this he hearing is going on today nobody I mean want to be a good neighbor let's start out by letting people know what's going on the other thing is the ever verify stuff she's talking about I've worked in pipeline industry and those guys could go you could lay them off today and they'll be back tomorrow with a new name new social security number it wasn't e verify is not all that good you got a school right there children the road I mean everything and Harris has farmed this how many years without having to bring in a migrant Camp I just don't understand it but I just wish we could have been notified more on this if this has been going on since December these people's note about this and not getting the public not notice on it and uh I just feel it's a the company obviously has got uh issues with paying help or doing repti work with the hands and a 50 foot they're talking like putting these people in this what do you say 750 ft and a minimum of 50 foot for sleeping quarters that's 5 foot by 5 foot be about this big I can't see them putting anybody in I wouldn't my dog house is bigger than that you know I don't understand why this has to go on when it's been successful for many years i y them at time unless somebody's got a question you know I I'd like to clarify um notification goes out to people within 300 ft of the property correct correct and two signs were placed on the road adjoining the property there's nobody I mean 300 ft well I'm I'm just saying if you asked you asked the question why were you not notified I'm just saying 300 ft is not very much no well that's the that's the stipulation and who supposed to be notified that's that's how it reads okay thank you m h um Tony Alan aler I think you've been up here once before my name is Tony elen car uh 15 bu Church Road creson City uh my concern here is actually with the transparency of the company this company has been fined uh By Us labor law for 1.8 million and uh that was based on housing and and wages so on this case this is my only concern that I bring to the board any question okay are you wanting to come back and speak on 08 okay is it D Ponder d a w p o n d r are you wanting to speak on 00007 okay please state your name and address for the record what now state your name and address for the record okay thank you do Ponder 174 gorbett Road is Cresent City oh did I get it right I'm sorry is that all you want to know what what are you going to say oh I just uh U we don't really want to migrate workers in our neighborhood we have we live in a neighborhood that's almost Crime Free and almost everybody there's retired and stuff and they're kind of scared of them when they bring them in on buses and stuff like like that and leave and stuff and down our road is the closest way to any store which is mostly a dollar store and okay M Mr Ponder we're talking about 00007 the one that is on 1318 Huntington Road not the one that is down on V Church Road so please address your concerns to that particular location oh to okay the one that's on Huntington Road well we just know they're going to be traveling by our road and we didn't want to clean the beer bottles and stuff up but thank you very much okay thank you sir Elizabeth harbis good afternoon please state your name and address for the record Elizabeth harbus 405 Marina Road Satsuma 32189 okay uh well I have just a few questions and if several of them have been answered already you want to pull the mic down a little bit my apologies okay thank you uh I have a few questions but a few as I stated have been answered already um I my concern as well um is when you when she said the decrease of the home value that also is a concern and really she doesn't know whether it will or will not it may not in D land but address pleas oh my apologies um and that's number one uh also um you said you didn't as the the one gentleman asked where are you um are you advertising for this employment uh you say you it's just Word of Mouth uh that to me is a concern as well because I'm sure there are several and I know several people uh who do need jobs friends and family members actually um so uh I don't understand that part uh also with the let's say um be people are concerned about um the cost traffic uh everything like that with with with the area with the children as uh um I'm a nurse uh and uh my concern that I was a school nurse and I do know that it's the with uh you know they cross the street and it's just the the um the concern of the the safety of their safety uh it's true we don't know uh where these people come from uh and you said they're from out of state uh you that that's that to me is very concerning uh and uh and who once again who uh deals with the penalties and the violations uh let's say uh uh some who's responsible for keeping up with the with the regulations and the rules um uh with with uh the the compliance of the of the uh in their homes and how they're housed and who comes in who comes out who's responsible for all that that's pretty much it okay but do you wish to come back and and address no because most of the questions were answered and I do appreciate your time thank you so very much thank you Larry Stevens please state your name and address for the record my name is name is Larry Stevens uh I live at 124 LCA Terrace in Crescent City one of the finest places I think in the world but I think when we look at this this is uh I know a lot of people are concerned about safety that's my concern uh let's ask yourself a question would you want your granddaughter riding by a a camp with these people one traveled all the way from Texas to New York and raped a 13-year-old girl what if i' had been your granddaughter you think you'd want these people to move in and as far as they're working the Farm's working fine now they bought three new Farms so they make them plenty of money they're not hurting and all this is is cut down their expense so they can make more you know I think you people got it in your hearts let's win one for America for a change I love this country I love this this country and I God loves you people and I know you'll do the right thing thank you Mr Stevens are you going to come back and speak the other one okay uh Lenor T please state your name and address for the record thank you good evening everyone my name is Lenor tul and I live in St of forfront Street in Waka um my concern is for mostly for the children if the new school is going in I am very very concerned about the lack of uh uh lack of really getting these people that come to work here are they working on on on visas and permits are they really who they say they are are we going to have to as a county bring police into this at our Police Services which have have really come out of out of the main County in here for for the sheriff's department how long in in an emergency would it take for somebody to get here we've got to look at every aspect and take care of our children we've got to look at what the impact will be to our County and to our home area and and to our towns and I know that you're going to do the right thing because there is a right thing to do thank you are are you you have both uh applications or special use you want to come back up or you I did I'm going to sit and listen what you do but thank you okay we had Mr blocker is was also representing I think Donnie King thank you madam chairman members of the board so Jeremiah Blocker attorney my address is 117 North 2 Street Paca Florida 32177 again here representing the king family I want to draw yall's attention specifically to a couple of key arguments and opposition one the traffic studies is needed for this property you have a two-lane road that does not support an increase of traffic that you're going to have here even though these migrants are going to be living there you're going to have ongoing traffic issues these people are going to have to go out and get food they're going to have to they're going to come and go get busted so this road is not set up for that um one of the things that's not clear is well the workers work on this premise or other properties they're not limited to that even though they're living there they could potentially work on other properties so you see people coming and going which creat some traffic issues the plan submitted in application do not provide enough detail to show compliance at Florida statute and Department of Health regulations what I drew attention to so in the site plans and these site plans are binding in applications the site plans that were submitted and I'll draw your attention to this is this is on the staff report page five of eight it list specifically what the requirements are for six migrant workers that's approximately about 900 ft when you do the math the site plans that they submitted are 770 so as it stands today they're not able to fit the numbers that are in the in the staff report now the representative mentioned that it's actually going to be up to eight so you have eight migrant workers that will not be able to fit into this so that's a problem I think that's a problem for this board as you all evaluate this because as this stands today y'all are not required to Grant this as it stands today they have to come before y'all and get a special use permit that's why we have this quasi judicial proceeding to allow y'all to sit in a quasi judicial role and evaluate that process youall have a great attorney Mr Perry who who is outlin that for y'all so again as it stands today there's an issue with that your issuance criteria number three four five and 10 which y'all y'all y'all have to evaluate that when yall go through this now under number three there is a strong chance of adverse impact on adjacent Property Owners I understand your staff report and let me just say something about the staff report you got great staff they work hard but the staff report is not able to fully evaluate the full range of federal and state laws because at that stage that will come later so your staff is not again able to fully evaluate that the best people to evaluate that are the residents in the audience here who are living near there they are these these people here your residents are in the best possible position to evaluate how this impacts them so we believe under three that there is a strong chance of adverse impact on adjacent Property Owners there's a chance of under four chance of diminishing property values it's unreasonable to believe that you can bring a migrant Camp somewhere and it's not going to impact people's property values there is no as part of the staff report there's no evaluation of the property values that would give you all credible information on that you heard a statement from the applicants representative it says in valua C County that has not impacted that I believe there are evidence to the contrary of that but that's that's neither here nor there under number five under your criteria ma'am I have a few more yes sir moments uh under five concerns that additional traffic on the access roads and number 10 strong chance of impacting public health and safety there's no safety report there's no evaluation of law enforcement when you are bringing this number of people here that's important to get that I'll finally tell you you uh the unemployment rate currently under the Department of Labor Statistics is just under 5% you have 3,500 unemployed residents here in puam county and you heard the applicant's representative explain they are not out there trying to recruit those people to work these fums thank you um Mr blocker are you also going [Applause] to are you going to speak for Miss donak king or are you going to say the same thing yes I'm going to say the only other thing I'll say ma'am is I believe there's a petition over 500 of your residents here who signed it they just started this petition yesterday afternoon we have more people that want to sign and I think that's important because again you got great staff but the best people in a position to to give substantial confident testimony to y'all today that y'all can evalue for evidence is your residents because they understand how it's going to impact them so thank You' all for your time I appreciate it thank you okay Greg Roberts I think was already up here on 07 are you coming back for 08 no okay Mary and Humphrey the same question you were up here 07 are you coming back for 08 I'm sorry I can't hear you yes ma'am okay please come forward please state your name and and address for the record Marian Humphrey 119 Rainbow Lane Crescent City Florida um I and almost all my friends and acquaintance have had to travel up to an hour or more most of our work lives to get to our jobs and we have paid gases we gas taxes B vehicles in this County to help us get to work work that wasn't over an hour away sometimes in St Augustine or Daytona or wherever it was and as far as the bu Church Road place now that is a lot more than 30 acres and I don't know what kind of building they propos to use we're not talking about Z8 yet no we're not okay I don't think unless I messed up the bu of church one you're not okay I already talked about 135 okay okay all right thank you this is confusing all right Mr Mr Ponder also had zero have both cases so I let's stop that right now all right make sure that I'm getting these this is giving maybe I got these mixed up all right um we're two 007 right okay Tony Tom hot hotling hotling I don't know how you pronounce that last name Kim you you can correct me when you get up here thank you sir daddy pronounces it hotelling Tim hotelling hotelling 105 Riverside way s Mato okay um my career was in with the immigration service I have a little bit of experience coming in going to these locations and I had a couple observations that might provide just a little bit of balance unless they've changed it in the years since I've retired the HV Visa process is rather intense in terms of doing background checks of the individuals and they have multiple requirements as to uh that they behave or you know most of the in a well-managed farm and I know nothing about this applicant uh they want to come back so they behave themselves the only time that we ever had problems were some of the Young Bucks that got too much uh alcohol in them and and got a little Rowdy uh so that maybe just a little bit of an overset uh the H process the employer has to and again I know nothing about this particular particular situation but generically that process requires a whole bunch of paperwork to document the fact that there were efforts to hire locally and I suspect that that'll be the case here and thirdly most importantly if you ride anywhere downtown in Paca on a Sunday you'll see all kinds of uh young migrant workers whatever young guys washing their clothes and all of them they're housed in two or more uh motels and there's a whole bunch more than six of them so just a little bit of balance okay thank you making sure that I'm not missing anyone for zero set okay the rest of them are for 08 I I don't do you have a speaker card for for 07 when I me to put on there I would like to speak for both and so would Dian okay what's your name Jim H just a minute Mr Hammer Jim Hammond yes ma'am please come forward forward then you're down for 08 please state your name and address for the record Jim Hammond 123 Lakeside Lane Crescent City Florida I would first like to start out by saying Webster's Dictionary says law breaker definition person entities companies that break the law companies that will not adhere to the law the company that's wanting to bring this labor camp in here has just recently been fined almost $2 million by the federal government for labor violations human rights violations these people are not going to comply with the rules that we have set here they have proven that they will not adhere to our rules our laws of the land so if the board opens your arms and says come on we will grant this variance what you're doing is you're opening up your arms to law Breakers to come in here knowing they've committed these blw breaking knowing that the fines have already been assessed knowing that they've settled they didn't even dispute it all right you caught me I did it I think that this is a bad idea to have this company come to this town they do not follow the rules and the school children in the school they bring in whoever they want you're opening yourself up for some big problems here think about the people that y'all are here to look after your grandchildren all these people's children and grandchildren do the right thing thank you questions questions are you willing are you going to come back to speak on 08 no ma'am okay thank you Mr Diane Kelly also wanted to speak here she she I filled out hers for her and the clerk told me to put down 08 Diane Kelly yep thank you uh Diane Kelly are you wanting to speak on 07 come forward please Dian Kelly 123 Lakeside Lane Crescent City Florida and I do have some similar concerns as those that were raised but I do want to share a few facts as well uh but front and foremost it's one of the things you learn in business that I've learned 40 years in business you do not give more business to somebody who's already failing you either help that person or that entity improve or you move them out giving this company Continental ment Al flower additional business when they have demonstrated failure to meet the standards for which they would be required to meet now is negligent and I am sure that just based on that you couldn't possibly approve this so that's front and foremost I would say for that they should come back in two or three years after they've demonstrated Proficiency in other locations the next thing I would like to share is I know it may feel to some that uh the opposition uh somewhat against migrant workers may feel discriminatory in nature and that's a tough topic it really is but we cannot deny the facts and I'm only here to speak to just some of the key facts even in self-disclosed surveys by migrant workers as recently as 2020 the national agricultural um uh agricultural workers survey in 2020 indicates that 44% self-disclosed that they are non-citizens and yes non-citizens have to work just like everybody else the challenge is as you've heard from some of the folks here noncitizens uh do have a much higher crime rate than many of the citizens do so to think and I don't I'm not saying that you do feel this way but to imagine that there's not risk of increased crime is a fallacy that's just not realistic the risk of increased crime is there and it will probably happen in addition when you think about the requirements that this company would be uh held to right now in putham County when you look at the statistics um let's see the Florida Department of Health statistics I looked at the data for putham County as well as other counties in the State of Florida and the Florida average most of these migrant Farm worker facilities are not investigated for compliance most are not in fact Florida runs about 15 plus per of the facilities overall are actively investigated but in putham County it's been less than 10 so even even the fact that we're looking at an organization that has not demonstrated the ability to be compliant we're also looking at uh low rates of Assessments in our County and in Florida over all and we're also looking at increased risk of crime and we're denying ourselves the truth if we can if we think that that's not going to be a risk and also the impact of property values so that's what I wanted to share thank you okay thank you um Miss Kelly are you fin you want to come back on 08 are you've done oh no need to come back much of this would apply to 08 as well thank you thank you [Applause] okay I I want some clarification on uh Donna King uh so she's not mean she's not going I just want to make sure so I don't leave her out because you were Mr blocker was representing you okay so you're all okay okay um okay please state your name and address for my name is Mark Edwards 130 rooster runroad um you know fortunately we don't have to get into migrant workers good migrant workers bad legal illegal none of that this particular company has a proven track record of not being in compliance uh I noticed that the representative said you know she has very strict regulations local state federal very strict it's going to be very safe and strict but they've already proven to ignore those kind of regulations so she's come here unprepared she doesn't know if it's going to be six or five or eight she doesn't know the square footage it's it's really uh unprofessional and kind of just throw it at the wall and see if it sticks I don't think that we even really need to go into any details because you have 50 or 100 people here you have 500 signatures and they say no and that should really just be it you have one person one million multi-million dollar company who's proven to Absolut absolutely not care about migrants rights they kept pay from them they didn't pay them on time they didn't pay them their overtime they let them drive around without licenses she says well we shuttle them between D land and and Crescent City does she or does a migrant worker with no license do the shuttling I don't know but why take the chance I think that this particular company is not a good fit for putam County I don't think we have to get into anything else other than all these citizens don't want it one mult million company million doll company does that should be it thank you any question thank you okay according to my speaker cards that's the only that's all of the speakers for 00007 so at this time we will close it to the public and open it up for board discussion and motion Madam chair I've been listening to these people I've read all the uh information that was sent to us and I truly believe this is not a good company this is not a good fit for putam County we have many unemployed people plus these Groves they've been there for years and years and years and they've been running with the help that they have they don't need to bring people in so I really don't think we need these and with that I move we disapproved deny special permit number Su 24-7 as request does not meet the criteria for a special use permit as required by section 45- 1083 of the putham County Land Development code with the conditions as recommended by staff and with the addition of no without any additions and authorize the chairman to sign it okay according to my understanding Mr Valen you have to State the criteria that is not met in order to okay recommend denial the criteria on this one here they were a little off on the number of workers at no no no you have to stay you cannot just uh you have to State criter the criteria that you think that they do not meet in the can put the list of criteria up on the board can you put the criteria on the board please would you like me to uh list out the criteria one by one I I don't know if he's looking at I'm can show number one yes sir I like I said would you like me to list them out one by one so you can determine if they do not just go through them let him go through yes sir I'm sorry I was saying just go through the list he has to make that recommendation uh let me know when you want the next slide sir all right can't make this one out conformed to all ethical regulations of this code well first off the building that you're going to use is not big enough to hold her uh sir it's applications of the Land Development code the this uh criteria does not refer to any state or federal codes that they will also be required to meet just the county code just for County all right go to the next one see C is a special use will not adversely impact nor unduly restrict the enjoyment of permitted uses in the surrounding areas I feel that this will restrict okay because of the nature of these people they might be at there working trying their best but the Shan area will not trust them at all next one with a c and b with a d with a labor camp there they say it will not diminish or impair property values in the area I'm not a real estate agent but I am excuse me please we are trying to conduct business and so let us do our job I am not a real estate agent but I am sure that will affect the resale value of all property around there okay so you've got C and D all right next one the the property itself is on a two-lane road and when you drive down in there it's it's kind of an a you've got the loading dock over here you got what looks like an office in front of you and here's F over here you got to go down okay Mr baling you need to let give us the criteria that this they sent you number e e okay so we got C D and E with traffic there is going to be backups and 308 Huntington Road whever you want to call it is a very busy road in Crescent City okay so you have any other criteria that this does not meet that fits for f also go to the next one that was okay age that one's okay there will be no undue risk to persons or property from hazardous substances no hazardous substances have been chemicals no hazardous substances that aren't already on the site of farm I have been proposed there the Farm's already there the work is already being done yeah it's it's it's already being done but that's saying there won't be any any uh risk there well there will be risk so you're saying I also yes okay let's go to the next one that would be the end sir that's it okay okay so you need to state for your motion those four criteria okay for the motion my motion criteria c d e and I will not be met as he finished his motion that's that's his motion you finish the motion I'll second the motion all right we have a motion and second to deny special use permit 24- 000000 007 with a criteria mentioned CDE and I as not meeting the U requirements to Grant this application so further discussion if none all of those in favor of denial please indicate by raising your right hand one two three all approved all opposed opposed one two three okay wait a minute I missed I missed a vote did you vote no no I didn't vote at all you didn't vote at all Madam chair will you do a roll call for me just for the record please roll call vote roll call Vote Yes ma'am please thank you have to I vote to deny it do I have to vote at all yes yes you do you do can we just say a yes is denial and a no is against the denial rather than okay so a yes is approving his motion correct a no is against his motion that would I know I'm finished can we skip him and give him a moment and go to other members of the board yes no yes no no oh okay the motion fails now the motion fails three to four so the U special use permit will be granted am I not correct so we have approve it we have to make another M chair okay do we do we Mr Perry Mr Perry do you have a gab we have to do an approval we have to have a second we have to have a we have to have approval yes ma'am okay I ladies and gentlemen we we were going to do the correct thing we have to have approval for that that's what she's going to do right now so just we're going to go through the motions of if they have to have approval or denial for this motion that is here so the case number Su 24 our string of Zer 7 is going to have to approval or denial so we had a motion on the floor to deny it it was turned down so we have still have a open floor 4007 so nothing has gone through just to say that out loud we need a motion I have a problem with this being out there located as close as it is to the new school excuse me Madam chair Mr West we are we have we need a motion because we were past discussion I or do we need to okay we we uh we ran into this um same issue at the Planning Commission um but but I must tell you there's only one motion if there is a motion to deny and it's been denied by a majority of our board then the motion is denied you don't go back and then approve it no no no no the the motion to deny was voted down three to four it was to approve it the motion was to deny it was three to deny and four not to okay well in that case it it's so why you know do we have to have an approve the motion to approve it was denied was was no you don't I'm I'm just asking because I don't want to get in hot water here let me ask you a question Madam chair have you ever done it like that before I'm sorry have you ever done it like that before well it was the the motion was to deny and three people voted to deny and four people voted not to deny so the the motion to deny did not pass excuse us we are discussing this we will clear the building we will clear the building we have not come to a definitive answer yet we are still discussing it my understanding and correct me if I'm wrong somebody is that the motion was to deny three people people voted to deny the application four people voted not to deny the application so the motion to deny Was Defeated correct now do we have to have a motion to approve no no so it's the motion I mean it stands as approved then right or am I incorrect no you're correct there's only one motion well I'm just saying okay that's the way we you know this notion that we do you have something to say um Jeremiah come you know you can say go ahead and tell us do you know Robert's Rules of Order from the standpoint come to the PO you know I can't understand you over there I mean I I hate to ask for outside counsil personally no you don't have to I'm just saying you want let him say it um so we would just we we just representing the the uh the party in opposition we would ask that there be a motion because this is a special use permit the applicant is asking for something so we believe that there has to be an affirmative vote well approving okay what you believe and what is necessarily the fact is not necessarily the way we need to go Madam chair I'm gonna I'm gonna say I'm trying to be as polite as I can I We Believe okay the law requires I don't think I'm not I'm not an attorney but I don't know you know I don't know if we have to have another motion for approval you you do no I you don't know that for sure no I do know that okay no you don't I'm sorry I do know that so so so we're just going to object we're going to object on the record you okay you object on the record to these to procedurally that's fine to to preserve our Appel of Rights this is a special use permit that requires an affirmative vote so so we we we Preserve you you've you've made your objection now can I we need a ruling Sir Mr Perry what you're saying is if the motion to deny Was Defeated then it was automatically approved correct that would be my that would be my understanding but I like I said I don't know for sure the motion to deny was turned down it was a vote three to four like like I told you everyone please be quiet we're trying to resolve this issue and this is probably something that we've never uh come experienced before so as far as Robert's Rules of Order I don't know that we have to have a motion to approve since they to deny was turned down no you don't know that I said I didn't know we well Madam chair let me look it up okay I'm going to they don't why you say yes we could have done away with all this that's why I didn't look at you I did not want to try I thought the only time you had to have another uh motion was that if uh it was this is one that I don't think Den now or approval is right either way you're not we can't hear you yes ma'am we need to follow what legal counsel is is advising down that would be my recommendation all right I still didn't understand what you said I said as myself we need to follow what legal counsil is advising that's what I would recommend but you're you're the chers oural oural Council yes ma'am that's that's who I'm going to follow to yes ma'am that's who that's who I recommend you follow yes ma'am we're waiting on our attorney I don't think so motion fails spe e e h e e oh I was trying I'm trying being smart but I don't see anything in here it talks about a second motion and uh well I mean I told her like I said I called the yeah I told well I told you when we came in what what I'm trying to tell you is that when you vot it down it's I mean I mean I don't get it Madam chair I haven't found anything in puam County uh we're back in order would y'all please uh have a seat I haven't seen anything or found anything in the puam county uh codes that deal with special use permits that require two votes I haven't seen anything in any any part of the code that requires a a vote to approve after a mo after a vote to deny and uh I see nothing in Robert's Rules of Order that requires a second vote to approve after a denial okay so the vote stands then as three to deny and four not to deny okay so that's where we're going to leave it okay thank you what is that telling the applicant that tells the applicant that they have approval to do so for the first one right 00007 okay okay for the next for the next case at hand oh the there is a 30-day appeal process so if there's any issues or questions please work with staff okay uh the next um case on the agenda is special use 24 spe 24- 000000008 and before we proceed let's do a expart communication and a conflict of interest no no no no as I stated before no conflict of interest but I did have a couple of phone calls and there was no communication okay Mr Perry do you need to ask Mr West the same question yeah will it will it affect your ability to decide this matter in a fair and impartial manner no that'll be fine okay we're ready for staff report thank you Mr chairman once again Michael Graves planning and development services this is special use permit 24008 uh the application is for a migrant Farm labor camp in the agricultural zoning District by Continental floral Florida LLC at 240 bua Church Road in Waka Florida with a feature land use of Agriculture and a zoning District of Agriculture uh currently one parcel is approximately 53.5 four acres in size uh that is an ornamental plant nursery the farm is already on the parcel and the applicant is simply Desiring to house their migrant Farm Workers on location uh Land Development code section 4572 E6 allows for special use permit for the development of Migrant Farm labor camps in the agricultural zoning District here you can see the aerial view of the parcel that was requested for this permit here you can see the future land use here you can see the zoning the wetlands the F the flood zone and finally you'll notice this one says allowed combined Parcels uh much like the the previous one the applicant had desired to combine several Parcels together of same ownership land uh staff has required as part of the regulations that will be placed on this that only ones that are contiguously next to each other would be allowed to be combined and are not separated by either a county maintained Road or property own under a different ownership which would limit them to a parcel in this configuration special use permit criteria the use is consistent with the comprehensive plan and meets all concurrency regulations the property future land use classification is agriculture which allows for agricultural uses including farming and migrant Farm labor camps regarding concurrency migrant Farm labor camps are more heavily restricted at both state and federal level than would be possible to do at the county level as such the camp will be required to comply with all state and federal regulations and restrictions on operation uh the use allowed in the special by special use is in in the zoning district is uh allowed the proposed use is allowed in the agricultural zoning district with a special use permit the applicant is following all rules of law to obtain their permit the special use will not adversely impact or unduly restrict the enjoyment of permitted uses in the surrounding area the proposed migrant Farm labor camp is not anticipate adversely impact or restrict the enjoyment of neighboring areas a farm is already located on the proper property the applicant is merely filing to include lodging for the new migrant Farmers on this parcel migrant Farmers have already been coming to and from the parcel and working it this is merely to add the housing M excuse me um sorry to interrupt but could somebody close those back doors because the people out in the hallways are uh annoying and disturbing in addition this is expected to result in less traffic on bu Church Road the special use will not substantially diminish or impair property values in the area nor impede the orderly development and Improvement of surrounding properties for permitted uses as the farm is already located on site it is not expected that adding lodging will substantially diminish or impair the property values in the area uh adequate access roads on site parking on-site loading and unloading births and drainage will be uh met when required and Ade measures have been taken to provide Ingress and erress to the property that are uh designed in a manner to minimize traffic impacts on local roads these are the requirements uh adequate access to the site will be off of bua Church Road the main Farm building already on site has loading and unloading births and uh parking the drainage that is has been cons on site has been considered accurate of important note is that the encroachment by the applicant into the plat bu Church Road the portion which runs through their property has has been developed as a fery and has been redirected through a private easement the putham county public works department has gone on record stating that this is not permitted nor tolerable and as such the applicant will need to remedy the issue as outlined in the conditions of the report uh adequate screening and buffering of the special use will be provided as needed uh buffering of the parcel is not required as the neighboring Parcels are of the same zoning District if the zoning board desires to require some buffering mechanism as a condition of approval they may do so uh special use will not have signs or or exterior lighting that will cause glare no signs or lighting have been proposed in this application uh there will be no undue risks to persons or property from hazardous substances hazardous substances have not been proposed the project will need to meet all state regulations for health and sanitation the proposed special use will not adversely affect the own public health safety and Welfare of the residents of putam County an application may not be denied on this basis unless the Zoning Board of adjustment makes findings as the specific manner in which Theo proposed use will have an adverse effect it is not anticipated that the housing of Migrant Farmers uh will NE negatively impact the general public health safety and Welfare of the residents of putam County there are already several migrant Farm labor camps throughout the county and have no larger impact on the health and safety of other farming operations furthermore the development will be required to meet any density requirements of the future land use category as such staff has recommended approval for the uh special use permit for a migrant Farm labor camp on this site subject to the following conditions number one the camp must meet all state and federal uh regulations surrounding migrant Farm labor camps State and regulations can be found on FS chapter 381 section 008 through section 00897 and the camp must meet the health and safety requirements as outlined in the Florida Department of Health Administrative Code fdac chapter 64 e-14 in accordance with FDA fdac chapter 64e 14.7-cu and water heating equipment installed in compliance with state code in accordance with fdac chapter 64e 14.73% a room temperature of 68° F and in the spirit of hdoc 64 E-1 14. uh 11 and given the fact that Florida experiences more extreme heat than cold cooling systems must also be provided for all bathrooms and living quarters to maintain the room temperature of 68° F these systems both Heating and Cooling will need to be Pro controlled and operated by the migrant Farm uh Farm Workers living on site and the camp must meet the occupational sale safety and health act OSHA standards and the camp must meet all federal regulations surrounding the migrant Farm labor camps including the migrant and seasonal agricultural work worker protection act mspa in accordance with the mspa the migrant Farm Workers will be expected will be provided with notice and documentation Andor posters in their native language explaining the right their rights and in addition to the rights listed in the mspa the notice shall also include the state stature rights and regulations as well as the additional regulations created by putam county in this document and the developed living quarters will be required to comply with Forida State Building Code for migrant Farm labor camps and the living quarters shall be reviewed by the putham County fire marshall and shall be compliant with all relevant fire suppression requirements and the number of Farm Workers that may reside on this property will be further restricted by the future land use category of Agriculture wherein it will be required to meet the density requirement for agricultural property on County maintained roads of one migrant Farm worker as defined by FS 3818 for five acre five acres of land minimum one and in order to provide in order to provide higher amounts of housing to migrant laborers the applicant shall combine the parcel with neighboring Parcels of their ownership keeping this parcel identification number in the process uh this shall be limited to a six-month period of time to declare interest and desire and combination of the lands after the granting of this permit failure to in uh initiate a partiel combination in that time will result in additional res uh in no additional residential density allows regardless of combination until a new site uh special use permit is approved and the combination of the land shall not cross or be divided by County maintained roads or Parcels of under separate ownership and the maximum number of Migrant labors to be granted by this permit is 16 subject to additional state and federal regulations uh and any new residential building are required to meet uh to be in the FEMA flood zone X for the safety of Migrant laborers during Hurricane Season and at least 25 ft of vegetated space away from jurisdictional wetlands and the applicant shall be responsible for obtaining a valid survey of their property wherein it shall make note of the locations of BU Church Road a 66t wide County maintained class one road at as divined as determined by o 212 page 614 wherein the applicant shall be required to clear that portion of BU Church Road on which they have encroached and bring it up to County standards wherein after the clearing of the road the applicant shall be required to cor uh correspond with the planning staff to to perform a de facto lot split of the two sections located on either side of BU Church Road any questions any questions for staff you saying they're going to improve this road uh a portion of it yes sir if you'll uh take a look at the original aerial here you'll notice on the left hand side there seems to be a kind of black patch over where the dedicated road is uh and there seems to be a little red line running across it that red line is a private road that the applicant has created after they encroached on what was dedicated bu Church Road we're going to require them to vacate that portion of BU Church Road for uh vacate of their farm and bring that section up to County maintained standards the road is going to stay the same yes sir uh they will have to connect the two ends however any further questions from staff at this time site visit roll call please yes yes yes yes yes yes yes okay all right um M Nichols you are up again please state your name and address you do not have to give your home you can give your business okay um my name is Susan Nichols and the work address is 2329 Lemon Street Delan Florida um the reason that we applied for the second housing is because the even know the sub applicant says that it can house six the house can't house six like the attorney said so even though we're keeping we're not putting any new housing or any new buildings on there we're going to revamp the buildings that are there and we needed both properties to house the eight people when they're working up in Crescent City so even though it's says 16 16 people are not going to fit in that building on bua Church okay I have a question because when I went down um there was no trespassing signs so I didn't dare go into any P the no trespassing signs but back if you were looking at the property there's a sort of like a tan colored is that a house that's back there or is that it was originally an office is that the that's what you're going to be refurbishing yes okay to the right so that would be the location it has um currently has four rooms so there's an entryway two rooms on the right that were offices and then um another room on the left okay so again anything that gets remodeled has to be up to state code it does get um I know the one lady said that um putham County doesn't um or she doesn't see where they're doing um inspections and before anything can be complete you know you have to start from ground up like you were building it so you have to have everything inspected and then they approve for you to do X Y and Z before you can ever get people to be in these home you know in the home or in the you know Camp as they call it because it's not their home um and it has to be up to standards it can't be you know where you slam 16 people in a room and that's where they're going to stay I mean the one that we have in Dand is four bedroom three bath um a kitchen we have a little um screen in area like I said I did bring pictures if anybody wants to see um and so the reason that we're asking for both locations is because the housing is smaller and we don't want to rebuild or get anything else rezoned you know for housing okay would you like to share the pictures that you have from D Land If you give them to us they're ours I said if you share the pictures and you hand them to me then we I have them on my laptop oh okay more than glad just would you pull it up just so we can see so we get a free laptop free laptop I ask a question know she's doing that uh the people in the back I would ask you to refrain from speaking because we are trying to still conduct a meeting so I don't want to have to ask you to leave thank you I don't know if it's because I don't have service oh do you have Wi-Fi you can't pull it up it's no big deal I was just wondering if you had it available I do that's okay don't don't worry about it all right thank you any questions from Mr Nicholas Mr Walk how do you ma'am how how are you working at now are you busting them in and out every day so currently we don't have any um we only have our uh full-time employees working like I said earlier it's only going to be at high peak which is going to be Valentine's Mother's Day and Magnolia Harvest so they're not going to be here year round okay so right now there's no one at that our employees okay we have 36 employees we have um 24 in Dand that are full-time and they they also travel back and forth so if everything's happening in Crescent City everybody travels to Crescent City you know even if they're living in you know Dand or De Leon Springs that's day in and day I mean you back and forth every day yes ma'am okay this week we harvested um three days so everybody went from Dand to Crescent City you know our full-time employees you know except for office yep and then if we're harvesting in D land then they come to D land um everything is manufactured and um shipped out of Dand not out of Crescent City currently um because we're still revamping a lot of the Farms up there so if the labor needs to go north then it goes north and if the labor needs to go south it goes south whether it's full full-time and or you know labor that's brought in okay any other questions thank you thank you okay I will ask at this time is there anyone wishing to come forward and speak in favor of this application okay there's no one coming forward then we'll go with the speaker cards in opposition I have a Charles Davis I'm sorry wrong wrong wrong one my apologies this is variant special um Miriam Humphrey you're up again I'm not sure how you managed three times but meant to be um If you deny this application um consider speak to the mic please it's very difficult consider criteria J if you look to deny this again in addition to cdnf I don't mean to tell you how to do your job but just please consider it and um this area at the end of be CH Church Road is not far from where I live it is it would change the personality of the whole area if we have people I mean why would if you're only going to be there certain times of the year during Peak times why do you have to have permanent permanent migrant houses for for these people just bring them in for three days during Mother's Day or Valentine's Day Christmas November you know that's seems like a reasonable thing why do you have to you know people are going to live there all year long if it's permanent they're going to somebody's going to be in there it's not going to be empty just logical thinking thank you thank you Richard Ferry Richard Paul Ferry 171 Ula Church Road I own the property on both sides of that fery I bought 114 rainbow road which is on one side of the property 171 rainbow road is on the other I surrounded except for one end and Ur Road I purchased the property on 1114 from a woman who went on vacation came home and her double wide was absolutely rans sacked broken into destroyed she could not she had no insurance she couldn't afford to fix it so she abandoned it and I got a deal on it after I purchased the property proper which is adjacent to this fery I had my a generator destroyed stolen I had a well they stole the pump out of it they wre the enclosure they stole the sprinkler heads off the fer that I bought I can't use it because I'm too far away to keep an eye on it I've cleaned it up the property is still vacant and it'll it'll stay vacant until I have enough money to completely go through it that's because crime from brown people and I know it was brown people because they spray painted brown power all over the trailer that's crime it's not imaginary it's real these people here address us please these people here are going to have to live with the crime the pollution the litter from a culture that is not like people in this room it's not right it should be illegal if I had a if I I if I dug an acre hole in my yard and filled it up with trash and buried it or let it get overgrown would that be legal would you like that in your neighborhood that's next door to me they got an illegal dump somebody ought to check that dump see what they've been throwing in there because it is a dump you should re you should reject this on on the Crim the crime issue and if you think that a migrant labor camp is going to affect property values I don't know what you're thinking reject this on on the issues of crime and uh a negative impact on on the the neighborhood plus a traffic and anything else you can dream up people in Washington are far removed from the border they don't care what happens you're are you you're supposed to protect us they don't care you you should thank [Applause] you Joanne molan please give us your name and address for the record my name is Joan Molen I live at 129 Marvin Jones Road in Crescent City um um all right my three minutes one I was supposed to be on the docket or or to speak about two the your first um I have I have a speaker card here for 08 that's all I have so address me please address the board then I guess I was not told that correctly so we'll just proceed with 08 okay okay fine a lot of fun points have been made today and I don't believe that they've been really truly heard by everybody the harrises were in and have been part of the putam county as agricultural at the agricultural part of this County for many many years my property is surrounded by them we they have used migrant workers maybe not nonmigrant workers but they never had difficulty getting the help that they needed is bringing a migrant Work Camp in during Peak Seasons really needed in this area they putam county has a big influx of people coming in we have a great greater population now to draw from is placing a MIG Work Camp near a school zone and in this area as well really indicated is it we can't draw six or eight excuse me jobs in here to pick Fern from a company that's already violated federal law I want you to each of you look in your conscience and tell me what you're doing is right it is not this community does not need this now if we needed it it would be a different story that's all I have to say thank [Applause] you Wesley Morris please state your name and address for the record my name is Wesley Morris and I live at 192 bu Church Road Crescent City Florida down the street from where the proposed migrant labor camp is um I'm here today to oppose the special use permit case suup 24- 000000008 application by Continental floral greens for development of a migrant F please speak into a little louder into the mic cuz we're having difficulty hearing you you're not able to hear me now you go okay that's all right okay um I'm here to poose the uh the labor camp development at 240 bu Church Road um in our neighbor which is in my neighborhood while I understand the necessity of providing adequate housing for migrant workers I believe that this particular proposal is not suitable for our neighborhood and would have significant negative impacts our neighborhood is characterized by its quiet and pleasant nature and the introduction of a labor camp would fundamentally alter the environment the potential for increased noise traffic and other disturbances is a major concern for residents who have chosen to live in this area for its peacefulness and safety the continental's current Workforce is in the adjacent labor fields on a daily basis but at the end of the day end of the work day the return to the respective homes there's also a well-founded concern regarding property values the presence of a migrant Farm lab labor camp could deter potential home buyers leading to a decrease in demand from the home homes in the area and a subsequent decline in property values many residents have made significant investments in their homes and rely on their property values for Financial Security this is contrary to to 45- 1083 paragraph 4 of the issuance criteria of the putam County Land Development code another most pressing issue is the potential for increased crime which we've heard a lot about today associated with establishing M migrant labor camps this is not to suggest that migrant workers workers are involved in in any type of criminal activities in fact I believe that most migrant workers are hardworking law-abiding people but the transient nature of such a labor camp can can attract undesirable elements from the outside due to the vulnerability of migrants and is an increase will increase the overall risk to the neighborhood furthermore the proposed site for the labor camp is not appropriate given the proximity to residential homes it would be more suitable to locate such facilities on other continuous contiguous Parcels of property of over 100 acres that this company owns at 1668 County Road 308 it is further removed from residential homes this location would mitigate the adverse impacts on a established nearby homes in light of these considerations I urge the Zoning Board of adjustment to deny the special use permit application by Continental floral Florida for the proposed migrant label camp at 240 view of the Church Road Chon City Florida I believe it is crucial to find a solution that supports migrant workers without compromising the well-being and character of our neighborhood I am confident that the alternate locations can be alternate locations can be identified that more suitable and beneficial for all parties involved thank you for considering my concerns I hope that you will take into account the significant impact this migrant Farm labor camp would have on our neighborhood and make a decision that reflects the best interest of all residents thank you all right Denver Thomas please state your name and address for the record Denver Thomas 164 Rainbow Road okay I just got one simple speak into the mic please I have one simple question why do we get to speak here I'm sorry why do we get to speak here why do you get to speak yes ma'am because we wanted to give everybody a chance to voice their opinion why I guess that's just giving everybody the the right to to voice so so it doesn't sway y'all oh sure sometimes it does sometimes it doesn't we we we'd like to hear from the public though okay thank you okay thank you um Eddie Morris please state your name and address for the record Eddie Morris 210 buer Church Road I don't know why I'm coming up here after y'all didn't care about the kids why are you going to care about someone like me and I'd like to ask Mr Fisher are you going to vote this time right off you Mr Mr Mr Morris address the issue at hand please sir yeah that's what I'm trying to do all right everybody just got up here and spoke has told y'all everything bad about this company there's nothing good about it and you're saying our property values aren't going to be affected would any of you people like to have this labor camp next to you raise your hand nobody wants it next to them or I don't want it next to me and this this company you talk about oh they're going to do everything perfect hell we shown their track records bad permits on that property that bust up to me they've been back there building Plumb and elect all this stuff for months now and I called the county about it and the guy said well if you'll file a complaint I'll come down and stop them but I tried to be a good neighbor and let it go because I said there's no way that that you know anybody would let something like this happen in our neighborhood and it's just and they're not putting any money in putham County they're taking it back to Valia County it's going to Washington it's they're not benefiting putam County one bit and they want to come hurt everyone's life around bu church and it's just crazy to me that's all thank you Jake Smiley please state your name and address for the record I'm Jake spy I live at 123 Rainbow Road I'm right off ABA Church Road my sister lives right next door to where to Camp's going to be at um I'm just going to say that I worked in the construction industry most of my life uh the idea of they're going to bring in labor and go through all the federal and regulated things is a bunch of bull crap because of the fact that they're going to have contractors bring in some of these labor I know for a fact for a fact that these contractors hire illegal immigrants to come work for them which means they will not be following the federal reg regulations state regulations County regulations or any other regulations for that matter and Miss Linda you're not looking at me while I'm trying to talk to you is there something more important you need to look at okay thank you now now what I'm trying to say is I know y'all don't care because it's not affecting you directly by your house where you live you might have special interest in this don't look at me like that I know don't look okay if you do and you decide to let this happen you're wrong all of you every single one of you that's voted yes for this to happen you're wrong Mr Mr Earl here brought a very good points and you kept interrupting him cuz he's bring up good points that's wrong too okay now you don't want to say that we're going to follow these regulations the federal government itself is letting illegals come across this border like there's no tomorrow we don't know who's coming in here what do you think they're going to let come over to our house you think there's not going to be any crime or any kind of any problems that we're going to have in our neighborhood as most of these folks have said this neighborhood is quiet I've lived here since ' 88 I've gone into the military I've served our country I've served our country for you guys and you guys aren't listening to anything we're saying nothing all right one of my brothers came up here and said do something for America do y'all even care or y'all just trying to get your pockets lined with money why are you looking over there I'm right here look at me I'm talking to you you're talking to the board okay I'm talking to the board that includes you thank you thank you now I got 57 seconds left I'm going use every second of it please I'm begging you from the bottom of my heart do not allow this happen this woman is a liar okay please do not use disparaging language why you have all day you calling people out there annoying okay go ahead I'm sorry you've been rude this whole entire conversation I don't want to hear it from you I'm sorry keep your mouth quiet please I'm talking let me talk I'm asking you to please do the right thing do not allow this there's multiple violations if you guys are ignoring this and you can't see what's going on then either you got special interest or you're blind or you just don't care because it's not affecting you directly it's affecting everybody here there petitions been signed there's plenty of people to shut up to this thing and you guys don't care I'm not saying all of you because some of y'all voted in the right way but the ones of you that have not I can tell right now you don't care please think about us thank you Kiren Montero I think it's Kiren Montero okay it's it's it's very difficult to read the the writing please say your name and address for the record is it this speaker right here Kristen montavo thank you I live at 231 baa Church Road 300 ft from where this migrant Camp's going to to be placed um I do have some concern I am a concerned citizen or a concerned resident um my biggest thing is is my daughter serves and is serving currently right now in the United States Marine Corps and what a disgrace that you guys will let this happen knowing that the borders right now we have a crisis with the borders and no telling you know about these I've lived out here for the past 13 years and have watched local people work these fields the needs of a unvetted migrant not knowing what y'all are bringing to this area not knowing if they're cartel they can rape me I live by myself in in the woods in the back not knowing where these people were coming from what they can do to me let alone anybody else in the neighborhood I have a 90-year-old grandmother who has to menion and knowing that she lives right down the road from her who to say that they can't come in and do that as well um the decisions that y'all are making as an American you should be standing up for America and the beliefs that we were founded on and the fact that you're letting this happen is just a complete disgrace um my safety concerns are my biggest concerns if you had this at your back door any of your grandchildren your children the people that your children know that you grew up with if y'all hide this place right next to your house Miss Linda Osborne would you be okay with it I'm asking I'm not answering okay so you're not going to answer because obviously you've been paid off sure okay oh so you admit it are you openly admitting that uh would you please uh address your concern I am addressing you're not addressing me I am addressing the board and you're part of it as well was stated the last time okay but I'm done here because we already know you don't care thank [Applause] you all right Brenda Smiley I'm Brenda Smiley I live at one two three rainbow Road I live with my mother who has to menion she's 90 years old I'm Kristen's mother Jake's mother I don't appreciate this one me coming in and bringing this we don't need a migrant Camp period I say that's a couple of reasons I noted there there's several questions I know that haven't been voiced yet some I'm going to go over that's already been but I'm going to stay go ahead and stay it are you going to provide Pro Private health insurance for with or Will putam County taxpayers have to pay for the migrant workers the their health insurance how are you going to ensure the safety of the property owners if this is passed this is in your hands do you employ undoc do do these people employ undocumented unvetted vetted migrant workers the country is being flooded with it and not just from not just the Hispanic communities but all over the world our safety we're being invaded we don't want this in our neighborhood for any reason they have they've never had an issue when they worked they we've seen we know most of the people that work down in those fies they've never had an issue with it I drive 45 minutes to work 45 minutes home it's getting longer because of the traffic we're getting in there in puam County I've done it for 28 years I don't care if they have to drive from the land that they took down the thing it's their problem we do they really need to live here their work is temporary it's just burns it's just weeds that go in flowers they die it's not produced it's seasonal work for for probable unvetted undocumented ever verified migrant workers and you're saying this is not Dev Valu on your property values how about put them in your neighborhood why don't you rent them r a room if you're going to vote for it put them in your house not in our neighborhood will state and local inspections be available for review is this going to be mandatory it should be please speak into the mic very difficult to hear I said will state and local inspections be available for review how often will this be done so if the new land owners have been been on record for violations of camp and labor and wage and human right violations and have been fined $1.8 million what is going to prevent the new violations and imposed funds being imposed here it appears the new property owners don't care for anything other than expenses of traveling expenses if I travel the 45 minutes back and forth this is this is almost we're looking at mod slavery being brought into fundam County right here in 2024 it's unacceptable simply put the new property owners are not welcome here as a resident in the mediate in the mediate area we've already experienced traffic situations for presumable to be legal migrant like migrant workers argument comand of are not acceptable I've experienced it many times on Bill a Church Road the photos that the land owners were trying to show only shows what's into land and this means nothing to us now that we have been made aware of the current violations have you paid those fines if not why not what are you going to do to prevent being fined here think about this if this is going into your neighborhood that's all I'm asking I ask you to vote to to reject this comp completely we don't want it thank you Tony I'm not sure what the last name is a e you're up again very difficult to read your handwriting Tony elen car 150 baa Church Road um it's kind of hard to go over everything that we already heard everybody saying the same thing but but I'll focus on the technical part of it uh I I my my property is right at the entrance of buer Church Road I have a I have about 500 Acres on on the right side okay so the interest of 308 and um buer Church Road they spot hes all the time and most of the time those poot holes are filled by by residents of that area so that road does not support extra 16 people living there so when when people come up and the county says they already work there but the the work hours um I saw online but it's from 7 to 1:30 p.m. so after 1:30 they are they are free to do whatever they want right so if they have cars they have money there's going to be traffic on that road and that road does not support that uh another thing is uh just about two or three years ago we had an issue just down on on that area one of our neighbors decided to rent the house to some no good tenants and uh we we had about five break-ins on buer Church Road in in just one year okay so they finally moved them out but every time we call the the the sheriff one of them actually said that at night time they only have one Patrol for the whole area I don't know how big is the area but he say the average uh response time is 45 minutes to the area so we don't have the infrastructure to to receive extra 16 residents to that little road even if they uh fix and connect the the road to the other side that's my concern thank you sir [Applause] James wample W please state your name and address for the record my name is James Wampler and I live at 106 Lakeside Trail um my mom it's actually my mom's property I she passed away in 2012 I have inherited it I'm wanting to build uh her dream was for me to build a a compound for the 13 grandchildren six kids and the big family my concern is I moved away uh in 2006 to Tennessee job took me up there I came back uh I was appalled at what the area had went distressed um what and what you have here is you have a lot of people that been there South putam County from Palaca these people all South puam County I've lived there all my life I'm 66 years old I've seen everything I've seen how that Co that County got everything last between carrying your trash a 100 yards down the road to a pave R because you won't come down a private road but nevertheless we've got bigger problems besides moving Mr W please address the besides moving people in non-american whether they're illegal or not for the simple fact is this is my mom's property and my property backs up to that um um Farm as you would say they were pumping the water out of the lake when my mom passed away in 2012 she went to the the county and they says well it's a farm it's irrigation since I've been gone for the nine years I was gone and I came back what I address nobody has said that the feries grew does anybody know what a fern shed is I've worked in a fery I'm one of those people I had a 50-hour week job in St Augustine and I would come home and bail hay and picked oranges my wife worked in that same fer right before we got married it was a small farm farm farm how big is a farm those furn shards are bigger now they've got 8 n 6 in 8 in Wells pumping 247 I'm out there cleaning up the property and that's all you hear is generators I constantly calling them please shut it off it's Sunday please shut it off it's a it's it every day well we got to it's getting bigger and my point is it's getting bigger where it's going to take more people it's never going to be enough it's constantly growing out there I don't know when the last time any of you have been out that way do yourself a favor and look from what it was when I left nine years ago to now it has grown so it's not some just little farm so why am I bringing up the water if you've noticed please give me a little more time just a few more minutes the the the aquafer from the airport Port take a a a Google Google Google search and you'll see all the Lakes people had waterfront properties and ponds are being sucked up you drive around to Georgetown Fruitland pona Park satuma all the lakes are up that that thing because they've got those pumps pumping constantly you're going to start having uh uh sink holes the reason I know that because I I in Penny Acres Farm I had lot for 44 right besid 44 was 43 right behind bu Baptist Church and in 1972 I think it was that used to be a lake and that was a St Cole okay Mr and you're going to have that same problem going to call time five more minutes I just let I just retired from the villages seven years the workforce out there is 90% Mexicans and and what I've seen out there between chicken fights fist fights gambling if they don't get paid that I literally watch him stealing brand new appliances cabinets these people are proud We Are All proud of top okay Mr your time is up I'm sorry it's getting please think about what you're really doing okay thank you you're welcome Brad K Brad k please state your name and address for the record Brad K 2114 bua Church Road um if you made a site visit to the F question here um that was my gate there to the right um I guess I'm the closest one to the the um home they're going to the migrant camp they're building um that was my gate my driveway goes along the the haris fery there um I don't get involved in politics Tex much I wanted to come up here and check out see what happened you know to this hearing today and I I didn't write up to speak before um after witnessing the very confusing vote that we did on the the previous issue here um that was very very confusing I think it was very confusing for a lot of y'all too and some lawyers that were here um that was mind-blowing what just happened um with all the people here that was opposed to this and the lawyers and questions and whatnot um but my gate is 100 ft from where you know they're going to house migrants um I'm a cheer dad you know I've been taking care of cheerleaders since ninth grade and um my daughter goes in and out of that gate three times a day she's already you know and we never had problems when Harris was there at all um the de demeanor of the employees that work at the fernery now has changed in the last year and um my daughter gets whistled at her friends get whistled at coming in and out of that gate um V Church Road is a very skinny Road very rural community and we don't need people living there that we don't know we have no problems with crime yeah my daughter goes in and out of that gate three times a day and the little party shed you know you saw the little patio little carport there you know they're going to be putting grills under there and partying there um that's the house you know that they're going to house them in and yeah Eddie was right you know I live on theoris deer Ranch prettiest piece of property in putam County Eddie works on that property every day there's not a stick hits the ground not a piece of moss hits ground without him picking it up he loves that place and we don't need a MIG Camp next door I got a bunch of kids coming in out of that gate and we need to know who's there we need a company that is reputable all the facts are presented to you about how negative this company has been and that confusing vote that just happened you made a lot of people mad take that into account and think about my little girl opening that gate every day and I have much respect for y'all that all sit on this board took time out the other day to be up here you know I'm not into politics so um but it was very confusing um and thank you for hearing me okay I just have a question from the standpoint of you said whenever I visited the site there was like a a v or a point and there was a gate to the right but that said Morris Furniture dech is that the gate you go in and out yes ma'am the the one with the Harley-Davidson logo on it is my gate and my daughter goes in and out at three I'm not sure that I saw Harley-Davidson thing on yeah but but um whenever you pull into their driveway you know after the pavement ins sign mine's a hard right and there's kind of beers into their property there but my my gate is maybe 75 foot from where they're going to be housing where they're fixing up that old building to put six eight people in and and they've already been working on it for months with no permits that's all true okay all right thank you thank [Applause] you that was the last speaker card that I had for um Su 24- 000000008 so at this time I don't think there's anyone else yes sir what is okay I thought Mr King had already been up talking he that he denied I mean he he said he didn't want to come back and speak has he changed his mind well after the vote I be okay do you want do any of y'all live in South putham we all we live throughout putham County y'all don't none live in South putam we live throughout putham County that answers that question okay none of y'all live in South putam okay we don't need I I own a construction company in Sanford Florida okay and I have about 15 or 20 employees that drive from City all the way to Sanford and they're still doing it they've been doing it for years and I've been driving every day I've been in the construction business for 40 some bit years and I drive to Sanford to Orlando to Miami and I go every day and I come back I don't know why they can't go from Dand and come here and I live on 309 and as as the crow flies they're they're probably 2,000 ft from the St John's river I I I don't really see no good in it I mean I don't see I see the property Valu is going down and everybody around that whole place is making the community better I watched it over years and it just keeps getting better and then this pops up I heard about this day before yesterday and I thought really are we going there now I mean we've been the place has been being cleaned up the last 15 20 years I've watched it go from from nothing and it's just growing right on up and everything looks good we got a good Community around there and now we got this here coming that that's really all I got to say okay Mr Harden you have something to [Applause] say hello good even please uh name and address for the record Alex Harden 117 North Second Street patka here with the Douglas Law Firm um I don't have much to speak on the merits I want to Echo what my colleague Jeremiah Blocker stated on the prior bill um we are also in opposition to this there we believe there has not been competent substantial evidence on the record to support a finding of criteria C regarding adverse impact on ajacent properties D effect on property values and enf regarding traffic uh notwithstanding our opposition and we do want to preserve any appellant rights I do want to make the board aware of uh their their options here and what I believe is to be a win-win um as the conditions are currently written the uh total number of Migrant laborers allowed on the property pursuant to the special use permit is 16 the applicant testified herself that the only reason that this special use permit is requested it's because the eight that she needs won't all fit on the county road property if you adopt this as the condition is written then you are allowing more migrant workers than applicants even requesting and so uh while it does depend on what federal and state regulations say as to how many will be permitted on the county road property uh I would encourage the board to visit this Condition it's 10c that limits it to 16 and uh in your discussion consider reducing it to three or four migrant workers as the applicant has stated uh on the prior Bill and this bill that eight is the total number that is needed I'll stand by for questions but uh thank you okay any questions for Mr hardy thank you sir okay at this time we will will close this meeting to the you've already had a chance to speak ma'am so we're now closing it to the public thank you uh at this time the meeting is closed to the public and we are entertaining a motion she hasn't spoken said oh I didn't see I asked I thought I asked you a few minutes ago if you wanted to speak on both and you said no let her speak go ahead and come forward go ahead and come forward I'm a decent person please add for your record your name and address yes ma'am and group my name is Diane Kelly I live at 123 Lakeside Lane Crescent City Florida and I'm speaking on behalf of eight but asking that you retro apply this to 7 and I want to read something to you and this is C that you you know on the criteria the special use will not adversely impact nor unduly restrict the enjoyment of permitted uses in the surrounding area the word enjoyment is an emotion and the surrounding area are the people behind me and the people who left no one up here can say whether this criteria is met or not only the people can say whether this criteria is met or not these folks have been here over 3 hours trying to express to you why this criteria is not met so without a doubt this at minimum the motion should include C if you have nothing else than C just use C because this unequivocally is met and the response from the team says the proposed migrant Farm labor camp is not anticipated to adversely dot dot dot maybe in good faith it wasn't anticipated but you know what that's not true because folks are horrified by this they're very upset about it it will affect their enjoyment and you you cannot get a more clear response to the fact that this is the wrong thing to do than C right here and I will say to add icing on the cake I would definitely use H because and I understand you need criteria that says this is why we have we would deny you have to be able B to say what is my basis for denial but when we say or when H addresses that it must not negatively impact the health and safety something to that effect of the migrant workers my goodness this organization has demonstrated that they don't do this it's not just they try to put in writing here's how we can meet this criteria they have proven to you that they can't so how on Earth can anyone say that they have met the criteria of age they have not the US Department of Labor has told us that thank you I would just ask that you create create a motion to at minimum deny on the basis of c& for the reasons that I mentioned because those no one can argue no one thank you thank you okay at this time please come forward have you been sworn in okay please give me your speaker's card yes ma'am please state your name and address for the record can you hear me yes sir all right thank you what's your name and address my name is Kev to I live at 936 Lake arenta Drive In Crescent City and and I was not going to speak but thank you for the opportunity I just want to make a few comments and I appreciate everybody's time I know it's been a long day I just want to bring your attention to criteria J it's pretty straightforward sorry this is not all right can you hear me yes sir go ahead so criteria J is pretty straightforward it talks specifically about adversely affecting the General Health of the public residents in putam county and it's been pretty clearly presented that Continental florals has not been able to live up to this you only have to look back to March 2024 and look at the Department of Labor's ruling where they specifically stated and I I'll I'll read this verbatim for you the ruling States here that they were not able to pay wages when due ensure safe and healthy housing or provide temporary workers with Safe Transportation and this is directly from the Department of Labor's website I'm reading that verbatim for you and my concern is if they can't provide this for their workers how is this going to negatively affect the residents that live in putam County you know for a fact that if they can't do the bare minimum for their workers and meet these conditions that they're not going to be able to do so so I do ask you to look at criteria J and deny this permit on that basis thank you very much thank [Applause] you okay at this time we are closing the meeting to the public and open it up for board discussion in motion Linda Mr I'd like to bring up the one thing that was brought up about the road um can you put e back up please I was down that road and when I left I was in a hurry and I shouldn't have been because I couldn't even see the driveways um I don't feel that people at night time going in and out are going to Care much and I just don't feel that that meets it on that right there and U in the daytime's fine but you don't know what's happening at night you get 16 people in there if they have four or five different cars so I move that we deny special okay can I I was going to I was going to since you were mentioning about the driveway you said you wanted a discussion I was going to give the applicant a a chance to talk about re re refurbishing View Road I mean that's you talking about the driveways right or you want I'm talking about the whole Road the whole Road okay all right then I apologize go ahead and continue then I move that we deny special use permit number 24- 000000008 as the request does not meet the criteria e for special use permit as required in section 45-1 083 of the P plam County Land Development code and was it authorized the chair to sign the final yeah author with the condition yeah authorize with the conditions is recommended by staff and authorize the chair to sign the final order second okay let me make sure that I'm getting this we have a motion second to deny special use permit 24- 000000008 based on criteria that you do not fill it meets e right okay any further discussion all right all of those in favor please indicate by raising your right hand one two three four all Oppo all against so it the motion carries 5 to2 there is a 30-day appeal process how however so if there's any things that need to be done work with staff thank you I got to get you to practice I got to get you to practice giving motions so you get them better okay uh we still have business to conduct so if you would please exit if you're going to leave scared actually I don't I would have passed this one okay uh the last thing on the do we have have to have is one I don't think two cars can do we have any new business where are we everybody please U exit the building and not be talking because we still have business to conduct thank you you got what you wanted get out don't close the meeting okay all right at do we have any old business that we need to conduct Mr Perry has asked us to leave the meeting open so let's look at uh minutes for May 15th 2024 has everybody had a chance to read them approved is read uh we have a motion in second to approve the minutes from May 15th 2024 all in favor say I I all opposed there they are if you want V minutes are Mr West and I don't know if it was Earl or Mary Earl was the second Earl was the second for the minutes thank you all right Mr Perry you have something you want to address I do Madam chair on uh 00 7 yes sir the vote was for um wait just a minute I want make sure Brian's not going anywhere the vote the vote was uh first of all the motion was to deny the petition correct the vote was three people voted I to to deny the petition and for voted uh for the petition to go forward that means for them that they can build their migrant Camp um the reason I was adamant about not another vote was I had an opportunity to because we ran into this the other night but also had a had a opportunity to talk to the county attorney and and I think that we were both a little bit confused over really what happened at the planning commission and and I think during this meeting I had an opportunity to speak with Mr Commando and I believe that we need another vote we will need a vote we've we've denied but we have to go back and have a vote to um to approve approve so this is based on advice from Mr is it kamano command I thought command okay all right I'll go ahead well that the reason you're confused Mary is because it is confusing it is confusing it's it's very confusing you ought have seen it no when you say passed what what we ended up what the what the board voted for was on 07 is that they can build the that that you can build the uh U migrant Camp yeah there's more for approving it what we voted down was a motion to deny it so you want me to making a motion now can I say something please make a motion sure is it within our power to require background checks on their employees within your power no no the counties no uh-uh I don't think so no sir so that's not a condition we can put on no I don't believe so no sir that's that's regulated by the the the state and the actually us it's regulated by them it's not regulated by us that's actually a lot of the things that are with this it's not it's not that we don't have anything in our LDC and our code that doesn't but the government does a lot of this and saying all that so they have the power when it comes to that I'm freezing in there okay then I will go ahead and I I move we well before you do that Mr fiser just one thing uh you we don't have to do we can put it back on the agenda and and bring it up at our next meeting okay but that leaves at that's a 30-day appeal process period that get 60 60 30 more days if we can we can we not do it today you can okay you choose to do that yeah the thing that bothers me is the reason I said is there everybody left well well they know well they they think it passed anyway and and the uh applicant has already knows that it's passed because well that's that's what I'm trying to tell you uh it has passed and and I suppose what we're trying to do is make sure that we have the same vote okay so tell me when clarification we need right now or come back next month but I think we need to do it today since we've just heard the case that we need a motion to approve special use permit 24-7 because it was denied previously okay well it it wasn't denied it was just voted down voted down okay the motion to deny this the having a problem not the last one no not the last one that was the first one okay the first one so if we can do that and I think Mr fiser is J chopping at the bit I just want I'm freezing over here I got I'm shaking it's up to make a motion Mr Fisher I move we approve special use permit 24- 00007 as the request meets the criteria for special use permit is required by section 4 5-10 1083 of the plam Land Development code and with the conditions as recommended by staff and authorize the chair to sign a final order second all right we have a motion and second to approve special use permit 24- 00007 any further discussion if none all in favor please indicate by raising your right hand 1 2 3 4 all opposed motion carries 43 it was obvious to assume that if it fell three to four it was going to pass I'm going to bring a coat next time no I folks the everything that everything that this board deals with it's it's right online it's in our you know I I'd also uh encourage our board members to to look at it and to read it a lot of what we were dealing with here wasn't even legal questions it was trying to figure out how to make a motion under Robert's Rules and that's uh you know that's something that all of us can look at uh and that's all and same with same with our our uh it's the same with our uh audience is that they can look at exactly what we're looking at they can look at Robert's Rules too but apparently nobody really did but uh no that's that's nonsense make it I know and you do a good job it's 7:15 I ain't worried about it it's 7:15 I'm not worried about it no it's ins sign in every business everywhere it is we good good well and I want to say this too thank you guys for serving I know that's that's really hard to deal with so I just want to thank y'all personally too because I know it's not fun personal attacks are never fun so I mean that lovingly as I can say that it's not personal we're doing our duty so thank you'all guess you take the good with the bad right this is the second time since I've been here I've been to Breaking vote and everybody looks at me no I've I've done it yeah e e