e e yes I am before before we're good to go thank you thank you good evening welcome everyone to the burough of Ramsey mayor and Council work session for Wednesday May 8th 2024 this meeting is also being conducted telephonically with the dial in number 425-436 6365 access code 23563 and of course you may may also view it on the Ramsey YouTube Channel please go to the B website to access the YouTube channel may have a roll call please mayor Dylan here councilwoman cusk here councilman gutwetter is not here councilman kilman is not here councilman Papo here councilwoman poppy here councilwoman Woods here thank you we have flag salute I'll ask the burrow attorney to please lead us to the flag of the United States of America to the for stands Nation indivisible with liberty and justice for all the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of all citizens to have advanced notice of and to attend all meetings of public bodies at which any business effecting the public is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provisions of this act notice of this meeting of the mayor and Council was published in the Bergen Record and the Ridgewood news on Friday January 19th 2024 do we have approval of minutes yes madame mayor this is councilwoman cusk and I would like to make a motion to approve the minutes from the 24th April meeting 2024 can I second Madam mayor thank you do we have any comments or changes to the meeting to the minutes not hearing any roll call please councilwoman cusk yes councilman po yes councilwoman poppy yes councilwoman Woods yes thank you Communications I make a motion to accept the communications as listed on the agenda M mayor I'll second that thank you do we have any comments on the minutes okay I'm sorry on the communications I just want to um notice take note that we did get a 2024 safety award from the Bergen County Municipal joint Insurance Fund um and we also named as a 2023 Trish City USA for our effective Urban Forest management by the Arbor Day Foundation roll call please councilwoman cusk yes councilman Papo yes councilwoman poppy yes councilwoman Woods yes thank you open it up to public comment anyone wishing to address the governing body please give your name SP the last name and address please speak in an audable tone and address your comments to the chair there will be a 5 minute time limit per speak speaker unless reduced because of the volume of business on the agenda please note public comment is your time out of respect and fairness to all there will be no interruptions or questions answered during your time no time shall be seated to anyone else and no time shall be saved for later use any responses may be given during the bur governing body's comments later in the meeting or is directed by the chair the burough clerk is the official eper hey I don't see anyone in council chambers to make public comment is there anyone on the telephone line that would like to make a comment during the public comment session second call for public comment third and final call for public comment I will close public comment at this point we have no advertised public hearing for final consideration of ordinances I hereby make the following appointments Greg HT office of emergency management Joe Manon man fronia office of emergency emergency management and Camille rehea shade tree commission first alternate shall we move on to consent resolutions please Madame mayor make a motion to accept resolution 101-h 2024 uh through and including 11- 2024 there are no special permits or block party requests on the agenda this evening May I'll second that thank you do we have any comments on any of the consent resolutions not hearing any roll call please councilwoman cus yes God bless you thank you councilman Papo yes councilwoman poppy yes councilwoman Woods yes thank you we'll move on to committee and leaz on reports does anyone have a report for finance Administration councilman gut no no oh just to let everybody know the library board is meeting next Monday so he'll have a report of the next council meeting on the library board anyone have comments for Public Safety councilman kilman I do Madame mayor thank you thank you sorry thank you so council president kilman's report 8th of May will include an update on public safety and our Veterans of Foreign Wars the Ramsey Emergency Services complex development committee and Neta Architects continue to work on the design plan and site issues that need to be answered in order to replace the current 70-year-old building in infrastructure currently we don't expect this emergency service complex to go out for bid until the fourth quarter of 2024 when the design plan for this complex is ready and the outstanding issues are resolved a date will be set for it to be present presented to the mayor and Council open to the public in the meantime we have set up a page on the burough website for this project under the Community heading on the landing page plans and pertinent information are posted when finalized and lastly from Council president kilman I have some information from BFW post 12148 from our former councilman and VFW member Joe veroni vfw's annual poppy donations began on May 1 1 raising funds from poppy donations will continue to run until June 30th donation locations are at various retail establishments throughout the bureau due to the inclement weather the VFW booth on Sunday May 5th was canceled and will be rescheduled new flags were placed at Veterans Park and Union Cemetery Lutheran cemetery on Chapel Road in Mawa is scheduled to be done next week or two weather permitting on Thursday May 9th several VFW members will attend the woff YMCA annual roll call for veterans program in luncheon approximately 400 veterans from the area are expected the keynote speaker will be Master sculptor Sabine Howard Sabine Howard led the team on the World War I Memorial monument of soldiers Journey which will be unveiled in Washington DC this may the memorial will honor the 4.7 million Americans who served their nation in World War I including the 11 16,5 2016 who made the ultimate sacrifice we will have details regarding Memorial Day activities for the next mayor and council meeting thank you thank you madam mayor thank you building planning zoning councilwoman Woods thank you madam mayor I have a very short report the seniors will be meeting tomorrow May 9th the zoning Board of adjustment will be meeting May 15th and the design review board will be meeting May 28th that concludes my report thank you utility utilities buildings and grounds councilwoman cus thank you very much Madam mayor oh wait can I add one thing excuse me I forgot to mention that I would like to congratul the appointees Greg hwit Mr manfredonia and um cille on her appointment thank you thank you and thank you Council woman Woods I would also like to congratul and thank Greg hwit and Joe manfredonia for their appointments to our Emergency Management and for their service and to Camille Rya as shade tree commission first alternate I look forward to working with you my report tonight will be an update regarding our planning board shade tree commission and Board of Public Works the planning board last met on 7th of May which was yesterday there were four sight plan waivers all approved and three public hearings all approved the planning board will meet next on the 21st of May 2024 our shade tree commission met on the 18th of April the next meeting is 16th of May there is information on our bureau's website regarding our shade tree commission there was an Arbor Day ceremony on the 26th of April for a new planted tree and to honor Rd keys and this was at our senior and Community Center regarding our Board of Public Works it last met on April 15th the next meeting is the 20 of May 2024 per and poly fluorinated substances posos are a group of chemicals used to make fluoropolymer Coatings and products that resist heat oil stains greas and water the EPA has issued revised posos water quality limits on April 10th h2m our consultant continues feasibility regarding the Burrow's Water Systems the lead service line replacement project continues and the board of work Public Works continues planning regarding the ndp's lead service line replacement legislation this project requires that all lead service lines served by the water system be replaced by the year 2031 this spring and early summer there is ongoing work involving test pit excavation and replacement of discovered lead service lines for Le service lines have been replaced in the buau since June 30th 2023 madam mayor that's my report for this evening thank you very much thank you pass it on down thank you public and governmental relations councilwoman poppy thank you madam mayor I would first like to congratulate our appointments Greg huitt office of emergency management Joe man manfredonia office of emergency management and Camille Rea for the shade tree Commission first alternate we appreciate your service um for my report this evening um it will be another short one the pool commission has hours this week from 11: to 4: through Friday May 10th to address any inperson payments questions or key fob pickups uh additional times will be set later prior to Memorial Day weekend as a reminder early bird regist ation does end May 15th also on May 15th is the next pool commission meeting which will be held at the pool complex on Sunday June 9th the municipal Alliance will hold their annual meet the police and Drug takeback event they invite you to come see Gizmo D robot and dispose of any unneeded unwanted or expired medications the new Resident mixer will be held on June 11th as a reminder registration is open um and uh organizational registration is also open for any organizations that would like to participate and hand out materials to our new residents who've moved to town since January 2022 and that concludes my report thank you health education Social Services councilman Papo thank you Madame mayor um congratulations to Greg Joe and Camille on their their appointment thank you for their service uh three reports tonight re environmental commission and board of education for re the softball season is in full swing and U and we'll continue through uh through mid June uh the next major R event will be the Ramsey High School Galla which will be on June 22nd on Saturday for environmental commission uh the next meeting will be May 14th and for Board of Education the main topic on the April 30th meeting was the board of education budget uh which had a budget increase of 3.64% due to health benefits uh student transportation costs special education costs and utility costs so that was the biggest top topic that they spoke about and that is all on their website if you should want to read anything about their budgets that'll conclude my report thank you thank you good evening everyone i' like to thank Joe manfredonia and Greg hu for joining the OEM and for to C thank you to Camille rayer for joining the Shay tree commission I'd like to just mention that um The Ladies Auxiliary the fire department Ladies Auxiliary lost a longtime member um Paula Barton passed away and her husband was a longtime member of the fire department so condolences to the Barton family on their loss um thank you for the Arbor Day celebration ation the tree that was planted in honor of R Keys also a longtime member of the Ramsey fire department and thanks to the senior coordinators for providing a dis a delicious lunch after the dedication of the tree to Art Keys remind everybody that the 5K is this Saturday so uh Ramsey wreck if you want to still participate in it and Ramsey Challenger softball versus Mawa is on June 1st and that's all I have Burman Mr Bose uh thank you Madame mayor I'll just comment on a few of the resolutions that were on tonight's agenda uh resolution 103 was the disposal of obsolete equipment that the police department has it's a mobile Motorola Mobile vehicle radio that's past its useful life no longer operable it's not worth repairing and has no value the resolution authorizes the burrow to dispose of the asset which is tagged as asset number 1482 in our fixed asset inventory resolution 104 authorizes the burough to enter into a snowplow agreement with the county of Bergen for the 2024 2025 um years the burough historically has entered into snowall agreement with the county of Bergen that authorizes the burrow to plow the county roads located in Ramsey the county will then for the agreement compensate the burrow based on an hourly rate for the hours of plowing the agreement actually covers two winter seasons that begin in the fall of 2024 and the fall of 2025 and obviously goes to the spring of 26 uh through January February March resolution 107 um this resolution let's go back last summer the bur governing body adopted resolution 167 2023 authorizing and directing the planning board to conduct a preliminary investigation to determine whether certain properties identified as lot one in Block 3603 met the criteria to be designated as a non comination Redevelopment area the planning board conducted a preliminary investigation of the study area and burges Associates was engaged to repair an area in need of Redevelopment study a public hearing was conducted by the planning board on April 2nd 2024 with public notice having been properly given after completing its investigation and the public hearing the planning board concluded by resolution that there was sufficient credible evidence to support findings that satisfy the criteria set forth in the Redevelopment law for designating the study area as a non-c condemnation Redevelopment area in order to effectuate the bureau's designation of the study area as an area in need of Redevelopment the preparation of a Redevelopment plan and presentation to the planning board and burough is required this resolution on the agenda tonight will authorize the planning board to prepare a Redevelopment plan in accordance with the Redevelopment law and transmit the proposed Redevelopment plan to the mayor and Council for its consideration upon completion of the planning board's review along with a report containing its recommendation of the Redevelopment plan resolution 108 uh is supporting proposed New Jersey legislature reforms to the open public records act the Oprah law was approved originally in 2002 by the New Jersey state legislature for the purpose of making government records readily accessible for inspection copying a review by citizens of the state with certain exceptions for the protection of the public interest and still protecting a citizen's right to a reasonable expectation of privacy over the years across New Jersey the Oprah laws come to be used at times not as intended as an example commercial firms use it for data mining Municipal records at no cost to them but at a cost to the taxpayers to provide endless lists to be used for mass marketing and monetized for commercial gain the New Jersey assembly and the New Jersey senate have proposed reforms to combat some of the unintended uses of the law this resolution was provided by the New Jersey League of municipalities to towns across the state for their consideration resolution uh resolutions 109 and 110 authorize Capital alternatives to prep prepare a New Jersey Department of Transportation Grant application and submit such application to the New Jersey do for Shadyside Road Project these resolutions as mentioned deal with the Grant application for work on Shadyside Road under the municipal aid program consisting primarily of Road resurfacing andary work resolution 111 Awards a contract for entertainment at the Burrow's Independence weekend celebration providing a contract to Cliffhanger productions for two bands that will perform at the Burrow's Independence Day celebration on Saturday July 6th this event will be held in the evening of July 6 with fireworks to follow the musical entertainment the rain date for the event is Sunday July 7th and that would conclude my report thank you feral attorney nothing I out there FAL mayor I just want to thank you and the governing the entire governing body for your support in passing resolution 108 -224 for Oprah thank you it is desperately needed yes thank you thank you okay Judy woman HK so do we have introduction of ordinance 062 24th thank you madam mayor be it resolved that an ordinance entitled an ordinance amending chapter 7 of the code of the burough of Ramsey Bergen County New Jersey and more particularly section 7- 74 7.4 thereof entitled parking prohibited at all times on certain streets pass the first reading by title and that said ordinance be further considered for final passage and adoption at a regular meeting of the mayor and Council to be held on the 22nd day of May 2024 4 7:00 p.m. prevailing time or as soon after as the matter can be reached at the municipal building in sboro and be it further resolved that the bureau clerk be and she hereby is instructed to publish an official newspaper of the buau in the manner provided by law a copy of said ordinance together with the notice with notice of introduction thereof and notice when the same will be considered for final passage and adoption thank you do we have a second second thank you any comment on this ordinance thank you yes I do Madam mayor um the ordinance Mark modifying the parking on certain streets this ordinance was recommended by the Ramsey police department and prohibits parking on one side of Dixon Street and Bonnie View Terrace these two dead end streets off of Lake Street are narrow and parking on both sides of the streets has led to several residents complaining about the parking situation many times the parking issue doesn't stem from res residents or their guests but rather cars parking to utilize Board of Ed Fields behind Eastwood College causing an issue for the homeowners on these streets parking will be prohibited on one side of each street with a rest restriction on the east side of Dixon and on the west side of Bonnie View thank you thank you Madame mayor hey do you have introduction of ordinance 07 2024 thank you madam mayor we we need a roll call for introduction oh sorry roll call that's okay councilwoman cusk yes councilman Papo yes councilwoman poppy yes councilwoman Woods yes okay ordinance 07 2024 yes Madam mayor thank you so um introduction of ordinance 07224 be it resolved that an ordinance entitled an ordinance amending Chapter 3 of the code of the Bureau of Ramsey County of Bergen state of New Jersey so as to establish subsection 3-33 entitled door prohibitions pass the first reading by title and that said ordinance be further considered for final passage and adoption at a regular meeting of the mayor and Council to be held on the 22nd day of May 2024 7 p.m. prevailing time or as soon after as the matter can be reached at the municipal building in said burough and be it further resolved that the burough clerk be and she hereby is instructed to publish in an official newspaper of the buau in the manner provided by law a copy of set ordinance together with notice of introduction thereof and notice when the same will be considered for final passage and adoption I'll second thank you do we have any comments on this yes Madam mayor um the the ordinance um establishing pet store prohibitions seeks to protect animals and consumers from puppy mill to pet store pipeline which is becoming more and more prevalent across many states the ordinance is similar to those already passed in 140 New Jersey municipalities and others across many states some New Jersey pet stor are sourcing puppies from Midwest or other area puppy mills which keep dogs in Cruel conditions and the puppies many times become sick these puppies are then sold through pet stores to Consumers buying these puppies unaware of the background the ordinance prohibits the sale of dogs or cats by a retail store as defined in the ordinance thank you roll call please councilwoman cusk absolutely yes councilman Papo yes councilwoman poppy yes councilwoman Woods yes thank you we any unfinished business or new business not seeing or hearing any do we have a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn second second all in favor I I thank you have a nice evening