##VIDEO ID:NM7V-zj8aJQ## e e e e time to reread what Sarah sent me if they ever take my phone it's not in front of me now I she's at the um subst abuse yeah okay all right we're gonna start our meeting so thank you very much I really appreciate it thank you just Meredith I haven't started yet no no not yet make sure I'm just remind me to take this off you okay I think we can hit report you ready Peter are you ready yep I'm ready we're live okay go okay here we go good evening everyone tonight is the mayor and Council work session for Wednesday October 9th 2024 this meeting is also being conducted telephonically the dial in number is 425 436 6365 with access code 213 563 pound the meeting may also be viewed on the Ramsey YouTube channel you can go to the burough website and access it there may we have roll call please miss dunan mayor Dylan pres councilwoman cusk here councilman gutwetter here councilman kilman here councilman Papo here councilwoman poppy is not here and councilwoman Woods is not here thank you we stand for the flag I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of all citizens to have advanced notice of and to attend all meetings of the public bodies at which any business affecting the public is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provisions of this act notice of this meeting the mayor and Council was published in the Bergen Record and the Ridgewood news on Friday January 19th 2024 may we have approval of minutes please yes president Council kilman this is councilwoman kusk and I would like to make a motion to approve the minutes from the 25th September 2024 meeting uh second thank you any comments on the minutes not seeing any may we have roll call please councilwoman cusk yes councilman gutwetter yes councilman kilman yes councilman Papo yes we have a motion to receive the communications yes i' like to make a motion to approve and file the communications stated on the agenda and I will second it any comments on the communications yes I U say that we accept with um the resignation of detective Sergeant Adam zag and we wish him very the best in his retirement and his future endeavors he will be missed thank you madam mayor anyone else may we have roll call please councilwoman cusk yes councilman gutwetter yes councilman kilman yes councilman Papo yes it's time for public comment anyone wishing to address the governing body please give your name spelling your last name and provide us with your address please speak in an audible tone and address your comments to the chair there'll be a 5 minute time limit speaker unless reduced a volume by the volume of business on the agenda please not public comment is your time out of respect and fairness to all there will be no interruptions or questions answered during your time no time shall be seated to anyone else and no time shall be Sav for later use any responses may be given during the governing body's comments later in the meeting or as directed by the chair the burough clerk is the official time keeper yes good evening Jonathan creel 306 Elizabeth AV Ramsey ex-chief Ramsey fire department uh I just wanted to say in regards to resolution number 198 and 19 199 um regarding the grants that the Ramsey fire department's received um just to express the Gratitude of the fire department to the mayor and Council for supporting us in these Endeavors and uh they're going to supply some really needed equipment that uh we can help offset the taxpayer costs with so thank you very much thank you Mr K appreciate it may have respond yes please mam uh Mr Kel thank you so much because I know you're the one who put in all the hard work to get us these grants so thank you for all of your work and dedication pleas does anyone on the phone have any kind of comment to make this this first call do a second call for public comment and third and final call from public comment not hearing anyone we will close public comment and move forward um we don't have any final consideration of ordinances this evening and we will now move to Madame mayor with appointments thank you I hereby make the following appointments Gano Belford as the permanent police officer Ramsey Police Department Christopher holahan as a permanent police officer of the Ramsey Police Department Jeff kilfoil acting Lieutenant Ramsey Police Department effective 92624 and becoming the lieutenant of the Ramsey Police Department effective 11524 thank you Madame mayor thank you thank you we'll we'll move on now to consent resolutions um councilman Michael GW uh thank you council president Gan uh be it resolved that resolutions 188 2024 through and including 201224 having been considered by the governing body of the bough of Ramsey B and are hereby passed and approved there are no special permit requests or block party requests this evening I'll second that thank you may we have a roll call please councilwoman cusk yes councilman gutwetter yes councilman kilman yes coun Papo yes moving right along we'll go into committee and leers on reports finance and administration councilman Michael GW uh thank you council president kilman good evening um first off I'd like to congratulate the three members of the Ramsey Police Department listed on tonight's agenda on their appointments and thank them for their service to the borrow uh for the my report for Theon night from the library board the friends of the Ramsey Library fall book and jewelry fair is taking place this week Thursday through Sunday all proceeds for these sales go to the uh for friends of the Ramsey Library organization who in turn a fund Library services like museum pass program summer reading program and Sunday concert series the library has offered weekly ESL classes for residents for years the current session began on this past Monday October 7th uh the library is going to be holding uh their formal annual hes Halloween celebration on Saturday October 26 from 1: p.m. to 3 p.m. featuring a familyfriendly haunted house Halloween cfts activities and costumes for the Recreation Commission the full sports are underway and winter sports registrations are open for basetable in grades 4 through 8 Wrestling grades K through 8 and a new K through3 basketball will be opening registration soon Halloween parade is scheduled for October 26 2024 that's a Saturday in conjunction with the trunk Retreat sponsored by the Ramsey fire department the Ramsey Farmers Market is open Sundays from 9:00 a.m. to 2 p.m. there'll be a touch of truck event on Sunday October 27th and on November 10th there will be a second chance toy collection Drive sponsored by the Ramsey environmental commission Green Team that's my report for this evening thank you councilman got letter Public Safety that would be me I also would like to congratulate Gano Belford Christopher hulahan and Jeff gil on their appointments and the police department and I have one report for Public Safety the Ramsey Emergency Services complex development committee and Neta Architects continue to make progress on the replacement of the existing 70-year-old Ramsey volunteer fire department and Ramsey rescue squad structure on south island road across from Ramsey High School the next major step is the finalizing of the detailed design development drawings in corresponding bid documents that will go out for public advertisement in accordance to New Jersey local public contracts law a date will be set for the design to be presented to the mayor and councel which will be open to the public currently we don't expect this emergency service complex project to go out forbid until the fourth quarter of 2024 or the first quarter of 2025 when it will publicly be advertised and for bids to be received any bids will be reviewed for a technical and legal perspective by the Bureau of Prof um buau professionals and representatives from the Ramsey volunteer fire department Ramsey rescue squad and the Ramsey office of emergency management at that point in time the buau will decide whether to move forward with the project as currently Envision and that is my report moving on to building planning and zoning uh does anyone have a report from Jane Woods I spoke with her earlier today and she said she'll have a report at the next meeting okay thank you madam mayor utilities buildings and grounds councilwoman Judy cus thank you council president kilman congratulations to Gano bord and Christopher hulahan the new members of our Ramsey police department and to Jeff Gil foil lieutenant and best wishes to Sergeant seelig as he's announced his retirement in April I am too happy to read resolutions 198 and 199 they demonstrate the commitment grit and scrappiness that our municipality has when it comes to life saving equipment for our fantastic volunteers along with resourcefulness with respect to spending thank you to our buau also as we recognize October as Breast Cancer Awareness Month my report will provide an update regarding the planning board shade tree commission and the Board of Public Works for the planning board at last met on the 17th September the October 1st meeting was canceled and the next meeting is 15th of October the shade tree met on the 19th September and the next meeting will be 17th of October for the Ramsey Board of Public Works it last met on 16th of September the next meeting is the 21st of October I thank the BPW for their fire hydrant flushing preventative maintenance conducted in September her and polyfluorinated substances pasos are a group of chemicals used to make fluro polymer Coatings and products that resist heat oil stains grease and water there are United States Environmental Protection Agency posos water quality limits which will which impact our water quality Supply h2m our architectural and engineering firm is working with the Ramsey water department regarding treatment approaches for the lad service line replacement the Board of Public Works continues planning regarding the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protections lead service line replacement legislation this project requires that all lead service lines served by the water system be be replaced by the year 2031 and finally Ramsey leaf removal will begin in mid October please help make this effort safe and efficient refer to the annual fall leaf pickup posted in October on our burough website so it's there now I've seen it and it provides a schedule of the leaf collection program please also be aware that piles of leaves should not be placed in a manner which could impede Public Safety if the pickup timing does not meet your schedule leaves may be taken to the Ramsey Recycling Center located in the rear of the Main Street commuter lot thank you very much president council president kilman thank you councilwoman Judy cusk public and governmental relations councilwoman Sarah papy and Sarah sent her um report over to me and it's as follows she says congratulations to Gano Belfor Christopher hulahan and Jeff gilfoil on their appointments in the Ramsey Police Department thank you for your service to Ramsey tonight I am attending the Chris Heron presentation at the Ramsey High School in support of substance Mis misuse prevention in our community this presentation is sponsored by the municipal Alliance Ramsey High School and the buau of Ramsey through the use of the opioid settlement funds this afternoon Chris also presented during an assembly to the Ramsey High School population and its impact was palpable I am grateful for the opportunity to be part of a providing such important and moving educational series to our community on Sunday October 13th I will be participating in the Bergen County American Foundation For Suicide Prevention walk I will be walking with the team M bucket liser in support of the penser family who lost their daughter Mia lost their daughter Mia this past spring just prior to her 14th birthday donations and registration can be completed at supporting a well can be uh it can be um I guess this is an email it's supporting. afsp.org or a website um the walk will be held at Saddle River County Park located at 760 Saddle River Road Saddlebrook New Jersey and walk Day activities begin at 900 a.m. and there are two walk routes the first is a 3.2 mile Loop throughout the park and the second is a one mile loop around the pond the Ramsey Journal is complete and printing began earlier this week I would like to extend my sincere thanks to Kelly Sylvester and Marth Bend for their assistance for editing and Technical Support I would also like to thank our local organizations for all their hard work on their contributions to this edition of the journal this is a mammoth undertaking and we are so lucky to have such great people on this project our residents can look forward to receiving an outstanding issue later next week and that is her report just briefly that's supporting AFS is that is that a website at or it must be on a website let me just say it one more time it's not an email it's supporting s u p p o r t i n g. afsp.org for donations date on that Peter date Sunday this is Sunday Sunday and that is her report and moving on to health education and Social Services councilman Glenn Papo thank you council president kilman um congratulations to Gano ch ER and Jeff on their appointments and thank you for your service also best wishes uh to Sergeant zag on his retirement I'll start off with Ramsey as for everyone just two items soccer season continues to go well and uh it will continue through November and the Halloween dance is scheduled for October 18th at 6:30 to 9 at St Paul's Church environmental committee we met last night uh we went over two major items just the plastic toy drive still for no November 10th at the farmers market we bring all the plastic toys in to Falon and Reaver kimar just prepared a few slides and sent to me in terms of the styrofoam which I will review and uh and take a look at Board of Ed the next meeting is scheduled for 10:29 that's the report thank you councilman Papo and now a report from mayor dear Jill thank you I want to congratulate police officers bford and hulahan on being made a permanent officers that's wonderful news and also congratulations to Lieutenant gilfoil on his promotion well he'll do a wonderful job just want to let everybody know I was approached by the mayor of Mawa last week um asking if Ramsey wanted to participate in a collection being put together by Mawa Ramsey and Suffern to gather much needed supplies for the communities in North Carolina that were decimated by hurricane Helen Richwood Movers located at 575 carpet Drive in Mawa is providing a large moving truck and Driver free of charge to deliver the supplies to Asheville North Carolina the following supplies are desperately needed protein shakes baby formula baby bottles peanut butter crackers deodorant personal hygiene items baby diapers canned food paper plates napkins plastic utensils sanit sanitizing wipes and sanitizer toilet paper paper towels and trash bags the items will be collected at Richwood movers in Mawa until the truck is full so please donate if you can um we will put this up on the website and do a rave alert so if you can spread the word that would be really great and that's all I have thank you Madame mayor burough ad administrator Mr Bruce hose uh thank you council president I'll have some comments on some of the agenda items for tonight's meeting uh resolutions and 191 as has been mentioned this confirms the permanent appointment of police officers Chris hulahan and Gano Belfor uh who have successfully completed their probationary period police officers hired by the buau under the collective bargaining agreement have a one-year probationary period if they successfully complete that period they're then recommended for permanent appointment these two officers have successfully created their proportioner period and been recomended by the police Command Staff for their permanent appointment effective on the one-year anniversary of their probationary appointment resolution 192 confirms the mayor's appointment of Jeff gilfoil as Lieutenant of the Ramsey Police Department with officer pes's appointment to Captain recently Chief Lyman began the promo promotional process to fill the open Lieutenant position a number of candidates applied and after the police department Command Staff review process three candidates were recommended to the mayor and Public Safety Comm committee for consideration interviews were held by mayor Dylan council president kilman councilwoman cusk and myself the unanimous recommendation was to appoint officer go foil as the next Lieutenant of the Ramsey Police Department he's being appointed as an acting Lieutenant effective September 26 as he has been given responsibilities of his new position however due to scheduling with his current position of Sergeant the permanent appointment shall be effec of November 5th resolutions 194 and 195 uh on the agenda regard the burrow audit for 2023 it was completed by the independent Auditors received and a correction action plan for any comments or recommendations was made garbarini and Company Auditors found no significant deficiencies no material weaknesses nor instances of non-compliance related to the bureau's financial statements the buau received a couple audit comments and recommendations as noted in the audit published on the burough website and a corrective action plan has been adopted and put in place resolution 196 on the agenda authorizes funding be allocated from the American Rescue plan funds for the purchase of a Mason dump truck for the Department of Public Works the department is in need of replacing an 18-year-old truck with a new Mason dump truck this resolution authorizes funding in the amount of 9754 180 be allocated from the remaining funds received by the burrow through the American Rescue plan resolution 197 designates the chief of police as the alternate custodian of government records for Ramsey Police Department the burough clerk is the custodian of government records for the burough however certain Police Department Records can be requested directly from the police department through Opa and common law requests this resolution officially designates the chief of police as an alternate custodian of government records of the Ramsey Police Department thereby officially designating such title and Authority resolutions 198 and 199 are regarding special items uh in the budget Revenue items when the burough receives grants or other Revenue items subsequent to the adoption of Municipal budget that will have offsetting budget expenditures the burrow may do a resolution to add that Revenue item to the current year budget uh and where it has a direct offset line item on the appropriation side of the budget on the agenda tonight are two resolutions for such grants the burough sought out and received resolution 198 is for an American Rescue firefighter Grant in the amount of $74,000 this funding was sought out to provide the Emergency Services with funding for the acquisition of a self-contained breathing apparatus or SCBA decontamination washer and retrofitting the current ccbas for quick disconnect individual Regulators resolution 199 is inserting revenue of 585,000 for federal funds received under the assistant to firefighter Grant the burrow applied for this significant funding will provide needed life safety equipment for the emergency services including items such as personal protective equipment scbas turnout gear and other equipment this is one of the largest Awards the burough has received and as mentioned provides life saving equipment to our volunteer emergency service department mitigating the cost to Burrow's residents combined these two grants have provided over $650,000 for these equipment needs and as I would also Echo the comments previously and thank former Chief KR for all of his work on this resolution 200 is the approval of submission of the 2024 best practices inventory required by the state The Bu will be submitting to the state the completed 2024 best practices inventory this is developed by the state with rotating questions to municipalities each year municipalities results with a low score could impact their state aid Ramsey's always scored very well and never been close to having a low score impacting State a in 202 before is consistent with that the state looks for a score this year at her above 35 of the 52 scored questions Ramsey only has a couple no responses well exceeds the state threshold resolution 2011 accepts the retirement with regret of Sergeant zag effective April 1st of 2025 Sergeant zag joined the Ramsey Police Department in January of 2004 after his military service he will be retiring effective April 1st of 202 25 with this planned retirement and the promotion of Sergeant former Sergeant Gil foil to Lieutenant the department will be starting the promotional process to fill the current upcoming open Sergeant positions we thank Sergeant zelac for his dedicated service to the burough throughout his career we have one ordinance on the agenda tonight for introduction that's ordinance 13 of 2024 this is ordinance amends chapter 8 of the burrow code regarding burrow parking lots the bur contractors and electric are completing the final work on the installation and electrification of electric vehicle charging stations in the burrow owned parking lot of North Central lab across from Hall these include two level three DC fast charging stations of 100 kilowatt as well as four level two charging stations 7.2 kilow the burrow had sought out and obtained grants from both the njd and Rockin electric which will cover 65% of the cost of the charging stations and installation this ordinance sets the initial charging rates for the stations in Municipal parking lots the initial rates for level two Chargers shall be a150 per hour for the first two hours and $3 per hour thereafter and for the level three fast Chargers 40 cents per kilowatt hour for the first 30 minutes and $5 per hour thereafter these rates are in line with other neighboring stations and allow the burrow to recover its remaining capital investment and operating costs and moving forward the rates may be changed by resolution of the governing n all thank you thank you Mr Bose um counselor any okay n miss bendan any comments All Right Moving to the introduction of ordinances I turn it over to councilman Michael GW uh thank you council president kman uh this is the introduction of ordinance 13 2024 be resolved that an ordinance entitled an ordinance amending chapter 8 of the code of the burough Ramsey Berg County state of New Jersey more specifically section 8-3 thereof entitled parking restrictions and limitations pass the first reading by title and that set ordinance be further considered for final passes and adoption at a regular meeting of the mayor and Council to be held on the 23rd day of October 2024 7 p.m. prevailing time or as soon after as the matter can be reached at a municipal building in sbor and be it further resolve that the burough clerk B and she hereby is instructed to publish in an official newspaper of the bur in the provided by law a copy of said ordinance together with notice of introduction thereof and notice when the same will be considered for final passes and adoption thank you second this is councilwoman cus I second any other additional comments no not seeing any may we have roll call please councilwoman cusk yes councilman gutwetter yes councilman kilman yes councilman Papo yes um moving into well before unfinished business I believe next our next meeting is the annual volunteer recognition night that's the 23rd of of October do we start at 7 o' okay thank you do we have any unfinished business any new business not hearing any do we have a motion to adjourn I'll make that motion a second second all in favor I I thank you very much thank you thank you thanks Jonathan