e e e [Music] Jesus Christ why does it do that are we live those CES are so funny to me I'm going to learn those if I learned three chords on the guitar it's going to be those see you're Reaper okay I believe now we're ready yes please red I think so okay we're recording okay we're good ready yeah all right good evening everyone welcome to the B of Ramsey mayor and Council regular session Wednesday March 27 2024 this meeting is also being conducted telephonically the dial in number is 425-436 6365 access code 213 563 the meeting may also be viewed on the Ramsey YouTube channel uh just go to the burrow website to find the YouTube channel may I please have the Roll Call mayor Dylan here councilwoman cusin here councilman gutwetter here councilman kilman here councilman Papo here councilwoman poppy here councilwoman Woods here you the flag salute I will ask Mr Canal to lead us to the flag the United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation under isible of liberty and justice for all the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of all citizens to have advanced notice of and to attend all meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting the public is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the revisions of this act notice of this meeting of the mayor and Council was published in the Bergen Record and the Ridgewood news on Friday January 19th 2024 we have minutes to approve I would like to make a motion to approve the minutes from the work session on March 13th 2024 this is councilwoman cusk I second that thank you any comments or changes to the minutes not hearing any roll call please councilwoman kusk yes councilman gut wer yes councilman kilman yes councilman Papo yes councilwoman poppy yes councilwoman Woods yes thank you Communications I'd like to make a motion to accept the communications as listed on the agenda I'll second it Madam mayor thank you anybody have any comments on the communications not hearing any roll call please councilwoman cusk yes councilman gutwetter yes councilman kilman yes councilman Papo yes councilwoman poppy yes councilwoman Woods yes thank you we'll Now open up for public comment anyone wishing to address the governing body please give your name spelling the last name and address please speak it in overtone and address your comments to the chair there will be a 5 minute time limit per speaker unless reduced because of the volume of business on the agenda please note public comment is your time out of respect and fairness to all there will be no interruptions or questions answered during your time your time shall be seated to anyone else and no time shall be saved for later use any responses may be given during the government governing body's comments later in the meeting or is directed by the chair the burough clerk is the official timekeeper okay anybody in council chambers wish to make public comment so step up to the Das for the podium okay not seeing anyone in Chambers wish to make a public comment is there anyone on the line that would like to make a comment during public comment second call for public comments for anyone on the telephone line third and final call for anyone for public comment for anyone on the telephone not hearing anyone I will close public comment this point I'd like a motion to go out of the regular order of business for the 2024 budget hearing yes madame mayor excuse me i' like to make a motion to go out of order for the business of reviewing the 2024 budget for Ramsey the public public hearing can I second that thank you do I have a roll call please councilwoman cusk yes councilman gut wer yes councilman kilman yes councilman Papo yes councilwoman poppy yes councilwoman Woods yes okay before we open it up to public comment or public hearing sorry public comment during the hearing um Mr gabini is with us do you have any comments this evening thank you Madame mayor I I do uh again as I say every here I appreciate working with Bruce and Denise the finance committee and the entire governing body we appreciate your support I think Ramsay's done very well this year keeping their Municipal tax increase to a minimum compared to not only what we see at other clients but speaking with other Auditors speaking with the state you're under both the appropriation cap which is the spending cap and the levy cap which is the revenue cap so there's two caps that you have to comply with and and you comply with both other municipalities are having a very difficult time getting under the cap so uh with that said uh we've already had the introduction tonight is the adoption if uh the only other thing I'd like to add is that you are eligible for self- review this year which uh we did the checklist mandated by the state and uh the budget balance okay thank you very much appreciate it um Mr Bose do you have some comments regarding the 2024 budget thank you Madame mayor yes um as Mr garbarini said the 2024 M budget was introduced at the February 28th mayor and council meeting when the budget presentation was made all budget related information's been posted on the burough website and available for review since that meeting a budget brochure was mailed out to all residents as well tonight's public budget hearing uh has been publicly advertised as well some summary comments just to reiterate uh what we've talked about and discussed throughout this budget process the 2024 Municipal budget continues to face similar challenges to those all households and businesses are facing we're all experiencing the inflationary cost of goods services and general operating expenses as well as a higher interest rate environment despite these challenges through prudent budgeting and fiscal responsible decisions the 2024 municipal budget is compliant with both the New Jersey state Levy cap and the New Jersey Appropriations cap in terms of the general line item Appropriations for municipal operating expenses contracted services and salaries which collectively account for approximately two-thirds of the budget the 2024 increase from 2023 budget levels is 1.94% the budget includes principal pay down on debt of 1.2 million with approximately 50% of it coming from Grants the burough sought out and received for those needed improvements mitigating the cost to Residents Ramsay's Municipal debt level remains one of the lowest among the 13 Northwest Bergen municipalities and under 10% of what the state allows for a community of our size this strong low-leverage financial situation leaves Ramsey in position to utilize the long-term debt markets for large Capital infrastructure projects the largest line item increase and cost driver in the 20124 budget is for capital investment the burough continues each year to invest in capital projects some of these are pay as you go projects funded through the current Year's budget and some are funded with borrowing where the cost is paid over multiple budget years reflected of the assets useful life as has been discussed over the last couple years the burrow will be finalizing plans and going out to bid this year for a new combined Ramsey fire department rescue squad and office of emergency management complex on island a the process for this project began a couple years ago when the burough engaged an independent engineer to perform a review of current conditions from a structural mechanical Ada and overall perspective of the current building in its report The Firm recommended against a renovation or retrofit of the existing building in order to meet current safety and Ada standards building codes and operational issues the most long-term costeffective solution is to construct a new shared service building was the conclusion of the independent engineer this is a large scale much-needed long-term capital investment which will serve the burrow not only in the near future but through many generations of our residents and future emergency service members in early February Ramsey received notice from the buron County Board of Taxation that the burrow must perform a townwide property tax revaluation will which will start in 2024 with an anticipated completion in time for the final certified tax rates in the summer of 2025 due to the increases in the real estate market over half the municipalities in Burgen County have received the same notice municipality is ordered to conduct a full reevaluation when their town white assess value is estimated at less than 85% of the current market a portion of the cost of this mandated revaluation is included in the 2024 budget as the state allows towns to allocate revaluation costs over five budget years of the 70 Bergen County towns Ramsey ranks as the seventh lowest or better than 90% of the towns in the lowest percentage of property taxes utilized for municipal services in fact Ramsay's effective Municipal portion of the property tax rate is more than 2 5% below the buron County Town average translating to Ramsay's annual Municipal portion of the tax levy being millions of dollars below that of the average buron County town for 2024 the municipal portion of the total property tax rate will be 0.577 per 100 or 57.7 cents per $100 in assessed value this equates to a183 monthly increase per $100,000 of property's assessed value or $117 annually for the average burrow home which is assessed at 534,906 Works diligently to produce a leaner more efficient municipal government yet one which remains able to deliver the essential Municipal Services which our residents and businesses expect and deserve thank you Mr Bose is there anyone else on the day is anyone from Council have any comments on the budget okay at this point I will open it up to public comment is there anyone that would like to make a comment on the bud 2024 Municipal budget not seeing anybody in the council chamber stepping up to the podium I will ask now is there anybody on the telephone that would like to comment on the 2024 Municipal budget second call for comments on the 2024 Municipal budget this is the third and final call for comments on the 2024 Municipal budget not hearing any we'll close the public hearing portion at this point do I have a resolution to adopt the 2024 Municipal budget uh yes thank you madam mayor be it resolved that the following statements of Revenue and Appropriations shall constitute the adopted Municipal budget for the year 2024 on the current fund under General appr rations Appropriations within caps for municipal purposes 23,4 192,25 Appropriations excluded from caps Municipal purposes 4, 83723392 million General total General Appropriations 29,32 n, 678 41 less anticipated revenues 7,457 35 $44 amount to be raised by taxes for supported Municipal budget local tax Municipal purposes 20,4 6,288 21 minimum Library tax 1,466 366 total to be raised by taxes 21, 8723 2437 the water sewer Utility Fund Appropriations 8,495 th000 utility revenues 8,495 th000 swiming pool Utility Fund Appropriations 975,000 utility revenues 975,000 thank you thank you do I have a second second all right thank you roll call please councilwoman cusk yes councilman gut wer yes councilman kilman yes councilman Papo yes councilwoman poppy yes councilwoman Woods yes thank you do I have a motion to go back into the regular order of business yes Madam mayor I make a motion to go back into the regular order of business and I second thank you roll call please councilwoman cusk yes councilman gutwetter yes councilman kilman yes councilman Papo yes councilwoman poppy yes councilwoman Works yes thank you he we don't um other than the budget which we just did we have no other advertised public hearing for final consideration there are no appointments this evening consent resolutions uh thank you Madame mayor uh be it resolved that resolutions 070 2024 through and including 075 2024 had been considered by the governing body of the burough of Ramsey B and are hereby passed and approved there are no special permits or block party requests this evening okay thank you do we have a second I would like to second that thank you any comments on the resolutions not hearing any call please councilwoman cusk yes councilman gutwetter yes councilman kilman yes councilman Papo yes councilwoman poppy yes councilwoman Woods yes thank you we'll move on to committee and lead on reports Finance at Administration councilman gutter uh thank you once again um Madam mayor uh for the library board a uh on the library board the 8ac renovation project is nearing completion and should be completed by early April however the library is closed to the public this week while these final construction phases take place and it plans to reopen on April 1st which I think is Monday the children's room renovation will start shortly thereafter uh upcoming events Library Con on Saturday May 18th from 12: to 4:00 still finalizing details but there will be a Ghostbusters vehicle in the parking lot an artist alley of comic book artists and authors at costume contest for kids and members of the 501 51st Legion that's a Star Wars movie level costumes a panel discussion on creating your own costumes and much more the expanded Museum past program the friends of the of Ramsey Library have generously donated additional funds toward the library municial Pass Program and there are a whole bunch of additional museums that we can passes to the uh Museum of Modern Art New York Historical Society the 911 museum the Museum of American Revolution and the Museum of moving images uh the Recreation Commission spring sports baseball softball and Lacrosse are getting ready for their seasons and adult softball leagues are forming and play will begin in April the outdoor Easter egg hunt was cancelled due to rain but at thens every year there's an outdoor Easter egg hunt but was held at the firehouse the event uh details for Finch Park summer camp are being developed in conjunction with director Kelly Council job applications are on line and registration will begin in early April a home run derby is scheduled for Saturday June 15th and director Ty bery has contacted Library director and Senior coordinator regarding cross promoting activities and finally for the Ramsey Farmers Market the market is open Sundays from 900 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. hours will expand in May April 7th is a secondhand toy collection uh May 5th and 12th will be a planed sale from from Beach um hosted by the Ramsey Garden Club and Meo I'm not really sure what Meo is but it's Meo uh there are various children's activities with uh Lorraine hosting it uh from May through October and Touch a Truck along with Easter Bunny was held this past Sunday Fun For All including my 2-year-old grandson Mason that's all I have for this evening thank you appreciate it public safety council president kilman thank you Madame mayor um I have three brief reports first uh regarding VFW Post 12148 I received a report from former councilman and Military veteran Joe veroni the vfw's annual poppy donations will begin May 1st raising funds from poppy donations will continue to run until June 30th donation locations are at various retail establishments throughout the borau and on Sunday May 5th the BFW members will set up booth at the Ramsey Farmers Market sometime in mid B BFW members will be replacing American flags on Fallen veteran Graves at Union Cemetery Ramsey and Redeemer Cemetery in MAA and that's his report regarding the Ramsey fire department Ramsey rescue and OEM the Ramsey Emergency Services complex development committee and Neta Architects continue to work on the design plan following their meeting with the planning board in February these professionals are addressing all aspects and matters that arise which are not uncommon in developing a complicated facility such as this this process takes time we have set up a page on the burough website for this project under the Community heading on the landing page and plans and pertinent information are posted when finalized when the design plan for this complex is ready we will set a date for it to be presented to the mayor and counsel and that will be open to the public and lastly following the January 13th mayoral meeting that heard various options for deer management in New Jersey mayor Dylan assembled a team led by Dr Chris hos who is on the board of health to explore different options for deer management in Ramsey currently Dr Hass and team continue their due diligence seeking information pro and con on all matters regarding deer management programs in other municipalities before coming up with a Rec recommendation and those are my reports Madam mayor thank you building Planning and Zoning councilwoman Woods thank you madam mayor take okay okay the design review board uh was supposed to have their meeting last night but it was cancelled because there were no applications um the senior trustees board I have a lot to say about the sen uh the senior trustees meeting was held Thursday March 14th they are getting ready for the senior Gala which is going to be be held on Saturday June 22nd and they've hired a DJ um they have also made a donation to the fire department in memory of Arthur Keys um three diseased oak trees were taken down in front of the senior center and they'll be replaced with three new ones and the seniors will pay for one of the trees and put a plaque honoring Arthur keys by that tree um all the activities continue at the senior center but they've also added uh basic computer classes Bachi for men and women begins in April David nbam the president of the Ridgewood Symphony and three other musicians presented a program at the senior senat on February 28th which was attended by about 30 people and they are planning a trip to attend um a concert May 3rd there will be a book event uh with Mark BR on April 5th and the topic is baseball so there will be a concession stand I mean a concession stand food will be available um his book is titled sons of baseball growing up with a major league dad uh watercolor art class was very successful and they're starting session two on April 19th the Girl Scout sent Valentine's Day cards and boxes of Girl Scout cookies to the senior center which they very much appreciated uh The Crafty sisters um have been deemed an activity that is open only to members of the ramsy senior group on Tuesday March 5th the seniors put 6,000 Candy Kisses donated by shoppr into 3,000 plastic eggs for a very grateful Recreation Commission um there's been a great in great interest in line dancing classes with almost 50 signups but they're looking for an instructor right now um the seniors plan to participate as they always do in the environmental cleanup day which is now named Sam Wright cleanup day which um Sam Wright was a member member of our community who recently passed away and you could always see him walking down the street picking up trash he's just uh was a wonderful wonderful man um so that is Saturday April 6 um the seniors are also researching an outdoor flag poll to honor Doug renie and are coordinating with the burough about this project uh the heart health program and Hands-On CPR programs were a huge success success and there are many mid- Regional Health commission programs including Stress Management which may be brought to the senior center healthy bones training continues and lastly congratulations to Joanne Buckhorn on being featured in Ramsey neighbors the next meeting will be April 11th uh the Zoning Board of adjustment meeting was held on March 20th and there were two applications the next meeting is April 7 um no I'm sorry April 17th meeting is cancelled because the applications are not deemed complete and that is the end of my report thank you utilities buildings and BRS councilwoman cusk thank you Madame mayor this is councilwoman cusk and this is my report for the 27th March 2024 Ramadan Mubarak I was honored to attend the Ramadan celebration at our wonderful Borough community center on Friday March 22nd uh Madame mayor Dylan spoke at the event and I'm GNA look forward to her highlights of the event happy Easter and I also want to thank the fire department for a lovely breakfast with the bunny this past satday Saturday and thank you to the seniors too for the um the chocolate eggs which melted all over my grandson's hands but didn't get on my shirt so um the Ramsey planning board uh my report tonight our Ramsey planning board our shade tree commission and the Board of Public Works the planning board met on March 5th there were three site plan waivers all approved two public hearings um the planning board meeting for this past week was postponed the next time the the planning board will meet is on the second of April so um I apologize but I I think I already informed us of the um frees sight plan waivers from the March 5th meeting the shade tree commission it met on March 21st 2024 and I thank you Madame mayor Dylan for covering the meeting for me Jim Lewis was elected as our vice chair and the next meeting will be April 18th there's information on our bureau's website regarding our shade tree commission the Board of Public Works it last met on the 18th of March 2024 the next meeting is 15th April 2024 per and polyfluorinated substances substances PES are a group of chemicals used to make fluoropolymer Coatings and products that resist heat oil stains grease and water the EPA has not issued revised posos water quality limits but in preparation for the EPA and their regulations h2m has begun reviewing treatment alternatives for our bureau's water systems the lead service line replacement the Board of Public Works continues planning regarding nj's lead service line replacement legislation this product requires that all lead service lines served by the water system be replaced by the year 2031 um I'll be introducing an ordinance later on in tonight's evening uh related to the lead service line activities the department our BPW is planning the springtime fire hydrant flushing program in April and for information will be posted on the burough website for residents and businesses and um on the last note for the BPW I want to thank Mara bolo for his service to the BPW he informed us at the last meeting um that we had together on the 18th of March that he was going into uh retirement not full retirement but uh that was his last meeting with us so he um taught me a lot and I'm grateful for the time that I spent together with him thank you madam there thank you want to pass it back Republican governmental relations councilwoman poppy thank you Madame mayor um the pool regarding the pool commission registration is open they're utilizing a new platform through Civic engine so this uh will require prospective members to create an account note that early bird membership will close on May 15th so register before then for the lowest rates guest passes are discounted discounted or discontinued and will be replaced by a flat rate of $15 per V visit per guest everyone over the age of one will require a membership or guest pass they are also accepting job applications for administrative and lifeguard positions you must be 15 to apply no exceptions and there specifically looking to fill lifeguard positions lifeguard training will be provided to those interested um visit their website for more information or attend their next meeting on April 17th the Ramsey Chamber of Commerce is holding an event this evening hosted by Lincoln of Ramsey with a presentation by score visit the Ramsey chamber website or Facebook page for more information on their upcoming events and learn how to register your business for membership the Ramsey Municipal Alliance did not meet in March uh they will be meeting in burough Chambers on April 22nd at 730 p.m. and the Ramsey Journal is complete and has gone to production um we're hoping for a slightly earlier release of sometime next week to ensure that as many events as possible can be included I would like to extend a special thank you to all of the organizations who eagerly contributed to our publication the mayor and councel for their support with special thanks to Judy cusk for assisting with the layout review and meridith bendian and Bruce fose for being there to answer questions along the way I especially would like to extend my thanks to Kelly Sylvester for being my partner throughout the editing process I could not do it without her um there is an event coming up coffee with the mayor council and Ramsey PD this will be held at the community center on April 21st from 10 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. all residents are invited to come out to network with one another and members from the mayor and Council and police department we may even expect a special guest coffee and bagels will be served and that concludes my report thank you thank you health education Social Services councilman Papo thank you madam mayor um I'll first start off with I did attend this stem event uh last week which is at Smith School and was uh happy to hear that Ramsey has the most teams entered uh for any town in this area again they they went through most of the counties that they had we have two at the high school and one at Smith and the Smith School actually even placed on the high school competition level which is pretty impressive so they uh showed off all their robots and things being worked and it was just a really good night well attended by at least about 100 150 uh residents which was good uh for rif we the commit the the committee and had art night on 3:13 and roughly 30 riers did attend the event uh the next event will be a karaoke night which is scheduled for April 25th at the Nights of Columbus uh for environmental Committee just to remind everyone which I think every council person reminded everybody that we have the um 46 we have the uh cleanup day and 47 is the plastic uh toy drive at the Farmers Market from 9 to 12 uh the screw uh the food scrap uh compost pilot uh tedly didn't have their get together and now going to be scheduled probably for that 47 date and it's going to be outside the DPW so it'll be probably in the Farmers Market uh to kind of do that and for the Board of Ed uh they met on uh 319 and pretty much went through their njsba training uh going through their ready for their budget process which will be next month that's all I have for tonight thank you thank you like to mention one thing yeah um just that Howard caner uh who was the chair of the zon um board passed away and I just wanted to you know extend my condolences to his family I started under him when I was on the zoning board and I just would like to make mention of his service and uh everything he did with the town okay thank you um and that's Howard caner not only served on the Zoning Board of adjustment but he was also on the planning board and he was a councilman as well as an extremely accomplished CPA I think he worked at price waterhous um so he was a wonderful man and it's very sad that he passed away but he had been ill and I remember when we honored him in the chambers um it was a it was a challenge for him to join us that evening so you know condolences to the cancer family um thank you to Mora bolo for his years and years of service to the Ramsey Board of Public Works the man he knows so much about our B our water and sewer systems and he's been such a great guide and source of information to all of us who've worked on the on the board of public work so thank you tomorrow and best wishes in his semi-retirement um and welcome to Alec who is taking his place you know Alec's been coming to to our meeting so he he gets familiar with us we get familiar with him so welcome Alec um regarding the budget I just want to say you know great job to everybody and thank you of course to Paul G gabini Bruce fose Denise Balada and councilman Mike GW for all of your hard work on it it's a really big task and I remember when I first was on Council many many years ago we would not pass the budget until July or August so I'm so happy that we get our budget passed in the first quarter of the year I think that's quite an accomplishment and we really improved the way we do things so thank you especially to Mr Ros Thank you regarding the Ramadan celebration um I want to thank Sabina USAC sabak Khan and all the others who put it together on very short notice it was a wonderful event held at the community center and um it was very nice they included a lot of children so they had a first grader a third grader and fifth graders speak and the fifth grader was hysterical the kid he was so funny talking about fast it's not funny to talk about fast but he was so entertaining this young man describing everything going on and how supportive all of his classmates and friends are at dater so it was very heartening to hear how supportive all of his friends and classmates have been so thanks to everybody who attended it and the imom did a lovely job speaking so that was it let's see I want to wish everybody a Happy Easter um and thank you to councilwoman poppy councilwoman cusk and Mrs Sylvester for the spring edition of the newsletter I know that is a Monumental task putting that together so thank you really appreciate it and once again just remind everybody that Saturday April 6 is clean up day in Ramsey so meet at the Ramsey rescue squad on South Island Avenue and that's all I have bir administrator Jose uh thank you Madame mayor um just a couple uh General comments on the budget and thank yous if you will I would especially like to thank the mayor and Council for all of your guidance input and direction in both the budget construction and finalization it's a great help when we get a game plan of how to go about this and it makes our job easier and then also obviously thank all of my department heads who have prepare their own budgets that get pushed up and we incorporate all of that and a special thanks to Denise arada our CFO for everything we work hand inand on that and I appreciate everything she does uh in this process and Paul garbarini our outside auditor who's um he and his uh team down uh there get through and help us make sure we're compliant with everything on the state level and also do all of our filings within the state fast system so thank you to everyone in that a few things on the agenda tonight that I'll just make some brief comments on resolution 72 Awards a contract to appco International for Professional Services for FCC licensing work appco will be assisting the bureau with the applications and modifications for the Bureau of Ramsey Ramsey emergency services for our VHF UHF FCC licenses uh going forward resolution 73 authorizes the burrow to enter into assured service agreement with the county of Bergen for tree removal services uh the buau this allows The Bu to execute an annual sh shared service agreement with the county for tree removal services on County Roads where the trees are in the public right of way resolution 74 is rejecting bids for electric vehicle charging stations the burrow held the bid opening for the public advertised bid for the installation work for electric vehicle charging stations on March 19th three bids were submitted one bid was deficient in what is legally required in the bid documents the other two bids were substantially above the estimated cost of the project is recommended in this resolution did reject the bids and the burrow will either rebid the project or utilize a Cooperative purchasing contract for the work moving forward resolution 75 rejects bids for the pool heater the burough had the Bild bid opening for the public advertised bid for the new pool heater for the Ramsey municipal pool on March 26th one bid was submitted the bid was deficient in what is legally required in the bid documents therefore the bid is rejected and the burough will read advertise and rebid this project uh there is an ordinance as um Council cusk mentioned on the agenda for the Board of Public Works it's a bond ordinance authorizing funding of 650,000 for fa two of the Board of Public Works water service line replacement project this project is in compliance as the councilwoman mentioned with the state mandate to replace any lead service Lines within the burrow water supply system by the year 2031 the work will be performed in the upcoming months under a publicly bid contract awarded to John Garcia construction by the Board of Public Works uh we did have a um another communication on the agenda regarding a a resident uh suggestion suggestion 42 uh from volume 24 of the suggestions involve the posting of the meeting agenda for the March 13th meeting inadvertently the meeting agenda was not posted on the website prior to the last meeting the meeting agenda though was included in the alert that went out before the mayor and council meeting of March 13th to the 282 people who were signed up through the burrow website to receive alerts uh regarding meeting agendas we apologize the agenda was not posted earlier it wasn't oversight it's unfortunate that the resident seems to have noticed it on the website for postings prior to the meeting but is unable to communicate this oversight to us ahead of the meeting at least then we would have been able to post it um for the rest of the public and not just the 282 as I previously mentioned registered uh that do receive the agenda with their alert on the meeting so if anyone else is interested please I would encourage you to register on the website for burrow alerts in many categories that are available that would conclude my comments thank you Mr B Mr scander nothing thank you ma'am Miss bendian no report thank you thank you all right we have an introduction of ordinance thank you Madame mayor this is Council wusk and this is the introduction to ordinance 04202 4 be it resolved that an ordinance entitled Bond ordinance to authorize the undertaking of phase two of the water service line replacement project in by and for the water sewer utility of the buau of Ramsey in the county of Bergen state of New Jersey to appropriate the sum of $650,000 to pay the cost thereof to authorize the issuance of bonds to finance such appropriation and to provide for the issuance of bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance of such such bonds pass the first reading by title and that said ordinance be further considered for final passage and adoption at a regular meeting of the mayor and Council to be held on the 10th day of April 2024 7 p.m. prevailing in time or as soon after as the matter can be reached at the municipal building in said borrow and be it further resolved that the buau clerk be and she is here she hereby is instructed to publish in an official news paper of the bureau in the manner provided by law a copy of set ordinance together with notice of introduction thereof and notice when the same will be considered for final passage and adoption I second this ordinance m M mayor thank you is there any um comments in addition to what Mr Bose provided Madame mayor every at every meeting I I talk about the Leed service line replacement so this should come to No Surprise thank you very much to burough administrator Vose for those comments as well thank you thank you okay roll call please councilwoman cus yes councilman gotw yes councilman kilman yes councilman Papo yes councilwoman poppy yes woman Woods yes thank you okay we've already handled the unfinished business business which was the 2024 budget public hearing uh do we have any new business not hearing any can I have a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn second I'll second thank you all in favor I thank you 743