now I got to be [Music] might K's been Kobe's been looking at it since the ready some houses I went three or four times just get the signature iar I'm so wound up you ready okay maybe I good evening everyone we're so happy that you can join us I did it my headin Perfect all right let's get this meeting going the B of Ramsey mayor and councel regular meeting Monday September 27th 2023 this meeting is also being conducted telephonically with the dial in number 425-436 6365 access code 23563 and the meeting may also be red on the Ramsey YouTube channel may have a roll call please mayor Dylan here councilwoman cusk here councilman gutwetter is not here councilman kilman here councilman Papo here councilwoman poppy here councilwoman Woods here thank you and I'll ask coach Stromer to lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance on pledge alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible withy and justice for all the New Jersey open public meeting law was enacted to ensure the right of all citizens to have advanced notice of and to attend all meetings guys come on let's attention Okay the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of all citizens to have advanced notice of and to attend all meetings the public bodies at which any business affecting the public is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provisions of this act notice of this meeting of the mayor council was published in the Bergen Record and the Ridgewood news on Friday January 13th 2023 do we have approval of minutes yes madame mayor this is councilwoman cusk and I would like to approve the minutes from the work session on on the 13th November 2023 thank you do we have a second I second Madam mayor any comments on the minutes not hearing any roll call please councilwoman cusk yes councilman kilman yes councilman Papo yes councilwoman poppy yes councilwoman Woods yes thank you do we have communications yes madame mayor I'd like to make a motion that the communications as listed on tonight's agenda be received and filed thank you second Madame mayor I will second the Communications thank you any comments none but um normally when we have a resignation I always feel bad about it I hate to see people go but in this case I'm really happy that Ryan latowski is resigning from the DPW because he's going back to school so I'm very happy for him call right roll call please councilwoman cusk yes councilman kilman yes councilman Papo yes councilwoman poppy yes councilwoman Woods yes thank you do I have a I'd like a motion to go out of order to do the special presentations to the teams assembled here yes Madam mayor I make a motion to go out of order for the special presentations thank you I have a second I'll second all in favor I okay all right while you're here yeah I'll ask councilman Papo to come up with me the junior varsity team first coach Dre Strow and head coach Kayla Miller are any of the girls from the Juni barity team here please come on up come on come on congratulations congratulations congrat conrat congratulations conratulations congratulations well done congratulations congratulations congratulations now we do have certificate so yeah girl what's the best want to talk do they want to say anything for any anybody that doesn't know the JB uh team this year went 15 and0 and uh for the first time ever we won the uh JB County tournament very bright for Ramsey girl soccer excellent okay so we have certificates for each one and the coaches will call out their names Emmy Bender Ashley brell Megan [Applause] [Music] Burns juliaa Emily fic luo Melanie copac Catherine lson Kate mlin Kay oare Kate oor Abby Abby [Applause] P [Applause] Schneider [Applause] OS hey go do you want that would be great so we'll make sure that they got them thank okay now do you want to do it doesn't matter we can do the girls girls come on up de de do you want to go sit down or stay here and then take a picture do a picture all [Music] together that's you you're giving me the [Music] look I didn't get a half you guys ready so uh this the girls uh girls for went 19 and3 uh they are uh Patriot League Champs uh St group two North one sectional Champs and group two North group two state champs uh it's the first time the first time they've accomplished this since 2011 so congratulations great year make us proud very proud so thank you great [Applause] [Music] job um you're [Applause] first Isabella kareah is n Davis fre sopie Faith [Applause] FY Maggie sour Sarah telian congratulations Elly vinra Ranna Ward Lauren Wright congratulations Sophia deara congratulations Natalia Paul Maddie [Applause] landelle Kate Marie Monaco Katie ruin Alissa salmon congratulations Ellie Walsh con Emma sarly Julia Bower congratul Kendall Reed congratulations and Lizzie [Applause] Ruben [Applause] ladies go excellent hey and last but not least the boys varsity team come on up good coordination on the Wardrobe I'm just [Music] saying okay okay he guys smile you're on YouTube uh the Ramy boys soccer team this year they were able to accomplish the league title uh County Championship a state sectional championship and a state championship and with the record of 220 and two undefeated and it hurts me to say and I think to shant too but probably the best soccer boy soccer team to shant if they won it last time so why does it hurt him you tell everybody that why does it hurt what why does it hurt you say they were the last on me and Sean played in the 2017 the other team that won the state championship we weren't undefeated and we didn't win the cter but it didn't take us three games you guys are tough all right you ready I don't know why I'm looking at Luke the whole okay gab AA Kelvin Bravo Sean [Applause] Davidson Luke [Applause] ER Jack goala Lucas [Applause] Quinn Max [Applause] nberg Paul Paul Patrick we Joe [Applause] Aran K [Applause] capuano Joe [Applause] capano Michael kuzo Steven the pinto con Kieran the one Dylan duer Nick lorino congratulations Christian manano Quinn [Applause] O'Neal Nicholas Cano Brian Ramos Micha Sebastian alcha Owen Morris Adrian CES coaches and everybody else got do you want to have all the players come up for one big picture because this is pretty historic especially with the two varsity teams both winning state champion so I don't know if you all would like that the parents okay so girls and boys come on up and then we'll you don't need your certificate go over [Music] there Boys on one side girls on the other want me to pull that table okay [Music] yeah somebody have a whistle yeah here you got a deer congrats guys on three on three smile one two three got it okay let's add the JV girls come on up come on girls come on these guys are tall hey Bob we need your direction again all right ready one two three [Applause] hey Allie congratulations [Music] God good thank you are you are you coming to the par on Saturday yeah oh okay all right it'll be good good J time Lally time my going oh my God they don't even long to sign them to to present them I know I know all the best I spent like a half hour today signing me too I went Wednesday night I'm like getting this out of the way and I'm like had a half an hour down the street I saw you walk in I was like ter I know and yours is too it took me a half hour today and I sat in the back room I was just I played the fountain yester I just did like oh yeah yeah there is that protocol go play outside [Laughter] on yeah right right yeah all right hi congratulations it me long to sign them to give them out yeah if it's nice out yeah a half hour cuz we get hot that's ni it's nice to see all these kids yeah we'll see them again at graduation it's exciting or 1:00 next time we do walking at 8:00 Marin is the tape on pause hi Karen bye bye Karen on okay up all right keep congratulations you have to stay con grats it's going to be quick Amy I'll see you soon you have to you guys thr them every practice every game way to go you might have to par far yeah you guys state champion parents County Champion parents from way back in Kinder kickers remember some of these kids when their moms were pregnant with them I was looking at Kate Schwan I was like I remember when your mom was pregnant they just you know two of the kids elected to the bo of and Coach middle L I'm [Laughter] like I know okay it was almost looking forward to public comment that was awesome was great that'd be great thank you okay there we go do I have a motion uh to go back into order please Madame mayor I make a motion to go back into our regular order second thank you roll um actually all in favor I I thank you public comment anyone wishing to address the governing body please give your name spelling the last name and address please speak in an audable tone and address your comments to the chair there will be 5 minute time limit per speaker unless reduced because of the volume business on the agenda please note public comment is your time out of respect and fairness all there will be no interruption or questions answered during your time no time shall be seated to anyone else and no time shall be saved for later use any responses may be given during the governing body's comments later in the meeting or is directed by the chair the burrow clerk is the official timekeeper anyone in Chambers like to make a public comment not seeing any nobody in Chambers want to make public comment is there anyone on the telephone line that would like to comment second call for public comment for anyone on the telephone third and final call for public comment for anyone on the telephone not hearing anybody I will close public comment we have no advertised public hearings for final consideration of ordinances I make the following appointments Lola Callahan Santos to the Ramsey rescue squad and Francesco Mir to the Ramsey rescue squad consent resolution please be it resolved that the following resolutions here with listed have been considered by the governing body of the Bureau of Ramsay and are hereby passed and approved resolution 215-223 through and including resolution 220-223 be it further resolve that the following applications and or recommendations hereby approved um special permits Boy Scout Troop 31 is requesting permission to hang signs advertising the annual tree sale on November 24th through 26th and December 2nd and 3rd December 9th and also December 10th signs will be posted at Island Avenue Lake Street cson Plaza and a banner at the Ramsey High School tennis courts St Paul's Church is requesting permission to have a procession on Sunday December 10th 2023 in honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe they will start at Ramsey High School at 12:00 noon and will proceed to St Paul's Church there are no block party requests do we have a second a second there any comments on any of the resolutions not hearing any roll call please councilwoman kusich yes councilman kilman yes councilman Papo yes councilwoman poppy yes councilwoman Woods yes we'll move on to committee and Le on reports Finance Administration councilman GW is not with us this evening does anybody have any comments from him I do uh he I spoke to him earlier and he has nothing for this evening Madam mayor thank you I spoke with him as well okay Public Safety councilman kilman thank you madam mayor I don't have anything from the BFW this evening uh but I do have um something uh continuing report um on our station house that we are replacing work continues with Neta Architects on the development and finalization of the design for the new fire department rescue squad and OEM Station House replacing our 70-year-old structure on south island road we met with Neta Architects and the building committee before Thanksgiving and provided input on specific areas of the development design buau administrator Mr oose and I will continue to provide regular updates on the station he project as it moves forward the current project schedule has both design development and construction documents drafted for a concept comprehensive review by January at which time I believe the current thinking is to present these design documents to the planning board in January of 2024 more on that to come and if there's any change on that we will notify you as well we have set up a page on the burough website for this project under the community heading on the landing page and It's featured in the left column sidebar the folder is titled fire rescue OEM building project where anyone who is interested can find the plans and pertinent information as it becomes finalized or you can simply type in folders in the search bar and it will come up and it's listed additionally minutes from the past mayor and Council meetings specifically outline what's included in netta's contract of $1,152 over the four main phases of the services which will cover a timeline of approximately two and a half years as we continue to emphasiz netta's contract fees also incorporate the cost of netta's outside engineers and professionals working with them on this project this combined approach with Neta Architects on this project will save the burough money and time and will provide greater project efficiency in coordination by having all these different disciplines working through Neta this Capital project will help ensure that we have a First Rate Emergency Services complex that will serve ramsy for many generations to come and that's my report Madam mayor thank you building Planning and Zoning councilwoman Woods thank you Madame mayor I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend congratulations to the Ramsey High School girls and boys soccer teams on their amazing state championship accomplishments and the Ramsey Junior varsity girls soccer County Championship our burough is truly a magical place to grow up absolutely incredible that a small school can produce so many state champions thank you for making us proud congratulations to Lola Callahan Santos and Franchesco M on their appointment to the Ramsey rescue squad and thank you for your service volunteers of what make this town so special I would like to wish Ryan lowski well and his future endeavors so happy for him uh many thanks to Alexandra wils and Evan lazarat for organizing the very powerful and emotional bring them home now rally in ramsy on uh November 16th I was honored to be there and listen to the beautiful words of so many including our own mayor Dylan I'll will move on to my board reports which are very um slim tonight design review board meeting will be held on Tuesday November 28th which is tomorrow the senior trustees board will meet on Thursday December 14th they are currently preparing for their holiday party which is December 5th at the Ramsey golf and country club uh zoning Board of adjustment will meet on December 20th in closing I just want to say that I cannot wait to see everyone come out for the home for the holidays parade this Saturday there will be so many marching bands from all over the area participating it's going to be amazing thank you to the Ramy volunteer fire department thank you thank you utilities buildings and grounds Council will ausk thank you mayor Madame mayor these are councilwoman cix's report for November 27th 2023 again congratulations for the Ramsey High School girls and boy soccer teams for their state championships and also to the Ramsey Davy girl soccer team for their County Championship I'm going to give a woohoo and congratulations to Lola Callahan Santos and Francesa for each of their appointments to the Ramy Rescue Squad and best wishes to Ryan letkowski for his future endeavors my report tonight will provide an update regarding our planning board the shade tree commission and our Board of Public Works the Ramsey planning board last met on the 21st November there was one hearing during this meeting for 92 West Main Street and the the project was approved the next meeting is on the 5th of December 2023 the shade tree commission last met on the 16th of November the next meeting will be in 2024 as the December meeting has been cancelled please note there's information on our bureau's website regarding our shade tree commission for the Bureau of Public Works and our Board of Public Works our Board of Public Works uh last met on the 20th November 2023 the next meeting is in the 18th of December 2023 the lead service line replacement project continues the Board of Public Works plans regarding nd's lead service line replacement legislation this project requires that all lead service lines served by the water system be replaced by the year 2031 the Ramsey leaf removal program which began on the 16th of October will wrap up in in December and uh please folks help make this effort safe and efficient by following the rules posted on the bur's website God bless you thank you I'm also looking forward to this Saturday for the Burrow's home for the holidays parade this is a fabulous time of year thank you madam mayor thank you public and governmental relations councilwoman poppy thank you madam mayor um first I'd like to congratulate the Ramsay High School boys and girls varsity teams and the girls junior varsity team in their accomplishments this year being an athlete requires a lot of dedication and sacrifice and hard work um they're learning to be work in a team environment um and they've certainly come together to to bring us to these championships so congratulations um I would also like to congratulate Lola callahans and SOS and Francesca mer on their appointments to the Ramsey rescue squad um So Others May Live and um and that's really U just a great sentiment to to what they do there so thank you to them for stepping up to serve their Community um for my report tonight I would like to start by saying this November I had the privilege of attending the New Jersey League of municipalities um I intended various sessions on St State policies and initiatives to improve my understanding of how they relate to burrow business it was a great experience and I returned feeling inspired and motivated the Ramsey Municipal Alliance is meeting tonight downstairs actually I will join them at the end of um this meeting and the Ramsey Journal hit mailboxes two weeks ago um if you did not receive a copy of the ramsy journal there are copies at the library and downstairs um in burrow Hall and that concludes my report for this evening thank you now some parts of the buau did not receive it like where I live and the post office supposedly going to be delivering them to those areas in the next few days because Kelly's been calling them thank you that's good to know I wasn't aware councilman Papo health education Social Services thank you mam mayor uh congratulations to the new appointments Lola and Franchesca uh thank you to Ryan Kowski for his service and uh congratulations to the Ramsey High School girls boys and JB soccer teams on their accomplishments uh for R I'll start off with them we finished up the soccer season on 11:18 re is planning to with MAA access for all to walk in the home for the holidays parade uh and there is no more scheduled events for 2023 for R after that uh environmental committee we met on 114 uh there was a discussion around Ramsey Wildlife Garden uh this is a discussion around uh track of land that's across from Tisdale uh school which is they wanted to create a passive playground which would be just a walking path across from the Tisdale by the uh by the bike path going through there so plans are underway to to evaluate that and to see what is needed to kind of get get done with that uh organic waste we submitted the presentation uh for the community compost um into into the bur administrative Jose uh we'll keep looking at that and seeing what's going to happen as for next steps for that but the progress is being made on that uh Roger now did propose a u a really neat thing on cleanup day he wanted to recognize Sam Wright and said maybe we have a Sam Wright day for clean CLE up for environmental uh we all thought that was a pretty good idea and so we'll take it under consideration when that will will kind of be but um we put that to uh to vote and kind of do that sometime in 2024 uh no meeting in December for environmental committee for Board of Ed uh they met on the 21st um again they recognized with proclamations for the girls and boys and state championships uh so that same crew was here uh was there kind of getting an award from from the board of uh they did add a sadle river member to that board uh that will be going on uh to provide input for what's going on with with the current uh uh contract going on with with everything there so that'll be underway and then they did complete their strategic sessions on 11:15 all that information is on their website that's all I have for tonight thank you yeah thank you for my remarks M say congratulations to the junior varsity girls soccer team on their state on their County championship and congratulations to the varsity girls soccer team and the varsity boys soccer team on their state championships as um councilwoman wood said it's amazing that a community the size of Ramy can produce two state championships in one season on the same team it's on the same sport it's absolutely amazing so congratulations and they're also going to have three floats in the home for the holidays parade so very about that congratulations and thank you to Lola count lean Santos and Francesca Moore for joining the Ramsey rescue squad just let everyone know the renovations at the library are ongoing and they'll be going on for the next few months this is going to be a complete um replacement of the HVAC system there which we've had trouble with for years so that's going on right now and the friends of the Ramsey Library are having their jewelry sale this Saturday I believe it's from 10: to 2 so so if anybody wants to look for holiday gifts that's a good opportunity and the home for the holidays parade is this Saturday evening and before that the Chamber of Commerce is having its holiday Boutique on Island Avenue in the parking lot adjacent to the Ramy volunteer fire department building so it's another opportunity and I want to say thank you to the DPW I know they're so busy with the leaf pickup that's just an ongoing project but they done done a beautiful job on the holiday decorations in burough Hall and throughout the burrow so I think everything will look really really nice for Saturday evenings home the holidays parade so thank you to the DPW and that's all I have for administrator thank you Madame mayor uh the only thing I would comment on that was on our agenda tonight as the mayor talked a little bit about earlier is uh Ryan lukowski's uh resignation from the DPW uh as he's going back to school to change his career path wish him all the best and thank him for his time here here as a full-time and part-time employee and we will be moving forward with uh looking to replace Ryan and posting that and you spoke about home for the Hol that's all I have thank you sorry no that's okay well good nothing thank you madam mayor where cler um just that the next meeting is Wednesday December 13th at 7 o'clock okay good reminder okay so once again home for the holidays praise it's 6:30 this Saturday evening in Main Street will be closed down beforehand for safety reasons we have no introduction of ordinances no unfinished business or new business do have a motion to ajour motion to adour second second all in favor I I thank you have a good night 7:41 see you Saturday