e e e e e e e e e e e e e e I'd like to call the meeting to order please would everybody have a seat thank you I have the guidelines to read before we hear the the cases today so everybody will bear with me and then our attorney has a statement to make this is a public hearing and we are the Zoning Board of adjustments for putham County Florida we operate under the authority of Articles 11 and 12 of The Land Development code AS amended the primary responsibility of the board is to hear and decide appeals challenging fin determinations made by the planning and development services department under the Land Development code and to hear and act upon requests for variances special use permits non-con non-conforming use determinations and preliminary development plans under the Land Development code a variance is a relaxation of the requirements of the zoning code in a particular case where because of unusual circumstances a literal enforcement of our zoning code would result in undue and unnecessary hardship the zoning code permits us to authorize variances only for height size of structure size of yards and Open Spaces if we Grant a variance we may impose reasonable conditions on the use of the property which must be satisfied if the variance is to remain valid the standards we use in deciding whether or not to Grant a variance are listed in section of the property does not automatically permit if we Grant a special use permit we may impose reasonable conditions on the use of the property which must be satisfied if the special use permit is to remain valid unlike a change in the zoning classification as a general rule a special use permit applies only to the specific use requested in the application for a special use permit the standards we use in deciding whether or not to Grant a special use permit are listed in section 45-18 three of the Land Development code procedurally we will call each Case by name and number and a member of the staff with then briefly explain to us the nature of each request we will then take any comments from the applicant or their representative followed by any public comments concerning the request please direct all comments and statements to the board and not to other people in the audience before speaking we will ask each person to be recognized come forward to the lect and identify his or herself by nameing address after all persons wishing to speak have been heard we will entertain a motion from the board this motion will be voted on by board members and become our final order any decision made by this board can be appealed to the Circuit Court however any appeal must be filed within 30 days after the board of adjustment has rendered the final order which is being appealed are there any questions before the first case is heard all of those wishing to speak need to be sworn in and before the notary comes please if you are haven't decided whether you're going to speak or not go ahead and be sworn in that way we won't have to stop in the middle of the meeting to swear someone in so if you think you might want to speak today please raise your hand when the notary uh ask you to so will the notar please come forward and administer the oath uh would you please silence your phone okay before we uh proceed Mr Perry I think you have something to read for the yes ma'am thank you madam chair good afternoon ladies and gentlemen I'd like to take a few minutes to explain as best I can the procedure the Zoning Board of adjustment will employ during this hearing the hearing will be conducted in accordance with the applicable puam County ordinances and Florida Statutes first of all please recognize that this is a quasi judicial administrative hearing in this instance that means that the formal Rules of Evidence and procedure are relaxed the zoning Board of adjustment can and probably will hear and receive evidence that would not be allowed in a court of law the Zoning Board of adjustment does however follow specific procedures set forth in chapter 45 article 11 section 45 through 100 1022 of the putham county code of ordinances these procedures are designed to make the hearing progress in an orderly manner and to protect everyone's due process rights allow me to briefly describe this process the chairperson misss Osborne has Authority during and control over this meeting each petition will be introduced by the chair representatives of the planning and development services department will then make a presentation and will respond to questions posed by the members of the Zoning Board of adjustment the applicant will then make a presentation if he or she she chooses and will respond to questions posed by members of the Z loing board I have just a little bit more the standard of proof in this matter is competent and substantial evidence a definition of this standard is evidence that is sufficiently relevant and material that a reasonable mind would accept it as adequate to support the conclusion reached as set forth by the putham County Municipal Code interested parties will be permitted to address the zoning board interesting interested parties is defined as persons prepared to submit evidence to the board and be willing to submit to cross-examination the zoning board will then hear from citizens Andor their representatives in support of the petition and answer questions if any posed by members of the zoning board the zoning board will then hear from citizens Andor Representatives who are against the petition and answer questions if POS if any posed by members of the commission comments by citizens either for or against the petition are called citizen comment while it is customary that each citizen be given three minutes to speak the chairperson has the authority to allow a citizen to speak longer I believe you will probably find that 3 minutes will suffice the chair will then allow the petitioner an opportunity to but any evidence offered against the petition the meeting will then be closed to public comment and it will return to the chair and the board for a decision uh may I ask that everyone please uh be civil with each other and um that's all I have Madam chair thank you very much thank you okay before we get started since there's a large group of people I'm assuming here for the borrow pit if you would raise your hand so I can sort of make a determination as to how many people okay well since you're such a large group we are going to change the agenda and we're going to hear the first case uh you're go you guys are going to be last uh because you're going to take up I'm sure considerable amount of time so the first um case this this afternoon will be my Amanda the um variance 24-0 001 so before we hear from the staff I have to ask U if any of the board members had an expar communication or a conflict of interest in this case so with roll call no no no no no okay if staff is ready please ify yourself thank you madam chair Jennifer Gazo planner 2 first case VAR is variance 24- [Music] 000000001 the applicant is Florida tiny homes LLC location is 145 little Orange Lake Drive in Hawthorne parcel size is 6 Acres zoning district is agriculture the future land use is agriculture the request is a variance from SS 45- 632b of the Land Development code to allow for a reduction of Road Frontage requirements from 120 ft to 100 ft to build a single family residence the subject parcel was created originally in 1971 as part of the flo Four Lakes unrecorded subdivision the lot size has not been changed since its creation the applicant purchased the parcel in 20 22 it was already zoned and the current size despite the non-conformity of the zoning District this is prior to the creation of the current comprehensive plan policies established on December 19th 1991 and the Land Development code which established minimum lot size and Road Frontage requirements the applicant's property is of insufficient size and Road Frontage for the agriculture zoning District however it is a lot of record the prop is allowed to bypass the density requirements and the minimum size requirements needed for the installation of a single family resident so long as they can meet the setback and Frontage requirements as outlined in LDC section 45-7 98 our aerial map [Music] zoning future land use staff finds that the requested variance meets the criteria required for issuance of a variance in LDC section 45- 833 staff recommends approval of the requested variance to allow for the reduction of Road furnit requirements from 120 ft to 100 feet in the agriculture zoning District questions do you have any questions for staff none okay thank you uh before we proceed uh let's do a site visit roll call please yes yes yes yes yes okay the applicant is Florida tiny Farms LLC do we have a representative today okay no representative um I haven't gotten any re requ EST for speaking for either for or against so is anyone wishing to come forward um to speak in favor of this application anyone wishing to come forward and speak in opposition okay no one's coming forward so I guess we take it on the Merit that we have in front of us so uh at this time we will close the uh comments and and uh to the public and open it up for board discussion and motion make a motion I move we approve variance V variance 24- z0000 z01 as it meets the criteria for variance as required by section 45- 833 of the putam County Land Development code and authorize the chair to sign the final order second okay we have a motion and second to approve variance 24- 000000001 is there any further comment if not all of those in favor please indicate by raising your right hand 1 two 3 four five all opposed zero so motion carries 5 Z so staff I guess you will have to notify the applicant of the results okay before we proceed we will do a the next one will be variance 24- 00002 uh we will do an expart communication and conflict of V just call no no no no no okay staff thank you very much again Jennifer gazell planner 2 variance 24- 00002 applicants are Larry and Tammy Lester location is 177 Morris Lake Drive in hawthor parcel size is 2.25 Acres soning district is agriculture future land use is agriculture this request is for a variance to allow for one accessory structure 480 Square ft with the proper permits in agriculture zoning District on 2.25 acre parcel the applicant's primary residence is addressed at 172 Morris Lake Drive in Hawthorne situated Southwest of the subject parcel LDC section 45-14 B stipulates in order to place an accessory structure on a lot or parcel separated by a public or private street from the principal use or structure the property owner must obtain a variance from the Zoning Board of adjustment following the requirements provided in article that is uh division 4 of this code in most cases the zboa has the ability to Grant a variance for an accessory structures to be developed across the street from primary residences however the location of the primary residence parcel and the subject parcel are not directly across from one another rather than approaching the zboa to consider an accessory use across the street from the primary use staff and the applicant agreed that the more appropriate request was to seek relief from the regulations of LDC section 45-106 D2 which allows the development of accessory structures on Standalone egg zoned parcel subject to property size and structure size we have our aial also showing the property owners house that's across the street our zoning future land use staff finds that the requested variance meets the criteria required for issuance of a variance in LDC section 45-8 33 staff gives the recommendation of approval of the requested variance to allow for the increase of square footage from 250 ft to 480 Square ft subject to the following condition the applicant shall either install Landscaping in the form of Shrubbery planted 24 in on Center at a height of 24 in at the time of planning or ra or retain in all natural vegetation along Morris Lake Drive with the exception of the area needed for driveway access questions any questions for staff okay before we proceed let's do a site visit roll call please yes yes yes yes yes okay the applicant is Larry and Tammy Lester are you here today okay there's no one coming forward okay so uh even if the applicant is not coming forward is there anyone in the audience wishing to speak in favor of this application no one's coming forward any wishing to speak in opposition okay at this time we will close it to the public and open it up for board discussion and motion Madame chairman I move we approve variance 24002 as it meets the criteria for the variance as required by section 45- 8333 833 of the putam County Land Development code with the condition recommended by staff and authorize the chair to sign the final order second we have a motion and second to approve variance 24- 00000000 Z2 is there any further discussion if none all those in favor please indicate by raising your right hand 1 two 3 4 five okay five motion carries 5 Z staff you will need to I guess uh notify the applicant of the 30-day appeal process as well as the outcome okay we do an next parte communication and conflict of interest for uh next application of variance 24- 00000000 Z3 no no no no no okay staff thank you again Jennifer gazelle planner 2 this is variance 24- 00003 the applicant is John and Genevie mamino location is 110 Gem Lake Drive In Crescent City parcel size is 0 .67 acre zoning district is agriculture future land use is agriculture the request is a variance from Land Development code 45-105 to reduce setbacks for an accessory structure this property was originally recorded on April 27th 1971 in its current configuration and legal description the applicant became legally connected to the parcel on November 11th 2000 the parcel had a home developed on it before the applicant obtained the parcel several Provisions in the LDC are already in place for reducing the setback requirement LDC section 45- 514 in particular grants even greater reduction for the preservation of trees with a caliber of 6 in or greater than that which the applicant is requesting as such no special privileges are being granted the applicant is claiming tree prote protection as their reason for needing this variance if if the applicant had settled for a smaller variance staff could have administratively granted it however due to the need for more space a board variance was required our aerial view zoning future land use staff finds that the requested variance meets the criteria required for issuance of a variance in LDC section 45833 staff recommends approval of the variance for the reduction of setback requirements for an accessory structure in the agriculture zoning district from 25 ft on the front to 10 ft and from 10 ft on the sides to 5T questions any questions okay um staff I need to recant on the expart communication for me I had forgotten that uh I was looking for the property and the sign was down and so there was a gentleman walking along the street with his dog and so I asked him where the property was and he said that's mine and so uh that was no discussion of the case whatsoever okay well Madam chair was there anything in or about this communication which would affect your ability to consider and decide this matter in a fair and Equitable manner no none okay I guess we're up for site visit roll call then yes yes yes yes yes okay um John and Geneva mamino okay would you like to come forward are you okay so you're not will you don't need to speak today okay you're good okay all right is there anyone in the audience with wishing to come forward and speak in favor of this application anyone wishing to come forward and speak in opposition if none this will be closed to the public and open up for board motion and discussion Madame chairman I move we approve variance 24003 as it meets the criteria for variance as required by section 45833 of the putam County Land Development code and authorize the chairman to sign the final order second uh we have a motion and second to approve variance 24- 00000000 Z3 any other comments okay all of those in favor please indicate by raising your right hand Mo carries 5 Z however there is a 30-day appeal process so if you have any questions or concerns please work closely with staff now if anybody if you two do not want to stay feel free to get up and leave or or you can sit for the other presentations thank you and good luck in your Endeavor okay the next case up we will do is V is I'm sorry special use permit 24- 0000001 we will do expart communication and conflict of interest roll call no no no I had two uh phone calls this morning wanting to know the correct email address so I could be sent a I guess a letter of concern and uh opposition so the case was not discussed though that'll be fine Madam chair that'll suffice no okay this application is for a borrow area in the agriculture zoning District the applicant is KBS holding Inc agent is golf stream designs Group LLC location is at 731 Coral Farms Road in Flor home future land uses agriculture zoning District agriculture The Proposal is for a special use permit to allow for a borrow area before I go into the details um and the background information I just wanted to make everyone in the room aware that this is the first step in a very long process um should this be approved today it then has many different agencies that it has to go through for final approvals before a shovel can be put in the ground should this be approved today it will then go to Dr r c when all of the different agencies will then be involved um Department of Health D um Public Works many different other agencies that are going to take a look at this I just want you all to be aware of if this leaves here today with an approval that does not mean they're going to start digging tomorrow the project site comprises of eight Parcels totaling 33348 Acres the borrow area will encompass 30 Acres the maximum depth of borrow activities are 60 ft the parcel has direct access to Coral Farms Road the borrow pit to be completed in four phases over a 5-year period borrow activities will avoid areas of wetlands and include a 25- ft buffer between borrow activities and the wetlands the hours of operation will be 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday and the Reclamation plan is an artificial fish pond our aerial view of all eight Parcels zoning future land use Wetlands staff finds that the proposed borrow area meets the criteria first special use permit staff recommends approval subject to the following conditions the property owner shall submit a recorded Declaration of unity of title for the parcels to be affected by the borrow area and a borrow area permit shall be issued prior to removal of material from the site and the site work permit shall be granted for no more than 5 years with the opportunity to renew the site development permit for one additional 5-year period and all excavations shall be a minimum of 25 ft from property lines of a budding property in separate ownership and a minimum 25 ft natural vegetative buffer will be maintained between excavation area and wetlands and the side slopes of the borrow area will be kept at a maximum 4:1 slope and the applicant shall provide a letter of credit slity Bond or cash equival equalent for the Reclamation of the site and the amount to be determined by the Department of Public Works prior to the commencement of any borrow activities and a 6ot high fence shall enclose the excavated area and the hours of operation shall be limited to 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday and the existing vegetation between the proposed borrow area and any residential structure existing at the time of site work permit approval shall be retained in order to ensure sufficient buffer from the proposed use questions I have a question um clarification because it says a 30 acre borrow pit I always thought there was a restriction of five acres per borrow pit I defer to Zachary Baker on that Zachary Baker planning and development services if I can address your question madam shair any borrow area in which the dirt is leaving the site in which it was excavated larger than 1/8 of an acre requires a special use permit borrow areas can be up to 30 Acres anything over 31 Acres or more is considered a mine has to be processed as a mine there has to be a master mining plan it has to have a future land use and Zoning designation of that of a mine so this is not a typical borrow pi pit then it's considered a mine no ma'am no ma'am this is this does not constitute a mine there's all we're doing here is Excavating dirt there's no processing of dirt and it does not exceed the threshold for what a mine would be okay so it cannot exceed the threshold of 30 Acres that's correct okay okay any other questions all uh list to a site visit roll call please yes yes yes yes yes before we continue um I know we have I think some attorneys in the office and then the audience today can would you please identify yourselves if you are an attorney Okay the reason I ask is that uh we're it's going to handle this is going to be handled a little bit differently today because the presentation by the applicant at any time if you are not an attorney with that group you can object and ask for clarification so like a semi Court procedure so this is something different that we're doing today than we've done maybe in the past so just wanted to clarify that so the objection is right then and there and you're not waiting until they finish okay thank you very much okay the applicant up stream is crabs holding ink would you crabs holding or um and the agent is Gulf Stream Design Group LLC so please uh state your name and address for the record good afternoon um my name is Matt lah I'm with GF stream Design Group 2225 State Road A1A South I'm sorry didn't catch it 2225 State Road A1A South St Augustine Florida all right thank you Stuart cribs the owner at cribs Holdings and Cribs Land Development address is 141 starlake Drive Hawthorne Florida 32640 okay hi David Matthews um I'm at 70 Tahiti Cove St John's Florida 32259 okay thank you co Madam chair uh m attorney thank you very much for the opportunity staff's been great to work with uh we have uh a PowerPoint here that will um I think potentially provide some additional information for staff the public the board um I will give a brief introduction to the team a quick project overview uh and just complement a few of the things that staff has already given you in some additional detail as previously discussed KBS holding Inc is the applicant uh G stream Des group uh I'm the civil engineer of record here a licensed professional civil engineer in the State of Florida uh since 2010 okay well I'm having difficulty hearing I don't know if anybody else yeah sure I can I can speak up EXC that's no problem uh Mark Mark haydenbrook is the project surveyor uh Legacy engineering is the Project's geotechnical engineer uh and iar's ecological Services is handling all of the environmental components of this as you heard from staff there's no Wetlands on site I'll let the uh the applicant just provide a few moments of statement here on the overview of their operations before we proceed with the rest of the presentation hi Dave Matthews um yeah we felt at this time it would just be good to uh describe Krebs Holdings and Krebs Land Development I am an employee with Krebs Land Development Krebs Holdings is the property owner uh owned by steuart Krebs Krebs Land Development is a contracting company that specializes in land clearing and site prep work for residential civil and Mining projects and Krebs Land Development would be the operator of the borrow pit so we felt it would be good just who is CBS Land Development so Krebs is a putam county based company headquartered here in Paca it was begun in 2006 when steart Krebs when the iuca mine was operating I don't know if any of you are familiar with the iuca resources mind but when that announced closure in 2006 Stuart was laid off and he acquired some equipment from that mining company and opened up his Earth moving company and over time since 18 years from 2006 to 2024 he has grown that business to Encompass various yeah civil works for both public and private companies um he has 41 putam County based employees and this project would support about 15 either direct or indirect jobs on the borrow pit whether they're actually working at the site or back in the maintenance shop maintaining equipment and so on and so forth uh I'd also just like to point out that Krebs has a stellar safety record I know safety may be of concern and um a lot of the work that we do falls under mind safety and health administration and and um there are very strict safety rules in that sort of genre and um we do have a very excellent safety record anything else yes at the end of the day so we we've acquired this property in FL home and and it's pretty valuable to us in a sense of the the natural look it's 350 adjoining acres and and and to everyone here from floor home we don't hunt the property if you guys ever see anyone out there hunting just let my wife Rebecca KBS know but the the reason for the borrow pit is just we we we thinking at the end of the project it would be a an attractive feature of the land you know just having a pond you know who doesn't really like to have a pond if if you have that much land to do it on and also just to sort of try to capitalize and get some kind of return without some kind of huge transition of the property um so that's the the primary focus we have at cribs is just to try to keep this local type work going in our mind a lot of these dump trucks you see running up and down the road now we're not really adding additional trucks there I wouldn't think we're just sort of getting the source within the county um just for instance for septic Mounds for new development this material would work good for that and house pads and and then also we do Supply um U asphalt sand to a couple of asphalt plants and so they're putting a couple of those up in putham County I'm hearing so that's our primary goal there um is just to capitalize a little bit off of the land but then also in return have an attractive feature within the land um so that's just wanted to give you guys our mindset on what we're thinking here okay thank you any questions for either one of these gentlemen this okay thank you so as staff discussed uh comprehensive plan Land Development code consistency uh we're in the A1 future land use category uh we're in the AG zoning District uh it's an allowable use within the AG zoning District uh and the intent here is consistent with the rural nature of the land uh keeping in mind that we have the FPL solar field directly to the north of us just a site location there where you can see the actual project limits in Gold uh and the property boundary in Blue uh so this is pretty well set back into the property uh as discussed several parcel IDs we have provided an application for the unity of title um just a quick zoning map overview there showing that planned unit development directly to the north of us uh agriculture future land use map um you can see floram to the south of us there uh here's a copy of our overall part plan uh to the northern boundary we're about 614 ft to the property line the southern boundary about 322 ft uh the eastern boundary is about 1,175 ft uh and the western boundary is about 1,677 ft to the edge of our project limits so uh this this proposed project is is embedded fairly well into the property taking up about 88.7% of the total site as discussed phase one will include about a 5 acre borrow pit um phase two will expand to construct about a 20 to 22 acre pit and a 3 Acre steeling Basin all remaining within that 30 acre or under project limits okay you start out really great and then you sort of so continue the volume please no problem that's fine um so distances to Res residential structures uh LDC minimum is 100 fet uh we're providing 330 ft to the nearest residents to the south of us there uh Hall Road map as discussed we will exit to the south of the Clay Electric substation there uh there is an existing cell tower on site there's an existing access easement for that cell tower that the KBS have provided to the uh owner of that Tower so we will utilize a portion of that existing Road on site to access uh the project uh Hall Road will be constructed in accordance with the Land Development code directly access Coral Farms Road uh as you saw in your staff report Coral Farms Road has a capacity of 14,300 daily Vehicles it's currently operating at about 1,300 uh so it's only operating right now at about 9% of its capacity excuse me excuse me excuse me hours of operation per the Land Development code will be from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday uh no hauling on Sundays uh anticipate 120 daily maximum trips 60 entering 60 exiting uh screening and buffering what you can see there in blue is the 50ft perimeter buffer uh as discussed you know we're no closer than 322 feet to uh the nearest boundary line just a quick overview of that Hall Road uh you can see the Clay Electric substation there directly to the north um and we will have that drive connection as staff mentioned permitted uh through Public Works through DRC 6ft Fen is called out there along the RightWay line uh 6 foot high rolling and locking gate will be about 75 ft into the property uh and all in accordance with the putham County Land Development code uh no trespassing signs will be placed every 400 ft down the RO way onsite some of this access easement you see here is part of what we discussed previously with the cellone tower but we will have a 20 foot on-site Hall Road uh on this slide you can see the phasing uh phase one is inset within the the larger proposed pit there uh future pit will be uh there with the steing Basin for the drainage uh special use site plan here as we provided with with our application uh no land disturbances other than the proposed 30 Acres uh 50ft perimeter buffer minimum will be exceeded uh Hall Road will restabilize and improve uh within that existing easement on site the restoration plan uh Rim ditches will be Dem mucked and filled uh reestablish the slopes in accordance with the Land Development code and provide stabilization of the Disturbed areas in accordance with the FD guidance finally we will remove all silt fence when the Project's done uh adjacent well map we research these Wells through the Florida Department of Health uh puam Land Development plam County Land Development code requires a minimum of 200 feet setb from any portable water well uh the nearest portable water well to our project is about 999 ft based on putam County GIS another layer of the permitting process as staff mentioned will be through the Water Management District uh as part of that permitting process we will have to provide a groundwater draw down study and that will that will provide results of potential groundwater draw down uh based on any watering activities uh those typically do not exceed the property boundaries uh but that model will provide reasonable assurance that there will not be any draw down of adjacent Wells facility map uh we are to the north of of Flor home there the majority of our truck traffic will be driving to the South there's a few churches um but again we will not be operating on days no lighting no signs are proposed um so in accordance with the LDC we will just have the no trespassing signs but there won't be any lighting this won't be a nighttime operating activity just wanted to provide you guys a Speedway and and speed limit exhibit here shown here it's 45 in front of the project site decreases to 35 in Flor home uh and increase is back to 45 when the trucks hit State Road 100 uh adjacent driveways uh just wanted to show you here that our driveway will be consistent with the minimum spacing per the putam County Land Development code uh and again will be permitted through the public works department as staff mentioned there is no FEMA flood plane on the site so we don't have any FEMA work to address here uh there will are a few gu or tortoises within the project limits as staff mentioned there are no Wetlands but all the go for tortoises will be permitted and relocated on site uh in accordance with the FWC permit criteria site Safety and Security uh site will be fenced and gated along the public RightWay with no public with no trespassing signs every 400 ft uh gate will be locked daily by the operator uh and as you heard the applicant mentioned previously with their safety record they are responsible for all on-site safety and operations just a quick summary here all operations will be in in accordance with all applicable permits for the site uh we're only using up about 88.7% of this site uh we're exceeding the Land Development setback criteria by at least 200% and uh when excavation is completed the restoration plan will include a stocked fish pond with that we're here to answer any questions that the board may have I have a couple of questions anybody else have questions I have one um in your application it was quite lengthy I was trying to read it and and it says that um there's no let me see when oh when was the traffic study completed because you made mention of the uh use of the cor spring of coral Farms Road it was only at like 9% capacity yes ma'am that was in the staff report uh so that came maybe I didn't maybe I didn't I thought I printed out everything was was a traffic um study completed no ma'am it's not a traffic study it's a traffic count um traffic count yes ma'am and that information was gathered in 2022 2022 yes ma'am and who did the information or the Gathering um I can't remember the name of the firm but it went out for bid through the RFQ process um and we we awarded them the contract they they did a traffic count on approximately 76 roads throughout the county um and fortunately uh because it's not always the case Coral Farms Road was one of those roads that they gathered data on okay that's when you run over the the black' thing on the road okay and just out of curiosity from my own knowledge is like uh explain the sum Pro process the steing Basin it says um just says the um find my place where I am so the still with install erosion in sediment controls and then you go down to evacuation of area to begin in the development of the material stmp for connection to dewatering pump so uh these bar pits there's multiple methods of dewatering uh you have well points you have socking and trenching uh these bar pits are typically excavated by reaching a point deeper than the water table uh using the equipment to dig uh into to the water table and then you put a pump uh into that sump that you've created uh it's part of uh almost any bar pit that is dug I would believe in the State of Florida is it pumped back into the it's pumped into the stealing Basin so there's a 2.3 or just over 2 Acres steing Basin that is there uh the in order to excavate dry excavate the material from the pit uh the water is pumped from the pit bottom up into the steing basin uh any sediment settles out into that steing Basin uh and the water is then transferred via gravity into the rim ditch which surrounds the pit uh the rim ditch is what allows the the non sediment water to reinfiltration M um how close is the aquafer to this particular piece of property or is it in question here I don't believe that's in question if that was directed at me well I was I thought maybe staff had um I was going to ask staff that we don't have that information ma'am okay do you as the applicant have that information as far as the aquafer is concerned we have not completed the groundwater model as of yet uh that would come with the actual technical Construction plan permits but uh in all of these that I've done uh We've provided that reasonable assurance and uh there is no adjacent offsite draw down of the ground water speak up Sir you cannot interrupt we will get I will get to you in just a minute unless you're an attorney no are you are you an attorney okay then we will I will get to you in a minute we we are still conducting the question excuse me thank you okay and the other question I have I've is that in your St in your uh report it says it will not diminish or impair property values has a real estate or broker been involved in determining any of this information uh no ma'am not on on our behalf okay is this going to for staff is this going to be a requirement we do not have anyone on staff to do that correct we do we do not have a property appraiser uh within the planning and zoning department however the putam county property appraisers office is one of the reviewing members of the development Review Committee okay all right thank you and then also on 7-10 it says that the pro proposed special use will not adversar affect the general public health safety and Welfare of the resident of putam County um an application may not be denied on these basis unless the Zoning Board of adjustment makes findings as to the specific manner in which the proposed use would have such adverse effects my question is when did the responsibility fall on the Zoning Board of adjustment to decide those adverse effects is that just based on the criteria Madam chair yes ma'am the the Zoning Board of adjustment is to ensure uh adherence to those 10 issuance criteria in 45 1083 staff's uh objective is to demonstrate how those criteria meet with the requirements of the Land Development code and the comprehensive plan so we are simply making a recommendation to you based on our analysis of those two documents and the criteria and the proposed development at hand okay just had never seen that before okay I guess that's all my questions so any other questions from Lord you took care of all of them I have an observation uh looking at your map here how close does the southern part of this property come to you uh 100 State Road 100 we are about one mile so you don't butt right up next to no sir okay okay okay um any other questions from from staff for these gentlemen to answer your question we are we're just under one mile from our driveway connection down Coral Farms Road yeah so what I was getting to is if the property came to 100 would it be possible for the trucks to come in and leave that area and stay off of Carl Farms Road yes ex everybody there's a a couple things there so there give us a chance we will have a chance to speak sorry there is a driveway entrance there um but it goes across the Rails to Trails and it it has restrictions on it and also to get across there you'd have to cross through a wetland on the southern end of the property and so it wouldn't it it would just be a lot more in and I I just you know we just didn't think it would be feasible cuz on top of that Wetland Crossing You' then have to get permission to go across the well I was I was just concerned that yes sir probably 90% of the concern out here is the traffic on Coral Farms Road and if there was an alternate way you could come in and out that might could take care of a lot of the objections I think that the consideration of that direct access to to the Rails to Trails and and having that extra potential vehicular and pedestrian interaction at that site uh is probably a less safe alternative than utilizing the intersection of coral Farms Road and State Road 100 can pardon me excuse my understanding you know corals Farm the road as logging trucks and heavier trucks using it uh during the day I'm not a resident there I don't live there I I fully acknowledge that but my understanding from some of the residents there is that there is uh existing heavy truck traffic out there so uh the majority of these trucks will be kreb's own drivers uh and each one of these drivers does maintain a professional certification uh so just want you to keep that in mind uh you know some of the other concerns I don't believe you're going to hear any engine braking uh you're you know at 4,200 feet from our exit to uh to state road 100 I just don't see those trucks being able to accelerate and then decelerate so you're probably looking at 35 to 40 miles an hour down that entire Road I can speak up I'm sorry just tell me if I get too loud okay I'll go back to that way I'd rather have you loud that's great uh so yeah I think that you're going to hear that uh you know there's existing truck traffic out there when some of the public gets up to speed and uh again these are professional drivers that this is their job uh this isn't a site that is open to the public where anybody's going to be there with their pickup truck and a dump trailer getting loaded for dirt uh these will be Krab's own drivers and vehicles and citizens and residents of putam County as you heard them say uh operating these vehicles okay thank you chair okay miss m rley um is it possible for uh staff to pull up a map again so I can take a look at it um just that one okay how many residents are affected if you can tell me from your exited road down to 100 uh you mean along Coral Farms Road how many I have I can look that up for you while the public is I I would like to know how how many people reside between your exit on to Coral Farms Road and to one to get to 100 okay let me work on that while while we have public comment I think we' got some time to to you that answer Madame chair if I may yes Miss Ratcliffe if we were able to tell you how many notification letters we sent out would that be sufficient we made sure to grab everyone more or less in that Southeast corner of the property between coral Farm State Road 100 and the property itself in question uh it would help there there sir you'll get your time there were 159 notification letters sit out okay thank you is that 159 individual as where is that considered a household we sent it to uh Property Owners so 159 Property Owners all right thank you okay any other questions for okay I'm going to ask do any of the attorneys have anything they would like to cross examine do you like to come forward please Gentlemen Just Stay you may need you may be needed okay please for the record state your name and address yes thank you madam chair my name is Byron flag I'm an attorney with the law firm gray Robinson in Gainesville Florida and I represent uh Mr and Mrs uh Louise and James Clark they are owners of property immediately adjacent to the project site and later on when I have an opportunity to present uh my information to you I will have a map and an affidavit from my client to show you exactly where their property is located okay uh Madam chair if I may I have a couple of questions of the applicant okay um this uh question is for uh uh Mr lahit I believe it is LTI thank you um would you agree that the project location that you're applying for a borrow pit is actually located in an area that's designated in the future land use map series as an aquafer recharge area would you agree to that statement that it is a re charging area I'm I'm asking if I just wanted to clarify because I didn't understand what you said yes Madam chair I think if I can get this questions and respond give him a chance to research and sure and just for the record my my question is asking them to confirm that the project area location for this proposed borrow pit is actually located within the low impact area to the aquifer um recharge area map that's included in your County's future land use plan um that's my question is it or is it not um and Mr lah um please speak into the mic a little bit do you agree that uh your your firm is not conducted a traffic impact study for the um expected number of trucks that will be using the county public roads in the immediate area do you agree with that statement I'll come back to question that that's my question if you can go ahead and answer that's the last one no I have several more um what size will the dump trucks or the trucks that will be removing the material what size of trucks are those uh proposed to be or will they be um that's my third question my fourth question is how many tons of material that are excavated from the borrow pit will be placed into each one of these trucks that's my fourth question we'd like to know exactly what size of trucks will be hauling Material off and how much will they weigh I'd also like to know my other question Mr L is whether or not you've consulted with a traffic engineer or a road engineer to determine the impacts to the public road that will be caused by those dump trucks that are hauling that material uh especially on Coral Farms [Music] Road our other question is has your firm conducted any historical resources surveys or archaeological surveys uh regarding this site where you're proposing to put the borrow pit we have a question for the property owner Mr Krebs whether or not after the um Barrow pit is converted into a fish pond whether or not there are future plans for any kind of residential development associated with that future fish pond Krabs do you want to answer that now or you want to wait until you come back with all the rebuttal okay um and for the um agent for the property owner um do you agree that the Reclamation plan that you've submitted with your application is that the entire content of your Reclamation plan um or is there anything else regarding your Reclamation plan that you will be submitting to the county uh after this date and have you regarding uh a traffic count and impacts of the County Roads would you all agree that uh when you break down 80 trucks per day operating to and from your site from 700 a.m. to 6:00 p.m Monday through Saturday would you agree that that equals or approximates to about one truck operating on the site or leaving the site or coming to the site every seven to eight 7even to8 minutes per hour uh with regards to uh the safety U procedures that you all follow follow you earlier mentioned that you follow safety procedures similar to mining operations my clients have a question regarding whether or not that includes uh reverse warning beeps on heavy vehicles and whether anytime a vehicle is backing up on the property whether it is required by mining safety operations or OSHA safety operations or your own safety operations to sound off a warning beep and whether that will be emanating across the area and also would you agree that whether or not Coral Farms Road is designated as a quote local Road in your compreh in the County's comprehensive uh plan and on the future land use map series and that those comprehensive plan questions may be questions that staff can answer that's all I have for now thank you m chair okay Mr Le you want to take a little time before we I understand you want to take a little time before you respond all the attor okay yeah that'll be fine unless you just want to sit back and and think about the answers to his questions no we can run through the rest of the attorneys May some consistent ones here and then all right sounds good try to re I come forward Madam chair I was going to ask we have a microphone here helpful that way bring Madam chair good morning good afternoon rather my name is Jeremiah Blocker from the Douglas Law Firm I work out of the Okala office I'm here representing a number of different residents here I'll give this okay I have a question uh for for attorney my our attorney if he's representing um the residents are is he speaking for them at this time or are they going to be allowed to also speak no ma'am they'll be allowed to speak okay thank you yes sir thank you ma'am so if I can just ask Mr L just a couple of questions um I want to make sure I'm not touching on what my colleagues offer here but just to clarify there has been no traffic study conducted that to your knowledge is that correct yeah that's correct we've provided what's a requirement uh with the application process for the Land Development code and a traffic impact analysis is not part of that understood you can just do a yes or no this this would be I I understand uh no groundwater study that has not been completed yet okay no property appraisal has been conducted not yet no sir okay um any sinkhole studies that you're aware of uh no sir okay um are you aware of how many bus stops are located along Canal Farms Road uh on Coral Farms Road no sir not particularly okay so you you so the answer is no you do not know the the exact number no sir um are you aware of any cost evaluations or feasibility studies from proving or researching that Canal Farms Road by either it's Coral Sor coral Coral Farms Road fighting off a okay cold here um are you aware of any feasibility studies for the cost of resurfacing that road uh no sir okay are you aware of the county having any future plans to resurface that road not no sir okay and you can say no that's fine I don't I don't know if you know or not so that's what we're asking um I Heard testimony earlier I may have to ask Mr Matthews this but I'll ask you as well um I believe it was brought up um that lights there will be no lighting at the site is that correct that's correct okay how what is the safety protocol during uh when you're early early uh you know Sunset hours during the winter months what's what's the safety protocol for that going to be I'll have to let the applicant address that okay is that Mr Matthews Mr C all right well why don't we do this can can Mr can we get Madam chair can a microphone that way he can answer my questions guys you can go over there and stand yeah thank you Mr L I think we're good let's yeah so usually when we load out the first load in the morning we wait for the day break to you know come and so that's really in our other operations that's that's what we use as a metric sort of so 7: a.m. the equipment can start up and start prepping material and getting it ready and then you know if it's still dark we'll wait till wait for day break okay so c c sir could you elaborate I understand so y'all would wait for day break and you elaborate on that cuz you're going to have you know this time change sunset different hours just visibility so the drivers are trained to if there's not good visibility they they stop their trucks okay what about times where you're having driving where you know the time changes right it's the winter months they're driving along the road I mean it's not like flip a switch and sunlight is gone what are the safety protocols y'all will put in place other than what you stated it's the same thing they go by just the visibility so the time doesn't matter it's the visibility Okay so visib if the fog is really dense they Park their trucks they pull over and who is assuring that who is the quality control on that making sure that's happening well we have several safety officers and then we have a truck foran okay who is responsible for making sure that that's followed through is that you sir as applicant yes sir okay so you have the ultimate responsibility of that at the end of the day yes okay thank you thank you madam chair now any other questions from the attorneys actually m i do I do have one more let me just clarify state your name again for the record uh Jeremiah Blocker ma'am so just to clarify Mr Greg so you as the owner so you will be responsible for ensuring these safety Protocols are followed yes sir will you be at this site during the hours of operation no sir we delegate leadership down and I'm the ultimate responsibility but we have leaders that are trained to follow those protocols will that be Mr Matthews no sir okay all right thank you thank you ma'am okay thank you all right we're going to proceed with having uh comments from the residents of coral Farms sir question please come back to the podium uh just for purposes of maintaining a a record keeping a record I was hoping that the applicant and their uh agent would be be able to answer my questions yes record right now oh they you want them answer right this minute or you're not going to give them time to go back and and think about it I I can provide the majority here right now that's fine as previously discussed with with Mr blocker uh the traffic impact analysis is not part of the application process uh so that has not been provided uh neither has the groundwater study that is all forthcoming with the technical applications to the Water Management District it's not a requirement of the putam County Land Development code for this this hearing all up Mr Krebs and Mr Matthews address the size of the dump trucks the tons of material they may not have that that tonnage math here today the historical resources and and cultural assessment is all part of the water management districts the St John's River Water Management District permit application process so that will be met at that time uh I'll have to let the applicant address the reverse warning lights the tons of material the future plans um um so I'll let the applicant address the size of the dump trucks uh and the material placed in them so the the material placed in the trucks we have two different types we have the tractor trailer trucks and the straight dump trucks and so we have six of the tractor trailer trucks and the rest are the smaller dump trucks and our guys are are really familiar with overweight tickets so they know that that's a negative impact on them and some of the loading equipment not all of it has scales on board so they're able to get that ride on and once they get that feel for how many buckets it takes to fill the truck with that type of material it's been a non-issue for us um and so the smaller trucks will haul 18 tons the larger trucks they can get up to 25 but they're spread out over I mean it's all within compliance with the dot and so the buil I would imagine the dot would have or the county would have built these roads to to handle that ground pressure Adam okay you have some just briefly uh quick followup sure questions thank you madam chair um so talk to the mic Please Mr Krebs um just to be clear you're not you're not sure whether or not your trucks are uh rated to be able to operate on Coral Farms Road which is a County Road you don't know that for sure correct there's no weight limits that I'm aware of um and the one question good job Mr lah I'm trying to answer all my questions I've just got one other follow-up question are you aware that the project site is within a uh within the County's uh future land use map series for aquafer recharge areas I do not have that answer at my fingertips that is one that I need to answer unless you're telling me that if you knew that would you have put that in your application materials I would have yes did not come up during any of the review process or the comments with staff thank you madam chair thank you sir does that conclude I think the final conversation here was about coral Farms Road and the condition of coral Farms Road typically with these applications the applicant would take asphalt cores to determine the existing conditions of coral Farms Road prior to the commencement of operations uh and then there would be a bond placed with the county uh which would account for any impacts that occur to Coral Farms Road due to the operations uh would be covered either by the applicant or that Bond okay I have a question because there was a statement There Was 80 truckloads of round trip would be 160 but I thought in the application it only said 60 60 UH 60 total but in round trip would be yes ma'am okay cuz there was a statement of 80 and so that'd be 160 yeah for the record 60 okay and those are all maximums right those are maximum operating hours those are maximum truck trips uh by no means could that Encompass the minimums or the averages that's a correct that's a maximum okay all right thank you okay then we will go back to um having the residents be able to speak but since there's a large number of people that want to speak we are I am going to limit the comments from the residents to 3 minutes so uh we have a timer and we are going to please ask ask you to adhere to that time limit because I have a lot of people that want to come up and talk so uh please be snct and feel free to give us your opinion and be civil about it okay so the first one that I have I'm going to start with um Mr Thomas Moore is has a speaker card here for in favor of so Mr Moore would you like to come up please give us your name and address for the record yes ma'am my name is Thomas Moore I live at 130 East Dogwood Road which is basically directly across the street from where they're going to be B doing the burrow pit I am also an employee of cribs I I am the manager of all the trucks I run the safety I run all the production the karms road has been rebuilt not too long ago the bridge was upgraded which we will not be crossing the bridge but um the um the burrow pit it's no different from any other pit that we drive in the only two mines that we drive in is Newberry and Jacksonville those are mines what we're doing we're just digging a little dirt for a pond nothing major um please hold hold your comments everybody's going to have a chance and it's just asking you please to be civil that's all okay continue that's it I run all the trucks there won't be 120 trucks rolling in there I I've run round trip it be there's 10 trucks and two of them are spares so and we usually run about anywhere from five to 10 loads a day per truck depending on how far it's got to be driven okay that's it all right any questions from Mr Moore from staff or I mean from board okay thank you sir right I have one here that says it's neutral so Mr Richard back don't please wait yeah we do because we want you on we want you on record my name's Richard Beck I live in directly AC acoss from the solar panel Farm on coil Farms Road may I ask a question of the KBS company sir you ask us okay what entry and exit point for this operation are they currently using okay I thought that was answered but keep continuing and I will let um the gentleman for the um the applicant come forward and answer that so understand there's been no hydrology study done other than or has anyone contacted or proof of contacting the St John's River Water Management other than stating that at the current step of the process will contact the St John's River Water Management District so I am believing that there is or has been no contact act to the Water Management District if I'm wrong please accept my apology if I'm right please insist that the evidence or information or question is answered for the the people who are most affected uh as far as the traffic studies done Florida Power and Light and all its gracious attitud ude and required by the County Commission I believe resurfaced portions of coril Farms Road due to the traffic coming in and out but the most of the traffic was personal vehicles employees very few semi loads of material I think there was um 700 800 panels delivered those were not that heavy what we're talking about is a lot of weight on a dump truck the area that they want to m is at least a reusable property if it is operated and owned right if the owners of the property decide for a sale after a 5year use that would be great maybe somebody could have her own 30 acre fish pond and it could be used as an agricultural project or ownership where's the dirt gr does anybody know absolutely I reckon they don't so nobody's answered it doesn't matter I could understand Mr KB's position about out it may take longer to get the dirt to wherever it's going but where is it going you could carry this project on for 5 years they are going to forlane Highway 100 between Stark and the airport in Paca that's in the plan 2025 as soon as they finish up the overpass project in Stark is that three minutes you got three minutes that's it yes sir when can can I get the aners to my question I will I'll tell you what uh before we started this meeting I think the planners had said that there is a long process and this is the first step so Mr Baker would you like to explain everything else that is in entailed in getting this application up and going thank you thank you madam chair um so yes if the Zoning Board of adjustment takes action and approves the request today um there's starts off a 30-day appeal period from there we we look to the development Review Committee the development Review Committee is chaired by the planning department we reach out to name a state agency and they have eyes on the project um we have um notes and hearing processes meetings that take place for that committee um in which every single agent that is invited comes in and decides whether or not the proposed use satisfies their regulations again whether that's de St John's River Water Management District do Public Works you name it they will have a say on this project once all of the committee members agree unanimously that this project can move forward we issue a final development order to the applicants from there the applicants then have to provide us with a borrow pit application that Barrow pit application will include water table studies uh core samples uh dust and and erosion control plans you have it to ensure that this will not degrade the groundwater um once all of those criteria have been reviewed and approved by our public works department then we would issue the fiveyear site work permit the applicants would have 5 years to complete their excavation they cannot for whatever reason due to the requirements of the Land Development code they have the ability to extend if they fail to extend within 30 days of that expiration then the special use permit is null and void they have to come back in front of the board and go through that process all over again so orig my questions are basically just talked around but not answered but I thank you for your time Madam chairman I yield well I don't see us talking around it I just see that the process is a little bit more involved than everybody realizes it's just not um approval or denial here so anyway that's my to okay um uh James McDavid is in opposition would you like to come forward please state your name and address for the records my name is James McDaniel I live at 135 East corbino Way FL Florida am I let it begin yes so first of all I want to say please talk please speak into the mic because everybody in the audience wants to be able to hear what you say understand first of all thank you for taking the time to listen to the residents of our community and our ears about this pit and then all the work that you guys do to make sure that our community is zoned responsibly that being said I do have three opposition points to this B pit the first one being ecological or environmental there were a lot of there's obviously been a lot of research into the feasibility of this project but in ecology and environmental Sciences we say one thing that you never just change one thing everything always has cascading unintended consequences that are if even possible to predict take much more time than has been devoted into this process I am really worried about the flood increase risk when this project is completed we are going to be removing the grasses and the trees that are already working for us to absorb a lot of the excess water oak trees for instance are able to move a whole ton of water every single day that they are photosynthesizing the grasses reached 6 in or more down into the Earth to hold on to the sediments Flor home doesn't have a big problem with Flooding at the moment that's due to our stewardship of our environment if we're coming in here and changing and cutting things down and digging pits that's going to change insurance companies across the state are leaving if a big hurricane hits and we start to have flooding due to the mismanagement of our resources who's going to pay for all the damages the insurance companies aren't here no one can afford insurance even if insurance is here my second point is Genesis Book one chapter 26 tells us we have dominion over the Earth the sky the land the creatures that live here it is our job to do everything we can to protect them and to clear a whole area of natural landscape to big a big hole to take Dirt away from our community and take it somewhere else honestly it's kind of insulting to our community that that's all we're seen for is a resource extraction point and two this kind of a dereliction of the duty that we were given to protect our native and natural landscapes my third point is about traffic safety but not about the site safety if we look at the applications numbers and we take them at face value the trucks are going to be um increasing traffic by 11% if not more they mentioned the Rails to Trails um project as why they can't go out 100 they're Crossing that when they go um travel down through Coral Farms Road there's a baseball field right next to Coral Farms Road where the Rails to Trails project is we have a big Fall Festival across the street from the Rails to Trails project project there's a basketball court children are there they can be as safe as they want accidents happen accidents with dump trucks are more often fatal thank you for your time okay thank [Applause] you okay opposition Mr is it John West or mest I'm not sure how West w s I think West John West last name for the record please state your name and address I want to make sure I get in this microphone uh I can't hear okay okay uh yeah John West uh I live in Gainesville by to grew up in in uh floor home and that's my objective is to get I house built there the land I grew up on I have two sisters that live on that land we're not right next to this you could say we're across town but in Flor home that's right next to it it's a small community we're on a hill there's a canal a drainage Canal that goes around their property is laying right on it so everything that they do could affect a lot more than it sounds like we're in a little basket here uh my main concern is we're going down 60 feet we got a lot of wells they're that shallow and they've been that way for a long time um I think this in a small community like that what happens there will happen to all of us uh so I I know they haven't done a study on that yet I'm kind of surprised that they get any kind of a go-ahead until that's laid out uh that's that's my main concern another thing is the uh um uh Coral Farms if they come out and they go to 100 what what is dump truck look like when they take off and then we stop they're not like another car and when they start backing up and this is the main road for people to come and go the idea that we might get a fish pond on somebody else's land eventually is not great for me even in Gainesville I I still come about 60 times a year out to George's lake to go fishing on that road um when I was a kid we used to camp out in the woods and we could listen to everything that come up down that road we could tell what kind of truck it was I've had people complain over my side of town about noise that's happening across the highway and those aren't noises anything like we're going to hear from this place so those are my concerns the water the main thing I don't want to end up with you know half most of us having to dig new wells or anything that anything that they contaminate there will affect us all thank you thank you sir everybody please hold your applause you know we understand you all are emotionally about this but it's taking time all right next one an opposition is Curtis Meritt Mr Meritt please uh state your name and address for the record my name is Curtis Meritt I live on 147 East Dogwood Road I'm right there on the corner of coral farms and Dogwood um if I I guess I'm like everybody else there's several uh main concerns but I'm also looking at the fact that floor home has been and is a community a quiet community that uh involves people um we're not a desolate road with nobody on it um Flo home itself is one of the oldest subdivisions in putam County going back to the uh late 19th century the um the quality of life we're looking at you know is going to be impacted uh and I'm hoping that if this goes forward that at least we will be able to minimize that impact um there was talk about the um uh interfering with the foot traffic on the trail well Coral Farms Road I live there I see kids ride their bikes I see skateboarders on Coral Farms Road and yes it is a little bit busier than it should they should be out there but they're out there uh joggers the people walking there is foot traffic on Cor Farms Road and like we've also talked about there's yeah it goes right through a community people living right along the road so yeah see my concerns is you know this is going to impact our quality of life out there between the no the noise the extra traffic the extra hazards and uh I just hope that these are being addressed thank you thank you Mr Charles breed love state your name and address for the record please sir my name is Charles breed love wh I'm a little loud on that microphone there um I'm here to oppose the passing of the crib special use permit I'm an owner of 25 acres located at 413 North Pan Avenue in Flor home my property shares a common 845 ft with the parcel asking for the zoning variance I respectfully ask my opposition to become part of the official record of this hearing I'm concerned with the destruction of the land will affect our water quality health and safety of our citizens road conditions create noise and air pollution and lower our property values there are environmental impacts not only immediately but certainly long into the future as we all know water will find the easiest path to the lowest point removing soil 60 F feet deep off of 30 Acres can affect our wells and drown drain ground moisture which affects our livestock and crops be that hay or grapes the KBS company is required to have an erosion plan how does that affect the water flowing across our property to the low point will cribs or putam County be testing our water Wells require to Pro construction to monitor these Wells far into the future so citizen safety has to be a top concern Coral Farms Road has multiple school bus stops morning and afternoon these children are waiting beside the road well within a range of working time of these multi-ton sand huler trucks not talking about a small truck we're talking about semis not to mention the danger to stop school buses anyone who has taken the Drive North on Coral fors Road knows it is narrow the pavement is deteriorating edges are broken guard rails are extremely close and in some areas there's no shoulder and there are deep water filled ditches noting the current road condition what do citizens have to look forward to after the coming 5 years of abuse by oversized Vehicles Will putham County require Krebs company to cover the cost of repairs and resurfacing a document shared by Zachary Baker States the applic will not be adversely affect neighborhood properties no one on this zoning board can promise this please take note of the document provided to you where George Riker Used the information compiled by Miss Diane height which states properties's closest to the gravel mine face the largest value declines a gravel mine is not that different from a proposed borrow pit my property could lose 30% of its value I believe that is an adverse effect I don't feel we've had time to research this project thoroughly please delay your decision to allow this time to research and make competent decisions regarding this matter thank you very much for your time thank you I would just like to make a comment that I know there were several emails received by the staff and all of those are part of the record am I correct thank you Mr breed okay Mr Walter dinkla please state your name and address for the record good afternoon I'm Walter dink I reside at 139 East Dogwood Road which is one property away from Coral Farms Road however I grew up literally on poal Coral Farms Road uh born in grandon grew up in Flor home on land adjacent to the road so I've seen it since it was a dirt road all the way through its current state I like others have multiple concerns about the proposed borrow pit these include the impact on the water table the effect on property values Etc my focus will only be on the effect on Coral Farms Road itself while the staff recommendations address traffic counts it does not address impacts on the road itself Coral Farms may be best described as having characteristics of a tertiary Road being a tertiary Road means it is built to a lower standard than those with higher traffic counts it is intended to connect small relatively isolated communities and not as a theater to cities or Industries this road is more likely than others to provide direct connections to homes the pavement base and subbase are built to lighter standards the study titled pavement performances considerations for heavy traffic loads examined the impact of heavier vehicles on the service life of paved roads I can provide a full Citation for the study of desired the study analyzes the effect of different vehicle weights one of the findings was that a fully loaded 10 cubic yard cement truck roughly equivalent to a fully loaded dump truck had the same impact on a road in one passage as 5,100 passenger vehicles that means if you look at 60 per day as has been stated today that would have the same equivalent impact of 306,000 passenger vehicles or if you look at the 80 dump truck loads a day as was in the application that would be 48,000 passenger vehicle passages in one day another Finding was that these roads not those roads not subjected to routine heavy traffic use need minimal treatment their service life could be as much as 50 years in areas that saw a mix of heavy and light Vehicles the study found quote it was not uncommon to find a local access Street such as Farms that had undergone total structural failure intermingled with other streets that were in reasonably good shape study goes on to say quote the conclusion remains unchanged take glasses off here for a given pavement section an increase in loading applications beyond the assumed design loading model will hasten the deterioration of the pavement thus causing the pavement to reach its terminal serviceability index prematurely the effect of the proposed borrow pit would be to in increase County expenditures to maintain repair and repay Coral Farms Road without an offsetting increase in tax revenue it is in the G's best interest as well as those more locally affected to die deny access to from Coral Farms Road there is more if I can have like 10 seconds 10 seconds furthermore considering the impact addressed by others on the property values and indirectly proper property tax revenue harm to the water table decreased ability to mitigate environmental damage from storms Etc it would be in the best interest of the county to deny the special use permit thank you for your time and I will say I appreciate the efforts taken by the board and by the staff to address this approach thank you sir uh Leslie breed love hi my name is lesle breed love my property is at 4113 North Pine Avenue it has again as my husband said 845 feet of of shared shared fence okay um I know there was a little bit of talk uh mentioned of the wildlife um my particular uh direction is to remind us about how the gopher tortoises which are a protected species um do live on these properties all of us have go for tortoises on our properties um according to the Fish and Game Commission and the US Wildlife service they are threatened species um the FWC has a guide To Living with gopher tortoises it states it is against the law to damage destroy harass or kill gopher tortoises their Burrows or their eggs gopher tortoises must be moved out of Harm's Way before any land clearing or development takes place permits are required from the FWC for handling and moving tortoises also stated gopher tortoises must legally be relocated before any land clear clearing or development takes place um according to Wikipedia the Gopher is considered a keystone species it digs Burrows that provide shelter for himself as well as 360 animal species including the threatened Eastern indigo snake Gophers spend 80% of their time Underground average their Burrows are 15 ft long and 6 and 1/2 ft deep but can extend up to 48 ft in length and 9 ft deep um I worry about how a great big scooping machine can miss you know these creatures um the go toward his permits according to the FWC um are required for any development related soil or vegetation disturbance within 25 ft of a potentially occupied gopher tortoise burrow Property Owners must is be issued a permit and relocation of gopher tortoises must be complete before the development um activities commence um there's my point who's going to watch out for these little guys um you know they're there um uh the I see it it is the beginning of the process to protect not only the taxpaying residents of floor home and the threatened species living there begins with you the putam County zoning board um please thoroughly consider all angles of this invasion of the land her wildlife and we the humans who live on it and love it thank you thank you I'd just like to make a correction we are not the zoning board we are zoning Board of adjustment sorry okay that's okay we do not have anything to do with resoning okay I understand okay thank you Mr James Clark uh thank you my name is James Clark and I own the property at 180 West Dogwood Road before I start I'd like to point out 180 encompasses the four Parcels attached to and directly south of that mining pit so I'm the closest person I'm affected the most by this okay would you pull the mic up closer I have a uh five-page a affidavit my attorneys might take me a little more than three minutes to read but I'll do the best I can I have your attorney let me just say if we're going to limit every resident uh this a three minute or at least four minutes um the attorney Mr Perry um does the attorney need to represent him um he can say no he he has a he has a a right to uh address the commission we'd ask that you do it in three minutes your affidavit can be uh made part of the record however if that's what you would just trying to limit his presentation if he wanted his attorney to speak Madam chair um sorry to intermingle with the process uh if I may make my presentation as as um as soon as Mr Clark is done with his public comment okay which we're requesting is all right as an effective party participating in a qua judicial hearing and I have copies of his affidavit which I will uh give to the board's attorney okay I'll try and read it as quickly as I can okay I'm James Clark I'm 70 years old I'm competent to make these statements my wife Louise Clark and I own four Parcels of property in unincorporated putham County 28.9 Acres uh the parcels are listed together these Parcels are 180 West Dogwood each of these Parcels is adjacent to and shares a common boundary with the property owned by cribs holding which the applicant is seeking approval for the burrow pit we purchased the first three properties in 2003 and later the southernmost parcel from uh my wife's mother and came into ownership of all four of them the parcels where our house is located as our primary residence and is Homestead Rec to putham County Flor home Community has been our home for over 20 years and we have no intention of ever leaving our beloved home during the course of owning this land for the last 20 years we've made substantial financial investments in improving the property including a detached garage guest accommodations a workshop a barn horse riding training Arena along the northern boundaries of our property and a horse pasture we also invested in agricultural business on the western side of our property Where We Are actively cultivating and harvesting two types of bamboo U asper and henen which is a temperate variety and approximately 3 acres for commercial purposes we have a business relationship with a buyer for the bamboo and are operating under an active contract with our buyer to buy as much marketable bamboo as we can possibly make the contractual business relationship is expected to generate an annual income for us anywhere between $60 to $80,000 annually depending on the quality of the bamboo in the market we have grave concerns of potential off-site impacts caused by the proposed Burrows pit and its operations specifically the airli Airborne dust will cover our bamboo and damage or destruct our entire bamboo crop neither the county staff reports nor applicants has provided any competent substantial evidence that such off-site harm and impact neighboring properties will not occur in addition to our agricultural business we've entered into a stewardship program with the federal government on our property which requires commitment to land and Wildlife Conservation e efforts a specially delineated property on our northern border close to the pit is subject to a conservation stewardship program agreement with the US Department of agricultural and natural resources conservation service to conserve the area of our property for preservation of the habitat Po and also for pollinators and beneficial insects by entering this the program the federal government we have to comply with the program's requirements we are financially compensated by the federal government which in turn finances our agricultural business the location of this area is adjacent to and shares the boundary with the applicant's property which is not very good we're also concerned about the relationship of the barrows Pit and the existing natural gas pipeline owned by Sea Coast Gas and as a result of the construction of SE Coast gas pipeline on the Northern boundary of our Park property or where the State of Florida has identified AR archaeological and historical sites uh which we had to go through and our process We Believe putam staff recommendations have failed to comply with objectives a15 a151 and a154 of the putham County's comprehensive plan we require consideration of historical resources and archaeological surveys on March 6th we received a letter in the mail notice from putam County planning board notifying us that we are owners within 300 ft of the property for the special use permit not only does our property lie within 300 ft of the property the proposed burough pit we are in fact immediately adjacent and share the boundaries of that property notably none of the applicants clearly identify the distance between the proposed burrow pit and our property line we have grave concerns about the digging and construction the proposed Barrel pit causing off-site impacts to our property specifically potential for substance erosion vibration causing damage to the foundation of our house and structures the applicant has failed to provide any competent substantial evidence and Engineering all of property owners in floor home will all be negatively affected by this proposed burough fit we are the most affected because we are the closest in proximity most likely will be harmed by the nuisance type problems typically caused by these borrow pits we therefore demand to be legally recognized by this zoning board adjustment as affected parties which possess legal right to participate in the Quasi judicial Hearing in this matter and an Evidence to make legal arguments examined either putham County staff or testifying representatives of the applicant we condemn and strongly oppose the request to approve this special use permit based on the following the fact that is inconsistent with putam County's comprehensive plan the proposed borrow pit is wholly incompatible with the surrounding Agricultural and residential land Le uses that the location is within putam County's comprehensive plans Florida aquafer recharge area and no substantial competent evidence has been provided to that establish any harm will occur to the aquifer that the proposed Barrow pit calls for up to 160 trucks per day every day for the year 6 p.m. for a period of 5 years without any comment or opinion from CU py works or an engineer regarding physical impact to Coral Farms Road there is such an increase to the intensity and construction activity of heavily vehicles with no doubt cause unavoidable and unbearable nuisance such as noise vibration dust and all this will impact the enjoyment of her property in violation of the County's property rights element of the comprehensive plan gold J-1 recognizing our vested property rights that the combined heavy vehicular activity construction and the borrow pit will result in nuisance effects noise vibration no competent substantial evidence has been submitted by the applicant to address however such effects will be confined that to the degree dust covers our sensitive conservative areas and bamboo crops our agricultural business could be devastated or destroyed or completely wiped out that this proposed location of the burough pit is so close in proximity to our property that it will no doubt have a detrimental effect on the market value of our property increased vehic traffic the proposed pit application does not take into consideration the known archaeological and historical resources and lastly that the agent for the applicant has failed to fully provide sufficient competent substantial evidence necessary for the Zoning Board of adjustment to be able to Rend specific findings of fact establishing that this application meets the requirements for cut and and pounding Land Development code is consistent with the County's comprehensive plan and the the proposed use is compatible with the surrounding land use therefore I strongly oppose this thank you thank you excuse me Mr um I'm assuming you are Mr Clark's attorney please say your name again yes ma'am Byron flag attorney for Mr Clark and Mrs Clark If Madam chair if you'd prefer I can wait till the end of a public comment if that is more efficient to the are you going to what is your request as far as wanting to end at the end you have other questions for the attorney or the applicant or no ma'am just in the interest of trying to be efficient and and follow the board's rules just go ahead thank you madam chair um and my comments um are to to the board um the I want to first start out by just letting you know that I am a specialist in land use law I have um an advanced degree in land use and environmental law from the University of Florida law school um and I only say that because this is the kind of work I do around the state and I just want to point out to the board that um the reason this type of land use is typically approved by way of a special use permit is because it's not automatically a property right uh that's considered a buy right type of um development that is already within a zoning category and that's because sometimes County governments when they pass their land use code they decide at the outset of when they adopt their code some types of land uses are just uh so um impactful to surrounding Properties or have such an effect on the surrounding community that these types of land uses in these zoning categories need to go through a special review process and that's why we're here today and that's why you've been assigned this role to approve uh special use permits and I appreciate uh the staff's comments about the fact that this is only the first step and that there are many other steps and that there are other permitting agencies that will have a review of this application but I think it's really important uh just to to point out that the comprehensive plan and the Land Development code that your county your County Commission has decided we want the Zoning Board of adjustment to make the decision on this type of land use proposal a borrow pit and your County Commission has said we're going to delegate that to the Zoning Board of adjustment these appointed volunteers because we want the community to be close to this decision and and that's kind of the policy behind why this is in front of us here today and so yes even though in the Land Development code as your staff has explained there are other steps that will Dig Down Deeper into some other criteria however now is the only time that my clients the Clarks and the other people who are affected have an opportunity to make a record in opposition of the this concept this land use concept of a borrow pit going into their Community this is it and this decision and your deliberation should weigh heavily be on your on your thinking and how you view the evidence that's presented been presented to you because your decision needs to be based on competent substantial evidence and specific findings as to whether or not the applicant who has proposed this has met the burden of using of providing subst competed substantial evidence to meet the criteria in the code we don't believe they have and my client's affidavit has spelled it out as distinctly as we could um and I won't repeat everything in there for the interest of time but I will tell you that if you look at your comprehensive plan there are a series of maps that have been adopted with your comprehensive plan and one of those Maps is a uh transportation map and that identifies Coral Farms Road as a local road that local road is given a level of service assigned to it through your comprehensive plan and that comprehensive plan level of service is incorporated into your Land Development code and that level of service helps you decide helps the county decide how much money are we going to spend on the on certain types of infrastructure and for this type of road it's a local Road level of service d means the County's infrastructure funding is going to be at a lower level so when you hear the lawyers and the other people talk about the impacts to the roads and traffic yes perhaps right now at this stage some of the criteria of the Land Development code doesn't specifically require it but your comprehensive plan suggests that it should be considered at this stage and if it is not adequately considered if you find it so then it is not consistent with the comprehensive plan and this entire um special use permit by your code must be it has to be found to be consistent with your comprehensive plan um also if you look at your uh comprehensive plan in that uh future land use map series you'll also see an Aquifer recharge area map if you it is a a broad general map with some color shapes um with three different zones and if you look at that map um you will see that this proposed borrow pit is actually located within the lower impact recharge area of a the Aquifer recharge Zone area and so yes while certain um hydrologic and or water studies or impacts to the water table um may come later at the development review criteria stage now is the opportunity to actually talk about it and get this board to have a broader view about is this really consistent with our comprehensive plan and if it if we don't think it is we need to go ahead and say it and find that it's not consistent with the comprehensive plan and furthermore this board's role is to safeguard the uh public interest how this will impact the community of Flor home how this will impact the surrounding property owners and Madam chair you you asked at the beginning of the meeting when or did we get delegated this role of um analyzing whether or not this impacts the broader public interest and the safety of the public interest well again that is right in your land use code where the County Commission has decided when they adopted the criteria for how to review a special use permit they said and one of those criteria will be and it's it's broken down by your staff nicely in their in their staff report um and I'm referring to B development code section 45-1 083 subpar paragraph 10 one of the criteria is that this board should analyze whether the proposed special use will will not adversely the general public health safety and Welfare of the residents of puam County an application for a special use permit may not be denied on this basis unless the Zoning Board of adjustment makes findings as to the specific in which the proposed use would have such an adverse effect and so while the public is coming up here and giving you many reasons and and articulating many reasons and my client has provided an affidavit with um some maps showing their location and how they'll be affected this is one of your roles is to listen to all the evidence and all the comments that are presented today and decide okay are there certain things that I've heard today or that I've reviewed today that make me believe that I need to make a finding a fact that this special use permit application for bar pit is not in the General in the interest of the general public health or that it may create safety concerns for the general public or their welfare and I the last thing I will say is another thing Madam chair that you pointed out at the very beginning of this hearing which I think needs to be clarified is that is this a mine or is this aarrow pit and I don't mean to make light of um semantics or or the way um certain text is written into the uh staff report or into the applicants report but when you look at the staff report the very first the very second sentence is the proposed borrow area will Encompass 30 plus or minus Acres within those eight Parcels if you look at the cover page of the applicant's application the cover page says 30 plus or minus acre project area in Your Land Development code if a borrow pit were to exceed 30 acres in size a strict reading of the code means that that is a mine not a borrow pit and so that's something that needs to be clarified because if this project area exceeds 30 acres in size your code says this is not a borrow pit but it's a mine and then we're in a whole different ball game of Land Development code review and regulations and we shouldn't even be here so I leave the board with that and uh thank you very much for your time thank you I'm assuming with Douglas law you have a reut i sir thank you madam chair I have a I'll try to be brief here again for the yes ma'am Jeremiah Blocker I represent a number of I have a gave a list too um Madam cler if I may I have some materials I'd like to hand to the board member to the clerk if that's okay thank you let me see if I can pull this up briefly here so if I can just briefly I want to hit on a couple of things just as a preliminary so just to just to be clear and you all understand this as a board but the staff's role in this process is to review the information and then provide yall with a a recommendation but ultimately it's up to this board yall as a board member MERS and we appreciate your public service this is your responsibility to render a final decision I was stated earlier by one of my colleagues this is the opportunity for the public to come forward and to raise their concerns this is the forum for that to happen The Next Step would be obviously a circuit cord so this is we appreciate your time and thank you for doing it but I want to make sure we clarify that like I said I'm representing several residents that live in the vicinity adjacent to this property they're impacted the the proposed borrow pick currently as it stands today is not authorized so under the Land Development code a a borrow pit under 45.72 subsection e subsection 7 larger than 1/8 of an acre requires a special use permit so I want you to picture this for a moment under your Lan development code 30 o over 30 acres is essentially a mine anything over 1/8 of an acre requires a special use permit which means means as of today this activity is not allowed unless you all render a decision on that that's why they're here today to request a special use permit so we have two different ends of the spectrum 1/8 of an acre and over 30 Acres which goes into of mine so we are at the far edges of what your Land Development code allows for a special use permit so I want to make sure that we picture that and then that's clear the legal standard that yall are following today is a quasi judicial hearing so y'all today are sitting in a role essentially as judges that's why yall made your disclosure at the beginning of the meeting that's why yall indicated what evidence you're evaluating you know the standard of proof that you all are considering today is competent substantial evidence that is the standard that you as board members are evaluating today as you listen to the testimony from different evidence the courts found in Florida Power Light in the city of Dania competent substantial evidence is tandem on a legally sufficient evidence competence substantial evidence it can be reliable or credible it can be uh factually based and not supported by General statements now what you've heard today from a number of residents who live there who are impacted by this you've heard what we believe is competent substantial evidence of how this is going to impact their quality of life and again that's important for you all to hear that because this is the opportunity for these residents to share with you competent substantial evidence the criteria that you all have to evaluate I'll read from the code here the board must make a decision based on the competent substantial evidence that was most convincing on the question of whether or not the application met and satisfied the criteria for a special use permit your section 45 d1082 application issuance at the conclusion of the hearing the Zoning Board of adjustment shall make a formal determination that the proposal proposed use meets the issuance criteria of this article so your options today essentially are to deny the application outright that's Choice number one that's what the residents that I represent that you've heard from today are requesting to Grant the application with certain conditions what the code allows you're allowed to Grant it with certain conditions you all can oppose additional conditions or Grant the application outright now the adjacent property owners and the res requesting that um that you deny this outright I think that's what you've heard from some the resident spoken I'm sure you'll hear from some more as well the criteria for that again the burden of this right now is on the applicant the applicant must show through substantial competent through competent substantial evidence that they have met the burden of satisfying this criteria and we believe that they're lacking in several of the your areas of criteria that you have to evaluate that is number three number four number five number six number 10 and I'm going to go I'm going to pull those up here if I may so criteria number five the special use will not substantially diminish or impair property values in the area nor impede the orderly development and Improvement of the surrounding property for permitted use section five adequate access roads on-site parking on-site loading and unloading burst and drainage have been or will be provided where required adequate measures have been taken to provide Ingress and egress to the property that are designed in a manner to minimize traffic impacts on roads local roads and 10 the proposed special use will not adversely affect the general public health safety welfare of the residents of puam County now the technicality here is you cannot essentially that an application may not be denied on this basis unless a zoning Board of adjustment makes findings as the specific manner which the proposed use would have such an adverse effect now we believe under criteria number three that this will adversely impact and will unduly restrict the enjoyment of permitted uses in the surrounding area you've heard several testimony about the traffic impacts what you're going to have here what was in the application was up to 80 trucks which amounts to approximately 160 uh trips a day between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. the magnitude of that traffic volume is significant I want you to consider that for a moment now what was put on in testimonies today well that's only about 60 trucks but in their application it was 80 so we have some discrepancy there and the substantial competent evidence that you have before you as from the applicant but I want you to consider the impact that that's going to have on these residents essentially on on a road that's a two-lane road that you've heard testimony there's some conditions to the road that make it at times you know unsafe it needs to be resurfaced so that is significant the safety the safety issues of those road conditions along Coral Farms Road uh you exist there exist on one side drainage that's that's filled from time to time on the other you have some C verts that are disappearing I'll show you some pictures in your packet I have a number of pictures that illustrate that this creates can create and we believe will create unsafe conditions when you have 80 trucks going you know amounting to 160 trips a day from early in the morning until really late at night now we're going to touch on this in a little bit and you have in your packet but there are over 10 bus stops some for handicapped children that intersect with that road that potentially could be impacted so I want you a picture a fall morning with school buses lined up to pick up children along that road with up to 80 vehicles coming and going from there that absolutely sets up a the reasonable expectation that there could be safety issues there the lack of in infrastructure again we've we've talked to youve heard testimony about how some of the roads issues some of the comments in the staff report one of the comments in the staff report again staff is doing their job they do a great job they're working hard their public servants but some of the comments in there described were inaccurate they described this as an extremely rural in nature this is not an extremely rural area people live here people in this audience here today speaking to you today they live here their children go to school here they climb on the school buses go travel down that road so it's not just an extremely rural area you have over 30 immediately adjacent property owners and I believe notice was put out that it went to 159 I believe that's what was put out by staff so that's a lot of people that are potentially impacted by this so I'm going to go to the criteria that's criteria number four I'll show you here's some pictures here the other issue is this is less than a mile from really the Town Center floor home here this is a historic area but you have State Road 100 right there this is this is not miles down the road this is the immediate vicinity of a state road and a two two-lane essentially road that needs be resurfaced it has a lot of residents living there so here's some pictures to kind of illustrate that point criteria number four this will substantially diminish or impair property values in area and will impede orderly development of the surrounding property for permitted uses so you've heard several people now my notes you've had at least three stand up here residents and say they believe this is going to impact their property values you have not what you have not heard from the applicant is that there was any property assessment ments done from the Property Appraiser's office so we understand how this is going to impact the property owners area again you're putting a 30 acre burough pit right in the middle where you have residential residents that live there this this will absolutely have an impact on the property values there to the extent we don't know because we don't have the information the information was not collected and provided to y'all so you can make that assessment but our contention the testimony you've heard today from some of the residents is they believe it will impact their property value you heard from the gentleman here that talked about his business the bamboo how that's going to impact that so this absolutely we believe we will'll highlight that and I I'll go through because I know we're we got a lot of other people want to speak today criteria number five the proposed access roads on-site parking on-site loading and unloading burst drainage or inadequate we don't have a full understanding of how drainage is going to impact here because there has not been a study a traffic study done in this area what you had was essentially a traffic count that is not a traffic study that does not collect the information needed to understand how this traffic is going to impact one the road and also impact potential safety issu in that area and all the other important things that would be drawn from a traffic study there was no review of the impact on the Florida hiking trail head this is right near a major area that that goes into you the Florida Trails so again you're going to have dump trucks driving right over the intersecting that you're going to have people walking you're going to have all sorts of impacts that again I understand out of respect for the for the owner of this property I'm sure that that his intentions are to protect people and I have no I have no concerns as an attorney that he is not here to try to protect people but the reality of it is you're going to have people walking on that trail that potentially are going to be impacted from 700 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. during all sorts of months and time and they're not going to have lighting there and they couldn't possibly there's no way they can ensure the safety for everyone up and down that road but you're going to have that you're going to have people after when I drove by the site this morning first of all it was raining uh the other day when I went by there so it was it was you had a lot of weather conditions that were interesting but you also have people out out there walking so this is going to impact that tremendously so again you have here you can see where the trail intersects here you can see some lights here and I have some of this in in in y'all's packet as well these are some pictures of some of the road conditions here you can see this road it doesn't take an engineer to see this road needs some work there are areas at this road that I could pile numerous pictures for you of of areas along that road where it needs resurfacing criteria number six proposed measure to provide Ingress and EG to the property that are designed to minimize traffic impacts and local roads are inadequate again I think we've been over this a little bit but we don't have a traffic study we don't have anything that can give an honest competent substantial evidence of how these traffic impacts are going to impact one the road in the infrastructure but also the residents that live there here you can see this is an example you have canals and deep drain ditches on either side um again this is criteria number 10 we talked about this with this particular criteria if you find this solely and we've given you about five or six here that you could rely on for denying this outright uh this criteria will adversely affect the general public health safety and Welfare of residents in putam County their safety concerns here their infrastructure concerns their cost concerns we don't know what the cost is to the county or to the taxpayers to resurface that road I think the taxpayers who live out they would like to understand what the cost to them on their avalum taxes is for this volume of traffic in the ACTA that's going to have on the road the usability of that road during times when kids are in school the Water Management there have been a number of issues raised by water management also noise and dust pollution you're going to have heavy ex you know exavation equipment going on you know increase noise operation transport you're going to have all sorts of issues that are going to be impactful to the residents around there here's a picture of some kind of the weather condition kind of the fog that you you'll see out there which can be imp back full of safety so we believe that application should be denied uh for all the criteria that we stated you know number 3 45 six and 10 but also again I'll highlight there's no traffic study there's no thorough study of drainage or runoff impacts no sinkhole study no groundwater study no property appraisal was conducted we have unknown cost of resurfacing the road and canly there's no real counting of the impacts this 30 acre borrow pit on the property values so again we understand this is the beginning of the process but this is the part of the process where you get to hear competent substantial evidence from the residents who are the most impacted by this who are impacted from this six months a year down the road when the rest of us in this room have moved on they will continue to be impacted that when their kids are getting on the school buses or their grandkids and they're impacted by 80 dump trucks coming down that road a day between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. 6 days a week so Madam chair that's that's all I have as far as the presentation uh what I'd like to draw your attention I gave you all packet there's a list of a number of school bus stops that intersect with this road I gave you a number of pictures as well gave a copy of and I'm clerk there's also a petition here from a number of residents at FL home in the county that are impacted by by that so we appreciate your time today are there any questions anything I can answer for y'all I have a question yes criteria three yes ma'am how did Holloway Road get involved since it is not going to be impacted whatsoever let me get to that part ma'am I'm sorry okay I'm sorry I'm finding a little bit of cold here what what was the question I said uh lack you got lack of infrastructure I said how did Hall Road get into this presentation because it is not going to be used so hallway Road potentially could be if if the board decided to come up with conditions approval with conditions you could identify alternate routes that is a highlight that there other routes as well would not be suitable for this this volume of traffic wondering yes ma'am I want to address that because at times this can come up as an alternate an alternate course mostly the concerns you're hearing are specifically on this Coral Farms Road but there are alternate routs the applicant could use that also would be unsuitable for this area Okay and then I have another question from the borrow pit to 100 when you have your bus stops how many bus stops are there from that borrow pit the the southern end of it to um 100 so ma'am if you don't mind we'd have to ask one of the residents that specifically um I don't have the specific answer that question but I believe some of the residents do that provide me the information okay well then excuse me um are the one of the residents that has that information going to speak today I believe so yes ma'am okay and where did they get that ination minute I'm sorry minute oh sure okay before we begin listening to other residents I don't have any more questions for you I'd like to take a five minute break yes ma'am thank you we will recess for about five minutes e e e e e e e e e e e e e e follow would everybody please come in and have a seat okay before we continue um the deputy sheriff came back and said that this was found in a restaurant a restating rather so does anybody want to claim it that look familiar here to anybody if you don't have your cell phone in your pocket I would say a female okay I'd like to call the meeting back to orders we will continue with um addressing U speaker cards and I think the next speaker has some information about the bus stop so Miss Brenda Merit would you come forward for the record please state your name and address my name is Brenda Merritt and I live at 147 East Dog Wood Road in Flor home um the question for the bus stops there are four bus stops from 100 to the gate of they're going to be for their property um the one that's right there by their gate is handicap and it serves four schools so you got four time four so you have four different buses going to four different schools right what do they go to Qi qi an alarin Melrose and then the um wherever the handicap is it melon I'm not 100% sure exactly which school I I I I think since they did away with they yes ma'am um so you've got the four times four twice a day okay you anything else to say not at the moment I don't okay all right thank you all right Mr Ronnie KS please state your name and address for the record my name is Ronnie KS I live at 507 Coral Farms Road and I'm adjacent to this operation and uh uh Madam chairman and honorable members of the board I uh some of the things I'm going over some of the points one of the things they never mentioned was the Etna Canal being adjacent to this property and there's a concern about the affluence being dropped into that Canal some way and it that canal connects to two two Lakes uh at Nile Creek Rice Creek and the St John's river so that's a concern there another thing that that they touched on was the egress and and entrance entrance the exit from this property there is already an exit connected to that property to 100 besides the coil farms and it's approved by do the engineers approved it and it it's at the other end it goes right to uh Highway 100 it has a signage on it for the Rails to Trails people that's riding their bicycles and it was approved by the state and that that exits right off of the same property to 100 back to the school bus safety my daughter drives a school bus and she has told the experiences she has had on that road it's a narrow road and and during certain parts of the season the fog is so dense that she can't see the the hood of the bus and that strob light they have on the top of it isn't visible and she has her children in the rear of the bus move up forward in case somebody hits the back of the bus because some of those automobiles really they don't pay attention to this fog and they they plow right through it another thing I was going I own 40 acres adjacent to that this site that they're working on some years back we used to farm it and the people across the fence where they're going to build this thing they farmed it and wish that when they would plow that you could go out and uh Native American arrowheads and pottery we used to just able to pick it up it come to the surface and a while back they were going to put a tower down on the same property where this pits going but they discovered Native American artifacts there and moved it to where it is currently stationed another thing I was going to bring up was uh about the road the road construction you know putam County does the maintenance on that Coral Farms Road and right now we know the county is in constraints budget wise and personnel wise to keep up what they've got much less after the wear and tear on it after all of this traffic on it and uh some of the things that that this thing has been called has been called a fish pond and a barel pit but a 60ft fish pond as as large as it's going to be I've kind of wondered what kind of fish is going in that thing but anyway I I uh trust that you'll make the right decision on this thing and and hopefully not make a if you can't today extend it to to give us further time to do further study on it because obviously all the study that should have been done hasn't been done so I thank you for your time and attention thank you Mr Carson okay the next speaker is Mike McDaniel please state your name and address for the record uh Mike McDaniel 145 ecore being away floor home Madam chair members of board thank you for letting me speak uh you probably heard a lot of it but um basically safety in roads to me is biggest concern that we have I'm still not really sure where these trucks going in and out but if they're going to 100 then that's right there where the uh the bike trails and everything are stack two semis back to back and you've just covered up the bike trail that's how close it is to 100 now we kind of have a joke around floor home that 100 is like the autobond we have a lot of accidents a lot of problems we got Vulcan which are good neighbors but there are so many trucks going up and down 100 it's unbelievable now about scaring me to death when I heard somebody talking about Holloway Road or tsle anybody even try to go down one of those roads with semi pretty much just destroy the roads and then we haven't even talked about which directions that can go in and out I mean can they go out Bellamy Road because they go out Bellamy Road that is a unbelievably failed Road it has more potholes than you can imagine and it's half owned by putam County half owned by Clay County so it's just a matter of how much money you guys are willing to pay to keep that road up um the 30 acres is just shy of a mining operation and from my understanding is they can go five years and they can reup as to be reup for 5 years and a lot of times what happens there some big company comes in like Vulcan decides they want a mining operation because it's already there spend a little bit of money it's possibility that that can happen um so really it sounds like a borrow pit that's turning into a mining operation to me um it is about 15 trips an hour if you just divide it out by hour so but you know not everybody's going to come in you know broke down an hour increments so there could be a lot more going in and out um I don't think they've done a road study out there because if they do start using coril Farms heading out towards Bellamy Coral Farms basically has 15ft ditches on each side basically a road stacked on top of a bunch of dirt uh that road is collapsed forward I mean not collaps collapse but it's just starting to the underpinning is starting to go down on it um and I'd like to know if these truck drivers are paid by the hour by the load because if they play by the hour they're going to go a little slower they play by the load they're going to be moving pretty quick like they do up and down um is that me okay and that's about it I appreciate it thank you sir Mr James Lily did he leave it's you come on James Lily and it and it is it l and it looks like l i l l y that's it that's it okay thank you so much thank you my name is James Lily and I'm at 984 call Farms Road in Flor home Florida and uh I've lived in Flor home all my life and um I got a lot of historical um remembrance of there I'm holding my hand right now at a floor home map the original floor home map is over 100 years old and according to this map by ital Creek Corporation the drainage company they're building their proposed pit hit our Construction in lot 74 block 7 74 and 75 of this map here and this uh and it has on this the middle of uh uh Mr Lily would you speak into the mic pardon I would you get a little bit closer to the mic the middle of this map is uh is uh Highway 100 and floor home and call Farms Road there's over 70 building Lots on call Farms Road at this present time between their entrance that they want to come out on car Farms Road to Highway 100 at this present time there's a construction company going to build within the next two weeks five over $200,000 homes right behind the Methodist Church there and there will be family homes there of your children and the safety period with if people starting to move in floor home area at this present time and I'm concerned about the their family homes and I'm concerned about the safety of their children that would be on there with this amount of uh truck traffic also also I have 70 Acre Farm out there in Flor home on this called Farms Road and also my neighbor also has farm equipment and we often use call Farms roads go up and down on to our to our fields and this is slow traffic by behind the tractor and with the fog and everything we start early in the morning as farmers do and with this fog that we have that you have heard that that that's a concern also also uh the the gentleman before me just mentioned uh about the there's no shoulders on call Farms Road in that particular area actually it was it they have about a quarter of a mile build it up with boards to hold that shoulder on you cannot pull off on that road through that board I just the county just had me spend I spent $20,000 to fill in to help support that support that uh the boards that's holding up that bank just about 2 years ago and so that is a very big concern that's a quarter of a mile through there I think one of the gentlemen back here now Mr Lily turn around and talk to us I think one but there's a gentleman here now that's it's in the county that we uh had a b big discussion about that but anyway I also like to bring up that uh the mortgage e on this particular that's holding the mortgage mortgage mortgage on this piece of property referred directly to me and Mr Carns brought that up just a moment ago about the artifacts Indian artifacts on this particular piece of property and a native Indian I understand according to the mortgage e on this property that the native historical group or native Indian group came out and examined this area where the self this particular pit is going to go in and where the saell tower is going to go in and they said they could not put the sail Tower there and they had to move the sail Tower up to what this present place is now and also there's inion Mounds right next to in floor home there in this particular area and there was four inion Mounds that was bulldozed over by someone that we don't I know the name but in that particular area also so with this uh and uh with the uh it's the fall Park is just one block from this called Farms Road and we have bicycles people with bicycles going up and down the road and we have little electric mopads going up and down the road in this call time on you so pardon I said I'm going to call time on you so can you wrap it up yes okay all right thank you so much all right thank you oh yeah thank you please turn your cell phone off that's a 100- year old map here yeah um James I don't know if it's um Kuno okay James coio 569 West Hillsboro Avenue floor home I live out at George's Lake I'm also the Community Association president and a fire chief out there at George's Lake one thing that hasn't been brought up here uh is the residents out at George's Lake all the letters that went out nobody from that area got letters on this okay so I will say too I also used to work for putam County I'm the one that built resurface Coral Farms Road about five to six years ago that road was built with better place paying money which means it wasn't built to the same standards as dot specifications in all accounts okay okay when we designed Holloway Road when you have heavy truck traffic you should have uh 8 in of lime rock and 3 Ines of asphalt right now Coral Farms Road has approximately three Ines of lime rock and an inch half inch and a half of asphalt so that means these heavy trucks as soon as they go up and down that road are going to tear that road up big time in a short amount of time also if they go out um go north and go out Bellamy Road then they're also going to be doing the same thing coal Farm road is basically built a Pete bog road that was built back in the 1800s so that road is going to be significantly damaged it cost the county a little over a million dollars to do that road from Bellamy Road to State Road 100 I was a project manager on it Florida Power Light put about $250,000 in it we had them help us with it after the solar farm went in so you roote issues I hold dot certifications in Asphalt Earthworks and storm water pollution preventage so I know and I work with these companies that do this stuff every day I'm doing St John's Avenue right here in Palaca as we speak okay so the trucks are going to significantly impact the road um I've already told you about the paving these trucks are hauling anywhere from 18 to 21 tons of material small trucks 28 to 30 tons of material with the long trucks you're going to have the increased traffic they can go out State Road 100 they've already been going in and out of there hauling in Lime Rock stockpiling lrock for the past 6 months to a year it's a simple easy requests from the state to go across a trail they can widen it open it up and have their own Ingress and egress out of there without affecting any traffic without affecting any school bus issues or kids on the road it can be done it's an easy process I did it when I worked for public works right here in this County okay um we already have a potential for a subdivision going on out George's Lake some a large piece of property was sold out there on the north side of the lake between the lake and the Clay County Line That's going to be increased families that are coming in and up coral Farms Road everybody that lives at George's Lake travels cor Farms Road you're looking anywhere from 750 to about 1,300 people that live out at George's Lake alone not only the floor home residents all right there's a gas pipeline that was just recently put in through there how's that going to negatively affect it um the road if they if you do do this the road needs to be brought up to dot specs to where they can handle the increased truckload but preferably to go out State Road 100 and I know that's my 3 minutes but I have firsthand experience working in this County building roads and I know what's going on you got a big decision on your hands and I'm sorry about that thank you thank you thank you Jamie cribs for the record please give us your name and address good afternoon name is Jamie j cribs this is my husband Veron cribs passing these out our family residence right now is 1593 San Ardo Drive however our family ranch is 170 West Dogwood Road um dear members of the board we're here to oppose the above special use permit application the own we own property in the area and our plans are to retire in Flor home our family owns the 170 West Dogwood cribs cracker cattle ranch please review Pages three and four um regarding the adjacent proposed Bor pit to this to our property um I've mapped it out and highlighted in pink our concerns include adverse impact on the wildlife in the areas that's on page five and six there's herds of deer every afternoon that come impact on safety and health and health to the citizens an adverse effect on water levels and Environmental Quality as noted in the planning and development staff report for this application the density of residential land use in the vicinity of the proposed location is greater than the future land use category dictates that's where the attorney spoke with the comprehensive land plan the res the residential usage should be protected and maintained the proximity to this proposed operation to numerous residents use use PRI priority properties alone indicate concern for it there is a high likelihood of adverse experience among surrounding Property Owners due to the proposed operation the we are at the we are concerned for the safety of the residents that travel Coral Farms Road as well as 100 due to the proposed 80 dump trucks added daily it's also true that while cap capacity may be okay on Coral Farms please look at page nine I have a picture that's a 5 in drop off I constantly go up and down those roads since I live in St Augustine I travel them to come out to our properties that is excessive when your vehicle comes hits that side and if imagine a dump truck coming at you the other way you're going to over you could over correct easily and be a horrible accident the added traffic will further tax a road that already requires attention for road maintenance our precious tax count County tax dollars are spent for Road Ms of coral Farms Road and the additional burden this will put on the road and cost to resident is just too high our surrounding areas have seen the devastation caused by the carelessness of mining over the past decades water levels of nearby Wetlands surface waters potable water well water and irrigation Wells as frequently decreased our B is frequently decreased by Par Bar pit operation air noise Soil and Water pollutions are all possible impact of the bar pit due to the equipment operation and truck traffic all too often appropriate measures to minimize environmental impacts at bar pits are not taken and the surrounding residents health and well-being decline property values I am a realtor property values will definitely decrease which then in return also decrease your tax basis and the wildlife and n and natural environment faces detrimental impact furthermore borrow pits are commonly repurposed as landfills and this is from a d person furthermore borrow pits are commonly repurposed as landfills after operation of the pit ceases which is it even greater environmental and human health consequence we strongly you to deny the special use permit thank you for your time thank you okay our last speaker this afternoon is David Wade afternoon I ask you please not to uh start the clock for my presentation until after I give you my credentials uh would you please state your name and address my name is David Wade 127 Coral Farms Road we own 250 fot of residential property R1 uh 5 miles down from Highway 100 is our property we pay on the tax assessment role over $400,000 our estimated value of our property traffic on Coral Farms Road is uh right now horrendous school buses trucks trailers it's used as a as a cut off road to reach Blanding Boulevard through 315 and Bellamy Road and that's exactly what will happen in the dub truck backup that I project I also not here to make any friends but and after I say this I certainly wouldn't be but the I understand that exec executive exclusive approval rights are given to this Committee of non-elected officials not one of you sitting there is an elected official the cor the uh commit members that I've talked to on the building code on the uh that are elected officials say that uh they were allowed to pick one of you uh you don't have to answer me but I challenge the qualifications of this committee to be on a group that can say yes or no to this multi-million dollar project has fixed and effect all through our residents and our property values you call yourselves a quas uh uh group and I agree my background is IND industrial main mechanical maintenance I was Georgia Pacific's general superintendent of maintenance for numerous years until I retired I lived in polit all my life my children of which are six were all grown now one the deputy shff sheriff and and the list goes on but uh we came to flor home three years ago to get away from the uh environment of close contact with people and get out into the wildlife experience that Coral Farms always offered to us I challenge the ability of this committee to be the sole proprietary that will say yes or no to this project going on I think it should come from an elected group of officials that we all have voted on and uh that's sorry but that's just the way I feel about it I understand and talking with the with the uh Ethics Committee lady this morning that uh that can be corrected simply by the board attorney making a request and uh I don't doubt the qualifications that you guys might have but I didn't elect you I didn't vote on you I don't know you and here you are voting on my property value the safety of my children and uh my grandchildren here I've got something to show you it's kind of a sketch uh in that sketch I'll turn it around and show you just a minute which represents the road that's in front of my house 125t from my back doorstep and 250 ft uh of property that we own the road itself is signified here by the outside diameters within the lines being 17t the average the average line in between the center lines is 8 fo6 a dump truck uh and a and a school bus are both 8'4 that gives the driver of a dump truck one inch on either side of his truck to stay within the lines if you don't believe it you're welcome to come out and look at it apparently the company who's trying to pull this off on you is not doing it due diligence and again I drive a duy truck on some occasions and it only because it's 8 foot there's only 3 in on each side of a douly now and you're talking about truck traffic and dump trucks you got two dump trucks that are coming one opposing the other one dump truck's going to have to take the ditch and there is no ditch on Coral Farms Road and there's school children waiting to be picked up I've got gr grandchildren there Mr Wade I'm going to ask you to please wrap up your presentation okay I'll wrap it up but again I'd like you to review this you can take a picture of if you give that to us we have to keep it so if you want to keep it yeah that's fine with fine with me you can you can keep it it's got my notes on the back and again my qualifications are and wrapping up I've worked uh at titanium mines on it on the way way to Green Cove as was project manager of the building of those mines and string for titanium there I've worked in in White Springs of the phosphate mines there I've worked for United space Alliance uh NASA and helped them with rigging of the composits for their rockets and so forth I'm uh probably one step under being a qualified engineer but I'm not an engineer I'm just just just working folk like everybody that's here and again making the case for people other than myself who depend on Coral Farms Road and the and the people here gave you a drawing that I don't have but it shows that Coral Farms Ro doesn't even have to be used their property engages Highway 100 in a way that they could get to it leave Coral Farms Road but then the additional traffic in the do and a stoplight even at Coral fars Road and the other Road would have to take please okay thank you Mr Wade thank you okay this time I'm going to give the um applicant a chance to um rebuttal or make any comments that they wish as far as the closing remarks Andor any other um cross-examinations that you would like to do no we'll look at it Madam chair Matt lah Gulfstream Design Group um we've heard a lot of uh sorry we've heard a lot of uh evidence from uh both attorneys and the neighbors um a lot of these items are not necessarily components of the direct application process but uh we'd like to maybe hear some of the board's comment on the public comment that they heard uh and I think ultimately maybe work through a few options with you guys but ultimately consider a deferral on a vote tonight until we can provide some additional technical data uh that may help to alleviate some of the concerns of the neighbor such as a traffic study uh interaction with the Water Management District interaction with public works for the county uh and potentially have some of these items uh addressed in Greater detail prior to the board making de so you're asking that we postpone a decision for today or or table it and come back at another time yes ma'am okay just going to make sure that that's what I heard okay so that is that going to be your final or do you want to cross examine anyone I don't think we need to necessarily cross-examine any of the technical witnesses that were here today uh we have affid Davids and PowerPoints so we' just like to get copies of a lot of that we weren't provided any of that in advance so uh we'd like to get copies of that information that was provided today so that we could again uh return with with that evidence that provides you competent substantial evidence to improve this project okay all right thank you sir thank you okay this I think we have concluded today's um hearing so that um the has requested that we table and till he gets a chance to get some more specifics so um if there's any other comments or questions I have a comment yes ma'am the only comment that I have to say is that this board isn't voted on by you but we do live in puam County I was born and raised in puam County been on this board for 12 years along with several other of these people people we don't take this the decisions that we make up here lightly they're difficult they're hard and we sit up here and see you and it doesn't make it any easier but sometimes you have to make decisions based on Law and based on what the County's Land Development code say or what this says so I just want you to know that this board ises not take a decision any decision [Applause] lightly excuse me Mr Wade we not Mr Wade Mr Wade you are finished you are finished Mr Wade ma Madame chair may I ask a question yes is there any way that we could allow the board to discuss and perhaps Det tell what kind of additional information you would like to see from the applicants well I think the I would think that some of the questions that were brought up today I would he should have I think I thought he shared some of the things that he wanted to look into and get further clarification so if you'd like to come back up and reiterate what you just said and and say if there's any specifics um he's the one that asked for it to be tabled I didn't know if the board had any items they specifically wanted addressed well I don't know you know as to what the process would be from the standpoint of if there's no approval um is St John's Water Management going to uh come up with the plan or is U Florida Wildlife uh conservation going to come up with the plan prior to approval or they're willing to to take that chance and spend the time and energy and money I think Mr Weaver wanted to add something oh okay yeah what I would say to staff is um of course what everybody's asking for the traffic study but uh something in detail as far as the follow-up processes uh water has been mentioned a lot and we know D is going to be involved in that but more clarification on exactly how that's all going to be covered um D's you know going to be deep in that water management is going to be deep in that but exactly what their roles are uh to clarify that for us as well as the public here so there's a better understanding that because a lot of stuff's been brought up that we have no you know no bearing on you know we're not we don't work for D we don't work for water management um there's different roles and y'all said at the beginning this is one step in the process but maybe better clarification on going forward um the county role in the road in approving you know their say so on is the road going to hold up who's going to be responsible for it is there going to be a bond uh if the road's damaged thank you sir do you have any other comments this is great board discussion so if any of the other board members have anything else any of the other board members have anything else to add um that was those are great components I you know you you heard all of the the concerns and the comments and like Mr Weaver said the the water the road etc etc so it's nothing that it's new just that maybe a little bit more clarification and further investigation into what's concerned or what's involved rather noted thank you thank you so we've had a request to table this for and come back with a um more definitive plan sorry and if we table it um what length of time do you is it a month two months involved that you would need in order to have a specific time to be tabled uh we we don't want to say you're going to come back next month if you don't have the information I think based on the application cycle and turning things back into staff and in order to have the meetings engag D Water Management District Public Works we would probably need about 90 days okay about three months okay so would that June June June July July June or July June I think would be June will be you think adequate time okay and Madam chair too whenever we get that information back uh we'll we'll have to look at our application submitt chart and then we'll just kind of put it on the next applicable um Zoning Board of adjustment meeting that way we can appropriately notify um notice newspaper ads and sign the property okay so do we say indefinitely Or do we put a a time time frame sounds to me like if we're going to read advertise then we don't need to necessarily come to a Time certain today that's correct we need to we need to read advertise if I mean I don't want to decide upon a date and then the applicants you know fail to make contact with make it so I I would rather basically put the ball in their Court when they come back to us with all their answers then we'll kind of until further notice yes ma'am okay make a motion excuse me Madam chair before you make before make a motion I'd like to ask planning uh does the applicant have to submit another application we will not need another application this one this one will stay open they would just provide us with the new documentation and the and submittal materials we would add that to the existing application so the staff report will be amended according to the the information that they provide to us and then it'll just it'll be a thicker packet for zboa when it comes back in front of them okay um Madam chair I'd like to point out our code doesn't really have any specific uh uh reference to tbling um a a application in it uh at all do we postpone well I'm trying to tell you that uh but what it is is that this board and all of our citizen boards are governed by Robert's Rules of Order which of course does have a where you can in fact table motions so that's where we that's where we stand right now I don't know what the I don't know what the board's pleasure is tell well I think I I I'm I'm willing to go along with the applicant from the standpoint of being able to come back to the board after they've found I mean I've obtained all of the information that's been requested can Mr blocker be heard for just a moment if it's all right okay Mr blocker Madam shair I please St your name for the record so we'll know who's objective J with the Douglas firm so I think we have to for appell reasons we have to put on the record we would oppose this y'all do not have a form in a process to table this I St Roberts order um however this is a duly notied agenda item that's before yall today y'all are able to to vote on it today if if the board decides or the applicant can withdraw and resubmit but y'all do not have a procedure just to table this motion today so we would we would the residents that we represent we would object to that um I I understand the reasons that the applicant you know wants to go back and redo this but again this was noticed uh you know early on in their contention the questioning they were they were gave testimony they did not have to provide some of this information um I certainly understand why they want to go back and gather this information but this agenda item is before y'all today y'all do not have a proced procedurally to table a motion like this they we would respectfully asked that they withdraw the motion I'm sorry withdraw their application which they can resubmit at a later time give the residents an opportunity for it to be noticed again and come back with this this delay is not it's not part of your rules I understand the Robert Rules of Order I'm going to respectfully disagree that that would cover this type of procedure so I don't know if Mr uh let him speak for himself please thank you madam chair Byron flag representing uh Louise James Clark for the record I concur with Mr blocker's um opinion and conclusion and for the record my clients would object to a a tabling of continued consideration of the application for the board right now um the applicant has requested you to table your action but not withdraw their application and so we also agree with Mr blocker that we believe that Mr blocker's correct and we reserve the right to be able ble to file any kind of appeal or injunction necessary to protect my client's rights thank you Miss Osborne in response uh as I just mentioned to you our code uh I have found nothing which allows a board to table a motion okay I simply brought up Robert's Rules of orders because it is indeed mentioned um does that mean that you can table not necessarily I mean it's ambiguous it's a gray area uh also the code specifies that the board is supposed to vote on the matters that come before it okay uh uh that that's the job and the responsibility that's why we're here and uh but my role is to do not nothing more than to try and tell you what your options are and that's what I'm trying to do okay but uh um everything that I read uh tends to point towards taking vote okay I I Mr um is it Le okay Mr Baker I think the question was asked if they if they withdraw their application do they have to resubmit and reapply yes ma'am if they withdraw then they would need to resubmit an application okay so since you've heard all it's been going back back and forth we cannot we do not have the authority to table it so which is you know I ask to make sure that we're following the correct procedures so how do you want to handle it you want to vote today or you want to withdraw your application can I have a few minutes just to confer with the applicant excuse me no sir no ma'am not right now we are in discussion we have Tak pains in the past not a lot but several the applicants chose to withdraw the application and will resubmit [Applause] okay [Applause] so the final ORD is that the applicant has withdrawn his application for uh at this time so there will be no vote okay all right that's all of the things that we have please uh we have other business to conduct so uh if you want to refrain from leaving okay uh the next thing on the agenda is old business I think or new business I got to find my agenda here my agenda and we have um old business anyone else have anything to mention nothing new business maybe my house will be sold by yeah I know okay uh would everybody please leave if you're going to be leaving or please refrain from the convers ation thank you okay I guess we haven't uh people in the audience thank you okay I'm going to go over this one more time for the agenda old business do we have any old business do we have any new business oh we have a new member what a terrible time to start that was good time okay this may be his first did you say Willie Willie yes ma'am okay and he was appointed by Leota so welcome aboard and it was an interesting they're not always like this okay and the last thing is uh the minutes for January 17th make a motion we approve everybody's had a chance to read we have a Motion in a second to approve January 17th 2024 meetings all in favor say I I all opposed motion carries motion for adjournment make a motion we adjourn thank you did you say this is going to be your first whoops e