e e e e e e e e 3:00 is everybody ready okay before we hear the cases I have um the guidelines to read for the zboa this is a public hearing and we are the Zoning Board of adjustments for puam County Florida we operate under the authority of Articles 11 and 12 of The Land Development code AS amended the primary responsibility of the board is to hear and decide appeals challenging final use final determinations made by the planning and development services department under the Land Development code and to hear an act upon requests for variances special use permits non-conforming use determinations and preliminary development plans under the Land Development code today all of our cases are special use permit so I'm going to skip the variance section a special use permit is special permission to use property in a fashion which the zoning classification of the property does not automatically permit if we Grant a special use permit we may impose reasonable conditions on the use of the property which must be satisfied if the special use permit is to remain valid unlocke a change in the zoning classification as a general rule a special use permit applies only only to the specific use requested in the application for a special use permit the standards we use in deciding whether or not to Grant a special use permit are listed in section 45-10 83 of the Land Development code procedurally we will call each Case by name and number a member of the staff will then briefly explain to us the nature of each request we will then take any comments from the applicant or their representative followed by any public comments concerning the request please direct all comments and statements to the board and not to other people in the audience before speaking we will ask each person to be recognized come forward to the lean and identify his or herself by name and address after all persons wishing to speak have been heard we will entertain a motion from the board the motion will be voted on by board members and become our final order any decision made by this board can be appealed to the Circuit Court however any appeal must be filed within 30 days after the board of adjustments has rendered the final order which is being appealed are there any questions before the first case is heard today all those wishing to speak need to be sworn in so will the notary please administer the oath okay before we hear the first case and the staff report uh we need to do a um expart communication and conflict of interest for special use 24- 00000000 Z3 no no no no noever no no okay sta if you're ready thank you Miss chairman uh this is case special use permit 2403 uh for Miss Peggy Wallace the application is the temporary housing of one horse for 18 months in the residential 1A zoning District located at 127 parking Road in Pomona Park the future land use is agriculture and the zoning is residential 1A uh there is one parcel that is roughly 1.61 acres and currently is occupied by a single family residence the applicant has no desire for the long-term housing of a horse or to have multiple ecoin the applicant is requesting this permit to rehabilitate a horse Bode uh the horse's Bode tendon there is no provision in the Land Development code for a special use permit for keeping of a horse for any amount of time in the residential 1A zoning District however staff has ruled that section 4571 allows for uh an opening here you can see the aerial view of the property here is the future land use category the zoning category you can see there are no Wetlands on this property and the property is majority in FEMA flood zone x uh this is the proposed stable SL kinnel that the horse will be uh staying in if you can see it sorry uh the special use permit criteria I don't believe I need to review every detail except the important parts the use is consistent with the comprehensive plan uh the property uh feature land use classification being agriculture means that agricultural uses such as keeping of a horse is com is uh consistent with the comprehensive plan uh the use is allowed as a special use in the zoning District while the proposed use is not allowed in the residential 1A zoning District it is allowed in what staff and the board has regularly determined to be a more intensive residential to zoning district with uh with limitations such as permit such as lot size of 5 Acres or more uh the housing of one horse will comply with all of their codee regulations beyond the the zoning District as such staff is determined it should not be a major problem the special use will not adversely impact or unduly restrict the enjoyment or permitted uses in the surrounding area the proposed keeping of a single horse is unlikely to affect any of the surrounding area uh the horse is not allowed to stay beyond the 18-month period And while it is being tended to it will be allowed to walk the grounds of the applicant's parcel but only when being monitored and guided for the physical therapy otherwise it will be stored within the uh stable uh the special use will not substantially diminish or impair property values in the area it is unanticipated that a horse will diminish property values in the area and once again this is a temporary permit as soon as the horse is gone any impact that it would make would be reverted to preor levels uh adequate roads uh access roads on-site parking and measures have been taken to uh to provide Ingress and degress to the property uh to minimize traffic impact on local roads the roadway that accesses this property is Park and Road a private driveway the presence of a horse is not expected to change any Ingress or in egress from this property as it is still a single family residential structure and private land adequate screening and buffering of the special use will be provided uh buffering for this parcel is not required as the neighboring Parcels are of the same zoning District or are water body a fenced enclosure will be uh required to ensure the horse does not come within 10 ft of the property line in accordance with uh LDC section 45185 and as you saw on the previous slide that has already been provided uh special use will not have signs or exterior lighting no lighting or signs have been proposed for this development uh there's no undue risk to persons or property from hazardous sub substances as s substances have not been proposed uh the proposed special use will not adversely affect the general public health the proposed housing of one horse should pose no adverse effect to the general public health safety and Welfare to the residents in putam County as such staff has recommended approval for the temporary housing of a horse in the residential 1A zoning District subject to the following conditions the horse must be in fenced and enclosure structure that is at least 10 ft from the property line the permit will expire after 18 months from after initial issuance the horse will be required to leave the premises before within 30 days of the expiration of the permit the permit may not be exended only one horse that was allowed on the property at any given time any questions any questions for staff okay thank you okay before we proceed let's do a site visit roll call please yes yes yes yes yes yes yes okay with the applicant Peggy Wallace like to come forward and address the board for the record please state your name and address my name is Peggy Wallace I'm 127 parking Road Pomona Park Florida and I appreciate the consideration for this um this is a horse that I've had just over a year and it took about 20 years to save enough to actually get the horse so um he got injured in February and and to actually keep him where he boards right now he's in a pastor and he can't run so he's it has to be dealt with on a daily basis uh putting medication on his tendon U it's on his rear leg and he has to have therapeutic walking by lead to help help reduce the swelling and then the medication internally that he takes so it takes daily care of him and also uh daily therapy walking um and it's as temporary it takes they told me anywhere from 10 to 12 months and we're trying to be safe by saying 18 months maximum and I do anticipate him going back to where he boards which is in a pasture um he just can't run we have to keep him from running at all cost now uh to hope that he heals properly again thank you for consideration okay I have a question you um the one thing that that I am concerned with is it's um the horse waste will be disposed of via proper channels water proper channels yes um I have somebody who's coming to pick it up I I will pick it up daily I have a metal can that it goes in and this is somebody who does this for a living that's coming to pick it up okay you need to speak into the mic a little bit it's somebody who's coming to pick it up for me I I clean it up daily that will be my job and then on a weekly basis they come and remove it take it away okay cuz my personal I know how much waste a horse can produce so don't want a fly problem yes okay any questions from the applicant okay thank you thank you is there anyone in the audience wishing to come forward and speak in favor of this application no one's coming forward anyone wishing to come forward and speak in opposition okay no one's coming forward so at this time we will close the meeting to the public and open it up for board motion and discussion I know what that's like Madam chairman I move we approve special case 002 Su 24000000 Z3 as the request meets the criteria for special use permit is required by section 45183 of the putam County Land Development code with the eight conditions recommended by staff and authorize a chairman to sign the final order a second uh we have a a second I mean a motion and a second to approve and s 24- 00003 any further discussion if not all of those in favor please indicate by raising your right hand one two three four seven okay all opposed motion carries 70 uh just remember that there is a 30-day appeal process so good luck in mending your horse okay the next the next case is Su 24- 00004 before we continue Let's do an exp parte communication and conflict of interest roll call no no no no no no no okay staff thank you again uh for the record again Michael Graves planning and development services uh this is special e permit 24-4 uh for the paren Baptist church trustees uh the application is for a private school in the agriculture zoning District uh the applicant is the parent Baptist church trustees located at 125 paren Church Road with a future land use and Zoning of Agriculture uh the property is approximately 18 and a half acres in size and is currently occupied by the paren Baptist Church uh Land Development code section 4572 D6 allows for the special use permit for the development of educational facilities in the agricultural zoning District here you can see an aerial view of the property uh it is oddly uh carved by the road in the back there here is the future land use category here's the zoning here's the wetlands you can see that that back portion which uh is currently undeveloped is mostly wetlands here you can see the FEMA flood zone and now we're on to the special use permit criteria uh once again we're going to go through the key points of each of these uh the special use is consistent with a comprehensive plan and meets all the concurrency requirements the property's future land uses agriculture which allows for a low intensity uh commercial facilities and services including that of Education by right sorry Community facilities not commercial uh the facility must be of comparable size with easy access uh parent Church Road is a private road located off of State Road 100 as such any development would need to keep to non the non-residential standard to a minimum uh the use is allowed in the spe in the zoning District in which the property is located uh the property is located in the agricultural zoning District uh the proposed development would would conform to all applicable applicable regulations of the Land Development code and already meets all the requirements for the agricultural zoning District the special use will not adversely impact nor unduly restrict the enjoyment of others in the area the proposed chur the proposed private school is unlikely to have any uh major NE negative impacts on the area the school is a private one that will be staffed by members of the church and in tended to by children of the congregation as such it is unlikely to have any more impact than a busy Sunday congregation uh the special use will not substantially diminish or impair property values in the area the proposed development is not anticipated to do such uh if anything the development may increase surrounding property values as educational facilities are known to uh raise property values even private education adequate access roads on-site parking uh loading unloading and uh Ingress and egress is properly designed in a manner to minimize traffic impact on local roads parent Church Road is classified in the portion that is a public road as a local Road no measures have been taken to minimize the traffic impacts on paren Church Road is as it is the only road that accesses the parcel the development of a private school will only increase traffic on the road and if any new uh buildings on this property are proposed they will need to be approved by the DRC uh where they will have to come to Modern Improvement requirements adequate screening and buffering of the site will be provided buffering of this parcel is not required as the neighboring Parcels of are the same zoning District any future development will be required to go through development Review Committee DRC wherein they will have to meet uh buffering requirements oh the special use will not have signs or or exterior lighting no lighting or signs have been proposed for this application there will be no undue risk for persons or property from hazardous substances hazardous substances have not been uh suggested for this property uh the proposed special use will not adversely affect the general public health safety welfare residents of putam County the agricultural zoning designation allows for educational facilities when approved by a special use permit it is unlikely for the development to harm the residents of putam County as a whole it is unlikely that these developments will harm the congregation or families of their therein of the church as such staff has recommended approval for the special use permit for a private school in the agricultural zoning District subject to the following conditions any new structures or further such development must be approved via the development Review Committee and the applicant shall be required to submit a change of occupancy permit to determine if any additional fire safety improvements are required questions any questions for staff I have one do they have any idea of how many children and do they have a maximum of children uh they did not mention a maximum however in an email they said roughly six children at this time oh okay any other questions okay thank you all right before we proceed let's do a site visit roll call yes yes yes yes yes yes yes okay the applicant is Victor Bruce Campbell or the agent is Victor Bruce Campbell or would you like to come and address the board please take your name and address for the for the record name is Victor Bruce Campbell I live 1177 Southeast keone Avenue and Keystone High School okay would you speak into the mic or pull it up a little bit to where it's sort of level all right thanks all right I uh my name is Victor Bruce Campbell I live at 1177 Southeast Keystone Avenue in Keystone Heights Florida okay would you like to add to what the staff had as far as your application I'm sorry I it would you like to add to what the the staff report I just thank Y for the opportunity U to that we're able to do all this in order uh we have six students that are planning on uh starting with us at the beginning of the school year um so our goal is to start in August if possible and um you know the growth would you know be determined on other parents at the church but uh uh the facilities that we have and are using are the facilities that we plan on using for the school with with no altercations so we'd be able to use the property as as it is right now okay any questions from Mr Campbell okay thank you sir all right thank you all right does anyone wish to come forward and speak in favor of this application no one's coming forward anyone wish to come forward and speak in opposition um Madam chairman we do have a letter I was going to mention that yes okay we do have a letter from ply Resnik uh she just says that she has a concern of the use of the road since it is a one on Lane dirt road that is prone to flooding bumps and ruts like many dirts many dirt roads in putham County so uh she just wanted to have us take this into consideration okay all right since no one came forward to speak in favor or opposition then this portion is close to to the public and we'll open that up for uh board motion and discussion Madam chair I'd like to make a motion that we approve special use permit case number s244 as it request does meet the criteria for the special use permit as required by section 45-10 183 of the putam County Land Development code with the two condition itions as recommended by staff and authorize the chairman to sign the final order second did you second I was going somebody else got it oh somebody else got it okay all right so we have a a motion and second to approve special use permit 24- 00004 any further discussion if not all of those in favor please indicate by raising your right hand 1 2 3 4 5 six s okay motion carries 70 there is a remember there is a 30-day appeal process so if there's any questions good luck and then always work with staff thank you okay the next the next case is special use permit 24- 00000000 five so let's do expart communication and conflict of interest no no no no no no no okay U the applicant is Preston Sloan Jr is he here today did were you sworn in or you want to come and address the board you have to be sworn in okay please um are you coming forward to the podium to speak with us are you I'm sorry we to do the case oh I'm sorry hello head of myself it's okay we all put the cart before the horse sometimes I was ready to get it finished and over with I'm sorry thank you uh once again for the record my name is Michael Graves planning and development services this is special use permit 2405 for Preston Sloan Jr uh the application is for a CDL testing location in the residential 2 zoning District at 110 power Street East Paca the future land uses urban service and the zoning is again residential too uh one parcel approximately um bit more than one acre uh it was recently combined and I didn't update it from the original par which was 0.96 Acres uh it is currently not vacant as it has a commercial development on the uh previous other Port Parcels that were merged into the new parcel uh the Land Development code section 4576 C1 allows for the special use permit for the developing of educational facilities in the residential 2 zoning District here you can see an Arial uh on the left is the previous original development on the right is the new parcel that has been combined from other Parcels the same is true for all of these here you can see the future land use category where it dips a bit into the commercial future land use category on the left hand side here you can see the zoning where it again dips into commercial 2 with the rest being residential 2 here you can see that there are no Wetlands on either of these parcels and that the FEMA flood zone is at so now we're at the special use permit criteria uh the use is consistent with the comprehensive plan and meets all the concurrency requirements the proposed future land use classif classification of urban service and also commercial allow for low intensity Community facilities and services uh including that of Education by right uh the facility has to be of comparable size and with easy access to the road uh the use allowed is allowed by special use permit in the zoning District the proposed use is allowed in the special use zoning District the property is located in the property uh the proposed development will conform to all applicable regulations of the LDC uh for the residential 2 and also commercial zoning District as determined by location uh for a quick note staff would like to point out that the development is intended to take place majority ly in the R2 zoning District portion uh the special use will not adversely impact nor unduly restrict the enjoyment of the permitted uses in the surrounding area the proposed CDL testing facility is unlikely to have a me major negative impact in the local area the facility is not going to store trucks on location and will simply be a driving test track for uh truck drivers to bring to test on uh the special use permit will not substantially diminish or impair property values in the area the proposed development is not anticipated to diminish or impair property values uh educational facilities and testing facilities do not often lower property values by any substantial amount uh the fact that the facility is a test uh testing track for semi- TR drivers May counter that however but any negative impact is expected to be relatively minor due to the low operating uh amount adequate Ro access roads on-site parking on-site loading and uh measures have been taken to in uh to provide Ingress and egress to the property to minimize traffic impacts on local roads the road was a point of contention for this development uh originally they had intended to take off of Power Street a single Lane County maintained Road however have since changed that by combining the pars to take off of uh East Lewis Brower Road no West Lewis broer Road sorry uh the it could provide it was going to provide the challenge for tractor trailers even without their trailers to enter through uh Power street but the applicant has since changed that and staff has no arguments against uh their new their new suggested entrance Point adequate screening and buffering of the special use will be provided if needed buing for this parcel is not required as the neighboring Parcels are of the same zoning District or owned by the applicant if the future buildings are if any future buildings are proposed the DRC will determine if any landscaping or buffering would be required at that time uh the special use will not have signs or exterior lighting that will cause glare no lighting or signs have been proposed for this application uh there will be no undue risks to person or property from hazardous substances haard substances have not been proposed uh the proposed special use will not adversely affect the general health safety welfare of the residents of putam County the R2 zoning District uh allows for educational facilities when approved by special use permit is applied it is unlikely that this development will harm uh residents of putam County as a whole the small size of the facility will prevent much of the noise pollution and air pollution seen at larger testing facilities as such staff has concluded uh to recommend approval for the CDL testing facility in the R2 zoning District subject to the following conditions any new development beyond the pave service for the testing facility or any alternative in intensification of the use of a combined parcel will require obtaining a rezone to an appropriate zoning district and the proposed development shall be reviewed by the development Review Committee prior to any improvements of the CDL testing facility uh and a fence must be installed around the borders of the testing area to prevent children Andor animals from wandering onto the testing site and the testing facilities hours of operation shall be limited from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and access will be obtained solely from Lewis Brower Road any questions any questions for staff okay thank you all right before we have the applicant to come up let's do a side visit roll call please yes yes yes yes yes yes yes okay Mr Sloan I tried my best to get it expedited but you can come up if you want to talk to us for the for the record please state your name and address my name is Preston Sloan my address is 901 North Griffin Shores Drive hello ladies and gentlemen uh so I know a man named Matt pickle he has a CDL testing school that he operates here in putham County um he currently does not actually conduct the testing at the same facility where he teaches the course so he's in dire need of a a testing facility which is the only thing that this pavement would be is is just for the test testing um his company Tri City's uh truck driving school is in multiple States he's in three or four states I believe um and he selected putam County uh specifically because it is the Hub of you know our Northeast Florida uh with easy access to major highways and there's obviously a need for more CDL uh drivers so um um he said that he only intends to come out 10 times within a month um approximately um I did want to kind of briefly discuss the fence um around the asphalt so the asphalt will be 260 ft long by 40 or 45 ft wide um leading straight off of Lewis Brower Road um I do intend to lease either Warehouse that's on the property um to two different tenants I actually currently have one tenant in the warehouse on the South Side he has a FedEx truck refurbishing business um and as such he has you know 40 some odd FedEx trucks at any given point in the the yard back there behind the warehouse um if I had to put a fence specifically around the asphalt it would kind of make it more difficult for him to maneuver the trucks around um and since staff came out and conducted the um field examination I've arranged approximately 40 Jersey barriers which are those large concrete barriers that you know are typically on the side of bridges and and whatnot I've arranged those around the perimeter of the the North End of the property um where there was no barrier no fence or anything essentially an island all its own It wouldn't connect to any other roads or um anything of that nature so um I think that's all okay any questions from Mr SL yes sir and here it says that owners can bring their trucks in for testing but here you're saying you're associated with a school MH and you'll be using their trucks correct this is only for the Tri Cities truck driving school and I believe it's not he doesn't let uh his students bring their own truck it's like a standard truck that he owns all right any other questions yes sir Mark a question fer so the pro how wide's the property so the the property is cumulatively just under three acres and we went through a a combining of the parcels um in order to accommodate entering the asphalt from Lewis Brower Road because as Michael mentioned previously we were going to enter from the south from Power Street staff spoke with public works and the engineers and determined that the road was too tiny and old for semi- trucks to be entering and you know I kind of understand it so yeah Lewis brow is just a bigger and more so what kind of testing do you do there currently or when we what are you going to be doing it would only be CDL testing specifically for commercial driver's licenses know but I just curious is it was just for backing up or oh you know you can't uh I believe they just pull out and do a little three-point turn and show that they're capable of that that's pretty much it he said that it does not take very long at all so it's mainly to store the trucks pretty much no sir they will not be storing any trucks on the property I have a different tenant um who has a FedEx truck refurbishing business he stores his trucks on the property back there but uh the commercial driving license school would not be storing any trucks at any point on the property they would pull in to the asphalt specifically to do the test and then they would pull out and leave and I'm just sorry I did I drove trucks for 30 years and I just confused as to what kind of testing you can do in in a small area like that I know my dad actually said like is it going to be WI enough for them to turn around like you know these trucks are long after I spoke with Matt he said that it's not the trailer is not full of anything um and it's a pup pup trailer which I believe is shorter than a a conventional uh semi-truck trailer that you may be thinking about but okay no problem no thank you yes sir and any other questions any other questions from the applicant okay thank you sir thank you is there anyone in the audience wishing to come forward and speak in favor of this application no one's coming forward anyone wishing to come forward and speak in opposition okay no one's coming forward so at this time they'll close to the public and open it up for board motion and discussion mam chair I make a motion that we uh let's see where are we I move we approve special use permit 24005 as if as it meets the criteria for the special use permit as required by section 45-10 183 of the petam County Land Development code with the five conditions recommended by staff and authorize the chairman to sign the final order second we have a motion and second to approve special use permit 24- 00000000 Z5 any further discussion if none all of those in favor please indicate by raising your right hand one 2 3 4 5 six 7 motion carries 70 uh just remember there is a u 30-day appeal process so if there's any issues please work with staff and I guess good Trucking thank you okay the next case with special use permit 24- 00006 so let's do an expart communication and conflict of interest roll call no no no no no no no okay staff report once again for the record Michael Graves planning and development services department this is special use permit 246 for Floridian Holdings LLC uh the application is for a 72 acre artificial pond in the agricultural zoning District uh the location is 533 County Road 309 in Waka with a future land use that is split between Agricultural and Rural reserve the zoning district is once again agriculture uh the property in question is 94 and a half acres give or take in size and is currently vacant land development code section 472d allows for a special use permit for the development of resource and activity based recreational facilities in the agricultural zoning District uh including artificial ponds uh here here you can see the aerial view of the property in question here you can see the split future land use category here you can see the zoning the uh black stripe you see going up and down the middle of the maps is the military special operating Zone the wetlands are shown on this map as you can see there are very few and they're mostly adjacent to the St John's river and here you can see the FEMA flood zone where the uh where it is in FEMA flood zone X spe special use permit criteria uh once again the use is consistent with a comprehensive plan and meets all concurrency regulations uh the proposed future land use classification of Agriculture and Rural Reserve both of these designations allow for low intensity agricultural purposes and activity and resource-based Recreation the project is not part of any larger plan of development uh the Pond will be stocked with fish and could be considered resource-based uh Recreation as a private fishing facility uh the use is allowed in the special use uh as a special use in the zoning District in which the property is located the proposed use is allowed as a special use in the zoning District the proposed development will conform to all applicable regulations of LDC the parcel already meets the requirements for the agricultural Zone District ponds over 5 acres and size are required to obtain a special use permit the applicant is following the the correct procedures to have their Pond the special use will not adversely impact or unduly restrict the enjoyment of of permitted in the surrounding areas the proposed Pond is unlikely to have any major negative impact on the local areas dirt is not being removed from the property and with over 90 acres of land it'll be trivial for the applicants to disperse the soil through the property without impeding the view of the River from neighboring properties the special use will not substantially diminish or impair property values in the area the proposed development is not anticipated to do such no uh the the proposed Pawn is planned to be set back far away far enough away from the property line that will be that it will not be visible to any neighboring property adequate access roads on-site parking on-site loading uh measure and measures have been taken to provide Ingress and erress to the property that are designed in a mayor to minimize traffic impacts on local roads no parking loading RM loading have been proposed for this development as none are required drainage will not be impeded with the development as the natural surrounding flow patterns will be maintained Ingress and erress will not be changed the only access is through County Road 309 a major collector Road Local roads will not be impacted adequate screening and buffering of the special use will be provided if needed buffering of the spel is not required as the neighboring paral are the same zoning District the pond is however set back over 300 ft from County Road 309 with the intent to keep the trees between the road in the pond in place given the large amount of trees on all sides of the property it is unlikely that the pond will be noticed from any direction uh no no lighting or exterior uh no signs or exterior lighting will cause glare no lighting has been proposed for this application there will be no undue risk prop to persons or property from hazardous materials hazardous materials have not been proposed for this development the proposed special use will not adversely affect the general public health safety and Welfare of residents in putham County the agricultural zoning District allows for ponds larger than 5 acres in size when appro approved by the special use permit it is unlikely that this development to will harm the residents of putam County no risk to public health safety or welfare of residents of putam county is anticipated as such staff recommends approval of the 7 and a half acre pond in the art in the agricultural zoning District uh subject to the following conditions uh any new structures or further such development must be approved via the development Review Committee excluding those that do not traditionally require DRC such as a single family residence any questions any questions for staff okay none okay let's do a S visit roll call please I was there but the gate was locked so I didn't get in yes yes yes I rode by the road down the road and that's it so passed it that's all you could do same yes yes yes okay the applic the agent is Shane p is there a reason there's no last name to this agent so I guess you're going to tell us when you come to the podium good afternoon Commissioners um my name is Tim Mahoney and I'm the uh representative for the applicant Floridian Holdings okay Tim Mahoney Mahoney okay m a o n y okay so we appreciate your consideration of our uh request today as outlined in the staff report um this Improvement is a a private non-commercial uh Pond agricultural Pond that we are uh we wish to construct to improve habitat uh on the property U hopefully it uh it meets the criteria that uh is outlined in the special use permit and I'd be happy to answer any questions that you may have about it and we also have our engineer here as well uh that has helped with the design okay I have a question when I drove by I saw a large piece of equipment sort of past the the pine trees is that where the Pond's going to be or is it going to be back farther it's well there's some grubbing uh area that uh is behind but I I think the piece of equipment that you saw was probably on the towards 309 correct but with the uh we have a buffer zone there of a heavily wooded area that is intended to stay exactly that way so you would not see that pond from 309 okay so you haven't started digging the pond in since I saw the piece of equipment no we've been grubbing just just grubbing on the on the property under because it's agricultural okay but the the pond itself is not constructed started okay Mr pal there's a fish farm right down the road from me they have several ponds and a lot of filtration and they still use a lot of water is there going any filtration there or is it how you going get water in and out no this is this is a an a completely natural condition that we're creating there we're not adding any water to it we're we're simply working on the existing water table there's no intention to add water water to it it is constructed in an Upland area but uh there's no we're we're not a actually operating a a project to fish farm we're simply stocking a pond so there's no filtration there it will be a completely natural pond all right okay any other questions for staff or for the applicant okay thank you thank you thank you okay at this time um is there anyone in the audience that wishes to come forward and speak in favor of this application no one's coming forward anyone wishing to speak in opposition okay at this we will close it to the public and open it up for board motion and discussion Madam chair I move we approve special use 24- z00 00006 as request does meet the criteria for special commit as required by section 45- 1083 of the P County Land Development code with the conditions as recommended and with the addition of the condition with the addition of a condition that the chairman May authorize and sign the final document second uh we have a motion and second to approve special use 24 - 00000000 6 any further discussion if not all of those in favor please indicate by raising your right hand one two three four five six seven motion carries 70 so there is a 30-day appeal process but so good luck and doing your fish pond okay the next thing on the agenda is the is old business do we have any that needs to be discussed what about new business Madam chair I have something that just came to my mind um on some of the other boards that I have sat on um they start their meetings by with the Pledge of Allegiance and we don't okay I don't see a flag but oh here's the flags behind me so I mean I guess we could I just wondered you know just I just thought about it um I thought we used to in the beginning I've not since I've been on this board we've never said the pledge so you know we can always start it well I it was just something I thought about I mean it doesn't we don't have to um I guess is that the pleasure of the board or yeah just a thought is a thought okay anybody else have any thoughts about the pledge all right I mean if I guess we will continue I guess we will continue as usual then okay that's fine okay uh the minutes um let me see where are they okay the minutes for April 17th 2024 is everybody had a chance to read them make a motion we approve second we have a motion to approve April 17th 2024 minutes for the board of adjustments so all in favor say I I all opposed all right minutes are approved anything else motion to adjourn second okay we stand jour for